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the Martens Clause是什么?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 科学技术 解析: 马尔顿斯条款(Martens clause)。 该条款是指1899年和1907年海牙《陆战法规和惯例公约》中前言部分第9段,是1899年第一次海牙会议俄国代表冯·马尔顿斯发表的一项声明中的一部分。 其内容是:“在颁布更完整的战争法规之前,缔约各国认为有必要声明,凡属他们通过的规章中所没有包括的情况,居民和交战者仍应受国际法原则的保护和管辖,因为这些原则是来源于文明国家间制定的惯例、人道主义法规和公众良知的要求。” 此条款内容尔后反复出现在有关的系列条约之中,如1949年日内瓦第一公约的第63条,第二公约的第62条,第三公约的第142条,第四公约的第158条,第一附加议定书第1条,第二附加议定书的前言,1980年《禁止或限制使用某些可能被认为具有过分伤害力滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》的前言。众所周知,对马尔顿斯条款,存在着不同解释。最具限制性的解释是:该条款只是在于提醒世人,条约规则通过后,国际习惯法仍然适用?较为广义的解释是:由于几乎所有的关于武装冲突法的国际条约都不够完备,该条款即做出规定,某些事项,虽未被条约明文禁止,但并不等于事实上允许去做。最广义的解释是:武装冲突行为不仅受条约和习惯法的调整,而且还要受该条款所言及的国际法原则的调整。

美国宪法里针对总统的take care clause指哪一条?


S+be+adj+wh clause,这个英语句型的结构是什么意思,用汉语表述?另外这里的wh clause是什么意思?


defining clause....

Defining clauses: 1) No ma 2) The important information on something. If the defining clause is removed your sentence bees confusing or it doesn"t make sense at all. Examples: The man whose father is my uncle was arrested this morning. whose father is my uncle<-------defining clause ( no ma) Now let"s remove this clause. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE MAN was arrested this morning.<--------------- A confusing subject= the man!!!!! The man whose father is my uncle was arrested this morning. ( CLEAR NOW) _____________________________________ Let me show you one more example. The lady who gave you $ 1000 the other day died this morning. who gave you $1000 the other day<------- defining clause with no ma Note: " who" is used to describe " the lady". Let me remove this clause for you now. The lady died this morning. <---------------- WHO was the lady?<-------------------------------------------- That"s it. :) Hope that helps. 8686868686886866868688 In grammar a clause is a pair of words or group of words that consists of a subject and a predicate although in some languages and some types of clauses the subject may not appear explicitly as a noun phrase. It may instead be marked on the verb (this is especially mon in null subject languages.) The most basic kind of sentence consists of a single clause; more plicated sentences may contain multiple clauses including clauses contained within clauses. A group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. A clause may be either a sentence (independent clause) or a sentence-like construction included within another sentence (dependent clause). 2009-02-22 10:05:46 补充: Examples: * "Life moves pretty fast. If you don"t stop and look around once in awhile you could miss it." * "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." 参考: en. *** /wiki/Clause grammar.about/od/c/g/clauseterm

where clause

这个是tp开发中经常会报的错: 1181517481287_.pic_hd.jpg 1181517481287_.pic_hd.jpg clause: 从句。 很显然,where条件中的列名 studentId 写错了。上面这个单词引起了我的兴趣,简单但总是认错。

relative clause是指的是什么从句

关系从句或者定语从句定语从句(attributive clause)也叫形容词性从句(adjective clause)或 关系从句 ( relative clause ),是一种由关系词引导的从句形式的后置修饰语.例The man whom is talking with my teacher is John"s father.和我老师说话的那个男人是约翰的爸爸。希望可以帮到您。


that 引导的从句 没看中间有连字符吗

Jessica Mauboy的《Maze》 歌词

歌曲名:Maze歌手:Jessica Mauboy专辑:Get "Em GirlsJessica Mauboy - MazeYou are soHard to readLike a foreign novelI don"t knowIf I"ll ever figure you outSo manyPieces of youLike a jigsaw puzzleMy head is spinning aroundYeah, causeOne minute you want my touchNext minute you don"t want noneHonestly, don"t know which way to goThis love is out of controlOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my wayYou make me insecureLike I"m going crazyBut it can"t be my faultCause I"m trying hardIt"s you, who won"t commitEverything is maybeLeaving me out in the darkYeah, causeOne minute you want my touchNext minute you don"t want noneHonestly, I don"t know which way to goThis love is out of controlOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my waySo confused, I"m so lostEverywhere I turnSeems to be wrongI need you"re helpLet me knowGive me a signOr let me knowThat there"s hopeCause ohh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you treat me so coldOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?(Should I stay or should I go?)I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a maze(Just like a maze)Your heart is like a maze(I can"t find my way)Your heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my wayOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a maze(Just like a maze)Your heart is like a maze(Your heart is just like a maze)Your heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my way


引导名词性从句的关联词除that外,还有who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whomever, whichever, whatever, when, where, why, how, if和whether等。就你所提的why和because引导表语从句时的区别。在句型That / It is + 表语从句中,why 表示“结果”,because 表示“原因”。如:There was something wrong with his car. That was why he came late.The boss scolded him. That was because he came late.

海运一切险(clause A)包括哪些?

伦敦协会货运险(A)条款 伦敦协会货运险(B)条款 伦敦协会货运险(C)条款 协会战争险条款 协会罢工险条款 协会货运险条款(空运用) 协会战争险条款(空运用)(不包括邮递)(仅供新的海上保险单格式使用) 协会罢工险条款(空运用) 协会战争险条款(邮递用) 我站目前收集到的条款只有这些! 这些都国际货运险的条款标题,不知道是不是你想要的? 参考资料:

用英语怎么定义同位语从句 也就是appositive clause的定义



本游戏非常重视用户的隐私保护,因此制定了本涵盖如何收集、使用、披露、分享以及存储用户的信息的《隐私条款》。用户在使用我们的服务时,我们可能会收集和使用您的相关信息。我们希望通过本《隐私条款》向您说明,在使用我们的服务时,我们如何收集、使用、储存和分享这些信息,以及我们为您提供的访问、更新、控制和保护这些信息的方式。本《隐私条款》适用于用户与本游戏的交互行为以及用户注册和使用本游戏的服务,我们建议您仔细地阅读本政策,以帮助您了解维护自己隐私权的方式。 您使用或继续使用我们的服务,即表示您同意我们按照本《隐私条款》收集、使用、储存和分享您的相关信息。如对本《隐私条款》或相关事宜有任何问题,请进行留言。 一、我们可能收集的信息 我们提供服务时,可能会收集、储存和使用下列与您有关的信息。如果您不提供相关信息,可能无法注册成为我们的用户或无法享受我们提供的某些服务,或者无法达到相关服务拟达到的效果。 (一)您提供的信息 1、您在注册账户或使用我们的服务时,向我们提供的相关个人信息,例如电话号码、身份证明、电子邮件等; 2、如您使用我们的服务需与用户的银行账户或其他支付工具的账户关联方能实现时,您向我们提供您的银行账户信息或其他支付工具的账户信息; 3、您通过我们的服务向其他方提供的共享信息,以及您使用我们的服务时所储存的信息。 (二)其他方分享的您的信息 其他方使用我们的服务时所提供有关您的共享信息。 (三)我们获取的您的信息 1、您使用服务时我们可能收集如下信息: (1)日志信息,指您使用我们的服务时,系统自动采集的技术信息,包括: u2003 u2003o 设备或软件信息,例如您的移动设备、网页浏览器或用于接入我们服务的其他程序所提供的配置信息、您的IP地址和移动设备所用的版本和设备识别码; u2003 u2003o 在使用我们服务时搜索或浏览的信息,例如您使用的网页搜索词语、访问的社交媒体页面url地址,以及您在使用我们服务时浏览或要求提供的其他信息和内容详情; u2003 u2003o 有关您曾使用的移动应用(APP)和其他软件的信息,以及您曾经使用该等移动应用和软件的信息; u2003 u2003o 您通过我们的服务进行通讯的信息,例如曾通讯的账号,以及通讯时间、数据和时长; u2003 u2003o 您通过我们的服务分享的内容所包含的信息(元数据),例如拍摄或上传的共享照片或录像的日期、时间或地点等。 (2)位置信息,指您开启设备定位功能并使用我们基于位置提供的相关服务时,收集的有关您位置的信息,包括: u2003 u2003o 您或其他用户提供的包含您所处地理位置的实时信息,例如您提供的账户信息中包含的您所在地区信息,您或其他人上传的显示您当前或曾经所处地理位置的共享信息,您或其他人共享的照片包含的地理标记信息; u2003 u2003o 您通过具有定位功能的移动设备使用我们的服务时,通过GPS或WiFi等方式收集的您的地理位置信息 u2003 u2003o 您可以通过关闭定位功能,停止对您的地理位置信息的收集。 二、我们如何使用您的信息 (一)我们可能将在向您提供服务的过程之中所收集的信息用作下列用途: 1、向您提供服务。在我们提供服务时,用于身份验证、客户服务、安全防范、诈骗监测、存档和备份用途,确保我们向您提供的产品和服务的安全性; 2、帮助我们设计新服务,改善我们现有服务; 3、使我们更加了解您如何接入和使用我们的服务,从而针对性地回应您的个性化需求,例如语言设定、位置设定、个性化的帮助服务和指示,或对您和其他用户作出其他方面的回应; 4、向您提供与您更加相关的广告以替代普遍投放的广告; 5、评估我们服务中的广告和其他促销及推广活动的效果,并加以改善; 6、软件认证或管理软件升级; 7、让您参与有关我们产品和服务的调查。 (二)为了让您有更好的体验、改善我们的服务或您同意的其他用途,在符合相关法律法规的前提下,我们可能将通过某一项服务所收集的信息,以汇集信息或者个性化的方式,用于我们的其他服务。例如,在您使用我们的一项服务时所收集的信息,可能在另一服务中用于向您提供特定内容,或向您展示与您相关的、非普遍推送的信息。如果我们在相关服务中提供了相应选项,您也可以授权我们将该服务所提供和储存的信息用于我们的其他服务。 三、您如何访问和控制自己的个人信息 我们将尽量采取适当的技术手段,保证您可以访问、更新和更正自己的注册信息或使用我们的服务时提供的其他个人信息。在访问、更新、更正和删除前述信息时,我们可能会要求您进行身份验证,以保障账户安全。 四、我们如何分享您的信息 除以下情形外,未经您同意,我们以及我们的关联公司不会与任何第三方分享您的个人信息: (一)我们以及我们的关联公司,可能将您的个人信息与我们的关联公司、合作伙伴及第三方服务供应商、承包商及代理(例如代表我们发出电子邮件或推送通知的通讯服务提供商、为我们提供位置数据的地图服务供应商)分享(他们可能并非位于您所在的法域),用作下列用途: o 向您提供我们的服务; o 实现“我们可能如何使用信息”部分所述目的; o 履行我们在本《隐私条款》或本游戏与您达成的其他协议中的义务和行使我们的权利; o 理解、维护和改善我们的服务。 如我们或我们的关联公司与任何上述第三方分享您的个人信息,我们将努力确保该等第三方在使用您的个人信息时遵守本《隐私条款》及我们要求其遵守的其他适当的保密和安全措施。 (二)随着我们业务的持续发展,我们以及我们的关联公司有可能进行合并、收购、资产转让或类似的交易,您的个人信息有可能作为此类交易的一部分而被转移。我们将在转移前通知您。 (三)我们或我们的关联公司还可能为以下需要而保留、保存或披露您的个人信息: o 您授权或同意本游戏披露的; o 遵守适用的法律法规; o 遵守法院命令或其他法律程序的规定; o 遵守相关政府机关的要求; o 为遵守适用的法律法规、维护社会公共利益,或保护我们的客户、我们或我们的集团公司、其他用户或雇员的人身和财产安全或合法权益所合理必需的用途; o 根据本游戏各服务条款及声明中的相关规定,或者本游戏认为必要的其他情形下。 五、信息安全 (一)我们仅在本《隐私条款》所述目的所必需的期间和法律法规要求的时限内保留您的个人信息。 (二)我们使用各种安全技术和程序,以防信息的丢失、不当使用、未经授权阅览或披露。例如,在某些服务中,我们将利用加密技术(例如SSL)来保护您提供的个人信息。但请您理解,由于技术的限制以及可能存在的各种恶意手段,即便我们已经尽量加强安全措施,也无法始终保证信息百分之百的安全。您需要了解,您接入我们的服务所用的系统和通讯网络,有可能因我们可控范围外的因素而出现问题。 六、您分享的信息 我们的多项服务,可让您不仅与您的网络游戏,也与使用该服务的所有用户公开分享您的相关信息,例如,您在我们的服务中所上传或发布的信息(包括您公开的个人信息、您建立的名单)、您对其他人上传或发布的信息作出的回应,以及包括与这些信息有关的位置数据和日志信息。使用我们服务的其他用户也有可能分享与您有关的信息(包括位置数据和日志信息)。特别是,我们的社交媒体服务,是专为使您与世界各地的用户共享信息而设计,您可以使共享信息实时、广泛地传递。只要您不删除共享信息,有关信息会一直留存在公共领域;即使您删除共享信息,有关信息仍可能由其他用户或不受我们控制的第三方独立地缓存、复制或储存,或由其他用户或该等第三方在公共领域保存。 因此,请您谨慎考虑通过我们的服务上传、发布和交流的信息内容。在一些情况下,您可通过我们某些服务的隐私设定来控制有权浏览您共享信息的用户范围。如要求从我们的服务中删除您的相关信息,请通过该等特别服务条款提供的方式操作。 本游戏的用户可以选择是否披露信息。有些信息是登记我们的服务所必需的,但大多数其他信息的提供是由用户决定的。本游戏将视用户舒适度及自主选择为首位。 本游戏为用户提供不计其数的网络互动活动,为便于用户参与互动活动并获取互动奖品,本游戏通常要求申请者在联系方法(通讯地址和电话)之外,还要根据其个人兴趣填写表格。此类信息被本游戏用来累积其用户的数据。如果用户不想提供所要求的信息和参加此类活动,这完全由用户自行决定。 七、有关信息更新与公开的特别提示 (一)本游戏鼓励用户更新和修改其个人信息以使其有效。本游戏用户能在任何时候非常容易地获取并修改其个人信息。用户可以自行决定修改、删除他们的相关资料。 (二)无论何时您自愿披露个人信息(如在留言板、通过电子邮件或在聊天区公布),此种信息可能被他人收集及使用,因此造成您的个人信息泄露,本游戏不承担责任,如果您将个人信息公布在上述渠道,您就有可能造成个人信息泄露。因此,我们提醒并请您慎重考虑是否有必要在上述渠道公开您的个人信息。 八、您分享的敏感个人信息 某些个人信息因其特殊性可能被认为是敏感个人信息,例如您的收入、存款、有价证券、商业保险、不动产的信息和纳税数额信息。请注意,您在我们的服务中所提供、上传或发布的内容和信息,可能会泄露您的敏感个人信息。您需要谨慎地考虑,是否在使用我们的服务时披露您的敏感个人信息。您同意按本《隐私条款》所述的目的和方式来处理您的敏感个人信息。 九、我们可能向您发送的邮件和信息 (一)邮件和信息推送。您在使用我们的服务时,我们可能使用您的信息向您的设备发送电子邮件、新闻或推送通知。如您不希望收到这些信息,您可以按照我们的相关提示,在设备上选择取消订阅。 (二)与服务有关的公告。我们可能在必要时(例如因系统维护而暂停某一项服务时)向您发出与服务有关的公告。您可能无法取消这些与服务有关、性质不属于推广的公告。 十、我们服务中的第三方服务 (一)我们的服务可能包括或链接至第三方提供的社交媒体或其他服务(包括网站)。例如: 1、您利用 “分享”键将某些内容分享到我们的服务,或您利用第三方连线服务登录我们的服务。 2、我们通过广告或我们服务的其他方式向您提供链接,使您可以接入第三方的服务或网站。 (二)该等第三方社交媒体或其他服务可能由相关的第三方或我们运营。您使用该等第三方的社交媒体服务或其他服务(包括您向该等第三方提供的任何个人信息),须受该第三方的服务条款及隐私条款(而非本《隐私条款》)约束,您需要仔细阅读其条款。本《隐私条款》仅适用于我们所收集的信息,并不适用于任何第三方提供的服务或第三方的信息使用规则,我们对任何第三方使用由您提供的信息不承担任何责任。 十一、未成年人使用我们的服务 (一)本游戏建议:任何未成年人参加网上活动应事先取得家长或其法定监护人(以下简称"监护人")的同意。本游戏将根据国家相关法律法规的规定保护未成年人的相关信息。 (二)我们鼓励父母或监护人指导未满十八岁的未成年人使用我们的服务。我们建议未成年人鼓励他们的父母或监护人阅读本《隐私条款》,并建议未成年人在提交的个人信息之前寻求父母或监护人的同意和指导。 十二、隐私条款的适用范围 (一)除某些特定服务外,我们所有的服务均适用本《隐私条款》。这些特定服务将适用特定的个人信息保护声明。针对某些特定服务的特定个人信息保护声明,将更具体地说明我们在该等服务中如何使用您的信息。该特定服务的个人信息保护声明构成本《隐私条款》的一部分。如相关特定服务的个人信息保护声明与本《隐私条款》有不一致之处,适用该特定服务的个人信息保护声明。 (二)除本《隐私条款》另有规定外,本《隐私条款》所用词语将与本游戏制定的其他公开条款所定义的词语具有相同的涵义。 (三)请您注意,本《隐私条款》不适用于以下情况: 1、通过我们的服务而接入的第三方服务(包括任何第三方网站)收集的信息; 2、通过在我们服务中进行广告服务的其他公司或机构所收集的信息。 十三、我们鼓励您在每次访问本游戏时都查阅我们的隐私条款。

