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date,datetime,time timestamp 用法怎样区分

DATE只保存日期,不保存时分秒DATETIME类型用在需要同时包含日期和时间信息的值时。MySQL检索并且以"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"格式显示DATETIME值,支持的范围是"1000-01-01 00:00:00"到"9999-12-31 23:59:59"。TIMESTAMP列类型提供一种类型,可以使用它自动地用当前的日期和时间标记INSERT或UPDATE的操作。如果有多个TIMESTAMP列,只有第一个自动更新。 自动更新第一个TIMESTAMP列在下列任何条件下发生: 列没有明确地在一个INSERT或LOAD DATA INFILE语句中指定。 列没有明确地在一个UPDATE语句中指定且一些另外的列改变值。(注意一个UPDATE设置一个列为它已经有的值,这将不引起TIMESTAMP列被更新,因为如果设置一个列为它当前的值,MySQL为了效率而忽略更改。) 明确地设定TIMESTAMP列为NULL. 除第一个以外的TIMESTAMP列也可以设置到当前的日期和时间,只要将列设为NULL,或NOW()。 自动更新TIMESTAMP时建表语句应为如下类似CREATE TABLE `t_jindou_xx` ( `account` varchar(18) NOT NULL default "", `money` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL default "0.00", `update_date` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`account`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;TIMESTAMP类型保存的值不能比1970早或比2037晚,这意味着,一个日期例如"1968-01-01",当作为一个DATETIME或DATE值合法时,它不是一个正确TIMESTAMP值,并且如果赋值给这样一个对象,它将被变换到0。

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overdose&过量及双语例句1Someone tried to make an accidental overdose look like murder?有人想让药物过量的意外看来像是谋杀?2Ok, um, vod, do you think you"re having an overdose?好吧福德你觉得你嗑多了吗?

