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2023-07-07 20:58:46
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
智学网官网登录地址: http://www.z****.com/login.html








校园考试是检验和评价阶段性教学成果的有效手段,但目前只从成绩单一维度进行分析,无法体现共性需求、个体差异,也无法针对个人做连续性、发展性、趋势性评价。 智学网是科大讯飞面向学校日常考试及发展性教学与学评价需求推出的基于知识点地图和优质题库资源的智能化教学辅导平台,为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和更加全面完善的资源服务,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值,通过基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务,实现人人皆学、处处能学、时时可学。







为各级教育系统、老师、学生、家长系统的提供基于知识点的综合教育评价服务,协同北师大未来教育高精尖创新中心探索建立以学习者为中心的教学新模式的途径与方法,并建立基于问题诊断的基础教育质量改进服务体系。 ;



智学网官网登录地址: 1、打开网页,在地址栏里输入,回车进入智学网登录界面2、点击登录,输入用户名和密码,即可登录:个人中心设置 在个人中心里可以实现个人资料、账号密码的修改以及班级的创建和学生、老师的信息管理等操作。将鼠标放在头像上,点击“个人中心”,即可进入个人中心界面:个人中心里列出了用户的基本信息:在个人资料里可以修改个人信息,如姓名、性别、生日等:在账号管理可以修改用户密码:校园考试是检验和评价阶段性教学成果的有效手段,但目前只从成绩单一维度进行分析,无法体现共性需求、个体差异,也无法针对个人做连续性、发展性、趋势性评价。 智学网是科大讯飞面向学校日常考试及发展性教学与学评价需求推出的基于知识点地图和优质题库资源的智能化教学辅导平台,为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和更加全面完善的资源服务,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值,通过基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务,实现人人皆学、处处能学、时时可学。 智学网平台功能 人工智能的过程化教学大数据采集分析 基于手机、扫描仪、阅卷机等各类智能终端设备实现随堂练习、课后作业、测验联考等各类教学场景下的过程性教学数据采集,数据采集技术突破使得全学科智能批改和自动分析。 知识图谱的个性化学习分析和推荐 智学网通过学生学习大数据分析,实现个性化、基于知识图谱的学习诊断,不但可以帮助学生挖掘错题根源,还可以推送相匹配的微课讲解和难度适中的习题资源为学生针对性学习。 以学习者为中心的教育评价 为各级教育系统、老师、学生、家长系统的提供基于知识点的综合教育评价服务,协同北师大未来教育高精尖创新中心探索建立以学习者为中心的教学新模式的途径与方法,并建立基于问题诊断的基础教育质量改进服务体系。 ;
2023-07-07 12:36:341


智学网统一登录平台入口地址: 温馨提示:学生用户,用户名和初始密码均为准考证号 家长用户,请使用注册时的手机号登录。 智学网是为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和全面完善的资源服务,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园 考试 价值[1-2] ,通过基于云服务的 PC 及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务。 平台特色 1、教与学综合提升 通过师生教与学互动可改善师生关系,科学全面的教学评价提升校长领导力;通过个性化学习针对性调查漏补缺减轻学业压力,提升学校教研能力;通过对学生进步的实时反馈和激励促进亲子关系。 2、优质多媒体学习资源 由中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会理事长垄亚夫教授、北师大教育学部副部长 余胜泉教授指导,与4家主流教材、教辅内容厂商开展电子资源的战略合作。 3、大数据标注题库 题库试题资源丰富, 并可以实现市、校多级 、各学科的试题协同制作、自由组卷和知识点标注,为区域考试命题和个性化学习推荐提供支撑。 ;
2023-07-07 12:36:461


