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读《最后一课》有感《最后一课》的作者是是法国19世纪后半期的小说家都德,他写了无数小说,而《最后一课》是都德的代表小说汇集。我印象最深的是《最后一课》的前两篇‘最后一课"与‘柏林之围"。‘最后一课"讲了当普鲁土军队占领了的家乡并剥夺他们学习本族语言的时候,法语老师韩麦尔讲的最后一节法语课,老师刻意换上了平时不穿的礼服讲课,从来不识字的市民也来参加这最后一堂课,就连爱逃课的顽皮学生小弗郎士也认真的参加了这堂课,他们都听得万分认真,万分激动……,等到这堂课快结束的时候,韩麦尔老师深情的在黑板上写下五个大字,“法兰西万岁”,这堂课就结束了。《最后一课》还有一个典型例子——‘柏林之围"。一位已退休的上校,听到自己的国家战败后晕了过去孙女为了让他不再受刺激,他的医生和外孙女编造了一个谎言,他们每一天都虚拟的告诉这个年迈的老人国家胜利的消息,老人的身体也逐渐康复,但是终究这件事败露了,敌兵占领老人住的城市那一天,外孙女骗他是我国士兵胜利凯旋,老人趁他们不注意去看,得知真相后,当即倒了下去……还有许许多多的故事,无不表现了法兰西人民的勇敢和爱国精神,正是这种精神使得人们的心善良淳朴,对自己的国家忠心耿耿,而我们呢?有多少人真正忠心自己的祖国,我也和大众学生一样,看的都是韩剧,崇拜的都是外国明星,身上的衣服都是韩版或日版的…… ,我们的民族意识已经越来越来越弱了,就连我们的民族节日也远远没有外国节日‘繁华",我们很喜欢圣诞节,我们相互送礼,相互开心,我们更喜欢愚人节,我们相互小心提醒,相互逗乐玩耍,总之,总之我们总觉得外国节日十分有趣。于是,我们对自己的节日便冷淡起来了。我想,是祖国养育了我们,祖国把我们当作掌上明珠一样对待,给了学生力所能及的保护,我们更应该热爱我们的祖国,更应该从现在开始努力为我们的报效祖国做努力


Farmstead trail, the everlasting town, LuAng... I see you to blossom ceremony skirt Toward the "love" empty leave a solitary clear of figure I this for your desperate moved Or blame the way the Paris watercolor illusion Went to a wipe clean reluctantly defiled life... Madame bovary not a coke, nor a pot of relaxed summer green tea, it is more like ice cappuccino - or sweet, or light, always can touches your heart strings - special is, that seek Paris type love woman, and that eat people of the world, that kind of wave may not and the -- happiness. * * -- the fate of Emma hull, perhaps just because, you too not understand, happiness due shape. A girl who grew up in the Abbey, meet a live parents designed by life of married men - she lives in the first man, then naively Cupid by god"s will e. Marry a doctor, how much happiness. She then.thee, follow a car carriage, wobbled, drive to the holy place of her dreams -- church. That year, he was 30, she, cardamom age. Perhaps "life as a tomb," a young heart of hearts, but packed in a quiet castle, the end is not satisfied. She began to doubt, the meaning of life, exactly, "life beauty where"? The manor, Picasso thrall pri *** is hovering dance, wear blue tailcoat gentleman, wear pearl of young women, she invented, originally life can be so bright affectionate. Back home, but face a wood"s hu *** and, a little-used *** all garden, so she wept. As meteor, lai presents, they talk about books, music, talk about world various. She amazed at their ideas consensus, his intellect is vast, his mind close. Fog glittered dazzling white light, that moment, she looked at him is far of figure, tears. When career was resentment and regret fill, she beginning plains regretted oneself how love to a wood, and are not abandon not love. Then there is LuAng. She met ROM - a sagging soul, always possible for a little Martian lit. Then fell into a man"s trick. She beginning to travel o cities and enthusiastic. When she filled with hope to waste all altogether goes to the ends of the earth with his letter, when cut off her hope, love, or a happy life. He drove his carriage, from her door apart, and then told her, he is now an unknown island. She looked at him, the curtain of night after, black, illuminating the only her silvery tears. She invented, originally, the world didn"t she imagined wonderful. That year, she probably 25. She was disappointed, gave birth to a bad illness that he die, and there the *** ile. One day, but in the street met lai - this is a gift of god, or other malicious joke? They went to Paris -- that her dream city - they are there, together intoxicated with drunken light fan with trees and flowers everywhere. She bee more beautiful, radiant, abnormal enchanting. Trail, the road, they stroll, Mercedes, enjoy the sunshine. She was