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mark up price是什么意思





字母组合ar 发/ a:/ bite 是绝对开音节,字母i 读字母表中的读音/ai/ big 是闭音节词,i读短音/ i /

英文中dark L称之为“软腭化齿龈边音”合理吗?



u300aremember the nameu300bYou ready? Lets go!Yeah, for those of you that want to know what weu2019re all aboutItu2019s like this yu2019all cu2019monItu2019s just ten percent luckTwenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated power of willFive percent pleasureFifty percent painAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the nameMikeHe doesnu2019t need his name up in lightsHe just wants to be heard whether itu2019s the beat or the micHe feels so unlike everybody else, aloneIn spite of the fact that some people still think that they know himBut fuck emu2019He knows the codeItu2019s not about the salaryItu2019s about reality and makinu2019 some noiseMakinu2019 the storyMakinu2019 sure his clique stays upThat means when he puts it down Taku2019s pickinu2019 it upWho the hell is he anyway?He never really talks muchNever concerned with status but still leavinu2019 them star struckHumbled through opportunities given to him despite the factThat many misjudge him because he makes a livinu2019 from writin rapsPut it together himself, now the picture connectsNever askin for someoneu2019s help, to get some respectHeu2019s only focused on what he wrote, his will is beyond reachAnd now when it all unfolds, the skill of an artistItu2019s just twenty percent skillEighty percent fearBe one hundred percent clear u2019cause Ryu is illWho wouldu2019ve thought that heu2019d be the one to set the west in flamesAnd I heard him wreckinu2019 with The Crystal Method, Name Of The GameCame back dropped Megadef, took u2018em to churchIu2019m like u2018bleach, man, why you have the stupidest verse?u2019This dude is the truth, now everybody be givinu2019 him guest spotsHis stocku2019s through the roof I heard he fuckinu2019 with S-Dot!Itu2019s just ten percent luckTwenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated power of willFive percent pleasureFifty percent painAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the nameThey call him Ryu the sickAnd heu2019s spittin fire at MikeGot him out the dryer heu2019s hotFound him in Fort Minor with TakBeen a fuckinu2019 annihilist porcupineHeu2019s a prick, heu2019s a cockThe type woman want to be withAnd rappers hope he get shotEight years in the makinu2019Patiently waitin to blowNow the record with Shinodau2019s takinu2019 over the globeHeu2019s got a partner in crime his shit is equally dopeYou wont believe the kind of shit that comes out of this kidu2019s throatTakHeu2019s not your everyday on the blockHe knows how to work with what heu2019s gotMakinu2019 his way to the topPeople think its a common owners namePeople keep askin him was it given at birthOr does it stand for an acronym?No heu2019s livinu2019 proofGot him rockinu2019 the boothHeu2019ll get you buzzinu2019 quicker than a shot of vodka with juiceHim and his crew are known around as one of the bestDedicated to what they doin give a hundred percentForget MikeNobody really knows how or why he works so hardIt seems like heu2019s never got timeBecause he writes every note and he writes every lineAnd Iu2019ve seen him at work when that light goes on in his mindItu2019s like a design is written in his head every timeBefore he even touches a key or speaks in a rhymeAnd those motherfuckers he runs with, those kids that he signedRidiculous, without even tryinu2019, how do they do it?Itu2019s just ten percent luckTwenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated power of willFive percent pleasureFifty percent painAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the nameItu2019s just ten percent luckTwenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated power of willFive percent pleasureFifty percent painAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the nameYeahFort Minor, M. ShinodaStyles of Beyond, Ryu, TakbirMachine Shop


tick和mark的区别:意义不同,读音不同。tick 英 [tu026ak]     美 [tu026ak]    v. 滴答作响;给…标记号;运作;空转。n. 滴答声;一会儿;勾号;壁虱;蜱虫;枕套;褥套;<英口>赊欠。mark英 [mɑu02d0k]     美 [mɑu02d0rk]    n. 记号;痕迹;分数;商标。v. 弄污;打分;留意;做标记。tick用作名词的意思是“滴答滴答(指钟表声)”,转化为动词意思是“滴答作响”。引申可作“标出”“打钩于”解。tick可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。tick后接副词away表示“滴答滴答地响”; 后接副词off表示“核对; 列举”; 后接副词out表示“滴答滴答地发出”; 后接副词over表示“空转; 接近停滞; 进行得极缓慢”。

蛋白质 Marker 是啥意思?还有DNA Ladder


DNA marker和DNA Ladder有哪些区别

DNA Ladder是一种即用型(ready for use)DNA分子量标准(DNA Molecular Weight Marker)。包含了1 Kb DNA Ladder和100bp DNA ladder,可满足各种常规DNA电泳分析的分子量参照需要 Broad-Way五色蛋白Marker具有七条带:213kDa、144kDa、97kDa、58kDa、35kDa、24kDa和16kDa,为一些纯化好的蛋白混合物,这些蛋白混合物与染料共价偶联,在蛋白凝胶电泳和Western-blot转膜时肉眼可见五色条带,因而使电泳过程中蛋白的迁移情况直观可见,用于实时观察SDS-PAGE胶的蛋白分离状况和Western-blot的转移效率。已加入上样缓冲液,可直接电泳。






