barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-11 09:27:34

answer为答案的意思。the answer表特指。例句:Here at last, the answer to my question.翻译:我的问题到这儿终于有了答案。





All too often, the answer is no.



The answer: "whatever they want."





THE ANSWER 是 这答案是什么意思



answer怎么读说出来。拼音谐音读法如下:安色尔。 answer 美 ["?ns?r] 英 ["ɑ?ns?(r)] n.回答;答案;答复;正确答案 v.回答;答复;符合;适合
2023-07-11 06:50:371

answer 是什么意思?

vt. 符合;回答vi. 符合;回答n. 答案;回答;答辩
2023-07-11 06:50:545


2023-07-11 06:51:472


answer意思是回复、答案。answer作可数名词意为回复、答案、解决办法;作不可数名词意为接(电话)、应(门)、应答。常用短语in answer to响应,作为回应,相当于in response to;answer a question回答问题,及物用法,接宾语;不及物用法单独使用,不接宾语。answer用作动词的基本意思是“回答,答复”,可以用言语回答,也可以用文字回答,视宾语的不同可灵活翻译。answer例句:1、If you can"t answer the question, leave a blank.如果答不上来就空着。2、My mind/memory was a (complete) blank.I couldn"t think of a single answer.我头脑记忆里(完全)是一片空白,连一个答案也想不出。3、The answer he gave was quite surprising.他的回答出人意外。4、Have you had an answer to your letter?你那封信有回音了没有?5、I rang the bell but there was no answer.我按了铃,却没有人应门。6、This could be the answer to all our problems.这或许就是我们全部问题的解决办法。7、Who knows the answer to this question?谁知道这个问题的答案?8、The doctor came at once in answer to my phone call.医生一接到我的电话立刻就来了。9、That could easily be the answer we"re looking for.那可能就是我们正在寻找的办法。10、Think carefully before you answer.先仔细想一想再回答。
2023-07-11 06:51:541


vt. & vi. 1. 答复; 解答; 答辩2. 适应, 符合, 满足3. 回应, 响应n. 1. 回答; 回音2. 答案3. 反应4. 足以媲美的人;堪称相当的事物
2023-07-11 06:53:013


My answer.
2023-07-11 06:53:092

answer是什么意思 详解answer的含义和用法?

"Answer"是英语中"回答"的意思,可以用作名词和动词。作为名词,"answer"可以表示特定问题或情况下的答案或回答,例如:- What"s the answer to this math problem?(这道数学题的答案是什么?)- She had no answer to his question.(她没有回答他的问题。)作为动词,"answer"则表示回答问题或响应某种情况,常用于以下用法:1. 回答某人的问题:例如:"I answered his question truthfully."(我真话回答了他的问题。)2. 响应某个需求:例如:"The company needs to answer the changing market conditions."(这家公司需要应对市场的变化。)3. 表示想法或态度:例如:"His silence answered the question more than anything."(他的沉默比任何回答都更能说明问题。)除此之外,"answer"还可以在一些习语和表达中使用,例如:"answer the call"(接电话),"answer for"(对……负责),"answer fire with fire"(以牙还牙),等等。总而言之,"answer"是指对某种问题或情况作出回答或响应,是英语中一个常用的词汇和习语,可以涵盖很多不同的语境和意义。
2023-07-11 06:53:211


2023-07-11 06:53:327


答复。.v.答复;回答;适合;符合;比得上;相配;answer的过去分词和过去式;例句They answered "Yes," to a man.他们异口同声地回答:“是。”But there are questions that haven "t been answered .然而确实有些问题尚未解答。My prayers were ultimately answered as I became fully aware and comfortable with my sexuality .我的祈祷最终在我完全意识到我的性别并适应后才得到答复。Part of that was answered by all the acquisitions that took place throughout the year .这个问题的可以用今年一年所取得的成就来部分解答。These questions are not simple and are certainly far from being answered .对于这些问题看似简单的问题,我们还远未抵达解答的彼岸。The study itself neither posed nor answered the question , but the extrapolation was widely repeated .研究本身既未提出主张亦未解答此问题,但是,其外推却被广泛地复述。
2023-07-11 06:53:572

answer()the question

answer()the question 如果 没其它单词的话就不填了,直接就是 answer the question(回答这个问题) 如果有 the 的话 那就是 the answer to the question (这个问题的答案)
2023-07-11 06:55:011