译林版牛津英语8au5welcome to the unit 课文

I. 翻译下列词组:1. 去观鸟 ________________ _ 6. 宽大的翅膀 _ ________________ 2. 在市场上 __________ _______ 7. 飞到北方的国家 ______ ___________ 3. 烤鸡 ___________ ______ 8. 又长又细的脖子 ____ __________ 4. 鼓励某人做某事 _______ __________ 9. 给我看你的照片 ___ ______________ 5. 参加观鸟俱乐部 _______ _________ 10 尖长的翅膀 ____ _____________ Ⅱ. 用所给动词的正确形式填空:Look out! The bus __________(come).Where are you __________(go)? I will __________(go) __________(birdwatch).The science teacher __________(encourage) us __________(join) the Birdwatching Club.Tom isn"t __________(go) __________(camp) next week because he is too busy.I __________(not be) late for the party tomorrow evening.We add ‘es" to the word ‘box" and we__________(get) ‘boxes".The zookeeper __________(tell) us about all the different birds last summer camp.That is a good place __________(walk) the dog.Would you like __________(join) in tomorrow"s games?The swallow __________(fly) to northern countries in summer.Ⅲ. 根据课文完成下列短文: www. ryedu .net 外 语 爱 好 者 网 站 牛津英语8A UNIT5 Welcome The crane is big and tall. He has long legs, a long b_________ and a long n_________. The golden eagle is tall as well. He has b_________ feathers, broad wings and a h_________ beak. The seagull lives by the sea. He is long-winged and w_________. He has white and grey and black feathers. The s________ lives on the lake. He has white feathers and a long thin neck. The s_________ is very small. He has brown and grey feathers. Swallows look like sparrows. But they have long p_________ wings and f_________ tails. He flies to n_________ countries in summer.He HⅣ.单选 牛津英语8A UNIT5 Welcome 课堂练习题( )1. -- What are you going to do? -- I am _________. A. go birdwatching B. going birdwatching C. going to birdwatching D. go to birdwatching( )2. _________ have white feathers and long thin necks. A. Sparrows B. Parrots C. Swans D. Swallows( )3. -- Which animal do you like _________ of all? -- Snakes. They are very dangerous. A. better B. best C. little D. least( )4. Golden eagles have _________ wings. A. pointed B. small C. broad D. white( )5. _____ are good for different kinds of plants, fish and birds. A. Buildings B. Cages C. Wetlands D. Flats( )6. Many birds live here ________.A. all round years B. all year round C. round all year D. the all years roundI. 翻译下列词组:1. 去观鸟 ________________ _ 6. 宽大的翅膀 _ ________________ 2. 在市场上 __________ _______ 7. 飞到北方的国家 ______ ___________ 3. 烤鸡 ___________ ______ 8. 又长又细的脖子 ____ __________ 4. 鼓励某人做某事 _______ __________ 9. 给我看你的照片 ___ ______________ 5. 参加观鸟俱乐部 _______ _________ 10 尖长的翅膀 ____ _____________ Ⅱ. 用所给动词的正确形式填空:Look out! The bus __________(come).Where are you __________(go)? I will __________(go) __________(birdwatch).The science teacher __________(encourage) us __________(join) the Birdwatching Club.Tom isn"t __________(go) __________(camp) next week because he is too busy.I __________(not be) late for the party tomorrow evening.We add ‘es" to the word ‘box" and we__________(get) ‘boxes".The zookeeper __________(tell) us about all the different birds last summer camp.That is a good place __________(walk) the dog.Would you like __________(join) in tomorrow"s games?The swallow __________(fly) to northern countries in summer.Ⅲ. 根据课文完成下列短文: www. ryedu .net 外 语 爱 好 者 网 站 牛津英语8A UNIT5 Welcome The crane is big and tall. He has long legs, a long b_________ and a long n_________. The golden eagle is tall as well. He has b_________ feathers, broad wings and a h_________ beak. The seagull lives by the sea. He is long-winged and w_________. He has white and grey and black feathers. The s________ lives on the lake. He has white feathers and a long thin neck. The s_________ is very small. He has brown and grey feathers. Swallows look like sparrows. But they have long p_________ wings and f_________ tails. He flies to n_________ countries in summer.He HⅣ.单选 牛津英语8A UNIT5 Welcome 课堂练习题( )1. -- What are you going to do? -- I am _________. A. go birdwatching B. going birdwatching C. going to birdwatching D. go to birdwatching( )2. _________ have white feathers and long thin necks. A. Sparrows B. Parrots C. Swans D. Swallows( )3. -- Which animal do you like _________ of all? -- Snakes. They are very dangerous. A. better B. best C. little D. least( )4. Golden eagles have _________ wings. A. pointed B. small C. broad D. white( )5. _____ are good for different kinds of plants, fish and birds. A. Buildings B. Cages C. Wetlands D. Flats( )6. Many birds live here ________.A. all round years B. all year round C. round all year D. the all years roundI. 翻译下列词组:1. 去观鸟 ________________ _ 6. 宽大的翅膀 _ ________________ 2. 在市场上 __________ _______ 7. 飞到北方的国家 ______ ___________ 3. 烤鸡 ___________ ______ 8. 又长又细的脖子 ____ __________ 4. 鼓励某人做某事 _______ __________ 9. 给我看你的照片 ___ ______________ 5. 参加观鸟俱乐部 _______ _________ 10 尖长的翅膀 ____ _____________ Ⅱ. 用所给动词的正确形式填空:Look out! The bus __________(come).Where are you __________(go)? I will __________(go) __________(birdwatch).The science teacher __________(encourage) us __________(join) the Birdwatching Club.Tom isn"t __________(go) __________(camp) next week because he is too busy.I __________(not be) late for the party tomorrow evening.We add ‘es" to the word ‘box" and we__________(get) ‘boxes".The zookeeper __________(tell) us about all the different birds last summer camp.That is a good place __________(walk) the dog.Would you like __________(join) in tomorrow"s games?The swallow __________(fly) to northern countries in summer.Ⅲ. 根据课文完成下列短文: www. ryedu .net 外 语 爱 好 者 网 站 牛津英语8A UNIT5 Welcome The crane is big and tall. He has long legs, a long b_________ and a long n_________. The golden eagle is tall as well. He has b_________ feathers, broad wings and a h_________ beak. The seagull lives by the sea. He is long-winged and w_________. He has white and grey and black feathers. The s________ lives on the lake. He has white feathers and a long thin neck. The s_________ is very small. He has brown and grey feathers. Swallows look like sparrows. But they have long p_________ wings and f_________ tails. He flies to n_________ countries in summer.He HⅣ.单选 牛津英语8A UNIT5 Welcome 课堂练习题( )1. -- What are you going to do? -- I am _________. A. go birdwatching B. going birdwatching C. going to birdwatching D. go to birdwatching( )2. _________ have white feathers and long thin necks. A. Sparrows B. Parrots C. Swans D. Swallows( )3. -- Which animal do you like _________ of all? -- Snakes. They are very dangerous. A. better B. best C. little D. least( )4. Golden eagles have _________ wings. A. pointed B. small C. broad D. white( )5. _____ are good for different kinds of plants, fish and birds. A. Buildings B. Cages C. Wetlands D. Flats( )6. Many birds live here ________.A. all round years B. all year round C. round all year D. the all years roundI. 翻译下列词组:1. 去观鸟 ________________ _ 6. 宽大的翅膀 _ ________________ 2. 在市场上 __________ _______ 7. 飞到北方的国家 ______ ___________ 3. 烤鸡 ___________ ______ 8. 又长又细的脖子 ____ __________ 4. 鼓励某人做某事 _______ __________ 9. 给我看你的照片 ___ ______________ 5. 参加观鸟俱乐部 _______ _________ 10 尖长的翅膀 ____ _____________ Ⅱ. 用所给动词的正确形式填空:Look out! The bus __________(come).Where are you __________(go)? I will __________(go) __________(birdwatch).The science teacher __________(encourage) us __________(join) the Birdwatching Club.Tom isn"t __________(go) __________(camp) next week because he is too busy.I __________(not be) late for the party tomorrow evening.We add ‘es" to the word ‘box" and we__________(get) ‘boxes".The zookeeper __________(tell) us about all the different birds last summer camp.That is a good place __________(walk) the dog.Would you like __________(join) in tomorrow"s games?The swallow __________(fly) to northern countries in summer.Ⅲ. 根据课文完成下列短文: www. ryedu .net 外 语 爱 好 者 网 站 牛津英语8A UNIT5 Welcome The crane is big and tall. He has long legs, a long b_________ and a long n_________. The golden eagle is tall as well. He has b_________ feathers, broad wings and a h_________ beak. The seagull lives by the sea. He is long-winged and w_________. He has white and grey and black feathers. The s________ lives on the lake. He has white feathers and a long thin neck. The s_________ is very small. He has brown and grey feathers. Swallows look like sparrows. But they have long p_________ wings and f_________ tails. He flies to n_________ countries in summer.He HⅣ.单选 牛津英语8A UNIT5 Welcome 课堂练习题( )1. -- What are you going to do? -- I am _________. A. go birdwatching B. going birdwatching C. going to birdwatching D. go to birdwatching( )2. _________ have white feathers and long thin necks. A. Sparrows B. Parrots C. Swans D. Swallows( )3. -- Which animal do you like _________ of all? -- Snakes. They are very dangerous. A. better B. best C. little D. least( )4. Golden eagles have _________ wings. A. pointed B. small C. broad D. white( )5. _____ are good for different kinds of plants, fish and birds. A. Buildings B. Cages C. Wetlands D. Flats( )6. Many birds live here ________.A. all round years B. all year round C. round all year D. the all years round中学中学中学中学英语英语英语英语 一一一一、、、、 教案背景教案背景教案背景教案背景 1,面向学生: □中学 2,学科:英语 2,课时:1 3,学生课前准备:查找一些鸟类及它们外貌特征的单词,准备一些鸟类的图片, 二二二二、、、、 教学课题教学课题教学课题教学课题 牛津英语8A第五单元 Welcome to the unit and comic strips 教学目标: 1. 知识目标:——话题功能:谈论喜欢的鸟 词汇:夲课时19个生词+有关补充的词汇 New words :birdwatcher birdwatching roast yummy srane beak seaguall long-winged web-footed sparrow swallow long-ponited forked northern swan golden eagle brownish broad hooked 补充的词汇: Long thin neck, like…best 句型:What are you going to do ? I am going birdwatching at the market. 2. 能力目标:培养学生就鸟类选择话题的口语表达能力 Talk about their favourite bird and reason 3. 情感目标:引发学生保护野生生物的意识,保护环境 三三三三、、、、 教材分析教材分析教材分析教材分析 牛津英语8A第五单元以介绍野生生物及保护野生生物为中心话题为主线,以完成写作申请加入观鸟俱乐部的中心任务为主导,辅以功能和结构项目,有效培养学生综合运用英语的能力。这单元围绕这个话题展开,内容联系社会生活,贴近学生生活实际,富有时代气息,体现时代精神。而本课作为本单元的第一课时,主要是以介绍野生生物的名称并结合学生已有的知识,激发学生的学习兴趣,通过教师教学引发学生保护野生生物的意识,并为下文扎龙自然保护区做铺垫。 四、 教学方法教学方法教学方法教学方法及及及及教学思路 采用Role-playing; Cooperating;; brainstorming; listening for special information等教学、学习策略,正确利用好教学图片以及多媒体课件展开课堂教学体现教学过程中学生的参与活动work alone, Pair work, Group work, Discussion. 词汇教学可以通过图片或多媒体进行,以原有知识带动新知识,并在教学词汇是,进行必要的句子教学或小篇段教学,使词汇教学不孤立。I 五五五五、、、、 教学过程教学过程教学过程教学过程 Step1 :lead in 1. Play a piece of muic about birds" Voice After listening, talk about it with the whole . 1) Is it nice ? 2) Would you like watch the bids ? Let"s gp birdwatching .Let"s be bid watchers


