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英语翻译 133-24 sanford ave bj flashing ny 11377

2023-06-19 08:26:49
TAG: flas anf flashi

你的那个bj是 B"nai Jeshurun的缩写 这是个犹太人在曼哈顿建的小区

flashing 写错了应该是flushing法拉盛区,纽约的一个大区 ny当然就是代表纽约了133应该是代表国道吧 24代表第几街 11377是邮编 ave是avenue(街道)的缩写


纽约法拉盛区B"nai Jeshurun桑福德大街第133-24号









Queens flushing什么意思?

2023-06-19 06:01:133


on-site tubing,washing,purging,gas tight,water pressure test,test run by single,water combined transport,originally driving
2023-06-19 06:01:354


2023-06-19 06:01:436


水泵行业英语词汇   导语:水泵是输送液体或使液体增压的机械。下面是我收集整理的有关水泵行业的英语词汇,欢迎参考!   a muscular pump n.肌肉泵   bicycle pump n.自行车气筒   boiler feed pump n.锅炉给水泵   booster pump n.升压泵;增压泵   carbonator pump n.碳酸化专用制浦   cargo pump n.货泵   circulating pump n.循环泵;循环帮浦   electrically compressive pump n.电动压缩泵   flushing pump n.冲洗泵;供油泵   flushing water pump n.清洗水泵   fuel pump n.燃料泵   heat pump n.热泵   ink pump n.墨水泵   irrigation pump n.灌溉泵   pump capital into v.大量投资   pump control n.泵控制   pump from v.从...抽出   pump into v.泵送入   pump operated orange juice system n.帮浦式柳橙系统   pump out v.抽出   pump priming policy n.激经济政策   pump swing forward v.前摆臂屈伸   pump up v.给...打气   pumping head n.总扬程;水泵水头   pumping main n.泵站母管   pumping station n.水泵站;抽水站   water pump n.水泵   capacity pump n.供油量的`泵   pump back to vt.泵回   pump away vi.抽水   electron pump n.电子泵   hand pump n.手泵   sensible pump n.实用的便鞋   pump up about vt.为...而受到鼓舞   pump sth from vt.从...抽出某物   pump one"s chest vt.摁压某人的胸   lubricating oil primary pump n.主润滑油泵   pump drive shaft n.泵传动轴   tilting cylinder block type axial plunger pump n.斜缸式柱塞泵   pump sth into vt.把某物充入;把某物灌输给   pump sth out of vt.从...处得到某物;把某物抽出;抽出某物 ;
2023-06-19 06:03:161


原题:美国首都华盛顿所在地原是一片荒凉的灌木丛林.联邦政府机构位于市中心,国会大厦建在最高点“国会山”上,其两侧分别是总统府和联邦最高法院.以建都时各州名称命名的15条大道由内向外辐射,覆盖全城.对此建筑规划所体现的美国政治文化表述最为准确的是A.三权分立与民主共和 B.议会中心与联邦制原则 C.三权分立与制衡原则 D.平等独立的州权观念 答案:C.三权分立与制衡原则
2023-06-19 06:03:292

flushing 是荷兰哪里

2023-06-19 06:03:481


法拉盛在美国纽约皇后区。法拉盛(Flushing)是美国纽约皇后区境内的一个区域,近年来逐渐成为亚洲裔移民特别是来自韩国、中国等地的移民聚居的地方,并发展出具有浓厚东亚风味的商圈。法拉盛这个名称源自荷兰西南方的一个名为法拉盛的城市,1620年由新尼德兰的荷兰殖民人士命名。即使到现在,仍然可以在法拉盛找到昔日荷兰殖民者的踪迹,例如位于邦街(Bowne Street)的John Bowne House、邦街社区教堂(Bowne Street Community Church)、以及Flushing Quaker Meeting House。美国权利法案的前身法拉盛抗议书也是在1657年12月27日于法拉盛签署。皇后区皇后区,别名昆斯区,位于美国纽约市东,隶属于美国纽约市,总面积460平方千米,约有232.16万人。皇后建立于1683年,为纽约州最初的12县之一。“皇后”得名于查理二世之妻凯瑟琳皇后。1898年开始,皇后区建立在在皇后县的基础之上,今日两者的边界相同。
2023-06-19 06:03:551


我记得 我原来的欧洲经理 常用的一个词是 blow 查看原帖>>
2023-06-19 06:04:124

钻探行业中flushing hole是什么意思

钻探行业中flushing hole是冲洗孔的意思
2023-06-19 06:04:211

KLSSENABLVD PLUSHING NY 翻译过来什么意思 谢谢了 麻烦给翻译一下

应该是一个地址。你给出来的有误。你看看是不是应该是:Kissena Blvd, Flushing, Queens, NY
2023-06-19 06:04:402


2023-06-19 06:04:486


2023-06-19 06:05:053


1. I live in Flushing, how much is the cheapest logistic fee to here?2. There is a mistake and I need to change the delivery address, please help to modify the delivery fee account. (英文没必要说“不小心”,运费账单有很多很多种翻译)3. Please provide me more details about the product, and I would like to see photos of colored products.4. Could you offer a discount? 10 USD for the product and delivery fee.5. Do you have more CD with this style? If you have any unpublished products, please send me the links and I would like to make a purchase.6 The products offered by the retailer have a severe quality problem. There are photos being the proof and it is the responsibility of the retailer, so I request a refund. (1) The products don"t match the descriptions online, and the retailer sent me secondhand and pirated goods instead of new and orignal ones. (2) The retailer sent me one less product. (3) The terrible packaging caused a severe damage of goods, and I have sent messages to the retailer to strengthen the packages, but he did not keep his promise. This is a violation of our agreement. (英文只有抱怨没有申请投诉的意思。本来这段话就是抱怨所以没有必要翻译。)看来你是在国外网站买了什么东西吧,还是在买中国的好了,国外不见得好的。希望对你有帮助。
2023-06-19 06:05:143

校园浪费现象 写一篇英语作文

2023-06-19 06:05:352


2023-06-19 06:05:423


Hudson River和East River
2023-06-19 06:05:511


2023-06-19 06:05:581


The ceiling light keeps flushing. It must has bad connection.
2023-06-19 06:06:193

请教Facelet was modified flushing component applied 错误

Facelet was modified flushing component applied修正了部分应用facelet冲洗Facelet was modified flushing component applied修正了部分应用facelet冲洗
2023-06-19 06:06:261


2023-06-19 06:06:355


2023-06-19 06:07:041


2023-06-19 06:07:275


2023-06-19 06:07:453


2023-06-19 06:07:545

灌溉 英语

2023-06-19 06:08:091

跪求 翻译!

