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everyday 和 every day 的区别

2023-07-29 10:12:39


1. Appropriate for ordinary days or routine occasions:


用法与例句:a suit for everyday wear.适合平日里穿的衣服

2. Commonplace; ordinary:


用法与例句:everyday worries.日常的烦恼


3. The ordinary or routine day or occasion:


用法与例句:“It was not an isolated,violent episode. It had become part of the everyday”(Sherry Turkle)“这不是一个孤立的暴力事件,它已经成为日常中的一部分”(谢里·蒂尔克)

every day为adv.词组

without missing a day“每天”只能作时间状语。

Every day, Jackson goes along the Green Lake Park to school.

Jackson goes along the Green Lake Park to school every day.


everyday是形容词,有词组everyday work 日常工作

every day 是副词短语, 句子 I do my homework every day. 我每天都做家庭作业。

只要注意 两者很容易区分

everyday是形容词每天的 It is everyday routine.
every day 是时间状语 每天
I speak English every day

everyday是形容词,表示日常的 everyday homework

every day 是副词,表示每天 I brush my teeth every day.




1. 每日的,每天的,每天发生的;日常的2. (例假日和星期日以外的)寻常日子穿(或用)的,适于平日的3. 平常的,平时的,惯用的,司空见惯的;普普通通的,平凡的,平淡无奇的


1. 寻常日子,平日,平时2. 普通场合

work out at the gym everyday.


I eat sandwich as my breakfast everyday.


I hope to communicate more with you everyday.


every day每天;每个白天

When do you go home every day?


Every day, we produce lots of rubbish.


Mother spends one hour dinner every day.





everyday 和 分开的every day 在英语用法中有什么区别?

everyday:每天的,日常的,平常的.形容词,后面可接名词.every day是短语,副词.一般放句首或句末,用来修饰整个句子.两者在意思上没有区别.
2023-07-28 15:59:151

everyday和every day的区别

①everyday adj:每天的, 日常的, 平常的, 平凡的,后面直接跟名词。n. 平时;例句:1、New York Times. I read it everyday.纽约时报,我每天都看。2、She cooks and washes everyday. 她每天煮饭洗衣。3、I walk back after work everyday. 我每天下班步行回家。4、he girl helps her mother to wash up after dinner everyday. 女孩每天晚饭后帮妈妈洗餐具。5、I love it because I look at it everyday and think of everyone in it! 我很喜欢它,因为每天看到这些照片就会想起里面所有的人。②every day 每天 ;日;天天;逐日;是短语,一般作副词讲,放在句首或句末,用来修饰整个句子。例句:1、Sheldon writes every day of the week, dictating his novels in the morning.谢尔登一周七天都要写作,每天上午口述小说让别人记录。2、He catlicks his face every day. 他每天马马虎虎地洗脸。3、In the course of my everyday life, I had very little contact with teenagers.在我的日常生活中,我与青少年少有接触。4、They commute between Beijing and Tianjin every day. 他们每天往返于北京与天津之间。5、Walking for one or two hours every day is good for your heath. 每天散步一、两个小时对你的身体有好处。6、Do you do homework every day? 你们每天都做家庭作业吗?
2023-07-28 15:59:4312

