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演讲稿what can i contribute to the 2008 Olympic Games

what can i contribute to the 2008 Olympic Games?如果是有关大众面前演讲的,你最好还是自己写,那就是你所能贡献的:不欺骗。

In 1998, Tara Lipinski.....win the gold medal in figure skating at the winter olympic

这道题,不能轻易地来做,而要看说话当时是1998年之前还是1998年之后。如果是在1998年之前说的,就选C,到了1998年,Tara Lipinski一定会赢得冬奥会花样滑冰金牌。如果是1998年之后说的,就选D,1998年的时候,ara Lipinsk本来是用能力赢得冬奥会花样滑冰金牌的,(表示没赢)be able to do 表示有能力做某事。

The Olympic motto是什么意思

the Olympic Motto奥林匹克格言奥林匹克格言;奥林匹克口号;奥运箴言;奥运口号双语例句1. The Olympic motto or slogan, one of the purposes of Olympic movement. 现行奥林匹克座右铭或口号, 系奥林匹克运动宗旨之一.2. The Olympic Motto first appeared officially in 1920 Antwerp Games. 奥林匹克格言在1920年安特卫普奥运会上正式出现.

求一篇关于“my favourite Olympic sport"的英语作文!!!(接近80个单词)

My favourite Olympic sportMy favourite Olympic sport is Sprint.In 2008, when I saw on television Jamaica trapeze - to 9 seconds 69 Bolt broke the world record results, I began to sprint had a strong interest because I also want to be like a meteor in the Asian trapeze . So from that day on, I began to morning run. I only ran the first 50 meters tired of gasping, but I do not give up, I still insist on a daily morning run. Gradually, more and more of my physical health, attention in class has increased. In the final exam, I surprisingly got two good results. Although Sprint did not let me practice in Asia trapeze, but made me gain a better results. I like to sprint!

The 22nd Winter Olympics will ______in Sochi early this year.

A 将被举行是被动语态 will 后面跟 be +过去分词

It was in 1916 _________ the Olympic Games were stopped because of World War


Olympic Games或者是Asian Games谓语用单数还是复数?



Olympiad n.国际奥林匹克运动会 Olympic adj. 奥林匹克的


an olympic用an的情况并不是靠字母来分辨,而是靠发音,开头发元音的都用an,一般来说元音字母a,e,i,o,u开头都是发元音。但是有例外,常见的例外是u开头有时候不是元音,例如university,不能用an。h开头有时候是元音,例如hour,用an。





Olympic 和 Olympics有什么区别

Olympic是奥运的Olympics=Olympic Gamnes 是奥林匹克运动会








复数请看例句:All Olympics are important to the host city.每一届奥运会对主办城市都很重要.The 1936 Olympics were held in Berlin, Germany.1936年奥运会在德国的柏林举办.Do you know when the first Summer Olympics were held?你知道第一届奥运会是哪一年举行的吗?The first modem Olympics were held in Athens in 1896.第一次现代奥运会于1896年在雅典举办.The olympics are a great chance for China to shine!奥运会是中国人民展示热情好客的一个伟大机会.The Olympics are coming. Let"s do something for them.奥运会快来了,让我们为它做点什么吧!The modern Olympics are, of course, an international event.当然,现代的奥运是一个国际性的活动.The modern Olympics are named after games held in ancient times.现代奥运是以古时候举办的运动会而命名的.


Olympic 英[u0259u02c8lu026ampu026ak] 美[ou02c8lu026ampu026ak] adj. 奥林匹斯山的,奥林匹亚的;奥林匹克的; n. 奥林匹克运动会比赛项目; [用复数][the Olympic] = Olympic Games; [例句]I will be in Atlanta for the next Olympics我将参加在亚特兰大举行的下届奥运会。