智学网统一登录平台官网入口地址: 智学网平台特色 大数据标注题库 题库包含200万道以上的试题资源,并可以实现市、校多级、各学科的试题协同制作、自由组卷和知识点标注,为区域考试命题和个性化学习推荐提供支撑。 教与学综合提升 通过师生紧密教与学互动可改善师生关系,科学全面的教学评价提升校长领导力;通过个性化学习针对性调查漏补缺减轻学业压力,提升学校教研能力;通过对学生进步的实时反馈和激励促进亲子关系。 优质多媒体学习资源 由中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会理事长垄亚夫教授、北师大教育学部副部长余胜泉教授指导,与人教、外研社、英语周报、金星、CCTV中学生、乐乐课堂视频等40多家主流教材、教辅内容厂商开展电子优质资源的战略合作。 智学网常见问题解答 1.如何登录智学网? 答:进入智学网登录界面,点击右上角“登录”,输入用户名和密码,点击登录即可。用户名由智学网工作人员提供,初始密码为111111。 2.绑定手机号有什么用处? 答:绑定手机号后,可以用手机号码直接进行登录智学网进行考试的操作。 3.如何修改密码? 答:将鼠标放在页面右上角的头像处,点击个人中心,在账号管理中可以更改密码。 4.我是学校管理员,密码丢失,该怎么找回? 答:联系智学网工作人员进行找回。 5.学生或者老师的姓名中有错字,怎么进行修改? 答:登录进入智学网之后,将鼠标放在页面右上角的头像处,点击个人中心,在班级管理中可以更改学生姓名,在教师管理中更改老师姓名。 6.学生或者老师的密码丢失,怎么进行找回? 答:登录进入智学网之后,将鼠标放在页面右上角的头像处,点击个人中心,在班级管理中可以重置学生账号密码,在教师管理中可以重置教师账号密码。 7.我们学校以前只有一个年级用过智学网,现在另外两个年级也想用,没有学生账号和老师账号怎么办? 答:进入个人中心的班级管理,首先创建新班级,然后将每个班级学生的名单批量导入即可;进入个人中心的教师管理,将老师名单导入,并进行班级的分配。生成好的学生账号和教师账号都可以进行批量下载。 8.有个学生转班了怎么操作? 答:进入个人中心的班级管理,勾选转班的学生,点击页面下方转班,选择转入的班级即可。 9.有个班级转来了新同学,没有账号怎么办? 答:进入个人中心的班级管理,进入学生转入的班级,添加学生账号即可。 10.我们学校来了一些新老师,没有账号怎么办? 答:进入个人中心的教师管理,添加老师账号即可。 11.试卷已经改了很多了,但是老师发现有的选择题给错答案了,能不能修改? 答:进入考试管理,更正选择题答案,确定即可。不会影响老师的主观题的批阅。 12.已经设置好的答案和分值可不可进行更改? 答:选择题答案和分值在结束阅卷之前可以进行更改。对于还未进行批改的主观题,可以更改分值;已经阅了一部分或阅完的主观题,如果更改分值,那么该题将打回初始状态,重新网阅。 13.普通老师怎样进入系统进行阅卷? 答:登录自己的账号进入智学网,点击主页上的“我要阅卷”,即可进行阅卷。 14.有的老师反映登录网站后,为什么“我要阅卷”是灰色的点击不了? 答:学校管理员未进行“开始阅卷”的操作之前,阅卷老师无法进行阅卷。 15.有的老师反映自己看不到“我要阅卷”这几个字,其他老师有,这是为什么? 答:登录学校管理员账号将这位老师分配成该场考试的评阅员。 16.每道题阅卷任务量是怎么分配的? 答:如果一道题有多个老师同时进行网阅,系统会自动将题量进行均分给每位老师。 17.一个账号可不可以多个老师同时使用进行阅卷?会不会出现重复阅卷? 答:可以一个账号多人同时登录使用,不会出现重复阅卷的现象。 18.如果有多个老师网阅同一道题,自己的任务量结束了,继续批阅的话,会不会重复其他老师批阅过的试卷? 答:如果某位老师的任务量结束,继续批阅的是其他老师还未进行批阅过的题目,不会重复进行批阅。 19.为什么打分处只有满分对号和零分叉号,不能给中间分值吗? 答:打分框未点击的时候显示灰色的满分,用鼠标点击打分框时,可以直接用打分板给分或者键盘输分。 20.界面上的自动提交是什么意思? 答:将自动提交勾选上之后,老师阅卷只需要点击分数,无需再点击“提交分数”,系统会自动提交并跳转到下一份试卷。 21.上一题给错分数了,可不可以重新给分? 答:阅卷界面上方有个向上的箭头,点击后即可查看阅过的上一份试卷。 22.前面好多题目都给错分数了,可不可以重阅啊? 答:阅卷界面上方有个旋转的箭头,点击后可以查看您阅过的每份试卷,并且可以重新进行打分。 23.已经结束阅卷了,成绩也出来了,老师突然发现有的选择题给错答案了,能有补救措施吗? 答:多科考试中,如果只有部分学科完成阅卷了,找到出错的科目,点击重新开始阅卷——点击考试管理——设置正确答案——点击——开始阅卷——点击结束阅卷。如果所有学科都完成阅卷了,在历史记录里找到该场考试,点击右下角按键,重新开始阅卷,找到出错的科目,点击重新开始阅卷——点击考试管理——设置正确答案——点击——开始阅卷——点击结束阅卷——点击结束考试。 24.考完试多久可以查看成绩? 答:所有老师阅卷结束,管理员结束阅卷后即可查看成绩。 25.为什么所有老师都阅完试卷了,成绩还没有出来呢? 答:学校管理员,确认阅卷结束,点击结束阅卷之后才可以查看成绩。 26.我们是多学科考试,为什么只有单科的成绩而没有总成绩呢? 答:如果所有学科都结束阅卷了,学校管理员需要点击“结束考试”,才可以查看所有学科的总成绩以及成绩分析。 27.管理员账号不能看成绩吗? 答:管理员账号看不到成绩以及分析报告。如果需要,可以登录校长账号进行查看。 28.网站上的学习成绩如何下载下来? 答:在成绩报告中点击学生成绩汇总,页面右上角有一个导出,点击导出,即可下载excel格式的成绩文档。 29.学生反应系统为什么只给出了百分比排名,而没有具体的数字排名呢? 答:2006年,教育部在《贯彻〈义务教育法〉进一步规范义务教育办学行为的若干意见》中就曾明确表示:“要严格控制学生在校考试次数,不得公布学生考试成绩,不得按考试成绩对学生进行排名。”其实根据自己的百分比排名和班级人数,是可以知道自己的成绩在班级中的位置的。教师在学生成绩汇总中是可以查看自己学生的班级排名和学校排名的。 30.为什么有时候只有成绩,没有试题解析? 答:只有试题入库,关联上知识点之后,才可以看到试题解析;看不到解析是因为知识点未进行关联。理想情况下成绩出来后,试题解析就会出来。 31.为什么有的学生反映自己的选择题明明填涂正确了,却给判断错了? 答:如果填涂不清晰或者擦除不干净,可能会导致系统识别错误。 32.考完试了,网上为什么没有成绩? 答:如果本次考试没有使用智学网系统,网站上是查不到本次的考试成绩的。 33.学生的错题本能不能下载下来? 答:系统暂时只支持在线查看,错题本暂时不支持打包下载。 34.学生发现改错怎么办? 答:由备课组长修改,修改后点击生成报告!由于期末时间都是统一的,系统会出现繁忙情况,建议在不繁忙时段点击生成报告! ;
2023-07-07 12:36:561


1、智学网的查分登录平台网址:、智学网的查分登录平台介绍:(1)智学网的查分登录平台是一个好的学习平台,专业提供给学校教师的移动在线的针对性教与学服务的智能化分析平台,学生提供智学网查分,考试报告,试题解析,个性化学习,为家长提供成绩分析,学习周报等。(2)平台特色a、教与学综合提升通过师生教与学互动可改善师生关系,科学全面的教学评价提升校长领导力;通过个性化学习针对性调查漏补缺减轻学业压力,提升学校教研能力;通过对学生进步的实时反馈和激励促进亲子关系。b、优质多媒体学习资源由中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会理事长垄亚夫教授、北师大教育学部副部长 余胜泉教授指导,与4家主流教材、教辅内容厂商开展电子资源的战略合作。c、大数据标注题库题库试题资源丰富, 并可以实现市、校多级 、各学科的试题协同制作、自由组卷和知识点标注,为区域考试命题和个性化学习推荐提供支撑。
2023-07-07 12:37:071


