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yours,英语单词,主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“ 你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”短语搭配Yours Always 让爱自邮 ; 你的挚爱Yours Truly 你的挚爱 ; 忠实于你的 ; 此致 ; 你的挚爱SINCERELY YOURS 您非常真挚的朋友 ; 结束语 ; 您真诚Immortally Yours 吸血鬼之吻 ; 永生的吸血鬼Lovingly yours 双喜临门Merrily Yours 祝你幸福 ; 兄妹俩yours mary 你玛丽 ; 你的玛丽 ; 正在翻译Officially Yours 唱片名 ; 我正式与你在一起




yours,英语单词,主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“ 你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”外文名yours词性形容词、代词英式读音[ju028arz]美式读音[ju028arz]


yours的中文翻译?回答如下:yours的意思:你的;你们的。yours,英 [ju0254u02d0z],美 [ju0259rz]    pron. 你的;你们的yours是第二人称名词性毁哗轿物主代词,单复数同形,在句中可用作主语、介词的宾芦贺语,也可用作表语。yours首字母大写时常可用于信函结尾处。对陌生人要写Yours faithfully或Yours truly,意为“您忠实的”;对熟人可写Yours sincerely,意纤肆为“你真挚的”;对朋友则可写Yours ever,意为“你永远的”,也可只写Yours,意为“你的”。yours例句1、My feelings are in unison with yours.我的感情与你的感情是一致的。2、His problem is similar to yours.他的问题和你的相似。3、We must fit our plan in with yours.我们必须使我们的计划与你们的协调一致。4、His bicycle is of better quality than yours.他的自行车质量比你们的好。Merrily Yours:祝你幸福;兄妹俩。yours mary:你玛丽;你的玛丽;Officially Yours:唱片名;我正式与你在一起。


1、yours,英语单词,读音:英[j?:z]美[j?rz]。主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”。2、短语搭配:Yours Always:让爱自由;你的挚爱。Yours Truly:你的挚爱;忠实于你的;此致;你的挚爱。SINCERELY YOURS:您非常真挚的朋友;结束语;您真诚。Immortally Yours:吸血鬼之吻;永生的吸血鬼。Lovingly yours:双喜临门。Merrily Yours:祝你幸福;兄妹俩。yours mary:你玛丽;你的玛丽;Officially Yours:唱片名;我正式与你在一起。


1、yours,英语单词,读音:英[j?:z]美[j?rz]。主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”。2、短语搭配:Yours Always:让爱自由;你的挚爱。Yours Truly:你的挚爱;忠实于你的;此致;你的挚爱。SINCERELY YOURS:您非常真挚的朋友;结束语;您真诚。Immortally Yours:吸血鬼之吻;永生的吸血鬼。Lovingly yours:双喜临门。Merrily Yours:祝你幸福;兄妹俩。yours mary:你玛丽;你的玛丽;Officially Yours:唱片名;我正式与你在一起。


yours英文读:英[ju0254u02d0z]美[ju0259rz] 。一、释义yours,英语单词,主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“ 你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”。二、用法pron.:你的;您的;你们的;用于书信结尾的签名前。adj.:你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语。三、短语搭配yours always :让爱自邮 ;你的挚爱。yours truly :你的挚爱 ; 忠实于你的 ;此致 ;你的挚爱。sincerely yours :您非常真挚的朋友 ;结束语 ;您真诚。Immortally yours: 吸血鬼之吻 ;永生的吸血鬼。lovingly yours :双喜临门。双语例句:1、I received your email and willrespond as soonas possible.我已经收到了你的电子邮件,会尽快回复你。2、I wish you all the best in your newventure.我祝你在你的新冒险中一切顺利。3、Your hard work and dedication havetruly paid offwell done!你的辛勤工作和奉献真的得到了回报,干得好!4、 I hope you enjoy your vacation, youdeserve some time to relaxandrecharge.希望你享受你的假期,你值得有些时间放松和充电。


Yours 你的




you和your和yours的用法区别: you 是人称代词 你 的意思; your 是形容词性物主代词物主代词.你的 其后必须要名词; yours 是名词性物主代词 你的 相当于your 加名词 其后不需要名词 扩展资料   Take as much time as you like.   你想花多少时间就花多少时间。   I"ll see you in the new year.   新的"一年里再见。   Could I use your phone, please?   请让我用一下你的电话可以吗?   Is this your plan for making your way in the world?   这就是你要出人头地的计划吗?   Is he a friend of yours?   他是你的朋友吗?   I"d like one the same as yours.   我要一个和你一样的。



your / yours 中文意思差在哪?秒懂这两个「你的」英文用法差异!

