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什么语境下用how is it going一般如何回答

2023-07-11 10:39:20
TAG: it in is how ng ow go


good/pretty good/not bad/terrible…………




how is it going





How is it going you 你最近忙吗

how is it going today 它是如何打算今天





how is going ?


not bad 还不错

good luck!





英国,澳洲最流行"How is it going?"或How are you going?" 美国则多喜欢说"how are you doing?" 不过现在也都在用了,其实就是问候语"你好吗?" 等同于"how are you?" 如果是谈论事情: 事情进展得怎么样? 如果两人问候: 最近过得怎么样?/过得还好吗?
2023-07-11 09:59:441

Hows is going?为什么呀?

2023-07-11 10:00:072

how is going怎么回答

是见面问候常用语,相当于how are you,回答用“Im fine.Thank you.”,这句话的意思是“我很好,谢谢你。” 扩展资料   如果自己最近过得并不好,声音低落地回复对方“Not too bad.”,意思是“还可以;不算太坏”。   例句:   George said, "Ida, how is it going?"   乔治说:“艾达,你好吗?”   She frowned for a moment and then recognition dawned."George Black. Well, I never."   她皱了一会儿眉头,然后才认出他。“乔治·布莱克,噢,我一直都不好。”
2023-07-11 10:00:271

how is going? 这句英文什么意思 给个权威答案

2023-07-11 10:00:365

how is going?going在这里是形容词对吗

How is everything going?表示“一切如何?”,“一切进行得怎样?“going 表示”进行,进展“;is going 一起构成现在进行时,表示”所有事情现在进展得怎么样?“相当于how are you 回答可以根据情况用pretty good, not so bad, nothing specialHow is it going? 后接with sb/sth .用来表达对朋友家人的关怀 回答: Great Pretty good Not bad Terrible
2023-07-11 10:01:051

How is going 为什么要加ing 初中水品

是how is it going,be动词后要加ing,又因为是疑问语气,所以is提前。意思是“一切可好?”,相当于“how are you?”
2023-07-11 10:01:311

how is it going and how is it going on 有区别吗?都怎么回答

how is it going意思是情况进展的怎么样?最近情况好吗?肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) 对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)综合外语团队为您服务, how is it going on是打招呼的意思,相当于 how are you!
2023-07-11 10:01:451

how is going? bro

Congratulations on winning其他都对
2023-07-11 10:01:591

How is it going的常用答语有哪些?

2023-07-11 10:02:104

how is it going什么意思

how is it going它是如何双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 近况如何。2. 情况怎么样3. 近况如何4. 事情进展如何5. 一切都好吗6. 过得怎么样例句:1.How is it going withthe media investigation? 媒体的案子查的怎么样了?
2023-07-11 10:02:241

用How is... going造句 在线等

How is there going?
2023-07-11 10:02:424

How is it going的答语有哪些

Pretty good.Not bad.Great.
2023-07-11 10:03:021

what is going on跟how is going on是一样的吗

不一样,what是问什么how是问方式.what is going on的意思是;在进行什么?how is going on的意思是:怎样进行?
2023-07-11 10:03:093

how is it going?

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:03:171

how is going today 什么意思

2023-07-11 10:03:262

what is going on跟how is going on意思一样吗?

不同的。What"s going on?怎么回事?出啥事了?发生什么事了?一般指现场发生了些不同寻常的事,如交通事故,众人围观等.Excuse me,what"s going on here?请问,出啥事了?How is everything going on with you?这是客套语、问候语直译是您近况如何?大概意思是一切都还好吧?
2023-07-11 10:03:341

how is going today.是什么意思

2023-07-11 10:03:436


亲你好,在日常用语里,这两者都可以用来打招呼 互相问候 区别在于 how are you doing = how are you 用来朋友之间问好 how is it going 不仅有问候的意思,在特定环境下,会针对事件,比如 你在做功课 别人问你 how is it going ,意思为“进展怎么样?”“做得怎么样?”
2023-07-11 10:04:171

how is going是什么意思?

How is going在英语是常见的问候性句子,常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语
2023-07-11 10:04:591

How is going是什么意思?

