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求一首英文诗歌solitude! 紧急在线等~~

歌手:EVANESCENCE Solitude How many times have you told me you love her As many times as I"ve wanted to tell you the truth How long have I stood here beside you I live through you You looked through me Ooh, Solitude, Still with me is only you Ooh, Solitude, I can"t stay away from you How many times have I done this to myself How long will it take before I see When will this hole in my heart be mended Who now is left alone but me Everyone leave me stranded Forgotten, abandoned, left behind I can"t stay here another night Your secret admirer Who could it be Ooh, Can"t you see All along it was me How can you be so blind As to see right through me


作者:弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (1923)Whose woods these are I think I know.His house is in the village though;He will not see me stopping hereTo watch his woods fill up with snow.My little horse must think it queerTo stop without a farhouse nearBetween the woods and frozen lakeThe darkest evening of the year.He gives his harness bells a shakeTo ask if there is some mistake.The only other sound"s the sweepOf easy wind and downy flake.The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.译文:雪夜林前小驻谁之丛林我已知晓村中他家难以寻找他难见我在此滞留观望林莽银装素袍我的爱马想必惊讶为何呆在荒林野郊左有冰湖右有密林更在如此漆黑之宵轻轻振响颈上铜铃询问是否其中有错雪夜荒原万籁俱静惟有寒风伴着落雪丛林迷人幽暗深远可我早已许下诺言路迢途远岂敢酣眠路迢途远岂敢酣眠




The summerJust beautifulMature autumnShould followSilently waitingFrom a distanceYou silentlyLike every day to himself Served snow dance song To write the text for the snow contest I like the vast expanse of whiteness of the snow Dance in the open wilderness where It"s as charming dance I want to kiss drunk She is so fragile Melt in our hands It is so reluctant to produce water-based Although the cold outside It is still in its sky, fly It belongs to the cold northern land of


"I dream that the whole world will bee peaceful. I dream that all the killing will stop. I dream that all the children will walk in peace and harmony. I dream that all the nations will shake hands with each other, protect each other and help each other. I dream that our beautiful pla will not be destroyed. It took billions of years to produce this pla and it"s so beautiful, so wonderful; I dream it will continue, but in peace, beauty, and love. 我梦想全世界和平, 我梦想世界不再有杀生,小孩子们可以过着和谐安乐的生活。 我梦想国际间彼此握手言和、互相保护、互相帮助。 我梦想这个几千百万亿年爱心造就的美丽的星球不会被摧毁, 我梦想它将会在和平、美丽与爱中延续下去。

和英文诗歌有关的手抄报 关于诗歌的手抄报

一起来欣赏高二15班同学们的英文诗歌手抄报吧一起来欣赏高二15班同学们的英文诗歌手抄报吧诗和远方柒捌英语手抄报集锦英文诗歌欣赏手抄报 诗歌手抄报大德十第二届英语主题月之英语手抄报活动colorful english一起来欣赏高二15班同学们的英文诗歌手抄报吧诗和远方柒捌英语手抄报集锦一起来欣赏高二15班同学们的英文诗歌手抄报吧一起来欣赏高二15班同学们的英文诗歌手抄报吧可爱风英语诗歌小报word手抄报一起来欣赏高二15班同学们的英文诗歌手抄报吧获奖同学绘制青春为主题的手抄报将青春作成诗把希望谱成曲同学完成的英语诗歌手抄报.棒棒哒趣味英语诗歌word手抄报手抄报中华板报网音乐内容的手抄报英文关于音乐的小报图片copyright手抄报图片大全英语小诗歌二五always have a dream 总是有一个英语手抄报写什么内容才好呢可以是英语短文也可以是英语诗歌.