your、yours 中文意思是?your、yours 这两个英文单字只差了一个 s,但意思跟用法上有什么差别呢?可别搞混罗!your 跟yours 同样都是指「你的」,但your 是you的所有格,your 后面会接名词。而yours 则隐含着「你的(东西);你们的(东西)」的意思,yours 后面可以不接任何名词。 下面列举出your / yours 的英文用法、中文意思差别,赶快学起来吧。 1.your 你的 your 是 you的所有格,中文意思指「你的;你们的」。 your 英文例句: 例:Is this your bag? 这是你的袋子吗? 例:Is that your girlfriend? 那是你的女朋友吗? 例:This is your pen. 这是你的笔。 2.yours 你的;您的;你们的 yours 中文意思是指「你的;您的;你们的」。 yours 英文例句: 例:Is this pen yours? 这支笔是你的吗? 例:Is this yours? 这是你的吗? 例:Is she a friend of yours? 她是你的朋友吗? 例:This pen is now yours. 这支笔现在是你的。 your, your yours, your yours 差异, your 中文, your 中文意思, your 中文的意思, your 中文解释, your 意思, your 用法, yours, yours 中文, yours 中文意思, yours 中文的意思, yours 中文解释, yours 意思, yours 用法, 英文 your, 英文 yours

英语作文的结尾 是your 还是 yours



yours是宾格 用作宾语成分比如这个是你的this(主语) is(表语) yours(宾语).这个里面就不能换成youryour相当一个形容词this is your car.





为什么信署名yours 加名词?yours不是不能加名词吗?

署名的名字是个人,不是名词,例如:Sincerely Your, Tom Sawyer


“your是形容词性物主代词,不能独立使用,必须与名词一起使用。your father、your pen.yours是名词性物主代词=your+名词,所以yours可以单独使用,后面不能再接名词。your是形容词性物主代词,后面必须跟名词。yours是名词性物主代词,后面不需要加名词。人称代词 英语的人称代词(Personal Pronoun)有三种不同的人称形式:第一人称(First Person)指说话人自己;第二人称(Second Person)指说话的对象;第三人称(Third Person)指说话人谈论的对象。三种人称又各有单、复数形式,第三人称单数还有阳性、阴性、中性的区别。这样,人称代词就具有下列诸种形式: 第一人称 单数I,me,my,mine 复数we,us,our,ours 第二人称 单数you,you,your,yours 复数you,you,your,yours 第三人称 单数he,him,his,his(阳性) she,her,her,hers(阴性) it,it,its(中性) 复数they,them,their,theirs 在上列人称代词的不同形式中,还包含了主格(Subjective Case)、宾格(Objective Case)和属格(Genitive Case)三种“格”的形式。这样,从“格”的形式来划分,英语的人称代词又可归纳为: 主格:I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they 宾格:me,you,him,her,it,us,you,them 属格:my,mine,your,yours,his,her,hers,its,our,ours,their,theirs 属格又可分为两类:一类是形容词性物主代词(my,your,his,her,its,our,their)即本书所讲的“物主限定词”;另一类是名词性物主代词(mine,yours,his,hers,ours,theirs),即本书中的“物主代词”。


yours和your的区别是:yours:英语单词,主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“ 你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”。your:英文单词,主要用作代词,作代词时意为“你的,你们的”。短语搭配:your name 你的名字 ; 您的姓名 ; 姓名 ; 你的姓名。Your Highness 王子殿下 ; 殿下 ; 皇子殿下。Your Profile 可以修改你的个人资料 ; 修改帐户信息 ; 职位要求 ; 您的个人资料。your arrival 驾临 ; 皇帝驾临 ; 您的到来 ; 敬辞。Your Goals 你的目标 ; 你的目的。Your Hometown 你的家乡 ; 家乡。Your dream 你的梦想 ; 你的梦 ; 牧羊少年奇幻之旅 ; 你的幻想。Your Words 我说你啊 ; 你说我说 ; 你的话语 ; 你的话。




