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front side是什么意思

2023-07-31 11:11:57

front side 英 [fru028cnt said]

美 [fru028cnt sau026ad]

[词典] 正视图;

[网络] 正面; 前侧; 侧面标记为正面;

[例句]Hold the air mouse horizontally with its front side up and back side down.



horiziontally 是什么意思

horizontally[英][u02cchu0252ru026a"zu0252ntu0259lu026a][美][u02cchɑru026au02c8zɑntu0259lu026a]adv.水平地,横地; 易混淆单词:Horizontally例句:1.He put the gun horizontally, phil. It"s a killer shot! 他把枪水平,菲尔。这是一个杀手开枪!.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-31 05:14:141


2023-07-31 05:14:234

横排 竖排 用英语怎么说

横排 竖排Horizontal vertical
2023-07-31 05:14:311


2023-07-31 05:14:542

水平展开 英语如何翻译

Expand level
2023-07-31 05:15:134

横贯 意思

横贯héngguàn:横着穿过去 英文:traverse horizontally 如: 陇海铁路横贯我国中部
2023-07-31 05:15:374


1.A manager should be accessible to his staff.一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。2. This island is accessible only by boat.这个小岛只能坐小船去。3. The information ought to be made more accessible.资料应该明白易懂。4. This database is only accessible by the authorized manager.只有授权的管理员才可以访问此数据库。6. The village is not accessible by car.那个村子汽车无法抵达。7. Susan is not accessible to strangers.对陌生人来说,苏珊不容易亲近。8. This island is accessible only by boat.这个小岛只能坐小船去。9. Currently the grotto is not accessible.一般来说洞穴是不可进入。10. Your application is keyboard accessible.你的应用程序是可通过键盘操作的。11. It is accessible, but relatively remote.它可以去的,但比较偏僻。12. Huge new discoveries in accessible areas.巨大新发现在易开采的区域。13. Supports any database accessible via JDBC.支持任何通过JDBC的数据库访问。14. A manger should be accessible to his staff.经理应该让职员感到平易近人。15. Making data accessible to those who need it.需要使用数据的人员能得到相关数据。16. A manager should be accessible to his staff.一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。17. Defense drive, however is always accessible.防御驱力则可以随时调用。19. Q: Is local transportation easily accessible?问:是当地交通方便吗?20. Accessible, frank honesty, friendship weight.易接近、诚信坦诚,重友情。21. An open minded person is accessible to reasons.虚心的人易于服理。22. Second, information should be widely accessible.第二,信息应该是很容易广泛获取的。23. She is not easy, she is horizontally accessible.她不是很随便的,只是水平面的容易接近。24. These documents are not accessible to the public.这些文件是大众无法得到的。25. She is not EASY - She is HORIZONTALLY ACCESSIBLE.她并不容易上手,只是水平位置进入方便。26. He is proud that his wife is accessible to reason.他的妻子通情达理,为此他引以为豪。27. The information ought to be made more accessible .资料应该更明白易懂。28. This book is easily accessible to the young reader.这本书是年轻读者容易懂的。29. It is also accessible via campus shuttle light bus.沿途亦可乘搭校园穿梭巴士。30. The report server should not be directly accessible.报表服务不能被直接访问。
2023-07-31 05:16:101


2023-07-31 05:16:302


In my culture, when you want to set down your chopsticks, you"re supposed to place them horizontally on top of your plate. or place them on the chopstick rest.当你想放下筷子时,应该把筷子水平放置在盘子上,或放置在筷子架上。Im my culture, when you want to set down the chopsticks, you"re not supposed to stab them into your bowl of rice.想放下筷子时,不应该把筷子插在盛满米饭的碗里。In my culture, when you are given food on your plate, you"re expected to eat them all.当别人给你夹菜时,尽量吃完这些菜。In my culture, when you are boring at the table ,it"s impolite to play with the chopsticks, nor drum them on the table.在餐桌上无聊时,玩筷子或拿筷子敲击桌面都是不礼貌的。In my culture, when you are tapping glasses for cheer, it"s important to make sure that the edge of your drink is below that of a senior member.举起酒杯干杯时,重要的是你的酒杯杯缘要比在座的长着低。
2023-07-31 05:16:371


2023-07-31 05:17:252


11.0 m 均匀梁铰接到垂直墙和持有水平5.00米电缆连接到墙上4.00 mabove铰链,如下图所示(图1)。这个电缆的金属测试0.800 kN的力量,这意味着它将打破如果超过这一数额的紧张局势。找到垂直分量的铰链梁上施加的力
2023-07-31 05:17:441


2023-07-31 05:18:001

英语怎么说:“横着放,把那个横着放” 别在线翻译,我看的出来...

Put it horizontally. Lay it down horizontally. Set it up horizontally. Place it horizontally.
2023-07-31 05:18:291


2023-07-31 05:18:381


二十四式太极拳 第一式 起势 Starting Posture 第二式 左右野马分鬃 Part the Wild Horse"s Mane on Both Side 第三式 白鹤亮翅 White Crane Spreads its Wings, 第四式 左右搂膝拗步 Brush Knee and Twist Step on Both Side , 第五式 手挥琵琶 Hold the Lute 第六式 倒卷肱 Forearm Rollings on Both Sides 第七式 左揽雀尾 Grasp the Bird"s Tail-Left Side 第八式 右揽雀尾 Grasp the Bird"s Tail-Right Side 第九式 单鞭 Single Whip , 第十式 云手 Cloud Hands 第十一式 单鞭 Single Whip 第十二式 高探马 High Pat on Horse 第十三式 右蹬脚 Kick with Right Heel , 第十四式 双峰贯耳 Twin Peaks 第十五式 转身左蹬脚 Turn and Kick with Left Heel, 第十六式 左下独立式 Push Down and Stand on One Leg-Left Style 第十七式 右下独立式 Push Down and Stand on One Leg-Right Style 第十八式 左右穿梭 Work at Shuttles on Both Side 第十九式 海底针 Needle at Sea Bottom 第二十式 闪通臂 Flash the Arms 第二十一式 转身搬拦捶 Turning body, Pulling, Blocking and Pounding 第二十二式 如封似闭 Apparent Close up 第二十三式 十字手 Cross Hands 第二十四式 收势 Closing Form 三十二式太极剑 第一式 并步点剑 Stand with Feet Together and Point Sword 第二式 独立反刺 Stand on One Leg and Back Thrust Sword 第三式 仆步横扫 Crouch Stance and Sweep Sword 第四式 向右平带 Withdraw Sword Rightward 第五式 向左平带 Withdraw Sword Leftward 第六式 独立抡劈 Stand on One Leg and Parry with Sword 第七式 退步回抽 Step Backward and Draw Sword Back 第八式 独立上刺 Stand on One Leg and Pierce Sword 第九式 虚步下截 Empty Stance to Interrupt with Sword 第十式 左弓步刺 Left Bow Stance and Thrust Sword 第十一式 转身斜带 Turn to Withdraw Sword Obliquely 第十二式 缩身斜带 Bend Body to Withdraw Sword Obliquely 第十三式 提膝捧剑 Lift Knee and Hold Sword in Both Hanks 第十四式 跳步平刺 Jump Step and Thrust Sword 第十五式 左虚步撩 Left Empty Stance and Cut upward Sword 第十六式 右弓步撩 Right Bow Stance and Cut upward Sword 第十七式 转身回抽 Turn to Draw Sword Back 第十八式 并步平刺 Stand with Feet Together and Thrust Sword 第十九式 左弓步拦 Left Bow Stance and Parry Sword 第二十式 右弓步拦 Right Bow Stance and Parry Sword 第二十一式 左弓步拦 Left Bow stance and Parry Sword 第二十二式 进步反刺 Advance to Back Thrust Sword 第二十三式 反身回劈 Turn Back to Hack Sword Backward 第二十四式 虚步点剑 Empty Stance and Point Sword 第二十五式 独立平托 Stand on One Leg and Hold Sword 第二十六式 弓步挂劈 Bow Stance and Parry and Hack with Sword 第二十七式 虚步抡劈 Empty Stance and Parry with Sword 第二十八式 撤步反击 Withdraw Step to Beat Back 第二十九式 进步平刺 Advance to Thrust Sword 第三十式 丁步回抽 T-step and Draw Sword Back 第三十一式 旋转平抹 Rotate to Slice Horizontally with Sword 第三十二式 弓步直刺 Bow Stance and Thrust Sword 四十二式太极剑 第一式 起势 Starting Posture 第二式 并步点剑 Stand with Feet Together and Point Sword 第三式 弓步斜削 Bow Stance and Cut Obliquely 第四式 提膝劈剑 Lift Knee and Chop Sword 第五式 左弓步拦 Left Bow Stance and Parry Sword 第六式 左虚步撩 Left Empty Stance and Cut Upward with Sword 第七式 右弓步撩 Right Bow Stance and Cut Upward with Sword 第八式 提膝捧剑 Lift Knee and Hold Sword in Both Hanks 第九式 蹬脚前刺 Heel Kick and Thrust Sword 第十式 跳步平刺 Jump Step and Thrust Sword 第十一式 转身下刺 Turn Body and Thrust Down 第十二式 弓步平斩 Bow Stance and Cut Horizontally 第十三式 弓步崩剑 Bow Stance and Tilt Sword 第十四式 歇步压剑 Rest Stance and Press Sword 第十五式 进步绞剑 Advance and Circle with Sword 第十六式 提膝上刺 Lift Knee and Thrust Sword 第十七式 虚步下截 Empty Stance to Interrupt with Sword 第十八式 左右平带 Withdraw Sword to Both Sides 第十九式 弓步劈剑 Bow Stance and Chop Sword 第二十式 丁步托剑 T-stance and Hold Sword 第二十一式 分脚后点 Toes Kick and Point Back 第二十二式 仆步穿剑 Crouch Stance and Thrust Sword 第二十三式 蹬脚架剑 Heel Kick and Block Sword 第二十四式 提膝点剑 Lift Knee and Point Down 第二十五式 仆步横扫 Crouch Stance and Sweep Sword 第二十六式 弓步下截(左、右)Bow Stance and Interrupt on Both Sides 第二十七式 弓步下刺 Bow Stance and Thrust Sword 第二十八式 右左云抹 Wave Sword on Both Sides 第二十九式 右弓步劈 Right Bow Stance and Chop Sword 第三十式 后举腿架剑 Raise Leg Backward and Block 第三十一式 丁步点剑 T-step and Point Sword 第三十二式 马步推剑 Horse-riding Stance and Push Sword 第三十三式 独立上托 Stand on One Leg and Hold up Sword 第三十四式 进步挂点 Advance to Parry and Point 第三十五式 歇步崩剑 Cross Stance and Tilt Sword 第三十六式 弓步反刺 Bow Stance and Back Thrust Sword 第三十七式 转身下刺 Turn Body and Thrust Sword 第三十八式 提膝提剑 Lift Knee and Sword 第三十九式 步行穿刺 Walk and Pierce Sword 第四十式 摆腿架剑 Wave Leg and Block Sword 第四十一式 弓步直刺 Bow Stance and Thrust Sword 第四十二式 收势 Closing Form
2023-07-31 05:18:481