more fall for *** all RongMao, blue skirt, color bright ze carpet, perhaps gold plating keys. So money less and less, she began to do STH without authorization signed the ious, hope repose in the unearned, to date, again and again for love! The ultimate ruin. On nov.11 high evening, she came out from the surveyor"s home, crumpled, all the way to insults at the "desecrating" her love of man. Be also that night, she expressed her most the said: my poor, but not betray yourself. However, when all of hope all return zero hour, when the court summons attained dignity, still have what use? As instant old. Arsenic, not delicious, but she ate, Life, not pain, but she think like this, Oneself, not just live your life, but she did so. Zaozhiruci, Emma, you why again to searching for the unreal happy? Why I always remember his childhood wonderful dreams, and grand contrast with reality? He took with confidential die, even around a bunch of good man, she still alone. Time"s garden abrupt way back, she sat in front of thorns long boarded, naively looking at the sky, LuAng streets; Their doorstep, Worship of the pound fight, Under the apple tree, her hair fragrance, around her laughter ringing clean. She wore moonlight like whiter satin robe, black hair to spread, the facial expression be serene. Night is very docile. Gameover. * * -- BaoFaLi laoye tragedy, perhaps only by a neglect edy is caused. He does not love her? In fact, "his happiness, only limited to Emma skirt side width". Experience once unlucky be deployed to marriage, a field and money transactions of marriage, how much he cherished the god blessed him with gifts. Is because it was too happy to see her eyes, after sorrow. He wanted to, he gave her of substantial career, they had a beautiful daughter, she has the most beautiful dress the town, she what reason is there still unhappy? And myself, has near-far well-known medical skills, have a beautiful wife, a lovely manor, a group of friends, what reason unhappy? He don"t know why she sat at her desk all night before opening the lamp, refused to fall asleep, Don"t know why she wants to play it in his heart useless piano, Not clear why she filled up with flowers in the room. But his indulgent, because he loved her. Yes, because of love, he kept silent and eternity. Sorry silence didn"t let things much, just for surface calm. He introduced her to lai, and convinced she and lai together theatre, just because I had no time to be with her. Find a substitute? Knows not what is his final pain. He finally agreed to send her to learn the piano, in addition to pay the tuition fee, he will never ask meticulous section, who knows if she is to use these times tryst. He only saw her *** ile, never see her tears, he thinks that she is happy, but he was wrong. He is ignoring her give hints, put her sentimental as "energy problem". She loses her temper, he will endure, for she was sad, but never ask why. He dotes on her, blindly. He let her not separate reason, even his rival, ronaldo and lai, all feel he is such a good man. He felt his world all gave her, he felt he was so love her, and she, also ought to love him, otherwise why she so hard toil for this home? Why give his children? Why will always acpany him? He can think of to give all gave, sorry, she really wanted, he did not give. He doesn"t know what call love, since the childhood resignation, fate seems always control in the mother"s hand, no definite view, old woman daughter-in-law fight, only on the sidelines tears, o have not. Perhaps he only is worth mend is, his love so pure, his dull let he peacefully and lived happily for many