初雪作者 John Boynton priestley当我今年早上起床时,世界犹如一片冰寒的、由死寂的白色和浅淡的蓝色构成的山谷。透过窗子的光线古怪奇异,这令平日普通的洗漱,剃须,刷牙和穿衣也显得古怪起来。然后太阳升起了。当我坐在早餐桌前时,太阳倔强的闪耀着,为雪涂抹上淡淡的粉色。餐厅的窗子变成了美丽的日本画。窗外的小李树被雪淡淡覆盖了它的枝丫,在阳光下美妙的展示着它的枝干。一两个小时后所有的一切都闪着清冷的白蓝色镀边。世界再次完全的变化了。小日本画消失了。我从书房窗外望去,视线越过花园和草坪,越过低矮的山丘,大地犹如一片长长的闪光,而天空形同钢炼,所有的树木变成黑暗阴郁的轮廓。这样的景象奇异地预言着不祥。似乎我们平静的郊外,这个离英国中心极近的地方,变成了西伯利亚一带没有树木的大草原。似乎,在某一时刻,会有骑士突然从黑色的僵尸里冲出,暴君将带着武器驾到,枪械声响起,远处的雪地将染成血色。这就是大地上的景象。而今它再次变换。大地不再闪耀也不再阴郁。然而大雪簌簌落下,有大瓣的雪花,故而你无法看到狭窄的山谷之外的地方。屋顶上堆积厚厚的积雪,树枝被压得弯曲。而村庄教堂的风向标在铅灰色的空气中依稀可见,犹如安徒生童话里的形象一般。我的书房既是房子的一部分也能看到房子的一部分,从这里看出去,我看见孩子们趴在幼儿园的窗户上压扁了他们的鼻子。我脑海中回响着我童年时常唱着的声音尖细的歌谣,浮现出我趴在冰凉的窗户上,压扁了鼻子看雪落的场景。译者云:此文很美 ^^ 我很喜欢 就算没积分也认真翻了
2023-06-19 06:08:361


