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How to study English?   Study English,You do need to use English with speakers who are not teachers of English. This isn"t easy, since everyone feels constrained speaking English with friends with whom it would be natural to use a shared mother tongue. Joining an English Club is a good idea and joining a club with an international membership (where English is in use at least some of the time) is, for many people, even better. If nothing like this is accessible, you might consider what would be involved in getting something going.   活用英文乐趣多 活用英文乐趣多   你需要常常和英语教师以外的人士用英语交谈。这当然很不容易,因为与母语相同的人自由交谈时,彼此若用英语交谈总会觉得很不自在。亦可参加英语俱乐部或国际会员的俱乐部(至少有时使用英语沟通),这样对很多人而言更有益。如果没有合适的社团可加入,也不妨考虑任何足以提高英语能力的机会。   作文二:   There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing.   Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening skill.   Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as possible. In this way, we can gradually improve our pronunciation.   Thirdly, we should often read English books. When we come across a new word. We should guess its meaning through the contest first. Then look it up in the dictionary to have a check. I thin,, it is a good way of reading.   Fourthly, we should practice our writing skills. Whenever we have any idea, we should get the pen and write it down at once. It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese grammar.   As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable progress!


How to study English? Study English,You do need to use English with speakers who are not teachers of English. This isn"t easy, since everyone feels constrained speaking English with friends with whom it would be natural to use a shared mother tongue. Joining an English Club is a good idea and joining a club with an international membership (where English is in use at least some of the time) is, for many people, even better. If nothing like this is accessible, you might consider what would be involved in getting something going. 活用英文乐趣多 活用英文乐趣多 你需要常常和英语教师以外的人士用英语交谈。这当然很不容易,因为与母语相同的人自由交谈时,彼此若用英语交谈总会觉得很不自在。亦可参加英语俱乐部或国际会员的俱乐部(至少有时使用英语沟通),这样对很多人而言更有益。如果没有合适的社团可加入,也不妨考虑任何足以提高英语能力的机会。 作文二: there are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening skill. Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as possible. In this way, we can gradually improve our pronunciation. Thirdly, we should often read English books. When we come across a new word. We should guess its meaning through the contest first. then look it up in the dictionary to have a check. I thin,, it is a good way of reading. Fourthly, we should practice our writing skills. Whenever we have any idea, we should get the pen and write it down at once. It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese grammar. As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable proGREss!




comprise [k05m"praiz] vt.1. 包括,包含:例句: The committee comprises men of widely different views.该委员会包括了具有各种不同意见的人。2. 由…组成:例句: Their country is comprised of 50 states.他们的国家是由50个州组成的。3. 形成,构成:例句: Women comprise 51 percent of the population of France.妇女构成了法国人口的51%。近义词:include . 短语be comprised of由…组成变形:vt.comprisedcomprisingEg1. A cricket team is comprised of eleven players.一个板球队由11名队员组成。2. This month"s figures are comprised in the total.这个月的数字已包含在总数之内。3. Fifteen separate republics comprised the Soviet Union.苏联由十五个加盟共和国组成。4. Twenty chapters comprise Book One.第一卷有二十章。5. Collectively, these genes comprise the product"s genome.总体上,这些“基因”构成了是产品具有的”基因组“。6. Why not make a comprise instead of sticking to each ground?我们为什么不妥协一下而一定要坚持自己的立场不肯让步呢?7. The sky and the ocean together comprise a harmonious picture.天空和大海构成了一幅和谐的画面。8. Why don\"t we make a comprise instead of sticking to each ground?我们为什么不妥协一下而一定要坚持自己的立场不肯让步呢?9. There are many, many expressions that comprise your total suffering.有许多,许多表达合成了你的痛苦。10. The board of directors shall comprise representatives of the employees.董事会成员中应当有公司职工代表。11. The diageneses mainly comprise cementation, compaction and dissolition.主要成岩作用有机械压实作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用。12. Logic valves comprise cartridge elements and covers with pilot passages.插装阀是由插装元件(插件)和带先导通路的阀盖组成的。13. The chapters that comprise the first part of the novel are especially good.构成那部小说开头部分的几章特别好。14. There are two subsets of equipment which comprise the sound system in a theatre.电影院的音响系统包括两个环节。15. How do you provide security for the numerous components that comprise the system?如何保证构成系统的各个组件的安全性?16. A group can comprise an organization, a part thereof, or more than one organization.一个团体可由一个组织或其一部分或多个组织构成。17. At today"s level of development , it might comprise 10,000 separate electronic elements.就今天的发展水平来说,它可以包含一万个分立电子元件。18. The breast is to abound adipose gland body organization, comprise by 20 mammary gland about.乳房是富于脂肪的腺体组织,约由20个乳腺组成。19. Revenues from the oil and gas industry comprise about half the projected surplus for 2009-11.来自石油和天然气行业的收入构成大约一半的直到09年11月的预期结余。20. The House of Commons and the House of Lords comprise/compose/constitute the British Parliament.英国国会是由下议院和上议院组成的.21. These comprise top down and bottom up views respectively of the quality of teaching and learning.这些包括各地区对教与学自上到下和颠倒的看法。22. Although applications are relatively unique, the components that comprise them, in general, are not.虽然应用程序都是相对独特的,但是在一般情况下,构成他们的组件却不独特。23. Exporting and importing comprise the most fundamental international business activity in most countries.进出口贸易构成了世界上大多数国家最基本的国际商务活动。24. Liver cells, or hepatocytes, comprise the bulk of the organ, which carry out complex metabolic processes.实质细胞,或称肝细胞组成了器官的大体,并进行复杂的代谢过程。25. Such sanitary accommodation should comprise a minimum of one toilet, one washbasin and one tub or shower.此类卫生间至少应包括一个厕所、一个洗脸池和一个浴盆或淋浴。26. Entries should comprise 500 words responding to the criteria above, supported by drawings and floor plans.参赛者应提出500字有关设计的说明,可利用绘图或平面图辅助说明。27. UNESCO figures show Chinese students comprise 14 percent of international students, the highest in the world.据联合国教科文组织的统计数据显示,中国留学生占全球留学生总数的14%,居世界首位。28. A foreign arbitration commission shall comprise one chairman, several vice-chairmen and several committee members.涉外仲裁委员会由主任一人、副主任若干人和委员若干人组成。29. The black line may end at the bottom of the ramp, so that the ramp and upper level room/s comprise the "Red Zone".黑线也可在斜坡底部结束,这样斜坡和上层的房间就都是红区。30. If the size of firms obeys a power law, economies will comprise some very big firms and a long tail of small ones.倘若公司规模遵循幂定律,那么许多经济的样子就是一些非常大公司加上一个由众多小公司所构成的“长尾”[7]。involveinvolve; 1.if a situation, an event or an activity involves sth, that thing is an important or necessary part or result of it. SYN ENTAIL:这种包含带有某事“很重要、有必要,不可避免,牵涉到”之类的意思:同义词:entail 比如:Any investment involves an element of risk.任何投资都有一些风险。 Many of the crimes involved drugs.很多犯罪都和毒品有关。 The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.测验内容包括就一张照片回答问题。 The job involves me travelling all over the country.或The job involves my travelling all over the country.这一工作要求我在国内各地旅行。 2。if a situation, an event or an activity involves sb, they take part in it or are affected by it:参与,连累,影响到. 例:There was a serious incident involving a group of youths. How many vehicles were involved in the crash?


One possible version:Boys and girls, I have an announcement to make.In order to provide an atmosphere of learning English and arouse the students" interest in English, we will have an English speech competition.The competition will be held at our lecture hall on the afternoon of May 22nd. There will be eight topics for all the contestants to choose from. Before the speech, every contestant will have to give a self-introduction in twenty seconds and the speech can"t last more than three minutes. We"ll award the first, second and third prizes for each grade. Hurry up to the office of the Students" Union before May 15th to enter your names for the right opportunity offered to you!That"s all. Thank you. 略


The government began to attach great importance to its development.Under the influence of which, people"s living conditions began to improve.应该是两句话,个人见解。


Information system 信息系统 Modern business 现代企业 Financinal position 财务状况 Financial data 财务数据 Financial strength 财务实力 Financial report 财务报告 Accounting process 会计过程,会计处理方法 Financial accounting 财务会计 Decision making 决策 Managerial accounting 管理会计 Financial executives 财务经理 Performance report 业绩报告 Cost-benefit data 成本-效益数据 Cost accounting 成本会计 Tax accounting 税务会计 Budgetary accounting 预算会计 Governmental and not-for-profit accounting 政府及非营利组织会计 Human resources accounting 人力资源会计 Environmental accounting 环境会计 Social accounting 社会会计 International accounting 国际会计 希望能帮助到你,望采纳


Chinese youth are generally confident that their country will have a brighter future, and this “collective confidence” is very much needed in the development of the country. 中国年轻一代对祖国的光明前景普遍自信,这种“集体自信”也是当下国家的发展中最需要的。 Young Chinese see their country as a beacon of strength and stability in a world of uncertainty and the West is losing attraction to them, the Wall Street Journal said in an article. 美国《华尔街日报》刊登的一则报道中说,在这年轻一代人看来,当下的中国已经成为这个充满不确定的世界里“力量与稳定的灯塔”,西方国家正在失去吸引力。 A survey carried out by a British foundation earlier this year has found that Chinese youth are more optimistic about their future, with 29 percent of them believing that their country is an ideal place to live and work, and a society where their hard work will be repaid. 无独有偶,今年早些时候,英国某基金会发布的一项调查也显示,中国青年对未来最为乐观自信。29%的中国受访者表示,他们觉得中国是安居乐业之所,在这里“只要勤奋就能出人头地”。 Another 93 percent of the respondents think they will benefit from China"s progress in medicine, renewable energy resources, and puter technology. However, their peers in some developed countries are more pessimistic about future of their country. 约93%的中国受访者还认为,会受益于中国在医药、可再生能源和计算机等技术上的进步。相比之下,一些西方发达国家的青年则对其国家的未来较为悲观。 Young people are no longer viewed as rebellious and selfish but instead are seen as confident and responsible.More importantly, instead of being held back by the “pride and prejudice” of the West, they now stand up to the Western misunderstandings about their country, by explaining or refuting in a confident and sometimes self-mocking manner. 昔日被加诸年轻人身上的“叛逆”“自我”等标签逐渐被“自信”“担当”等正面评价取代。特别是,面对西方的一些“傲慢与偏见”,年轻一代不再退缩,而是能理直气壮地“怼”回去;有的更以“自黑”的方式调侃。 Undoubtedly, China"s development has injected confidence into the new generations. For a very long time after the Opium War, the Chinese people lacked confidence when dealing with the West, and were used to saying no in a mild and indirect way. 毫无疑问,中国的日益发展强大给年轻一代人注入了自信。自鸦片战争以来的很长一段时间里,中国人在面对西方时缺乏自信和底气,即便是向西方说“不”,也是用委婉和间接的方式。 Young generations are now municating with the West on a basis more equal than ever. They do not automatically believe the West is better than China, because they grew up in a better-off society, get information more easily, and have a broader outlook.The change in mindset is absolutely influencing the country in a positive way. 年轻一代人在与西方沟通时,建立在比往任何时候都要平等的基础上。他们并不天然认为“西方比中国好”,因为他们生活和成长的时代,物质条件更加优渥、信息获取更加便利、眼界视野更加宽阔。这种心态的变化,无疑将给中国的未来带来积极的影响。 What"s the country"s next step in the new era of sociali *** with Chinese characteristics? With less and less experience to learn from other countries, self-reliance is the only way forward. 随着中国特色社会主义进入新时代,接下来的路要怎么走?其他国家可资借鉴的经验越来越少,前进的唯一道路便是自力更生。 Delightfully and luckily, Chinese youth are able to think on the basis of the country"s reality and in a manner totally independent from the West"s point of view.There is a better China for the young generations to explore, and their confidence will help them make the country and the world better. 令人欣喜且幸运的是,中国的年轻一代正在跳出西方话语体系的框框,依照中国现实发展的逻辑来思考。有一个更强大的中国在等待年轻一代去探索,他们的自信会让这个国家和世界变得更美好。