智学网统一登陆平台入口: 智学网 是为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和全面完善的资源服务[通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值 ,通过基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案 为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务。 “智学网”是 一款智学网提供给学校教师的移动在线的针对性教与学服务的智能化分析平台 ,为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和全面完善的资源服务 ,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值 ,通过 基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务, 实现人人皆 学、处处能学、时时可学。 智学网 学生app是基于智学网的学生应用, 具有刷题,课程学习,查成绩看试卷,猜分数,错题本,圈子社交等功能, 是初高中生学习提分必备软件。 “智学网”项目是以考试阅卷为基础,以数据统计、分析、评价为核心的综合性应用系统,注重学生学习过程中的发展性评价及教与学分析。 人工智能的过程化教学大数据采集分析 基于手机、扫描仪、阅卷机等各类智能终端设备 实现随堂练习、课后作业、测验联考等各类教学场 景下的过程性教学数据采集 ,数据采集技术突破使得全学科智能批改和自动分析。 知识图谱的个性化学习分析和推荐 智学网通过学生学习大数据分析 ,实现个性化、基于知识图谱的学习诊断 ,不但可以帮助学生挖掘错题根源 ,还可以推送相匹配的微课讲解和难度适中的习题资源为学生针对性学习。 以学习者为中心的教育评价 为各级教育系统 、老师 、学生 、家长系统 的提供基于知识点的综合教育评价服务 ,协同北师大 未来教育 高精尖创新中心探索建立以学习者为中心 的教学新模式的途径与方法 ,并建立基于问题诊断的基础教育质量改进服务体系。 ;
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智学网成绩查询电脑入口地址智学网成绩查询电脑入口地址:输入登录后上面有个成绩报告,点开就行智学网成绩查询入口【官网】智学网成绩查询入口: 一、通过电脑登陆使用方法:从电脑浏览器打开智。智学网成绩查询入口:智学网成绩查询入口:手机用户可以年智学网在线成绩查询入口、查询地址_秦学教育步骤一:登录智学网。方法一,电脑登录。智学网网址 方法二,智学网成绩查询入口。⊙△⊙ 智学网官网www.zhixue.com入口:网上在线查询孩子学习成绩-闽南网可以登录网上查询孩子成绩,智学网登录查成绩平台网址(点击进入),如果学校的成绩发布到网上了,需要知道查成绩平台—智学网成绩查询登陆入口4、然后点击成绩查询,就可以看到智学网查分登录方法,智学网查分登录平台教程,智学网查分登录平台网站分享。智学网怎么查分成绩查询入口在哪-百度经验2018智学网查分登录平台电讯学生成绩在线查询系统-嗨客手机站2018智学网查分登录平台电讯学生成绩在线查询系统,2018年到来了,想必很多小伙伴都快要放寒假了。智学网成绩查询入口在线登录-大地系统手机版智学网是深受学生和家长喜爱的在线学习平台,为学生提供智学网查分、考试报告智学网成绩查询入口在线登录智学网成绩查询入口:智学网成绩查询入口:智作文:【题目】近来,全国正在进行平安校园建设。请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)
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智学网成绩查询入口: 手机用户可以直接下载app: 电脑用户可以访问: 温馨提示:学生用户,用户名和初始密码均为准考证号 家长用户,请使用注册时的手机号登录。 智学网成绩查询步骤是什么 1、打开网页,进入智学网登录界面,按右上角的登录; 2、登录界面中的账号与密码上均输入你的准考证号,然后点击登录; 3、在个人中心里可以实现个人资料、账号密码的修改以及班级的创建和学生、老师的信息管理等操作。将鼠标放在头像上,点击“个人中心”,即可进入个人中心界面: 4、在个人资料里可以修改个人信息,如姓名、性别、生日等: 5、在账号管理可以修改初始用户密码: 6、点击进入你的成绩总评,就是学科报告那一栏。就可以查询到自己的成绩了。 智学网是什么 智学网是面向学校日常考试及发展教学与学评价需求推出的基于知识点地图和优质题库资源的智能化教学辅导平台,为用户提供简单易用的系统操作和全面资源服务。 智学网怎么看年纪排名 1、打开智学网app,进入登录界面,在登录界面中的账号与密码上均输入你的准考证号,然后点击登录; 2、填写你的真实姓名进行验认; 3、完成验证成功后,可能会让你修改初始密码,这个你随便; 4、然后点击成绩查询,就可以看到有关成绩的信息和排名。
2023-07-07 12:38:071

智学网是一个专业提供给学校教师的移动在线的针对性教与学服务的智能化分析平台。今天我们就来讲讲智学网登陆地址是多少,让你可以快速登录账号进行操作。智学网官网网址介绍 1、只有智学网官网才能登录账号进行操作 2、智学网官网地址是
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智学网是面向学校日常作业、考试及发展性教与学评价需求推出的大数据个性化教与学系统。那么你们知道怎么用智学网登录在线查分吗?下面我就为大家介绍一下智学网登录在线查分流程。 智学网在线查分流程 一、电脑用户 智学网查分登录入口:【】 1、学生用户,用户名和初始密码均为准考证号 2、家长用户,请使用注册时的手机号登录。 简单的说:登陆界面中的账号与密码上均输入你的准考证号,再登陆; 3、成绩登陆后将鼠标放在头像上,点击个人中心,即可进入个人中心界面; 4、在个人中心里可以实现个人资料、账号密码的修改,以及班级的创建和学生、老师的信息管理等操作; 5、在个人资料里可以修改个人信息,如姓名,性别,生日等,还可以修改初始用户密码; 6、点击进入你的成绩总评,就是学科报告那一栏,可以查询到自己的成绩; 7、除此之外,智学网还提供了练习中心和错题本,可以用户各个学科的订正。 二、手机用户 可以使用智学网app查分数,详细教程如下: 1、登录自己的智学网账号,需要注意的是用户只能查询自己的分数; 2、点击“学情分析”; 3、“历次学情分析”下的三个红款内图标选项任意点击; 4、可以看到有历次的成绩可以查询,选择点击想要查询的即可; 5、点击后可以看到各个学科的成绩、答题卡原卷,想看哪个就看哪个。 智学网都有什么功能 人工智能的过程化教学大数据采集分析 基于手机、扫描仪、阅卷机等各类智能终端设备实现随堂练习、课后作业、测验联考等各类教学场景下的过程性教学数据采集,数据采集技术突破使得全学科智能批改和自动分析。 知识图谱的个性化学习分析和推荐 智学网通过学生学习大数据分析,实现个性化、基于知识图谱的学习诊断,不但可以帮助学生挖掘错题根源,还可以推送相匹配的微课讲解和难度适中的习题资源为学生针对性学习。 以学习者为中心的教育评价 为各级教育系统、老师、学生、家长系统的提供基于知识点的综合教育评价服务,协同北师大未来教育高精尖创新中心探索建立以学习者为中心的教学新模式的途径与方法,并建立基于问题诊断的基础教育质量改进服务体系。
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方法如下:方法:1.搜索智学网进入官网 在搜索引擎上搜索智学网,找到其官方网站点击进入。2.点击立即注册按钮 进入到智学网的官方网站后点击立即注册按钮。3.输手机号密码点击注册 在出现的注册页面中输入手机号码和密码点击注册按钮。4.输入学生姓名绑定账号 在出现的页面中输入学生的姓名进行绑定账号。
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智学网统一登录平台注册登陆入口: “智学网”是 一款智学网提供给学校教师的移动在线的针对性教与学服务的智能化分析平台,为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和全面完善的资源服务 ,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值 ,通过基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务,实现人人皆 学、处处能学、时时可学。 智学网 学生app是基于智学网的学生应用,具有刷题,课程学习,查成绩看试卷,猜分数,错题本,圈子社交等功能,是初高中生学习提分必备软件。 “智学网”项目是以考试阅卷为基础,以数据统计、分析、评价为核心的综合性应用系统,注重学生学习过程中的发展性评价及教与学分析。 平台特色 1、教与学综合提升 通过师生教与学互动可改善师生关系,科学全面的教学评价提升校长领导力;通过个性化学习针对性调查漏补缺减轻学业压力,提升学校教研能力;通过对学生进步的实时反馈和激励促进亲子关系。 2、优质多媒体学习资源 由中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会理事长垄亚夫教授、北师大教育学部副部长 余胜泉教授指导,与4家主流教材、教辅内容厂商开展电子资源的战略合作。 3、大数据标注题库 题库试题资源丰富, 并可以实现市、校多级 、各学科的试题协同制作、自由组卷和知识点标注,为区域考试命题和个性化学习推荐提供支撑。 ;
2023-07-07 12:40:271


