barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 23:08:48

一、读音: ["aɪðə(r)] 




The thief was put in the police car with a policeman on either side of him.





Either of the plans is equally dangerous.


The news did not shock either of them.



You may use either computer.


He could write with either hand.




一、读音: [iːtʃ] 



We each have our private views about it.




There were three students who called and I gave a book to each.


Each of us has a company car.



They both hold each an opinion.


The tickets are one pound each.



either的读音:英 [ˈaɪðə(r); ˈiːðə(r)]  美 [ˈiːðər,ˈaɪðər] 


1、conj. 或者,要么

2、adv. 也;而且

3、det. (两者之中的)任何一个;(两者之中的)各方;(用于否定句表示两者)都不

4、adj. (两者中) 任一的;两者择一的

5、pron. (两者中的)任何一个;(两者中的)每个;(用于否定句表示两者)都不


1、not either 不可以 ; 不是非此即彼 ; 不是 ; 也不是

2、dunno either 不知道或者 ; 也不知道

3、either symbol 任一符号 ; 抉择符号 ; 翻译

4、either at 在任一 ; 正在翻译

5、either nor 也没有任何 ; 或者

6、either pron 任何一个





【读音】英 [iːtʃ]  美 [iːtʃ] 


1、det. (两个或两个以上的人或物中)各自

2、pron. (两个或两个以上的人或物中)每个

3、adv. 每个地

4、adj. 各自的


1、Each other 互相 ; 彼此 ; 相互 ; 取长补短

2、Each Uisge 水马 ; 水

3、Each line 每行

4、Each iteration 每次迭代 ; 每次迭代更新

5、each department 各部门 ; 各科室

6、each month 每月 ; 各月的 ; 每个月 ; 每一个月



[英][ˈaɪðə(r)][美][ˈiðɚ, ˈaɪðɚ]


adj.(两者中)任一的; 非此即彼的,两者择一的;

adv.(否定句中)也; [用于否定句或否定词组后]也(不…),亦,而且; [口语] [用于否定句或否定词组后以加强语气]根本; 当然;



1.I didn"t ask this either.


2.Shareholders are not entirely sanguine either.


3.There is no simple answer to either question.




英 ["aɪðə(r)]    

美 ["aɪðər]  





用作代词 (pron.)

You may take either of the roads.


用作副词 (adv.)

It"s not as heavy, either.


If you do not go, I shall not go either.


用作连词 (conj.)

I will go on business either this week or next week.


Either we will find a supply, or we will make the goods.


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!


一、读音: ["aɪðə(r)] 




The thief was put in the police car with a policeman on either side of him.





Either of the plans is equally dangerous.


The news did not shock either of them.



You may use either computer.


He could write with either hand.




一、读音: [iːtʃ] 



We each have our private views about it.




There were three students who called and I gave a book to each.


Each of us has a company car.



They both hold each an opinion.


The tickets are one pound each.




2023-01-11 23:08:041


  either有任一的;两方的等意思,那么你知道either的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    either的用法大全:   either的用法1:either作代词时,意为“(二者之中)任何一个”,在句中作主语或宾语,表示单数概念; 作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。either可单独用,也可和of连用, of后跟复数名词或复数代词,但意义明确时可省略of短语。   either的用法2:either用作副词时须放在否定的动词或形容词之后,表示“也(不)”,加强语气。   either的用法3:either在口语中有时也可放在否定句中的名词后加强语气。   either的用法4:either可以和or连用,表示“或是…或是…”。在连接并列的主语时谓语动词一般和邻近的主语一致; 用于否定句中,表示“既(不)…又(不)”。    either的用法例句:   1. She had met both sons and did not care for either.   两个儿子她都见了,一个都不喜欢。   2. He seems either to fear women or to sentimentalize them.   他似乎要么怕女人要么就对她们怀有浪漫想法。   3. On either side of the tracks the ground fell away sharply.   跑道两侧都是很陡的斜坡。   4. Both groups on either side are just picking off innocent bystanders.   对峙双方都只是在瞄准射击无辜的旁观者。   5. Either you can talk to him, or I will.   要么你跟他谈,要么我去。   6. We sat primly at either end of a long settee.   我们非常拘谨地坐在长椅的两头。   7. The clock is available with either Roman or Arabic numerals.   这款钟有带罗马数字的,也有带阿拉伯数字的。   8. She drove away before either of them could speak again.   没等他俩中任何一人再开口,她就驾车而去。   9. To capture his equity, Murphy must either sell or refinance.   要获得资产净值,墨菲必须出售或者重新融资。   10. You are either very young or an incurable optimist.   你要么非常年轻,要么是个不可救药的乐天派。   11. "I"m afraid I"ve never been there."—"Well, of course, I haven"t myself either."   “恐怕我没去过那里。”——“嗯,那当然,我也没有去过。”   12. Does either of the parties want to stop the fighting?   双方中没有一方想停止战斗吗?   13. All my friends were either lovey-dovey couples or wild, single girls.   我的朋友不是卿卿我我的情侣,就是狂野的单身女郎。   14. If either were killed, delicate negotiations would be seriously disrupted.   二人中任意一个遇害,都会严重扰乱本已非常棘手的谈判。   15. The musicians stationed themselves quickly on either side of the stairs.   乐师们很快就静候在了楼梯的两边。
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2023-01-11 23:08:543

neither和either 具体用法

neither,either Neither的意思是“两个都不”(not either);either的意思是“两个中的任何一个”(one of two)或“两个中的各一个”(each of two)。 Neither常和nor用在一起;either常与or用在一起。 下面先看两个neither的例句: Neither Mr.Li nor Mr.Zhang is in Hong Kong now. 李先生和张先生现在都不在香港。 I like neither of the novels. 这两本小说我都不喜欢。 在口语里,我们常用not either代替neither。如上面第二个句子,在口语中可以说:I don"t like either of the novels. 下面是either的例句: Either Mr.Li or Mr.Zhang is in Hong Kong now. 不是李先生就是张先生现在在香港。 We can take either road. 两条路我们可以任挑一条走。 在上面两句中,either表示one of two的意思。在下面的句子中,either作each of two和each of more than two things解: They took seats on either side. 他们在两边就座。 Just above the platform,at either of the four corners is an exquisite female bust. 就在平台上,四个角落的每个角都有一个精致的妇女半身像。 在美国英语中,当either表示both和each的涵义时,它的动词用复数形式。例: Either of them are enough to drive a man to distraction. 他们之中的任何一个都足以驱使一个人变得疯狂。 I do not think either of them are at home. 我认为他们两个人都不会在家。 请注意,当neither表示“亦不”涵义时,其后的主谓语往往要倒装。例: You did not see her,neither did I. 你没有看见她,我亦未看见她。 You will not go to Macau,I neither will I. 你不想去澳门,我也不想去。 顺带一提,以上两句中的neither did I/neither will I 可说成nor did I/nor will I或and I didn"t either/and I won"t either
2023-01-11 23:09:171


