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《怪物猎人 Riders》将在6月16日停运,停运的原因是什么?





2022年6月英语六级考试已经结束,我整理了2022年6月英语六级翻译试题,来看一下! 2022年6月英语六级翻译试题 赵州桥建于隋朝,公元605年左右,长50.82米,宽9.6米,跨度37.37米。天才建筑师李春设计并监督了桥的建设。赵州桥结构新颖、造型优美。桥有一个大拱,在大拱的两端有两个小拱,帮助排泄洪水、减轻桥梁重量并节省石材。建成以来,该桥经受了多次洪水和地震,但其主体结构仍然完好无损,至今仍在使用。赵州桥是世界桥梁建筑史上的一次创举,是中国古代文明史上的一项杰出成就。类似设计的桥梁直到14世纪才在欧洲出现,比赵州桥晚了700多年。 The Zhaozhou Bridge, which was built in the Sui Dynasty around 605 AD, is 50.82 metres long and 9.6 metres wide with a span of 37.37 metres.Li Chun,a genius architect, de-signed and supervised its construction. The bridge boasts a novel structure and a graceful appearance, with a major arch in the middle and two minor ones on its ends which help discharge floods, reduce the weight of the bridge and save stones. Since the completion, the bridge has withstood floods and earthquakes, but remains intact in its main struc-ture and stil available in use. The Zhaozhou Bridge is a pio-neering undertaking in the world history of bridge construc-tion and a masterpiece of the Chinese ancient civilization for the simple reason that its similar bridge did not appear in Europe until the 14th century,700 years later than the Zhaozhou Bridge. 提高英语四六级成绩的方法 阅读理解 四级中的阅读理解占的比重大,词汇量也是很大 的,要想做好阅读理解,要求你在考前要好好的做些卷子上的阅读理解题,同时记单词是一定要的,不然的话,不记单词,那么你阅读理解是不会弄懂得,即使让你去文中找答案,你也不知道在哪,看来记单词是很重要。 听力 四级不同高考,听力在四级中所占的分量也很大,听力想做好,没有别的方法,只有考前多听,听与问题相关的关键字词。改革后的听力主要考察的就是关键单词短语。 作文 作文考的是单词,和语法,只要你单词会,基本的句子结构会,问题就不大了,很容易就能完成一个作文。如果复杂的句型结构不会,就使用最简单的句子,只要意思表达对就行。在写作的过程中,碰到有的单词不会写的情况,就采取替代法,找个意思相近的单词替代,以求单词一定要写对。


 2018年6月英语四级词汇讲解丨考点归纳汇总  英语四级词汇讲解丨考点归纳:导致  For the Princess,the trip to this war-torn country was an excellent opportunityto use her popularity to show the world how much destruction and sufferinglandmines can cause.  英语四级译文:  对于公主来说,访问这个备受战争折磨的国家是一次极好的机会,她可以借着自己的知名度让世界人民知道,地雷带来的破坏和伤害有多大。  四级词汇讲解:  本句的主干是the trip was an opportunity。两个to引导的动宾结构表示目的;how much引导的从句为show的宾语从句。  本句中的war-torn为合成词,意为“备受战争折磨的”,其中torn为tear的过去分词。如:  Don"t pull the pages so hard or they will tear.别那么使劲扯书页,否则会被撕破的。  destruction意为“破坏”。如:  Scientific knowledge was perverted to help cause destruction and war.科学知识被滥用,招致了破坏和战争。  英语四级考点归纳:  cause, result in, lead to都可以表示“导致”,三者的区别在于:  ※ cause暗示前面提到的原因是直接原因,同时也强调结果的影响力或者重要性。如:  What caused his illness?是什么使他生病?  ※ result in指前面提到的原因就是事情发生的全部原因。如:  Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver.这种药使用过量会损害肝脏。  ※ lead to暗示原因与结果在时间上的联系不紧密。如:  A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race.全面的核战争能导致人类的灭绝。


生在好日子! 如果不再封建迷信,从今努力拼搏! 将会大福大贵,爱情甜蜜,事业有成!


2014年01月01日 EXO-K 电台神童的深深打破年末特辑 2014年01月02日 EXO 《EXO"S SHOWTIME 6》 2014年01月02日 EXO Mnet M! CountDown 2014年01月03日 EXO 出席韩国文化艺术界人士新年问候会,与总统朴槿惠见面握手 2014年01月03日SBS-TV 丛林的法则in micronesia 播出(chanyeol) 2014年01月04日音乐中心特别MC (xiumin、sehun) 2014年01月05日 EXO 台湾红白艺能大赏录制 2014年01月07日 EXO-K 电台神童的深深打破 2014年01月08日 EXO-M 湖北卫视“全球华人年夜饭”春节联欢晚会录制 2014年01月09日 EXO-M BTV2014环球春晚录制 2014年01月09日 EXO 《EXO"S SHOWTIME 7》 2014年01月09日电台 Younha的闪耀星夜(suho、D.O.) 2014年01月09日EXO-KRCY 宣传大使总裁表彰授予仪式及爱的烘焙义工 2014年01月10日电台张允珠的屋塔房(Chanyeol、kai) 2014年01月10日电台朴京林的两点约会(baekhyun、kai) 2014年01月10日电台 KBS Kiss The Radio (Chanyeol、D.O.、sehun) 2014年01月10日SBS-TV 丛林的法则 in micronesia播出(chanyeol) 2014年01月10日EXO online spring festival 公演 2014年01月13日MBC-TV 2014 春节特辑偶像明星田径会录制(xiumin、luhan、TAO) 2014年01月13日KBS2-TV 总理和我10集播出(suho) 2014年01月14日 EXO SK Telecom签名会 2014年01月14日KBS2-TV 总理和我11集播出(suho) 2014年01月14日电影‘可以的她"VIP试映会(suho、chanyeol、D.O.、kai) 2014年01月16日 EXO 第28届金唱片颁奖礼(获本赏、大赏) 2014年01月16日 EXO 《EXO"S SHOWTIME 8》 2014年01月17日SBS-TV 丛林的法则 in Micronesia播出(chanyeol) 2014年01月18日 EXO-M 2014网络春晚录制 2014年01月19日电台郑闪姬的如同今夜一样的夜晚(baekhyun、sehun) 2014年01月20日KBS2-TV 总理和我 12集播出(suho) 2014年01月20日EXO-M 《搜狐韩娱》专访 2014年01月20日EXO-M 《网络春晚》专访 2014年01月23日 EXO第23届highone首尔歌谣大赏(获本赏、音源赏、大赏) 2014年01月23日 EXO 《EXO"S SHOWTIME 9》 2014年01月24日EXO-M 《爱奇艺》专访 2014年01月26日EXO-K Oak Valley Winter Festival冬季盛典滑雪场公演 2014年01月26日 EXO-M BTV2014环球春晚播出 2014年01月29日 EXO-M 湖北卫视“全球华人年夜饭”春节联欢晚会播出 2014年01月30日 EXO-M CCTV 网络春晚播出(网络首播) 2014年01月30日 EXO 偶像明星运动会播出 2014年01月30日 EXO 台湾红白艺能大赏播出 2014年01月30日 EXO 《EXO"S SHOWTIME 10》 2014年01月31日 EXO-M CCTV网络春晚播出(电视首播) 2014年02月06日 EXO 《EXO"S SHOWTIME 11》 2014年02月07日SM the Ballad“Breath”(呼吸) teaser 公开 (chen) 2014年02月08日 EXO 第20届演艺艺术大赏(获组合歌手赏) 2014年02月10日SM the Ballad“Breath”(呼吸) MV 公开 chen 2014年02月12日 EXO 第3届Gaon K-POP颁奖礼(获人气赏,第三、四季度专辑赏) 2014年02月12日SM the Ballad Vol.2联合公演( chen) 2014年02月13日SM the Ballad“Breath”(呼吸)音源全公开并发行 (chen) 2014年02月13日爱奇艺专访 chen 2014年02月13日 EXO 《EXO"S SHOWTIME 12》 2014年02月14日搜狐视频专访 chen 2014年02月14日 EXO 湖南卫视元宵喜乐会 2014年02月14日 EXO 腾讯采访 2014年02月15日汝矣岛签售 ( chen) 2014年02月16日 SBS 努力的偶像(下定决心的一万小时)( kai) 2014年02月16日 SBS人气歌谣 MC (suho、baekhyun) 2014年02月23日 SBS人气歌谣 MC (suho、baekhyun) 2014年02月27日 济州岛签售 chen 2014年02月27日儿童福利院Eden I ville志愿服务(D.O.、KAI、SUHO、chanyeol、sehun、baekhyun、TAO、LAY) 2014年02月28日 EXO江南区观光大使委任仪式 2014年02月28日第十一届韩国音乐大赏(suho、kris) 2014年03月01日 EXO-Mnatural republic香港粉丝签名会 2014年03月08日 EXO 音乐中心400回特辑 2014年03月08日音乐中心400回特辑特别MC (xiumin) 2014年03月12日 K Star Road活动(kris 、suho) 2014年03月15日电台young street (chanyeol、chen) 2014年03月15日 EXO-M 东方卫视不朽之名曲周华健专场播出 2014年03月16日SBS人气歌谣 MC (suho、baekhyun) 2014年03月16日电台朴素贤的love game (xiumin) 2014年03月21日 EXO 首尔时装周东大门设计广场开幕仪式 2014年03月26日 EXO 2014乐天免税店代言 MV首发预告 2014年03月26日时尚杂志《THE CELEBRITY》写真4月号画报公布(suho) 2014年03月27日 EXO IvyClub 春夏季拍摄花絮公布 2014年03月27日 EXO DVD集《EXO"s FIRST BOX》公开 2014年03月27日韩国SBS 确定chanyeol以固定成员的身份出演综艺节目《Roommate》 2014年03月30日 KBS1《挑战金钟》出题(xiumin、baekhyun) 2014年03月30日SBS人气歌谣 MC (suho、baekhyun) 2014年04月01日电台kiss the radio 特别MC baekhyun 2014年04月02日 luhan、kai mini二辑回归预告照公开 2014年04月03日 tao、sehun min二i辑回归预告照公开 2014年04月04日 lay、D.O. mini二辑回归预告照公开 2014年04月05日 kris、chanyeol mini 二辑回归预告照公开 2014年04月06日 xiumin、suho mini二辑回归预告照公开 2014年04月06日 EXO 和平友爱北京工人体育馆演唱 2014年04月06日 BOA的电影 make your move OST《say yes》公开(kris) 2014年04月07日 EXO chen、baekhyunmini二辑回归预告照公开 2014年04月07日 EXO 出席 cj foodworld 开业仪式 2014年04月08日 EXO 出道二周年纪念日 2014年04月08日 EXO-K 乐天Worldcon冰淇淋广告预告 公布 2014年04月08日 running man 录制( baekhyun) 2014年04月11日 EXO mini二辑主打曲《上瘾》MV teaser公开 2014年04月11日EXO 日本东京琦玉EXO GreetingParty in Japan “Hello!”第一场 2014年04月11日 EXO-K乐天Worldcon冰淇淋广告 公布 2014年04月12日EXO Mnet《火热的瞬间xoxo,EXO》teaser2 公布 2014年04月12日 EXO 日本东京琦玉EXO GreetingParty in Japan “Hello!”第二、三场 2014年04月13日 EXO 日本东京琦玉EXO GreetingParty in Japan “Hello!”第四、五场 2014年04月15日 EXO COMEBACK SHOW 韩国蚕室室内体育场 2014年04月19日 EXO-M CCTV15 全球中文音乐榜上榜 2014年04月20日 EXO-M best of best 南京演唱会 2014年04月23日 EXO-M 第18届全球华语榜中榜暨亚洲影响力大典澳门颁奖礼 2014年04月25日 EXO-M best of best 南京演唱会 江苏综艺 播出 2014年04月29日SBS综艺《ROOMMATE》teaser3公开 (chanyeol),朴灿烈出演 2014年04月29日音乐剧《Singing In The Rain》海报公开(baekhyun) 2014年05月01日第26届韩国PD大赏(suho) 2014年05月03日 EXO-M 东方卫视《娱乐星天地》特辑上 播出 2014年05月04日 EXO-M 东方卫视《娱乐星天地》特辑下 播出 2014年05月04日SBS综艺《ROOMMATE 1 》播出(chanyeol) 2014年05月04日EXO-M The12th Korea Times Music Festival(LA时间05月03日) 2014年05月06日EXO mini二辑《overdose》音源公布(韩国时间05月07日) 2014年05月06日EXO mini二辑《overdose》MV 公布(韩国时间05月07日) 2014年05月07日 EXO mini二辑《overdose》发售 2014年05月07日 EXOMnet《火热的瞬间xoxo,EXO》第一集预告 公布 2014年05月07日 EXO-M 中国电子商务平台《美丽说》广告 预告 公布 2014年05月07日校园暴力预防铃声公布(suho、kai) 2014年05月08日 EXO-M 百度&S.M.Entertainment战略合作发布会 2014年05月08日 EXO-M 音悦台《我爱大牌》专访 2014年05月08日 EXO-K Mnet M!Countdown回归舞台 2014年05月08日 EXO-K Mnet M!Countdown 《overdose》MV拍摄花絮 公开 2014年05月08日 EXO首次单独演唱会“EXO FROM. EXOPLANET #1-THE LOST PLANET-”teaser公开 2014年05月08日时尚杂志《the celebrity》杂志拍摄花絮公开 (Kris) 2014年05月09日 EXO-M 音悦台《我爱大牌》专访预告 播出 2014年05月09日 EXOMnet《火热的瞬间xoxo,EXO》第一集 播出 2014年05月10日 EXO-M 中国电子商务平台《美丽说》代言广告 公布 2014年05月10日 EXO-M CCYV15全球中文音乐榜上榜 2014年05月10日 EXO 《演艺家中介》 播出 2014年05月11日EXO mini二辑上海回归秀梅赛德斯奔驰演艺文化中心 2014年05月11日SBS综艺《ROOMMATE 2 》播出(chanyeol) 2014年05月12日 EXO mini二辑回归秀《娱乐星天地》采访 播出 2014年05月13日 EXO-M CCYV15全球中文音乐榜上榜彩排版 播出 2014年05月13日 EXO-M 音悦台《我爱大牌》专访播出 2014年05月13日 EXO-M 百度贴吧ID 问候视频播出 2014年05月14日 EXO-K MUSIC SHOW CHAMPION 2014年05月14日 EXO-K EXO-K"s ASK IN A BOX part 1 播出 2014年05月15日 EXO-K Mnet M!Countdown 2014年05月15日EXO-K EXO-K"s ASK IN A BOXpart 2 播出 2014年05月15日 EXO-M《音乐风云榜》预告播出 2014年05月16日 EXO-K 在16日美国的“Billboard200”榜单中位列129位,成为韩国男子歌手史上最高记录 2014年05月16日 EXOMnet《火热的瞬间xoxo,EXO》第二集播出 2014年05月17日《我们结婚了世界版》播出(suho、chanyeol) 2014年05月17日EXO-M 北京文艺《音乐风云榜》播出 2014年05月17日EXO-K MBC 音乐中心 2014年05月18日 EXO-K SBS人气歌谣 2014年05月18日SBS综艺《ROOMMATE 3 》 播出(chanyeol) 2014年05月20日 EXO-M 爱奇艺《我爱大牌》下 播出 2014年05月21日音乐剧《Singing In The Rain》预告公开 2014年05月22日 EXO-M》百度贴吧专访》 播出 2014年05月23日 EXO首次单独演唱会“EXO FROM. EXOPLANET #1-THE LOST PLANET-”第一场 2014年05月23日 EXO Mnet《火热的瞬间xoxo,EXO》第三集 播出 2014年05月24日 EXO首尔奥林匹克体操竞技场举行首次单独演唱会首尔松坡区奥林匹克公园内举行,主题为“EXO FROM. EXOPLANET#1-THE LOST PLANET-”。 2014年05月25日 EXO首次单独演唱会“EXO FROM.EXOPLANET #1-THE LOST PLANET-”第三场 2014年05月25日EXO “EXO FROM. EXOPLANET#1-THE LOST PLANET-”新闻发布会 2014年05月25日SBS综艺《ROOMMATE 4 》 播出(chanyeol) 2014年05月26日 MBC《偶像室内足球赛》 录制(xiumin、luhan) 2014年05月27日 EXO-K 第50届百想艺术大赏 2014年05月28日 EXO-K 2014世界杯应援show“火热的呐喊GOBrasil!” 2014年05月30日EXOMnet《火热的瞬间xoxo,EXO》第四集 播出 2014年05月30日音乐剧《SINGIN" IN THE RAIN》Tap Dancing Rehearsal 公开(baekhyun) 2014年06月01日 EXO-K SBS 人气歌谣 2014年06月01日SBS综艺《ROOMMATE 5 》 播出(chanyeol) 2014年06月01日EXO 《EXO FROM. EXOPLANET #1 - THE LOST PLANET IN HONGKONG》香港首场演唱会亚洲国际博览馆 2014年06月02日EXO 《EXO FROM. EXOPLANET #1 - THE LOST PLANET IN HONGKONG》香港第二场演唱会亚洲国际博览馆 2014年06月03日电影《重返二十岁》开机(luhan) 2014年06月05日 EXO Mnet Mcountdown! 2014年06月07日 EXO MBC 音乐中心 2014年06月08日 EXO SBS 人气歌谣 2014年06月11日EXO湖南卫视《快乐大本营》 录制 2014年06月12日 MBC《偶像室内足球赛》 播出(xiumin、luhan) 2014年06月12日 EXO 湖南卫视《快乐大本营》宣传视频拍摄 2014年06月12日 MBC《偶像室内足球赛》播出(xiumin、luhan) 2014年06月14日 EXO EXO首次亚洲巡回演唱会“EXO FROM. EXOPLANET#1-THE LOST PLANET-”武汉站 2014年07月19日EXO EXO首次亚洲巡回演唱会“EXO FROM. EXOPLANET #1-THE LOST PLANET-”上海站