智学网官网登录地址: 1、打开网页,在地址栏里输入,回车进入智学网登录界面2、点击登录,输入用户名和密码,即可登录:个人中心设置 在个人中心里可以实现个人资料、账号密码的修改以及班级的创建和学生、老师的信息管理等操作。将鼠标放在头像上,点击“个人中心”,即可进入个人中心界面:个人中心里列出了用户的基本信息:在个人资料里可以修改个人信息,如姓名、性别、生日等:在账号管理可以修改用户密码:校园考试是检验和评价阶段性教学成果的有效手段,但目前只从成绩单一维度进行分析,无法体现共性需求、个体差异,也无法针对个人做连续性、发展性、趋势性评价。 智学网是科大讯飞面向学校日常考试及发展性教学与学评价需求推出的基于知识点地图和优质题库资源的智能化教学辅导平台,为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和更加全面完善的资源服务,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值,通过基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务,实现人人皆学、处处能学、时时可学。 智学网平台功能 人工智能的过程化教学大数据采集分析 基于手机、扫描仪、阅卷机等各类智能终端设备实现随堂练习、课后作业、测验联考等各类教学场景下的过程性教学数据采集,数据采集技术突破使得全学科智能批改和自动分析。 知识图谱的个性化学习分析和推荐 智学网通过学生学习大数据分析,实现个性化、基于知识图谱的学习诊断,不但可以帮助学生挖掘错题根源,还可以推送相匹配的微课讲解和难度适中的习题资源为学生针对性学习。 以学习者为中心的教育评价 为各级教育系统、老师、学生、家长系统的提供基于知识点的综合教育评价服务,协同北师大未来教育高精尖创新中心探索建立以学习者为中心的教学新模式的途径与方法,并建立基于问题诊断的基础教育质量改进服务体系。 ;
2023-07-07 12:40:341


智学网成绩查询电脑入口地址智学网成绩查询电脑入口地址:输入登录后上面有个成绩报告,点开就行智学网成绩查询入口【官网】智学网成绩查询入口: 一、通过电脑登陆使用方法:从电脑浏览器打开智。智学网成绩查询入口:智学网成绩查询入口:手机用户可以年智学网在线成绩查询入口、查询地址_秦学教育步骤一:登录智学网。方法一,电脑登录。智学网网址 方法二,智学网成绩查询入口。⊙△⊙ 智学网官网www.zhixue.com入口:网上在线查询孩子学习成绩-闽南网可以登录网上查询孩子成绩,智学网登录查成绩平台网址(点击进入),如果学校的成绩发布到网上了,需要知道查成绩平台—智学网成绩查询登陆入口4、然后点击成绩查询,就可以看到智学网查分登录方法,智学网查分登录平台教程,智学网查分登录平台网站分享。智学网怎么查分成绩查询入口在哪-百度经验2018智学网查分登录平台电讯学生成绩在线查询系统-嗨客手机站2018智学网查分登录平台电讯学生成绩在线查询系统,2018年到来了,想必很多小伙伴都快要放寒假了。智学网成绩查询入口在线登录-大地系统手机版智学网是深受学生和家长喜爱的在线学习平台,为学生提供智学网查分、考试报告智学网成绩查询入口在线登录智学网成绩查询入口:智学网成绩查询入口:智作文:【题目】近来,全国正在进行平安校园建设。请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)
2023-07-07 12:40:571


明天就是中秋节了,提前送上我U0001f250ufe0fu3297福U0001f64fU0001f64fU0001f64fU0001f64f有一种心情u261e叫快乐U0001f389U0001f388U0001f3a4U0001f60a有一种心愿叫u261e万事如意U0001f340U0001f340U0001f340有一种憧憬叫u261e美梦成真U0001f4a4U0001f381U0001f60d有一种亲情叫u261e合家团圆U0001f467U0001f466U0001f469有一种牵挂叫u261e岁岁平安U0001f382U0001f382U0001f34e有一首歌曲叫u261e祝你平安 U0001f64fU0001f64f U0001f34eu3297所有的家人们中秋节快乐 U0001f389U0001f388 U0001f389 U0001f388U0001f389 万事顺心u2764万事如意U0001f64fU0001f64fU0001f340U0001f340
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现在貌似是 要冲vip的
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2023-07-07 12:45:201

Bioch是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

Bioch指的是【生物化学 Biochimie】生物化学(英语:biochemistry,也作 biological chemistry),顾名思义是研究生物体中的化学进程的一门学科,常常被简称为生 化。它主要用于研究细胞内各组分,如蛋白质、糖类、脂类、核酸等生物大分子的结构和功能。而对于化学生物学来说,则着重于利用化学合成中的方法来解答生物化学所发现的相关问题。
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2023-07-07 12:40:214

新目标英语初2上册第8单元第49页 3a翻译

tom,你好 你的休息日怎样?你有没有参加一个有趣的露营?我去拜访了我的表亲。那时一个雨天。早晨我呆在房子里看碟,玩电脑游戏还有读书。中午,马丁叔叔拿了他的一些旧货在庭院里办了一个庭院处理。但是没有人来买因为天气实在太糟了。幸运的是,我们卖出了雨伞和雨衣,所以我们都淋成落汤鸡了。 希望很快看到你。
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  1、Concept,英文单词,名词,意思是“观念,概念”。   2、短语搭配:Selling Concept,推销观念。   3、例句:But the concept of civilisation itself is not.(但是,文明的概念本身并不是。)
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2023-07-07 12:40:252

