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How is it going的回答是什么?

2023-07-11 10:39:08
TAG: it in is how ng ow go


"How is it going?" 是一个常用的问候语,通常在朋友、同事之间用于询问对方的近况。它的回答可以根据具体情况而变化,下面是几个常用的回答:

  • "Good, thanks for asking."(很好,谢谢关心。)

  • "It"s going well, thanks."(很顺利,谢谢。)

  • "Not bad, and you?"(不错,你呢?)

  • "Could be better, but I"m hanging in there."(可能还有改善的空间,但我在努力坚持。)

  • "It"s been a bit tough lately, but I"ll get through it."(最近有点儿难,但我会挺过去的。)

  • 总之,回答"How is it going?" 的关键是要保持诚实、积极向上的态度,并表达对对方关心的感激之情。



英国,澳洲最流行"How is it going?"或How are you going?" 美国则多喜欢说"how are you doing?" 不过现在也都在用了,其实就是问候语"你好吗?" 等同于"how are you?" 如果是谈论事情: 事情进展得怎么样? 如果两人问候: 最近过得怎么样?/过得还好吗?
2023-07-11 09:59:441

Hows is going?为什么呀?

2023-07-11 10:00:072

how is going怎么回答

是见面问候常用语,相当于how are you,回答用“Im fine.Thank you.”,这句话的意思是“我很好,谢谢你。” 扩展资料   如果自己最近过得并不好,声音低落地回复对方“Not too bad.”,意思是“还可以;不算太坏”。   例句:   George said, "Ida, how is it going?"   乔治说:“艾达,你好吗?”   She frowned for a moment and then recognition dawned."George Black. Well, I never."   她皱了一会儿眉头,然后才认出他。“乔治·布莱克,噢,我一直都不好。”
2023-07-11 10:00:271

how is going? 这句英文什么意思 给个权威答案

2023-07-11 10:00:365

how is going?going在这里是形容词对吗

How is everything going?表示“一切如何?”,“一切进行得怎样?“going 表示”进行,进展“;is going 一起构成现在进行时,表示”所有事情现在进展得怎么样?“相当于how are you 回答可以根据情况用pretty good, not so bad, nothing specialHow is it going? 后接with sb/sth .用来表达对朋友家人的关怀 回答: Great Pretty good Not bad Terrible
2023-07-11 10:01:051

How is going 为什么要加ing 初中水品

是how is it going,be动词后要加ing,又因为是疑问语气,所以is提前。意思是“一切可好?”,相当于“how are you?”
2023-07-11 10:01:311

how is it going and how is it going on 有区别吗?都怎么回答

how is it going意思是情况进展的怎么样?最近情况好吗?肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) 对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)综合外语团队为您服务, how is it going on是打招呼的意思,相当于 how are you!
2023-07-11 10:01:451

how is going? bro

Congratulations on winning其他都对
2023-07-11 10:01:591

How is it going的常用答语有哪些?

2023-07-11 10:02:104

how is it going什么意思

how is it going它是如何双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 近况如何。2. 情况怎么样3. 近况如何4. 事情进展如何5. 一切都好吗6. 过得怎么样例句:1.How is it going withthe media investigation? 媒体的案子查的怎么样了?
2023-07-11 10:02:241

用How is... going造句 在线等

How is there going?
2023-07-11 10:02:424

How is it going的答语有哪些

Pretty good.Not bad.Great.
2023-07-11 10:03:021

what is going on跟how is going on是一样的吗

不一样,what是问什么how是问方式.what is going on的意思是;在进行什么?how is going on的意思是:怎样进行?
2023-07-11 10:03:093

how is it going?

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:03:171

how is going today 什么意思

2023-07-11 10:03:262

what is going on跟how is going on意思一样吗?