olympics的读音:英式读音:[u0259u028au02c8lu026ampu026aks]、美式读音:[ou028au02c8lu026ampu026aks]。olympics的中文意思是:奥林匹克。奥林匹克运动会(希腊语:Ολυμπιακοu03af Αγu03ceνεu03c2;法语:Jeux olympiques;英语:Olympic Games;中文简称“奥运会”),是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年一届,会期不超过16日,是世界上影响力最大的体育盛会。1932年,中华民国政府正式派员参加在美国洛杉矶举行的第10届奥运会。刘长春成为中国第一位参加奥运会的选手。中国奥运会:1999年,北京市政府再次提出承办2008年奥运会的申请,经中国奥委会同意后,由市长亲自前往国际奥委会总部递交了申请书。在2000年悉尼奥运会上,中国代表团取得了金牌榜及奖牌榜均列第三位的好成绩,标志着中国体育水平开始步入世界行列。2001年北京时间7月13日22:10,北京在国际奥委会第112次全会上获得第29届2008年奥运会主办权。2008年8月8日,北京奥运会顺利开幕。2010年2月10日,国际奥委会在加拿大温哥华召开第122次全会,投票选出南京作为2014年第2届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会的承办城市。2014年8月16日20时,2014年南京青年奥林匹克运动会在中国南京开幕。南京青奥会是继北京奥运会后中国的又一个重大奥运赛事,是中国首次举办的青奥会,也是中国第二次举办的奥运赛事。2015年7月31日(北京时间),国际奥委会主席巴赫在国际奥委会第128次会议上正式宣布北京获得2022年冬季奥林匹克运动会举办权。

olympic怎么读 olympic如何读

1、olympic读音是:英 [u0259u02c8lu026ampu026ak]、美 [u0259u02c8lu026ampu026ak]。 2、olympic意思是:奥林匹克;奥林匹克运动会比赛项目;奥林匹克运动会的。 3、复数:olympis。 4、例句:He trains the Olympic team. 意思是:他训练奥林匹克队。




olympic读音:英 [u0259"lu026ampu026ak]     美 [u0259"lu026ampu026ak]。    adj. 奥林匹克的。The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award.奥林匹克的优胜者获得一枚金质奖章作为奖赏。Hotel accommodation was scarce during the Olympic Games.奥运会期间,旅馆房间很难找。近义词:Olympian 英 [u0259"lu026ampiu0259n]     美 [u0259"lu026ampiu0259n]    adj. 奥林匹克的;似神的;威严的。n. 奥林匹斯山12神之一;奥林匹克运动会选手。We must operate within the context of the Olympian Spirit.我们必须按照奥林匹克精神办事。He viewed the problem with Olympian detachment.他以超凡的客观态度看待这个问题。

“Whether they will ever become future Olympic champions ,only time will tell”中,tell的宾语从句?

他们是否能成为未来的奥运会冠军,这个只有时间能证明。(时间会证明一切。)tell vt. 告诉, 说, 吩咐, 断定, 知道vi. 讲述, 泄密, 告发, 表明, 作证n. 讲的事, 传闻tell 作为及物动词时,后面才有宾语或者宾语从句而这里的tell是作为不及物动词,后面不需要加东西,意思是 证明,表明。

什么是Olympic Games?


when we watched the national flag ( )in the olympic games on tv, we ( ) a cheer



单数The Olympic Games was held in Beijing in 2008.


Olympic games 形式上是复数形式,但当做第三人称单数看待,相当于it。

The Olympic games.是什么意思?还有The Olympic flame.是什么意思?


the Olympics 和 the Olympic Games 有什么区别?后面谓语动词分别用什么? 当有序数词时呢?

要看上下文,当作一组使用的时候使用单数,如果有数词指是多届或多个运动会则用复数。例如:1. 奥林匹克运动会是四年一度的国际性运动会。1. The Olympic Games is an international sporting event held every four years.1. (这里使用单数 is,因为是在泛指奥运会,将它视为一组)2. 夏季与冬季奥林匹克运动会每两年轮流举行。2. The Summer and Winter Olympic Games, they alternate every two years.2. (这里使用复数 they alternate,因为指夏季和冬季二组或两届运动会)

