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the Olympic Games作主语时,谓语动词是单数还是复数

2023-07-21 15:35:38

















问题一:奥运会的英文怎么说? 英文是Olympic Games 中文 奥运会 采纳哦 问题二:奥运会英语怎么说 the Olympic Games; the Olympics 两个都可以 问题三:奥林匹克运动会用英语怎么说 The Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会因起源于古希腊奥林匹亚(Olympia)也是因此而得名的。古代奥运会从公元前776年到公元393年,共历经293届,后被罗马皇帝狄奥多西以邪教活动罪名而终止。1894年在巴黎召开的国际体育会议,根据法国贵族皮埃尔?德?顾拜旦(Pierre de Coubertin)的倡议成立了国际奥委会,并决定恢复奥运会。现代第一届奥运会于1896年在希腊雅典举行,此后在世界各地轮流举行。由于1924年开始设立了冬季奥林匹克运动会,因此奥林匹克运动会习惯上又称为“夏季奥林匹克运动会”。奥林匹克运动会现在已经成为了和平与友谊的象征。 问题四:申办奥运会用英文怎么说 Bid for the Olympic Games 申办奥运会 早在1968年的时候,肯尼亚就已经有信心申办奥运会。 Kenya had the confidence as far back as 1968 to consider bidding for the Olympics. 问题五:2008年北京奥运会用英语怎么说 the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games 问题六:里约奥运会用英文英语怎么说呢?求大神回答呀! 里约奥运会 Rio Olympic Games 希望能帮到您!满意请采纳 问题七:一届奥运会英语怎么说?an ……? 英文原文: an Olympics 英式音标: [?n; ?n] [???l?mp?ks] 美式音标: [?n??n] [o??l?mp?ks] 问题八:中国已经成功的举办了2008年的奥运会用英语怎么说 中国已经成功的举办了2008年的奥运会 China has successfully held the 2008 Olympic Games 中国已经成功的举办了2008年的奥运会 China has successfully held the 2008 Olympic Games 问题九:奥运会每四年举办一次用英语怎么说 奥运会每四年举办一次 The Olympic Games will be held once every four years
2023-07-21 10:28:531


Olympic Games
2023-07-21 10:29:013

olympic games怎么读

/u0259u02c8lu026ampu026ak geims/ 中文发音:饿林匹克给慕死
2023-07-21 10:30:271


The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece more than 2000 years ago and got its name because it was held in Olympia.奥林匹克运动会发源于两千多年前的古希腊,因举办地在奥林匹亚而得名。After the closure of the ancient Olympic Games for 1500 years, the French Coubertin put forward the initiative of hosting the modern Olympic Games at the end of the 19th century.古代奥林匹克运动会停办了1500年之后,法国人顾拜旦于19世纪末提出举办现代奥林匹克运动会的倡议。The Olympic Committee was established in 1894, the first Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896, and the first Winter Olympic Games were held in 1924.1894年成立奥委会,1896年希腊雅典举办了首届奥运会,1924年举办了首届冬奥会。The first Paralympic Games were held in 1960, the first winter Paralympic Games in 1976, the first Youth Olympic Games in 2010 and the first Winter Youth Olympic Games in 2012.1960年举办了首届残奥会,1976年举办首届冬季残奥会,2010年举办了首届青奥会,2012年举办了首届冬青奥会。It is held every four years for no more than 16 days. It is the most influential sports event in the world.每四年一届,会期不超过16日,是世界上影响力最大的体育盛会。
2023-07-21 10:30:411

Olympic Games是什么意思?为什么Olympic不能加s?

