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2023-09-14 08:32:02
TAG: 现在时





2.标志词:Always,usually,often,sometimes,every week(day,year,month...),once a week(day,year,month...),on Sunday







1、当句子表状态说明主语是什么或怎么样时,其句型:主+BE动词(am, is, are)+表语,否定式是在BE动词后加not,疑问句是将BE动词提前到句首(也就是在主语之前)

【例句】The twin sisters are from America. 这对孪生姐妹是美国人.

The twin sisters are not from America.

Are the twins from America?





【例句】 We speak Chinese.

Do you speak Chinese?

They don"t speak Chinese.


句子结构为 主语+动词(词尾加s或es)+其它.





一般现在时英语句子:1、Lucy is at home now。露茜现在在家。2、We have six classes every day。我们每天上六节课。3、I often get up at 6:30。我经常6:30起床。4、Jack likes Chinese food very much。杰克很喜欢中国饮食。5、We can see some pictures on the wall。我们能看到墙上的画。6、Is he always play the football with the classmates?他经常和朋友踢足球吗?7、Does she often talkwith you?她经常和你说话吗?8、Does he takes a long walk every nights?他经常饭后散步吗?9、He likes misic very much。他很喜欢音乐。10、we often go to the party。我们经常去聚会。
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一般现在时的句子有:I usually do my homework in the evenings。翻译:我经常在晚上做作业。Is he always play the football with the classmates。翻译:他经常和朋友踢足球吗。We agree with you。翻译:我们同意你的看法。My friend likes to do the same things as I do。翻译:我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事。we often go to the party。翻译:我们经常去聚会。I have a very beautiful hat。翻译:我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子。You should smile all the time。翻译:你应该一直微笑。Lucy is at home now。翻译:露茜现在在家。I have a Chinese friends。翻译:我有一个中国朋友。He needs our help。翻译:他需要我们的帮助。We hardly ever go the Internetcaf"e。翻译:我们几乎没有去过网吧。I hear that you always dance with your brother。翻译:我听说你经常和你的哥哥跳舞。Sally likes playing with her little brother,Sally。翻译:喜欢和她的小弟弟玩.一般现在时概念:一般现在时,是一种英语语法形式。表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性(即事实)的动作或状态,或者动作有时间规律发生的事件的一种时间状态。在英语语法中,"时"指动作发生的时间,"态"指动作的样子和状态。一般现在时用途:表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。表示客观事实或普遍真理。在时间、条件等状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。在某些以here,there开头的句子中,用一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。
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一般现在时。表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的状态或者动作(有时间规律发生的事件)的一种时间状态。1、They usually go to school by bike.  2、I take the medicine three times a day.  3、She helps her mother once a week.  4、Mary"s father is a policeman.  5、There are 50 students in my class6. Do you think it will rain? 7. You will feel better after a good rest. 8. I will borrow a book from our school library tomorrow. 9. What will she do tomorrow? 10. Sarah won"t come to visit me next Sunday. 11、I often go to school by school bus. 12、I usually get up at six thirty. 13、 I always go to bed at eight thirty.14、I am tall and strong. 15、 I am having breakfast. 16、 I am eating apple.
2023-09-04 08:00:112


一般现在时I have a book.I get up at six everyday.We have many classes at weekdays. I am happy.I am a boy.It smells good. 一般过去时I went to school yesterday.I had five classes this morning.I ate an hamburger just now. I was a student two years ago.You were very lovely in your childhood.She become more and more beautiful. 现在进行时I am watching TV now. She is reading a book. Someone is knocking at the door. 现在完成时 My brother has finished his homework. My classsmate has already read this book. You have not been to the seaside,have you?
2023-09-04 08:00:251


