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hospital 用英语怎么说?

2023-06-26 21:07:13
TAG: ita spit





  • hospitaln.医院
  • nosodochium【医】医院
  • nosocomium
  • 例句:


She woke up and found herself in a hospital bed



英 [ ˈhɒspɪtl ]

美 [ ˈhɑːspɪtl ]







1. I have to go to the hospital.


2. I had to go to the hospital.


3. The VA hospital needs renovation.



/ ˈhɒspɪtəl / 医院





英 [ˈhɒspɪtl] 美 [ˈhɑːspɪtl]




浩斯批涛 医院



最话 一



把…送入医院治疗;就医 [例句]Mrs smith seriously ill already hospitalize.史密斯夫人病重已住院。
2023-06-26 13:12:012


hospitalize就医;使住院Plans are in hand to hospitalize the worst-affected cases, but they will then need to be able to return to a lead-free environment. 正在研究计划,将最重的病例收住入院,但在此后,这些病例需要能够回到无铅的环境中。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-06-26 13:12:092


hospitalizedv.送…住院,使留医( hospitalize的过去式和过去分词 ); 例句:1.It said three children remain hospitalized. 政府说仍有三名儿童需要住院治疗。2.At first she thought they said lynne had overdosed and was hospitalized. 她最开始以为他们在说琳恩过量服药并被送去了医院。
2023-06-26 13:12:211


2023-06-26 13:12:313


没有,是住院的意思。hospitalize /ˈhɒspɪtəˌlaɪz/ TEM4 ( hospitalizing, hospitalized, hospitalizes )1. V-T If someone is hospitalized, they are sent or admitted to a hospital. 送…住院治疗 [usu passive]例:Most people do not have to be hospitalized for asthma or pneumonia.多数人不必因哮喘或肺炎住院。2. hospitalization N-UNCOUNT 住院治疗例:Occasionally hospitalization is required to combat dehydration.治疗脱水有时需要住院。
2023-06-26 13:12:391


   住院的.英文 :   be in hospital   be hospitalized    参考例句:   This is the first time to hospitalize in his remaining years.   这是他生命中的第一次住院。   Most people do not have to be hospitalized for asthma or pneumonia.   大多数哮喘或肺炎患者无需住院。   An inpatient procedure;an inpatient facility.   住院过程;住院设备   The doctor advised hospitalization for the child.   医生建议让小孩住院。   Hospitalization may be prolonged.   住院期可能延长。   He came in the hospital with a dislocation of the shoulder.   他因肩关节脱臼而住院。   You"ll have to stay in the hospital for observation for two days.   你得住院观察两天。   Two weeks in hospital seems a bleak prospect   住院两周看来没有什么希望。   I"m sorry to hear that your father"s in hospital.   听说你父亲住院了,我很难过。   Oxygen inhalation was continually used most of the time during this period of her hospitalization.   在其住院期间大都继续输氧   hospital是什么意思:   n. 医院   It was very hospitable of you [You were very hospitable] to have us stay.   您这么亲切地招待我们留下来,真是谢谢您。   soil sufficiently hospitable for forest growth; a hospitable environment.   非常适宜森林生长的土壤;宜人的环境。   The hospital is staffed with doctors and nurses.   医院配备了医生和护士。   The doctor advised hospitalization for the child.   医生建议让小孩住院。   Hospitalization may be prolonged.   住院期可能延长。
2023-06-26 13:12:461

auditorium;hospitalize ; hospitable 这英语用谐音怎么读?

auditorium---阿迪套瑞姆 (其中u不发音)hospitalize---耗死批头赖子hospitable---耗死皮特bou(ble的发音和拼音bou一样)如果想学好英语的话建议还是看着音标读
2023-06-26 13:12:541


2023-06-26 13:13:023


问题一:后缀的动词 使一个词变为动词的后缀。常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or bee)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or bee ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten3.-ate意为:增加,使……听写(give or add,make or bee)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate 问题二:英语 动词后缀有哪些? -en -fy -ish -ate 等 问题三:名词后缀有哪些 1.-ant,-ent表示人或构件 applicant(申请人),assistant(助手),occupant(居住者,占有人),ponent(部件,成分),defendant(被告)dependant(依赖他人者) 2.-ee在动词后面,表示动作的接受者 employee(被雇佣者),abandonee(受领被抛弃财物者), addressee(收件人)appointee(被任命者),refugee (难民) 3.-eer表示“从事于……的人” engineer(工程师),profiteer(投机者),pioneer(先 锋),volunteer(志愿者) 4.-er加在动词后指人或机械;加在地名后面指该地区的人 dispenser(药剂师),dyer(染色工),sampler(品尝家) ,absorber(吸收者),amplifier(扩大器),Londoner (伦敦人),New Yorler(纽约人) 5.-or指人或物 accelerator(加速器),accumulator(蓄电池、存储器),actor(演员),collector (收集者) 6.-graph用于写或记录的机械 ammograph(风速什),chorograph(位置测定器),seimograph(地震仪)。 7.-ian,-an,-ese指大陆、国家的人 African(非洲人),American(美国人),Asian(亚洲人),Japanese(日本人),Chinese(中国人) 8.-ician指熟悉……人 electrician(电工),logician(逻辑学家), mathematician(数学者) 9.-ist指相信某种理论或制度或经常做某项工作的人 botanist(植物学家),chemist(化学家),munist ( *** 员),typist(打字员),violinist(小提琴家) 10.-miter,-meter仪器 tachmiter(视距仪,准距仪),tromometer(微震仪)。 11.-i *** 主义 socaili *** (社会主义),capitali *** (资本主义) 12.-ard指人,带轻蔑意味 drunkard(醉鬼),coward(胆小鬼) 问题四:什么是名词,有什么后缀词,什么是动词。尽量简单的说。 名词后缀 1.-ant,-ent表示人或构件 applicant(申请人),assistant(助手),occupant(居 住者,占有人),ponent(部件,成分),defendant(被 告)dependant(依赖他人者) 2.-ee在动词后面,表示动作的接受者 employee(被雇佣者),abandonee(受领被抛弃财物者), addressee(收件人),appointee(被任命者),refugee (难民) 3.-eer表示“从事于……的人” engineer(工程师),profiteer(投机者),pioneer(先 锋),volunteer(志愿者) 4.-er加在动词后指人或机械;加在地名后面指该地区的人 问题五:英语中,形容词,副词,名词,动词,各有哪些后缀 形容词:-able, -al, - ful, -less, -ly, -ous, -y 名词:-tion, -ment, -nese, -ese, -er, -or, -ist 副词:-ly 动词:没有特别固定的
2023-06-26 13:13:131


2023-06-26 13:13:341

前缀 后缀是什么

给单词的前或后加上字母 如 care-careful-carefully happy-unhappy 前缀或后缀一般可以改变单词的意思 使它变为与他意思相反的词 或者他可以改变单词的词性
2023-06-26 13:13:572


后缀-名词后缀  常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ster,-eer,-er(or)意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer,auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor  2.-let意为:小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)例词:booklet,leaflet,starlet   3.-ette意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette 2)假的东西(imitation)例词:leatherette 3)女性(female)例词: usherette   4.-ess意为:女性(female)例词:actress,poetess,hostess,paintress   5.-hood意为:时期(status;etc.)例词:boyhood,childhood,manhood   6.-ship意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等(skill,state,condition,status,quality)例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship,sportsmanship   7.-ful意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful   8.-tion,-ion意为:1)状态,行动等(state;action;etc.)例词:action,oppression,possession,education,starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)例词: organization,foundation   9.-ment意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)例词:movement,enslavement,pavement   10.-al意为:动作(action)例词:arrival,refusal,revival,recital,removal   11.-age意为:程度,数量等(extent; amount;etc.)例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage,hostage   12.-ness;-ity(ty)意为:状态,品质(state;quality;etc.)例词:happiness, usefulness,selfishness,kindness,rapidity,activity,sanity,changeability   13.-ism意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of,practice of)例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism后缀-动词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify   2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten   3.-ate意为:增加,使……(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate [编辑本段]后缀-形容词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful, hopeful,helpful,forgetful,thankful, fearful   2.-less意为:没有,无(without;not giving)例词:speechless,childless,harmless,hopeless,meaningless   3.-ly意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly   4.-like意为:像……的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like   5.-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish   6.-some意为:像……一样的;引起……的;有……品质的(like;causing; having the quality of)例词:troublesome,burdensome,wholesome,tiresome,bothersome   7.-able(ible)意为:能……的;可以……的(able to be ;capable)例词: changeable,readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible   8.-ed意为:有……的(having,etc.)例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed, odd-shaped   9.-al意为:有……属性的,……类型的(nature of,typical of)例词:cultural,personal,regional,musical   10.-ary(ory)意为:属于……的,与……相连的(belonging to;connected with)例词:revolutionary,imaginary, contradictory   11.-ous意为:富含……的;有……品质的;像……的(full of;having the quality of;like)例词:glorious,erroneous,malicious,gracious   12.-ic(ical)意为:……类的;属于……的(typical of;belonging to)例词: historic,historical,methodic,methodical,dramatic,heroic   13.-ive意为:有……属性的;有某种倾向的(having the nature or quality of;given or tending to)例词:attractive, talkative,restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive后缀-副词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ly意为:以……方式(in a...manner;etc.)   例词:happily, boldly,attentive- ly,strangely   2.-ward(s)意为:表示方式或动作的方向(manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),earthward(s),homeward(s),eastward(s)   3.-wise意为:1)按照……方式(in the manner of)例词:crabwise,clockwise2)就……而言(asfar as concerned)例词:weatherwise ,educationwise
2023-06-26 13:14:261


后缀是一种重要的构词法,通过后缀我们常常可以判断出一个词的词性。下面分四大类分别讲解一些常见后缀及其含义: 一、名词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ster,-eer,-er(or)意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer,auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor 2.-let意为:小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)例词:booklet,leaflet,starlet 3.-ette意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette 2)假的东西(imitation)例词:leatherette 3)女性(female)例词: usherette 4.-ess意为:女性(female)例词:actress,poetess,hostess,paintress 5.-hood意为:时期(status;etc.)例词:boyhood,childhood,manhood 6.-ship意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等(skill,state,condition,status,quality)例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship,sportsmanship 7.-ful意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful 8.-tion,-ion意为:1)状态,行动等(state;action;etc.)例词:action,oppression,possession,education,starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)例词: organization,foundation 9.-ment意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)例词:movement,enslavement,pavement 10.-al意为:动作(action)例词:arrival,refusal,revival,recital,removal 11.-age意为:程度,数量等(extent; amount;etc.)例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage,hostage 12.-ness;-ity(ty)意为:状态,品质(state;quality;etc.)例词:happiness, usefulness,selfishness,kindness,rapidity,activity,sanity,changeability 13.-ism意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of,practice of)例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism 二、动词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify 2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten 3.-ate意为:增加,使……(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate 三、形容词后缀: 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;
2023-06-26 13:14:441


2023-06-26 13:14:593

为什么run变runner的时候n要双写 swim变swimming的时候m也要双写

2023-06-26 13:15:594


class加后缀ify意思是分类,归类;大家都学过class班级,把200个同学分配到6个不同的班级,也就类似于 分类的 意思。开心快乐每一天!
2023-06-26 13:16:091

alize 后缀

-ize 意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize industrial [in"dstril] adj.来自勤劳的;供工业用的 n. 工业股票;工业工人 这个单词加上后缀就成了工业化 没有alize的后缀 希望对你有帮助~~
2023-06-26 13:16:311

spotlight ; hospitalize; figure 这几个英语的美音怎么读,求谐音的读法?