  将英语诗歌引入英语课堂教学,对于提高教学效率与教学质量具有十分重要的意义,同时也有利于提高学生的综合素质。我精心收集了经典的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   经典的英文诗歌篇1   Sparrow, the Special Delight of My Girl   by Gaius Valerius Catullus   Translated by David Mulroy   Sparrow, the special delight of my girl,   whom often she teases and holds on her lap   and pokes with the tip of her finger, provoking   counterattacks with your mordant beak,   whenever my luminous love desires   something or other, innocuous fun,   a bit of escape, I suppose, from her pain,   a moment of peace from her turbulent passion,   I wish I could play like she does with you   and lighten the cares of my sorrowful soul.   It thrills me as much as the nimble girl   in the story was thrilled by the gilded apple   that finally uncinched her virginal gown.   经典的英文诗歌篇2   Speech Alone   by Jean Follain   Translated by W. S. Merwin   It happens that one pronounces   a few words just for oneself   alone on this strange earth   then the small white flower   the pebble like all those that went before   the sprig of stubble   find themselves re-united   at the foot of the gate   which one opens slowly   to enter the house of clay   while chairs, table, cupboard,   blaze in a sun of glory.   经典的英文诗歌篇3   Speaking In Tongues   by Mary Rose O"Reilley   I go to church every Sunday   though I donu2018t believe a word of it,   because the longing for God   is a prayer said in the bones.   When people call on Jesus   I move to a place in the body   where such words rise,   one of the valleys   where hope pins itself to desire;   we have so much landscape like that   youu2018d think we were made   to sustain a cry.   When the old men around me   lift their hands   as though someone has cornered them,   giving it all away,   I remember a dock on the estuary,   watching a heron get airborne against the odds.   Itu2018s the transitional moment that baffles me—   how she composes her rickety   grocery cart of a body   to make that flight.   The pine siskin, stalled on a windy coast,   remembers the woods   she will long for when needs arise; so   the boreal forest composes itself in my mind:   first as a rift, absence,   then in a tumble of words   undone from sense, like the stutter   you hear when somebody falls over the cliff of language. Call it a gift.   经典的英文诗歌篇4   Spellbound   by Emily Bront   The night is darkening round me,   The wild winds coldly blow;   But a tyrant spell has bound me   And I cannot, cannot go.   The giant trees are bending   Their bare boughs weighed with snow.   And the storm is fast descending,   And yet I cannot go.   Clouds beyond clouds above me,   Wastes beyond wastes below;   But nothing drear can move me;   I will not, cannot go.   经典的英文诗歌篇5   Spirit   by Maggie Nelson   The spirit of Jane   lives on in you,   my mother says   trying to describe   who I am. I feel like the girl   in the late-night movie   who gazes up in horror   at the portrait of   her freaky ancestor   as she realizes   they wear the same   gaudy pendant   round their necks.   For as long as I can   remember, my grandfather   has made the same slip:   he sits in his kitchen,   his gelatinous blue eyes   fixed on me. Well Jane,   he says, I think Iu2018ll have another cup of coffee.


  英语文学中,诗歌极其丰富多彩,学英文而不懂英文诗歌,不仅从审美角度看是个遗憾,而且从语言学习角度看,学一些诗歌,语言能力会大大提高。我精心收集了最经典优美的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   最经典优美的英文诗歌篇1   William Butler Yeats 1.The Song of the Old Mother   I rise in the dawn, kneel and blow,   Till the seed of fire flicker and glow.   And then I must scrub and blake and sweep,   Till stars are beginning to blink and peep.   And the young lie long and dream in their bed   Of the matching of ribbons for bosom and head.   And their day goes over idleness,   And they sigh if the wind but lift the tress.   While I must work, because I am old,   And the seed of the fire gets feeble and cold.   母亲之歌   我在清晨起床,跪在火炉旁用力吹着炉膛   直到点点火星燃起,摇曳著红光。   然后,擦洗器具,烘烤食物,打扫庭院   直到群星满布,在天空眨眼窥探。   孩子们睡到很晚,沉迷梦乡   为美丽的人儿整理华装。   他们的日子在虚空中流淌,   只为那风吹散的长发留一声喟叹。   而我必须要劳作,因为我老了,   那燃烧的火种也渐渐微弱,冷却了   最经典优美的英文诗歌篇2   Why I Love You 我之所以爱你   Every time I think about you,   I"m reminded of the reasons why I love you   From the deep of my heart and soul.   And I wonder what I"d do without you,   Without your healing *** ile,   Your words of faith,   The caring and sensitive way you touch me,   Lifting me just when I need it most.   Without you,   What would I have?   What would I be?   I can"t imagine existing in a world   Where someone doesn"t love me the way you do.   You"re the only one   Who"s ever understood me and accepted me for who I am.   And I think you"re nothing short of amazing.   Your love has always been and will always be   Life"s greatest gift to me!   最经典优美的英文诗歌篇3   生活之中不要等   Don"t wait for a *** ile to be nice.   不要等到了一个笑容,才表现出友善   Don"t wait to be loved, to love.   不要等被爱之后,才去爱   Don"t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend.   不要等到寂寞了,才明白朋友的价值   Don"t wait for the best job, to begin to work.   不要非等到一份最好的工作,才开始工作   Don"t wait to have a lot, to share a bit.   不要等得到了很多,才开始分享   Don"t wait for the fall, to remember the advice.   不要等到失败后,才想起别人的忠告   Don"t wait for pain, to believe in prayer.   不要等到受伤了,才愿意祈祷   Don"t wait to have time, to be able to serve.   不要等到有时间,才去付出   Don"t wait for anybody else pain, to ask for apologies...   不要等别人受伤了,才来乞求原谅   ... neither separation to make it up.   不要等到分开了,才想到去挽回   Don"t wait... Because you don"t know how long it will take.   不要等待,因为你不知道需要等待多长时间。   


