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How is it going?的同义句

2023-07-11 10:40:31
TAG: it in is how ng ow go

1.How"s it going?是口语,表示问候对方,意思是“怎么样?/ 还好吗?”


How"s it going?

= How are you?

= How are you doing?

= How is everything going?

= How is everything going with you?

= How are you going?

= How are things going with you?



英国,澳洲最流行"How is it going?"或How are you going?" 美国则多喜欢说"how are you doing?" 不过现在也都在用了,其实就是问候语"你好吗?" 等同于"how are you?" 如果是谈论事情: 事情进展得怎么样? 如果两人问候: 最近过得怎么样?/过得还好吗?
2023-07-11 09:59:441

Hows is going?为什么呀?

2023-07-11 10:00:072

how is going怎么回答

是见面问候常用语,相当于how are you,回答用“Im fine.Thank you.”,这句话的意思是“我很好,谢谢你。” 扩展资料   如果自己最近过得并不好,声音低落地回复对方“Not too bad.”,意思是“还可以;不算太坏”。   例句:   George said, "Ida, how is it going?"   乔治说:“艾达,你好吗?”   She frowned for a moment and then recognition dawned."George Black. Well, I never."   她皱了一会儿眉头,然后才认出他。“乔治·布莱克,噢,我一直都不好。”
2023-07-11 10:00:271

how is going? 这句英文什么意思 给个权威答案

2023-07-11 10:00:365

how is going?going在这里是形容词对吗

How is everything going?表示“一切如何?”,“一切进行得怎样?“going 表示”进行,进展“;is going 一起构成现在进行时,表示”所有事情现在进展得怎么样?“相当于how are you 回答可以根据情况用pretty good, not so bad, nothing specialHow is it going? 后接with sb/sth .用来表达对朋友家人的关怀 回答: Great Pretty good Not bad Terrible
2023-07-11 10:01:051

How is going 为什么要加ing 初中水品

是how is it going,be动词后要加ing,又因为是疑问语气,所以is提前。意思是“一切可好?”,相当于“how are you?”
2023-07-11 10:01:311

how is it going and how is it going on 有区别吗?都怎么回答

how is it going意思是情况进展的怎么样?最近情况好吗?肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) 对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)综合外语团队为您服务, how is it going on是打招呼的意思,相当于 how are you!
2023-07-11 10:01:451

how is going? bro

Congratulations on winning其他都对
2023-07-11 10:01:591

How is it going的常用答语有哪些?

2023-07-11 10:02:104

how is it going什么意思

how is it going它是如何双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 近况如何。2. 情况怎么样3. 近况如何4. 事情进展如何5. 一切都好吗6. 过得怎么样例句:1.How is it going withthe media investigation? 媒体的案子查的怎么样了?
2023-07-11 10:02:241

用How is... going造句 在线等

How is there going?
2023-07-11 10:02:424

How is it going的答语有哪些

Pretty good.Not bad.Great.
2023-07-11 10:03:021

what is going on跟how is going on是一样的吗

不一样,what是问什么how是问方式.what is going on的意思是;在进行什么?how is going on的意思是:怎样进行?
2023-07-11 10:03:093

how is it going?

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:03:171

how is going today 什么意思

2023-07-11 10:03:262

what is going on跟how is going on意思一样吗?

不同的。What"s going on?怎么回事?出啥事了?发生什么事了?一般指现场发生了些不同寻常的事,如交通事故,众人围观等.Excuse me,what"s going on here?请问,出啥事了?How is everything going on with you?这是客套语、问候语直译是您近况如何?大概意思是一切都还好吧?
2023-07-11 10:03:341

how is going today.是什么意思

2023-07-11 10:03:436


亲你好,在日常用语里,这两者都可以用来打招呼 互相问候 区别在于 how are you doing = how are you 用来朋友之间问好 how is it going 不仅有问候的意思,在特定环境下,会针对事件,比如 你在做功课 别人问你 how is it going ,意思为“进展怎么样?”“做得怎么样?”
2023-07-11 10:04:171

how is going是什么意思?

How is going在英语是常见的问候性句子,常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语
2023-07-11 10:04:591

How is going是什么意思?