either orneither nor
2023-01-11 23:09:263

neither 和 either的用法。。。

2023-01-11 23:09:446


2023-01-11 23:10:134


1、意思不同:neither:既不…也不…;either:不是…就是。2、用法不同:neither用作代词时专表示“两者都不”,属可单独使用,用于没有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等限定词修饰的单数名词前,用作主语时,谓语动词用作单数形式,也可以和介词of连用,后接复数名词或人称代词,名词前面一定要有限定词修饰。either作代词时,意为“(二者之中)任何一个”,在句中作主语或宾语,表示单数概念,作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。3、侧重点不同:neither:neither两者全否(就是都不要)。either:either两者中的任意一个。用法:1、either表示“这个或者那个"。如: You may use either book。两本书你可以随便用一本。 neither表示“既非这个、也非那个,两者皆非的”。如: Neither answer is right。两个答案都不对。  2、either表示“二者之一”;如:Either of the knives is useful。两把刀都有用。  neither表示“两者都不”;如:Neither of them was in good health, but both worked very hard。他们两人身体都不好,但都努力地工作。3、either只用于否定句中,表示“也(不)”;如:I don"t speak French. She doesn"t, either。我不会讲法语,她也不会讲法语。neither用于肯定句中,通常用在句子的开头,表示“也不”。如:If she won"t go, I won"t, either。要是她不去,我也不去。
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1、either 作为副词“也”,用于否定句的句末如:He isn"t a worker ,either .3、either 作为形容词,后跟名词单数如:There are many trees on either side of the road.3、作为代词,作主语时谓语动词用单数,常与or连用,either ... or ... 作主语时谓语动词是就近原则,如-When are you free , today or tomorrow ?-Either is ok .Either Jim or his brother is a teacher .
2023-01-11 23:10:391

either和too, also有什么区别?

either,too,also的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、either:(用于否定词组后)也。2、too:(用于形容词和副词前)也。3、also:此外;也。二、语法不同1、either:either作代词时,意为“(二者之中)任何一个”,在句中作主语或宾语,表示单数概念; 作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。2、too:too的基本意思是“也”“还”“而且”,用于肯定句,否定句用either。3、also:also是较正式的用词,多用于书面语,基本意思是“也”“还”,表示两件事的性质相近或两件事情发生的时间相同,也可表示刚说过的话也适用于另一个人或物。三、侧重点不同1、either:either用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号。2、too:too语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。3、also:also比too正式一些,语气较重,只用于肯定句,一般紧靠动词。
2023-01-11 23:10:451


  以下是我为大家 总结 了either 的用法 ,希望能帮助大家更好地掌握either这个单词,提高英语水平。   第一步 区别副词either, too, also   回忆这三个词的用法,完成下列 句子 。   1. You haven"t seen him. I haven"t seen him, ___________.   2. I have seen the film before ,______________.   3. Are those cows black and white , __________?   4. She can ________ jump as high as 2 metres.   5. Neither of the students knows the answer, _________.   注意:含有too 结尾的句子变否定句时要改too 为either.如:   I have seen the movie and my brother has, too. (改为否定句)   I _______ seen the movie and my brother _______, _______.     第二步 区别不定代词 either, neither, both, all, each, none   首先,明确这些不定代词的词义及相互之间的关系。   either “两者中任意一个”, 单数,肯定;   each “每个,各个,各自”强调个体,单数 肯定;   both “两者都”, 肯定,复数; neither“两者都不”,否定,单数;   all “三个或三个以上都” 肯定,复数;   none “三个或三个以上都不” 否定,单数   将下列句子变为否定句?   1. Both of the twins like football. Neither of the twins likes football.   2. All of the students have been to the park. None of the students has been to the park.   引导学生观察句子的变化,并小结 方法 : 找准否定词――注意主谓一致――保持时态一致   然后,概括这些不定代词在句子中的共同用法:   ①可单独使用,在句子中当主语、宾语、或同位语。如:I like both . Either is OK.Neither is OK. Nothing is good for all. They each have a book.   ②这些不定代词都可可以当形容词,修饰名词。如:Both guests have arrived. 两个客人都已到了。Both her fingers are broken. 她的两个手指都断了. All the windows are open.所有的窗子都开着。   ③这些不定代词都可后接of + 名词/代词宾格的复数形式。如:Neither of the books is mine. Both of the boys are looking at the pictures. None of the doctors can save the girl. Either of them is right (两者中一个是对的). Neither o f them is right(两者都是不对) .Each of us is right.All of us are here.     接着,学会判断这些不定代词在句子中的运用   1.Which would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice ?- ____. Please give me a cup of tea.   A. Neither B. Both C. All D. None   2. We have two bedrooms , but _____of the is big enough for six people to live in.   A. none B. both C. any D. neither   3. ----Which would you like, rice or noodles ? ----_______ is OK. I"m hungry.   A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All   4. Do you live by yourself , Mr. Wang?   Yes, I have tow sons. But ______ of them lives with me. They are now studying in America.   A. neither B. both C. none D. either   5. The students were all tired, but _______ of them stopped to have a rest.   A. none B. each C. either D. neither   6. On _______ side of the river, there are many tall trees.   A. every B. all C. both D. each   7. ---- Which of the tow English books will you buy ?   ---- I"ll buy _______ of them, so I can give one to my friend, Tom.   A. either B. neither C. all D. both   8. The two players ______ from the same school.   A. both are B. are both C. all are D. are all   9. ---- Jim passed maths exam. What about Ben ? ---- ______   A. He did so B. So did he C. So he did D. Neither did she   10. ---- I didn"t watch the football match yesterday. What about you ? ---- ______.   A. So didn"t I B. Neither did I C. Neither didn"t I D. I didn"t neither   怎么区别Which of,Either of,neither of,both of,each of ,none of,all of ?   which of 解释为“……中的哪个”用于特殊疑问句开头   例句:Which of the sentences if true ?哪个句子是对的?   either of 解释为“两个中的任意一个”   例句:Either of the two sentences is true. 这两句句子中的一句是正确的   neither of 解释为“两者都不”   例句:Neither of the sentences is true. 这两句句子都不对   both of 解释为“两者都”   例句:Both of the sentences are true. 这两句句子都对   Each of 解释为“每一个都”强调具体的个体,不是强调整体   Each of us is right, 我们每一个人都是正确的。   None of 解释为“三者都不”接不可数,谓语用单数,接可数则谓语单复数均可与all of "两者都”谓语均用复数,这两个刚好是对 反义词   None of us is / are right. All of us are right   So do I . / Neither do I 倒装句的使用 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   either的用法总结相关 文章 : 1. mind的用法总结 2. either的用法总结 3. 英语连词用法归纳总结 4. 英语连词的用法总结详解
2023-01-11 23:10:541