1.对于谓语动词或助动词是 be、have、can/may/must 等,将这些词移到主语前面。Are you students?Yes,we are. / No,we aren"t.你们是一名学生吗?是的。我们是一名学生。/不,我们不是。Is Jane in the classroom? Yes,she is. / No,she isn"t.简在这个教室里面吗?是的,她在。/不,她不在。Does the house have two rooms? Yes,it does / No,it doesn"t.这栋房子里面有两个房间吗?是的/不,不是。Is there any water in the glass? Yes,there is. / No,there isn"t.杯子里面有水吗?是的,有。/不,没有。Can you swim? Yes,I can. / No,I can"t.你会游泳吗?是的,我会。/不,我不会。2.谓语动词是实义动词,方法是在主语前加助动词do或does构成,句中动词要改用原型动词。do用于第一人称和名词复数,does用于第三人称单数和名词单数或不可数名词。Do you know it?Yes,I do. / No,I don"t.你知道这个吗?是的,我知道/不,我不知道。Does she have a pen?Yes,she does. / No,she doesn"t.[have 这里是实义动词]她有一个钢笔吗?Do they play basketball after school? Yes,they do. / No,they don"t.他们放学后打篮球吗? I am not at college.我不在上大学。Mr. Wang isn"t 50 years old.王先生不是50岁。The Jacksons doesn"t have two sons.贾克森没有两个儿子。You may not go now.你现在不可能去了。2.谓语动词是实义动词,是在谓语动词前加do not 或does not,谓语动词改用动词原型。I don"t have lunch at home.我在家没有吃午餐。They don"t play basketball on the sportsground.他们不在运动场上打篮球。Mr.Jimmy doesn"t know French.吉米先生不会法语。 在一些情况下,一般现在时能用来表示将来时。1. 谓语动词是:come,go,arrive,leave,start,begin,return,live,fly 等,可以表示将来发生的动作。The train leaves at six tomorrow morning.When does the bus start? It starts in ten minutes.2. 在时间或条件从句中,一般要用一般现在时表示将来,而不用一般将来时。When Bill comes,ask him to wait for me.I"ll write to you as soon as I arrive there.3. 谓语动词是 hope,take care that,make sure that 等后的宾语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。I hope they have a nice time next week.Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave the room.4.这种时态可以和一个时间短语连用以表示已确定的、对将来的安排:如:The boys start school on Monday.男孩们星期一开学。I leave tonight.我今天晚上动身。5.这一用法代替了较常用的现在进行时态:如:The boys are starting school on Monday.男孩儿们星期一就要开学了。I"m leaving tonight.我今天晚上就动身。6.这两种时态之间的差别是:⑴一般现在时比现在进行时具有的个人色彩更少:I"m leaving tonight通常可能含有我决定离开的意思,但I leave tonight可指这是计划的一部分,但计划不一定是我订的。⑵一般现在时要比现在进行时听起来更为正式。计划开办一个新分店的百货商店很可能说Our new branch opens next week(本店新设分店下周开业),而不说Our new branch is opening next week。⑶现在进行时显得累赘的地方就用一般现在时,例如在谈到像旅程安排那样的一系列预定的将来的动作时,可以这样说:We leave at six,arrive in Dublin at ten and take the plane on…我们6点出发,10点到达都柏林,并在……乘飞机……而不说:We are leaving at six,arriving in Dublin at ten and taking the plane on然而要注意,在像My train leaves at six(我常乘坐的火车6点开)这样的句子中,用一般现在时表示习惯性动作,这里就不能用现在进行时来代替。 1.用于某些动词(tell,say,hear,learn,gather等)表示不确定的过去时间:John tells me you will leave tomorrow.约翰告诉我你明天离开。I hear that he got married again last month. 我听说他上个月结婚了。Mary says that you told her to come over here.玛丽说是你让她到这儿来的。2. 当要陈述一个客观事实时,有时即使有过去时间状语也可用一般现在时:The story is set in the summer of 1937. 故事的背景是1937年夏天。The story begins in the year 1937. 故事开始于1937年。 一般现在时与现在进行时的区别准确理解两种时态的主要含义:一般现在时1.表示事物的本质特性或客观存在,没有时限性。The table ____ soft。(feels) 表特性特征。Japan ___ in the east of China。  (lives) 表客观事实2.现阶段经常性、习惯性的行为,可带频率时间。The shop closes at 7:30 p.m.Father doesn"t smoke. (习惯)3.表说话时的状态,感觉或结果,一般用状态动词,如:It doesn"t matter. Does it hurt? (感觉结果)4.特殊用法:-在条件、时间下、在让步从句中用现在时代替将来。-If you go there,I"ll help you.—用在begin,come,go,leave,return,open,close 等短暂谓语动词表规定计划。The plane takes off at 11:30. (不受主观支配的计划)-在剧本、解说、标题或there(here)开头的句中表进行There goes the bell/Here comes Mr.Wang.I declare the meeting opens.(正在宣布)He meets the ball and hits back to No.2 (正在发生)现在进行时1.说话时正在发生,进行的动作Look! Dark clouds are gathering . (正在发生)2.表现阶段正在进行,但此刻不一定正在进行的事。He usually gets up at 6:00,but this week he is getting up at 7:00. (现阶段正在进行,但说话时不一定在起床)3.现在进行时的特殊意义-表示主观打算常用于 go,come,leave,start,begin 等,位移、趋向动词。How long are you staying here (准备停留)-表示眼前刚过去的语意即“话音刚落”,适用于tell,say,talk,discuss ….You don"t believe it You know I"m telling the truth.-表示安慰、关心、喜欢、讨厌等感情色彩。He is always making noises in class. (讨厌)-在条件、时间、让步状语从句中表示将来正在进行。Don"t bother him if he is reading this time tomorrow.严格区分进行时与一般时的语义1. 持续动词的一般时表持续情况,经常性,习惯性行为或客观存在的事实,进行时表暂时性或有限时刻的持续。2.短暂动词的一般时叙述事实,特征,能力而短暂动作进行时描述反复发生,即将发生或刚开始行为。3.短暂动词和静态动词一般时表示实际情况客观状态、结果、特征、特性,进行时表未完成含开始或渐进之意。The bus stops. (车停了-事实)The bus is stopping. (渐渐停下来)I love the job. (静态事实)I am loving the job. ( 渐渐爱上了)4.come,go,leave,start,return,move,reach,sail,fall 等一般时态表客观规定计划,进行时表主观打算推测。Flight 254 leaves at 5:30. (表客观规定计划)The plane is taking off an hour later.(主观判断)5.现在进行时带always,continually, constantly, for ever等频率副词表感情色彩,一般现在时则没有此用法。
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1. 谓语是be(am/is/are)的一般现在时。①肯定形式:主语+be+表语(形容词、名词充当表语)。I am hungry.You are beautiful.He is a doctor.②否定形式:主语+be+not+表语(形容词、名词充当表语)。I am not hungry.You aren"t beautiful.He isn"t a doctor.③一般疑问句形式:Be+主语+表语(形容词、名词充当表语)?肯定回答:Yes,主语+be. 否定回答:No, 主语+ be+not.—Are you hungry?—Yes,I am./No,I"m not.—Is he a doctor?—Yes, he is./No, he isn,t.④特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词+Be开头的一般疑问句?—What is he?—He is a doctor.2. 谓语动词是实义动词(及物动词或不及物动词)的一般现在时。①肯定形式:“主语+及物动词+宾语”或“主语+不及物动词”。She has a little brother.她有一个弟弟。The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。②否定形式:“主语+don"t/doesn"t+及物动词+宾语”或“主语+don"t/doesn"t+不及物动词”。She doesn"t have a little brother.她没有弟弟。I don"t eat every morning.我每天早晨都不吃饭。③一般疑问句形式:“Do/Does+主语+及物动词原形+宾语”或“Do/Does+主语+不及物动词原形”。肯定回答:Yes,主语+do/does. 否定回答是:No, 主语+ don"t/doesn"t.—Do you eat every morning?—Yes, I do./No, I don"t.—Does she have a little brother?—Yes, she does./No, she doesn"t.④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+do/does开头的一般疑问句?What do you like?When do you go to school?3. 谓语是情态动词can/may...+动词原形的一般现在时。①肯定形式:主语+情态动词can/may.....+动词原形+宾语。I can finish my homework.②否定形式:主语+情态动词can/may.....+not+动词原形+宾语。I can"t finish my homework.③一般疑问句形式:情态动词Can/May.....+主语+动词原形+主语+宾语。肯定回答是:Yes,主语+情态动词. 否定回答是:No, 主语+ 情态动词+not.—Can you finish your homework?—Yes,I can./No, I can"t.④特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词+情态动词can/may.....开头的一般疑问句?—What can you do?—I can do my homework.
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一般现在时的句子有:I usually do my homework in the evenings。翻译:我经常在晚上做作业。Is he always play the football with the classmates。翻译:他经常和朋友踢足球吗。We agree with you。翻译:我们同意你的看法。My friend likes to do the same things as I do。翻译:我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事。we often go to the party。翻译:我们经常去聚会。I have a very beautiful hat。翻译:我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子。You should smile all the time。翻译:你应该一直微笑。Lucy is at home now。翻译:露茜现在在家。I have a Chinese friends。翻译:我有一个中国朋友。He needs our help。翻译:他需要我们的帮助。We hardly ever go the Internetcaf"e。翻译:我们几乎没有去过网吧。I hear that you always dance with your brother。翻译:我听说你经常和你的哥哥跳舞。Sally likes playing with her little brother,Sally。翻译:喜欢和她的小弟弟玩.一般现在时概念:一般现在时,是一种英语语法形式。表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性(即事实)的动作或状态,或者动作有时间规律发生的事件的一种时间状态。在英语语法中,"时"指动作发生的时间,"态"指动作的样子和状态。一般现在时用途:表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。表示客观事实或普遍真理。在时间、条件等状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。在某些以here,there开头的句子中,用一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。
2023-09-04 08:00:561