英语作文: 假设你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校拟举办主题为“英语学习”的讲座


英语学习; favorites 为复数,后面的"tes“怎样发音? 注音标, 谢谢!



representing...代表着……作定语,修饰committee现在分词表示主动进行,(一般状态动词不表示进行,只表示主动)。相当于:which represents all...也就是主动又如:I like the room with the window facing the sea. 我喜欢窗户朝海的那个房间。facing the see=which faces the seaThe boy sleeping in the room is my son.sleeping in the room=who is sleeping in the room


学英语有个好方法:坚持每天早晨读英语,每次不低于10分钟。英语毕竟是个语言,记忆力再好不读是不行的。我记得我高二时极度厌恶当时的英语老师,白天一点不想学英语,但坚持每天早晨读英语,有时一读就是半个多小时,读课文,读单词,随便读什么。注意一天不能拉,并且不得低于10分钟。我记得我因为课本头几篇文章因为老是读,最后不留神都给背下来了。最后我的英语还考了全班第一(我们学校是省重点),所以英语必须多读。我们校长教英语出身,他有个侄子英语刚上高中极不咋地,但后来接受校长指点,天天早晨读英语,读得邻居们都有意见了,但那位同学的英语成绩很快就提高了上来。 读多了,懂得多了,成绩好了,你慢慢也就把兴趣培养成了。http://laiba.tianya.cn/laiba/CommMsgs?cmm=323663&tid=2728552163664379090&44w11d


1. 经济学家的翻译, 每天两篇2. BBC 的听写保证每天都做3. 视译 英汉,汉英, 应英语文摘就可以了。 没有必要把所有的成绩都贴到网上,重点是你的收获和提高,不可浮于表面,混日子。 动力只来源于内心,与任何人无关。我不需要激励,不需要承认,我比任何人更清楚自己的状况,闭关修炼,我只需要对得起自己。 几个原则:1.不把时间浪费在下载资源上,每固定时间浏览网页,查找新的资源,但90%以上的时间用来执行计划2. 博客不是为了给谁看,重要的是对自己的一个总结,与掩饰无关3. 固定下来几个项4. 永远记得网络资源可成就人,也可害人, ues it sensibly.英文书阅读,一周一本,有声书一个周只听一本,不允许其干扰正常的schedule心不可太乱,贪婪最误事儿知道自己能做什么,不能做什么.我需要的不是太多的感官上的刺激,而是calculated schedules 和一丝不苟的做事态度。always keep in mind what u will do, and what you are capable of. 不说大话, 清净而踏实地做事1. 全文听2-3次2. 逐句听完,每一句不懂就多听几次,直到听懂为止,听了5-10次还不懂得先放下,最重要的原则是猜测,听发音,凭借自己的知识背景猜测应该是哪一个单词,把每一句话听出听不出都写下来。3. 全部听完后,逐句更正。4. 全文翻译成为中文5. 不要看英文,把翻译出来的中文,翻译回去成为英文,尽量和原文一致6. 改正自己翻译的文本7. 交替视译---看着中文把对应的英文全部说出来,看着所有的英文,把对应的中文都说出来8. 总结不认识的词汇,词组9. 全部再听一次 如何模仿新闻1 全部听2-3次,找出不认识的生词2 熟读全部内容3 打开录音软件和音频,一句句模仿,听一句暂停一下,同时用录音软件录制自己复述的声音,要求内容和语音语调完全一致4 和标准的音频对照,记住错误明显的地方,回头再录制,直到自己满意为止5 如此坚持一个月就可以奏效,你的声音听来就像播音员,你的发音就会很标准。每日新概念翻译背诵总结,时间50",: 1下载新概念电子版(中英文) 2不看答案,在提供的标准表格里面,1-2句话为单位,从英文翻译到中文, 3 对照中文答案,修改自己翻译的中文文本, 4 看着自己修改后的中文,不看英文答案,逐句翻译回去到英文 5 对照答案,修改自己的英文文本 6 总结自己翻译错误的词汇,词组,以及心得,发帖子到 分享板块的 新概念专栏。打开经济学家,同时还有金山词霸屏幕取词,和标准表格,随时准备记录词汇遇到不认识的,不熟悉的词汇,立刻屏幕取词取词后,立刻把基本意思,音标等全部一起复制(这样比较快),粘帖到标准表格的右边一个方格内,不断的重复,然后2小时之后,从最后开始,往上,一个个的重新看一遍,看的同时把右边那各方格内的汉语意思,拖动到左边去1 保持阅读中英文报纸的习惯,这是获取第一手材料,和重要事件的重要方式。2 保持每天都观看一些国际会议的现场资料,让你知道国际上的一些重要会议当中的一些特定的表达方式3 每天阅读一些好的文章,让你自己保持持续的激 情。4 在每一个专门的板块里面,建立自己的专用帖,这样比较整洁一些,而且能够便于查询,更重要的是,能够有一个自己的档案一样,看到自己的进步!!!




键板是虾米东东? 虽然没听说过,但英语里都可以翻译的。


joy comfortable joy是开心快乐的意思,comfortable则是进取的意思


我是英语专业的我们大学英语老师要我们每天大清早都听那个voa special english 内容好像都是英语新闻吧 时间久了 有点忘记了


英语启蒙其它资源链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1CxQ67j62WFt2NROhaHgIpA 提取码: a8mg据研究发现人类感知语音语感的神经中枢在9-10岁之间达到活跃巅峰,所以孩子越早学语言越好。希望英语早教资源能帮到你和你的孩子。

英语学习资料:双语阅读:On Leadership论领导力

双语阅读:On Leadership论领导力 What is leadership?Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify. 什么是领导力?领导力应具备什么品质很难下定义,但这些品质却不难辨认。 Leaders don"t force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. Leaders get mitment from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness. 领导不强迫他人追随自己,而是带领他们前进。领导通过自己承担义务从而要求他人承担义务。此外,他还营造一个鼓励创新的环境,并诚实公正地对待他人。 Good leaders aren" t"lone rangers. "They recognize that an organization" s strategies for success require the bined talents and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results. 好的领导不是“孤胆骑警”。他们认识到一个组织的策略的成功是许多人的智慧和努力的结晶。领导才能是把智慧转化成成果的催化剂。 Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future--not wedded to the past. They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, andto initiate. They are not content with merely taking care of what" s already there. They want to move forward to create something new. 成功的领导者,从情感和理智上都着眼于未来而不是过去。他们渴望承担责任、创新和开拓,他们不满足于仅仅保持现状,他们要前进,要创新。 Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the peopie they work with. 领导人给予指导和解答,拥有力量和献身精神,他们从经验及对所面对的问题的理解和对合作者的了解来说话。 Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. They believe in unity rather than yielding. And they strive to achieve agreements out of conflict. 领导处事灵活,不因循守旧。他们相信统一而不是顺从。他们力图在冲突中达成共识。 Leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating them to work toward a mon good. Leaders make the right things happen when they"re supposed to. 领导艺术是推动人们尽显其能,帮助他们充分发挥他们的潜能,使他们朝着一个共同的目标而奋斗。领导者在需要的时候能做出正确的决断。 A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. Respect is something you have to have in order to get.A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization, for the work they do, and for their abilities, desires and needs, will find that respect is returned. And all concerned will be motivated to work together. 一个好领导,一个奉有成效的领导是尊重他人的人。要得到他人的尊重必须先尊重他人。一个尊重各级员工,尊重他们的工作、能力、愿望与需要的领导会得到他人的尊重。


Louis Vuitton Red Cross Portable Medical Box 路易·威登“红十字会”药箱也时尚 Louis Vuitton has always been making unique, innovative and functional luggage products in more than one hundred years. In the year of the Red Cross"s 150-year anniversary, Louis Vuitton designed a special “Red Cross portable medical box” to celebrate this great event. Louis Vuitton also designed a Red Cross box which is a *** all red-gray box inside and formed a red-cross signal. At the same time, Louis Vuitton invited six masters to design six unique luggage products. The six great men include: Marc Jacobs, the brand successor Patrick-Louis Vuitton, the famous photographer Annie Leibovitz, English artist Damien Hirst, the three-star chef Ferran Adrian and the famous musician Gustavo Santaolalla. They designed several patterns of luggage boxes with delicate shape and practical functions according to their likeness and needs. Marc Jacobs will bring two dogs with his trip to Paris or New York so he designed a onogram1 canvas pet box for his dogs. There are riser vent, food and plates in this box. The most interesting point is there is a space in the box to place the owner"s picture to release the bitter of missing in the box. The famous photographer Annie Leibovitz designed a series of knapsack and shoulder bags. The inside soft cushion made several partments to hold cameras and other tools. Every work of this series had been auctioned in 17th November in London. All of the money in the auction was donated to support the Nigerian Fight Against Malnutrition Programme of Red Cross. 一百多年来,路易·威登一直致力于制作独特、新颖和实用的行李用品。适逢红十字会成立150周年之 际,路易·威登设计了一款特别的“红十字会便携式医药箱”来庆祝这一重要日子。路易·威登还设计了一个“红十字会箱子”,这个箱子里装有一套红、灰色小盒,组合成一个红十字标志。同时,路易·威登还邀请了六位大师设计出六款独特的行李用品。 这六位大师是:马克·雅各布、该品牌的继承人帕特里克-路易·威登、著名摄影师安妮·莱博维茨、英国艺术家达明安·赫斯特、三星级厨师费伦·阿德里安和著名音乐家古斯塔沃·桑塔欧拉拉。根据个人的喜好和需求,他们设计了多种不同样式、外形精巧并具有实用功能的行李箱。 马克·雅各布会带两只狗陪他去巴黎或纽约,所以他为他的两只狗设计了一款交织字母帆布宠物箱。这个箱子有透气孔、食物和盘子。最有趣的一点是箱子里有一个地方摆放着主人的照片,以解箱子中宠物的相 思之苦。 著名摄影师安妮·莱博维茨设计了一个背包和单肩包系列。里面的软垫形成多个间隔,可以放置相机和其 他工具。 这个系列的每件作品都于2009年11月17日在伦敦进行了拍卖。拍卖所得善款悉数捐给红十字会,以资助其“尼日利亚贫民抵御营养不良项目”。