  发迹于德国的三人乐团Trademark,由Achim Remling、Mirko Baumer、Sadeghian三位喜欢音乐的好友所组成,他们原来都在餐厅担任服务生的职务,他们合作生涯始于一个"IN"的PUB,在那里音乐家们正在做侍应生。一个晚上,一个现场乐队临时退出,三个侍应生放下他们的盘子而拾起麦克风,并作起娱乐表演。正如被打开的香槟酒,听众们被深深的打动了,一个新的乐队产生了:"HOUSE BRAND" 一个酒吧乐队。消息传的很快,"这三个家伙真不赖。"乐队有了迅速发展的潜力。   成员Sascha Sadeghian12岁即开始学习古典吉他,同样发现他歌唱的天赋。结束高校学业后,他在科伦学习了几年声乐并在几家音乐室工作。成员Mirko Baumer 对QUEEN乐队非常入迷,所以索性自己组织了一个乐队,翻唱自己喜欢的组合的歌曲。他接受了一系列音乐训练以发展自身歌唱潜能。他的音域是这样的有利悦耳,使他很快成为其他乐队的歌手。成员Achim Remling 与音乐有非常特殊的联系。他的父亲是Wolfgang Petry, 一个著名的德国歌星,受其影响,他在很小的时候就接触到流行音乐的世界,但他很快走出了自己的路。Achim 在他作为一个摇滚乐队歌手时积累了最初的经验。很快,不同乐队的邀请纷纷而来。Achim在以一种非常明确的方式和信念生活, 并完全独立于他的父亲。在他25岁时, Achim凭自己的努力成为了一个成功的音乐人。他制作了两首热门金曲和几项奖项。Achim的磁性,沙哑的声音是TRADEMARK的最独特的一项特质。   自从成功的发行了他们的首张专集Another Time -- Another Place, 并打进德国排行前30,TRADEMARK已成功的达到一个国际水准。 在1998年,三人两次在亚洲进行了为期几周的巡演,并与听众进行了灵魂上的交流。每次现场演唱会后,这些耀眼的明星都被数不清的歌迷所包围。"我们甚至不能不为注意的离开宾馆。我们一直都被尖叫的歌迷所包围。到处都在放我们的歌--事情就是那样,简直有如魔幻般。"两首单曲I"ll Be The One 和I"m Not Supposed 在每个广播中重复播放, 歌曲的录影片也在MTV节目中频繁播放。 专集的成功使之成为香港,马来西亚,泰国和菲律宾的金唱片之冠。尤其是当他们受邀至亚洲巡回宣传时,更在东南亚各国引起乐迷的骚动,轰动的情形可见一斑。   《Only Love》这张他们睽达二年的最新专辑,光看专辑名称就知道,这又是一张他们颠倒众生的情歌宝典,尤其是首支单曲《Amazed》,这首翻唱至Lonestar称霸全美Billboard单曲榜乡村榜冠军的作品要听音乐网文案,籍由细腻的编曲和他们更深情的歌声娓娓述说一段感情,深深感动听众内心,相信只要听过的人都会喜欢,此外,他们亦借着三人不同的嗓音表现不同的曲风和不同的情绪,在表现他们长足的成熟和进步。


发迹于德国的三人乐团Trademark,由Achim Remling、Mirko Baumer、Sadeghian三位喜欢音乐的好友所组成,他们原来都在餐厅担任服务生的职务,在一次驻唱乐团无故缺席的情形下,三人一时技痒上台客串,精彩的演出不仅博得了满堂采,更为他们的演艺之路开启了传奇的首页,他们的音乐融合了李察玛尔克斯的性感、摇滚麦克的抒情摇滚乐风和空中补给合唱团的高亢式美声和谐唱腔,是以当他们顺利和BMG唱片签约,并于1998年发行他们的首张专辑《Another Time·Another Place》后,不但迅速在亚洲地区获得巨大的回响,更在香港、菲律宾、马来西亚、泰国夺得金唱片,尤其是当他们受邀至亚洲巡回宣传时,更在东南亚各国引起乐迷的骚动,轰动的情形可见一般。 《Only Love》这张他们睽达二年的最新专辑,光看专辑名称就知道,这又是一张他们颠倒众生的情歌宝典,尤其是首支单曲《Amazed》,这首翻唱至Lonestar称霸全美Billboard单曲榜乡村榜冠军的作品要听音乐网文案,籍由细腻的编曲和他们更深情的歌声娓娓述说一段感情,深深感动听众内心,相信只要听过的人都会喜欢,此外,他们亦借着三人不同的嗓音表现不同的曲风和不同的情绪,在表现他们长足的成熟和进步。


poshmark注册有效账号的做法是从APP商店下载Ehpv6ePoshmarkZLFUM3 APP,或是访yqcoqt问PoshmarGbwPCIk网站创建账号。Poshmark是一个时尚电商平台,位于加州Redwood City,销售服装和配饰,包括二手T恤、高端精品女装和自有品牌,消费者可以对产品进行出价购买,被称为海外版“闲鱼”。目前有超过8000万的用户和450万的活跃卖家,卖出商品超1.3亿件!是美国领先的二手电商平台。Pushmark的平台操作也很简单。卖家只需下载APP后注册,拍照上传,给出衣服的描述,定价,就可以在平台上卖自己的二手物品了。Poshmark拥有“简单、社交、有趣”三大特色,将社交注入线上购物。独特的社区功能,让购物不再是冷冰冰的体验、专属于一个人的狂欢。也让Poshmark与亚马逊和eBay等其他电商平台得以区分。

心理学上的“黑暗三性格”dark triad of personality, 真的有助于成功吗?

