barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 20:11:31



  i think you wanna come over

  Yeah I heard it thru the grapevine

  Are you drunk? Are you sober?

  (Think about it)

  Doesn"t matter

  And if it makes you feel good then I say do it

  I don"t know what you"re waiting for

  Feel my temperature rising

  It"s too much heat

  I"m gonna lose control

  Do you want to go higher?

  Get closer to the fire

  I don"t what you"re waiting for


  I"m gonna party


  Cause anybody just won"t do

  Let"s get this started


  Cause everybody wants to party with you

  Boy you got a reputation

  But you"re gonna have to prove it

  I see a little hesitation

  Am I gonna have to show ya

  That if it feels right

  Get on your mark

  Step to the beat boy

  that"s what its for

  Put your arms around me

  When it gets too hot we can go outside

  but for now just come here

  let me whisper in your ear

  an invitation to the dance of life

  I"m gonna party

  (It"s a celebration)

  Cause anybody just won"t do

  Let"s get this started

  (No more hesitation)

  Cause everybody wants to party with you


  Haven"t I seen you somewhere before?

  You look familiar

  You wanna dance?


  I guess I just don"t recognize you with your clothes on

  What are you waiting for??

  I"m gonna party

  (It"s a celebration)

  Cause anybody just won"t do

  Let"s get this started

  (No more hesitation)

  Cause everybody wants to party with you

  Come join the party

  (It"s a celebration)

  Cause anybody just won"t do

  Let"s get this started

  (No more hesitation)

  Cause everybody wants to party with you

  Boy you got it

  Cause anybody just won"t do


i think you wanna come over

Yeah I heard it thru the grapevine

Are you drunk? Are you sober?

(Think about it)

Doesn"t matter

And if it makes you feel good then I say do it

I don"t know what you"re waiting for

Feel my temperature rising

It"s too much heat

I"m gonna lose control

Do you want to go higher?

Get closer to the fire

I don"t what you"re waiting for


I"m gonna party


Cause anybody just won"t do

Let"s get this started


Cause everybody wants to party with you

Boy you got a reputation

But you"re gonna have to prove it

I see a little hesitation

Am I gonna have to show ya

That if it feels right

Get on your mark

Step to the beat boy

that"s what its for

Put your arms around me

When it gets too hot we can go outside

but for now just come here

let me whisper in your ear

an invitation to the dance of life

I"m gonna party

(It"s a celebration)

Cause anybody just won"t do

Let"s get this started

(No more hesitation)

Cause everybody wants to party with you


Haven"t I seen you somewhere before?

You look familiar

You wanna dance?


I guess I just don"t recognize you with your clothes on

What are you waiting for??

I"m gonna party

(It"s a celebration)

Cause anybody just won"t do

Let"s get this started

(No more hesitation)

Cause everybody wants to party with you

Come join the party

(It"s a celebration)

Cause anybody just won"t do

Let"s get this started

(No more hesitation)

Cause everybody wants to party with you

Boy you got it

Cause anybody just won"t do



celebration的汉语意思如下:n.庆典;庆祝活动;庆祝;颂扬。celebration的读音是:英 [ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]   美 [ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]。celebration的造句如下:1、A celebration to usher in the new century.开创新世纪的庆典。2、A celebration of the occupancy of a new home.庆祝迁入新居的宴会。3、The priest blessed the bread and wine, ie before the celebration of the Eucharist.牧师先将饼和酒圣洁化,然后开始圣餐仪式。4、That couple always holds a little celebration every year on their wedding anniversary.他们夫妇每年到他们结婚的日子都要稍微庆祝一下。5、You are cordially invited to a celebration for Mr Michael Brown on his retirement.热诚邀请您参加为迈克尔?布朗先生退休举行的庆祝会。6、The celebration of such an anniversary.周年大庆这种周年纪念的庆祝活动。7、a celebration following a victory in a battle or sports competition.一种在战争或运动竞争中一个胜利后的庆祝。
2023-01-09 12:23:581


elebration[英][ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn][美][ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]n.庆祝; 庆祝会(仪式); 颂扬; 复数:celebrations形近词:cerebrationcerebratmoncerebrating1I can tell you, there was a celebration in our house that night.告诉你,那天晚上我家开了个庆祝会。2The college also offers to pay for all incoming female first-year students to attend the grace hopper celebration of women in computing.学院还给所有大一新生出资,让她们参加格雷斯•霍普庆典,以庆祝女性在计算机领域的成就。
2023-01-09 12:24:122


celebration英 [ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn] 美 [ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]n.庆祝; 庆祝会(仪式) 颂扬;[网络]典礼; 庆祝活动; 庆典;[例句]A triumphalist celebration of their supremacy对他们霸主地位的耀武扬威的庆祝[其他]复数:celebrations 形近词: cerebration cerebratmon cerebrating
2023-01-09 12:24:211