有Narcissu 1st amp;2nd的汉化补丁么


有Narcissu 1st amp;2nd的汉化补丁么

你好,很高兴为你解答。Narcissu 1st amp;2nd没有汉化补丁的。希望能帮到你,求采纳。


这几个品牌都是平时光顾的比较多的了,对比起来我的感觉是质量上选择优衣库和GAP,喜欢 时尚 选择zara,喜欢运动风选择GAP,至于hm嘛,有些款式也不错,但是质量我真的承受不起,简单分享一下我对这几个品牌的感受吧,仅供参考哟。H&M可能因为hm和我的名字很相似,我从大学时期就很喜欢他家的衣服,然后一些小外套,夏天的T恤款式都还不错的,打折的时候也是很有力度,基础款的白T折后基本是到手40左右,结果机洗一次就成了露肩装,质量真的让我心碎。hm的很多单品我感觉比较适合高个子的妹子吧,本身是偏欧美风格的,很多裤子和衬衫最小号都很宽松,然后就是他家的衣服颜色比较鲜艳的还是单独洗吧,掉色真的太严重了。GAP GAP他家其实大部分都是logo款,上大学的时候还比较喜欢近几年就不是很喜欢这种大logo了,不过他家的质量还是不错的,秋冬季也会选择他家的卫衣,裤子等很舒适的运动风。ZARA 他家的衣服我感觉还是挺好看的,简约的同时还很有设计款,搭配起来也是比较 时尚 的,各种风格的都有,气质型,可爱型都可以在这里找到适合自己的服装,质量也不错,每次实体店做活动的时候力度也是挺大的,各种包包,香水等最近也是很火了。优衣库我目前光顾做多的一个品牌,从质量,款式,价格各方面来说都很适合学生党和刚入职场的小白,基础的款式不容易出错也不会很夸张,纯棉的质感非常舒适。然后常常会有一些联名款也是比较好看的,前几天的kwas抢的都打起来了,还好我比较矮,童装比较好抢还便宜20块钱,哈哈哈哈。更多变美小知识欢迎关注:不妆不行GAP也算快 时尚 品牌呀,我一直没把这个品牌归到快 时尚 里面,毕竟相对比其他快 时尚 品牌,GAP有些衣服可不算便宜。而且很多时候在大商场里,快 时尚 品牌都是在同一层楼里,但是GAP却不是和ZARA,HM这些在同一层。如果是说这四个品牌对比起来的话,我觉得GAP的质量是比较不错的,买过一件棒球服,质感好,质量也很不错。款式是差不多这样的,但是设计更花哨一些,也一样的大红色的,穿出去特别骚,哈哈哈,我蛮喜欢的。 没有活动的时候我不太爱去GAP,应该价格不够美好 ,虽然款式和质量我感觉还不错。 我喜欢H&M的毛衣,款式是真的好看,去年买了好几件,还买了羽绒服,说实话,羽绒服质量还行,但是有些毛衣质量是真真的不行。居然还能找到图片,也是不容易,去年冬天的时候照的,不要问我为什么穿短裙~~~~就是这个红色毛衣,我很喜欢,很好搭很好看啊,但是穿第二次就勾线了,如果说是我不小心就算了,但自从出现第一个勾线之后,就开始在勾线的路上一去不复返了。。。两个袖子后背已经勾到没法穿了,这件毛衣的寿命经过一个冬天已经寿终正寝了。价格应该是199吧,实际颜色比上图要鲜艳,当时试衣室光线不行,所以拍出来没有实物好看。买的羽绒服是这件,质量还不错,真的很暖和,不过呢,边边上黑色束口的地方会起毛球,不是很好看,而且黑色不显脏,不显旧,我是过年要去湖北所以特地买的,总的来说还算比较满意。 话说大幂幂代言穿的那几款也很好看的说~~~ 她家我最喜欢的是牛仔裤,不仅质量不错,还好穿,我觉得优衣库的牛仔裤在几个品牌里面,是价格最便宜的,并且也比较好穿的那种类型,之前在另一个回答里面也有提到。我现在还常穿的那些牛仔裤基本都是优衣库的,当然,优衣库都是基本款,不出彩,但也不容易出错。紧身牛仔是真的不错呀,面料不会太硬,穿着的时候不会不舒服,做事情也很方便。 T恤也还可以,去香港的时候看到活动,短袖129港币两件,帮我弟我老公买了几件,穿着还行,挺舒服的,就是洗过几次之后就会比较显旧,不过价格摆在那,也不好多说什么了,男生的牛仔裤也挺不错的,至少我弟弟穿着觉得蛮舒服。 只是其他很多款式都有点一言难尽,都挺丑的,估计要独具慧眼才能够真正的搭得好看吧。 讲真,我好像没在zara买到过衣服,虽然每次逛的时候几家快 时尚 品牌都会逛的。但是zara的衣服真的适合我们穿吗? 我有点搞不太懂,我已经算高的了,167快168的身高,但是很多衣服,我都觉得太太太太长了,特别是连体裤以及长裙,都拖地了。 而且很多款式都很夸张,我觉得我应该是穿不出门的,也可能是我穿衣服比较保守,经常去zara就一个感觉,逛一圈下来,完全没有试衣服的欲望。 所以具体质量怎么样就真的不太知道了。从质量来说优衣库的基本款,相同价格的情况下,质量最好。 但是快 时尚 是指周转快,而不是出新款款的速度。Zara和Hm依靠新款和近似款,增加周转速度,优衣库依靠基本款。例如Zara和Hm卖10000件,需要10个款式,优衣库只需要1个款式。虽然sku数量不同,款式不同,但是赚钱效率都是很高的。优衣库以基本款为主,所以每个订单的数量就比较大,这样在面料采购,生产管理上的成本就降下来了,例如长青款商务衬衫和基本款牛仔裤,一做就是百万件,包几家工厂全年不停的都不奇怪。在这种情况下,工艺越来越成熟,工人越来越熟练,不改变参数的情况下,质量就会越做越好。Zara和HM因为新款多,很多衣服可能生产几千件就再也不生产了,这样面料数据工艺技术就没办法积累并且改良。优衣库的优点也是他的缺点,新款不多,出了 时尚 款比较丑。不用说了,这几个品牌比下来的话,绝对是优衣库的质量最好。 秧秧还蛮推荐在优衣库买各种基础款的,因为它家的基础款很难踩雷,而且版型也很正常,很少出什么幺蛾子。 优衣库有几个系列尤其值得买,平时,秧秧自己会大概每隔一年去更新几件,像经典的AIRism 、 HEATTECH系列,买个2-3在冬天和夏天轮着穿最好不过了。还有不停更新的UT 系列,穿起来也很潮。它家的牛仔裤系列也不错,版型都很经典,质地也好,正价也就299,比起动不动就799、899的Levis,简直是太良心了。 遇到打折更不得了,19 元的 AIRism ,49 的倍舒暖 HEATTECH,10 块钱的袜子,19 的内裤,基本上就是白菜价买入,只要搭配得好,依然穿出大牌范儿(下次秧秧会专门再说说怎么把优衣库穿出高级感,记得要关注哦)! 而且,优衣库的很多东西设计就是方便机洗的,讲究点的装个洗衣袋,不管是打底衫还是T恤,放洗衣机随便洗,一年之类基本都不存在变型,深色款的洗多了会有褪色,但就算你买奢侈品也一样会褪色的,所以,优衣库家的基础款性价比之高,是毋庸置疑的! 当然,不是说其他快品牌没有可取之处,毕竟,优衣库是主打基础款的,有时,我们想赶个小流行,还是可以在ZARA、h&m里面去淘个上衣什么的,ZARA家的流行款上衣挺值得买的,质量比h&m还是好一些,基本上各种奢侈品T台上的新款,ZARA第二个就能陈列在自家店里,大大减少了我们追时髦的成本。 至于GAP,它家偏运动系,牛仔裤、套头衫什么的都挺值得买的,质量也很好,不过,秧秧觉得它家最值得买的绝对是运动系列"GapFit",从运动内衣到跑步裤,它家的设计干净又有一定的时髦度,而且价格比起Nike之类的,亲切太多了。 其实,快品牌选得好,我们也能穿出好品味。想知道更多的搭配技巧,记得要关注“微笑的秧秧”呀,让我们一起花少少的钱,就能轻松变美! 这些快 时尚 品牌各有优缺点,从价格(不算打折)来说这4个品牌差距不大,从款式风格来说Zara和HM偏欧系风格样式会好看,Gap和优衣库一个偏美式一个偏日系款式和样子都比较传统比较死板,再来说说材质方面HM一直被诟病属于4个里最差的然后是Zara,Gap和优衣库差不太多。 我个人观点呢,HM是我这4个品牌中买的比较多的,其实质量也并没有那么差,在加上款式风格都比较 时尚 4个品牌中首选是HM,然后呢Zara给人感觉太过所以平时比较少买加上性价比上没HM高,然后Gap偏美系一点,除了牛仔系列别的基本不太关注这个牌子,优衣库款式又太过老沉,可是他们的短袖又特别低龄化,所以平时几乎不逛。总结来说就是HM>Zara>Gap>优衣库,可能每人的偏好不同,反正自己喜欢穿什么就行,穿的舒服就行。 同志们,少女们,你们问这个问题的出发点是什么呢?  想买质量好的? 先想清楚,这几个品牌都是快 时尚 品牌,定位确实不一样的,而且款式设计风格上稍有差别。 所以先了解每个品牌的定位,再就是风格是不是你喜欢的,再来看质量。否则问这个问题不是白问的吗? 我喜欢ZARA的款式能在优衣库买到吗? 我觉得优衣库的这件毛衣全羊毛199,能在ZARA买到吗?  所以比较的根本基础不存在,H&M和ZARA有可比性, GAP和优衣库有可比性。但是这4个放在一起要区别定位不一样,所以不是非常有可比性,如果非要放在一起比,那也勉强。 先放一张图来看这些品牌的定位吧:这张图只能给你一个定位基础款和潮流,以及价格之间的关系。 大致就是HM便宜,质量相对没有ZARA好,ZARA价格高是因为她的设计更新非常快,质量和做工不能跟优衣库去比较。优衣库是精耕细作型,ZARA是更新换代型,也就是说面料很多做一季节新的买上下季度就没有了。而优衣库会去研究更便宜的面料但是达到同样的效果,能所哪个质量好吗? 质量,我们从面料和做工上去说吧。 面料快 时尚 品牌的面料基础款会更加注重一点,但是不代表其他快 时尚 品牌就没有,但是怎么说呢?感觉没有那么讲究。 做工,你们知道ZARA的衣服都怎么验货的么? 尺寸会控制很好么? NO,不会的,因为人家就是出新看款式。 然而优衣库日本品牌,大家都懂的。 H&M现在已经不太行了,进去一片涤纶的味道,店铺味道很大,感觉这几年发展不行了。 GAP怎么说呢,美国品牌,比较注重基础款卫衣啊,套头衫之类的,但是呢没有把握中国消费者的心理,比较感慨,基础款做不过优衣库, 时尚 款又做不过ZARA,还卖得比较贵,你们说呢? 所以在中国的店铺并不是很多。质量上怎么说呢,一般般,还过得去的这种,但是少了点创新的味道,都是那些面料,款式来来去去。 以上希望能给大家一个清楚的品牌定位概念,比较的时候,不能一概而论。 受不了说 优衣库 质量最好的,真想把我那条穿了一个月没有,洗了一两次就掉色发红裤裆炸线将近两百多的裤子砸他脸上!不要觉得是日本牌子就怎么样?可惜的是人家生产地不在日本,只是设计在日本,并体会不到日本工匠精神的精髓!!HM的最垃圾,毫无设计感,做工极差,断线,起球!越来越堕落的瑞典品牌,欧洲品质越来越地摊货!!GAP的虽然贵点,衣服花花绿绿的,但做工精细,结实,感觉质量较好。美国牌子值得信赖!Zara的东西设计感较强,因为几乎都是仿大牌的设计,西班牙现在名号最响亮的山寨品牌,质量一般,价格虚高! 总结: GAP > 优衣库 > ZARA > HM. 1,优衣库的质量相对好一点,但是款式都是基础的款,大多都是学生穿的比较多。 2,这几个品牌都是不错的品牌,服装,质量其实不是最重要的,最主要的还是款式。 3,品牌风格定位都不一样,这样对比质量其实没有太大意义,如是同一类风格的,买相对质量好的,对比起来才有意义。 4,即使优衣库的质量是相对好一点的,但是有些款式我觉得还是一般般,比如优衣库的面料,很多用的不是很好。 这还用说吗?必须是我最爱的优衣库啊!虽然同是快 时尚 品牌,优衣库与其他几个牌子仍是有着本质区别。zara、h&m等欧美快消品牌,主打的是以低廉的价格买到大牌的设计,质量只要过得去即可;而日本国民品牌优衣库,提供的则是廉价却优质的服装,款式休闲且百搭。优衣库的消费群体十分广泛,下到年轻的学生妹纸,上到成熟的阿姨大妈,几乎全被优衣库“一网打尽”。这是由于优衣库的服饰没有明显的年龄限制,几乎都是老少咸宜款。除此之外,还有一个重要的原因,那就是优衣库的高质量。与同等价格的服饰相比,优衣库的设计可能不够前卫, 款式可能不够新颖,但是质量却一定有保证。据说,优衣库和Levis的牛仔裤是在同一生产线上生产的,但是价格却是天壤之别。一直以超高性价比被大众喜爱的优衣库,近年来也开始进军 时尚 领域,与很多大牌设计师合作出联名款,u 系列更是获得了消费者的一致好评。最后,请允许我向全世界安利优衣库,真的超级百搭又好穿!