美国留学 生物化学专业的个人陈述英文模板

  下面是我们为大家收集的生物化学专业国外个人陈述范文汇总,共三篇,希望对大家有用。留学个人陈述的写作在美国研究生申请中的作用至关重要,下面的个人陈述范文供大家参考。     申请专业:biochemistry   With the approach of new century, the developing China is requiring better trained and more highly educated men and women than ever before in history. In order to make more contributions to the society and, at the same time, satisfy my keen interest in science, I am looking forward to beginning my graduate study. I heard of Case Western Reserve University as early as when I was an undergraduate student. She is one of the most highly regarded universities in the world and is an ideal place for ambitious youth.   I plan to study for Ph.D. in Biochemistry at Case Western Reserve University with special interests in metabolism, macromolecular synthesis, and protein crystal growth. I have had plentiful preparations. First, when being an undergraduate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University, I got very extensive and intensive education. I took many courses on chemistry and the related subjects, and earned high scores for most of them. Second, my major, Polymer, can be put into good use in Biochemistry programs because Polymer is closely related with biological Macromolecule. Third, I have working experience that enriches my theory and laboratory skills.   From 1990 to now, I have been engaged as an Assistant Engineer by the Research institute, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation (RIBYPC). In the first year, I was in charge of a 5-litre reactor for polymerization of Carboxylated Butadiene-Styene Latex. Then I was transferred to another research group to synthesize PET/PHB copolymer, a kin of polyester, which has the property of Liquid Crystal. I am the assistant head of the group. We can prepare the novel polymer with high molecule weight and excellent property in a 2-litre stainless steel reactor. During this monomers, with purity of more than 99.99%; this made my leader very satisfied.   More than four years of working experiences expand my capacity. I often make use of NMR, X-ray, DSC and other instrumental methods for research. Among them, I am most skilled in NMR reactors, I have experiences on solving problems of Engineering and Mechanics. What is more, I am familiar with computer operation and some application software. The above information about my specialty may be helpful for you to evaluate me.   It is said that the 21st century will be the age of Life Science. I hope to enter the esteemed Case Western Reserve University to face this challenge. I am confident tat I shall be an excellent fellow. After completing my graduate study, I would like to return to my homeland and make use of my knowledge to serve the people.   By the way, I would like to give thanks to my parents. Being their oldest son, I am offered the most formal education and the deepest love. I never forget the 18-yearu2019s life with them. Twelve years in the countryside and six years in Shengli Oil Field bestowed me the character of diligence, resolution, and perseverance, as well as the deep love of nature and life. I am also indebted to my dear wife. Without her never-ended encouragement and support in these years, I could not become closer and closer to the gate of the eminent Case Western Reserve University.    申请专业: biochemistry   Knowing where is heading during navigation brings assured happiness. As a student majoring in Biochemistry, I began my odyssey five years ago, when our class had a new biology teacher, who was young and energetic. He taught us in an entertaining way and communicated with us quite well. I liked him very much and was impressed by the knowledge of Biological Sciences. He opened new doors to the realm of Biology in my life. And with time being, I feel more and more sure about my destination. Although the trail of navigation has not always been definitely straight, I believe it leads me to my dream.   Because of my excellent performance in the National Olympic Mathematics Contest of High School Students in 1994 and my outstanding academic record in senior high school, I had the opportunity to be admitted to Peking University or Tsinghua University, two most selective universities in China, waived of the Admission Examination. But if I took the chance, I couldnu2019t select biological sciences as my major. So I gave up the precious chance and took the Admission Examination. I succeeded and was admitted by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Peking University, which ranks first in biological science education and research in China and has raised many scholars including members of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the first three years in university, my curriculum has a broad range, covering both natural and humanity sciences, as well as putting emphasis not only on biological sciences but also on closely related courses. I have dedicated my energy to my study and have received a complete, profound and strict training in biological sciences with the combined strength of individual and professors" help. Playing basketball is also a solid part of my campus life. I am an active member in the basketball team of the College of Life Sciences in Peking University. As a point guard, the organizer of the team"s attack, I have learned to make the five players to be a strong group in a game. Last year, we ranked the third in Peking University Cup among the thirty-six teams. This experience endows me a strong sense of responsibility, confidence and team-working spirit.   To be a successful scientific researcher requires not only academic potential but also independent research ability. A student will develop capability for independent research by working closely with a scholar. For this reason, I entered the National Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Plant Genetic Engineering and participated the Group of Protein Structure and Function. Now I cooperate with two graduate students, one of whom will go to the Harvard Medical School to continue his research work. Our ultimate goal is to develop a new thrombolysis drug, which is supported by the National 863 Hi-Tech Planning. (Please check Research Experience for detail.) By the three months here, I have been able to do many experiments independently and have obtained serious attitude and cooperation in scientific work.   I have a sublime dream to be one equipped with exceptional experiment skills in addition to advanced scientific and technological knowledge. In my mind Pennsylvania State University is an ideal place to purse the graduate study, which is intellectually exhilarating and challenging. I respect your rigorous scientific approach, original idea and outstanding achievements. I am eager to join a group in which I can make the best use of my capabilities and combine my personal intelligence with group cooperation to full-fill the groupu2019s benefit as well as to make my dream come true. The Department of Pharmacology is definitely this type. With the fast development in the field of life sciences, human is getting more and more interested in probing into the nature of life itself and every great achievement in the study of life is sure to put light to our understanding of ourselves and to benefit our people and society as a whole. The field of Pharmacology has particular importance to serve manu2019s purpose above. A scientist of Pharmacology is not only a researcher, but also the creator of the future world. I think the challenging Pharmacology is the most suitable field for me to begin my graduate study, which is more than a continuation of undergraduate study and is of not only a matter of greater knowledge. The aim of it is to prepare students to enter a profession in which the knowledge is put into daily use. I am interested in the field of signal pathway in tumor formation. Several professors" research impressed me, including Dr. Mulder and some other professors. After obtaining my Ph.D., I plan to do research work in an institution either domestically or overseas. I believe that such a position provides the largest room in which I can make the most enthusiastic dedication to the world of sciences.   I believe the advanced courses, distinguished faculty and the best-equipped laboratories of your group will help me make the desired achievements. With the conviction that I can sustain me through the intense graduate study, I have made the decision to apply for Pennsylvania State University and hope your serious consideration.    申请专业: biochemistry   I plan to study for Ph.D. in Biochemistry at Case Western Reserve University with special interests in metabolism, macromolecular synthesis, and protein crystal growth. I have had plentiful preparations. First, when being an undergraduate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University, I got very extensive and intensive education. I took many courses on chemistry and the related subjects, and earned high scores for most of them. Second, my major, Polymer, can be put into good use in Biochemistry programs because Polymer is closely related with biological Macromolecule. Third, I have working experience that enriches my theory and laboratory skills.   From 1990 to now, I have been engaged as an Assistant Engineer by the Research institute, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation (RIBYPC). In the first year, I was in charge of a 5-litre reactor for polymerization of Carboxylated Butadiene-Styene Latex. Then I was transferred to another research group to synthesize PET/PHB copolymer, a kin of polyester, which has the property of Liquid Crystal. I am the assistant head of the group. We can prepare the novel polymer with high molecule weight and excellent property in a 2-litre stainless steel reactor. During this monomers, with purity of more than 99.99%; this made my leader very satisfied.   More than four years of working experiences expand my capacity. I often make use of NMR, X-ray, DSC and other instrumental methods for research. Among them, I am most skilled in NMR reactors, I have experiences on solving problems of Engineering and Mechanics. What is more, I am familiar with computer operation and some application software. The above information about my specialty may be helpful for you to evaluate me.   It is said that the 21st century will be the age of Life Science. I hope to enter the esteemed Case Western Reserve University to face this challenge. I am confident tat I shall be an excellent fellow. After completing my graduate study, I would like to return to my homeland and make use of my knowledge to serve the people.   By the way, I would like to give thanks to my parents. Being their oldest son, I am offered the most formal education and the deepest love. I never forget the 18-years life with them. Twelve years in the countryside and six years in Shengli Oil Field bestowed me the character of diligence, resolution, and perseverance, as well as the deep love of nature and life. I am also indebted to my dear wife. Without her never-ended encouragement and support in these years, I could not become closer and closer to the gate of the eminent Case W
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委托热线:0731——4801186 传真:0731——4801187 《真情》邮箱
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2023-07-07 12:40:271

Take My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Take My Heart歌手:Corey Hart专辑:The SinglesTake My Heart- Engebert HumperdinckYou say you"re finished with loveThat you"ll never love again as long as you liveBut believe me, you"ll love me againIf for once, you find it in your heart to forgetTake my heartI can undo all the wrong, let"s startJust a little bit of love goes farYou"ll begin to live againTake my heartCome on back where you belong, let"s startYou can do it if you take my heartYou"ll begin to live againNow that you"ve seen the bad sideThere"s a chance that you won"t findthe heart to forgiveBut believe me, there"s always the good sideIn a world just made for us,where lovers can liveTake my heartI can undo all the wrong, let"s startJust a little bit of love goes farYou"ll begin to live againTake my heartCome on back where you belong, let"s startYou can do it if you take my heartYou"ll begin to live again
2023-07-07 12:40:281