男人不坏,姑娘不爱?1,“黑暗三性格”(dark triad of personality),是从进化心理学角度提出的一个心理学新名词。 从积极一点意义上来说,心理学所谓的“黑暗三性格”(dark triad)也可以描述为:以自我为中心(自恋者)、热爱冒险刺激(心理变态疾病者)、善于撒谎喜将人玩弄于股掌、心狠手辣者(权谋者)。 在现实生活中,存在黑暗三性格的人大量存在。古代中国有见不得人的《厚黑学》,讲究要成事就必须六亲不认、心狠手辣。这一点在宫廷剧中,往往分析一些争权夺利倾轧的主角人物,往往符合黑暗三性格。 在美剧《纸牌屋》中的弗兰克就是一个典型的黑暗三性格人物。喜欢玩弄操控别人达到自己的目的,对自己身边亲近的人也是冷酷无情有时就是精神变态,以及高度自恋。 黑暗三性格是在2002年,由加拿大的两位心理学家根据研究提出的。 2,马基雅维利主义就是那些不惜挑战社会常规以及利用非法手段来实现自己目的的人,所谓挡道的都是敌人,必欲去之而后快。他们的人格特质喜好操纵、渴望权力和较高策略性等。 精神病态与常人认为的精神病有区别。是形容情绪冲动、自控性差和攻击性强的人格特质。对自己的行为常常很难自我约束,很容易对他人进行身体和语言上的攻击,是一种令人厌烦的人格特质。 自恋特质是以自我为中心,这种自恋往往因为以前的某种成就而超出正常范围。一种自恋是内隐性的,难以维持兴趣和动机,缺乏内驱力,经常把没意思挂在嘴边,对日常事情和正常工作不感兴趣。另一种是外显性的,喜欢夸大其词、装模作样,实质是缺乏自我认同。过度自恋的人,往往有时内心会出现过分自卑的倾向。 现实中,黑暗三性格者没有贴着标签,往往以权谋者、喜欢冒险者和以自我为中心(自私)的形象出现,因此还有广大的市场。甚至有相当部分的人,把成功学归功于玩弄权术、以自我为中心、喜欢冒险的厚黑学。 1,现实中,相当的机构领导有意识无意识有黑暗三性格的行为成分 每个社会机构的人,可以闭目想一下:周围有没有单位的领导任性自私,以自我为中心,过分自恋?一旦触及某些底线,可以歇斯底里对下属发作,就像个精神病一样? 有没有小头头有时喜欢玩弄权术?就喜欢像古代皇帝一样玩平衡术,挑动大臣搬动是非,自己才觉得安心。 为什么这些这样的人能够得到上级的青睐,还能够提拔重用呢?因为,黑暗三性格的表现积极方面可以看成是领导力特质。比如,以自我为中心,可以看成是目标定位坚定,有毅力坚持正确方向;精神病倾向,可以看做是做事喜欢冒险,能够不拘一格,有打破惯常的思维,可以干成大事;甚至自恋,也可以看做是具备鼓动和演说能力,能够自我认同和自信。 原先国外有个机构CEO调查,发现五分之一的CEO有精神病倾向。从合理性分析,就是马基雅维利主义者更擅长展示个人魅力和领导力,自恋会被认为是自信,精神病态则被理解为做事果断、原则性强,是坚持有毅力。 即使是同盟军和被利用者,往往也是到了最后才会意识到自己成了棋子和被利用者。 2,男人不坏,女人不爱? “男人不坏,女人不爱”是一句良性爱情中的古语,生活中常常看到这样的现象。 美国曾经有个社会调查,具备黑暗三性格者,在与女性的约会中更可能短期内迅速升温发展关系。也就是更可能,让女孩子陷入爱情之中不能自拔。 反而是那些温文尔雅的男孩子,因为羞于言辞,怯于表现,不敢大胆表达自己,缺乏自信,反而不容易短期内与女孩子的感情升温。 在两性关系中,马基雅维利主义的喜欢操纵别人,就变成了有主见,遇到没主见的女孩子就容易拿下了;精神病倾向,喜欢冒险,可以大胆说对女孩的倾慕,有的时候可能早点俘获芳心;而自恋的特质,如果显示的是自信,可以给男人平添几分魅力。 1,现代社会面临大变革和不确定性,需要转型型和提升性的领导力带领群体推进变革,在不确定性中发展团队。这样的局面,必将颠覆以前的领导力迷信操控或者权术。 可以说,操控或者权术,只适合于低层次的管理和竞争。越往高处走,面临的困难越大,领导的人群团体能力越强,就越需要适应性的领导力带领团队一起提升,利用集体团队的力量来战胜困难,抓住机遇,赢得发展。 因此,现代社会竞争丛林里,不要再过度迷信誉个人的领导力。“任众人之力,则无往而不胜”,能够让众人团体发挥最佳效能的领导力,一定是授权激励、责任明晰目标明确、鼓励下属发挥群智群力,一定是谦虚的领导力。 2,在选择提拔任用骨干关键岗位领导的时候,一定要注意避免重用心理黑暗三性格者 《资治通鉴》中司马光开篇就提出,宁用愚人而不要用小人。因为愚人无德无才,放到位置,最多是滥竽充数,尸位素餐;小人无德而有才,一旦掌权之后,不知道什么时候遇到机会就可以为事业带来巨大损失。 在识人用人中,要独具慧眼,特别把黑暗三性格中的正面性给抛光抚平,发现其中心理性格的可控性。即使因为惜才启用,也要用制度的笼子紧紧约束。 3,作为个体,也要无则加勉,注意克服黑暗三性格的某一方面,做到人格性格的健康发展 “江山易改,本性难移”,有的人天生有自恋倾向,有的人从小就喜欢操纵别人,有的人天生性格喜欢冒险。那没关系,只要在合理的幅度内,能够自我平衡,不危害别人和社会,就都无妨。 实际上,三种性格,如果别人喜欢,你看得准做得对,本身没有什么问题。问题还是在出发点、动机和驱动力上。如果是黑暗三性格为了自己去操控别人、歇斯底里发作和自恋,就不是什么好事。 如果发挥黑暗三性格的积极性,为别人为社会做好事,动员大家为了社会公共利益而行动、用热情鼓动大家积极参与社区建设、自珍自重,有什么不好呢?

Mark-Anthony Abel的《In Vain》 歌词

歌曲名:In Vain歌手:Mark-Anthony Abel专辑:In Vain (Single)群66032164: 木偶、MMJThis is my life and I won"t compromise or waste my time.All I have done I did on purpose "cause I wanted it to do.If I was wrong I"m very sorry but this happens when you try.sometimes you can"t forsee how things are working out.and what it"s about...If it all was in vain I won"t sigh for a single day.I"ll do it again and againIf it all was in vain I will wait for another time.I swear, I won"t go down again.And if I doubt that I might have failed even before the day is can I know if I don"t dare?Am I allowed to do it twice if I don"t make it at first time?Then I will learn from my mistakes and I"ll do right.haven"t I tried...?If it all was in vain I won"t sigh for a single day.I"ll do it again and againIf it all was in vain I will wait for another time.I swear, I won"t go down again.I know you know that we can.We hold the key in our make it better. then it wasn"t all in vain.珞珈山梦境联盟


我是整车厂的。与TUV莱茵有多年的合作项目。这里解释一下这几个机构的关系:TUV来自德语的缩写,全程为Technischer überwachüngs-Verein,在德国成立TUV初期时,各个州都有独立的TUV 机构,但是不同点各州的TUV 都是独立的。后来随着兼并,剩下最大的是 TUV南德意志集团(TUV SUD),就是你说的TUV南德。第二大的是TUV莱茵;第三应该是TUV北德了。他们在中国大陆都有办事处或分公司的。我没有听说过叫TUV-mark的认证机构... TUV-mark表示 TUV认证标识。还有问题么?



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jolimaark lq360k怎么安装

映美LQ-360K针式滚筒通用打印机驱动程序| 在Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7中安装驱程:1、连接打印电缆并打开打印机电源;2、双击光盘中【Setup.exe】,弹出安装界面;3、选择【Jolimark LQ-360K】驱动程序——>单击【开始安装】。4、如果你已经安装相同的打印机驱动程序,将提示驱动程序更新,请单击【确定】。5、安装程序弹出提示搜索打印机联机信息对话框,如果你使用USB或并口打印而系统没有提示找到新硬件,请按照提示,首先关闭打印机,接好USB或者并口打印电缆,然后打开打印机电源,请单击【确定】。6、接下来安装程序搜索联机信息。 当搜索完成后如果没有搜索到你的打印机端口,你可以按照上一步中所述的操作重新打开打印机并单击【重新搜索】。 如果安装程序搜索到你的打印机端口,将显示搜索到的端口信息,如果您没有操作,将在10秒后自动安装打印机。 如果你不需要联机安装打印机(例如使用串口进行打印),在搜索过程中你可以单击【取消搜索】, 若你想在以后使用USB、并口、串口、网络接口或其他打印端口,请手动更改驱动程序中的打印机端口。7、如果系统弹出“硬件安装”的数字签名提示信息,请选择【仍然继续】,如果你选择【停止安装】,驱动程序将安装失败。8、如果安装程序提示联机安装失败。你可以选择【是】并按照以上几步进行联机安装。如果你的打印机没有联机,你可以选择【否】以进行脱机安装,驱动程序的打印端口将设置为并口LPT1:, 若你想在以后使用USB、并口、串口、网络接口或其他打印端口,请手动更改驱动程序中的打印机端口。如果你想以后再安装打印机驱动,请单击【取消】,安装将被终止。9、安装完成后,安装程序将提示驱动程序安装成功,请单击【确定】以完成安装过程。




之前有装 映美Jolimark 24针打印机吧 也可以是后面装的修改默认打印机; 开始--设备与打印机--要默认打印机图标 右键--设为默认

映美的平推票据打印机(jolimark EP-530K+)打印出来的全是乱码,怎么回事呢?各位帮忙看看,谢谢!


jolimark FP-530k+ 打印机 使用的USB接口连接的 安装成功还是不能打印 请教各位高手 原因何在?