Physical (让身体说话吧!) 歌词

歌曲名:Physical (让身体说话吧!)歌手:蔡依林专辑:爱的练习语Physical - 蔡依林I"m saying all the things that I know you"ll likeMaking good conversationI gotta handle you just rightYou know what I meanI took you to an intimate restaurantThen to a suggestive movieThere"s nothing left to talk aboutUnless it"s horizontallyLet"s get physical, physicalI wanna get physicalLet"s get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talkLet me hear your body talkLet"s get physical, physicalI wanna get physicalLet"s get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talkLet me hear your body talkI"ve been patient, I"ve been goodTried to keep my hands on the tableIt"s gettin" hard this holdin" backIf you know what I meanI"m sure you"ll understand my point of viewWe know each other mentallyYou gotta know that you"re bringin" outThe animal in meLet"s get physical, physicalI wanna get physicalLet"s get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talkLet me hear your body talkLet"s get physical, physicalI wanna get physicalLet"s get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talkLet me hear your body talkLet"s get physical, physicalI wanna get physicalLet"s get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talkLet me hear your body talkLet"s get animal, animalI wanna get animalLet"s get into animalLet me hear your body talk your body talkLet me hear your body talk
2023-07-31 05:18:551


2023-07-31 05:19:051


1)packing,2)charge your mobile phone,lest it will bring you up some trouble tomorrow.3)put it sidewards.4)you didn"t performance well.5)do you usually ride bike,or sometimes?
2023-07-31 05:19:223

es-日志存储-Logstash 介绍

本文是elasticsearch官方文档logstash的翻译,你也可<a href="">查看原文</a> 注:Logstash意思是日志存储,下文中对本词使用英文。 Logstash is an open source data collection engine with real-time pipelining capabilities(功能). Logstash can dynamically unify(统一) data from disparate(不同的) sources and normalize the data into destinations(目的地) of your choice. Cleanse(净化) and democratize(大众化) all your data for diverse(不同的) advanced downstream(下游) analytics and visualization(形象化) use cases. While Logstash originally(最初) drove innovation(创新) in log collection, its capabilities extend well beyond(超越) that use case. Any type of event can be enriched and transformed(转变) with a broad(宽的) array of input, filter, and output plugins, with many native codecs further(更好地) simplifying(简化) the ingestion(吸收) process. Logstash accelerates(加速) your insights(洞察力) by harnessing(利用) a greater volume and variety(多样) of data. The ingestion workhorse for Elasticsearch and more Horizontally(水平) scalable(可扩展的) data processing pipeline with strong Elasticsearch and Kibana synergy(协同) Pluggable pipeline architecture Mix, match, and orchestrate different inputs, filters, and outputs to play in pipeline harmony Community-extensible and developer-friendly plugin ecosystem Over 200 plugins available, plus the flexibility of creating and contributing your own Collect more, so you can know more. Logstash welcomes data of all shapes and sizes. Logs and Metrics Where it all started. The Web Unlock the World Wide Web. Data Stores and Streams Discover more value from the data you already own. Sensors and IoT Explore an expansive breadth of other data. The better the data, the better the knowledge. Clean and transform your data during ingestion to gain near real-time insights immediately at index or output time. Logstash comes out-of-box with many aggregations and mutations along with pattern matching, geo mapping, and dynamic lookup capabilities. Route your data where it matters most. Unlock various downstream analytical and operational use cases by storing, analyzing, and taking action on your data. Analysis Elasticsearch Data stores such as MongoDB and Riak Archiving HDFS S3 Google Cloud Storage Monitoring Nagios Ganglia Zabbix Graphite Datadog CloudWatch Alerting Watcher with Elasticsearch Email Pagerduty HipChat IRC SNS
2023-07-31 05:19:421


2023-07-31 05:19:514


2023-07-31 05:20:162


Chinese banquets, often using roundtable decorate dishes and drinks. The honour low order, arranged round table have two kinds of cases. The first kind of circumstance, is composed of two table small dinner. This kind of circumstance, can divide again to two table rank and two table ShuPai form. When two table, desk times is manipulated for honour to left right humbled. Here said the right and the left, is facing the front position by to determine. When two table ShuPai, table times for, pay attention to all under nearly as. Here in the distance, told by far the front for distance. The 2nd kind of circumstance, consists of three table or three table above the table consisting of several banquets. Arrange multiple tables in the dinner table, besides should notice when times face immediately positioning ", "" the right for honour", "such as on" the rules just outside, still consideration should be given to both other each table, far from the table. Usually, distance closer, table, the higher the table times; The farther the distance table, the table times is lower. Arrange table times, in size, shape used table to basically the same. In addition to the main table can slightly big outside, other tables are not too big or too small. In order to ensure that when the party in fete timely and accurately find their own table times on the invitation, can be in the table indicate where each other in the hall entrance suspension times and diagram, arrange table times arrangement according to guide the guests led a member, or on each table sat on table put table times card (in Arabic numerals and writing). Seating place sequence has exquisite, mainly as follows: the right high left low: when together when seated side by side, often in the right, to the left for box-office for next seat. This is because Chinese food is served clockwise for serving more than those in the right direction, preferred in the left than therefore by care. For honour: three in seat sit together when repast, the center on the seating arrangement is higher than the people in the seats on both sides. Face immediately for: if when have dinner, someone facing sat front, someone sit back in front with face should be etiquette practices on the front to back to front, who sat for the next block. Swimming is preferred: in some high-end restaurant, in its interior often have beautiful scene or elegant performances, available for diner viewing, at this time, should with viewing angles best place for box-office. The wall is good: in some low-standard restaurant, in order to prevent past the waiter and patrons interference, usually in position against the wall for box-office, an aisle for next seat position. On the stage as if to have special banquet hall inside, the platform, should give priority to the table on the platform, if no special platform table, sometimes with neighboring main picture back this table primarily table. Each table the coincidental: if party place, each table with the guest of bits to maintain at the same table, emic direction. Underneath the table for when arranged to a distance of longitudinal banquet unhealthily, front the farther away from the door shall fit the more noble,.
2023-07-31 05:20:243