不同的。What"s going on?怎么回事?出啥事了?发生什么事了?一般指现场发生了些不同寻常的事,如交通事故,众人围观等.Excuse me,what"s going on here?请问,出啥事了?How is everything going on with you?这是客套语、问候语直译是您近况如何?大概意思是一切都还好吧?
2023-07-11 10:03:341

how is going today.是什么意思

2023-07-11 10:03:436


亲你好,在日常用语里,这两者都可以用来打招呼 互相问候 区别在于 how are you doing = how are you 用来朋友之间问好 how is it going 不仅有问候的意思,在特定环境下,会针对事件,比如 你在做功课 别人问你 how is it going ,意思为“进展怎么样?”“做得怎么样?”
2023-07-11 10:04:171

how is going是什么意思?

How is going在英语是常见的问候性句子,常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语
2023-07-11 10:04:591

How is going是什么意思?

应该是 How is it going? 意思是“进展(或进行)得怎么样”
2023-07-11 10:05:261

hows going怎么回复

Good,fine,Never better。How is going在英语是常见的问候性句子,常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语,是人们用来见面打招呼时的说的;也常用于写信或邮件的开头,属非正式用语。 hows going的常见用法 How"s it going?最近怎么样? How"s everything?情况如何?进展如何? How"s everything going with you?你一切情况如何? "be going"是习惯用法,亦可作"be going on";有“生活中正在进展的事情”之意。 回答:It"s going pretty well./All goes well./Everything goes well.一切顺利。 英国、澳洲较流行"How is it going?"或"How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说"How are you doing?" "How is it going?"相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。 不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候"你好吗?",等同于"How are you?" 可替代的同类用语:What"s up?What"s going on?How"s everything going (on)?How have you been?What"s happening?What happened?How are you doing?How are you? 其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. You?/I"m doing good./Pretty good./Not bad.
2023-07-11 10:05:381

hows going怎么回复

Hows going常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语,是人们用来见面打招呼时的说的,“过得还好吗?” 可以回答:Good,fine,Never better! , Im fine! , Its OK,nothing too bad! 扩展资料   英语中的.问候:   1、最经典:   (Good) Morning, afternoon   Good evening   注意: 前者母语者常常省略good,语气更加轻松一些。不过后者不可以省略。   2、最地道:   Hi there!   How is it going?   What"s up?   注意: What"s up?非常不正式,是年轻人喜欢的俚语。   3、如何回复:   Good. 挺好的   Not bad. 不错   So far so good. 到目前为止还不错
2023-07-11 10:05:461

how is it going怎么回答

Pretty good.
2023-07-11 10:06:142

什么语境下用how is it going一般如何回答

2023-07-11 10:06:234

如何回答美国人的“How is it going?”问候语?

可以回答:Good,fine,Never better! , I"m fine! , It"s OK,nothing too bad!How is going在英语是常见的问候性句子,常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语,是人们用来见面打招呼时的说的;也常用于写信或邮件的开头,属非正式用语。英语中的问候:1、最经典:(Good) Morning, afternoonGood evening注意:前者母语者常常省略good,语气更加轻松一些。不过后者不可以省略。2、最地道:Hi there!How is it going?What"s up?注意:What"s up?非常不正式,是年轻人喜欢的俚语。
2023-07-11 10:06:501

how is it going怎么回答

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:07:261

how its going 的回答

A 完整的回答应该是It is going quite well. good是形容词,well是副词,在这里应该用副词
2023-07-11 10:07:331

how is it going怎么回答

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:07:401

How is it going的常用语是什么?

"How is it going" 这个问候用语的常用回答有很多,以下是其中的一些:- "It"s going well, thanks for asking."(一切都好,谢谢关心。)- "Not too bad, how about yourself?"(还凑活,你呢?)- "Can"t complain!"(不错,挺好的!)- "Same old, same old."(依旧故我。)- "Busy as usual, but doing well."(像往常一样忙碌,但还不错。)总之,回答"How is it going"的方式可以因人而异,也可以根据具体情境和对话对象的关系等因素来决定。
2023-07-11 10:07:481

how is it going的回答是什么?

How is it going?基本意思是:最近怎么样?事情进展顺利吗?可以回答:1.Pretty good!2. So far,so good.3.It"s OK.
2023-07-11 10:08:351

how is it going是什么意思

how is it going它是怎么去的双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 近况如何。2. 情况怎么样3. 近况如何4. 事情进展如何5. 一切都好吗6. 过得怎么样例句:-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-11 10:08:431

how is it going的翻译是:怎么样了?