驱动 安装 不正确 第二种 端口不正确 第三 没设置 成默认的 如果不能的话 等下加我 我弄

jolimark fp-620k打印机联机和进退纸灯交替闪烁,进退纸正常,就是确定打印后一直没有输出,队列排起


jolimark 映美 TP-590k电脑上为什么安装不了?提示“这个驱动没有经过数字签署“怎么办呢??求帮忙谢谢




映美Jolimark FP-580K安装后,测试页无法打印,怎么办?请教各位大侠!





请问你是用什么系统呢?是windows 98吗?还有用并口打印还是其他口呢?

jolimark FP-530k+ 打印机 使用的USB接口连接的 安装成功还是不能打印 请教各位高手 原因何在?


jolimark 700k打印处于错误状态


jolimark lq-380k打印机老是退纸,打印不了是怎么回事?

1、打印机纸张设置错误,重新检查纸张。  2、打印机驱动安装错误,去官网重下载正确的驱动安装。  3、打印机纸张传感器错误,联系专业的维修人员更换传感器即可。  注意:此类产品属于精密设备,需要联系专业的售后人员检测更换,以免造成不必要的损失。

两台电脑系统不一样,共享 一台Jolimark 24-pin printer针式打印机,怎么设置?请指教,

1、系统下同时按住键盘上 “Windows” 和 “X” 键打开系统菜单 ,选择“控制面板”,参见下图2、打开“控制面板”,选择“查看设备和打印机”,参见下图3、选择“高级打印机设置”,参见下图4、搜索已连接的可用的打印机,点击“我需要的打印机不在列表中”, "下一步",参见下图5、选择“通过手动设置添加本地打印机或网络打印机”,点击“下一步”按钮,参见下图6、选择“使用现有的端口”,选择默认是LPT1端口,点击“下一步”按钮,参见下图7、选择打印机“厂商”和“打印机型号”,点击“下一步”按钮,参见下图8、选择“替换当前的驱动程序”,点击“下一步”按钮,参见下图9、输入“打印机名称”,点击“下一步”,参见下图10、选择是否共享打印机,点击“下一步”,参见下图11、点击“打印测试页”按钮,打印测试安装打印驱动是否正常,点击“完成”按钮。参见下图备注:具体应以打印机厂商提供的安装方法为准即可。

如何添加Jolimark FP-530K+ 的针式打印机

先连接打印机与电脑,打开 系统控制面板(开始 设置 控制面板),然后选择打印机和传真机,在左侧选择 添加打印机,下一步,然后打开打印机电源,放入驱动光盘,按照提示一步步做下去就行了,最后一步如果安装成功会提示你打印测试页,这时别忘了放纸,确定就打印测试页了。


第一步:将打印机连接至主机,打开打印机电源,通过主机的“控制面板”进入到“打印机和传真”文件夹,在空白处单击鼠标右键,选择“添加打印机”命令,打开添加打印机向导窗口。选择“连接到此计算机的本地打印机”,并勾选“自动检测并安装即插即用的打印机”复选框。第二步:此时主机将会进行新打印机的检测,很快便会发现已经连接好的打印机,根据提示将打印机附带的驱动程序光盘放入光驱中,安装好打印机的驱动程序后,在“打印机和传真”文件夹内便会出现该打印机的图标了。第三步:在新安装的打印机图标上单击鼠标右键,选择“共享”命令,打开打印机的属性对话框,切换至“共享”选项卡,选择“共享这台打印机”,并在“共享名”输入框中填入需要共享的名称,例如CompaqIJ,单击“确定”按钮即可完成共享的设定。提示:如果希望局域网内其他版本的操作系统在共享主机打印机时不再需要费力地查找驱动程序,我们可以在主机上预先将这些不同版本选择操作系统对应的驱动程序安装好,只要单击“其他驱动程序”按钮,选择相应的操作系统版本,单击“确定”后即可进行安装了。2.配置网络协议为了让打印机的共享能够顺畅,我们必须在主机和客户机上都安装“文件和打印机的共享协议”。右击桌面上的“网上邻居”,选择“属性”命令,进入到“网络连接”文件夹,在“本地连接”图标上点击鼠标右键,选择“属性”命令,如果在“常规”选项卡的“此连接使用下列项目”列表中没有找到“Microsoft网络的文件和打印机共享”,则需要单击“安装”按钮,在弹出的对话框中选择“服务”,然后点击“添加”,在“选择网络服务”窗口中选择“文件和打印机共享”,最后单击“确定”按钮即可完成。3.客户机的安装与配置现在,主机上的工作我们已经全部完成,下面就要对需要共享打印机的客户机进行配置了。我们假设客户机也是Windows XP操作系统。在网络中每台想使用共享打印机的电脑都必须安装打印驱动程序。第一步:单击“开始→设置→打印机和传真”,启动“添加打印机向导”,选择“网络打印机”选项。第二步:在“指定打印机”页面中提供了几种添加网络打印机的方式。如果你不知道网络打印机的具体路径,则可以选择“浏览打印机”选择来查找局域网同一工作组内共享的打印机,已经安装了打印机的电脑,再选择打印机后点击“确定”按钮;如果已经知道了打印机的网络路径,则可以使用访问网络资源的“通用命名规范”(UNC)格式输入共享打印机的网络路径,例如“jamescompaqIJ”(james是主机的用户名),最后点击“下一步”。第三步:这时系统将要你再次输入打印机名,输完后,单击“下一步”按钮,接着按“完成”按钮,如果主机设置了共享密码,这里就要求输入密码。最后我们可以看到在客户机的“打印机和传真”文件夹内已经出现了共享打印机的图标,到这儿我们的网络打印机就已经安装完成了。4.让打印机更安全如果仅仅到此为止的话,局域网内的非法用户也有可能趁机使用共享打印机,从而造成打印成本的“节节攀升”。为了阻止非法用户对打印机随意进行共享,我们有必要通过设置账号使用权限来对打印机的使用对象进行限制。通过对安装在主机上的打印机进行安全属性设置,指定只有合法账号才能使用共享打印机。第一步:在主机的“打印机和传真”文件夹中,用鼠标右键单击其中的共享打印机图标,从右键菜单中选择“属性”选项,在接着打开的共享打印机属性设置框中,切换“安全”选项卡。第二步:在其后打开的选项设置页面中,将“名称”列表处的“everyone”选中,并将对应“权限”列表处的“打印”选择为“拒绝”,这样任何用户都不能随意访问共享打印机了。第三步:接着再单击“添加”按钮,将可以使用共享打印机的合法账号导入到“名称”列表中,再将导入的合法账号选中,并将对应的打印权限选择为“允许”即可。重复第三步即可将其他需要使用共享打印机的合法账号全部导入进来,并依次将它们的打印权限设置为“允许”,最后再单击“确定”按钮即可。提示:如果找不到“安全”选项卡,可以通过在文件夹菜单栏上依次选择“工具→文件夹选项→查看”,取消“使用简单文件共享”即可。

