barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-06 10:53:43

on the embarrassing clothes



2023-08-05 06:58:423

embarrassing 和embarrassed 有什么区别

2023-08-05 06:58:546


2023-08-05 06:59:441

英语单词:awkward 和 embarrassing 具体区别和用法是怎样的?都是表达尴尬的意思

2023-08-05 06:59:562


2023-08-05 07:00:203

embarrassing 和embarrassed 有什么区别

embarrassing 在形容词中做‘令人难堪的"讲embarrassed 在形容词中的意思是被别人弄得难堪两个词意思相近,但具体的意思不同,embarrassing是主动的,embarrassed是被动的.
2023-08-05 07:00:302

embarrassing 在句中是什么词性的?In handing an embarrassing situation, nothing is more helpful ...

ing 一般是修饰sth, ed一般是修饰sb.ing的形容词有表示主动的意思,这个situation使人尴尬。
2023-08-05 07:00:596

[A ] embarrassing [B ] inspiring [C ] upgrading [D ] innovating

【答案】:B作者列举了各种性质的劝说行为,连词or前后的词义相对,degrading意为“有辱人格的”,在句中含义为:某些劝说令人感到有辱人格;与此语意相对应选[B] inspiring,意为“鼓舞人心的”,其他选项不合文意。[A] embarrassing意为“令人难堪的”;[C] upgrading意为“提升的”;[D] innovating意为“有创新精神的”。
2023-08-05 07:01:281

embarrassing 在句中是什么词性的?In handing an embarrassing situation, nothing is more helpful ...

2023-08-05 07:01:352


2023-08-05 07:01:464


2023-08-05 07:02:186

高悬赏!!求英语作文题目为“My embarrassing day” 八十词左右用到下面的信息如果可能请写2篇

Wake up in the morning, late, be late for school, wearing the wrong brother school uniforms, the students laughed at me, be late for school, school canteen was closed, I eat outside, the afternoon began to rain, the school I like soccer games, my mother was not at home, my mother gave me to eat dinner, because she has to work late, I go to bed at night
2023-08-05 07:02:392

embarrass to do是什么意思

embarrass to do 尴尬地做embarrass等于什么英语单词fluster , confuse , shame , mortify , bewilder 等等
2023-08-05 07:02:482

I feel embarrassing .还是I feel embarrassed。两个都对不?

2023-08-05 07:03:195


2023-08-05 07:03:371

It was so ________ having to sing in public. A.embarrassed B.embarrassing C.nervous D.em

B 试题分析:考查词义辨析。Embarrassed感到尴尬的;embarrassing令人尴尬的;nervous 紧张的;embarrassingly是副词,令人尴尬地;句意:不得不在公众场所唱歌是如此地让人尴尬。故B项正确。点评:要注意现在分词转换的形容词常常用来形容事物,过去分词转换的形容词修饰人或者与人有关的事物。解题时要把单词的意思与句意相融合。
2023-08-05 07:03:441


做形容词,表示感到尴尬。 做动词,表示使某人尴尬。
2023-08-05 07:04:051


2023-08-05 07:04:141


embarrassing用法作形容词 adj. 时具有令人为难的;使人尴尬的;使人害羞的;使显得愚蠢的;令人困窘的;使不安的等意思,There is nothing more embarrassing for a controller than to have an operational error.对于一个管制员来说没有比发生一个操作错误更加令人为难的东西了.在此句中embarrassing表示令人为难的的意思。His behavior has patented an embarrassing fact about him.他的行为揭示了一个有关他的令人窘迫的事实。在此句中embarrassing表示窘迫的意思The president"s spokesmen had to spin the story to make it less embarrassing.总统发言人只能来编故事,以使得事情不显得那么窘迫.在此句中embarrassing表示窘迫的意思
2023-08-05 07:05:351