赫赫 都可以的啊啊啊
2023-07-11 06:55:103


用作动词 (v.)The question is simple enough to answer.这个问题很简单,容易回答。 she fell into a rage and refused to answer.他勃然大怒,拒不回答。 He answered that he knew nothing about it.他答复说关于此事他一无所知。 He has a large amount of mail to answer every day.他每天有大量的信件要回复。 I have to type letters and answer the phone.我又得用打字机打信 用作名词 (n.)If you think carefully, you will find the answer.仔细考虑一下,你就会找到答案。 He knocked at the door but there was no answer.他敲了门,但是没有人回答。 You"d better talk it over with your wife and give me your answer tomorrow.你最好和你的妻子商量一下,明天给我一个答复吧。
2023-07-11 06:55:261


answer的意思是:回答;回复;答复;应答;正确答案;解决办法;答案;对应物。固定搭配:answer back:回嘴,顶嘴。answer for:负责;...的答案。in answer to:作为对…响应;须作交代。answer the phone:接听电话;接电话;回电话。answer question:回答问题。answer phone:接电话。answer paper:答题纸。the answer to:...的答案。answer sheet:答题纸。answer to:名叫。a dusty answer:唐突草率的答复。not take no for an answer:非取得同意不可;坚持己见。answer to the name of:名叫。answer the description of:描述相符。correct answer:回答正确。双语例句:1、The answer to poverty and unemployment is a properly funded range of services.解决贫穷和失业的办法是有适当拨款的一系列服务。2、The dust mite has a lot to answer for, especially if you are asthmatic.尘螨要负很大责任,特别是如果你有哮喘病的话。3、Entrepreneurship is necessary to answer the needs of national and international markets.满足国内和国际市场的需要必须要有企业开拓精神。4、He didn"t have to fag away in a lab to get the right answer.他不必为了得到正确答案而在实验室里干得那么辛苦。5、He stepped out of retirement to answer an SOS call from his old club.他不顾自己已退休,仍然接听一个来自其已往负责的俱乐部的求救电话。6、The answer they make to us may very easily be retorted.他们对我们的回答很容易被我们用来反驳他们。7、Whenever the phone rings, they bicker over who must answer it.只要电话铃响,他们就会为谁该去接听而争吵。
2023-07-11 06:56:401


answer用作动词的基本含义是“回答,答复”,用作可数名词时主要表示用口头或书面作出的“回答,答复,答辩”或表示最初不知道而经过思考之后才得出的“答案,解答”。 一.answer用作动词 1.answer用作动词的基本意思是“回答,答复”,可以用言语回答,也可以用文字回答,还可以用行动回答,视宾语的不同可灵活翻译。 2.answer用作及物动词时,可接人、物或that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语(两个宾语都是直接宾语),作“符合,满足”解时宾语主要是need, hope, purpose等抽象名词。 Please answer me as soon as possible. 请你尽快答复我。 Please excuse me for not having answered you earlier. 请原谅我没有早些给你回信。 3.answer用作不及物动词时主要表示“回答,负责,保证,成功,奏效,适应,符合”。 I repeated the question once more, but still no one answered. 我把问题又重复了一遍,还是没有人回答。 I knocked on the door, but no one answered. 我敲了敲门,但没人应。 二.answer用作名词 1.answer用作可数名词时主要表示用口头或书面作出的“回答,答复,答辩”或表示最初不知道而经过思考之后才得出的“答案,解答”。 2.answer前一般须有冠词、数词或其他能修饰可数名词的限定词(语),其后可接表示“针对…的”介词短语to sth (to不可换成表示所有关系的of或表示目的的for等介词)。
2023-07-11 06:57:161


reply-------------------------n.回答,答复; 反应; 报复(行动); [法律]答辩vi.[法律](原告对被告)答辩; 反响; 作答; (以行动)做出反应vt.回应,作出反应answer-----------------------vt.& vi.答复; 解答; 答辩; 适应n.回答; 答案; 反应
2023-07-11 06:58:375