斯魄特莱特 好似配套癞子 我尽力了你加油~~
2023-06-26 13:16:572


人民医院英文翻译? People"s hospital 我去的第一个医院是第一人民医院。 The first hospital I went was the First People"s Hospital ~~~~互~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~医院用英文怎么写 医院 hospital; nosodochium; nosoium: 传染病医院 hospital for infectious diseases 儿童医院 children"s hospital 妇产医院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital 兵站医院 camp hospital 隔离医院 isolation hospital 结核病医院 tuberculosis hospital 口腔医院 stomatological hospital 陆军医院 army hospital 性病医院(英) a lock hospital; a VD hospital 野战医院 field hospital 战地医院 clearing hospital 中医医院 hospital of Chinese medicine 肿瘤医院 tumour hospital 综合性医院 general hospital 被送进医院 be taken (sent) to hospital 上医院 go to hospital 办医院 run (operate) a hospital 他很快就要出医院了。 He will soon be out of hospital. “xx省xx市人民医院”正规英文翻译 the Peo钉le"s Hospital, XX City, XX Province 或者 Renmin Hospital, XX City, XX Province 也可以,重要的是邮递员要能看懂 去医院看病用英语怎么说? 百度客户端 翻译 Go to the hospital 看到医院,用英文怎么说( _______hospital) I can see the hospital 英语翻译 中国人民 *** *** 总医院用英语怎么说? 中国yin民解huang军北京jun区总医院 General Hospital of Beijing Mili*tary Re*gion, P*L*A 用时去掉* 供参 求专业英语达人帮个忙。“XX县人民医院”、“门诊病房综合楼”、“急救中心”的英文专业翻译。谢谢~ 译文: 1. XX县人民医院——People"s Hospital of XX(用汉语拼音即可,首字母大写) County [例如:People"s Hospital of Pi揣ggu County] 2. 门诊病房综合楼 Building for Outpatient & Inpatinet Services 3. 急救中心 Emergency Center 这样就完全可以了,本人英语专业出身,希望可以帮到你啦~
2023-06-26 13:17:461


