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2023-08-01 03:18:54





简单来说就是 二维数据插值


INTERP2 2-D interpolation (table lookup).

ZI = INTERP2(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) interpolates to find ZI, the values of the

underlying 2-D function Z at the points in matrices XI and YI.

Matrices X and Y specify the points at which the data Z is given.

XI can be a row vector, in which case it specifies a matrix with

constant columns. Similarly, YI can be a column vector and it

specifies a matrix with constant rows.

ZI = INTERP2(Z,XI,YI) assumes X=1:N and Y=1:M where [M,N]=SIZE(Z).

ZI = INTERP2(Z,NTIMES) expands Z by interleaving interpolates between

every element, working recursively for NTIMES. INTERP2(Z) is the

same as INTERP2(Z,1).

ZI = INTERP2(...,METHOD) specifies alternate methods. The default

is linear interpolation. Available methods are:

"nearest" - nearest neighbor interpolation

"linear" - bilinear interpolation

"spline" - spline interpolation

"cubic" - bicubic interpolation as long as the data is

uniformly spaced, otherwise the same as "spline"

For faster interpolation when X and Y are equally spaced and monotonic,

use the syntax ZI = INTERP2(...,*METHOD).

ZI = INTERP2(...,METHOD,EXTRAPVAL) specificies a method and a scalar

value for ZI outside of the domain created by X and Y. Thus, ZI will

equal EXTRAPVAL for any value of YI or XI which is not spanned by Y

or X respectively. A method must be specified for EXTRAPVAL to be used,

the default method is "linear".

All the interpolation methods require that X and Y be monotonic and

plaid (as if they were created using MESHGRID). If you provide two

monotonic vectors, interp2 changes them to a plaid internally.

X and Y can be non-uniformly spaced.

For example, to generate a coarse approximation of PEAKS and

interpolate over a finer mesh:

[x,y,z] = peaks(10); [xi,yi] = meshgrid(-3:.1:3,-3:.1:3);

zi = interp2(x,y,z,xi,yi); mesh(xi,yi,zi)

Class support for inputs X, Y, Z, XI, YI:

float: double, single


简单来说就是 二维数据插值


INTERP2 2-D interpolation (table lookup).

ZI = INTERP2(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) interpolates to find ZI, the values of the

underlying 2-D function Z at the points in matrices XI and YI.

Matrices X and Y specify the points at which the data Z is given.

XI can be a row vector, in which case it specifies a matrix with

constant columns. Similarly, YI can be a column vector and it

specifies a matrix with constant rows.

ZI = INTERP2(Z,XI,YI) assumes X=1:N and Y=1:M where [M,N]=SIZE(Z).

ZI = INTERP2(Z,NTIMES) expands Z by interleaving interpolates between

every element, working recursively for NTIMES. INTERP2(Z) is the

same as INTERP2(Z,1).

ZI = INTERP2(...,METHOD) specifies alternate methods. The default

is linear interpolation. Available methods are:

"nearest" - nearest neighbor interpolation

"linear" - bilinear interpolation

"spline" - spline interpolation

"cubic" - bicubic interpolation as long as the data is

uniformly spaced, otherwise the same as "spline"

For faster interpolation when X and Y are equally spaced and monotonic,

use the syntax ZI = INTERP2(...,*METHOD).

ZI = INTERP2(...,METHOD,EXTRAPVAL) specificies a method and a scalar

value for ZI outside of the domain created by X and Y. Thus, ZI will

equal EXTRAPVAL for any value of YI or XI which is not spanned by Y

or X respectively. A method must be specified for EXTRAPVAL to be used,

the default method is "linear".

All the interpolation methods require that X and Y be monotonic and

plaid (as if they were created using MESHGRID). If you provide two

monotonic vectors, interp2 changes them to a plaid internally.

X and Y can be non-uniformly spaced.