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:08:521

How is it going?的同义句

1.How"s it going?是口语,表示问候对方,意思是“怎么样?/ 还好吗?” 2.所以,其可以等同于: How"s it going? = How are you? = How are you doing? = How is everything going? = How is everything going with you? = How are you going? = How are things going with you?
2023-07-11 10:09:181

how is going today ?

how"s going today?打招呼时常用,今天如何?
2023-07-11 10:09:296

hows going on?

不一样,what是问什么 how是问方式. what is going on的意思是;在进行什么? how is going on的意思是:怎样进行?
2023-07-11 10:09:581

how is it going是什么意思,应该怎么回答?和how are you 有什么区别?

2023-07-11 10:10:084

how is it going是什么意思

1. 近况如何。2. 情况怎么样3. 近况如何4. 事情进展如何5. 一切都好吗6. 过得怎么样例句:1.So, how is it going today? 今天进展得怎样?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-11 10:10:161


如何打招呼? 如何回答?Hello, David!   Hey, James!     How are you doing? How are you? Howdy?       美国的店员在你结帐的时候都会问这一句, 所以要有心裏准备, 只要答一声, good 就好, 不用再反问. Good! (Pretty good) I am great. I am Fine. I am all right. I am doing good. I am wonderful. Not bad. Well, a little bit tired.   礼貌上, 你答完之後, 要再反问: How are you doing? What"s up?   有没有什麼事啊? Not much! Nothing much! Nothing special 没什麼 How is everything going? How is going? How have you been? 第二句是第一句的简称, 如在路上遇到, 匆匆走过, 就说第二句就好了! Not much. Tired. Good! 你当然也可以回答其它的, 如 Busy, 但 Not much 或 Tired 比较常听老美说.Happy weekend?   星期一见面时可以问这一句. I had homework on my head!   我满脑子都是功课! (这句可视情况回答) How was your trip? How was your flight? How was your party?   如果知道别人昨天做了什麼事, 可以关心一下, 记得这个句型, How was your xxx ? 很有用. 不要划蛇添足! Well, That"s good. Well, That"s ok. Well, That"s all right.   Well 是发语词, 没什麼意思, 但常用. 如果想继续跟对方聊下去, 可以把经过讲给对方听, 不然这样讲就够了 编按: How are you doing 是最常用的, How are you 次之, Howdy 则是简称! 如何说再见? 如何回答? See you later.   See you.   Bye, David.   Bye, James.   Take it easy! You too! Later dude. See you later. Happy weekend. Happy Christmas.   Happy 後面可接任何的节日! Thank you, you too! Have Fun!   如果是从一个 party 或聚会要先离开时可以用这句. Thank you!  You have a great day!   通常是店员在你结完帐时会说这一句. You too.   不回答也可以, 但是感觉上比较不礼貌. 编按: 尽量不要用 Good bye, 或是 So long 这样的用法, 在这裏相当少见.
2023-07-11 10:10:411

how is you going是不是对的

是错的,应该是How are you going?你近来如何?
2023-07-11 10:10:501


2023-07-11 10:06:076


2023-07-11 10:06:111

Mocking Bird 歌词

歌曲名:Mocking Bird歌手:Barclay James Harvest专辑:The CollectionMocking BirdAlex BandMaybe Solitude 1993 DemosBy KakaheweFire fly in the skySoaring near is the butterflyBut nothings going to dieAnd this is the reason whyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingClapping hands no moreWeeping eyes ...I"m trying to figure it outI"m leaving there is no doubtIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingSinging fa, la, la, yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Singing fa, la, la yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Written and performed for his 6th grade graduation
2023-07-11 10:06:121