2019年6月英语四级翻译:唐诗   请将下面这段话翻译成英文:   唐诗   唐诗(Tang poetry)泛指创作于唐代(618年~907年)的诗。唐诗是汉族最珍贵的文化遗产之一,同时也对周边民族和国家的文化发展产生了很大影响。唐诗中流传最广的当属收录在《唐诗三百首》(Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty)中的诗歌,里面收录的许多诗篇都为后人所熟知。唐代的诗人特别多,其中李白、杜甫等都是世界闻名的伟大诗人,他们的作品有很多都是脍炙人口的诗篇。   参考译文   Tang Poetry   Tang poetry generally refers to poems written during the Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.-907A.D.). Tang poetry is one of the most valuable cultural heritages of the Han Chinese. Meanwhile, it also has a great influence on the cultural development of neighboring ethnic groups and nations. The most widely spread among Tang poems are definitely the poems that are included in the "Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty", many of which are quite popular with people of later generations. There are lots of poets in Tang Dynasty, among whom Li Bai and Du Fu are world-famous. Many of the two great poets" works are household poems. 2019年6月英语四级翻译:西湖   请将下面这段话翻译成英文:   西湖   西湖位于杭州市中心的西部,是江南三大名湖之一。由于西湖的缘故,杭州自古就被誉为“人间天堂”。西湖就像镶嵌(inlay)在广袤大地上的一颗璀璨的明珠,以其秀丽的风景、闻名的古迹、灿烂的文化和丰富的特产而闻名。宋代大文豪苏轼在西湖留下了“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜”的千古绝唱;白娘子的传奇故事(The Legend of White Snake)也给西湖增添了一层神秘色彩。   参考译文   The West Lake   The West Lake, located in the western area of Hangzhou"s center, is one of the top three lakes in the regions south of the Yangtze River. Because of it, Hangzhou has been acclaimed as "a heaven on earth" since ancient times. The West Lake is like a shining pearl inlaid on the vast land, renowned for its beautiful scenery, well-known historical sites, brilliant culture, and plentiful local specialties. The literary giant Su Shi in Song Dynasty left a poetic masterpiece through the ages there: The West Lake is like the beauty Xi Shi, who is always charming with either light or heavy make-up (rainy or shiny). The Legend of White Snake also brings the West Lake an air of mystery.


2019年6月大学英语四级考试写作试题库:垃圾短信   大学英语四级考试写作试题库   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Spam Message. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.   1.目前,垃圾短信给人们的生活带来了许多麻烦与困扰   2.产生这种现象的原因   3.如何处理这个问题   大学英语四级考试写作范文   My View on Spam Message   With the increasing use of cell phones, spam message has become a hated problem. Take Beijing as an example, the past five years has witnessed a sharp increase in the number of spam message people received per day from 2.7 to 8.3.   To account for this phenomenon, people have come up with various reasons listed below. To begin with, for senders,they can advertise their product in such a cheap way. What"s more, for those in charge of personal information of cell phone users, some of them can not resist the temptation to make profit simply by disclosing information to those law breakers.   Serious as the problem seems, we can take effective measures to deal with it. The government should set up laws to punish both senders and those who disclose information, and the media should call on people to resist such kind of immoral deeds.   大学英语四级考试写作范文译文   我对垃圾短信的看法   随着手机的日益普遍,垃圾短信也成了一个令人厌恶的问题。以北京为例,在过去五年中,人们每天接收的垃圾短信数量已经从2.7条增加到8.3条。   人们认为出现这种现象的原因主要有以下几点。首先,对于垃圾短信发送者来说,他们可以以低廉的价格给自己的产品做广告。另外,在掌握了手机使用者的私人信息的人中,有些人抗拒不了仅仅通过泄露个人信息就能赚钱的诱惑。   尽管垃圾短信现象很严重,我们仍然可以采取有效措施来解决这一问题。政府应该制定法律惩罚那些发送垃圾短信和泄露个人信息的人,媒体也应该呼吁人们抵制这种不道德的行为。 2019年6月大学英语四级考试写作试题库:交通堵塞   大学英语四级考试写作试题库   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Traffic Jam.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.   1.大城市的交通堵塞问题越来越严重   2.造成交通堵塞问题的主要原因   3.如何缓解   大学英语四级考试写作范文   Traffic Jam   Nowadays,the problem of traffic congestion has become increasingly serious in big cities.According to a recent survey conducted by CCTV, a high proportion of people as high as 74.5 percent in Beijing and Shanghai admit that traffic jam wastes them more than 2 hours every day.   To account for this phenomenon, people have come up with various reasons listed below. To begin with, more and more people buy private cars, which gives rise to more serious traffic congestion. In addition, a rising number of people from rural areas are pouring into big cities,among whom many lack the sense of abiding by traffic rules, which will undoubtedly have a badeffect on traffic.   Serious as the problem seems, we can take some measures to deal with it. Establishing more convenient public transportation services and educating people to improve the sense of abiding by traffic rules should be a good choice.   大学英语四级考试写作范文译文   交通堵塞   如今,大城市的交通堵塞问题越来越严重。根据中央电视台的最新调查,在北京和上海两大城市中高达74.5%的人承认交通堵塞每天会浪费掉他们两个小时以上的时间。   人们认为造成交通堵塞的主要原因有以下几点。首先,越来越多的人购买私家车,导致交通堵塞日益严重。另外,越来越多的人从农村涌入城市,其中很多人缺乏遵守交通规则的意识,这无疑会影响交通。   尽管交通堵塞很严重,我们仍然可以采取一些措施来缓解这一问题。建立更为便捷的公共交通服务并教育人们提高遵 守交通规则的意识是不错的方法。

5,6月份生产计划,以及出货计划已经都排好了,我们没办法为你重新调整交期 英语翻译

The production and shipping plans for May and June has been made and confirmed, so we can"t adjust the delivery time for you.

英语作文。 被邀请人。史密斯夫妇 内容。分别一年了,很想念。邀请你们2012年6月8日来家吃晚饭。



请仔细看: 节育环多久需要换一次   节育环多久需要换一次,可能有些人并不知道,在日常生活中,节育环是一种很普遍的避孕工具,也有一部分人不知道节育环也是需要换的。现在分享节育环多久需要换一次!   节育环多久需要换一次1    节育环多久换一次    根据节育环材质的不同更换时间也不同   一般金属环可存放20年,硅橡胶的V型环可存放7-10年,铜套的T型环可存放10-15年,不锈钢金属环可放15——20年;根据节育环的类型,最好是做定期复查。    节育环避孕原理   1、铜离子还可能改变宫颈粘液的生化特性,影响精子的活动、获能,从而进一步增强避孕效果。铜离子还能直接杀伤精子和受精卵。   2、带铜宫内节育环中的铜离子使子宫内膜的无菌性炎症反应加重,并干扰着床必须的酶系统活性,不利于受精卵的着床及囊胚发育。   3、环能干扰子宫内膜的正常周期变化,不利于着床;同时还可影响精子的运送或获能。含高剂量的左炔诺孕酮的宫内节育器,还可能抑制排卵,改变宫颈粘液性质,不利于精子穿透等。   4、节育环的长期刺激,使得子宫内膜产生前列腺素。前列腺素一方面可使子宫收缩和输卵管蠕动增强,促使发育及分裂程度不够的受精卵被提前送到子宫腔而影响着床。   5、大量前列腺素又可以加强雌激素的作用,使子宫内膜在怀孕时的蜕膜反应受到抑制,不利于受精卵着床。    上环后注意事项    保持卫生   放环是一种手术操作,为了避免感染,术后要保持外阴部清洁,每晚用温开水洗下身,并换内裤。两周内禁止性生活(这一点需要男方积极配合)和坐浴(但可以淋浴或擦浴),保持阴道卫生,防止交叉感染。    注意观察   放环后三天左右可有少量的阴道出血、轻微下腹不适及白带增多现象,一般可自行消失不必处理。若出血多或持续一周以上,特别是出现腹痛、发热等情况时,则要及时看医生。    适当休息   环刚放好后,子宫颈口比较松,环容易脱落,故放环后要休息两天,一周内不宜干重体力劳动及参加大运动量的活动。大小便时,尽量避免过于用力憋气,以防腹压突然增高引发脱环。    定期随访   随访时间通常于放环术后第一个月,在月经干净后到医院检查一次;3个月(或半年)和一年再各复查一次;以后则每年复查一次(放环者要按时到医院或社区指定的地方进行“环检”)。    小心暗孕   放环避孕并非百分之百,有极少数妇女可能“带环妊娠”。所以,带环期间一旦出现闭经,特别是伴有恶心、呕吐、偏食等现象时,就应及早去医院进行检查,进而采取补救措施。   节育环多久需要换一次2    上环多久换一次比较好   妇女在放置宫内节育器后,如果没有什么不良反应,避孕穗数效果又很好,往往愿意放置的时间长一些,甚至希望长期放置下去,不再取出。由于各种宫内节育器所用的.原料、型式不同,放置时间也不相同,下面介绍几种常用避孕器的放置年限。    1.不锈钢环颂敏: 有人曾观察放置在子宫内20年的不锈钢环,其钢丝仍保持猜樱首原有的性能,对取环同时刮取的子宫内膜和附着在环上的子宫内膜做病理检查都没有发现恶性变或癌前变化。因此,带环没有症状的妇女可连续放置10~20年,或到绝经后再取出。取环一般没有困难,绝经后因子宫萎缩,子宫颈口小而紧,有的不易取出。    2.金属塑料混合环、塑料环或节育环: 塑料容搦老化,放置时间过长可以变硬、变形或断裂,增加对官腔的刺激,取出时也会卡在宫口,因此,最好在放环后3~5年更换1次。    3.带铜T型、V型节育器: 以不锈钢、塑料或硅橡胶做支架外绕铜丝制成。塑料支架3~5年更换1次,硅橡胶比塑料耐老化,可放置8~10年,带铜不锈钢v型节育器放置时间与硅橡胶节育器差不多。   节育环在宫腔里能安放的时间长短,主要是根据节育环的种类而定,不锈钢节育环可以放置15-20年,甚至更长时间,有的可以作为终身避孕工具。塑料环容易老化变硬;带铜节育环中的铜丝能发生溶蚀以至碎落,因此规定可放置3-5年;硅橡胶节育环比塑料环耐老化,放置时间可以长一些。   注意外阴的清洁卫生,以防感染。上环一周内严禁参加重体力劳动,三周内禁同房,注意在上环3天内应卧床休息。如果我的回答可以帮到您,请采纳哦!