your是形容词性物主代词,yours是名词性物主代词。your不能独立使用,必须与名词一起使用;yours可以单独使用,后面不能再接名词,yours还可以可于of后构成双重所有格。1、词性your是形容词性物主代词,yours是名词性物主代词。例如:This is your pen.(这是你的笔。)This pen is yours.(这支笔是你的。)2、用法your不能独立使用,必须与名词一起使用;yours可以单独使用,后面不能再接名词,yours还可以可于of后构成双重所有格。例如:It"s no business of yours.(这不关你的事。)这不关你的事。3、含义your的意思是“你的”,yours的意思是“你的(某人/某物/某事)”,yours=your+名词。4、成分your在句中用作定语,也可用作动名词的逻辑主体;yours在句中可用作主语、介词的宾语,也可用作表语。例如:I hope he doesn"t mind your saying it.(我希望他不介意你说的话。)5、其它yours首字母大写时常可用于信函结尾处,your没有这种用法。yours用于信函结尾处的不同写法:对陌生人要写Yours faithfully或Yours truly,意为“您忠实的…”; 对熟人可写Yours sincerely,意为“你真挚的…”; 对朋友则可写Yours ever,意为“你永远的…”,也可只写Yours,意为“你的…”。


Is this pencil yours?

yours怎么读 yours如何读

1、yours读音:英[ju0254u02d0z]、美[ju0259rz] 2、pron.你的; 您的; 你们的; 用于书信结尾的签名前; 3、adj.你(们)的(东西); 信末署名前用语; 4、[例句]The moneys not yours, its Johns.这钱不是你的,是约翰的。

英文信的结尾 Yours 是什么意思?





yours单词表示你的 但在信的末尾的Yours sincerely(/XX)其实是表示‘鄙人/我"的意思,可理解为‘谨上/敬启"或‘您忠诚的" 给普通朋友或不熟的人写信的结束语为: Yours sincerely,/ Yours faithfully,/ Your friend, 给家人或亲密朋友写信的结束语为: Your loving son,(/XX,看你和对方是什么关系) Yours lovingly, Yours affectionately, With love, Lots of love, Beloved, 恋人的话Lots of love,和Beloved,都不错 beloved -- 所深爱的




"yours" 是一个代词,常用于表示归属或所有关系,意思是“你的”、“你们的”。具体来说,它可以用于以下几种情况:用于表示归属关系:例如,当你借给朋友一本书时,你可以说 "This book is yours" (这本书是你的)。用于表示礼貌的表达方式:例如,在写信或电子邮件中,你可以用 "Yours sincerely" (你的真诚)或 "Yours faithfully" (你的忠实)作为信尾,表示你对收信人的尊重和诚意。用于表示自己的东西:例如,当你向别人介绍自己的物品时,你可以说 "This is my book, and that one is yours" (这是我的书,那个是你的)。




yours的意思:你的;你们的。yours,英 [ju0254u02d0z],美 [ju0259rz]    pron. 你的;你们的yours是第二人称名词性物主代词,单复数同形,在句中可用作主语、介词的宾语,也可用作表语。yours首字母大写时常可用于信函结尾处。对陌生人要写Yours faithfully或Yours truly,意为“您忠实的”;对熟人可写Yours sincerely,意为“你真挚的”;对朋友则可写Yours ever,意为“你永远的”,也可只写Yours,意为“你的”。yours例句1、My feelings are in unison with yours.我的感情与你的感情是一致的。2、His problem is similar to yours.他的问题和你的相似。3、We must fit our plan in with yours.我们必须使我们的计划与你们的协调一致。4、His bicycle is of better quality than yours.他的自行车质量比你们的好。



yours是什么意思 yours应该怎么读

1、yours,英语单词,读音:英[ju0254:z]美[ju0259rz]。主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”。 2、短语搭配: Yours Always:让爱自由;你的挚爱。 Yours Truly:你的挚爱;忠实于你的;此致;你的挚爱。 SINCERELY YOURS:您非常真挚的朋友;结束语;您真诚。 Immortally Yours:吸血鬼之吻;永生的吸血鬼。 Lovingly yours:双喜临门。 Merrily Yours:祝你幸福;兄妹俩。 yours mary:你玛丽;你的玛丽; Officially Yours:唱片名;我正式与你在一起。

迈克尔杰克逊enjoy yourself歌词

Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meYou better enjoy yourselfYou better enjoy yourselfYou sittin" over thereStarin" into spaceWhile people are dancin" Dancin" all over the placeYou shouldn"t worryAbout the things you can"t controlCome on girl while the night is youngWhy don"t you make yourself race, make yourself goEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meLet"s have some funLet"s have a good time you and meSittin" there with your mouth poked outJust as sweet as you can beWhy don"t you liveLive the life you gotCome on girl, let"s get itWhile the feelin" is gettin" hot and hotEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meHey there girl, I"ve been watchin" youI can wipe away that frownOh, you and I can get togetherWe can tear the house downWe can tear the house downWe can tear the whole house downEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meYou better enjoy yourselfYou got to enjoy yourselfSay it again(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Come on) Come on(Come on) Come on(Come on) Come on (Come on)You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can do itHey, hey, hey get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down