Basketball Rules SCORING: 2 point field goal- a shot made from anywhere during play inside the 3 pt arc. 3 point field goal- a shot made from anywhere outside the 3 pt arc. Free throw- 1 point is awarded to an unguarded shot taken from behind the free throw line while the clock is stopped. SKILLS:Boxing out- a playeru2019s position between an opposing player and the basket to obtain a better rebounding position. Dribbling- bouncing the ball with 1 hand using your fingertips instead of your palm so that it rebounds back to yourself (the only legal way to move with the ball) Passing- moving the ball by throwing, bouncing, handing, or rolling it to another player (Chest, Bounce, Lob) Shooting- throwing the ball to make a basket Pivoting- stepping once or more in any direction with the same foot while holding the other foot at its initial point. Rebounding- The recovering of a shot that bounces off the backboard or the rim. FOULS: results in one or more free throws awarded to the opposing teamBlocking- impeding the progress of an opponent by extending one or both arms horizontally or getting in the path of a moving player. Charging- running into a stationary player while you are moving with the ball. Hacking- the player hits the arm or hand of the person holding the ball. Holding- the player holds the person with or without the ball. VIOLATIONS: results in a change of possession with the team in bounding the ball at the side line opposite where the infringement took placeTraveling- moving illegally with the ball Three seconds- an offensive player remains in the key (free throw lane- the area under the basket) for more than 3 seconds Double dribble- a player dribbles the ball with both hands at the same time or they stop and then start dribbling again TERMS:Air ball- a shot that completely misses the rim and the backboard Assist- a pass to a teammate who then scores a field goal. Defense- team trying to stop the other team from scoring Dunk- to throw the ball down into the basket with the hand above the level of the rim Fast break- dribbling or passing the ball towards your basket before the defense can set up Man-to-man- a defensive strategy where everyone guards an assigned player Offense- team trying to score Turn over- any loss of the ball without a shot being taken Zone defense- a defensive strategy where everyone guards an area instead of a player
2023-07-31 05:20:351


Cavalier:名词1.骑士;(某种)勋章获得者。2.骑士风度的男子,向妇女献殷勤的男子。3.〔美俚〕拳击选手。4.〔C-〕【英史】(查理一世时代的)保王党党员。形容词1.豪爽的,满不在乎的;勇敢的;傲慢的2.骑士风度的,向女子献殷勤的。3.〔C-〕(查理一世时代)保王党的。He treated us in a cavalier fashion. 他待我们很不客气。及物动词1.护送(女人),(对女子)有骑士风度的。2.态度傲慢。KNIGHT1.(欧洲中世纪的)骑士;武士,勇士〔尤指打仗或比武时作贵妇人侍从或斗士的人〕。2.(古罗马的)骑士〔奴隶主集团中的一个阶层的成员〕;(古希腊雅典的)第二等级公民。3.〔英国〕爵士〔得用 Sir 的称号,其夫人可称为 Dame, 民间称为 Lady〕。4.【英史】郡选议员5.(政治、社交、慈善团体的)会员,社员,团员;某一事业[主义等]的忠诚拥护者。6.〔戏谑语〕专家,大家。7.(国际象棋中的)马knight of fortune 〔委婉语〕冒险家。 knight of the brush 美术家,画家。 knight of the cleaver 〔戏谑语〕肉商。 knight of the cue 打撞球的。 knight of the green cloth 爱玩牌的人,牌迷,赌徒。 knight of the hammer 打铁工人,铁匠。 knight of the lady 妇女的保护人;情夫。 knight of the pen [pencil, quill] 文人,耍笔杆的。 knight of the pestle (and mortar) 药剂师。 knight of the post 【英史】以作假见证为职业的人。 knight of the road 1. 拦路贼。 2. 无业游民。 3. 流动推销员。 knight of the Round Table (亚瑟王的)圆桌骑士。 knight of the Rueful [Woeful] Countenance 愁颜骑士〔指唐吉诃德〕。 knight of the whip 〔戏谑语〕马车夫。 knight of the whipping-post 〔戏谑语〕骗子。 K- without Fear and without Reproach 见义勇为的骑士。 Knights of Columbus 【天主教】哥伦布骑士团〔罗马天主教的一个所谓“国际互助慈善”团体名,成立于1882年〕。 Knights of Labour 【美史】(1869年成立的秘密工会)劳动骑士团。 Knights of Pythias 派西亚斯骑士团〔“所谓互助慈善”团体名,成立于1864年,派西亚斯,公元前四世纪希腊哲学家〕。 Queen"s knight(国际象棋中)和“王后”同列配置的“马”。及物动词把…封为骑士[爵士]。1.形容词 骑士[爵士](般)的;侠义的;由骑士[爵士]组成的。 2.副词 骑士般地,侠义地。
2023-07-31 05:20:579

请把《三国演义》片尾曲 翻译成英文

The continued bleak, gone bunker door. Immediate floated a one live appearances. Alien Realm lost the trail, once a beacon location. Years now, you did not go to that room familiar names. Who will you want : you can not rise and fall face : Which night situation casual : : changes of time and space. Assemble and part geological ties are : interfaces customs intelligence you : you play when things : Dr of 60 yesterday. Yangtze River intention into tears, Yangtze River affectionate play songs. History sky lights several stars, a human hero in travelling horizontal gas.
2023-07-31 05:21:143