辨析everyday every day 辨析for during

every day/everyday every day与everyday表示的意思不一样。 Every day是个短语,其中every是个形容词,它与名词day构成短语表示“每天”、“天天”,该短语一般在句中可以作为时间状语。例如: He watches TV every day.他天天看电视。 Don"t eat too much every day.每天不要吃得太多。 everyday是个形容词,表示“每天发生的”、“每日所用的”、“日常的”。例如: We see it in our everyday life.在日常生自学成才中我们见到这种情况。 I like every day clothes.我喜欢穿便衣。 This is everyday English.这时日常用的英语。for 和during 1. during 通常表示事件发生在何时(when),而 for 则表示事件持续了多长时间 (how long)。如:He was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. 他在夏天住了 6 个星期的医院。A:When did he die? 他是什么时候死的?B:During the last war. 是在上次战争中。(此句不能用 for)A:How long did you live there? 你在那儿住过多久?B:For about three years. 大约 3 年。(此句不能用 during)2. 两者之后均可接由 the whole 引起的时间短语,但通、常不能接由 all 引起的时间短语。如:他整个夏天都住在那儿。正:He stayed there for [during] the whole summer.误:He stayed there for [during] all the summer.3. 在“数词+时间名词”之前以及在 some time, a long time 之类表示泛指一段时间的词组之前,可用介词 for,但不用 during。如:他在这儿住过 10 年(一段时间) 。误:He lived here during ten years (during some time).正:He lived here for ten years (for some time).
2023-07-28 16:00:231

怎么区分英语中的every day 之间是连还是分

everyday 做副词用,比如:我每天去上学用的就是everyday,分开来的every day是短语
2023-07-28 16:00:312


every day/everyday every day与everyday表示的意思不一样. Every day是个短语,其中every是个形容词,它与名词day构成短语表示“每天”、“天天”,该短语一般在句中可以作为时间状语.例如: He watches TV every day.他天天看电视. Don"t eat too much every day.每天不要吃得太多. everyday是个形容词,表示“每天发生的”、“每日所用的”、“日常的”.例如: We see it in our everyday life.在日常生自学成才中我们见到这种情况. I like every day clothes.我喜欢穿便衣. This is everyday English.这时日常用的英语.
2023-07-28 16:00:414


可连用多种时态,如一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、现在完成时等。例如:Everydayhe queued patiently at the bus stop.他每天都耐心地在公共汽车站排队。 扩展资料   常见辨析词:   Already and All Ready:   副词already表示“以前”或“到现在”:   Sasha has already left.   萨沙已经离开了。   短语all ready表示“准备充分的”:   We"re all ready to go.   我们已经准备好要出发了。   Altogether and All Together   副词altogether表示“完全地“或“全部地”:   Gus has stopped riding the bus altogether.   格斯再也不开公共汽车了。   短语all together指代人或物集中在一个地方:   The kids sit all together in the back of the bus.   孩子们都坐在公共汽车的后面。   Anyone and Any One:   不定代词anyone抽象地指代任何人,而不是某一个人:   Anyone who has an opinion will probably offend someone.   有意见的`人很可能会冒犯到别人。   短语any one指代具体但身份不明的物或人:   With enough money, any one of us could be elected mayor.   只要有足够的钱,我们每一个人都能够竞选成为市长。   Awhile and A While:   副词awhile表示“一会儿”:   Nico asked me to stay awhile and chat.   尼克让我留下来聊一会儿天。   名词a while表示一段时间:   Once in a while people surprise you and rise above self-interest.   有时候,人们会使你感到惊讶,他们抛开了个人利益。
2023-07-28 16:00:481

求everyday和every day有什么区别?otl..

我靠好复杂= =everyday没有空格 every day有。……
2023-07-28 16:00:565


2023-07-28 16:01:333

英文歌:歌词不停的有:“everyday :在重复的,男女合唱的,这歌曲是什么名字

you were my everything
2023-07-28 16:01:414

初一英语:every day.和everyday哪个是频率副词?

2023-07-28 16:01:5214


2023-07-28 16:02:331

every day与everyday区别

every day与everyday区别如下:1、词性不同。everyday是一个形容词,意为每天的,日常的,平常的,平凡的,后面跟着一个名词。如,It is everyday routine。这是每天的例行公事。相反,“every”是一个定词,“day”是一个名词,当这两个词一起使用时,它就变成了一个副词短语。如,I go to school every day。我每天上学。He exercises every day。他每天锻炼。2、方式不同。everyday是一个单一的词,表示普通事物,即平常或没有什么特别之处的事物。every day表示日常事物,多描述某物发生的时间或频率,即意味着每天都会发生的事情。最大区别:every day和everyday最大的区别在于“词性”。中间有空格的every day是一个“副词”,表示“每一天”,用在句中作时间状语。中间没有空格的everyday,它就变成一个“形容词”了,意为“日常的、普通的”。
2023-07-28 16:02:421