以know yourself为题写一篇英语作文

In every school a “top” crowd sets the pace, while the others follow their lead.Let"s say the top crowd decides that it is *** art to wear bright red sweaters. Pretty soon everybody is wearing a bright red sweater. There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that on some people a bright red sweater is extremely unbeing. The situation can even bee dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is *** art to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles an hour. Then the people who follow the lead are endangering their lives. They are like the sheep being led to the butcher.   Now, chances are that you have e across situations like these more than once in your life; chances are that one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may have excused yourself by saying, “Gee, the crowd does it.” Well, let the crowd do it, but don"t do it yourself. Learn to say, “No.”   Develop your own standards and your own judgment. If you know the crowd is planning something you disagree with, have the courage to bow out politely. You"ll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet. Remember this in your heart, you are the unique one in the world, just be yourself.

求有关be yourself 的英文演讲稿

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar WildeIt"s quite possibly the most commonly used phrase in the history of advice: Be yourself. But it"s such a vague adage. What do they really mean when they tell you to be yourself? And is it really as easy as it sounds?1. Find yourself. You can"t be yourself if you don"t know, understand, and accept yourself first.2. Stop caring about how people perceive you. The fact is, it really doesn"t matter. It"s impossible to be yourself when you"re caught up in wondering "Do they think I"m funny? Does she think I"m fat? Do they think I"m stupid?" To be yourself, you"ve got to let go of these concerns and just let your behavior flow, with only your consideration of others as a filter—not their consideration of you. 3. Be honest and open. What have you got to hide? You"re an imperfect, growing, learning human being. If you feel ashamed or insecure about any aspect of yourself—and you feel you have to hide those parts of you, whether physically or emotionally—then you have to come to terms with that and learn to convert your so-called flaws into individualistic quirks. 4. Relax. Stop worrying about the worst that could happen, especially in social situations. So what if you fall flat on your face? Or get spinach stuck in your teeth? Learn to laugh at yourself both when it happens and afterwards. Turn it into a funny story that you can share with others. It lets them know that you"re not perfect and makes you feel more at ease, too. 5. Develop and express your individuality. Whether it"s your sense of style, or even your manner of speaking, if your preferred way of doing something strays from the mainstream, then be proud of it. 6. Have a Productive Day. Accept that some days you"re the pigeon, and that some days, you"re the statue. People might raise eyebrows and even make fun, but as long as you can shrug and say "Hey, that"s just me" and leave it at that, people will ultimately respect you for it, and you"ll respect yourself. 7. Believe in who you are. If you"re always working to be someone you"re not, you"ll never be a happy person. Be yourself and show the world you"re proud the way you are! Yea and don"t forget that being yourself and honesty is the best policy! 希望对你有用^_^

Be Yourself 歌词

歌曲名:Be Yourself歌手:Morcheeba专辑:Parts of the Process-= Morcheeba 《 Be Yourself 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Too much of a good thingHas really burnt me outI"m sick of satisfactionAnd living in a droughtJust be yourselfAnyway that you want toJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canThe center of attentionIs living on the edgeThe thirty of second floorI"m standing on a ledgeGot to get this straightCos we"re running too lateJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you can……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Just be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want toJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you can... ... ...

be good be bad just be yourself 是什么广告

是中性香水Calvin Klein 卡文克莱莱比中性淡香水经典香水广告


just be yourself做好你自己做好自我

别人对你说just be yourself,你要怎么回,用英语

Thank you. Surely I will.