词性的转换   英语词性是可以相互转化的。词性的转换有两种方法:现代构词法中的转化法和缀合法。两种方法的特点是不一样的。   (一)转化法。   转化法是由一个词类转化为另一个词类的方法,即某一个词早期迁移定型为某一个词义和词类,后来通过词义扩大或比喻等方法把它活用为其它词义和词类的方法,一般在转化义和原义之间有明显的联系。转化法一般多用于简单音节的词汇中。转化法主要分为如下四种类型:   1、名词转化为动词。这类词多与名词所具有的特殊动作有关,也是修辞。例如:   ⑴He wolfed down three bowls of rice.他狼吞虎咽地吃了三大碗饭。wolf.原为名词“狼”,[偏正]缠裹或吞地(wol)消灭事物者(f),或吞食事物(wol)的(f);转化为动词“狼吞”、“象狼一样地吃”,[偏正]缠裹或吞没地(wol)消灭(f)掉(down)事物,或象狼一样地(wolf)消灭(f/d)掉(down)事物。   ⑵He insisted on staying up to nurse the child.他坚持不睡觉来护理这个女孩。nurse.原为名词“护士”,[偏正]摆布或调理事物的(nur)缠绕维护者(s),[连动]网上(nur)而维护事物的(s);转化为动词“护理”,[连动]网上(nur)而维护(s)事物-护理(nurse)事物。   2、形容词转化为动词。   ⑴He had blacked his face with soot.他已经用煤灰把脸抹黑了。black 原为形容词“黑色的”,[偏正]能摭盖地(bla)抓住事物的(ck);转化为动词“抹黑”,[主谓]以黑色(bla)抓住(ck)事物,或以黑色(black)作用或染上(d)事物。   ⑵My father is emptying a box of rubbish into a rubbish-cart.我爸爸正将垃圾倒入垃圾车。empty原为形容词“空的”,[主谓]容纳物(emp)离开或流出(ty)的,或[偏正]全部地(emp)离开或流出的(ty);转化为动词“倒空”,[主谓]容纳物(emp)离开或流出(ty)事物,或[偏正]使事物全部地(emp)离开或流出(ty)。   3、形容词转化为名词。即用性质来指代这种性质的事物。例如:   ⑴My mother likes red.我妈妈喜欢红色(的)。red原为形容词“红色的”,[动补]强暴(re)而破坏事物的(d);转化为名词“红色”或“红色的事物”,但结构不变,[动补]强暴(re)而破坏事物的(d)。   ⑵The chinese are working-hard and brave people.中国人勤劳而勇敢。 chiness 原为形容词 “中国的”,[主谓]中国(chi)发出的(nese);转化为名词“中国人”、“汉语”,但结构不变。[主谓]中国(chi)发出的(nese)。   4、动词转化为名词。多用来表示一次性动作,或与动作相关的事物。   ⑴We stopped there for a swim.我们在那儿停下来游了一会儿泳。swim原为动词“游泳”,[动宾]连续不断地(s)摆动(wi)胳膊(m),或[偏正]连续不断地划动着或冲破着(swi)前进(m);用作名词“游泳”,仍表示动作行为结构也不变,[动宾]连续不断地(s)摆动(wi)胳膊(m),或[偏正]连续不断地划动着或冲破着(swi)前进(m)。   ⑵Xiao Liu"s answers is perfectly right.小刘的回答是完全正确的。answer原为动词“回答”,[动补]发射(an)出(swer)事物而包缠(swer)事物;转化为名词“回答”,表示动作或相关事物,[动补]发射(an)而出(swer)的,或[连动]发出(an)而包缠事物(swer)(的)。   词性的分类中,各非独立词类所具有的双词性实际上也是转化法的一种体现。比如:介词同具名词性和动词性,是它由动词性转化成了名词性;副词同具动词性和形容词性,是它由形容词性转化成了动词性;代词同具名词性和形容词性,是它由形容词性转化成了名词性;连词同具动词性和名词性,是它由名词(更准确说是代词)性转化成了动词性。   (二)缀合法中的词性转化。   缀合法中也伴随有词性的转化,当给一个词加上后缀时常常可以改变一个词的词性。从本质上看,缀合法是合成法的简化形式,其特点主要在构成词表义的变化,而词性的变化是次要的,但因为词缀的特殊性--不能独立存在以及具有一定的词性,所以又常常把它看作是转化词性的手段。当然,这种看法是不完全正确的,我们在学习缀合法时同时学习词义和词性的双重变化,有时学习词义的变化比学习词性的变化更重要,这是我们学好缀合法的根本所在。   缀合法中词性的转化主要有以下六种形式:   1、动词加缀转化为名词。例如:   collection.n.[偏正]收集事物的(collec)行为或过程(tion),或[动补]收集事物(collec)形成的或抓住的(tion)——收集品。   development.n.[偏正]发展的(develop)行为(ment)——发展,或[动补]发展(develop)造成的(ment)——发育或新的发展。   2、形容词加缀转化为名词。例如:   difficulty.n.[偏正]困难的(difficul)显示(ty),或[动补]困难(difficul)造成的(ty)。   goodness.n.[偏正]美好的(good)表现(ness),或[宾动]放出(ness)美好(good)的一-美德。   3、动词加缀变为形容词。例如:   receivable[rI5sI:v[bl]a.[宾动]能被(bl)接受(receiva)的。   attractive[[5trAktIv]a.[宾动]能(tive)吸引事物(attrac)的。   4、名词加缀转化为形容词。例如:   fruitful.a.[宾动]具有(ful)果实(fruit)的。   doubtless.a.[宾动]没有(less)疑问(doubt)的。   5、形容词加缀转化为动词。例如:   deepen.v.[偏正]深(dee)化(pen)事物,或[偏正]向下不停地(dee)推进(pen)事物;   simplify.v.[偏正]简单(simpli)化(fy)事物。   6、名词加缀转化为动词。例如:   classify.v.[偏正]类别(classi)化(fy)事物。   hospitalize.v.[宾动]使事物进入(lize)医院(hospita),或[主谓]以医院(hospita)来对付(lize)事物。   学好了词的分类,我们就可以自如地使用英语单词了,尤其是对那些词性复杂多样的单词。词的分类是我们学习英语拼音解字法最重要的应用之一。
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后缀是一种重要的构词法,通过后缀我们常常可以判断出一个词的词性。下面分四大类分别讲解一些常见后缀及其含义:   一、名词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ster,-eer,-er(or)意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer,auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor   2.-let意为:小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)例词:booklet,leaflet,starlet   3.-ette意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette 2)假的东西(imitation)例词:leatherette 3)女性(female)例词: usherette   4.-ess意为:女性(female)例词:actress,poetess,hostess,paintress   5.-hood意为:时期(status;etc.)例词:boyhood,childhood,manhood   6.-ship意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等(skill,state,condition,status,quality)例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship,sportsmanship   7.-ful意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful   8.-tion,-ion意为:1)状态,行动等(state;action;etc.)例词:action,oppression,possession,education,starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)例词: organization,foundation   9.-ment意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)例词:movement,enslavement,pavement   10.-al意为:动作(action)例词:arrival,refusal,revival,recital,removal   11.-age意为:程度,数量等(extent; amount;etc.)例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage,hostage   12.-ness;-ity(ty)意为:状态,品质(state;quality;etc.)例词:happiness, usefulness,selfishness,kindness,rapidity,activity,sanity,changeability   13.-ism意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of,practice of)例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism   二、动词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify   2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten   3.-ate意为:增加,使……(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate   三、形容词后缀:   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful, hopeful,helpful,forgetful,thankful, fearful   2.-less意为:没有,无(without;not giving)例词:speechless,childless,harmless,hopeless,meaningless   3.-ly意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly   4.-like意为:像……的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like   5.-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish   6.-some意为:像……一样的;引起……的;有……品质的(like;causing; having the quality of)例词:troublesome,burdensome,wholesome,tiresome,bothersome   7.-able(ible)意为:能……的;可以……的(able to be ;capable)例词: changeable,readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible   8.-ed意为:有……的(having,etc.)例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed, odd-shaped   9.-al意为:有……属性的,……类型的(nature of,typical of)例词:cultural,personal,regional,musical   10.-ary(ory)意为:属于……的,与……相连的(belonging to;connected with)例词:revolutionary,imaginary, contradictory   11.-ous意为:富含……的;有……品质的;像……的(full of;having the quality of;like)例词:glorious,erroneous,malicious,gracious   12.-ic(ical)意为:……类的;属于……的(typical of;belonging to)例词: historic,historical,methodic,methodical,dramatic,heroic   13.-ive意为:有……属性的;有某种倾向的(having the nature or quality of;given or tending to)例词:attractive, talkative,restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive   四、副词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ly意为:以……方式(in a...manner;etc.)   例词:happily, boldly,attentive- ly,strangely   2.-ward(s)意为:表示方式或动作的方向(manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),earthward(s),homeward(s),eastward(s)   3.-wise意为:1)按照……方式(in the manner of)例词:crabwise,clockwise2)就……而言(as   far as concerned)例词:weatherwise ,educationwise  有一个原因的单音节词,结尾只有一个单音辅音,在加以元音后缀是,要双写这个辅音.例词:run + er = runner hit + ing = hitting
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使一个词变为动词的后缀。常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten3.-ate意为:增加,使……听写(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate
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hospital单词音标英式:[ˈhɒspɪt(ə)l]美式:[ˈhɑspɪtl]中文翻译n.医院单词例句用作名词 (n.)If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。语法用法n.(名词)hospital的基本意思是“医院”,在句中有时可修饰其他名词用作定语。扩展学习hospitalityn.款待;殷勤;好客;酒店管理hospitals医院hospitalizedvt.就医;使住院hospitalizevt.就医;使住院hospitalizationn.医院收容;住院治疗hospitaler xueci.cn提供翻译n.宗教慈善团体的职员;住院者
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一、名词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ster,-eer,-er(or)意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer,auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor   2.-let意为:小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)例词:booklet,leaflet,starlet   3.-ette意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette 2)假的东西(imitation)例词:leatherette 3)女性(female)例词: usherette   4.-ess意为:女性(female)例词:actress,poetess,hostess,paintress   5.-hood意为:时期(status;etc.)例词:boyhood,childhood,manhood   6.-ship意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等(skill,state,condition,status,quality)例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship,sportsmanship   7.-ful意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful   8.-tion,-ion意为:1)状态,行动等(state;action;etc.)例词:action,oppression,possession,education,starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)例词: organization,foundation   9.-ment意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)例词:movement,enslavement,pavement   10.-al意为:动作(action)例词:arrival,refusal,revival,recital,removal   11.-age意为:程度,数量等(extent; amount;etc.)例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage,hostage   12.-ness;-ity(ty)意为:状态,品质(state;quality;etc.)例词:happiness, usefulness,selfishness,kindness,rapidity,activity,sanity,changeability   13.-ism意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of,practice of)例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism   二、动词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify   2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten   3.-ate意为:增加,使……(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate   三、形容词后缀:   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful, hopeful,helpful,forgetful,thankful, fearful   2.-less意为:没有,无(without;not giving)例词:speechless,childless,harmless,hopeless,meaningless   3.-ly意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly   4.-like意为:像……的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like   5.-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish   6.-some意为:像……一样的;引起……的;有……品质的(like;causing; having the quality of)例词:troublesome,burdensome,wholesome,tiresome,bothersome   7.-able(ible)意为:能……的;可以……的(able to be ;capable)例词: changeable,readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible   8.-ed意为:有……的(having,etc.)例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed, odd-shaped   9.-al意为:有……属性的,……类型的(nature of,typical of)例词:cultural,personal,regional,musical   10.-ary(ory)意为:属于……的,与……相连的(belonging to;connected with)例词:revolutionary,imaginary, contradictory   11.-ous意为:富含……的;有……品质的;像……的(full of;having the quality of;like)例词:glorious,erroneous,malicious,gracious   12.-ic(ical)意为:……类的;属于……的(typical of;belonging to)例词: historic,historical,methodic,methodical,dramatic,heroic   13.-ive意为:有……属性的;有某种倾向的(having the nature or quality of;given or tending to)例词:attractive, talkative,restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive   四、副词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ly意为:以……方式(in a...manner;etc.)   例词:happily, boldly,attentive- ly,strangely   2.-ward(s)意为:表示方式或动作的方向(manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),earthward(s),homeward(s),eastward(s)   3.-wise意为:1)按照……方式(in the manner of)例词:crabwise,clockwise2)就……而言(as   far as concerned)例词:weatherwise ,educationwise  有一个原因的单音节词,结尾只有一个单音辅音,在加以元音后缀是,要双写这个辅音.例词:run + er = runner hit + ing = hitting
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后缀是一种重要的构词法,通过后缀我们常常可以判断出一个词的词性。下面分四大类分别讲解一些常见后缀及其含义:   一、名词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ster,-eer,-er(or)意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer,auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor   2.-let意为:小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)例词:booklet,leaflet,starlet   3.-ette意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette 2)假的东西(imitation)例词:leatherette 3)女性(female)例词: usherette   4.-ess意为:女性(female)例词:actress,poetess,hostess,paintress   5.-hood意为:时期(status;etc.)例词:boyhood,childhood,manhood   6.-ship意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等(skill,state,condition,status,quality)例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship,sportsmanship   7.-ful意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful   8.-tion,-ion意为:1)状态,行动等(state;action;etc.)例词:action,oppression,possession,education,starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)例词: organization,foundation   9.-ment意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)例词:movement,enslavement,pavement   10.-al意为:动作(action)例词:arrival,refusal,revival,recital,removal   11.-age意为:程度,数量等(extent; amount;etc.)例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage,hostage   12.-ness;-ity(ty)意为:状态,品质(state;quality;etc.)例词:happiness, usefulness,selfishness,kindness,rapidity,activity,sanity,changeability   13.-ism意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of,practice of)例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism   二、动词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify   2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten   3.-ate意为:增加,使……(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate   三、形容词后缀:   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful, hopeful,helpful,forgetful,thankful, fearful   2.-less意为:没有,无(without;not giving)例词:speechless,childless,harmless,hopeless,meaningless   3.-ly意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly   4.-like意为:像……的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like   5.-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish   6.-some意为:像……一样的;引起……的;有……品质的(like;causing; having the quality of)例词:troublesome,burdensome,wholesome,tiresome,bothersome   7.-able(ible)意为:能……的;可以……的(able to be ;capable)例词: changeable,readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible   8.-ed意为:有……的(having,etc.)例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed, odd-shaped   9.-al意为:有……属性的,……类型的(nature of,typical of)例词:cultural,personal,regional,musical   10.-ary(ory)意为:属于……的,与……相连的(belonging to;connected with)例词:revolutionary,imaginary, contradictory   11.-ous意为:富含……的;有……品质的;像……的(full of;having the quality of;like)例词:glorious,erroneous,malicious,gracious   12.-ic(ical)意为:……类的;属于……的(typical of;belonging to)例词: historic,historical,methodic,methodical,dramatic,heroic   13.-ive意为:有……属性的;有某种倾向的(having the nature or quality of;given or tending to)例词:attractive, talkative,restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive   四、副词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ly意为:以……方式(in a...manner;etc.)   例词:happily, boldly,attentive- ly,strangely   2.-ward(s)意为:表示方式或动作的方向(manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),earthward(s),homeward(s),eastward(s)   3.-wise意为:1)按照……方式(in the manner of)例词:crabwise,clockwise2)就……而言(as   far as concerned)例词:weatherwise ,educationwise  有一个原因的单音节词,结尾只有一个单音辅音,在加以元音后缀是,要双写这个辅音.例词:run + er = runner hit + ing = hitting