Spectators remained in high spirits at Royal Ascot yesterday, despite the sodden fields at the racing event but revellers were no doubt breathing a sigh of relief this morning as the sun shone over the Berkshire course. 尽管赛马活动的场地湿透了,但是,当今晨的阳光洒在伯克郡的跑道上时,想必设宴者都松了一口气,而观众们仍对昨天的皇家赛马会热情高涨。 Aracegoer stood out from the crowd in a pink creation embellished all over with colourful butterflies as the second day of action got underway at Royal Ascot. While on woman went for butterflies (right) her friend was a vision in a hot pink with matching feathers. 在活动第二日,一位赛马场常客穿着粉色的新式服装,帽子上布满五颜六色的蝴蝶装饰,从人群中脱颖而出。而在这位戴着蝴蝶装饰的女士左侧,她的朋友穿着配有羽毛的桃红色服饰。 The Duchess of Cambridge, 34, may have opted for the more understated look in a white lace dress, she certainly didn"t disappoint in the style stakes. 34岁的凯特王妃选择了更低调的服饰,身着一袭白色蕾丝连衣裙,而她在时尚比拼中必定不会辜负大家的期望。 Proud as a peacock! A woman in am elaborately feathered hat was even more eye-catching thanks to her petrol blue leather coat. Hat"s off to her! This woman was proud to show off her eye-catching headgear. 就像一只骄傲的孔雀!一位女士戴着用羽毛精心装饰的帽子,多亏了她的烟灰蓝皮衣,使她更加引人注目。向她脱帽致敬!这位女士骄傲地炫耀她那顶抢眼的帽子。 A group of friends must have swapped notes in advance with all five of them stepping out in monochrome outfits. 这群朋友们一定提前交换过意见,因为5个人都是穿着黑白色套装出门的。 The sun"s appearance allowed another racing fan to show off her heavily tattooed arms in a sleeveless dress. 阳光普照使另一位赛马迷得以穿着无袖连衣裙来炫耀她胳膊上的大量纹身。 Boutique owner Charlie Britton and milliner Layla Leigh looked characteristically stylish. 精品店店长查理·布里顿和女帽商蕾拉·利看上去时髦又别具一格。 Ornate hats were the order of the day with one woman choosing a futuristic number with gemoetric shapes (left) while another was left a little swamped by her gold and black accessory (right) 华丽的帽子迎来了特卖日,一位女士选择了配有几何图形的未来主义数字样式的帽子(左侧),而另一位女士几乎淹没在她金色与黑色相间的帽子装饰中。 Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex, Sophie Countess of Wessex and Crown Princess Mary arrived together in a horse-drawn carriage. 爱德华王子、韦赛克斯伯爵、韦赛克斯伯爵夫人索菲以及玛丽王妃一起乘马车来到这里。

英语学习资料:最佳射手top scorer

最佳射手top scorer The race for the World Cup golden boot turned into a Barcelona battle Wednesday as Lionel Messi scored twice to lead Argentina to an entertaining 3-2 win over Nigeria and match Neymar"s tournament-leading four goals in three games for Brazil. 世界杯金靴奖的争夺在周三变成了巴萨队友之间的竞争。梅西在阿根廷3比2轻取尼日利亚的比赛中攻入两球,与巴西队内马尔一起以三场比赛进4球的成绩领跑射手榜。 世界杯金靴奖(Golden Boot)是奖励给最佳射手(top scorer)的荣誉,世界杯比赛期间进球最多、在射手榜(top scorer list/scoring chart)排名首位的球员就会获此殊荣。在考试中,得分最高的考生也可以被称为top scorer,比如top gaokao scorers(高考状元)。 另外,世界杯还会颁发Golden Ball(金球奖),用来奖励世界杯决赛阶段表现最优秀的球员,即best player(最佳球员)。国际足联首先公布一个10人候选名单(shortlist),然后由媒体代表投票选出前三名。分别授予金球、银球和铜球奖。




PosterIn order to improve our English, we are going to hold an English party in our school"s new gym. The English party will start from 7:00p.m. to 9:00 p.m. next Friday. You will be enjoy English stories, songs, poems and short plays at the meeting. Our foreign teacher Nora and her family will be invited to our party. They will give us wonderful performances. Our teachers and students are welcome to attend the English party. We hope all of you will appreciate the performances.the Students" Union Nov.5th, 2012 试题分析:本文是应用文中的海报,本文比较简单。要求考生把所有的信息都包括在内,不能有遗漏。在写作的时候要注意文章的基本时态为将来时,同时要使用高级词汇和不同的句式让文章不要那么的平淡,富有变化。不要只写成一段,还要注意文章要分段处理。点评:本文属于提纲类作文,也属于应用文,难度较小。关键在于要点的完备,不能有任何的遗漏。

英语学习 奥巴马演讲?

您好,There will no doubt be those for whom my statements of condemnation are not enough. 个人认为是一个 there be 句型,夹带了一个定语从句。no doubt = doubtless,做修饰用(毫无疑问地)句子可以压缩到最基本的句型:There will be those.【会有那些。】There will no doubt be those.【毫无疑问,会有那些。】定语从句是由(介宾)结构的 for whom 引导,引导词 whom 在定语从句中充当宾语,替代先行词 those。句子改写会比较清楚:my statements of condemnation are not enough for those.(我的谴责声明对于那些人来说是不够的。)介词 for 调到了从句句首,构成(介词+which)的结构,也就是for those my statements of condemnation are not enough.(对于那些人来说,我的谴责声明是不够的。)所以:There will no doubt be those for whom my statements of condemnation are not enough.(毫无疑问,对那些人来说,我的谴责声明是不够的。)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of teamwork. You should write at least 150 words, and base your essay on the outline below:1. 合作意义重大2. 合作的好处3. 合作的两面性4. 怎样促进合作Importance of TeamworkAs the saying goes, "no man is an island." This also applies to the workplace, where teamwork has become increasingly important in order to achieve goals, improve productivity, and foster a harmonious work environment.Firstly, teamwork is significant because it enables individuals with different skills and experiences to come together and contribute their unique talents towards a common goal. This results in a more creative and innovative approach, which ultimately leads to the success of the team.Secondly, working in a team is beneficial for individuals as it allows them to develop important skills such as communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution. These skills not only benefit the individuals" personal growth, but also add value to their professional development.However, teamwork can also have its pitfalls. Sometimes, different personalities and work styles can clash, leading to tension and conflicts within the team. Therefore, it is important to establish clear and open communication channels and respect each other"s opinions in order to prevent misunderstandings.To promote teamwork, it is necessary to build trust and mutual respect amongst team members. This can be achieved through team-building activities, effective communication, and recognizing and celebrating individual and team achievements.In conclusion, teamwork is essential for a successful and productive work environment. By recognizing the benefits of collaboration and addressing potential conflicts, individuals and organizations can reap the rewards of working together towards a common goal.


I want to go to the city is the most in shenzhen.Because it is a fishing village modernization evolved from an internationalized city. Where will host 2011 the 26th the world university games. University campus is our dream, and I will attend the university entrance exam, bosom expectation and longings, expectation can serve as a college student to the athletes who zhu cheer and looking forward to a college student volunteers can attend the identity of zhu stage. Where the beautiful window of the world and mouthwatering happy valley, can glide true ice world is I want to go to the place.I yearn for the campus, shenzhen"s taking a site, shenzhen every place landscape.下面是英文翻译我最向往去的城市是深圳。因为那是一个从小渔村发展而来现代化国际化城市。在哪里即将举办2011年第26届世界大学生运动会。大学校园是我们的梦想,而即将参加高考的我,怀着期待和憧憬,期待可以作为一名大学生去为那些大运健儿们呐喊助威,憧憬可以以一名大学生自愿者的身份出席大运的舞台。哪里美丽的世界之窗,令人垂涎三尺的欢乐谷、可滑行的真冰世界是我想去的地方。我向往大学的校园,深圳的大运现场,深圳的每一处景观。


 自强不息用英语怎么说?自强不息的英语   自强不息是一个汉语成语,读音为zì qiáng bù xī,意思是自己努力向上,永不懈怠停息(one should strive continuously to strengthen himself)。出自《易·乾·象》。可以翻译为“exert oneself constantly;constantly strive to bee stronger;continuous self-renewal;make unremitting [unceasing] efforts to improve oneself ;”等。   自强不息是中国人参照天体运行状态树立的理念和理想。它和“厚德载物(a person of great virtue can shoulder great responsibilities)”一起构成了中华民族精神的基本品格。   双语例句   1、Spirit of Yidelong: Solidarity, struggling, practicality, innovation and ceaseless self - improvement .   益德隆的精神: 团结, 拼博, 求实, 创新, 自强不息.   2、This shows that only encourage each other self - stimulation , self - improvement , the door can be opened successfully.   这说明,只有自勉自励, 自强不息, 才能叩开成功之门.   3、And at times of adversity, we have to equip ourselves better and remain optimistic.   在逆境的时候, 要自强不息,积极乐观.   4、Fourth, the tradition of constantly striving to strengthen oneself.   四是自强不息的传统.   5、Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it"s alawys your choice.   要么悲悲戚戚,自怨自艾; 要么励志奋发,自强不息. 不管做什么, 这始终是你的选择.   6、University ( founded in 1895 ): Seek Truth from Facts.   清华大学 ( 始建于1911年 ): 自强不息厚德载.


