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honey sweet tea time在轻音少女第几集出现的?

2023-07-14 16:44:49



演奏的也只有电子琴独奏 紬在旁边哼调

整个过程没有超过半分钟 是 Honey sweet tea time 的一部分




迈克尔杰克逊《Remember the time》的中文歌词?

Remember The Time 铭记那时刻 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 When We Fell In Love 当年我们坠入爱河 We Were Young And Innocent Then 我们都还年少而天真无过 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 How It All Began 这一切是怎样开始的 It Just Seemed Like Heaven 感觉美妙如同天国 So Why Did It End? 可它却已终结,这是为何? Do You Remember 你可曾记得 (I bet You Remember) 我赌你一定记得) Back In The Fall 回想起秋天的时刻 We"d Be Together All Day Long 整日里我们只愿耳鬓厮磨 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 Us Holding Hands 我们把手紧握 In Each Other"s Eyes 在彼此的眼窝 We"d Stare 我们秋波脉脉 (Tell Me) (告诉我) Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We First Met 当你第一次遇见我 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 How We Used To Talk 我们如何把衷肠诉说 (Ya Know) (你晓得) We"d Stay On The Phone 一夜夜的电话情多 At Night Till Dawn 直到阳光把黑暗吞没 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 All The Things We Said Like 我们互诉的情话如火 I Love You So 比如:我爱你正如你爱我 I"ll Never Let You Go 我永远不会把你错过 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 Back In The Spring 回忆起春天的时刻 Every Morning Birds Would Sing 每个早晨鸟儿都在欢歌 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 Those Special Times 那些特别的时刻 They"ll Just Go On And On 它们将永远生动鲜活 In The Back Of My Mind 在我脑海中历历如昨 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We First Met Girl 女孩当你第一次遇见我 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 Those Sweet Memories 那些甜蜜的回忆蔓延着 Will Always Be Dear To Me 它们对我来说将永远是最珍贵的 And Girl No Matter What Was Said 我都不会把你我曾有过的幸福忘了 Now Baby 宝贝,那么…… Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We First Met 当你第一次遇见我 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We First Met 当你第一次遇见我 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Ooh 喔 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Do You Remember Girl 女孩你可曾记得 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 On The Phone ,You And Me 电话里,你和我 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Till Dawn, Two Or Three 直到日出前,两、三点已过 What About Us Girl 女孩,我们到底如何? Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Do You. Do You, Do You, 你可、你可、你可 Do You, Do You 你可、你可 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 In The Park, On The Beach 公园或者海滨上把时光消磨 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 You And Me In Spain 你我在西班牙的生活 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 What About, What About... 那些都算什么……算什么…… Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Ooh... In The Park 喔……公园里把时光消磨 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 After Dark... 当太阳隐没…… Do You, Do You, Do You 你可、你可、你可 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Do You, Do You, Do You, Do You 你可、你可、你可、你可、你可 Remember The Times 记得那一刻 Yeah Yeah Yeah Remember The Times 记得那一刻
2023-07-14 11:57:231

One Last Time 歌词

歌曲名:One Last Time歌手:Glen Campbell专辑:EssentialYou were perfect even then my loveYour little smile was so sweet.I would sit beside your cradle.And watch you gently fall asleep.I used to hold you in my arms my childAnd marvel at your tiny hands.I would always watch in wonder.As you grew from boy to man.And if you were ever in tears.I"d kiss you till the pain would disappear.If only I could hold you now.In my arms one last time.Inside my heart is breaking.Just watching you Jesus you were mine.You were mine.Your precious hands that used to hold me.Nailed so tightly to the cross.You never know how much I love you Jesus.Now everything I have is lost.Wish that I could wipe your tears.I want to hold you till the pain disappears.If only I could hold you now.In my arms one last time.Inside my heart is breaking.Just watching you Jesus you were mine.You were mine.Angels promised that one day you would raiseBut the greatest love flows from the greatest pain.If only I could hold you now.In my arms one last time.Inside my heart is breaking. Just watching you Jesus you were mine.You were mine. were mine....
2023-07-14 11:57:371

莎士比亚经典语句 中文英文都要有啊。。。

抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他 抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。Discard time, the time he has abandoned Discard time, and time is up to him.o 时间的无声的脚步,是不会因为我们有许多事情需要处理而稍停片刻的。Time silent footsteps, not because we have many things to be addressed and Pause briefly.o 生命的时间是短促的;但是即使生命随着时钟的指针飞驰,到了一小时就要宣告结束,要卑贱地消磨这段短时间却也嫌太长。Time is short life; But even if the target clock speed along with life, to one hour We end to this period of time was also engaged to spend too long.o 一颗好心抵得过黄金。Won gold in a kind.o 时光,凭你多狠,我的爱在我诗里将万古长青。Time, with you more ruthless, I love my poetry Lane will last forever.o 人的一生是短的,但如卑劣的过这短的一生,就太长了。Human life is short, but if this despicable too short life, it too long.o 时间的威力在于:结束帝王们的争战;把真理带到阳光下,把虚假的谎言揭穿。The power lies in time : the end of the imperial who wanted; The truth to sunlight, the false lie.o 一个浪子所走的路是跟太阳一般的,可是他并不象太阳一样周而复始。A prodigal son go with the sun is the general, but he was not the same as the solar cycle.o 世事的起伏本来是波浪式的,人们要是能够趁着高-潮一往直前,一定可功成名就。Things would have been waves of ups and downs, and if people can build climax to proceed will be Traveling.o 腐蚀的臭锈,能把深藏的宝物消耗干净,黄金如善于利用,却能把更多的黄金生。Corrode the grarust, can deep clean the treasures exertion, If good at using gold, but will bring moregold hygiene.Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.-Shakespeare宁为聪明的愚夫,不作愚蠢的才子。-莎士比亚A light heart lives long .宽大旷达者长寿。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .不要只因一次掉败,就放弃你原来刻意想达到的目的。(英国剧作家莎士比亚.W.)In delay there lies no plenty , Thene kime , sweet and twenty , Youth"s a stuff that will not endure .迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。
2023-07-14 11:57:471