【 #小学英语# 导语】英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型。以下是 整理的《小升初英语作文范文六篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 小升初英语作文范文篇一   I had a wonderful summer holiday.During the holiday,I went to Beijing with my friend Jessie.We live in Beijing for three days.We went there by plane.   Frist day,we went to the Tian‘anmen Square.It is very famous.We also went to the Beijing Nest.There was so big.   Second day,we went to eat the Beijing Rost Duck,and saw the sun rise.We went to a famous park in the afternoon.We had a picnic.   Third day,we went to the shopping mall and bought some gifts for our parents.In the afternoon,we flew home.   I like my summer holiday,I enjoyed my holiday! 小升初英语作文范文篇二   Last Sunday afternoon I went to Tianjin library to read my favourite books there. I found some uncivilized phenomenons.   When I was reading on the second floor I saw a boy about four years old was shouting loudly and running. His mother didn‘t stop him. What" is more, she talked on the phone loudly. I felt disappointed on boy‘s mother"s action. I went to the little boy and told him it was wrong. Then the boy said“ I‘m sorry” and returned to his seat quietly.   In my opinion, the boy "s mother didn‘t not set a good example for her son. It"s important for her to tell her son some public rules. We should obey these rules so that our society will get better and better. 小升初英语作文范文篇三   I have a sister. She is 16 years old. She was tall, about one meter and a half tall, with glossy black hair, bright little eyes, a small mouth foaming with oil, and a sweet face foaming with perfume.   She loves beauty. Every morning she combs her hair and washes her face.   She loves clean very much, must change a dress everyday, often can see her to wash a hair, wash clothes, brush the figure of the shoe.   Her hands are very skillful. Her handwork is very delicate. But she has a bad temper, whenever something goes wrong, she doesn‘t eat, so her stomach is not very good.   I hope my sister can be happy every day. 小升初英语作文范文篇四   People, on their own way of life, do not be afraid of dirty! Step on the white bone and flesh, step by step to brilliant! People, walk on their own way of life, do not be afraid of sadness! Step by step to the light with sweat and tears! Man! Walk on the road of your life, don"t be afraid of imitating hesitation! Follow faith and ideal, step by step out of confusion! Man!    Walking on their own way of life, it is doomed to wander! Don"t hate that you don"t have a confidant, because you still have yourself! Go, go to the top, step on your own heaven. 小升初英语作文范文篇五   Good morning everyone.My name is Mike.How was your weekend?There are my weekends.   On Saturday morning I do my homewook.In the afternoon,I always learn to play the piano.And then I watch TV with my dad and mothe.   On Sunday,the homewook is finsh.I ofeen do some housewook with my mom in the morning.Then in the afternoon I go shopping with my dad or play the guitar,play sports with my friends.I usually get school things ready in the evening.Then I go to bed.   What about you? 小升初英语作文范文篇六   I have a happy family.   There are four members in my family. My father is a worker and he is very hard working. My mother takes care of my family. I have a big TV, a new computer and a mobile phone. My father in my family should do the housework,but he is very busy. My mother cooks meals for us at home. My mom and dad make most of the decisions in my family,And they listen to everyone"s opinion.During the holidays,we do some activites,such as taking a trip, watching films, going shopping and so on.   I feel very lucky to live with my family. I love my family.
2023-07-07 12:40:291


Concept是什么牌子?如果你对潮流文化关注,那么Concept这个品牌一定不会陌生。Concept是一家美国潮流品牌,以其独特的设计、高品质的面料和精湛的工艺制造出了多种令人惊艳的时尚单品,备受潮流爱好者的喜爱。1. Concept的历史Concept的前身是一家名为“Concepts”(意为“概念”)的时尚精品店,成立于1996年,位于美国波士顿市中心。在经营过程中,店主描绘出了对时尚的独特理解,并开始拓展自主设计单品。多年来,Concept不断推陈出新,扩大产品线,如今已是享誉全球的潮流品牌之一。2. Concept的设计理念Concept的设计理念简洁明了,致力于将潮流与功能性相结合。品牌注重个性化的细节处理,如织物和图案设计的融合、特殊的材质运用和3D剪裁技术等,这些都有助于增强时装单品的独特性。同时,Concept也强调设计与实用功能的平衡。品牌的商品以耐用性高为特点,其款式也往往适用于各种不同情况下的穿着场合。3. Concept的产品线Concept的系列产品涵盖了众多时尚单品,包括外套、卫衣、T恤、帽子、袜子等。品牌的服装款式非常丰富,从基础款到复杂的图案印花都有所覆盖。这些时尚单品不仅适合潮流爱好者,也适合注重个性和品质的消费者。4. Concept的名气Concept是以设计和质量著称于世界的品牌之一。在过去的几年中,Concept一直致力于推广其品牌形象,并赢得更多顾客的信赖和支持。除了在美国的众多门店外,Concept还在欧洲和亚洲市场开设了店铺,为更多的潮流消费者所知晓。5. Concept的未来发展随着潮流市场的不断发展,Concept也在不断创新和发展。品牌通过与其他运动品牌的合作、新产品推出、社交媒体互动等手段,扩大了品牌的影响力。未来,Concept将继续朝品牌丰富化、国际化、多元化的方向发展,不断推陈出新,为潮流市场带来更多惊喜。总结Concept是一家备受关注的潮流品牌,以其独特的设计、高品质的面料和精湛的工艺制造出了多种令人惊艳的时尚单品。品牌的服装款式非常丰富,从基础款到复杂的图案印花都有所覆盖。未来,Concept将继续创新和发展,为潮流市场带来更多惊喜。
2023-07-07 12:40:311

Sage Publication是什么出版社,中文意思是什么?

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2023-07-07 12:40:141

Take My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Take My Heart歌手:Engelbert Humperdinck专辑:Classics And CollectablesTake My Heart- Engebert HumperdinckYou say you"re finished with loveThat you"ll never love again as long as you liveBut believe me, you"ll love me againIf for once, you find it in your heart to forgetTake my heartI can undo all the wrong, let"s startJust a little bit of love goes farYou"ll begin to live againTake my heartCome on back where you belong, let"s startYou can do it if you take my heartYou"ll begin to live againNow that you"ve seen the bad sideThere"s a chance that you won"t findthe heart to forgiveBut believe me, there"s always the good sideIn a world just made for us,where lovers can liveTake my heartI can undo all the wrong, let"s startJust a little bit of love goes farYou"ll begin to live againTake my heartCome on back where you belong, let"s startYou can do it if you take my heartYou"ll begin to live again
2023-07-07 12:40:131