everyday的读法是[u02c8evrideu026a]。everyday例句如下:1、Slowly insidiously the fog of the everyday has returned to enshroud me.慢慢地,不知不觉地,日常的迷雾又回来笼罩了我。2、In a bizarre profession anything which belongs to an everyday routine gains great values.从事不寻常职业的人日常生活中任何一件极平常的事物对他都具有不平凡的价值。3、He is in his everyday clothes.他穿着平常的衣服。4、In the course of my everyday life,I had very little contact with teenagers.在我的日常生活中,我很少和青少年打交道。5、Many of the differences in everyday life remain.日常生活中的许多差异仍然存在。6、No matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours.无论未来何去何从,我们在一起的每一天都是我人生中最为辉煌的日子。我永远属于你。
2023-07-28 16:03:151

every day和everyday的区别与用法

every day和everyday最大的区别在于“词性”。中间有空格的every day是一个“副词”,表示“每一天”,用在句中作时间状语。中间没有空格的everyday,它就变成一个“形容词”了,意为“日常的、普通的”。 every day和everyday的区别与用法 1、词性不同 everyday是一个形容词,意为每天的,日常的,平常的,平凡的,后面跟着一个名词。 如,It is everyday routine.这是每天的例行公事 相反,“every”是一个定词,“day”是一个名词,当这两个词一起使用时,它就变成了一个副词短语。 如,I go to school every day.我每天上学 He exercises every day. 他每天锻炼 2、方式不同 everyday是一个单一的词,表示普通事物,即平常或没有什么特别之处的事物。every day表示日常事物,多描述某物发生的时间或频率,即意味着每天都会发生的事情。
2023-07-28 16:03:431

every day和each day的区别

  every和each用法上的区别1.each可作代词和形容词,而every只能用作形容词,如可以说each of these dictionaries或each one of these dictionaries,但不能说every of these dictionaries,该用every one of these dictionaries.2.each可指两个或两个以上中间的每一个,而every只可指三个或三个以上中间的每一个,不能指两个中每一个.如:可以说each of my eyes,不可说every one of my eye但可说every one of my toes(脚趾) .3.each通常用来指若干固定数目中的每一个,而every往往指“任何一个”如:Each girl sitting over there is my student.“坐在那里的每一女孩子”指若干固定数目中的每一个,故用each.Every man must do his best.“人人都尽最大的努力”泛指任何一个人,因而用every.4.every和not连用,即“every…not”或“not…every”构成部分否定,表示“并非每一个”的意思,each则无此结构.5.every+ 基数词+ 复数名词=every+ 序数词+ 单数名词,作“每(多少)”解,但each不能用于这一结构中.如:every three days 每三天或每隔两天,相当于 every third day.6.every two days,every second day都作“每隔一天”解,但在实际应用中人们都用every other day来表示这一意思,every two days也有人讲,而every second day则少用的.7.也可以说every few days,相当于汉语的“隔些日子”.8.each 可以与other构成固定的搭配,即each other意思为“彼此、相互、互相”的意思,而every则不能.*everyday 形容词:每天的,日常的,平常的,平凡的 everyday是形容词,后面可以直接跟名词,而every day是短语,一般作副词讲,放在句首或句末,用来修饰整个句子,every-day就有点画蛇添足了,不用这样来合成,不需要中间那个-,它的意思同everyday 例:a suit for everyday wear.适合平日里穿的衣服 *every day 通常做“每天”解作状语时,省掉介词(in),表示频率.I go to school every day.我每天上学 He exercises every day.他每天锻炼
2023-07-28 16:04:023