years until she died. Pick up the letter, his hands were shaking, he looked at empty room, beginning doubt, oneself in recent years, in order to a woman bankruptcy, for a woman dies sobbing, if it"s worth it. Saul met at the pub. ROM very nervous, also very guilty, in his heart, never loved the girl called Emma woman, but carefully bowel damaged a man should have a quiet happiness. To his accident, BaoFaLi doing nothing, just said a sentence: all of this is life - ROM feel this how funny. Small white"s special ran to the bench beside, crying: daddy, daddy. His father against the wall head a slanting, never speak. For the sake of happiness, the continuous BaoFaLi master, you"ll always be ignored, it happened in this time, why do you not fotten? They took him and his wife, buried together. Buried at that night, people say that see a young man in full cry all night, which grew by day the man married to a young lady, according to his mother"s wishes and start my own business. But a week ago, he just said to her, oneself lifetime love her a person. In reality in front, dreams and promise is how funny! BaoFaLi master originally friend opportunists took little property, BaoFaLi originally in the clinic address to practice medicine. The "true friends" - usury busines *** an, USES he deceived Emma signing ious and mortgage of property secure bowel days of live pletely fet who you are involved in such a trick. Career continues, the town of people live and work, BaoFaLi a, slowly fotten.   唉,自己做吧!!人生自古谁无死啊!!




《奥赛罗》是多主题的作品,其中包括:爱情与嫉妒的主题、轻信与背信的主题、异族通婚的主题等等。关于《奥赛罗》一剧的评论,据知早在十七世纪下半叶,英国就有人热情肯定此剧:“从诗行与剧情,特别是从剧情来看,它是一出很好的戏”,主要人物“描绘得好”;“诱惑的场面”卓越地显示了伊阿古恶人的“癖性”……对于主角奥赛罗的看法通常有两种:他是位坚强博大和灵魂高尚的英雄;其所以杀害爱妻,只是由于轻信,尤其是奸谗者伊阿古过于狡猾所致;另一种是奥赛罗并不那么高尚,而是个自我意识很强和性格有缺陷的人;他是急急不能待地就听信了伊阿古,责任在他本人。   Othello is a Venice duchy one Yong general. Moss silk Di dream Na loves his and daughter of the grand old man each other. Since but he is black,marriage has not been allowed. Two people is forced to get married in private. Othello has a sinister flag government official Yiagu, be bent on getting rid of Othello under the leadership of. He has given secret information to the grand old man first , has helped to bring about o people" marriage unexpectedly but. He incites the Othello affection with moss silk Di dream Na , says another assistant officer Jixiao mon, and having fabricated so-called lover"s keepsake different from moss silk Di dream Na relation and so on. Othello has accepted sth. as true , has choked self wife to death in anger. Think that he is informed of the truth queen, spare time of regretting that draws self"s sword to slay self , but has been in moss silk Di dream Na at one"s side. The former Soviet Union makes an explanation to uniqueness having taken form in Shakespearean go into to "Othello", this make an explanation have revealed this one great tragic humanitariani *** deeply essence. Family tragedy "Othello" is epitomized the traitor people stir up time to happen. Love loyal and steadfast and ruthless envying embody Yu Othello single person at the same time intensely. Ako capability of pretending to be honest , practising upon Othello"s credulity but benefiting oneself at other people"s cost extremely at the furthest end of but, is also one kind of typical character of primitive accumulation period. Character of leading character in a novel Othello , upright , brave , simple or easy to angry and be credulous of others. The shorting lies in Othello"s maximum being self-abased, if fault is self-abased , he abets the day afer tomorrow to doubt self wife just unnecessarily in several of Yiagu. He