For example, to generate a coarse approximation of PEAKS and

interpolate over a finer mesh:

[x,y,z] = peaks(10); [xi,yi] = meshgrid(-3:.1:3,-3:.1:3);

zi = interp2(x,y,z,xi,yi); mesh(xi,yi,zi)

Class support for inputs X, Y, Z, XI, YI:

float: double, single








2023-08-01 02:20:188


space作空间的意思时是不可数名字,表示空隙、空白的时候是可数名词。读音:英[speu026as],美[speu026as]。释义:n. 空间;太空;距离。vi. 留间隔;隔开。例句:There is no space for your chair in this room.房间里面放不下你的椅子了。变形:过去式spaced,过去分词spaced,现在分词spacing,第三人称单数spaces,复数spaces。词源:1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的espace;最初源自古典拉丁语的spatium,意为空间,地域,距离,时间的延伸。词义辨析space,universe,cosmos这些名词均含“宇宙,太空”之意。space指大气层或太阳系之外的极高的天空,即太空之意。universe指包括地球及其他天体的广大空间。cosmos源于希腊语,指和谐的有秩序的宇宙,与chaos(天地开辟前的混沌状态)相对。
2023-08-01 02:21:131


2023-08-01 02:21:291


御姐奶爸/Melissa and Joey ?
2023-08-01 02:21:384


本来就有动词形式,Vt:把什么分开,留间隔于·····之间。Vi:以一定间隔排列 过去式spaced 过去分词spaced 现在分词spacing
2023-08-01 02:21:452


spaced-repetition网络间隔重复;间隔性重复;间歇重复网络释义1. 间隔重复间隔重复(Spaced repetition)是解决这个问题的一种方法。之前看到有人推荐SuperMemo来记忆GRE单词,SuperMemo可以算 …|基于14个网页2. 间隔性重复  1. 间隔性重复 (Spaced Repetition), 俗称遗忘曲线,即在预测学习者即将遗忘某单词的时候,及时进行复习,这种技术基本上已 …|基于12个网页3. 间歇重复...有4分钟,相当于4分钟一节课。这就是关于记忆的另一大原则——“间歇重复”(spaced repetition),在较长的时间里,反复地、间 …|基于7个网页更多释义例句释义:全部 , 间隔重复 , 间隔性重复 , 间歇重复更多例句筛选1.I assume in this review that you"re looking primarily for spaced repetition software, and not a souped-up flashcard package.我假设你首先想要寻找记忆软件,而不是速记包裹。
2023-08-01 02:22:051