谁能提供Jesse McCartney “take your sweet time”下载链接

2023-07-14 11:58:013

英语for是什么意思if only for a few sweet bites at a time

如果一次只是吃几口甜食,不确定,有虚拟结构吧。没有上下文很难判断 觉得for是介词
2023-07-14 11:58:114

一首日语歌,歌词结尾是 time goes by so fast sweet memory 的是什么歌

是这个吗?和你的歌词不太一样,不过最后一句一样。呜呼、素晴らしき日々よ 歌手:さとのあかり作词:角田崇徳 作曲:角田崇徳ねえもしも明日人生が终わるとしたのなら君は谁を思い出すの?谁に会いたいの?どこで过ごすの?365xあと何年?出会いから卒业までの时间(とき)お母さんとの朝食友达と笑いあう时代梦追いかける日々人は谁でも惯れてゆくものだから失うまでは 気づけないんだ幸せがここにあると大切なものは何だ?それを问いかけるんだおかえりとありがとうそれだけでいい怒られ起きる朝も隣で眠る夜もありふれた日々それが幸せってやつさふと残された时间を数えてみたら全ての瞬间(とき)爱おしくなるさ朝露が光る笹の叶夕暮れムクドリ鸣いている来月の休みは少しふるさとへ帰ろうかまだ若すぎるからと优しく笑われて私にだって 何が大事かわかってきたつもりなの叶わぬこともあるさ涙の夜もあるさ人生は雨の日も晴れの日もあるきらきら星の夜とさらさら流れる川と変わらない景色が 优しさくれたねたった一度素晴らしい物语だね今をただ大事に生きよう大切なものは何だ?それを问いかけるんだおかえりとありがとうそれだけでいい怒られ起きる朝も隣で眠る夜もありふれた日々 それが幸せだろう叶わぬこともあるさ涙の夜もあるさ人生は雨の日も晴れの日もあるきらきら星の夜とさらさら流れる川と変わらない景色が 优しさくれたねたった一度素晴らしい物语だね今をただ大事に生きようStay here tonight time goes by so fastLifetimeStay here tonight time goes by so fast Sweet memory
2023-07-14 11:58:191

“Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.” This is _____ my mother used to tell me. Auff0ewh

2023-07-14 11:58:261


2023-07-14 11:58:348

求nikki&rich的那首next best thing歌词

Mmm... You know the difference between you and me?Everything.Do you know the reason why I left?I was bored.I"m sorry it just takes a little moreTo hold my attentionLets go back to the beginningGirl meets boy everything is looking sweetTime goes by and my eyes wander freeIt"s all my faultI"m the one to blameShame on me and my man-eating gameI can truly sayThat it"s not you it"s meYou can"t cage a birdWhen they"re made to be freeI"m looking all aroundBreaking hearts don"t make me happyI won"t give you excusesCan"t change my colorsIt"s just uselessYa got me looking for the next best thingGot, got mt looking for the next best thingGot me looking for the next best thingGot, got mt looking for the next best thingMaybe one day the day the best will hold aroundBut til that day comesI"ll be searching around, Nice girls always finish lastThe guy wants a bitchSo they feel like a manI can truly say that baby, it"s on meYou can"t fly a kiteWhen you ain"t got a stringI"m looking all around meBreaking hearts don"t make me happyI won"t give you excusesCan"t change my colorsIt"s just uselessYa got me looking for the next best thingGot, got me looking for the next best thingGot me looking for the next best thingGot, got me looking for the next best thingIt"s a matter of a opinionIf I lost or if I"m winningI"m a sucker for the sinningCan I get a witness?I may be a little selfishBaby, girls are players tooIt"s just always very differentWhen the tables turn on youI"m looking all aroundBreaking hearts don"t make me happyI won"t give you excusesCan"t change my colorsIt"s just uselessYa got me looking for the next best thingGot, got me looking for the next best thingGot me looking for the next best thingGot, got me looking for the next best thingGot me looking... Yeah oh hoYe yea yeahhh
2023-07-14 11:59:051


问题一:土豆用英文怎么写? potato [pu0259?teit?u] n. 马铃薯;土豆 问题二:土豆的英语怎么翻译? potato :土豆 Potato-English: 土豆英语 在两个名词当中加连字符 "- ‘ 可以做一个新的组合单词。 问题三:介绍土豆的英文要有中文翻译 Potato is a starchy, tuberous crop. It"s very adaptable, from fertile lowlands to the high mountains where little else will grow. It has bee one of the most popular伐vegetable. Delicious, nutritious and inexpensive makes it a favourite of the rich and poor. There are various potato dishes: stewed potatoes and beef, diced/sliced potatoes, potato soup, potato and pork, potato cake, mashed potato, hash browns, fench fries, gnocchi, baked potato,...etc. From crispy to soft, sweet, salty, spicy and many other flavours all suit potato. 土豆是一种淀粉类,块根作物。适应性很强,从肥沃低地到很少植物存货的高山。 它已成为最受欢迎的蔬菜之一。美味,营养又廉价使它成为穷人和富人的最爱。 有各种不同的土豆菜肴:红烧土豆和牛肉,切块/切片土豆,土豆汤,土豆和猪肉,土豆饼,土豆泥,薯饼,薯条,土豆团,烤土豆,...等等 由脆到软,甜,咸,辣和许多其他味道都和土豆相配。 问题四:土豆的英文怎么说 potato 英[p??te?t??] 美[p??teto] n. 马铃薯, 土豆,洋芋;土豆块茎 名词复数:potatoes ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步! 问题五:英语 土豆 如何翻译 请用汉语谐音 Potatoes.“不忒哒斯” 问题六:你要多少土豆?不要太多,几个就行.翻译为英语 How many potatoes do you want?Not too much,just a few.
2023-07-14 11:59:122

Sweetbox的《Everytime》 歌词

歌曲名:Everytime歌手:SweetboxSweetbox-EverytimeSometimes I question you and meThe reasons I"m here get hard to seeBut when I feel your fingertips brush mineI swear I see heaven for a moment in timeBeen running and hidingSo scared of loveBut everytime you look into my eyesAnd everytime you kiss my lips good nightThe honesty"s too muchIt"s in the way we touchIt gets me everytimeAnytime you look at me that wayThere"s so much said when there"s nothing to sayThe sweetest thing I"ve heardwithout a single word It gets me everytimeIt gets me everytimeSometimes I wake up next to youAnd I wonder if you knewThat you would change my life with just one kissThat you would be the one I"d fall in love withI"ve been running and hidingSo scared of love(End)
2023-07-14 11:59:201