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Lionel Hampton & His Just Jazz All Stars的《Stardust》 歌词

歌曲名:Stardust歌手:Lionel Hampton & His Just Jazz All Stars专辑:StardustStardust- Matt MonroAnd I am once again with youWhen our love was newAnd each kiss an inspirationBut that was long agoNow my consolationIs in the stardust of a songBeside a garden wallWhen stars are brightYou are in my armsThe nightingale tells his fairy taleA paradise where roses bloomThough I dream in vainIn my heart it will remainMy stardust melodyThe memory of love"s refrain

求The vamps last night歌词中文意思

昨晚,鞋面I hold my hands up high我举起我的双手高And throw my glass into the sky.把我的玻璃到天空。But when the morning comes,但是,当清晨来临,We"ll never see the sun.我们永远看不见太阳。And if the walls close in如果墙壁接近Then let"s just start it all again.然后我们就开始一遍。That"s when the evening comes那是当夜晚来临,Oh yeah the evening comes.哦,夜晚来临。Whoa, oh oh oh oh oh哦,哦哦哦哦哦No we"re not going home tonight没有我们今晚不回家Wake up the stars are shining醒来,星光闪烁We"ll do it all, we"ll do it all我们会做所有的事,我们会做所有的事We"ll do it again.我们再做一次。Wake up in the morning在早晨醒来With the sunlight in my eyes,在我的眼里的阳光,No, my head don"t feel so bright,不,我的头感觉不那么明亮,What the hell happened last night?他妈的昨晚发生了什么?Yeah last night think we were dancing,我昨晚想我们跳舞,Singing all our favorite songs.歌唱我们所有喜爱的歌曲。Think I might have kissed someone.我想我会吻。And if tomorrow never comes如果明天不再来We had last night.我们昨晚。Let"s shut this party down,让我们把这个人下,And pull the building to the ground,拉到建筑物的地面,Yeah girl let"s live it up,是女孩就活起来,One night is all we got.一天晚上,我们都得到了。Let"s dance until we die,让我们跳舞直到我们死去,Nobody"s going home tonight,没有人今晚回家,This kiss could be our last,这可能是我们最后的吻,Come on and raise your glass.来吧,举起你的酒杯。Whoa, oh oh oh oh oh哦,哦哦哦哦哦No we"re not going home tonight没有我们今晚不回家Wake up the stars are shining醒来,星光闪烁We"ll do it all, we"ll do it all我们会做所有的事,我们会做所有的事We"ll do it again.我们再做一次。Wake up in the morning在早晨醒来With the sunlight in my eyes,在我的眼里的阳光,No, my head don"t feel so bright,不,我的头感觉不那么明亮,What the hell happened last night?他妈的昨晚发生了什么?Yeah last night think we were dancing,我昨晚想我们跳舞,Singing all our favorite songs.歌唱我们所有喜爱的歌曲。Think I might have kissed someone.我想我会吻。And if tomorrow never comes如果明天不再来We had last night.我们昨晚。We do it all again我们做的一切We do it all again我们做的一切So bring your friends and tell a friend让你的朋友,告诉你的朋友to bring another friend (last night)给另一个朋友(昨晚)We do it all again我们做的一切We do it all again我们做的一切By the end of tonight到晚上We can all be friends我们都可以成为朋友We do it all again我们做的一切We do it all again我们做的一切So bring your friends and tell a friend让你的朋友,告诉你的朋友to bring another friend (last night)给另一个朋友(昨晚)We do it all again我们做的一切We do it all again我们做的一切By the end of tonight到晚上Wake up in the morning在早晨醒来With the sunlight in my eyes,在我的眼里的阳光,No, my head don"t feel so bright,不,我的头感觉不那么明亮,What the hell happened last night?他妈的昨晚发生了什么?Yeah last night think we were dancing,我昨晚想我们跳舞,Singing all our favorite songs.歌唱我们所有喜爱的歌曲。Think I might have kissed someone.我想我会吻。And if tomorrow never comes如果明天不再来We had last night.我们昨晚。Wake up in the morning在早晨醒来With the sunlight in my eyes,在我的眼里的阳光,No, my head don"t feel so bright,不,我的头感觉不那么明亮,What the hell happened last night?他妈的昨晚发生了什么?Yeah last night think we were dancing,我昨晚想我们跳舞,Singing all our favorite songs.歌唱我们所有喜爱的歌曲。Think I might have kissed someone.我想我会吻。如果明天不再来We had last night.我们昨晚。




vampire是吸血鬼 ; 吸血蝙蝠 ; 活板门 ; 无情掠夺者的意思例句They were afraid she would reincarnate as a vampire.他们害怕她会转世化身成吸血鬼ghost是鬼 ; 鬼魂 ; 灵魂 ; 虚幻的 ; 实际不存在的 ; 微弱痕迹 ; 隐约的一丝 ; 幽灵 ; 重影devil是魔王 ; 撒旦 ; 究竟 ; 到底 ; 扯碎机 ; 切碎机 ; 助手 ; 魔鬼v.给…当助手 ; 困扰 ; 使…担忧

pink marc de champagne truffles是什么意思

pink marc de champagne truffles粉红香槟朱古力;粉红香槟松露pink英 [pu026au014bk] 美 [pu026au014bk]adj.粉红色的; 淡红色的; 略带左翼政治观点的; 与同性恋者有关的n.粉红色; 典范; 香石竹; 顶点,极度vt.刺、扎; 打出小孔图案; 戳粉红色;粉色;粉红佳人;红粉佳人复数: pinks 过去式: pinked 过去分词: pinked 现在分词: pinking 第三人称单数: pinks 比较级: pinker 最高级: pinkest派生词:pinkish pinkly pinkness pinky truffles英 [t"ru028cflz] 美 [t"ru028cflz]n.块菌,松露( truffle的名词复数 )半巧克力糖



mike tramp的《Wiseman》 歌词

歌曲名:Wiseman歌手:mike tramp专辑:& The Rock?N?Roll CircuzShe said to me, "Go steady on me.Won"t you tell me what the Wise Men said?When they came down from Heaven,Smoked nine "til seven,All the shit that they could find,But they couldn"t escape from you,Couldn"t be free of you,And now they know there"s no way out,And they"re really sorry now for what they"ve done,They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun."Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Really sorry now,They weren"t to know.They got caught up in your talent show,With you pernickety little bastards in your fancy dress,Who just judge each other and try to impress,But they couldn"t escape from you,Couldn"t be free of you,And now they know there"s no way out,And they"re really sorry now for what they"ve done,They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun.Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Where are you now?Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?