一般现在时英语句子20个1. I drink coffee every morning.2. She reads a book before going to bed.3. They listen to music while they work.4. He watches TV during his lunch break.5. The children play games in the park.6. I check my email several times a day.7. She walks her dog every evening.8. They study for exams at the library.9. He plays sports on the weekends.10. The birds sing in the morning.11. I eat lunch at noon.12. She takes a shower in the morning.13. They talk on the phone every night.14. He drives to work every day.15. The flowers bloom in the spring.16. I exercise after work.17. She cooks dinner for her family.18. They clean the house on Saturdays.19. He takes his medicine every morning.20. The sun sets in the evening.1. Daily RoutinesMany people have daily routines that they follow. For example, I drink coffee every morning to help wake up and start my day. This simple routine helps me to be more productive throughout the day.2. Reading HabitsReading is a great way to relax and unwind before going to bed. A lot of people, like my sister, read books before they go to sleep. Reading also helps to improve vocabulary and comprehension skills.3. Music at WorkListening to music while working can help to improve focus and concentration. Some people, like my colleagues, listen to music while they work. It helps to block out distractions and make the work day go by faster.4. Watching TVDuring lunch breaks, many people choose to watch TV as a way to unwind and relax. My coworker, for example, watches TV during his lunch break. It allows him to step away from work and clear his mind for a short while.5. Fun in the ParkPlaying games in the park is a great way for children to get exercise and socialize with friends. I often see children playing games in the park after school. It"s a great way for them to burn off energy and have fun.6. Email ChecksChecking email is a common routine for many people. I, for one, check my email several times a day to stay up-to-date with work and personal communication. Email is a convenient way to stay in touch with people, especially when face-to-face communication is not possible.7. Dog WalkingWalking a dog is not only good for the dog, but also for the owner"s health. Many people, like my neighbor, walk their dogs every evening to get exercise and fresh air. It"s also a great way to bond with your pet and enjoy the outdoors.8. Studying HabitsStudying is a necessity for students, but it"s also a good habit for life-long learning. Many people, like my friends, study for exams at the library. The library is a quiet and convenient place to study without distractions.Overall, these everyday activities help to create structure and routine in our lives. They can also be enjoyable and help improve our health and well-being.
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2023-09-04 08:01:464


主+BE动词(am, is, are)+表语,
2023-09-04 08:01:573


jvgju gjnuhtn gihingin g ihjni f g f dgf g fjngf jjgjjgn gfngf fnjjnf f ngifnguhftugfuguduhgjg gjgnir gjgurghru gjurhgureug g8ruguejuehgn ughhgriuug ughuruge jhhuhhjvhhfhftfthy kd jid jhfhkdihhdhjyd ufgbigudsf udsgufgusg dygfyygfu fugdugj urbvdussiiiii
2023-09-04 08:02:165


一般现在时的英语句子有以下:1、 Jack likes Chinese food very much.杰克很喜欢中国饮食。2、Lucy is at home now.露茜现在在家。3、I have a very beautiful hat.我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子。4、My friend likes to do the same things as I do.我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事。5、He lives in Shanghai.他住在上海。6、Beijing is a beautiful city.北京是一个美丽的城市。7、I don"t think you are right.我认为你不对。8、We agree with you.我们同意你的看法。9、I always play computer games on weekend.我经常在周末玩电脑游戏。10、I have a Chinese friends.我有一个中国朋友。11、It helps child acquire and practice Simple Present Tense.可以帮孩子习得和练习一般现在时。12、She is in your house.她在家中。13、Do you go to school at7:00 every day?你每天七点钟去上学吗?14、She doesn"t like apples.她不喜欢苹果。15、He is fourteen. He is at schoo.他十四岁了,在上学。一般现在时的定义:一般现在时:表示主语的状态、特征,经常性、反复性发生的的动作或表示真理。The earth moves round the sun.地球绕着太阳运行。时间状语:often 经常,usually通常,always 总是 every week (day, year, month……)每周(天,年,月......),once a week一周一次, on Sundays 在周日,sometimes 有时等。当主语是第三人称单数时,动词原形的词尾有加-s的变化规则如下:1、一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks2、以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes3、以"辅音字母+y"结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies一般现在时结构: 1. 主语+谓语+其他(表动作);2. 主语+be+表语(形容词、名词充当表语)。当主语是第三人称单数时,动词变相应的第三人称单数形式。be(am,is,are)动词:(作谓语动词时) 肯定句;主语+be动词(am,is,are)+其它。1、I am a student.(主语+be动词+名词)。2、They are hungry.(主语+be动词+形容词)。3、He is out.(主语+be动词+副词)。4、That pen is mine.(主语+be动词+代词)。
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一般现在时.表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的状态或者动作(有时间规律发生的事件)的一种时间状态. 1、They usually go to school by bike.   2、I take the medicine three times a day.   3、She helps her mother once a week.   4、Mary"s father is a policeman.   5、There are 50 students in my class 6.Do you think it will rain? 7.You will feel better after a good rest. 8.I will borrow a book from our school library tomorrow. 9.What will she do tomorrow? 10.Sarah won"t come to visit me next Sunday. 11、I often go to school by school bus. 12、I usually get up at six thirty. 13、 I always go to bed at eight thirty. 14、I am tall and strong. 15、 I am having breakfast. 16、 I am eating apple.
2023-09-04 08:03:521


一般现在时的句子有:I usually do my homework in the evenings。翻译:我经常在晚上做作业。Is he always play the football with the classmates。翻译:他经常和朋友踢足球吗。We agree with you。翻译:我们同意你的看法。My friend likes to do the same things as I do。翻译:我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事。we often go to the party。翻译:我们经常去聚会。I have a very beautiful hat。翻译:我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子。You should smile all the time。翻译:你应该一直微笑。Lucy is at home now。翻译:露茜现在在家。I have a Chinese friends。翻译:我有一个中国朋友。He needs our help。翻译:他需要我们的帮助。We hardly ever go the Internetcaf"e。翻译:我们几乎没有去过网吧。I hear that you always dance with your brother。翻译:我听说你经常和你的哥哥跳舞。Sally likes playing with her little brother,Sally。翻译:喜欢和她的小弟弟玩.一般现在时概念:一般现在时,是一种英语语法形式。表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性(即事实)的动作或状态,或者动作有时间规律发生的事件的一种时间状态。在英语语法中,"时"指动作发生的时间,"态"指动作的样子和状态。一般现在时用途:表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。表示客观事实或普遍真理。在时间、条件等状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。在某些以here,there开头的句子中,用一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。
2023-09-04 08:04:001

He went there yesterday一般现在时怎么写?