   eBay   eBay is a global phenomenon-the world"s largest garage sale, online shopping center, car dealer and auction site with 147 million registered users in 30 countries as of March 2005. You can find everything from encyclopedias to olives to snow boots to stereos to airplanes for sale. And if you stumble on it before the eBay overseers do, you might even find a human kidney or a virtual date.   eBay Basics   eBay is, first and foremost. an online auction site. You can browse through categories like Antiques, Boats, Clothing & Accessories, Computers & Networking,Jewelry & Watches and Video Games. When you see something you like, you click on the auction title and view the details, including pictures, descriptions,payment options and shipping information.   If you place a bid on an item,you enter a contractual agreement to buy it if you win the auction. All auctions have minimum starting bids, and some have a reserve price-a secret minimum amount the seller is willing to accept for the item. If the bidding doesn"t reach the reserve price, the seller doesn"t have to partwith the item. In addition to auctions, you can find tons of fixed-price items on eBay that make shopping there just like shopping at any other online marketplace. You see what you like, you buy it, you pay for it and you wait for it to arrive at your door.   You can pay for an item on eBay using a variety of methods, including money order, cashier"s check, cash, personal check and electronic payment services like PayPal and BidPay. It"s up to each seller to decide which payment methods he"ll accept.   Just as you can buy almost anything on eBay, you can sell almost anything, too. Using a simple listing process, you can put all of the junk in your basement up for sale to the highest bidder. When you sell an item on eBay,you pay listing fees and turn over a percentage of the final sale price to eBay.   Once you register (for free) with eBay, you can access all of your eBay buying and selling activities in asingle location called "My eBay."   eBay Infrastructure   A series of service disruptions in 1999 caused real problems for eBay"s business. Over the course of threedays, overloaded servers intermittently shut down, meaning users couldn"t check auctions, place bids or complete transactions during that period. Buyers, sellers and eBay were very unhappy, and a complete restructuring of eBay"s technological architecture Followed.   In 1999, eBay was one massive database server and a few separate systems running the search function. In 2005, eBay is about 200 database servers and 20 search servers.   The architecture is a type of grid computing that allows for both error correction and growth. With the exception of the search function, everything about eBay can actually run on approximately 50 servers-Web servers,application servers and data-storage systems. Each server has between 6 and 12 microprocessors. These50 0r so servers run separately, but they talk to each other,so everybody knows if there is a problem somewhere. eBay can simply add servers to the grid as the need arises.   While the majority of the site can run on 50 servers,eBay has four times that.The 200 servers are housed in sets of 50 in four locations,all in the United States. When you"re using eBay, you may be talking to anyone of those locations at any time-they all store the same data. If one of the systems crashes. there are three others to pick up the slack.   When you"re on the eBay Web site and you click on a listing for a Persian rug, your computer talks to Web servers, which talk to application servers, which pull data from storage servers so you can find out what the latest bid price is and how much time is left in the auction. eBay has local partners in many countries who deliver eBay"s static data to cut down on download time, and there are monitoring systems in 45 cities around the world that constantly scan for problems in the network.   Using eBay: Security   In order to make buyers feel safer when making purchases on eBay, all tangible (有形的) items are automatically insured for $200. A recipe that was supposed to be delivered to you via e-mail is not considered a tangible item.But if you purchased a set of speakers that never arrived, and you go through the dispute process and eBay determines you were defrauded (欺骗), you can get your money back up to $200.   Buyer Fraud   Buyer fraud is typically less damaging than seller fraud. The most common type of fraud a buyer can commitis simply not paying for an item. Sellers can deal with non-paying bidders by filing an Unpaid Item dispute. eBay will then attempt to contact the buyer and get her to pay. If she does not respond to eBay"s attempts after eight days, the seller is reimbursed(赔偿) for eBay"s cut of the final sale price and can relistthe item for free. If the buyer does respond, the dispute can end in one of three ways:   The buyer decides to pay, and everybody"s happy.   The buyer and the seller decide together to abandon the transaction,the seller gets reimbursed for the final-value fee and relists the item for free,and everybody"s happy.   The seller decides noe to deal with the buyer, the buyer gets an unpaiditem strike against her, and the seller gets reimbursed for the final-value fee and relists the item for free.   