the olympic games是单数还是复数


olympic games英语对话短文

The London Olympics are less than one hundred days away. Across the world, many competitors still have to qualify for the sixteen days of competition. Others are entering the final weeks of training.距离伦敦奥运会已经不足100天。在世界各地,许多参赛选手仍然必须证明其有资格参加这项为期16天赛事。其他人则进入了最后几个星期的训练。Three hundred thousand people are expected to travel to the British capital for the Summer Olympic Games. The opening ceremonies are on July twenty-seventh.预计将有30万人前往英国首都伦敦观看这届夏季奥运会。开幕式定于7月27日举行。Wednesday marked the one-hundred-day point. Sebastian Coe -- the British runner who won two Olympic gold medals -- is chairman of the London 2012 organizing committee.本周三标志着100天倒数的起点。获得过两块奥运金牌的英国田径运动员塞巴斯蒂安·柯伊担任伦2012年伦敦奥组委主席。SEBASTIAN COE: "It signifies, first of all, still an extraordinary amount of work still to do, but I think one hundred days, it means something to people. When you"re talking about seven years, six years, five years, four years, but actually when you"re really talking about days, and we"re talking twelve Wednesdays or something, I mean it really is, it"s very close."柯伊:“首先我们还有许多工作有待完成。但是我想,100天对于人们来说,还可以做好些事情。以前我们谈到的是7年,6年,5年,4年。但现在我们谈到的是多少天,我们谈到的是还有12个星期之类的,我的意思是,时间已经非常迫近了。”

英文olympic games和olympiad意思都是奥运会 为什么要用第一个长尾词

Olympiad and olympic games意思都是奥运会 .但Olympiad在现时可指其他的比赛eg: 59th International Mathematical Olympiad而olympic games一定是指奥运会

是in the Olympic Games(奥林匹克)还是at the Olympic Games


高一英语必修二unit2 课文THE OLYMPIC GAMES 翻译,急啊 ···


英语:the olympic games will be held in beijing in 2008and everyone ___ it .

look forward to sth期望某事look forward to doing期望做某事以上两个都是固定句型

olympic games是单数还是复数


olympic games单数还是复数

如果是泛指“奥运会”,用复数,而具体到哪一届就应该用单数了。例如:The Olympic Games are held every four years.The 29th Olympic Games is going to be held in Beijing in 2008. Olympic例句 1、I prefer the athletics at the Olympics. 2、The most important in Olympicsis participance instead of wining. 3、It is an improvement over the 2000 Sydney Olympics. 4、But the Olympicsis the goal of every athlete. 5、Secondly, the 2008 Olympicswill be a red pageant.

The Olympic games 做主语,谓语动词用单数还是复数?




the Olympic Games作主语时,谓语动词是单数还是复数


Olympic,Olympics,Olympic Games有什么区别呢?

Olympic 是奥运的 Olympics指的是奥运会 Olympic games指的是奥运会里的运动项目Olympics =Olympic Gamnes 是奥林匹克运动会 基本没区别.The Olympic Games 是指奥运会,不是项目.The Olympics 或 The Games 是简称.

the olympic games是单数还是复数


求The olympic games的演讲稿

The Olympic Games are held every four years in a different city in the world. Athletes from different countries compete in a variety of sports which are divided into winter and summer games.The Olympics began in Greece more than 2 700 years ago. The first recorded Olympic competition was held in 776 B. C. It was held in an outdoor stadium and about forty thousand people watched the event. The first thirteen Olympics consisted of only one race running. The games had been held regularly for about 1 200 years. Then, in the year 397 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emporor.It was not until 1896 that the first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens. From then on the games are held every four years rugularly. The Olympics have become the worldu2019s most important athletic events and a symbol of sporting friendship of all the people of the worl

the olympic games是什么意思

the Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会; 奥运会; 例句:1.The olympic games are still three months away. 距离伦敦奥运会仍有3个月时间。2.The olympic games turin 2006. 2006年都灵冬季奥运会简介。

the 2022 olympic games的2022读法

就是将20和22分开用英语朗读。拓展:第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会(The XXIV Olympic Winter Games),即2022年北京冬季奥运会,计划于2022年2月4日星期五开幕,2月20日星期日闭幕。北京冬季奥运会设7个大项,15个分项,109个小项。北京赛区承办所有的冰上项目;延庆赛区承办雪车、雪橇及高山滑雪项目;张家口赛区的崇礼区承办除雪车、雪橇及高山滑雪之外的所有雪上项目。2021年9月17日,北京冬奥会、冬残奥会发布主题口号——“一起向未来”。10月18日,北京冬奥会火种在希腊成功点燃。10月20日,北京冬奥会火种抵达北京。2021年10月31日消息,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会志愿者招募工作基本完成,赛会志愿者培训工作全面展开。11月15日,2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号推广歌曲《一起向未来》全新MV在全平台正式上线。2021年11月16日,“一起向未来——北京冬奥推介会”在法国巴黎中国文化中心举办,来自中法两国的文化、艺术和体育界人士、华人华侨代表等100余人出席了活动;12月3日上午,国务院新闻办公室召开发布会,各项准备工作已经就绪。2022年2月2日,北京冬奥会火炬接力启动仪式将举行。2月6日,国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫在北京的新闻发布会上表示,北京冬奥会创造了历史,以前所未有的数字化水平,让更多人感受奥运文化与精彩,这为奥运留下了全新的技术标准。

Olympic Games是什么意思?为什么Olympic不能加s?


olympic games怎么读

/u0259u02c8lu026ampu026ak geims/ 中文发音:饿林匹克给慕死

明天考试,The Advantages of Hosting the Olympic Games题目,80字英文作文,好心人帮下啦,谢谢!