As/ since 与because 同样系连接词 亦都解作「因为」 但分别在于它们的用法和含意。以下系参考一位文法书Practical English Usage 作者Michael Swan的解释。英文部份系原稿 中文解释系我附加上去。 1) as and since As and since are used when the reason is already known to the listener/ reader or when it is not the most important part of the sentence. As- and since- clauses often e at the beginning of sentences. 当我地要提及的原因系大家已知 就会用as and since 或者当这个原因并非某句子的重点。因此 as and since的 clause 通常会被放在句子的开端。 As it"s raining again we‘ll have to stay at home. Since he had not paid his bill his electricity was cut off. As- and since-clauses are relatively formal: in an informal style the same ideas are often expressed with so. 2) because Because puts more emphasis on the reason and most often introduces new information which is not known to the listener/ reader. 如果改用Because时 一般系要去强调所提及之原因 或者此原因系对方未知的。 Because I was ill for six months I lost my job. When the reason is the most important part of the sentence the because-clause usually es at the end. It can also stand alone. Since and as cannot be used like this. 由于此原因系句子的重点 所以通常留在句子的末端。甚至可以用作的句子。 Why am I leaving? I‘m leaving because I‘m fed up! (NOT…I‘m leaving as/since I‘m fed up!) Why are you laughing? Because you look so funny. 参考: englishforum 及 oup (即Oxford University Press) 没有分别,但如果since后面是年份的话,就解自从的意思。 参考: 书本 since ad.(常用于现在完成式或过去完成式) 1.此后;从那时到现在 She left school three years ago and has worked as a nurse ever since. 她三年前毕业 从那时起便一直当护士。 2. 之前 以前 prep. 1. (常用于现在完成式或过去完成式)自...以来 从...至今 I haven"t heard from him since last year. 我自去年以来未曾收到过他的信。 conj. 1. (常用于现在完成式或过去完成式)自...以来 从...至今 It"s been ten years since they married. 他们结婚到现在已经十年了。 2. 既然;因为 由于 He must have taken the book since it isn"t here. 他一定是把书拿走了 因为书已不在这里了。 conj. 1. 因为 He is absent because he is ill. 他因病缺席。 参考: yahoo

fuck authority 的汉语歌词

终有一天你干找到另一种方式你干你的正确心态和生活所你说今日只是另一天让你订得设法找出我们的方式我说他妈的管理局沉默的大多数所提系统现在的时间崛起对他们我们有病,你的叛逆有病你所在他妈的没有,我们不会听我们再拖打开你的眼睛沮丧统治感到愤怒新一代我们生活我们正在垂死我们永远不要再拖停止你知道你有权采取控制你干采取攻击地位quoue 没有办法我们再拖站在今天争取你的权利它的时候我们也曾经说! 我说他妈的管理局沉默的大多数所提系统现在它的时候愤怒反对我们有病,你的叛逆有病你所在他妈的没有,我们不会听我们再拖打开你的眼睛! 沮丧统治感到愤怒新一代我们生活我们正在垂死我们厌倦无休止的,你说谎摧毁享受你他妈的世界是我们的全新玩具主宰消除你再拖感到愤怒愤怒仇恨他妈的管理局沉默的大多数所提系统现在的时间崛起对他们我们有病,你的叛逆有病你所在他妈的没有,我们不会听我们再拖打开你的眼睛沮丧统治感到愤怒新一代我们生活我们正在垂死我们永远不要再拖停止

appositive clause是什么意思


请问It will cause the unit to work less efficient/efficiently.这句话里less后用哪个?...


non-finite clause是什么意思

non-finite clause非限定分句clause[英][klu0254:z][美][klu0254z]n.从句,分句; 条款,款项; 复数:clauses例句:1.Lawyers said the clause appears to defang the exclusivity pact between wachovia and citigroup. 律师说,该条款看起来削弱了wachovia和花旗间的排他协议。

independent clauses, dependent clauses有什么区别呢?

independent clauses :独立分句(一般只见于网络用语)dependent clauses:从属子句; 附属子句(一般只见于网络用语)独立分句(independent clause):独立分句有主语和动词构成,表达了一个完整的意思,可以被单独作为句子。例如:She saw him.也可以与其他独立分句一起组合成复合句例如:She saw him, so she called him over.也可以与从属分句一起组合成复合句例如:She saw him, even though it was dark.从属分句(dependent clause):从属分句不能单独存在,需要加上独立分句才能表达完整句义。例如,When she saw Jim 是从属分句. 想把以上从属句子变成完整的句子需要加上独立分句,When she saw Jim, She smiled.Mary often attended a concert because she liked music 玛丽经常参加音乐会,因为她喜欢音乐。(句中的斜体部分是复合句中作为状语从句的句子,必须依赖主句才能表达完整的句义,所以属于从属分句。)