2019年6月英语六级翻译模拟题:汉朝   请将下面这段话翻译成英文:   汉朝是中国历史上最重要的朝代之一。汉朝统治期间有很多显著的成就。它最先向其他文化敞开大门,对外贸易兴旺。汉朝开拓的丝绸之路通向了中西亚乃至罗马。各类艺术一派繁荣,涌现了很多文学、历史、哲学巨著。公元100年中国第一部字典编撰完成,收入9000个字,提供释义并列举不同的写法。其间,科技方面也取得了很大进步,发明了纸张、水钟、日晷(sundials)以及测量地震的仪器。汉朝历经400年,但统治者的腐败最终导致了它的灭亡。   参考译文   Han Dynasty was one of the most important dynasties in Chinese history. There were many significant achievements during the Han Dynasty. It was the first to open its doors to other cultures. Foreign trade flourished during this period. The Silk Road initiated by Han Dynasty led all the way to the West Asia and even to Rome. Various forms of art prospered, with the emergence of a lot of literature, history and philosophy masterpieces. 100 A.D. witnessed the completion of the first Chinese dictionary which included 9000 words, providing interpretation and various styles of writing. Meanwhile, technology had also achieved great progress. Paper, water clocks, sundials and earthquake detectors were invented. The reign has lasted for 400 years. However, the corruption of the rulers eventually led to its downfall.   点评:   1. 词汇考查:本篇是六级三套试卷中词汇考查最侧重的一篇,有朝代(dynasty),统治(reign),对外贸易(foreign trade),丝绸之路(the Silk Road),中西亚(the West Asia),罗马(Rome),哲学(philosophy),巨著(masterpiece),编撰(compile),水钟(water clock),测量地震的仪器(earthquake detector),腐败(corruption),灭亡(downhill / demise)。   2. 语法考查:最高级考察(汉朝是中国历史上最重要的朝代之一),同主语分句的翻译(它最先向其他文化敞开大门,对外贸易兴旺),并列结构的翻译(涌现了很多文学、历史、哲学巨著),被动语态(公元100年中国第一部字典编撰完成),无主句的翻译(提供释义并列举不同的写法)。 2019年6月英语六级翻译模拟题:中国城市化进程   请将下面这段话翻译成英文:   2011年是中国城市化(urbanization)进程中的历史性时刻,其城市人口首次超过农村人口。在未来20年里,预计约有3.5亿农村人口将移居到城市。如此规模的城市发展对城市交通来说既是挑战,也是机遇。中国政府一直提倡“以人为本”的发展理念,强调人们以公交而不是私家车出行。它还号召建设“资源节约和环境友好型”社会。有了这个明确的目标,中国城市就可以更好地规划其发展,并把大量投资转向安全、清洁和经济型交通系统的发展上。   参考译文   2011 witnesses the historic moment of the Chinese urbanization process. The urban population exceeded the rural population for the first time. In the next 20 years, it is estimated that about 350 million rural people would move to the cities. This scale of urbanization is both a challenge and an opportunity to urban transportation. The Chinese government has been promoting "people-oriented" development philosophy, which emphasizes that people should choose buses over private cars. It also calls for building "a resource-saving and environment-friendly" society. With this clear objective, Chinese cities will be able to better plan their development, and invest heavily on the evolution of a safe, clean and economical transportation system.



英语作文:2008年6月1日, 限塑令 在我国实行







  英语四级的翻译占了不少分,我们一起来看看我为你准备的2019年6月大学英语四级汉译英(14-15),想知道更多相关英语四级的内容,请关注网站更新。 2019年6月大学英语四级汉译英(14)   61.在房间角落里啼哭的姑娘,曾经是我校最优秀的学生之一,但她这次考试却失败了   The girl crying in the comer of the room had been one of the best students in our school, but this time she failed in the exam.   62.使河流变清不是件容易的事,但我们的政府已经下定决心要清除污染。   It"s not easy to make the river clean again, but our government has made up its mind to get rid of the pollution completely.   63.如果你觉得站在室外太冷,可以进屋去。但我宁可留在室外。   You can stay inside if you feel it cold to stand outside, but I prefer to stay outside   64.他们迁入的房屋多漂亮啊! 我相信那幢房子值很多钱。   What a nice house they have moved into! I believe the house is worth a lot of money.   65.他们的新房子离市中心很远,但是比他们原先住的房子舒服多了。   Their new house is quite far from the center of the city, but it is much more comfortable than the old one in which they used to live.   66.他站在车站上直到火车看不见了才离去。   He stood at the station until the train was out of sight   67.听了这个坏消息,我们不禁痛哭起来。我们为失去这么一位好朋友而难过。   At the bad news, we couldn"t help crying. We were sorry to have lost such a good friend.   68.我们没有预料到这个姑娘有勇气出国去学习。   We did not expect that the girl would be brave enough to study abroad.   69.难道你不认为这样和你的老师说话是不礼貌的吗?   Don"t you think it/it"s rude of you to talk to your teacher like that?   70.由于原材料比以前昂贵,所以产品也涨价了。   As the material is more expensive than before, the price of the products has to be raised. 2019年6月大学英语四级汉译英(15)   71.年轻人犯错误是很自然的,我们都应该从失败中学习。   It is quite natural that young people are likely to make mistakes. We should all learn from our failures   72.他们一次又一次地试验,直到成功为止。   They made one experiment after the other till they succeeded.   73.请你们一个一个地进来。你们一次只能借两本书。   Please come in one by one. You can each borrow two books at a time.   74.只有少数学生出国,其他的都进了上海的各所大学。   Only a small number of the students went abroad, and the rest of them entered different universities in Shanghai.   75.妇女干得和男子一样多,所以应该得到同样的报酬。   The women did as much as the men, so they should be paid as much too   76.我所知道的就是这些,还能说什么呢?   This is all I know, what else can I tell you?   77.只过了几分钟,敌人又开始发动进攻了。   It was only a few minutes before the enemy made another attack.   78.在这样愉快的环境中学习一定是既有趣又有效。   It must be both interesting and effective to study in such pleasant surroundings.   79.他们遇上了二十年来最严重的洪水,但没有一个人挨饿受冻。   They met with the most serious flood in twenty years, but none of them suffered from hunger and cold.   80.如果你不满足他们的要求,他们会不断抱怨的。   They will keep complaining till you meet their needs.

我是1983年6月25 晚9点左右(农历) 请指点



2019年6月大学英语四级作文素材:永不言弃   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Do We Need “Never give up”? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:   1. “永不言弃”一直被认为是一种积极的生活态度,是个人成功的关键因素   2. 但是,也有人认为适当的放弃才是明智的选择   3. 你对此的看法及理由   【范文】   Do We Need “Never give up”?   It is widely accepted that “Never give up”, a strong and positive life attitude, is the key for individual success on the grounds that permanent persistence may boost our confidence, strengthen our will, and provide us a second chance for success when we are in hardship. However, others argue that sensible abandonment is more precious than blind persistence because the wise one should choose the most suitable area for himself/herself.   In my opinion, we need to learn to give up timely. The most immediate reason is that we should adjust our aim carefully in order to go ahead continuously. Sometimes, to give up those unrealistic targets is essential for success. Besides, the attitude “Never give up” exhausts us both mentally and physically. Only through learning to give up can we lead a pleasant and relaxing life. Finally, the temporary comprise means a new start, a beginning bringing new hopes, expectations and opportunities for us.   Passive as giving up sounds alike, it represents a more mature and realistic mentality. If those opposing this attitude can take into consideration of its benefits, then this may seem acceptable in our lives.


 2019年6月大学英语四级作文范文50例  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Do We Need “Never give up”? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:  1. “永不言弃”一直被认为是一种积极的生活态度,是个人成功的关键因素  2. 但是,也有人认为适当的放弃才是明智的选择  3. 你对此的看法及理由  【范文】  Do We Need “Never give up”?  It is widely accepted that “Never give up”, a strong and positive life attitude, is the key for individual success on the grounds that permanent persistence may boost our confidence, strengthen our will, and provide us a second chance for success when we are in hardship. However, others argue that sensible abandonment is more precious than blind persistence because the wise one should choose the most suitable area for himself/herself.  In my opinion, we need to learn to give up timely. The most immediate reason is that we should adjust our aim carefully in order to go ahead continuously. Sometimes, to give up those unrealistic targets is essential for success. Besides, the attitude “Never give up” exhausts us both mentally and physically. Only through learning to give up can we lead a pleasant and relaxing life. Finally, the temporary comprise means a new start, a beginning bringing new hopes, expectations and opportunities for us.  Passive as giving up sounds alike, it represents a more mature and realistic mentality. If those opposing this attitude can take into consideration of its benefits, then this may seem acceptable in our lives.


【 #四六级考试# 导语】九层之台,起于垒土;千里之行,始于足下。备考的路上,哭过、累过、笑过,但只要坚持向前走,终将会拿到属于我们的证书。以下是 整理的“2021年6月大学英语四级阅读理解3篇”!祝大家备考顺利! 【篇一】2021年6月大学英语四级阅读理解   On average, American kids ages 3 to 12 spent 29 hours a week in school, eight hours more that they did in 1981. They also did more household work and participated in more of such organized activities as soccer and ballet (芭蕾舞). Involvement in sports, in particular, rose almost 50% from 1981 to 1997: boys now spendan average of four hours a week playing sports; girls log hall that time. All in all, however, children"sleisure time dropped from 40% of the day in 1981 to 25%   “Children are affected by the same time crunch (危机) that affects their parents,” says Sandra Hofferth,who headed the recent study of children"s timetable. A chief reason, she says, is that more mothers are working outside the home. (Nevertheless, children in both double-income and “male breadwinner” householdsspent comparable amounts of time interacting with their parents 19 hours and 22 hours respectively. In contrast, children spent only 9 hours with their single mothers.)   All work and no play could make for some very messed-up kids. “Play is the most powerful way a child explores the world and learns about himself,” says T. Berry Brazelton, professor at Harvard Medical School Unstructured play encourages independent thinking and allows the young to negotiate their relationships withtheir peers, but kids ages 3 to 12 spent only 12 hours a week engaged in it.   The children sampled spent a quarter of their rapidly decreasing “free time” watching television. But that, believe it or not, was one of the findings parents might regard as good news. If they"re spending less time in front of the TV set, however, kids aren"t replacing it with reading. Despite efforts to get kids more interested in books, the children spent just over an hour a week reading. Let"s face it, who"s got the time? 【篇二】2021年6月大学英语四级阅读理解   There is no denying that students should learn something about how computers work, just as we expect them at least to understand that the internal-combustion engine(内燃机)has something to do with burning fuel, expanding gases and pistons (活塞)being driven. For people should have some basic idea of how the things that they use do what they do. Further, students might be helped by a course that considers the computer"s impact on society. But that is not what is meant by computer literacy. For computer literacy is not a formof literacy (读写能力);it is a trade skill that should not be taught as a liberal art.   Learning how to use a computer and learning how to program one are two distinct activities. A case might be made that the competent citizens of tomorrow should free themselves from their fear of computers. But this is quite different from saying that all ought to know how to program one. Leave that to people who havechosen programming as a career. While programming can be lots of fun, and while our society needs some people who are experts at it, the same is true of auto repair and violin-making.   Learning how to use a computer is not that difficult, and it gets easier all the time as programs become more “user-friendly”. Let us assume that in the future everyone is going to have to know how to use a computer to be a competent citizen. What does the phrase learning to use a computer mean? It sounds like “learning to drive a car", that is, it sounds as if there is some set of definite skills that, once acquired,enable one to use a computer.   In fact, "learning to use a computer" is much more like “learning to play a game”,but learning the rulesof one game may not help you play a second game, whose rules may not be the same. There is no such a thingas teaching someone how to use a computer. One can only teach people to use this or that program and generally that is easily accomplished. 【篇三】2021年6月大学英语四级阅读理解   Engineering students are supposed to be examples of practicality and rationality, but when it comes to mycollege education I am an idealist and a fool. In high school I wanted to be an electrical engineer and, of course,any sensible student with my aims would have chosen a college with a large engineering department,famous reputation and lots of good labs and research equipment. But that‘s not what I did.   I chose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts(文科)university that doesn‘t even offer a major in electrical engineering. Obviously, this was not a practical choice; I came here for more noble reasons. I wanted a broad education that would provide me with flexibility and a value system to guide me in my career.I wanted to open my eyes and expand my vision by interacting with people who weren"t studying science orengineering. My parents, teachers and other adults praised me for such a sensible choice. They told me I was wise and mature beyond my 18 years,and I believed them.   I headed off to college sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering “factories” where they didn‘t care if you have values or were flexible. I was going to be a complete engineer: technical genius and sensitive humanist(人文学者)all in one.   Now I‘m not so sure. Somewhere along the way my noble ideals crashed into reality, as all noble ideals eventually do. After three years of struggling to balance math, physics and engineering courses with liberal-arts courses,I have learned there are reasons why few engineering students try to reconcile(协调) engineering with liberal-arts courses in college.   The reality that has blocked my path to become the typical successful student is that engineering and the liberal arts simply don"t mix as easily as I assumed in high school. Individually they shape a person in very different ways; together they threaten to confuse. The struggle to reconcile the two fields of study is difficult.   