应该是 How is it going? 意思是“进展(或进行)得怎么样”
2023-07-11 10:05:261

hows going怎么回复

Good,fine,Never better。How is going在英语是常见的问候性句子,常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语,是人们用来见面打招呼时的说的;也常用于写信或邮件的开头,属非正式用语。 hows going的常见用法 How"s it going?最近怎么样? How"s everything?情况如何?进展如何? How"s everything going with you?你一切情况如何? "be going"是习惯用法,亦可作"be going on";有“生活中正在进展的事情”之意。 回答:It"s going pretty well./All goes well./Everything goes well.一切顺利。 英国、澳洲较流行"How is it going?"或"How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说"How are you doing?" "How is it going?"相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。 不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候"你好吗?",等同于"How are you?" 可替代的同类用语:What"s up?What"s going on?How"s everything going (on)?How have you been?What"s happening?What happened?How are you doing?How are you? 其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. You?/I"m doing good./Pretty good./Not bad.
2023-07-11 10:05:381

hows going怎么回复

Hows going常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语,是人们用来见面打招呼时的说的,“过得还好吗?” 可以回答:Good,fine,Never better! , Im fine! , Its OK,nothing too bad! 扩展资料   英语中的.问候:   1、最经典:   (Good) Morning, afternoon   Good evening   注意: 前者母语者常常省略good,语气更加轻松一些。不过后者不可以省略。   2、最地道:   Hi there!   How is it going?   What"s up?   注意: What"s up?非常不正式,是年轻人喜欢的俚语。   3、如何回复:   Good. 挺好的   Not bad. 不错   So far so good. 到目前为止还不错
2023-07-11 10:05:461

How is it going的回答是什么?

您好,很高兴为您解答。"How is it going?" 是一个常用的问候语,通常在朋友、同事之间用于询问对方的近况。它的回答可以根据具体情况而变化,下面是几个常用的回答:"Good, thanks for asking."(很好,谢谢关心。)"It"s going well, thanks."(很顺利,谢谢。)"Not bad, and you?"(不错,你呢?)"Could be better, but I"m hanging in there."(可能还有改善的空间,但我在努力坚持。)"It"s been a bit tough lately, but I"ll get through it."(最近有点儿难,但我会挺过去的。)总之,回答"How is it going?" 的关键是要保持诚实、积极向上的态度,并表达对对方关心的感激之情。
2023-07-11 10:06:061

how is it going怎么回答

Pretty good.
2023-07-11 10:06:142

什么语境下用how is it going一般如何回答

2023-07-11 10:06:234

如何回答美国人的“How is it going?”问候语?

可以回答:Good,fine,Never better! , I"m fine! , It"s OK,nothing too bad!How is going在英语是常见的问候性句子,常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语,是人们用来见面打招呼时的说的;也常用于写信或邮件的开头,属非正式用语。英语中的问候:1、最经典:(Good) Morning, afternoonGood evening注意:前者母语者常常省略good,语气更加轻松一些。不过后者不可以省略。2、最地道:Hi there!How is it going?What"s up?注意:What"s up?非常不正式,是年轻人喜欢的俚语。
2023-07-11 10:06:501

how is it going怎么回答

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:07:261

how its going 的回答

A 完整的回答应该是It is going quite well. good是形容词,well是副词,在这里应该用副词
2023-07-11 10:07:331

how is it going怎么回答

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:07:401

How is it going的常用语是什么?

"How is it going" 这个问候用语的常用回答有很多,以下是其中的一些:- "It"s going well, thanks for asking."(一切都好,谢谢关心。)- "Not too bad, how about yourself?"(还凑活,你呢?)- "Can"t complain!"(不错,挺好的!)- "Same old, same old."(依旧故我。)- "Busy as usual, but doing well."(像往常一样忙碌,但还不错。)总之,回答"How is it going"的方式可以因人而异,也可以根据具体情境和对话对象的关系等因素来决定。
2023-07-11 10:07:481

how is it going的回答是什么?

How is it going?基本意思是:最近怎么样?事情进展顺利吗?可以回答:1.Pretty good!2. So far,so good.3.It"s OK.
2023-07-11 10:08:351

how is it going是什么意思

how is it going它是怎么去的双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 近况如何。2. 情况怎么样3. 近况如何4. 事情进展如何5. 一切都好吗6. 过得怎么样例句:-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-11 10:08:431

how is it going的翻译是:怎么样了?