1.  Good, better, best,  never let it rest,  till good is better,  and better is best.  2.  I shall not see the shadows,  I shall not feel the rain,  I shall not hear the nightingale  Sing on as if in pain,  And dreaming through the twilight,  That doth not rise nor set,  Happy I may remember,  And Haply I may forget.  3.  Evening red and morning gray,  Send the traveler on his way,  Evening gray and morning red,  Bring the rain upon his head.  4.  what is pink?  A rose is pink,  By the fountain"s brink,  What is blue? The sky is blue.  Where the clouds float through,  What is yellow? Pears are yellow,  Rich, ripe and mellow.  What is green? The grass is green,  With small flowers among,  What is orange? Why, An orange,  Just an orange.  5,  The moon is in the sky,  It is far and high,  Let"s go to the moon,  Let"s ride a rocket and fly.  6.  Twinkle, twinkle, little star,  how I wonder what you are,  Up above the world so high,  Like a diamond in the sky.  7.  Spring is gay with flower and song;  Summer is hot and leave cold alone,  Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,  Winter snows and brings new year too.  8.  There was a lady from Rica,  who rode with a smile on a tiger,  they returned from a ride,  with a lady inside,  and the smile on the face of the tiger.  9.  In winter I got up at night,  And dress by yellow candle light,  In summer quite the other way,  I have to go to bed by day.  10.  One, two, three, four,  mary at the cottage door,  Five, six, seven, eight,  Eating cherries off a plate.  11.  There was a young man from Leeds,  Who swallowed a packet of seeds.  Within just an hour,  His nose was a flower,  And his head was a riot of weeds.  12.  I like honey all my life,  I paste them on my knife,  They are always very stiff,  It is hard to take them off.  13.  There was a young man from Quebec,  who wrapped both his legs round his neck,  But then he forgot  How to undo the knot,  And now he is an absolute wreak!  14.  Peter, peter, pumpkin-eater,  had a wife and failed to keep her  put her into a pumpkin shell  There he kept her very well!  15.  The fair breeze blew,  the white foam flew;  the furrow followed free,  we were the first to burst—  into the silent sea.  16.  She stood at the bridge at the midnight,  her lips were all aquiver;  she gave a cough, her leg fell off,  and floated down the river!  17.  Jack and Jill went up the hill,  to fetch a pail of water.  Jack fell down and broke his crown,  And jill came tumbling after.  18.  Under the greenwood tree  who loves to lie with me,  and tune his merry note unto  the sweet bird"s throat,  come hitcher, come hitcher,  come hitcher, here shall he see  no enemy  but winter and rough weather.  19.  When the wind is in the East  It"s good neither for man nor beast;  When the wind is in the North  The skillful fisher goes not forth;  When the wind is in the south  It blows the bait in the fish"s mouth;  When the wind is in the west  Then it"s in its very best.  20.  One potato, two potato, three potato, four,  Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more.


English is a course with very strong fulfillment, the key of the language study lies in learn, not lies in teach.The student can carry on the independence study to have very great influence to English study, but network it is abundant to study a resources with commonly shared English with other of sometimes can let actively, the student has definite view ground, investigating sex ground to carry on a study, can carry on English study availably. The Tarone of the United States.E & The Yule.G(2000) concretely elaborated learner in the language the study of important position, put forward taking the language learner as central standpoint, still inquiried into in addition how to satisfy the concrete demand of the different language learner in English teaching.Choose to also take learner as point of departure originally, try to make the independence study more valid. Along with cognize the doctrine and the construction or purchase doctrine study theories development in our country, taking student as the center has already become a hot issue of the educational circles, LI3 GONG MEI2(2001) elaborated the content and the necessity of the independent study.Accompany with the network flies to develop soon, the discussion concerning the network and English also is put forward continuously, explaining a network to the educational profound influence such as the horse and the people and WU2 RUI4 JUN(2002), and analyzed a student at the position in the network with the active;MA3 YING3 FENG(2005) uses the standpoint of[with] the system theory to under the information technique condition of the network teaching and study mode problem carried on a research, generalizing to include the independence study at inside of a few network environments under of study mode. With recognition of Cognitivism and Constructivism theories in China, student-centered education is now a hot topic in the Chinese education field, and Li Hongmei (2000) has discussed the meanings and necessities of autonomous learning. Along with the rapid development of Internet, many researchers have also studied the relationship between Internet and English learning; for instance, Ma Hemin and Wu Ruijun (2000) have presented the significant implication of network technologies in education to analyze the status and independence of students in online learning; Ma Yingfeng (2005) has conducted a systematic research on the online learning and study model in modern information technology environment and developed a series of study models in online learning, including autonomous learning. However, the Internet"s impact on English learners is not always positive, and there is negative side as well. Cao Mei (2000) has argued that it is necessary to enhance monitoring on online learning, and Bao Dewang (2006) has also conducted research into web-based English study models to discuss the importance and feasibility of self-monitoring. In order to ensure learning efficiency, this research project is trying find to best combination of online technologies and autonomous English learning to make the process easier and more interesting for learners.英语是一门实践性很强的课程,语言学习的关键在于学,而不是在于教。学生能否进行自主学习对英语学习有着非常大的影响,而网络以其丰富和共享的英语学习资源和其他的有时,可以让学生主动地,有主见地,探索性地进行学习,即能有效地进行英语学习。 美国的Tarone.E & Yule.G(2000)具体阐述了学习者在语言学习中的重要地位,提出了以语言学习者为中心的观点,此外还探讨了在英语教学中如何满足不同语言学习者的具体需要。本选题也以学习者为出发点,试图让自主学习更有效。 随着认知主义和建构主义学习理论在我国的发展,以学生为中心已经成为教育界的一个热门话题,李红梅(2001)阐述了自主学习的内涵和必要性。伴随着网络的飞速发展,关于网络与英语的讨论也不断被提出,如马和民与吴瑞君(2002)就说明了网络对教育的深远影响,并分析了学生在网络中的地位与主动性;马颍峰(2005)用系统论的观点对信息技术条件下的网络教学与学习模式问题进行了研究,概括了包括自主学习在内的几种网络环境下的学习模式。 但网络对英语学习者的影响不总是积极的,它的一些消极影响也是不可忽视的,曹梅(2002)就提出了网络学习监控的必要性;鲍德旺(2006)也分析了基于网络的英语学习模式,并提出自我监控的重要性与可行性。 为了保证学习者的学习效果,本选题试图找到网络与英语自主学习结合的最佳点,让自主学习能够事半功倍并趣味盎然。

英语学习外语学习问题。中文翻译英语:每个人都try to be nice、be 绅士、be 礼貌,但为什么你却那么毒...

Every one try to be nice ,generous and polite ,why do you so rude?


1 哪些词后加doing:我想(wish)冒险欣赏(enjoy)你,我承认(admit)我想你.有人建议(suggest)躲开(escape)你.可我再也受不了(bear)(stand)(erdure)梦想(fancy)幻想(imagine)你.三次延期(delay)不介意(mind),否认(deny)避免(avoid)不实践(practice).怎能完成(finish)我激情(appreciate),我不喜欢(dislike)这样做.你懂(understand)吗? 2 加原形: 情态动词和助动词等,如: can,could,may,should,might,must,ought,need,have,let,make,help sb+do sth. 学这些就是背过这些特殊的词,遇到注意就好了。



这里为什么用are drunk?英语学习

drunk 除了是drink 的过去分词外,还可以是形容词。



有English(-)learning这个词吗(中间要加连接线吗) 英语学习方法 的英文是什么

这属于构词法。名词加动名词。应该为“english learning " . 没有那一横。英语学习方法:the way of learning English =the english learning way .


摘要:学习动机是决定外语学习成败的关键。外语学习的动机是可以激发的。然而要激发学生的学习动机,首先要了解和分析影响小学生外语学习动机的主要因素。本研究的主要目的是按照新课标的要求,根据小学生身心发展特点并结合英语教学规律,探讨激发小学生英语学习动机的方法。ABSTRACT:Motivation is the key to the success of foreign language learning. It can be inspired. However, in order to stimulate students" motivation, we must first understand and analyze the main factors affecting students" foreign language learning motivation. The main purpose of this study is a combination of English teaching rules in accordance with the requirements of the new curriculum, according to pupils physical and mental development characteristics and ways to stimulate students" English learning motivation.关键词:学习动机;外语学习;小学生Key words: Motivation Foreign language learning Students[中图分类号]:G62 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2012)-15-0058-011、直观教学法根据小学英语新课标要求,一级(三、四年级)学生要能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事,二级(五、六年级)学生能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。(剩余2055字)



在初中英语学习中,哪些单词用就近原则,哪些用临远原 则?

主谓一致注意事项         1.集体名词做整体看时用单数,做各个成员看时用复数       My family consists of five persons.我家有五个人。         His family are all interested in that.他家都对这事感兴趣。       2固定词尾有s的名词不能做复数,要用单数。News,maths,politics,physics     Politics is an important subject.             3两个以上单数用and连接做主语,用复数         Bush and John are Americans.             4两个单数表同一概念用and连接,用单数         The teacher and writer was present at the meeting.         5用or,nor,not only…but also,either…or,neither…nor连接两个主语,谓语和靠近的一致   He or you have taken my book.             Not only the teacher but also the students like to see the film.       Neither he nor they are mistaken.             Either Tim or his brother has to shovel the snow.         6主语是单数,尽管后面跟有with,together with,as well as,but,except等引起的短语,谓语仍用单数 Tom with his classmates is climbing the hill.           Nobody but John and Kitty was there.           She as well as the other students has learned how to pronounce the English words.     7当many a或more than one所修饰的词做主语时多用单数       Many a man has tried it before.             More than one person has found it so.           More than one question was asked.           8表时间金钱数字距离重量长度价值的名词做主语,尽管是复数形式谓语也用单数   Two hours is a long time to wait.             Eight hundred miles is too long distance to walk.         9there be句型be的数和最近主语保持一致           On the desk there is a pencil and two books.           10定语从句中关系代名词做主语时谓语动词与先行词保持一致     I who am your friend would like to stay with you tonight.         11The number of…做主语谓语用单数,a number of …做主语谓语用复数     The number of students in the class is small.           A number of students are waiting for their teacher in the classroom.       12.The rest of…,A part of…,One third of…,做主语,谓语看情况而定     The first two of the 5 questions on the test paper were very difficult,but the rest were easy.   A part of the meat has gone bad.             A part of the apples are still good.             Three-fourths of the crop was ruined.           15动词不定式短语做主语谓语用单数           Collecting stamps is my hobby.             To see is to believe.               16the+形容词表一类人时,用复数,表某个人或某一抽象事物用单数     The extremely old need a great deal of attention.         The accused was found guilty of the murder.           The beautiful is not about the same as the good.        