double spaced什么意思

2023-08-01 02:22:132


2023-08-01 02:22:215

double spaced 怎么调

请问是word 2007/2013?
2023-08-01 02:22:365


*AMPLITUDE定义一个幅值曲线。这个选项允许任意的载荷、位移和其它指定变量的数值在一个分析步中随时间的变化(或者在ABAQUS/Standard分析中随着频率的变化)。产品:ABAQUS/Standard,ABAQUS/Explicit 必需的参数:NAME设置这个参数等于将要用来指定幅值曲线的标签。可选的参数:DEFINITION设置DEFINITION=TABULAR (默认)是用表格形式定义幅值-时间(或者幅值-频率)。 设置DEFINITION=EQUALLY SPACED, PERIODIC, MODULATED, DECAY, SMOOTH STEP, SOLUTION DEPENDENT, or BUBBLE是按照给定的幅值曲线来定义幅值。INPUT设置这个参数等于包含这个选项数据行的准备要输入文件的名字。对这样文件名的语法,看输入的语法规则。如果忽略这个参数,则假定数据接着关键字行。TIME 对时间步设置TIME=STEP TIME (默认)。如果幅值被引用的步是在频域上,时间步相应于频率。 在整个非扰动分析步中对总的时间累计设置TIME=TOTAL TIME。VALUE 设置VALUE=RELATIVE (默认)定义相对数值。 设置VALUE=ABSOLUTE对绝对数值的直接输入。在这种情况下,忽略载荷选项中数据行的值。在节点连接到截面定义包含TEMPERATURE=GRADIENTS (默认)的梁单元和壳单元上指定温度不能在VALUE=ABSOLUTE中使用。对DEFINITION=EQUALLY SPACED必须的参数:FIXED INTERVAL 设置这个参数等于固定时间(或者频率)间距,在固定的时间(或者频率)间距上给定幅值数据。对DEFINITION=EQUALLY SPACED可选的参数:BEGIN设置这个参数等于时间(或者最小频率),在时间(或者最小频率)上第一幅值被给定。默认BEGIN=0.0对DEFINITION=TABULAR 或者 DEFINITION=EQUALLY SPACED可选的参数:SMOOTH 设置这个参数等于时间间距的分数在每个时间点之前或者之后, 当需要幅值定义的时间微分时,分段线性时间变化将被光滑的二次时间变量代替。ABAQUS/Standard中默认SMOOTH=0.25,ABAQUS/Explicit中默认SMOOTH=0.0。允许的范围是0.0 SMOOTH 0.5. 0.05表示包含大的时间间距的幅值定义来避免背离给定的定义。这个参数仅仅当需要时间微分(对位移或者速度边界条件在直接积分动力分析中)且忽略选项中其它的使用才应用。表格数据的数据行定义 (DEFINITION=TABULAR):第一行:1. 时间或者频率。2. 第一个点上的幅值(相对或者绝对3. 时间或者频率。4. 第一个点上的幅值(相对或者绝对)。5. 同上,每行4对。重复数据行是必要的。每行(除最后一个)必须有严格的四个时间/数值或者频率/数值数据对。
2023-08-01 02:22:521

翻译adults take four tablets dailu.spaced evenly throughout the day or as is convenient

2023-08-01 02:23:003


2023-08-01 02:23:103

double spaced 什么意思

double spaced 双倍行距; 隔行; 行距; 双行 double spaced 双倍行距; 隔行; 行距; 双行 double spaced 双倍行距; 隔行; 行距; 双行
2023-08-01 02:23:432

double spaced 什么意思

u200d  double spaced 翻译:  两倍行距u200d
2023-08-01 02:23:514


机械制图用语 EQS,,全称Equally Spaced,表示均匀分布的意思。 在机械制图上,假如孔、槽等均匀分布时,则不必逐个标注尺寸,在尺寸后注明“EQS”即可。
2023-08-01 02:24:001

12-pt font 是什么意思?是字号么?到中文版的word里是几号字? 1-1/2-spaced是1.5倍行距的意思么?

2023-08-01 02:24:101


  space作“空间”讲,是抽象名词,不用加冠词the,而且一般都加表示抽象的事物 扩展资料   space   n.(可利用的)空地,空间;空;空隙;空子;空当;宽敞;空旷;开阔   v.以一定间隔排列   第三人称单数: spaces复数: spaces现在分词: spacing过去式: spaced过去分词: spaced
2023-08-01 02:24:181


2023-08-01 02:24:284


程序如下。“比较”就你自己写了。。 贴到matlab就可以了 clear all;close all;clc;x=1200:400:4000;y=[1200 1600 2400 2800 3200 3600];[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y);Z=[1130 1250 1280 1230 1040 900 500 700; 1320 1450 1420 1400 1300 700 900 850; 1390 1500 1500 1400 900 1100 1060 950; 1500 1200 1100 1350 1450 1200 1150 1010; 1500 1550 1600 1550 1600 1600 1600 1550; 1480 1500 1550 1510 1430 1300 1200 980];surfc(X,Y,Z);xi=linspace(1200,4000,50);yi=linspace(1200,3600,50);[XI,YI]=meshgrid(xi,yi);colormap(summer);title("原始图--插值前");%以下是四种方法% "nearest":% Nearest neighbor interpolation% "linear": Linear interpolation (default)% "spline":Cubic spline interpolation% "cubic": Cubic interpolation, as long as data is uniformly-spaced. Otherwise, this method is the same as "spline".%貌似spline和cubic的方法差不多的methods={"nearest" "linear" "spline" "cubic"};for i=1:4 ZI=interp2(X,Y,Z,XI,YI,methods{i}); figure; surfc(XI,YI,ZI);%这个函数直接就是把等高线画在下面 %surf(XI,YI,ZI);%如果是这个函数的话就没有等高线了 % contour(XI,YI,ZI,10); %这个函数是单独画等高线的和surf不能一起用的 title(["方法:",methods{i}]); xlabel("x");ylabel("y");end
2023-08-01 02:24:371