never a dull moment永远不会有呆滞的时刻 lf you like to keep lively 如果你想要保持活力lf you hate being to bored 如果你讨厌无聊just come down to our house 就来我们的家吧and konck on the door . 叩响我们的门lt"s the noisiest house 这是全镇中最喧杂的家in the whole of town there are doors always slamming 那些门总是砰然关上and tings falling down. 伴随着叮当的坠响there "s my dad ,who keeps shouting 这里有我怒喊的爸爸and my mum ,who breaks tings 这里有我乱摔东西的妈妈the baby (who"s bite you!) 还有一个小婴儿,它会咬你and our dog running rings. 我们的狗也会带着铃铛跑来追你there"s my sister the screamer 这里有我妹妹的尖叫and my brother who roars 这里有我哥哥的怒号and a grandpa who"s stone deaf 还有我的聋子爷爷(he"s the one who slams doors).他会砰的一下子关上大门 so come down to our house, 来我们家做客吧you don"t need the address, 你不需要地址you"ll hear it ten miles away, 你在十公里外就可以听到它and the outside"s a mess.听到它外面众多的噪杂 you won"t mind the racket,你不会介意它的喧闹 you"ll just love the din- 你会爱上它的噪杂for there never a dull momene 因为这永远不会有呆滞的时刻in the house we live in!在我们所居住的房子里 Tony bradman 高贵的bradman