jolimark映美FP-312K 打印为什么一直是竖版的

首先安装驱动,安装以后点开始,点设备和打印机,点你安装的驱动,如果是XP系统,点文件,点服务器属性,如果是w7就点一下你安装的驱动,点菜单栏里面服务器属性表单名称自己填写, 比如我打发货单,就填发货单,然后下面有纸张宽度和高度,根据自己实际打印的纸张宽度和高度填写填好以后一定要点保存,不然刚才的就白设置了然后点你安装的驱动,点右键,点打印机属性(不虎攻港纪蕃慌歌苇攻俩是属性,是打印机属性)点设备设置,在滚动进纸器选择你刚才填写的表单名称选择好了点应用然后点常规 点首选项在点高级,在纸张规格这里选择刚才设置的表单名称,然后点应用就OK了





3Dmark只能跑dx12 跑不了DX11什么原因


黑暗的暴君英文是The Dark Tyrant 还是The dark tyrant 。大小写问题。


vertical market是什么意思

vertical market 垂直市场

Vertical Market 是什么意思啊啊?

Vertical Market 垂直市场;纵向市场;纵向型市场例句筛选1.Vertical Market A focused market that is only able to meet the need of onespecific industry.纵向市场只能符合一个特定行业的要求的具针对性市场。2.I thought it would be difficult to maintain a business in a vertical market.我认为这将是难以维持在一个垂直市场的业务。

为什么在中国搞不出 Spark 和 Hadoop 这种东西


求指导请问 百度地图的Marker 有mouseover mousemove这些事件吗

有这个事件var opts = {width: 200, // 信息窗口宽度height: 170, // 信息窗口高度title: "<div align="center"><font color="red">标题</font></div>", // 信息窗口标题enableMessage: true //设置允许信息窗发送短息};var infoWindow = new BMap.InfoWindow(content, opts); // 创建信息窗口对象 function addClickHandler(content, marker,point) {marker.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {map.openInfoWindow(infoWindow, point); //开启信息窗口});marker.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {map.closeInfoWindow(infoWindow, point); //关闭信息窗口});}

 Many people believe the glare(炫目的光)from snow causes snowblindness. Yet, with dark glasses

 小题1:B小题2:C小题3:D 小题1:第一段提到戴不戴眼镜都会产生“雪盲”的症状,如头疼,流泪甚至雪盲。小题2: 第二段结尾部分说此时泪水流出来充满眼眶,眼睛看不清,导致雪盲。小题3:第三段提到的侦察兵的做法告诉我们,雪盲的产生是因为在雪地里眼睛找不到具体目标,由于寻找不到看的物体才产生雪盲。人们就将灌木上的雪去掉,扔一些深色物体,其目的是D。

英语题crocodile__________ shark __

一、crocodile 鳄鱼shark 鲨鱼hand 手,递给have a look at 看一眼alongside 在……旁边,靠着二、have a look寻找on one"s way back第二天be called as给某人写信between and顺便说一下the biggest English-Speaking country照相片五、1.I would like a h【and】 to help me finish the work.2.There were kangaroos that were jumping a【longside】 the car.四、I"m looking for the photos【tha you took】in America.The Sydney Opera House is like a huge 【ship surrounded】with water on three sides.There is a photo competition that I 【want to be the champion】My father has a camera that 【take photos】under water.There were kangaroos that were jumping 【alongside our car】on our way back.六、1.If it【doesn"t rain】(not rain) tomorrow, I will climb up the Great Wall.2.I think my father is able 【to come】(come).3.We knew that the earth 【goes】 (go) around the sun.4.Why don"t you【listen】(listen) to the teacher carefully?5.I【have been working】(work) at the school since I 【came】(come) to Beijing.6.This lesson is 【much more interesting】(interesting) than that one.7.I often listen to our English teacher 【sing】(sing) songs.8.Mother asked me 【to tidy】(tidy) up my bedroom just now.9.Thank you for【taking】(take) me around Beijing.10.The doctor advised me【to do】(do) more exercise.11.It took me lots of free time【to take】(take) photos.12.If you keep【studying】(study), you 【will get】(get) a high mark.13.Can I 【borrow】(borrow) your camera again?答了好久,希望能帮助到你!O(∩_∩)O

求darkness my sorrow 的罗马音谢谢各位了,最好断一下句子,非常感谢QAQ

Ashita mata." Sorezore no michi o aruite mo hanarenai my friend.Arinomama ikite yuku tsuyosa to ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru.Hontō gaki no koro kara itsumo arigatō na.Korekara mata, yoroshiku na.AH sukoshi inaka de umarete.Sō, muchu na asobi mo shitakedo.Kudaranai koto ga yokatta.OH Genjitsu wa kurushii yume bakari oenai.Hayaku otona ni narou to shita.Oya ni datte sukoshi wa raku o sa setakatta.Tsuyoku narou to tsuyogatte itanda…‘Ashita mata." Sorezore no michi o aruite mo hanarenai my friend.Arinomama ikite yuku tsuyosa to ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru.Mushakusha shite kizutsuketa go demo mata sugu ni yurushi au.Donna tsurai toki mo kimi ga waraukara waraeta.OH-OOHTōmawari shita-bun dake wakari aeru jikan mo attakara.Bokura wa machigatte inai ima wa sō omou.‘Ashita mata." Sorezore no michi o aruite mo hanarenai my friend.Arinomama ikite yuku tsuyosa to ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru‘Ashita mata." Sorezore no michi o aruite mo hanarenai my friend.Arinomama ikite yuku tsuyosa to ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru.Arinomama ikite yuku tsuyosa to ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru.Ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru~

south park主题曲歌词

South Park主题曲歌词中英赏析I"m goin" down to South ParkGonna have myself a time.Friendly faces everywhereHumble folks without temptation.Goin" down to South ParkGonna leave my woes behind.Ample parking day or nightPeople shouting Howdy NeighborHeading on up to South Park.Gonna see if I can"t unwindI like girls with big fat titties, I like girls with big vaginasCome on down to South Park and meet some friends of mine.我要离家乡孤独去流浪贫贱之交不忘友谊久且长那里没有痛苦那里没有哀伤独坐不彷徨鸡犬声相闻阡陌通八方人渐行家愈远莫回首我欲何往何处可以得解放窈窕淑女成行任我左拥右抱真他妈的爽前路有知己四海皆故乡