有人能解释下:minmum 1“margins,11pt.font,single-spaced在word里是什么意思么?另外我word也是小白~

2023-08-01 02:24:571

3/8'-16 TAP (1.250'DEEP) ON A 6.6'DIA B.C. 8 PLACES EQUALLY SPACED怎么翻译,谢谢各位,

3 / 8 "" -16敲击直径6.6 ""(1.250 ""深)公元前8处等距
2023-08-01 02:25:042


2023-08-01 02:25:125

spaced on 50mm grid 是什么意思

spaced on 50mm grid 意思网格间距50mm例句:1.First you rely on the grid. 首先,你依赖输电网。2.Instead, type was built on grid paper, pixel by pixel. 随之以在网格图纸上的像素点代替。3.Choose a grid based on the content and adjust content based on the grid 基于内容选择栅格,或是基于栅格调整内容
2023-08-01 02:25:391


【 #四年级# 导语】英语手抄报是课堂的一种很好的活动形式,和黑板报一样,手抄报是一种很好的宣传工具。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.四年级下册英语手抄报内容    Spaced repetition   Spaced repetition is a proven memory technique that helps you keep what you"ve learned strong in your mind. The way it works is you revise each word or phrase you"ve learned in spaced intervals. Initially the intervals will be smaller: you might revise a new word a few times in one practice session, and then again the next day. Once you know it well you"ll be able to leave days or weeks between revisions without forgetting it。    间隔重复   “间隔重复”是很有效的记忆技巧,有助于将学过的知识牢牢记在大脑里。具体方法就是:每隔一段时间就复习学过的每个单词或词组。刚开始间隔时间比较短:你可能需要在某个练习阶段复习好几次生词,然后第二天再重复。一旦熟悉以后,你可以几天或者几个星期再复习一下,这样依旧可以记得清清楚楚。   Learn before you sleep   One of the many benefits we get from sleep is that it helps to clear out the brain"s “inbox” – the temporary storage of new information and memories from our time awake. We need sleep (even just a nap) to move anything we"ve recently learned into our brain"s long term storage. Once it"s safely stored, spaced repetition will help to strengthen the connection so we can recall the information faster and more accurately。   睡前学习   睡眠的一个好处就是它能清除大脑的“收件箱”——也就是我们在清醒时临时储存的新信息和记忆。我们需要睡眠(哪怕只是打盹)将最新学习的东西转换到大脑的长期储存中。一旦储存固定,“间隔重复”将强化之间的联系,这样我们便能更快更准确地记住信息了。 2.四年级下册英语手抄报内容   Dont gild the lily.   不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚 . W .)   I can live for two months on a good compliment. (Mark Twain , American writer)   只凭一句赞美的话我就可以充实地活上两个月。(美国作家 马克·吐温)   It is no use doing what you like ; you have got to like what you do .   (Winston Churchill , British prime minister)   不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。 (美国首相 丘吉尔. W.)   My philosophy of life is work . (Thomas Alva Edison , American inventor) 3.四年级下册英语手抄报内容   1. doubt is the key of knowledge.   怀疑是知识之钥.   2. tomorrow comes never.   切莫依赖明天.   3. if you want knowledge, you must toil for it.   若要求知识,须从勤苦得.   4. it is good to learn at another man"s cost.   前车可鉴.   5. to save time is to lengthen life.   节省时间就是延长生命. 4.四年级下册英语手抄报内容   1. punctuality is the soul of business.   守时为立业之要素.   2. all time is no time when it is past.   光阴一去不复返.   3. never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.   今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天.   4. when an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you.   机不可失,时不再来;机会一过,永不再来.   5. everything has its time and that time must be watched.   万物皆有时,时来不可失. 5.四年级下册英语手抄报内容   1. time flies.   时光易逝.   2. a handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning.   少量的常识,当得大量的学问.   3. knowledge is power.   知识就是力量.   4. wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.   胸中有知识,胜于手中有钱.   5. time tries truth.   时间检验真理.
2023-08-01 02:25:461