“形” 与修辞手法 有些修辞手法如 “属性转移定语 (transferred epithet)” 及 “提喻 (synecdoche)” 等, 是英语中常用而汉语中罕见的。如果认定这些修辞手法就是不能更改的 “形”, 一定要把这类“形” 塞进汉语, 那就反客为主了。其结果, 要么译语不知所云, 要么造成误读。如前面所举 “Wild Nights---Wild Nights” 一诗的例子, 标题使用了一种称作“属性转移定语” 或 “移就” 的修辞手段, “wild” 所修饰的不是诗中紧接其后的 “夜(nights)”, 而是转移用来修饰隐含于字里行间的 “人”, 或者说用来描述人在夜里的某种狂烈情绪。因此, 我们可以说暴风雨不在室外, 而是在诗人心里, 是诗人一夜又一夜对爱人灼热的挚爱和难以了却的思念。如果按所谓 “形似” 的要求把它译成 “暴风雨夜晚” 就会造成误读, 似乎屋外无休无止地刮着暴风雨。 这位诗人的另一首诗 “The Soul Selects Her Own Society”, 标题本身就是运用提喻的修辞手法, 是部分代整体, 如果把它译成 “精神选定自己的伴侣” 就会让读者不知所云。这个译例错误有三:一是误将喻体当作本体, 选定 “伴侣” 的是人而不是精神;二是译文未能点明这种伴侣是精神上的伴侣, 这是本诗要旨所在, 它歌颂的就是一种柏拉图式的精神恋爱;三是违背汉语规范, “自己的” 这个定语应该去掉。因此, 这个诗句可以考虑译成 “选定精神伴侣”。“形” 与 “语域” 无论古今中外, 作为高雅的文学艺术, 诗歌的遣词造句有其特定的语域, 对 “形” 也有重要的影响。尽管随着语言的流变, 诗歌的语域会有异动, 但总会有一些合于常规的标准。当然, “背离” 现象也是有的, 如为了取得某种幽默之类的效果, 偶尔一用也未尚不可;不过, 如果随处都是无目的的 “背离” 现象, 无论原作还是译作, 那就不能称其为诗了。 《红楼梦》中薛蟠的酒令 “女儿悲”, 除第三句 “女儿喜, 洞房花烛朝慵起” 合于诗歌的语域规范被称赞为 “这句何其太雅” 之外, 其它三句则粗俗不堪;这一方面是因为内容荒诞, 另一方面则是因为背离了诗歌语域的 “形”, 甚至使用了禁忌语。曹雪芹是写诗的好手, 也是高明的小说家, 利用背离现象来刻划 “诗” 的作者粗浅无知、低级下流而又要附庸风雅的形象, 可谓入木三分。 再如托马斯.希普曼所写 “The Resolute Courtier”一诗, 虽然是当面口头求婚,但语言却古朴高雅,如“prithee”、“aye”、 及“thou"lt” 等等,全无口语痕迹。这首诗开头两行如下: Prithee, say aye or no; If thou"lt not have me, tell me so; 主张以 “顿” 代 “步” 的译家将这两行译为: 请你说一声行不行; 你若要我,就对我挑明; 从音节与字、 “步” 与 “顿” 的关系来看, 可以说大致相应或相等;两行对两行, 排列方式也相象, 而且连标点符号也一一对应, 这应该可以奉为 “形似” 的典范了。然而, 译作中难以入诗的词句以及与原作大相径庭的语域实在毫无 “形似” 可言。 (六) “形” 与内容 人们往往误以为谈形式就应该撇开内容单谈形式, 不能将内容也牵扯进来。 语言是思维或思想内容的载体, 两种语言间的形式对应关系是由所表达的内容所决定的。如果把思想内容或思维比作一条中轴线, 那么, 语言的表现形式就会在它的两边形成某种模糊的对称(symmetry)。比如, “You had your breakfast in your room”这个常见的英语句子, 如果仅凭外在的所谓形式一词对一词地把它译成汉语便成了 “你在你的房间吃你的早餐。” 但如果依据思想内容来判断, 这是一个错误的译例。当然, 这类简单的习惯用法在两种语言间的差异可以形式化, 不看内容即可将 “你的” 去掉而译成 “你在房间吃早餐。” 不过, 有时候脱离了内容就没有形式可谈, “形” 往往具有欺骗性。如伊丽莎白一世所写的 “On Monsieur"s departure” 这首诗中 “I am and not” 一句, 就不能按字典上给出的所指意义来理解其中的 “是动词”, 不能依据 “形式” 把它理解为 “我是又不是”;它的含义应为 “生存和毁灭”, 正与莎士比亚名剧 “哈姆莱特” 中 “To be or not to be, that is the question (生, 还是死, 这是一个问题)” 的 “是动词” 用法一样。因此, 正确的翻译应该是 “我已死, 我还生。” (七) “形” 与翻译技巧 所谓 “形” 指的是诗的整体, 各类 “形” 的对应关系是极其复杂的。翻开翻译教科书可以看到种种改造句型、调整词序、增删语句、倒换表达方法、转移修辞手段、变更思维模式等从实践中总结出来的技巧。这些技巧多是变死 “形” 为活 “形”。 翻译中,各种文体以文学翻译为最难;而文学翻译中又以诗歌翻译为最难,这是不争的事实。但诗歌翻译从本质上讲却是各种文体翻译的集中代表(epitome), 而不是特例或 “背离现象(deviance)”;就其艺术创造的特点来看,其翻译实践更具代表性地需要遵循一般翻译规律。 某些译家被 “形” 捆住手脚, 竟至于连基本的翻译技巧都避而远之。还是以上面提到的这首诗为例, 对照僵硬的译文可以看出拘泥于字句的弊端: The Soul Selects Her Own Society Emily Elizabeth Dickinson The Soul selects her own society--- Then---shuts the Door--- To her divine Majority--- Present no more--- Unmoved she notes the chariots--- pausing--- At her low Gate--- Unmoved---an Emperor be kneeling--- Upon her Mat--- I"ve known her---from an ample nation--- Choose One--- Then---close the valves of her attention--- Like Stone--- (参考译文) 灵魂选择自己的伴侣 灵魂选择自己的伴侣, 然后, 把门紧闭, 她神圣的决定, 再不容干预。 发现车辇停在她低矮的门前, 不为所动, 一位皇帝跪在她的席垫, 不为所动。 我知道她从一个民族众多的人口 选中了一个 从此封闭关心的闸门, 象一块石头。 译例第一阙前两行的问题已作分析, 第四行含义并非 “不容干预”, 而是 “不露行藏”。第二阙逐字逐句直译, 甚至不定冠词也译成 “一位”, 既违反汉语规范, 又背离了诗歌语域。第三阙更是不堪入目, 连语句都不通了, “一个民族众多的人口” 是歧义句。特别是最后一行中的那 “一块石头”, 喻义含混, 实在让读者心里堵得慌。 为此, 创造性地运用各种翻译技巧, 艺术性地利用中文词语组合读音上的抑扬顿挫来传达英语诗歌无所不在的节奏, 我们将这首名诗试译如下: 选 择 选定精神伴侣, 然后谢客关门; 既作神圣抉择, 必当匿影藏形 车辇沓至纷来, 姑娘不闻不问; 皇帝跪于席垫, 万难打动芳心。 茫茫人海无限, 唯独选中一人; 从此心如盘石, 封闭情感闸门。 鉴于英汉诗歌节奏、音韵、句式、修辞以及语域等方面的异同,翻译时必须遵循汉语诗歌的规范。诗歌翻译从总体来说是一个归化的过程,同时,也是调制原汁原味的过程;它既是一种有章可循的科学实践,也是一种重新创造的艺术;除准确理解原文对译者颇具挑战性之外,运用语言的功底、写作诗歌的才思、调度音韵的能力以及驾驭翻译理论的水平等都是对译者的考验,也是译作优劣高下的决定因素。 走出对 “形” 的单一性及简单化认识的误区, 去发现 “形” 的多样性及复杂性, 这是诗歌翻译求得神韵的基穿没有千变万化、灵活生动的形式,死依一个模样画葫芦, 这种诗歌翻译是无法出神入化的。我们期待着, 开诗歌翻译一代新风,创神形兼备双语极品。打字不易,如满意,望采纳。