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以下是 整理的《英语口语800句:受伤时相关句型》,希望大家喜欢! ●请医生看病 用叫医生吗? Do you need a doctor? Do you need a doctor? (用叫医生吗?) Yes, I think so. (是的,请叫医生吧。) Do you want me to get a doctor? Do you need any help? (需要帮忙吗?) 请叫救护车。 Please call an ambulance. *ambulance“救护车”。 We need an ambulance now. Please get an ambulance. 我要看病。 I"d like to see a doctor. 我觉得身体不舒服。 I"m not feeling well. 你能帮我请位医生吗? Could you send me a doctor? 你怎么啦? What"s wrong with you? What"s the matter? Is anything wrong? 是什么症状? What are your symptoms? *symptom“症状”。 量一下体温吧。 Let me check your temperature. *temperature“体温”、“温度”。 吃了什么不对劲的东西没有? Did you eat something unusual? 量一下血压吧。 Let me check your blood pressure. 你常服用什么药? Are you taking any medication regularly? *一般把药称为medicine,但是医生问诊的时候常用medication。 我没服用任何药。 I"m not taking any medication. *medication 是医生的常用语言,意为“药物”。 I"m not taking any medication. (我没服用任何药。) Is that so? (是吗?) 我哪儿不好? What"s wrong with me? 严重吗? Is it serious? ●陈述症状 你不舒服吗? Are you feeling okay? *见到身体状况不好的人时的问话。 Do you feel all right? 你怎么了? What"s wrong? *wrong “身体不舒服”。 What"s wrong? (你怎么了?) I"m not feeling well. (我觉得身体有点不对劲。) Is anything wrong? Are you okay? What"s the matter? *matter“问题”、“麻烦”。 Is everything all right? 你的脸色真不好。 You look pale. *pale“脸色不好的,没有血色的。” You look pale. Are you okay? (你的脸色很难看。没事吧?) I guess I"m just tired. (我想可能是有点儿累了。) You don"t look well. (你看上去身体不太好。) 我觉得难受。 I don"t feel well. I don"t feel well. (我觉得难受。) Please sit down for a while. (你坐会儿吧。) I"m not feeling well. 你好像不太舒服。 You don"t look well. *look“看上去……”。 You don"t look well. (你好像不太舒服。) I have a cold. (我感冒了。) 她昏过去了。 She passed out. *pass out“昏过去,失去知觉”。 我觉得难受。 I feel sick. I don"t feel well. I feel bad. 我肚子疼。 I have a stomachache. *stomachache“胃痛,腹痛”。 I have a stomachache. (我肚子疼。) How long have you had it? (疼多长时间了?) I have a stomachache. (我肚子疼。) Did you eat too much? (是不是吃多了?) My stomach hurts. 隐隐作痛。 I have a dull pain. 钻心地疼。 I have a sharp pain. 一跳一跳地疼。 I have a throbbing pain. *throb“一跳一跳地”、“突突地跳”。 我感到巨痛。 I have a piercing pain. *pierce“(痛苦等)刺骨,刻骨”。 像针扎似地疼。 I have a stabbing pain. *stab“刺”、“针扎”。 我拉肚子了。 I have diarrhea. *diarrhea“拉肚子”。 我食物中毒了。 I have food poisoning. 血压高/低。 I have high/low blood pressure. *blood pressure“血压”。 我头疼。 I have a headache. What happened, sir? (你怎么了?) I have a headache. (我头疼。) My head hurts. My head is pounding. I have a splitting headache. (我的头像裂了似地疼。) 我牙疼。 I have a toothache. I have a toothache. (我牙疼。) When did it start? (什么时候开始的?) My tooth hurts. My tooth is killing me. (我的牙疼死了。) 我头晕目眩。 I feel dizzy. 我浑身没劲。 I feel sluggish. I feel tired. 我没有一点儿食欲。 I don"t have any appetite. *appetite“食欲”。 I don"t have any appetite. (我没有食欲。) You should eat something. (那你也得吃点儿东西。) I don"t have much of an appetite these days. (最近我没什么食欲。) 我有点儿感冒。 I have a slight cold. 我浑身发冷。 I feel chilly. I feel chilly. (我浑身发冷。) Here, wear my jacket. (给,穿上我的夹克吧。) 我得了重感冒。 I have a bad cold. 鼻子堵了。 I have a stuffy nose. *stuffy 用于“鼻子不通气”的时候。 我在流鼻涕。 I have a runny nose. *runny“流鼻涕的”。 My nose is running. My nose won"t stop running. 我有点儿发烧。 I have a bit of a fever. 我好像发烧了。 I think I have a fever. I think I have a fever. (我好像发烧了。) Let"s check. (试试表。) 我在发高烧。 I have a high temperature. 我想吐。 I feel like throwing up. I feel nauseous. 好疼!/好烫! Ouch! *常用于感到突然的钻心的疼痛和烫手时。 Ouch! (好疼!/好烫!) Be careful! (小心点儿。) Ow! It hurts! 痒痒。 It"s itchy. 啊嚏! Ahchoo! Ahchoo! (啊嚏!) Bless you. (多保重。) 我腿骨折了。 I broke my leg. What happened? (你怎么了?) I broke my leg. (我腿骨折了。) 要打多长时间石膏? How long will the cast be on? *cast“石膏”。 How long will the cast be on? (要打多长时间石膏?) One more month. (还得有一个月。) 我把手给烫了。 I burned my hand. I burned my hand. (我把手给烫了。) How did you burn your hand? (怎么烫着的?) 我崴脚了。 I sprained my ankle. *sprain表示踝关节等处的“挫伤、扭伤”,ankle为踝关节。 I sprained my ankle. (我崴脚了。) How? (怎么弄的?) I sprained it playing golf. (是打高尔夫球的时候崴的。) I twisted my ankle. I twisted my ankle. (我崴脚了。) Well, I can call for help. (那,我叫人来帮忙。) 你把感冒传染给我了。 I caught a cold from you. 我必须静养。 I must stay in bed. *stay in bed 是惯用说法,“静养休息”。 我肩膀酸痛。 I have stiff shoulders. *肩膀“发酸、发紧”时用stiff来表示。 My shoulders are stiff. 我眼睛发酸。 My eyes are tired. 有谁受伤了? Is somebody hurt? 我退烧了。 My fever has gone down. 我咳嗽不止。 I can"t stop coughing. *cough“咳嗽”。 我嗓子疼。 My throat"s sore. *sore“火辣辣地疼”。 I have a sore throat. 我流血了。 It"s bleeding. 我这儿割破了。 I"ve got a cut here. I have a cut here. 好疼。 It hurts. 我被蜜蜂蜇了。 I got stung by a bee. 我需要动手术吗? Do I need an operation? Do I need an operation? (要动手术吗?) I don"t think that will be necessary. (我想没必要。) Will I have to have an operation? 要花很长时间吗? Will it take long? 我可以洗澡吗? Can I take a bath? Can I bathe? 我可以喝酒吗? Is it okay to drink? *询问医生能否喝含有酒精的饮料。 Is it all right to drink? May I drink? 我一定要住院吗? Should I be hospitalized? *hospitalize “让……住院”。 你发烧吗? Do you have a fever? Do you have a fever? (发烧吗?) I don"t know. I don"t have a thermometer. (不知道,我没有体温计。) Do you have a high temperature? 我觉得好多了。 I feel better. How do you feel? (怎么样了?) I feel better now. Thank you. (我觉得好多了,谢谢。) 我觉得没什么好转。 I don"t feel any better. I still don"t feel well. 你的病好了吗? Are you alright again? *用于询问别人的病是否康复。 Are you well again? Are you yourself again? Are you back to normal again? 他去世了。 He passed away. *比用die要委婉,“去世、咽气”。
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后缀是一种重要的构词法,通过后缀我们常常可以判断出一个词的词性。下面分四大类分别讲解一些常见后缀及其含义: 一、名词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ster,-eer,-er(or)意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer,auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor 2.-let意为:小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)例词:booklet,leaflet,starlet 3.-ette意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette 2)假的东西(imitation)例词:leatherette 3)女性(female)例词: usherette 4.-ess意为:女性(female)例词:actress,poetess,hostess,paintress 5.-hood意为:时期(status;etc.)例词:boyhood,childhood,manhood 6.-ship意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等(skill,state,condition,status,quality)例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship,sportsmanship 7.-ful意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful 8.-tion,-ion意为:1)状态,行动等(state;action;etc.)例词:action,oppression,possession,education,starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)例词: organization,foundation 9.-ment意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)例词:movement,enslavement,pavement 10.-al意为:动作(action)例词:arrival,refusal,revival,recital,removal 11.-age意为:程度,数量等(extent; amount;etc.)例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage,hostage 12.-ness;-ity(ty)意为:状态,品质(state;quality;etc.)例词:happiness, usefulness,selfishness,kindness,rapidity,activity,sanity,changeability 13.-ism意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of,practice of)例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism 二、动词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify 2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten 3.-ate意为:增加,使……(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate 三、形容词后缀: 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful, hopeful,helpful,forgetful,thankful, fearful 2.-less意为:没有,无(without;not giving)例词:speechless,childless,harmless,hopeless,meaningless 3.-ly意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly 4.-like意为:像……的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like 5.-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish 6.-some意为:像……一样的;引起……的;有……品质的(like;causing; having the quality of)例词:troublesome,burdensome,wholesome,tiresome,bothersome 7.-able(ible)意为:能……的;可以……的(able to be ;capable)例词: changeable,readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible 8.-ed意为:有……的(having,etc.)例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed, odd-shaped 9.-al意为:有……属性的,……类型的(nature of,typical of)例词:cultural,personal,regional,musical 10.-ary(ory)意为:属于……的,与……相连的(belonging to;connected with)例词:revolutionary,imaginary, contradictory 11.-ous意为:富含……的;有……品质的;像……的(full of;having the quality of;like)例词:glorious,erroneous,malicious,gracious 12.-ic(ical)意为:……类的;属于……的(typical of;belonging to)例词: historic,historical,methodic,methodical,dramatic,heroic 13.-ive意为:有……属性的;有某种倾向的(having the nature or quality of;given or tending to)例词:attractive, talkative,restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive 四、副词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ly意为:以……方式(in a...manner;etc.) 例词:happily, boldly,attentive- ly,strangely 2.-ward(s)意为:表示方式或动作的方向(manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),earthward(s),homeward(s),eastward(s) 3.-wise意为:1)按照……方式(in the manner of)例词:crabwise,clockwise2)就……而言(as far as concerned)例词:weatherwise ,educationwise
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一.表示否定的前缀 1.dis-加在名词、形容词,动词之前。 disadvantage(缺点)dishonorable(不光彩的)disagree(不同意)加在形容词,名词之前 incorrect(不正确的),inability(无能,无力),inaccurate(不准确的)加在字母m,b,p之前 impossible(不顺能的),impolite(不礼貌的),impudence(厚颜无耻)加在以1开头的词前 illegal(非法的),illiterate(文盲的,无文化的)illogical(不合逻辑的)加在以r开头的词前 irregular(不稳定的),irresistable(不可抵抗的),irresolvable(不能分解的,不能解决的) 6.un-加在名词,形容词,副词之前 unfinished(未完成的)undoubted(无疑的)unemployment(失业) 7.non-加在形容词,名词前 non-existence(不存在),non-essential(不主要的),non-electrical(非电的) 8.mis-加在动词、名词之前 misunderstand(误解),misjudge(误判),misleading(误导),misfortune(不幸) 9.dis-加地动词之前 disappear(消失),disarm(解除武装),disconnect(失去联系)加在名词,形容词之前 demobilize(遣散;使…复员) decolor (脱色, 漂白) 11.anti-加在名词、形容词之前 anti-Japanese(抗日战争),anti-social(厌恶社会的,反社会的),antidite(解毒药) 12.counter-加在名词、动词前 counterattack(反攻,反击),counteract(抵抗,阻碍)counterrevolution(反革命) 二.表示“前before”的前缀 1.pre- preconception(成见),pre-exsiting(先于……而存在的),pre-selection(选举前的) preface(前言) 2.Ante- anteroom(前室,接待室),antecessor(先行者,先驱者) 3.Fore- forehaed(前额),foreground(前景),foreman(工头,领班),foresee(预见,先见),foretell(预言) 4.Pro- programme(计划),prologue(序幕) 5.Ex- ex-president(前任总统)ex-wife(前妻) 三.表示“后-post”的前缀 post-war(战后),post-position(后置词),postmeridian(下午) 四.表示“低”、“下”的前缀 1.Hypo- Hypocrisy(伪善,虚伪),hypothesis(假设),pypocholoride(次氯酸盐) 2.Infra- Infra-red(红外线),infrahuman(低于人类的),infrasonic(亚声的,次声的) 3.Sub- Sub-editou(副编辑),sub-way(地铁),sub-conscious(下意识的),submarine(海下的),subtropical(亚热带的),subtitle(副标题) 五.表示“回”、“再次”、“向后”的前缀 1.Re- Refuel(给…加油),retranslate(再译),reinforce(加强),reconstruct(重建),return(返回) 2.Retro- Retrograde(倒退的),retrospect(回顾) 六.表示“共同”、“和”的前缀 1.Co- co-exist(共存),co-operate(合作),co-education(男女同校) 七.表示“相互”、“之间”的前缀 1.Inter- Interchangeble(可互换的),interdipendert(互相依靠的),international(国际的),inter-national(交往) 八. 表示“出”、“超出”的前缀 1.Ec- Eclipse(蚀),ecstasy(狂想) 2.Extra- Extraordinary(非凡的),extramural(校外的),extrasensory(超感觉的) 九.表示“超过”的前缀 1.hyper-, preter-, super-, sur-, ultra- hyper-sensitive(过敏的),preterhuman(超人的) 十.其它的前缀自 automatic(自动的),auto-autobilgraphy(自传) 2.mal-坏,恶 Malnutrition(营养不良),maltreat(虐待) 3.Micro- Microscope(显微镜),microtome(切片机) 4.Tele-远 Telegram(电报),telephone(电话),telescope(望远镜) 5.Demi-,semi-hemi- Semi-circle(半圆),hemisphere(半球),demilune(半月,新月) 6.Uni-, mono-(单一, 单独) Monotone(单调),monologue(独白),uniform(制服) 7.Bi-,di-二 Biyearly(二年一次的),biweekly(二周一次的),dichloride(二氯化物) 8.Tri-三 Triangle(三角),tripld(三角架) 9.Multi-多 multi-colored(颜色多样的),multi-national(多国的) 10.Poly –多 Polygon(多角形),polytomic(多原子的) 11.Arch-首领 archbishop(大主教),architect(建筑师) 12.bene-善,好 benefit(利益),benevolence(善意) 13.homo-同 homosexual(同性恋的),homograph(同形异义字) 14.neo新 neo-colonialism(新殖民主义),neolithic(新石器时代的) 15.ortho-正确,直 orthogonal(直角的),orthodox(正统) 16.philo-挚爱 philosopher(哲学家) 17.proto-原始 protohydrogen(初氢),prototype(原型),protoplasm(原生质) 18.pseudo-假的, 伪的, 冒充的 pseudonym(匿名),pseudo-communism(假共产主义) 19.a-,ab-,abs-(只有在t,c之前)从,自 avoid(避免),absent(缺少的),abstain(抑制),abstract(吸引) 20.Apo-,aph-来自 apology(道歉,谢罪),apostle(倡言者,先驱)分离 separation(分开),secure(安全的),sedition(煽动叛乱) 22.para-防 parachute(降落伞), 23.omni-所有的,公共的 omnibus(公共汽车),omnipotence(万能) 24.pan-全,泛 Pan-American(全美的),pancean(万灵药),panorama(风景的全貌;万花筒) 25.panto-全 pantisocracy(乌托邦大同世界),pantoscopic(视野广大) 26.dia-通过,借以 diagonal(对角的),diagnosis(诊断),dialogue(对话) 27.Per-通过,彻底,不利 perambrlate(走来走去),perfect极好的 28.trans-通过,横过 transcript(抄本, 副本; 记录),translation(翻译),trxnsparent(透明的),transport(运输),trans-plant(移植) 29.Com-,con-,cor-,col-共同,和,完全 comment(评论),compile(编辑),correlation(相互关系),collect(收集),corruption(贪污腐败),collaborate(合作,合著) 30.syn-共同 synonym(同义词),synchronization(同步),syntonic(谐振的),synthetic(人工的,合成的) 31.meta-和,在……之后 metaphor(比喻),metaphysics(形而上学) 32.Cis-在这一边 cisatlantic(大西洋这边的) 33.pen-几乎,相近 peninsular(.住在半岛上的居民,半岛(状)的, 形成半岛的) 34.en-,em-往……里,使…… encamp(扎营),enable(使……能),endear(使……受喜爱),embrace(拥抱,抓住(机会)) 35.intro内在 intracardiac(心脏内部的),intramolecular(分子内部的),intracelular(细胞内部的) 36.intro-到……中 introduce(介绍),introspect(反省,内省) 37.dys-坏 dyspepsia(消化不良),dysentry(痢疾) 38.Eu-优,美好 eulogy(颂词),euphony(悦耳的声音) 39.ambi-,amphi-两者 amphibian(两栖的),ambidextrous(两只手都很灵巧的;心怀二意的;非常灵巧的) 40.penta-五 pentagon(五角大楼),pentagram(五角星),pentameter(五步诗句)六 sexangle(六角),sexennial(六年一度的) 42. sept-七 September九月(古罗马的七月),septennial(七年一度) 43.hepta-七 heptab(七个成套之物),heptagon(七角形) 44.octa-,octo,oct八 octagon(八角形),octuple(八倍)October (十月) 45.nona-,ennea-九 nonagon(九角形),ennead(九个一组) 46.deci-,deca-十 decimal(十进位的),decagramme(十克) 47.centi-百 centimeter(厘米),centipede(蜈蚣) 48.milli-千 millenias(千年的),millimeter(毫米) 49.Kilo-千 kilowatt(千瓦),kilometer(千米)后缀1.-ster,-eer,-er(or)意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer,auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor 2.-let意为:小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)例词:booklet,leaflet,starlet 3.-ette意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette 2)假的东西(imitation)例词:leatherette 3)女性(female)例词: usherette 4.-ess意为:女性(female)例词:actress,poetess,hostess,paintress 5.-hood意为:时期(status;etc.)例词:boyhood,childhood,manhood 6.-ship意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等(skill,state,condition,status,quality)例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship,sportsmanship 7.-ful意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful 8.-tion,-ion意为:1)状态,行动等(state;action;etc.)例词:action,oppression,possession,education,starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)例词: organization,foundation 9.-ment意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)例词:movement,enslavement,pavement 10.-al意为:动作(action)例词:arrival,refusal,revival,recital,removal 11.-age意为:程度,数量等(extent; amount;etc.)例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage,hostage 12.-ness;-ity(ty)意为:状态,品质(state;quality;etc.)例词:happiness, usefulness,selfishness,kindness,rapidity,activity,sanity,changeability 13.-ism意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of,practice of)例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism 二、动词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify 2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten 3.-ate意为:增加,使……(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate 三、形容词后缀: 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful, hopeful,helpful,forgetful,thankful, fearful 2.-less意为:没有,无(without;not giving)例词:speechless,childless,harmless,hopeless,meaningless 3.-ly意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly 4.-like意为:像……的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like 5.-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish 6.-some意为:像……一样的;引起……的;有……品质的(like;causing; having the quality of)例词:troublesome,burdensome,wholesome,tiresome,bothersome 7.-able(ible)意为:能……的;可以……的(able to be ;capable)例词: changeable,readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible 8.-ed意为:有……的(having,etc.)例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed, odd-shaped 9.-al意为:有……属性的,……类型的(nature of,typical of)例词:cultural,personal,regional,musical 10.-ary(ory)意为:属于……的,与……相连的(belonging to;connected with)例词:revolutionary,imaginary, contradictory 11.-ous意为:富含……的;有……品质的;像……的(full of;having the quality of;like)例词:glorious,erroneous,malicious,gracious 12.-ic(ical)意为:……类的;属于……的(typical of;belonging to)例词: historic,historical,methodic,methodical,dramatic,heroic 13.-ive意为:有……属性的;有某种倾向的(having the nature or quality of;given or tending to)例词:attractive, talkative,restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive 四、副词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ly意为:以……方式(in a...manner;etc.) 例词:happily, boldly,attentive- ly,strangely 2.-ward(s)意为:表示方式或动作的方向(manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),earthward(s),homeward(s),eastward(s) 3.-wise意为:1)按照……方式(in the manner of)例词:crabwise,clockwise2)就……而言(as far as concerned)例词:weatherwise ,educationwise 有一个原因的单音节词,结尾只有一个单音辅音,在加以元音后缀是,要双写这个辅音.例词:run + er = runner hit + ing = hitting
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前缀,可以改变单词的意思。常见的前缀有如下几类:第一类:表示正负(或增减)的,如:un- in- im- il- ir- non- mis- mal- dis- anti- de- under- re- over-等;第二类表示尺寸的,如:semi- equi- mini- micro- macro- mega-等;第三类表示位置关系,如:inter- super- trans- ex- extra- sub- infra- peri-等;第四类表示时间和次序,如:ante- pre- prime- post- retro-等;第五类表示数字,如:semi- mono- bi- tri- quad- penta- hex- sept(em)- oct- dec- multi- 等;其它类别,如:pro- auto- co- con-等。 后缀则是一种重要的构词法,通过后缀我们常常可以判断出一个词的词性。下面分四大类分别讲解一些常见后缀及其含义: 一、名词后缀 .-ful意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful 二、动词后缀 .-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten 三、形容词后缀: .-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful, hopeful,helpful,forgetful,thankful, fearful 四、副词后缀 .-ly意为:以……方式(in a...manner;etc.)
2023-06-26 13:21:171