2023-06-19 06:08:556


2023-06-19 06:09:107


  Ajax 技术已经存在了一段时间,开发的动力已经真正开始得到了人们的认可。越来越多的 Web 站点正在考虑使用Ajax 进行设计,开发人员也开始将 Ajax 的能力发挥到极限。随着社交网络和协作式报告等现象的出现,一组全新的要求浮现出来。如果有其他用户更改了某位用户正在观察的任何活动,则用户希望得到通知。如果一个 Web 站点显示动态数据,如股价等,那么所有用户都必须立即得到关于变更的通知。  这些场景本身属于一类称为 “服务器推送” 的问题。通常,服务器是中心实体,服务器将首先获得关于所发生的任何更改的通知,服务器负责将此类更改通知所有连接的客户端。但遗憾的是,HTTP 是客户端-服务器通信的标准协议,它是无状态的,而且在某种意义上来说,也是一种单向的协议。HTTP 场景中的所有通信都必须由客户端发起,至服务器结束,然而我们所提到的场景的需求则完全相反。对于服务器推送来说,需要由服务器发起通信,并向客户端发送数据。HTTP 协议并无相关配置,Web 站点应用程序开发人员使用独创的方法来绕过这些问题,例如轮询,客户端会以固定(或可配置)的时间间隔与服务器联系,查找是否有新更新可用。在大多数时候,这些轮询纯粹是浪费,因而服务器没有任何更新。这种方法不是没有代价的,它有两大主要问题。  这种方法极度浪费网络资源。每一个轮询请求通常都会创建一个 TCP 套接字连接(除非 HTTP 1.1 将自己的keepAlive 设置为 true,此时将使用之前创建的套接字)。套接字连接本身代价极高。除此之外,每一次请求都要在网络上传输一些数据,如果请求未在服务器上发现任何更新,那么这样的数据传输就是浪费资源。如果在客户端机器上还运行着其他应用程序,那么这些轮询会减少传输数据可用的带宽。  即便是请求成功,确实为客户端传回了更新,考虑到轮询的频率,这样的更新也不是实时的。例如,假设轮询配置为每 20 秒一次,就在一次请求刚刚从服务器返回时,发生了更新。那么这次更新将在 20 秒后的下一次请求到来时才能返回客户端。因而,服务器上准备好供客户端使用的更新必须等待一段时间,才能真正地为客户端所用。对于需要以尽可能实时的方式运行的应用程序来说,这样的等待是不可接受的。  考虑到这样两个问题,对于需要关键、实时的服务器端更新的企业应用程序而言,轮询并不是最理想的方法。在这篇文章中,我将介绍多种可以替代轮询的方法。每一种替代方法在某些场景中都有自己的突出之处。我将说明这些场景,并展示需要实时服务器推送的一组 UI。  Ajax 应用程序中的服务器更新技术  让我们来具体看看用于更新来自服务器的信息的一些常用技术,这些技术模拟了服务器推送。  短轮询  短轮询也称为高频轮询,就是我在本文开头处介绍的技术。这种方法在以下情况中表现最好:  有足够的带宽可用。  根据统计数据,大多数时候,请求都能获得更新。例如,股市数据就总是有可用更新。  使用 HTTP 1.1 协议。设置 keepAlive=true,因而,同一个套接字连接始终保持活动状态,并可重用。  长轮询  长轮询是用于更新服务器数据的另外一种方法。这种方法的理念就是客户端建立连接,服务器阻塞连接(通过使请求线程在某些条件下处于等待状态),有数据可用时,服务器将通过阻塞的连接发送数据,随后关闭连接。客户端在接收到更新后,立即重新建立连接,服务器重复上述过程,以此实现近于实时的通信。然而,长轮询具有以下缺陷:  一般的浏览器默认允许每台服务器具有两个连接。在这种情况下,一个连接始终是繁忙状态。因而,UI 只有一个连接(也就是说,能力减半)可用于为用户请求提供服务。这可能会导致某些操作的性能降低。  仍然需要打开和关闭 HTTP 连接,如果采用的是非持久连接模式(keepAlive=false),那么这种方法的代价可能极高。  这种方法近于实时,但并非真正的实时。(当然,某些外部因素总是不可控的,比如网络延时,在任何方法中都会存在这些因素。)  流通道  流通道(streaming channel)与长轮询大致相同,差别在于服务器不会关闭响应流。而是特意保持其处于打开状态,使浏览器认为还有更多数据即将到来。但是,流通道也有着自己的缺陷:  最大的问题就是数据刷新(flushing)。过去,Web 服务器会缓存响应数据,仅在接受到足够的字节数或块数后才会发送出去。在这种情况下,即便应用程序刷新数据,也仍然会由服务器缓存,以实现优化。更糟的是,如果在客户端和服务器之间存在代理服务器,那么代理也可能会为自身之便缓存数据。  如果发现套接字将打开较长的时间,某些浏览器实现可能会自行决定关闭套接字。在这种情况下,通道需要重新建立。  通常,第一个问题可通过为每个流响应附加垃圾有效载荷来解决,使响应数据足以填满缓冲区。第二个问题可通过“保持活动” 或按固定间隔 “同步” 消息来欺瞒浏览器,使浏览器认为数据是以较慢的速率传入的。  这些解决方案适用的用例范围狭窄。所有这些方法都已经在 Internet 上的某些解决方案中得到了应用。然而,这些解决方案都遭遇了相同的问题:缺乏可伸缩性。典型情况下,要阻塞一个请求,需要阻塞处理请求的线程,因为如今几乎所有应用服务器都会执行阻塞 I/O。即便不是这样,Javau2122 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 也未提供为 HTTP 请求和响应执行非阻塞 I/O 的标准。(Servlets 3.0 API 可解决这一问题,因为这些 API 中包含Comet Servlet。)  至此,需要具备非阻塞 I/O(NIO)服务器,客户端应用程序通过它进行连接。由于此类套接字是纯 TCP 二进制套接字,因而将实现以下目标:  由于服务器端具有 NIO,因而可实现更高的可伸缩性。  响应缓存的问题不复存在,因为这个套接字直接受应用程序的控制。  基于上述说明,有必要指出这种方法的四个缺点:  由于使用的是二进制 TCP 套接字,因而应用程序无法真正地利用 HTTPS 层提供的 SSL 安全性。所以,要求数据安全性的应用程序可能需要提供自己的加密工具。  通常情况下,服务器套接字将在 80 以外的端口上运行,如果防火墙仅允许来自端口 80 的流量,将出现问题。因而,可能需要进行一些端口配置。  Ajax 客户端无法通过后端打开 TCP 套接字连接。  即便 Ajax 客户端能够执行 open 函数,也无法理解二进制内容,这是因为 Ajax 使用的是 XML 或 JSON(基于文本)格式。  在这篇文章中,要强调的是如何真正地绕开第三个和第四个问题。如果能够处理安全性和防火墙问题,那么其他问题也能得到处理。这种做法的获益极为显著。  可为应用程序实现最大程度的实时服务器推送行为(不考虑网络延时等外部因素),将获得高度可伸缩的解决方案(以同时连接的客户端数量为准)。  下面解决上述的第三个和第四个问题。  基于套接字的 RIA 技术  Ajax 并不能真正地解决第三个和第四个问题。因而,需要利用其他 RIA 技术寻求解决方案。有两种 RIA 技术提供的套接字 API 可与 Ajax 应用程序交互。这两种技术是 Adobe Flex 和 OpenLaszlo。全面介绍这两种技术并非本文讨论范围之内,但这些技术提供的两种特性如下所示:  均能通过后端打开 TCP 二进制套接字  均能出色地与运行在同一个浏览器窗口中的 Ajax 应用程序(主要是 JavaScript)交互  但这仅仅解决了部分问题。确实可以打开套接字,可以使 Ajax 应用程序使用它们,但 Ajax 应用程序仍然无法处理纯二进制数据。实际上,这两种技术都提供了二进制 TCP 套接字的一种变体,称为XMLSocket,它可用于来回传输纯 XML 数据。这正是您需要的东西。如果这些技术能够通过服务器打开套接字,如果它们能够传输 XML 数据,任务就完成了。Ajax 应用程序可充分利用这一点,模拟实时服务器推送技术。下面将介绍如何实现。  实现 Ajax 服务器推送  将使用两种工具解释这项技术:Adobe Flex 和 OpenLaszlo。首先,需要编写能够接收并缓存连接的后端服务器。在这里不能太过偏离主题,因而要保证服务器基于阻塞 I/O。  需要创建一个服务器套接字,接收预先指定地址的连接:  清单 1. 创建服务器套接字  public class SimpleServer {  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {  ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket();  serverSocket.bind(new InetSocketAddress("localhost",20340));  Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();  }  }  在这里,将服务器套接字绑定到 localhost:20340 这一地址。当一个客户端连接到该服务器套接字时,它将为我提供一个套接字,显示连接。Flex 客户端随后会要求策略文件,这是其安全性模型的一部分。通常,这个策略文件的形式类似于清单 2。  清单 2. Flex 客户端策略文件  <?xml version="1.0"?>  <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM  "">  <cross-domain-policy>  <allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="20340"/>  </cross-domain-policy>  就在连接之后,Flex 客户端会立即发送一条策略文件的请求。该请求仅包含一个 XML 标记:<policy-file-request/>。