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2023-07-07 12:40:103


areyougoingtoscarboroughfair/ scarboroughfairareyougoingtoscarboroughfair 你们正要去史卡保罗集市吗parsley,sage,rosemaryandthyme 荷兰芹鼠尾草迷迭香还有百里香remembermetoonewholivesthere 请记得代我问候住在那里的一个人hewasonceatrueloveofmine 他曾是我的挚爱tellhimtomakemeacambricshirt 请他为我缝件百亚麻衬衫parsley,sage,rosemaryandthyme 荷兰芹鼠尾草迷迭香还有百里香withoutnoseamsnorneedlework 不能有接缝,也不能用针线thenhe"llbeatrueloveofmine 这样他就可以成为我的挚爱tellhimtofindmeanacreofland 请他为我找一亩地parsley,sage,rosemaryandthyme 荷兰芹鼠尾草迷迭香还有百里香betweensaltwaterandtheseastrands 位于海水与海岸之间thenhe"llbeatrueloveofmine 这样他就可以成为我的挚爱tellhimtoreapitwithasickleofleather 请他用皮制的镰刀收割parsley,sage,rosemaryandthyme 荷兰芹鼠尾草迷迭香还有百里香andgatheritallinabunchofheather 用石南草捆扎成束thenhe"llbeatrueloveofmine 这样他就可以成为我的挚爱areyougoingtoscarboroughfair 你们正要去史卡保罗集市吗parsley,sage,rosemaryandthyme 荷兰芹鼠尾草迷迭香还有百里香remembermetoonewholivesthere 请记得代我问候住在那里的一个人hewasonceatrueloveofmine 他曾是我的挚爱
2023-07-07 12:40:102

base on be based on 分别

(1) base on 与 be based on 的分别 知识长在意见栏已经讲的很清楚。其实,在意义和用法上,他们没多大的区别。 "base" is a verb. (常用被动态) phrase verb: 主动态: base [A] on [B] : 以 [A] 作为 [B] 的基础/根据 被动态: [A] is based (by the subject) on [B] Example: The producers base the film on a novel by Sinclair Lewis. The film is based on a novel by Sinclair Lewis. 该影片是根据辛克莱u2022刘易斯的小说改编的。 "based" is an adjective. (not before noun) From Oxford Dictionary: [A] is based on [B]. 基于,以…为根据 [A] uses [B] or [A] is developed from [B]. Example: The movie is based on a real-life incident. (2) adverb "even" 副词 但副词不是不能 "跟"名词的吗?? 你说得对,副词是不会直接"修饰"名词的。但副词有许多种,除了基本功能 (修饰 动词,形容词和副词) 外,有些会修饰整个句子,有些会修饰句子某些部分。所以,你要看清楚,必须确认你所说"跟"的意思! "even" a kind of Focusing Adverb* (e.g. also too just only simply ...) is mainly used to emphasize unexpected (强调意想不到的) or extraordinary details. * - "focusing adverbs" draw attention to particular information in a clause. (使读者知道哪些信息是重要) Your sentence is not pletely correct. 1. "put" something + adverb ==> "put" my flag "on" my dead body 2. You have to use "even + if" as a connective 连词 for the adverbial clause of concession (让步句). Even if you cover my dead body with my flag I"ll never quit. (even if 即使 尽管 纵然 — a situation that has no conditions.) = I"ll never quit "whether or not" you cover my dead body with my flag. 2014-08-14 00:56:42 补充: 不知道 "Godfrey 博士" 已经回答,否则我没必要回答哩! 2014-08-14 01:31:50 补充: Focusing adverbs can be replaced by other adverbs. Example: Even the dog refused to eat it. ("even" is used to emphasize "the dog") ~ Surprisingly the dog refused to eat it. 2014-08-14 01:46:51 补充: "even" can also be additive in function like also as well too. The sentence implies hum will certainly refuse to eat it. I refused to eat it. You refused to eat it. The dog will certainly refuse to eat it too. 2014-08-14 03:36:13 补充: I refused to eat it. You refused to eat it. He refused to eat it. Even the dog refused to eat it. ~ The dog refused to eat it too. ~ Surprisingly the dog also refused to eat it. 2014-08-14 08:55:22 补充: I think the logic for Oxford Learner"s Dictionary to consider "based" (on something) as adjective (verbal adjective) is: 1. its derived phrasal verb "base on" is often used in passive (without agent); 2014-08-14 09:11:43 补充: 2. since participle is considered as verbal adjective the past part. of "base on" can be formulated as adj. but limited to predicative only (i.e. not before noun) As the meaning and the use are exactly the same as phrasal verb (no agent) 其他字典 just don"t bother to mention it. 没有必要! 2014-08-14 10:32:05 补充: Written by Eugene R. Moutoux In particular cases it can be difficult to differentiate beeen participles and mere adjectives. One of the criteria is the consensus of dictionaries. If most dictionaries show hurt for example as an adjective then it is an adjective in a sentence like He is hurt. 2014-08-14 10:35:15 补充: Of course it is a participle when used as part of the passive voice e.g. Ten firemen were hurt when the roof collapsed. Another criterion is replaceability: If tired in a sentence like "We are tired" can be replaced by another adjective of the same meaning then it is an adjective. 2014-08-14 10:36:56 补充: Yes it can in fact be replaced by weary a pure adjective. So tired in "We are tired" is an adjective. 2014-08-14 10:47:43 补充: All true passive-voice forms have a functioning past participle as a ponent. A static (or false) passive on the other hand includes a past participle that functions as a simple adjective. Notice the use of the word closed in the following sentences: 2014-08-14 10:48:34 补充: 1) At the beginning of the period the classroom door is closed by the teacher; 2) The door is closed until the end of the period. The first closed is a true participle part of the present passive is closed. The second closed is a predicate adjective after the linking verb is. 2014-08-14 10:51:35 补充: It is important to keep in mind that in the passive voice something is happening. Nothing is happening in the sentence "The door is closed until the end of the period". Eugene R. Moutoux wrote on "Participles" in "GERMAN *** LATIN *** ENGLISH". BASE ON (verbal phrase) ~ usually passive ~ to form make or develop (something such as an opinion decision or calculation) by using (something such as information) as a basis starting point e (1) Phrase Pattern: Someone base(s) something on something (active voice) You have based your opinion on faulty information. = Your opinion is based on faulty information. [= the information that you used to form your opinion is wrong] I base my designs on Roman mosaics. (2) Pattern: Something is/was on something (passive voice) Most of the time this phrase is used in passive form. The interest rate is based on credit history. [= credit history is used to determine the interest rate] The film is based on real-life events. [=the film was developed from real-life events] The island"s economy is based on touri *** . Even 副词 (adverb) 可跟名词 noun pronoun Even the dog refused to eat it. Yesterday he bought a new car. (Yesterday 是副词) Comment: 其实中文要点 意见者 知足常乐 ( 知识长 ) 解释很清晰 看见回答者 001错 我只不过补充 base (不是 based) 可作 adjective base (adj.) = 卑鄙的 低级的 based 不是 adjective What are you base this theory on ~ 错 "The report is based on police figures. (based 是 past participle 不是 adjective 句子是 in passive voice) 2014-08-14 06:10:52 补充: Based 被列为 adjective 只在 Oxford Advaned Learner"s Dictionary (8th edition) 与 Yahoo 字典 我想是近10-12 年的事 奇怪是: 牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第7版)无将 based 列为形容词 其他的牛津字典仍然没有 1. Oxford Dictionary of English (2nd edition 2003) hard copy 2. Oxford Dictionary of Current English 3. Canadian Oxford Dictionary ( 2001) 2014-08-14 06:13:09 补充: 4. Oxford Student Dictionary (3rd edition 2012) 5. Oxford ESL Dictionary (2nd edition 2012) 6. Oxford Wordpower Dictionary (4th edition 2012) 其他出版者无列 based 是形容词 Cambrisge Advanced Learner"s Dictionary (3rd edition) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (5th edition) 2014-08-14 06:17:09 补充: 还有: Collins Cobuild MacMillan Chambers Merriam-Webster Random House Webster Encarta Reader Digest 如果 based 是形容词 为何这些字典无列 based 是形容词? based 是否形容词? ~ 有争议性. based 不同 "-based" Even 各牛津字典不一致 暂时不认同 2014-08-14 07:21:22 补充: 许多的字典列 base on/upon 是 phrasal verb phrasal verb 是 verb + preposition/or adverb 有另外 meaning 竟然是 phrasal verb based on 的 based 不会是 adjective 是 verb in passive Something is/was based on something 个 agent 必然是 someone (person or people) Someone base(s) something on something (active voice) 2014-08-14 07:28:51 补充: Even 作整句第一个字 用来修饰整个句子 功能只强调 这个副词在句中可有可无 Even young students were aware of how things had changed. ~ from Longman Dict. Even the children helped in the garden. ~ from Oxford Wordpower Dict. 无 Even 仍然是一完整句子 2014-08-14 08:25:32 补充: 就拿 frightened 这个字作一比较 frightened 在上述的任何一本字典 是分开地被列为 adjective 包括 牛剑 朗文 Collins Cobuiild Macmillan Meriam-Webster...等等 题外: Grammar 实际上 是 utterly boring! 学了基本文法 最好学习 collocations 与 usage 用简单字句 表达到自己思维与感受 . 2014-08-14 12:55:51 补充: 几乎所有的 past participle 可当形容词用 早期 O.A.L.D. 没有将 based 列为 adjective. 这是个别作者看法. 如果 Based 当形容词 不能做 attributive 形容词放在 noun 前面. 我想其他的字典作者不觉得有需要这么做和解释. 牛津出版”Modern English Usage” – by Fowler 始终讲 base on 是 verbal phrase 无提及是形容词 最重要是发问者分得出 active 和 passive 怎样使用. 2014-08-15 11:49:48 补充: 不觉得 based 是形容词理由: 不能作 attributive adjective 同时不能简单作 plement (predicative adjective) a based + subject/or object ~ wrong Subject + is/was + based (on). ~ wrong ~ a tired traveller The traveller was tired. ~ a closed window The window is closed. ~ a beautiful girl The girl is beautiful 2014-08-15 12:38:10 补充: tired closed frightened concerned satisfied surprised . e 各字典分别列为 adjective 其他字典不列 based 为 adj. 用 active 与 passive 分别 容易明白 Oxford 或 Longman Phrsal Verbs Dictionary Longman Dict. of Common Errors "based" is not treated as an adjective Webster Dict. of Usage 更详细 参考: Merriam-Webster Dictionary base on is a phrase verb:-eg:-to use an idea a fact a situation as the point from which something can be developed:-eg:-What are you base this theory on (to bee a policeman ?) based adj. If one thing is based on another it is developed from it:-eg:-The report is based on police figures Even you put my flag cover my dead body I"ll never quit. I"ll never even quit(=adv.).So I certainly do not quit. 2014-08-14 15:24:42 补充: base on(phrasal verb) often passive eg:-The film is based on a novel by (----). 某人 base on 某些原则去做事。 这个原则 is based on 某些理论。 其实很清晰。
2023-07-07 12:40:091