求翻译,英语 What can we learn from Mark Zuckerberg? (I




how to mark a book summarize

我帮楼主把这篇文章贴上来。。嘿嘿"Don"t ever mark in a book!" Thousands of teachers, librarians and parents have so advised. But Mortimer Adler disagrees. He thinks so long as you own the book and needn"t preserve its physical appearance, marking it properly will grant you the ownership of the book in the true sense of the word and make it a part of yourself.HOW TO MARK A BOOKMortimer J. Adler You know you have to read "between the lines" to get the most out of anything. I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading. I want to persuade you to "write between the lines." Unless you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading. You shouldn"t mark up a book which isn"t yours. Librarians (or your friends) who lend you books expect you to keep them clean, and you should. If you decide that I am right about the usefulness of marking books, you will have to buy them. There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession. Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it. An illustration may make the point clear. You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher"s icebox to your own. But you do not own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get it into your bloodstream. I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good. There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the standard sets and best-sellers -- unread, untouched. (This individual owns wood-pulp and ink, not books.) The second has a great many books -- a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. (This person would probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.) The third has a few books or many -- every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back. (This man owns books.) Is it false respect, you may ask, to preserve intact a beautifully printed book, an elegantly bound edition? Of course not. I"d no more scribble all over a first edition of "Paradise Lost" than I"d give my baby a set of crayons and an original Rembrandt! I wouldn"t mark up a painting or a statue. Its soul, so to speak, is inseparable from its body. And the beauty of a rare edition or of a richly manufactured volume is like that of painting or a statue. If your respect for magnificent binding or printing gets in the way, buy yourself a cheap edition and pay your respects to the author. Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading? First, it keeps you awake. (And I don"t mean merely conscious; I mean wide awake.) In the second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken or written. The marked book is usually the thought-through book. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed. Let me develop these three points. If reading is to accomplish anything more than passing time, it must be active. you can"t let your eyes glide across the lines of a book and come up with an understanding of what you have read. Now an ordinary piece of light fiction, like, say, "Gone with the Wind," doesn"t require the most active kind of reading. The books you read for pleasure can be read in a state of relaxation, and nothing is lost. But a great book, rich in ideas and beauty, a book that raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions, demands the most active reading of which you are capable. You don"t absorb the ideas of John Dewey the way you absorb the crooning of Mr. Vallee. You have to reach for them. That you cannot do while you"re asleep. If, when you"ve finished reading a book, the pages are filled with your notes, you know that you read actively. The most famous active reader of great books I know is President Hutchins, of the University of Chicago. He also has the hardest schedule of business activities of any man I know. He invariably read with pencil, and sometimes, when he picks up a book and pencil in the evening, he finds himself, instead of making intelligent notes, drawing what he calls " caviar factories" on the margins. When that happens, he puts the book down. He knows he"s too tired to read, and he"s just wasting time. But, you may ask, why is writing necessary? Well, the physical act of writing, with your own hand, brings words and sentences more sharply before your mind and preserves them better in your memory. To set down your reaction to important words and sentences you have read, and the questions they have raised in your mind, is to preserve those reactions and sharpen those questions. You can pick up the book the following week or year, and there are all your points of agreement, disagreement, doubt and inquiry. It"s like resuming an interrupted conversation with the advantage of being able to pick up where you left off. And that is exactly what reading a book should be: a conversation between you and the author. Presumably he knows more about the subject than you do; naturally you"ll have the proper humility as you approach him. But don"t let anybody tell you that a reader is supposed to be solely on the receiving end. Understanding is a two-way operation; learning doesn"t consist in being an empty receptacle. The learner has to question himself and question the teacher. He even has to argue with the teacher, once he understands what the teacher is saying. And marking a book is literally an expression of your differences, or agreements of opinion, with the author. There are all kinds of devices for marking a book intelligently and fruitfully. Here"s the way I do it:1. Underlining: of major points, of important or forceful statements.2. Vertical lines at the margin: to emphasize a statement already underlined.3. Star, asterisk, or other doo-dad at the margin: to be used sparingly, to emphasize the ten or twenty most important statements in the book.4. Numbers in the margin: to indicate the sequence of points the author makes in developing a single argument.5. Number of other pages in the margin: to indicate where else in the book the author made points relevant to the point marked; to tie up the ideas in a book, which, though they may be separated by many pages, belong together.6. Circling of key words or phrases.7. Writing in the margin, or at the top or bottom of the page, for the sake of: recording questions (and perhaps answers) which a passage raise in your mind; reducing a complicated discussion to a simple statement; recording the sequence of major points right through the book. I use the end-papers at the back of the book to make a personal index of the author"s points in the order of their appearance. The front end-papers are, to me, the most important. Some people reserve them for a fancy bookplate, I reserve them for fancy thinking. After I have finished reading the book and making my personal index on the back end-papers, I turn to the front and try to outline the book, not page by page, or point by point (I"ve already done that at the back), but as an integrated structure, with a basic unity and an order of parts. This outline is, to me, the measure of my understanding of the work.

刀锋战士中的PARKER POSEY(女吸血鬼)简介

Leonor Varela 莱昂·维埃拉:Leonor Varela 女,生于1972年12月29日,智利圣地亚哥 星座: 摩羯座 更多译名: 莱昂·维埃拉 生平: 父亲是智利人,母亲是法国人,美丽大方的混血外型,无形中推动着蕾奥娜往演艺之路发展。蕾奥娜于1995年开始其演艺生涯,但艳冠群芳的她总是以花瓶的姿态参与演出,或者只能成为杂志刊物的封面,这使得蕾奥娜也常困惑于自己的演艺能力是否足够,但蕾奥娜始终坚守自己的岗位,努力扮演好每一个角色。 1999年,蕾奥娜有机会参加美国ABC电视台的迷你连续剧《埃及艳后》(CLEOPATRA)的甄选,一路过关斩将,最后居然赢得埃及艳后一角;而这部影集的高收视率让蕾奥娜终于尝到了一夕成名的感觉,蕾奥娜因此开始声名大噪,而且还因演出此剧而与同台演出的比利赞恩 (Billy Zane) 陷入热恋,目前俩人仍在一起。 2003年,蕾奥娜加入《纯真11岁》的演出,纯熟的演技为她带来无数的喝采与掌声,同时也为她个人的演艺生涯攀上更高峰;之后又参加了NBC电视台剧集《E-Ring》的拍摄。