He goes there everyday.
2023-09-04 08:04:3314


1、Lucy is at home now。露茜现在在家。2、We have six classes every day。我们每天上六节课。3、I often get up at 6:30。我经常6:30起床。4、Jack likes Chinese food very much。杰克很喜欢中国饮食。5、We can see some pictures on the wall。我们能看到墙上的画。6、Is he always play the football with the classmates?他经常和朋友踢足球吗?7、Does she often talkwith you?她经常和你说话吗?8、Does he takes a long walk every nights?他经常饭后散步吗?9、He likes misic very much。他很喜欢音乐。10、we often go to the party。我们经常去聚会。
2023-09-04 08:05:151


一般现在时的句子有:I usually do my homework in the evenings。翻译:我经常在晚上做作业。Is he always play the football with the classmates。翻译:他经常和朋友踢足球吗。We agree with you。翻译:我们同意你的看法。My friend likes to do the same things as I do。翻译:我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事。we often go to the party。翻译:我们经常去聚会。I have a very beautiful hat。翻译:我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子。You should smile all the time。翻译:你应该一直微笑。Lucy is at home now。翻译:露茜现在在家。I have a Chinese friends。翻译:我有一个中国朋友。He needs our help。翻译:他需要我们的帮助。We hardly ever go the Internetcaf"e。翻译:我们几乎没有去过网吧。I hear that you always dance with your brother。翻译:我听说你经常和你的哥哥跳舞。Sally likes playing with her little brother,Sally。翻译:喜欢和她的小弟弟玩.一般现在时概念:一般现在时,是一种英语语法形式。表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性(即事实)的动作或状态,或者动作有时间规律发生的事件的一种时间状态。在英语语法中,"时"指动作发生的时间,"态"指动作的样子和状态。一般现在时用途:表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。表示客观事实或普遍真理。在时间、条件等状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。在某些以here,there开头的句子中,用一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。
2023-09-04 08:05:381


1.She likes animals.2.Lilei gets up at six o"clock .3.I am good at English.4.You seem to be tired.5.My family have five people.6.He is a teacher.7.Jackie is our favorite movie star.8.Coke is her favorite drink.9.Kate is my best friend.10.My mother loves me.
2023-09-04 08:05:571

用一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、一般将来时分别造5个句子 是各5个

一般现在时:1.I often go to school by bus 2.I swim every Friday 3.You look very tired 4.The shop is open eight hours a day 5.We always help each other 一般过去时:1.We went on a picnic last Sunday 2.After fours in the University,he graduated 3.In February of 2004,bird flu began to strike China 4.I watched match yesterday 5.It rained yesterday 现在进行时:1.He is doing his homework2.The teacher is taking a child to the library 3:It is raining now 4.I am writing a novel5.She is eating now 一般将来时:1.Spring will come again 2.We will graduate next year 3.I will buy some apples tomorrow 4.Her parents will send her a skirt as her birthday gift 5.You will have a holiday next weekend
2023-09-04 08:06:072


一、一般现在时: 概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况. 时间状语: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, etc. 基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词 否定形式:①am/is/are+not;②此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加don"t,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesn"t,同时还原行为动词. 一般疑问句:①把be动词放于句首;②用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时,还原行为动词.二、一般过去时: 概念:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为. 时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month…), in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, etc. 基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词 否定形式:①was/were+not;②在行为动词前加didn"t,同时还原行为动词. 一般疑问句:①was或were放于句首;②用助动词do的过去式did 提问,同时还原行为动词. 三、现在进行时: 概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为. 时间状语:now, at this time, these days, etc. 基本结构:am/is/are+doing 否定形式:am/is/are+not+doing. 一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首. 四、过去进行时: 概念:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作. 时间状语:at this time yesterday, at that time或以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等. 基本结构:was/were+doing 否定形式:was/were + not + doing. 一般疑问句:把was或were放于句首.
2023-09-04 08:06:591


一般现在时的句子时间:2016-05-10 11:16:56 来源 作者:学句子1.We often play in the playgound.2.He gets up at six o"clock.3.Do you brush your teeth every morning.4.What does he usually doafter school?5.Danny studiesEnglish,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art an school.6.Mike sometimes goes to the park with his sister.7.At eight at night,she watchesTV with his parents.8.Does Mike read English every day?9.Do you often play football after school?10.I have many books.一般现在时的句子50句1. We have six classes every day. 我们每天上六节课.2. I often get up at 6:30. 我经常6:30起床.3. Jack likes Chinese food very much. 杰克很喜欢中国饮食.4. We can see some pictures on the wall. 我们能看到墙上的画.5. I don"t want so much.6. Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well.7. Now I put the sugar in the cup.8. The earth moves around the sun.9. Shanghai lies in the east of China.We usually go to school at 7:30. My parents give ten yuan to my sister every week.10. Lucy is at home now. 露茜现在在家.11. I am a student.我是一个学生.12. I have a very beautiful hat.我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子.13. His sister is quite quiet.他的妹妹非常内向.14. She has no brother.他没有兄弟.15. My hair is black.我的头发是黑色的.16. My friend likes to do the same things as I do.我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事.17. What day is it today? 今天星期几?18. He lives in Shanghai.他住在上海.19. That girl in red is my sister.那个穿着红色衣服的女孩是我妹妹.20. Beijing is a beautiful city.北京是一个美丽的城市.21. He needs our help.他需要我们的帮助.22. I don"t think you are right. 我认为你不对.23. We agree with you.我们同意你的看法.24. There are five cats.那里有五只猫.25. I always play computer games on weekend.我经常在周末玩电脑游戏.26. Do you play the guitar?你弹吉他吗?27. I have a Chinese friends.我有一个中国朋友.28. You should believe in youself.你应该相信你自己.29. That red shirt is very nice.那个红色的衬衫很漂亮.30. Can I help you ?我可以帮你吗?31. There are many countries in the world,世界上有很多国家.32. Baishui is femous for apples.白水因为苹果而出名.33. I am vrey clever.我非常聪明.34. I don"t have enough money.我没有足够的钱.35. My teachers are great.我的老师很好.36. What eles do you want to buy?你还想买什么?37. Sally likes playing with her little brother. Sally喜欢和她的小弟弟玩.38. You should smile all the time.你应该一直微笑.39. What is the matter with you ?你怎么了?40. Helen tries her best to study. Helen尽她最大的努力去学习
2023-09-04 08:07:071