Please advise: regarding the requirement of a written reply for the discount before June 20th


以下是BEA于2012年7月发布的报告结论部分的原文(因为机翻错误太多且无法避免,无法阅读,我个人又没时间一点一点翻,所以直接把原文写上去了):3.2 Causes of the AccidentThe obstruction of the Pitot probes by ice crystals during cruise was a phenomenon that was known but misunderstood by the aviation community at the time of the accident. From an operational perspective, the total loss of airspeed information that resulted from this was a failure that was classified in the safety model. After initial reactions that depend upon basic airmanship, it was expected that it would be rapidly diagnosed by pilots and managed where necessary by precautionary measures on the pitch attitude and the thrust, as indicated in the associated procedure.The occurrence of the failure in the context of flight in cruise completely surprised the pilots of flight AF 447. The apparent difficulties with aeroplane handling at high altitude in turbulence led to excessive handling inputs in roll and a sharp nose-up input by the PF. The destabilisation that resulted from the climbing flight path and the evolution in the pitch attitude and vertical speed was added to the erroneous airspeed indications and ECAM messages, which did not help with the diagnosis. The crew, progressively becoming de-structured, likely never understood that it was faced with a “simple” loss of three sources of airspeed information. In the minute that followed the autopilot disconnection, the failure of the attempts to understand the situation and the de-structuring of crew cooperation fed on each other until the total loss of cognitive control of the situation. The underlying behavioural hypotheses in classifying the loss of airspeed information as “major were not validated in the context of this accident. Confirmation of this classification thus supposes additional work on operational feedback that would enable improvements, where required, in crew training, the ergonomics of information supplied to them and the design of procedures.The aeroplane went into a sustained stall, signalled by the stall warning and strong buffet. Despite these persistent symptoms, the crew never understood that they were stalling and consequently never applied a recovery manoeuvre. The combination of the ergonomics of the warning design, the conditions in which airline pilots are trained and exposed to stalls during their professional training and the process of recurrent training does not generate the expected behaviour in any acceptable reliable way.In its current form, recognizing the stall warning, even associated with buffet, supposes that the crew accords a minimum level of “legitimacy” to it. This then supposes sufficient previous experience of stalls, a minimum of cognitive availability and understanding of the situation, knowledge of the aeroplane (and its protection modes) and its flight physics. An examination of the current training for airline pilots does not, in general, provide convincing indications of the building and maintenance of the associated skills. More generally, the double failure of the planned procedural responses shows the limits of the current safety model. When crew action is expected, it is always supposed that they will be capable of initial control of the flight path and of a rapid diagnosis that will allow them to identify the correct entry in the dictionary of procedures. A crew can be faced with an unexpected situation leading to a momentary but profound loss of comprehension. If, in this case, the supposed capacity for initial mastery and then diagnosis is lost, the safety model is then in “common failure mode”. During this event, the initial inability to master the flight path also made it impossible to understand the situation and to access the planned solution.Thus, the accident resulted from the following succession of events:Temporary inconsistency between the airspeed measurements, likely following the obstruction of the Pitot probes by ice crystals that, in particular, caused the autopilot disconnection and the reconfiguration to alternate law;Inappropriate control inputs that destabilized the flight path;The lack of any link by the crew between the loss of indicated speeds called out and the appropriate procedure;The late identification by the PNF of the deviation from the flight path and the insufficient correction applied by the PF;The crew not identifying the approach to stall, their lack of immediate response and the exit from the flight envelope;The crew‘s failure to diagnose the stall situation and consequently a lack of inputs that would have made it possible to recover from it.These events can be explained by a combination of the following factors:The feedback mechanisms on the part of all those involved that made it impossible:To identify the repeated non-application of the loss of airspeed information procedure and to remedy this,To ensure that the risk model for crews in cruise included icing of the Pitot probes and its consequences;The absence of any training, at high altitude, in manual aeroplane handling and in the procedure for ”Vol avec IAS douteuse”;Task-sharing that was weakened by:Incomprehension of the situation when the autopilot disconnection occurred, Poor management of the startle effect that generated a highly charged emotional factor for the two copilots;The lack of a clear display in the cockpit of the airspeed inconsistencies identified by the computers;The crew not taking into account the stall warning, which could have been due to: A failure to identify the aural warning, due to low exposure time in training to stall phenomena, stall warnings and buffet,The appearance at the beginning of the event of transient warnings that could be considered as spurious,The absence of any visual information to confirm the approach-to-stall after the loss of the limit speeds,The possible confusion with an overspeed situation in which buffet is also considered as a symptom,Flight Director indications that may led the crew to believe that their actions were appropriate, even though they were not,The difficulty in recognizing and understanding the implications of a reconfiguration in alternate law with no angle of attack protectice

最晚于6月10日之前将信息给我,以确保顺利出行 英文怎么说

最晚于6月10日之前将信息给我,以确保顺利出行Please send me the information by the end of June 10th to ensure a smooth trip

货物5月30号在青岛装船,6月2号在釜山转船 英语翻译

The goods will be on boat in Qing Dao on May 20th,and will be transfer in Pusan on June 2nd.

6月底即将到期货款对帐单 如何翻译成英文呢

6月底即将到期货款对帐单: The statement of account payment soon to be due at the end of June或The statement of account payment due at the end of June对帐单statement of account

6月底即将到期货款对帐单 如何翻译成英文呢

6月底即将到期货款对帐单 The account statement on goods payment,which will expire by the end of June.


选择题:1:B.(until) 2:A.(that) 3:C.(another)4:C.(leaves) 5:D.(mature) 6:A.(being discussed) 7:C.(casual) 8:B.(that)9:D(to) 10:B(persist)填空:1:payment 2:were interviewed3:be 4:conducted5:were 6:responsibility7:injured 8:to acceept9:quickly阅读理解:(一)1:B(better organizide our activities)2:C(study efficiently)3:B(Any activities we"re eager to do)4:B(Taking a short nap in the afternoon)5:A(Study Habits and time Management)(二)1:B(Start a new small business)2:D(Determination and originality)3:C(Advise beforehand)4:A(Those with fewer than 50 employees)5:B(Linking to other relevant articles)(三)这题答案文章中都可以找到的,自己找啊搭配题(汉译英):1.现金价格:E(cash price)2:销售合同:D(salses contract)3:到达港:J(port of arrival)4:供货合同:A(supply agreement)5:逾期付款:H(Late payment)6:索赔通知:P(Note of claim)7:贸易协定:B(Trade agreement)8:信用证:M(Letter of credit)9:固定价格:G(Fixed price)10:即期装运:K(Prompt shipment)翻译(选择正确答案):1:BCD 2:AB 3:ACD 4:ABC作文:介绍产品This product has been studied for a long time, we invented for consumer demand, design, easy and you are using这产品经过很久的研究发明出来的 ,我们为了消费者的需求考虑,设计多功能,轻巧,方便大家是用 Our products inexpensive,我们的产品物美价廉,You choose this product guarantee你选择这产品保证超值This product environmental protection, low is a majority of satisfaction这产品环保,价廉是多数人的满意之选Hope everyone after use希望大家使用后开心 S.uper___Man 18:35:0826. A have a passion for sth “对——有强烈的感情、爱好” 27. D look up to“仰慕、尊敬某人”, look forward“期盼,盼望”, look into“调查”, look upon“把——看作,把——视为” 28. A willingly“愿意的” 29. C run risk“冒险”(被动的处于危险之中), take a risk“冒险”, 30. A give leisure to sth “把空闲时间用于——” 31. D so + adj + a(n) + n., such + a(n)+ adj + n 32. C 此处的含义为“不遵守规定登山会很危险” 33. B It is —— that ——为强调句型 34. A 文中的意思为“登山者们自由地选择登山的方法”。 35. D compare with“与——比较”, contrast with“对比、对照”,指比较某一事物与另一事物,以显示它们的相异之处,表现明显的差别。 36. D 连词that引导的从句作系动词 is的表语 37. D between“在——之间” 38. C depend on sb or sth“需要某人或某事的支持和帮助 39. D strength“力量的强度”, power“运用能力或体力和脑力来做某事”, force“实施力量,产生行动或征服对手”。 40. B mental“智力的”, physical“体力的” 41. B year after year后应该选有“持续”之意的动词。 42. C be + in + one"s twenties 表示“在某人二十多岁时” 43. A unusual “不寻常的” 44. D 根据文章的含义,爬山者年龄大应该使用更多的时间。 45. D shortage“短缺”, waste“浪费” 46. A 第二段老板提到“是不是到另一家报纸去”根据此推测这是一家报社。 47. C 第二段提到“假如留下,会有生活保障”从而推断若不离开未来生活无忧。 48. C 第二段提到“我要离开公司去开一家新传媒公司” 49. C 第二段提到“老板说从董事会那里得到的75%的消息都是坏消息”从而推断,报社商业处境艰难。 50. C be in one"s shoes 为“处于某人的地位”文中指老板赞同作者的看法,表示假如他处于和作者相同的情况,他自己也会做出相同的事。 51. D 第二段“The possible explanation to the trouble is that Peter is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening”。 52. A 第二段最后一句 53. C 第三段“If your energy is low in the morning, but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour”。 54. A 最后一段第一行 55. B 文章开头提到可莱曼特博士有一种新的解释,证明每个人都有一个每日的能量周期,但是后文也提到了每人能解释这个周期。 56. D 由第一段第一句话可推知。 57. B 第一段最后一句“If this view is correct ——”表明作者只是引用这种现象并不确定其正确性。 58. B offset补偿, make up for弥补, set up建立, catch up with赶上 59. B 根据第二段第二句话“A drop of just a few degrees ——”可推知。 60. C 文章是在讨论大气污染给人类带来的潜在影响。 61-65 ABCGD66.写作 Dear Dr. Wu, I have read the announcement in the newspaper that the University of Science and Technology of China is providing a scholarship in chemistry for the students. And I would like to apply for the scholarship. I received my MS degree in chemistry last year, and graduated with honors. I have worked as an assistant in the department of Chemistry on my university for two semesters. And in this letter I enclose my resume and a recommendation letter from my professor. I wish to have a personal interview with you at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Wang Lin 67. Cell Phone The brave new world of cell phones has finally arrived in China. The light weight, pocket-sized cell phones make our life more convenient, efficient and colorful. So nowadays there are more and more people liking to use them. Firstly, cell phones can facilitate communications. It is very convenient for us to get in touch people with cell phones. Wherever we are, if we want to talk to people, the only thing we need to do is to pick up a cell phone. Secondly, cell phones can make the businessmen"s work more efficient. Some smart cell phones have the capacity of the computers; they can store and run simple programs. With the id of GPRS, people also can send or receive e-mail via cell phones. Lastly, we can entertain ourselves with cell phone. When you are bored, you can play the built-in java games, listen to radio or record a short video with your cell phone. I think cell phone plays an important part in our daily life. I wish with the help of cell phones our future life would be more convenient and beautiful.


 题目:   中国目前拥有世界上最快的高速铁路网。高铁列车的运行速度还将继续提升。更多的城市将修建高铁站。高铁大大缩短了人们出行的时间,相对汽车而言,高速列车的突出优势在于准时, 因为基本不受天气或交通管制的影响。高铁极大地改变了中国人的生活方式。如今,它已经成了很多人商务旅行的首选交通工具。越来越多的人也在假日乘高铁外出旅游。还有不少年轻人选择在一个城市工作而在临近城市居住,每天乘高铁上下班。 参考译文有道考神版:   精简结构:   ①中国……有……铁路网。   ②……速度……将……提升,……城市将修建高铁站。   ③高铁……缩短了……时间。   ④相对……而言,……优势在于……,因为……不受……影响。   ⑤高铁……改变了……生活方式。   ⑥如今,它……成了……交通工具。   ⑦……人……乘高铁……旅游。   ⑧……年轻人选择在……工作……在……居住,……乘高铁上下班。   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   参考译文:   ①China currently has the world"s largest and fastest high-speed railway network。   ②The speed of high-speed trains will continue to increase, and more cities will build high-speed rail stations。   ③High-speed rail greatly shortens people‘s travel time。   ④Comparing to airplanes, one outstanding advantages of high-speed rail trains is punctuality, because they are basically not affected by weather or traffic regulations。   ⑤High-speed rail has greatly changed the way of life of Chinese people。   ⑥Today, it has become the preferred means of transportation for many business travelers。   ⑦More and more people also travel by taking high-speed rail during holidays。   ⑧There are also many young people choosing to work in a city and live in a nearby city and commute by taking high-speed trains every day。   参考译文文都版:   Nowadays, China owns the biggest and fastest network of high speed railway in this world and its speed will continue to be increased. More cities will build high speed railway stations. The time spent in travel has been largely shortened. Owing to its feature of unaffected by the weather and traffic control basically, the outstanding advantage of high speed railway is on time compared with airplane. It has changed the lifestyle of Chinese greatly. Now, it has been the first choice for many businessmen in their business trips. An increasing number of people select high speed railway as their transportation means during their vacations. Many young people choose to work in a city but live in a neighboring city and commute by high speed railway. 参考译文网友版:   基础版   China now has the largest and fastest high-speed railway network in the world. The speed of high-speed trains will go on to be improved. More and more cities are building their high-speed railway stations. High-speed railway has greatly reduced the time people spend on travelling. Compared with planes, the outstanding advantage of high-speed train is that they arrive on time, because basically high-speed trains are not often affected by weather or traffic control. High-speed railway has greatly changed the way of Chinese people"s life. Nowadays, it has become the first choice of transportation of business trips for Chinese people. More and more people also take high-speed trains to travel on holidays. Besides, many young people choose to work in one city and live in a city next to it, and they take high-speed trains to and from work.   进阶版   China currently possesses the largest and fastest high-speed railway network in the world. The speed of high-speed trains is expected to be continuously improved, with more and more cities building their high-speed railway stations. High-speed railway significantly cuts back the time people spend on traveling. Compared with planes, the outstanding advantage of high-speed trains is their punctuality, for it is scarcely influenced by weather conditions or traffic control. High-speed railway has tremendously changed Chinese people"s lifestyle. Nowadays, it has become the first option of transportation mode when people are on business trips. A growing number of people also take the high-speed railway to travel on holidays. What"s more, some youngsters choose to work in one city while living in a neighboring one, riding high-speed trains to commute. 温馨提示:“考试采取“多题多卷”模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题进行核对。” ※2018年6月英语六级成绩查询时间:




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   Section B   Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.    Passage one   Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.   26. A)He specializes for University students.   B) He start specialized sinse University.   C) He specialized in interpersonal relationship.   D)He specializes in interpersonal relationship.   27. A) Students who scored low standardized tests.   B) Black freshmen with high standardized test scores.   C) Students who are accustomed to living in dorms.   D) Black students from families with low incomes.   28. A) They at the college dorms at the end of the semester.   B) They were of the universityu2019s housing policy.   C) They generally spend more time together that white pairs.   D) They broke up more often than same-race roommates.   29. A) Their racial attitudes improved.   B) Their test scores rose gradually.   C) They grew bored of each other.   D) They started doing similar activities.    Passage two   Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.   30. A) It will become popular gradually.   B) It will change the concept of food.   C) It has attracted worldwide attention.   D) It can help solve global flood crises.   31. A) It has been increased over the years.   B) It has been drastically cut by NASA.   C) It is still far from being sufficient.   D) It comes regularly from its donors.   32. A) They are less healthy than we expected.   B) They are not as expensive as believe.   C) They are more nutritious and delicious.   D) They are not as natural as we believed.   Passage Three   Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.   33. A) He has better memories of childhood.   B) He was accused of family violence.   C) He is a habitual criminal.   D) He was wrongly imprisoned.   34. A) The juryu2019s prejudice against his race.   B) The evidence found at the crime scene.   C) The two victimsu2019 identification.   D) The testimony of his two friends.   35. A) The US judicial system has much room for improvement.   B) Frightened victims can rarely make correct identification.   C) Eyewitnesses are often misled by the layeru2019s questions.   D) Many factors influence the accuracy of witness testimony.    SECTION B   Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.   注意:此部分的试题请在答题卡2上作答。   About 700,000 children in Mexico dropped out of school last year as recession-stricken families pushed kids to work, and a weak economic recovery will allow only a (36)_________improvement in the drop-out rate in 2010, a top education (37) _________said.   Mexicou2019s economy suffered more than any other in Latin America last year, (38) _________an estimated 7 percent due to a (39) _________in U.S. demand for Mexican exports such as cars.   The (40) _________led to a 4 percent increase in the number of kids who left (41) _________or middle school in 2009, said Juan de Dios Castro, who (42) _________the nationu2019s adult education program and keeps a close watch on drop-out rates.   “(43) _________rose and that is a factor that makes our job more difficult.” Castro told Reuters in an interview earlier this month.   (44)___________________________________________________________________________________________________.As a result, drop-out rates will not improve much, Castro said. “There will be some improvement, but not significant,” Castro said.   (45)___________________________________________________________________________________________________. And children often sell candy and crafts in the streets or word in restaurants.   (46)___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Mexicou2019s politicians have resisted mending the countryu2019s tax, energy and labor laws for decades, leaving its economy behind countries such as Brazil and Chile.