is self-abased in self plexion , image , age , himself feels self is to do not deserve moss silk Di Mengna"s in fact , he feels self is inferior to Jixiao , only meeting has being afraid of that one kind of word difficult to informs to him even. About one severe review "Othello", occupy to know as far back as seventeen centuries latter halves of leaf, United Kingdom affirms this drama with regard to somebody"s fervency: "From that stitch es with the story of a play , especially from the story of a play, it is that one puts up very good play " , the major character "portrays well "; "The appearance being lured" has demonstrated "propensity " of Yiagu evil person preeminent, ... The view to leading role Othello has o kinds generally: He is to strengthen the vast noble sum soul hero; The person is credulous of therefore slaughter loves a wife, however because, especially the traitor backbites person Yiagu being caused by Jesuiti *** excessively; Another a kind of is that Othello is not so noble , is having defect person of very strong autopsyche sum character but; He is to be able to not wait for a field having believed Yiagu right away urgently , responsibility is in himself. Entire drama is being run through avoiding evil with harbour suspicions , artful stratagem chain of rings , fool at the same time, bring the craftiness and dusk to hit the target human nature into play almost to the end. With Yiagu this miniature of one world demon is very clear on theatre stage, in study rolls up the cloth slip-case for a book room, act like overlords , be domineering the field appears in people before self"s eyes. This tragic saddened astonishing tragedy Shakespeare is written being acplished , pondering having aroused people feeling the anguish of sorrow; Warn people good and honest of , must sharpen due vigilance to such a demon of Yiagu in life! Had accepted very big stimulations suppose one people suspects that the wife is not loyal all along,agony definitely being hit by Othello than the mon people can know drama more. Moss silk Di Mengna does not know Aosailuo , her reason of delighted Aosailuo is very simple , she is fond of him giving an account of those having rather the short stories of the Tang and Song dynasties go through, she is fond of a romantic ideal in a word only. But, Aosailuo knows that why self wife is fond of self a little bit, in other words , he is anxious for originally right away to self wife"s love , he likes in such circumstances to moss silk Di Mengna to both hate that and be scared. Yiagu is only the effect having removed a blasting fuse ultimately,on this false , without any trust , no solid love being blown up *** ashing, but being having the explosive power gunpowder really being member of Aosailuo and moss silk Di Mengna but. This puts up tragedy in view of this reversing the flavour having some of leading characters in a novel to bring trouble on self , may be that this punishes dying having duplicated each other very much with men and women leading character in a novel but is over, therefore having had the very strong tragedy color just now.   中文:奥赛罗是威尼斯公国一员勇将。他与元老的女儿苔丝狄梦娜相爱。但由于他是黑人,婚事未被允许。两人只好私下成婚。奥赛罗手下有一个阴险的旗官伊阿古,一心想除掉奥赛罗。他先是向元老告密,不料却促成了两人的婚事。他又挑拨奥赛罗与苔丝狄梦娜的感情,说另一名副将凯西奥与苔丝狄梦娜关系不同寻常,并伪造了所谓定情信物等。奥赛罗信以为真,在愤怒中掐死了自己的妻子。当他得知真相后,悔恨之余拔剑自刎,倒在了苔丝狄梦娜身边。   前苏联对莎士比亚的研究中形成了对《奥赛罗》的独特解释,这种解释深刻地揭示了这一伟大悲剧的人道主义实质。   《奥赛罗》集中表现了奸人挑唆下发生的家庭悲剧。忠贞的爱情和残忍的嫉妒同时强烈地体现于奥赛罗一身。而阿古伪装诚实,利用奥赛罗的轻信而极尽损人利己之能事,也是原始积累时期的一种典型人物。   主人公奥赛罗的性格,正直、勇敢、单纯抑或易怒与轻信他人。奥赛罗的最大缺点在于自卑,若不是自卑,他无须在伊阿古的几句挑唆后便怀疑自己的妻子。他自卑于自己的肤色、形象、年龄,他自己其实觉得自己是配不上苔丝狄蒙娜的,他甚至觉得自己不如凯西奥,才会对他有一种难以言喻的害怕。   