轻音少女 honey sweet tea time和じゃじゃ马 way to go中文歌词

2023-07-14 11:59:261


I"m a healthy girl, because I have good and rich dinner. When I get up at about 6:30, my mother already cooks breakfast for me. There are eggs, milk , bread , sausage for breakfast. I like milk and bread best. So I"am tall and strong. At school, I have my lunch at 12:00. Many students like eating lunch in our school, because there are many delicious foods, such as fish, chicken, hot dog , jiaozi, hamburgers and so on, I like them very much, so I eat very well. For supper, I eat less than breakfast and lunch. My mother often tells me that I should eat less in the evening, it"s good for my body.
2023-07-14 11:59:3615

sweetbox的《Every Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Every Time歌手:sweetbox专辑:LiveSometimes I question you and meThe reasons Im here get hard to seeBut when I feel your fingertips brush mineI swear I see heaven for a moment in timeBeen running and hidingSo scared of loveCHORUS:But everytime you look into my eyesAnd everytime you kiss my lips good nightThe honestys too muchIts in the way we touchIt gets me everytimeAnytime you look at me that wayTheres so much said whentheres nothing to sayThe sweetest thing Ive heardwithout a single word It gets me everytimeIt gets me everytimeSometimes I wake up next to youAnd I wonder if you knewThat you would change my life with just one kissThat you would be the one Id fall in love withIve been running and hidingSo scared of love(Repeat CHORUS)But everytime you look into my eyesAnd everytime you kiss my lips good nightThe honestys too muchIts in the way we touchIt gets me everytimeAnytime you look at me that wayTheres so much said whentheres nothing to sayThe sweetest thing Ive heardwithout a single word It gets me everytimeIt gets me everytime(Repeat CHORUS)But everytime you look into my eyesAnd everytime you kiss my lips good nightThe honestys too muchIts in the way we touchIt gets me everytime
2023-07-14 12:00:081

In the beginning love is alavays sweet as time is shipping away bored be used to loneliness despair

2023-07-14 12:00:164

大神帮做个DOTA2战队标,旗子标。名字是Sweet Tea Time 感觉你帮别人做的都好美。

2023-07-14 12:00:231

*** 用英语怎么说?

   *** ,是一种强烈的情感表现形式。往往发生在强烈 *** 或突如其来的变化之后。具有迅猛、激烈、难以抑制等特点。人在 *** 的支配下,常能调动身心的巨大潜力。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    *** 英语说法1:   passion    *** 英语说法2:   enthusia ***     *** 英语说法3:   ardour     *** 的相关短语:    *** 燃烧 burning ; This passion burns ; The Flame Within ; Brning Out    *** 代价 Body Shots ; Rubdown ; Akele Hum Akele Tum ; Cat Chaser    *** 钢琴 Passionate Piano ; ENTHUSIASTIC PIANO ; Lysisitrata    *** 碰撞 FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE ; Collide    *** 四射 Passion In My Heart ; Fiancee ; Mario Strikers Charged ; Furious CoCos    *** 的英语例句:   1. The book is both a history and a passionate polemic for tolerance.   这本书既是一段历史,也是一篇主张宽容的 *** 论辩。   2. The song is a fiery mix of twanging guitar with relentless drumming.   那是一首夹杂着撩拨的吉他声和密集的鼓点的 *** 四射的歌曲。   3. It was Allen who fired this rivalry with real passion.   是艾伦为这场较量注入了 *** 。   4. Murphy"s powerfully spoken Oedipus is an autocrat of iconic grandeur.   墨菲 *** 演绎的俄狄浦斯王是位圣像般威严的独裁者。   5. Her cleverness seems to get in the way of her emotions.   她好像聪明有余, *** 不足。   6. The musicians burst into a rousing rendition of "Paddy Casey"s Reel".   这些音乐家 *** 演绎了《帕迪·凯西的里尔舞曲》。   7. There"s not another guitarist to rival the sheer physicality of his work.   再没有哪个吉他演奏者能比他的演奏更加 *** 洋溢。   8. She needs and wants to be loved with overwhelming passion and adoration.   她需要并想要被爱的滔滔 *** 和倾慕所包围。   9. The jury listened to his impassioned explication of article 306.   陪审团听取了他对第306条充满 *** 的阐述。   10. Eventually passion was distilled into the natural beauty of a balmy night.   最后 *** 融入了美丽宜人的夜色中。   11. There was a warmth and passion about him I never knew existed.   他身上有一股我从不知道的热情和 *** 。   12. They consummated their passion only after many hesitations and delays.   他们几经踌躇和拖延后才尽情宣泄了 *** 。   13. Lyrics are written almost conversationally, yet sung with passion.   歌词写得几乎就像对话一样,但是唱得很有 *** 。   14. She revelled in big MGM musicals with their colour and verve.   她酷爱米高梅电影公司制作的色彩绚丽、 *** 四溢的大型歌舞片。   15. The novel seems to lack bite and tension—even passion.   这部小说乏善可陈,没有紧张的情节——甚至缺少 *** 。
2023-07-14 12:00:371


2023-07-14 12:00:381


My day begins with a cup of coffee.
2023-07-14 12:00:396


2023-07-14 12:00:396

BF3 的键级是多少

B 以sp2 杂化与三个 F 成三个 σ 键,一个 σ 键键级为 1;Π 为 4 中心 6 电子键,根据分子轨道理论,4 个 p 轨道组合成 4 个 π 分子轨道,其中成键轨道和反键轨道各 2 个,6个电子排布在 2 个成键轨道和 1 个反键轨道上,Π 键级 = (4-2) / 2 = 1。所以在 BF3 分子中,B 的键级 = 3×1+1 = 4
2023-07-14 12:00:441