answer的读法是英[" a.nse(r)]美[" aenser]。1、Hisanswer rather disconcerted her.他的回答使她颇感难堪。2、Youranswer is exactly right.你的回答完全正确。3、I never got a satisfactoryanswer.我从未得到过一个满意的回答。4、He blurted out theanswer without thinking.他不假思索脱口说出了答案。5、She guessed theanswer straight away.她一下子就猜中了答案。6、I rang the doorbell. Ding-dong! Noanswer.我按了按门铃。叮当!可没有人回答。7、He avoided giving a directanswer.他回避作出直截了当的回答。8、His onlyanswer was a grunt.他唯一的回答就只是哼了一声。9、answer questions 8 to 12 inclusive.回答第8到第12题。10、She had noanswer to the accusations.她对控告无以为答。基本要点:1、answer用作动词的基本意思是"回答,答复",可以用言语回答,也可以用文字回答,还可以用行动回答,视宾语的不同可灵活翻译。2、answer用作及物动词时,可接人、物或that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,两个宾语都是直接宾语,作"符合,满足"解时宾语主要是need,hope,purpose等抽象名词。3、answer用作不及物动词时主要表示"回答,负责,保证,成功,奏效,适应,符合"。4、answer表示用语言、文字或行动对问题进行回答,是一最常用词; 用于转义表示"符合,适应"等义时,是较正式的用法; answer to the name则是口语用法。5、answer for表示"受责备"时可用于被动结构,表示"许诺,答应别人"时也常用于被动结构,表示其他意思时均常用于一般时态。
2023-07-11 06:59:521

answer是及物动词吗 如 回答我 怎么翻译

2023-07-11 07:00:344


question的反义词是:answer回答。answer意思是回复、答案。answer作可数名词意为回复、答案、解决办法;作不可数名词意为接(电话)、应(门)、应答。常用短语in answer to响应,作为回应,相当于in response to;answer a question回答问题,及物用法,接宾语;不及物用法单独使用,不接宾语。answer用作动词的基本意思是“回答,答复”,可以用言语回答,也可以用文字回答,视宾语的不同可灵活翻译。answer例句:1、If you can"t answer the question, leave a blank.如果答不上来就空着。2、My mind/memory was a (complete) blank.I couldn"t think of a single answer.我头脑记忆里(完全)是一片空白,连一个答案也想不出。3、The answer he gave was quite surprising.他的回答出人意外。4、Have you had an answer to your letter?你那封信有回音了没有?5、I rang the bell but there was no answer.我按了铃,却没有人应门。6、This could be the answer to all our problems.这或许就是我们全部问题的解决办法。7、Who knows the answer to this question?谁知道这个问题的答案?8、The doctor came at once in answer to my phone call.医生一接到我的电话立刻就来了。9、That could easily be the answer we"re looking for.那可能就是我们正在寻找的办法。10、Think carefully before you answer.先仔细想一想再回答。
2023-07-11 07:02:171


2023-07-11 07:04:366

求乔叟坎特伯雷故事集The General Prologue 这部分的译文,有中文网站更好

2023-07-11 06:58:555


2023-07-11 06:58:591


建议你去问问 斯皮尔伯格
2023-07-11 06:59:005


plant(同义词) vegetable precious(同义词)valuable dirty water (同义词)waste water 或:polluted water turn off(反义词组)turn on shop assistant(复数)shop assistants lorry(复数) lorries
2023-07-11 06:59:001


Seven tall.
2023-07-11 06:59:073

帮忙分析一下长难句 是否有从句?

out of nowhere on that awful night(时间地点状语),a car knocked into Esposito"s minivan(主谓宾),pushing her backyard some 100 feet onto the railway tracks.(动词ing形式作结果状语)第一段没有从句The first car (he waited for定语从句),2000 feet from his front yard, was the one (that had hit Esposito定语从句).距离他家前院2000英尺的地方,他等到的第一辆车就是撞了埃斯波西托的那辆。
2023-07-11 06:59:091

Am I OK? 还是Am me OK?,Be动词做首写后面用人称宾格吗?