关于《奥赛罗》一剧的评论,据知早在十七世纪下半叶,英国就有人热情肯定此剧:“从诗行与剧情,特别是从剧情来看,它是一出很好的戏”,主要人物“描绘得好”;“诱惑的场面”卓越地显示了伊阿古恶人的“癖性”……对于主角奥赛罗的看法通常有两种:他是位坚强博大和灵魂高尚的英雄;其所以杀害爱妻,只是由于轻信,尤其是奸谗者伊阿古过于狡猾所致;另一种是奥赛罗并不那么高尚,而是个自我意识很强和性格有缺陷的人;他是急急不能待地就听信了伊阿古,责任在他本人。   全剧贯串着忌恶与猜疑,巧计连环,将人性中的狡诈与昏愚一面,发挥殆尽。把伊阿古这一人间恶魔的缩影昭然在剧院舞台上,在书斋卷帙间,飞扬跋扈、称王称霸地呈现在人们眼前。莎士比亚写成的这部惨怛得惊人的悲剧,引起了人们哀痛的深思;提醒善良的人们,在生活中必须对伊阿古这样的恶魔提高应有的警惕!   假如一个人素来疑心妻子不忠实,受过很大的 *** ,一定比寻常人更能了解剧中奥赛罗的痛苦。苔丝狄蒙娜并不了解奥塞罗,她喜欢奥塞罗的理由很简单,她喜欢他讲述那些颇具传奇性的经历,一句话她只喜欢一个浪漫的理想。而奥塞罗有点明白自己的妻子为什么喜欢自己,或者说他对自己妻子的爱本来就不放心,在这种情况下他对苔丝狄蒙娜又爱又恨又怕。最终,伊阿古只是起了一个导火索的作用,将这种虚假的、毫无信任的、不牢固的爱情炸个粉碎,而真正具有爆炸力的火药却在奥塞罗和苔丝狄蒙娜的身上。由此看来这出悲剧倒有些主人公咎由自取的味道,可能是这种惩罚太重了——以男女主人公的死而结束,所以才有了很强的悲剧色彩。


【 #英语资源# 导语】《追寻生命的意义》是2003年8月1日新华出版社出版的图书,作者是维克多·E·弗兰克尔,译者弗兰克尔,何忠强,杨凤池。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.《追寻生命的意义》英语读后感   Nietzsche said, "people who know why they live can survive." In Victor"s Autobiography of the concentration camp in pursuit of the meaning of life, he describes the miserable life of Auschwitz prisoners and expresses the positive attitude of "meaning therapy".   "It"s a long way to go. I"ll seek it from top to bottom". An ordinary person"s life will pursue his unique ideal. Ordinary people have their own meaning of existence. If a prisoner who lives in a concentration camp every day has lost his personal freedom and experienced all kinds of hardships, does his life still need to pursue the so-called meaning of life? Victor used his personal experience to tell us the psychological course and life story of the prisoners in the concentration camp.   The prisoners who first arrived in the concentration camp, from the struggle after suffering in the concentration camp for a period of time to indifference, and finally a state of numbness and despair. Human nature can not be simply divided into good and evil, especially in the extremely harsh environment, the deepest human nature is extremely easy to be exposed, and the boundary between good and evil becomes so blurred. The bad living environment often stifles the hope of survival, and people die in despair.   "Whenever we see a cellmate smoking, we know that he has lost the courage to live. Once courage is lost, it is almost impossible to recover it. " Why should people live? What is the meaning of life? Victor did not give us a direct answer, and the meaning of existence is different because of the uniqueness of each life body, but he elaborated three methods: creating or engaging in work that can reflect the value of life, experiencing love and being loved, and a positive attitude of enduring and surpassing pain.   The first two are easy to understand and accept, but is it the meaning of life to endure and surpass pain? Why should we live? To live is to endure the inevitable suffering and adopt a positive attitude. Asking the meaning of living is a sublimation of self spirit. 2.《追寻生命的意义》英语读后感   When you are in an extremely bad environment for a long time and have nothing to lose except your own life, what will happen to your psychology? Is it like teacher Ju Sanbao"s inner cry, where is the meaning of life? What is the value of living? Living can not change the comfort of life and inner satisfaction. What is the purpose of living like this?   Austrian psychologist Frankel, as a survivor of the World War II concentration camp, in the autobiographical book "pursuit of the meaning of life", Dr. Frankel spoke from his own experience, invented the "meaning therapy", and explained the prisoners" treatment of life in the concentration camp from the perspective of psychology. It also explains why some people can survive strongly in the environment of concentration camps, while others give up their lives early!   