Character synopsisOpen the graduated arm (78-139), character even child, westNanyang Hubei (now Henan Nanyang County Shiqiaozhen) person. He is theour country Eastern Han Dynasty time great astronomer, has made theindelible contribution for our country astronomy development; Inaspect and so on mathematics, geography, drawing and literature, ZhangHengye displayed extraordinary ability and the vast knowledge. Zhang Heng is one of representative personages which the Eastern HanDynasty intermediate stage muddy day said; He pointed out Moon itselfand nonluminous, the moonlight actually is the sunlight reflection; Healso correctly explained origin, and realized with is away fromthe Earth far and near relations to the universe infinity and theplanetary motion speed.Open the graduated arm observation record 2,500 stars, formulated inthe world first to be able quite accurately to perform the celestialphenomenon the water leakage to transfer the armillary sphere, firsttest earthquake instrument - seismograph, but also made thesouth-pointing chariot, the automatic recording drum, flew in numberof lines wooden bird and so on. Zhang Henggong is having the science, the philosophy, and literaturework 32, astronomy work has "Spirit Constitution" and "SpiritConstitution Chart" and so on.For commemorate Zhang Heng the merit, the people at the back of aMoon"s crater will name as "the graduated arm crater", 1,802 will namethe planetoid as "the graduated arm planetoid".The 20th century China renowned writers, historian Guo Moruo to openthe graduated arm the appraisal is: "Character of the so full scaledevelopment, is also rare in the world history, ten thousand offerssacrifice to thousand ages, makes one admire."The later generation calls Zhang Hengwei wooden saint (branch saint).Zhang Hengzi even child. West Nanyang county Hubei county (now HenanNanyang) person. The Eastern Han Dynasty constructs the third day year(the A.D. 78 years) to live; The Yonghe four years (the A.D. 139years) died. Astronomy, mechanical technology, seismography."Graduated arm Biography"Zhang Hengchuan (stems from Fan Ye "Historical Records of theEastern Han dynasty")Original text:Open the graduated arm, the character even child, west Nanyang theHubei person. Weighs little friendly composes a piece of prosewriting, swims to three auxiliary, because enters the Beijingteachers, observes Imperial College, then passes the Five Classics,passes through the six arts. Although highly talented to world, butwas not arrogant still the sentiment. Calm is often quiescent, notgood connects with wants the person. Forever in the Yuan, will lift is not good, including will ward off not. When the worldwill be peaceful in the course of time, from nobility below none whodoes not exceed extravagant. The graduated arm is draws up Ban Gu "TwoAll" to make "Two Beijing To bestow on", because of by 讽谏. Theessence thinks , ten years are become. General Deng Zhiqi itstalent, tiredly summons not to be supposed.Weighs friendly is ingenious, You Zhi thinks to the astronomymasculine and feminine elements almanac. An Diya wen Hengshan thetechnique study, the public vehicle characteristic does obeisance thedoctor of Chinese medicine, again moves for the Taishi command. Thenis the masculine and feminine elements, the wonderfulcompletely fine jade machine, makes the armillary sphere, "SpiritConstitution", "Was calculating Deceives Discusses", word reallyAlong the beginning of the emperor, the extension turns round againfor the Taishi command. Weighs does not admire the present age,occupies the official always not change residence error 1778.From goes to the history duty, five years duplicate also.The positive fine first year, duplicate makes the seismograph. To therefined copper casts, the diameter eight feet, gather the lid to stickout, take the form of the liquor to revere, play the part of shape ofby the seal script tortoise birds and beasts. Center has all thecolumn, approaches line of eight, Shi Guanfa machine. Outside haseight dragons, a title, gets down has the toad, open hornmouthpiece it. His/her the tooth ingenious system, all hides inrevering, the cover is thorough If has reveresinspires the dragon, machine sends spits the pill, but the toad holdsit. Inspires the sound to encourage therefore sense knowledge.Although Long Faji, but seven motionless, seeks its