Once in a lifetime 生命的一次 Means there"s no second chance 意味着没有第二次 So I believe that you and me 所以我相信你和我 Should grab it while we can 应该在可以的时候抓紧它 Make it last forever And never give it back It"s our turn And I"m loving where we"re at 我爱着我们所在的地方 Because this moment"s really all we have 因为这一刻是我们拥有的 Everyday,of our lives 每一天,我们的生活 Wanna find you there 想找到你 Wanna hold on tight 想抓紧 Gonna run 得跑 While we"re young 在我们年轻的时候 And keep the faith 保持这信念 Everyday 每一天 From right now 从现在起 Gonna use our voices and scream out loud 得用我们的声音大声叫出来 Take my hand 接着我的手 Together we will celebrate 我们一起庆祝 Celebrate 庆祝 Oh,everyday 哦每一天 They say that you should follow 他们说你应该跟着 And chase down what you dream 追赶着你的梦 But if you get lost and lose yourself 如果你迷路或迷失了自己 What does is really mean? 那是什么意思 No matter where we"re going 我们去哪没什么关系 It starts from where we are 从我们在的地方开始 There"s more to life when we listen to our hearts生命会更亮丽如果我们听我们的心 And because of you 因为你 I"ve got the strength to start 我有开始的体力 Yeah,yeah,yeah! YEAH YEAH YEAH Everyday,of our lives 生命的每一天 Wanna find you there 想找到你 Wanna hold on tight 想抓紧 Gonna run 得走 While we"re young 在我们年轻的时候 And keep the faith 保持这信念 Everyday 每一天 From right now 从现在开始 Gonna use our voices and scream out loud 得用我们的声音大声喊出来 Take my hand 接着我的手 Together we will celebrate 一起我们会庆祝 Oh,everyday 每一天 We"re taking it back We"re doing it here 我们正在做 Together! 一起 It"s better like that 那样好很多 And stronger now 和更强壮 Than ever! 从来没有的 We"re not gonna lose 我们不会迷失 "Cause we get to choose 因为我们可以选择 That"s how it"s gonna be!这是它将成为的 Everyday 每一天 Of our lives 我们的生命 Wanna find you there想找到你 Wanna hold on tight 想抓紧 Gonna run 得走 While we"re young 在我们年轻的时候 And keep the faith 保持这信念 Keep the faith保持这信念! 下面的上面都有,麻烦自己看了 Everyday,of our lives Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight Gonna run While we"re young And keep the faith Everyday From right now Gonna use our voices and scream out loud Take my hand Together we will celebrate Everyday! 望采纳谢谢
2023-07-28 16:04:192

every day和each day的区别

everyday 每天each day 每一天
2023-07-28 16:04:422

everyday和every day的区别

everyday和every day的区别如下:1、词性不同everyday是一个形容词,意为每天的,日常的,平常的,平凡的,后面跟着一个名词。如,It is everyday routine.这是每天的例行公事。相反,“every”是一个定词,“day”是一个名词,当这两个词一起使用时,它就变成了一个副词短语。如,I go to school every day.我每天上学。He exercises every day.他每天锻炼。2、方式不同everyday是一个单一的词,表示普通事物,即平常或没有什么特别之处的事物。every day表示日常事物,多描述某物发生的时间或频率,即意味着每天都会发生的事情。最大区别every day和everyday最大的区别在于“词性”。中间有空格的every day是一个“副词”,表示“每一天”,用在句中作时间状语。中间没有空格的everyday,它就变成一个“形容词”了,意为“日常的、普通的”。
2023-07-28 16:04:571

every day,everyday,each day有何区别?