2023-08-01 02:25:545

Your essay will be one full page (TNR 12 pt, 1” all the way around, double-spaced) 求大侠翻译!

2023-08-01 02:27:146

请问论文投稿格式中“a single, double-spaced paragraph”是什么意思?谢谢!

2023-08-01 02:27:313

12point font,还有times new roman和doublespaced是什么意思? 好像是打印方面的

2023-08-01 02:27:401


2023-08-01 02:27:492


Contributions to a Magazine English Sidelights is a magazine intended for students in our middle school to improve their oral and spoken expressions in English. It is published on the fifteenth of every month. Contributions in the following forms and with the following contents are warmly welcome, such as: a. English stories, short plays and dialogues; b. Popular science essays, writings through pictures; c. Experiences and suggestions on how to improve spoken English; d. Writings about what you have learned from English grammar; e. Methods and suggestions on how to write well in English; f. Suggestions on English teaching methods. Contributions are expected to be within a 2000-word limit. They should be written clearly on one side of the paper, double-spaced, with a wide margin. Manuscripts in English must be typed. Manuscripts, if not accepted for publication, will be returned to the writer within two months. Contributors will be paid after their manuscripts are accepted in publication. Please send your contributions to the Editorial Section in the Office of the Students" Union of this school. Editorial Section of English Sidelights in the Office of the Students" Union
2023-08-01 02:27:571


Words in black and white
2023-08-01 02:28:086

the fewer wells that more widely spaced contributing to displacement, sweep and lag time.翻译?

虽然EOR主要应用于在岸,但技术的发展已经将EOR扩展至离岸应用。目前离岸EOR的挑战包括发展经济、改造现存离岸设施的负重、空间和电力限制;然而只有少数成功了,更多那些广泛扩张的(离岸EOR)则导致其被取代、消亡和停滞不前。句子中的the weight, space的翻译不是很有把握,毕竟没看过上下文,还需要你根据文意的内容进行调整。最后一句我想应该是没问题了。谢采纳。
2023-08-01 02:28:311

Papers should be single spaced in 12 pt Times是什么意思啊?感谢高手啊

2023-08-01 02:28:512

be supposed to是什么意思

be supposed to 的用法 用法一: be supposed to... 其中to是动词不定式符号,不是介词,其后要跟动词原形。当be supposed to... 的主语是“人” 时,意为“应该…… ”;“被期望……”,它可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词should。如: Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in the car. 每个人在汽车里都应该系安全带。 Teachers are supposed to treat all the students alike. 老师应该对所有的学生一视同仁。 用法:当be supposed to... 的主语是“物”时,它表示“本应;本该”,用于表示“某事本应该发生而没有发生”。如: The new laws are supposed to prevent crime. 这些新法令本应该起到防止犯罪的作用。 The train was supposed to arrive half an hour ago. 火车本应在半小时之前到达。 用法三: be supposed to后面接“have + 过去分词”时,表示“本应该做某事而没做”。如: You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now. 现在你应该已经把作业交上来了。 He is supposed to have arrived an hour ago. 他应该一小时前就到了。 用法四: be supposed to... 的否定结构为be not supposed to...,它常用于口语中,意为“不被许可;不应当”。如: She was not supposed to be angry about that. 她本不该为那件事而生气的。 You are not supposed to smoke on the bus. 你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟
2023-08-01 02:29:029