有关watson and the shark这幅画的描述

Watson and the Shark 《沃森与鲨鱼》,1778年By 约翰·辛格顿·科普利, 美国油画描绘了在古巴哈瓦那从鲨鱼口中解救出后来的伦敦市市长布鲁克·沃森。这次鲨鱼袭击发生在沃森14岁的时候,当时他是一个货船水手。1774年,沃森到了伦敦,他和科普利成了朋友。

3 Questions about Chemistry (The best will get 20 marks)

1a put them into silver nitrate solution with excess dilute nitric acid. The one has white would be sodium chloride 1b put them into calcium hydroxide solution the one which gives out carbon dioxide would be calcium carbonate 1c put them on a nichrome / platinum wire . Put the wire to the Bunsen flame The one with golden yellow flame would be sodium carbonate The one with lilac(purple) flame would be potassium carbonate Answer 1b is absolutely wrong. CaCO3 is insoluble in water while Ca(HCO3)2 soluble. Both of them do not react with Ca(OH)2. He/she gave a worse wer but titled the best wer. 原因是 .... ? (a)Dissove o samples into water. Add acidifried silver nitrate sloution and then excess nitric acid on each.White ppt from on sodium chloride solution. NaCl + AgNO3 --> AgCl(s) + NaNO3 (b) Add water in each sample.CaHCO3 dissolved but CaC03 have not dissoolved. (C)Dissolved osamples into water.To have a flame test.The potassium carbonate solution burns with lilac flame while sodium carbonate solution burn with golden yellow flame. 参考: 自己! 英文唔系好好!!! (a) Dissolve each pound in distilled water to form solution. Add separately each solution into a test tube of silver nitrate solution which is acidified with dilute nitric acid. Sodium chloride : A white precipitate of silver chloride is formed. ... Ag^+(aq) + Cl^-(aq) → AgCl(s) Sodium sulphate : There is no observable change. (b) Add separately each solid to distilled water and shake for a few minutes. Calcium carbonate : It is insoluble in water. If the mixture is filtered the filtrate does not react with dilute hydrochloricacid. Calcium hydrogencarbonate : It is soluble in water. If the mixture is filtered the filtrate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid bubbles of carbon dioxide are given off. ... HCO3^-(aq) + H^+(aq) → H2O(l) + CO2(g) (Note that both calcium carbonate and calcium hdyrocarbon do not react with calcium hydroxide solution.) (c) Perform flame test for these o solid samples. Potassium carbonate : It shows a lilac flame (crimson flame when viewed under cobalt glass.) Sodium carbonate : It shows a bright yellow flame.



eos 5D mark IV (WG)uff1f


spark shuffle是通过内存还是磁盘

shuffle block 一定是落地到磁盘的,无法像普通 RDD 那样 cache 到本地内存或 Tachyon 中。想将 shuffle block cache 到内存中,应该主要是为了提速,但事实上并没有什么必要。


Mark Elliot Zuckerberg,the youngest billionaire in the world, was regarded as the second Bill Gates. Do you want to know something about him? I"d like to share his story with you. Mark was born in 1982 in America. He was very interested in computer when he was only a little boy. At the age of ten, Mark got his first computer. He spent plenty of time on the computer from then on. When he was a student in high school, he designed an MP3 for his school. During his time in the university, he set up a social network site called facebook with two of his roommates. As for my opinion of success, I think anyone who wants to be successful must be hard-working. Don"t give up whenever you have difficulties. 本题是写一篇给定材料的书面表达,主要是介绍马克的个人简历,写作时应注意主要使用单数第三人称形式和一般过去时,内容包括马克的出生地,马克在10岁,高中和大学期间所做的事,以及个人对马克成功的看法,写作时应注意时间的先后性和语言的准确性。

super junior参加过的所有starking

PPS 综艺娱乐 里面有个superjunior视频集锦里面有很多期starking,还有灰常多他们的综艺还有电台,都是中字的

如何评价 Mark Knopfler 的专辑《Tracker》

Mark Knopfler第8张个人录音室专辑《Tracker》将于今年3月发行,期待中。  Mark Knopfler"s eighth studio album, Tracker, will be released on March 16, 2015 (March 17 in North America). The album features 11 new songs inspired by a wide range of subjects including Beryl Bainbridge and Basil Bunting. The songs contain Mark"s usual wryly but accurately observed vignettes of real life wrapped up in a musical accompaniment of distinctive subtlety.  Tracker will be available on CD, double vinyl, deluxe CD with four bonus tracks, and a lavish box set that will include the album on both CD and vinyl with a bonus CD featuring six extra tracks, a DVD with an exclusive short film directed by Henrik Hansen and an interview with Mark where he talks about the new record. Sleeve notes have been specially written by acclaimed US author Richard Ford and it also contains a numbered art print and six photographic prints.  Mark said:  “The album title ‘Tracker" arrived out of me trying to find my way over the decades. Out of me tracking time – looking at people, places and things from my past, and out of the process of tracking as in recording tracks in the studio.”  1. Laughs and Jokes and Drinks and Smokes  2. Basil  3. River Towns  4. Skydiver  5. Mighty Man  6. Broken Bones  7. Long Cool Girl  8. Lights of Taormina  9. Silver Eagle  10. Beryl  11. Wherever I Go (featuring Ruth Moody)

如何评价 Mark Knopfler 的专辑《Tracker》

  Mark Knopfler第8张个人录音室专辑《Tracker》将于今年3月发行,期待中。  Mark Knopfler"s eighth studio album, Tracker, will be released on March 16, 2015 (March 17 in North America). The album features 11 new songs inspired by a wide range of subjects including Beryl Bainbridge and Basil Bunting. The songs contain Mark"s usual wryly but accurately observed vignettes of real life wrapped up in a musical accompaniment of distinctive subtlety.  Tracker will be available on CD, double vinyl, deluxe CD with four bonus tracks, and a lavish box set that will include the album on both CD and vinyl with a bonus CD featuring six extra tracks, a DVD with an exclusive short film directed by Henrik Hansen and an interview with Mark where he talks about the new record. Sleeve notes have been specially written by acclaimed US author Richard Ford and it also contains a numbered art print and six photographic prints.  Mark said:  “The album title ‘Tracker" arrived out of me trying to find my way over the decades. Out of me tracking time – looking at people, places and things from my past, and out of the process of tracking as in recording tracks in the studio.”  1. Laughs and Jokes and Drinks and Smokes  2. Basil  3. River Towns  4. Skydiver  5. Mighty Man  6. Broken Bones  7. Long Cool Girl  8. Lights of Taormina  9. Silver Eagle  10. Beryl  11. Wherever I Go (featuring Ruth Moody)