在响应中,您需要返回此策略文件。清单 3 中的代码就完成了这个任务。  清单 3. 发送策略文件响应  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {  ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket();  serverSocket.bind(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 20340));  Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();  String POLICY_REQUEST = "<policy-file-request/>u0000";  String POLICY_FILE = "<?xml version="1.0"?> " +  "<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM  ""> " +  "<cross-domain-policy>  " +  " <allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="20340"/>  " +  "</cross-domain-policy>";  byte[] b = new byte[POLICY_REQUEST.length()];  DataInputStream dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());  dataInputStream.readFully(b);  String request = new String(b);  if (POLICY_REQUEST.equals(request)) {  DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());  dataOutputStream.write(POLICY_FILE.getBytes());  dataOutputStream.flush();  dataOutputStream.close();  } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown request format " + request);  }  此代码建立了与客户端的成功连接。现在,服务器可以与客户端发起 “握手” 之类的协议,此时,服务器通常会指定一个惟一的 ID,并将其发送给客户端,此后,服务器可根据 ID 缓存套接字,在此之后,如果服务器需要向客户端推送某些数据,可以按照 ID 定位套接字,并使用其输出流。幸运的是,OpenLaszlo 也使用了相同的基于策略文件的机制,因而,同样的服务器代码适用于两种场景。  下面将介绍如何创建 Flex 套接字,随后将其与 Ajax 应用程序连接。  使用 Adobe Flex 打开客户端套接字  清单 4 中的代码展示了如何通过 Flex 打开客户端套接字:  清单 4. 通过 Flex 打开客户端  var socket : XMLSocket = new XMLSocket();  // register events:  socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, closehandler);  socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, connectHandler);  socket.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, openHandler);  socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, readHandler);  socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);  socket.connect("localhost",20340);  完成 socket.connect() 调用后,Flex 将向服务器发送一条请求,要求提供策略文件,期待获得 XML 响应。完成之后,连接即建立,这个套接字现在即可用于从服务器推送数据。  作为拼图的最后一块,将看到 Flex 如何将 Ajax 作为应用程序调用。为此,要编写一个可处理服务器端消息的通用 JavaScript 函数。将此方法命名为 handleServerMessageReceived(message)。此方法会获取来自服务器的 XML 代码,此方法对于消息的处理方式以应用程序为依据。清单 5 中的代码展示了 Flex 如何调用 JavaScript函数。这是 readHandler 方法的代码,该方法在接收到服务器 XML 消息时被调用。  清单 5. 使用 handleServerMessageReceived(message) 的 readhHandler 代码  public function readHandler(e : DataEvent) : void {  var message  : XML = as XML;"handleServerMessageReceived", message);  }  就是这样!就是这样简单。已经创建了一个 XML 套接字连接。当来自服务器的数据送达时,可调用 Ajax 中的某些通用处理函数,处理这些消息。完整源代码可供下载(请参见下载部分)。  下面来看看 OpenLaszlo 如何实现相同的目标。  使用 OpenLaszlo 打开客户端套接字  由于 OpenLaszlo 应用程序以 Flash 和 DHTML 平台为目标,因而其 API 和脚本语言类似于 Flash 和JavaScript。这主要是为希望迁移到 OpenLaszlo(作为 RIA 的替代方案)的 Web 开发人员提供便利。  OpenLaszlo 提供了两种创建与后端之间的持久连接的方法。一种方法要使用 Lz(Laszlo 的缩写)标准库中提供的ConnectionManager API。但其文档明确说明了以下内容:  “警告:这项特性是临时的。此特性用于容量有限的环境,能够用于开发,但我们不推荐使用此特性进行部署(不包括低容量、非任务关键型的部署)。若对使用此版本的持久连接的应用程序的健壮性有任何问题,请直接咨询Laszlo Systems。”  或许目前这是一项实验技术,但在未来的 OpenLaszlo 版本中,它将得到证实。  第二种方法与 Flex 相似,您要手动打开 XML 套接字连接,等待 READ_DATA 事件发生。清单 6 展示了实现方法。  清单 6. 定义 XMLSocket 类  <class name="ClientSocket" extends="node">  <attribute name="host" />  <attribute name="port" />  <XMLSocket name="xml_socket"/>  <handler name="oninit">  // connect the socket here:  xml_socket.connect(host,port);  </handler>  <handler name="onData" reference="xml_socket" args="messageXML">  <![CDATA[‘handleServerMessageReceived",messageXML);  ]]>  </method>  </class>  (为简短起见,忽略了其他处理方法。在本文的下载部分中可获得完整的代码清单。)  就是这样,创建一个套接字对象并连接此对象就是这样轻松。这一代码清单创建了一个名为 ClientSocket 的新类,随后声明了一个名为 “xml_socket” 的 XML 套接字对象。只要此套接字对象读取到来自服务器的数据,就会触发onData 事件,该事件将由为 onData 定义的处理方法处理。最后,在 onData 处理方法中,调用 Ajax 应用程序中的外部 JavaScript 函数。此后的流程与 Flex 客户端相同。  要创建 ClientSocket 对象,只需声明它即可:  清单 7. 声明 ClientSocket  <canvas>  <ClientSocket id="serverPushSocket" host="localhost" port="20340"/>  </canvas>  为 ClientSocket 触发了 init 事件时,将尝试连接指定主机和端口的后端。(请参见清单 6 中的 oninit 处理方法。)  结束语  这篇文章讨论了几种模拟服务器推送的方法,从纯轮询到实时服务器推送,文中说明了每种方法的优缺点。最后,重点关注了能够提供最优服务器可伸缩性和实时服务器推送行为的方法。  服务器推送并非适用于每一个应用程序。实际上,大多数应用程序都非常适合普通的请求/响应场景。其他一些应用程序使用轮询和类似的技术足以满足需求。只有那些服务器更新极为重要、客户端需要得到即时通知的重量级应用程序才需要本文所述技术。有必要再次强调,这种技术有两个主要的缺点:  如果数据需要通过 HTTPS 传输,客户端套接字无法利用 SSL 加密工具。  防火墙需要允许客户端套接字通过非标准端口(非 80 端口)连接到服务器。  然而,市面上存在着大量开源库,可利用它们轻松编写自定义的加密例程。类似地,配置防火墙也是轻而易举的,实际上,只需付出很少的代价,即可获得强大的实时服务器推送功能。
2023-06-19 06:09:275