aspect, is theknowledge shakes is at. Examines it by the matter, gathers theagreement if god. Records from the book standard, has not had. TastesLong Jifa but unconsciously to move, the Beijing teacher scholar saltyblames it not to draft. Latter on severalth post to, fruit earthquakeLongxi, thereupon all takes its is wonderful. From now on after, isrecorded the official historian from the side.When the politics gradually damage, the power moves to under, weighsbecause submits a memorial to the throne the Chen matter. ... ... Initially, light Wu Shanchen, and reveals the ancestor, austere ZongYinzu states . Since resurgence, the Confucian scholar strugglestudy chart latitude, concurrently duplicate attaches by the evilwords. Weighs is fabricated by the chart latitude, law of the non-sage, is submits a memorial to the throne. ... ...Latter moves waits on, the emperor directs in the army tent about,satirizes discusses. Tastes asked weighs the world Theofficials fear it to destroy the oneself, all altogether item it, thegraduated arm is craftily to. Castrates the vertical stroke to fearthe end for its trouble, then altogether slanders it.Weighs Chang Situ matter of the body, thought the good and bad fortunedepends on, faint is difficult to be bright. Is does "ThinksUnreliable Tax" to proclaim expresses feelings the will. ... ...At the beginning of Yonghe, leaves is between the river. When kingarrogant is extravagant, does not obey the standard constitution; Alsoare many 豪右, altogether is illegal. The graduated arm alights,governs the dignity, the entire law, the cloudy knowledge deceitfulparty name, receives the birds and beasts for a while, about with deepveneration, is called the political principle. Regards the matter forthree years, submits a written statement drafts doesobeisance Shangshu. The year 62, the Yonghe four years died."周官 Explanations of words in ancient books", Cui Yuan was thinkingcannot have is at variance with the various Confucians. Also wants tocontinue Kong Zi "To be easy" to say "彖", "Likely" incomplete,unexpectedly cannot. The poem, the tax, the inscription,seven-syllable, "Spirit Constitution", "Should Idle", "Seven Debates","Patrols Informs", "Hangs Chart" every 32.Character"s historyOpen the graduated arm family background to the famous familyprominent family. His/her grandfather Zhang Kanzi the small will highenergetically puts into practice, by the person is the child prodigy,once million gave handed down in the family Yu Caishu he the nephew.After light Wu Dideng the base Zhang Kanshou recommends does obeisancethe official. Once no matter what punitive expeditionestablishes a separatist regime Suchuan county Gongsun for the Suchuancounty along with big Sima the Wu to state, stands has the greatmerit. After that commands troops resists Hsiungnu to have the merit,does obeisance is positive (nearby now Beijing) for the fishing Once defeated the Hsiungnu 10,000 cavalry soldiers byseveral thousand cavalry soldiers. Hereafter Hsiungnu has not dared inhis tenure in office to invade again. He teaches the people tocultivate, opens the rice paddy 8,000 area units, the people from thisbecomes rich. Therefore, has the ballad to eulogize him to say: "Mr.Zhang is a politics, is overjoyed." Zhang Kanwei the official isincorruptible. Cuts down when Suchuan he first attacks into Chengdu,but he states the treasure to Gongsun which stays behind piles up notto take. The Suchuan county is known as the day government office, butZhang Kan in to Suchuan county no matter what time ridesis a broken vehicle, carries only has a volume cotton clothing pouch.Zhang Hengxiang his grandfather is same, from small assiduouslystudies, has the literary talent very much. 16 years old later oncewill leave to study away from home the hometown to the outside areas.He first arrived then academic cultural center three auxiliary (areanow Shaanxi Xi"an). This local grand mountains and rivers and thegrand the Qin and Han Dynasty ancient capital ruins have provided therich literature creation source material to him. Later arrived EasternHan Dynasty capital Luoyang. In the there, he has entered then highestschool - Imperial College, has known a young scholar Cui tieswith him for the good friend. Cui Yuan was then after the scientist,the astronomer Jia Kui student, also was skilled in knowledge and soon