we are the champion这首歌

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 这首歌的来历 歌词和翻译 解析: 这首歌原产于1977年英国著名摇滚乐队Queen-皇后乐队。皇后乐队是流行歌坛中少有的学识涵养较高的团体,因为除了主唱佛莱迪外,其他3个成员都拥有学士学位。上世纪70年代,英国的重金属乐队往往给人不修边幅的落魄印象,但同样打着重金属旗号的“皇后”乐队,则在其着装和举止等方面显示出一派贵族气质。他们打扮雍容华贵,艳丽夺目,大有皇家艺术气质。 《We are the champion》最早可是一首同性恋赞歌,现在成了弘扬体育精神和奥运冠军的经典庆贺曲目,直到现在在各种体育盛会上我们还能时常听到这首歌。它很容易让人产生共鸣,特别是对于身处激烈竞争的环境,经过艰苦努力历尽艰辛而豁然开朗达到顶峰的人,能感受到那种摄人魂魄的巨大冲击力。同时反复咀嚼,这首歌还带着淡淡的忧伤,因为光荣与梦想之后其实伴随着是无尽的伤痛和失落。 We are the Champions 我们是斗士 I"ve paid my 1)dues 我已付出了代价, 2)Time after time 一次又一次。 I"ve done my 4)sentence 我没有犯罪, But 3)mitted no crime 却已经认罪服刑。 And bad mistakes 我也犯过一些, I"ve made a few 严重的错误。 I"ve 5)had my share of sand kicked in my face 我自作自受, But I"ve 6)e through 但是我坚持一路走了过来。 We are the 7)champions - my friends 我们是斗士,我的朋友。 And we"ll keep on fighting - till the end 我们要战斗到底。 We are the champions 我们是斗士, We are the champions 我们是斗士, No time for losers 这世界不属于失败者, "Cause we are the 8)champions - of the world 因为我们是世界之王。 I"ve 9)taken my bows 我已经谢幕, And 10)my curtain calls 帷幕将要落下。 You 11)brought me fame and fortune 你们为我带来名誉和财富, And everything that goes with it 以及一切随之而来的东西。 I thank you all 我感谢你们。 But it"s been no 12)bed of roses 但是这里并不是天堂, No pleasure cruise 也并不是一次愉快的旅程。 I 13)consider it a challenge before the whole human race 我把这当作是一个挑战, And I ain"t gonna lose 而我绝不会失败。 Won and won and won 百战百胜, We are the champions - my friends 我们是斗士,我的朋友。 And we"ll keep on fighting - till the end 我们要战斗到底。 We are the champions 我们是斗士, We are the champions 我们是斗士, No time for losers 这世界不属于失败者, "Cause we are the champions - of the world 因为我们是世界之王。 [歌词讲解] 1. 这首歌出现在Friends六人行第九季第十三集当中,在Phoebe的男朋友Mike工作的钢琴酒吧中,Phoebe唱了这首歌。好,我们来看看歌词,dues在这里是一个复数名词,表示“应该缴纳的费用”,如俱乐部的会费等等,例如,I haven"t paid my dues yet. 我还没有交会费。在歌词当中并不是指具体的费用,而是借指“付出的代价”。due作为单数名词,表示“某人理应得到的东西”,比如说,He received a large reward, which was no more than his due. 他得到了一大笔奖金,这只是他应得的。 2. time after time表示“一次又一次,屡次,无数次”,跟它意思差不多的还有time and time again和times without number. 3. mit表示“做不合法的事情,犯罪;做错的或者愚蠢的事 ”,比如说,mit murder,犯了谋杀罪;mit suicide,自杀;mit an unfivable error,犯了不可原谅的错误。 4. sentence在歌词里的意思可不是“句子”,而是“宣判,判决,判刑”,比如说,The judge pronounced the sentence on the prisoner. 法官宣布了对犯人的判决结果。She has served her sentence/ done her sentence, and will now be released. 她服刑期满,即将获释出狱。He is under sentence of death. 他被判了死刑。 5. have/take share in/of sth 表示“参与某事,得到一份”,比如说,What share did he have in their success? 在他们的成绩中他都做了些什么?She has to take her share of the blame. 她必须承担事故的部分责任。You"re not taking much share in the conversation. 在谈话中你没怎么说话。 6. e through这个词组表示“经历过,成功脱险”,比如说,Tom was so ill he was lucky to e through. 汤姆病得很厉害,依然活着算是很幸运的了。The old man was 90 years old and lucky to e through his operation. 老人已经九十岁了,手术后能活下来真是幸运。John has e through with the money. 约翰设法弄到了钱。e through 还可以表示“到达”,例如,Have your examination results e through yet? 你的考试结果收到了没有? 7. champion这里的意思是“支持他人或者某一事业而进行战斗、辩解或解释说明的人;斗士;拥护者”,比如说,a champion of women"s rights,妇女权益的斗士。champion还可以做动词,表示“支持,维护,为某人某事奋斗”,比如说,He championed the cause of civil rights. 他为民权事业而斗争。这里没有把champion翻译成“冠军”,是因为考虑到歌词的作者是一位同性恋,创作这首歌词的初衷也是为了要捍卫同性恋的权利,所以这里翻译成“斗士”更合适一些。 8. we are the champions - of the world这句当中的champion跟loser相对,应该是“成功者,冠军”的意思。 9. take a bow 这个词组意思是“谢幕”。 我们以前就说过,Madonna唱的一首歌就叫Take A Bow,也是出现在Friends 六人行当中的插曲之一。 10. And my curtain calls直译过来就是“幕布正在召唤我”,其实就是谢幕之后,舞台的幕布马上就要落下,演出已经结束。 11. bring *** sth 这个词组表示“给某人带来某物”,随着名誉和财富而来的可能就是孤独、背叛等一切阴暗的东西。 12. bed of roses的意思是“另人满意的地方”。 13. consider *** /sth as sth,表示“视某人某物为…”,比如说,We consider this important. 我们认为这非常重要。He was considered a weak leader. 他过去被认为是一个软弱无能的领导人。


看你是什么用途,还有你的个人喜好。如果是男士或者商务人士,会偏Tumi,设计款式基本比较朴素的,但是功能性比较强,非常耐用,女士的款很少,材质皮质的很少。如果是女士可以买longchamp,价格相对平价,但是款式也一般般,经典的就是水饺包了,你完全可以买个其他牌子款式差不多的。非要二选一,我还是觉得tumi好,不过它也相对贵,同样商务包,你可以再看看新秀丽,同样价位女包,你可以看看kate spate啊,coach这种,打折的款。TUMI是于1975年在美国兴起的品牌。主要产品以旅行包,商务包为主,该品牌的尼龙材料制作的包十分耐磨,其寿命远远长于其他品牌,达到了军用标准…longchamp(珑骧)是法国奢侈品皮具品牌,1948年由Jean Cassegrain创始于在巴黎。产品包括皮革手袋、箱包、鞋款、旅行用品、时尚配饰以及女装成衣系列…

All sample times for this block must be discrete,什么意思?采样时间离散的而不是连续的?

你好:为您提供满意解答 翻译为:这个模块的采样点必须是离散的。 数字滤波器,需要离散信号输入,但输入如果是连续信号,就会出现这样的情况。方法:在滤波器前面增加一个零阶保持器(zero-order hold)将模拟信号离散化。 谢谢,不懂可追问学习宝典团队为你解答

请问一个电器上写着,8AMP, 115VOLTS, 谁能帮我算算它一个小时或者一天要消耗多少度电呢?

920W功率115*8 = 920W 一个小时 0.92度电



i like stamping ________my feet怎么写


Stamp your foot什么意思

Stamp your foot 跺脚 Cross your legs 翘二郎腿Clap your hands 拍拍你的手

hot stamping是什么意思






stamp punch press有什么区别


印刷上embossing,film laminaton,hot stamping,varnishing,matt lamination,glossy lamination,stamping是

embossing压花,film laminaton压膜,hot stamping 烫金,hot stamping上光,matt lamination,哑胶 (你写成 laminaton了)glossy lamination光泽纹理,stamping 冲压

冲压行业,press 和 stamping 的区别是什么?


punching 和 stamping一样吗


有三个英语单词对应三个汉字单词,电气方面的,麻烦给对应一下。 bias, scale, ramp

bias: 死区scale: 增益ramp: 斜坡

aiden and natalie facial and creampies with huge jizz shot什么意思


Bouncing on the trampoline is fun. 这个英语为什么用ing阿? on the trampoline是定语吗?