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:08:521

how is going today ?

how"s going today?打招呼时常用,今天如何?
2023-07-11 10:09:296

hows going on?

不一样,what是问什么 how是问方式. what is going on的意思是;在进行什么? how is going on的意思是:怎样进行?
2023-07-11 10:09:581

how is it going是什么意思,应该怎么回答?和how are you 有什么区别?

2023-07-11 10:10:084

how is it going是什么意思

1. 近况如何。2. 情况怎么样3. 近况如何4. 事情进展如何5. 一切都好吗6. 过得怎么样例句:1.So, how is it going today? 今天进展得怎样?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-11 10:10:161


如何打招呼? 如何回答?Hello, David!   Hey, James!     How are you doing? How are you? Howdy?       美国的店员在你结帐的时候都会问这一句, 所以要有心裏准备, 只要答一声, good 就好, 不用再反问. Good! (Pretty good) I am great. I am Fine. I am all right. I am doing good. I am wonderful. Not bad. Well, a little bit tired.   礼貌上, 你答完之後, 要再反问: How are you doing? What"s up?   有没有什麼事啊? Not much! Nothing much! Nothing special 没什麼 How is everything going? How is going? How have you been? 第二句是第一句的简称, 如在路上遇到, 匆匆走过, 就说第二句就好了! Not much. Tired. Good! 你当然也可以回答其它的, 如 Busy, 但 Not much 或 Tired 比较常听老美说.Happy weekend?   星期一见面时可以问这一句. I had homework on my head!   我满脑子都是功课! (这句可视情况回答) How was your trip? How was your flight? How was your party?   如果知道别人昨天做了什麼事, 可以关心一下, 记得这个句型, How was your xxx ? 很有用. 不要划蛇添足! Well, That"s good. Well, That"s ok. Well, That"s all right.   Well 是发语词, 没什麼意思, 但常用. 如果想继续跟对方聊下去, 可以把经过讲给对方听, 不然这样讲就够了 编按: How are you doing 是最常用的, How are you 次之, Howdy 则是简称! 如何说再见? 如何回答? See you later.   See you.   Bye, David.   Bye, James.   Take it easy! You too! Later dude. See you later. Happy weekend. Happy Christmas.   Happy 後面可接任何的节日! Thank you, you too! Have Fun!   如果是从一个 party 或聚会要先离开时可以用这句. Thank you!  You have a great day!   通常是店员在你结完帐时会说这一句. You too.   不回答也可以, 但是感觉上比较不礼貌. 编按: 尽量不要用 Good bye, 或是 So long 这样的用法, 在这裏相当少见.
2023-07-11 10:10:411

how is you going是不是对的

是错的,应该是How are you going?你近来如何?
2023-07-11 10:10:501


android手机意思是:使用Android操作系统的手机。Android是一种基于Linux的自由及开放源代码的操作系统,主要使用于移动设备,如智能手机和平板电脑,由Google公司和开放手机联盟领导及开发。尚未有统一中文名称,中国大陆地区较多人使用“安卓”或“安致”。Android操作系统最初由Andy Rubin开发,主要支持手机。2005年8月由Google收购注资。2007年11月,Google与84家硬件制造商、软件开发商及电信营运商组建开放手机联盟共同研发改良Android系统。随后Google以Apache开源许可证的授权方式,发布了Android的源代码。第一部Android智能手机发布于2008年10月。Android逐渐扩展到平板电脑及其他领域上,如电视、数码相机、游戏机等。2011年第一季度,Android在全球的市场份额首次超过塞班系统,跃居全球第一。 2013年的第四季度,Android平台手机的全球市场份额已经达到78.1%。2013年09月24日谷歌开发的操作系统Android在迎来了5岁生日,全世界采用这款系统的设备数量已经达到10亿台。2014第一季度Android平台已占所有移动广告流量来源的42.8%,首度超越iOS。但运营收入不及iOS。扩展资料:平台优势:开放性在优势方面,Android平台首先就是其开放性,开发的平台允许任何移动终端厂商加入到Android联盟中来。显著的开放性可以使其拥有更多的开发者,随着用户和应用的日益丰富,一个崭新的平台也将很快走向成熟。开放性对于Android的发展而言,有利于积累人气,这里的人气包括消费者和厂商,而对于消费者来讲,最大的受益正是丰富的软件资源。开放的平台也会带来更大竞争,如此一来,消费者将可以用更低的价位购得心仪的手机。丰富的硬件这一点还是与Android平台的开放性相关,由于Android的开放性,众多的厂商会推出千奇百怪,功能特色各具的多种产品。功能上的差异和特色,却不会影响到数据同步、甚至软件的兼容,如同从诺基亚Symbian风格手机一下改用苹果iPhone,同时还可将Symbian中优秀的软件带到iPhone上使用、联系人等资料更是可以方便地转移。方便开发Android平台提供给第三方开发商一个十分宽泛、自由的环境,不会受到各种条条框框的阻扰,可想而知,会有多少新颖别致的软件会诞生。但也有其两面性,血腥、暴力、情色方面的程序和游戏如何控制正是留给Android难题之一。Google应用在互联网的Google已经走过10年度历史,从搜索巨人到全面的互联网渗透,Google服务如地图、邮件、搜索等已经成为连接用户和互联网的重要纽带,而Android平台手机将无缝结合这些优秀的Google服务。参考资料:百度百科----Android
2023-07-11 10:09:182


皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) ,是50年来服装界成功的典范,也是一个闻名全球的品牌。1950年,在创造欲的驱使下,皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 开始独立创业。从此,他凭借独特的创造力和高明的经营眼光,不断开拓设计领域,在五光十色、群芳斗艳的巴黎,皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 品牌很快打开了市场。大胆突破,始终是皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 设计思想的中心。他运用自己的精湛技术和艺术修养,将稀奇古怪的款式设计和对布料的理解,与褶裥、绉、几何力形巧妙地融为一体,创造了突破传统而走向时尚的新形象。皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 设计的男装如无领茄克、哥萨克领衬衣、卷边花帽等,为男士装束赢得了更大的自由。甲壳虫乐队穿着的皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 式高钮位无领夹克衫就是60年代时髦男子的必备,在与高圆套领羊毛衫一起穿着时,显示出一种悠闲而不失雅致的风貌。皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 女装擅用鲜艳强烈的红、黄、钻蓝、湖绿、青紫,其纯度、明度、彩度都格外饱和,加上其款式造型夸张,颇具现代雕塑感。皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 认为过去服装在设计上生硬地划分时装的性别,从而导致设计的失败,所以他创造了没有明显性别特征的服装,并命名为“无性别装”,结果又使他声名鹊起。皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 的创作从男装、女装、童装、饰物到汽车、飞机造型;从开办时装店到经营酒店,几乎无所不包。皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 拥有600多种不同的专利产品,为皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 工作的人员达17万人,分布在近百个国家和地区。皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 品牌遍及五大洲,每天约有600家工厂企业生产皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 和Maxims品牌的各种服装、香水、家具、食品及器皿,据说如果把皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 品牌的领带连接起来可以环绕地球一周。皮尔·卡丹 (Pierre Cardin) 不无得意地说过:“用‘Pierre Cardin"作牌子的一切都属于我。我可以睡Cardin床,坐Cardin软椅,在我设计的餐厅里进餐,用我的灯照明。去剧院看戏到展览会参观,都可以不出我的帝国。”皮尔卡丹品牌补充随着中国百姓生活品质的日益提升,床上用品必将成为中国纺织业最重要的一部分。经过严格筛选与考察,最终选定并授权深圳迪伟亚服饰发展有限公司为“皮尔·卡丹”床上用品中国(香港)、(澳门)地区的唯一总代理商。为了开拓“pierrecardin”床上用品在中国的市场,迪伟亚选择的战略合作伙伴——中国流行色协会家纺设计工作室,组织了强大的产品花型和款式设计阵营。关注当今国际流行元素花型、面料、工艺,共同研发新产品、新花型,使产品与世界时尚同步流行,也保证了产品的原创性和国际化时尚设计风格。
2023-07-11 10:09:241