Apt #3G 140-55 34th AveFlushing N.Y 11354.这个地址怎么翻译

2023-06-19 06:09:431

求一首英文嗨曲的名字!歌词大概是for me call me ……

你找一下听看看对不对give me 歌手:a tribe called quest 专辑:love movement Doin" our thing in queensWe had dreams about bein" emceesAnd there was no concern about so and soAnd these record companiesBut now we all are grownAnd the spots is gettin" blownBoyz ii men, abc, bbdNah, we ain"t none of them, bGive meSo give meNore, phife dawg and abstractGive meTo everyone in the worldNore, phife dawg and abstractYo when i rap, all my niggas love abstractA Tribe Called QuestYo, from far rock to flushing, concussionEvery time a nigga rhyme it"s like we get our bus" onI used to ride a dollar van and really get my bus onYo, from south don to el segundoAll my niggas gettin" high yo, and still livin" on the run thoughGet alot a dough so now we have a lot of fun thoughQ-u, two e"s, n-sAll we really care about is money, cheba and sexWhat what what[q-tip]Niggas get faded, never outdatedGive it to the world, "cause for long they waitedShorties online to cop the new cdSo hip-hop"ll bust nut in graffitiWe could two-piece it or we could just seize itShorty, you"re my shit, "cause my style wild decentWhat"s it gonna be, the party or the precent?Queens cats rock, keep it rugged and recentMy nigga nore thug it out (thug it out, no doubt)Phife dawg buggin" out (buggin" out, no doubt)Ali shaheed get a shout (shout it out, no doubt)Yo better things, hold on, take a time outHuddle up, yo, queens niggas won"t fuck it upKeep my southside niggas just palyin" the cutWhile my queensbridge people stay roughin" you upEast elmhurst, carona, iatolaKeep the caller id on the motorolaGotta keep the po-po on the payolaQueens niggas shut it down, now it"s all overOne nine two, the bully fram louMerrick van wig holler shaft got brewHead up jamacia ave, cop a tape by dj clueMove to the acre, sippin" on a guinney boozeScoopin" ladies up in babies makes my day completeFreestylin" over beats for my peoples in the streetThis is a place where stars are bornLinden to lawton, we keep it hot like porn
2023-06-19 06:09:511

Internal error flushing the buffer in release()

2023-06-19 06:09:592


2023-06-19 06:10:082

道达尔/total engine flushing oil发动机清洗油 怎么用

先放出旧机油 然后加入清洗油 怠速发动10分钟 然后放掉清洗油 更换机油滤清器 最后加入新机油到标注值即可
2023-06-19 06:10:171

今天,有人问我:"义父(干爹)"英语怎么说?我想好像也不是adoptive father 或者godfather.你有更好的说法吗?