你好:要了解它的格律,首先要明了“音步”和“韵律”这两个概念。 1.音步(Foot):英诗中重读与非重读音节的特殊性组合叫作音步。 一个音步的音节数量可能为两个或三个音节,但不能少于两个或多于三个音节,而且其中只有一个必须重读。分析英文诗歌的格律就是将它的句子划分成音步,并分清是何种音步及音步的数量。这个过程称为scansion。如:诗句 “From fairest creatures we desire increase” 要是分成音步的话,就变成了这个样子: Fro-m fai*re-st crea*ture-s we* de-sire* i-ncrea*se 上面“-”表示它前面是轻读音节,而“*”则表示它前面是重读音节。我们于是看出:上面的句子共有五个音步,每个音步都是由前轻读后重读的两个音节组成,这样的音节被称为“抑扬格”。颇有点唐诗的“平仄”的味道,但又有本质上的不同。我们还看出:一个音步不必等于一个单词。 根据音步的数量,每一行一个音步的称为“单音步”(monometer);每一诗行有两个音步的,称“双音步”(dimeter);三个音步的,称“三音步”(trimeter);此外还有四音步(tetrameter)、五音步、(pentameter)、六音步(hexameter)、七音步(heptameter)、八音步(octometer)。 2.韵律(Metre): 韵律是指音步在朗读时的轻重长短的节奏或规律,这要依据音步所含音节的数量及重读音节的位置来区分。传统英诗的音步有六种。即: 抑扬格(Iambus)扬抑格(Trochee)抑抑扬格(Anapaest)扬抑抑格(Dactyl)抑扬抑格(Amphibrach)扬抑扬格(Dactyl) “抑”为轻读音节,“扬”为重读音节。“扬抑格”即一个音步有两个音节,前面的音节重读,后面的轻读。同理,“扬抑扬格”即一个音步有三个音节,最前的音节重读,中轻读,后重读。 3. 英文诗歌的押韵:英语诗歌的押韵在形式上,要比古汉语格律诗复杂。 3.1 就起押韵功能的单词而言,一是辅音也可入韵(比较:汉语只能根据韵母押韵。),二是押韵的音节可以选在单词的头,中间和尾(比较:每个汉字只有一个音节)。最常见的有: 头韵(Alliteration):是指单词开始的字母重复,如great和grew;谐元韵(Assonance):是指单词中重读元音重复,如great和fail;尾韵(Rhyme):则指单词结尾的字母重复,如great和bait。 3.2而一行诗中也可能同时存在多种押韵形式,如: The light that lies in women"s eyes. 这行诗中有头韵light和lies,谐元韵light、lies、eyes,还有尾韵lies和eyes。 3.3英语诗歌的行与行之间的押韵格式则被称为韵法(rhyming scheme)。常见的有两行转韵(AABB)、隔行押韵(ABCB)、隔行交互押韵(ABAB)和交错押韵(ABBA)等。 如这四行诗: From fairest creatures we desire increase,That thereby beauty"s rose might never die,But as the riper should by time decease,His tender heir might bear his memory: 即为abab押韵格式,详细分解如下: From fairest creatures we desire incr(ease=a), That thereby beauty"s rose might never d(ie=b),But as the riper should by time dec(ease=a),His tender heir might bear his memo(ry=b): 4.英文诗歌的章法也可以受到形式的限制,如商籁诗(十四行诗 - sonnet): 商籁诗须遵守:十四行,五音步,抑扬格这种形式。即全诗共十四行,每行五个音步,而音步的韵律是抑扬格。 这种形式首先出现在意大利,在十六世纪中传入英国,为伊丽莎白时代的文人所宠爱。诗人如莎士比亚、斯宾塞及西德尼都写下过很多著名的十四行诗。到十八世纪,十四行诗又受到冷落。后来才浪漫派诗人济慈、沃兹沃斯等人复兴。 英文的商籁诗两种类型:即意大利式(Petrarvhan)及莎士比业式(Shakesperoan),或称英国式。 4.1 意大利式:由意大利诗人皮特拉克(Petrarch)所创,全诗分两部分:第一部分八行(The Octave),由两个四行诗体(Quatrains)组成,韵脚是abbaabba;第二部分有六行(The Sestet),韵脚可有不同形式。严格的意大利十四行诗,前八行结尾,诗意应告一段落,而后六行又转入新的诗意。 4.2 莎士比亚式:全诗亦分为两个部分:第一部分是三个四行诗体组成,韵脚可交替进行。第二部分双行诗体。是最后是押韵的双行诗体。全诗韵脚是ababcdcdefefgg。莎士比亚式诗中意境一气呵成,直到最后双行诗体,为全诗高潮。