either与 neither的区别

2023-01-11 23:10:591


either的用法比较灵活,现归纳如下: 1.either用作代词,意为“(两者之中)任一、任何一个”.在句中可作主语(此时句中谓语动词用单数)、宾语、表语和定语(作定语时,有的词典把它称为形容词;either作定语时,只能修饰单数名词.)如: Either (of the books) is popular with the students. (两本书)随便哪一本都受到同学们的欢迎.(主语) I have bought two cakes��you may have either. 我买了两块蛋糕��你要哪块都行.(宾语) The books were either works on travel or detective novels. 这些书要么是旅游方面的书,要么是侦探小说.(表语) You can park on either side of the street. 在街道的哪边停车都可以.(定语) 2.either用作副词,用于否定句作“也”解释,通常置于句末.如: I don”t like the red shirt and I don”t like the green one either. 我不喜欢这件红衬衫,也不喜欢这件绿衬衫. As for me,I shall not return there either. 如果是我,我也不会回到那儿的. either还可用来强调含否定意义的短语.如: I know a good ltalian restaurant.It”s not far from here either. 我知道一家意大利餐馆,离这儿并不远. 3.either可以构成短语,either…or…,意为“或……或……、不是……就是……”,在句中连接两个并列成分.如: Either you or Tom has done it.(连接并列主语) 不是你就是汤姆做了这件事. You may either stay at home or go there with us.(连接并列谓语) 你既可以待在家里也可以和我们一道去. 注:在连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词必须在人称和数上与靠近的主语保持一致. 4.either的反义词为neither“(两者)都不”,either…or…的反义词组为neither…nor…“既不……也不……”.如: You can drop either of the two courses. 你可以放弃这两门课程中的任何一门. You can drop neither of the two courses. 这两门课程中的任何一门都不能放弃. Either you or he has made the mistake. 不是你就是他犯了这个错误. Neither you nor he has made the mistake. 犯错误的既不是你也不是他.
2023-01-11 23:11:112