英文:请帮我看看我转的relative clause是否正确

2. A man wered the phone. He told me that you were away. The man who wered the phone told me that you were away. 重要信息是 “You were away” 不是 “wered the phone”. who wered the phone ~ defining relative clause. 3. A lady is carrying a baby in her arm. The lady is Mary"s mother. The lady who is carrying a baby in her arm is Mary"s mother. (No ma after arm) who is carrying a baby in her arm ~ defining relative clause. 4. A waiter served us. He was very rude and impatient. The waiter who served us was very rude and impatient. 重要信息是 “The waiter was very rude and impatient” 不是 “A waiter served us”. 所以 main clause 应该是The waiter was very rude and impatient. Which waiter was very rude and impatient? ~ the one who served us. who served us ~ defining relative clause. 5. The cheese was in the fridge. It has special taste. The cheese which has special taste was in the fridge. (Two mas; one more ma after cheese) Non-defining clause ~ adds extra information about the cheese. 7. I talked to a lady. The lady"s daughter worked in HKU. I talked to a lady whose daughter worked in HKU. The verb "talk" must be in past tense. HKU should be in capital letter. 若原句中 subject 前有A 加了defining relative clause main clause 中的 subject 通常用 the (definite article.) Example 7 a lady 不用转 the lady. 2012-05-16 03:32:55 补充: Non-defining relative clause: (o mas) Cars which cause pollution should be banned. = All cars cause pollution and should be banned. Defining relative clause: Cars which cause pollution should be banned. = Some cars cause pollution and should be banned. 1.A girl was injured in the accident.She is now in hospital. The girl who was injured in the accident is now in hospital. 2.A man wered the phone.He told me that you were away. The man who wered the phone told me that you were away. 应是"接电话的那个男人告诉我你不在" 不是"告诉我你不在的那个男人接电话" 3.A lady is carrying a baby in her arm.The lady is Mary"s mother. The lady who is carrying a baby in her arm is Mary"s mother. 4.A waiter served us.He was very rude and impatient. The waiter who served us was very rude and impatient. 是那waiter先served us 才知道他very rude and impatient 否则 意思就变成是我们原本已知道那个waiter是very rude and impatient的 然后看见他served us. 5.The cheese was in the fridge.It has special taste. The cheese which was in the fridge has special taste. has special taste是想表达的主观感觉 in the fridge是客观的描述 用来指明在说的是那一块cheese 6.We saw some people.Their car had broken down. We saw the people whose car had broken down. 7.I talked to a lady.The lady"s daughter worked in HKU. I talked to the lady whose daughter worked in u. 8.The girl has red hair.She is a mermaid. The girl who has red hair is a mermaid. "a" 要改成" the" 因为加入了说明 就不再是"某一个"人/东西 而是指明的"那一个"了 defining relative clause eg That"s the man who won the prize. the=definite article no need to change to "a" the indefinite hence definite about this=defining non-defining relative clause eg Aaron who came first won the prize. using "who" as adj cl. a=indefinite article. the adj clause is non-definite which had o mas in brackets. As you"re testing the "non-defining" and "defining" all are correct except:- (2)---had wered (5)---which had special taste--- (7)I talked to------ (8)In defining relative cl. eg The girl who has red hair me adjective cl defining the girl.

英语单词:clause 和 term 都有“条款”之意思 其区别和用法是如何?



clause和sentence的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、clause:从句,分句。2、sentence:句子。二、用法不同1、clause:从句,是复句中具有分属地位的分句,它是一种绝大部分语言都有的语法结构。A clause is a subordinate clause in a complex sentence. 在现代汉语的语法中,“从句”不作为专业术语被使用。2、sentence:sentence的基本意思是“宣判,判决”,一般指法庭在审判之后决定和宣布对某人进行惩罚,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。三、侧重点不同1、clause:是一句话的附属部分。2、sentence:是一个表达完整的结构。

问一下分句的表达。 clause, main clause,subordinate clause

main clause 主句subordinate clause 从句coordinate clause 并列句我认为,支持 正与企图推翻武装的少数人和外来压力作斗争的自由人士必定是我们的政策方针

attributive clause relative clause的意思

attributive clause relative clause的中文意思:定语从句关系从句。什么是定语:定语从句(也称关系从句、形容词性从句),一个句子跟在一个名词或代词(先行词)后进行修饰限定,就叫做定语从句。通俗来讲,从句在整个句子中做定语,这个从句就叫做定语从句。从句在主句中充当定语成分。被修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句不同于单词作定语的情况,它通常只能放在被修饰的词(即先行词)之后。扩展资料定语从句相关句子who, whom, that这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中所起作用如下:Is he the man who/that wants to see you?他就是想见你的人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语)He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday.他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语)Whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换), 例如:They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。Please pass me the book whose cover is green.参考资料来源:百度百科-定语从句


您可能想问的是"subject + clause"和"subjective + clause"的区别。"Subject + clause"指的是主语加上从句,其中从句作为主句中的一个部分,用来描述或者说明主语。例如:"I believe that he is coming."(我相信他会来。)这里的主语是"I",从句是"that he is coming"。"Subjective + clause"指的是主语加上一个形容词性从句,从句中的形容词描述或者说明主语的状态或者特点。例如:"He was happy that he passed the exam."(他很高兴他通过了考试。)这里的主语是"He",从句是"that he passed the exam",其中"that"引导的是形容词性从句,形容词"happy"描述主语的状态。因此,这两个概念是不同的,一个是主语加从句,另一个是主语加形容词性从句。

英语in “where” clause怎么翻译?

where” clause翻译之后它的意思是,其中“条款”

海运一切险(clause A)包括哪些

承保风险 (风险条款) 1 本保险承保保险标的的损失或损害的一切风险,但不包括下列第4,5, 6和7条规定的除外责任。 (共同海损条款) 2 本保险承保根据运输合同、准据法和惯例理算或确定的共同海损和救助费用,其产生是为了避免任何原因造成的损失或与避免任何原因造成的损失有关,但此种原因须不是本保险第4,5,6,7条或其他条文除外的危险。 ("双方有责碰撞"条款) 3 本保险扩展赔偿被保险人诸如下文可补偿的损失方面根据运输合同中的"双方有责碰撞"条款的比例责任部分。在船东根据此条款提出索赔的情况下,被保险人同意通知保险人,保险人有权自负费用为被保险人对此种索赔提出答辩。


although+clausealthough引导的让步状语从句although[英][T:l?#240;Yu][美][Tl?#240;o]conj.虽然; 尽管; 但是; 然而;例句:1.Although you"re holding up better than me.尽管你仍然比我更为出色。2.That increases energy costs, although the strong yen eases the burden.尽管强势日圆能减轻负担,但还是会增加能源成本。

independent clause与dependent clause有何区别?

independent clauses :独立分句(一般只见于网络用语)dependent clauses:从属子句; 附属子句(一般只见于网络用语)独立分句(independent clause):独立分句有主语和动词构成,表达了一个完整的意思,可以被单独作为句子。例如:She saw him.也可以与其他独立分句一起组合成复合句例如:She saw him, so she called him over.也可以与从属分句一起组合成复合句例如:She saw him, even though it was dark.从属分句(dependent clause):从属分句不能单独存在,需要加上独立分句才能表达完整句义。例如,When she saw Jim 是从属分句. 想把以上从属句子变成完整的句子需要加上独立分句,When she saw Jim, She smiled.Mary often attended a concert because she liked music 玛丽经常参加音乐会,因为她喜欢音乐。(句中的斜体部分是复合句中作为状语从句的句子,必须依赖主句才能表达完整的句义,所以属于从属分句。)

oppositive clause是什么从句


nonfinite clauses什么意思

nonfinite clause [nu0254n"fainait]【语法学】非限定从句

clause 和centence的区别



恰恰相反,phrases 是依附主语的,单独则会难以理解。而clauses是独立的,它包含有主语和谓语。




最主要的分别是: phrase 没有动词 clause 有动词 例句: A phrase is a group of words which acts as a single unit in meaning and in grammar and is not built round a verb for example: (1) the lovely girl (noun phrase) (2) behind the door; in the river (prepositional phrase) (3) good at English (adjectival phrase) (4) very quickly (adverbial phrase) A clause is a group of words which acts as a single unit and is built round a verb for example: (1) He lives in America. (main clause) (2) Why she bought it is a great mystery to us all. (noun clause) (3) She seems to be pleased with it. (noun phrase) (4) I suggest going to Shatin. (noun phrase) (5) The shop where I work is closing. (relative clause) (6) They arrived before it started raining. (adverbial clause) 2011-07-30 23:47:01 补充: Dictionary: build something around something (usually passive) - to create something using something else as a basis 在…基础上创作 Example: The story is built around a group of high school dropouts. 故事围绕着一群辍学的中学生展开。 2011-07-30 23:54:32 补充: a clause is built around a verb 意思指 子句以动词为中心而组成 2011-07-31 00:00:39 补充: Tpyo 文稿小错误 to be pleased with it. (noun phrase) 应该是 (noun clause) going to Shatin. (noun phrase) 应该是 (noun clause) Sorry! 参考: 主要分别 phrase冇verb clause有verb