In the end, the damage to the seller is relatively small. Another type of buyer fraud occurs when a buyer sends false payment. In most cases,this is in the form of a bounced check, and the seller finds out about it before shipping the item. Bounced checks are as common on eBay as they are in the rest of the world, and many sellers choose not to accept personal checks for this reason.   Seller Fraud   Seller fraud is what most people think about when they worry about using eBay. There are two main ways in which a buyer can be defrauded by a seller: The item the buyer purchased is dramatically different from how it was described in the listing; or the item simply never arrives.   One thing to keep in mind when you think you"ve been defrauded is that miscommunication is common on eBay.For instance, if you didn"t read every word of the auction listing for your item, you may have missed the part that said the seller would be out of town for three weeks and wouldn"t be able to ship the item untilshe returned. This could be why you don"t have your item and the seller isn"t answering your e-mails. Also,e-mail is not the most straightforward form of communication. If your item hasn"t arrived after two weeks, and you"ve e-mailed the seller but haven"t heard back, it"s a good idea to check your junk mail folder. Your seller may have sent a response e-mail that just never made it to your inbox. If there"s nothing fromthe seller in your junk folder, you can request that eBay reveal your seller"s phone number so you can give him a call and see what"s going on.   If you don"t get an answer to your phone call (or if your seller lives in another country and it would cost too much money to call), your next step is to start the dispute process. When a buyer believes he has been defrauded, he can file a complaint, and eBay will work to solve the problem. When you file a complaint in eBay"s "Item Not Received or Significantly Not as Described" system,eBay will act as middleman between you and your seller to try to settle the dis pute. lf that fails, you can file a claim to get reimbursed for your purchase.   1. Which of the following may be banned by eBay overseers?   A) Virtual dates.   B) Any over-priced products.   C) Priceless antiques.   D) Rare animals for pets.   2.Sellers have the right to refuse the deal if the offer is lower tban__________________.   A) the minimum starting bid   B) the reserve price   C) the average market price   D) the wholesale cost   3.PayPal and BidPay are special names for_____________________.   A) money orders   B) cashier"s checks   C) personal checks   D) electronic payment services   4.On eBay, you buy or sell an item at______________________.   A) My Account   B) My Market   C) My Store   D) My eBay   5.At present, each of eBay"s server is equipped with_______________microprocessors.   A) 200   B) about 50   C) 6 to 12   D) 20   6.When you click on a listing on the eBay Web site,your computer first com municates to______________.   A) search servers   B) Web servers   C) application servers   D) storage servers   7.A recipe is not considered tangible item if________________.   A) it is delivered later than the contracted time   B) it never arrives at your place   C) it is delivered to the buyer through e-mail   D) it costs less than the market price   8.Sellers may contact eBay and apply for an Unpaid Item dispute against__________________.   9.Many sellers tend to refuse personal checks for fear of___________________.   10.During the dispute process between the seller and the buyer, eBay plays the role of_____________.   答案:   1.[A][定位]根据题干中的eBay overseers定位至首段末句。   解析:在原文该句末明确提到,此处是唯一提到overseers的地方,其他选项均来提及,很明显,本题答案为A。   2.[B][定位]本题题干的题眼不明显,根据选项关键词bid,price,cost等在原文查找与“出价”有关的细节,由此定位至第1个小标题eBay Basics部分的第2段笫3句。   解析:题干中的have the right to refuse the deal是原文该句doesn"t have to part with the item的近义改写,因此答案为B。   3.[D][定位]根据题干中的PayPal和BidPay定位至第1个小标题eBay Basics部分的第3段首句。   解析:原文该句末的electronic payment services like PayPal and BidPay表明PayPal和BidPay属于electronic payment services,因此本题应选D。   4.[D][定位]根据题干中的buy or sell及选项定位至第1个小标题eBay Basics部分的末段。   解析:本题的题干题眼不明显,应从选项入手,因为这些选项都是专有名词,在原文应该比较显眼。逐一查找选项就可发现只有D在第1个小标题下末段提及,其他选项均未提及。   5.[C][定位]根据题干中的server和microprocessors定位至第2个小标题eBay Infrastructure部分的第3段第3句。   解析:本题除了可根据题干的题眼定位原文找到答案外,还可查找与选项数字相关的内容,这些数字集中在第2个小标题下第2、3段,这样,查找到C的时候就可发现这一组数字为正确答案。   6.[B][定位]根据题干中的listing和Web site定位至第2个小标题eBay Infrastructure部分的末段首句。   解析:原文该句提到了多个server,还有多个套叠的定语从句,但是根据题干中的first可以迅速选择B,因为这是在原文中首先提到的server。   7.[C][定位]根据题干中的recipe和tangible定位至第3个小标题Using eBay:Security部分的首段第2句。   解析:根据题眼定位后,可知只有C在原文提及,其他选项都属于无中生有。   8.[non-paying bidders]   [定位]根据题干中的Unpaid Item dispute定位至第3个小标题Using eBay: Security部分的次标题Buyer Fraud下首段第3句。   解析:空白处应为名词(词组)。本题要求查找申请Unpaid Item dispute的用处,原文句中的deal with... by filing an Unpaid Item dispute表明卖方以此对付那些不付款的投标者,因此deal with后的宾语non-paying bidders为本题答案。   9.[bounced checks]   [定位]根据题干中的personal checks定位至第3个小标题Using eBay: Security部分的次标题Buyer Fraud下末段末句。   解析:空白处应为名词(词组)。只要在原文找到this reason的所指,就能顺利解决本题。根据该段的主要内容和末句的主语可以推断this reason指的就是bounced checks,这就是本题答案。   10.[middleman]   [定位]根据题干中的dispute process定位至全文末段倒数第2句。   解析:空白处应为名词(词组)。题目中的plays the role of与原文中的act as为同义词,加上题目中的between the seller and buyer和原文一致,不难判断本题答案应为原文act as后的middleman。
2023-07-11 10:06:121