2014年6月四级翻译   翻译一:   为了促进教育公平,中国已经投入360亿元,用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部地区农村义务教育(compulsory education)。这些资金用于改善教学设施、购买书籍,使16万多所中小学收益。资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材。现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课。一些为接受更好教育而转往城市上学的学生如今又回到了本地农村学校就读。   知识点分析:   1、 为了促进:“为了”除了in order to之外还可以用for/for the purpose of,还可以将这部分放在句尾to promote......“促进”除了可以用promote,还可以用further/boost。   2、公平:这里姚明名词形式,equal是形容词,名词形式为equality,或是equity。   3、360亿元,十亿是billion,即36 billion。后面billion不需要用复数。更不能写360000000(后面不知道多少个0)   4、教育设施:educational facilities   5、使.....受益:be beneficial to或者直接用动词benefit,并且“使16万多所中小学收益”这句可以用定语从句加以修饰。   6、山区:mountainous areas,沿海城市:coast是海岸,所以沿海城市翻译成coastal cities   7、转往:transfer,或者用更简单的词语“go to”都可以,翻译只要做到达意,顺畅便可,在句式没有问题的情况下,词语可以低端化。   参考译文:   In order to promote equality in education, China has invested 36 billion Yuan to improve educational facilities in rural areas and strengthen rural compulsory education in Midwest areas. These funds are used to improve teaching facilities, and purchase books, which benefit more than 160,000 primary and secondary schools. Funds are used to purchase musical instrument and painting tools as well. Now children in rural and mountainous areas can have music and painting lessons just like children from coastal cities. Some students who have transferred to city schools to receive a better education are now moving back to their local rural schools.   翻译二:   中国教育工作者早就认识到读书对于国家的重要意义。有些教育工作者2003年就建议设立全民读书日。他们强调,人们应当读好书,尤其是经典著作,通过阅读,人们能更好地学会感恩、有责任心和与人合作,而教育的目的正是要培养这些基本素质。阅读对于中小学生尤为重要,假如他们没有在这个关键时期培养阅读的兴趣,以后要养成阅读的习惯就很难了。   知识点分析:   1、重要意义:直接翻译重要性即可,所以可以翻译成importance。   2、经典著作:classic works。   3、感恩:grateful,或者thankful也是可以的,学会同义替换。   4、基本素质:素质就是人的品德,能力,所以可以翻译成quality,capability。   5、关键时期:这里的关键除了翻成important之外,key/critical/crucial都是对的。   6、养成习惯:form或者develop都可以表示养成。这一篇翻译相对来说是难度不大,句式把握住,就不会有太大的问题。   参考译文:   China"s education workers have realized for a long time the importance of reading to the country. Some of them have suggested that a National Reading Day be set up since 2003. They stressed that people should read good books, especially the classic works. Through reading, people can better learn to be grateful, responsible and cooperate with others. However, the purpose of education is to cultivate these basic qualities. Reading is particularly important for primary and middle school students. If they don"t develop the interest of reading during this crucial period, it is difficult to form the habit of reading later.   翻译三:   中国应进一步发展核能,因为核电目前只占其总发电量的2%,该比例在所有核国家中居第30位,几乎是最低的。   2011年3月日本核电站事故后,中国的核能开发停了下来,终止审批新的核电站,并开展全国性的核安全检查。到2012年10月,审批才又谨慎地恢复。   随着技术和安全措施的改进,发生核事故的可能性完全可以降低到最低程度。换句话说,核能是可以完全开发和利用的。   知识点分析:   这篇难度相对比较大,首先一来 核能 这个词语就把学生整懵了。但是其实这个词语不仅是在日常新闻报道还是以前高中课文之中,甚至是前一年四级考试的图画作文之中都出现过。而碰到其他难的词语的时候,就假设把这些词语要解释给小学生听,这样翻译了一遍中文之后,这个中文就会很简单,再翻译成英文就会相对容易:   核能:nuclear power或者nuclear energy核电站:nuclear power plants,这里把plant替换成station同样可以发电量:the total generating capacity终止审批:suspend the approvals,终止也可以用terminate,再或者用stop也可以,只是相对于其他两个stop还不够正式。安全检查:safety inspection利用:utilize或者use   China should further develope nuclear energy, because nuclear power currently accounts for only 2% of the total generating capacity. The proportion is in 30th among all nuclear-capable countries, which almost the lowest。   In March 2011, after the accident of Japanese nuclear power station, China stopped its nuclear energy development, with approvals for new nuclear power plants suspended, and national nuclear safety inspection carried out. Examine and Approval has been restored carefully since October, 2012.   With the improvement of technology and safety measures, the possibility of nuclear accidents can be dropped to a minimum extent. In other words, the nuclear energy can be exploited and utilized safely.






【 #四六级考试# 导语】天道酬勤,曾经的每一分付出,必将收到百倍回报。不管揭晓的答案是什么,只要努力过、奋斗过,就不会后悔。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.2022年6月英语四级听力必备高频词汇   annuity 年金   article 物品,商品   assigned 过户   autarchy 闭关自守   available capital 可用资产   average income 平均收入   balance of trade 交易平衡   bank 银行   banknote/note/bill 钞票,纸币   bear 卖空者,空头   bearer cheque 无记名支票   bond 债券   borrower 借方,借款人   borrowing 借款   break 暴跌   broker 经济人   buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金   bull 买空者,多头   business recession 经济衰退   business slump 生意萧条   by-product 副产品   capital flight 资本外逃   capital goods 资本货物   capitalist economy 资本主义经济   cartel 卡特尔   cash 现金   interest 利息   International Finance Corporation/IFC 国际金融公司   International Monetary Found/IMF 国际货币基金组织   investment trust 投资信托   investment 投资,资产   investor 投资人   issue 发行股票   land tax 地租,地价税   lender 债权人   liberal economy 自由经济   London Stock Market 伦敦股票市场   long term loan 长期贷款   manufactured goods/finished goods 制成品,产成品   maturity 到期日,偿还日   medium term loan 中期贷款   mixed economy 混合经济   money 货币   mortgage 抵押   National city Bank of New York 花旗银行   national income 国民收入   net income 纯收益,净收入,收益净额   economic trend 经济趋势   economist 经济学家   endorsement 背书;批注   Eurogroup 欧洲集团   European Economic Community/EEC/European Common Market 欧洲经济共同体   exchange rate 汇率,兑换率   excise tax 特许权税   expenditure/outgoings 开支,支出   fiscal year 财政年度   fixed assets 固定资产   fixed costs 固定成本   floating debt 流动债务   floating exchange rate 浮动汇率   Food and Agricultural Organization/FAO 粮食与农业组织   foreign exchange 外汇   free exchange rates 自由汇兑市场   frozen assets 冻结资产   frozen capital 冻结资金   funded debt 固定债务,长期债务   gold reserve 黄金储备   gold standard 金本位   public sector 公共部门,公共成分   purchasing power/buying power 购买力   quotation 报价,牌价   raising limit 涨停板   rate of growth 增长   rate of interest 利率   raw material 原料   raw product 初级产品   ready money business/no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠   ready money 现钱   real estate 不动产,房地产   reciprocal trade agreement 互惠贸易政策   redemption 偿还   rediscount 再贴现   reserve 预备金,储备金   retailer 零售商   revaluation 重估价   runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀   rural economics 农村经济   saving 储装,存款   scarcity 短缺   securities business 证券市场   securities 有价证券   self-financing 自筹经费   semifinished goods 半成品   share/common stock 普通股   stock investment 股票投资   stock-jobber 股票经纪人   supply 供给,补给 2.2022年6月英语四级听力必备高频词汇   rainy season 雨季   dry season 干季   lightning 闪电   thunderstorm 雷雨   haze/mist 薄雾   fog 雾气   snowfall 降雪量   sleet 冰雹   gust 狂风   breeze 微风   heat wave 热浪   cold wave 寒流 3.2022年6月英语四级听力必备高频词汇   napkin 餐巾   beverage 饮料   pineapple 凤梨,菠萝   hot pot 火锅   barbecue 烧烤野餐   sandcastle 沙堡   balloon 气球   gardening 园艺   excursion 短途旅行;远足   performance表演   tennis court 网球场   clap 拍掌,鼓掌   computer game 电脑游戏   swing 秋千   figure skating 花样滑冰   gossip 闲话;爱说长道短的人   TV channels 电视频道   horror movie 恐怖片   broadcast 广播节目;播送   live broadcast 现场直播   jukebox 自动点唱机   enthusiastic 热情的   documentary 纪录片   violence movie 暴力片   commercial advertisement 商业广告   entertainment industry 娱乐行业   TV theatre 电视剧院


语文老师说的应该是农历,或者是季度(第二季度) 立夏一般在五月初,所以是567,这是国内普遍的说法 但西方国家习惯678(英语老师对英美文化有一定了解)

双色球历史走势图txt全下载 从2000年2月16日至2011年6月27日所有的开奖号码



2019年6月大学英语四级作文高分句型7类   英语四级作文高分句型:后果影响   后果影响 ------分析某事物可能造成的后果或者带来的影响 .   [1]. It will produce a profound impact on....   [2]. In involves some serious consequence for ........   英语四级作文高分句型:两者相同   3-2-2 . 两者相同/相似 ------> 比较两事物共同都有或者共同都没有的特点时用!   [1]. A and B have several thing in common. They are similar in that.....   [2]. A bears some striking(显著的) resemblance(s)( 相似性) to B.   英语四级作文高分句型:两者比较   3-2-1. 两者比较 ---> 比较两事物, 要说出其一超过另一个, 或肯定一事物的优点, 也肯定其缺点的时候用   [1]. The advantages gained from A are much greater than the advantages we gain from B.   [2]. Indeed, A carries much weight重要度)when compared with B.   [3]. There is no doubt that it has its negative effects as well as positive effects.   英语四级作文高分句型:结论性   2-1 结论性--------- 通过对文章前面的讨论 ,引出或重申文章的中心   [1]. From what has been discussed above, we may easily draw the conclusion that .....   [2]. In summary , it is more valuable .......   英语四级作文高分句型:后果性   2-2 后果性------ 揭示所讨论的问题若不解决, 将产生的严重后果.   [1]. We must call for an immediate method , because the current phenomenon of ... , if allowed to proceed, will surely lead to the heavy cost of .......   [2]. Obviously , if we ignore/are blind to the problem , there is every chance that .. will be put in danger.   英语四级作文高分句型:号召性   2-3 号召性 -------- 呼吁读者行动起来, 采取行动或提请注意想及观点   [1]. It is time that we urged an immediate end to the undesirable tendency of····   [2]. It is essential thar effective measures should be taken to correct the tendency.   英语四级作文高分句型:建议性   2-4 建议性 -------- 对所讨论的问题提出建议性的意见, 包括建议和具体的解决问题的方法   [1]. While it cannot be solved immediately, still there are ways. The most popular is .... Another method is ... Still another one is .....   [2]. Awareness/Recognition of the problem is the first step toward the situation


2019年6月大学英语四级汉译英(16)   81.你将来做什么样的工作完全取决于你,希望你不会后悔你作出的选择。   It"s up to you what kind of job you are going to take. I hope you will pot regret making your choice.   82.你学了几年英语?你讲起英语来就好像你真是个美国人呢。   How many years have you been learning English? You speak English as if you were a real American   83.这里不允许抽烟。要抽烟的人请到室外去抽。   Smoking is not allowed here. Those who would like to smoke will have to smoke in the open air.   84.人人都知道抽烟对健康有害,但为什么这么多人仍不愿意戒烟昵?   Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to our health, but why don"t so many people stop smoking?   85.他被辞退的原因是因为他不能说流利的英语。   The reason why he was fired was that he couldn"t speak fluent English..   86.在本世纪,凡是不会使用电脑的人不能做办公室工作。   In this century those who can"t use the computer will not be able to work in an office.   87.作出决定前你应该仔细考虑是否接受这个工作。   before you. make a decision, you"ll have to consider carefully whether to accept the job   88.他及时给了我们帮助,没有他的帮助我们是不可能成功的。   He offered us help in time, without which we could not have succeeded.   89.他是我们中间唯一的大学毕业生,自然他懂的东西比我们多得多。   He is the only col1ege graduate among us, and so naturally he knows much more than a any of us   90.我回到家乡时,发现旧房子都已拆除,这使我大为惊奇。   When I returned to rny hometown, I found, to my great surprise, all the old houses had been pulled down. 2019年6月大学英语四级汉译英(17)   91.我不习惯吃冷的食物,所以觉得在英国生活受不了。   I"m not used to eating cold food, so I feel it terrible to live in England.   92.她不喜欢你说话的样子,你不能说得小声些吗?   She doesn"t like the way you speak. Can"t you speak softly?   93.你不在房间时别让灯开着,别忘了关灯。   Don"t leave the lights on while you are away from the room. Don"t forget to turn off the lights   94.我建议你做功课前先复习一下课文,这样你可以避免犯许多错误。   I suggest your reviewing the texts before you do the exercises. In this way you can avoid making many mistakes.   95.我们说话时有人敲门,所以她只得告退去应门。   There was a knock on the door while we were talking, so she had to excuse herself to answer the door.   96.警察赶到老汉被害的地方,很快就抓到了杀害老汉的那个坏人。   The police hurried over (to the place) where the old man was murdered. Soon they caught the murderer who had killed the old man.   97.你就是我一直在寻找的人。是你帮助我克服了困难,我不知道怎样感谢你呢。   You"re the right person I"m looking for. It was you who helped me to get over my trouble. I don"t know how to thank you.   98.为什么不去爬山呢?爬山很累,但是我并不介意走上几个小时。   Why not climb the mountain? Mountain-climbing is tiring, but I don"t mind walking a few hours-.   99.我丢失了自行车的钥匙,哪儿也找不到。   I lost my key to the bike, and it was nowhere to be found.   100.今天能做完的事不应该留待明天。学会利用时间就意味着取得成功。   What can be done today should not be left over till tomorrow. Learning to make good use of time means making successes.