江郎山,古称:玉郎山、金纯山;位于浙江省衢州市江山市石门镇境内。2010年8月作为“中国丹霞”的系列提名地之一列入世界自然遗产名录。接下来是我为大家整理的关于浙江江郎山英语 导游词 ,方便大家阅读与鉴赏! 浙江江郎山英语导游词1 Jianglang Mountain is located in Shimen town of Jiangshan City. It is famous for its Danxia landform and three giant rocks. It is said that in ancient times, three brothers surnamed Jiang climbed to the top of the mountain together and made three giant rocks, standing on the hills. In fact, such a magnificent mountain landscape is the result of geological evolution for hundreds of millions of years. The violent volcanic fault depression makes it stand aloof, and the slowly eroded weathering makes it magnificent and beautiful. Standing at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, Langfeng, Yafeng and Lingfeng are in front of us. Among the three rocks, Lingfeng is full of strange rocks and old pines. The clouds and haze are scattered and the smoke is lingering, which is like a fairyland. Yafeng is the most dangerous, almost vertical, and can"t be reached. Langfeng has a towering wall, and only a steep stone step dug by hand leads to the peak. Under the leadership of my father, I clenched the iron fence welded into the cliff with my left hand, pressed it with my right hand, and barely stood on tiptoe to climb along the cliff. When he reached the mountainside, he raised his eyes straight up, and the narrow stone steps were winding, as if leading to the end of the sky. When he looked down, he could only see that the forest was undulating, and the sole of his feet was an abyss! "An De, who had wings, came and went with the king." Standing in a dangerous place, the whole person is captured by the transcendent magnificence, just as Bai Juyi said in his poems! Although the road to the peak is steep and infinite, my attention is always attracted by the mysterious autumn scenery at the foot of the mountain. Looking down, the fog slowly floats up the hill, forming crystal clear dew on the granite wall; red maple and green moss curl on the steep and smooth rock wall, forming a body with the surrounding gravel; in the abyss, the coniferous forest is dyed golden by the autumn wind, and the forest near the foot of the mountain is slightly red. The field of vision is everywhere, and the gradual change of warm color blocks envelop the land. I even felt that in the cool autumn of the crisp people, my heart beat gradually became warm, and I jumped and trembled again and again in the cliff against the pulse of the mountains. At dusk, Jianglang Mountain goes further and further away. The setting sun warms the peaceful Shimen Town, surrounded by golden rice fields. The bus carried us on the highway that was full of Wutong trees and was inadvertently merged into the yellow rice waves. Looking around, there is a low wooden house floating in the rice wave in the distance. There are several hedges beside the wooden house. The hedges are full of trembling white pear blossoms - pear blossoms? No! There are hundreds of yellow billed egrets. They are heavily covered with branches, like clusters of pear blossoms in full bloom on the ridge. Batu floated across the sea of rice, and the "pear flower" turned into snow flakes and floated to the sky, and then flew back. Silver wings flying, white light fleeing, leaving a string of high pitched sound. Looking at the foot of the mountain in autumn, my recent irritability has been calmed, and I am really moved by everything in front of me. 浙江江郎山英语导游词2 Jianglang Mountain is a strange mountain in Jiangshan, like three stone pillars straight into the sky. Let you have to believe in the uncanny workmanship of nature. After visiting Jianglang Mountain, the poet Xin Qiji left this poem: the three peaks are as green as a chip one by one, outstanding and hard to find; they are upright and helpless, supporting heaven and earth and people to see. Jianglang Mountain, a national key scenic spot, is located in Jianglang Township, 25 kilometers south of Jiangshan City. The ancient names of Jinchun mountain, xulang mountain and Yulang mountain (according to Fangyu shenglue) are known as "the most magnificent in the world and the most beautiful in the Southeast". "Wensi boyao" says: "there are three brothers of Jiang family climbing the mountain and turning it into stone, so it is also called Jianglang Mountain.". The main peak of Jianglang Mountain is 824 meters above sea level. The main scenic area is composed of five parts: sanshifeng, shibaqu, Tashan, niubifeng and Xianju temple. It is a famous tourist resort and famous for its magnificence and strangeness. On the top of the mountain, there are three huge stones rising from the ground. They are more than 360 meters high. They look like stalagmite pillars, like knives and axes. The three peaks are arranged in the shape of "Chuan" from north to south, which are Langfeng, Yafeng and Lingfeng, commonly known as "sanqishi". It can be called "the first peak of Danxia in China". Between the three peaks, there are large lanes and small lanes, and there are a hundred step ladder, which is circuitous. On the cliff of Langfeng, Zhan ruoshuimo, a famous scholar of the Ming Dynasty, inscribed the four characters "standing on the wall and standing on ten thousand feet". The wall between Yafeng and Lingfeng is like a cut, which is called xiaonongxia. In the meantime, looking up at the sky to open a line, overlooking a crack in the ground, commonly known as "a line of sky.". There are also toad stone, vulture stone, sister stone, chicken range lane, huixianyan and other landscapes on the mountain, most of which are named after shape. Jianglang Mountain not only gathers rocks, caves, clouds and waterfalls in one mountain, but also gathers strange, dangerous, steep and precipitous rocks. It is majestic, peculiar and spectacular. It also has a beautiful scenery with lush mountains, emerald trees, hidden caves and Longtan, springs and tigers running. Whenever the clouds and mists are diffuse, the haze is confused, and the rays are far away from the land, it often condenses the sky and mountains in one color, and melts the clouds and peaks into one. No wonder Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, praised the poem: "you can live with your wings, and you can come and go with the emperor to get drunk.". 浙江江郎山英语导游词3 Hi, everyone! I"m your tour guide. My surname is Zhou and my name is Siqi. Please call me Xiaoqi. Today we are going to Jianglang Mountain, which is surrounded by clouds and steep peaks. We must be looking forward to it. Let"s go! We are now at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, which is located in Jianglang Township, 25 kilometers south of Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province. It is said that three brothers surnamed Jiang ascended the mountain and turned into three huge stones. These three huge stones rose from the ground to the sky. They were more than 360 meters high and arranged in the shape of "Chuan" from north to south. The order is: Langfeng, Yafeng, Lingfeng. Jianglang Mountain not only gathers caves, but also clouds. Waterfall in a mountain, set strange, dangerous, steep, precipitous in three stones, magnificent, worth a view. In August this year, it was listed on the world natural heritage list as one of the series of nominations of "Danxia in China". Jianglang Mountain Tourism in Zhejiang Province On the hillside, around a small ditch, came to the lake. The lake is crystal clear. You can see that groups of small fish and shrimps are swimming happily. After walking through the xunu lake, you will arrive at eighteen songs. The winding mountain road is really dazzling. If you count carefully, are there 18 bends? Ha ha, countless. Although there are only 18 bends, it looks like there are dozens of bends. After 18 songs, we are going to attack the top of the mountain. Do you have any confidence? Jianglang Mountain Tourism in Zhejiang Province "Deng Deng" we are at the top of the mountain! Take a picture as a souvenir. Come on, look at the camera, "eggplant!" This implementation is over. If you are not satisfied with this journey, please correct it in time. Finally, I wish you a good journey and a pleasant journey. Goodbye! 浙江江郎山英语导游词4 Hello, everyone. I"m very glad that I"m here to show you around the beautiful Jianglang Mountain. I"m honored to be your guide. Now, we are at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, which is a typical Danxia Landform in China. Jianglang Mountain is 824 meters above sea level. The three stone peaks are arranged in Sichuan characters, which are called Langfeng, Yafeng and Lingfeng respectively. The stone peak is 369 meters high, shaped like a pillar in the sky, with skyscrapers rubbing clouds. There are big lanes between the three peaks, and small lanes can go in and out. Xiaonong is 312 meters high, 298 meters long and only 3 meters wide. It is rated as "the top of the sky in China" by 56 geologists in East China. The average slope of Langfeng is 88 degrees, and no one has ever been able to climb it, which makes countless tourists think about it. Bai Juyi said in his poem, "you can live in peace, and you will be drunk with the emperor." Now, there are more than 3500 stone steps along the stone wall, which can reach the peak one kilometer up. Standing on the top of the mountain, there are white clouds passing by. Overlooking the foot, you can have a panoramic view of the mountains and rivers, which makes you feel relaxed and happy. Come with me. This is the first sky in Jianglang Mountain. It is 312 meters high and 298 meters long. It is 4 meters wide at the widest and 3.5 meters narrow at the narrowest. It has been rated as "the largest sky in China" by geologists in East China. In different angles, you can see different scenes of "a line of sky", sometimes Arabic numeral "1", sometimes Chinese "one", sometimes a semicircle, just like the sky is cut into a strip by two mountains! Now tour by yourself, don"t Scribble, don"t destroy the beautiful scenic spots. Gather in place in two hours. 浙江江郎山英语导游词5 Hello everyone, I"m your little guide Xu Qianqi. Today I"ll have a good tour of Jianglang Mountain with you. First of all, I want to ask my friends a question. Do you know the name of Jianglang Mountain? In fact, there are many legends, but the most popular one among the people is that three brothers surnamed Jiang often climb to the top of the mountain in order to wait for a girl. After a long time, they turn into three peaks, hence the name Jianglang Mountain. Jianglang Mountain is a national 4A scenic spot and one of the world natural heritages. The scenic spot is characterized by "Qifeng Chibi". It is a typical Danxia Landform Scenic Spot and is known as "the first Qifeng of Shenzhou Danxia". Now, please follow me and walk up this winding path. This path is called shibaqu. On both sides of the road, the trees become shady and the flowers and plants are in full bloom. It"s very shady and cool. You can still hear the chirping of birds when you walk inside. You can count along with me to see if there are 18 bends! After 18 songs, you come to Kaiming temple. Behind the temple is the path leading to "yixiantian". Now, standing in front of our eyes, is the famous "yixiantian". You can look up and see if it"s like a small alley cut out of a mountain by a huge axe. In fact, it"s formed by the natural attack of Langfeng and Yafeng. It"s 312 meters high, 298 meters long and about 4 meters wide. It"s rated by many geological experts as "the best in the country.". From different angles, you can see different shapes, sometimes the number "1", sometimes the Chinese word "one", sometimes it"s a half circle. It can be said that "the mountains are seen horizontally, and the peaks are formed on the side, and the heights are different from each other." come along with me, you can see that the stone wall on the left side is barren and bare, but the flowers and plants on the right side are luxuriant, which makes it look lively. Close to the stone wall, listen carefully, and you can see You can hear the sound of dingdong from the spring. It"s very shady and cool in the first day. It"s a natural air-conditioned room. Come on, we have come to the most interesting and exciting place - jianglangfeng. It"s not easy to climb up Jianglang peak. Old and young people can go down the mountain from Baibu stream on my left. Friends who want to climb Jianglang peak can take a break, replenish energy and move on. Next is the self play time, I hope you pay attention to safety, happy play, get more harvest!
2023-07-31 05:21:221


相反的“杂志”的网页,我们的网页(尤其是我发现最佳的工作实际带头捕捉装置称为“挤压页” ,最大限度地导致更大的杠杆从由此产生的 交通! )
2023-07-31 05:21:291

高中物理题目(原文为英文) 要详细过程!!