just do yourself 什么意思和just be yourself 一样吗


求这首歌的歌词,要准确的,谢了,Cameo的Just Be Yourself



休假在家的第二天因为找对象问题和父母爆发了争吵,父母认为没有对象的主要原因是我太强势,让相亲对象退避三舍。而我认为强势从来都没有任何问题,如果没有一个互相尊重、鼓励支持的伴侣,会坚持不婚,结婚从来都没有那么重要。中国式父母总是这样,用世俗的标准约束着儿女,从来没有真正看到孩子的需求。 从小我就喜欢画画,学校有兴趣班时便报了工笔画学习,高中也喜欢写写画画,父母亲却认为那只能用来看看,也从来没有鼓励支持过。直到工作后,才正儿八经学习绘画,从素描开始学起。报画室的过程也令人啼笑皆非,小镇上没有一家为成人开办的画室,在街上走走逛逛,看到一家画室打的广告,打电话过去画室老师说:“你家孩子多大?”,我说没有孩子,是自己学,画室老师囧了个囧,说了下大概学习时间以后,便开启了学画之旅。 这段学画的时光让我彻底爱上了画画,爱上了在纸上描绘色彩的感觉,也参加过活动,画过的漫画也获得过省三等奖。回想过去的点点滴滴,寻找自我从来都不是一件容易的事情,工作之余同事们不是在约会就是在游玩,而我在画室里一坐一上午。坚持自我总会让我和同事们格格不入,很多时候面对邀请总是婉拒。人的精力总是有限的,要将有限的精力投入到无限的热爱中啊…… 美国演员 Charlie Day 在梅里马克学院演讲时说过:“跨出你的舒适圈,在这个过程中,你要相信自己的心声,你自己的想法,你的诚实,你的弱点。”遵从自己内心的想法,前进的道路上总是充满荆棘,坚持自我的同时外界总会有各种各样的声音,这些声音除了一些不明所以的陌生人、同事、朋友,甚至也有你的至亲,你必须要像他们认为的样子去生活,女孩子嘛这么努力做什么,早点找个人嫁了生个孩子不就够了嘛。 在他们眼里,女人从来都是要依附于男人生活的,没有规规矩矩找个人结婚生子那就是出格,会被身边人笑话的。自我,自我是什么东西,能让你找到对象吗?而他们认为的对象不过是个男人就行,至于这个男人是否精于算计,是否尊重女性都不重要,重要的是男的就行。坚持自我总是和社会标签背道而驰,不仅要面对各种诱惑,还要和社会舆论抗争,可我也仅此这一生,笑的开怀、哭的痛快,为什么如此艰难? 许多人终其一生,从未认真考虑过人生的意义,上学阶段被要求认真学习不准早恋,工作后懵懵懂懂就被催婚,抓紧找对象结婚,推着你匆匆忙忙向前走,从没有停下来认真思考:我是谁,我到底在做什么?等到回顾一生的时候才恍然大悟,遗憾没有坚持下去,可时光不会倒流。有段时间上重生网文盛行,在我看来不过是没有活在当下的人,给自己一个后悔的机会,认为重新开启一段人生总会有那么点不同,可他们不知道只要坚持自己,前面的路就不会好走,必须要有破釜沉舟的决心和走到底的勇气。 面对外界的各种声音,心情低落的时候总会反复循环一首歌曲,歌名叫梦追人: 一番高い所に登って(我登上最高的山峰) 一番光る星を掴んだ(去摘下最亮的星星) 一番辛い道を选んで(我选择最艰辛的道路) 一番强い心をまとった(磨炼出最坚强的内心) 梦を追い続ける(我一直追逐着梦想) もっと远くへ行く(想去到更远的地方) 德国作家赫尔曼 黑塞,被誉为“德国浪漫派最后一个骑士”的作家。他的作品《德米安》中有句话 “对每个人而言,真正的职责只有一个:找到自我。然后在心中坚守其一生,全心全意,永不停歇”。 说起来容易,做起来难,找到自我,坚持自我从来都不是一件容易的事。而我仍然在寻找自我的路上,不断探索心中所爱,然后为之付出一生。许多优秀的人在前方披荆斩棘为你开路,我不过是芸芸众生里赶路的一员,无论前方如何,只管埋头向前赶路。

just be yourself 和 be yourself 区别,哪个做单句最好?能不能发散思维翻译下




做你自己 用英语应该说Just do yourself 还是 Just do it yourself ?

just do youself 只是做自己just be youself只要做你自己Just do it yourself 有点特定某件事了,不妥~

Just be yourself 如何翻译??

做你自己(意思是不要盲从他人的意见),6,请自便!!!(客气话),2,做回你自己 自己想怎么样就怎么样 很常用的一句英语口语~,1,别客气! 请随便! 放松点!,1,做你自己!,0,做你自己!,0,随便啊,别客气(make yourself at home),0,做你自己!,0,

just be yourself冯曦妤 歌词

one cloudy day,what make you lose your face....

just be yourself什么意思

Just Be Yourself 做你自己; [例句]Want have a brilliant future? Yes, you can, just be yourself!希望有光明的未来?是的,你可以,只是你!

跟上兔子四年级第二季中文翻译just be yourselves是什么?

just be yourself做好你自己,活出真我的风采

just be yourself是什么意思



因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)





sincerely yours是什么意思

sincerely yours你的真诚 拼音 双语对照 sincerely yours英 [su026anu02c8su026au0259lu026a ju0254:z] 美 [su026anu02c8su026arli ju028arz] 词典谨上网络结束语; 您诚挚的; 歧路天堂形近词: Sincerely Yours




因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)


因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)



your sincerely 和yours sincerely








英语作文的结尾如果是:yours sincerely Mary 是什么意思?