  学习英语诗歌不但有助于开阔视野,陶冶性情,而且对于英语学习有很大帮助。我精心收集了关于唯美的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   关于唯美的英文诗歌篇1   天使蛋是纯白的   百合花在梦的壳上   The angel has eggs lily-white   On the liliad hull as a dream kite.   内心的爱碰撞出   第一道闪电   呼唤的呢语唤醒   第一把荒火   The endocentric love has burst out   As a flash of lightning rush out.   The calling language wakens,   The first fire is burning in the wild.   第一次   我拥有了与花的香眠   第一次   我成为一个完整的人   First time   I owned with floral of fragrant kissed,   And it is the first time   I become a complete person as an artist.   你让你的花开   我的水流向原乡   闪电注入了无限欢乐   诞生地暗香浮动   You have your flower full blossomed,   My water current runs into the original country.   The lightning infuses into infinite happiness,   We bear a dark joss-stick floating as a witness.   拥抱你——   幸福如此简单   May we embrace each other as you like——   Such is the happiness in brief.   关于唯美的英文诗歌篇2   A Complaint   There is a change—and I am poor;   Your love hath been, nor long ago,   A fountain at my fond heartu2019s door,   Whose only business was to flow;   And flow it did; not taking heed   Of its bounty, or my need.   What happy moments did I count!   Blest was I then all bliss above!   Now for that consecrated fount   Of murmuring, sparkling, living love,   What have I? shall I dare to tell?   A comfortless and hidden well.   A well of love—it may be deep--   I trust it is,—and never dry:   What matter? if the waters sleep   In silence and obscurity.   —Such change, and at the very door   Of my fond heart, hath made me poor.   怨   只因事情发生突变,   我就显得多么可怜;   你的爱曾是喷涌的活水,   你的情曾是不竭的清泉;   那么慷慨,毫无顾忌,   沽沽地流进我的心田。   为这赐福我感谢上天,   我曾经多么辛福美满!   这泉水曾不尽地流淌,   带着窃窃私语、闪闪泪光、丝丝眷恋!   然而现在我无话可说,   我得到一口暗井装满忧烦。   这爱的暗井不明深浅,   那井水也许不会枯干;   可是这样又有何益,   如果昏暗的井底只是死水一潭?   这个突变把我痴迷的心搅乱,   我现在是多么可怜。   关于唯美的英文诗歌篇3   I think my dad is Dracula.   I know that sounds insane,   but listen for a moment and   allow me to explain.   We don"t live in a castle,   and we never sleep in caves.   But, still, there"s something weird   about the way my dad behaves.   I never see him go out   in the daytime when it"s light.   He sleeps all day till evening,   then he leaves the house at night.   He comes home in the morning   saying, "Man, I"m really dead!"   He kisses us goodnight, and then   by sunrise he"s in bed.   My mom heard my suspicion   and she said, "You"re not too swift.   Your father"s not a vampire.   He just works the graveyard shift."

英文诗歌翻译 西奥多·罗特克《醒》The Waking

醒我醒来是为了睡去,我让自己缓缓苏醒 在我不应恐惧的事物里,我感受到了自己的命运 我走向那必由之处来学习人生 .我们凭借感受思考。据此我们所悟为何?我听见自己的存在跃动在耳间 我醒来是为了睡去,我让自己缓缓苏醒. 那些极其靠近我身侧的人,你是其中的哪一个?上帝保佑这大地!我将轻轻从那里走过 然后走向我的必由之处来学习人生. 光明引领着大树;但是谁能阐释个中奇妙?卑微的小虫爬上一段曲折的楼梯 我醒来是为了睡去,我让自己缓缓苏醒. 伟大的自然在你和我的身上,仍有一事要做;所以深吸一口鲜活的空气吧, 接着,满怀喜悦地,走向那必由之处来学习人生. 这种动摇让我更加坚定,我应当知晓。那些逝去的东西总是我们所熟视无睹的,并且常伴左右 我醒来是为了睡去,我让自己缓缓苏醒 我走向那必由之处来学习人生 The wakingBy Theodore Roethke . I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. I learn by going where I have to go. . We think by feeling. What is there to know? I hear my being dance from ear to ear. I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. . Of those so close beside me, which are you? God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there, And learn by going where I have to go. . Light takes the Tree; but who can tell us how? The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair, I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. . Great Nature has another thing to do To you and me; so take the lively air, And, lovely, learn by going where to go. . This shaking keeps me steady. I should know. What falls away is always. And is near. I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I learn by going where I have to go.