Bouncing on the trampoline is fun. 这是动词ing做主语 on the trampoline是定语

Michael Penn的《Trampoline》 歌词

歌曲名:Trampoline歌手:Michael Penn专辑:Mp4 (Days Since A Lost Time Accident)And who would""ve thought that a cutie-pie just like you,Would have anything to do with a smelly-dude like me?I find it hard to believe.And who would""ve thought that you ever would""ve,Kissed my cheek in your backyard,On your trampoline that night,I never put up a fight..And I know that you""re all shook up,From a terrible relationship,He broke your heart,Yeah, he tore you into pieces,But I promise you dear,I""ll never touch you like he did,So, baby, please take my hand,And you""ll never be alone again..And every single time I look into your eyes,I see a little bitufeff more sunshine,Feel a little bit more like meInstead of who it turns out to be,Wouldn""t trade it for a thing, can I call you my baby?.And I know that you""re all shook up,From a terrible relationship,He broke your heart, yeah he tore you into pieceBut I promise you dear, I""ll never touch you like he did.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.Cause I know he broke your heart,but I""ll love you till the end..So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again..


trampoline歌词想表达的意思是主人公坠入爱河,体会了恋爱的香甜味道,《Trampoline》是Shaed和ZAYN演唱的一首歌曲。SHAED是来自华盛顿特区的独立流行三人组合,乐队由双胞胎兄弟Spencer Ernst和Max Ernst以及经验丰富的女歌手Chelsea Lee组成。其中Spencer与Chelsea是一对夫妻。SHAED的名称来源于组合最喜欢的小说《Name of the Wind》,寓意是一个由阴影制成的防护斗篷。2016年前组合名为The Walking Sticks。双胞胎兄弟Spencer与Max从很小的时候就对音乐表现出了兴趣。高中时,他们组建了一个流行二重唱,名为 Trust Fall,并开始在全国各地巡回演出。2009年时,还是大西洋唱片公司签约艺人的Chelsea Lee开始与Spencer约会,她在2012年合约结束后正式加入了The Walking Sticks。



mblaq到底是属于J.Tune Entertainment还是J.TUNE CAMP

J.Tune Entertainment与J.TUNE CAMP什么关系:J.Tune Entertainment = 给rain於演艺事业上的J.TUNE CAMP = 唱片公司, 整家公司只有rain和MBLAQ

有人知道UBC-Okanagan Campus 和UBC-Vancouver Campus的区别嘛


英语作文campus loan

u3000u3000Nowdays,about 20 per cent of the undergraduates can"t afford the high tuition and living expenses.Some of them have been financed,but sometimes the one who needs most can"t get the aid. Here are the reasons:First,they know few approachs to get the money.Even if the chance is given,there are plenty of procedures to carry on.This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of being financed.Second,some companis or persons often want to fund the most excellent one,while the undergraduates who are not that outstanding but very poor can"t get the help.Finally,the number for loans is limited,so the competition is inevitable.If you want to participate in application,maybe you should do more besides submitting material.In reaction to the phenomenon,it is necessary to set up a unified platform for all the undergraduates in poverty. By means of scientific and fair management,it is achieved that every impoverished undergraduate can get the finance aid.

LED 灯具中, 50W QH MR16 lamps 。 QH,MR 各代表什么意思呢

50W QH MR16 lamps,其中QH应该是石英卤素灯(quartz halogen lamp )的英文首字母简写。MR16,又称GU5.3,是卤素灯的一种。MR是代表多重反射罩(Multifaceted Reflector)的英文首字母简写。16代表的意思稍微有点复杂,16是代表前直径的长度,为多少单位长的倍数,规定8个单位长为1英吋,16个单位长,则前直径是2英吋,即2x2.54cm =5.08cm,口径约5cm。在日光灯管的 标示中也有T8和T5之类,这个8也表示灯管直径为1英吋,即2.54cm,约26mm。LED灯以节能著称,在MR16灯杯散热条件下,LED功率仅有几瓦,题中所述“50W”应该是传统卤素灯的一种功率规格。这些文字有可能是出现在LED灯与传统卤素灯的对比中。

champion 造句 4个 翻译

I think Argentina will be the champion.我认为阿根廷将会获得冠军。Some people think him a possible future champion.有些人认为他可能是未来的冠军。The president is a former porn star and wrestling champion.总统竟是一名前色情明星兼格斗冠军。And, without a champion, who is there to lead the charge into the unknown?并且在没有冠军的情况下,谁愿身先士卒,挺进未知的领域?Abbott is 2009 U. S. national champion and 2008 Grand Prix Final champion.艾博特是2009年美国国内冠军及2008年大奖赛总决赛冠军。To be a champion, skill is not enough you have to have the right temperament.要当冠军,光有技巧还不够--还必须有相应的禀赋。In the 1996 match, Deep Blue stunned the champion by beating him in the first game.在1996年的比赛中,深蓝在第一局击败卡斯帕罗夫使这个冠军大为震惊。We will swear with oneself blue-black soul : We know efforts strive for the champion.我们将用自己蓝黑的灵魂发誓:我们会更努力的争取冠军。SMALLER than an atom, they arrive with the energy of a tennis ball served by a champion.比原子还小的它们,带着冠军发射网球时所具有的能量到达地球。The Chinese government plans to create a "national champion" in the aviation cargo sector.中国政府计划在航空货运业打造一家“国家冠军企业”。An expensively coiffed mansion-builder is all too easy to ridicule as a champion of the poor.一位剪着昂贵发型的豪宅建造主作穷人的斗士,岂不太容易遭人反讽?

王老吉推出百家姓版本;佳能宣布停产单反;|What's up

2022年第一件好笑的事,莫过于王老吉的百家姓版本营销,看了你肯定也会忍不住买一瓶X老吉,为自己代言;相机巨头佳能却在新的一年宣布停产旗舰机型,请珍惜你手中的EOS吧;以「一滴血验百病」创造硅谷神话的Theranos创始人霍姆斯,如今被控诈欺,可能面临牢狱之灾。 #营销 不知道大家最近有没有看到王老吉推出的百家姓版本,被众多网友称为营销鬼才。百家姓版本的特色就是不止有王老吉,还有陈老吉、赵老吉、马老吉、欧阳老吉....的各式各样的百家姓老吉。一句话总结就是:走盗版的路,让盗版无路可走。如今有些版本的老吉在网上已出现缺货现象,这是偶然吗?其实寻思一下这其中的营销手法,还是颇有深意。 首先这波“老吉事件”是在春节前推出,而且每一组为12罐,这样的设置显然就是向着春节发力。而在中国,姓是一个家族系统的血缘符号,通过这个符号,每个人都可以把自己和 历史 文化联系起来。当春节大家都举着同一款老吉,庆祝家人的团聚,每人手中都有「吉」,这对于格外重视血缘以及美好寓意的中国人来说,其实是一件很有仪式感的事。在这里其实也能窥见王老吉品牌对于节日的营销,是做了本土化考量的。 其实不止王老吉,之前旺仔牛奶也以中国56个民族为切入点展开营销,与这次的王老吉事件有异曲同工之妙。也许有人觉得王老吉这波操作有些“烂梗”,但能在保持自己产品特色的基础上,让广大消费者都接受,且玩在其中,已经达到了王老吉的目的。 此外,王老吉推出的一百多个姓氏的定制版已经申请了商标保护,还在去年一连申请了新婚大吉、端午大吉、开工大吉、新年大吉、生日大吉、中秋大吉、中考大吉等多个商标,将打击一波盗版的事进行得顺水推舟。快消品作为居民日常生活所需,往往容易陷入表达“功能性”的营销方式中,“ 情感 牌”会是扩大销量的新突破口吗? #品牌 去年12月30日,佳能官方正式宣布停产其旗下旗舰单反相机产品,未来将全身心投入到无反相机产品线上。佳能CEO御手洗富士夫表示,“佳能的单反旗舰机型被称为‘EOS-1"系列,第一款出现于1989年。2020年发布的最新款‘EOS-1D X Mark III"实际上将是最后一款。”至此佳能EOS单反时代在2022年到来之前落下帷幕。其实不只是佳能,索尼也悄悄从网站上删除了其所有的 A 卡口相机。相机巨头们的变革,也许正宣告着一线消费市场的变化,传统单反相机到底被谁抛弃了? 不可否认的是,当初胶卷被时代抛弃时,大家也曾缅怀,如今却对各种有着复古风格的手机滤镜用得爱不释手。社交媒体时代,对智能手机「随手拍」和「美颜」的需求,远远大于不那么方便的单反设备。在小红书的各种拍照攻略下,给手机设定好参数就能拍摄一张不逊色于单反作品的照片,对于大多数业余选手而言,还有买传统单反的必要吗?从古至今,人类对于保留美好瞬间都有极高的热情,但是单反并不能走进日常生活的每一个细节中,对于在社交网络中寻找存在感和价值感的消费者来说,一张精美的可即时分享的图片足以。产品的变化其实也宣告着消费群体的变化,技术的变革最终是为了更好地服务生活,不然再好的产品也终将被时代所消融。 Theranos创始人 Holmes或面临牢狱之灾 #商业 “Fake it until you make it”这句话并不是任何时候都行得通。近日,一度被誉为“女版乔布斯”的伊丽莎白·霍姆斯(Elizabeth Holmes)因震惊整个硅谷的“坏血”造假案,终于迎来了判决结果。根据美国媒体披露的起诉书,霍姆斯被指控犯有九项电信欺诈罪和两项密谋实施电信欺诈罪,其中4项罪名成立,4项罪名不成立;针对另外3项罪名,尚未作出裁定,每项罪名最高可判处20年监禁。 Holmes热衷模仿乔布斯的一切行为,包括着装 Elizabeth Holmes是血液检测公司Theranos创始人。此前,该公司曾称可通过采集数滴血快速检测癌症、糖尿病等,霍姆斯本人也曾一度被舆论称为“女版乔布斯”。霍尔姆斯19岁时从斯坦福大学辍学并创办了Theranos,起初的商业理念是用一滴血就能完成上百项测试,这个想法是为了让血液检测更便宜、更方便、更容易被消费者接受。随后公司也跟Walgreens和连锁超市Safeway建立了合作伙伴关系。就连前国务卿亨利·基辛格、已故的乔治·舒尔茨和前国防部长詹姆斯·马蒂斯(James Mattis)等名人都对这个项目进行了大手笔投资,Holmes一时风头无两,频繁登上《福布斯》杂志榜单。