There is no emphasis on human nature in the concentration camp. The people living in it are equal to half of your body entering the loess. If you are sick or injured, you will lose the value of existence as long as you lose your ability to work. The only thing waiting for you is death. Such a life and death are only in one thought, and all kinds of torture make people miserable. In the face of such a life, not a few people give up their life, but some people insist all the time! As a keen observer and witness, he further led to a serious topic from these painful and real experiences - where is the meaning of our life? That is, why do we live?   Live only for the good memories of the past. The sweet memories of the past can also bring comfort to people in trouble. Maybe it"s just a candlelight dinner with the people you love, maybe it"s just a walk away trip, but these trivial things will make you laugh foolishly and want to be as sweet as honey. More importantly, this is hope: in the future, we may have these happy moments again! As a member of the world, who doesn"t want it?   Dr. Frankel was a doctor before he entered the concentration camp. Whenever he recalled the scenes of treating patients and saving people, he was happy. He wants to live, even if he has only a bare body, and there is the possibility of death at any time, but when he recalls the beauty of that moment, the whole person will be excited. He wants to immerse himself in this world, because the world has given him too many beautiful memories, and he is reluctant to leave this world. 3.《追寻生命的意义》英语读后感   When people are in an extremely bad environment for a long time, all human values are destroyed and always shrouded in the shadow of death, what changes will happen to people"s psychology under high pressure? Is there any meaning in this painful and hopeless life? Austrian psychologist Frankel, as a survivor of the World War II concentration camp, in the autobiographical book "pursuing the meaning of life", tells about the profound impact of that extreme environment on the psychological state of ordinary prisoners, as well as the cruel survival struggle of prisoners in order to survive for themselves and their friends. As a keen observer and witness, he further led to a serious topic from these painful and real experiences - where is the meaning of our life? That is, why do we live?   In the concentration camp, prisoners are deprived of all their property and rights. They are not only hungry and cold, but also may die at any time. Prisoners who are judged to be weak and ill will soon enter the gas chamber. Here, their lives are particularly small and fragile. However, according to Frankel"s observation, people who are not so strong but have rich mental activities seem to be more likely to survive. He himself is an example. His thoughts and love for his wife made him outline her image very clearly in his mind, and talked and laughed with her vividly and interestingly. Love transcends the barriers of time and space and even life and death, and brings inner enrichment and strong support to those who have love“ Put me on your heart like a seal, and love will be as strong as death. "   The sweet memories of the past can also bring comfort to people in trouble. Maybe it is just a small success, maybe it is just an ordinary family gathering. Can the joy and satisfaction you have felt stay in these memories, make up for and nourish people"s emptiness and pain in reality, and more importantly, point to the hope of the future: the future, We will have these happy moments again!