2023-09-04 08:07:186


一、 一般现在时:1.概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况.2.时间状语:always,usually,often,sometimes,every week (day,year,month…),once a week,on Sundays,3.基本结构:动词 原形 (如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要加(e)S) 4.否定形式:am/is/are+not;此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加don"t,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesn"t,同时还原行为动词.二、1.一般将来时的基本概念 一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态.一般将来时由助动词shall(第一人称),will(第二、三人称)+动词原形构成.2.一般将来时的形式 ●will 常简略为 "ll,并与主语连写在一起,如:I"ll,he"ll,it"ll,we"ll,you"ll,they"ll.●一般疑问句如用will you…?其简略答语须是Yes,I will或 No,I will not;如用 Shall you…?(较少见)其简略答语须是 Yes,I shall.或 No,I shall not..3.一般将来时的用法 1)表示将来的动作或状态 一般将来时常与一些表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow(明天),next week(下周),from now on(从现在开始);in the future(将来)等.2)表示将来经常发生的动作.三、 一般过去时:1.概念:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为.2.时间状语:ago,yesterday,the day before yesterday,last week,last(year,night,month…),in 1989,just now,at the age of 5,one day,long long ago,once upon a time,etc.3.基本结构:be动词;行为动词 4.否定形式:was/were+not;在行为动词前加didn"t,同时还原行为动词.四、现在进行时1,现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“现在”,动作目前的状态是“正在进行中”.所谓“正在进行中”,是指在谈到这件事的时候,这个动作还在进行中.至于它是什么时候开始的,什么时候会停下来,不是我们关心的.所以“正在进行时”的事件,可能发生几年了,也可能只有几分钟.仍在进行中这是“正在进行时”的关键所在.它是一件持续进行的事情.2,现在进行时的构成 现在进行时由"be+v-ing"构成.be应为助动词,初学者最容易漏掉,它应与主语的人称和数保持一致.,3,现在进行时的应用 在实际运用时,现在进行时常用以下几种情况:(1)当句子中有now时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时.如:They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球.(2)以look,listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时.如:Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌.(3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week,these days等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时.如:We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型.(4)描述图片中的人物的动作,也为了表达更生动.此时也常用现在进行时.如:Look at the picture.The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝.,4,现在进行时的变化 肯定句式:主语+be( am,is,are)+现在分词+其它.否定句式:主语+be(am,is,are) +not +现在分词+其它.一般疑问句:Be(am,is,are) +主语+现在分词+其它?特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(am,is,are)+主语+现在分词+其它?对现在进行时的特殊疑问句的回答,它不可以用Yes或No直接作答,要根据实际情况回答.四,现在进行时的用法(包括高级用法)1,表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作.
2023-09-04 08:09:062


一般现在时:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的状态或者动作(有时间规律发生的事件)的一种时间状态在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,即常在动词原形后加-s或-es。但有些同学们对于哪些主语是第三人称单数还不十分清楚,现归纳总结如下:一、人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单数。如:He likes watching TV. 他喜欢看电视。She has lunch at twelve. 她十二点吃午餐。It looks like a cat. 它看起来像只猫。(口诀:I用am,you用are,is用于她他它,单数名词用is,复数名词都用are)二、单个人名、地名或称呼作主语;是第三人称单数。如:①Han Mei looks like her mother. 韩梅看起来像她的母亲。②Beijing is in China. 北京在中国。③Uncle Wang often makes cakes. 王叔叔经常做蛋糕。三、单数可数名词或"this / that / the+单数可数名词"作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:①A horse is a useful animal. 马是有用的动物。②This book is yours. 这本书是你的。四、不定代词someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something等及指示代词this, that作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:①Everyone is here. 大家到齐了。②There is something wrong with the watch. 这块手表有毛病。五、不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单数。如:①The milk is in the glass. 牛奶在玻璃杯里。②The bread is very small. 那面包很小。六、当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。如:①"6" is a lucky number. "6"是个吉利数字。
2023-09-04 08:09:221


一般现在时的句子时间:2016-05-10 11:16:56 来源 作者:学句子1.We often play in the playgound.2.He gets up at six o"clock.3.Do you brush your teeth every morning.4.What does he usually doafter school?5.Danny studiesEnglish,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art an school.6.Mike sometimes goes to the park with his sister.7.At eight at night,she watchesTV with his parents.8.Does Mike read English every day?9.Do you often play football after school?10.I have many books.一般现在时的句子50句1. We have six classes every day. 我们每天上六节课.2. I often get up at 6:30. 我经常6:30起床.3. Jack likes Chinese food very much. 杰克很喜欢中国饮食.4. We can see some pictures on the wall. 我们能看到墙上的画.5. I don"t want so much.6. Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well.7. Now I put the sugar in the cup.8. The earth moves around the sun.9. Shanghai lies in the east of China.We usually go to school at 7:30. My parents give ten yuan to my sister every week.10. Lucy is at home now. 露茜现在在家.11. I am a student.我是一个学生.12. I have a very beautiful hat.我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子.13. His sister is quite quiet.他的妹妹非常内向.14. She has no brother.他没有兄弟.15. My hair is black.我的头发是黑色的.16. My friend likes to do the same things as I do.我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事.17. What day is it today? 今天星期几?18. He lives in Shanghai.他住在上海.19. That girl in red is my sister.那个穿着红色衣服的女孩是我妹妹.20. Beijing is a beautiful city.北京是一个美丽的城市.21. He needs our help.他需要我们的帮助.22. I don"t think you are right. 我认为你不对.23. We agree with you.我们同意你的看法.24. There are five cats.那里有五只猫.25. I always play computer games on weekend.我经常在周末玩电脑游戏.26. Do you play the guitar?你弹吉他吗?27. I have a Chinese friends.我有一个中国朋友.28. You should believe in youself.你应该相信你自己.29. That red shirt is very nice.那个红色的衬衫很漂亮.30. Can I help you ?我可以帮你吗?31. There are many countries in the world,世界上有很多国家.32. Baishui is femous for apples.白水因为苹果而出名.33. I am vrey clever.我非常聪明.34. I don"t have enough money.我没有足够的钱.35. My teachers are great.我的老师很好.36. What eles do you want to buy?你还想买什么?37. Sally likes playing with her little brother. Sally喜欢和她的小弟弟玩.38. You should smile all the time.你应该一直微笑.39. What is the matter with you ?你怎么了?40. Helen tries her best to study. Helen尽她最大的努力去学习
2023-09-04 08:09:301


一般现在时的句子结构如下:1、主语+动词原形(或第三人称单数形式)+其他成分。例如:I eat breakfast every day。(我每天都吃早餐)。2、主语+be动词(am/is/are)+形容词+名词。例如:She is a beautiful girl。(她是一个美丽的女孩)。3、主语+be动词(am/is/are)+现在分词。例如:He is sleeping now。(他现在正在睡觉)。4、主语+have/has+过去分词。例如:They have finished their homework。(他们已经完成了他们的作业)。5、主语+do/does+其他成分。例如:I do my homework every day。(我每天都做我的作业)。6、主语+did+其他成分。例如:She did her homework yesterday。(她昨天做了她的作业)。7、主语+can/could/may/might+动词原形。例如:We can play basketball together。(我们可以一起玩篮球)。8、主语+will+动词原形。例如:He will go to the park tomorrow。(他明天会去公园)。9、主语+would/should/could/might+动词原形。例如:You should study harder if you want to pass the exam。(如果你想通过考试,你应该更努力学习)。
2023-09-04 08:09:391

用there be的一般现在时和一般过去式句型个造3个。

there will be more crowded。there will be in great dangei。there are many books。
2023-09-04 08:10:092