  诗歌之所以具有如此大的力量,就在于其能够引起人的审美愉悦感,唤起欣赏者强烈的情感共鸣。我整理了适合演讲的英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!  适合演讲的英文诗歌篇一   Bright star明亮的星   Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art---   Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night   And watching, with eternal lids apart,   Like nature"s patient, sleepless Eremite,   The moving waters at their priestlike task   Of pure ablution round earth"s human shores,   Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask   Of snow upon the mountains and the moors---   No---yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,   Pillowed upon my fair love"s ripening breast,   To feel for ever its soft swell and fall,   Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,   Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,   And so live ever---or else swoon to death   灿烂的星   灿烂的星!我祈求像你那样坚定——   但我不愿意高悬夜空,独自辉映,   并且永恒地睁着眼睛,   像自然间耐心的、不眠的隐士,   不断望着海滔,那大地的神父,   用圣水冲洗人所卜居的岸沿,   或者注视飘飞的白雪,象面幕,   灿烂、轻盈,覆盖着洼地和高山——   呵,不,——我只愿坚定不移地   以头枕在爱人酥软的胸脯上,   永远感到它舒缓地降落、升起;   而醒来,心里充满甜蜜的激荡,   不断,不断听着她细腻的呼吸,   就这样活着,——或昏迷地死去。   查良铮 译   适合演讲的英文诗歌篇二   Desiderata   by Max Ehrmann   Go placidly amid the noise and haste,   and remember what peace there may be in silence.   As far as possible without surrender   be on good terms with all persons.   Speak your truth quietly and clearly;   and listen to others,   even the dull and the ignorant;   they too have their story.   Avoid loud and aggressive persons,   they are vexations to the spirit.   If you compare yourself with others,   you may become vain and bitter;   for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.   Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.   Keep interested in your own career, however humble;   it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.   Exercise caution in your business affairs;   for the world is full of trickery.   But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;   many persons strive for high ideals;   and everywhere life is full of heroism.   Be yourself.   Especially, do not feign affection.   Neither be cynical about love;   for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment   it is as perennial as the grass.   Take kindly the counsel of the years,   gracefully surrendering the things of youth.   Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.   But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.   Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.   Beyond a wholesome discipline,   be gentle with yourself.   You are a child of the universe,   no less than the trees and the stars;   you have a right to be here.   And whether or not it is clear to you,   no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.   Therefore be at peace with God,   whatever you conceive Him to be,   and whatever your labors and aspirations,   in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.   With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,   it is still a beautiful world.   Be cheerful.   Strive to be happy.   适合演讲的英文诗歌篇三   生如夏花   I hear love, I believe in love   Love is a pool of struggling blue-green algae   As desolate micro-burst of wind   Bleeding through my veins   Years stationed in the belief   我听见爱情,我相信爱情   爱情是一潭挣扎的蓝藻   如同一阵凄微的风   穿过我失血的静脉   驻守岁月的信念   I believe that all can hear   Even anticipate discrete, I met the other their own   Some can not grasp the moment   Left to the East to go West, Gu, the dead must not return to   See, I head home Zanhua, in full bloom along the way all the way   Frequently missed some, but also deeply moved by wind, frost, snow or rain   我相信一切能够听见   甚至预见离散,遇见另一个自己   而有些瞬间无法把握   任凭东走西顾,逝去的必然不返   请看我头置簪花,一路走来一路盛开   频频遗漏一些,又深陷风霜雨雪的感动   Prajna Paramita, soon as soon as   Shengruxiahua dead, as an autumn leaf   Also care about what has   般若波罗蜜,一声一声   生如夏花,死如秋叶   还在乎拥有什么