应该是 How is it going? 意思是“进展(或进行)得怎么样”
2023-07-11 10:05:261

hows going怎么回复

Good,fine,Never better。How is going在英语是常见的问候性句子,常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语,是人们用来见面打招呼时的说的;也常用于写信或邮件的开头,属非正式用语。 hows going的常见用法 How"s it going?最近怎么样? How"s everything?情况如何?进展如何? How"s everything going with you?你一切情况如何? "be going"是习惯用法,亦可作"be going on";有“生活中正在进展的事情”之意。 回答:It"s going pretty well./All goes well./Everything goes well.一切顺利。 英国、澳洲较流行"How is it going?"或"How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说"How are you doing?" "How is it going?"相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。 不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候"你好吗?",等同于"How are you?" 可替代的同类用语:What"s up?What"s going on?How"s everything going (on)?How have you been?What"s happening?What happened?How are you doing?How are you? 其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. You?/I"m doing good./Pretty good./Not bad.
2023-07-11 10:05:381

hows going怎么回复

Hows going常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语,是人们用来见面打招呼时的说的,“过得还好吗?” 可以回答:Good,fine,Never better! , Im fine! , Its OK,nothing too bad! 扩展资料   英语中的.问候:   1、最经典:   (Good) Morning, afternoon   Good evening   注意: 前者母语者常常省略good,语气更加轻松一些。不过后者不可以省略。   2、最地道:   Hi there!   How is it going?   What"s up?   注意: What"s up?非常不正式,是年轻人喜欢的俚语。   3、如何回复:   Good. 挺好的   Not bad. 不错   So far so good. 到目前为止还不错
2023-07-11 10:05:461

How is it going的回答是什么?

您好,很高兴为您解答。"How is it going?" 是一个常用的问候语,通常在朋友、同事之间用于询问对方的近况。它的回答可以根据具体情况而变化,下面是几个常用的回答:"Good, thanks for asking."(很好,谢谢关心。)"It"s going well, thanks."(很顺利,谢谢。)"Not bad, and you?"(不错,你呢?)"Could be better, but I"m hanging in there."(可能还有改善的空间,但我在努力坚持。)"It"s been a bit tough lately, but I"ll get through it."(最近有点儿难,但我会挺过去的。)总之,回答"How is it going?" 的关键是要保持诚实、积极向上的态度,并表达对对方关心的感激之情。
2023-07-11 10:06:061

how is it going怎么回答

Pretty good.
2023-07-11 10:06:142

如何回答美国人的“How is it going?”问候语?

可以回答:Good,fine,Never better! , I"m fine! , It"s OK,nothing too bad!How is going在英语是常见的问候性句子,常用于日常口语中熟识的人们,尤其是比较亲密的人之间的关心问候语,是人们用来见面打招呼时的说的;也常用于写信或邮件的开头,属非正式用语。英语中的问候:1、最经典:(Good) Morning, afternoonGood evening注意:前者母语者常常省略good,语气更加轻松一些。不过后者不可以省略。2、最地道:Hi there!How is it going?What"s up?注意:What"s up?非常不正式,是年轻人喜欢的俚语。
2023-07-11 10:06:501

how is it going怎么回答

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:07:261

how its going 的回答

A 完整的回答应该是It is going quite well. good是形容词,well是副词,在这里应该用副词
2023-07-11 10:07:331

how is it going怎么回答

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:07:401

How is it going的常用语是什么?

"How is it going" 这个问候用语的常用回答有很多,以下是其中的一些:- "It"s going well, thanks for asking."(一切都好,谢谢关心。)- "Not too bad, how about yourself?"(还凑活,你呢?)- "Can"t complain!"(不错,挺好的!)- "Same old, same old."(依旧故我。)- "Busy as usual, but doing well."(像往常一样忙碌,但还不错。)总之,回答"How is it going"的方式可以因人而异,也可以根据具体情境和对话对象的关系等因素来决定。
2023-07-11 10:07:481

how is it going的回答是什么?

How is it going?基本意思是:最近怎么样?事情进展顺利吗?可以回答:1.Pretty good!2. So far,so good.3.It"s OK.
2023-07-11 10:08:351

how is it going是什么意思

how is it going它是怎么去的双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 近况如何。2. 情况怎么样3. 近况如何4. 事情进展如何5. 一切都好吗6. 过得怎么样例句:-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-11 10:08:431

how is it going的翻译是:怎么样了?