Am I OK?Is he/she/it OK?Are they OK?
2023-07-11 06:59:103

拯救大兵瑞恩 资源共享 最好百度云

2023-07-11 06:59:163


2023-07-11 06:59:171


1、人之所以为人,是应该充满精力、能够自我悔改、自我反省、自我成长,而不是抱怨他人。 People should be energetic, self-repentant, Self-introspective and self-growing rather than plaining about others. 2、我一直都很幸运。机会很少凭空出现,因此当它们出现时,你一定要抓住。 I"ve always been lucky. Opportunities rarely e out of nowhere, so when they do, you must seize them. 3、要有亮丽的头发,请让小孩每日触摸你的头发。 For beautiful hair, let the child touch your hair every day. 4、要有自信的态度,请学习你不曾学过的知识。 Be confident. Learn something you haven"t learned. 5、优美的姿态,来源于与知识同行而不是独行。 Beautiful posture es from walking with knowledge rather than going alone. 6、我深信遇事要坚强,相信乐观的女孩最美。我也相信明天会更好,相信奇迹的存在。 I believe in being strong and optimistic. I also believe that tomorrow will be better, believe in the existence of miracles. 7、要有吸引人的双唇,请说好意的言语;要有美丽的双眼,请寻索他人的优点;要有纤细的身材,请与饥民分享你的食物。 To have attractive lips, please say good words; to have beautiful eyes, please look for the advantages of others; to have a slender body, please share your food with the hungry. 8、我曾听说过这样一个说法:快乐就是拥有健康和短暂的记忆。我多么希望这是我发明的,因为说得太对了。 I"ve heard the saying that happiness is having healthy and short memories. How I wish I had invented it, because I was right. 9、我喜欢有本事让我大笑的人,笑大概是我最喜欢做的事情了。 I like people who have the ability to make me laugh. Laughter is probably my favorite thing to do. 10、如果我结婚,我想深处婚姻之中。 If I get married, I want to be deeply married. 11、我当然不会试图摘月,我要月亮奔我而来。 Of course I will not try to pick the moon. I want the moon to e to me. 12、女人的美丽不是表面的,应该是她的精神层面是她的关怀、她的爱心以及她的热情。 The beauty of a woman is not on the surface, but on the spiritual level is her care, her love and her enthusia *** . 13、如果我够真诚的话,我会告诉你,现在我依然看童话,并且它们是所有书目中我最喜欢的。 If I am sincere enough, I will tell you that I still read fairy tales, and they are my favorite of all the bibliographies. 14、从一个人对他人的评价,相比他人对这个人的评价,你可以把这个人看得更透彻。 From a person"s evaluation of others, you can see this person more thoroughly than others"evaluation of this person. 15、若要魅力的嘴唇,请讲友善的话。 If you want charming lips, please say friendly words. 16、一个女人的美不在于她穿的衣服,不在于她的身姿,也不在于她梳的发型。 The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the posture she wears, or the hairstyle she bs. 17、美丽的秀发,在于每天有孩子的手指穿过它。 Beautiful hair lies in having children"s fingers through it every day. 18、若要优雅的姿态,请与知识同行而不是独行。 To be graceful, walk with knowledge, not alone. 19、我曾听到过一句话:幸福就是健康加上坏记性!真希望是我头一个说了这句话,因为,这可是千真万确的真理。 I have heard a sentence: Happiness is health plus bad memory! I wish I had been the first to say that, because it"s a true truth. 20、当缘分走到了尽头,约瑟夫决绝地离开了这个家,离开了年轻美丽的妻子,和娇小可爱的女儿。 When fate came to an end, Joseph decided to leave the house, leaving his beautiful young wife and lovely little daughter. 21、我是个内向的人。我喜欢独处,喜欢待在户外,喜欢带着我的狗好好地散步,看树,看花,看天空。 I am an introvert. I like being alone, staying outdoors, taking my dog for a good walk, looking at trees, flowers and the sky. 22、女人的魅力不在于外表,真正美丽的折射于一个女人灵魂深处,在于亲切的给与和热情。一个女人的美丽随着岁月而增长。 The charm of a woman lies not in her appearance, but in her genuine beauty reflected in the depth of her soul. It lies in her kind giving and enthusia *** . The beauty of a woman grows with the years. 23、若要苗条的身材,请把你的食物分享给饥饿的人。 For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. 24、要有纤细的身材,请与饥民分享你的食物。 For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. 25、若要可爱的眼睛,请看到别人的好处。 If you want lovely eyes, please see the benefits of others. 26、我经常独自一人。我很高兴整个周末我可以独自一个人待在公寓。这正是我充电的方式。 I am often alone. I"m glad I can stay in my apartment alone all weekend. That"s how I recharge my batteries. 27、如果要说实话,我必须坦白我依然喜欢读童话,而且最喜欢读的书就是童话书。 To be honest, I must confess that I still like to read fairy tales, and the book I like most is fairy tales. 28、人之所以为人,是必须充满精力、自我悔改、自我反省、自我成长;并非向人抱怨。 The reason why people are human is that they must be full of energy, self-repentance, self-reflection and self-growth, not plaining to others. 29、我经常需要独处。如果我从周六晚到周一清晨都能独自待在自己的居所,我将感到十分快乐。这是我重新焕发活力的方式。 I often need to be alone. I would be very happy if I could stay alone in my house from Saturday evening to Monday morning. This is how I rejuvenate myself. 30、要有吸引人的双唇,请说好意的言语。 For attractive lips, please say good words. 31、要有美丽的双眼,请寻索它人的优点。 To have beautiful eyes, look for the advantages of others. 32、女人的美丽是跟着年龄成长。 The beauty of a woman grows with age. 33、承认吧,一块美味柔滑的巧克力蛋糕在很多人身上都能产生神奇的效果,它对我就很有效。 Admittedly, a delicious, *** ooth chocolate cake can work wonders for many people, and it works for me. 34、人比事物更需要重建,刷新,复兴,回收和救赎;永远不要抛弃任何人。 People need to rebuild, refresh, rejuvenate, recycle and redeem more than things; never abandon anyone.
2023-07-11 06:59:181