2019年6月英语四级翻译:汉语热   请将下面这段话翻译成英文:   汉语热已经成为全球语言交际系统中的一种普遍现象。据统计,目前全世界94个国家和地区开设了300多所孔子学院和300多个孔子课堂。全球学习汉语的人数已超过4000万人。事实上,目前海外正在掀起的汉语热,一方面是由于中国经济迅速发展带来的民族自信心的上升,另一方面也是全球化形势下跨文化交流需求与日俱增的效应所致。   参考译文:   Mandarin fever has become a common sense in the global language communication system. According to the statistics, currently more than 300 confucius institutes and confucius classrooms have been established in the world"s 94 countries and regions, and the number of the people learning Mandarin has been over 40 million. Actually, currently overseas is stirring up the study of Chinese language, which can be attributed to the upgrade of national confidence brought by rapid development of Chinese economy as well as the increasing requirements of cross-cultural communication under the situation of the globalization. 2019年6月英语四级翻译:电子书   请将下面这段话翻译成英文:   电子书(e-book)通常指数字化出版物,它可以包含文字、图片、声音、影像或几者兼有。现在人们经常使用智能手机(smartphone)、平板电脑(tablet)或者专门为电子书制造的电子阅读器来阅读电子书。电子书内容丰富,便于存储,而且价格低廉,有助于阅读的普及。从传统意义上讲,电子书是纸质书的电子化,但现在许多电子书并没有纸质的对应物。电子书以数字形式存储,因此人们随时都可以阅读。2012年,美国电子书的销量首次超过精装书(hardcover book)。   参考译文:   E-books generally refer to digitized publications. They can include words, pictures, sounds, images, or a combination of two or more. Now people often read e-books with smartphones, tablets, or e-books readers that are specially made for e-books. E-books have colorful contents and are convenient to store. Their prices are cheap and they are conductive to the popularity of reading. E-books are traditionally believed as an electronic version of the printed books. but now many e-books exist without any printed equivalent. E-books are stored digitally, so they can be read at any time. In 2012,e-books sales in the United States surpassed hardcover book sales for the first time.


  距离2014年6月的大学英语四级考试的日子越来越近了,同学们的备考也到了最后的冲刺阶段,于此同时英语频道为您整理了《2014年6月14日大学英语四级全真模拟试题》,希望对您有帮助,欢迎您访问浏览更多考试资讯。    Part I Writing.(30 minutes)   1、1.目前,一些城市开始推行垃圾分类   2.垃圾分类的重要性   3.为此.我们应该u2026u2026   The Importance of Waste Sorting   ____________________________________________   ____________________________________________   ____________________________________________   Section A   Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.   2、听音频:   u200b   根据听力,回答2-26题:   A.Go fishing.   B.Entertain at home.   C.Work at home.   D.Have a lest.   3、   A.She is very fired of physics。   B.She is too busy to work on chemistry.   C.She hasn"t got a chemistry partner yet.   D.She prefers physics to chemistry.   4、   A.He gets a sore throat in the meeting.   B.Re feels hard to recover.   C.He is uneasy about his performance.   D.He looks down on himself.   5、   A.Change his mind.   B.Go swimming with others.   C.Finish his book report.   D.Answer his letters.   6、   A.She hasn"t finished the reading.   B.She does nu2019t want to plebe Lyonnaise.   C.She doesn"t like the book.   D.She would not hand in the report.   7、   A.ht sist on a discount.   B.Pick up some colleagues.   C.Buy some fresh apple pies.   D.Make a call.to his co—worker.   8、   A.T—he mall should work harder.   B.The man cart pass the course.   C.The man should have a try.   D.The man must think twice.   9、   A.The woman will go for a ride around the town tomorrow.   B.The woman has lent her car to her sister for tomorrow use。   C.The man will drive his mother around town tomorrow.   D.The man will go shopping in the supermarket tomorrow.   10、根据听力,回答题:   A.She spoils her daughter so much in the daily life。   B.She thinks there are,many traps on the Internet.   C.She balances the negative and.positive sides of the Internet.   D.She prefers to discipline her daughter to study hard.   11、   A.He normally practices oral English every day.   B.He always speaks English with his best friend.   C.He often practices English on the Internet.   D.He gets many free materials about oral English.   12、   A.Talk more about Internet.   B.Download QQ from the Internet.   C.Chat in English on the Internet.   D.Persuade more people to use Internet.   13、 根据听力,回答题:   A.The flu the man suffered from.   B.The earthquake they experienced.   C.The proper response to an earthquake.   D.The disaster canned by an earthquake.   14、   A.He stayed in bed.   B.He tried to get outside.   C.He cried for help.   D.He hided in the kitchen.   15、   A.He thought the noise was caused by the flu.   B.He promptly realized an earthquake happened.   C.He went downstairs and screamed.   D.He went back to his bedroom to sleep.   16、   A.The man survived from the earthquake for his proper reaction.   B.The manu2019s house fell down during the earthquake.   C.All the people in the caf6 escaped from the earthquake.   D.The radio guided people to react right in the earthquake.   17、 根据听力,回答题:   A.The manner and ability to grasp main idea.   B.The speed and efficiency of reading.   C.The type and intentions of reading.   D.The pace and step of reading.   18、   A.Read fast.   B.Proceed more slowly.   C.Re—read several times.   D.Take in the whole.   19、   A.The spelling and meaning of words.   B.The general meaning of the text.   C.The exact shape and order of letters.   D.The details of the text.   20、 根据听力,回答题:   A.Most people carl bear the losing of their wallets but not cell phones.   B.Most people admit mobile phones are the“remote control”for life.   C.Most people must live with their mobile phones.   D.Most people owned more than one mobile phone.


供参考:1.蓝精灵 The Smurfs 蓝精灵终于搬上了大银幕,80后心中的经典回忆,不多说了。上映日期:2011年7月26日2.哈利波特与死亡圣器(下) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II这片就留给哈迷们去看吧。 作为哈利波特系列的最后一部,考虑到全球有如此多的哈迷,有理由相信此片能拿下2011年全球票房的冠军。(续集1次)上映日期:2011年7月15日3.金刚狼2 X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2不知道金刚狼身上还有多少剩余价值可供榨取? 主演依然是休杰克曼.(续集2次)4.全民超人汉考克2 Hancock 2虽然全民1被很多人所诟病。编剧飘忽不定的影片类型定位,让很多人看完此片不知道到底影片到底讲述了一个什么样的故事。但是对看惯了正统超级英雄的影迷们来说,威尔史密斯所扮演的痞子英雄还是有另一种味道的。 全民2里依然还有查理兹塞隆。(续集3次)5.神力女超人 Wonder Woman对片名不作评价 Wonder Woman是DC的漫画英雄,(DC漫画公司的超级英雄有超人,蝙蝠侠,闪电侠等) 。对于看惯了超级英雄的观众来讲,不知道有多少人会对这个女英雄感兴趣。 6.功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda: The Kaboom of Doom熊猫1的大获成功想必会拉动2的票房。 配音依然是杰克布莱克,达斯汀霍夫曼,安吉丽娜朱莉。(续集4次)上映日期:2011年5月26日 7.谍影重重4 Untitled Jason Bourne Project令人相当期待的一部影片。谍影重重系列影片气氛紧张刺激,剪辑紧凑,镜头视觉独特,配乐也相当到位。同时,也是一部“驴友环游世界纪录片”。重重3结束后,影迷纷纷推测谍影重重系列已经完结了。 但是环球公司怎么能放过用“史上最强特工” Jason Bourne圈钱的机会呢? 马特达蒙当然也是雷打不动的主角。(续集5次)8.第一滴血5 Rambo V以前你可以叫他史大叔,现在绝对应该叫史大爷了。 从今年即将上映的《敢死队》到明年的“第5滴血”, 史泰龙的演绎生涯相当旷日而持久(续集6次)9.变形金刚3 Transformers 3不多介绍了,凭借着前两部的超高人气,即便没有了梅根福克斯,变3也很有可能杀进北美暑期档甚至全年票房的三甲当中。(续集7次)上映日期:2011年7月1日10.魔兽世界 Warcraft3 WOW有了魔兽世界和魔兽争霸游戏的影响力,这部影片几乎不需要作任何大肆的宣传,观影人数就很可能是数以亿计。 当然,考虑到,魔兽的的受众群多为宅男,影片票房确实就很难有保障了。11.蝙蝠侠前传3 Untitled Batman Project今年的《奠基》已经把导演克里斯托弗诺兰送上了大师的神坛。虽然超越其前作《黑暗骑士》的可能性不大,但是诺兰执导,克里斯蒂安贝尔,摩根弗里曼主演的阵容依旧是非常让人期待的。(续集8次)12.绿灯侠 Green Lantern 又是一位DC的漫画英雄。2011年简直是各路英雄扎堆啊!上映日期:2011年6月17日13.雷神托尔 ThorMARVEL(惊奇)漫画公司的英雄之一。(惊奇漫画公司的超级英雄还包括X-MEN,绿巨人,钢铁侠,蜘蛛侠,神奇四侠,超胆侠等)只不过这个超级英雄身份有点特殊,是个神。上映日期:2011年5月6日14.加勒比海盗4 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides作为普叔的fan,当初在加2出来的时候就觉得多余了,本来《加勒比海盗》的故事性就很完整了,而且人物也很丰满完整了。 可是迪斯尼绝对不会放过这个赚钱的好机会。 硬是找来编剧胡编乱造,生搬硬套出了2,3。 当大家以为这就是最后的完结的时候,4出来了. 但是作为爆米花电影,进影院帮着Depp刷刷票房还是可以的。 (续集9次)上映日期:2011年5月20日15.美国队长(2011) The First Avenger: Captain America惊奇公司又一出名的超级英雄上映日期:2011年5月22日16.X战警前传:万磁王(2011) X-Men Origins: Magneto依照这个趋势下去,X战警每个人都可以独立出个前传。这个系列也就天荒天老了。17.碟中谍4 Mission: Impossible 4碟中谍系列还是受很多人喜欢的。 (续集10次)上映日期:2011年12月16日18.美国正义联盟 Justice League: Mortal美国正义联盟”里聚集了DC Comics旗下几乎所有知名的漫画英雄,包括蝙蝠侠、超人、闪电侠等等,众多英雄们聚集在一起除暴安良,保卫地球。DC这次是疯了!!!!!19.灵魂战车2 Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance尼古拉斯凯奇是一位十分高产的作家。 (续集11次) 20.速度与激情5 Fast Five这个也已经5了 (续集12次)上映日期:2011年6月10日21.死神来了5 Final Destination 5这个也5了 从英文片名上看,是《最后的终点》,不知道是不是真的片如其名。 (续集13次)上映日期:2011年8月26日注:未写上映日期的为具体上映日期尚未公布,实际情况可能会有所出入