一般现在时的句子结构 1、当句子表状态说明主语是什么或怎么样时,其句型:主+BE动词(am,is,are)+表语,否定式是在BE动词后加not,疑问句是将BE动词提前到句首(即在主语之前) e.g.The twin sisters are from America.这对孪生姐妹是美国人.The twin sisters are not from America.Are the twins from America?2、当谓语由实义动词充当,主语不是第三人称单数时,句子结构为:主语+动词原形+其它 否定式为:主语+don"t+动词原形+其它 疑问句为:Do+主语+动词原形+其它?e.g.We speak Chinese.Do you speak Chinese?They don"t speak Chinese.当主语是第三人称单数时:句子结构为 主语+动词(词尾加s或es)+其它.否定式为:主语+doesn"t+动词原形+其它.疑问句式:Does+主语+动词原形+其它?
2023-09-04 08:10:291


首先,要说明的是,并不是每个句子都适合于变成各种时态。一般现在时态:Jack is from America.【最好不变化】He works hard at his lessons.He like playing football.He can speak both English and Chinese.He enjoys singing beautiful songs.对应现在进行时态:He is working hard at his lessons.He is playing football now.He is speaking to others around him with English and Chinese.He is enjoying singing the beautiful songs.过去进行时态:He was working hard at his lessons.He was playing football at six last afternoon .He was speaking to others around him with English and Chinese at ten yesterday morningHe was enjoying singing the beautiful songs at eleven last night .一般过去时态:He worked hard at his lessons.He liked playing football.He could speak both English and Chinese.He enjoyed singing beautiful songs.一般将来时:He will work hard at his lessons this term.He shall play football tomorrow morning.He will learn to speak both English and Chinese.He will sing beautiful songs at the party this evening.现在完成时:He has worked hard at his lessons since the start of this term.He has been interested in playing football .He has learned to speak both English and Chinese.He has been fond of singing beautiful songs.过去完成时:He had decided to work hard at his lessons since that exam..He had been interested in playing football before he was fifty .He had learned to speak both English and Chinese before he came to China.He had enjoyed singing beautiful songs before he attended the party.祝你开心如意!O(∩_∩)O~~
2023-09-04 08:10:451


1.I am a student.我是一个学生。 2.I have a very beautiful hat.我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子。 3.His sister is quite quiet.他的妹妹非常内向。 4.She has no brother.他没有兄弟。 5.My hair is black.我的头发是黑色的。 6.I have a Chinese friends.我有一个中国朋友。 7.You should believe in youself.你应该相信你自己。 8.That red shirt is very nice.那个红色的衬衫很漂亮。 9.Can I help you ?我可以帮你吗? 10.There are many countries in the world,世界上有很多国家。 11.Baishui is femous for apples.白水因为苹果而出名。 12.I am vrey clever.我非常聪明。 13.I don"t have enough money.我没有足够的钱。 14.My teachers are great.我的老师很好。 15.What eles do you want to buy?你还想买什么? 16.Sally likes playing with her little brother. Sally喜欢和她的小弟弟玩。 17.You should smile all the time.你应该一直微笑。 18.What is the matter with you ?你怎么了? 19.Helen tries her best to study. Helen尽她最大的努力去学习。【try one"s best to do sth. 尽某人最大的努力做某事】 20.My friend likes to do the same things as I do.我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事。 21.What day is it today? 今天星期几? 22.He lives in Shanghai.他住在上海。 23.That girl in red is my sister.那个穿着红色衣服的女孩是我妹妹。 24.Beijing is a beautiful city.北京是一个美丽的城市。 25.He needs our help.他需要我们的帮助。 26.I don"t think you are right. 我认为你不对。 27.We agree with you.我们同意你的看法。 28.There are five cats.那里有五只猫。 29.I always play computer games on weekend.我经常在周末玩电脑游戏。 30.Do you play the guitar?你弹吉他吗?
2023-09-04 08:10:551


2023-09-04 08:11:201


1.一般现在时 be(am is are)2.一般过去时 be(is---was are---were) do---did3.现在进行时 动词+ing4.过去完成时 had+P.P.5.过去完成进行时 had+P.P.+been+doing6.现在完成时 have/has+P.P.7.现在完成进行时 have/has+been+doing8.一般将来时 be going to do9.将来进行时 will+be+doing10.将来完成时 will have+P.P.11.过去将来完成时 would have+P.P.
2023-09-04 08:11:291


一般现在时:1.概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。一般现在时用动词原形表示。如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要改为第三人称单数形式。2.标志词:Always,usually,often,sometimes,every week(day,year,month...),once a week(day,year,month...),on Sunday3.基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词  4.否定形式:①am/is/are+not;②此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加don"t,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesn"t,同时还原行为动词。【例句1】We go to school at six forty every day.【例句2】 My brother reads a book once a week.扩展资料一般现在时的句子结构1、当句子表状态说明主语是什么或怎么样时,其句型:主+BE动词(am, is, are)+表语,否定式是在BE动词后加not,疑问句是将BE动词提前到句首(也就是在主语之前)【例句】The twin sisters are from America. 这对孪生姐妹是美国人.The twin sisters are not from America.Are the twins from America?2、当谓语由实义动词充当,主语不是第三人称单数时,句子结构为:主语+动词原形+其它否定式为:主语+don"t+动词原形+其它疑问句为:Do+主语+动词原形+其它?【例句】 We speak Chinese.Do you speak Chinese?They don"t speak Chinese.3.当主语是第三人称单数时:句子结构为 主语+动词(词尾加s或es)+其它.否定式为:主语+doesn"t+动词原形+其它.疑问句式:Does+主语+动词原形+其它?
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2023-09-04 08:11:5011


主语+宾语+。。。。 如果主语是单三形式,谓语动词要使用单三形式标志词一般是一些时间状语 everyday ,thesedays或者频率副词 often sometimes 等等
2023-09-04 08:12:382


一般现在时: 第一人称:I like it. 第三人称:He likes it. 现在进行时: 第一人称:I am doing my homework. 第三人称:He is doing his homework.
2023-09-04 08:12:451


1. We have six classes every day. 我们每天上六节课。
2023-09-04 08:12:542


一般现在时的基本句型是:谓语是be动词时,主语+be+表语谓语是实义动词时,主语+及物动词+宾语。/主语+不及物动词。例句:她是一位老师。She is a teacher.我有一只猫。I have a cat.我吃了一个苹果。I eat an apple.
2023-09-04 08:13:031


2023-09-04 08:13:374


I do my homework.I am doing my homework.I was doing my homework.I did my homework.I will do my homework.I have done my homework.I had done my homework.
2023-09-04 08:14:181


1 I like running. 2 She goes swimming every day. 3 He is often late for shool. 4 They never go to library. 5 We usually go to shool by bus. 6 You don"t need to close the window. 7 I am a student. 8 She wants to go shopping this afternoon. 9 Spring Festival is one of the most imporant festivals for Chinese people. 10 The earth goes around the sun.
2023-09-04 08:14:311


1.I can play football. 2.She does homework at home. 3.He likes eating eggs. 4.You are my good friend. 5.They have picnic once a week. 6.I am very happy. 7.It is difficult to play with him. 8.Tom plays computer games in the evening. 9.I go shopping on the weekends. 10.I like your haircut.
2023-09-04 08:14:401