2023-08-01 02:26:151


oracle union:合并重复行,当该行的数据全部都相同才合并。比如你用两个查询语句查询,查询的结果分别为记录集 A 和记录集 B :A中的数据分别为(1,2,3,4,5,6);B中的数据分别为(5,6,7,8,9,),如果你用 A union B的话结果就是(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 参考一下:
2023-08-01 02:26:182


CSR是企业社会责任的意思。企业社会责任是指企业在创造利润、对股东和员工承担法律责任的同时,还要承担对消费者、社区和环境的责任。中国的企业社会责任(CSR)正处在版本升级的阶段,从单纯做公益逐步过渡到以责任创造价值,未来CSR将更多地融入企业价值链。越来越多的企业正在关注社会责任的议题,在企业高管们互相交谈中“商业责任发展”“可持续实践”等词汇开始频频出现。扩展资料:如今,越来越多的企业设立了CSR部门,或者将CSR纳入企业可持续发展战略,这也意味着中国企业社会责任变革的大幕正在拉开;CSR也从企业公益的1.0版本逐步向倡导共享价值的3.0版本转变。尤其是上市公司在企业社会责任方面走在前列,去年47家上证50企业中47家发布了年度CSR报告。在经济全球化的背景下,社会责任已成为企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分,成为继价格、质量竞争之后衡量企业实力的重要标准之一。企业要想在更高层次和更广范围内参与国际合作与竞争,就必须模范履行社会责任。在世界范围内,企业责任感都已成为对一流企业“高标准、严要求”的公认指标。从1999年美国推出“道琼斯可持续发展指数”,到后来英国的“富时社会责任指数系列”(FISE 4 Good),再到RepuTex推出的企业社会责任基准,对企业社会责任的量化指标渐次丰富、完善,也凸显了国际社会对此问题的日益重视。参考资料来源:百度百科——企业社会责任 (企业承担的社会责任)
2023-08-01 02:26:181


温文尔雅【释义】: 温文:态度温和,有礼貌;尔雅:文雅.形容人态度温和,举止文雅.   【出处】: 清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·陈锡九》:“此名士之子,温文尔雅,乌能作贼乎?”
2023-08-01 02:26:253


  满意,指意愿得到满足;符合心愿。如:一切都使他不满意。那么你知道满意用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    满意英语说法1:   satisfied    满意英语说法2:   pleased    满意英语说法3:   satisfaction   满意的相关短语:   不满意 Dissatisfaction ; Unsatisfactory ; Dissatisfied ; Discontent   客户满意 Customer Satisfaction ; Satisfaction ; Satisfaction from customer ; Satisfactory   满意付款 Satisfactory payment   满意指数 American Customer Satisfaction Index ; CACSI ; Sweden Customer Satisfaction Barometer   生活满意 life satisfaction   满意感 Satisfaction   比较满意 Satisfied ; Quite satisfactory ; Compared with satisfied ; more satisfactory    满意的英语例句:   1. I wasn"t too happy with what I"d written so far.   我对于目前已写完的这些并不太满意。   2. How can I love myself when I look like this?   我这个样子,怎么能对自己满意呢?   3. If you are not happy about a repair, go back and complain.   如果你对修理效果不满意,可以再找他们投诉。   4. He has been unhappy with his son"s political leanings.   他一向不满意儿子的政治倾向。   5. If you think I"m happy with what"s left, you"re very wrong.   如果你认为我对剩下的很满意,那你就大错特错了。   6. He walked around the garden and pronounced himself satisfied.   他绕着花园走了走,说自己很满意。   7. He admitted that he still feels unfulfilled as a footballer.   他承认对自己作为足球运动员的表现还是不满意。   8. I"m also not crazy about the initial terms of the deal.   我对该协议的最初条款也不太满意。   9. Mr. Singh said he was pleased with the outcome.   辛格先生说他对这一结果感到满意。   10. Many people were not satisfied with the pace of change.   很多人对变革的步伐不满意。   11. She never could seem to do anything right or to his satisfaction.   她似乎从没能做过一件正确或令他满意的事。   12. He seemed to be pleased by this newly minted vehicle.   他似乎很满意这辆新出厂的车。   13. I was not too pleased with the record you sent me.   我对你寄给我的唱片不太满意。   14. I"m pleased with the way things have been going.   我很满意事情的进展。   15. He was satisfied there was no legal impediment to the marriage.   这一婚姻没有任何司法上的障碍,他对此很满意。
2023-08-01 02:26:282