She has graduated in June, 2017








【 #四六级考试# 导语】作为一次经历,失败有时比成功更有价值。失败可以给我们留下更深刻而持久的记忆和思考。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.2022年6月大学英语四级高频词汇   1.grant vt. 授予,同意,准予   take for granted是固定表达,为习惯用语,指"将...看作理所当然",如to take nothing for granted(不把任何事物看作是理所应当的)。 take sth for granted不可接宾语从句,一定要接时,需在take后加it作形式宾语。   We took it for granted that you knew the whole matter.   我们以为你当然是知道所有情况的。   2.grand adj. 宏伟的,壮丽的,重大的   词义辨析:big, large, great, grand   big 常用词,使用广泛,较口语化。多指体积、重量或容量等方面的"大",有时也用于描写抽象之物。   large 普通用词,含义广,指体积、面积、容量、数量以及程度等方面的大,具体或抽象意义均可用。   great 普通用词,可指具体东西的"大",但更常指事物的重要,人的行为、品格的伟大等,带一定的感情 色彩。   grand 侧重指盛大、宏大的、有气派。   The Grand Design reached its rhetorical apogee.   宏伟计划达到口头上的高 潮。   3. invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭   Wipe out any enemy who dares to invade our country.   消灭任何胆敢来犯的敌人。   The town was invaded by reporters.   这个城市涌进了大批记者。   4. acid n. 酸,酸性物质 adj. 酸的;尖刻的   acid rain 酸雨 acid test 酸性测试 acid jazz 迷幻爵士乐   An acid solution is concentrated when it has very much acid in it.   当酸溶液里含有很多酸时,它就被浓缩了。   She uttered the phrase with acid sarcasm.   她以辛辣的讽刺口吻说这个词。   5. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢   词义辨析:acknowledge, admit, confess, recognize, concede   acknowledge 通常指公开承认某事的真实情况或自己的过错。   admit 强调因外力或良心驱使或经判断而明确承认,多含不情愿或被迫意味。   confess 语气较强,着重承认自己意识到的错误或罪行,含坦白忏悔的意味。   recognize 作"承认"解时,系书面用词,主要指合法的或外交上的承认,也指公认。   concede 指在事实与证据面前勉强或不得不承认。   The critic should acknowledge the complexity and inherent ambiguity of the policymaker"s choices.   评论者应该承认决策者作出抉择的复杂性及难以避免的缺乏鲜明性。   We must not fail to acknowledge his services to the town.   我们必须感谢他对本市的贡献。   6. balcony n. 阳台   As he came out on the balcony, she turned to him, her face alight.   当他走上凉台时,她转向他,脸色开朗起来。   I"m sorry, all the balcony seats are gone.   抱歉,包厢的票都卖完了。   7. calculate vt. 计算,核算   词义辨析:calculate, count, compute, reckon   calculate: 通常指要求细致精确和复杂的计算,以解决疑难问题,多用于自然科学、生产部门或要求专门计算的场合。   count: 指逐一计算而得出总数。   compute: 一般指已有数据的,较简单但数字长的数学 运算。   reckon: 通常指较简单的数学计算,也可指心算。   Engineers calculate the strains and stresses of a bridge.   工程师们计算桥梁的受压力度。   8. calendar n. 日历,月历   A calendar hung against the wall.   墙上挂着日历。   Our weather must not always be judged by the Calendar.   我们的季节不能总是靠日历来衡量。   9. optimistic a. 乐观   over-optimistic过于乐观的   optimistic estimate 乐观估计   It would be wrong of me to paint optimistic picture.   如果我把情况说得很乐观,那就错了。   10. optional a. 可以任选的,非强制的   optional word 任选字; 随意选择字   optional stipulation 选择性规定   optional sampling 任意抽样   It is optional with you.   悉听尊便。   If it is difficult to state definitely one or several ports, optional ports can be adopted.   假如难以明确写出一个或几个港口,就可以采用选择港这个办法。 2.2022年6月大学英语四级高频词汇   1. outstanding a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的   词义辨析:outstanding, noticeable, remarkable, conspicuous, striking   outstanding 通常指与同行或同类的人相比显得优秀或杰出,或具有他人或别的事物所没有的特征。   noticeable 指所描绘的事物引人注意。   remarkable 通常指因有与众不同的特点或优越性而引起人们注意或称道。   conspicuous 通常指因成绩卓著,而引人注意,或指因外观奇特、花哨或言行举止不合常规而令人注意。   striking 侧重能给观察者产生强烈而深刻印象。   Einstein was an outstanding scientist.   爱因斯坦是位杰出的科学家。   2.export n. 出口(物) v. 出口,输出   He posted up the export sales.   他把外销帐过到分类帐上。   Africa is exporting beef to Europe.   非洲向欧洲出口牛肉。   3.import n. 进口(物) v. 进口,输入   The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1986.   在1986年,棉织品的进口猛增。   The government has an interest in importing scientific equipment.   政府对引进科学设备非常感兴趣。   4. impose vt. 把...加强(on);采用,利用   The host country may impose foreign exchange control.   东道国则可能强行实施外汇管制。   Reality would impose the main lines of our policy.   我们的主要政策方针都将取决于现实。   5.religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰   Muslim(伊斯兰教)、Buddhism(佛教)、Christianity(基 督教)都属于宗教信仰范畴。   Crescent is a sign of the Muslim religion.   新月形是伊斯兰教的象征。   Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India.   佛教是佛陀创始于印度北部之宗教。   6. religious a. 宗教的   These two countries had three religious wars in twenty years.   这两个国家在20年里发生过三次宗教上的冲突。   She is very religious and goes to church three times a week.   她非常虔诚,每周去教堂三次。   7.victim n. 牺牲品,受害者   一般来说,victim表示"受害者",没有"死亡"的意思,但是用于疾病名前的时候,常指"因某病而死的死者"。   He is the victim of a masked holdup.   他是一次蒙面抢劫的受害者。   8.video n. 电视,视频 a. 电视的,录像的   video arcade 电子游戏中心 digital video 数字视频   I have seen this video before.   我以前看过这录像节目。   I don"t see any point of playing video games all day.   我看不出整天打电动玩具有什么意义。   9.videotape n. 录像磁带 v. 把...录在录像带上   Al-Jazeera said a group calling itself "Ansar al-Tawid wal Sunnah" produced the videotape.   半岛电视台说,一个自称统一圣行拥护者的组织制作了这个录像。   10. offend v. 冒犯,触犯   词义辨析:offend, insult   offend 普通用词,指一般地伤害他人感情,使其不愉快。   insult 语气强,指肆无忌惮地侮辱,使其难堪或羞愧。   offend against违反(违犯) offend the ear 剌耳   They were careful not to offend his nibs.   他们小心翼翼,不敢冒犯这位大人。 3.2022年6月大学英语四级高频词汇   1. bother v. 打搅,麻烦   bother…with/about…打扰或麻烦某人时   Don" t bother about answering his letter.   你不必回复他的信。   2. interfere v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍   词义辨析:interfere, intervene, meddle   interfere 侧重指无权或未获允许而妨碍、阻扰、干涉他人之事。   intervene 书面用词,指介入争端,进行调停,也指干涉他人之事。   meddle 指干预与自己毫不相关的事或不属于自己职责范围的事,隐含未经许可或授权。可与interfere换用。   I don"t want to interfere with you, proceed with your work.   我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。   3. internal a. 内部的,国内的   internal medicine 内科医学   词义辨析:inner, inside, interior, internal, inward   inner 含义广泛,指事物中心或接近中心的部位,也可指内心隐密的活动。   inside 多指处于某物内部或靠近内部,常可与inner换用,可引申指内幕的,秘密的。   interior 指某物的内部,尤指某物的内侧,也可指内地的或国内的。   internal 书面用词,医学上多用,指事物的内部,也可指国内的或内政的。   inward 指朝着中心或内部方向的,侧重方向而不是位置,也可指内心的隐密活动。   In our internal deliberations he spoke in favor of reducing defense expenditures.   在内部讨论时,他表示赞成削减军事开支。   4. beforehand ad. 预先,事先   be beforehand with 预先(提前)   Get everything ready beforehand.   事前将每一切事都准备好。   5. racial a. 人种的;种族的   racial prejudice 种族偏见 racial equality 种族平等 racial discrimination种族歧视   He went on record as opposing racial discrimination.   他公开表示反对种族歧视。   6. radiation n. 放射物,辐射   radiation sickness 辐射病 gamma radiation 伽马射线   Radiation reached unheard-of levels.   辐射作用已达到前所未有的程度。   7. radical a. 根本的;激进的   These developments have effected a radical change in social life.   这些发展使社会生活发生了根本变化。   A radical critic of society has turned into a High-Church reactionary.   一个激进的社会批评家变成了高教会派的反动分子。   8. range n. 幅度,范围 v. (在某范围内)变动   His reading covers a wide range of subjects.   他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科。   Our conversation ranged over many topics.   我们的谈话涉及很多话题。   9. wonder n. 惊奇,奇迹 v. 想知道,对...感到疑惑   We have become explorers and scientists with our need to ask questions and to explore wonders.   为了解答疑问和探索奇妙的自然,我们成为探险家和科学家。   I wonder if there are some balcony seats still available.   不知道还有没有包厢的位子?   10. isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立   词义辨析:isolate, separate, segregate, insulate   isolate 侧重指完全分离、隔开,也指人或物处于完全孤立的状态。   separate 指一般意义上的分开或隔开。   segregate 指把一群人或物从整体或主体中分离出来。   insulate 指隔开、分离,尤指用某种东西阻挡从里面逃出或从外面进入的东西。作技术用词时,专指用某种绝缘体隔断通路。   The patient should isolate from his child.   这个病人必须立刻和他的孩子隔离。


6月14日,武汉的五大图书馆都纷纷恢复开放。不过想要进入图书馆还需要提前预约,目前图书馆还推出了快递寄书的服务,因为疫情造成的延期,也免除了费用。 湖北省图书馆重新对市民开放,市民提前预约即可入馆。不少家长带着孩子在馆里阅读,还有学生在馆里学习,度过充实又宁静的周末。6月14日,湖北省博物馆、省图书馆、辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆、湖北美术馆、省群艺馆5家省级公共文化场馆恢复开放,社会公众可通过预约方式有序进馆参观。6月13日下午3时,湖北省图书馆发布开馆公告后仅1个小时左右,预约进馆的前1000个名额就被读者纷纷抢注。6月14日上午9时,湖北省图书馆恢复开放。9时30分,省图书馆门前,预约而来的读者戴着口罩,自觉按照间隔一米距离为迎接恢复开放后的首批读者,省图书馆专门举办了“我在这里——开馆首日打卡送好礼”活动。在现场看到,首日预约到馆读者,兴奋地与开馆创意打卡纪念牌合影留念,并参与微信朋友圈或QQ空间集赞获得小礼品。通过网络打卡方式,将省图书馆恢复开放的讯息传递给更多朋友。同步推出的还有“爱上省图的N个理由”“重逢是一张温馨的合照”等趣味线上互动活动。 借阅的问题据悉,省图书馆恢复开放后,将继续开展全方位、立体化的线上线下服务。例如,即日起,读者可通过登录省图书馆网约书平台,选择“楚天云递”,体验“网约书”服务,读者在网上借书,省图免费快递送达。现阶段,每日开放预约总次数为100次。此项服务为读者提供多元化的阅读选择,每位读者每日可提交一次预约图书请求,每张借阅证每次最多可借阅2本图书。省图书馆工作人员介绍,自1月23日至恢复开馆后60日内产生的外借逾期费用,将予以免除。倡议广大读者合理安排、错时到馆还书。同时,读者当日归还图书须进行消杀处理,不可借阅。预约须知实行预约入馆制度。读者到馆前需通过湖北省图书馆微信公众号预约平台,按时间,实名预约,获取预约码。读者按预约时段入馆。工作日,每天限额1000人(上、下午各500人);节假日,每天限额2000人(上、下午各1000人)开放时间:周二至周日上午9:00-12:00,下午14:00-17:00。每日12:00-14:00、17:00以后,各服务点及阅览室集中消杀,届时请读者积极配合,有序离馆。周一闭馆。




您好,我看到您的问题很久没有人来回答,但是问题过期无人回答会被扣分的并且你的悬赏分也会被没收!所以我给你提几条建议:一,你可以选择在正确的分类下去提问,这样知道你问题答案的人才会多一些,回答的人也会多些。二,您可以到与您问题相关专业网站论坛里去看看,那里聚集了许多专业人才,一定可以为你解决问题的。三,你可以向你的网上好友问友打听,他们会更加真诚热心为你寻找答案的,甚至可以到相关网站直接搜索.四,网上很多专业论坛以及知识平台,上面也有很多资料,我遇到专业性的问题总是上论坛求解决办法的。五,将你的问题问的细一些,清楚一些!让人更加容易看懂明白是什么意思!谢谢采纳我的建议! !


偏难,六级难度比我想象的还是高一点。首先是作文,我的作文好像是以什么帮助人为主题。我觉得这篇作文倒很好写,我还加入了近日发生的唐山烧烤店的替代事件,说自己之前遇到过这种情况,然后我和身边的人们是怎么怎么去处理的,还用到了from my personal perspective等句子。可以说是写得很好了,唯一美中不足的是字还是太丑了,但我真的尽力写好了!作文写了20分钟,然后赶紧就去准备听力了。六级听力难度还是大啊,有一篇短文直接把我听懵了,一个都没听到,然后就凭感觉懵了。。。关键是什么,关键是我把听力答案写错了!!!众所周知四六级听力选项顺序不一定就是ABCD,还可能是ACBD,我一开始还记得的,后面听着听着就听迷糊了,这事也忘了,好多个我明确听出来的选项就这样错过了,唉,心累。再然后是翻译,我的想法是早点把翻译完成,然后好好去写阅读。我的翻译是卢沟桥,有好多基础词汇都忘了,写得很一般。最后就是阅读了。我是按C-B-A的顺序来做的,因为考前也在知乎上搜了相关大佬的建议,性价比最高的放最前面写。C我写的挺顺利的,之前对这种阅读理解一直也都比较擅长,然后B,B我遇到了一些小挫折,写了17分钟居然,本来预估时间是10分钟的。然后最后写选词填空的时候就剩7分钟了,我应该判断完词性就把他填上去的,结果太贪心了,导致后面没时间填,就填了两个选项。





  2019年6月大学英语四级语法用法辨析汇总  英语四级语法用法辨析:介词between与among的用法区别  1. among 一般用于三者或三者以上的“在……中间”,其宾语通常是一个表示笼统数量或具有复数(或集合)意义的名词或代词。如:  They hid themselves among the trees. 他们躲在树林中。  I found it among a pile of old books. 我在一堆旧书中找到了它。  注:among 还用于下列情况:  (1) 用来引出级的比较范围。如:  The book is the best among the modern novels. 在现代小说中这本是的。  (2) 表示“是……当中的一个”(相当于 one of)。如:  I was among the first to come. 我是来得最早的一个。  Paris is among the largest cities in the world. 巴黎是世界上的城市之一。  2. between 一般指两者之间,其宾语往往是表示两者的名词或代词,或者是由 and 连接的两个人或物。如:  There was a fight between the two boys. 这两个孩子打过一次架。  The baby crawled between his father"s legs. 婴儿在他父亲的双腿中间爬。  I"m usually free between Tuesday and Thursday. 我通常在星期二与星期四之间有空。  注:在下列情况,between 可用于三者:  (1) 两个以上的人或物用 and 连接时。如:  between A, B and C 在 A、B、C 之间  (2) 涉及事物之间的区别或各国之间的关系时。如:  the difference between the three of them 他们三者之间的区别  the relations between various countries 各国之间的关系  (3) 表示“由于……合作的结果”时。如:  Between them they landed the fish. 他们协力把鱼拖上了岸。  (4) 在 divide, share 等表示“分享”之类的动词之后,若接一个表示三者或三者以上的复数名词时,用 among 和 between 均可。如:  He divided his money among [between] his five sons. 他把钱分给了 5 个儿子。