How is it going是英语中常用的一句语言,表示问候对方。和中国人问“您吃了吗?最近过得怎么样?”一样,它的具体意思是最近情况好吗?最近过得好吗?英国、澳洲较流行 "How is it going?" 或 "How are you going?";美国则多喜欢说 "How are you doing?""How is it going?" 相较所指范围略广,可表示对除对话双方以外相关事情的询问。不过如今在日常生活使用中这几种用法已经基本没有什么的差别,总的来说就是表示问候 "你好吗?",等同于"How are you?"其回答也较口语化,一般可以说:I"m good, thanks. / I"m doing good. / Pretty good. /It"s going well./Fine./ Not bad.肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)或者Everything goes well一切顺利(或者一切都很好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) ,对情况不了解的话,可以说Well I don"t know(我也不清楚)。另外,对方主动问你的话,一定要问回去,这是礼貌,比如And yourself? What/How about you?And you?之类的。参考网址:
2023-07-11 10:08:521

How is it going?的同义句

1.How"s it going?是口语,表示问候对方,意思是“怎么样?/ 还好吗?” 2.所以,其可以等同于: How"s it going? = How are you? = How are you doing? = How is everything going? = How is everything going with you? = How are you going? = How are things going with you?
2023-07-11 10:09:181

how is going today ?

how"s going today?打招呼时常用,今天如何?
2023-07-11 10:09:296

hows going on?

不一样,what是问什么 how是问方式. what is going on的意思是;在进行什么? how is going on的意思是:怎样进行?
2023-07-11 10:09:581

how is it going是什么意思,应该怎么回答?和how are you 有什么区别?

2023-07-11 10:10:084

how is it going是什么意思

1. 近况如何。2. 情况怎么样3. 近况如何4. 事情进展如何5. 一切都好吗6. 过得怎么样例句:1.So, how is it going today? 今天进展得怎样?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-11 10:10:161


如何打招呼? 如何回答?Hello, David!   Hey, James!     How are you doing? How are you? Howdy?       美国的店员在你结帐的时候都会问这一句, 所以要有心裏准备, 只要答一声, good 就好, 不用再反问. Good! (Pretty good) I am great. I am Fine. I am all right. I am doing good. I am wonderful. Not bad. Well, a little bit tired.   礼貌上, 你答完之後, 要再反问: How are you doing? What"s up?   有没有什麼事啊? Not much! Nothing much! Nothing special 没什麼 How is everything going? How is going? How have you been? 第二句是第一句的简称, 如在路上遇到, 匆匆走过, 就说第二句就好了! Not much. Tired. Good! 你当然也可以回答其它的, 如 Busy, 但 Not much 或 Tired 比较常听老美说.Happy weekend?   星期一见面时可以问这一句. I had homework on my head!   我满脑子都是功课! (这句可视情况回答) How was your trip? How was your flight? How was your party?   如果知道别人昨天做了什麼事, 可以关心一下, 记得这个句型, How was your xxx ? 很有用. 不要划蛇添足! Well, That"s good. Well, That"s ok. Well, That"s all right.   Well 是发语词, 没什麼意思, 但常用. 如果想继续跟对方聊下去, 可以把经过讲给对方听, 不然这样讲就够了 编按: How are you doing 是最常用的, How are you 次之, Howdy 则是简称! 如何说再见? 如何回答? See you later.   See you.   Bye, David.   Bye, James.   Take it easy! You too! Later dude. See you later. Happy weekend. Happy Christmas.   Happy 後面可接任何的节日! Thank you, you too! Have Fun!   如果是从一个 party 或聚会要先离开时可以用这句. Thank you!  You have a great day!   通常是店员在你结完帐时会说这一句. You too.   不回答也可以, 但是感觉上比较不礼貌. 编按: 尽量不要用 Good bye, 或是 So long 这样的用法, 在这裏相当少见.
2023-07-11 10:10:411

how is you going是不是对的

是错的,应该是How are you going?你近来如何?
2023-07-11 10:10:501


1、打开eclipse软件。2、点击菜单栏的window--preference,在最下面。3、点击general的左边的三角形。4、在点击下面的workplace。5、可以下拉更改。6、点击ok保存。android是一种以Linux与JAVA为基础的开放源代码操作系统,主要使用于便携设备,中国大陆地区较多人使用“安卓”,Android操作系统最初由Andy Rubin开发,被谷歌收购后则由Google公司和开放手机联盟领导及开发,主要支持手机与平板。Android本身是一个权限分立的操作系统,在这类操作系统中,每个应用都以唯一的一个系统识别身份运行(Linux用户ID与群组ID,系统的各部分也分别使用各自独立的识别方式,Linux就是这样将应用与应用,应用与系统隔离开。
2023-07-11 10:06:241

求Walt Whitman的mocking bird英语全诗

我想mocking bird应该在leaves of grass(草叶集)里面.
2023-07-11 10:06:262


着急吗? 等我翻译完了 你是不是都把答案做完了
2023-07-11 10:06:263


2023-07-11 10:06:308

第五号屠宰场(第五屠宰场)要写一篇关于这本书的论文!注意是书 不是论文也可以,读后感也成!!要快!!