在英语学习中,out 和go out 的区别是什么?

out 是介词go out 是动词短语一句话里面必须有动词比如 i ask you to come out,我叫你出来这里用了out 但是要加动词comego out直接能用,不用加动词了。因为go就是动词比如,Let"s go Out 我们出去吧。




台湾宝岛旅行游记(中英文对照) My first trip to Taiwan, which took place last month, was with a team of professional photographers. They were more interested in the people inhabiting this treasure of an island, than the tourist attractions it has to offer. And it made a world of difference because it clicked with my intuitive finding that the most wonderful thing about Taiwan is its people. It is difficult to claim to know a place and its people in a tour of one week. So I depended on my teammates for corroboration. He Yanguang, a veteran photographer with China Youth Daily, was embarking on his fourth tour of Taiwan. He first visited it in 1997. "There"s not much difference," he said, "not even in the facade." A family of five enjoys ice cream on a street in New Taipei City. 在台北市的街道边,一家五口其乐融融地吃着冰激凌。 And that lack of change could well be the most valuable lesson we carried away from this journey. Sure, there is Taipei 101, the tallest building in the world when it opened in 2004 until the title was snatched away by the Burj Khalifa in Dubai in 2010. It"s certainly sky-piercing or a crane among a clutch of chicks, to borrow the Chinese term, as Taipei does not have a dense cluster of skyscrapers as Hong Kong does. When I examined it closely, Taipei 101 seems an oversized Chinese pendant, with coins on all four sides. All the symbols of money would take some explaining when the world enters an all digital era when cash may sound extremely quaint to future visitors. But worry not. Right now, Taipei is a paradise to those who want a taste of the old way. Here, gourmet could mean snacks and street stands, which attract hordes of diners including the middle class and chic youth. This is subversive to my thinking because in the mainland a restaurant could easily have dozens or hundreds of tables in a mammoth hall or flanks of private rooms, often with lavish decorations. In Taiwan, we were taken to every lunch in restaurants with no more than 10 tables. The service is efficient and the place is clean, but the taste of the food is so memorable we instantly understand why so many are waiting for a seat. I had the best beef noodle I could remember. I was told that all of these businesses are operated by families and most have a history that goes back half a century or more. And I noticed there are many businesses of this size in Taipei, either downtown or in the suburbs, and they contribute to the feeling of a munity. I left Taipei with a strong sense that, though it"s a city with a population of almost seven million in the metropolitan area (with 2.6 million in the city proper), it has a touch of intimacy as if it"s still a village - only endlessly enlarged. People talk to each other in a way they talk to fellow villagers. We visited many old streets and night markets, which are unadorned and crowded. Vendors hawk their offerings and bakers ask you to have a taste of their fresh pastry, but they never give you any pressure to buy or give you the nasty look after you tasted something but decided against buying it. There is a friendliness in their voice and their manner that is more neighborly than businesslike. Every member of our delegation was impressed by this attitude of the people we met. One day we swooped into a fishing port in Keelung and jumped onto several boats. The fishermen were surprised, but as soon as they learned of our purpose they blithely cooperated and even struck some poses for us. "I have not met a single person who is nasty," said Zhang Feng, photographer with The Beijing Evening News. There are lots of place names familiar to us mainlanders as they are featured prominently in movies and pop songs. I was more surprised by the ubiquitous use of "kindness" and "loyalty" for street names, terms revitalized in the recent campaign in the mainland to read Chinese classics such as Confucius" Analects. Sure, the display of traditional virtues in such high profile could be window-dressing, but it is more than that. We met a middle-aged woman in Daxi, an old town by the Tamsui River where a century ago cargo ship would dock and turn the place into a hub of trading. Now it"s a quiet town with a couple of mercial streets. On one of them, which is quite touristy, we talked to this woman who gave up her job to take care of her father. The old man has to get around in a wheelchair and his medical expenses have been covered by welfare, but the full-time care by a family member would be something of a luxury to most families in the Chinese mainland. "We get some ine from renting out a storefront," she explains, without a hint of bitterness or regret. In the ensuing days, we encountered other examples of this nature, where a grownup child gives up his or her job to care for an ailing parent. I don"t know how popular the practice is in Taiwan, but it"s the ultimate manifestation of "filial piety", a concept sanctified in Chinese tradition. "We just scratched the surface," said Wang Wenyang, photographer with a newspaper devoted to intellectual property protection in China. "We didn"t have time to go into people"s homes for long stretches of time. But from what we could see, the daily lives of Taiwan people have shown sufficiently the lifestyles and human interaction that are the bedrock of this society. It is heavy on *** all business and it is full of human warmth. We did bump into two weddings, though." On Dihua Street in downtown Taipei, I strolled into a store that has a plaque saying this is the oldest store in the city. Now it sells tea from all over China. The architecture along the street probably goes back to the early days of the Republic of China. But at that time, Taiwan was still occupied by the Japanese. Whether in architecture or food or ways of life, Taiwan seems to have absorbed from all sources, taking what is good and valuable and making it its own. In Ho-Ping Island Hi Park in Keelung, there is a seashore with rocks carved by millions of years of winds and water, similar to the nearby Yeliu Geopark. Despite a gust, a couple of fisherwomen were scouting for a certain seaweed that goes into a local snack. A few of our photographers jumped down to search for the best shots. Meanwhile, our guide told us this was the location Chiang Kai-shek landed after he retreated from the mainland in 1949. Across the strait lies Fujian province, where most of the early settlers in Taiwan hailed from. For many decades, there was something stronger than the gusty wind to prevent people from calling on each other. Now it"s just a short flight away. After a week of going around Taipei, we stuffed our bags with Taiwan pastry and the memory of a way of life that used to live in ancient textbooks and is now so hauntingly real. It"s not the most touristy place, but in an unconscious way it offers a corridor into our past. By Raymond Zhou ( China Daily ) 上个月我和一群专业的摄影师一起去了台湾,这是我第一次去台湾。比起那些旅游景点,这些摄影师更感兴趣的是宝岛上的人。这也给我了一种感觉,台湾最美的风景是人。 仅仅一周的时间,很难去定义这个地方和这个地方的人如何,因此我向我的队友贺延光求助证实。他是中国青年报非常有经验的摄影师,之前就已经来过台湾三次。第一次来台湾早在1997年,他说:“这里没有多少变化,连外观都没变。” 在这次旅行中,我们获得的最有意义的理念就是“没有多少变化”。 当然,2004年竣工的台北101大楼曾是世界第一高楼,2010年迪拜的哈利法塔(迪拜塔)的建成使得台北101退居世界第二高楼。由于台北没有像香港那样高楼密集,台北101大楼显得“鹤立鸡群”。 根据我的仔细观察,台北101大楼看起来像是个放大版的中国玉石坠饰,在四周是钱币。所有钱币的标志都可以解释,当世界进入全面信息化时代时,现金可能在未来变得特别奇怪。 但别担心,台北是品尝传统小吃的天堂。在这里,小吃和路边摊也是美食;在这里,每天都吸引着无数的吃货,包括中产阶级和时髦的年轻人们;在这里,饭店颠覆了我的固有思维,因为在大陆,我们的饭店通常有着巨大的、装修豪华的大厅或者雅间,能够容纳上百桌。 在台湾,我们几乎每顿饭都是在那种只有几张桌子的小馆子吃的,但是服务好地方也干净。当我吃到第一口牛肉面时我就明白为什么这么多人在等位了,因为它的味道实在是太令人惊艳了,这绝对是我人生中吃过的最好吃的牛肉面。 庙口夜市所有的商贩都是以家庭为单位的,大部分都有半个世纪甚至更长的历史。并且我注意到在台北这样规模的店家有很多很多,无论是市区还是郊区,是它们让台北充满了浓浓的人情味。当我离开台北时,我深深的感到,虽然台北是一个拥有700万人口的大城市(包括260万城市人口),它仍然给人一种亲切感,好似它仍是一个村庄,只是在不断扩张而已。人与人之间的交流非常朴实,毫无距离感。 我们参观了很多朴素的街巷和夜市,小贩们在沿街叫卖,面包师们让你品尝新鲜出炉的点心,但他们绝不会强迫你买,或是你品尝之后没买,他们也不会甩脸色。在他们的言语和行为中,我看到更多的是邻里之间的友好,而不是商人的斤斤计较。 我们同行的每一个人都对宝岛人民的态度印象深刻。有一天,我们抵达了基隆的一个鱼塘,跳上了几艘渔船。起初这些渔民有点惊讶,但得知我们的目的后非常爽快地答应了我们的合作请求,甚至摆造型让我们拍照。北京晚报的摄影师张峰说:“在台湾我从来没有看到一个人对我甩脸色。” 在台湾有很多因为电影和流行歌曲而被大陆人所熟知的地名,但当我看到无处不在的“仁义路”和“忠孝路”时还是被震惊了。最近,大陆举办了很多阅读中国经典著作的活动,例如论语等,这些词语再度引发人们的关注。 当然,用高姿态的方式来展示传统美德是装饰门面的,但我们看到的远远不止这些。在淡水河边有一个古老的小镇名叫大溪,一个世纪前,这里成为了港口,渐渐发展成了贸易中心。现在,这里发展着旅游业,有几条商业小街。我们在这里遇到了一位中年妇女,为了照顾父亲而放弃了自己的工作。 这个老人必须整日待在轮椅上,社保承担了他的医药费,但是要一个家庭成员来全职照顾他,在大陆算的上奢侈。说到这个时,她解释道:“我们有一个店面,靠租金来挣钱。”言语中没有一丝苦涩和遗憾。 接下来的日子里,我们还遇到了其他类似的例子,正值壮年的孩子为了照顾生病的父母而放弃了自己的工作。我不知道在台湾还有多少这样的事,但是中国传统观念中的“孝顺”在这里体现的淋漓尽致。 一位在一家致力于中国知识产权保护的报社供职的摄影师王文阳(音)说到,“我们只挖出了表面,没有时间去深入了解他们,但是就我们现在所看到的,台湾人已经充分展示了他们的生活方式。台湾建立在家庭式经济和浓浓的人情味之上,人与人之间的互动交流是社会的坚韧基石。我们还无意中碰到了两次婚礼。” 我在台北闹市区的迪化街闲逛时,进了一家据说是这里最古老的商店,茶叶销往全中国。迪化街的建筑能够追溯到早期的中华民国时期,但当时,台湾还被日本占领着。 在这里,无论是建筑、食品还是生活方式,它都吸收着所有的资源,取其精华去其糟粕,发展成自己的特色。在基隆和平岛的一个公园里,有一片被数百万年的风吹雨打侵蚀而成的岩石海岸,看起来很像附近的野柳地质公园。尽管这里狂风大作,几个渔妇仍在这里搜寻着一种能做出当地小吃的海藻,还有几个我们的摄影师东走西顾寻找最好的角度。 同时,我们的导游告诉我们,1949年蒋介石从大陆撤退到台湾时就是在这里登陆的。海峡对面就是福建省,大部分最早的台湾居民也是从这里来的。过去几十年,有很多因素让两岸人民不能来往互通,而如今,海峡两岸实现了三通直航,人民交流往来非常容易。 一周的台北之行结束时,我们的包里都塞满了台湾小吃,过去曾经只是书本上读到的台湾现在深深地刻在我的脑海里。它不仅仅是个旅游胜地,而是能让我们无意识地回到过去的桥梁。