2023-07-21 10:31:143


东京奥运会的英文是Tokyo Olympics。这届奥运会是在2021年7月份举办的。
2023-07-21 10:31:222

the 2022 olympic games的2022读法

就是将20和22分开用英语朗读。拓展:第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会(The XXIV Olympic Winter Games),即2022年北京冬季奥运会,计划于2022年2月4日星期五开幕,2月20日星期日闭幕。北京冬季奥运会设7个大项,15个分项,109个小项。北京赛区承办所有的冰上项目;延庆赛区承办雪车、雪橇及高山滑雪项目;张家口赛区的崇礼区承办除雪车、雪橇及高山滑雪之外的所有雪上项目。2021年9月17日,北京冬奥会、冬残奥会发布主题口号——“一起向未来”。10月18日,北京冬奥会火种在希腊成功点燃。10月20日,北京冬奥会火种抵达北京。2021年10月31日消息,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会志愿者招募工作基本完成,赛会志愿者培训工作全面展开。11月15日,2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号推广歌曲《一起向未来》全新MV在全平台正式上线。2021年11月16日,“一起向未来——北京冬奥推介会”在法国巴黎中国文化中心举办,来自中法两国的文化、艺术和体育界人士、华人华侨代表等100余人出席了活动;12月3日上午,国务院新闻办公室召开发布会,各项准备工作已经就绪。2022年2月2日,北京冬奥会火炬接力启动仪式将举行。2月6日,国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫在北京的新闻发布会上表示,北京冬奥会创造了历史,以前所未有的数字化水平,让更多人感受奥运文化与精彩,这为奥运留下了全新的技术标准。
2023-07-21 10:31:431

the olympic games是什么意思

the Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会; 奥运会; 例句:1.The olympic games are still three months away. 距离伦敦奥运会仍有3个月时间。2.The olympic games turin 2006. 2006年都灵冬季奥运会简介。
2023-07-21 10:31:502

求The olympic games的演讲稿

The Olympic Games are held every four years in a different city in the world. Athletes from different countries compete in a variety of sports which are divided into winter and summer games.The Olympics began in Greece more than 2 700 years ago. The first recorded Olympic competition was held in 776 B. C. It was held in an outdoor stadium and about forty thousand people watched the event. The first thirteen Olympics consisted of only one race running. The games had been held regularly for about 1 200 years. Then, in the year 397 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emporor.It was not until 1896 that the first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens. From then on the games are held every four years rugularly. The Olympics have become the worldu2019s most important athletic events and a symbol of sporting friendship of all the people of the worl
2023-07-21 10:31:572

the olympic games是单数还是复数

2023-07-21 10:32:062

Olympic,Olympics,Olympic Games有什么区别呢?

Olympic 是奥运的 Olympics指的是奥运会 Olympic games指的是奥运会里的运动项目Olympics =Olympic Gamnes 是奥林匹克运动会 基本没区别.The Olympic Games 是指奥运会,不是项目.The Olympics 或 The Games 是简称.
2023-07-21 10:32:141


2023-07-21 10:32:411

The Olympic games 做主语,谓语动词用单数还是复数?

2023-07-21 10:32:505

谁能帮我把《奥运会的由来》翻译成英文!!急需!谢谢 我在线

History of the Olympic Games Pindar, the Greek poet wrote in the 5th century BC:"As in the daytime there is no star in the sky warmer and brighter than the sun, likewise there is no competition greater than the Olympic Games. According to historic records, the first ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC. They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods and were staged on the ancient plains of Olympia. Initially they had a religious character and combined a number of ancient sporting events, many of which were based on ancient Greek myths. The ancient Games actually occupied an important position in the life of the Greek ancestors. An Olympiad was a time unit, measuring the four-year interval between two Games. Participants came to compete from every corner of the Greek world aiming at the ultimate prize: an olive wreath and a "heroic" return to their city-states. But apart from the glorious victory, it was the Olympic values themselves which accorded special meaning to the Games: noble competition and the effort to combine body, will, and mind in a balanced whole. As the Games developed, so did a set of procedures such as a standardized schedule of events and the practice of the Olympic Truce. They continued for nearly 12 centuries, until Emperor Theodosius decreed, in 393 AD, that all such "pagan cults" be banned. He asserted that the Games placed an excessive public focus on athletic and spiritual affairs. The games was abolished until the 19th Century. Intellectuals such as Evangelos Zappas and Demetrios Vikelas who believed in the spirit of noble contests and the Olympic ideals, lent their voices and efforts to the revival of the Olympic Games. However, it was French Baron Pierre de Coubertin who orchestrated the re-establishment of the Games, by advocating the marriage of sports and Greek classicism, leading the way to the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896. The Greek public embraced the revival, and joined the efforts to organize the Games. Any financial difficulties faced by the Greek state at the time, were met through the mobilization of people and benefactors alike. The marble renovation of the ancient Panathinaikon Stadium that hosted the first modern Games was financed by George Averoff, a Greek benefactor from Northern Greece. With the revival of the Olympic Games, a number of symbolic Olympic Traditions were also developed and established (i.e. the Olympic Anthem, the Olympic Creed, the Olympic Flag, the Olympic Flame and Torch). Over the years, the Olympic Games traveled to different countries and continents, and now finally in 2004, they returned to the country of their birth and the city of their revival for the hosting of the XXVIII Modern Olympic Games.
2023-07-21 10:33:042