every day,everyday,each day的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.every day意思:每日2.everyday意思:每天的;每日发生的;日常的3.each day意思:每一天二、用法不同1.every day用法:every的基本意思是指组成整体的每个个体,但不把它看作具体的某一个,而是将其看作是全体成分的典型和代表。every与抽象名词连用,表示希望、机会、理由等“一切可能的”。2.everyday用法:everyday一般日常用词,指日常发生的、无须特别关心的。3.each day用法:each强调的是“个别”,谓语动词与相关的物主代词通常总用单数形式,但如果each强调的是“集体”或先行词是复数或先行词的主语是由两个或两个以上的单数名词或两个复数名词组成时,谓语动词和相关的物主代词则用复数。三、侧重点不同1.every day侧重点:every day则从一个整体的概念出发,意思是每天,在句中作时间状语。2.everyday侧重点:everyday 则是形容词,意思是每天的,日常的,用作定语。3.each day侧重点:each day 强调”每一天“,从一个一个出发。
2023-07-28 16:05:121

everyday和every day的用法

every day与everyday的区别: 1、词性不同 everyday是形容词; 而every day是副词性短语。 2、句中成分 every day(分开写)意为“每天”,在句中作状语,everyday一般做定语后面必须接被修饰的名词。 扩展资料   相关句子:   1、People used to come and visit him every day .人们过去每天都来拜访他。   2、He works every day except Sunday. 除星期天外,他每天都工作。   3、I see them pass by my house every day .我每天看见他们从我家旁边经过。
2023-07-28 16:05:561

every day与everyday区别

2023-07-28 16:06:185


2023-07-28 16:06:321

everyday 和every day 分别是什么意思

2023-07-28 16:06:392

2023-07-28 16:06:461


2023-07-28 16:07:118


可行性较大的可控核聚变反应装置是托卡马克装置。托卡马克是一种利用磁约束来实现受控核聚变的环性容器。它的名字Tokamak 来源于环形(toroidal)、真空室(kamera)、磁(magnit)、线圈(kotushka)。最初是由位于苏联莫斯科的库尔恰托夫研究所的阿齐莫维齐等人在20世纪50年代发明的。托卡马克的中央是一个环形的真空室,外面缠绕着线圈。在通电的时候托卡马克的内部会产生巨大的螺旋型磁场,将其中的等离子体加热到很高的温度,以达到核聚变的目的。我国也有两座核聚变实验装置。当四个氢原子在高温下靠得很近时,四个质子会撞到一起时,其中两个会发生衰变,释放出两个反中微子和正电子,变成中子。这两个正电子会与原子核外电子相互湮灭,形成两个光子;剩下的一共有两个中子、两个质子和两个电子,恰好形成一个氦原子。绝大多数恒星都是通过质子的衰变而发出光芒,这在日常生活中用途也很大
2023-07-28 16:07:131

暗黑2重制版第二幕任务怎么做 第二幕任务攻略

暗黑2重制版是一款经典动作角色扮演游戏,游戏中第二幕主要有六个任务,其中罗德门特的巢穴、赫拉迪克的法杖、坠落的太阳任务较难,需要玩家自行找到NPC完成任务,本文将介绍第二幕的全部任务玩法,欢迎查看。 暗黑2重制版第二幕任务攻略如下: 1、任务一 Radamenbt"s Lair 罗德门特的巢穴 进入任务后,找妇人阿特玛(Atma)对话。她在旅店附近晃悠。得知附近下水道的怪物经常骚扰百姓。其首领Radamenbt更是不得了。找到下水道入口(城市里有很多),下去,杀死里面的敌人。最后遇见Radamenbt(罗德门特),杀死他回去交差。这个Radamenbt可不好惹,不过比魔头Andariel差远了。至少是吃不住我的"熔岩裂缝"的。他身上死后会掉出许多好东东,拿走卷轴和那本书。任务奖励:技能书。 2、任务二 The Horadric Staff 赫拉迪克的法杖 找凯恩大师,给他卷轴。他会告诉你另一个任务。你要去死亡之殿(Halls of Dead)得到赫拉迪克的石盒(Cube)。然后去远方的绿洲(Far Oasis)取得杖身。然后去蛇爪神殿(Claw Viper Temp),得到法杖上半部。敌人并不难杀。可是都是些放毒的,数量也不少。可是,最终还是很简单的。找齐了以后,用石盒组合成赫拉迪克的法杖。先放着。等到接第六个任务时再用。此外,石盒还可以当"手提箱"。:-)任务奖励:赫拉克勒斯的石盒(也是个手提箱) 3、任务三 Tainted Sun 坠落的太阳 是在远方绿洲生成的。要你去找卓格南谈话。第二个任务完成后,这个也就完成了。任务奖励:无 4、任务四和五 5、任务六 The Seven Tombs 七个墓穴
2023-07-28 16:07:141