lady of the lamp 歌词

歌曲名:lady of the lamp歌手:Donovan专辑:sutrasIn the nightIn the dark nightThere"s a lightThat shines on meAnd the lady of the lamp sheDonovanlies by me and holds on tightIn my mindIn constand mindI am restlessYet sincereAnd the lady of the lamp fearsnothing. She"s the mystic kindIn this dark valeOne is rarely truly lovedAnd the lady of the lamp lovesonly me I am her grailIn the dawnIn the blue dawnAs the sun begins to riseThe lady of the lamp sighsdarkness passed and gonedarkness passed and gone

The Lady Is A Tramp (1998 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp (1998 Digital Remaster)歌手:Frank Sinatra专辑:Classic Sinatra - His Great Performances 1953-1960Frank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp

我想要一篇Ocean Park既投诉信sample黎作文(英文)

更新1: 长D OK-.-? Dear sir/madam I am writing this letter because I had a bad experience in Ocean Park last week. I visited your theme park with my family. When we wanted to ride on the cable car it was out of service and we should take the bus instead. We were very disappointed because we wanted to see the sea view there. On the other hands when we went on the rides before we were lining up for a long time and the order was out of control. Someone did not line up and there was only a man to control the order. We both felt angry with the management. At lunch time we bought some snacks such as chicken legs and soft drink. The food was so nasty and we all had a stomachache after we had the lunch in the canteen there. We hope that you will improve the above of conditional. Your faithfully XXX

Mandoza的《Champion》 歌词

歌曲名:Champion歌手:Mandoza专辑:ChampionDid you realize that you were a champion in their eyes?Yes I did, so I packed it up and brought it back to the cribJust a lil" somethin" show you how we liveE"r"body want it but it ain"t that serious - uh huh...That"s that shitSo if you gon" do it, do it just like thisDid you realize that you are a champion in their eyes?You don"t see just how wild the crowd is?You don"t see just how fly my style is?I don"t see why I need a stylistWhen I shop so much I can speak ItalianI don"t know I just wanted better for my kidsAnd I ain"t sayin" we was from the projectsBut everytime I want a layaway or a depositMy dad"ll say "when you see clothes close ya eyelids"We was sorta like Will Smith and his sonIn the movie I ain"t talkin" "bout the rich ones"Cause every summer he"ll get someBrand new hare-brained scheme to get rich fromAnd I don"t know what he did for doughBut he"d sent me back to school wit" a new wardrobe and hey! eh, eh, eh(Did you realizeThat you were a champion in their eyesI think he did, when he packed it up and brought it back to the cribJust a lil" somethin" show you how we liveE"r"thing I wanted man it seemed so serious. uh huh...That"s that shitSo if you gon" do it, do it just like this(Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyes?When it feel like livin"s harder than dyin"For me givin" up"s way harder than tryin"Lauryn Hill say her heart was in ZionI wish her heart still was in rhymin""Cause who the kids gon" listen to? Huh?I guess me if it isn"t youLast week I paid a visit to the instituteThey got the drop out keepin" kids in the schoolI guess I"ll clean up my act like Prince"ll doIf not for the pleasure, least for the principleThey got the CD then got to see me drop gemsLike I dropped out of P.E.They used to feel invisibleNow they know they invincibleDid you realize that you were a champion in their eyesThis is the story of a championRounders in the mob and they pop the gunsStand up stand up! Here he comesTell me what it takes to be number one?Tell me what it takes to be number one?This is the story of a championRounders in the mob and they pop the gunsStand up stand up! Here he comesTell me what it takes to be number one?Tell me what it takes to be number one?(Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyesYes I did, so I packed it up and brought it back to the cribJust a lil" somethin" show you how we liveE"r"body want it but it ain"t that seriousThat"s that shitSo if you gon" do it, do it just like thisDid you realize that you were a champion in their eyes

Lady Saw的《Champion》 歌词

歌曲名:Champion歌手:Lady Saw专辑:InspectorDid you realize that you were a champion in their eyes?Yes I did, so I packed it up and brought it back to the cribJust a lil" somethin" show you how we liveE"r"body want it but it ain"t that serious - uh huh...That"s that shitSo if you gon" do it, do it just like thisDid you realize that you are a champion in their eyes?You don"t see just how wild the crowd is?You don"t see just how fly my style is?I don"t see why I need a stylistWhen I shop so much I can speak ItalianI don"t know I just wanted better for my kidsAnd I ain"t sayin" we was from the projectsBut everytime I want a layaway or a depositMy dad"ll say "when you see clothes close ya eyelids"We was sorta like Will Smith and his sonIn the movie I ain"t talkin" "bout the rich ones"Cause every summer he"ll get someBrand new hare-brained scheme to get rich fromAnd I don"t know what he did for doughBut he"d sent me back to school wit" a new wardrobe and hey! eh, eh, eh(Did you realizeThat you were a champion in their eyesI think he did, when he packed it up and brought it back to the cribJust a lil" somethin" show you how we liveE"r"thing I wanted man it seemed so serious. uh huh...That"s that shitSo if you gon" do it, do it just like this(Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyes?When it feel like livin"s harder than dyin"For me givin" up"s way harder than tryin"Lauryn Hill say her heart was in ZionI wish her heart still was in rhymin""Cause who the kids gon" listen to? Huh?I guess me if it isn"t youLast week I paid a visit to the instituteThey got the drop out keepin" kids in the schoolI guess I"ll clean up my act like Prince"ll doIf not for the pleasure, least for the principleThey got the CD then got to see me drop gemsLike I dropped out of P.E.They used to feel invisibleNow they know they invincibleDid you realize that you were a champion in their eyesThis is the story of a championRounders in the mob and they pop the gunsStand up stand up! Here he comesTell me what it takes to be number one?Tell me what it takes to be number one?This is the story of a championRounders in the mob and they pop the gunsStand up stand up! Here he comesTell me what it takes to be number one?Tell me what it takes to be number one?(Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyesYes I did, so I packed it up and brought it back to the cribJust a lil" somethin" show you how we liveE"r"body want it but it ain"t that seriousThat"s that shitSo if you gon" do it, do it just like thisDid you realize that you were a champion in their eyes


Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyes? Yes I did, so I packed it up and brought it back to the crib Just a lil" somethin" show you how we live E"r"body want it but it ain"t that serious - uh huh... That"s that shit So if you gon" do it, do it just like this Did you realize that you are a champion in their eyes? You don"t see just how wild the crowd is? You don"t see just how fly my style is? I don"t see why I need a stylist When I shop so much I can speak Italian I don"t know I just wanted better for my kids And I ain"t sayin" we was from the projects But everytime I want a layaway or a deposit My dad"ll say "when you see clothes close ya eyelids" We was sorta like Will Smith and his son In the movie I ain"t talkin" "bout the rich ones "Cause every summer he"ll get some Brand new hare-brained scheme to get rich from And I don"t know what he did for dough But he"d sent me back to school wit" a new wardrobe and hey! eh, eh, eh (Did you realize That you were a champion in their eyes I think he did, when he packed it up and brought it back to the crib Just a lil" somethin" show you how we live E"r"thing I wanted man it seemed so serious. uh huh... That"s that shit So if you gon" do it, do it just like this (Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyes? When it feel like livin"s harder than dyin" For me givin" up"s way harder than tryin" Lauryn Hill say her heart was in Zion I wish her heart still was in rhymin" "Cause who the kids gon" listen to? Huh? I guess me if it isn"t you Last week I paid a visit to the institute They got the drop out keepin" kids in the school I guess I"ll clean up my act like Prince"ll do If not for the pleasure, least for the principle They got the CD then got to see me drop gems Like I dropped out of P.E. They used to feel invisible Now they know they invincible Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyes This is the story of a champion Rounders in the mob and they pop the guns Stand up stand up! Here he comes Tell me what it takes to be number one? Tell me what it takes to be number one? This is the story of a champion Rounders in the mob and they pop the guns Stand up stand up! Here he comes Tell me what it takes to be number one? Tell me what it takes to be number one? (Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyes Yes I did, so I packed it up and brought it back to the crib Just a lil" somethin" show you how we live E"r"body want it but it ain"t that serious That"s that shit So if you gon" do it, do it just like this Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyes您是否意识到,在他们眼里,你是冠军?是的,我没有,所以我装起来,把它回到摇篮只是一个小小某无向您展示我们如何生活每个人的希望,但它是不是很严重-嗯...那是那粪 So,如果您gon做它,做它象这样 Did您意识到您是他们的眼睛的一个冠军? You没看见多么狂放人群是? You没看见飞行我的样式怎么是? I没看见我为什么需要美发师 我购物我的When可能非常讲意大利语 I不知道我为我的孩子更好要 And我不是我们是从项目的sayin But,在我想要制革桶或储蓄时候 My爸爸将说“当您看见衣裳接近的ya眼皮” We是象意志史密斯和他的儿子的sorta In电影我不是talkin ‘回合富有部分 because每个夏天他将得到一些 变得的Brandnew冒失的计划富有从 And我不知道什么他为面团做了 But他送回我到学校wit一个新的衣橱和嘿! 嗯,嗯,嗯你实现 你是冠军,他们的眼睛 我认为他这样做了,当他装起来,把它回到摇篮 只是一个小小somethin "向您展示我们如何生活 我希望男子E"r"thing似乎如此严重。嗯... 这是狗屎 所以,如果你坤"这样做,这样做就这样 (你认识到你是一个冠军,他们的眼睛? 当感觉美好生活的艰难比dyin " 对我来说, givin "行动的方式,比设法 得主希尔说,她的心是在锡安 我想她的心仍然是rhymin " 事业谁是孩子坤"听?许? 我想我如果不是你 我上周访问了该研究所 他们得到了辍学keepin "孩子在学校 我想我会收拾我的行为不一样Prince"ll 如果不是很高兴,至少在原则 他们得到了裁谈会后来见我辍学的瑰宝 我放弃了体育 他们的心理负担,觉得无形 现在他们知道他们立于不败之地 您是否意识到,你是冠军,他们的眼睛 这是一个冠军的故事 Rounders在弹出的暴民,他们的枪 站起来站起来!他要来这儿 告诉我如何才能成为世界第一? 告诉我如何才能成为世界第一? 这是一个冠军的故事 Rounders在弹出的暴民,他们的枪 站起来站起来!他要来这儿 告诉我如何才能成为世界第一? 告诉我如何才能成为世界第一? (你认识到你是一个冠军,他们的眼睛 是的,我没有,所以我装起来,把它回到摇篮 只是一个小小somethin "向您展示我们如何生活 E"r"body希望但并不严重 这是狗屎 所以,如果你坤"这样做,这样做就这样 您是否意识到,你是冠军,他们的眼睛

有人说,莫言是shut up,莫愁是don't worry 什么意思


安装wamp,运行后,安装moodle,出现“环境检测失败,cURL PHP扩展 必须安装并启用”请高手帮帮偶吧,跪谢


you made me camplete是什么意思




Liabilities amp;Equity是什么意思

【Liabilities + Equity】意思是【负债及所有者权益】。【负债及所有者权益】是【资产负债表】中的栏目。【资产负债表】一般有表首、正表两部分。其中,表首概括地说明报表名称、编制单位、编制日期、报表编号、货币名称、计量单位等。正表是资产负债表的主体,列示了用以说明企业财务状况的各个项目。资产负债表正表的格式一般有两种:报告式资产负债表和账户式资产负债表。报告式资产负债表是上下结构,上半部列示资产,下半部列示负债和所有者权益。具体排列形式又有两种:一是按“资产=负债+所有者权益”的原理排列;二是按“资产-负债=所有者权益”的原理排列。账户式资产负债表是左右结构,左边列示资产,右边列示负债和所有者权益。不管采取什么格式,资产各项目的合计等于负债和所有者权益各项目的合计这一等式不变。

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:Live Forever - The Best of BritpopOasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting high

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:清晨的荣耀OasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting high

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:Stop The ClocksOasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting high

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:Familiar To Millions - The HighlightsOasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting high

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:Stop The Clocks: Definitive CollectionOasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting high

wamp 5 数据库提示 MySQL server error report:Array 错误,怎么解决哦?

解决方法:1、请检查程序是否做了修改,如果修改过,建议用我们的原程序覆盖您的修改,再次检查问题。2、如果您的站点上有 phpMyAdmin ,还可以通过他检查下您的数据库中出错的表的自增字段的当前自增值是否和该表中自增字段的最大值相同,如果相同则会出现该错误。3、如果您正在转移数据库,请确认数据库的版本是否相同。4、如果以上方法还未解决,请恢复备份,用 DBCheck 将数据库检验为标准结构,并且重新开始升级。

我的Macbook Pro上面有两个硬盘。一个是MActosh HD一个是Bootcamp.这两者的区别是什么?