embarrass同义词:puzzle, bewilder, confuse, embarrass, perplex, baffle, confound, distract embarrass同义词辨析:这些动词均有"使困惑,迷惑,糊涂,伤脑筋"之意。puzzle 侧重使人难于理解、困惑、伤脑筋。bewilder 语气强烈,指因迷不解或惊愕而慌乱,不知所措,无法清醒地思考。confuse 语气较弱,指由于混淆、混乱而糊涂。embarrass 常指因处境或困难问题而感到窘迫、局促不安或焦急而不知所措。perplex 除困惑外,还含焦虑或缺乏把握之意,因而难于作出决定,无从下手处理。baffle 语气最强,多指遇见奇怪情景或复杂困难情况时所产生的惶恐困惑心理。confound 常指人惊慌失措和狼狈不堪。distract 主要用于注意力分散、思想矛盾或过分激动时产生的昏乱。embarrass的例句:1. I did not embarrass her with my effusions.我并没有太过热情而让她为难。2. She may embarrass you with her uncouth behavior.她的粗野行为可能会让你尴尬.3. He didn"t mean to embarrass you.他不是成心让你难堪.
2023-08-05 07:06:071


2023-08-05 07:09:121

Her remark was followed by an embarrassed silence。这句话为什么用embarrassed,而不用embarrassing?

embarrassed 修饰人 embarrassing 修饰物
2023-08-05 07:09:201


2023-08-05 07:09:412


问题一:因为某事很尴尬的英文怎么说? be embarrassed with sth 问题二:你让我很尴尬用英语怎么说 you make me so embarrassed you really m埂ke me embarrassed you embarrassed me a lot embarrassed 形容词、 adj. 困窘的, 局促不安的, 不好意思的 embarrass 动词 使(某人)觉得不自然、 忸怩、 尴尬或害羞: I was embarrassed by his ments about my clothes. 他评论我的衣服使我很尴尬. * Are you trying to embarrass me? 你是想让我难堪吗? 问题三:尴尬英语怎么说 尴尬 1.pretty pas供 2.embarrassed a 3.embarras *** ent 4.Embarrassed 尴尬的 1.awkward 2.awkward a 问题四:尴尬用英语怎么说? 20分 awkward; embarrassed; disfiture ; 伟大的楼主,如果我的回答对您有帮助,请务必点“采纳哦!谢谢合作! 问题五:避免处于尴尬之中 用英语怎么说 you make me so embarrassed you really make me embarrassed you embarrassed me a lot embarrassed 形容词、 adj. 困窘的, 局促不安的, 不好意思的 embarrass 动词 使(某人)觉得不自然、 忸怩、 尴尬或害羞: I was embarrassed by his ments about my clothes. 他评论我的衣服使我很尴尬. * Are you trying to embarrass me? 你是想让我难堪吗? 问题六:此时此刻我很尴尬用英语怎么说 【At this moment I really feel embarrassed.】翻译: 此时此刻我很尴尬。 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! 不明白及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~ 问题七:尴尬用英文怎么说? Embarras *** ent of a lifetime 问题八:“令人尴尬的”用英语怎么说 Embarrassing[im"b??r??si??] adj. 令人尴尬的,令人为难的 问题九:因为某事很尴尬的英文怎么说? be embarrassed with sth 问题十:你让我很尴尬用英语怎么说 you make me so embarrassed you really m埂ke me embarrassed you embarrassed me a lot embarrassed 形容词、 adj. 困窘的, 局促不安的, 不好意思的 embarrass 动词 使(某人)觉得不自然、 忸怩、 尴尬或害羞: I was embarrassed by his ments about my clothes. 他评论我的衣服使我很尴尬. * Are you trying to embarrass me? 你是想让我难堪吗?
2023-08-05 07:09:481

Tom asked an embarrassing question. 定语 embarrssing 是做过去分词还是动名词 ,怎么区分?

2023-08-05 07:09:583

初三英语作文 my embarrassingexperience

2023-08-05 07:10:332

初三英语作文 my embarrassingexperience

My Embarrassing Day I had a embarrassing day.In the morning,I wore my brother"s school clothes wrongly.My classmates laughed me,it made me very embarrassing.At noon,when I went to eat lunch,our school"s dining room had closed,I had to eat outside.In the afternoon,because of the heavy rain,our school took my favorite football match off.It made me very disappoint.In the evening,my mother didn"t cook dinner for me,because she had to work until too late.How a bad day I had.I hope I will have a good day tomorrow.
2023-08-05 07:10:421