2023-01-09 12:24:274


celebrationn.庆祝; 庆祝会(仪式); 颂扬网 络庆典;庆祝活动;庆祝会;典礼
2023-01-09 12:24:412


celebration表示复数,意思是多次庆祝活动的时候加s。celebration读法英 [ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]  美 [ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn] n.庆典,庆祝活动;庆祝,颂扬;宗教仪式的举行短语Grand celebration 隆重庆祝;盛大庆祝;大规模的;盛大庆贺global celebration ceremony 全球庆典;环球庆典;全地球庆典Celebration Party 庆功会;夺冠登顶的祝捷示例:Preparations for a big celebration were under way.盛大庆祝的准备工作正在进行中。近义词:festival词语用法:festival的意思是“节日”,多指民俗或宗教节日,用作专有名词时,其前须加定冠词;有时还可指音乐、戏剧、电影等会演性的节日。一般来说,由定语加名词festival组成的节日,在表示的时候都需加冠定词,如the Spring Festival(春节)。
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2023-01-09 12:25:072


2023-01-09 12:25:164


celebration是可数。celebration是可数名词。一次庆祝,N次庆祝活动。你可能把可数与有无定冠词混淆了。 celebration:n.庆典;庆祝活动;庆祝;颂扬。 扩展资料   She wanted the celebration to be a simple family affair.   她希望庆祝活动仅限于家人参加。   Her triumph was a cause for celebration.   她的"胜利是庆祝的理由。   The service was a celebration of his life.   举行的宗教礼仪颂扬了他的一生。   The movie is a camp celebration of the fashion industry.   这部电影夸张地颂扬时装行业。   You are cordially invited to a celebration for Mr Michael Brown on his retirement.   热诚邀请您参加为迈克尔布朗先生退休举行的庆祝会。
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celebration[英][ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn][美][ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]n.庆祝; 庆祝会(仪式); 颂扬; 复数:celebrations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This is a week of faithful celebration. 这是信徒庆祝的一周.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-09 12:25:566

celebration, festivity, ceremony,这三个单词都有庆典,典礼的意思,请问下,都是什么程度的庆典?

要真正了解,请您参阅英文定义.celebration=festivity=jubilation=gala=festival=jubilee=同义词; ceremony/ceremonies/commemoration=仪式;典礼/纪念活动1. celebrate : To observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of festivity, or rejoicing;to observe an occasion with appropriate ceremony or festivity. celebration: a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event2. festivity : (a) A joyous feast, holiday, or celebration; a festival.(b)The pleasure, joy, and gaiety of a festival or celebration.(c) festivities The proceedings or events of a festival.3. ceremony: A formal act or set of acts performed as prescribed by ritual or custom: a wedding ceremony; the Japanese tea ceremony.
2023-01-09 12:26:203


celebrate:v.庆祝、庆贺 可以单独使用。Today is your birthday. Let"s celebrate.今天是你的生日。短语搭配:Grand celebration 隆重庆祝; 盛大庆祝;大规模的;盛大庆贺;Celebration Melod 节庆歌乐精粹; 歌乐精粹;Celebration wine庆功酒。 扩展资料 Celebration是一个英语词汇,名词,意思是“庆典,庆祝会;庆祝;颂扬”。
2023-01-09 12:26:391

celebration ceremony有何区别?

你好,我是以英文为母语的美国人, 中文写错的话请原谅!我试一试回答你的问题。。。Celebration 和 ceremony 有相似的意思,但是有不同的时候才可以用。Ceremony 表示比较正式的典礼,特别在政府,宗教或者教育的方面。我们可以说:wedding ceremony (婚礼)inauguration ceremony (就职典礼)graduation ceremony (毕业典礼)funeral (葬礼) 也是一种 ceremonyOlympics opening ceremony (奥林匹克开幕式)有一些 ceremony 是非常高兴的事 (婚礼),有一些很伤心 (葬礼),但是都有比较正式的特色。Celebration 总是表示人家在庆祝很高兴的事。在美国,"celebration" 跟 "party" 差不多一样。有 celebration 的时候我们通常一起吃饭, 吃蛋糕,送礼物,有时候会跳舞,等等。 Celebration 不必有客人来,就你家人也可以算 celebration 吧!在英文里我们可以说:birthday celebration / party (生日庆祝会)Mother"s Day / Father"s Day celebration / party (母亲/父亲节庆祝会)我们美国人通常会说 "party". 反正 celebration 和 ceremony 最大的区别是正式的程度。加油吧!:)
2023-01-09 12:26:452