(1) 0.24m(2) 116m(3) 2s , 40m(4) 4s , 48m
2023-07-31 05:21:371


[1] Shaoming Huang**, Qiran Cai, Jiangying Chen, Qian Yong, Lijie Zhang “ Metal-catalyst-free Growth of SWNTs on Substrate” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 2094-2095 (2009)[2] Shaoming Huang**, Yanhu Bai,, Jinagyin Chen and Shun Wang “CVD Growth of high density SWNTs network on surface using iron phosphide nanorods as catalyst precursor” Chem. Phys. Lett. 464,49-53 ( 2008)[3] Dekun Ma, Shaoming Huang**, Lijie Zhang One-pot synthesis and magnetic, electrical properties of single-crystalline a-MnS nanobelts” Chem. Phys. Lett. 462(1-3), 96-99 (2008)[4] Shaoming Huang**, Qian Yong,Jiangying Chen etc. “Identification of the Structures of Superlong Oriented SWNT Arrays by Electrodeposition of Metal and Raman Spectroscopy” J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 130(36) 11860-11861 (2008)[5] Shaoming Huang, Mike Woodson, J. Liu and R. Smalley “Growth Mechanism of Oriented Long Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using “fast heating” Chemical Vopor Deposition Process” Nano Letters 4, 1025-1028 (2004)[6] Shaoming Huang**, Qian Fu, Lei An Jie Liu “ Superstructure of SWNTs from water-soluble Identical Cluster for Device Fabrication” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6, 1077-1079 (2004)[7] Shaoming Huang**, Xianyu Cai, Chengshen Du Jie Liu “Oriented Long Single walled Carbon Nanotubes on Substrates from Floating Catalysts ” J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 13251-13254 (2003)[8] Shaoming Huang**, and Albert Mau, “ 3D Carbon Nanotube Architecture on Glass Substrate by Stamp Printing Bimetallic Fe-Pt /polymer Catalyst ” J. Phys. Chem. B 107 , 8285-8288 (2003)[9] Shaoming Huang** “Growing Carbon Nanotubes on Patterned Submicro-size SiO2 Spheres” Carbon 14, 2347-2351, (2003)[10] Shaoming Huang, Benjamin Maynor, Jie Liu “ Ultralong , Well-aligned Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Architectures on Surfaces ” Adv. Mater. 15, 1651-1654 (2003)[11] Shaoming Huang, Xianyu Cai, Jie Liu “ Growth of Millimeter-long and Horizontally Aligned SWNT on flat Substrates” J. Amer. Chem. Soc 125, 5636-5637 (2003)[12] Shaoming Huang**, Albert Mau “Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Patterned Photolithographically by Silver” Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 796-798 (2003)[13] Shaoming Huang**, Albert Mau “Selective Growth of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on a Silver Patterned Substrate by the Silver Mirror Reaction” J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 3455-3458 (2003)[14] Shaoming Huang**, Liming Dai and Albert Mau “ Controlled Fabrication of Large-scale Aligned Carbon Nanofibre/Nanotube Patterns by Photolithography” Adv. Mater. 14, 1140-1143 (2002)[15] Shaoming Huang, Liming Dai, “Plasma Etching for Purification and Controlled Opening of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes ” J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 3543-3545 ( 2002)[16] Mei gao, Shaoming Huang, Liming Dai,Gordon Wallace, Ruyiping Gao, Zhonglin Wang “Aligned Coaxial Nanowires of carbon nanotubes sheathed with Conducting Poloymer” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 39, 3664-3667 (2000)[17] Shaoming Huang, Albert W.H.Mau, Terry Turney, Paul White, Liming Dai, W.H. Mau “Patterned Growth of Well-Aligned Carbon Nanotube: A Solt-lithographic Approach” J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 2193-2196 ( 2000)[18] Yongyuan Yang, Shaoming Huang, huizhu He, Albert W.H.Mau, Liming Dai, “Patterned Growth of Well-aligned Carbon Nanotube: A Photolithographic Approach” J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 121, 10832-10833 (1999)[19] Shaoming Huang, Liming Dai, Alber W.H. Mau, “ Patterned Growth and Contact Transfer of Well-Alligned Carbon Nanotube Film” J. Phys. Chem. B 103, 4223-4227 (1999 )[20] Shaoming Huang, Liming Dai, Alber W.H. Mau, “ Nanotube ‘Crop Circles" ” J. Mater. Chem. 9, 1221-1222( 1999)专利 ( 六项国际专利一项中国专利) [1] “ Patterned Carbon Nanotube Film”( WO0073203)[2] “Substrate-supported Aligned Carbon Nanotube Film”(WO0073024)[3] “ Multilayer Carbon Nanotube Film”(WO0063115)[4] “Patterned Carbon Nanotubes”(WO0121863)[5] “Process and Apparatus for the Production of CarbonNanotubes”(WO02081366)[6] “Systems and Methods for Producing Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes on a Substrate(20050112051)[7] 碳纳米管制备二维可控纳米元件的方法(200610147236.3)
2023-07-31 05:21:441

关于车床的英文简介 以"lathe"为主题写一篇英文介绍 100个单词左右

A lathe is a machine tool which spins a block of material to perform various operations such as cutting,sanding,knurling,drilling,or deformation with tools that are applied to the workpiece to create an object which has symmetry about an axis of rotation. Lathes are used in woodturning,metalworking,metal spinning,and glassworking.Lathes can be used to shape pottery,the best-known design being the potter"s wheel.Most suitably equipped metalworking lathes can also be used to produce most solids of revolution,plane surfaces and screw threads or helices.Ornamental lathes can produce three-dimensional solids of incredible complexity.The material is held in place by either one or two centers,at least one of which can be moved horizontally to accommodate varying material lengths.Examples of objects that can be produced on a lathe include candlestick holders,cue sticks,table legs,bowls,baseball bats,musical instruments (especially woodwind instruments),crankshafts and camshafts.我这个更合题意
2023-07-31 05:21:561


2023-07-31 05:22:276

使用Python 制作对比图片相似度的程序

2023-07-31 05:22:553

front side是什么意思

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:.前面front side
2023-07-31 05:24:222


2023-07-31 05:25:002

network vertically 是什么意思?

network vertically纵向网络双语例句1Therefore, through the analysis of network structure, combined with thecharacteristics of multi-protocol layers connection, we put forward anoptimization thought of “ DO network layered vertically and segmentedhorizontally ”. 4 Combined with Engineering practice, introducing thecontent and methods of data acquisition.并通过对网络结构的分析,结合终端多协议层次连接的特点,提出DO网络分层逐段的优化思想。4、结合工程实践,对数据采集的内容与方法进行了介绍。2We examine the impact of commodity taxation and network externality onvertically differentiated product market in an oligopoly.利用纵向产品差异模型,研究了在具有网络外部性特征的双寡头市场结构的产业中,产品税收和网络外部性对产品纵向差异化的影响.
2023-07-31 05:25:151


把一个鸡蛋用右手拇指和食指从左至右移动它 把戒指用右手移到适合的玩具盒把一个鸡蛋使用右手移到适合的玩具盒 不停用右手把棍子移到玩具盒 用右手拇指按下了避孕药的包装 使用指甲剪减少右手打开包装的药片 使用右手拇指和食指把水泡包在其中 右手拇指和食指把药丸放进医药饮水机和右手食指推动其盖子用右手手指把药丸包装成一箱 使用右手结业工艺线附近的横向磁盘坚持用右手使结业线纵向围绕 左右手放在结业线周围 用右手拿剪刀削减工艺线 使用右手终结线的双钳 右手拇指 终结电线与锋利的剪辑是上压右手以圈子移动油脂一沙锅黄油 解除汤匙的杂音从沙锅用右手 用右手从沙锅解除包的杂音 右手拇指和食指抓住一瓶清洗剂去倒 用右手拇指和食指以使一瓶清洗剂的螺丝盖拧开 用左手保持顶部的气雾罐的和右手从下部的螺钉 使用右手敲开硬的煮鸡蛋放在桌子上 使用右手一个鸡蛋刀具以切硬的煮鸡蛋 右手拇指和食指握一个鸡蛋并把它变成一个蛋壳杯 右手戴着一个烤箱手套握一个鸡蛋与并把它变成一个蛋壳杯 在厨房里右手拿起面包握紧了拳头把面包屑掉在一张纸右手手指用一张厨房纸轻轻拿起苹果 用左手拇指的右手手指包裹一张纸厨房周围 右手越过左手拇指使用手指的周围组织右手附上绷带一直缠在左手拇指用一块胶带 啊~~好多..
2023-07-31 05:25:244