hospital英 ["hɒspɪt(ə)l] 美 ["hɑspɪtl] n. 医院n. (Hospital)人名;(英)霍斯皮特尔hospitalityMBA2008年联考英语常用动词(一) ... He""s an honor to his parents. 他的父母以他为荣。 hospitality n. 好客;殷勤 The people of your village showed me greathospitality. 你们村里的人对我非常殷勤好客。 ...hospitalize英 ["hɒspɪt(ə)laɪz] 美 ["hɑspɪtə"laɪz] vt. 就医;送…进医院治疗[ 过去式 hospitalized 过去分词 hospitalized 现在分词 hospitalizing ]
2023-06-26 13:21:251


全医网为你解答:熊膺明、李小嘉、刘宇、郑家远等。如果需了解医生的更多详情,去全医网( )了解,同时全医网为你提前中医名医挂提前一周的预约挂号。
2023-06-26 13:22:001


How long have you been hospitalized.住院是hospitalize多久应该用完成时
2023-06-26 13:22:117


2023-06-26 13:22:294


My sister does not like to stay home alone.I can hear that the students are singing in the classroom.My cousin is only a 3-year-old boy.Firemen Fight fire to the house watering.I hospitalized a week last month.Reading English is very important day.
2023-06-26 13:22:383


2023-06-26 13:22:484


以下是 考 网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《英语谚语---远亲不如近邻》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 1、远亲不如近邻指遇有急难,远道的亲戚就不如近旁的邻居那样能及时帮助。表示邻里之间关系亲厚。是一句让人感到温暖的一句常用话。 A good neighbor is better than a brother far off means Come a long way in case of trouble, relatives is not as timely as near neighbor for help. Said the neighborhood relationship between thick. Is a let a person feel warm, a commonly used words.2、远亲不如近门的下一句是:近邻不如对门。 The next sentence after a good neighbor is better than a brother far off is a next door is better than a neighbor.3、昨天奶奶突发急病,邻居王阿姨赶忙帮着送进医院,这可真是远亲不如近邻哪! Yesterday grandma had an unexpected emergency, and neighbor aunt Wang hurried to help to hospitalize her, so A good neighbor is better than a brother far off.!4、您这就见外了,远亲不如近邻嘛,我看见了能不管? I"m being treated as a stranger. A good neighbor is better than a brother far off. How can I ignore it when seeing it?
2023-06-26 13:22:551