八月秋高风怒号,卷我屋上三重茅。茅飞渡江洒江郊,高者挂罥长林梢,下者飘转沉塘坳。 南村群童欺我老无力,忍能对面为盗贼。公然抱茅入竹去,唇焦口燥呼不得,归来倚杖自叹息。   俄顷风定云墨色,秋天漠漠向昏黑。布衾多年冷似铁,娇儿恶卧踏里裂。床头屋漏无干处,雨脚如麻未断绝。自经丧乱少睡眠,长夜沾湿何由彻。   安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山。呜呼!何时眼前突兀见此屋,吾庐独破受冻死亦足!
2023-07-11 06:59:202


plan program projet project arranged intend propose scheme
2023-07-11 06:59:225

英语选择题 详解

2023-07-11 06:59:242

一首很慢很慢的歌,开头是I AM。。。

是不是I am downYou felt it might be okbetween you and him between me and youyou felt it might be betterto change your life but not tonightI wonder how it would have beenwithout knowing him I"m asking whyyou never want me to a meetthat"s you are crazy for himI am down tonightI am down tonightI am down tonightagain tonightI am down tonightI am down tonightI am down tonightbecause of youI"ve never really understoodwhy it was me why it was youmight payed down over trouble causewhere is after a time not tonightI found I was the only onemaybe for a day or just tonightI"m good at burned to have you justafter other time it"s not enoughI wanna figure it outbefore its too latebefore you find out that you really feelI am down tonightI am down tonightI am down tonightagain tonightI am down tonightI am down tonightI am down tonightbecause of youI wanna figure it outbefore its too latebefore you find out that you really feelI am down tonightI am down tonightI am down tonightagain tonightI am down tonightI am down tonightI am down tonightagain tonightI am down tonightI am down tonightI am down tonightagain tonight …..
2023-07-11 06:59:252


2023-07-11 06:59:262


以前上海比较出名的酒吧 现在不怎么行了上海酒吧定位电话就是我的账号
2023-07-11 06:59:332


2023-07-11 06:58:521

me too和 i am too 的区别?me too是正规书面用法么?

Me too.意思是“我也一样。” “我也如此。” 属于“人称代词的宾格 +too”的形式,用于后一句所述情况与前一句陈述的肯定情况相同。例如—"I"ve got a great feeling about it." —"Me too." —“我对此感觉棒极了。” —“我也一样。”I am too ... 意思是“我太...”too后面要跟形容词例如I am too sad. 我太伤心了。
2023-07-11 06:58:511


2023-07-11 06:58:501


2023-07-11 06:58:505

为什么you are as beautiful as i am 不能换成me

he is as tall as i am 后面省略了am as是连词后面是句子 如果跟me不成了介词了 第二个问题没看懂
2023-07-11 06:58:441