10. NoniMorinda citrifolia 诺丽果(拉丁名:Morinda citrifolia) Noni otherwise known by many different names around the world including the great moringa Indian mulberry dog dumpling and pace is related to the coffee bean plant and is native throughout South East Asia and Australasia but is cultivated throughout the tropics. The tree carries fruit throughout the year and the fruit tend to have a very pungent odour when ripening (also known as the cheese fruit or vomit fruit). Despite the *** ell the fruit is high in fibre vitamin A protein Iron and calcium and is the staple diet on many Pacific Islands. The fruit can either be cooked into a stew or eaten raw with salt. 诺丽果,世界各地都有不同的叫法,如:大辣木果,印度桑葚,狗布丁,步果。诺丽果树与咖啡树有亲缘关系,是整个东南亚和澳大拉西亚的特产,但是现在整个热带地区都有种植。果树一年四季都结着果实,成熟后的果实气味刺鼻(因此也被称为奶酪果或呕吐果)。尽管气味难闻,但水果中的纤维素、维生素A、蛋白质、铁和钙含量非常丰富,是许多太平洋岛国的主食,可以用来炖汤或用盐拌着生吃。 9. MarulaSclerocarya birrea 马鲁拉果(拉丁名:Sclerocarya birrea) The Marula is a deciduous tree native to Southern and Eastern Africa. The distribution of the tree throughout Africa follow the migratory patterns of the Bantu people as it was an important source of food and they planted more trees along their way. The green fruit ripens and turns yellow the white flesh Inside is succulent and has a very distinct flavor. After falling off the tree the fruit will start to ferment and these draw in animals like elephants and baboons for a slightly alcoholic treat. The fruit is also used to make a popular liqueur called Amarula which can be found at any duty-free liquor store at airports. 马鲁拉树是原产于南非和东非的落叶树种。 马鲁拉果是非洲班图族人的重要食物,他们把它多种植于迁徙的沿途上,随着班图人的迁徙格局,如今已遍布整个非洲。绿色果实成熟后变黄,内部白色果肉多汁,口味独特,从树上落下后,果实就会开始发酵变质,于是吸引了大象和狒狒等动物过来,小小地享受一次酒水盛宴。果实常用来酿制一种名为大象酒的流行利口酒,你可以在机场任何免税酒店买到这种酒。 8. SalmonberryRubus spectabilis 鲑莓(拉丁名:Rubus spectabilis) Salmonberrys are native to the west coast of North America stretching from midway through Alaska all the way down to California. They are found in moist forests and create dense thickets. The fruit looks similar to raspberries but are more orange in color. They are sweet when eaten raw but are often processed into juice wine candies and jams. 鲑莓原产于北美洲的西海岸——沿海岸中部穿过阿拉斯加州,一路延伸到利福尼亚州。它们生长在溼润的林区,容易长成密林,果实外表看上去像红莓,但是颜色有些偏黄,生吃时很甜,但经常加工成果汁、果酒、果脯和果酱。 7. SalakSalacca zalacca 萨拉卡(拉丁名:Salacca zalacca) Salak fruit also known as the snake fruit es from a species of palm native to Indonesia. These fruit grow at the base of the palm and gained the name snake fruit from their red brown scaly skin. The skin is easily removed and inside are 3 white sweet segments that each contain a large black inedible seed. When eaten the fruit have a slightly acidic but sweet flavor and the consistency of apples. 萨拉卡果也称蛇皮果,是原产于印度尼西亚的一种棕榈树种,水果长在树干的最下端,因其红棕色、鳞状果皮而得名蛇皮果。果皮易剥,果肉甜,呈白色,有3瓣,每瓣各含一可以吃的黑色大粒种子。吃时微酸,但香甜可口,果质跟苹果一样。 6. BaelAegle marmelos 印度枳(拉丁名:Aegle marmelos) Bael wood apple or stone apple is a species native to India but found throughout Southeast Asia. Bael is a *** ooth fruit with a woody peel that is colored yellow green or grey. The hard woody outer peel is so hard that it has to be cracked with a hammer. Inside is an aromatic yellow pulp with several hairy seeds. The flesh can be eaten either dried or fresh. From the fresh fruit a juice called sharbat can be made adding water sugar and lime juice to the pulp. It takes just one large fruit to make 6 liters of sharbat. 印度枳又称木苹果或石苹果,树种原产于印度,但现已经遍布整个东南亚。印度枳果皮像木头,很光滑,颜色有黄色、绿色或灰色;木质的外皮十分坚硬,必须用锤子才能砸开,内部黄色的果肉味道香甜,内含几粒茸状态的种子,晒干后或新鲜时均可食用。果实新鲜时,在果肉中加入水、糖和柠檬汁可制成一种名为“舍儿别”的饮料,一个大的印度桔就可以制成6升的“舍儿别”。 5. Star AppleChrysophyllum cainito 星苹果(拉丁名:Chrysophyllum cainito) The Star apple is a fruit native to the low-lying areas of Central America and the West Indies. The underside of the evergreen leaves shine with a golden color from a distance and the tree carries *** all white to purple flowers with a sweet fragrance. The fruit is round purple and has a thick latex filled skin. If the fruit is cut horizontally a clear star pattern can be seen in the white purple pulp. The fruit is delicious fresh with a intense sweet taste. 星苹果原产于中美洲和西印度的低洼地带,远远望去,四季常青的树叶背面泛着金黄色的光泽,果树开的白中带紫的小花芳馨扑鼻。果实圆型紫色,果皮厚且含有乳胶;把果实横着切开,紫白相间的果肉上会出现一个清晰的星形图案,果肉新鲜可口,十分香甜。 4. Star fruitAverrhoa carambola 杨桃(拉丁名:Averrhoa carambola) Star fruit or carambola is a fruit tree native to the Philippines but can be found throughout Southeast Asia East Asia South America Florida and Hawaii. This fruit has five ridges running down its length which when cut sideways makes the star pattern after which it is named. The fruit is rich in Vitamin C and Antioxidants. The fruit turns a bright yellow when ripe has a waxy skin and the entire fruit is edible juicy and crunchy. 杨桃,也称星果,原产于菲律宾,但现已遍布整个东南亚、东亚和南美洲、佛罗里达州和夏威夷州。果实有5条突起的棱边,横着切开后,呈五星图案,因此得名。果实富含维生素C和抗氧化成分,成熟后变为亮黄色,果皮含有蜡质,整个果实都可以食用,多汁生脆。 3. Horned melonCucumis metuliferus 刺角瓜(拉丁名:Cucumis metuliferus) The horned melon also known as African cucumber or jelly melon is an annual vine native to Africa but can now be found grown in California Australia New Zealand and Chile as well. When ripe the melon has a thick spiky yellow outer skin with bright green jelly like flesh. The flesh is often pared to the taste of a banana with the texture of the seedy part of a cucumber or tomato. The thick skin can be eaten and is a good source of vitamin C and fibre. 刺角瓜,也称非洲黄瓜或果冻瓜,是原产于非洲的藤曼植物,今天在加利福尼亚州、澳大利亚、新西兰和智利都有种植。果实成熟后,黄色的果皮布满了粗刺,果肉鲜绿色像果冻,味道可以与香蕉媲美,多籽的果肉质地像黄瓜或西红柿。厚厚果皮也可以食用,是维生素C和纤维素的理想来源。 2. PitayaHylocereus 仙人掌果(拉丁名:Hylocereus) Pitaya or dragon fruit is a cactus fruit that can be found throughout Asia Australasia North America and South America even though they are believed to be native to Mexico originally. There are o main types of pitaya the sour types typically eaten in the Americas and sweet types found across Asia. The fruit es in 3 different color varieties Labelled as red yellow and Costa Rican pitayas. The “red” fruits are generally a bright magenta color on the outside with yellow flesh. The Yellow Pitaya is yellow inside and out and the Costa Rican pitayas are magenta on the outside and the inside. They *** ell deliciously fragrant and most have a sweet flavor similar to a kiwi fruit. 仙人掌果,或称火龙果,是一种仙人掌的果实,虽然最初原产于墨西哥,但今天你可以在整个亚洲、澳大拉西亚、北美洲和南美洲发现它们。火龙果主要有两类:酸口味的,通常在美洲地区可以吃到;甜口味的,在整个亚洲可以找到。根据颜色的不同,可以分成3类:红火龙果、黄火龙果和哥斯达黎加火龙果。红火龙果果皮呈亮粉色,果肉白色;黄火龙果,黄皮白肉;哥斯达黎加火龙果内外都呈亮粉色。它们闻上去都芬芳怡人,大多数口味香甜,与猕猴桃的口味相似。 (译注:这里作者原文为称红火龙果粉皮黄肉,黄火龙果黄皮黄肉,译者查了资料,认为两处“黄肉”欠妥,觉得译成“白肉”更为合适。) 1. Miracle FruitSynsepalum dulcificum 神秘果(拉丁名:Synsepalum dulcificum) The miracle fruit or sweet berries is a very strange berry native to West Africa. What makes the fruit strange and miraculous is miraculin (a sugar substitute) which is found in large quantities in the fruit bined with a glycoprotein. The fruit itself does not contain a lot of sugar and tastes only mildly sweet but when eaten the glycoprotein binds to the tongues taste buds which for about an hour after eating the fruit distorts any other taste into sweetness. With that effect you could technically eat a lemon and it would taste like a ball of syrup. Although the definite reason for this occurrence is not fully understood it would seem as if the miraculin distorts the shape of the sweetness receptors in the tongue so that they pick up on acid instead of sweetness. The sweetness receptors on your tongue then tran *** it to the brain to taste sweetness when they e in contact with any acidity. In the 70s attempts were made to mercialize and sell the fruit as a diet aid as it has the potential to turn any meal sweet without affecting your calorie intake. These attempts were shattered when the FDA declared it a food additive due to pressure from sugar panies who could foresee big losses in profits. In the last o years the berries have been making a eback by being the guest star of many tasting parties in the states. The berries are dried and exported and the party guests each have one and then taste all kinds of mon foods to experience a new taste sensation with every bite. 神秘果,或称甜浆果,原产地为西非,是一种非常奇妙的浆果。神秘果之所以奇妙神奇,是因水果中含有大量的神秘果素(代糖),合成一种糖蛋白(变味糖蛋白)。这种水果本身并不含有太多的糖分,它尝上去仅仅微甜;但吃了神秘果之后,变味糖蛋白扰乱了舌头上的味蕾功能,之后任何味道都变成了甜味,这种状态可以持续一小时左右。效果就如同,你实际上吃的是一个酸柠檬,但却感觉就像在吃糖浆一样。这种现象的原因尚未十分明确,但似乎是神秘果素扰乱了舌头上的味蕾感受器的功能,让它们只选择感受甜味而对酸味的感觉产生麻痹。(不论哪种酸味的水果,总是含有一些果糖,只是因为酸性成分大于甜性成分,所以,我们感觉到的只是酸味,而无甜味)吃了神秘果后,我们舌头上的味觉感受器接触到任何酸味食物,都会只感觉到其中甜味成分,然后传输给大脑。在70年代,曾试图把这种水果商业化,把其当利于减肥的商品来销售,因为神秘果可以把任何膳食变甜,却不增加热量的摄入。当食品及药物管理局宣布神密果为食品添加剂时,制糖企业预见这会让他们利益损失惨重,所以大力施压,这种尝试最终以失败而告终。最近两年,这种浆果再度卷土重来,在全国各举办的各种品尝宴会上,它都是特邀嘉宾。神秘果晒干后就可以运输,宴会中的每位宾客都会吃上一枚,然后再品尝各种各样的普通食品,每吃一口,都会体验到一种奇妙的新口味。 Like this list? Share it with friends or :eet 喜欢这些水果吗?与朋友们一起分享吧。
2023-07-31 05:25:311