一句话,sentence是由clause构成的。前者概念大,后者小。具体理解:clause的英语解释有两个,一是“ anexpressionincludingasubjectandpredicatebutnotconstitutingacompletesentence“,直译是”一种包含主谓语,但不构成一个完整句子的表达“;第二个解释是”aseparatesectionofalegaldocument(asastatuteorcontractorwill)”直译是”(作为条例、合同或意愿中的)一个合法文书中完全独立的部分“;从英文解释中可以明确第看出,clause是一部分,不是全部。两种解释都有这样的含义。sentence的英语解释是“astringofwordssatisfyingthegrammaticalrulesofalanguage"直译是“一连串按语言语法规则表达的词汇”这样解释,你能理解吗?希望有帮助!

英文子句,跟句子差在哪?Clause/ Sentence 用法的差异

英文子句、句子 ,差在哪?子句的英文叫做Clause,句子的英文叫做Sentence,在英文里面,子句跟句子很容易搞混,因为他们有点像,但是又不完全一样。如果你还不知道「子句」跟「句子」的差异,那就赶快学起来唷! 下面教学「子句」跟「句子」的差异。 1.clause 子句 子句的英文叫做clause,剑桥字典对于clause的解释是「A clause is the basic unit of grammar.」也就是构成文法的最基本组成单元。 一个子句一定要包含一个动词,基本典型的子句通常会包含:主词 + 动词。或是包含:主词 + 动词 + 受词。 例: I"ve eaten. 我吃过了。 例: The sale starts at 10 am. 促销从上午10点开始。 例: Are you listening to the radio? 你在听广播吗? 上面这些基本上都是子句。 2.sentence 句子 那么什么是句子呢?句子的英文是sentence,根据剑桥字典的解释,sentence是指「A sentence is a unit of grammar. 」也就是说,sentence跟子句很像,但是sentence可以包含一个子句、两个子句,甚至是三个子句。 例: Hee spoke to me.(一个子句) 例: I looked at her and she *** iled at me.(包含两个主要子句) 例: We didn"t go to the show because it"s raining.(包含一个主要子句跟一个从属子句) 例: He stayed at home because he felt ill.(包含一个主要子句跟一个从属子句) 从上面你也可以发现,句子跟子句很像,只不过句子会比子句来得更完整。在写作里面,一个句子的第一个单字必须以大写开始,然后以句点结束。 什么是子句, 什么是英文子句, 子句 句子 差异, 子句是什么, 英文句子 子句, 英文子句

英语单词:clause 和 term 都有“条款”之意思 其区别和用法是如何?

有固定的用语,没有十分大的区别,但是有了俗成,就只能遇一个记一个.Clasue usually use in offical and law document.Item usually in businessTerm can be in marine or something,





clause item term provision这些表示条款的单词有什么区别?



lao ruo

It is because he is too younguff08 uff09h

It"s because he is too young that he doesn"t understand it.

cleaner concentrate launder是什么意思


求Beautiful pain --Damian Pars 的歌词!!

[ti:Beautiful Pain][ar:Damian Pars][al:][by:lμCifêΓ&havana@MaxRNB] [00:00.00]Damian Pars - Beautiful Pain[00:03.49]( Lyrics by lμCifêΓ & havana@MaxRNB )[00:05.65]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![00:09.46][00:10.28]Two empty streets and hurricanes[00:13.73]I tried to find the way, [00:16.27]I close my eyes and see u smile[00:19.98][00:20.97]Like perfect sunshine through the rain , [00:24.84]you give happiness to faith, [00:27.94]Beautiful Pain[00:30.64][00:31.47]Even though it is over [00:34.61]I still feel you closer[00:37.35]My heart is beating faster than before[00:41.72]I don"t know what I"m supposed to, do to make you love me [00:48.32]I just can"t let u go [00:51.71][00:52.03]Beautiful Pain,save me again[00:57.23]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [01:02.58]Beautiful Pain, save me again[01:08.15]How much it mercy. what else can yo say [01:13.36]Beautiful Pain[01:15.53][01:25.12]No matter what I tried to do [01:28.31]All I can see u stood[01:30.93]You"re every person in the boom[01:35.12]I hear u"re voice everywhere I dail[01:39.01]Oh it"s so hard to explain[01:42.62]Beautiful Pain[01:45.40][01:45.87]And even if it"s over [01:49.50]I still feel you closer[01:51.92]My heart is beating faster than before[01:56.32]How to know what I"m supposed to,do you make you love me[02:03.03]I just can"t let u go [02:06.53][02:06.72]Beautiful Pain,save me again[02:11.73]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [02:17.17]Beautiful Pain, save me again[02:22.38]How much it mercy. what else can you say [02:27.99]Beautiful Pain[02:30.50][02:39.95]Empty streets ,hurricanes[02:44.99]In the depth of my heart ohh[02:50.82]Like perfect sunshine through the rain ,the very thought of you [02:57.64]Makes me feel (you)[03:00.17][03:00.35]Beautiful Pain,save me again[03:05.18]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [03:10.63]Beautiful Pain, save me again[03:15.69]How much it mercy. what else can you say [03:21.09][03:21.38]Beautiful Pain[03:23.67]No don"t know no [03:31.99]Beautiful Pain[03:34.51]No don"t know no[03:42.69]Beautiful Pain[03:45.09][03:46.61]( Lyrics by lμCifêΓ & havana@MaxRNB )[03:52.76]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![03:46.30]


vicious, imperfect

找1首歌很轻快一首英文歌里面有歌词BABY BEAUTIFUL男生声音很有磁性


一首男声英文摇滚 中间有一句是right here,cause i need 还有what a




德语中vor、 von、 auf、 aus、 bei、dem、.。。都是怎么用的,还有很多

你这里面说的很乱啊。。vor auf aus bei 是支配第三格的介词或者是可分动词前缀。von也是一种较前面那种稍特殊的支配第三格的介词。dem是第三格冠词。他们的用法都有很大区别也很广泛,不知道你具体想知道哪些方面啊 这样回答才有针对性。





i am because you are出自哪里

I am because you are 这句英文源自于曼德拉倡导的一种非洲古老的价值观:Ubuntu(乌班图)。 曼德拉说过一句话: In Africa, we have a concept known as ubuntu, based upon the recognition that we are only people because of other people. 翻译是:在非洲,我们有一个概念叫“乌班图”,它基于这种认知:我们之所以为人,是因为他人的存在。 所以,“乌班图”强调“我的存在是因为大家的存在”,一个人之所以为人,是借由与他人的互动所表现出来的。

关于德语介词aus von nach zu的用法?

是不是aus做从...出来时候一般后面跟的是地名或者地方,von做从...来的时候后面一般跟的是人、工作或者课堂什么的。nach在做去...哪儿时候后面一般跟比较大的地名(城市国家),zu在做去、到的时候后面跟的是比较小的地方(家、大学或者人称第三格),不知道我理解的对不对?没什么问题 我补充一下 .... aus 从...出去 出来 强调从一个相对封闭的空间出来。还表示出生地 国籍。还有表示来源 ,用什么什么制造的。 ... von 从某人那里来 , 从...出发 ... 不强调一个相对封闭的空间 ... vom Fahrrad 从自行车上下来。 你说的这些 都是 表地点时候的 。Bier trinken wir aus einem Glas. Aber Fleisch essen wir von einem Teller.glas 是一个相对封闭的空间 所以用aus , teller 则相反!Vor einer Stunde ist Hans von zu Haus ins buero gekommen.Jetzt ist er wieder nach Haus gefahren.我给你先翻译一下吧:一小时前汉斯已经从家来到办公室,现在他又回家了。(这里他用的是完成时,用jetzt 应该用现在时比较好,所以后面这句有点矛盾)这里的 vor 在...前面的意思 nach Haus 是 “回家” zu Haus“在家” von zu Haus“从家里来” 这些是固定搭配。 德语里面 没有zu Haus gehen ,只能说 nach Haus gehen/fahren。jetzt sind Sie schon klar? wenn Sie noch nicht verstehen,koennen Sie mich die Fragen weiter stellen!