The 2008 Olympic Games has been held in Beijing,where many sportsmen and sportswomen from the countries all over the world assembled. As everyone knows, holding the Olympic Games is more than a great honor for the country and its people. As to our China, we have tried many times to get a opportunity for hosting it, finally, we do. However, hosting the Olympic Games has not only advantages but also disadvantages . As for advantages, hosting the Olympic games will have a positive effect on the economy. With millions of foreigners coming to the country to see the Olympic Games, they will consume, for example, they eat foods in restaurants, live in hotels. Second, the Olympic games creates more job opportunities for local workers, as Olympic games ususlly requires a standard of the gymnasiums for the sport games, so there will be more building needed. In addition, through the Olympic Games, more people around the world will know the country who hosted it.希望对你有帮助~~

..the Olympic is a honor. 为啥不填To host而填Hosting


怎样创新地上高中英语olympic games


Jane came very close ______ (win)a gold medal for Britain in the Olympics。 答案是什么?为什么?

close to doing接近于,靠近。

the host to the 2008 olympic是什么意思



Olympic 源自希腊南部古城奥林匹克运动会发源地奥林匹亚(Olympia)和其附近的奥林帕斯山(Mount Olympus),通常用作形容词,如 Olympic Games. 词义:1)与奥林匹克运动会有关的;2)与希腊城市奥林匹亚或奥林帕斯山有关的. 奥林匹克运动会:the Olympics



_________ Australia’s relatively small population, its outstanding performance in the Olympic G..

C 试题分析:“澳大利亚相对较少的人口”是说话人认为其在奥运会上“表现惊人”的理由。considering …是独立结构,表示说话人的“态度”、“看法”、“判断依据”等,与句子主语无关。故C项正确。独立结构包括generally / frankly speaking, considering, judging, supposing, providing; to be honest, to tell the truth, to make things worse 以及given, provided等。

michael phelps is_____ and he got 8 gold medals in tje 29TH beijing olympic GAmes


The Olympic flame ,torch and relay draw on a history going back to the ancient Olympic games.


london 2012 olympic torch relay


something about olympic torch and torch relay (english)

指通常还是专门08奥运的?Olympic TorchOlympic torches are used, together with miners lamps, for transporting the Olympic Flame from Olympia (Greece) to the Host City, up to the Olympic stadium. (See Olympic Charter Rule 18)-------The Beijing Olympic torch relay will reach the world"s highest peak, cover the longest distance, and involve the most people in Games history, it was announced last night. The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) unveiled its torch relay route and the torch - a red and silver cloud-design tube shaped like a Chinese scroll. "As the prelude to the Games, the torch relay is one of the most important ceremonies and a major means to spread and promote the Olympic spirit," BOCOG President Liu Qi said at the launching ceremony at the China Millennium Monument in Beijing. The Olympic torch will be carried across all five continents, along the ancient "Silk Road" and 135 cities, covering 137,000 kilometers over 130 days, the longest time the flame has ever been carried. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) praised the planned route. "By traveling along the "Silk Road", a symbol of ancient trade links between China and the rest of the world, crossing the five continents and going to new places, the Beijing 2008 Torch Relay will, as its theme says, be a "journey of harmony", bringing friendship and respect to people of different nationalities, races and creeds," IOC President Jacques Rogge said. "I have no doubt the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will leave many extraordinary memories and create new dreams for people around the world." The Olympic flame will be lit in Olympia, Greece on March 25, 2008. From March 25 to 30, the torch will travel across Greece, ending at the Panathinaiko Stadium, the site of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. After a handover ceremony in the stadium, the flame will arrive in Beijing on March 31. The world Olympic partners Coca-Cola, Samsung and Lenovo will be the sponsors for the relay. One of the highlights of this leg will be the attempt to bring the Olympic flame in May to the highest peak in the world - Mount Qomolangma. "Lifting the Olympic flame to the peak of the world is one of our commitments in the bidding, which shows our respect to the Olympics," BOCOG Executive Vice-President Jiang Xiaoyu, said. "To reach the peak of the mountain, athletes and torchbearers should make great efforts, which is in line with the Olympic spirit of "higher, stronger and faster"." BOCOG said carrying the Olympic flame to Mount Qomolangma would not affect the natural environment there. "Green Olympics is one of the three concepts of the Beijing Games, we have issued special environmental protection manual for Mount Qomolangma," Jiang said. "The passing on the mountain will be a journey of green."