either作代词时,意为“(二者之中)任何一个”,在句中作主语或宾语,表示单数概念; 作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。either可单独用,也可和of连用, of后跟复数名词或复数代词,但意义明确时可省略of短语。either用作副词时须放在否定的动词或形容词之后,表示“也(不)”,加强语气。either在口语中有时也可放在否定句中的名词后加强语气。造句:用作形容词 (adj.)The thief was put in the police car with a policeman on either side of him.窃贼被送到警车上,身旁各坐着一个警察。用作代词 (pron.)You may take either of the roads.两条路你随便走哪一条。用作副词 (adv.)It"s not as heavy, either.这也不那么重。If you do not go, I shall not go either.你不去,我也不去。
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浅析either的用法either是个常用词,也是高考经常考查的词之一,它既可作代词,也可作副词。今年高考题的第32小题就考了这个词作代词的用法。There”s coffee and tea; you can have __________ .Thanks.A. either B. each C. one D. iteither的用法比较灵活,现归纳如下:1. either用作代词,意为“(两者之中)任一、任何一个”。在句中可作主语(此时句中谓语动词用单数)、宾语、表语和定语(作定语时,有的词典把它称为形容词;either作定语时,只能修饰单数名词。)如:Either (of the books) is popular with the students.(两本书)随便哪一本都受到同学们的欢迎。(主语)I have bought two cakesyou may have either.我买了两块蛋糕你要哪块都行。(宾语)The books were either works on travel or detective novels.这些书要么是旅游方面的书,要么是侦探小说。(表语)You can park on either side of the street.在街道的哪边停车都可以。(定语)2. either用作副词,用于否定句作“也”解释,通常置于句末。如:I don”t like the red shirt and I don”t like the green one either.我不喜欢这件红衬衫,也不喜欢这件绿衬衫。As for me, I shall not return there either.如果是我,我也不会回到那儿的。either还可用来强调含否定意义的短语。如:I know a good ltalian restaurant. It”s not far from here either.我知道一家意大利餐馆,离这儿并不远。3. either可以构成短语,either…or…,意为“或……或……、不是……就是……”,在句中连接两个并列成分。如:Either you or Tom has done it.(连接并列主语)不是你就是汤姆做了这件事。You may either stay at home or go there with us.(连接并列谓语)你既可以待在家里也可以和我们一道去。注:在连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词必须在人称和数上与靠近的主语保持一致。如:Either you or the headmaster _______ the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.A. is handing out B. are to hand outC. are handing out D. is to hand outEither the headmaster or you _______ the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.A. is handing out B. are to hand outC. are handing out D. is to hand out4. either的反义词为neither“(两者)都不”,either…or…的反义词组为neither…nor…“既不……也不……”。如:You can drop either of the two courses.你可以放弃这两门课程中的任何一门。You can drop neither of the two courses.这两门课程中的任何一门都不能放弃。Either you or he has made the mistake.不是你就是他犯了这个错误。Neither you nor he has made the mistake.犯错误的既不是你也不是他。巩固练习:1. I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but _____ of them came.A. neither B. both C. either D. none2. I don”t want _____ of the shirts. Please show me _____ .A. both; the other B. either; otherC. neither; another D. either; another one3. Let”s be honest ________. You”ve never cared anything about me, and you know _____ .A. each other; it B. with either; thatC. with each other; it D. one another; why4. Which half should I take ?You can take ______ ; I don”t want them. They belong to you.A. both B. either C. each D. all5. Are you going there by bike or by bus ?I think _____ way will do, for the weather is fine.A. neither B. either C. some D. any6. Have you read all the books ?Yes, _____ one.A. some B. either C. every D. each7. Would you like beer or coca-cola?I don”t mind. _________ .A. Any B. Either C. None D. Neither8. _______ of them was in good health, but both worked very hard.A. Either B. Each C. All D. Neither9. All of these are interesting books and you can borrow __________ of them.A. either B. any C. neither D. both10. He lent me a lot of books, but _________ of them is easy for me to read.A. neither B. either C. no one D. none答案:15 A D C A B 610 C B D B D
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你好!either 英[ˈaɪðə(r)] 美[ˈiðɚ, ˈaɪðɚ] pron. (两者之中) 任何一个; adj. (两者中) 任一的; 非此即彼的,两者择一的; adv. (否定句中) 也; [用于否定句或否定词组后] 也(不…),亦,而且; [口语] [用于否定句或否定词组后以加强语气] 根本; 当然; [例句]They gave money to the Conservative Party either personally or through their companies他们要么以个人名义要么通过他们的公司捐钱给了保守党。
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  either的用法大全:either的用法1:either作代词时,意为“(二者之中)任何一个”,在句中作主语或宾语,表示单数概念; 作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。either可单独用,也可和of连用, of后跟复数名词或复数代词,但意义明确时可省略of短语。either的用法2:either用作副词时须放在否定的动词或形容词之后,表示“也(不)”,加强语气。either的用法3:either在口语中有时也可放在否定句中的名词后加强语气。either的用法4:either可以和or连用,表示“或是…或是…”。在连接并列的主语时谓语动词一般和邻近的主语一致; 用于否定句中,表示“既(不)…又(不)”。either的用法例句:1. She had met both sons and did not care for either.两个儿子她都见了,一个都不喜欢。2. He seems either to fear women or to sentimentalize them.他似乎要么怕女人要么就对她们怀有浪漫想法。3. On either side of the tracks the ground fell away sharply.跑道两侧都是很陡的斜坡。4. Both groups on either side are just picking off innocent bystanders.对峙双方都只是在瞄准射击无辜的旁观者。5. Either you can talk to him, or I will.要么你跟他谈,要么我去。6. We sat primly at either end of a long settee.我们非常拘谨地坐在长椅的两头。7. The clock is available with either Roman or Arabic numerals.这款钟有带罗马数字的,也有带阿拉伯数字的。8. She drove away before either of them could speak again.没等他俩中任何一人再开口,她就驾车而去。9. To capture his equity, Murphy must either sell or refinance.要获得资产净值,墨菲必须出售或者重新融资。10. You are either very young or an incurable optimist.你要么非常年轻,要么是个不可救药的乐天派。11. "I"m afraid I"ve never been there."—"Well, of course, I haven"t myself either."“恐怕我没去过那里。”——“嗯,那当然,我也没有去过。”12. Does either of the parties want to stop the fighting?双方中没有一方想停止战斗吗?13. All my friends were either lovey-dovey couples or wild, single girls.我的朋友不是卿卿我我的情侣,就是狂野的单身女郎。14. If either were killed, delicate negotiations would be seriously disrupted.二人中任意一个遇害,都会严重扰乱本已非常棘手的谈判。15. The musicians stationed themselves quickly on either side of the stairs.乐师们很快就静候在了楼梯的两边。
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1、either作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。可单独用,也可和of连用,of后跟复数名词或复数代词,但意义明确时可省略of短语。2、either在口语中有时也可放在否定句中的名词后加强语气。3、either用作副词时须放在否定的动词或形容词之后,表示“也(不)”,加强语气。例:It"s not as heavy, either.这也不那么重。4、 用于否定句中,表示“两者都不”。例:There had been no indication of either breathlessness or any loss of mental faculties right until his death.直到去世,他既没有出现呼吸困难也没有脑功能丧失的迹象。5、用于表示“两者中任一?”例:A special Indian drug police that would have the authority to pursue suspects into either country.有权到这两国中任意一国追捕嫌犯的一位印度缉毒特警。扩展资料同义词1、or英 [ɔː]  美 [ɔr] conj. 或,或者;还是;要不然n. (Or)人名;(土、匈、土库、阿塞、瑞典)奥尔例:Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of coffee to just one or two cups a day.每个人都从每天限量喝一杯或两杯咖啡的做法中受益了。例:When I was nine or ten someone explained to me that when you are grown up you have to work.在我9岁或10岁的时候,有人跟我解释说,人长大之后必须工作。2、vel英 [vel] conj. 或者(等于or)abbr. 上等皮纸(vellum);速率(velocity)例:In Canada, students at that le vel are youth in their preteen years as well as teenagers. 在加拿大,这个阶段的学生和十几岁的青少年都是青春期前的孩子。
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1、意思不同:neither:既不…也不…;either:不是…就是。2、用法不同:neither用作代词时专表示“两者都不”,属可单独使用,用于没有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等限定词修饰的单数名词前,用作主语时,谓语动词用作单数形式,也可以和介词of连用,后接复数名词或人称代词,名词前面一定要有限定词修饰。either作代词时,意为“(二者之中)任何一个”,在句中作主语或宾语,表示单数概念,作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。3、侧重点不同:neither:neither两者全否(就是都不要)。either:either两者中的任意一个。用法:1、either表示“这个或者那个"。如: You may use either book。两本书你可以随便用一本。 neither表示“既非这个、也非那个,两者皆非的”。如: Neither answer is right。两个答案都不对。  2、either表示“二者之一”;如:Either of the knives is useful。两把刀都有用。  neither表示“两者都不”;如:Neither of them was in good health, but both worked very hard。他们两人身体都不好,但都努力地工作。3、either只用于否定句中,表示“也(不)”;如:I don"t speak French. She doesn"t, either。我不会讲法语,她也不会讲法语。neither用于肯定句中,通常用在句子的开头,表示“也不”。如:If she won"t go, I won"t, either。要是她不去,我也不去。
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一、表达意思不同1、either:或者,要么;两者都(不),既(不);(两者之中)任意一个;两者都(不);也(不),亦(不);而且,还;(两者中的)每个,各方;(两者中的)每个的,各方的。2、too:太,过于,过度;也,亦,还;而且,再者(用于补充进一步的观点);很,十分,非常(用于否定句);确实地,无可否认地;(表示感谢,较为正式)极其,非常。二、词性不同1、either:通常在句中既可以作副词,也可以作形容词。2、too:通常在句中作副词,修饰主语或宾语。either和too的例句:1、We did learn to read, and quickly too.我们确实识了字,而且还很快。2、There were glasses of iced champagne and cigars. Unfortunately not many of either were consumed.有很多杯冰镇香槟和雪茄。可惜两样东西中哪一样都没被受用多少。
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either neither分别什么意思