The book is reallycomplex. The main character could go and back in the time. In the book, authorcreate a lot of different setting, I was confused sometime when I reading thebook. There abundant number of slangs were appeared in some charpter, my vocabularyis limited, the book is also hard to read for me. The protagonist can able to see his bie andgo through the time. He does not even care the exist of time. In my point ofview he is crazy guy, even a mental. The super power was not a good thing, itprobaly alter his perspective of something,. His “super power” be called “timetravel”. In the time travel, the bombing of Dresden on 1945 and he was abductedby alines, these tow thing is most significant arrangement of the novel. He hadtried to send his letter to new aegcy and publish evaryting that happened onhimself. The frist time when he discover his superpower, he was a normal people. On the beginning he considered a lot of questionhe want to find the answer to save those question. So he go through the pastand future for find those answer. Actually the norval reflect the autor"s moodso much. Now I want to introduce the author : Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007), he is GermanAmerican, his ancestors from Germany. During the WW1, in American societypeople hate Germany so much, and the Germans and their descendants subject todiscrimination, which gave Vonnegut young mind to leave a dark shadow. Tuen back the story. The bombing of Dresdenon 1945, the event is effecting for Billy. Billy isborn in 1922 in Ilium, New York. He is a weak awkward man. After simpletraining, he sent to Europe right in the middle of the Battle of the Bulge. Hewas captured by Germany. The bombing happening during he in the concentratuoncamp, whnen the bombing action over.P.O.W and four guards should walk to the suburbs, during the walking, theycould not get any food and water. innkeepers stable these US P.O.W for a while, but soon the authoritiesround up POWs to excavate the city for bodies. After the work, Billy and theother men return to the stable to wait out the rest of the war. The war made Billy get mental breakdown, buthe still married Valencia, her father is rich man, he may be can help Billyilttele while. Billy and Valencia have two children. On the night of hisdaughter"s wedding, Billy (as he claims) is kidnapped by aliens from the planetTralfamadore. They take him to their world and put him in a zoo, where he mateswith an actress called Montana Wildhack. And he used time travel . they return him to a earth. So no onenotices that he has been missing for months. He says nothing about the eventsuntil he suffers head injuries in a plane crash. And he runs off to New Yorkand goes on a radio talk show to talk about his alien abduction experiences. Billy know how he will die, Billy was killed by a high-powered laser gun.
2023-07-11 10:06:341