2023-06-26 13:15:309


Historic Culture --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jiaxing is the cradle of Majiabang Culture of the Neolithic Age, and the ancient people had already engaged here in agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery, and hunting in the city area 7000 years ago. During the Spring and Autumn Period, this area was called Changshui, as well as Zuiyong where the two states of Wu and Yue contended for hegemony. During the Warring States Period, it was merged into the boundary of Chu State. It had set up Youquan County and Haiyan County in Qin Dynasty, subordinate to Kuaiji County. It had become famous for salt and grains in the times of West Han and East Han dynasties. During the period of the Three Kingdoms when Wu State ruled in the eastern part of the River, the southern part of Youquan County and the western part of Haiyan County were separately merged into Yanguan County. In the 3rd year of Huanglong in Wu State (231), the wild rice grew on itself in Youquan County, and Sun Quan, the Grand Emperor of Wu State took it as an auspicious sign and renamed Youquan as Hexing, literarily meaning flourishing crops, and it was renamed Jiaxing meaning auspicious and flourishing in the 5th year under Chiwu"s reign. During the West Jin and East Jin dynasties as well as Northern and Southern Dynasties, Jiaxing had experienced further growth, and had become a place where the harvest for one season could feed people of a number of neighboring counties. The Jiangnan River, namely the Grand Canal from Hangzhou to Zhenjiang, began to be excavated in Sui Dynasty, which had brought advantage to Jiaxing in irrigation and water transportation. In the 10th year of Tianbao under Tang Xuan Zong"s reign (751), the eastern part of Jiaxing County and some parts governed by Haiyan, Kunsha, and other counties were split to set up Huating County. By Tang Dynasty, 27 places of wasteland had been opened up into fields for growing food crops in Jiaxing and it has been historically recorded that Jiaxing had become one of the three major food crop growing regions in the western part of Zhejiang, from which we can see that Jiaxing had then become an import food producing region in southeastern part of the country, as well as proved by a saying in those days that a bumper harvest of Jiaxing could bring a healthy life to people in Jiangsu Province and Anhui Province; while with a poor harvest in Jiaxing, the people of Jiangsu and Anhui provinces would suffer from starvation. During the period of Ten States and Five Dynasties, Wuyue State set up Kaiyuan City, governing the three counties of Jiaxing, Haiyan, and Huating, with Jiaxing to be set with a regime of city level for the first time. Later in the 5th year of Tianfu under Jin Gao Zu"s reign (940), Xiuzhou was set up in Jiaxing, to govern the four counties of Jiaxing, Haiyan, Huating, and Chongde, as proposed by Qian Yuan Guan, the King of Wuyue State. Xiuzhou was restructured into Jiahe County in Northern Song Dynasty, upgraded to a cityship in the first year of Qingyun, Ningzong in the Southern Song Dynasty, and re-shaped as Jiaxing Army later on. In the 13th year of Zhiyuan, under Yuan Shi Zu"s rule in Yuan Dynasty (1276), Jiaxing Army was reorganized as Department of Appease of Jiaxing City, promoted as the managing governmental office for Jiaxing Line. During the Song and Yuan dynasties, Jiaxing had already shown a relatively more developed economy, proved by the sayings such as techniques and skills of all trades were equivalent to those of Suzhou and Hangzhou, etc., and It was the most flourished foreign trading region in the western part of Zhejiang Province at that point. Frequent foreign trading events had been seen in Zhapu, Ganpu, Qinglong, and other ports, with thriving sea transportation. In the 5th year of Xuande in Ming Dynasty (1430), the northwestern part of Jiaxing County was separately merged into Xiushui County and its northeastern part into Jiashan County; Haiyan County was divided to set up Pinghu County; Chongde County was divided to set up Tongxiang County, for Jiaxing City to govern 7 counties, known as one city and seven counties. The system of Jiaxing County of city level had been changed no more within four or five hundred years afterwards. In the meantime, on the basis of development with agriculture and handicraft industry, its commodity economy had experienced an increasing prosperity. Cotton cloth and silk were well sold to all parts of the country, as far as overseas. Silk of Jingzhen Town, in Wangjiang of Jiaxing had a good name described by people as silk cloth and quilts were then already famous throughout the world. Jiashan had unexhausted yarn of Xitiang Town. The high production capacity of silk made by Puyuanzhen Town of Tongxiang, and so on. For many folk sayings as such, these places in Jiaxing had become famous near and far. According to the record of “Annals of Jiaxing City”, Jiaxing had become a big city in the western part of Zhejiang, and it had become a metropolis in the eastern part of the River. At the early stage of Qing Dynasty, reform and rectification of taxes had been launched by Qing Government, and the sea embankments along the seashore of Hangzhou Bay had been reconstructed repeatedly, so that Jiaxing"s social and economic situation had continuously changed for the better, and the city and towns turned to be more and more prosperous. In the 10th year under Xianfeng" reign in Qing Dynasty (1860), the Taiping Army captured Jiaxing, and Tingwang Government Office was set as the leading body for local military and political administration. After the middle stage of Qing Dynasty, Jiaxing"s economy and city look had declined and withered day by day for being plundered by imperialism and exploited by feudalism. On November 7, 1911, partisans of the Revolution of 1911 recovered Jiaxing and founded the Jiaxing Stratocracy Affiliated Government. At the early stage of the Republic of China, the governmentship of Jiaxing was abolished with the countyship survived to be renamed Jiahe County, and named again as Jiaxing County later on. In early August of 1921, the First National Congress of CPC was concluded on a sightseeing boat on Jiaxing"s South Lake, declaring the birth of the CPC. Jiaxing was liberated on May 7, 1949, set as Jiaxing County and Jiaxing City separately, followed by frequent administrative cancellations and merges. In August 1983, the officeship of Jiaxing prefectural government was cancelled to separately set Jiaxing City and Huzhou City, and Jiaxing City set up Urban District and Suburban District, governing five counties of Jiashan, Pinghu, Tongxiang, Haining, and Haiyan. In January 1985, approved by the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council, Jiaxing City District and its subordinate Jiashan County, Tongxiang County, and Haining County were listed as the economic open areas of the Yangtze River Delta, and Jiaxing City as well as all its five subordinate counties had been listed as economic open areas up to 1988. In November 1993, Jiaxing City District was renamed Xiucheng District. On June 21, 1999, Jiaxing Suburb District was renamed Xiuzhou District, and in 2005 Xiucheng District of Jiaxing was renamed Nanhu District.
2023-06-26 13:15:311


B主语 Jack 是第三人称(英语中第一人称是我I,第二人称是你You,其他均为第三人称)谓语用第三人称单数,动词原形后直接加slike->likes
2023-06-26 13:15:365


舟夜书所见作者:查慎行 (清)月黑见渔灯,孤光一点萤。微微风簇浪,散作满河星。
2023-06-26 13:15:406


这里就不讨论历史性权利了,我们来看岛礁和仲裁庭管辖权的关系。南海周边国家在南沙群岛的一系列占领,填海造陆活动,都是基于这样一个假设:通过实际占领取得对特定岛屿的主权,然后根据UNCLOS第121条获得岛屿周围12海里的领海,200海里专属经济区(EEZ)和大陆架,从而扩大对周围海域的主权权利(在EEZ内,沿海国有对该海域的生物和包括海底石油在内的非生物资源进行开发的主权权利)。然而,200海里专属经济区是只有岛屿才能享有的。如果是岩礁 (UNCLOS第121(3)条),只能产生12海里的领海;如果是低潮高地(第13条),则什么也没有。可见,岩礁或低潮高地和岛屿的地位根本无法同日而语。它们的区别在于:低潮高地在涨潮的时候是没入水中的;岩礁和岛屿一直都高于水面,但岛屿可以维持人类居住和本身的经济生活,岩石不可以。
2023-06-26 13:15:473