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两者之一either or :动词就近原则
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1)either指两者中的任何一个,neither指两者都不。作代词时,either,neither一般接单数动词。作限定词时,一般加单数名词。  【例如】  EitherofthemwillbeappointedMinisterofFinance.NeitherofthetwospeaksEnglishwell.Youmustnotfavoreithersideinthedispute.InneithercasecanIagreewithyou.  2)either...or表示两个或多个选择中的一项。neither...nor表示“既不,也不”。either...or,neither...nor连接的两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词与最靠近它的主语一致。  【例如】  Heneitherknowsnorcareswhathashappened.NeitherhenorIhavemetsuchabeautifulgirlbefore.Hemustbeeithermadordrunk.Eithersheoryouaretobeblamedforwhathashappened.  3)either表示也不,用于否定句。(too表示“也”,用于肯定句。)  【例如】  Idon"tliketheyellowshirt,Idon"tlikethegreenone,either.  4)neither可以引导倒装句,表示和前面的情况一致,而且前面为否定句。  【例如】  Theorganizationhadbrokennorules,but______haditactedresponsibly.(CET-41996,1)A)neitherB)soC)eitherD)bothneither引导倒装句,表示和前面的否定情况一致。so引导倒装句,表示和前面的肯定情况一致。either表示两者中的一个,both表示两者都。答案为A.
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对比either,neither的用法 either意思是"两者中的任何一个",neither意思是"两者都不",两个词在句中都可以充当主语、宾语、定语和同位语. ①作主语时,可单独使用,也可以与of连用,either,neither接谓语动词一般用单数形式,但这两者在口语中作主语时,其后的谓语动词也可以用复数.例如: Either(of them)is OK.(他们两个中)任何一个都行. ②作宾语,可单独使用,也可以与of连用,放在动词或介词之后.例如: I don"t know which book is the better;I shall read both.我不知道这两本书哪一本好,所以我两本都读. I like neither.(两个)我一个也不喜欢. ③作定语,either和neither后面接单数名词.例如: On either side of the river there are a lot of trees.河的两边都有许多树. 句中可作主语、宾语和定语. Neither of the films is good. 两部电影都不好.(没有一部是好的) Either of the films is good. (作主语,谓语动词用单数) 两部电影中有一部不错. He wrote to neither of them. 他没给他们两个任何一个人写信. He wrote to either of them.(作宾语) 他给他们中的一个人写了信. Neither teacher often answers the questions. 这两个老师,没有一个经常解答问题. Either teacher often answers the questions. 这两个老师中有一个常常解答问题. Both the teachers often answer the questions.(作定语) 这两个老师都常常解答问题.
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either在英语中有多种含义,但是你知道它的用法有哪些吗,我们一起来看看吧。 either的用法 either可用作代词,形容词副词和连词。一般用于否定句中,具体用法如下: 一、either用作代词时,意为两者中的任何一个,在句中可作主语和宾语。 二、either在句中用作主语时,谓语动词应为单数形式,例如:Eitherofthemcandothework.他们两人中谁都能做这工作。  三、either用作形容词时,意为两者中任何一个的、两边中任何一边的,作前置定语用。如:He saw two films,but he didn"t like either one very much.他看了两部电影,但哪一部他也不太喜欢。 四、either用作副词时,意为也……,只用于否定句中例。如:They didn"t go to the park yesterday.I didn"t go there,either.昨天他们没去公园,我也没去公园。 五、either常与or一起构成关联连词,意为或……或……,不是……就是,通常用来连接两个并列的句子成分。 1、连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词的形式要与or后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致,例如:Either you or I am wrong.不是你错,就是我错。 2、连接两个并列的宾语,例如:We can eat either cakes or bread for breakfast.早餐时我们不是吃蛋糕就是吃面包。 3、连接两个并列的谓语或表语,例如:You either go right now or stay here,saying nothing.你们要么马上离去,要么呆在这儿什么也别说。   4、连接两个并列的状语,例如:They"ll come back from HongKong either today or tomorrow.他们不是今天就是明天将从香港回来。
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1、either作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。可单独用,也可和of连用,of后跟复数名词或复数代词,但意义明确时可省略of短语。2、either在口语中有时也可放在否定句中的名词后加强语气。3、either用作副词时须放在否定的动词或形容词之后,表示“也(不)”,加强语气。例:It"s not as heavy, either.这也不那么重。4、 用于否定句中,表示“两者都不”。例:There had been no indication of either breathlessness or any loss of mental faculties right until his death.直到去世,他既没有出现呼吸困难也没有脑功能丧失的迹象。5、用于表示“两者中任一?”例:A special Indian drug police that would have the authority to pursue suspects into either country.有权到这两国中任意一国追捕嫌犯的一位印度缉毒特警。扩展资料同义词1、or英 [ɔː]  美 [ɔr] conj. 或,或者;还是;要不然n. (Or)人名;(土、匈、土库、阿塞、瑞典)奥尔例:Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of coffee to just one or two cups a day.每个人都从每天限量喝一杯或两杯咖啡的做法中受益了。例:When I was nine or ten someone explained to me that when you are grown up you have to work.在我9岁或10岁的时候,有人跟我解释说,人长大之后必须工作。2、vel英 [vel] conj. 或者(等于or)abbr. 上等皮纸(vellum);速率(velocity)例:In Canada, students at that le vel are youth in their preteen years as well as teenagers. 在加拿大,这个阶段的学生和十几岁的青少年都是青春期前的孩子。
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either...or... either...or...意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意.表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分.例如:When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances. 那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳.(此句中either...or...连接两个动词,因为主语是单数第三人称,谓语动词要用其相应的形式.) either...or...连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就是我们通常说的"就近原则".例如: Either you or I am going there tomorrow. 明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里. 注意:如果把上句变成一般疑问句,助动词形式与主语you保持一致,所以要用are提问,而不是am.例如: Are either you or I going there tomorrow? 明天是你还是我去那里? Either you or he has lunch at school. 其一般疑问句应为:Do either you or he have lunch at school? 是你还是他在学校吃午饭? 若要对either...or...句型进行否定时,只需把either...or...换成neither...nor...即可.例如: Either you or she is good at drawing. 变为否定句应为:Neither you nor she is good at drawing. 你和她都不擅长绘画.
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Neither的意思是“两个都不”(not either);either的意思是“两个中的任何一个”(one of two)或“两个中的各一个”(each of two)。 Neither常和nor用在一起;either常与or用在一起。 下面先看两个neither的例句: Neither Mr.Li nor Mr.Zhang is in Hong Kong now. 李先生和张先生现在都不在香港。 I like neither of the novels. 这两本小说我都不喜欢。 在口语里,我们常用not either代替neither。如上面第二个句子,在口语中可以说:I don"t like either of the novels. 下面是either的例句: Either Mr.Li or Mr.Zhang is in Hong Kong now. 不是李先生就是张先生现在在香港。 We can take either road. 两条路我们可以任挑一条走。 在上面两句中,either表示one of two的意思。在下面的句子中,either作each of two和each of more than two things解: They took seats on either side. 他们在两边就座。 Just above the platform,at either of the four corners is an exquisite female bust. 就在平台上,四个角落的每个角都有一个精致的妇女半身像。 在美国英语中,当either表示both和each的涵义时,它的动词用复数形式。例: Either of them are enough to drive a man to distraction. 他们之中的任何一个都足以驱使一个人变得疯狂。 I do not think either of them are at home. 我认为他们两个人都不会在家。 请注意,当neither表示“亦不”涵义时,其后的主谓语往往要倒装。例: You did not see her,neither did I. 你没有看见她,我亦未看见她。 You will not go to Macau,I neither will I. 你不想去澳门,我也不想去。 顺带一提,以上两句中的neither did I/neither will I 可说成nor did I/nor will I或and I didn"t either/and I won"t either
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either…or…主要用于表示选择,其意为“要么……要么……”“或者……或者……”,用于连接两个性质相同的词或短语。如:You can have either this one or that one. 你拿这个或那个都可以。You must either go at once or wait till tomorrow. 你要么马上走,要么等到明天。We can finish the work either this week or next week. 不是这星期就是下星期我们就可完成这项工作。在具体使用not only…but also…时还应注意以下几点:1. either…or…连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词通常与其靠近的主语保持一致。如:Either you or I am to go. 你或我必须有人去。Either he or you are right. 要么他对,要么你对。但在非正式文体中,有时也会一律用复数谓语。如:If either David or Janet come, they will want a drink. 大卫或珍妮特来的话,是会要喝酒的。2. either…or…除可连接两个词或短语外,有时也可连接两个句子。如:Either you must improve your work or I shall dismiss you. 要么你改进工作,要么我就辞退你。Either you"ll leave this house or I"ll call the police. 你要是不离开这座房子,我就叫警察来。3. either…or…的否定式可以是not either…or…,也可以是neither…nor...。如:He didn"t either write or phone.=He neither wrote nor phoned. 他既没写信又没打电话。注意,正如不能说either…not 一样(但可说not…either),英语习惯上也不说either…or…not,如不能说:Either he or his wife hasn"t come. 可改为:Neither he nor his wife has come.
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Neither的意思是“两个都不”(not either)either的意思是“两个中的任何一个”(one of two)或“两个中的各一个”(each of two). Neither常和nor用在一起;either常与or用在一起.
2023-01-11 23:17:532