2023-07-11 10:06:351


2023-07-11 10:06:221


过程:执行特定操作函数:用于返回特定数据 语法:create [orreplace] procedure procedure_name(argument1 [model]datatype1,argment2 [mode2],...)is [as]pl/sql block;1.建立过程:不带任何参数create or replaceprocecdure out_timeisbegindbms_output.put_line(systimestamp);end;2.调用过程set serveroutput onexec out_timeset serveroutput oncall out_time();3.建立过程:带有IN参数CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE add_employee(eno NUMBER,  NAME VARCHAR2,  sal NUMBER,  job VARCHAR2 DEFAULT "clerk",  dno NUMBER) IS  e_integrity EXCEPTION;  PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_integrity, -2291);  BEGIN  INSERT intoimp  (empno,  ename,  sal,  job,  deptno)  VALUES  (eno,  NAME,  sal,  job,  dno);  EXCEPTION  WHEN dup_val_on_index THEN  raise_application_error(-20000, "雇员号不能重复");  WHEN e_integrity THEN  raise_application_error(-20001, "部门不存在");  END add_employee;4.建立过程:带有OUT参数create or replaceprocedure qry_employee(eno number,name outvarchar2,salary out number)isbeginselectename,sal into name,salary from emp where empno=eno;exceptionwhenno_date_found thenraise_application_error(-20000,"该雇员不存在");end;当在应用程序中调用该过程时,必须要定义变量接受输出参数的数据sql>var name varchar2(10)var salary numberexec qry_employee(7788,:name,:salary)print name salary5.建立过程:带有INOUT参数(输入输出参数)create or replaceprocedure compute(num1 in outnumber,num2 in out number)isv1number;v2number;beginv1:num1/num2;v2:mod(num1,num2);num1:=v1;num2:=v2;end;sql>var n1 numbervar n2 numberexec :n1:=100exec :n2:=30exec ecmpute(:n1,:n2)print n1 n26.为参数传递变量和数据位置传递,名称传递,组合传递三种1.位置传递:在调用子程序时按照参数定义的顺序为参数指定相应的变量或数值exec add_dept(40,"sales","new york");exec add_dept(10);2.名称传递:在调用子程序时指定参数名,并使用关联符号=>为其提供相应的数值或变量execadd_dept(dname=>"sales",dno=>50);exec add_dept(dno=>30);3.组合传递:同时使用位置传递和名称传递exec add_dept(50,loc=>"new york");execadd_dept(60,dname=>"sales",loc=>"newyork");7.查看过程原代码oracle会将过程名,源代码以及其执行代码存放到数据字典中.执行时直接按照其执行代码执行可查询数据字典(user_source)select textfrom user_source where name="add_dept";删除过程dropprocedure add_dept; 用于返回特定函数语法:create [orreplace] function function_name(argument1 [mode1] datatype1,argument2 [mode2] datatype2,.....)returndatatype --函数头部必须要带有RETURN子句,至少要包含一条RETURN语句is|as pl/sql block;1.建立函数:不带任何参数create or replacefunction get_userreturn varchar2isv_uservarchar2(100);beginselectusername into v_user from user_users;returnv_user;end;2.使用变量接受函数返回值sql>var v1 varchar2(100)exec :v1:=get_userprint v1在SQL语句中直接调用函数selectget_user from d l;使用DBMS_OUTPUT调用函数setserveroutput onexecdbms_output.put_line("当前数据库用户:"||ger_user)3.建立函数:带有IN参数create orreplace function get_sal(name in varchar2)returnnumberasv_sal emp.sal%type;beginselect sal into v_sal from emp where upper(ename)=upper(name);return v_sal;exceptionwhen no_data_found thenraise_application_error(-20000,"该雇员不存在");end;4.建立函数:带有out参数create or replacefunction get_info(name varchar2,title out varchar2)return varchar2asdeptnamedept.dname%type;beginselecta.job,b.dname into title,deptname from emp a,dept b anda.deptno=b.deptnoandupper(a.ename)=upper(name);returndeptnameexceptionwhenno_data_found thenraise_application_error(-20000,"该雇员不存在");end;sql>var job varchar2(20)var dname varchar2(20)exec :dname:=get_info("scott",:job)print danme job5.建立函数:带有INOUT参数create or replacefunction result(num1 number,num2 in out number)return numberasv_resultnumber(6);v_remaindernumber;beginv_result:=num1/num2;v_remainder:=mod(num1,num2);num2:=v_remainder;returnv_result;exceptionwhenzero_divide thenraise_application_error(-20000,"不能除0");end;sql>var result1 numbervar result2 numberexec :result2:=30exec :result1:=result(100,:result2)print result result26.函数调用限制SQL语句中只能调用存储函数(服务器端),而不能调用客户端的函数SQL只能调用带有输入参数,不能带有输出,输入输出函数SQL不能使用PL/SQL的特有数据类型(boolean,table,record等)SQL语句中调用的函数不能包含INSERT,UPDATE和DELETE语句7.查看函数源代码oracle会将函数名及其源代码信息存放到数据字典中user_sourceset pagesize 40select text fromuser_source where name="result";8.删除函数drop functionresult; 1.列出当前用户的子程序数据字典视图USER_OBJECTS用于显示当前用户所包含的所有对象.(表,视图,索引,过程,函数,包)sql>col object_name format a20select object_name,created,status from user_objects whereobject_type in ("procedure","function")2.列出子程序源代码select text fromuser_source where name="raise_salsry";3.列出子程序编译错误使用SHOWERRORS命令确定错误原因和位置show errorsprocedure raise_salary使用数据字典视图USER_ERRORS确定错误原因和位置col text formata50selectline||"/"||position as line/col,text error from user_errors wherename="raise_salary";4.列出对象依赖关系使用数据字典视图USER_DEPENDENCIES确定直接依赖关系select name,typefrom user_dependencies where referenced_name="emp";使用工具视图DEPTREE和IDEPTREE确定直接依赖和间接依赖关系先运行SQL脚本UTLDTREE.SQL来建立这两个视图和过程DEPTREE_FILL,然后调用DEPTREE_FILL填充这两个视图sql>@%oracle_home% dbmsadminutldtreeexec deptree_fill("TABLE","scott","emp")执行后会将直接或间接依赖于SCOTT.EMP表的所有对象填充到视图DEPTREE和IDEPTREE中.select nested_level,name,type from deptree;select * from ideptree5.重新编译子程序当修改了被引用对象的结构时,就会将相关依赖对象转变为无效(INVALID)状态。alter table emp addremark varchar2(10);selectobject_name,object_type from user_objects wherestatus="invalid";为了避免子程序的运行错误,应该重新编译这些存储对象alter procedureadd_employee compile;alter view dept10compile;alter functionget_info compile; 包用于逻辑组合相关的PL/SQL类型,项和子程序,由包规范和包体组成1.建立包规范:包规范是包与应用程序之间的接口,用于定义包的公用组件,包括常量,变量,游标,过程,函数等create [or replace]package package_nameis|asp lic type and item declarationss program specificationsend package_name;create or replacepackage emp_package isg_deptnonumber(3):=30;procedureadd_employee(eno number,name varchar2,salary number,dno numberdefault g_deptno);procedurefire_employee(eno number);functionget_sal(eno number) return number;end emp_package;2.