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it is assumed that..是什么意思?是估计还是假设? be assumed to是什么意思?

2023-07-25 10:54:41




2023-07-24 16:40:414

如何区别“assume” 和“presume”?

在一般的使用中,"assume "和"presume" 都可以表示“假设”(suppose),并且在这个意义上两者通常是可互换的。然而,严格来说,两者之间存在微妙的差异,“presume" 是“以在概率为基础的情况下进行假定”。 Example: 例子: Two of the journalists went missing and are presumed dead. 两名记者失踪了,并且被推定已经死亡。 "Assume "on the other hand is “to suppose without proof”. "Assume"则是“在没有证据的情况之下假定”。 Example: 例子: I just assumed it to be the case. 我只是认为是这样。 Both words also share other meanings that can be summarized as "to take on oneself".In this sense "assume" is generally used to describe taking on a role. 这两个词也有其他相同的意思,可以归结为“独自承担”。 在这个意义上,"assume" 通常用来描述扮演一个角色。 Example: 例子: I assumed the role of the aggressor in the conversation. 我在这此谈话中承担了侵略者的角色。 Whereas "presume" is generally used when taking on an attitude. 而"presume" 通常用于表示采取的态度。 Example: 例子: He had presumed too great a level of familiarity. 他对于他熟练程度的设定值太高了。
2023-07-24 16:40:511

It is assumed 是什么意思

2023-07-24 16:41:003

assuming 和 assumed 的区别

2023-07-24 16:41:081

为什么I had assumed him to be a Chinese这句要用had assumed而不是assumed?

2023-07-24 16:41:421

新概念第三册 Lesson 44?语法问题

assuming that现在分词assuming引导出条件状语从句。意思是:当然,假定大海总是平静的。
2023-07-24 16:41:516

VC DLL inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.警告的问题

dllexport 修改为 dllimport
2023-07-24 16:42:542


成分:主语my reasoning, 谓语would have been ,表语从句,that 至句末。表语从句的主语是i ,谓语assumed, 宾语是个宾语从句,省略that ,even though 是让步状语从句。时态:would have been 是将来完成时,were ,assumed 是一般过去时,could have been 是对过去的肯定的猜测,可能已经很成功。
2023-07-24 16:43:052


levene"s test中的sig值是F值检验对应的检验值,这个是检测方差是否齐性,而后面那个检测值是T检验的检测值,这个是针对方差齐性和不齐两种情况,得到两个检验值,一般都是同时接受或拒绝原假设。判断步骤:先看F值对应的sig值是否小于0.05,如果大于0.05,则通过第一行的t值对应的sig值来判断数据直接是否存在显著差异;如果小于0.05,则通过第二行的t值对应的sig值来判断数据直接是否存在显著差异。
2023-07-24 16:43:151


2023-07-24 16:43:441


2023-07-24 16:43:531


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 后面是否要加虚拟语气 解析: vt. 1. 以为;假定为;(想当然地)认为[+(that)][O2][O8][O9] I assumed that he had gone for a stroll.我想他去散步了。 2. 承担;就任;取得 The prince assumed power when he was only fifteen. 王子在十五岁时就掌权了。 3. 呈现;采取;采用 His illness assumed a very grave character. 他的病显得非常的严重。 4. 把...视为己有,僭取,夺取 5. 装出,假装 He assumed a look of surprise. 他装出吃惊的神色。
2023-07-24 16:44:041


副词:assumably。形容词:assumable。名词:assumer。assume的用法:1.assume的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。2.assume作“假设”解时,指在证据很少或者存有异议时,甚至在根本没有证据的情况下进行推测,含有较强的武断成分。3.assume还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情”。4.assume用作及物动词。He assumes a look of innocence.他装出一副天真无邪的样子。She assumed an injured air.她装出冤屈的样子。5.用作宾补动词。We can"t just assume her guilt.我们不能想当然地认为她有罪。I assume him to be the cleverest boy in this class.我认为他是这个班最聪明的学生。
2023-07-24 16:44:231


assumed:假装的; 假定的, 设想的; 假冒的; 被承担的
2023-07-24 16:44:451


2023-07-24 16:44:531


在这个句子中,有如下成分:主语:I(我)副词:naturally(自然地)谓语动词:assumed(假设)宾语从句:that she wanted to talk(她想要谈话)连词:that(引导宾语从句)主语:she(她)谓语动词:wanted(想要)宾语:to talk(谈话)
2023-07-24 16:45:511


2023-07-24 16:46:001

it is assumed是什么意思中文

假定大多数驾驶员遵守速度限制,那么要是雷达读数显示有10%以上的人超速,雷达就会被视为存在故障. It is assumed:假定,假设
2023-07-24 16:46:071

be assumed to be是什么意思

be assumed to be释义假设为短语erroneously assumed to be误认为is assumed to be被假定为
2023-07-24 16:46:142