  从改革开放前,到改革开放后的30年里,我们的祖国发生了日新月异的变化。我精心收集了歌颂祖国的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   歌颂祖国的英文诗歌篇1   It is a familiar face,   I see that lost their loved ones after the most cordial face.   Eyes flashing with tears,   words full of power,   that moment,   I feel I have a strong motherland.   It is a strange face,   I was buried under the rubble to see the most brave face,   and faith prised open the Canyuan and fought to remove the boulder.   that moment,   I feel I have a powerful motherland.   It is A beautiful face,   I was lying on the bed to see the angel"s face.   Bandaging the wounds of love warm exorcise fear.   That moment,   I feel I have a strong motherland.   歌颂祖国的英文诗歌篇2   Climb over five thousand years,   爬过五千年的沟沟坎坎,   Side banner will give you the bright,   将一面鲜艳的旗帜交给你,   My dear motherland.   我亲爱的祖国。   Hence,   从此,   I am not going to crawl,   我不再爬行   Hence,   从此,   I will not be subjected to slavery,   我不再遭受奴役,   Hence,   从此,   my monument in the new China,   我的腰杆在新中国的丰碑下,   Straight into a stand of trees.   挺立成一棵笔直的树木。   Trees,   树木,   I am just an ordinary tree.   我只是一棵平常的树木。   Spray can not be turned into the new China will be singing the songs around the clock;   不能变成浪花将新中国的赞歌日夜高唱;   Clouds can not become a new China dress China and the United States movement.   也不能变成云朵装扮新中国的华美乐章。   I am just a normal tree,   我只是一棵平常的树木,   Incoming sand standing place   站在风沙来袭的地方,   With my brothers and sisters together   与我的兄弟姐妹一道,   For my motherland green barriers erected.   为我的祖国筑起一道绿色的屏障。   I am just a normal tree,   我只是一棵平常的树木,   Standing on the shore of the choppy,   站在波涛汹涌的岸边,   With my brothers and sisters together   与我的兄弟姐妹一道,   For my country to increase the strength of Haiphong.   为我的祖国增加海防的力量。   I am just a normal tree,   我只是一棵平常的树木,   Standing on ice and snow of the north sky,   站在冰雪满天的北国,   With my brothers and sisters together   与我的兄弟姐妹一道,   For my sculpture image of the motherland.   为我的祖国雕塑英姿飒爽的形象。   I am just a normal tree,   我只是一棵平常的树木,   Hot side of the south,   站在酷热难耐的南方,   With my brothers and sisters together   与我的兄弟姐妹一道,   For my country to open up a cool road.   为我的祖国开辟一条阴凉的大道。   I am just a normal tree,   我只是一棵平常的树木,   Even if I fall,   即使我倒下,   Also let the speeding train,   也要让飞驰的列车,   With young Chinese,   带着年轻的中国,   To break through the fog of financial crisis,   冲破金融危机的迷雾,   Direct access to the full glory of a new era.   直达光辉灿烂的新纪元。   歌颂祖国的英文诗歌篇3   Motherland,   You come from the world,   You from the art world came in newborn   To this moment,   With the name of your neighbors to lend a helping hand,   You pull one,   Because you are homologous,   So they are willing to pay.   So, you stand in the corner of the world.   Developing world inscribed the history of this era.   In the hope of so many people, you did not let us down.   Hundreds of millions of people you let you see the pace of progress,   Loess you let your ancestors saw in the efforts, and   You let people around the world to see your miracle of the East.   Floods, SARS, snow, earthquake, economic crisis   These stories allow them to see, to see you the ability to deal with the situation.   Spacecraft, the Three Gorges Hydropower Station, Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the Olympic Games,   These events allow them to see, to see your style of great power.   Motherland, ah, motherland,   You use your age young cock fighting in the territory,   You use your body Qiao standing on the ground in the loess   You use one of your great country in his capacity as the forefront of the world,   Motherland,   You come from the past,   Is to go into the future!   祖国,   你从世界走来,   你从先进的世界新生里走来   为了这一刻,   与你同姓的邻居也伸出援手,   拉你一把,   因为你们是同源,   所以他们也愿意付出。   于是,你屹立在世界一隅。   发展着镌刻这个时代的世界史。   在这么多人的希冀下,你不负众望。   你让亿万个子民看到了你前进的步伐,   你让埋骨黄土的祖先看到了你是在努力着,   你让遍布全球的人看到了你的东方的奇迹。   洪水,非典,冰雪,地震,经济危机,   这些事迹让他们看到,看到你的应对局势的能力。   宇宙飞船,三峡水电站,青藏铁路,奥运,   这些大事让他们看清,看清你的大国的风范。   祖国啊,祖国,   你用你风华正茂的年纪奋斗在雄鸡的版图上,   你用你雄姿英发的身躯站立在黄土地上   你用你泱泱大国的身份跻身于世界的前列,   祖国,   你从过去走来,   正走向未来去!


莎翁的十四行诗 能否把你比作夏日璀璨Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer"s lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed, And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature"s changing course untrimmed: But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow"st, Nor shall death brag thou wand"rest in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow"st, So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. 孙梁译文: 能否把你比作夏日璀璨? 你却比夏季更可爱温存; 狂风摧残五月花蕊娇妍, 夏天匆匆离去毫不停顿。 苍天明眸有时过于灼热, 金色面容往往蒙上阴翳; 一切优美形象不免褪色, 偶然摧折或自然地老去。 而你如仲夏繁茂不凋谢, 秀雅风姿将永远翩翩; 死神无法逼你气息奄奄, 你将永生与不朽诗篇。 只要人能呼吸眼不盲, 这诗和你将千秋流芳!


诗歌(poem):a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines 或者 诗歌(poem):1.A metrical composition; a composition in verse written in certain measures,whether in blank verse or in rhyme,and characterized by imagination and poetic diction; -- contradistinguished from prose; as,the poems of Homer or of Milton. 2.A composition,not in verse,of which the language is highly imaginative or impassioned; as,a prose poem; the poems of Ossian.