2023-07-11 06:58:443


“亲爱的瑞恩太太,告诉你一个好消息,你的小儿子,安然无恙。他正在远离欧洲战场,返程回国。令郎尽忠职守,勇气过人。纵使知道兄弟阵亡,依然坚持参与这场铲除独裁暴政的伟大抗争。我与政治部长,美军同仁,以及美国同胞们,仅在此,祝您身体健康。今后能与大兵瑞恩生活愉快。虽然瑞恩回国了,但也实在无法弥补您和千千万万的美国家庭在战争中遭受的创痛。我想和您分享一句话,‘每次经历绝望,都在支持我的话,愿天主能安抚您的丧子之痛,让您和远去的挚爱,永生相伴。神圣的荣光,尽属于你。为了自由,我们已经付出了太多。"亚伯拉罕·林肯敬上。” ——乔治·C·马歇尔敬上深表敬意,也深表歉意。
2023-07-11 06:58:433


adv.任何地方都不, 无处The poor has nowhere to live.这个可怜的老人无处可住。n.无处; 不知道的地方He came from nowhere.不知道他是从那里来的。There is nowhere for us to sit in here.这里没我们坐的地方啦!be [come in] nowhere (比赛等中)名落孙山; 一事无成, 考得很糟; [美]惊惶失措can lead nowhere 不可能有什么前途[结果]from [out of] nowhere 不知打那儿来; 从不知名, 从不被人注意, 一鸣惊人地get nowhere 一事无成, 毫无进展nowhere near 差得远; 远不及
2023-07-11 06:58:432

为什么乌鲁木齐的英文不是汉语拼音? 英文:Urumqi

2023-07-11 06:58:421


茅屋为秋风所破歌【唐】 杜甫八月秋高风怒号(háo),卷我屋上三重(chóng)茅。茅飞渡江洒江郊,高者挂罥(juàn)长(cháng)林梢,下者飘转沉塘坳(ào)。南村群童欺我老无力,忍能对面为盗贼。公然抱茅入竹去,唇焦口燥呼不得,归来倚杖自叹息。俄顷风定云墨色,秋天漠漠向昏黑(hè)。布衾(qīn)多年冷似铁,娇儿恶(è)卧踏里裂。床头屋漏无干(gān)处,雨脚如麻未断绝。自经丧(sāng)乱少睡眠,长夜沾湿何由彻!安得广厦(shà)千万间,大庇(bì)天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山!呜呼!何时眼前突兀(wù)见(xiàn)此屋,吾庐独破受冻死亦足!译文: 八月里秋深,狂风怒号,卷走了我屋顶上好几层茅草。茅草乱飞,渡过浣花溪,散落在对岸江边。飞得高的茅草缠绕在高高的树梢上,飞得低的飘飘洒洒沉落到池塘和洼地里。 南村的一群儿童欺负我年老没力气,这样狠心当面作贼抢东西,毫无顾忌地抱着茅草跑进竹林去了。嘴唇干燥不能呼喝,回来后拄着拐杖,独自叹息。一会儿风停了,天空中乌云黑得像墨一样,深秋天空阴沉迷蒙渐渐黑下来了。布被盖了多年,又冷又硬,像铁板似的。孩子睡眠姿势不好,把被子蹬破了。一下雨屋顶漏水,连床头都没有一点儿干的地方,房顶雨漏像麻线一样密集不断。自从安史之乱之后,我睡眠的时间很少,又湿又冷的长夜,如何挨到天亮。如何能得到千万间宽敞高大的房子,普遍地庇覆天下间贫寒的读书人,让他们开颜欢笑,在风雨中也不为所动,安稳得像是山一样?唉!什么时候眼前出现这样高耸的房屋,即使我的茅屋被秋风所吹破,我自己受冻而死也心甘情愿。
2023-07-11 06:58:412


2023-07-11 06:58:396

吸血鬼日记中有一句歌词i am call me home这是什么歌

come back when you can?I am call me home, 你这完全不通顺啊。能多给点信息不?
2023-07-11 06:58:371


plant 当动词用时是"种植",在一般现在时里,只有主语是第三人称单数(he,she,it)时,它需要加s,其它人称都不需要变化。如:He plants trees every spring. ( 他每年春天种树。)We plant trees every spring. ( 我们每年春天种树。)
2023-07-11 06:58:361


2023-07-11 06:58:354


茅屋为秋风所破歌 是晚唐诗人杜甫的著作,诗中生动形象的展现出诗人在安史之乱之后的艰苦生活,含蓄的表现了大唐王朝在劫难之后的落魄景象.从题目即可看出 这是一首“歌行体”的诗,不仅如此,白雪歌送武判官归京,以及行路难,都是歌行体的诗.
2023-07-11 06:58:341