“庆祝”的英文单词有:celebrate、jubilation、fete、felicitation、celebration1、celebrate 读音:英 ["selɪbreɪt]  美 ["selɪbreɪt]    释义:v. 庆祝;庆贺;颂扬例句:They had a family feast to celebrate it.他们举办家宴以示庆贺。2、jubilation 读音:英 [ˌdʒuːbɪ"leɪʃn]  美 [ˌdʒuːbɪ"leɪʃn]    释义:n. 欢腾;喜悦;庆祝例句:The jubilation in the streets of Tripoli and the satisfaction in Europe and Washington are understandable. 的黎波里街道上的欢庆活动与欧洲和美国的心满意足是可以理解的。3、fete  读音:英 [feɪt]   美 [feɪt]    释义:n. 庆祝;节日;游园会  v. 宴请;招待例句:They fete his recovery with icecream and cake.他们以冰淇淋和蛋糕庆祝他的康复。4、felicitation 读音:英 [fɪˌlɪsɪ"teɪʃən]   美 [fəˌlɪsə"teɪʃən]    释义:n. 祝贺;庆祝例句:Sincere felicitation on your completing the postgraduate course and receiving the doctorate of science.衷心祝贺你修完研究生课程并获得理学博士学位。5、celebration 读音:英 [ˌselɪ"breɪʃn]   美 [ˌselɪ"breɪʃn]    释义:n. 典礼;宗教仪式;庆祝,祝贺例句:The celebration will run from next Monday.庆祝活动从下周一开始。
2023-01-09 12:26:556


celebration可数。Celebration是一个英语词汇,名词,意思是“庆典,庆祝会;庆祝;颂扬”。 扩展资料 例句:Today"s celebrations have been altogether more sedate.今天的庆祝活动显然更属加庄重。
2023-01-09 12:27:321


这是一个名词,意思是:庆祝; 庆祝会; 庆典活动等等. 语法和用法就是按名词来应用. 给你一些例子如下: 1.We were invited to a celebration for Mr Chen"s retirement last night.昨晚我们被邀请出席了陈先生的退休庆祝会. 2.John discussed with his daughter about his eightieth birthday celebrations.约翰跟他女儿讨论如何安排他的八十大寿庆典. 3.The Pope wrote this poem as a celebration of the God"s love to us.教宗写了这首诗是颂扬上帝对我们的爱. 希望对你有用.
2023-01-09 12:27:391

celebration 怎么读

塞雷波瑞深 庆祝的意思
2023-01-09 12:27:452


celebration[英][ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn][美][ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]n.庆祝; 庆祝会(仪式); 颂扬; 复数:celebrations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But hardly cause for celebration. 但这还不值得庆祝
2023-01-09 12:27:531


2023-01-09 12:28:061

in celebration of 的用法

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2023-01-09 12:28:301


celebration英 [selɪ"breɪʃ(ə)n]美 [,sɛlɪ"breʃən]n. 典礼;宗教仪式;庆祝,祝贺用作名词 (n.)时,它是可数的。The hotel had a grand celebration for its opening.该饭店办了一个盛大的开幕典礼。"(actors, singers, etc.) perform for outside salary income without approval by the unit they belong to"走穴The celebration will run from next Monday.庆祝活动从下周一开始。Preparations for a big celebration were under way.盛大庆祝的准备工作正在进行中。The date of celebration is in the air.庆祝的日期还没有决定。
2023-01-09 12:28:403

求celebrate 及celebration的词组(尤其是prep.的)

2023-01-09 12:28:521


2023-01-09 12:28:583

庆祝 的英语这怎么说

庆祝 1. celebrate 2. celebration celebrate 1. 公开、正式地举行(宗教仪式),公开举行(仪式) 2. 纪念(周年、节日等) 3. 歌颂,赞美 4. 庆祝,欢庆 5. (以欢庆活动)纪念,庆祝(节日、周年等) celebration 1. 庆祝,纪念 2. (庆祝的)典礼或仪式,庆祝会,公共的宗教仪式 drink to someone"s success举杯庆祝某人成功push the boat out举行狂欢会,欢宴作乐;热烈庆祝庆祝大会 a celebration meeting 庆祝节日 celebrate (or observe) a festival 庆祝国庆 celebrate National Day 为了庆祝春节, 村子里搭起了彩棚。 The villagers put up a decorated marquee to celebrate the Spring festival这次庆祝活动没有什么可以记述的。 The celebration has nothing worth recording
2023-01-09 12:29:106


celebration后面能用for。celebration for意为“庆祝的,为...庆祝”,for后面强调的是celebration的主体。如:You are cordially invited to a celebration for Mr Michael Brown on his retirement.热诚邀请您参加为迈克尔•布朗先生退休举行的庆祝会。短语搭配:Celebration Party 庆功会Spring Celebration 新春乐Birthday celebration 生日庆典;庆祝生日;华诞庆典in celebration of 庆祝;为庆祝近义词:jamboreen. 庆祝会;喧闹的集会;童子军大会Country Bear Jamboree 乡村熊俱乐部Western Jamboree 西部宴会Big Valley Jamboree 露天乡村音乐节例句:Unfortunately, we can"t go to the jamboree.不幸地是,我们不能去庆祝会。
2023-01-09 12:29:341