建立包体:用于实现包规范所定义的过程和函数create [or replace]package body package_nameis|asprivate type and item declarationss program bodiesendpackage_name;create or repalce package body emp_package isfunctionvalidate_deptno(v_deptno number)return booleanisv_temp int;beginselect 1 into v_temp from dept where deptno=v_deptno;return tr;exceptionwhen no_date_found thenreturn false;end;procedure add_employee(eno number,name varchar2,salary number,dnonumber default g_deptno)isbeginif validate_deptno(dno) theninsert into emp(empno,ename,sal,deptno)vals(eno,name,salsry,dno);elseraise_application_error(-20010,"不存在该部门");end if;exceptionwhen dup_val_on_index thenraise_application_error(-20012,"该雇员已存在");end;procedure fire_employee(eno number) isbegindelete from emp where empno=eno;if sql%notfound thenraise_application_error(-20012,"该雇员不存在");end if;end;functionget_sal(eno number) return numberisv_sal emp.sal%type;beginselect sal into v_sal from emp where empno=eno;return v_sal;exceptionwhenno_data_found thenraise_application_error(-20012,"该雇员不存在");end;end emp_package;3.调用包组件3.1在同一个包内调用包组件create or replacepackage body emp_package isprocedure add_employee(eno number,name va har2,salary number,dnonumber default g_deptno)isbeginifvalidate_deptno(dno) theninsert into emp(empno,ename,sal,deptno)vals(eno,name,salary,dno);elseraise_application_error(-20010,"该部门不存在")end if;exceptionwhen dup_val_on_index thenraise_application_error(-20011,"该雇员已存在")end;.........3.2调用包公用变量execemp_package.g_deptno:=203.3调用包公用过程execemp_package.add_employee(1111,"mary",2000)3.4调用包公用函数var salarynumberexec:salary:=emp_package.get_sal(7788)print salary3.5以其他用户身份调用包公用组件connsystem/managerexecscott.emp_package.add_employee(1115,"scott",1200)execscott.emp_package.fire_employee(1115)3.6调用远程数据库包的公用组件execemp_package.add_employee@orasrv(1116,"scott",1200)4.查看源代码:存放在数据字典USER_SCOURCE中select text fromuser_source where name="emp-package" and type="package";5.删除包drop packageemp_package;6.使用包重载重载(overload)是指多个具有相同名称的子程序1.建立包规范同名的过程和函数必须具有不同的输入参数,同名函数返回值的数据类型必须完全相同create or replacepackage overload isfunctionget_sal(eno number) return number;functionget_sal(name varchar2) return number;procedurefile_employee(eno number);procedurefile_employee(name varchar2);end;2.建立包体必须要给不同的重载过程和重载函数提供不同的实现代码create or replacepackage body overload isfunction get_sal(eno number) return numberisv_sal emp.sal%type;beginselect sal into v_sal from emp where empno=eno;return v_sal;exceptionwhen no_data_found thenraise_application_error(-20020,"该雇员不存在");end;function get_sal(name varchar2) return numberisv_sal emp.sal%type;beginselect sal into v_sal from emp where upper(ename)=upper(name);return v_sal;exceptionwhen no_data_found thenraise_application_error(-20020,"该雇员不存在");end;procedure fire_employee(eno number) isbegindelete from emp where empno=no;if sql%notfound thenraise_application_error(-20020,"该雇员不存在");end if;end;procedurefire_employee(name varchar2) isbegindelete from emp where upper(ename)=upper(name);if sql%notfound thenraise_application_error(-20020,"该雇员不存在");end if;end;end;3.调用重载过程和重载函数var sal1 numbervar sal2 numberexec:sal1:=overload.get_sal("scott")exec:sal2:=overload.get_sal(7685)execoverload.fire_employee(7369)execoverload.fire_employee("scott")7.使用包构造过程类似于高级语言中的构造函数和构造方法1.建立包规范包的构造过程用于初始化包的全局变量.create or replacepackage emp_package isminsalnumber(6,2);maxsalnumber(6,2);procedureadd_employee(eno number,name varchar2,salary number,dnonumber);procedureupd_sal(eno number,salary number);procedureupd_sal(name varchar2,salary number);end;2.建立包体包的构造过程没有任何名称,它是实现了包的其他过程后,以BEGIN开始,END结束的部分create or replacepackage body emp_package isprocedureadd_employee(eno number,name varchar2,salary number,dno number)isbeginif salarybetween minsal and maxsal theninsert into emp (empno,ename,sal,deptno)vals(eno,name,salary,dno);elseraise_application_error(-20001,"工资不在范围内");end if;exceptionwhen dup_val_on_index thenraise_application_error(-20002,"该雇员已经存在");end;procedureupd_sal(eno number,salary number) isbeginif salary between minsal and maxsal thenupdate emp set sal=salary where empno =eno;if sql%notfound thenraise_application_error(-20003,"不存在雇员号");end if;elseraise_application_errpr(-20001,"工资不在范围内");end if;end;procedure upd_sal(name varchar2,salary number) isbeginif salary between minsal and maxsal thenupdate emp set sal=salary where upper(ename)=upper(name);if sql%notfound thenraise_application_error(-20004,"不存在该雇员名");end if;elseraise_application_error(-20001,"工资不在范围内");end if;end;beginselectmi(sal),max(sal) into minsal,maxsal from emp ;end;调用包公用组件:构造过程只调用一次execemp_package.add_employee(1111,"mary",3000,20)execemp_package.upd_sal("mary",2000)8.使用纯度级别在SQL中引用包的公用函数,该公用函数不能包含DML语句(insert,update,delete),也不能读写远程包的变量为了对包的公用函数加以限制,在定义包规范时,可以使用纯度级别(purity level)限制公用函数语法:pragmarestrict_references (function_name,wnds[,wnps][,rnds][,rnps]);wnds:用于限制函数不能修改数据库数据(禁止DML)wnps:用于限制函数不能修改包变量(不能给包变量赋值)rnds:用于限制函数不能读取数据库数据(禁止SELECT操作)rnps:用于限制函数不能读取包变量(不能将包变量赋值给其他变量)1.建立包规范create or replacepackage purity isminsalnumber(6,2);maxsalnumber(6,2);functionmax_sal return number;functionmin_sal return number;pragmarestrict_references(max_sal,wnps);--不能修改pragmarestrict_references(min_sal,wnps);end;2.建立包体create or replacepackage body purity isfunction max_sal return numberisbeginreturn maxsal;end;functionmin_sal return numberisbeginreturn minsal;end;beginselect min(sal),max(sal) into minsal,maxsal from emp;end;3.调用包的公用函数var minsal numbervar maxsal numberexec :minsal:=purity.minsal()exec :maxsal:=purity.maxsal()print minsal maxsal PL/SQL处理异常不同于其他程序语言的错误管理方法,PL/SQL的异常处理机制与ADA很相似,有一个处理错误的全包含方法。PL/SQL处理异常不同于其他程序语言的错误管理方法,PL/SQL的异常处理机制与ADA很相似,有一个处理错误的全包含方法。当发生错误时,程序无条件转到异常处理部分,这就要求代码要非常干净并把错误处理部分和程序的其它部分分开。oracle允许声明其他异常条件类型以扩展错误/异常处理。这种扩展使PL/SQL的异常处理非常灵活。当一个运行时错误发生时,称为一个异常被抛出。PL/SQL程序编译时的错误不是能被处理得异常,只有在运行时的异常能被处理。在PL/SQL程序设计中异常的抛出和处理是非常重要的内容。
2023-07-11 10:06:221