没什么意思 这是写信的一般格式 用于比较正式的场合 非正式场合直接用 yours....就可以了和中文写信时的 此致,敬礼 差不多

高中英语:书信最后结尾your sincerely和sincerely yours是不是都可以?

英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。‘Yours sincerely" is the standard and polite way of ending a letter. The words mean very little."Sincerely yours" sounds warmer, more friendly, more personal. You use it when writing to a friend.总体来讲,两个都可以用,只不过一个比较 formal (正式) 一个比较 informal。 建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely.希望解释对你有帮助—— u2665

sincerely yours是否等于yours sincerely ?your faithful是否就是your faithfully???

第1个问题Sincerely yours 你诚挚的, 你真诚的, 你的朋友, 最好的问候 (信件的结束语) Yours sincerely 结尾用语英文求职信的格式问题及常用语言 - 职场技...Yours sincerely,(结尾用语)显然 字典里 是有这么一说的所以第1个问题成立 第2个问题 那是不等于的faithful可以做名词和形容词 而faithfully是副词 肯定就不同啦 词性都不同your faithful你是可以看到 也如你所说的,是口语书上看到的,既然是口语 就不那么强调语法了其次 你只看到your faithful, 可能要拿整一句句子,或者上下文出来分析faithful后的名词 很可能省略了 你注意看下 那句句子 完成的分析下语法



英文信件的落款可以用那些句子? 除了 sincerely,yours,还有什么其它的说法吗?

yours lovingly yours sincerely yours fondly yours best wishes best regards kind regards kindly regards

yours sincerely下面要加名字吗


yours sincerely和yours truly有什么区别?





因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)

你好,请问在翻译英文书信时,”yours sincerely“对应的中文”你的真挚的“是顶格写,还是空两格?谢谢


到底怎么译Yours sincerely/Yours truly


to be yourself和be yourself区别

主要还是符合西方人的说话习惯,他们说的是be yourself,是个句子,祈使句。to be yourself,是句子的状语,不能单独成为句子!!

be myself和be yourself的含义和区别分别是什么?"做自己"用哪个更准确?

给别人说用 be yourself 给自己说 be myself

善待自己,健康无价!Treat yourself well, health is priceless

人这一生很短暂, 活着活着,人就老了, 老着老着,人就没了。 平凡也好,精彩也罢, 都只是天地的过客。 风光也好,落魄也罢, 都只是时间的行者。 无法长留,不能复生。 百年之后, 尘归尘,土归土, 躯体化为灰烬, 灵魂飘向天空。 金钱财富,一分也带不走, 房子车子,一件也留不住。 钱就成了废纸,物就成了摆设, 想花也花不了,想用也用不上。 People"s life is very short, If you live, you will grow old, Old, old, people are gone. Ordinary or wonderful, They are just passers-by in heaven and earth. Whether it"s beautiful or down-to-earth, Are just time walkers. Can not stay, can not be reborn. when one has passed away, Dust to dust, earth to earth, The body turns to ashes, The soul floats to the sky. Money and wealth can"t take away a penny, I can"t keep a house or a car. Money becomes waste paper and things become furnishings, I can"t spend it if I want to, and I can"t use it if I want to. 所以活着的时候, 一定要想开点, 该吃吃,该喝喝, 该玩玩,该歇歇, 别为了赚钱累坏身体, 别为了物质透支 健康 , 钱没了,可以再赚, 物没了,可以再买, 身体一旦垮了, 健康 一旦没了, 钱物再多,也没有用了。 So when you"re alive, Be sure to open up, Eat, drink, It"s time to play, it"s time to rest, Don"t wear yourself out to make money, Don"t overdraw for material health, When the money is gone, you can earn it again, If you don"t have anything, you can buy it again, Once the body breaks down, once the health is gone, There is no use in having more money and things. 这辈子,我们无法永生。 这一生,我们终要消亡。 不要让自己活得太累, 善待自己,爱惜身体,珍惜生命, 健 健康 康的活着,才是赢家, 轻轻松松的过着,才算成功! In this life, we can"t live forever. In this life, we will die. Don"t let yourself live too tired, Treat yourself well, cherish your body and life, Living healthily is the winner, It"s a success to live easily!

yours and mine的歌词

Calexico - Yours And Mine鹰飞雁武 编辑Getting late for decisionWhat"s that waiting aboutHorses are chomping at the bitThe gate is nearly busted downMoment before the calm of the stormAnd everyone"s blood goes wildExcept yours and mineHow many years has it takenYour restless heart growing oldHorses running off on their ownAnd the stable"s burnt to the groundThe longer you waitYour decision will fadeAnd wind up wasting this timeYours and mineEND...