例如:1.主动句 I speak English every day 被动句 English is spoken by me every day. 2.主动句 He often tells stories. 被动句 Stories are often told by him.
2023-09-04 08:14:523


一般现在时句型的结构:1、主语+谓语+其他(表动作);2、主语+be+表语(表状态);3、主语+be(am,is,are)+其它;4、肯定句式:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。一般现在时英语句子1、Lucy is at home now。露茜现在在家。2、We have six classes every day。我们每天上六节课。3、I often get up at 6:30。我经常6:30起床。4、Jack likes Chinese food very much。杰克很喜欢中国饮食。5、We can see some pictures on the wall。我们能看到墙上的画。6、Is he always play the football with the classmates?他经常和朋友踢足球吗?7、Does she often talkwith you?她经常和你说话吗?8、Does he takes a long walk every nights?他经常饭后散步吗?9、He likes misic very much。他很喜欢音乐。10、we often go to the party。我们经常去聚会。
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2023-09-04 08:16:016


一般现在时的句子有:I usually do my homework in the evenings。翻译:我经常在晚上做作业。Is he always play the football with the classmates。翻译:他经常和朋友踢足球吗。We agree with you。翻译:我们同意你的看法。My friend likes to do the same things as I do。翻译:我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事。we often go to the party。翻译:我们经常去聚会。I have a very beautiful hat。翻译:我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子。You should smile all the time。翻译:你应该一直微笑。Lucy is at home now。翻译:露茜现在在家。I have a Chinese friends。翻译:我有一个中国朋友。He needs our help。翻译:他需要我们的帮助。We hardly ever go the Internetcaf"e。翻译:我们几乎没有去过网吧。I hear that you always dance with your brother。翻译:我听说你经常和你的哥哥跳舞。Sally likes playing with her little brother,Sally。翻译:喜欢和她的小弟弟玩.一般现在时概念:一般现在时,是一种英语语法形式。表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性(即事实)的动作或状态,或者动作有时间规律发生的事件的一种时间状态。在英语语法中,"时"指动作发生的时间,"态"指动作的样子和状态。一般现在时用途:表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。表示客观事实或普遍真理。在时间、条件等状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。在某些以here,there开头的句子中,用一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。
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2023-09-04 08:16:5811