Plot Overview Jane Eyre is a young orphan being raised by Mrs. Reed, her cruel, wealthy aunt. A servant named Bessie provides Jane with some of the few kindnesses she receives, telling her stories and singing songs to her. One day, as punishment for fighting with her bullying cousin John Reed, Jane"s aunt imprisons Jane in the red-room, the room in which Jane"s Uncle Reed died. While locked in, Jane, believing that she sees her uncle"s ghost, screams and faints. She wakes to find herself in the care of Bessie and the kindly apothecary Mr. Lloyd, who suggests to Mrs. Reed that Jane be sent away to school. To Jane"s delight, Mrs. Reed concurs. Once at the Lowood School, Jane finds that her life is far from idyllic. The school"s headmaster is Mr. Brocklehurst, a cruel, hypocritical, and abusive man. Brocklehurst preaches a doctrine of poverty and privation to his students while using the school"s funds to provide a wealthy and opulent lifestyle for his own family. At Lowood, Jane befriends a young girl named Helen Burns, whose strong, martyrlike attitude toward the school"s miseries is both helpful and displeasing to Jane. A massive typhus epidemic sweeps Lowood, and Helen dies of consumption. The epidemic also results in the departure of Mr. Brocklehurst by attracting attention to the insalubrious conditions at Lowood. After a group of more sympathetic gentlemen takes Brocklehurst"s place, Jane"s life improves dramatically. She spends eight more years at Lowood, six as a student and two as a teacher. After teaching for two years, Jane yearns for new experiences. She accepts a governess position at a manor called Thornfield, where she teaches a lively French girl named Adèle. The distinguished housekeeper Mrs. Fairfax presides over the estate. Jane"s employer at Thornfield is a dark, impassioned man named Rochester, with whom Jane finds herself falling secretly in love. She saves Rochester from a fire one night, which he claims was started by a drunken servant named Grace Poole. But because Grace Poole continues to work at Thornfield, Jane concludes that she has not been told the entire story. Jane sinks into despondency when Rochester brings home a beautiful but vicious woman named Blanche Ingram. Jane expects Rochester to propose to Blanche. But Rochester instead proposes to Jane, who accepts almost disbelievingly. The wedding day arrives, and as Jane and Mr. Rochester prepare to exchange their vows, the voice of Mr. Mason cries out that Rochester already has a wife. Mason introduces himself as the brother of that wife—a woman named Bertha. Mr. Mason testifies that Bertha, whom Rochester married when he was a young man in Jamaica, is still alive. Rochester does not deny Mason"s claims, but he explains that Bertha has gone mad. He takes the wedding party back to Thornfield, where they witness the insane Bertha Mason scurrying around on all fours and growling like an animal. Rochester keeps Bertha hidden on the third story of Thornfield and pays Grace Poole to keep his wife under control. Bertha was the real cause of the mysterious fire earlier in the story. Knowing that it is impossible for her to be with Rochester, Jane flees Thornfield. Penniless and hungry, Jane is forced to sleep outdoors and beg for food. At last, three siblings who live in a manor alternatively called Marsh End and Moor House take her in. Their names are Mary, Diana, and St. John (pronounced “Sinjin”) Rivers, and Jane quickly becomes friends with them. St. John is a clergyman, and he finds Jane a job teaching at a charity school in Morton. He surprises her one day by declaring that her uncle, John Eyre, has died and left her a large fortune: 20,000 pounds. When Jane asks how he received this news, he shocks her further by declaring that her uncle was also his uncle: Jane and the Riverses are cousins. Jane immediately decides to share her inheritance equally with her three newfound relatives. St. John decides to travel to India as a missionary, and he urges Jane to accompany him—as his wife. Jane agrees to go to India but refuses to marry her cousin because she does not love him. St. John pressures her to reconsider, and she nearly gives in. However, she realizes that she cannot abandon forever the man she truly loves when one night she hears Rochester"s voice calling her name over the moors. Jane immediately hurries back to Thornfield and finds that it has been burned to the ground by Bertha Mason, who lost her life in the fire. Rochester saved the servants but lost his eyesight and one of his hands. Jane travels on to Rochester"s new residence, Ferndean, where he lives with two servants named John and Mary. At Ferndean, Rochester and Jane rebuild their relationship and soon marry. At the end of her story, Jane writes that she has been married for ten blissful years and that she and Rochester enjoy perfect equality in their life together. She says that after two years of blindness, Rochester regained sight in one eye and was able to behold their first son at his birth.