2023-07-31 05:24:315


拆除记录的英文短语:Demolition of record demolition n. 拆除(等于demolishment);破坏;毁坏 record n. 记录,记载;唱片;(过去的)经历,履历;纪录,最佳成绩;前科,犯罪记录 v. 记录,记载;录制;发表正式声明;(仪器)标明,显示;取得(成就) 扩展资料   例句:   You can"t deny that the density of the area would make a demolition too risky.   不可否认这个地区的人口密度过大使得拆除工作风险很大。   Many are bereft at the mall"s demolition, as though suffering the death of a pet.   随着商场的.拆毁,好多随之失去,如同痛失爱宠。   This usually requires multiple attempts as you try different demolition strategies.   一般而言你需要尝试多种不同的破坏策略,试上个几遍才能过关。   The record was a bootleg.   这张唱片是私货。   Last summer was the wettest on record.   去年夏天是有记录以来降雨量最大的。   She set out to break the world record.   她一心努力要打破世界纪录。
2023-07-31 05:24:331


译文:Pepper英['pepu0259(r)]释义:n.胡椒;辣椒;胡椒粉vt.加胡椒粉于;使布满n.(Pepper)人名;(英、德、意)佩珀[复数:peppers;第三人称单数:peppers;现在分词:peppering;过去式:peppered;过去分词:peppered]短语:bell pepper菜椒;甜椒;灯笼椒;柿子椒扩展资料:词语使用变化:pepperv.(动词)1、pepper的基本意思是“向某人或某地连续地投掷(石块等)或射出(子弹)”,引申可表示“向某人连续地提出(问题)”“接二连三地出现(问题)”等。2、pepper是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其后常接介词with,可用于被动结构。词源解说:直接源自古英语的pipor;最初源自拉丁语的piper,意为辣椒。
2023-07-31 05:24:351


FN+/:开启/关闭键盘灯设定FN+*:开启/关闭键盘灯FN+-(减号):调低键盘灯亮度FN++(加号):调高键盘灯亮度FN+7:开启/关闭左边区域键盘灯FN+8:开启/关闭中间区域键盘灯FN+9:开启/关闭右边区域键盘灯神州数码拥有丰富的全球 IT 资源,分销 89 个国际顶尖 IT 厂商的上万种产品,覆盖从个人应用到企业应用的所有领域,拥有遍布全国的渠道网络,渠道数量达到近 10000 余家。随着信息技术的迅猛发展, IT 技术 在企业经营中也不再仅仅充当一个辅助的角色,而成为推动企业业务发展、获得竞争优势的核心。神州数码拥有中国最具影响力的 IT 服务品牌。从 80 年代开始,神州数码 IT 服务业务的前身联想集成就开始为金融、电信、税务等行业用户提供信息技术应用服务。二十多年的实践,已成为中国政府、金融、电信、制造及教育等许多重要业务领域中的 IT 服务提供商,神州数码的客户遍及中国经济的各条战线。
2023-07-31 05:24:351

投行先锋 非同一控制要不要评估

1、非同一控制下100%股权收购一目标公司(以评估值定价) 这个说法是不合适的,这样的收购要进行的评估是企业价值评估,评估的对象是全部股东权益的价值,评估的方法通常会有收益法、资产基础法、市场法三种方法中选择其中之一或两种,那么,评估结果就只能是一个--全部股东权益价值,即使是采用资产基础法评估,分别对各单项的资产和相关负债进行逐个评估并得出结论,也只是为了得出股权价值而涉及的过程,并不能作为企业进行会计处理的依据,至于采用市场法和收益法评估,一般是不对各单项资产进行评估的。 不仅如此,企业价值评估得出的全部股东权益价值,也只是股东、拟购买者或潜在购买者之间作价参考的,需要由被收购企业股东和收购者之间“讨价还价”并最终通过协议才能具有法律效力,这个协议价格可能大于、等于或小于评估值,而且,评估值也可能成倍于被收购企业的账面价值的,也就是说,评估本身所考虑的范围或因素与企业财务账面的东西可能并不完全一致(财务核算只是就那些能够计量的内容加以反映,存在着固有的限制)。 2、评估后,还需要进行审计吗 由上面描述的可知,评估的目的,只是为股权交易作价行为提供参考数据,与会计核算的结果不可同日而语。根本就不是一个台面上的事情。可见,收购的评估之后,肯定需要进行审计,这样的审计的目的,实际上是为了确定收购基准日企业账面的资产和负债具体情况,属于专项审计性质的,审计的结果可能会被作为后期收购后合并日编制合并报表提供基础资料的。也为收购行为中参照资产评估报告结果进行“讨价还价”提供可信的账面依据支持的。比如,账面反映的可信的全部股权价值3000万元,评估价值9000万元,那么,这样的差异因为什么?具体数据依据说法合理,这些都是在比较之中作出判断的谈判的素材的。 当然,如果按照整体的流程来看,审计,最好是放在评估之前,或者与评估同时进行,因为评估本身无论采用什么方法评估,也都要对企业财务资料的进行清查和审核的,这样的清查审核虽然与审计的角度不同,但两者的资料可以相互借鉴和参考的。比如,过往三年的利润或现金流情况,针对经过审计的之后的结果,评估还需要进行必要的复核,同时,评估还需要对未来利润和现金流进行预测,这样的预测也是与审计密切而不可分的。 一般来说,评估要在审计的基础上做的,国有企业,清产核资,必须在审计调账的基础上,以审计后的报表评估,至于“收购是否一定要审计,估计没有直接的法规”的说法,其实,国有企业是当然的,有文件规定的《国有资产评估管理办法》以及91号令就有明确的规定,在这些规定中也说了,其他企业可以参考执行,证监会有没有具体规定,这点,你们律师、投行的朋友应该比我们做评估的更清查的了。
2023-07-31 05:24:391