2023-08-01 02:26:291

在excel中 小写金额怎么转换为大写整

假设数据在A1单元格,B1单元格输入公式 =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(INT(A1),"[dbnum2]")&TEXT(MOD(A1,1)*100,"[dbnum2]圆0角0分")...
2023-08-01 02:26:292


  1、CSR是企业社会责任的意思。   2、企业社会责任是指企业在创造利润、对股东和员工承担法律责任的同时,还要承担对消费者、社区和环境的责任。   3、中国的企业社会责任(CSR)正处在版本升级的阶段,从单纯做公益逐步过渡到以责任创造价值,未来CSR将更多地融入企业价值链。   4、越来越多的企业正在关注社会责任的议题,在企业高管们互相交谈中“商业责任发展”“可持续实践”等词汇开始频频出现。
2023-08-01 02:26:301


2023-08-01 02:26:091


◆天使:angel 英 ["eu026andu0292(u0259)l] 美 ["endu0292l] 汉语近似音:【摁焦】
2023-08-01 02:26:051


soup意思是汤菜。读音:英[suu02d0p];美[suu02d0p],释义:n.汤,羹;马力,vt.加速;增加马力变形:过去式souped、过去分词souped、现在分词souping、第三人称单数soups、复数soups另外也有一个时尚杂志名叫《SOUP》《SOUP》,时尚杂志,以流行情报为主的,蒐集时下最流行、最人气的服装品牌、时髦款式,以及迷人的彩妆、发型等情报。例句:1、After that, her mother made bone soup for her, but she just kept her mouth closed and didn"t drink.事后,母亲给她买骨头熬汤喝。她紧闭嘴巴不喝。2、It is not considered good manners to leave a spoon in a soup bowl or coffee cup or any other dish.将调羹放在汤碗、咖啡杯或其他餐碟中被认为不合礼仪。3、I knew the soup had a whiff of controversy around it, but I hadn"t yet formed a personal policy, so I gave it a try.我知道这道汤羹有很多争议,但我自己却还未形成明确的立场,所以决定尝试一把。4、The lady of the house invited him in and served him a bowl of soup by the fire.这户人家的女主人邀请了他并给了他一碗热汤。5、How should be a thick soup of tremella lotus seed done? It has what profit to the body, what profit to perhaps have to the skin?银耳莲子羹该怎样做呢?它对身体有什么好处,或者对皮肤有什么好处?
2023-08-01 02:26:001