对比either,neither的用法 either意思是"两者中的任何一个",neither意思是"两者都不",两个词在句中都可以充当主语、宾语、定语和同位语. ①作主语时,可单独使用,也可以与of连用,either,neither接谓语动词一般用单数形式,但这两者在口语中作主语时,其后的谓语动词也可以用复数.例如: Either(of them)is OK.(他们两个中)任何一个都行. ②作宾语,可单独使用,也可以与of连用,放在动词或介词之后.例如: I don"t know which book is the better;I shall read both.我不知道这两本书哪一本好,所以我两本都读. I like neither.(两个)我一个也不喜欢. ③作定语,either和neither后面接单数名词.例如: On either side of the river there are a lot of trees.河的两边都有许多树. 句中可作主语、宾语和定语. Neither of the films is good. 两部电影都不好.(没有一部是好的) Either of the films is good. (作主语,谓语动词用单数) 两部电影中有一部不错. He wrote to neither of them. 他没给他们两个任何一个人写信. He wrote to either of them.(作宾语) 他给他们中的一个人写了信. Neither teacher often answers the questions. 这两个老师,没有一个经常解答问题. Either teacher often answers the questions. 这两个老师中有一个常常解答问题. Both the teachers often answer the questions.(作定语) 这两个老师都常常解答问题.
2023-01-11 23:18:051


either 是代词,形容词 指两者中任何一个 连词 ,也多用于否定句。因此,either不修饰形容词
2023-01-11 23:18:114

either和either or的用法以及例句(简单一点的)