The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my s

2023-08-05 07:11:183

求一篇英语作文题目为“My embarrassing day” 八十词左右 用到下面的信息

2023-08-05 07:11:302

in handing an embarrassing situation,看懂这个句子的请进

2023-08-05 07:11:411

英语短文embarrassing moments something。。。。。。。。

My Most Embarrass MomentYesterday morning,I asked my headmaster for sick leave.He agreed me.In fact,I played a truant.I stayed at home watching football match between Italy and Germany.It was very exciting.I enjoyed the time.But at noon,my headmaster went my home to look after me.I was still watching the match.I was Cheering, applausing.My headmaster looked at me,and said,"It seems that you are so fine."At this moment,I was so embarrassed.
2023-08-05 07:12:011


V-ing令人…的V-ed感到…的 基本句型:物+ 动词 + 人 The book interests me. = 物 + be V-ing to + 人 The book is interesting to me. = 人+ be V-ed 介 + 物 I am interested in the book. The book interests me.那本事让我感到很有趣==========================================================interest 使…感兴趣 interesting interested surprise 使…惊讶 surprising surprised excite 使…兴奋 exciting excited trouble 使…烦恼 troubling troubled satisfy 使…满意 satisfying satisfied bore 使…厌烦 boring bored confuse 使…困扰 confusing confused tire 使…疲倦 tiring tired embarrass 使…难堪 embarrassing embarrassed scare 使…惊吓 scaring scared worry 使…担心 worrying worried impress 使…印象深刻 *impressive impressed
2023-08-05 07:12:183


2023-08-05 07:12:473

an embarrass thing英语作文

  My embarrassing things that day. I came early to the classroom, students sat down in hastily ,I just about to stand up, only to find pants sticky. How is it? I got a look silly, because I hand touched touched a bunch of sticky stuff. I got in front of a look, stay - the chewing gum! I wonder, how will my pants on the gum?   This time I can be embarrassing, how do? I do not care do not dirty dirty, hand to grasp. As a result, a catch down, hands and chewing gum both stick on my pants this time.A classmate see this, he not only help me, but also laughed at me. How embarrass.   那天我尴尬的事。我早早的来到了教室,学生们坐下来,匆匆忙忙,我就要站起来,才发现裤子粘粘。它是怎样的?我看起来很傻,因为我手碰了碰了一堆粘粘的`东西。我在一看,留着口香糖!我不知道,我的裤子怎么会在口香糖上?   这个时候我会很尴尬,怎么办?我不在乎不脏脏兮兮,手要抓。结果,一个接住了,双手和口香糖都粘在我的裤子上,一个同学看到了这一点,他不仅帮助我,而且还嘲笑我。尴尬。
2023-08-05 07:12:591


我经常和爸爸在家下棋,爸爸下得比我好,总是赢我,但我下决心,要赢他,有时我私下研究,想提高棋艺,昨天我终于赢了一次。 I often played chess with my father at home. He played better than me and always beat me. But I made up my mind to beat him. Sometimes I studied chess in secret in order to improve the skill in chess. Yesterday I beat him at last.
2023-08-05 07:13:122


embarrassing easy
2023-08-05 07:13:234


An Embarrassing Experience【一次尴尬的经历】As is often the case, sometime last month I walked on the street and found someone smiling or even trying to talk to me, but I couldn"t recall who he or she was at all. I felt so ill at ease that all I did was only to gently stand there and try my best to smile as brightly as possible.One day such a thing happened again. While I was greeting that beautiful girl, a crazy idea came into my mind that I decided to keep on talking with her though I didn"t know her. Luckily, we had a pleasant conversation for ten minutes. But when saying good-bye to each other, we both suddenly found she had mistaken me for my elder sister. What an embarrassing experience it was!
2023-08-05 07:13:331


embarrassinghumiliation 较严重
2023-08-05 07:13:435

求一篇英语作文题目为“My embarrassing day” 八十词左右 用到下面的信息

My Embarrassing Day I had a embarrassing day.In the morning,I wore my brother"s school clothes wrongly.My classmates laughed me,it made me very embarrassing.At noon,when I went to eat lunch,our school"s dining room had closed,I had to eat outside.In the afternoon,because of the heavy rain,our school took my favorite football match off.It made me very disappoint.In the evening,my mother didn"t cook dinner for me,because she had to work until too late.How a bad day I had.I hope I will have a good day tomorrow.
2023-08-05 07:14:001