olympic games单数还是复数

如果是泛指“奥运会”,用复数,而具体到哪一届就应该用单数了。例如:The Olympic Games are held every four years.The 29th Olympic Games is going to be held in Beijing in 2008. Olympic例句 1、I prefer the athletics at the Olympics. 2、The most important in Olympicsis participance instead of wining. 3、It is an improvement over the 2000 Sydney Olympics. 4、But the Olympicsis the goal of every athlete. 5、Secondly, the 2008 Olympicswill be a red pageant.
2023-07-21 10:33:111

olympic games是单数还是复数

2023-07-21 10:33:202

英语:the olympic games will be held in beijing in 2008and everyone ___ it .

look forward to sth期望某事look forward to doing期望做某事以上两个都是固定句型
2023-07-21 10:33:282

高一英语必修二unit2 课文THE OLYMPIC GAMES 翻译,急啊 ···

2023-07-21 10:34:502

是in the Olympic Games(奥林匹克)还是at the Olympic Games

2023-07-21 10:35:012

英文olympic games和olympiad意思都是奥运会 为什么要用第一个长尾词

Olympiad and olympic games意思都是奥运会 .但Olympiad在现时可指其他的比赛eg: 59th International Mathematical Olympiad而olympic games一定是指奥运会
2023-07-21 10:35:091


2023-07-21 10:35:172


2023-07-21 10:35:2515


What is Olympic games?
2023-07-21 10:35:554


2023-07-21 10:36:056


The international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June 1894.国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。 The Olympic symbol, the five interlocking rings, represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games.奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环,它代表着五大洲的团结和全世界运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。 The official languages of the IOC are French and English.国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。 The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games.奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。 The Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic Winter Games. Both take place every four years.奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。 The Olympic Games shall be proclaimed open by the Head of State of the host country.奥运会由东道国国家元首宣布开幕。 The delegation parade in alphabetical order according to the language of the host country, except for Greece, which leads the parade, and for the host country which brings up the rear.代表团按东道国语言文字的字母顺序入场。希腊和东道国例外,希腊代表团第一个入场,东道国代表团最后一个入场。
2023-07-21 10:36:214

The Olympic games (take place)every four years.

2023-07-21 10:36:295

olympic games英语对话短文

The London Olympics are less than one hundred days away. Across the world, many competitors still have to qualify for the sixteen days of competition. Others are entering the final weeks of training.距离伦敦奥运会已经不足100天。在世界各地,许多参赛选手仍然必须证明其有资格参加这项为期16天赛事。其他人则进入了最后几个星期的训练。Three hundred thousand people are expected to travel to the British capital for the Summer Olympic Games. The opening ceremonies are on July twenty-seventh.预计将有30万人前往英国首都伦敦观看这届夏季奥运会。开幕式定于7月27日举行。Wednesday marked the one-hundred-day point. Sebastian Coe -- the British runner who won two Olympic gold medals -- is chairman of the London 2012 organizing committee.本周三标志着100天倒数的起点。获得过两块奥运金牌的英国田径运动员塞巴斯蒂安·柯伊担任伦2012年伦敦奥组委主席。SEBASTIAN COE: "It signifies, first of all, still an extraordinary amount of work still to do, but I think one hundred days, it means something to people. When you"re talking about seven years, six years, five years, four years, but actually when you"re really talking about days, and we"re talking twelve Wednesdays or something, I mean it really is, it"s very close."柯伊:“首先我们还有许多工作有待完成。但是我想,100天对于人们来说,还可以做好些事情。以前我们谈到的是7年,6年,5年,4年。但现在我们谈到的是多少天,我们谈到的是还有12个星期之类的,我的意思是,时间已经非常迫近了。”
2023-07-21 10:36:561


2023-07-21 10:37:0514

the olympic games是单数还是复数

2023-07-21 10:37:293

the Olympics 和 the Olympic Games 有什么区别?后面谓语动词分别用什么? 当有序数词时呢?

要看上下文,当作一组使用的时候使用单数,如果有数词指是多届或多个运动会则用复数。例如:1. 奥林匹克运动会是四年一度的国际性运动会。1. The Olympic Games is an international sporting event held every four years.1. (这里使用单数 is,因为是在泛指奥运会,将它视为一组)2. 夏季与冬季奥林匹克运动会每两年轮流举行。2. The Summer and Winter Olympic Games, they alternate every two years.2. (这里使用复数 they alternate,因为指夏季和冬季二组或两届运动会)
2023-07-21 10:37:361

The Olympic games.是什么意思?还有The Olympic flame.是什么意思?