astronomy, calendar, mathematics. With the emperor forever a Yuan12 year (the A.D. 100 years) Zhang Hengying inviting of the Nanyang Baud, has been him governs the desk job. After 8 yearsBaud is transferred to a new post the Beijing teachers, Zhang Hengjiresigns from office the home. In Nanyang period he devotes toknowledge and so on discussion astronomy, masculine and feminineelements, almanac, and repeatedly studies the Western Han Dynasty toraise male "Too Unreliably after". He has brought to the Chinese AnDi"s attention in these aspects reputations. Forever fifth day theyear (the A.D. 111 years) a graduated arm is recruited goes to thecapital, does obeisance for the doctor of Chinese medicine.Yuan Chu first year (the A.D. 114 years) moves the Shangshu courtattendant. Next year, will move the Taishi command. Later once wastransferred to a new post his duty, after but 5 years turn round forthe Taishi command. Around the grand total no matter what this dutyreaches for 14 years long time, open the graduated arm manysignificant research all is completes in this stage. (The A.D. 133years) rise along the emperor positive fine two years for to wait on.But soon receives the officials to push aside stabs, first year (theA.D. 136 years) adjusts outside Beijing to Yonghe, no matter whatbetween river Wang Liu Zheng. Liu Zheng is the person whichoverbearing luxurious, does not defend the central statute book, placemany powerful bullies and he for is altogether illegal. After open thegraduated arm to assume a post the orderly law and discipline, theattack powerful bullies about, causes with deep veneration. After 3years, he to is suitable on the emperor the table to request toretire, but the royal government actually drafts does obeisance him isShangshu. This matter quite has the fishy, because Shangshu"sgovernment position far is lower than waits on or, whether he issubject to duty, the history does not carry On in this year (theYonghe four years, namely the A.D. 139 years) he namely considerspassed away人物简介 张衡(78-139),字平子,南阳西鄂(今河南南阳县石桥镇)人。他是我国东汉时期伟大的天文学家,为我国天文学的发展作出了不可磨灭的贡献;在数学、地理、绘画和文学等方面,张衡也表现出了非凡的才能和广博的学识。 张衡是东汉中期浑天说的代表人物之一;他指出月球本身并不发光,月光其实是日光的反射;他还正确地解释了月食的成因,并且认识到宇宙的无限性和行星运动的快慢与距离地球远近的关系。 张衡观测记录了两千五百颗恒星,创制了世界上第一架能比较准确地表演天象的漏水转浑天仪,第一架测试地震的仪器——候风地动仪,还制造出了指南车、自动记里鼓车、飞行数里的木鸟等等。 张衡共著有科学、哲学、和文学著作三十二篇,其中天文著作有《灵宪》和《灵宪图》等。 为了纪念张衡的功绩,人们将月球背面的一环形山命名为“张衡环形山”,将小行星1802命名为“张衡小行星”。 20世纪中国著名文学家、历史学家郭沫若对张衡的评价是:“如此全面发展之人物,在世界史中亦所罕见,万祀千龄,令人景仰。” 后世称张衡为木圣(科圣)。张衡字平子。南阳郡西鄂县(今河南南阳)人。东汉建初三年(公元78年)生;永和四年(公元139年)卒。天文学、机械技术、地震学。《张衡传》张衡传(出自范晔《后汉书》)原文:张衡,字平子,南阳西鄂人也。衡少善属文,游于三辅,因入京师,观太学,遂通五经,贯六艺。虽才高于世,而无骄尚之情。常从容淡静,不好交接欲人。永元中,举孝廉不行,连辟公府不就。时天下承平日久,自王侯以下莫不逾侈。衡乃拟班固《两都》作《二京赋》,因以讽谏。精思傅会,十年乃成。大将军邓骘奇其才,累召不应。衡善机巧,尤致思于天文阴阳历算。安帝雅闻衡善术学,公车特征拜郎中,再迁为太史令。遂乃研核阴阳,妙尽璇机之正,作浑天仪,著《灵宪》、《算罔论》,言甚详明。顺帝初,再转复为太史令。衡不慕当世,所居之官辄积年不徙。自去史职,五载复还。阳嘉元年,复造候风地动仪。以精铜铸成,员径八尺,合盖隆起,形似酒尊,饰以篆文山龟鸟兽之形。中有都柱,傍行八道,施关发机。外有八龙,首衔铜丸,下有蟾蜍,张口承之。其牙机巧制,皆隐在尊中,覆盖周密无际。如有地动,尊则振龙,机发吐丸,而蟾蜍衔之。振声激扬,伺者因此觉知。虽一龙发机,而七首不动,寻其方面,乃知震之所在。验之以事,合契若神。自书典所记,未之有也。尝一龙机发而地不觉动,京师学者咸怪其无征。后数日驿至,果地震陇西,于是皆服其妙。自此以后,乃令史官记地动所从方起。时政事渐损,权移于下,衡因上疏陈事。…… 初,光武善谶,及显宗、肃宗因祖述焉。自中兴之后,儒者争学图纬,兼复附以妖言。衡以图纬虚妄,非圣人之法,乃上疏。……后迁侍中,帝引在帷幄,讽议左右。尝问衡天下所疾恶者。宦官惧其毁己,皆共目之,衡乃诡对而出。阉竖恐终为其患,遂共谗之。衡常思图身之事,以为吉凶倚仗,幽微难明。乃作《思玄赋》以宣寄情志。……永和初,出为河间相。时国王骄奢,不遵典宪;又多豪右,共为不轨。衡下车,治威严,整法度,阴知奸党名姓,一时收禽,上下肃然,称为政理。视事三年,上书乞骸骨,征拜尚书。年六十二,永和四年卒。著《周官训诂》,崔瑗以为不能有异于诸儒也。又欲继孔子《易》说《彖》、《象》残缺者,竟不能就。所著诗、赋、铭、七言、《灵宪》、《应闲》、《七辩》、《巡诰》、《悬图》凡三十二篇。人物的历史 张衡出身于名门望族。其祖父张堪自小志高力行,被人称为圣童,曾把家传余财数百万让给他的侄子。光武帝登基后张堪受荐拜官。曾被任为蜀郡太守随大司马吴汉讨伐割据蜀郡的公孙述,立有大功。其后又领兵抗击匈奴有功,拜为渔阳(今北京附近)太守。曾以数千骑兵击破匈奴来犯的一万骑兵。此后在他的任期内匈奴再也没有敢来侵扰。他又教人民耕种,开稻田八千顷,人民由此致富。所以,有民谣歌颂他说:“张君为政,乐不可支。”张堪为官清廉。伐蜀时他是首先攻入成都的,但他对公孙述留下的堆积如山的珍宝毫无所取。蜀郡号称天府,但张堪在奉调离蜀郡太守任时乘的是一辆破车,携带的只有一卷布被囊。 张衡像他的祖父一样,自小刻苦向学,很有文采。16岁以后曾离开家乡到外地游学。他先到了当时的学术文化中心三辅(今陕西西安一带)。这一地区壮丽的山河和宏伟的秦汉古都遗址给他提供了丰富的文学创作素材。以后又到了东汉首都洛阳。在那儿,他进过当时的最高学府——太学,结识了一位青年学者崔瑗,与他结为挚友。崔瑗是当时的经学家、天文学家贾逵的学生,也精通天文、历法、数学等学问。和帝永元十二年(公元100年)张衡应南阳太守鲍德之请,作了他的主簿,掌管文书工作。8年后鲍德调任京师,张衡即辞官居家。在南阳期间他致力于探讨天文、阴阳、历算等学问,并反复研究西汉扬雄著的《太玄经》。他在这些方面的名声引起了汉安帝的注意。永初五年(公元111年)张衡被征召进京,拜为郎中。 元初元年(公元114年)迁尚书郎。次年,迁太史令。以后曾调任他职,但5年后复为太史令。总计前后任此职达14年之久,张衡许多重大的科学研究工作都是在这一阶段里完成的。顺帝阳嘉二年(公元133年)升为侍中。但不久受到宦官排挤中伤,于永和元年(公元136年)调到京外,任河间王刘政的相。刘政是个骄横奢侈、不守中央法典的人,地方许多豪强与他共为不法。张衡到任后严整法纪,打击豪强,使得上下肃然。3年后,他向顺帝上表请求退休,但朝廷却征拜他为尚书。此事颇有蹊跷,因尚书的官职远低于侍中或相,他是否应征,史载不彰。就在这一年(永和四年,即公元139年)他即告逝世。
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2023-07-14 12:00:491