尼康Nikon 尊望ProStaff 7 8x42 怎么样

2023-07-11 10:06:131

雪姬忍法帖的home sweet home 歌词

弄得好辛苦啊,希望你能满意,呵呵(话说我也很迷火影,不过貌似AB越来越会拖了,在这么下去啥时候完结啊。。。)歌词:歩きつかれて 降り出す雨 (走在倾盆的雨中 你那疲惫不堪的身影 )aruki tsukarete furidasu ameつかみそこねた 兎を追って(一次次地去追逐 失手没能抓住的野兔)tsukami soko neta usagi o otteあなたの目は透き通る(你的目光 清澈而又透明) anata no me wa suki tooru暗い海のそこで 息をしている水(仿若黑暗海底被赋予生命的海水)kurai umi no soko de iki o shite iru mizu私を呼んで 呼んで(呼唤我 呼唤我吧)watashi o yonde yonde ここにいるよ(我将在这一直守候) koko ni iru no yoどこへ行けば 行けば(你要去到何处)doko e ikeba ikeba 満たされるの?(才会甘心罢手)mitasareru no家へ帰ろう 明日になれば(回家来吧 到了明天)uchi e kaero asu ni nareba大丈夫って 笑っているかな(还能笑说无事吗)daijoubu tte waratte iru kana名前を呼んで 呼んで(呼唤我 呼唤我吧)namae o yonde yonde 抱きしめるよ(我会将你紧拥入怀)dakishimeru yo思い出して 目を闭じて(闭上双眼 回想起)omoidashite me o tojite 押さないころ(那年少的时光)osanai koro足りない所をあなたが生めてくれた(心中的空虚 有你为我填补)tarinai tokoro o anata ga umete kureta悲しい気持ち伊达さ すぐ忘れられたから(悲伤的心情 也能一扫而空)kanashii kimochi datte sa sugu wasurerareta kara怖くないよ(所以 我毫不畏惧)kowakunai yo嘘をついて 公开して(心中追悔 当初的谎言)uso o tsuite koukai shite私はいつか お店になった(不知不觉 我已经长大)watashi wa itsuka otona ni natta耻をかいて 汗をかいて(哪怕众人的嘲笑 哪怕汗水的淋漓)haji o kaite ase o kaiteそれでも踊り津図ける理由(仍能坚持自己的人生 那是因为)soredemo odori tsudzukeru riyuu魂焦がして 焦がして 叫んでるよ(从那灵魂深处 传来声声呼唤) tamashii kogashite kogashite sakenderu yo払いて行けば 行けば 救われるの(只要奋力开拓 便能得到救赎)hiraite ikeba ikeba sukuwareru no家へ帰ろう 白い兎(回家来吧 去月亮背面寻找玉兔)uchi e kaero shiroi usagi次の裏で 会いましょう(我们一同)tsuki no ura de aimashou帰ろう 明日になれば(回来吧 到了明天)kaerou asu ni narebaはだしで 笑っているから(就可以开怀大笑了) hadashi de waratte iru kara私を呼んで 呼んで 抱きしめるよ(呼唤我 呼唤我吧 我会将你紧拥入怀) watashi wa yonde yonde dakishimeru yo思い出して 目を闭じて 押さないころ(闭上双眼 回想起 那年少的时光)omoidashite me o tojite osanai koro歩きつかれて 降り出す雨(走在倾盆的雨中 你那疲惫不堪的身影) aruki tsukarete furidasu ameつかみそこねた 兎を追って(一次次地去追逐 失手没能抓住的野兔) tsukami soko neta usagi o otteあなたの目は透き通る(你的目光 清澈而又透明) anata no me wa suki tooru暗い海のそこで 息をしている水(仿若黑暗海底被赋予生命的海水) kurai umi no soko de iki o shite iru mizu名前を呼んで 呼んで(呼唤我 呼唤我吧)namae o yonde yonde ここにいるよ(我将在这里一直守候) koko ni iru no yo心に言えば 言えば 満たされるの(直面自己的内心 便能得到救赎)kokoro ni ieba ieba mitasareru no
2023-07-11 10:06:131