2023-07-21 10:37:469


Olympic games 形式上是复数形式,但当做第三人称单数看待,相当于it。
2023-07-21 10:38:012


单数The Olympic Games was held in Beijing in 2008.
2023-07-21 10:38:093


2023-07-21 10:38:198

Old Macdonald Had A Farm 歌词

歌曲名:Old Macdonald Had A Farm歌手:Dora The Explorer专辑:Dora The Explorer Party Favorites100 Songs for KidsOld MacDonald Had A FarmOld Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-OAnd on that farm he had some cows, E-I-E-I-OWith a "moo-moo" here and a "moo-moo" thereHere a "moo" there a "moo"Everywhere a "moo-moo"Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-OAnd on that farm he had some chicken, E-I-E-I-OWith a “cluck-cluck” here and a “cluck-cluck” thereHere a “cluck” there a “cluck”Everywhere a “cluck-cluck”With a "moo-moo" here and a "moo-moo" thereHere a "moo" there a "moo"Everywhere a "moo-moo"Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-OAnd on that farm he had some sheep, E-I-E-I-OWith a "baa-baa" here and a "baa-baa" thereHere a "baa" there a "baa"Everywhere a "baa-baa"With a “cluck-cluck” here and a “cluck-cluck” thereHere a “cluck” there a “cluck”Everywhere a “cluck-cluck”With a "moo-moo" here and a "moo-moo" thereHere a "moo" there a "moo"Everywhere a "moo-moo"Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-OAnd on that farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-OWith an “oink-oink” here and an “oink-oink” thereHere an “oink”, there an “oink”,Everywhere an “oink-oink”With a "baa-baa" here and a "baa-baa" thereHere a "baa" there a "baa"Everywhere a "baa-baa"With a “cluck-cluck” here and a “cluck-cluck” thereHere a “cluck” there a “cluck”Everywhere a “cluck-cluck”With a "moo-moo" here and a "moo-moo" thereHere a "moo" there a "moo"Everywhere a "moo-moo"Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-OAnd on that farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-OWith a "quack-quack" here and a "quack-quack" thereHere a "quack" there a "quack"Everywhere a "quack-quack"With an “oink-oink” here and an “oink-oink” thereHere an “oink”, there an “oink”,Everywhere an “oink-oink”With a "baa-baa" here and a "baa-baa" thereHere a "baa" there a "baa"Everywhere a "baa-baa"With a “cluck-cluck” here and a “cluck-cluck” thereHere a “cluck” there a “cluck”Everywhere a “cluck-cluck”With a "moo-moo" here and a "moo-moo" thereHere a "moo" there a "moo"Everywhere a "moo-moo"Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.Jude Sun
2023-07-21 10:32:331

用clay造句。。。 急啊!!!!!

2023-07-21 10:32:344

have fun的翻译

2023-07-21 10:32:371


关注韩国综艺或影视剧的都会发现很活跃的人,他们就是任时完、朴炯植、黄光熙,在不少人的眼里都认为他们是单独的,其实他们是同一个组合成员--帝国之子。帝国之子与Star-Empire Entertainment的合约在2017年1月份到期,任时完、朴炯植凭借演技大火,黄光熙凭借综艺在综艺界有一席之地,其他人知名度都不是很高。 黄光熙已与艺人秋成勋所属经纪公司BONBOOENT签约,目前已入伍服兵役。2010年1月7日,以帝国之子成员身份出道,因 出演MBC真人秀节目《我们结婚了》并与韩善花组成假想夫妇“闪光夫妇”, 2015年5月9日,作为固定嘉宾出演MBC综艺节目《无限挑战》。 关注韩国综艺的人对黄光熙并不陌生,而关注韩国影视剧的,则对任时完和朴炯植不陌生。首先是任时完凭借《拥抱太阳的月亮》“许炎”一角引起关注,之后又有《未生》、《辩论人》等热门影视剧,成为炙手可热的演员。 朴炯植则是从综艺《真正的男人》开始备受关注,之后在不少电视剧里出演配角、男二号,再到《大力女都奉顺》的男一号。现加入刘亚仁宋慧乔所在的经纪公司UAA作为演员进行活动。因此帝国之子名存实亡。关于帝国之子为何总是不火原因,不少人认为是ace们相继有人气的时候公司却不安排组合回归,只是ace们继续发展其余人抠脚,不回归加上没有好的音乐作品,团体想火就太难了。
2023-07-21 10:32:381