为啥棋魂主题曲get over会被误传是滨崎步唱的?

2023-07-28 16:07:196


托卡马克(Tokamak)核聚变是一种利用磁约束来实现受控的核聚变。它的名字Tokamak来源于环形(toroidal)、真 空室(kamera)、磁(magnit)、线圈(kotushka)。最初是由位于苏联莫斯科的库尔恰托夫研究所的阿齐莫维齐等人在20世纪50年代发明的。托卡马克核聚变的中央是一个环形的真空室,外面缠绕着线圈。在通电的时候托卡马克的内部会产生巨大的螺旋型磁场,将其中的等离子体加热到很高的温度,以达到核聚变的目的。
2023-07-28 16:07:201


兵马俑----Terracotta Army 故宫--------Forbidden City 布达拉宫--Potala Palace 颐和园-----Summer Palace or Yi he yuan 天坛--------Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing 清皇家陵寝--Imperial Tombs of the Qing Dynasties the first wer is excellent !! quite useful !! thank you so much !!! [Archaeology] wood or clay figures of warriors and horses buried with the dead the Imperial Palace Potala Palace Temple of Heaven the Summer Palace Clear imperial family 兵马俑wood or clay figures of warriors and horses buried with the dead 故宫the Imperial Palace 布达拉宫Budapest (the capital of Hungary) 颐和园the Summer Palace 天坛Ara 清皇家陵寝clear emperor home mound lie down(这个字是我自己拼出来的,应不对。) 参考: 字典。 兵马俑wood or clay figures of warriors and horses buried with the dead 故宫the Imperial Palace 颐和园the Summer Palace sorry,只知道这些。
2023-07-28 16:07:211


2023-07-28 16:07:341

get over中的over是什么词性

2023-07-28 16:07:344


囊萤夜读的读音是:náng yíng yè dú。《囊萤夜读》带拼音版如下:胤yìn恭ɡōnɡ勤qín不bú倦juàn,博bó学xué多duō通tōnɡ。家jiā贫pín不bù常chánɡ得dé油yóu,夏xià月yuè则zé练liàn囊nánɡ盛chénɡ数shù十shí萤yínɡ火huǒ以yǐ照zhào书shū,以yǐ夜yè继jì日rì焉yān。译文:晋朝人车胤谨慎勤劳而不知疲倦,知识渊博,学问精通。他家境贫寒,不能经常得到灯油。夏天的夜晚,车胤就用白绢做成透光的袋子,装几十只萤火虫照着书本,夜以继日地学习着。囊萤夜读的故事:晋代时,车胤恭敬长辈,懂的知识又多,但因家境贫困,父亲无法为他提供良好的学习环境。为了维持温饱,没有多余的钱买灯油供他晚上读书。为此,他只能利用白天时间背诵诗文。夏天的一个晚上,他正在院子里背一篇文章,忽然见许多萤火虫在低空中飞舞。一闪一闪的光点,在黑暗中显得有些耀眼。他想,如果把许多萤火虫集中在一起,不就成为一盏灯了吗?于是,他去找了一只白绢口袋,随即抓了几十只萤火虫放在里面,再扎住袋口,把它吊起来。虽然不怎么明亮,但是可以勉强看书了。从此,只要有萤火虫,他就去抓一把来当作灯用。由于他勤学苦练,后来终于做了职位很高的官。
2023-07-28 16:07:351

Ansys软件 中定义坐标点,用CS和Work Plane 定义点有什么区别么?