Lose Yourself 歌词

歌曲名:Lose Yourself歌手:Eminem专辑:The E True Hollywood MixtapeEminem - Lose YourselfLook, if you had one shot, one opportunityTo seize everything you ever wanted…One momentWould you capture it or just let it slip?His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavyThere"s vomit on his sweater already, mom"s forgettingHe"s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and readyTo drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettinWhat he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loudHe opens his mouth, but the words won"t come outHe"s chokin, how everybody"s jokin nowThe clock"s run out, time"s up over, BLOAH!Snap back to reality, Oh there goes gravityOh, there goes Rabbit, he chokedHe"s so mad, but he won"t give up that easy,No, he won"t have it , he knows his whole back"s to these ropesIt don"t matter, he"s dopeHe knows that, but he"s brokeHe"s so stacked that he knowsWhen he goes back to his mobile home, that"s when it"sBack to the lab again yoThis whole rap shitHe better go capture this moment and hope it don"t pass himYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime yoYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime yoThe soul"s escaping, through this hole that it"s gapingThis world is mine for the takingMake me king, as we move toward a, new world orderA normal life is borin, but superstardom"s close to post mortemIt only grows harder,homie grows hotterHe blows us all over, these hoes is all on himCoast to coast shows, he"s known as the globetrotterLonely roads got him, he knows he"s grown farther from home,he"s no fatherHe goes home and barely knows his own daughterBut hold ya nose cuz here goes the cold waterThe hoes don"t want him no more, he"s cold pradaThey moved on to the next shmo who flowsWho nose dove and sold nadaAnd so the so proper, His toll, it unfoldsand I suppose it"s old, partner, but the beat goes onDa da dum da dum da daYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime yoYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime yoNo more games, I"m change for due called rageTear this mothafuckin roof off like 2 dogs cagedI was playin in the beginnin, the mood all changedI been chewed up and spit out and booed off stageBut I kept rhymin and stepwritin the next cypherBest believe somebody"s payin the pied piperAll the pain inside amplified by theFact that I can"t get by with my nine toFive and I can"t provide the right typeOf life for my family cuz man, these goddam food stampsdon"t buy diapersAnd it"s no movie, there"s no Mekhi Phifer, this is my lifeAnd these times are so hard and it"s getting even harderTryin to feed and water my seed, plus teeter-totterCaught up between being a father and a pre-madonnaBaby momma drama screamin" on herToo much for me to wanna stay in one spotanother damn or not has gotten me to the pointI"m like a snail, i"ve gotTo formulate a plot or end up in jail or shotSuccess is my only mothafuckin option, failure"s notMom, I love you, but this trailer"s gotTo go I cannot grow old in Salem"s lotSo here I go is my shot.Feet fail me notcuz maybe the only opportunity that I gotYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime yoYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime yoYou can do anything you set your mind to, man