功能区别:BootCamp是Windows系统所在的分区。如果不使用Windows系统,可以卸载并格式化此分区,并且并入MacintoshHD。如果要使用Windows,请保留此分区,并想其他的方法来节省空间,例如卸载软件和清理垃圾。服务指令区别:BootCamp是Windows系统盘,HD是MacOS系统盘,都是电脑硬盘的两个不同分区,相当于Windows的C盘D盘,但是两个盘之间可以互相访问但是不能修改另一方的数据。扩展资料:软件要求1、 Mac OS X v10.4.6或更新版本的Mac OS X/OS X/macOS。2、 至少10GB的硬盘可用空间。3、 内置Intel处理器的Mac并更新至最新固件。4、 一片能够写入的CD或DVD,驱动程序已经内置于Leopard系统安装盘内,因此Leopard下使用bootcamp安装Windows程序时,并不需要可写入的CD或DVD。

The Cramps的《Garbageman》 歌词

歌曲名:Garbageman歌手:The Cramps专辑:Songs The Lord Taught Us-= Chairlift 《 Garbage 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……All the garbage that you have thrown awayIs waiting somewhere a million miles awayYour condoms and your VCRYour ziploc bags and father"s carDark and silent it waits for you aheadSo much garbage will never ever decayAnd all your garbage will outlive you one dayYou should sign a fancy signature to your messy messy portraitureBecause dark and silent it waits for you aheadMaking so much garbage each and every dayWe make this shit for you to throw awayIn plastic rooms in factories for you to dispose of as you please"Cause dark and silent it waits for you aheadWith stomachs full of oil and vinegarStomachs full of oil and vinegarWith stomachs full of oil and vinegar hey heyWith stomachs full of oil and vinegarStomachs full of oil and vinegarWith stomachs full of oil and vinegar hey heyLa la la laLa la la la la la la la

安装wamp2.4之后,打开localhost在your projects里没有项目。运行01.php。不显示内容。

答主原谅我挖个坟 我觉得解决这个问题的最好的方法就是在www文件夹里再创建一个文件夹然后把你的php文件丢进去。

MO&amp;CO和Veromoda 哪个更好

MO&CO 虽然历史不久,但是更欧美,更时尚,价位也相对较高,算是国内中高端品牌;veromoda是丹麦品牌,全世界连锁,但是时尚度不如MO&CO ,相对大众,价格也相对中等,是所谓的快时尚品牌,中低端。


输入 电子邮件。 someone 是你的用户名,后面 是你注册的邮箱,如你的QQ邮箱就可以用。

for example 和such as 的区别

for example后面有逗号隔开,然后接句子,such as后面直接接词语或短语。


1、指数和下标可以用^和_后加相应字符来实现。 2、平方根(square root)的输入命令为:sqrt,n 次方根相应地为: sqrt[n]。方根符号的大小由LATEX自动加以调整。也可用surd 仅给出符号。 3、命令overline 和underline 在表达式的上、下方画...


苹果官网给出的格式是,用户一般可以用QQ邮箱,126邮箱 ,139邮箱来申请。Apple ID作为一个集全功能于一身的帐户,允许用户访问苹果的各种资源...


如果example你知道这个邮箱网站的话 就直接登录这个网站注册就行的如果不存在这个网站的话 那建议你可以去注册其他邮箱用的 如果你在注册example邮箱的时候遇到什么问题你可以问一下网站客服的


1、点击左下角开始菜单按钮,然后点击设置。2、点击帐户。3、点击你的帐户,找到注册 Microsoft 帐户(或者可能是添加 Microsoft 帐户)的字样后点击。图中显示的由于我已注册过帐户,所以显示成改用 Microsoft 帐户登录,请忽略。4、点击创建一个。5、这个example的中文意思为示例,举例。说白了就是一个提示你的内容而已。这个example.com的邮箱是不存在的。因此在这里要填写你自己拥有的邮箱地址,比如QQ邮箱,163邮箱,谷歌邮箱等。而不是以example.com结尾的邮箱地址。


lead 是领导,导致的意思example的意思是例子,举例

such as,for example,like和as的区别

such as后面接名词词组,for example 后面接句子

请问such as, for example, like和as 的区别



PS.凡是灌水都将予以举报! 补充: 不知道的人不要回答!无意义灌水! 满意答案Mōkey 万俟3级2008-09-22其实那时候我也一直以为这是一个邮箱,但上网查看了百度之类的,发现其实不是,不过@example.com虽然不是一个邮箱,但是你注册时仍然有效的!我当时注册的ID仍然是可以使用的!可为了方便我还是注册了hotmail,作为另外一个ID!康了 的感言: 哦,这样啊,谢谢ING 2008-09-22其他回答(1)WHY8级2008-09-22那不是一个邮箱地址,example的意思是让你随便填一个邮箱,比如sina、163等,事实上你根本就没有注册成功


for example后面加名词性短语,也可加句子。for:prep. 对于; 为了; (表示对象、用途等)给,对,供; 以帮助; 关于。example:n. 实例; 例证; 例子; 典型; 范例; 样品; 榜样; 楷模; 模范。扩展资料  The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example.  这份报告不完整,例如在法国的.销售情况就没包括进去。  Have they, for example, demonstrated a commitment to democracy?  例如,他们是否已表现出会致力于民主?  Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children.  比方说,我们假设你成家了,还有两个孩子。  Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity.  许多因素都很重要,如阶级、性别、年龄及民族。


苹果example邮箱注册的方法如下:原料/工具:IOS15.5,IPhone12,本地设置。1、在登录手机,或苹果电脑的应用商店里,需要提示apple id的,没有的可以创建一个。2、在官方网站也可以创建一个Apple ID。3、在创建账号的注册页面,我们可以看到这里需要填入example邮箱。4、其实这个example是例子,样例的意思,表示这个输入框需要填入的是一个邮箱。5、因此我们可以填入任何的邮箱,比如126的邮箱。6、填入后,完成其他的信息就可以成功注册账号了。

such as和example的区别

such as和example指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。example一般与for连用,即for example。such as的意思是例如、像;for example的意思是比如。such as作类比用,后面跟着这一类的几个;for example作单独举例用,后面的一个作为主体。 such as 和 for example的区别 such as:such常与as连用,用于列举事物,意为“例如,像…一样”,其后所述数量也不可全部列出,偶尔可用etc.。suchas在同一句中也可分开配合使用,此时as在从句中用作主语或宾语。 for example:forexample的意思是“例如”或“譬如”,无论举出一个或几个例证,example都须用单数形式。常用作插入语,可缩写为e.g.。用了forexample,就不宜再用etc.。 such as与for example均可用于表示举例,有时可互换。如: Some sports, such as (=for example) motor racing, can be dangerous.有些体育运动,比如赛车,有时是很危险的。 My wife likes social activities, such as (=for example) tennis and golf.我妻子喜爱社交活动,如打网球和高尔夫球等。 such as除表示举例外,还可表示诸如此类,意思是“像……这样的”“诸如……之类的”,此时不宜与for example互换(但可与表示诸如此类意思的like互换)。如: Opportunities such as (=like) this did not come every day.这样的机会不是天天都有的。 Avoid unhealthy foods such as (=like) hamburger and chips.不要吃汉堡和薯条之类的不健康食品。 另外,such as有时可分开用,但for example不能分开用。如: The disease attacks such animals as cats and dogs.这种病只侵袭像猫狗一类的动物。(比较:The disease attacks animals such as cats and dogs.) such as用于举例时,总是跟在被说明的内容之后,不能独立成句,也不能用于句首或句末,其后也不能用逗号,但for example可以。如: Each situation is different. For example, a man with a rich wife doesn"t have to work. You make too many mistakes—lots of spelling mistakes, for example.你的错误太多——比如,有好多拼法错误。




苹果example邮箱注册的方法如下:原料/工具:IOS15.5,IPhone12,本地设置。1、在登录手机,或苹果电脑的应用商店里,需要提示apple id的,没有的可以创建一个。2、在官方网站也可以创建一个Apple ID。3、在创建账号的注册页面,我们可以看到这里需要填入example邮箱。4、其实这个example是例子,样例的意思,表示这个输入框需要填入的是一个邮箱。5、因此我们可以填入任何的邮箱,比如126的邮箱。6、填入后,完成其他的信息就可以成功注册账号了。


example是一个名词,与之有关的最常有的词组有:for example例如give an example举例set an example树立榜样


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