汉英翻译:adopted father网络释义:Godfather
2023-06-19 06:03:053


建恒海运有限公司 建恒海运 KHL中外船公司简称与缩写一览表公 司 名 称 简 称 缩 写澳大利亚国家航运公司 澳洲航运 ANL美国总统轮船有限公司 总统轮船 APL比利时联合海运 比利时海运 ALLIED南美邮船公司 南美邮船 CLAN S.A.南美智利国家航运公司 智利航运 CCNI法国达飞船务代理有限公司 达飞轮船 CMA CGM正利航业股份有限公司 正利航业 CNC京汉海运有限公司 京汉海运 CO-HEUNG中远集装箱运输有限公司 中远集运 COSCO达贸国际轮船公司 达贸国际 DELMAS东南亚海运株式会社 东南亚海运 DONG WOO德国胜利航运公司 德国胜利 SENATOR长荣海运股份有限公司 长荣海运 EVERGREEN远东海洋轮船公司 远东轮船 FESCO菲泰来国际运输有限公司 菲泰来国际 FETRANS英国荣升海运有限公司 荣升海运 HATSU韩进海运株式会社 韩进海运 HANJIN兴亚海运株式会社 兴亚海运 HEUNG-A香港明华船务有限公司 香港明华 MING WAH赫伯罗特有限公司 赫伯罗特 HAPAG-LLOYD现代商船有限公司 现代商船 HMM株式会社韩星船舶 韩星船舶 HSLN伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司 伊朗国航 IRISL川崎汽船株式会社 川崎汽船 K LINE高丽海运株式会社 高丽海运 KMTC建恒海运有限公司 建恒海运 KHL上海浦海航运有限公司 浦海航运 PUHAI宏海箱运有限公司 宏海箱运 RCL山东省烟台国际海运公司 烟台国际 SYMS墨西哥轮船公司 墨西哥轮船 TMM德翔航运有限公司 德翔航运 T.S.阿拉伯联合国家轮船公司 阿拉伯轮船 UASC万海航运股份有限公司 万海航运 WHL阳明海运股份有限公司 阳明海运 YML以星轮船船务有限公司 以星轮船 ZIM鲁丰航运有限公司 鲁丰航运 LU FENG意大利邮船公司 意大利邮船 LT马来西亚国际航运有限公司 马来西亚航运 MISC商船三井有限公司 商船三井 MOL地中海航运公司 地中海航运 MSC马士基海陆有限公司 马士基海陆 MAERSK SEALAND神原汽船株式会社 神原汽船 KAMBARA KISEN铁行渣华船务有限公司 铁行渣华 P&O NEDLLOYD北欧亚航运有限公司 北欧亚航运 NORASIA日本邮船有限公司 日本邮船 NYK东方海外货柜航运有限公司 东方海外 OOCL萨姆达拉船务有限公司 萨姆达拉 SAMUDERA印度国家航业 印度国航 SCI太平船务有限公司 太平船务 PIL泛洋商船株式会社 泛洋商船 PAN OCEAN瑞克麦斯轮船公司 瑞克麦斯 RICKMERS天津市海运股份有限公司 天津海运 TMSC中国海运集团总公司 中海集运 CSCL长锦商船株式会社 长锦商船 SINKOR上海锦江航运有限公司 锦江航运 JINJIANG中外运集装箱运输有限公司 中外运集运 SINOTRANS达通国际航运有限公司 达通国际 EAS益通航运集团 益通航运 YI-TONG福海航运实业有限公司 福海航运 FUHAI
2023-06-19 06:03:091


内容太多了 给你网址看下吧 很详细希望可以帮到你
2023-06-19 06:03:144


2023-06-19 06:03:282


faith , 信念,信仰什么的,都可以用这个。 religion,这个要注意,是宗教上的信仰。 谢谢 记得采纳啊
2023-06-19 06:03:282

第27周-过继性T细胞治疗(adoptive T-cell therapy,ACT)