《华与华方法》百度网盘pdf最新全集下载:链接: 提取码:5l9w简介:这九大原理,源于华与华对经济学、管理学、传播学、符号学、语言哲学、修辞学等基础理论的系统整理,囊括了企业经营的方方面面,它让成功有迹可循,让失败有因可寻。除此之外,华与华以绝味鸭脖、汉庭酒店、360、葵花儿童药、足力健、海底捞、西贝,以及华与华自己等经典案例,手把手教企业家一次性排除所有废动作,一次做全,一次做对,让企业立于不败之地。
2023-07-21 10:32:391


2023-07-21 10:32:411

寻找王老先生有块地英文歌词。谢谢了!忽然想起听过的第一首英文歌就是这首。拜托各位了 3Q

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O! With a chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there Here a chick, there chick, everywhere a chick-chick! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O! With a moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there Here a moo, there moo, everywhere a moo-moo! Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there Here a chick, there chick, everywhere a chick-chick! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O! With a quack-quack here, and a quack-quack there Here a quack, there quack, everywhere a quack-quack! Moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there Here a moo, there moo, everywhere a moo-moo! Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there Here a chick, there chick, everywhere a chick-chick! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O! With a oink-oink here, and an oink-oink there Here a oink, there oink, everywhere an oink-oink! Quack-quack here, and a quack-quack there Here a quack, there quack, everywhere a quack-quack! Moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there Here a moo, there moo, everywhere a moo-moo! Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there Here a chick, there chick, everywhere a chick-chick! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! Well, Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had a dog, E-I-E-I-O! With a bow-wow here, and a bow-wow there Here a bow-wow, there bow-wow, everywhere a bow-wow! Oink-oink here, and a oink-oink there Here a oink, there oink, everywhere oink-oink! Quack-quack here, and a quack-quack there Here a quack, there quack, everywhere a quack-quack! Moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there Here a moo, there moo, everywhere moo-moo! Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there Here a chick, there chick, everywhere a chick-chick! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O!
2023-07-21 10:32:441