2023-07-11 10:09:252


2023-07-11 10:09:254

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2023-07-11 10:09:261

拿去吧我的水手服 歌词倒置是什么

2023-07-11 10:09:264


Tourism and sustainable developmentChina is a country with very rich tourism resources. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China"s tourism industry has been increased year by year. It has become one of the fastest developing industry in Chinese economy. According to statistics, in the year 2010, China leaped to the world"s fourth largest tourism destination and the first outbound tourism country in Asia. The traveling industry has taken up more than 10% in the social consumption contribution. The positive role of the tourism industry in China"s economic and social development is more and more obvious. As we know, tourism brings the huge economic profits, but the problem is that, at present China"s tourism resource development has gone too far, that is, excessive development is becoming a common phenomenon in many tourist spots. This reminds me of an Aesop"s fable, "the killing of the hen that lays the gold eggs. In it, A farmer and his wife had a hen that laid a gold egg every day. They supposed that the hen must contain a great deal of gold inside, and in order to get all the gold, they killed the hen. Having done so, they found, to their surprise that the hen has no gold inside at all. The foolish couple, they hope to become rich all at once, but lose the gain of which they were assured day by day. In this story, the hen is like tourism resources, and the egg is just like the eco"nomic interests. In our country, examples of excessive development of the tourism resources without sustainable development can be found everywhere, because many people only care about great profit. So far, China has the largest number of the world heritages. Once a tourist spot received the title of the world heritage, it immediately became a hot spot. Therefore, it also became a money tree of the local government. Because of the destruction, some famous tourist spots in China are faced with deprivation of the title. For example, The 28th of the world heritage convention required 5 heritage to be evaluated again, of which our Forbidden City is ask to be restored to its original attraction in two years. If it couldn"t pass the evalu"ation, it would lose the qualification of world heritages .People frequently build up facilities for entertainment in the site of cultural relics or nature reserve, which would more or less destroy the original sites. In the Europe, cultural buildings and historical sites usually have no commercial or recreational facilities. Occasionally there are some bookstands, which provide travellers with tour guide books and maps instead of food and drinks. However, we just do the opposite. The most important positions are usually occupied by businesses. Historical relics and buildings near the streets often have many retail shops, all for the purpose of making money. This is a vivid example of putting the cart before the horse.In my opinion, tourism should pay attention to promoting the competitiveness, at the same time, it must be a sustainable industry. If China wants to shift from the world"s biggest tourism country to the world"s most powerful tourism nation in the future, it must implement sustainable tourism development strategy. That is to say, in order to obtain more gold eggs, we must keep good care of chickens.Sustainable tourism development emphasizes the coordination tourism resource development and the relevant protection, the coordination of the speed and the quality of development, the coordination of the development scale and nature"s carrying capacity, and that of the economic benefit and the ecological benefit as well. It stresses the effective interaction of ecological-economic-society. Only with careful protection the tourism resources and environment in a state of good circulation may change people"s wishes into reality of travel demand.The good news is that, in Shaanxi Province which has rich tourism resources, there are some successful cases of development which are worthy of being studied, for example, Xi "an Qujiang new district has taken a new mode of development - ‘culture plus tourism plus city". Relying on the compre"hensive tourism drive, Qujiang has gradually become a landmark area of Shaanxi culture tourism industry through the scenic area business, tourism estate, hotels, cultural goods, tourism and other performance integrations. In the past, Shaanxi was only famous for such traditional attractions as Terra Cotta Warriors, Hua qing Pool, and great Wild goose pagoda. So far under Qujiang"s brand effect, the emergence of a large number of new site spots. like Da ming palace relic park, Tang Furong Garden, have given us so many new things to see and enjoy. In the year 2010, Xi "an Qujiang development area realized 7.59 billion yuan added value in comprehensive cultural industry. The emergence of large Qujiang is help Shaanxi to get a reasonable and rapid development in the field of tourism.In order to carry out the sustainable development of tourism, as a student from Qujiang new district,I call on everyone of us to continue to work hard for the benefit of our generation as well as our off-springs. Therefore, Let"s get moving! Thank you.
2023-07-11 10:09:171


2023-07-11 10:09:141


Very sweet
2023-07-11 10:09:116

根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Travel1. 我一直都喜欢旅游。

traveli like travel. why? there are some benefits in the, traveling can expand your knowledge.why? the outside world is out of your imagination. you can see so much in the traveling.two, it is very good for your health.why? you need to walk more or less in the traveling. it is better than to stay in the house all the time.
2023-07-11 10:09:102


2023-07-11 10:09:073