想换个网球拍,纠结于海德l5与Wilson prostaff95

用Wilson prostaff95的吧
2023-07-11 10:06:211

Home Sweet Home 歌词

歌曲名:Home Sweet Home歌手:Every Little Thing专辑:4 ForceHome Sweet HomeWritten by Mochida KaoriComposed by Hara KazhiroArrenged by 星野靖彦 & 桑岛幻矢家までの道のり 近い距离ではないけど足どり重くて いつもよりも远くに感じた遣り切れぬ想いに 苛立ちが止まらないでも もうすぐ あなたに会えると思った瞬间にゆるやかな坂道も スキップに変わるよあらためて あなたという人の大切さに気づくよ私には“帰るべき场所”があるからこそ「明日もまた、がんばろう」と この胸の中に响かせてくうれしそうな颜で 「おかえり」を言われたらたちまち 私は磁石となり 吸い寄せられてく疲れた体には どんな药を飮むよりホラ 不思议ね あなたと居れたら元気になってくよ何げない微笑みに 何度 愈されただろう暖かな梦の中で 满たされてしまう 心ごといつまでも“帰るべき场所”があるといいねゆっくりと进む时间を このまま大切にしてゆこうゆるやかな坂道も スキップに変わるよあらためて あなたという人の大切さに気づくよケンカをしてしまっても 仲直りをしても最後には やっぱりココに戻ってくるよ 素直な気持ち二人には“帰るべき场所”があるからこそ「明日もまた、がんばろう」と この胸の中に响かせてく
2023-07-11 10:06:201