A munity worker shows a *** art manhole lid which can send alert to staff members via sensors when being moved from its place, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, on Oct 23, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]   The guideline prises 12 articles, including punishments of ordinary criminal crimes such as theft and destruction of manhole covers as well as crimes of dereliction of duty related to manhole covers.   该指导意见共有12条,包括盗窃、破坏窨井盖等普通刑事犯罪以及与窨井盖相关的渎职犯罪。   针对第一类犯罪行为,意见规定:   People who steal or damage manhole covers and cause serious consequences, such as people falling in or vehicles overturning, will be deemed as having mitted the crime of sabotaging a means of transport, transportation facilities in accordance with the Chinese Criminal Law.   盗窃、破坏窨井盖,造成行人跌落或车辆倾覆等严重后果的,依照刑法的规定,以破坏交通设施罪定罪处罚。   If someone steals or damages manhole covers in crowded places, such as stations, ports, parks, squares, schools or business zones, and the action leads to serious injuries or deaths, he or she may be charged with endangering public safety by dangerous means, the guideline said.   盗窃、破坏车站、港口、公园、广场、学校或商业区等人员聚集场所的窨井盖,致人受伤或者死亡的,依照刑法的规定,以以危险方法危害公共安全罪定罪处罚。   In addition, anyone who deliberately removes or destroys manhole covers despite knowing that the action may cause serious harm to others may be charged with intentional homicide or intentional injury if someone is killed or hurt, the guideline said.   明知会造成人员伤亡后果而实施盗窃、破坏行为,致人受伤或者死亡的,依照刑法的规定,分别以故意伤害罪、故意杀人罪定罪处罚。   针对第二类犯罪行为,意见规定:   Those working in state organs who fail to do their job or abuse their power when engaged in manhole cover procurement, construction, acceptance checks, use and inspection, causing heavy losses to public money or property or the interests of the state and the people, will be punished in accordance with the standards for the crimes of dereliction of duty and abuse of power, said the guideline.   在窨井盖采购、施工、验收、使用、检查过程中负有职责的国家机关工作人员玩忽职守或者滥用职权,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的,依照刑法规定,分别以玩忽职守罪、滥用职权罪定罪处罚。   【相关词汇】   窨井盖 manhole covers   扰乱公共场所秩序 undermining public order   公共交通工具上行为不当 acting inappropriately on public transport   破坏私人或公共财物 damaging private or public property   玩忽职守 dereliction of duty   滥用职权 abuse of power   参考来源:新华网


白雪公主与七个小矮人 Snow?White?and?the?Seven?Dwarfs 英文短剧剧本 旁白:Once upon a time, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The queen married another queen. The stepmother was very jealous. She dressed Snow White in rags and forced her to do the housework all day and all night, such as sweep and mop the floor, do some cleaning, carry water and so on. 白雪:( Sweep and mop the floor, do some cleaning, carry water and so on.) 皇后:I"m the new queen. I"m very beautiful.?you see. If anyone is more beautiful than me, I"ll kill her. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, It will tell me surely. Now, mirror, mirror, e here! 魔镜:Yes, I"m ing. Your Majesty! What do you want to know? 皇后:Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who is the fairest of the all? 魔镜:Yes. Your Majesty! You are the fairest of all, I think. But there is a young lady. She is as white as snow, as red as rose and as black as ebony. She is much more beautiful than you. 皇后:She is much more beautiful than me? Who is she? Tell me quickly. 魔镜:Yes. Your Majesty! She is Snow White. 皇后:Snow White? No, I"m the most beautiful in the world. Oh, hunter, e here, e here! 猎人:Yes. Your Majesty! I"m here now. 皇后:Hunter! Take Snow White to the wild forest to pick some flowers. Find a lonely place and kill her. 猎人:But she is the princess. … 皇后:No, Kill her. Bring her heart to me. I don"t want to see her any longer. 猎人:Yes. Your Majesty! 皇后:Here is a box. You must put her heart in it and bring it to me. Otherwise, I will punish you. 猎人:Yes. Your Majesty! 白雪:( Pick some flowers. ) Oh! How many flowers! How beautiful! 猎人:( Draw his Knife slowly but hesitated ) Oh! My God! She is so lovely and pretty! I can"t! I can"t kill her! 白雪:( Cry exhaustedly) What are you doing? What"s the matter? Why do you kill me? 猎人:Your Majesty! I"m very sorry. Someone wants me to kill you. 白雪:But who? 猎人:The queen. 白雪:The queen! But why? 猎人:You are more beautiful than her. So she wants to kill you. 白雪:My dear hunter. Don"t kill me. I will run into the forest and never e back again. 猎人:Ok. Run away, the poor child. The wild beasts will soon eat you. 白雪:Thank you, my dear hunter. 旁白:At this time, a young bear was running by. The hunter shot it and took the heart to the queen. Snow White began to run into the wild forest until it was almost evening. She saw a little cottage. 白雪:Oh, my God! The queen can"t find me now, I think. How I am tired! How I want to have a rest! Ah, here is a cottage, there are seven *** all beds. They must be the beds of seven children. Here are their names: Doctor, Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy, Dopey. Oh, how I want to sleep! 旁白:When it was dark, the owners of the cottage came back. They were seven dwarfs. They were digging treasure in the mountain. 老学究:I"m the Doctor. I know a lot of things. 开心果:I"m the Happy. I"m the happiest person in the world. 喷嚏精:I"m the Sneezy. If I sneeze, the earth will shake. 害羞鬼:I"m the Bashful. I"m a shy man. 老顽固:I"m the Grumpy. I"m not so easy to believe a stranger. The next one is Dopey. He can"t talk like us. 老学究:Look, the lamp in our house is on! 开心果:Who is it? 喷嚏精:Perhaps it"s the ghost! 瞌睡虫:Let"s go into our cottage silently. 害羞鬼:Oh, someone has cleaned our house. 老顽固:Perhaps it"s the witch. 旁白:?When Dopey was holding the candle and let the light fall on little snow-white. They all cried out with astonishment. 老学究:What a lovely child! 开心果:How beautiful! 喷嚏精:Who is she? 瞌睡虫:Don"t wake her up. 害羞鬼:Why is she ing here? 老顽固:Kill her. 白雪:?( Wake up ) What a nice sleep! Oh, who are you? Oh, I know. You are Doctor, Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy and Dopey. 七矮人:But why are you in our house? 白雪:The queen, my stepmother wants to kill me. So I ran to your house. Don"t drive me away. Let me stay with you. 老学究:If you take care of our house. 开心果:If you do some cooking for us. 喷嚏精:If you make the beds for us. 瞌睡虫:If you do some washing, you can stay with us. 害羞鬼:But you must be careful. 老顽固:Don"t go out. Don"t let anyone e in. Your stepmother will find you and kill you. 白雪:I know. I know. Thank you. 旁白:From then on, Snow White kept the house. When the seven dwarfs came back, she had everything prepared. On the other hand, when the wicked queen ate the heart, she took out the mirror and asked. 皇后:Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all? 魔镜:Your Majesty! You are the fairest of all. But Snow White is still alive and well. She lives with the seven dwarfs. No one is more beautiful than she. 皇后:No! Snow White must die. I must finish her even if it costs my life. 旁白:The queen made a poisonous apple and dressed herself like an old woman. She came to the cottage . 皇后:Good things to sell. Pretty things to sell. Cheap. Very cheap. 白雪:Hi, good day, my good lady. What do you sell? 皇后:Apples. Very delicious apples! You can have a taste. This one, please! 白雪:OK! Thank you! ( Having a *** all piece, dead ) 皇后:Now I"m the most beautiful in the world. 旁白:When the seven dwarfs came from work. They were greatly surprise to see Snow White dead 七矮人:What"s the matter? 老学究:Snow White is dead. 七矮人:Oh, my God! Who did it? It must be the wicked queen. Now let"s pick some flowers and place around her 旁白:Although Snow White had been dead a long, long time. She looked as if she was living. She looked as white as snow, as red as rose and as black as ebony. However, one day, it happened a prince came to the seven dwarfs" house. When he saw Snow White, he fell in love with her. 王子:Please, let me have Snow White. I love her. I want her to be my wife. 七矮人:Ok! Carry Snow White with you to your palace. Be sure to be kind to her. 王子:Yes, I will. I will love you forever, my dear! ( Kiss her.) 旁白:As soon as the prince kissed Snow White, Snow White came to her life, as was written in the magic book of the wicked queen. 白雪:Oh, my heaven! Where am I? What had happened? 王子:You are with me, my dear. I love you. I love you more than everything in the world. Please be my wife, will you? 白雪:Yes, I will, my dear! 七矮人:Oh! Congratulations! Congratulations! 旁白:The prince took Snow White to the palace. Their wedding was held with great show 白雪:Good Bye! 七矮人:Bye-bye! May you Happy Forever! 白雪、王子:Thank you. Good Bye. See you later.