  MAX超杀 超能力9 →↘↓↙←→+AC, A·B·C·A·B·C·D  ┣ 追加攻击1 →↘↓↙←+B/D  ┣ 追加攻击2 ↓↘→ +A/C  ┗ 追加攻击3 →↓↘+A/C  MAX2超杀 超能力混合  ↓↘→ +ABCD,D·C·B·D·C·B·A  ┣ 雅典娜复原 ↓↘→ +AB 变成女神加血约1/3  ┗ 桃色固 ↓↘→ +BC 攻击  两个都能变身吧  主角队  K" DASH  ONE INCH → + A  KNEE ASSAULT → + B  IRON TRIGGER ↓↘→ + A or C  SECOND SHOT IRON TRIGGER中→ + B  SECOND SHELL IRON TRIGGER中→ + D  BLACKOUT IRON TRIGGER中← + D 或 ↓↘→ + B or D  CROW BITE →↓↘ + A or C  追加攻击CROW BITE中→ + D  MINUTE SPIKE ↓↙← + B or D 能于空中使出  CHAIN DRIVER ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C  超必杀  HEAT DRIVER ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀,C键储劲至MAX防御不可  CHAIN DRIVER ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀  CROW BITE BC 援护攻击  MAXIMA  MONGOLIAN → + A  M9型MAXIMA MISILE ↘ + C  M-4型VPOR CANNON ↓↙← + A or C  SYSTEM 1·2 MAXIMA SCRAMISLE ↓↘→ + A or C  DOUBLE BOMBER SYSTEM 1·2 MAXIMA SCRAMISLE中↓↘→ + A or C  BULLDOG PRESS DOUBLE BOMBER中↓↘→ + A or C  SYSTEM 3 MAXIMA LIFT →↘↓↙← + B or D 移动投  CENTRON PRESS SYSTEM  3 MAXIMA LIFT中↓↘→ + B or D 原SYSTEM 2的追加技  M11型DANGEROUS ARCH 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + B or D  M19型BRIDGE CANNON →↓↘ + B or D 对空投  MAXIMA REVENGER 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + B or D 超必杀  BUNKER BUSTER ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  MAXIMA REVENGER 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + BD MAX超必杀  MAXIMA CALLOUS BC 援护攻击  RAMON  低空DROP KICK ↘ + B 下段 组合连续技  ROLLING SOBBAT →↓↘ + B or D 可回避下段攻击  FLYING BODY ATTACK ROLLING SOBBAT中→↓↘ + B or D  TIGER NECK CHANCERY 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + A or C 指令投 连续技可  SOMERSAULT ←↙↓↘→ + B or D 移动投 半画面  FENIT SETP ↓↙← + A or C 快速移动技  TIGER SPIN 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必指令投  EL·DIABLO·AMOLIRO·RAMON ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + B or D 乱舞超必 强攻击连续技可  TIGER SPIN 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必指令投  EL·DIABLO·AMOLIRO BC 援护攻击  VANESSA  ONCE PUNCHER → + A  SLIDING PUNCHER ↘ + B  DASH PUNCHER ←储→ + A or C 低位突进技 可追打  MACHINA GUN PUNCHER ←↙↓↘→ + A or C 打击投 可连打增加HIT数  PARRYING PUNCHER →↓↘ + A or C 有打击防御效果  PUNCHER VISION<前方> ↓↘→ + B or D 上半身无敌  PUNCHER VISION<后方> ↓↙← + B or D 上半身无敌  PUNCHER UPPER PUNCHER VISION<后方>中→ + A  PUNCHER STRAIGHT PUNCHER VISION<后方>中← + C  PUNCHER WEEPING PUNCHER VISION<后方>← + A or C 上半身无敌  PUNCHER WEEPING ↓↙← + A or C 上半身无敌  DASH PUNCHER PUNCHER WEAVING中→ + A or C  PARRYING PUNCHER PUNCHER WEAVING中← + A or C 有打击防御效果  PUNCHER VISION<前方> PUNCHER WEAVING中→ + B or D 上半身无敌  PUNCHER VISION<后方> PUNCHER WEAVING中← + B or D 上半身无敌  CRAZY PUNCHER ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C 乱舞超必 强攻击连续技可  CHAMPION PUNCHER 近敌时↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必打击投  CRAZY PUNCHER ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + AC MAX乱舞超必 强攻击连续技可  HARD PUNCHER BC 援护攻击  八神和草雉  KYO(草雉京)  外式 轰斧阳 → + B 中段  外式 奈落落 空中↓ + C  八拾八式 ↘ + D 下段  百式 鬼燃烧 →↓↘ + A or C  四百贰拾七式 乐铁 →↘↓↙← + B or D 动作有所改变 性能变化  R.E.D.KICK ←↓↙ + B or D - 七拾五式 改 ↓↘→ + B·B or D·D  九百拾式 鹤摘 ↓↙← + A or C  百拾四式 荒咬 ↓↘→ + A  百贰拾八式 九伤 荒咬中↓↘→ + A or C  百贰拾七式 八锖 荒咬中→↘↓↙← + A or C 九伤中A or C  百贰拾五式 七濑 荒咬中B or D  外式 砌穿 八锖中A or C  百拾五式 毒咬 ↓↘→ + C  四百壹式 罪咏 毒咬中→↘↓↙← + A or C  四百贰式 罚咏 罪咏中→ + A or C  里百八式 大蛇剃 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀,出招速度变快  百八拾贰式 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀,动作有所改变 变为1 HIT  里百八式 大蛇剃 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀,出招速度变快  里百八式 大蛇剃 BC 援护攻击  IROI(八神奄)  外式 梦弹 → + A·A  外式 轰斧 阴"死神" → + B 中段  外式 百合折 空中← + B  百式 鬼烧 →↓↘ + A or C  百八式 暗拂 ↓↘→ + A or C  百贰拾七式 葵花 ↓↙← + A or C 可连续输入3次  贰百拾贰式 琴月阴 →↘↓↙← + B or D  三百拾壹式.爪节 →↓↘ + B or D  屑风 近敌时→↘↓↙←→ + A or C  禁千贰百拾壹式 八稚女 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀,增加无敌时间  里千贰百七式 暗削 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  禁千贰百拾壹式 八稚女 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀,增加无敌时间  里百八式 八酒杯 BC 援护攻击  龙虎队  RYO(坂崎良)  冰柱割 → + A 中段  上段受 → + B  下段受 ↘ + B  虎煌拳 ↓↘→ + A or C  虎咆 →↓↘ + A or C  飞燕疾风脚 →↘↓↙← + B or D  虎炮疾风拳 ↓↙← + A or C 姿势有所改变  猛虎雷神刹 ↓↘→ + B or D  暂烈拳 →←→ + A or C  龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  霸王翔吼拳 →←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  天地霸煌拳 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀  霸王翔吼拳 →←↙↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀  空中虎煌拳 BC 援护攻击  ROBERT(罗伯特)  勾龙降脚蹴 ← or → + A 中段  龙翻蹴 ← or → + B  二段足刀蹴 ↘ + B  飞燕龙神脚 空中↘ + B or D  龙击拳 ←储→ + A or C C键不可到达版边  飞燕旋风脚 ←储→ + B or D  旋燕连舞脚 近敌时↓储↑ + A or C 变为3 HITS  龙斩翔 ↓储↑ + B or D  龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  霸王翔吼拳 →←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  九头龙闪 ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀,出招速度极快  龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀  龙连猛袭 BC 援护攻击  KING(京)  TRAP KICK → + B 中段  SLIDING KICK ↘ + D 下段  VENOM STRIKE ↓↘→ + B  DOUBLE STRIKE ↓↘→ + D  TRAP SHOT →↓↘ + B or D  TORNADO KICK"95 →↘↓↙← + B  TORNADO KICK →↘↓↙← + D  SURPRISE ROSE →↓↘ + A or C  MIRAGE KICK →↘↓↙← + A or C  MIRAGE DANCE 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + A or C  ILLUSION DANCE ↓↘→↘↓↙← + B or D 超必杀  SILENT FLASH ↓↙←↓↙← + B or D 超必杀  ILLUSION DANCE ↓↘→↘↓↙← + BD MAX超必杀  TRAP RUSH BC 援护攻击  TAKUMA(坂崎琢磨)  鬼车 → + A  飞车落 ← + A  瓦割 → + B  桂马打 ↘ + B  虎煌拳 ↓↘→ + A or C  暂烈拳 →←→ + A or C  飞燕疾风脚 ↙储→ + B or D  翔乱脚 →↘↓↙← + B or D  猛虎无赖岩 ↓↙← + A or C 删除破坏防御效果  龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  霸王至高拳 →←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀,C键速度极快  真·鬼神击 近敌时↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀  超必杀·天狗至高拳 BC 援护攻击  韩国队  KIM(金家藩)  空连击 → + A  NEICHAGI → + B 中段  飞燕斩 ↓储↑ + B or D  天升脚 重飞燕斩中↓ + D  半月斩 ↓↙← + B or D  飞翔脚 空中↓↘→ + B or D  流星落 ←储→ + B or D 下段  霸气脚 ↓↓ + B or D 下段  凤凰脚 ↓↙←↙→ + B or D 超必杀,可于空中使出  凤凰飞天脚 ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀  凤凰脚 ↓↙←↙→ + BD MAX超必杀,可于空中使出  飞升脚 BC 援护攻击  CHANG(陈可汉)  铄逃 ↘ + A 下段  铁球粉碎击 ←储→ + A or C  铁球大回转 A or C连打  大破坏投 近敌时→↘↓↙←→ + A or C  铁球太鼓打 ←↙↓↘→ + B or D 中段挡身  铁球大暴走 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  铁球大压杀 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀,出招时间变快  铁球大扑杀 ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀  铁球大压杀 ↓↘→↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀  铁球大降临 BC 援护攻击  CHIO(蔡宝健)  骸突 → + A 删除破坏防御效果  通魔蹴 → + B  龙卷疾风斩 ↓储↑ + A or C  飞翔空裂斩 ↓储↑ + B or D 持续按键则攻击  旋风飞猿刺突 ←储→ + A or C  方向转换 飞翔空裂斩、旋风飞猿刺突中方向加攻击键 只可2次转换  回转飞猿斩 ↓↙← + A or C  奇袭飞猿突 回转飞猿斩中A or C  飞翔脚 空中↓↘→ + B or D  回转飞猿斩中↓↘→ + B or D  悲猿忏 →↓↘ + B or D 类似飞燕斩  真!超绝龙卷真空斩 →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + A or C超必杀  凤凰脚 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + B or D 超必杀  真!超绝轮回转突刃 空中↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  凤凰脚 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + BD MAX超必杀  挑拨三味 BC 援护攻击  JHUN(全动)  狙鹫击 → + A 持续按A键则转化为狙鹫阵  猎虎击 → + B 持续按B键则转化为猎虎阵  流泷蹴 空中↓ + B  满月斩 ↓↙← + B or D 持续按B键则转化为猎虎阵  排气击 ↓↙← + A or C 持续按A键则转化为狙鹫阵  空砂尘 ↓储↑ + A or C 持续按A键则转化为狙鹫阵  狙鹫阵 ↓↓ + A  鹫爪脚(上段) 狙鹫阵中↑ + C  鹫爪脚(下段) 狙鹫阵中C  太极破 狙鹫阵中D  切换攻击 狙鹫阵中← or → + B 持续按B键则转化为猎虎阵  切换动作 狙鹫阵中B 持续按B键则转化为猎虎阵  猎虎阵 ↓↓ + B - 飞虎击 猎虎阵中↑ + C 中段  猛虎击 猎虎阵中C 下段  袭虎击 猎虎阵中↓ + C 下段  太极避 猎虎阵中D  切换攻击 猎虎阵中← or → + A 持续按A键则转化为狙鹫阵  切换动作 猎虎阵中A 持续按A键则转化为狙鹫阵  凤凰裂爪脚 ↓↘→↓↘→+ B or D 超必杀  凤凰天舞脚 空中↓↘→↓↘→+ B or D 超必杀  凤凰裂爪脚 ↓↘→↓↘→+ BD MAX超必杀  伏虎袭击 BC 援护攻击  女性格斗家队  MAI(不知火舞)  红鹤之舞 ↘ + B 下段  黑鸟之舞 → + B 中段  大轮风车落 空中↓ + A  浮羽 空中↓ + B 或 飞鼯之舞<地上>中↓ + B 中段  山樱桃 空中↓ + D 或 飞鼯之舞<地上>中↓ + D  花蝶扇 ↓↘→ + A or C  龙炎舞 ↓↙← + A or C  必杀忍蜂 ←↙↓↘→ + B or D  小夜千鸟 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C  飞鼯之舞<空中> 空中↓↙← + A or C  飞鼯之舞<地上> ↓储↑ + A or C  飞鼯之舞 飞鼯之舞<地上>中↓↙← + A or C  桃花鸟 飞鼯之舞<地上>中近敌时↓↙← + B or D  超必杀忍蜂 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀  水鸟之舞 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  凤凰之舞 ↓↙←↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  超必杀忍蜂 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + BD MAX超必杀  樱吹雪 BC 援护攻击  YURI(坂崎由莉)  燕落(空投) 空中近敌,↑以外 + C or D  燕翼 → + A 中段  旋回脚 → + B·B  虎煌拳 ↓↘→ + A or C  霸王翔吼拳 虎煌拳储劲至MAX时  飞燕疾风拳 ↓↙← + A or C 可按键不放增加攻击力  飞燕旋风脚 ↓↙← + B or D  空牙 →↓↘ + A or C  里空牙 重空牙后→↓↘ + A or C  百烈耳光 →↘↓↙←→ + B or D  雷煌拳 ↓↘→ + B or D  飞燕凤凰脚 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + B or D 超必杀  飞燕烈孔 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  灭鬼斩空牙 ↓↘→↓↘→ + BD MAX超必杀  飞燕凤凰脚 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + BD MAX超必杀  飞援烈孔 BC 援护攻击  KASUMI(藤堂香橙)  肘当 → + A 中段  重当 ↓↘→ + A or C  空中重当 空中↓↘→ + A or C  灭身无投 ←↙↓↘→ + B 上段挡身  杀掌阴蹴 ←↙↓↘→ + D 中段挡身  白山桃 ↓↙← + B or D  龙卷抢打 近敌时→↘↓↙← + A or C  扇沟流 ↓↙← + A or C 可连续输入3次  半身·诸手返 ↓↓ + B or D 下段挡身  超重当 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  心眼葛落 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  心眼葛落 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀  喝 BC 援护攻击  HINAKO(四条姬子)  张手<千代> → + A·A  张手<锦> → + A·C  前光叩 ↘ + A 出招快  突张 → + B·B 出招快 第2击中段  喉轮 ↘ + C·D 第2击中段  木屐转 ↘ + D 下段  突出 ↓↘→ + A or C 前进掌攻击 空隙少  突落 ↓↙← + A or C 有打击防御效果  小手投 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + B or D 指令投  距离远威力高 挂投 近敌时→↘↓↙←→ + B or D 指令投  寄切 近敌时→↓↘ + B or D 低位无敌指令投  合掌捻 ←↙↓↘→←↙↓↘→+ B or D 超必杀,前跳超必移动投  合掌捻 ←↙↓↘→←↙↓↘→ + BD MAX超必杀,前跳超必移动投  铁炮雏 BC 援护攻击  怒队  LEONA(莉安娜)  STRIKE ARCH → + B 中段  MOON SLASHER ↓储↑ + A or C  GROUND SEBER ←储→ + B or D  GLIDING BUSTER 重GROUND SEBER中→ + D  X-CALIBER 空中↓↙← + A or C  BACTIC LAUNCHER ←储→ + A or C  EARRING爆弹1 ↓↙← + B or D  EARRING爆弹2 ←↓↙ + B or D 出招变慢  V SLASHER 空中↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  REVOLVE SPARK ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀  GRATEFUL DECEASED ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  V SLASHER 空中↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀  KILLER TOUCH BC 援护攻击  RALF(拉尔夫)  VULCAN PUNCH A or C连打  GALTING ATTACK ←储→ + A or C  急降下爆弹PUNCH<地上> ↓储↑ + A or C 下降时中段  急降下爆弹PUNCH<空中> 空中↓↘→ + A or C 中段  SUPER ARGENTINE BACK BREAKER 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + B or D  RALF KICK 持续按B or D一段时间  RALF TACKLE →↘↓↙← + B or D  BARI BARI VULCAN PUNCH ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  骑马VULCAN PUNCH ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀  GALACTICA PHANTOM ↓↘→↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀,储劲时间缩短  BARI BARI VULCAN PUNCH ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀  GALACTICA PHANTOM BC 援护攻击  CLARK(克拉克)  DEATHLAKE DRIVE 空中近敌除↑以外 + C or D  STOMPING → + B  GATLING ATTACK ←储→ + A or C  MOUNT TACKLE ←↙↓↘→ + A or C  CLARK LIFT MOUNT TACKLE中↓↓ + A  ROLLING MOUNT TACKLE中↓↓ + B or D  SUPER LIFT[D·D·T] MOUNT TACKLE中↓↓ + C  SUPER ARGENTINE BACK BREAKER 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + B or D  NAPALM STRETCH →↓↘ + A or C  FRANKEN STEINER 近敌时→↓↘ + B or D  FLASHING ELBOW 指令投后↓↘→ + A or C  ULTRA ARGENTINE BACK BREAKER 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  RUNNING THREE ←↙↓↘→←↙↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀  ULTRA ARGENTINE BACK BREAKER 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀  FLASHING LAUNCHER BC 援护攻击  WHIP  WHIP SHOT → + A 可连续输入5次  BOOMERANG SHOT"CODE:SC" ←↙↓↘→ + A or C  ASSASSIN STRIKE"CODE:BB" →↓↘ + A or B or C or D 出现位置不同  STRENGTH SHOT TYPE A"CODE:优越" →↘↓↙← + A 可按键不放  STRENGTH SHOT TYPE B"CODE:力" →↘↓↙← + B 可按键不放  STRENGTH SHOT TYPE C"CODE:胜利" →↘↓↙← + C 可按键不放  STRENGTH SHOT TYPE D"CODE:饴" STRENGTH SHOT储劲动作中D  HOOK SHOT"CODE:风" 空中↓↙← + A or C  SONIC SLAUGHTER"CODE:KW" ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  SONIC SLAUGHTER"CODE:KW" ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀  VALKYRIE SHOT BC 援护攻击  恶狼队  TERRY(特瑞)  HAMMER PUNCH → + A 中段  RISING UPPER ↘ + C  POWER WAVE ↓↘→ + A  ROUND WAVE ↓↘→ + C  CRACK SHOOT ↓↙← + B or D  POWER CHARGE ←↙↓↘→ + B or D  RISING TACKLE ↓储↑ + A or C  BURN KNUCKLE ↓↙← + A or C  POWER DUNK →↓↘ + B or D  POWER GEYSER ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  HIGH ANGLE GEYSER ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀  POWER GEYSER ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀  DUNK GEYSER BC 援护攻击  ANDY(安迪)  上颚 → + B 中段  上面 ↘ + A  斩影拳 ↙→ + A or C  疾风横拳 斩影拳中↓↘→ + A or C  飞翔拳 ↓↙← + A  激飞翔拳 ↓↙← + C  升龙弹 →↓↘ + A or C  空破弹 ←↙↓↘→ + B or D  击壁背水掌 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + A or C  幻影不知火 空中↓↘→ + B or D  幻影不知火下颚 幻影不知火着地时A or C  幻影不知火上颚 幻影不知火着地时B or D 中段  超裂破弹 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀  残影流星拳 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  超裂破弹 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + BD MAX超必杀  疾风残影拳 BC 援护攻击  JOE(东丈)  LOW KICK → + B  SLIDING KICK ↘ + B 下段  HURRICANE UPPER ←↙↓↘→ + A or C  TIGER KICK →↓↘ + B or D  黄金之脚踵 ↓↙← + B or D  爆裂拳 A or C连打  爆裂拳FINISH 爆裂拳中↓↘→ + A or C  SLASH KICK ←↙↓↘→ + B or D  SCREW UPPER ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀  爆烈HURRICANE TIGER踵 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  史上最强LOW KICK ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀,可按键不放  SCREW UPPER ↓↘→↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀  ORAORA爆裂拳 BC 援护攻击  MARY(玛丽)  HAMMER ARCH ← or → + A 中段  CLIMBING ARROW ↘ + B  DOUBLE ROLLING ← or → + B 第2击下段 SPIN FALL ↓↘→ + A or C  M SPIDER SPIN FALL中↓↘→ + A or C  STRAIGHT SLICER ←储→ + B or D 下段  CLUB CLETCH STRAIGHT SLICER中↓↘→ + B or D  VERTICAL ARROW →↓↘ + B or D  M SNATCHER VERTICAL ARROW中→↓↘ + B or D  M REVERSE FACE LOCK ↓↙← + B  M HEAD BUSTER ↓↙← + D  REAL COUNTER ↓↙← + A or C  BACK DROP REAL COUNTER中←↙↓↘→ + A or C  HEAD CRUSH REAL COUNTER中←↙↓↘→ + B or D  M TYPHOON 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + B or D 超必杀  M DYNAMITE SWING ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀  M SPLASH ROSE ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀  M DYNAMITE SWING ↓↘→↓↘→ + BD MAX超必杀  RAPID SPIDE BC 援护攻击  超能力队  ATHENA(雅典娜)  连环腿 → + B  PHENIX BOOM 空中↓ + B  PSYCHO BALL ATTACK ↓↙← + A or C  PHOENIX ARROW 空中↓↙← + B or D  PSYCHO REFLECTOR →↘↓↙← + B  V PSYCHO REFLECTOR →↘↓↙← + D  PSYCHO SHOOT ←↙↓↘→ + A or C  PSYCHO SWORD →↓↘ + A or C 可于空中使出 PSYCHIN TELEPORT ↓↘→ + B or D  CRYSTAL SHOOT SHINING CRYSTAL BIT中↓↙← + A or C 可于空中使出  SHINING CRYSTAL BIT →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀,可于空中使出性能加强  PHOENIX FANG ARROW 空中↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀  SHINING CRYSTAL BIT →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀,可于空中使出 性能加强  PSYCHO HEALING BC 援护攻击  KENSOU(椎全崇)  虎扑手 → + A 中段  后旋腿 → + B  箭疾步 ↓↙← + A or C  龙颚碎
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ery good. Then here is my last,"--unclosin
2023-06-26 13:15:103