The winner of the election assumed the office of senator.这句话怎么翻译。

2023-07-24 16:46:351


that 是这个句子的主语,which you assumed lost 是修饰that的定语从句 may be 是这个主句的谓语动词部分 back是个副词 back to you 是做on its way 的状语。 整个句子的意思就是:你认为已经失去的东西可能实际上正在往你身边回。
2023-07-24 16:46:443


2023-07-24 16:47:003


2023-07-24 16:47:082

presume assume 怎么用词根解释

你好,我试着解释一下.assume中文简解:vt. 假定,设想,承担单词结构:as[r1] + sum[r2] + e[r1]构词法则:as:加强意义 + sum:拿,取 + e:词尾 → 直接拿过来作为假设 → 假定(往往表达一种没有逻辑推理的假定)详解例句:The problem has assumed a new form./r/n 这个问题又以新的形式出现。/r/n I assumed you can speak French fluently./r/n 我以为你能讲流利的法语。/r/npresume中文简解:v. 假定,推测,占便宜单词结构:pre[r1] + sum[r2] + e[r1]构词法则:pre:前、先 + sum:拿,取 + e:词尾 → 用事先的事实作为依据推理 → 推测(表达一种有根据的推理)详解例句:A signed invoice presumes receipt of the shipment./r/n 经过签字的发票表示货物已经收到。/r/n The law presumes innocence until guilt is proved./r/n 在罪状未证实前,法律假定被告无罪。/r/n在词源中,是这样说的:In rhetorical usage, assume expresses what the assumer postulates, often as a confessed hypothesis; presume expresses what the presumer really believes.
2023-07-24 16:47:181

国外大学的课程介绍中出现的assumed knowledge是什么意思呢?

2023-07-24 16:47:412

It is assumed that是什么意思呢?人们认为?假定?这句话是法官写的裁决书上的内容。

it is assumed that... ...认为....
2023-07-24 16:47:494

he is not such a fool as you assumed him to be。。to be是什么意思

2023-07-24 16:47:561

The winner of the election assumed the office of senator.这句话怎么翻译。

2023-07-24 16:48:054

it has long been assumed

it has long been assumed it has long been assumed that 译为:长期以来一直认为
2023-07-24 16:48:141


2023-07-24 16:48:212

assuming的解释你看到am就应该想到这是进行时态,不是形容词以为;假定为;(想当然地)认为[+(that)][O2][O8][O9]I assumed that he had gone for a stroll. 我想他去散步了。 2.承担;就任;取得The prince assumed power when he was only fifteen. 王子在十五岁时就掌权了。 3.呈现;采取;采用His illness assumed a very grave character. 他的病显得非常的严重。 4.把...视为己有,僭取,夺取5.装出,假装He assumed a look of surprise. 他装出吃惊的神色。
2023-07-24 16:48:361

making为什么要用ing形式,was going to这一时态又是怎么理解呢?谢谢!

was going to是过去将来时,making是非谓语动词,be going to已经是将来,不能用to do,making表示正在做
2023-07-24 16:48:442

it was assumed without question that是什么意思

这个是形式主语,that后面应该是一个从句,that的内容指代it,也就是that从句才是真正的主语。例如:It is assumed that you already have such test cases in order to run this step.我们假定您已经获得了运行此步骤所需的此类测试用例。
2023-07-24 16:49:031


declare意为:宣布,宣告;声明。及物动词 vt. 1.宣布,宣告;声明[O8][O9][+(that)]The new Congress declared a state of war with Germany. 新的国会向德国宣战了。 2.宣称;断言[+(that)][O8][O9]The accused man declared himself innocent. 被告声称他是无罪的。 She declared that she didn"t want to see him again. 她宣称再也不愿见他了。 3.申报(纳税品等)I have nothing to declare. 我没什么要申报的。 4.【牌】宣布(某牌)为王牌不及物动词 vi. 1.声明,表示[(+for/against)]We declared for their proposal. 我们声明赞成他们的建议。announce及物动词 vt. 1.宣布,发布[+that]They announced that she would give one extra song. 他们宣布说她将再唱一首歌。 The vote was completed. The chairman announced the result. 投票完毕。主席宣布了结果。 2.通报...的到达;通知...已准备好The servant announced Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. 仆人通报亨特夫妇驾到。 3.声称[+that]4.显示,预告[+that]5.播报不及物动词 vi. 1.当播音员,当报幕人2.【美】宣布参加竞选;宣布支持某人竞选[(+for)]The senator announced for the presidency. 这位参议员宣布参加竞选 approve及物动词 vt. 1.赞成,同意;赞许[W]The professor does not approve the government"s foreign policy. 那位教授不赞成政府的外交政策。 2.批准;认可The city council has now approved the scheme for the erection of a new public library. 市议会业已核准建造一座新的公共图书馆的计划。 不及物动词 vi. 1.赞成;赞许[W][(+of)]I"m afraid your parents won"t approve of your going there. 我担心你父母不会赞成你到那儿去。 assume及物动词 vt. 1.以为;假定为;(想当然地)认为[+(that)][O2][O8][O9]I assumed that he had gone for a stroll. 我想他去散步了。 2.承担;就任;取得The prince assumed power when he was only fifteen. 王子在十五岁时就掌权了。 3.呈现;采取;采用His illness assumed a very grave character. 他的病显得非常的严重。 4.把...视为己有,僭取,夺取5.装出,假装He assumed a look of surprise. 他装出吃惊的神色。 不及物动词 vi. 1.装腔作势2.多管闲事
2023-07-24 16:49:134