American Vandal 1 《美国囧案》 Like an obscene image spray-painted on your car, this docu-parody was an out-of-nowhere surprise, but in this case a wele one. It began as a raunchy sendup of true-crime documentaries, developed into an astute edy of teen social-media mores and ended up a surprisingly moving study of how pigeonholing kids can set them onto a life path before they have the chance to learn who they really are. 这部恶搞纪录片的电视剧就像出现在你汽车上的色情涂鸦一样,完全让你出乎意料,不过是惊喜的那种。本剧的开头是一段对真实犯罪纪录片的黄暴恶搞模仿,随后发展为一部关于青少年社交媒体习俗的精彩喜剧,最后出人意料地演变为一个感人的故事,探讨不同背景的孩子在还没有机会了解自己到底是谁的情况下,如何走上人生之路。 Better Things 2 《更美好的事》 Pamela Adlon elevated the second season of her edy into a raw and poetic story of the feverish love-hate relationship between three generations of mothers and daughters. (That Louis C.K., disgraced for sexual offenses, wrote much of the season should not overshadow Ms. Adlon"s feat as creator, star, writer and director.) The show is devastating without being sentimental, and Ms. Adlon"s Sam Fox is one of the best character studies on TV today. 帕梅拉.阿德隆在第二季将这部喜剧升华为一个质朴而充满诗意的故事,讲述了三代母女之间的爱恨情仇(本季大部分内容是因性侵而声名狼藉的路易斯.C.K创作的,但这掩盖不了阿德隆作为主创、主演、编剧和导演的成就)。这部电视剧令人悲痛,却不过于感伤,阿德隆饰演的山姆.福克斯是如今荧屏上一个最好的角色研究案例。 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 3 《疯狂前女友》 The third season, beginning this fall, interrogated the “crazy” in Rachel Bloom"s musical edy of obsession by exploring her character Rebecca"s diagnosis with borderline personality disorder — while still delivering multiple spot-on song parodies a week. 《疯狂前女友》是一部关于迷恋的音乐喜剧,今年秋季播出的第三季探讨了丽贝卡(蕾切尔.布鲁姆饰)的边缘性人格障碍,展现了主角疯狂的一面,而且每周依然能够奉上多首恰到好处的滑稽歌曲模仿。 The Deuce 4 《堕落街传奇》 “This is my job,” Candy (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a prostitute hoping to bee a *** mogul, tells a discount-seeking client in this series" pilot. A drama about the 1970s sex business, on a channel with a penchant for salacious sex, could have gone wrong in many ways. It went right, very right, because David Simon and his collaborators (including female writers and directors) treated sex work as work: an economic system with dangers, calculations and financial and physical pressures. “这是我的工作,”希望成为色情业大亨的 *** 坎迪(玛吉.吉伦哈尔饰)在该剧的试播集中对一个试图砍价的客户说。这部讲述上世纪70年代 *** 易行业的电视剧在一个偏爱色情题材的频道上播出,在很多方面都可能跑偏。但《堕落街传奇》没有,一点都没有,因为大卫.西蒙和他的同事(包括女性编剧和导演)把性工作视为一种工作:一种充满危险、算计、财务压力和生理压力的赚钱方式。 The Good Place 5 《善地》 The work sit with the most insight into life just happens to be full of characters who are dead. This afterlife edy, about a group of misfits in a troubled paradise, is full of twists I don"t have the room to list or the heart to spoil, but its real appeal is a top-notch cast performing prime time"s most entertaining philosophy lesson. 这部情景喜剧充满深刻的人生洞见,主角是一群已经死去的人。他们死后升入一个麻烦众多的天堂,在那里格格不入。《善地》的剧情充满反转,我在这里没有足够篇幅详述,也不忍心剧透。但这部剧真正的吸引力在于,一群顶级演员在黄金时间段为观众呈上最有趣的哲学课。 Halt and Catch Fire 6 《奔腾年代》 The final season of this digital-culture origin story, which began in the early "80s, took us through the popularization of the World Wide Web. But it also brought full circle the troubled partnership of Cameron (Mackenzie Davis) and Donna (Kerry Bishé), their passion for discovery rekindled by four magic words: “I have an idea.” 这部关于数字文化起源的电视剧从上世纪80年代讲起,最后一季带我们回顾万维网的普及。在这一季里,卡梅隆(麦肯齐.戴维斯饰)和唐娜(凯莉.比什饰)充满麻烦的合作关系恢复如初,他们对发现的热情被那句神奇的话重新点燃:“我有一个想法。” Lady Dynamite 7 《炸天女郎》 Things got weird in 2017. Television seemed at times to be dreaming, serving up ambitious hallucinations like “Legion” and “The Young Pope” as well as surrealistic curiosities like “At Home with Amy Sedaris.” The second season of Maria Bamford"s first-person edy was the disorienting tops, using fractured storytelling to capture the experience of living and working with bipolar disorder from all angles. 2017年有点诡异,电视机好像有时会做梦一样,播出的作品包括《大群》和《年轻的教宗》等雄心勃勃的虚幻作品,以及《和艾米.塞达里斯一起在家》等超现实作品。玛丽亚.班福德这部第一人称叙事喜剧在第二季达到了混乱的巅峰,采用断裂的叙事方式,从各个角度展现了和躁郁症患者一起生活和工作的经历。 The Leftovers 8 《守望尘世》 The last season of this series about faith, loss and mystery was constructed like an octagonal chapel, each of its eight episodes a stained-glass window lit with emotion and humor. It may or may not have answered its central question — what happened to millions of people who vanished from the earth — but it was a powerful expression of the ways people soldier on through the unknown. 《守望尘世》是一部关于信仰、失去和神秘未知的电视剧。该剧最后一季就像一个八角形的小教堂,每一集就像一扇被情感和幽默照亮的彩色玻璃窗。它可能回答了、也可能没有回答剧中的核心问题——从地球上消失的那数百万人都怎么样了——但它有力诠释了人们应对未知情况时勇敢向前的样子。 One Day at a Time 9 《活在当下》 You"d have thought they didn"t make them like this anymore. This reimagining of the 1970s edy revived a staid genre — the socially conscious, three-camera family sit — by updating the characters and their problems. Centered on a Cuban-American family in Los Angeles, the new “One Day” also spotlighted working-class struggles and veterans" issues, enlivened by crack performances from Justina Machado and Rita Moreno. 你可能认为不会有人再拍这种电视剧了。《活在当下》翻拍自上世纪70年代的同名喜剧,新版通过塑造新的角色和剧情,让一种过时电视剧类型——关注社会问题的三摄像头家庭情景喜剧——重现生机。新版《活在当下》围绕洛杉矶的一个古巴裔美国家庭展开,同样是关注工薪阶层的艰辛和退伍军人的问题,贾斯蒂娜.马查多和丽塔.莫雷诺的精彩表演为该剧增添了活力。 Twin Peaks: The Return 10 《双峰:归来》 The reunion of David Lynch and Mark Frost had a nominal plot: the odyssey of Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) back from the otherworldly waiting room where he"d spent the 25 years since he last tasted cherry pie. But mainly it was a direct download from the subconscious of Mr. Lynch, who directed every episode: part horror story, part slapstick, all twisted fantasy. It was a well, to paraphrase the mysterious Wood *** an, that descended deep and retrieved strange, intoxicating water. 大卫.林奇和马克.弗罗斯特的再度联手,名义上合作创作了一个故事:戴尔.库珀(凯尔.麦克拉克伦饰)自从最后一次品尝樱桃派之后,在一个超自然的等候室里度过了25年的时光,本剧便是讲述他归来后的冒险之旅。不过,这部剧基本都是按照林奇的想法呈现的,每一集都由他执导:它有点像恐怖故事,也有点像闹剧,充满怪诞的幻想。用剧中那个神秘林中人的话说,它是一口井,下潜到深处,便可以汲取令人陶醉的奇异之水。


以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《法律专业英语学习-中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(2)》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 第二十一条 人民法院管辖下列第一审民事案件: Article 21 The Supreme People"s Court shall have jurisdiction as the court of first instance over the following civil cases:(一)在全国有重大影响的案件;(1) cases that have major impact on the whole country;(二)认为应当由本院审理的案件。and (2) cases that the Supreme People"s Court deems it should try.第二节 地域管辖Section 2 Territorial Jurisdiction第二十二条 对公民提起的民事诉讼,由被告住所地人民法院管辖;被告住所地与经常居住地不一致的,由经常居住地人民法院管辖。"Article 22 A civil lawsuit brought against a citizen shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile; if the place of the defendant"s domicile is different from that of his habitual residence, the lawsuit shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place of his habitual residence."对法人或者其他组织提起的民事诉讼,由被告住所地人民法院管辖。A civil lawsuit brought against a legal person or any other organization shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile.同一诉讼的几个被告住所地、经常居住地在两个以上人民法院辖区的,各该人民法院都有管辖权。"Where the domiciles or habitual residences of several defendants in the same lawsuit are in the areas under the jurisdiction of two or more people"s courts, all of those people"s courts shall have jurisdiction over the lawsuit."第二十三条 下列民事诉讼,由原告住所地人民法院管辖;原告住所地与经常居住地不一致的,由原告经常居住地人民法院管辖:"Article 23 The civil lawsuits described below shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the plaintiff has his domicile; if the place of the plaintiff"s domicile is different from that of his habitual residence, the lawsuit shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place of the plaintiff"s habitual residence: "(一)对不在中华人民共和国领域内居住的人提起的有关身份关系的诉讼;(1) those concerning personal status brought against persons not residing within the territory of the People"s Republic of China;(二)对下落不明或者宣告失踪的人提起的有关身份关系的诉讼;(2) those concerning the personal status of persons whose whereabouts are unknown or who have been declared as missing;(三)对被劳动教养的人提起的诉讼;(3) those brought against persons who are undergoing rehabilitation through labour;(四)对被监禁的人提起的诉讼。and (4) those brought against persons who are in imprisonment.第二十四条 因合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者合同履行地人民法院管辖。Article 24 A lawsuit brought on a contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the contract is performed.第二十五条 合同的双方当事人可以在书面合同中协议选择被告住所地、合同履行地、合同签订地、原告住所地、标的物所在地人民法院管辖,但不得违反本法对级别管辖和专属管辖的规定。"Article 25 The parties to a contract may agree to choose in their written contract the people"s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile, where the contract is performed, where the contract is signed, where the plaintiff has his domicile or where the object of the action is located to exercise jurisdiction over the case, provided that the provisions of this Law regarding jurisdiction by forum level and exclusive jurisdiction are not violated."第二十六条 因保险合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者保险标的物所在地人民法院管辖。Article 26 A lawsuit brought on an insurance contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the insured object is located.第二十七条 因票据纠纷提起的诉讼,由票据支付地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。Article 27 A lawsuit brought on a bill dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the bill is to be paid or where the defendant has his domicile.第二十八条 因铁路、公路、水上、航空运输和联合运输合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由运输始发地、目的地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。"Article 28 A lawsuit arising from a dispute over a railway, road, water, or air transport contract or over a combined transport contract shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place of dispatch or the place of destination or where the defendant has his domicile."第二十九条 因侵权行为提起的诉讼,由侵权行为地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。Article 29 A lawsuit brought on a tortious act shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the tort is committed or where the defendant has his domicile.第三十条 因铁路、公路、水上和航空事故请求损害赔偿提起的诉讼,由事故发生地或者车辆、船舶最先到达地、航空器最先降落地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。"Article 30 A lawsuit brought on claims for damages caused by a railway, road, water transport or air accident shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the accident occurred or where the vehicle or ship first arrived after the accident or where the aircraft first landed after the accident, or where the defendant has his domicile."第三十一条 因船舶碰撞或者其他海事损害事故请求损害赔偿提起的诉讼,由碰撞发生地、碰撞船舶最先到达地、加害船舶被扣留地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。"Article 31 A lawsuit brought on claims for damages caused by a collision at sea or by any other maritime accident shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the collision occurred or where the ship in collision first docked after the accident or where the ship at fault was detained, or where the defendant has his domicile."第三十二条 因海难救助费用提起的诉讼,由救助地或者被救助船舶最先到达地人民法院管辖。Article 32 A lawsuit instituted for expenses of maritime salvage shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the salvage took place or where the salvaged ship first docked after the disaster.第三十三条 因共同海损提起的诉讼,由船舶最先到达地、共同海损理算地或者航程终止地的人民法院管辖。Article 33 A lawsuit brought for general average shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the ship first docked or where the adjustment of general average was conducted or where the voyage ended.第三十四条 下列案件,由本条规定的人民法院专属管辖:Article 34 The following cases shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the people"s courts herein specified:(一)因不动产纠纷提起的诉讼,由不动产所在地人民法院管辖;(1) a lawsuit brought on a dispute over real estate shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the estate is located;(二)因港口作业中发生纠纷提起的诉讼,由港口所在地人民法院管辖;(2) a lawsuit brought on a dispute over harbour operations shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the harbour is located;(三)因继承遗产纠纷提起的诉讼,由被继承人死亡时住所地或者主要遗产所在地人民法院管辖。"and (3) a lawsuit brought on a dispute over succession shall be under the jurisdiction of the people"s court of the place where the decedent had his domicile upon his death, or where the principal part of his estate is located."第三十五条 两个以上人民法院都有管辖权的诉讼,原告可以向其中一个人民法院起诉;"Article 35 When two or more people"s courts have jurisdiction over a lawsuit, the plaintiff may bring his lawsuit in one of these people"s courts; "原告向两个以上有管辖权的人民法院起诉的,由最先立案的人民法院管辖。"if the plaintiff brings the lawsuit in two or more people"s courts that have jurisdiction over the lawsuit, the people"s court in which the case was first entertained shall have jurisdiction."第三节 移送管辖和指定管辖Section 3 Transfer and Designation of Jurisdiction第三十六条 人民法院发现受理的案件不属于本院管辖的,应当移送有管辖权的人民法院,受移送的人民法院应当受理。"Article 36 If a people"s court finds that a case it has entertained is not under its jurisdiction, it shall refer the case to the people"s court that has jurisdiction over the case. "受移送的人民法院认为受移送的案件依照规定不属于本院管辖的,应当报请上级人民法院指定管辖,不得再自行移送。"The people"s court to which a case has been referred shall entertain the case, and if it considers that, according to the relevant regulations, the case referred to it is not under its jurisdiction, it shall report to a superior people"s court for the designation of jurisdiction and shall not independently refer the case again to another people"s court."第三十七条 有管辖权的人民法院由于特殊原因,不能行使管辖权的,由上级人民法院指定管辖。"Article 37 If a people"s court which has jurisdiction over a case is unable to exercise the jurisdiction for special reasons, a superior people"s court shall designate another court to exercise jurisdiction."人民法院之间因管辖权发生争议,由争议双方协商解决;协商解决不了的,报请它们的共同上级人民法院指定管辖。"In the event of a jurisdictional dispute between two or more people"s courts, it shall be resolved by the disputing parties through consultation; if the dispute cannot be so resolved, it shall be reported to their common superior people"s court for the designation of jurisdiction."第三十八条 人民法院受理案件后,当事人对管辖权有异议的,应当在提交答辩状期间提出。"Article 38 If a party to an action objects to the jurisdiction of a people"s court after the court has entertained the case, the party must raise the objection within the period prescribed for the submission of defence. "人民法院对当事人提出的异议,应当审查。The people"s court shall examine the objection.异议成立的,裁定将案件移送有管辖权的人民法院;异议不成立的,裁定驳回。"If the objection is established, the people"s court shall order the case to be transferred to the people"s court that has jurisdiction over it; if not, the people"s court shall reject it."第三十九条 上级人民法院有权审理下级人民法院管辖的第一审民事案件,也可以把本院管辖的第一审民事案件交下级人民法院审理。Article 39 The people"s courts at higher levels shall have the power to try civil cases over which the people"s courts at lower levels have jurisdiction as courts of first instance; they may also transfer civil cases over which they themselves have jurisdiction as courts of first instance to people"s courts at lower levels for trial.下级人民法院对它所管辖的第一审民事案件,认为需要由上级人民法院审理的,可以报请上级人民法院审理。"If a people"s court at a lower level that has jurisdiction over a civil case as court of first instance deems it necessary to have the case to be tried by a people"s court at a higher level, it may submit it to and request the people"s court at a higher level to try the case."第三章 审判组织Chapter III Trial Organization第四十条 人民法院审理第一审民事案件,由审判员、陪审员共同组成合议庭或者由审判员组成合议庭。Article 40 The people"s court of first instance shall try civil cases by a collegial panel composed of both judges and judicial assessors or of judges alone.合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。The collegial panel must have an odd number of members.适用简易程序审理的民事案件,由审判员一人独任审理。Civil cases in which summary procedure is followed shall be tried by a single judge alone.陪审员在执行陪审职务时,与审判员有同等的权利义务。"When performing their duties, the judicial assessors shall have equal rights and obligations as the judges."