在雅思写作中,一个好的开头段不仅抓住读者的注意力,引起阅读兴趣,亦要点明中心论点,统领全文, 其重要性可见一斑。在雅思大作文的写作中, 开头段一般由general statement,argument, thesis statement两部分构成。每个人的情况不同,也可以登录文都国际教育官网进行一对一的咨询。1General StatementGeneral Statement的主要作用是介绍写作背景,引入话题。但是值得注意的是:不能照抄题目,应用同义词、近义词替换题目中的相关词语,并用不同的句子结构来改写题目中的句子结构。例如:Example 1:It is widely believed that mothers are by nature better parents than fathers. It is therefore more important for mothers to spend time with children than fathers. Others think fathers make equally good parents. What is your opinion?在这个题目中,首先我们可以看到题干表述用了三个句子,首先我们要区分哪句是general statement, 哪句是arguments. 其实很容易发现,通常句中间有明显阐述观点表达的,就是arguments, 而做客观陈述的就是general statement,其位置一般是题目的第一句。上题中 It is widely believed that mothers are by nature better parents than fathers, 就是我们要拿来做同义改写,放到我们开头段作为背景的句子。同义改写可以采取以下技巧:1 同义句型转换。如 It is widely believed that… 这个句套表达某事情是众所周的,它有很多同义句型,如 It is generally assumed that…, Common knowledge is that…, 等。2 同义词,近义词,同义结构转换。如by nature 这个介词词组表达的含义是,自然天性上的,在原句中作为be动词的表语,我们可以改写为一个同义名词词组,nurturing instinct,自然天性的意思。相应的,前面的谓语动词要发生变化,搭配have。3 造并列结构。有的时候我们可能发现原题中的表述无论词语还是句型都不是很轻易的可以找出同义结构出来,那么我们可以采取并列结构,即并列两个近义词语义,或者反义词再加否定结构。上题中的better parents than 可以改为 better or less dispensable parents than通过上面的三个步骤,我们就可以成功的将原题的背景句改写为我们开头段的general statement。原题:It is widely believed that mothers are by nature better parents than fathers.改写完后:It is generally assumed that women have a ‘nurturing instinct"that somehow makes them better or less dispensable parents than fathers are.General Statement常用句型:With the development of science and technology, great changes have taken place in…in the past few years. (虽常用,但已被滥用,建议减少使用)Along with the increasingly rapid _____________, more problems are brought to our attention.The issue of whether or not __________ has been widely/ heatedly/ debated currently/recently.When it comes to whether …, some… are strongly against it, claiming….It is generally accepted/ It is indeed the case that most countries have seen an increase in _______ over recent years.2Argument(争议)Argument即为题目表述的观点的立场,不同题目的立场表述大有不同。(1)有的题目中只有一个立场e.g. Countries with a long average working time are more economically successful than those countries which do not have a long working time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?在我们写的开头段,在写完general statement后,直接用One point is that…把原题的立场(countries with a long average working time are more economically successful than those countries which do not have a long working time) 同义转述即可。值得注意的是,这个题目本身没有背景句,所以写general statement的时候,需要我们根据题目的argument进行总结。亦或者可以general statement 和argument这两个部分合并为一个部分,这个题目可写成:The issue of whether or not countries with a long average working hours are more successful in terms of economic development than those countries which do not have a long working time has been heatedly debated currently. As far as I am concerned, …(2)有的题目中包含两个互相否定或者相关的立场e.g. Some scientists think it is very soon that computers will be more intelligent than human. Some people think it is a positive development, while others think it is a negative development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.e.g. Some people think the best way to reduce crimes is to give longer prison sentence. Others,however, think there are better alternative ways to reduce crime. Discuss and give your opinion.这样的题目,在开头段写完general statement后,要把题目双方的立场都转述,不可减少或删除一方立场。如 Some people think it is a positive development, while others think it is a negative development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.可以转述为:Quite a few people claim that it has brought great benefits. On the other hand, those who think differently argue that it inevitably would has negative influence.3Thesis Statement (总论点)Thesis Statement简单来说就是作者对某一写作话题所持的明确观点。例如:1 In my opinion/ As far as I am concerned/ To my mind, students should wear uniforms in school.2 While the majority may like to live in a large family, I prefer to the small one.在雅思写作中,文章的立场,也就是全文的总论点,主要分两种:有倾向性立场和两边支持有倾向性(一边倒)有倾向性的立场一般在文章的开头即表明本文的立场,同意或者不同意,或者多大程度地同意和不同意。在剑桥雅思的考官范文中,有一个题目涉及对教育免费的商榷:All education,primary, secondary school and further education, should be free to all people and paid for by the government. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?考官在范文的开头段中即明确表明自己的立场:I certainly agree with the statement that this should be the case.当然,有倾向性的立场还包含让步的观点,这种立场的文章多见于以to what extent do you agree or disagree?提问的论题。如:Environmental problems should be solved by the government instead of individuals and private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?在考官范文的开头段中,立场是这样表明的:I concede that the government should lead the efforts in addressing the environmental problems. Nevertheless, cooperation and participation from the cooperations and individual citizens are essential as well.让步的立场并不需要纠结于在句子中回答到底agree 或者disagree没有, 清楚的说明自己的观点即可。值得注意的是,观点有倾向性并不代表思路有局限性。在辩论中,作者既要证明自己的观点,同时也要回应对方的观点,也就是说能够站在不同的角度看同一个事情,并且能看到各自的优劣。两边都支持这种文章立场一般常见于discuss both view and give your opinion这种提问方式的题目。立场一般建议在结尾段点明,并且要在结尾段明确题干两者之间的关系。(4) 开头段的两种常用写作方法将以上三个部分组合起来,我们步难得出开头段的以下两种写法:A. General Statement – Positive+Negative Idea – Thesis StatementThe issue of whether or not students should take a part-time job has been widely/ heatedly debated currently/ recently. Quite a few people claim that it would not only widen their horizon but also help shape their personalities. On the other hand, those who think differently argue that the task of a student is to make good use of his limited time and acquire necessary knowledge and skill for the future career. As for me/ As far as I am concerned/ In my opinion, I believe that part-time jobs play a positive role in the development of university students.这种方法的一个变形形式是:General Statement – Opposite Idea – Thesis StatementNowadays the incomes of many sport stars are truly astounding. Some people claim that the salaries of athletes are too high and the athletes themselves attract too much attention. Yet, in my opinion, such benefits are well deserved.B. General Statement – Concession – Thesis StatementWhen it comes to whether students should be allowed to work outside the school hours, some educators vote against it, claiming that part-time work may have a negative influence on their study. Obviously, too large amount of time a student is employed may contribute to a poor academic performance. However, if they do a part-time job over reasonable hours, it is extremely beneficial for them, providing financial support for their study and broadening their horizon.When evaluating a job applicant, most companies would place much weight on one"s educational certificate. Of course, one"s educational certificate does tell something about the applicant. However, it is not the only means through which we can judge whether the applicant is qualified or not.
2023-07-21 10:32:451