stata中option xb assumed;fitted values是什么意思

2023-07-24 16:49:242

it remains understood that the credit will be marked as unutilized for the full invoice amount

2023-07-24 16:49:323

it has long been assumed that是什么意思

2023-07-24 16:49:402


2023-07-24 16:49:483

it has long been assumed that是什么意思

it has long been assumed that长期以来,人们一直认为。。。。这是一个固定的被动的句式,翻译的时候,按照主动来翻译
2023-07-24 16:50:182


instinct 既是不可数名词,也是可数名词。请看例句:① Birds learn to fly by instinct. 鸟会飞是出自本能。② Trust your instincts and marry him! 要相信你的直觉, 就嫁给他吧!
2023-07-24 16:42:451

2023-07-24 16:42:463

dying in the sun 空间链接 求

你好,优质链接已发送。网页右上角的小hi图标,当看到有数字提示之后,点击图标获取我的链接。 满意,请选为满意答案。团队离不开大家的好评。┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅其它要链接的亲,可在我头像下点击【求助知友】,留歌名+歌手+邮箱+【沧海知音】
2023-07-24 16:42:472


  出国留学能学习到国外多元的文化,能接触到先进的高等教育,能看到在国内看不到的东西难道不是幸福的日子吗?事实并非如此。和看看关于出国留学生活的十个事实。    一、关于睡觉   留学前:晚上11点发完最后一条朋友圈后睡觉   留学时:写作业到凌晨2点困到睡着   回国后:夜夜不睡 怕浪费宝贵的和大家相处的时间   留学前留学后,留学狗的痛你不懂,哈哈哈哈    二、关于吃饭   留学前:喜欢吃麦当劳、肯德基、牛排所有一切洋玩意儿   留学时:喜欢吃大米饭、凉菜、水煮鱼 、然而都不是家乡的那个味儿   回国后:就喜欢吃妈妈做的   留学前留学后,留学狗的痛你不懂,哈哈哈哈    三、关于睡觉   留学前:精心打理自己的头发   留学时:不知道啥时候 反正已经很久没理发了   回国后:先来个染再来个烫动不动整个大波浪   短的接 长的剪 再折腾也贵不出国外一个小平头   留学前留学后,留学狗的痛你不懂,哈哈哈哈    四、关于语言   留学前:不会就问同学,各种沟通无障碍   留学时:语言是问题,用中文讨论还被外国人吐槽是抱团   回国后:能时时刻刻母语的感觉真好   留学前留学后,留学狗的痛你不懂,哈哈哈哈    五、关于社交网络   留学前:微信   留学时:FACEBOOK   回国后:只要在电脑上能找到的我全用   留学前留学后,留学狗的痛你不懂,哈哈哈哈    六、关于父母   留学前:跟爸妈总对着干   留学时:天天想跟爸妈说“对不起”“谢谢你”“我爱你”   回国后:还是说不出口   留学前留学后,留学狗的痛你不懂,哈哈哈哈    七、关于朋友   留学前:街上见到朋友都兴奋地打闹一番   留学时:见谁都“hey”“how r u”“what"s up”   回国后:见到老朋友只想含泪拥抱   留学前留学后,留学狗的痛你不懂,哈哈哈哈    八、关于女孩恋爱   留学前:女孩找对象 想找个英俊潇洒的   留学时:女孩找对象 想找个有钱有车的   回国后:女孩找对象 真心对她就行   留学前留学后,留学狗的痛你不懂,哈哈哈哈    九、关于男孩恋爱   留学前:男孩找对象 想找个貌美如花的   留学时:男孩找对象 想找个温柔体贴的   回国后:男孩找对象 老婆? 能做饭就行!   留学前留学后,留学狗的痛你不懂,哈哈哈哈    十、关于回家   留学前:四年没回家过年,年年狐朋狗友 夜夜笙歌   留学时:旷两个星期课就为了 能在家过一个年 最后还是没赶上   回国后:今年过年又不能回家了
2023-07-24 16:42:491

秀智ring my bell音源,跪求!!!!