the fortune teller是什么意思

fortuneteller 英 [fu0254u02d0tu0283uu02d0n"telu0259]     美 [fu0254u02d0tu0283uu02d0n"telu0259]    n.算命者;占卜者释义常用度分布图海词统计算命者占卜者形容词: fortunetellingfortuneteller是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:英英释义Noun:a person who foretells your personal futurefortuneteller的用法和样例:例句用作名词 (n.)The fortuneteller told Jane that there was an adventure for her just around the corner.算命者告诉简她的一次历险就要来临。
2023-07-14 12:00:501


2023-07-14 12:00:541

If you have () time,would you make () coffee for me?A any..any B some..some C any..some D

2023-07-14 12:00:541


Excuse me? Your article is all about "FOOD"what is that suppose to mean? 上面的。。。。
2023-07-14 12:00:555


Sit down.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼,快乐每一天!(*^__^*)
2023-07-14 12:00:561


2023-07-14 12:00:5710

魔力红乐队《fortune teller》中英歌词

Fortune Teller -Maroon 5 算命家- 魔力红乐队I"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家、I won"t be bringing 我不会带来未来的消息news of what tomorrow bringsI"ll leave that up to you 我要把这个告诉你I"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家Don"t have crystal ball 没有魔力的预言水晶球I can"t predict the future 我没办法预言未来Can"t see nothing at all 未来的东西 我一点都不知道It doesn"t mean i"m afraid 但这并不意味着我害怕of all the things that you say 你说的一切But I just think we should stay 不过 我只觉得我们应该Stuck in the moment today 坠入爱河 一天的时间And as the seasons roll back 纵使季节更替No matter how hard I try 无论我怎样尝试Some of it will end and 有些东西终将结束the leaves will turn again 而分离会卷土重来I don"t know why you"re acting like this 我不知道为何你装作这样I don"t know why you have to do it again 我不知道为何你要重蹈覆辙Why you have to go, and ruin the night 为什么你要走 令这个夜晚如此难耐Don"t worry about tomorrow"s miss 一点也不在乎(我)第二天的思念牵挂I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你(未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never change, but I want you to stay 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来 I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I don"t like watching TV 我不喜欢看电视I don"t know what that all means 我不清楚那些东西有什么意义And your american dream, 以及你那些自由的梦想baby it just stays in me 宝贝啊 他们都停留在我心中I know what i"m thinking, 我不知道我在想什么may not be in your mind 也许不能触及你内心I know the song i"m singing, 我明白我唱的这首歌it"s not your favorite kind 不是你最爱的类型It doesn"t mean i"m afraid of 但这并不意味着我害怕all the things that you say 你说的一切But I just think we should stay 不过 我只觉得我们应该Stuck in the moment today 坠入爱河 一天的时间And as the seasons roll back 纵使季节更替No matter how hard I try 无论我怎样尝试Some of it will end and 有些东西终将结束the leaves will turn again 而分离会卷土重来I don"t know why you"re acting like this 我不知道为何你装作这样I don"t know why you have to do it again 我不知道为何你要重蹈覆辙Why you have to go, and ruin the night 为什么你要走 令这个夜晚如此难耐 Don"t worry about tomorrow"s miss 一点也不在乎(我)第二天的思念牵挂I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你(未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never change, but I want you to stay 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家This feeling, keeps growing, 这种感受 一直翻滚着these rivers keep flowing 我的脑海 思绪万千How can I have answers 怎样我才能回答when you drive me in questions 那些让我不知所措的问题I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你(未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never change, but I want you to stay[1] 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家I never know how the future will go 我从未知晓未来之事I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我从未改变 仅仅是想要你回来I don"t know what to tell you, 我不知道该如何告诉你 (未来之事)i"m not a fortune teller 我不是个算命家```````````````````````````望采纳.
2023-07-14 12:00:581


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2023-07-14 12:00:302

【急急急!!!】BF3离域π键是π4 6 如何计算,求具体过程,详细点,好的追分!!!

我想应该是没有的,其氮是Sp3杂化,这样不可能有离域π键。 N杂化后和F分别成三个西格玛键,另有一对孤对电子,分子是变形的三角锥型。 N的所有2p
2023-07-14 12:00:293


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2023-07-14 12:00:293


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mtm一般指mtm指标,它又叫动量指标,是一种专门研究股价波动的中短期技术分析工具。其英文全称是“Momentum Index”。优点是计算方法比较简单易懂。与MACD、RSI、KDJ等指标一样,MTM也是技术分析最常见的参考指标之一。mtm指标计算方法(第一种):MTM(N日)=C-CN;式中C=当日的收盘价,CN=N日前的收盘价,N为计算参数,一般起始参数为6;mtm指标计算方法(第二种):MTM(N日)=(C÷CN×100)-100,式中C=当日的收盘价,CN=N日前的收盘价,N为计算参数,一般起始参数为6。mtm指标两种计算方法不同,但是二者具有的意义和研判手段是一样的。MTM指标的一般研判标准主要集中在0轴线的重要参考作用、MTM线与股价曲线的配合使用以及MTM曲线的形态等方面进行分析。
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问题一:填土压实的方法有哪些 人工夯实,机械压实两种。人工夯实厚度15至20厘米,一般夯实3至四遍;机械压实又分打夯机和压路机,打夯机厚度和人工差不多,不超25,一般用在房心回填和管井周围回填;压路机压实分震动和和平压,平压厚度25至30厘米,压实6至8遍,震动压实厚度30至35,压实3至4遍 问题二:在建筑施工技术中填土压实有那几种方法各有什么特点 影响因素很多给你说下主要的三个:压实功,土的含水量,每层铺土厚度。简答题这么答就可以了 问题三:填土压实的方法分别适用于哪些土质 1.土料宜优先利用基坑(槽)中挖出的原土,并清除其中有机杂质和料径大于50mm的颗粒,含水量应符合要求。 2.石屑 不含有机杂质,粒径不大于50mm。 3.粘性土 含水量符合压实要求,可用作各层填料。 4.碎石类土、砂土和爆破石渣 其最大块粒径不得超过每层铺垫厚度的2/3,可用作表层以下填料。5.碎块草皮和有机质含量不大于8%的土 仅可用于无压实要求的填方。 6.淤泥和淤泥质上 一般不能用作土料。 问题四:土方压实方法有哪些? 1.碾压法,就是那种由沿着表面滚动的鼓筒或轮子的压力压实土壤。这些鼎是我们日常随处可见的那些压实机械能处理的。主要运动与大面积的填土。 2.夯实法,利用超重量的夯锤自由下落的冲击力来夯实土壤,主要用与小面积的填土. 3.振动法,也是我们可见的一种方法,将重锤放在土层表面,利用其他的器械振动来带动重锤振动! 问题五:填土的压实方法有哪些? 压路机压实,还有打夯机,看是多大范围的填土需要压实 问题六:土方回填时,土的压实方法有哪些? 填土压实方法有: 碾压法--适用于大面积填土工程 使用碾压机。 夯实法--用于小面积回填 使用打夯机。 振动压实法--适用于爆破石渣、碎石类土、杂填土、粉土。 问题七:填土压实的方法有那些?影响土方回填压实质量的主要因素有那些? 电夯,气夯,人夯.呵呵,回填的土层厚度,回填土的质量,含水量. 问题八:填土压实有哪几种方法,有什么特点 人工填土夯实,具有机动,灵活,适应多种复杂条件下的施工特点,但工作效率低,施工安全性差。机械填土夯实,具有工作效率高,施工进度快,施工费相对较低的有点。但在狭窄处,转角处和边角不宜机械施工。另外填土顺序要求先填石方,再填土方。先填底土,再填表土。先填近处,再填远处。夯实时,打夯动作应先轻后重,夯实应从边缘开始,想中间推进。必须分层堆填,分层碾压。 问题九:土方的压实有哪几种方法 重力越大,重力加速度越大,受伤害形变的可能越大。 问题十:填土压实法有些什么 碾压法、夯实法、振动压实法。
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have you got a time for coffee?对吗

你想问什么?是不是“你有时间喝咖啡吗?”Do you have time to have (a) coffee?Are you free/available for (a) coffee?
2023-07-14 12:00:162