CS使用节点定义局部坐标系统Work Plane使用工作平面定义局部坐标系统另外一个地方建模两种都可以,看楼主你自己熟悉哪个了区分在定义的时候是有编号来指示的比如CS的时候会有这些提示:0 or CART — Cartesian1 or CYLIN — Cylindrical (circular or elliptical)2 or SPHE — Spherical (or spheroidal)3 or TORO — Toroidal分别就0为笛卡尔了,后面的自己翻译下就应该明白了不过要把这些完全搞清楚,需要多练习才会弄明白,说不明白的,要有体会
2023-07-28 16:07:371

Under 怎么读

2023-07-28 16:07:372

Il ferait un temps formidable si le vent était moins fort. 这句话语法有错误吗?

2023-07-28 16:07:412


兵马俑的英文翻译是:〈名〉terracotta warriors and horses;terracotta figures of troops and horses。[例句]兵马俑博物馆Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses
2023-07-28 16:07:411

天坛公园 明十三陵 英文

Temple of HeavenThe Thirteen Ming Tombs
2023-07-28 16:07:054


Fish feed face fech fit foot found find food fresh fruit fight forward fox four fly form from for fell
2023-07-28 16:06:546


2023-07-28 16:06:5312


2023-07-28 16:06:471

什么意思 英语 get over there!

2023-07-28 16:06:4713


明十三陵:===============================Thirteen Tombs of the Ming Dynasty===============================The Ming Dynasty Tombs (Thirteen Tombs of the Ming Dynasty) are located some 50 kilometers due North of Beijing at an especially selected site. The site was chosen by the third Ming Dynasty emperor Yongle (1402 - 1424), who moved the capital of China from Nanjing to the present location of Beijing. He is credited with envisioning the layout of the ancient city of Beijing as well as a number of landmarks and monuments located therein. After the construction of the Imperial Palace (the Forbidden City) in 1420, the Yongle Emperor selected his burial site and creating his own mausoleum.From the Yongle Emperor onwards, 13 Ming Dynasty Emperors were buried in this area. The tombs of the first two Ming Emperors are located near Nanjing (the capital city during their reigns). Emperor Jingtai was also not buried here as the Emperor Tianshun had denied Jingtai an imperial burial but was instead buried west of Beijing. The last Chongzhen Emperor who hung himself in April, 1644 was the last to be buried here, named Si Ling by the Qing emperor but on a much smaller scale than his predecessors.The site of the Ming Dynasty Imperial Tombs was carefully chosen according to Feng Shui (geomancy) principles. According to these, bad spirits and evil winds descending from the North must be deflected; therefore, an arc-shaped area at the foot of the Jundu Mountains north of Beijing was selected. This 40 square kilometer area - enclosed by the mountains in a pristine, quiet valley full of dark earth, tranquil water and other necessities as per Feng Shui - would become the necropolis of the Ming Dynasty.The entire tomb site is surrounded by a wall, and a seven kilometer road named the "Spirit Way" leads into the complex which is one of the finest preserved pieces of 15th century Chinese art and architecture. The front gate of the complex is a large, three-arched gateway, painted red, and called the "Great Red Gate".At present, three tombs have been excavated: Chang Ling, the largest; Ding Ling, whose underground palace is open to the public; and Zhao Ling. There have been no excavations since 1989, but plans for new archeological research and further opening of tombs have circulated.The Ming Tombs were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in August 2003. They were listed along with other tombs under the "Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties" designation.
2023-07-28 16:06:411