求linkin park的《Wisdom,Justice,And Love》中的演讲词及完整翻译,切勿机翻

I come to this magnificent house of worship tonightbecause my conscience leaves me no other choice.A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war:This way of settling differences is not justThis business of burning human beings with napalm,filling our nation"s homes with orphans and widows,of injecting poisonous drugs of hateinto the veins of people normally humane,sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped andpsychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love.cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love.cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love.今晚,我来到这座备受崇拜伟大建筑因为我的良心让我毫无选择一场真正颠覆我们价值理念的革命将会带领我走向世界新的秩序,并且说战争是:这条道路不仅仅与以往不同只项事业会用汽油燃尽人类孤儿和寡妇将会充满我们的祖国仇恨的毒素会注入到人们的仁慈之中把人们从黑暗和血肉横飞令人无论心理和生理都遭受残害的战场上送回家,并不能让智慧,正义和爱统一并不能让智慧,正义和爱统一并不能让智慧,正义和爱统一 自己翻译的、。。希望你满意。。一起支持Linkin park吧!



打印机gap.mark size是什么意思?

好像没见过这个,只有platen gap 压纸距离。这个功能是用来调整打印头与纸张间的距离。通常选择“标准”STANDARD就可以。

a dull period of the housing market可以翻译成:住宅区市场的呆滞期



打开控制面板,找到“卸载程序”。或者使用360安全卫士选择卸载程序,在新界面中找到与ArcGIS有关的程序。右键单击要卸载的内容,并选择“卸载/更改”。按照此方法,把要卸载的软件一个个的卸载掉。通过以上步骤,我们就把ArcGIS软件从电脑中卸载掉了,但有时这样卸载并不彻底,还会有些注册表等残余,接下来,我们就把其他残留文件删除掉。找到ArcGIS的安装路径,这里,小编是安装到D盘的Program Files (x86)文件夹下了。在Program Files (x86)文件夹中寻找与ArcGIS或ESRI有关的文件/文件夹,并删除。在C盘的Program Files、Program Files (x86)(64位系统会有此文件夹,32位系统无此文件夹)和ProgramData文件夹中寻找与ArcGIS或ESRI有关的文件/文件夹,并删除。在运行命令行中输入“regedit”,打开系统注册表。HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREESRIHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeESRI选择“HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT”目录,寻找该目录下与ArcGIS或ESRI有关的注册表,并删除。选择“HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software”目录,寻找该目录下与ArcGIS或ESRI有关的注册表,并删除。择“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE”目录,寻找该目录下与ArcGIS或ESRI有关的注册表,并删除。以上操作全部完成后,重新启动电脑,这样ArcGIS就完全卸载干净了。

求松本润的 dance in the dark的罗马音 急用 不要出错 谢谢!

Matsumoto Jun (Arashi) - Dance in the dark LyricDoo Doo Wop Doo Wopu3000You wanna know my secret?Doo Doo Wop Doo Wopu3000Be quiet, BabyShifuku no Everythingu3000You donu2019t know what you wantFukigen na shigusa de kimi wo motomeru VampireDeai wa Super tender doushitatte LiesIzanatta mujou no Smile de honrou suru One nightBaby, Come on, Upper ground, Baby, Come on monouge na EyesAmai kitai to Next to me So, Come on, So, Come onKurogari no Midnight carnivalHi ga noboru mae ni You and me koetara? Borderline mou With youKimi wa Dance and Dance You move into wana wa BitterMogakeba mogaku hodo ni RUUZU na GrooveHimeta Bad Romance You move into yoru wa BetteSou tsumari You follow me hate ni Dance in the darkFushigi na Game ni You donu2019t know what you thinkFushizen na shigusa mo minogashitetara No chanceKimochi wa urahara doushitatte CryMisakai nai Free na Style de bousou suru One nightBaby, Come on, Underground, Baby, Come on itazura na EyesAwai yokubou ga Next to you So, Come on, So, Come onKakushiteru Midnight animalNemuri kara sameta You and me aizu nara Gonna be mou With youKimi to Dance and Dance We move into nori wa BebopOmou ga mama ni Nothing but the grooveKeshite Donu2019t look back We move into yume ni Pick upMou kanari You follow me hatenai Dance in the darkShirokuro tsukeyou ka Iu2019ll keep on dancing all nightCome in kamihitoe Love and hate datte AlrightDoo Doo Wop Doo Wopu3000Itu2019s a secret, BabyMitsumeaeba Fallinu2019 down Donu2019t you know?Murui no Iu2019m a gentleman kore wa Never ending story>Kimi no kotoba de kikaseteDoo Doo Wop Doo Wop tsuki ni kakure Move aroundDoo Doo Wop Doo Wop We gotta go!Doo Doo Wop Doo Wop moshimo kizuite iru naraDoo Doo Wop Doo Wop Baby one more timeKimi wa Dance and Dance You move into wana wa BitterMogakeba mogaku hodo ni RUUZU na GrooveHimeta Bad Romance You move into yoru wa BetteSou tsumari You follow me hate ni Dance in the darkDare yori ochite Sweet yue ni Feel me tonight mou kanariYou follow me hatenai Dance in the dark



求 linkin park 《iridescent》无损音乐

求Linkin Park(林肯公园)变形金刚3主题曲iridescent的吉他谱


linkin park的iridescent想表达什么?寓意?


哪位有linkin park Iridescent 的歌词以及翻译


the went to (/)people"s park,but we both went to (the)people"s cinema yesterday afternoon.





marking 是动名词,强调动作,做标记或者打分,而mark只是名词标记,分数。介词后面通常用动名词,比如He is fond of marking in blue. 他喜欢用蓝色做标记。

c语言 mark:printf(" 请输入一个整数(1~50):");中mark是什么意思呀?

mark:printf(" 请输入一个整数(1~50):");scanf("%d",&a);if(a<1||a>50)gotomark;1:mark:在c语言里面为语句标号。2:程序执行到GOTO语句时无条件转向mark,执行标识行语句3:if+goto。太浪费资源,建议使用别的解决方法!!!



朋友圈说mark一下是什么意思 朋友圈说mark一下的解释

1、mark一下意为“标记一下”,方便以后再来。 2、一般是在有直播或持续更新的帖子上出现,其中mark意思是做记号,表示阅读此帖的人在关注楼主的这个帖子,论坛里有搜索帖子的功能,回帖后也方便再重新查找。 3、随着网络文化的普及,mark一下也走向了其他的网络社区,微博、微信朋友圈等。



佳能的 MARK 是什么意思 马克?

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