lose yourself歌词的谐音歌词,我要全部的,百度上可以搜到只是第一段的,我只有这些分了,谁能帮我全给他

歌曲:Lose Yourself 艺人:Eminem 歌词:Look ! 听着!!If U had one shot如果有东西打动你One opportunity也许是一个机会To seize everything U ever wanted抓住所有你想要的东西One moment就在一瞬间Would U capture it ? 你能否抓住这个机会? Or just let it slip还是让它就此溜走Yo,His palms are sweaty你手心全湿Knees weak膝盖无力Arms are heavy头重脚轻 There"s vomit on his sweater already在他的衬衫之上满是呕吐痕迹Mom"s spaghetti而且都是老妈煮的意大利粉He"s nervous他紧张透顶But on the surface he looks calm & ready但表面却异常平静,好象成竹在胸 To drop bombs要引爆炸弹But he keeps on forgettin但实际上他却老是忘了What he wrote down自己写下的词语 The whole crowd goes so loud整群人大喊大叫He opens his mouth他张大了嘴But the words won"t come out却唱不出任何话语 He"s chokin how他哑口无言Everybody"s jokin now周围的人全都嘲笑联翩The clock"s run out时间也逐渐过去了Time"s up ! Over ! bloah ! 时间到,比赛完Snap back reality,Oh ! 终于被打回现实 There goes gravity,Oh ! 犹如被重力吸引There goes Rabbit,he choked这就是我们的兔子,他唱不出来He"s so mad but he won"t他是如此疯狂但他不会Give up that easy is he ? No ! 如此轻易放弃He won"t have it he knows他知道他没有天赋His whole back"s these ropes他被说唱的绳索束缚It don"t matter,he"s dope不要紧,他知道自己专业无比He knows that,but he"s broke但他又被打击透He"s so stacked that he knows他伤心而已 When he goes back his mobile home当他回到自己移动的家That"s when it"s back the lab again,Yo ! 意味着他又得回到实验里(This whole rap shit)He better go capture this moment这次他最好抓住机会了 And hope it don"t pass him希望这次说唱不会再离开他U better lose Urself in the music,the moment此刻你最好沉迷于音乐中U own it,U better never let it go你拥有它,就不要让它溜走U only get one shot你只有一次机会(只有开一枪的机会)Do not miss Ur chance blow不要错过引爆众人的机会 This opportunity comes once in a lifetime,Yo-这种机会人生只有一次 The soul"s escaping灵魂正在逃离Through this hole that it"s gaping从露出的缝隙里This world is mine the taking世界属于我,因为夺走的一切使我成为其中的国王Make me king,as we move toward a new world order随着我们迈向世界新秩序 A normal life is borin普通的生活未免太平淡无奇But superstardom"s close post mortar但要成为天皇巨星你要死过返生It only grows harder这会更加困难 Homeie grows hotter家里变得热情四射He blows us all over他引爆得我们惊叫连连 His hoes is all on him他的世界尽在其心中Coast--coast shows,he"s know as the globetrotter他在音乐中如同旅行家遨游四海Lonely roads,God only knows孤单的路上,只有天知道 He"s grown farther from home他已经更为成长He"s no father他不是父亲He goes home & barely knows his own daughter回到家几乎不认识女儿But hold Ur nose cuz here goes the cold water屏住呼吸吧,我要给你泼冷水His bosses don"t want him no mo,He"s cold product他的激情不容冷却,他是冰凉产物They moved on the next schmoe who flows他们转移向下一个目标He nose dove & sold nada & so the soap opera他堵着鼻子潜水以获得清醒Is told it unfoldsI suppose it"s old potna虽然说了,但是可能已经是陈年往事 But the beat goes onDa da dum da dum da da节拍一下一下走No more games不再更改游戏规则I"m gonna change what U call rage我不想再改变你所谓的愤怒根源 Tear this mothafuckin" roof off like dogs caged把这天杀的如狗笼般屋顶连根拔起吧 I was playin" in the beginnin它们就像我开始玩的那两个The mood all changed心情变了I been chewed up & spit out & booed off stage我被咀嚼,吐出,嘘下舞台 But I kept rhymin & stepwritin the next cypher但我继续呤唱,下次仍然决心站在舞台中央 Best believe somebody"s payin the pied piper最好相信有人会为你在身后默默注视着你All the pain inside amplified我内心的痛苦受到放大By the fact that I can"t get by with my事实上我再也不能度过这朝久晚五的生活And I can"t provide the right type of-Life my family我不能找出适合我家人的生活类型 Cuz man,these goddam food stamps don"t buy diapers因为人们,这些发给失业者的粮票不是用来买尿布的 And it"s no moviev,there"s no Mekhi Phifer别胡扯,这不是电影 This is my life & these times are so hard这就是我的生活,这些日子真难过 And it"s getting even harder tryin" feed & water my seed plus种子要开花结果就要更加辛勤的浇水施肥 Teeter-totter caught up between bein" a father & a prima donna做个父亲其实和做第一夫人一样惨Baby,Mama drama"s screamin" on her too much宝贝,我戏剧性的向妈妈尖叫了太多次 For me wanna stay in one spot也只是为了在家以抓住自己的机会 Another day of monotony千篇一律的每一天 It"s gotten me the point I"m like a snail I"ve got这让我感觉像个蜗牛 So formulate a plot fore I end up in jail or shot首先形成一个策划,要么就坐牢或被射杀的结局 Success is my only mothafuckin option,failure"s not成功才是我他妈唯一的选择,而不是失败 Mom,I love U,but this trail has got妈妈我爱你,但这拖车真应该滚蛋 To go I cannot grow old in Salem"s Lot我不能如同塞伦的命运般成长 So here I go it"s my shot所以我把握我的这次机会Feet fail me not this maybe the only opportunity that I got我双足疲惫,但这也许是我唯一的机会Move it up动起来U can do anything U set Ur mind ,man只要坚持头脑中的信念,任何事情都能成功

the whole world can be yours but you can only be mine啥意思

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