手机丢了,序列号831345ZEA4S,IMEI:012760009746335 ,希望能查到ICCID,尽量详细些,比如哪的号

产品型号 IPHONE 4 16GB 黑色产品序列号(SN) 831345ZEA4S移动设备IMEI码 012760009746335移动设备ICCID码 89860110810001948413运营商 中国联通
2023-07-21 10:32:311


You are jealous of her big eyes are more than you要加谓语areAre you jealous of her eyes are bigger than you
2023-07-21 10:32:274


2023-07-21 10:32:251


2023-07-21 10:32:233

have fun是什么意思?

"Have fun"是一句常见的英语口语,通常用于祝福他人在某个活动或场合中玩得愉快。这句话也可以用作告别语,表示希望对方度过愉快的时光。这句话的字面意思是“有乐趣”,其中have是指拥有,fun则是指娱乐、乐趣。这句话常常被用在社交场合中,例如派对、聚会、旅游等等,以表达参与者之间的友好关系和祝福。除了“have fun”外,还有许多类似的英语口语表达,例如“enjoy yourself”(享受自己)、“have a good time”(玩得开心)、“hope you have a blast”(希望你过得愉快)等等。这些表达在不同的情境下使用,但都传递了一种友好、温暖的情感,让人们感到被关心和支持。
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1、睁开眼睛,给你一个轻轻的祝福,愿它每分每秒都带给你健康、好运和幸福。 Open your eyes and give you a gentle blessing. May it bring you health, good luck and happiness every minute and every second. 2、懂你的人不言而喻,不懂你的人百口莫辩! It is self-evident that people who know you, and people who don"t know you can"t argue! 3、我们最大的错误,就是把最差的脾气和最糟糕的一面,都给了最亲近的人。 Our biggest mistake is to give the worst temper and the worst side to the closest people. 4、学会宽容伤害自己的人,因为他们很可怜,各人都有自己的难处,大家都不容易。 Learn to tolerate those who hurt themselves, because they are very poor, everyone has their own difficulties, everyone is not easy. 5、最伤人的就是,昨天还让你觉得自己意义非凡的人,今天就让你觉得自己可有可无。 The most hurtful thing is that the person who made you feel special yesterday makes you feel dispensable today. 6、多数人悲伤,不是因为自己失去了,而是因为别人得到了。 Most people are sad not because they lost, but because others got it. 7、请给我一双手,抚慰我的烦躁;给我一个怀抱,让我疲惫的依靠。 Give me a hand to soothe my restlessness, give me a hug, let me rely on exhaustion. 8、每个人心里都有一段伤痕,时间才是最好的疗剂。 Everyone has a scar in his heart. Time is the best medicine. 9、点蜡烛,用好的床单,穿上炫丽的内衣。不要特殊场合才用。今天就是特别的一天。 Light candles, use good sheets and wear gorgeous underwear. Don"t use it on special occasions. Today is a special day. 10、那些从车窗划过的风景,如同画面一样疾驰,抓不到手中,温暖不到心里。 Those sceneries from the windows, like pictures, gallop, can not grasp the hands, can not warm the heart. 11、当一切都静下来的时候,突然发现习惯是一件可怕的事情,让人戒不掉,忘不掉。 When everything is quiet, suddenly found that habits are a terrible thing, people can not give up, forget. 12、不要生气要争气,不要看破要突破,不要拖延要积极,不要心动要行动。 Don"t be angry, fight for it, see through it and make a breakthrough, procrastinate and take action. 13、别把太多无关的人请进你的生命里,有些事,不必说给所有人听。 Don"t invite too many unrelated people into your life. There are some things you don"t have to say to everyone. 14、有时候,我们不得不坚强,于是乎,在假装坚强中,就真的越来越坚强。这是真的。 Sometimes, we have to be strong, so in pretending to be strong, we really become stronger and stronger. It"s true. 15、有一天,蓦然回首,你会发现,那个给你许多痛苦的人,却也是你的救赎。 One day, when you look back suddenly, you will find that the one who gives you a lot of pain is also your salvation. 16、坚持自己的梦想,听听前辈的建议,少错几步。 Stick to your dreams, listen to the advice of your predecessors, and make fewer mistakes. 17、天气影响身体,身体决定思想,思想左右心情。 Weather affects the body, the body decides the mind, and the mind controls the mood. 18、花时间去认识一两个知心朋友,比谈几场没有结果的恋爱要划算的多。 