1C 2D 3B 4A 5B 6B 7C 8A 9C 10D11C 12B 13A 14C 15C 16B 17C 18B 19C 20D
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主角队K" DASHONE INCH → + AKNEE ASSAULT → + BIRON TRIGGER ↓↘→ + A or CSECOND SHOT IRON TRIGGER中→ + BSECOND SHELL IRON TRIGGER中→ + DBLACKOUT IRON TRIGGER中← + D 或 ↓↘→ + B or DCROW BITE →↓↘ + A or C追加攻击CROW BITE中→ + DMINUTE SPIKE ↓↙← + B or D 能于空中使出CHAIN DRIVER ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C超必杀HEAT DRIVER ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀,C键储劲至MAX防御不可CHAIN DRIVER ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀CROW BITE BC 援护攻击MAXIMAMONGOLIAN → + AM9型MAXIMA MISILE ↘ + CM-4型VPOR CANNON ↓↙← + A or CSYSTEM 1·2 MAXIMA SCRAMISLE ↓↘→ + A or CDOUBLE BOMBER SYSTEM 1·2 MAXIMA SCRAMISLE中↓↘→ + A or CBULLDOG PRESS DOUBLE BOMBER中↓↘→ + A or CSYSTEM 3 MAXIMA LIFT →↘↓↙← + B or D 移动投CENTRON PRESS SYSTEM3 MAXIMA LIFT中↓↘→ + B or D 原SYSTEM 2的追加技M11型DANGEROUS ARCH 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + B or DM19型BRIDGE CANNON →↓↘ + B or D 对空投MAXIMA REVENGER 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + B or D 超必杀BUNKER BUSTER ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀MAXIMA REVENGER 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + BD MAX超必杀MAXIMA CALLOUS BC 援护攻击RAMON低空DROP KICK ↘ + B 下段 组合连续技ROLLING SOBBAT →↓↘ + B or D 可回避下段攻击FLYING BODY ATTACK ROLLING SOBBAT中→↓↘ + B or DTIGER NECK CHANCERY 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + A or C 指令投 连续技可SOMERSAULT ←↙↓↘→ + B or D 移动投 半画面FENIT SETP ↓↙← + A or C 快速移动技TIGER SPIN 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必指令投EL·DIABLO·AMOLIRO·RAMON ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + B or D 乱舞超必 强攻击连续技可TIGER SPIN 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必指令投EL·DIABLO·AMOLIRO BC 援护攻击VANESSAONCE PUNCHER → + ASLIDING PUNCHER ↘ + BDASH PUNCHER ←储→ + A or C 低位突进技 可追打MACHINA GUN PUNCHER ←↙↓↘→ + A or C 打击投 可连打增加HIT数PARRYING PUNCHER →↓↘ + A or C 有打击防御效果PUNCHER VISION<前方> ↓↘→ + B or D 上半身无敌PUNCHER VISION<后方> ↓↙← + B or D 上半身无敌PUNCHER UPPER PUNCHER VISION<后方>中→ + APUNCHER STRAIGHT PUNCHER VISION<后方>中← + CPUNCHER WEEPING PUNCHER VISION<后方>← + A or C 上半身无敌PUNCHER WEEPING ↓↙← + A or C 上半身无敌DASH PUNCHER PUNCHER WEAVING中→ + A or CPARRYING PUNCHER PUNCHER WEAVING中← + A or C 有打击防御效果PUNCHER VISION<前方> PUNCHER WEAVING中→ + B or D 上半身无敌PUNCHER VISION<后方> PUNCHER WEAVING中← + B or D 上半身无敌CRAZY PUNCHER ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C 乱舞超必 强攻击连续技可CHAMPION PUNCHER 近敌时↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必打击投CRAZY PUNCHER ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + AC MAX乱舞超必 强攻击连续技可HARD PUNCHER BC 援护攻击八神和草雉KYO(草雉京)外式 轰斧阳 → + B 中段外式 奈落落 空中↓ + C八拾八式 ↘ + D 下段百式 鬼燃烧 →↓↘ + A or C四百贰拾七式 乐铁 →↘↓↙← + B or D 动作有所改变 性能变化R.E.D.KICK ←↓↙ + B or D - 七拾五式 改 ↓↘→ + B·B or D·D九百拾式 鹤摘 ↓↙← + A or C百拾四式 荒咬 ↓↘→ + A百贰拾八式 九伤 荒咬中↓↘→ + A or C百贰拾七式 八锖 荒咬中→↘↓↙← + A or C 九伤中A or C百贰拾五式 七濑 荒咬中B or D外式 砌穿 八锖中A or C百拾五式 毒咬 ↓↘→ + C四百壹式 罪咏 毒咬中→↘↓↙← + A or C四百贰式 罚咏 罪咏中→ + A or C里百八式 大蛇剃 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀,出招速度变快百八拾贰式 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀,动作有所改变 变为1 HIT里百八式 大蛇剃 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀,出招速度变快里百八式 大蛇剃 BC 援护攻击IROI(八神奄)外式 梦弹 → + A·A外式 轰斧 阴"死神" → + B 中段外式 百合折 空中← + B百式 鬼烧 →↓↘ + A or C百八式 暗拂 ↓↘→ + A or C百贰拾七式 葵花 ↓↙← + A or C 可连续输入3次贰百拾贰式 琴月阴 →↘↓↙← + B or D三百拾壹式.爪节 →↓↘ + B or D屑风 近敌时→↘↓↙←→ + A or C禁千贰百拾壹式 八稚女 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀,增加无敌时间里千贰百七式 暗削 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀禁千贰百拾壹式 八稚女 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀,增加无敌时间里百八式 八酒杯 BC 援护攻击龙虎队RYO(坂崎良)冰柱割 → + A 中段上段受 → + B下段受 ↘ + B虎煌拳 ↓↘→ + A or C虎咆 →↓↘ + A or C飞燕疾风脚 →↘↓↙← + B or D虎炮疾风拳 ↓↙← + A or C 姿势有所改变猛虎雷神刹 ↓↘→ + B or D暂烈拳 →←→ + A or C龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀霸王翔吼拳 →←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀天地霸煌拳 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀霸王翔吼拳 →←↙↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀空中虎煌拳 BC 援护攻击ROBERT(罗伯特)勾龙降脚蹴 ← or → + A 中段龙翻蹴 ← or → + B二段足刀蹴 ↘ + B飞燕龙神脚 空中↘ + B or D龙击拳 ←储→ + A or C C键不可到达版边飞燕旋风脚 ←储→ + B or D旋燕连舞脚 近敌时↓储↑ + A or C 变为3 HITS龙斩翔 ↓储↑ + B or D龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀霸王翔吼拳 →←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀九头龙闪 ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀,出招速度极快龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀龙连猛袭 BC 援护攻击KING(京)TRAP KICK → + B 中段SLIDING KICK ↘ + D 下段VENOM STRIKE ↓↘→ + BDOUBLE STRIKE ↓↘→ + DTRAP SHOT →↓↘ + B or DTORNADO KICK"95 →↘↓↙← + BTORNADO KICK →↘↓↙← + DSURPRISE ROSE →↓↘ + A or CMIRAGE KICK →↘↓↙← + A or CMIRAGE DANCE 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + A or CILLUSION DANCE ↓↘→↘↓↙← + B or D 超必杀SILENT FLASH ↓↙←↓↙← + B or D 超必杀ILLUSION DANCE ↓↘→↘↓↙← + BD MAX超必杀TRAP RUSH BC 援护攻击TAKUMA(坂崎琢磨)鬼车 → + A飞车落 ← + A瓦割 → + B桂马打 ↘ + B虎煌拳 ↓↘→ + A or C暂烈拳 →←→ + A or C飞燕疾风脚 ↙储→ + B or D翔乱脚 →↘↓↙← + B or D猛虎无赖岩 ↓↙← + A or C 删除破坏防御效果龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀霸王至高拳 →←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀,C键速度极快真·鬼神击 近敌时↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀超必杀·天狗至高拳 BC 援护攻击韩国队KIM(金家藩)空连击 → + ANEICHAGI → + B 中段飞燕斩 ↓储↑ + B or D天升脚 重飞燕斩中↓ + D半月斩 ↓↙← + B or D飞翔脚 空中↓↘→ + B or D流星落 ←储→ + B or D 下段霸气脚 ↓↓ + B or D 下段凤凰脚 ↓↙←↙→ + B or D 超必杀,可于空中使出凤凰飞天脚 ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀凤凰脚 ↓↙←↙→ + BD MAX超必杀,可于空中使出飞升脚 BC 援护攻击CHANG(陈可汉)铄逃 ↘ + A 下段铁球粉碎击 ←储→ + A or C铁球大回转 A or C连打大破坏投 近敌时→↘↓↙←→ + A or C铁球太鼓打 ←↙↓↘→ + B or D 中段挡身铁球大暴走 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀铁球大压杀 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀,出招时间变快铁球大扑杀 ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀铁球大压杀 ↓↘→↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀铁球大降临 BC 援护攻击CHIO(蔡宝健)骸突 → + A 删除破坏防御效果通魔蹴 → + B龙卷疾风斩 ↓储↑ + A or C飞翔空裂斩 ↓储↑ + B or D 持续按键则攻击旋风飞猿刺突 ←储→ + A or C方向转换 飞翔空裂斩、旋风飞猿刺突中方向加攻击键 只可2次转换回转飞猿斩 ↓↙← + A or C奇袭飞猿突 回转飞猿斩中A or C飞翔脚 空中↓↘→ + B or D回转飞猿斩中↓↘→ + B or D悲猿忏 →↓↘ + B or D 类似飞燕斩真!超绝龙卷真空斩 →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + A or C超必杀凤凰脚 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + B or D 超必杀真!超绝轮回转突刃 空中↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀凤凰脚 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + BD MAX超必杀挑拨三味 BC 援护攻击JHUN(全动)狙鹫击 → + A 持续按A键则转化为狙鹫阵猎虎击 → + B 持续按B键则转化为猎虎阵流泷蹴 空中↓ + B满月斩 ↓↙← + B or D 持续按B键则转化为猎虎阵排气击 ↓↙← + A or C 持续按A键则转化为狙鹫阵空砂尘 ↓储↑ + A or C 持续按A键则转化为狙鹫阵狙鹫阵 ↓↓ + A鹫爪脚(上段) 狙鹫阵中↑ + C鹫爪脚(下段) 狙鹫阵中C太极破 狙鹫阵中D切换攻击 狙鹫阵中← or → + B 持续按B键则转化为猎虎阵切换动作 狙鹫阵中B 持续按B键则转化为猎虎阵猎虎阵 ↓↓ + B - 飞虎击 猎虎阵中↑ + C 中段猛虎击 猎虎阵中C 下段袭虎击 猎虎阵中↓ + C 下段太极避 猎虎阵中D切换攻击 猎虎阵中← or → + A 持续按A键则转化为狙鹫阵切换动作 猎虎阵中A 持续按A键则转化为狙鹫阵凤凰裂爪脚 ↓↘→↓↘→+ B or D 超必杀凤凰天舞脚 空中↓↘→↓↘→+ B or D 超必杀凤凰裂爪脚 ↓↘→↓↘→+ BD MAX超必杀伏虎袭击 BC 援护攻击女性格斗家队MAI(不知火舞)红鹤之舞 ↘ + B 下段黑鸟之舞 → + B 中段大轮风车落 空中↓ + A浮羽 空中↓ + B 或 飞鼯之舞<地上>中↓ + B 中段山樱桃 空中↓ + D 或 飞鼯之舞<地上>中↓ + D花蝶扇 ↓↘→ + A or C龙炎舞 ↓↙← + A or C必杀忍蜂 ←↙↓↘→ + B or D小夜千鸟 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C飞鼯之舞<空中> 空中↓↙← + A or C飞鼯之舞<地上> ↓储↑ + A or C飞鼯之舞 飞鼯之舞<地上>中↓↙← + A or C桃花鸟 飞鼯之舞<地上>中近敌时↓↙← + B or D超必杀忍蜂 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀水鸟之舞 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀凤凰之舞 ↓↙←↓↙← + A or C 超必杀超必杀忍蜂 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + BD MAX超必杀樱吹雪 BC 援护攻击YURI(坂崎由莉)燕落(空投) 空中近敌,↑以外 + C or D燕翼 → + A 中段旋回脚 → + B·B虎煌拳 ↓↘→ + A or C霸王翔吼拳 虎煌拳储劲至MAX时飞燕疾风拳 ↓↙← + A or C 可按键不放增加攻击力飞燕旋风脚 ↓↙← + B or D空牙 →↓↘ + A or C里空牙 重空牙后→↓↘ + A or C百烈耳光 →↘↓↙←→ + B or D雷煌拳 ↓↘→ + B or D飞燕凤凰脚 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + B or D 超必杀飞燕烈孔 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀灭鬼斩空牙 ↓↘→↓↘→ + BD MAX超必杀飞燕凤凰脚 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + BD MAX超必杀飞援烈孔 BC 援护攻击KASUMI(藤堂香橙)肘当 → + A 中段重当 ↓↘→ + A or C空中重当 空中↓↘→ + A or C灭身无投 ←↙↓↘→ + B 上段挡身杀掌阴蹴 ←↙↓↘→ + D 中段挡身白山桃 ↓↙← + B or D龙卷抢打 近敌时→↘↓↙← + A or C扇沟流 ↓↙← + A or C 可连续输入3次半身·诸手返 ↓↓ + B or D 下段挡身超重当 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀心眼葛落 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀心眼葛落 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀喝 BC 援护攻击HINAKO(四条姬子)张手<千代> → + A·A张手<锦> → + A·C前光叩 ↘ + A 出招快突张 → + B·B 出招快 第2击中段喉轮 ↘ + C·D 第2击中段木屐转 ↘ + D 下段突出 ↓↘→ + A or C 前进掌攻击 空隙少突落 ↓↙← + A or C 有打击防御效果小手投 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + B or D 指令投距离远威力高 挂投 近敌时→↘↓↙←→ + B or D 指令投寄切 近敌时→↓↘ + B or D 低位无敌指令投合掌捻 ←↙↓↘→←↙↓↘→+ B or D 超必杀,前跳超必移动投合掌捻 ←↙↓↘→←↙↓↘→ + BD MAX超必杀,前跳超必移动投铁炮雏 BC 援护攻击怒队LEONA(莉安娜)STRIKE ARCH → + B 中段MOON SLASHER ↓储↑ + A or CGROUND SEBER ←储→ + B or DGLIDING BUSTER 重GROUND SEBER中→ + DX-CALIBER 空中↓↙← + A or CBACTIC LAUNCHER ←储→ + A or CEARRING爆弹1 ↓↙← + B or DEARRING爆弹2 ←↓↙ + B or D 出招变慢V SLASHER 空中↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀REVOLVE SPARK ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀GRATEFUL DECEASED ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀V SLASHER 空中↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀KILLER TOUCH BC 援护攻击RALF(拉尔夫)VULCAN PUNCH A or C连打GALTING ATTACK ←储→ + A or C急降下爆弹PUNCH<地上> ↓储↑ + A or C 下降时中段急降下爆弹PUNCH<空中> 空中↓↘→ + A or C 中段SUPER ARGENTINE BACK BREAKER 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + B or DRALF KICK 持续按B or D一段时间RALF TACKLE →↘↓↙← + B or DBARI BARI VULCAN PUNCH ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀骑马VULCAN PUNCH ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀GALACTICA PHANTOM ↓↘→↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀,储劲时间缩短BARI BARI VULCAN PUNCH ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀GALACTICA PHANTOM BC 援护攻击CLARK(克拉克)DEATHLAKE DRIVE 空中近敌除↑以外 + C or DSTOMPING → + BGATLING ATTACK ←储→ + A or CMOUNT TACKLE ←↙↓↘→ + A or CCLARK LIFT MOUNT TACKLE中↓↓ + AROLLING MOUNT TACKLE中↓↓ + B or DSUPER LIFT[D·D·T] MOUNT TACKLE中↓↓ + CSUPER ARGENTINE BACK BREAKER 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + B or DNAPALM STRETCH →↓↘ + A or CFRANKEN STEINER 近敌时→↓↘ + B or DFLASHING ELBOW 指令投后↓↘→ + A or CULTRA ARGENTINE BACK BREAKER 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀RUNNING THREE ←↙↓↘→←↙↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀ULTRA ARGENTINE BACK BREAKER 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀FLASHING LAUNCHER BC 援护攻击WHIPWHIP SHOT → + A 可连续输入5次BOOMERANG SHOT"CODE:SC" ←↙↓↘→ + A or CASSASSIN STRIKE"CODE:BB" →↓↘ + A or B or C or D 出现位置不同STRENGTH SHOT TYPE A"CODE:优越" →↘↓↙← + A 可按键不放STRENGTH SHOT TYPE B"CODE:力" →↘↓↙← + B 可按键不放STRENGTH SHOT TYPE C"CODE:胜利" →↘↓↙← + C 可按键不放STRENGTH SHOT TYPE D"CODE:饴" STRENGTH SHOT储劲动作中DHOOK SHOT"CODE:风" 空中↓↙← + A or CSONIC SLAUGHTER"CODE:KW" ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀SONIC SLAUGHTER"CODE:KW" ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀VALKYRIE SHOT BC 援护攻击恶狼队TERRY(特瑞)HAMMER PUNCH → + A 中段RISING UPPER ↘ + CPOWER WAVE ↓↘→ + AROUND WAVE ↓↘→ + CCRACK SHOOT ↓↙← + B or DPOWER CHARGE ←↙↓↘→ + B or DRISING TACKLE ↓储↑ + A or CBURN KNUCKLE ↓↙← + A or CPOWER DUNK →↓↘ + B or DPOWER GEYSER ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀HIGH ANGLE GEYSER ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀POWER GEYSER ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀DUNK GEYSER BC 援护攻击ANDY(安迪)上颚 → + B 中段上面 ↘ + A斩影拳 ↙→ + A or C疾风横拳 斩影拳中↓↘→ + A or C飞翔拳 ↓↙← + A激飞翔拳 ↓↙← + C升龙弹 →↓↘ + A or C空破弹 ←↙↓↘→ + B or D击壁背水掌 近敌时←↙↓↘→ + A or C幻影不知火 空中↓↘→ + B or D幻影不知火下颚 幻影不知火着地时A or C幻影不知火上颚 幻影不知火着地时B or D 中段超裂破弹 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀残影流星拳 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀超裂破弹 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + BD MAX超必杀疾风残影拳 BC 援护攻击JOE(东丈)LOW KICK → + BSLIDING KICK ↘ + B 下段HURRICANE UPPER ←↙↓↘→ + A or CTIGER KICK →↓↘ + B or D黄金之脚踵 ↓↙← + B or D爆裂拳 A or C连打爆裂拳FINISH 爆裂拳中↓↘→ + A or CSLASH KICK ←↙↓↘→ + B or DSCREW UPPER ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀爆烈HURRICANE TIGER踵 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀史上最强LOW KICK ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀,可按键不放SCREW UPPER ↓↘→↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀ORAORA爆裂拳 BC 援护攻击MARY(玛丽)HAMMER ARCH ← or → + A 中段CLIMBING ARROW ↘ + BDOUBLE ROLLING ← or → + B 第2击下段 SPIN FALL ↓↘→ + A or CM SPIDER SPIN FALL中↓↘→ + A or CSTRAIGHT SLICER ←储→ + B or D 下段CLUB CLETCH STRAIGHT SLICER中↓↘→ + B or DVERTICAL ARROW →↓↘ + B or DM SNATCHER VERTICAL ARROW中→↓↘ + B or DM REVERSE FACE LOCK ↓↙← + BM HEAD BUSTER ↓↙← + DREAL COUNTER ↓↙← + A or CBACK DROP REAL COUNTER中←↙↓↘→ + A or CHEAD CRUSH REAL COUNTER中←↙↓↘→ + B or DM TYPHOON 近敌时→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + B or D 超必杀M DYNAMITE SWING ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀M SPLASH ROSE ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀M DYNAMITE SWING ↓↘→↓↘→ + BD MAX超必杀RAPID SPIDE BC 援护攻击超能力队ATHENA(雅典娜)连环腿 → + BPHENIX BOOM 空中↓ + BPSYCHO BALL ATTACK ↓↙← + A or CPHOENIX ARROW 空中↓↙← + B or DPSYCHO REFLECTOR →↘↓↙← + BV PSYCHO REFLECTOR →↘↓↙← + DPSYCHO SHOOT ←↙↓↘→ + A or CPSYCHO SWORD →↓↘ + A or C 可于空中使出 PSYCHIN TELEPORT ↓↘→ + B or DCRYSTAL SHOOT SHINING CRYSTAL BIT中↓↙← + A or C 可于空中使出SHINING CRYSTAL BIT →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀,可于空中使出性能加强PHOENIX FANG ARROW 空中↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D 超必杀SHINING CRYSTAL BIT →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + AC MAX超必杀,可于空中使出 性能加强PSYCHO HEALING BC 援护攻击KENSOU(椎全崇)虎扑手 → + A 中段后旋腿 → + B箭疾步 ↓↙← + A or C龙颚碎 ←↓↙ + B or D穿弓腿 ↓↘→ + B or D龙连牙·地龙 ←↙↓↘→ + A龙连牙·天龙 ←↙↓↘→ + C龙爪击 空中↓↙← + A or C龙连打 →↓↘ + A or C神龙凄煌裂脚 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + B 超必杀神龙天舞脚 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + D 超必杀超龙连拳 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀神龙天舞脚 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + BD MAX超必杀肉馒4U BC 援护攻击CHIN(镇元斋)醉步飘箪袭 → + A 中段飘箪击 ↓↙← + A or C柳磷蓬莱 →↓↘ + A or C回转的空突拳 ←↙↓↘→ + B or D醉管卷翁中→ + B or D望月醉中→ + B or D醉管卷翁 ↓↓ + A or C蝶袭桂鱼 醉管卷翁中→ + A or C望月醉 ↓↓ + B or D龙蛇反蹦 望月醉中↑ + B鲤鱼反蹦 望月醉中↑ + D醉杯靠 ↓↘→ + A or C喷炎口 醉杯靠后↓↘→ + A or C轰炎招来·改 醉杯靠后→↓↘ + A or C轰烂炎炮 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C 超必杀,出招速度加快轰炎招来 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C 超必杀轰烂炎炮 ↓↘→↓↘→ + AC MAX超必杀蓬莱乐宴 BC 援护攻击BAO(包)革裂 → + A旋壁蹴 → + B闪翔蹴 ↘ + A里滑蹴 ↘ + B双掌 空中↓ + A挽蛇 空中↓ + BPSYCHO BALL ATTACK FRONT ↓↙← + APSYCHO BALL ATTACK RISE ↓↘→ + APSYCHO BALL ATTACK BOUND ↓↘→ + BPSYCHO BALL ATTACK REFLECT ↓↙← + BPSYCHO BALL ATTACK AIR FRONT 空中↓↙← + APSYCHO BALL ATTACK AIR BOUND 空中↓↘→ + BPSYCHO BALL CRUSH FRONT ↓↙← + CPSYCHO BALL CRUSH RISE ↓↘→ + CPS
2023-06-26 13:14:593