德语von auf和von nach

取决于后面根的宾语(地点) 比如距离比较远 如去另一个城市就是nach auf貌似我记得比如是火车站么 记得老师说过 火车站飞机场以前都是广场一样的 所以用的是auf 但也可以是用的是an 有点记不清了

德语auf 和 von 的区别?

填von~von表示谁的 比如这个题表示的意思就是这是王小姐的房子。auf表示在…上面 等等 不能用在这里。

fausto papetti的《Run to Me》 歌词

歌手:Brian McFadden 歌曲:Real To MeBullshit dinners and the free champagneMen in suits who think they know it allNo one knows me but they know my nameThat"s not real to meHotel lobby to the airplaneAnother country but theystart to look the sameWatch the world behinda windowpaneThat"s not real to meWhen I see my babies runWhen all the madness has been and goneI raise my family and live in peaceNow thats what"s real to meReal to meDying flowers in a dressing roomA dangerous time to let your head makeup its own mindGot me thinking that the spirit"s flownThat"s not real to meWhen I see my babies runWhen all the madnesshas been and goneI raise my family and live in peaceNow thats what"s real to mePicnics in the garden and thechildren they can playThe first day of the summer andI"ll laze here all the dayAnd we"ll invite the family round anddrink some English teaThen I raise up my finger and watchfootball on TV歌曲:Real To Me歌手:Brian McFaddenWhen I see my babies runWhen all the madness has been and goneI raise my family and live in peaceNow thats what"s real to meReal to meWake up you might be dreaming



找一首歌,歌词是“I never wanna let you go, cause you are my baby......" 是一个女歌手唱的

never wanna let you go 歌手 Robby X

you are beautiful 这歌用汉语怎么唱


一首英语歌 歌词有“you are beautiful ” 这首歌叫啥呀

christina aguilera - Beautiful

Most Beautiful Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Most Beautiful Girl歌手:Tony Christie专辑:Definitive CollectionNu Flavor-Most Beautiful GirlOoo girl I"d walk a hundred milesTo see your pretty face each time you smileThere is no distance for me, long as I can believeI"ll see you tonightSimply no distance for me, girl you gotta believeI need you tonightI"ll never forget, the first time I setMy eyes on you I thought I would dieYou were my lovely day, took my breath awayNow I"m walking with my head to the skyYou are the most beautiful girl, I"ve ever seen in this worldYou came in my life just in timeYou are the most beautiful girl, I just gotta tell the worldShe"s all mineI just can"t find the words to sayThis kind of feeling don"t come every dayIt feels like heaven to me, love has given me wingsGirl you light up my lifeYou feel like heaven to me, every day"s like a dreamHaving you by my sideI"ll never forget, the first time I setMy eyes on you I thought I would cryIt was my lucky day, when you came my way"N I"m still walking with my head to the SkyOh girlThe sun and the moon, the starrs in the skiesThey don"t shine as bright as the light in your eyesAnd it brightens my day, when I realizeIn just a few hours I"ll be holding you tight

刘德华2007香港 演唱会版《 Andylau Andox 黑仔 无间道 》

合唱《无间道》时 ----------------------------------- Andox :有没有Andox的fans在这里啊? 黑仔:我呢, 我的fans在哪里啊? Andox :阿妈, 我们是不是可以唱歌啊?……有人答可以啊 华仔;大家怎么可以给你唱歌啊 ? 黑仔和Andox问台下歌迷;比不比啊(给不给啊) Andox :阿妈啊, 他们说给 . 华仔都无奈了:好, 你们想唱歌是吧, 你们会唱什么歌呢? Andox :随便啦 ,你所有歌我们都会, 然后阴笑几声 华仔:好好好…… 华仔看到黑仔和Andox撞在一起 ,说:你们又撞到了 你们2个不用那么亲密的 , 然后华仔大声喊一句:不要再跳了 ,黑仔, 台下笑了 , 黑仔收敛了, 说了句:对唔住。台下又笑了。 华仔:好了 ,见到你们……你又动啊你…… Andox连忙不敢了 ,华仔说句:你得意是吧, Andox又连忙不敢了, “我罚你呀”华仔说。Andox连忙说不要,黑……这时黑仔很兴奋地说:好啊 好啊 有人陪我。 这时华仔对黑仔说;信不信我又白你啊, 黑仔撒娇说了句:白色很难看的啊~~) Andox对黑仔说:你说什么啊? 看到在他们想“吵架”,华仔连忙说:停!!!你们要不要唱歌? Andox和黑仔:要! 华仔:一黑一白 最好唱什么啊?……当然是无间道了 Andox :那我去那边先。 华仔对Andox和黑仔说:你们找好你们的fans啊 别争了啊 正式唱《无间道》时 ----------------------------------------- Andox和黑仔各自和观众打招呼了。 Andox还拉关系地说:“等一下我和你们握手啊。 黑仔阴笑, 黑仔和Andox都说OK, OK ,准备好了。 华仔:这首歌是很文静的, 是一首很严肃的歌来的, 我拜托你们收心养性少少 ,OK? Andox和黑仔;知道了) ……音乐响起…… 华仔:送给你们3母子唱的《无间道》 ---其中, 唱到中途 ,黑仔他们说了段《无间道》里的经典对白--- Andox和黑仔撒娇:我要抱抱 。 黑仔跌倒了 , 哈哈 华仔;你又做什么啊? 这时Andox也故意跌倒,两个都说;阿妈救我啊!!阿妈 你先救哪个先啊??? Andox :救我先啊 当然。 黑仔在那里撒娇轻声说:救我 救我…… 华仔;不要和我玩这些东西 ,我告诉你们…… 黑仔和Andox :我真的起不来了呀 -----------观众笑歪了------------ 华仔说了句很哲理的话:我只可以告诉你们 自己跌倒 自己站起来!!--(华迷记得了吧) 华仔;行不行啊?? 黑仔和Andox :要找人帮忙才行…… 华仔对台下说;不如大家帮他打打气吧 ----观众反应了--- 升降台上升了, 黑仔他们可以翻身了, 黑仔和Andox唱了句, “EveryoneisNo.1 ” 黑仔站起来了 , Andox还卧在那里 哈哈 Andox问:阿妈 我的脚离开地了没有??黑仔, 你的脚怎样啊?哈哈 黑仔对Andox‘嘲笑":“你脚短下不来啊”。 华仔;不准这样说人家。 黑仔;哦 别生气, 不过, 这样, 我想找回我的麦克风 华仔去捡, 黑仔说:妈 等我自己捡。 Andox也“嘲笑”黑仔:因为你脚长啊 ,所以你捡不到, 要不要帮你啊 。 黑仔;好啦, 快点啦。 Andox : 不帮你! 说完就溜! 黑仔:你好衰(坏)啊, 阿妈, 他欺负我啊 ,我的麦克风呢 ? Andox帮腔:不要给他呀 , 搞到我都不知道去到那里了。 黑仔见华仔捡到 说:给回我啊, 于是去抢啊! 华仔;企定,站住 站住 伸出手来。 黑仔;左手还是右手啊?/ ----------华仔无奈地笑 --------------- 华仔:好了 来到这个时候 我希望大家可以真真正正、定定地 听下他们说些话。 黑仔和Andox :这么多位 多谢你们支持了阿妈那么多年 多谢你们 还有呢, 其实呢 , 我们这么搞笑 是因为遗传了我妈妈刘德华的传统 你们帮我给些掌声他好吗? 阿妈 我爱你 黑仔说;我也是。然后3母子拥抱在一起。 华仔:好了 真的在这里多谢大家 除了支持我之外 无论我做搞些什么出来 大家都会觉得好 想不到我生女*牛都觉得好 黑仔和Andox :什么牛啊?靓仔 问台下: 我像不像我妈妈啊?? 歌迷:似(像) 黑仔:那我呢? (台下也是说像的啦) 华仔;恩 既然是这样 希望你们2个和大家打打招呼 黑仔和Andox :哦 拜拜 好舍不得你们 好了 拜拜 新年快乐 事事如意 拜拜 拜拜 明晚见!



What for是不是等于Why?若是,那么What for是用Because来回答吗?


What for是用Because来回答吗?


what for 的答语用什么?because...还是for... what for 不是等于 why

what for不是用来表示疑问的语气,真正的意思是“假如,倘若”,回答的方式有很多.举个例子,Question:what for the weather become bad?Answer:that is depand on.说到这儿不知道楼主明白了吗?明白了就多给几分吧!