It"s more cost-effective to spend time with one or two intimate friends than to talk about a few fruitless relationships. 19、不要稽查人生。现在就呈现和做最大的发挥 Don"t check your life. Present and make the best use of it now 20、生活若剥去了理想、梦想、幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。 If life strips away ideals, dreams and fantasies, then life is just a bunch of empty shelves. 21、为自己活着的人,低劣;为别人意见活着的人,渺小;为别人幸福活着的人,高尚。 Those who live for themselves are inferior; those who live for the opinions of others are insignificant; those who live for the happiness of others are noble. 22、心烦时记住三句话:算了吧,没关系,会过去的。 When you are upset, remember three sentences: Come on, it doesn"t matter, it will pass. 23、明明已经习惯了孤单,为何还是如此贪念温暖。 Clearly has been accustomed to loneliness, why still so greedy warmth. 24、从前太慢,现在却太快。 It used to be too slow, but now it"s too fast. 25、火把倒下,火焰依然向上。 When the torch fell, the flame still went up. 26、沐浴着清晨那唯美而又柔和的朝阳,开始新的一天。给一点心灵阳光,心灵就会灿烂。 Bathing in the beautiful and gentle morning sun, start a new day. Give a little soul sunshine, the soul will be brilliant. 27、快乐总是短暂,无路可走要学会勇敢。 Happiness is always short, there is no way to go to learn to be brave. 28、年轻就是要拼,在可以折腾的年代不折腾就是怠慢自己,你的**有你纵享。 Youth is to fight, not to toss is to neglect oneself in the age of toss and turn, your passion has you to enjoy. 29、真理是时间的产物,而不是权威的产物。 Truth is the product of time, not of authority. 30、烦恼不过夜,健忘才幸福。 Happiness comes from forgetfulness. 31、一个人最好的状态就是,眼里写满了故事,脸上却不见风霜。不羡慕谁,不嘲笑谁。 A person"s best state is that his eyes are full of stories, but his face is not frosty. Do not envy or laugh at anyone. 32、当我们懂得了珍惜平凡的幸福时,我们也就已经是成了人生的赢家。 When we know how to cherish ordinary happiness, we have become the winners of life. 33、如果敌人让你生气,那说明你还没有胜他的把握。 If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you are not sure you can beat him. 34、如果我们把我们的问题都丢成一堆,然后看看其它人的,我们会把我们的捡回来。 If we throw our problems in a pile and look at others, we"ll pick them up. 35、生活是一只看不见的储蓄罐,你投入的每一份努力都不会白费。 Life is an invisible savings tank, and every effort you put in will not be wasted. 36、快乐有三法:舍得、放下、忘记。 There are three ways to be happy: willing, putting down and forgetting. 37、总是在一种生活里向往另一种生活,然后错过现在的生活,顺带也失去了向往的生活。 Always yearn for another life in one life, and then miss the present life, incidentally also lost the yearning life. 38、别让过去的悲催,或者未来的忧虑,毁掉自己当下的快乐。 Don"t let past sorrows or future worries ruin your present happiness. 39、一个人外表有多开心,那他的内心就有多少眼泪。 How happy a person"s appearance is, how many tears are there in his heart. 40、生命太短,没时间留给遗憾。若不是终点,请微笑一直向前。 Life is too short to leave time for regret. If it"s not the end, please keep smiling.
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1. 麦肯锡擅长领域:企业整体与业务单元战略2. 波士顿擅长领域:企业战略、信息技术、企业组织、营运效益3. 贝恩擅长领域:战略、运营、技术、组织以及兼并购4. 埃森哲 擅长领域:IT咨询、业务流程、信息技术5. 百思特擅长领域:战略到执行、供应链、流程、营销、人力资源6. 美世擅长领域:人力资源管理、金融投资7、华与华擅长领域:企业战略、产品战略、品牌战略、品牌设计8. 和君擅长领域:资本运作、并购重组、银行投资9. ATM企源擅长领域:战略规则、商业模式、组织机制10.毕博擅长领域:战略咨询、管理技术咨询与解决方案
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