2023-01-11 23:18:261

either neither的意思及用法

2023-01-11 23:18:322


中文名:阿狸 英文名:Ali   生日:3月16日   星座:双鱼座   性格特点:单纯,执着,认真,有点小迷糊,可爱。有时候有不切实际的小想法但始终相信童话 相信心底最真的温暖   类型:狐狸   故事基调:温暖希望可以帮到你
2023-01-11 23:14:366


envelopvt.包封, 遮盖, 包围n.包裹, 封, 包围, 信封
2023-01-11 23:14:387


巍峨的云峰上,霎时峭壁生辉;转眼间,脚下山林云消雾散,满山苍翠,掩映着雕檐玲珑的古代建筑群. 泰山,以“拔地通天之势,擎手捧日之姿”巍然屹立在齐鲁大地上,古人盛赞泰山“方古此山先得日,诸峰无雨亦生云”. 乌龙山四面环水、孤峰兀立,山上树木繁茂,翠竹成阴,山壁陡峭,江流澎湃. 仰望天湖山,只见那嵯峨黛绿的群山,满山蓊郁荫翳的树木与湛蓝辽阔的天空,缥缈的几缕云恰好构成了一幅雅趣盎然的淡墨山水画. 仰望天台,峰上云雾缭绕,山径蜿蜒曲折,像一条彩带从云间飘落下来,游人似一个个小白点,零零星星散布在彩带上,缓缓地向上移动着. 苍山19座山峰连为一体,宛如一条蜿蜒盘旋的巨龙,环绕着整个大理,成了一座天然的“挡风屏障”. 在这烟波浩渺的大海之中,屹立着一座山峰,它的形状很像笔架,所以叫它“笔架山”. 高矗云霄的博格达峰上,成年累月戴着白雪的“头巾”,披着白雪的“大氅”,不管春夏秋冬,它总是一身洁白. 远处,奇山兀立,群山连亘,苍翠峭拔,云遮雾绕. 远处,一座座山峰拔地而起,山上绿树成阴,又有花儿映衬,把整个山峰打扮得分外妖烧. 远望天山,山顶千年积雪,像一位久经沧桑的白衣老人安详地卧在那里. 影影绰绰的群山像是一个睡意未醒的仙女,披着蝉翼般的薄纱,脉脉含情,凝眸不语. 两岸的山峰变化成各种有趣的姿态:有时像飘洒的仙女,有时像持杖的老翁,有时像献桃的猿猴,有时像脱缰的野马. 在阳光下,远山就像洗过一样,历历在目,青翠欲滴,看上去好像离眼前近了许多,也陡峭了许多. 远山在云雾中若隐若现,像调皮的孩子和你捉着迷藏. 镶嵌在天边的连绵起伏的山峦,在夕阳的照耀下反射出闪闪的金光,显得分外壮丽,好像一幅美丽的图画. 其实,那山本身就富有神奇感:这边的像锋利的尖刀,那边的像驼背的老人,再远一点儿便像含苞欲放的莲花…… 当登上极顶,举目四望时,那壮观的景象使我血液沸腾,整座崂山就像在雾里飘着一样. 那一座座拔地而起的雄伟山峰,有的像巨人,有的似骆驼,有的如骏马,形态各异,险峻陡立. 十渡的山虽没有峨嵋的娇姿、华山的险峻,也比不上泰山的挺拔、桂林山峰的奇异,但它却有自己独特的风韵——朴实无华. 俯瞰足下,白云迷漫,环视群峰,云雾缭绕,一个个山顶探出云雾外,似朵朵芙蓉出水. 这里的山真陡啊,好像用刀劈斧削的一般! 群山重重叠叠,像波涛起伏的大海一样,雄伟壮观. 泰山拔地而起,直冲云霄,恰如一个巨人,矗立在万山之中,正深情地俯视着大地. 银装素裹的群山,登高远望,就像是大海被狂风卷起的雪浪,蜿蜒起伏,一望无际. 群山都落在脚下,显得空旷高远,高得可以同月牙儿拉手,同太阳亲脸. 路两边群山起伏,林海莽莽,在绿色的林海中间还点缀着一簇簇小黄花. 龙首岩拔地千尺,危峰兀立,怪石磷峋,一块巨崖直立,另一块横断其上,直插天池山腰,势如苍龙昂首,气势非凡. 远山近岭迷迷茫茫,举目顾盼,千山万壑之中像有无数只飞蛾翻飞抖动,天地顿时成了灰白色,山林的第一场雪悄无声息地铺天盖地而来. 远远望去,整座雪峰好像一朵闪闪发光的雪莲,不需要任何美丽的装饰,它本身就是大自然的一个最完美的奇迹. 南极的冰山,顶部平展展的,四面陡立,像刀劈似的整齐,颜色是蓝幽幽的. 大小冰山千姿百态,洁净的冰面像龟背一样裂成美丽的纹理,却并不破裂,冰面像镜面一样光滑透明,可照人影. 当红日的万道金光照射到冰峰上的时候,像给银光闪闪的冰峰戴上了黄金的桂冠
2023-01-11 23:14:391