文章是 Immune recognition of somatic mutations leading to complete durable regression in metastatic breast cancer 发表于 Nature Medicine (2018) 重点在实验设计环节,但是现在的大文章或多或少都引入多组学数据,本文也不例外,实验纳入的唯一一个病人既做了全外显子又做了转录组测序,还有单细胞测序。不过数据公开的是 PRJNA342632 for exome data and PRJNA243084 for RNA-seq data 近年来,肿瘤免疫疗法已成为继手术、放疗和化疗之后的第四种肿瘤治疗手段。 肿瘤免疫治疗 ,主要包括 其中以CTLA4、PD1/PDL1抑制剂为代表的 免疫检查点抑制剂 ,以其显著的临床疗效而备受瞩目。 而本文的研究属于肿瘤免疫治疗的过继性T细胞疗法(ACT)领域,之前以CART为主,最近出现了另外一种疗法——TIL(Tumor Infiltrating T cell,肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞),表现也十分惊艳,Rosenburg博士及其团队就是这一领域的代表。 肿瘤浸润性淋巴细胞(tumor infiltrating lymphocyte, TIL)指的是从肿瘤组织中分离出的浸润淋巴细胞。 1986年,Rosenberg研究组首先报道了TIL细胞。TIL细胞表型具有异质性。一般来说,在TIL中,绝大多数细胞是CD3阳性的。在不同肿瘤来源的TIL细胞中,CD4+ T细胞、CD8+ T细胞的比例有差异,但大多数情况下以CD8+T细胞为主。 不同患者不同肿瘤类型对免疫疗法的反应不可预测,是因为免疫成分的异质性以及肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞(TILs)在单个肿瘤内和患者之间的多样化表型。 并不是所有的肿瘤浸润T细胞都是针对肿瘤抗原的,并且发现检测CD39的表达可以简单的量化或分离Bystander 即“旁观者”T细胞。 早在2014年的时候Rosenburg博士的团队就将其一部分研究结果发表在Science期刊(Tran E et al, Science 2014)上,当时他们的做法是:把一名晚期胆管癌女患者的肺转移肿瘤 病灶 拿来做全基外显子测序,找到了26个非同义突变, 并为每一个突变构建了一段短基因,将这些短基因几个一组地串联成短基因串(Tandem Minigene, TMG) ,然后将这些短基因串转入抗原递呈细胞(指树突状细胞DC)并与肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞(TIL)共同培养,以查看患者的TIL中是否存在可以特异性识别肿瘤突变的T细胞。不出所料,这位患者的TIL可以识别肿瘤的一个突变。研究者将这个有识别功能的T细胞体外大量扩增后再回输给患者,患者肝部的转移灶长期稳定状态达1年以上。Rosenburg博士的团队通过这个研究,证明了晚期癌症患者的肿瘤组织中确实是存在可以对抗肿瘤突变的淋巴细胞的、即便是在晚期胆管癌这样凶险又难治的瘤种。 参考自:肿瘤资讯。 但是从实体瘤中收集浸润性T细胞确实比较有挑战性,而与之相比,抽取患者的外周血则容易得多 ,所以2016年Steve Rosenberg小组发表在《自然-医药》杂志上的文章《Prospective identification of neoantigen-specific lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of melanoma patients》即是从晚期恶性黑色素瘤患者的 外周免疫细胞 中可根据PD-1受体表达找到针对肿瘤变异新抗原的活性杀伤T细胞。这样找到的T细胞在体外增殖后和肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞(TIL)一样可以识别患者自身肿瘤。 但是恶性黑色素瘤是一种突变比较多的肿瘤,尽管外周血抗肿瘤细胞比例低,但是仍然能够分离出来;而其他突变较少的肿瘤在外周血中是否同样存在这样的T细胞就存疑了。 虽然作者本文只探索了一个病人,但是它上传了很多数据在,对这个病人测了: 也是常规的肿瘤外显子数据分析流程,其实就是GATK best-practices 流程加上 varscan2,再使用 ‘allele-specific copy-number analysis of tumors" (ASCAT) 和Sequenza 来分析肿瘤纯度和倍性,然后得到的somatic 变异过滤如下: 其RNA-seq测序也是走的STAR比对加上GATK best-practices 流程来找变异。 最后使用 PyClone 进行克隆进化分析。 这里过滤后剩下 62 nonsynonymous somatic 变异位点 通过与前面文章类似的方法,构建TMG来挑选病人那些可以特异性识别这些突变的TIL细胞。本次使用使用了pulsed peptide pools (PPs 1–6) or transfected mRNAs (tandem minigenes (TMGs) 1–6) 得到的结果如图: 挑选那些高表达T cell receptor (TCR)-β variable (TRBV) region or high expression levels of 4-1BB (CD137, a marker of T cell activation)的T细胞做单细胞测序,找到了跟mutant (mut)-SLC3A2 or mutKIAA0368对接的 TRBV 然后TIL回输之后, FACS-sorted TRBV28+ cells showed specific recognition of PP6 and TMG6,如下图 又对应到了两个突变: 整个实验比较幸运,对这个病人来说,发现了 11 TCR clonotypes recognized the four neoantigens (SLC3A2, KIAA0368, CADPS2 and CTSB) 其实我看的不是很懂,可能就是明白其中的组学数据分析环节吧,而且作者单细胞测序也说的不清不楚的。 但是这个作者持之以恒的发大paper,应该是很牛吧。 (文章转自jimmy的2018年阅读文献笔记)
2023-06-19 06:03:361


2023-06-19 06:03:379


BUS应该多吧 那种长的 大城市很容易看到
2023-06-19 06:03:383


作业研究作为科学名字是出现于二十世纪30年代末期。当时英、美对付德国的空袭,以雷达作为防空系统的一部分,从技术上是可行的,但实际运用上却并不好用。为此一些科学家研究如何合理运用雷达开始进行一类新问题的研究。因为它与研究技术问题不同,就称之为作业研究(Operational Research,OR)。作业研究系起源于第二次世界大战(1941-1945)的一种科学计量管理技术。最早投入作业研究领域工作的第一个作业研究小组,于1940年由获得诺贝尔奖的美国物理学家勃拉凯特博士(Dr. P. M. S. Blackett)所组成,包括具有各种不同专长的十一名专家,对于英军的作战成果贡献卓著。1942年美国军方乃先后成立类似作业研究小组,其工作成果亦非常辉煌,使世人对于作业研究有了深刻的认识与了解。第二次世界大战结束,百废待兴,英美工商企业界于是引用作业研究技术于各行各业的复建工作,并且积极培养作业研究人才,广泛应用于: ----计划、生产、存货、市场、财务、人力等方面,使有限的资源做最佳的调配,并提高效率、降低成本、与减少风险。1950年代许多先进国家已在大学讲授作业研究课程,到了1960年代其发展更臻完善,许多大学专为它设立学系或研究所、Program等并授与学位,如著名的Harvard,Michigan,Stanford,Berkley,Wisconsin,Purdue等名校。许多理、工、商科系并将作业研究列为必修、必选或选修课程。目前,现代化的大型企业大多雇有作业研究人员,从事各项业务之决策分析工作。数学规划、线性规划、非线性规划、整数规划、目标规划、动态规划、随机规划等、图论与网络、等候理论(随机服务系统理论,大陆称排队理论)、存货模型、对策论、决策理论、维修更新理论、搜索论、可靠性和质量管理等。等候理论的先驱者丹麦工程师爱尔朗(Erlang)1917年在哥本哈根电话公司研究电话通讯系统时,提出等候理论的一些著名公式。存货模型的经济订购量(Economic Order Quantity,EOQ,或称经济请购量)公式是在二十纪20年代初期提出的。在商业方面列温逊在二十纪30年代已用作业研究思想原理分析商业广告、顾客心理。线性规划是由丹捷格(G. B. Dantzig)在1947年发表的成果。所解决的问题是美国空军军事规划时提出的,并提出了求解线性规划问题的简捷法(Simplex Method)。而早在1939年苏联的学者康托洛维奇(JI. B. KAHTOPOBHN)在解决工业生产组织和计划问题时,已提出了类似线性规划的模型,并写出了『解乘数法』的求解方法。由于当时并未受到上级领导的重视,直到1960年康托洛维奇再次发表了《最佳资源利用的经济计算》一书后,才受到国内外的一致重视,为此康托洛维奇得到了诺贝尔奖。值得一提的是丹捷格认为线性规划模型的提出是受到了列昂节夫的投入产出模型(1932年)的影响。关于线性规划的理论是受到了冯·纽曼(Von Neumann)的帮助。冯·纽曼和摩根斯坦(O. Morgenstern)合着的《对策论与经济行为》(1944年)是对策论的奠基之作,同时该书已隐约地指出了对策论与线性规划对偶理论的紧密联系。线性规划提出后很快地受到经济学家的重视,如在第二次世界大战中从事运输模型研究的美国经济学家库普曼斯(T. C. Koopmans),他很快看到了线性规划在经济中应用的意义,并呼吁年轻的经济学家要关注线性规划。其中阿罗、萨缪尔森、西蒙、多夫曼和胡尔威次等都获得了诺贝尔奖的最高荣誉与成就,并在作业研究某些领域中发挥其重要成效。
2023-06-19 06:03:001