Let The Bell Ring我有,里面有很多的可以看,而且都是的,点我主页,~就能看到
2023-07-24 16:42:503

they arouse instincts which can only be dimly understood 如何翻译

2023-07-24 16:42:552

求秀智ring my bell~~

Ring My Bell写作背景  秀智演唱,歌词暖心,歌曲旋律温暖不失淡淡的忧伤,mv里是两个人剧的点点滴滴,秀智在宇彬车前整理头发宇彬下拉车窗的尴尬,在两个人的相处中,宇彬发掘原来秀智本性是这般的天真烂漫,于是眼神里就冒着爱的光辉。作为pd的秀智在拍摄才华横溢、歌声出众的宇彬时,认真的男人最帅果然最迷人,由此爱情进入了最甜蜜的阶段,不过毫无例外的物极必反,两个人也会出现问题,争吵、误解。歌词旋律渐变紧张。  Ring My Bell歌词  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  sometimes you love her  你有时爱她  sometimes you don"t  有时不爱她  sometimes you need it then you don"t and you let go..  你有时需要它,不需要的时候又放弃它  sometimes we rush it  我们有时候匆匆而过  sometimes we fall  有时候跌倒  it doesn"t matter baby we can take it real slow..  其实无所谓宝贝,我们可以慢慢经历  coz the way that we touch is something that we can"t deny  因为我们的选择是情非得已  and the way that you move oh it makes me feel alive  而你的一举一动让我感觉到活着的自己  come on  来吧  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  you try to hide it  你试图隐藏  i know you do  是的我知道  when are you ready wanna ours meet up come and get to  何时才能和你见面和你在一起  you move me closer  你让我靠近  i feel you breathe  我感觉的气息  it"s like the rose disappears when you around me  你在我身边仿佛消失的玫瑰  coz the way that we touch is something that we can"t deny  因为我们的选择是情非得已  and the way that you move oh it makes me feel alive  而你的一举一动让我感觉到活着的自己  so come on  所以来吧  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  say you want, say you need  说你想要,说你需要  i can do by your face know the way it turns me on  靠近你的脸庞我无法忍受,我知道这样会让我神魂颠倒  i say you want, i say you need  我说你想要,我说你需要  i will do all your things i would never do you wrong  我愿意为你付出一切,我不会让你跌倒  coz the way that we love is something that we can"t fight  因为我们的爱无法抗拒  i just can"t getting close oh you make me feel alive  我无法靠近,你让我感觉到活着的自己  so come on  所以来吧  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  i say you want i say you need  我说你想要,我说你需要  (i can tell that way oh look at me i tell you what)  (我能说出,看着我我会告诉你)  i say you want i say you need  我说你想要,我说你需要  (if you caught all the taste for me don"t have to wait just get it on)  (若你了解我,不必等待,兴奋起来)  get it on  兴奋起来  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,  ring my bell, ring my bells..  敲响我的铃铛,敲响我的铃铛,
2023-07-24 16:42:421


2023-07-24 16:42:401

求《In the Sun》歌词(美剧《The L Word》原声)

I picture you in the sun wondering what went wrongAnd falling down on your knees asking for sympathyAnd being caught in between all you wish for and all you seenAnd trying to find anything you can feel that you can believe inMay god"s love be with youAlwaysMay god"s love be with youI know I would apologize if I could see your eyes"cause when you showed me myself I became someone elseBut I was caught in between all you wish for and all you needI picture you fast asleepA nightmare comesYou can"t keep awakeMay god"s love be with youAlwaysMay god"s love be with you"cause if I findIf I find my own wayHow much will I findIf I findIf I find my own wayHow much will I findYouI don"t know anymoreWhat it"s forI"m not even sureIf there is anyone who is in the sunWill you help me to understand"cause I been caught in between all I wish for and all I needMaybe you"re not even sure what it"s forAny more than meMay god"s love be with youAlwaysMay god"s love be with you
2023-07-24 16:42:393


2023-07-24 16:42:361


instinct[英][u02c8u026anstu026au014bkt][美][u02c8u026anu02ccstu026au014bkt]n.本能,天性; 冲动; 天资,天才; adj.深深地充满着; 复数:instincts例句:1.I believe that this is an evolved instinct. 我认为这是进化出来的本能。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-24 16:42:351