牛啊 我服了你了




6月1日儿童节英语祝福语(一) 1、儿童节到了,愿你和孩子快乐永伴,健康! Children"s Day is coming. May you and your children be happy and healthy. 2、童年是一片没有乌云的蓝天,映出你我干净的笑容。 Childhood is a blue sky without clouds, reflecting your clean smile. 3、儿童节,愿你拥有儿童般的快乐,幸福常驻。 Children"s day, may you have children"s happiness and happiness. 4、祝你像小孩一样,年年开心,快乐。 I wish you like children, happy and happy every year. 5、儿童节,祝你拥有儿时快乐,开心。 Children"s day, I wish you have a happy childhood, happy. 6、儿童节到了,祝你童心常在,欢乐开怀。 Children"s Day is coming. May your childlike innocence be joyful and joyful. 7、让童伴陪伴你度过生活,多点欢笑;让童心帮你保持年轻心态,充满活力! Let children accompany you to spend your life, laugh more, and let innocence keep you young and energetic. 8、童年美好,六一愿你找回童趣,快乐徜徉。 Childhood is beautiful. 61, I hope you will find your childhood fun and enjoy it. 9、儿童节,愿你无虑,幸福生活一辈子! Children"s day, I wish you happy and happy life! 10、祝你儿童节快乐抹一脸,幸福流成河。 I wish you a happy children"s day and a happy river. 11、祝愿朋友享福快乐,将童年的快乐和欢笑带进今天的生活。 I wish my friends happiness and joy and laughter into today"s life. 12、亲爱的大龄儿童,祝你童心不老,童真永存! Dear older children, I wish you childlike innocence and innocence. 13、愿你拥有一颗纯真的童心,一张甜美的笑脸,烦恼全不见,轻松快乐每一天。 May you have a pure childlike innocence, a sweet smiling face, no worries, relaxed and happy every day. 14、儿童节,愿你保持童真的心,露出率真的笑! Children"s day, I wish you to keep a childlike heart and show a frank smile. 15、让我们吹响祝福的螺号,永远像孩子一样没有烦恼! Let"s play the blessing of the conch, always like a child without worries! 16、快乐过六一,开心伴着你,跑跑跳跳打打闹闹,游戏书包糖果拥抱。 Happy 61, happy with you, running, jumping, fighting, playing games, schoolbags, candy and hugging. 17、活得再累也别忘童趣,童年是人生最纯净的天地。儿童节跟着孩子快乐吧。 If you live tired, don"t forget children"s fun. Childhood is the purest world of life. Happy children"s day with children. 18、愿你像孩童般开心,像孩童般幸福,像孩童般快乐! May you be as happy as a child, happy as a child, as happy as a child! 19、一曲笛声也悠长,愿这载满幸福的音符,唱响你成长的歌! The sound of a flute is long. May this be filled with happy notes, sing the song of your growth! 20、童年是一首没有忧伤的歌曲,唱出你我纯真的记忆; Childhood is a song without sadness, singing your memory of my innocence; 21、只愿快乐每一天,幸福生活每一秒,祝六一节快乐! Only happy every day, happy life every second, I wish 61 happy! 22、愿你还像童年一样脸上挂满笑颜,无虑幸福无边。 May you still have a smile on your face like childhood, free from worry and happiness. 23、儿童节到了,祝你童心永存,青春永驻,快乐永远! Children"s Day is here, I wish you childlike innocence forever, youth forever, happiness forever! 24、让童真净化你烦闷的心灵,多点洒脱;让童趣增添你的生活情趣,多点快乐; Let the innocence purify your troubled mind, more free and easy; let the childlike interest increase your life interest, more happy; 25、儿童节,愿你再现童年本性,开心快乐前行! Children"s day, I wish you to reproduce the nature of childhood, happy and happy ahead! 26、愿你的生活有童趣,愿你的生活有童真,无虑快乐心! May your life be childlike, and may your life be childlike, carefree and happy. 27、岁月中的点点回忆,用一颗童心珍藏;成长中的丝丝甜蜜,用一颗真心品尝。 Years of memories, with a child"s heart treasure; growing silk sweet, with a sincere taste. 28、愿你童心不老,快乐依旧,幸福永在,儿童节快乐! I wish you childlike innocence, happiness and happiness. Happy children"s Day! 29、儿童节到了,让我们携着欢笑,与孩子们一起共享节日的美好! Children"s Day is coming. Let"s laugh and enjoy the festival with our children. 30、儿童节到了,愿你快快长大,开心快乐! Children"s Day is coming. May you grow up quickly and be happy! 6月1日儿童节英语祝福语(二) 1、童心不泯,天天开心! Heart is still, every day happy! 2、愿幸福甜蜜蜜、快乐乐陶陶。 May happiness sweet honey and happiness be covered. 3、儿童节快乐、开心永远永远。 Happy children"s day, happy forever. 4、童趣童真回归,扬眉开心开味! Tong qu tong zhen regression, eyebrow happy taste! 5、六一儿童节,愿快乐为你呈现! June 1 children"s day, may happiness present for you! 6、愿你永驻花般笑颜!儿童节快乐! You would like to spend as smile! Happy children"s day! 7、预祝老小孩们节日快乐,无虑! Wish old children a happy holiday, so carefree! 8、儿童节玩得开心,老顽童快悦舒心。 Have a happy children"s day, the old urchin yue shu xin. 9、儿童节,祝你重回童年,快乐相连! Happy children"s day, I wish you were a boy again, connected! 10、儿童节,愿你放下包袱,简单生活。 Children"s day, wish you to put down the burden, the simple life. 11、儿童节到了,送你一颗快乐的童心! Children"s day is coming, send you a happy heart! 12、愿你拥有儿童般的快乐,幸福常驻。 May you have the happy like children, permanent happiness. 13、送你一只小风筝,放飞自己放松身心! Send you a small kite, fly to relax yourself! 14、做一个永远快乐的孩子,儿童节快乐! Do a always happy children, happy children"s day! 15、小天使!妈妈永远爱你!儿童节快乐! Little angel! Mom will love you forever! Happy children"s day! 16、朋友,愿你忘记烦恼,拥抱快乐甜蜜! Friend, you would like to forget the worry, embrace happiness sweet! 17、儿童节到来之际,愿你永驻花般笑颜! Children"s day coming, may you be always spend as smile! 18、送你一颗童心,愿你烦恼少,快乐多。 Send you a childlike innocence, let you worry, less happy. 19、像孩童一样攀爬楼梯,攀上人生的顶峰。 Like a child to climb stairs, climbing the peak of life. 20、愿你怀着一颗童心享受生活,收获快乐。 You would like to enjoy life with a childlike innocence, happy harvest. 21、六一儿童节到来,愿你年年岁岁是童年。 June 1 children"s day is coming, wish you are many, many years childhood. 22、像孩童一样抹平细密的沙子,抹平忧伤。 Like children recover fine sand, flattening of sadness. 23、收到我的问候一定要笑,赏你一颗糖哟。 Receive my greetings must smile, enjoy you a candy. 24、祝福很真诚,你要很幸福,儿童节快乐! Blessing is very sincere, you have to be happy, happy children"s day! 25、寻找童年最喜欢的颜色,装扮美丽心情。 Looking for a childhood favorite color, dress up beautiful mood. 26、送你一只棒棒糖,让你的爱情充满甜蜜。 Delivers you a lollipop, let you of the love is full of sweet. 27、送你半只棒棒冰,好东西我们要懂得分享。 Send you half ice pops, only good things we want to know how to share. 28、儿童节到了,老中青们,大大方方乐起来。 Children"s day is coming, to bring together, consumedly square square music up. 29、像孩童一样换上崭新的衣裳,换上好心情。 Like children put on new clothes, put on a good mood. 30、保持着一颗天真善良的童心。祝节日快乐。 Maintained a kind of childlike. Wishing you happiness during the holidays. 31、祝你如儿童搬容易满足、开心,笑口常开。 Wish you like children moved easily satisfied, happy, smile. 32、拥有一颗童趣,无虑,艰难困苦都不惧。 Have a tong qu, carefree, hardship are not afraid. 33、童年,是人间的天堂;童心,是快乐的源泉。 Childhood, is a heaven on earth; Childlike innocence, is the source of happiness. 34、今天儿童节,我甘愿花一毛钱,祝你节日快乐! Today is children"s day, I am willing to spend a dime, wish you a happy holiday! 35、儿童节愿你童心童趣常相伴,开心快乐天天随! Happy children"s day to you childlike innocence tong qu often accompany, happy over every day! 6月1日儿童节英语祝福语(三) 1、愿你用童趣,增添生活色彩,幸福生活天天乐。 May you add children"s fun to life and happiness everyday. 2、愿你像孩童般开心,像孩童般幸福,像孩童般快乐! May you be as happy as a child, happy as a child, as happy as a child! 3、六一儿童节,愿你放下包袱,简单生活,重新拥有童年那无虑的快乐! On June 1, children"s day, may you put down your burden, live simply, and have the carefree joy of your childhood again! 4、六一儿童节到了,重温一下童年的梦吧,祝你节日快乐! The children"s Day is coming. Let"s review our childhood dreams. I wish you a happy holiday. 5、愿你们怀着一颗童心享受生活,收获快乐! May you enjoy life with a childlike innocence and harvest happiness! 6、六一儿童节,让我们把更多的爱给孩子吧。 Let"s give more love to children on June 1 children"s day. 7、儿童节,祝你重回童年,快乐相连! Happy children"s Day! 8、六一儿童节愿你回到童年的岁月,追忆难忘的童年欢乐。 June 1 children"s day, may you return to your childhood and remember the unforgettable childhood happiness. 9、愿你学习儿童的天真,绽放美丽笑容! May you learn the innocence of children and bloom a beautiful smile! 10、儿童节来了,不管啥愿望,愿你快乐天天一个样。 Children"s Day is coming, no matter what wishes, I wish you happiness every day. 11、儿童节送你一份逍遥,愿你开心多快乐,美丽又幸福! Children"s day to send you a carefree, wish you happy and happy, beautiful and happy! 12、让我们吹响祝福的螺号,永远像孩子一样没有烦恼! Let"s play the blessing of the conch, always like a child without worries! 13、六一儿童节到了,愿你童心大悦,幸福来到,事事如意,开心不老! June 1 children"s Day arrived, I wish you childlike innocence, happiness comes, everything goes well, happiness is not old! 14、六一儿童节到了,愿你再次走进孩童的世界,再一次感受童年的美丽。 Children"s Day is coming. May you go into the world of children again and feel the beauty of childhood again. 15、祝六一儿童节快乐乐逍遥、幸福甜蜜无限延。 I wish you a happy children"s day. 16、祝愿你:童心永驻留,童趣时常有,顺心无烦忧,乐趣常伴守! I wish you: childlike innocence is always there, children"s interest is always there, no worries, no fun. 17、祝福送给长不大的你,六一快乐! Bless you for being little, 61 happy! 18、六一儿童节到,祝你健康童颜不老。 Happy children"s day. 19、儿童节到了,愿你童心永在,开心常伴。 When children"s Day is coming, may your childlike innocence be always with you. 20、今天又六一,又想起童年的记忆,祝大家儿童节快乐! Today, 61 again, remembering childhood memories, I wish you all a happy children"s Day!


 2019年6月大学英语六级词汇看图记忆汇总   voluntary adj. 自愿的,主动的,故意的,志愿的,自发的   例句:Joe is very taken up with voluntary work at the moment.   乔目前大部分时间和精力都用在志愿工作上了。   volunteer n. 志愿者,志愿兵 adj. 志愿的,义务的,无偿的 v.自愿   例句:I"ve been doing volunteer work for a community center in order to gain experience.   我在一家社区中心从事志愿服务,以获取经验。   compulsory adj. 必须做的,必修的,被强 迫的,被强制的,义务的   例句:Every one must receive 9 years of compulsory education.   每人必须接受九年的义务教育。   reluctant adj. 不顾的,勉强的,难得到的,难处理的   例句:Jimmy is reluctant to begin, but when he does you should see him go into action.   吉米不愿意开始,但他一旦开始了,你就会看到他干得十分卖力。   impulse n. 推动,刺激,冲动,推动力 vt.推动   例句:On impulse,l picked up the phone and rang my sister in Japan.   我一时心血来潮,拿起话筒就给在日本的妹妹打了个电话。


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出生年月日:1998年6月27日用英文怎么说?Birth Date:___

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如果是通知酒店,可以这样写:1) We plan to check in on 11th Jun 2015. Please reserve the booking/room for us till then.2) We will plan to check in on 11th Jun 2015. Please make the reservation for us till then.


一、2019年6月英语六级作文真题(第2套)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.二、2019年6月英语六级作文参考答案:The Importance of Mutual Understanding and Respect in Interpersonal RelationshipsFor college students, a harmonious interpersonal relationship, especially among classmates, can guarantee their healthy growth and development. And as for me, mutual understanding and respect is the key to building this harmony.For one thing, college students come from all over the country and they all have their own way of life and customs, so when having conflicts with each other, only mutual understanding and respect can make both sides reach an agreement. If they can reach a consensus, it will be good for them to maintain long-term friendly relations. For another thing, mutual understanding and respect can make students more willing to learn from their teachers and classmates, thus making them study more efficiently, which is conducive to creating a harmonious learning atmosphere for classes.In conclusion, mutual understanding and respect is the basis of good interpersonal relationships. Just as the saying goes, if you want to win the respect of others, you first need to respect others. Therefore, whenever you disagree with others, try to put yourself in their shoes and be more tolerant and understanding.直截了当、切中要点是保证文章简洁的最好写作形式。与中文写作相比,英文写作非常强调直奔主题、简单明快的写作风格。例如,在写作一个段落时,常常将概括段落主要内容的主题句(topic sentence)作为段落的首句,以便让读者迅速明确本段要讲述的内容。另外,写作时尽量将每个句子写得简短一些,少用或不用冗长的复合句。切记:短小精练的句子表达的意思才强而有力。2019年6月英语六级作文真题(第2套)小编就总结到这了,祝愿各位考生都能认真备考。更多关于英语六级考试的备考技巧。备考干货,新闻资讯等相关内容,小编会持续更新。


一、2019年6月第二套英语六级作文真题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.二、2019年6月第二套英语六级作文范文The Importance of Mutual Understanding and Respect in Interpersonal RelationshipsFor college students, a harmonious interpersonal relationship, especially among classmates, can guarantee their healthy growth and development. And as for me, mutual understanding and respect is the key to building this harmony.For one thing, college students come from all over the country and they all have their own way of life and customs, so when having conflicts with each other, only mutual understanding and respect can make both sides reach an agreement. If they can reach a consensus, it will be good for them to maintain long-term friendly relations. For another thing, mutual understanding and respect can make students more willing to learn from their teachers and classmates, thus making them study more efficiently, which is conducive to creating a harmonious learning atmosphere for classes.In conclusion, mutual understanding and respect is the basis of good interpersonal relationships. Just as the saying goes, if you want to win the respect of others, you first need to respect others. Therefore, whenever you disagree with others, try to put yourself in their shoes and be more tolerant and understanding.2019年6月第二套英语六级作文真题小编就说到这里了,更多关于大学英语六级考试的备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯,成绩查询,准考证打印入口,准考证打印时间等内容,小编会持续更新。祝愿各位考生都能顺利通过考试。


 2019年6月大学英语四级翻译练习题库  英语四级翻译练习题:改革开放  中国特色社会主义社会是一个变革的社会,是一个开放的社会,是一个不断发展和完善的社会。改革开放觉得中国命运的重大决策,要贯穿社会主义发展的过程。只有坚持改革开放,才能不断激发亿万人民的积极性和创造性,解放和发展生产力,永葆社会主义的生机与活力。  参考译文:  The socialism society with Chinese characteristics is a society of reforming,a society of opening-up,a society of continuously developing and improving.The policy of reform and opening-up is a significant decision which determines China"s destiny and will be running through the whole process of the socialism development.Only if we adhere to the reform and opening-up policy,can we continuously stimulate the zest and creativity of billions of people,emancipate and develop the productive and keep the vigor and vitality of socialism for good.








2021年6月安全生产月主题是:落实安全责任,推动安全发展。2021年6月是第20个全国“安全生产月”,经相关部门的决定,将该次安全生产月的主题定为:落实安全责任,推动安全发展。 安全生产月的标语有哪些 宁绕百丈远,不冒一步险。严是爱,松是害,搞好安全利三代。放过一次违章作业,就为事故开一次绿灯。 安全伴君一生,生命只有一次。不绷紧安全的弦,就弹不出生产的调。质量是企业的生命,安全是职工的生命。 甜蜜的家盼着您平安归来。为安全投资是最大的福利。安全保健康,千金及不上。传播安全文化,宣传安全知识。
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