Nikon 尼康 PROSTAFF 7S 8X30 双筒望远镜 怎么样

2023-07-11 10:06:061

法语fils de pute怎么读

音标为[fis][d05] [pyt]用拼音读是“fi si de biu(双唇不接触) te”楼主是要骂人?
2023-07-11 10:06:061


最佳答案:不知道你的港式粤拼是什么意思,粤拼是香港语言学会弄的,如果是这样的话就是 gu zi hou 如果是英式的那种,就像港片里的名字拼音的...粤语,又称为广州话、广东话、广府话、白话,是中国七大方言之一。标准的粤语以广州话为代表。粤语是南方汉人和古百越族语言融合的产物,其中保留了许多古汉语的元素,被称为语言史上的“活化石”,是语言研究的非常宝贵的口头遗产。粤语通行于广东、广西部分地区、香港和澳门特区、以及世界各地的许多华人华侨社区。随着世界各国以及我国各地区经济和文化的发展,越来越多的人希望学会粤语一边更好地和广东人gu(第一声) ji(第二声) huou (第三声) 跟候字一样,只不过更地道点说的话就是我拼音打出来的。我是用拼音帮你谐音出来的。望采纳,相信我,我就是说粤语的! 0 1Philip3272012-01-07 TA获得超过1855个赞关注港式拼音,分很多种的,有:教院式(Standard Cantonese Pinyin)粤拼式(Jyutping)耶鲁式(Yale)外提醒一下题主,中华人民共和国大陆户籍汉语公民只有汉语拼音拼写是唯一受到国际默认的合法身份拼写。所以,你拥有中国大陆户籍,你的名字只有“Xie Zi Chuan”是唯一合法的,在国际上唯一有效,如果你不是香港人在证件上采用港式拼写是无效的。刘锡祥式(Sidney Lau)以常用的粤拼式为例,应为:gu
2023-07-11 10:06:052

Mocking Bird 歌词

歌曲名:Mocking Bird歌手:Ray Anthony专辑:Sound SpectacularMocking BirdAlex BandMaybe Solitude 1993 DemosBy KakaheweFire fly in the skySoaring near is the butterflyBut nothings going to dieAnd this is the reason whyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingClapping hands no moreWeeping eyes ...I"m trying to figure it outI"m leaving there is no doubtIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingSinging fa, la, la, yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Singing fa, la, la yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Written and performed for his 6th grade graduation
2023-07-11 10:06:041