Pierre Elliott Trudeau

作为加拿大前总理皮埃尔埃利奥特特鲁多是浮夸和魅力的政治巨人,他们处于全国领先地位,通过一些最动荡的事件和政治热情,在历史上加拿大。从官方语言法,在1969年,到十月危机在1970年, 1980年的全民公决和patriation的宪法,在1982年,杜鲁为主加拿大的政治景观像数等。约瑟夫菲利普皮埃尔y ves埃利奥特特鲁第一次当选加拿大总理,在1 968年。 He remained in power over the following 16 years until 1979.他依然在电力超过下列16年,直到1979年。 He wore sandals in the Canada"s House of Commons, dated celebrities such as Barbara Streisand, Kim Cattrall, Liona Boyd, and Margot Kidder, occasionally used obscenities to insult his opponents, and one time, Pierre Trudeau did a pirouette behind the back of Queen Elizabeth II.他穿着凉鞋,在加拿大的下议院,过时的名人,如巴巴拉Streisand ) ,金cattrall , liona博伊德,并margot kidder ,偶而使用淫秽侮辱他的对手,一时间,皮埃尔特鲁多,做了旋转了背后背的女王伊丽莎白二世二。 As prime minister, Trudeau patriated the Canadian Constitution from the British Parliament to Canada and incorporated in it the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.担任首相期间,特鲁多patriated加拿大宪法由英国国会加拿大,并纳入了加拿大权利和自由宪章。 The influence of Trudeau"s policies and actions in Canada is still strong and very evident in Canadian politics today.影响特鲁多的政策和行动,在加拿大仍是强有力而且非常明显,在加拿大政治。 Pierre Trudeau"s status as a political giant in Canadian history is indisputable.皮埃尔特鲁多的地位,作为一个政治巨人,在加拿大历史上是不容置疑的。 Born in Montreal, Quebec, Pierre Trudeau was a flamboyant and charismatic intellectual.出生于蒙特利尔,魁北克,皮埃尔特鲁多是浮夸和魅力的智慧。 He attended Harvard University and the London School of Economics.他参加了哈佛大学和伦敦经济学院。 A clever (some would say "cunning") politician, he led Canada through some of its most tumultuous times.聪明的(有些人会说: "狡诈" )的政客,他率领加拿大通过它的一些最动荡的时代。 He was often controversial.他经常引起争议。担任首相期间,特鲁多信奉参与式民主作为一种手段,使加拿大成为一个"公正的社会" 。 His desire for greater citizen involvement in government appears to have been frustrated by lack of support within his party, and he later opposed greater involvement for citizens in representative democracy.他的愿望,有更大的公民参与政府似乎一直在阻挠我们缺乏支持他的党,他后来反对更多地参与公民,在代议民主制。 He vigorously defended the newly implemented universal health care and regional development programs as means of making society more just.他大力辩护,刚开始推行的全民医疗保健和区域发展规划为手段,使社会更加公正。 Trudeau"s final term in office was significant for the federalist victory in the first Quebec referendum on independence (called by Parti Québécois premier René Lévesque) and Trudeau"s successful attempts to patriate the Canadian constitution and add a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, his most enduring legacy.特鲁多的最后任期内,有显着性,为联邦主义的胜利,在第一次魁北克独立公民投票(简称由党,魁北克总理勒内lévesque )和特鲁多的成功尝试patriate加拿大宪法,并添加权利与自由宪章,其最持久的遗产。 Quebec refused to agree to the new constitution, the source of continued acrimony between Quebec City and Ottawa.魁北克拒绝同意新宪法,从源头上继续讥刺之间的魁北克市和渥太华。 On February 29, 1984, after taking a famous "long walk in the snow" Trudeau decided to step down as prime minister, ending his 16-year rule of Canada.于1984年2月29日,经过一个著名的"长期走在雪"的杜鲁决定下台为总理,从而结束了他16年的统治加拿大。
2023-07-11 10:06:191