Part One Menu 菜单 Hamburger 汉堡包 Big Mac 巨无霸 Filet-o-Fish 麦香鱼 McChicken 麦香鸡 Chicken McNuggets 麦乐鸡 Spicy Chicken Filet Burger 麦辣鸡腿汉堡 Spicy McWings 麦辣鸡翅 Egg Sausage Burger 麦香猪柳蛋 Hamburger 汉堡包 Cheeseburger 吉士汉堡包 Double Cheeseburger 双层吉士汉堡包 EVM/Combo Meal Big Mac Combo Meal 巨无霸套餐 Cheeseburger Combo Meal 吉士汉堡套餐 Filet-o-Fish Combo Meal 麦香鱼套餐 McChicken Combo Meal 麦香鸡套餐 Chicken McNuggets Combo Meal 麦乐鸡套餐 Spicy Chicken Filet Burger Combo Meal 麦辣鸡腿汉堡套餐 Spicy McWings Combo Meal 麦辣鸡翅套餐 Egg Sausage Burger Combo Meal 麦香猪柳蛋套餐 French Fries (Large/ Medium/ Small) 薯条(大/中/小) Beverages 饮料 Orange Juice 橙汁 Hot Tea 热红茶 Coffee 热咖啡 Hot Chocolate 热朱古力 Milk 鲜奶 Coca-Cola 可乐 Fanta 芬达 Sprite 雪碧 Happy Meals 开心乐园餐 Hamburger Happy Meal 汉堡包开心乐园餐 Cheeseburger Happy Meal 吉士汉堡开心乐园餐 Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal 麦乐鸡开心乐园餐 Desserts 甜品 Milk Shake (Chocolate/ Vanilla/ Strawberry) 奶昔(巧克力/香草/ 草莓) Sundae (Chocolate/ strawberry/ Pineapple) 新地(巧克力/草莓/菠萝) McFlurry (Cappuccino/ Mini M&M"s Milk Chocolate/ Oreo Cookie Crunch) 麦旋风(咖啡/朱古力/曲奇) Cone 圆筒冰淇淋 Apple Pie/ Pineapple Pie/ Orange Pie 苹果派/菠萝派/橘子派 Soup 汤 Vegetable Soup 海鲜汤 肯德基英语服务 菜单Menu 经济豪华餐Meal Roasted chicken burger combo黄金烤鸡腿堡套餐 Mini burger combo田园脆鸡堡餐 Extra tasty crispy burger combo劲脆鸡腿堡餐 Zinger burger combo香辣鸡腿堡餐 Mexican Twister combo墨西哥鸡肉卷餐 Dragon Twister combo老北京鸡肉卷餐 New Orleans roast wings combo新奥尔良烤翅餐 Hot wing combo香辣鸡翅餐 Bucket meal外带全家桶 快乐儿童餐Kid"s meal A set:Nugget+Mashed Potato+Mirinda B set:Original Recipe+French Fries+Mirinda C set:Mini Burger+French Fries+Mirinda 鸡类产品Chicken Products Original Recipe吮指原味鸡 Hot Wings香辣鸡翅 New Orleans roast wings新奥尔良烤翅 Zinger burger香辣鸡腿堡 Extra tasty crispy劲脆鸡腿堡 Mini Burger田园脆鸡堡 Mexican Twister墨西哥鸡肉卷 Dragon Twister老北京鸡肉卷 Popcorn Chicken劲爆鸡米花 Nuggets上校鸡块 Roasted chicken burger黄金烤鸡腿堡 早餐Breakfast Egg & Pork Congee皮蛋瘦肉粥 Chicken & Mushroom Congee香菇鸡肉粥 Seafood & Egg Congee海鲜蛋花粥 Egg & Pork Floss Twister鸡蛋肉松卷 Egg & Pork Sausage Twister鸡蛋猪柳卷 早餐优惠组合Braekfast Combo Cheese & Egg Burger Combo芝士蛋堡餐 Mini burger combo田园脆鸡堡餐 Mini burger with Egg combo田园脆鸡堡加蛋 Pork & Egg Burger combo猪柳蛋堡餐 Congee & Potato Stix Combo花式粥餐 Egg & Pork Floss Twister Combo鸡蛋肉松卷餐 Egg & Pork Sausage Twister Combo鸡蛋猪柳卷餐 早餐饮料及配餐Drinks & Side Items Orange Juice都乐鲜橙汁 Fresh Milk/ Hot Milk鲜牛奶/热牛奶 Milk Tea奶茶 Potato Stix香脆薯棒 French Fries薯条 Mashed Potato土豆泥 Corn on the cob香甜粟米棒 Egg & Vegetable Soup芙蓉鲜蔬汤 Dinner Roll胡萝卜餐包 Corn Salad玉米沙拉 Seasonal Vegetable四季鲜蔬 Dessert甜点 Ice Cream Cone脆皮甜筒 Chocolate/Blueberry巧克力/蓝莓 Sundae圣代Chocolate/Strawberry巧克力/草莓 Egg Tart葡式蛋挞 Drinks饮料 Pepsi Cola百事可乐 Seven-up七喜 Mirinda美年达 Ice Tea雀巢冰爽茶 Ice Tang雀巢橙C Coffee咖啡 Tea红茶 Milo美禄 Tang橙汁 Milk牛奶 Nine Lives Juice九珍果汁 Good Balance Tea清衡茶 调味品和日常用品Condiments & Common Restaurant Items Ketchup番茄酱 Coffee mate奶精 Sugar糖 Sweet & Sour Sauce糖醋酱 Sweet Chili Sauce甜辣酱 Napkin/Tissue餐巾纸 Stirrer搅拌棒 Straw吸管 Toothpick牙签 Spoon勺子 Tray托盘 Cup杯子
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paddle意思如下:英音 [ˈpædl]美音 [ˈpædl]paddle 基本解释n. [航海] 宽叶短桨;桨状物;搅拌金矿的铁器,类似铁铲的工具;洗衣板,扁板vi. 涉水;趟水;用桨划船;荡桨vt. 用浆划动,用船桨推动(船只);搬运,运输;拍打;搅拌所属分类: CET6+TEM4IELTS考 研paddle 船桨,划船 paddle 蹚水,踩水来自拉丁语padela,小铲子,进一步来自patella,小盘子,来自patina的小词形式,词源同pan,patella.后引申词义船桨。 来自pad,蹚水,-le,表反复。paddle 用法和例句The six-sided paddle in the upper left of this image is curiosity "s high-gain antenna .照片左上侧的六边形桨状物是好奇号的高增益天线。Having experienced this reference , henry "s task was to decide whether subsequent stirrings used the reference paddle or a different one .在体验过这支参考桨(的尾流)后,亨利的任务是判断随后搅动的桨是参考桨还是另外不同的桨。Jane dropped her paddle in an uncharacteristic gesture of despair .简用一种不惯用的方式,绝望地扔下球拍。During the day , they paddle canoes , shoot arrows , go swimming and explore nature .白天时,孩子们划木舟,射箭,游泳,到林中探险。You hone your skill with a pen instead of a paddle , lay bare your soul on paper , and send it in to a magazine editor .你用笔而不是用桨来锻炼技巧,在纸上倾诉心声,然后将它投寄给某个杂志社的编辑。
2023-01-11 23:14:281

上三字 下三字成语

2023-01-11 23:14:286


病情分析:您好,患病毒性心肌炎后,一般应休息3个月。以后如无症状,可逐步恢复工作与正常学习,但仍应注意不要劳累,1年内不能从事体力劳动与运动意见建议:此外,要注意合理饮食,多食新鲜蔬菜、水果,保证营养平衡。要保证有足够的睡眠与休息,避免感冒,否则易复发。药物方面最好是当面诊治后明确。 浣犲ソ 蹇冭倢鐐庢偅鑰呴渶瑕佸崸搴婁紤鎭鑷冲皯涓鍛ㄧ殑鏃堕棿 閰嶅悎杈撴恫鐤楁硶鎵嶅彲浠ヨ繘琛岄傚綋鐨勬椿鍔锛佷袱鍛ㄥ悗鍙浠ヤ粠浜嬩竴鑸浣撳姏娲诲姩锛佷竴涓鏈堜互鍚庡彲浠ヨ繘琛屽墽鐑堟椿鍔锛
2023-01-11 23:14:231