2023-06-19 06:02:571

adoptive transfer是什么意思

2023-06-19 06:02:562


LH: Hello and welcome to Talk Asia, I"m Lorraine Hahn. My guest today is Taiwanese pop star, Wang Lee Hom. Born in New York in 1976, Wang grew up in the United States. Blessed with a mix of brains and talent, he spent his youth performing in local musicals, then pursued a degree in music at WilliamsCollege, followed by a masters degree from the prestigious Berkley School of Music. While in university, Wang landed a recording contract in Taiwan. His breakthrough album, Revolution, garnered rave reviews and firmly established him as a rising star in the Asian music scene. In addition to writing and producing his own music, Wang has also dabbled in movie projects around Asia. Lee Hom, it"s so good to see you! Thank you. (WL: It"s great to see you again.) Thanks for coming in. Your music, a blending of east west. You also sort of embody this mix. How would you describe your style? WL: Um, actually I call my style -- and I hope I don"t offend any of the viewers -- but I call it "chinked out." LH: I"m glad you said it and I didn"t. WL: Well, the "chinked out" style is a school ofhip hop - that"s the way I like to think of it - that incorporates Chinese elements and sounds. Uh, I started it off in my last album called Shangrila. And this album incorporated the music of ethnic minorities, in China, in Tibet, in Mongolia, Shenzhen. There"s 50 some odd --some people say 54, 55 different ethnic minorities -- tribal music. It"s a -- beautiful and original to Chinese culture. And this new album called Heroes of Earth incorporates Peking Opera and Quen-chu which are thousand year old traditions that are also unique to Chinese culture. Very unique instrumentation, costumes, singing styles. And it invigorates hip hop music. I don"t think anyone has ever done this before in hip hop, in the hip hop world. 王:「 chinked out 」 LH: Now when you use this so-called "derogatory" racial slur (WL: Yeah) Did you not think you would offend some people? WL: Well, I mean this is this is music. (LH: laughs) I"m an artist. I think I"d rather make people think, and coin new terms, and coin new sounds. You know, I think that saying this music is chinked out. I don"t want to offend anybody. I want to repossess the word, and this is a word I heard growing up in New York. It was derogatory at the time. And you know, I hope I can make it cool. 。 LH: Right. So you don"t mean it in a bad way then. WL: Definitely not. LH: Right. Your main influences when you"re writing music. What are they? WL: Well, I"ve got so many influences. As far as um popular music is concerned, there"d be people like Stevie Wonder and Prince. Um, Alisha Keys and Outkast. Missy Elliot. R Kelly. The Neptunes, people like that. And um, in classical music Leonard Bernstein, Bartok, Stravinsky, you know 20th century great composers. In Jazz there"s the great Jazz pianists -- because I studied jazz piano as well- like Herbie Hancock, Keith Jarrett, Kris Tiner, Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans. LH: Now I"ve heard that you carry a PDA all the time with you. WL: Well, I carry my computer with me everywhere I go. LH: And you write on it, right away? WL: Yeah, I write and do all my arrangements on my Mac. And um, I use Logic Pro, which is a great software program. It"s got all these synthesizers, software since... it"s got a whole orchestra inside. (LH: wow.) And actually I did this whole album, I"d say 90% of it, all the programming, at least, in my laptop. LH: Really? (WL: Yeah) On the road? WL: On the road. On the airplane, in hotels. LH: So technology is pretty important for somebody like you? WL: Oh absolutely. Um, I think it makes the music more natural to be able to incorporate the production just in your every day life. You get an idea, and you just pull out your computer on the bus, or on the car, or wherever, and say , "Oh, I"m going to lay down another track," you know. It"s just painless. LH: Your mother tongues isn"t Mandarin, right? (WL: no it"s not) You had to learn it as an adult? ? WL: Well, I learned it growing up in a Chinese household. But that was in the States so it was, by far, not fluent at all. LH: So is it difficult for you to sing and write in mandarin initially? WL: Initially. But I really I think paid my dues. You know, I studied it. And I"m still studying it because, colloquially for me, it"s not a problem now, but when you go back and work with Peking Opera and you"re looking at the scripts from, thousand year old scripts, and the way the Chinese language is, the ancient Chinese is so different than contemporary Chinese. I mean it would be very hard for your typical Chinese, native speaker, to understand that either. LH: Right. But so far, of all you albums, none of them have been sold in English yet. WL: I"ve never really had the urge to make an English album. (LH: Any plans?) I"ve done plenty of English singles though... are collaborations with artists from the States or other countries. I"ve just had a wonderful time doing Chinese music, and it"s been so rewarding for me. I feel like there"s so much potential in mandarin music, and there"s so much, you know, ground left to be broken. LH: So that"s on the back burner -- an English album -- for the time being. WL: Yeah. It is, it is. I mean, I love singing in English. And it"s a wonderful language to sing in. Yeah. LH: But not your preference at the moment. WL: Not now. I mean, Chinese music is -- I hope everyone gets a chance to hear what"s going on in Chinese music because it"s, it is new. And everyone knows that the Chinese world is exploding and you can watch CNN. You can see all these news broadcast about the economy, etc. But as far as the music is concerned, it"s the same way. Pop world, pop music, or movies, or etc, you know. Um, so there"s a lot of interesting stuff going on. LH: Right. You"ve won a number of awards the sort of Chinese Grammy Awards. (WL: Right) What do these awards mean to you? Are they important? Are they a validation of to what you do? WL: Well. The first time I won, uh like you just said, when I was 22, it meant a lot to me. It was like...I didn"t know I could make this happen, I didn"t know I could get this kind of recognition. So back then, it was a huge boost of confidence. And I don"t want to say ego, but confidence. I think every artist needs confidence. LH: Speaking of awards now, you recently, co-hosted the MTV Asia Awards with Kelly Rowland. (WL: Yeah.) Who was here as well, as I mentioned earlier. (WL: Yeah, she"s such a sweetheart.) I mean any funny, anything happen interesting, during that time? WL: That was my first time hosting. And well, I know what pressures a host has so I really appreciate your job. (LH: Thank you.) Cause, I mean, I"m a musician because I"m just not a good speaker. You know, ever since I was a kid, I didn"t want to talk to anybody, I just wanted to play my piano or the violin. So this really forced me to, you know, work on it. And to be able to read the cues and to read the teleprompter even though I"m not used to doing that. But Kelly was fantastic. Kelly was so sweet and she"s really smart. Great timing. So she made my job easy. LH: Lee Hom, we"re going to take a very short break. When Talk Asia returns, we"ll talk to Wang Lee Hom about being born in the USA, and life before fame. Stay with us! LH: Hello again, you"re watching Talk Asia, and my guest is Taiwanese singer and songwriter Wang Lee Hom. Leehom, you started singing at 3. You started playing the violin. (WL: I don"t know if that was called singing, but yeah.) Okay. The violin at 6. (WL: Right, right.) Was this something your parents did to put you through the motions or was it something you really enjoyed doing? WL: Actually I always feel like, in retrospect, I was tricked into it. Most kids are forced into it but I was tricked into it because my older brother...he"s two years older than me, he was kind of forced into playing the violin. Um, he didn"t really want to do it and I didn"t understand the forced element, I just went with my older brother to his lessons. And I would sit there and be like, "Ah, well..." My older brother to me, still, is a hero figure for me. But back then, he was my idol. Anything that he would do, I wanted to do. So I asked my parent, "Why can Leo play the violin and I can"t play the violin?" "Lee Hom, you"re too young. You"re going to have to wait until you"re six." I was like, "that"s not fair. You guys don"t let me do anything." (LH: laughs) So um, finally when I was six years old and I got to play the violin, I was like, "Ah, I"ve been waiting for so long" so it was love at first sight for me. LH: What about other instruments? You picked up other instruments along the way, haven"t you? WL: Yeah, then well the drums... I think every kid, you know, every kid wants to play the drums. Just bang away. (LH: any male kid) Yeah, any male kid. So that to me was an immediate, this real passion as well. And the piano... I always loved the piano as well. But it wasn"t until college that I really got into jazz. Other instruments, like guitar, base, and all the keyboards... those just came along the way, as I started playing in bands. LH: You have an English name I read -- Alexander. WL: Yeah. You know, I"ve never ever used it though. 王:是的,但我从来不用。 LH: Yeah, I was going to ask you, who called you that? WL: Nobody. Nobody except for um.. customs people. (LH: laughs) Cause it"s in my passport. But, um I remember when I went to kindergarten, my parents asked me "So do you want to go by Alex or Lee Hom" and they"re like "well keep in mind if they say Alex, there might be another Alex, but if you"re Lee Hom, you"re probably going to be the only Lee Hom." Well I want to be Lee Hom then. (LH: Right, and you are probably still the only Lee Hom.) I think I am. (LH: laughs) LH: I heard you were a very good student in school. Did you enjoy it? WL:I wasn"t a goodtwo shoes... I broke a lot of rules and I skipped a lot of classes and I did a lot of great things as well. But um, you know, I always knew what the consequences were going to be and I wasn"t, um, you know, I wasn"t difficult about it. LH: What do you enjoy about school? What was it? I mean, the exercise, the games, the learning, the clubs, the friends? WL: Well, I love most about my school is the friends... and the interpersonal relationships between, you know, whether it was hanging out with the baseball team... I loved to play baseball... or hanging out with the school band or doing musicals. You know, I loved to be able to hang out with different cliques. And I think that"s who I always have been. I"ve been somebody that"s been bridging over different... you know musical genres as well. LH: Was music always your ambition even back then or... WL: It was always my ambition deep in my heart. But music, especially I grew up in Rochester, New York, which is where the Eastman School of Music is in and at was always surrounded by professional musicians, and I always knew the outlook was bleak. You know, for any musician. (LH: It"s tough.) It"s tough. LH: And your parents, they didn"t sort of like push you like typical parents do? You know, get good grades, you know? WL: They did. They did. That"s why... um there was some tension going on as far as my parents wanted me to be a doctor, like my older brother is. And that would have been great, if I had, you know, the heart for it. But I just didn"t. That was the hardest part of growing up. I think that was the hardest part of my life... was right during uh applying for colleges and "What do you want to major in?" and everything, every bone in my body is saying music, "I want to do music." And I"m writing down Biology, you know. (LH: laughs.) That was rough. Yeah. LH: How did you convince them? I mean what did they think when you said, "I really want to do this." I mean that must have been difficult. WL: Well, I owe so much to Taiwan... and the fans in Taiwan because I released my first album when I was 19. So that was... that was right at that um crossroads. LH: While you were in university? WL: Yeah, freshman year. So there was still enough time for me to change my major to music. After the first album, it was actually after the second album came out... cause the first album didn"t do so well. So after the second album came out and um, there was, you know, a lot more response and I started to think, "This is it. Like this is who I am. Dad, mom, this is like... I"m a fish in water now. I"m happy. And this is what I"ve always wanted to do." Um, so I finally got their blessings. LH: Great. How did you juggle university studies and then I presume flying to Taiwan? WL: Yeah, that was tough. That was tough. Like I was on a plane at the drop of a hat. If it was Spring Break, even like Thanksgiving break, you got a 5 day break, I"d be back in Taiwan. And I"d record one song. So that was... you got to pay your dues. If you want to become a musician, you really, really have to commit your life to it. LH: Right, and now your family still based in the United States. Right? (WL: Yeah, they"re still there in Rochester.) I mean, was the transition difficult? Rochester to Taipei, for example. Taipei, Rochester, Rochester, Taipei. (LH: laughs) WL: It was r eally difficult for me at the beginning to adapt. You know, I was 19, well I was 18 when I was recording the album. And I didn"t really speak mandarin very well. I didn"t know anybody in Taiwan. And I was really, really lonely. And uh, you know, it was hard to... hard to just express myself. So that was a tough time, but um like I said, I paid my dues. (LH:
2023-06-19 06:02:521

大学出国交流,各学校网站上写的transfer 与exchange有区别吗?

exchange是临时交换,transfer是永久转学,很多大学不接受国内来的交换生的,真的喜欢uc berkeley介意transfer吧!
2023-06-19 06:02:442


2023-06-19 06:02:416


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2023-06-19 06:02:382


300 yards的意思吧,大概270多米长。
2023-06-19 06:02:351