问题一:皮尔卡丹、沙驰、金利来 李维斯的钱包哪个好? 15分 选皮尔卡丹吧,皮尔卡丹毕竟是奢侈品,虽然这些年来已经逐渐淡出世界顶级一线产品了,但瘦死的骆驼比马大。沙驰虽然是意大利品牌,但其实是新加坡人做的,不过沙驰的做工非常强力,因为沙驰以前是世界顶级品牌的代工厂,所以做工流出非常赞,沙驰的鞋子也非常好。金利来是香港品牌,早年是箱包的,后期才开始鞋和衣服,但从专业角度来说,金利来应该是最好的。至于李维斯,还是算了吧,李维斯的真心很一般,在国外,李维斯只是渣渣。如果喜欢运动的,可以试试ck。如果还有什么疑问,可以继续提问 问题二:皮尔卡丹的男士钱包怎么样?这个牌子的钱包拿出来有档次吗?刚买了一个300多。 不错的,算是国际名品了吧。 问题三:皮尔卡丹和意尔康哪个钱包好 现在的话,是意尔康比较好一些,皮尔卡丹过气了,大抵沦为三线产品中低档,意尔康的质量不错,现在的档次在中高这一块,当然和一些国际大牌还是没法比 问题四:皮尔卡丹男士钱包怎么样 还可以!不过买钱包要看你喜欢什么款式,本人做钱包的,有需要追问! 问题五:大家觉得皮尔卡丹的钱包怎么样?算是国际品牌吗? 品牌算国际的,就是不知真假呢 问题六:皮尔卡丹Pierre cardin男士钱包怎么样 皮尔卡丹的男士钱包,很不错啊,价格也比较适中,质量也可以,看着很有品味 问题七:男朋友快过生日了,送他皮尔卡丹的钱包好么 建议你送个精美的火机 问题八:男士皮夹是皮尔卡丹的好还是金利来的好? 商务休闲服装送七匹狼,西装送皮尔卡丹,领带送金利来,当然要正品啊。去大商场买。 问题九:大家觉得皮尔卡丹的钱包怎么样,算是国际品牌吗,我花了1000多在银座买的 牌子很不错!还有就看什么款式了,不管1000多还是2000多,只要确定真品就值! 问题十:如何辨别皮尔卡丹钱包的真假 法国皮尔卡丹真假辨别方法有以下几种: 一、一些经营者使用的“PIERRE CARDIN”及图形商标、“piere cardin”及图形商标、“Piercardin”商标、“london pierre cardin”商标、“PIERRE JIENI”商标、“Pietkadin”商标以及汕头市潮阳区皮尔卡丹服饰有限公司的图形商标与法国皮尔.卡丹公司合法使用的该公司创始人皮埃尔.卡丹先生注册“PIERRE CARDIN”及图形商标相同或近似,涉嫌商标侵权。 二、一些经营者使用的产品包装装潢与法国皮尔.卡丹公司授权生产的“皮尔.卡丹”产品的包装装潢近似。 三、汕头市潮阳区皮尔卡丹服饰有限公司、紫金县联邦.皮尔卡丹服饰有限公司、皮尔卡丹服饰(惠州)有限公司、海口皮尔卡丹服饰有限公司等四家企业将法国“皮尔.卡丹”商标申请登记为自己企业名称中的字号,涉嫌违反相关规定,误导公众。 四、一些经营者将法国皮尔.卡丹公司的字号及该公司“皮尔.卡丹”商标作为自己的字号,在香港登记企业名称,然后授权内地有关企业使用,制造市场混淆,对此,香港特别行政区高等法院已经判决从公司登记册和商业登记记录中注销意大利皮尔.卡丹(香港)国际有限公司和意大利皮尔.卡丹(香港)国际集团有限公司两家企业名称,但这两个企业名称在内地市场继续被一厂经营者使用。
2023-07-11 10:06:021