  创业的资金来源于哪里,创业初期的资金可以怎么用。编给大家整理了关于创业初期资金来源,希望你们喜欢!   创业初期资金来源途径   一、自有资金。这个主要是自身的存款,一般工作几年的人或多或少都有点存款,这一部分的钱是自己创业的基本基金。   二、股权融资,是指创业者或中小企业让出企业一部分股权获取投资者的资金,让投资者占股份,成为股东,而不是借贷,是带有一定风险投资性质的融资,是投融资双方利益共享、风险共担的融资方式,对于不具备银行融资和资本市场融资条件的中小企业而言,这种融资方式不仅便捷,而且可操作性强,是创业者与中小企业现实融资渠道。   三、债权融资,是指创业者或中小企业采用向银行等金融机构贷款或者向非金融机构(民间借贷)借款的形式进行融资,在一定期限满后当事人必须偿还本金并支付利息。向金融机构贷款需要具备抵押、信用、质押担保等某一条件,民间借贷更多的是依靠信用和第三方担保的形式。   四、政策性贷款,是指政府部门为了支持某一群体创业出台的小额贷款政策(比如下岗失业人员小额贷款政策),同时也包括支持中小企业的发展建立了许多基金,比如中小企业发展基金、创新基金等。这些政策性贷款的特点是利息低,微利行业政策贴息,甚至免利息,偿还的期限长,甚至不用偿还。但是要获得这些基金必须符合一定的政策条件。   五、金融租赁,是指出租人根据承租人选定的租赁设备和供应厂商,以对承租人提供资金融通为目的而购买该设备,承租人通过与出租人签定融资租赁合同,以支付租金为代价,而获得该设备的长期使用权。对承租人而言,采用融资租赁方式,通过融物的方式实现了融资的目的。   六、其他,包括短期的典当,还有天使投资。天使投资主要指具有一定资本金的个人或家庭,对具有发展潜力的初创企业进行早期投资的一种民间投资方式。天使投资是风险投资的一种,但与大多数风险投资投向成长期、上市阶段的项目不同,天使投资主要投向构思独特的发明创造计划、创新个人及种子期企业,为尚未孵化的种子期项目“雪中送炭”。它只将发明计划或种子期项目“扶上马”,而“送一程”的任务则由机构风险投资来完成。以及供应商融资、经销商垫资等多种形式。   创业企业容易出现的错误   1、太早或者只是正好就在媒体上曝光   如果你是在寻找媒体的创业企业,首先你需要问自己,“为什么?”你为什么需要媒体?你真的准备好见媒体了?一篇文章能帮助你实现什么?   如果你想媒体能让你在员工和朋友面前看起来更酷,你可能不应该找媒体。如果你只是想找客户,这样带来的增长也是短暂的。   有的时候,媒体是好的,如果你在寻求财政支持,媒体能吸引投资人。但是如果你没有确定你的商业模式和产品(可能第一年你不能做好其中任何一样),你真的只想你的名出现在那儿,一年以后就失败吗?相信这比名字从来没有出现过更加令人尴尬。   2、太早就募集了太多的钱   自食其力地创业是一件可怕的事情。没有人愿意看见自己的存款日渐减少。但是你如果依靠外部投资人来承担所有风险,这会是创始人对于成本漫不经心。这也会让他们在未来退出时,没有多少收获。   如果你开始以自己的实力创业,你会努力证实这个商业模式,也不需要在董事会的压力下,或者投资人不停的轰炸下找到方向。一旦你是自营企业,你会从投资人那里得到更好的条件。如果没有局外人控制你的企业,你能在你想的时候退出,而且也不用担心在你创业企业的特权阶层的某人会解雇你。   如果你没有至少5万美元的存款,而且你不在一个你可以冒险的生活阶段,你就不应该进行创业。   3、尝试孤独地创业   创业是有压力的,没有人擅长每件事。为了避免筋疲力尽,你需要一个共同创始人,或者顾问来分担工作负担并且彼此依靠。让其他人帮助你,你会更加富有成效,此外,也有更多的钱可以用于企业。   创业会占据大量的时间,所以被困在你的办工作是非常正常的。但是你需要和其他人有交互,参加富有成效的会议,让你企业前进。没有一个人可以一个人创业。   4、有太多共同创始人   和四个好朋友创业看起来是不错的想法。但这意味着在曾经募集一轮之前,你只有25%的公司。此外,这是困难的让4个人发号施令,而且如果每个人没有平等权利,这也是令人沮丧的。很多有很多创始人的创业企业会慢慢减少到只有一个主要的创始人。Facebook、Quora、Foursquare都是这样的。   自己创业,或者你可以一起工作的人一起创业。否则,这将是一个麻烦的和代价高的解体。   创业初期如何打开市场   (一)点、线、面三点进入法   这一策略是德国福斯(Volkdwagen)汽车公司有名的市场开拓方法。假设某企业选定某一目标市场,并确定其为最后攻占的目标区域,具体的进入方法是:首先,实行点的占据;其次,在第一个点的营销活动取得相当成功后,再在目标区域附近另选第二个点;再次,线形成后,再选一个第三点,此点应能与第一、第二点形成对目标区域包围圈,这样营销面积便告形成。在面积形成后,还要设立第四点,此点应放在目标区域的中央,这是一个非常重要的点。   (二)寻找市场机会进入法   美国菲利普、考特勒等三人合著《新的竞争》一书,对日本在国际营销中成功经验作了详细研究,从而提出寻找机会进入市场的五种具体方法。   1、寻找现成的机会。在选择好要打进去的目标市场时,要先找那些“被人遗忘”的细分市场,在这些市场站稳脚跟后,再进一步扩大市场。   2、创造新机会。这是指不是“依样画葫芦”地模仿别人的产品,而是要通过自己的研制和创新,以创新姿态出现在目标市场上,给消费者新奇的感受,刺激求新的心理需求。   3、实行创造性的推销。任何产品都有技术性突破,进入一个新市场也不是以全新产品为唯一因素,有时也可以对某些产品加以部分改进,就能提高市场营销能力。   4、适应和改变顾客的爱好。进入市场不仅要知道这个市场的消费者需要什么,爱好什么,也可以创造顾客,通过广告宣传来改变顾客的爱好,或树立新的消费观念。   5、了解竞争者和向竞争者学习。日本一家公司把竞争对手产生的自动洗碟机搬进自己的实验室,对这台洗碟机的性能、零件的数量、成本结构等一一加以评估,   并对每一零件进行测定,确定其设计上的优点,了解竞争对手的技术能力、生产设备和销售系统。在了解与掌握对方具体情况的基础上,设计出性能更好的产品,这就为进入市场创造了良好条件。总的来说,要拓展市场就要寻找进入市场的机会,而寻找机会则要求企业家具有观察力、综合分析力和想象力,“坐失良机”固然使人遗憾,“守株待兔”不去创造机会,也不会有大的成功。   (三)一点集中进入法   这是游击战中常用方法,也是适合市场营销进入策略的运用。在有多个目标市场的情况下,先选择其中一个,将所有销售能力集中起来,在短期内提高营销实绩,这有利于提高企业内部的信心和企业的影响力。一点集中法的关键在于如何选点,选点错了,造成人力、物力、财力、时间的损失,甚至可能造成“出师未捷身先死”的局面,使产品夭折在刚铺开的新点上。   (四)市场领袖进入法   这是一种利用市场领袖的影响力而进入市场的方法。现代市场商品种类繁多,新产品日新月异,广告宣传花样翻新,消费者对产品的质量、效能要求难以判断,只能寻求专业人员、学者或具有权威性的机关、团体的协助,听取他们的意见。这种在消费者心目中具有重要影响力的个人或单位,我们称之为市场领袖。   市场领袖大致包括三种类型:   ①管理与大众传播单位②直接影响人③间接影响人。   企业在拓展和进入市场时,要注意发挥市场领袖如下一些作用:   ①分析与预测产品发展趋势;②通过各种形式解释产品的性能、用途,提高消费者对产品的认知度;③利用市场领袖本身的威信,发挥其专业影响力;④通过市场领袖听取市场信息反馈;⑤虚心听取市场领袖意见,改进营销工作。   (五)广告宣传先行进入法
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很多在企业中匆匆导入阿米巴模式的老板,往往认为,有价值、有效果的只是阿米巴这个经营模式本身而已,从而忽视了经营哲学与经营理念更为基础、重要的价值与作用。更多人甚至认为经营哲学与理念是可有可无的锦上添花而已。 如果企业老板只是自己认为什么东西有意义,就要求整个企业团队持有同样的想法,那就等于关于哲学共有、理念共享的工作根本没做,而且是在学习上跳步,将哲学思想准备置于无意义之地。 根据华典智慧多年阿米巴辅导经验总结,导入阿米巴经营模式管理者应做好如下工作: 1.身体力行,率先垂范,做员工的榜样 稻盛哲学不是拿来当做知识学习的,而是拿来实践的,并且首先是经营者来践行。记住一点,员工不相信你说的,而看你做的!我把此称为“榜样力”,榜样换执行。 2.玻璃化经营,公开全部经营数据和经费开支,包括经营者自己的交际费用。 稻盛先生讲到,在企业里,因为信息不公开,造成劳资双方对立,无法建立信任关系。阿米巴经营就是通过建立信息透明机制,真诚与员工分享企业经营的点点滴滴,营造心心相映的氛围,激发员工的成就感和创造力。我称此为“信任换良知”。 3.通过“空巴”建立与员工非正式沟通渠道 “空巴文化”是阿米巴经营的招牌菜,就是在工作之余,通过喝酒、聊天、畅想未来等形式,在非工作场所,摘掉大家的“面具”,让员工轻松下来,说出自己的真心话和不满,构建心与心的交流。 4.组织阿米巴经营发表会议,构建自省的经营机制 阿米巴经营是一种自省机制,通过输出效果看成绩与问题,在管理环节找经验与原因,在理念和机制上找根源,然后针对原因和根源提出改善方案,执行方案以提高输出效果。发表会议之所以重要,不仅仅在于用数字说话,还在于找到改善方案,不断提升! 5.建立表彰机制,而不是物质刺激 一般企业,针对经营成果往往是物质奖励,兑现收入,更有甚者,“人、单、酬”直接动态关联。阿米巴经营倡导的是精神鼓励,满足员工长期的物质和精神的两方面的幸福,而不是短期的物质刺激!记住一点,人的欲望只能一次次被刺激,而永远不能被满足。阿米巴的表彰机制就是诚心诚意地向经营优秀的阿米巴小组感谢,同时,对每个阿米巴优秀的地方都给予认同和肯定,提出下一步努力的目标和方向。 6.通过早会、晚会,将哲学“植入”心中 稻盛哲学的学习和培训,不是靠课堂上的“填鸭式教学”。身教重于言教,一方面经营者身先士卒,另一方面,通过晨会、晚会,慢慢地“植入”。有首诗写的好:好雨知时节,当春乃发生,随风潜入夜,润物细无声!稻盛哲学归根到底就是一句话:作为人,何谓正确。这些不需要教,而是通过日复一日、年复一年地坚持体悟和自省。 7.建立提案制度,营造全员经营的氛围 稻盛先生认为经营企业的目的是:“在追求全体员工物质和精神两方面幸福的同时,为人类社会的进步与发展做出贡献”。并特别强调经营者与员工是平等的,通过“提案制度、合理化建议”等切实可行的措施,让全体员工参与经营,实现人人都是经营者。
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