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u3000u3000Chin profile pictureu3000u3000BEIJING, Sept. 2 (Xinhua) singer Chyi Chin at around 2 am yesterday, burns due to cupping was admitted to a hospital emergency treatment, burn area,air griffey max 1 red, including the back, face and trunk, after doctors initially diagnosed as deep second degree burns, the brokerage firm also quickly issued a statement that Chin will say goodbye to the entertainment for three months.u3000u3000incident was exposed,air griffey max 1 Fresh water, led to heated public discussion, many friends exclaimed, "really can not imagine that people can point cupping," and there are many users of the "deep second degree burns," said the curious . Chin burns regarding the current view, still questionable.u3000u3000event replay Chin brokerage firm yesterday afternoon issued a statement in a number of portals, Chin said the recent performances by many that may cause fatigue, in particular, please Beijing City, a fitness center to the Beijing home health nurse cupping. As the health care division in operation accidentally spilled the alcohol in the body caused by fire Chin, Chin led to the back, face, torso severe burns. 2:00 or so Chin was rushed to hospital, the doctors rescue and attentive care, Chin current physical condition is stable and conscious.u3000u3000What was the wife of Xiao Ya Chin is also the side by a number of shock. Luckily, when the baby has been sleeping two, is not subject to any harm.u3000u3000doubt a cupping can burn?u3000u3000experts: the possibility of fire caused by a smallu3000u3000Cupping also known as "cupping gas" "suction tube therapy", called "angle method." This is a tool for the glass jar,jordan boots, drain them through the air heat generated negative pressure,griffey sneakers, so suck on the skin, causing a phenomenon of depression treatment of blood. Ancient physicians in the treatment of sore abscess drainage and use it to suck blood, and later used to expand tuberculosis, rheumatism and other internal diseases. Many people have to restore balance to the body by cupping.u3000u3000After the incident, "Chengdu Business Daily" correspondent interviewed the relevant professional masseur, he said cupping with alcohol in two ways: First,griffey shoes, the direct use of alcohol lamp cupping; two cotton balls with alcohol cupping . The former is not the right way. Cupping in the use of alcohol, cotton balls,ken griffey jr sneakers, when alcohol cotton ball must be slightly drying, so that the state is not saturated, because the alcohol will result in over-saturated cotton balls and alcohol drip, drip of alcohol and burn rapidly. As for the unexpected Chin, because there is no on-site experience, masseurs do not want to speculate too much, but the analysis may be drying alcohol, cotton balls, when there was an accident. "Alcohol is volatile,ken griffey jr shoes, the possibility of triggering a small fire, the possibility of major burns."u3000u3000Doubt why the statement did not mention the 2 blame?u3000u3000lawyers: first identification of disability issued byu3000u3000Chin-owned brokerage firm in a statement issued, did not mention health nurse be held responsible, the spokesman to the media. " has now been handed over to lawyers dealing with the investigation. "u3000u3000"rule of law in progress" section Hotline BEIJING lawyer Articles light in an interview suggested that the current need to do a Chin injury identification, according to the level of disability can and health fitness center division to appeal and claims, the need to verify whether the public health nurse qualification. Chin will say goodbye to the entertainment circle for three months,dunk high heels, lawyers said Articles light can claim medical expenses, lost income, mental anguish damages several fees.u3000u3000case for cupping burn, Wanfang rare bright lawyer admitted, but the care of such cases have occurred, yet made accountable for Chin doubts, Wan said the general counsel in civil cases if the agreement between the parties, can be compounding.u3000u3000doubt 3 is valid and the extent of deep second degree burns?u3000u3000the severity of burns depends on the scope and depth of damaged tissue can be divided into grade ??, ?? and ?? degree degree. Second degree burns damage deeper. Skin blisters. The bottom of red or white blisters filled with clear,griffey shoes 2011, viscous liquid. Tenderness sensitive to white oppression. If the damage to the dermis layer of the dermis layer, but there is still residual burn wounds of deep second degree burns. 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corresponding author什么意思

Corresponding Author n. 通信作者;全部释义>>

星运里的错(The Fault in Our star)前言咋翻啊,求翻译U0001f62d

随着浪潮的拍打,这个荷兰男人面朝着大海说到:“原告,凶手,隐瞒者,揭发者。看!升起又落下,它包含着任何东西” “什么东西”我问到。“水”这个荷兰人回答“还有时间”

sublime color scheme - default文件夹没有?

1、首先知道你采用的是什么颜色主题在Preferences => color scheme查看,假设是Monokai2、查找该主题的脚本文件Preferences => Browse Packages ,打开Color Scheme - Default文件夹,找到Monokai.tmTheme3、修改自定义样式theme文件是xml格式,可以根据提示猜测语句的作用例如注释,查找comment,找到如下一段:<dict> <key>name</key> <string>Comment</string> <key>scope</key> <string>comment</string> <key>settings</key> <dict> <key>foreground</key> <string>#10AD38</string> </dict> </dict>将foreground对应的#10AD38修改为你需要的颜色就可以了,例如#10AD38其他需要自定义的慢慢查看即可,例如数字、字符串、函数、变量样式等等你可以在原有主题的基础上作修改,或者复制某个主题文件修改后作为自己新定义的主题,在preferences => Color Scheme菜单下即可启用

The,mose,beautiful,love 。连起来翻译成汉语是什么意思?

The most beautiful love.最美丽的爱情。最美的爱。

Laurant 和 Roman 分别是谁?

ROMAN不是人名..而是故事的意思...姐姐叫MONICA,弟弟叫LAURANT这首歌是SH 5th story CD『Roman』里的第九首每首都是一个故事这里是介绍


  pause既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道pause做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来pause的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   pause作名词的意思:   暂时的停顿;犹豫;(诗中)节奏的停顿;[乐]延长号   pause作动词的意思:   暂停,中止;逗留,停滞;(按暂停键)暂停放音   pause的英语音标:   英 [pu0254:z] 美 [pu0254z]   pause的时态:   现在分词: pausing   过去式: paused   过去分词: paused   pause的英语例句:   1. After a pause he asked, "You got any identification?"   稍稍停顿了一下,他问道,“你有任何身份证明吗?”   2. "We need proof, sir." Another pause. Then, "Very well."   “我们需要证据,先生。”又是一个短暂停顿。然后,“那好吧。”   3. After a pause Alex said sharply: "I"m sorry if I"ve upset you"   歇了一会儿后,亚历克斯毫不客气地说:“要是让你心烦了,那我很抱歉。”   4. I saw him pause ever so slightly.   我看到他稍稍停顿了一下。   5. They pause and chew their pencils.   他们停了下来,咬着铅笔。   6. There was a longish pause.   有一个略长的停顿。   7. Government sources said there would be no prolonged pause in the war.   据官方消息,这场战争的时间不会长.   8. He came to a pause in reading and then went on reading.   他在阅读中停顿了一下,又继续念下去.   9. After a little pause, he went on with his speech.   稍停一会儿后, 他又继续讲演.   10. He made a pause and then went on reading.   他停顿了一下,然后又读下去.   11. His words were followed by a pregnant pause.   他说完话,接着是一段意味深长的停顿.   12. There was a brief pause in the conversation.   对话中有短暂的停顿.   13. We had to pause frequently for breath.   我们不得不经常停下来喘口气.   14. When you"ve read up to here, you pause.   读到这里要停顿一下.   15. There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates in front of us.   酒吧女招待在我们面前摆放两个盘子时停顿了一下。

Matthew Lien-Cause and Effect歌词

Cause And Effect What are your motives for your abuse ?What can they be ?Accused of things i"ve never done,This seems strange.Your motivation, for my humiliation.I"m pressurised,So many times by your presence.Your very existenceHas become my obsession.My infatuation with your damnation.I experience dangerous thoughtsThat are all too real.How can one man inflict in meSo much hate ?My obsession with your destruction.

Klaus Doldinger的《Obsession》 歌词

歌曲名:Obsession歌手:Klaus Doldinger专辑:PalmettoStevie Hoang - Obsessionoh.....oh.....oh....oh....Its kinda crazy thatI keep on coming backFirst we make up and thenWe fight and break up againIts obvious to seeYou"re just no good for meBut still i find myselfHolding onEverytime the phones ringsIm hoping its youIts hard to be without youI dont know what to doThese walls are closing in on meI cant seem to breatheI try to pull away from youBut its killing me becauseI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youCant seem to find the truthYou got me so confusedGirl if you only knewAll the things you put me throughMy friends keep telling meThat i should up and leaveBut they dont understandIm addicted to youEverytime the phones ringsIm hoping its youIts hard to be without youI dont know what to doThese walls are closing in on meI cant seem to breatheI try to pull away from youBut its killing meGirl its killing meI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youIts driving me crazyI cant stopI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youI cant stop loving youShaGuar & MoyileShaGuar @ LK 歌词组


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