这次翻译十九大政治报告,解决的一个最核心的问题,就是“新时代中国特色社会主义思想”。这是整个报告最核心的内容,这个翻译看起来很简单,英文是Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,其中核心是这个“for”,我们翻译的时候,可能首先想到的是“in",我们经过讨论和沟通,决定用“for”,为什么呢?我们的理解,这个思想是管这个新时期的,而不是在新时期当中发生的,这个译法是经过反复讨论,并且报领导批的。所以,核心理念一定要翻译准确。 首先,“干部”的翻译,十八大以前,我们一直把干部翻译成“cadre”,十八大之后我们全部改译成了official。比如“全民行动、干部带头”,“encourage extensivepublicinvolvement, making our officials taking the lead”,国际上通用,没有任何的误解。 “群众”的译法,大学学的是“masses”,但这个词在英语中含有贬义,指“底层大众”。实际上我们说群众指“人民”,所以从十八大开始,“群众”的译法改成了“people”或“public”。 例如,团结动员群众“uniting and mobilizing the people”,就是说党和群众、和人民是在一起的,而不是割裂的个体。十九大报告里,“masses”消失了,它是不能用的。 提到“基层”,可能很多人的第一反应是译成“grassroots”。其实不然,grassroots指草根阶层,它和权力是对立的,所以我们所说的“基层”是绝对不能用这个词翻译的。 我们根据中国的政治体制特点,现在改成了“community”或者“primarylevel”。例如,“加强基层医疗卫生服务体系”,翻译成“improvecommunity-level healthcare services”,就一清二楚了。 “宣传”,这个词的翻译问题一定要解决,过去翻译的是“propaganda”,后来才改成了“publicity”。不论是“propaganda”还是“publicity”,其实翻译得都很糟糕,其义或者是炒作或者是忽悠,没有一个积极的含义。现在,我们很多地方上的英文译名还是依照原来的错误译法,这是很糟糕的,让人觉得中国人是不真诚的。十九大政治报告里面对“宣传”的译法彻底改变了,报告里面宣传的用法,比如“宣传党的主张”,翻译成“communicating the Party"s propositions”,将“宣传”译为“沟通”。无论从事教学还是做时政翻译,这些理念一定要与时俱进,知道外国人是怎么说话的,不要用一种淘汰的过时的语汇来表述。 关键概念的翻译不能混淆。比如,总书记在报告当中强调“反对形式主义”,多年来形式主义翻译为“formalism”,但这个词是指艺术、哲学领域中注重形式而不是内容,绝对不是一个贬义词,是中性的。所以我们中国人去反对“formalism”,老外就会觉得你是要干什么?什么都反,不分青红皂白。 所以我们改成了“take tough action against the practice of formalities for formalities" sake”,走形式走过场,这是我们反对的。 此“形式主义”非彼“形式主义”,要区分清楚。 还有两个核心的概念,从过去一直就没有翻对过。一是“反对个人主义”,我们一直认为个人主义是“individualism”,好像这个词很坏,很糟糕,其实它是西方价值观念中的最核心的理念,人是最重要的,它不是贬义的表述。马克思主义也主张人要全面发展,总书记在报告当中也好几次强调了人的全面发展。所以这个一定要改掉。 还有一个更糟糕的,“反对自由主义”。这个概念一开始从毛选翻译的时候,就用的“oppose liberalism”。很多人都知道liberalism是什么含义,它不是一个很高深的概念,而是西方文化的基础,我们不一定赞成,也没有必要在党的报告里去反对。而我们反对的“自由主义”是什么呢?是不听领导指挥,不守纪律。 所以,十九大报告的翻译彻底解决了这个问题:“坚决防止和反对个人主义、分散主义、自由主义……”译成了We must guard against and oppose self-centered behavior, decentralism, behavior in disregard of the rules… 我们有很多中国特色的理念,遇到“理念”时,可能翻译的第一反应就是“idea”,或者翻译成了“philosophy”。举个例子,“坚定不移贯彻新发展理念”,翻译成“We have remained committed to the new development philosophy”,philosophy是一个在国际上比较标准的词汇,我们中国人应该学会使用这种表述,外国人一看就懂。 所以,我们在翻“科学的”“文明的”“创新的”这些词时,第一反应就是都不能按原义翻成scientific,civilized和innovative,因为这些词和我们要表达的意思有出入。比如说,scientific指的是科研层面,与我们说的“科学发展”不符。 这次报告提到的“创新监管方式”译成了develop newwaysofregulation,“创新监管”绝对不能用innovate regulation,因为2008年“金融危机”后就已出现“灰犀牛”,监管不是新举措,只能加强。 避免英译文引起政治误解。报告当中“精神”出现多次,报告关于文化段落里提到了“为人民提供精神指引”,我们在翻译时,绝对不能用“spiritual guidance”,它有一种宗教层面的意思,我们用的是“providea source of cultural and moral guidance for our people”。 十九大报告中,有大量生动的表述。我统计了一下,大概有五十多条,建议多关注一下。 举几个例子,如果从翻译角度来看,建议大家看一看关于反腐和加强党内监督这一部分,非常有力。 “巡视利剑作用彰显”,Disciplinary inspections have cut like a blade through corruption and misconduct,像刀片一样割进去,把利剑的概念非常准确地表达出来了。还有这句话,“中华民族伟大复兴,绝对不是轻轻松松、敲锣打鼓就能实现的。” 这句话是国外媒体引用最多的一句,翻译成“Achieving national rejuvenation will be no walk in the park it will take more than drum beating and gong clanging get there”,非常到位,这是我们要掌握的翻译。


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“中国摇滚之父”崔健蜡像将入驻北京杜莎夫人蜡像馆 A wax figure of Cui Jian, the Chinese godfather of rock "n" roll, will be unveiled at Madame Tussauds Beijing this May. The 52-year-old rock singer-songwriter sat for his wax replica in June 2013. The Madame Tussauds team flew from their London studio to Beijing and spent 3 hours measuring Cui"s wax replica. The team also took hundreds of photos of the rock star to ensure the figure"s authenticity. The rocker was closely involved in his wax figure"s creation and offered several instruments for the team to reference. Cui, who is considered a pioneer in Chinese rock music history, will be the first rocker featured at Madame Tussauds Beijing. Since he released his debut album, Rock and Roll on the New Long March, in 1987, the first rock album in Chinese history, Cui has been an influential figure with well-known songs, including Nothing to My Name and A Piece of Red Cloth. He kicked off his nation-wide Blue Bone concert tour in 2012 and his directorial film debut, Blue Bone, was released in early 2013. Located at Qianmen, a popular mercial area in Beijing, Madame Tussauds Beijing will be the sixteenth Madame Tussauds location worldwide and the fourth in China.
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