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第一种:在游戏中按 “~” 键,输入秘籍后按回车!第二种:拨打电话号码(类似GTA IV)第三种:直接输入代码(类似罪恶都市)秘籍名称 代码 电话号码醉酒模式 LIQUOR 1-999-547-861爆炸+近战攻击 HOTHANDS 1-999-4684-2637快速奔跑 CATCHME 1-999-228-8463燃烧+武器弹药 INCENDIARY 1-999-462-363-4279无敌5分钟 PAINKILLER 1-999-724-654-5537加满血与护甲 TURTLE 1-999-887-853提升通缉等级 FUGITIVE 1-999-3844-8483技能冷却完成 POWERUP 1-999-769-3787从空中跳下 SKYFALL 1-999-759-3255瞄准时慢动作(输入佰一次减慢1X,最多4次,第5次取消) DEADEYE 1-999-332-3393获得降落伞(装备后按 X 键使用) SKYDIVE 1-999-759-3483改变天气(按 阳光、晴天、多云、雾、阴天、雨天、雷雨、下雪) MAKEITRAIN 1-999-625-348-7246月球引力(激活后进入载具可以体验,跳跃后按 o(字母) 键漂浮) FLOATER 1-999-356-2837车胎打滑(漂移) SNOWDAY 1-999-766-9329慢动作(输入一次减慢1X,最多3次,第4次取消) SLOWMO 1-999-756-966获得BMX(小轮车度自行车) BANDIT 1-999-226-348获得秃鹰直升机(小型武装直升机) BUZZOFF 1-999-289-9633获得彗星跑车(一种双门跑车) COMET 1-999-266-38获得豪华轿车 VINEWOOD 1-999-846-39663获得PCJ-600(摩托) ROCKET 1-999-762-538获得GT跑车(另一种双门跑车) RAPIDGT 1-999-727-4348获得桑切斯(高赛摩托) OFFROAD 1-999-633-7623获得特技飞机 BARNSTORM 1-999-2276-78676获得垃圾车 TRASHED 1-999-872-433下边作弊代码知道后会更新!秘籍名称 代码 电话号码爆炸+弹药 暂时未知 暂时未知快速游泳知 暂时未知 暂时未知降低通缉 暂时未知 暂时未知超级跳跃 暂时未知 暂时未知武器 暂时未知 暂时未知获得高尔夫球车 暂时未知 暂时未知喷洒农药飞机 暂时未知 暂时未知秘籍说明:1.秘籍无法再任务中使用,开始任务以后秘籍效果会消失。2.Online模式中无法使用。3.本代没有金钱和获得战衜斗机的秘籍。4.读取游戏或者重新开始游戏秘籍效果会消失。5.是否影响成就未知(成就党不要轻易使用!)当然了,如果嫌麻烦的玩家也可以直接下载修改器,功能相当丰富,小编建议偶尔开个上帝模式娱乐下也是不错的。LT键:锁定目标LB键:武器轮盘(武器选单)BACK键:切换视度知角左摇杆:移动摁下左摇杆:隐匿模式十字键↑:使用手机十字键←:手机键位左移十字键↓:切换角色(需要搭配右衜摇杆选择角色)十字键→:手机键位右移RT键:射击/发射武器RB键:进入掩体(有效距离为5米)START键:暂停选单Y键:进入载具X键:跳跃B键:上弹药(驾车时置换成特别视角)A键:奔跑右摇杆:调整视角摁下右摇杆:往后看无敌:时间限制5分钟, 右 A 右 左 右 RB 右 左 A Y两个子弹特效:一个是爆炸子弹:右 X A 左 RB RT 左 右 右 LB LB LB 另一个是燃烧子弹:LB RB X RB 左 RT RB 左 X 右 LB LB(PS:两个一起用,用冲锋枪5发打爆直升机)武器:Y RT 左 LB A 右 Y 下 X LB LB LB月球重力:左 左 LB RB LB 右 左 LB 左冲天而降:LB LT RB RT 左 右 左 右 LB LT RB RT 左 右 左 右(PS:这两个一起用可以人肉飞机。。。)醉酒模式:Y 右 右 左 右 X B 左车子容易打滑:Y RB RB 左 RB LB RT LB超级跳:左 左 Y Y 右 右 左 右 X RB RT快速跑步:Y 左 右 右 LT LB X快速游泳:左 左 LB 右 右 RT 左 LT 右载具:- Spawn Buzzard(一种武装直升机):B、B、LB、B、B、B、LB、LT、RB、Y、B、Y- Spawn Comet:RB、B、RT、右、LB、LT、A、A、X、RB- Spawn Sanchez(越野摩托车):B、A、LB、B、B、LB、B、RB、RT、LT、LB、LB- Spawn Trashmaster:B、RB、B、RB、左、度左、RB、LB、B、右- Spawn Limo(豪华轿车):RT、右、LT、左、左、RB、LB、B、右- Spawn Stunt Plane(特技飞机):B、右、LB、LT、左、RB、LB、LB、左、左、A、Y- Spawn Caddy(面包车):B、LB、左、RB、LT、A、RB、LB、B、A- Spawn Rapid GT(GT旅行车):RT、LB、B、右、LB、RB、右、左、B、RT- Spawn Duster(豪华SUV):右、左、RB、RB、RB、左、Y、Y、A、B、LB、LB道具:- Give Parachute(降落伞):左、右、LB、LT、RB、RT、RT、Left、Left、右、LB角色:- Raise Wanted Level(提升通缉等知级):RB、RB、B、RT、左、右、左、右、左、右- Lower Wanted Level(降低通缉等级):RB、RB、B、RT、右、左、右、左、右、左- Explosive Melee Attacks(近距离爆炸攻击?):右、左、A、Y、RB、B、B、B、LT- Drunk Mode(醉汉模式):Y、右、右、左、右、X、B、左- Fast Run(快速奔跑):Y、左、右、右、LT、LB、X世界:- Change Weather(变换天气):RT、A、LB、LB、LT、LT、LT、X- Slidey Cars:Y、RB、RB、左、RB、LB、RT、LB- Slow Mo(慢动作):Y、左、右、右、X、RT、RB
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