您好!有的,但是非常的少,先提供下越狱以后能玩的比较好的恋爱类游戏秋之回忆1-6( 6,1.8G左右)purelove(需要联网,英文版)不越狱其他消遣类游戏:保卫萝卜(虽然是塔防类游戏,但是可玩性很高)mushroom garden(养蘑菇的,不用联网)spooky party(宠物系列的,有沙龙各种)BBQ (做烧烤的声音很好听····)希望对你有所帮助!
2023-07-07 12:40:071

Take My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Take My Heart歌手:库尔邦专辑:Celebration LiveTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me away
2023-07-07 12:40:061


2023-07-07 12:40:032

Soko的歌:Take my heart 中英翻译!!一定要有中文

SoKo - Take My Heart Artiste: SoKo Chanson: Take My Heart You can take my heart for a walk on the beach 你可以带着我的心在海滩散步You can take my heart for a little trip你可以带着我的心去做一个小旅行 You can take my heart very close to your heart你可以带着我的心走近你的心You can take my heart forever if you like如果你喜欢的话你可以永远带着我的心But not every heart belongs to any other但是 并不是每一颗心都属于另一个人 You and I 你和我You and I are meant to be 或许你和我都是命中注定的吧I"m the one for you, You"re the one for me 我是你的梦中情人 而你也是我的梦中情人You love me as much as I do 你爱我 就像我爱你一样When you look at me and we"re skin to skin当你看着我的时候 我们有肌肤之亲I want you so我希望你这样 Please come in请进来 And you love me more and more你爱我越来越多 And my love grows up with you我的爱也会随着你成长 And you kiss me more and more你吻我越来越多 And I kiss you, too我也会吻你 And I kiss you, too 我也会吻你 If I take your heart, I will cherish it every day 若果我带着你的心,我会每天倍加珍惜它If I take your heart, I will heal these old wounds 若果我带着你的心,我会治愈它那些过去的伤痛If I take your heart, it"s to make it happy 若果我带着你的心,这是为了使它快乐If I take your heart, it"s forever close to mine若果我带着你的心,它会永远接近我But not every heart belongs to any other但是 并不是每一颗心都属于另一个人 You and I 你和我You and I are meant to be 或许你和我都是命中注定的吧I"m the one for you, You"re the one for me 我是你的梦中情人 而你也是我的梦中情人You love me as much as I do 你爱我 就像我爱你一样When you look at me and we"re skin to skin当你看着我的时候 我们有肌肤之亲I want you so我希望你这样 Please come in请进来 And you love me more and more你爱我越来越多 And my love grows up with you我的爱也会随着你成长 And you kiss me more and more你吻我越来越多 And I kiss you, too我也会吻你 And I kiss you, too 我也会吻你 (violin solo!) (小提琴灵魂乐)I don"t care, I don"t care我不在乎,我不在乎 If I"m again carried away若果我的心一次次被你带走 If you swear, if you swear 若果你带上我的心,若果你带上我的心To give me your heart in return 请把你的心给我作为回报To give me your heart in return 请把你的心给我作为回报I don"t care, I don"t care我不在乎,我不在乎 If I"m again carried away若果我的心一次次被你带走 If you swear, if you swear 若果你带上我的心,若果你带上我的心To give me your heart in return 请把你的心给我作为回报To give me your heart in return 请把你的心给我作为回报
2023-07-07 12:40:001

international journal of bioscience,biochemistry and bioinformatics是不是sc

journal of biochemistry and molecular biology(KSBMB) 简称:J BIOCHEM MOL BIOL是SCI扩展版收录,现在还没有影响因子或管理 ISSN号:1225-8687 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 The Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, formerly called Korean Biochemical Journal, is the official publication of the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is an international journal covering general fields of biochemistry. Papers in English that describe significant contributions to biochemical knowledge are published bimonthly, including new results obtained experimentally, descriptions of new experimental methods of biochemical importance, or new interpretations of existing results. Theoretical contributions will also be considered.
2023-07-07 12:39:581