fearful, awful, dreadful, frightful, terrible, horrible, formidable:这组形容词都可以表示“可怕的”,但它们更多地用作强式词,其含义一般为“极度的”。在作“可怕的”这一含义解时,它们的细微差别是:fearful表示在面临危险时,丧失了勇气,含有沉重的痛苦情感;awful含有令人望而生畏,或使人敬畏的意思。1. It was a fearful accident. 那是可怕的事故。2. What a fearful mess! 真是糟糕透了!3. What"s Ron Mauston like, Pauline? 朗u2022马期顿是怎样的一个人,波林?4. He"s awful. 他太可怕了。5. It"s very urgent. I felt awful. 是很急的病,我觉得糟透了。dreadful: 尤指由于有了经验,看到可怕的东西而畏缩。1. We all shudder at the thought of the dreadful dirty place. 我们一想到那可怕的肮脏地方就浑身战惊。2. What dreadful weather we are having! 天气糟透了!3. a dreadful disaster 可怕的灾难frightful:多用于一次突然的惊惧吓唬。1. It was a frightful storm. 那是一次可怕的风暴。2. He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state. 他脸色苍白,一身衣服弄得一团糟。3. What a frightful hat! 多么难看的帽子啊!4. Due to the unremitting efforts of the leaders of the two countries, a frightful disaster was avoided. 由于两国领导人的不懈努力,一次可怕的战争灾难避免了。terrible: 强调令人难以忍受的可怕。这些词在用作强调式词时,都含有上述细微差异。1. It was a terrible war. 那是一常可怕的战争。2. I really cannot bear the terrible heat. 我真受不了这极端的炎热。3. The flood last year was a terrible catastrophe in which many people died. 去年的那场水灾真是一场可怕的灾难,使许多人丧失生命。4. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, "My dear, it must be terrible to be grown up!" 假若有人问她多大年纪,她都是回答,"亲爱的,人长大了,一定很可怕!"5. We saw a terrible storm. 我们遇到了一场可怕的风暴。6. Hob"s a terrible dancer; he"s too clumsy and keeps stepping on his partner"s feet. 鲍勃跳舞跳得糟透了,笨手笨脚的,老是踩他舞伴的脚。7. Your writing is terrible. 你的字写得很糟糕。horrible, formidable 没有辨析,可以查字典补充一下啊。题目回答起来太复杂了,需要奖赏啊。。。
2023-07-28 16:06:321


The Ming Tombs_有道翻译翻译结果:明十三陵tombs英 [tu:mz]美 [tumz]n. 古墓,陵墓(tomb的复数形式)tombs 墓葬,邪术墓穴,墓穴Han tombs 汉墓,西汉墓,汉墓King Tombs 国王陵墓
2023-07-28 16:06:301


スイッチング switching, ラインフィルター line filter トロイダルコイル toroidal coil
2023-07-28 16:06:273


2023-07-28 16:06:275

Air Force Formidable这双鞋

鞋面:全纹革和轻质合成材料的组合。内置快速鞋带系统。后跟处激光TPU托盘增强稳固性和稳定性。中底:聚亚安酯中底,在后跟处配以可见式大开窗气垫。外底:在脚尖和中足区域包裹硬橡胶外底,增强耐用性和横向支持力。 拥有最大牵引力的人字型骨纹式样。一款轻质舒适的运动鞋任何鞋只要天天磨外场,寿命都会短很多
2023-07-28 16:06:241


2023-07-28 16:06:231


-问题- 1)why do the Dai people have the Water Splashing Fstival? TO playin the water of joy and get wet all over2)What can water doto rhe people? It can (wash away the dirty thins )of the old year and being happiness for the new one. 3)How many wives did the bad king have? _ one4)What happened when the kong"s head fell on the ground? _ It started burning5)What do the Dai people do at the Water Splashing Festival? They (splash water ),have (drgon boat) racing,dancing,and gaome playing. (“_”为一个空格) 首字母 Tomb-sweeping Day is atime for remembering the dead. On that day people visit__tombs of their elders to show thert love for them.They sweep__the tombs and clear__away the grass around them.After that,they put flower__or food in frony of the tombs.They hope thay the dead can eat_them.注:Tomb-sweeping Day清明节 tombs坟墓
2023-07-28 16:06:231