What do you think of Olympic Torch Relay?

Olympic torch relay reached in Guangzhou today. We went out to see the torch with hope. But we were not able to see the torch,I was pushed by people, and I probably would have been trampled by crazy animals if my friend was not there. That was so terrible! I wonder somebody would go to hospital today. The more terrible thing is the police, they pushed you heavily and shouted at you,later they tried to use motorbike attack you, I was happy they didnt take out theiri guns. pffffffffff,I feel very disappointed about the Olmpic torch thing. Just want to share my story with other friends who live in other cities where the torch will go. Don"t try to get in,because you can"t see anything except heads. It is so dangerous that might hurt you.watch TV at home is safer.

the olympic torch is 英语阅读答案

1-4 D A C C 阅读理解。 SHAOXING, East China, May 16(Xin Hua)- The Olympic torch relay (火炬接力) will start in Shaoxingon Saturday, which is known as one ancient Chinese culture city with a history of over 4,000 years. Shaoxing is also the hometown to many outstanding persons such as Cai Yuanpei, Lu Xun and Zhou Enlai. Chairman Mao Zedong once wrote a poem, praising Shaoxing as the "home of famous names". The relay, planned to kick off at 15:40 Saturday, will set out from Da Yu Ling. It is the resting place of Da Yu, an ancient hero who succeeded in dealing with the great flood (洪水). Along the route, the torch will also pass by Da Tong School, Ying En Gate, the Chinese Yellow Wine Town and Native residence (故居) of Mr Lu Xun. According to the plan, the relay will end at about 18:40. "You can know the history of Shaoxing when you walk along the route," said Shan Guoquan, the person who planned the route. According to Shan, Da Tong School was the earliest school in China that specialized (专门从事) in sports teaching and training. It was built from a place which used to be an exam center in ancient times. Ying En Gate, Shaoxing"s ancient water city gate, was built in 1626. It was in the busiest and richest area100 years ago. The Chinese Yellow Wine Town told us the cultures of the popular drink among the people in Shaoxing for centuries. Native residence of Mr Lu Xun is built to remember Lu Xun, a great writer and thinker in China. "Just as a time tunnel (隧道), the Olympic torch relay route tells us the history of Shaoxing," said Shan. 1. Among the following four persons, _____ named Shaoxing "home of famous names". A. Cai Yuanpei B. Lu Xun C. Zhou Enlai D. Mao Zedong 2. The underlined phrase "kick off" probably means "_____". A. begin B. stop C. check D. leave 3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. The torch relay will pass by five famous places. B. Ying En Gate has a history of more than 380 years. C. There was no sports education in Da Tong School.D. The torch relay route helps people know the history of Shaoxing. 4. This passage is most probably from _____. A. a bookB. a letterC. a newspaper D. a magazine

the Olympic Torch Relay请问是什么意思


The Beijing Olympic Games has d____ great attention from all over the word to China中间怎么填

drawn吸引draw to:接近;开具给;吸引到…方面来)

翻译The flame of the Olympic Torch for the Summer 。。。。。

奥运火炬传递的火焰,在北京举行的夏季奥运会点燃仪式已经在希腊的奥林匹亚开始,先进的现代奥运会起源于将近3万年前。两个人权抗议者打乱了简短仪式。电视画面显示,警察快速行动来制止他们。卡罗琳杜飞报告。 “(音乐…)的仪式了奥林匹克会歌。对希腊的比赛中,这是一个神圣的传统。当局决心仪式将顺利进行。超过一千警察在场的应对威胁反华的抗议者. 随着北京奥组委说,一个男子越过安全护卫,被按倒了。仪式上,国际奥委会主席罗格说,奥运会火炬接力必须在一个和平的环境中进行。”