国内的ERP软体哪个好?金蝶?用友?还是神州数码? 本人在ERP行业12年实施咨询经验。对你的问题我做如下分析,希望能够使你满意。 这要看你是哪种型别企业,既规模大小。如果是国有中大型企业,如产值20亿以上、人员1000以上,且你的ERP投资在1000万以上。建议使用国外SAP的R3或ORACLE或者国内用友的NC,之所以推荐NC是由于该软体已经在国内的巨型国企中占据了半壁江山。 如果你是中小型企业,投资额在150万以内,建议比较DCMS的易飞、用友的U8、金碟的K3,这三款产品各有长短,就整合性来看U8好于易飞好于K3;就支援制造性来看,易飞好于U8好于K3;但就三家公司的服务来看,金蝶=用友好于DCMS。 一个成功的ERP专案取决于很多方面。选择软体方法如下: 一、企业成立一个有工作计划的专案组是最重要的。要有领导任专案总监,各业务部门经理任专案成员,负责各自部门实施的配合工作。 一定要做一件事情:确定专案目标(不要高不可攀)。 二、要考察软体公司的实施顾问,这些顾问必须被考察。让生产、计划、财务部门的人与他们交流。(一个成熟的ERP顾问必须懂生产、计划和财务) 三、软体公司要有很好的二次开发能力,这些能力一定要被考察。就这些来看DCMS最弱。 四、软体公司要有很强的实力和服务能力。这点是非常重要的。服务上的不足、人员投入的不足可以让ERP完全死亡。 五、不要与供应商签定不平等合同。这样极容易造成优秀的软体供应商拂袖而去。也不要把价格压得太低,60万以下的专案其实都很难说成功。我看过很多用友、金蝶和DCMS的客户,有些40万就做了ERP,但是实际上这是不可能的,绝对不可能做得好。所以如果你们决定了要做,那请务必尽早确定和哪家公司合作,价格不要太低,双方真心诚意地一起讨论问题、确认问题、解决问题。 注意:各家公司典型使用者的参观实际上没有重要意义,这些人都是软体公司很好的朋友了。意义不明显。 另:关于远端应用三家软体都可以。关于小型集团应用,三家软体支援差不多,DCMS稍微差点,但是其制造是很专业的。 总之一句话:企业只要确认了上ERP,成立了专案组,其他就找国内外实力最强的公司和最强的实施顾问就行了。专案就会成功。 LED产业包括外延晶片封装用金蝶还是神州数码的ERP好? 不知投入7亿是固定资产投资还是总投资,如果是总投次,就是一个小企业,对于一个小企业来说,哪种ERP都没什么区别,基本的功能应用都够 了。 但如果是固定投资7个亿,属于中型企业,最好的办法是购买资料库,专门开发,我经历过的公司都是自行开发的,对公司不同的状况,开发最适应的系统,是很好的。 神州数码erp软体在国内做的怎么样? 鼎捷软体有限公司(原神州数码管理系统有限公司:DCMS)是中国最具影响力的企业管理软体与服务供应商,它于2001年12月由神州数码(中国)有限公司与鼎新电脑股份有限公司合资组建。秉承两家优秀企业基因的DCMS,自诞生之日起就致力于实现“让ERP在中国普遍成功”的理想,为国内外众多企业成功地提供了包括ERP在内的专业企业管理软体产品与服务,目前,仅在亚太地区就有超过30,000家企业正在运用鼎捷软体的管理软体产品,其中包括财富五百强的企业也正在通过鼎捷的管理方案而持续获益。 神州数码ERP跟用友ERP,哪个技术好? 易飞ERP除提供按批领料,依工序,依仓库,依料件特性等不同的领料方式外,还可支援电子业经常使用的倒扣料以及现场仓库管理。针对电子业的特性,易飞还提供合并捡料报表,极大的减轻了仓管人员的劳动强度 金蝶 用友 神州数码的各项比较 金蝶现在做的很好,用友有点退步了 神州没什么名气。我做过一个地区市场调查。金蝶的市场占有率就快超过用友了。这么多的新老客户都选择金蝶,足见其过人之处。 神州数码erp软体在国内同行中怎么样? 神州数码鼎捷软体不错 到2010年,鼎捷软体中小产品渠道已走过了整整6个年头。 在2010年,鼎捷软体中小产品渠道业绩增长了30%;当年更新增了1000多家中小企业在使用鼎捷软体的产;稳定的渠道合作伙伴达百余家;客户满意度连续多年保持在8分(以满分10分计)以上。 神州数码、用友、金碟、QAD的ERP软体哪家适合汽车零件制造业? 用友是肯定不适合的。用友在财务和进销存方面还将就,生产制造一般。 神码的生产制造相对较好,但财务一般,适合电子行业。 金蝶,财务,进销存,生产与神码略高一点点。 QAD不是很熟悉。 上ERP首先是企业的管理规范,还可以看一下ERP厂商的成功案例。 谁能介绍几款神州数码ERP软体呢? 鼎捷软体有限公司通过提供专业化、标准化和高水准的企业管理软体、解决方案及咨询服务,帮助中国广大企业快速、持续地提高管理水平、经营绩效和综合竞争力。矢志成为亚太地区最大、最具影响力的企业管理软体及服务的供应商。 让 ERP在中国普遍成功——我们共同的梦想。 神州数码旗下哪些行业的erp软体比较好? 鼎捷软体有限公司拥有近30年的行业积累经验,深悉制造行业中的常见的电子、机械、汽车、精细化工、医药、食品饮料等行业的管理重点以及常见困扰,因地制宜,提出了ERP整体解决方案,协助众多企业实现了资讯化的应用成功。在流通和分销行业,鼎捷软体也同样具有傲人的成绩和优势。
2023-07-31 05:24:421


我着用的就挺好的 同趣用户不少可能是你的版本下栽的不对 要不你在设置下 把个人资料下的允许同趣用户浏览个选上 看看
2023-07-31 05:24:443


2023-07-31 05:24:291


2023-07-31 05:24:274


I went to Shanghai with my friends in summer.We visited a lot of places of interest.We also went to the She Mountain.Although it isn"t tall,it is one of the tallest mountain in Shanghai.There were a lot of flowers there.In the south of the area,there was a river.I saw some fishes in the river.The view was very beautiful and the air was fresh.We took a lot of pictures.I had a very good time. 我暑假和朋友去了上海.我们去了很多旅游胜地.我们还去了佘山.虽然他不高,但是他是上海的高山之一.那里有很多花.在南面,还有一条河.我还在河里看到了鱼.风景很美而且空气很新鲜.我们拍了很多照片.我玩的很开心.
2023-07-31 05:24:261

在日文中以wa ga ki mi称呼的意思是?

waga 是少主 时代剧或者黑社会常见到用kimi是日语写作君 对男性称呼时 叫你也就是kimi
2023-07-31 05:24:242

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable有什么用

这个是运行用Visual C++写的软件的支持库,不同版本不兼容(包括不同子版本直接也不兼容),所以才会有这么多。看了一眼我电脑上也有11个,每个都不大,除非强迫症,不然就留着吧。
2023-07-31 05:24:213


2023-07-31 05:24:211