问题一:是的,她很擅长英语用英语怎么说? Yes. She is good at English. 问题二:他擅长英语,用英语怎么说 He is good at English. or He does well in English. 问题三:她擅长唱歌吗?用英语怎么说?急急急急啊! be good at doing...是个词组,表示擅长... 所以应该是: Is she good at singing? (因为at是介词,所以这里要用动词的ing形式。 因为是be动词的第三人称单数,所以要用Is) 希望能帮到你哦,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 问题四:她擅长打篮球英文翻译 三种翻译 She is good at playing basketball. She does well in playing basketball. She can play basketball very well. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢! 问题五:他擅长英语和数学英文怎么说 5分 He is good at English and Maths. =He does well in English and Maths. be 龚ood at=do well in 擅长,善于 问题六:她擅长什么用英语怎么说 What is she good at? What does she do well in? 问题七:他擅长干什么用英语怎么说 What is he good at? 祝你新年快乐,学习更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(供^__^*)
2023-08-05 07:09:051


2023-08-05 07:09:091

the nobodies中文歌词

今天我很肮脏我希望变得美丽明天我就成了泥土今天我很肮脏我希望变得美丽明天我就成了泥土害怕(fear?似乎是歌词错误)那些谁都不是的人只是想有一个身份等我们死了,你们就知道我们是谁了我们谁都不是的人(我们)只是想有一个身份等我们死了,你们就知道我们是谁了昨天我很肮脏希望变得美丽今天我知道我永远是泥土昨天我很肮脏希望变得美丽今天我知道我永远是泥土害怕(fear?似乎是歌词错误)那些谁都不是的人只是想有一个身份等我们死了,你们就知道我们是谁了我们谁都不是的人(我们)只是想有一个身份等我们死了,你们就知道我们是谁了一些小孩那天死了,我们喂饱了机器后便下来祷告变态的信仰导致(我们)持续呕吐你应该看看那天的电视评价"The Nobodies"Today I am dirtyI want to be prettyTomorrow, I know I"m just dirtToday I am dirtyI want to be prettyTomorrow, I know I"m just dirtFear the nobodiesWanna be SomebodiesWe"re dead,We know just who we areWe are the nobodiesWanna be SomebodiesWe"re dead,We know just who we areYesterday I was dirtyWanted to be prettyI know now that I"m forever dirtYesterday I was dirtyWanted to be prettyI know now that I"m forever dirtWe are the nobodiesWanna be SomebodiesWe"re dead,We know just who we areWe are the nobodiesWanna be SomebodiesWe"re dead,We know just who we areSome children died the other dayWe fed machines and then we prayedPuked up and down in morbid faithYou should have seen the ratings that day
2023-08-05 07:09:103


when would you like to reserve?
2023-08-05 07:09:113

你擅长英语吗? 用英语回答

sorry no
2023-08-05 07:09:1610


Dear Hotel xxx(酒店名字), please reserve a double room (单人的话改成single room) for me from 月份.日期 - 月份.日期 (预定入住那天-离开那天的日子,月份用英文如June.July.August..) Please send an attached Doc-File to my e-mail address to confirm the reservation! Thank you very much in advance! My e-mail: 你邮件地址 Persons: 入住人数 Name: 入住人的名字 Address: 你地址
2023-08-05 07:09:182


2023-08-05 07:09:035


2023-08-05 07:09:011


擅长于做某事 be good in ; be good at ; be good at sth ; do well in 擅长于英语 be good at English
2023-08-05 07:08:581

sit pig fine six,这四个单词哪个读音不同?

2023-08-05 07:08:578


《A Morbid Taste for Bones》(Peters, Ellis)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:aked书名:A Morbid Taste for Bones作者:Peters, Ellis出版年份:2010-4页数:304内容简介:In 1137 the ambitious head of Shrewsbury Abbey has decided to acquire the remains of Saint Winifred for his Benedictine order. Brother Cadfael is part of the expedition sent to her final resting place in Wales, where they find the villagers passionately divided by the Benedictines" offer for the saint"s relics. Canny, wise and all too worldly, Cadfael isn"t surprised when this taste for bones leads to bloody murder. The leading opponent to moving the grave has been shot dead with a mysterious arrow, and some say Winifred herself dealt the blow. Brother Cadfael knows that a carnal hand did the killings, but he doesn"t know that his plan to unearth a murderer may dig up a case of love and justice, where the wages of sin may be scandal - or his own ruin.
2023-08-05 07:08:571