2023-08-01 02:26:001


  对于大学的学生们来说,在英语作文中,写出的关于成功的一些因素和小学初中的看法有很大的不同。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   1   It is widely believed that some people are born lucky and successful,because they possess high intelligence.But this is not true.High intelligence is not equal to success.Success lies in not only the intelligence factors but also the non-intelligence factors.   Non-intelligence factors are at least as important as intelligence factors,if not more than the latter.Success is built upon tremendous amount of study,practice and devotion.In addition,having a definite goal and knowing what to do next bee more important.In fact,researchers have evidence that an intrinsic passion for one"s work is a key factor for success.   According to my own experience,during our college years,having a good study habit is also important.Higber marks can"t be gained by putting in more hours.Efficiency in study can help us learn more.   Therefore,I think success is brought about both by innate intelligence factors and by non-intelligence factors.   2   Factors of Success   成功因素   I would rather suffer hardships than fail. In other words, to achieve success is my only desire. We all know that there are many factors of success. Now let me write down the important ones in the following.   我宁愿忍受苦难也不愿失败。换句话说,要取得成功是我唯一的愿望。我们都知道成功的因素有很多。现在让我把重要的写在下面。   Diligence—Foolish as a person is, he can succeed in his work if he works hard. That does not admit of any doubt.   勤勉的人是愚蠢的,如果他努力工作的话,他会成功的。这不承认任何疑问。   Perseverance—When you fail, don"t lose heart. Keep on working until you acplish your aim.   当你失败的时候,不要失去信心。继续工作直到你完成目标。   Honesty—If you tell lies or does not keep your words, no one will rely on you. I would rather be scolded than cheat ***others***.   诚实如果你说谎或不守信,没有人会信赖你。我宁愿被骂也不愿欺骗别人***别人***。   3   When doing the same thing, some people success but some fail. There mustbe many factors leading that result. In my view, the most important factor isthe difference of confidence, determination and sociability are the foundationand condition of success.   做同样的事情,有些人成功,有些人失败。肯定有许多因素导致这样的结果。在我看来,最重要的因素是人的信心,决心的差异以及社交能力是成功的基础和条件。   First of all, no matter who want to success, they must have confidence,as confidence is the basic need for success. If someone always thinks he can"tdo this or that well, then he can"t finish it well. For example, when a personis being interviewed, if he doesn"t believe he can do that job well, how can heact believable, so how can the interviewers trust his ability? Therefore, theinterview is obviously a failure. However, if a person is confident, he canreceive the opportunity to prepare for every challenge easily, which makessuccess bee closer.   首先,无论谁想要成功,就必须有信心,因为信心是成功的基本条件。如果有人总是认为他不能把这个或那个做好,他肯定不能做好它。例如,当一个人在面试的时候,如果他不相信自己能做好这个工作,他如何能表现得自信,那么如何能使面试官相信他的能力呢?所以,那样的面试肯定是失败的。但是,如果一个人是有自信的,他可以轻易的迎接每一次挑战的机会,这也会使成功更加接近。   In addition, confidence just the door for success, if someone wants toget into the house of success, determination is necessary. The determined meetdifficulties always overe it and insist to the end. On the other hand, ifsomeone is not determined, he would give up when facing difficulty. Forinstance, when doing homework, the person who is not determined always can"tfinish perfectly and even copy from others when he thinks that homework is hardto finish. However, the person who is determined always can finish it well,because he know what he really wants and he is able to carry on.   此外,信心只是成功之门,如果想取得成功,决心是必须的。有决心的遇到困难总能克服它,并坚持到最后。另一方面,如果一个没有决心的人,遇到困难时他会放弃。例如,做作业的时候,没有决心的人总是无法很好的完成作业甚至如果他觉得作业难以完成就会抄袭别人的。但是,有决心的人总是能很好地完成作业,因为他知道他真正想要的,并且能坚持下去。   The last but not least is that no one can do anything well bythemselves, so they need help. At that time, sociable is helpful. It iswell-known that success is hard to reach. Therefore, people need others to helpthem. A sociable person can get help easily, as he has so many friends. On theother side, a person is not good at munication, when he gets in trouble,maybe no one helps him. So we can see the importance of sociability to success.   最后但并非最不重要的是,没有人可以靠自己做好所有的事情,所以他们需要帮助。这个时候,社交是很有帮助的。众所周知,成功是很难取得的。因此,人们需要他人的帮助。一个善于交际的人可以轻易的得到帮助,因为他有很多朋友。另一方面,一个不善于社交的人,当他遇到麻烦时,也许没有人会帮助他。所以我们可以看到社交对于成功的重要性。   In a word, there maybe not only confidence, determination, andsociability are essential to success, but I think they are the most importantones, for they are the foundation and condition of success.   总之,可能不仅仅信心,决心,和社交能力是成功的关键,但我认为它们是最重要的,因为他们是成功的基础和条件。    看过的人还:
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