两首新歌中的其中之一为专辑的同名曲《Celebration》,这支单曲由麦当娜和英国制作人保罗-奥肯福德(Paul Oakenfold)联手制作。单曲《Celebration》据有传闻称,精选集中的另一首新歌名为《Revolver》,由麦当娜同美国说唱歌手李尔-维恩(Lil Wayne)共同创作。该单曲的Demo版本已经于五月份在互联网上流传开来,不过该版本中麦当娜并未演唱。尽管《Celebration》中的歌曲列表并未公布,但是乐迷们都不难猜出这张精选集中将会包括麦当娜在Billboard上的100热门金曲。在排行榜的前100冠军单曲榜上,麦当娜总共有37首单曲排进了单曲榜的前十位。这也是排行榜51年历史以来的最佳成绩。在这些前十位的冠军单曲中,有12首单曲最终冲到了冠军的宝座上。据媒体透露,麦当娜的唱片公司已确认了《Celebration》将会包括的单曲有《Everybody》,《Express Yourself》,《Vogue》和《4 Minutes》,这些单曲是由麦当娜的乐迷们通过网上投票的方式所选出的。这张精选集将以单CD和CD加DVD的形式发行。DVD中的内容则是麦当娜精选集中单曲的MTV,而这其中就包括了饱受争议的MV《American Life》。精选集《Celebration》将会是麦当娜在华纳公司旗下的最后一张专辑。在2007年,她同Live Nation唱片公司签下了一个长期的合同,该合同将包括麦当娜未来几年中所发行的所有新专辑。麦当娜于1982年同华纳公司旗下的Sire公司签约并发行了第一首单曲《Everybody》。之后她在1983年发行的首张同名专辑《Madonna》,该专辑中拥有麦当娜的首支打榜单曲《Holiday》。自此之后,她总共有七张专辑曾登上了排行榜的专辑榜冠军,这包括了她在华纳公司旗下的最后四张专辑:发行于2008年的《Hard Candy》、2005年的《Confessions on a Dance Floor》、2003年的《American LIfe》以及2000年专辑《Music》。此前麦当娜还发行过两张个人精选,分别为1990年的《The Immaculate Collection》和2001年《GHV2: Greatest Hits Volume 2》。据美国国家唱片协会统计,前者在美销量超过了千万张。
2023-01-09 12:29:441


celebration[英][ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn][美][ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]n.庆祝; 庆祝会(仪式); 颂扬; A triumphalist celebration of their supremacy 对他们霸主地位的耀武扬威的庆祝
2023-01-09 12:30:092


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2023-01-09 12:30:525


celebrate 动词 celebration 名词
2023-01-09 12:31:5710


celebration[英][ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn][美][ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]n.庆祝; 庆祝会(仪式); 颂扬; I can tell you, there was a celebration in our house that night.告诉你,那天晚上我家开了个庆祝会。
2023-01-09 12:32:482

Celebration 歌词

歌曲名:Celebration歌手:群星专辑:新世纪发烧音乐天碟《绝响》Celebration -
2023-01-09 12:33:211


celebration on庆祝活动重点词汇celebration 庆典 ; 庆祝活动 ; 庆祝 ; 颂扬例句:The story starts with love and celebration on a couple"s wedding day. 故事以一对新婚夫妇的婚礼作为开场。
2023-01-09 12:33:341


意思不一样啊congratulation是指祝贺,如你考试过了,我就可以对你说congratulations,u made it;celebration是指庆祝的仪式,如你可以说we offered our congratulations in the celebration of his promotion
2023-01-09 12:33:411


2023-01-09 12:33:572

celebrations 与celebration区别

2023-01-09 12:34:062


celebrate英 ["selɪbreɪt] 美 ["sɛlɪbret] vt. 庆祝;举行;赞美;祝贺vi. 庆祝;过节;举行宗教仪式谐音:色勒不瑞特如果满意,望采纳 2
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2023-01-09 12:35:294


[ˌselɪˈb eɪʃɵn]
2023-01-09 12:35:512


你好!庆祝celebrate 英[ˈselɪbreɪt] 美[ˈsɛləˌbret] v. 庆祝; 祝贺; 举行宗教庆典; 歌颂; [例句]I was in a mood to celebrate我很想庆祝一下。
2023-01-09 12:35:593

庆祝 的英语这怎么说

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2023-01-09 12:35:373


2 AgI + S2- = Ag2S + 2 I-因为Ag2S的溶解度比AgI小得多,所以发生沉淀的转化,生成溶解度更小的Ag2S。
2023-01-09 12:35:361