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"Possible"和"Probable"都表示某件事情在一定范围内是可行的或可能发生的,但两者用法有所不同。"Possible"意味着某事有可能发生,但不确定性很高,可能性不强。例如:- It is possible that it will rain tomorrow.(明天可能会下雨。) 在这句话中,“可能会下雨”是指有一定的可能性,但是不确定。"Probable"则表示某事发生的可能性更高,通常是指有70%以上的概率会发生。例如:- It is probable that he will arrive on time. (他很可能会准时到达。) 在这句话中,“很可能会准时到达” 意味着发生的概率高于50%。因此,"possible"和"probable"都表示可能性,但它们的使用场景略有不同,"possible"表示某事情有可能发生,但是不确定,而"probable"则表示某事情的发生概率很高。

possible什么意思 解析单词possible的含义?






likely possible probable三者有什么区别啊???

likely可用人或it 做主语 it is likely that he will......... He is likely that........ 而 possilble , probable只能用it做主语 It is possilble / probable that ...... probable 比possible 可能性更大


probably:大概,肯定的成分比较大,是most likely的意思eg:jim"s late.He "s probably stuck in a traffic jam.他大概被交通阻塞了possible:或者,长和can,may,must等情态动词连用,比probably语气弱多了,与can not连用时,常译做“绝不,绝对不”eg:The Swedish man could not possibly remember all these words.那个瑞典人不可能记住所有这些话may和might通常是与could,can比较的might比起may在表示提出请求时更尊重对方,心里更没底,更带有试探性,这时might不表示过去时。但表示“给出许可”的话,不用一般用may,不用might个人建议你在经常做的试卷里,把一些词性比较,词义比较,词义区别的列入笔记整理eg:manage和try的区别eg:may,might,could,can的区别 eg:fairly,quite,rather,pretty的区别。。。。。。。。。等等这对你考试有好处,我当年就是这么做的


pa sei bo


possible 形容词可能的possibly副词可能possibility名词可能性

区别possible likely maybe perhaps probably





probable 有很可能之意possible 可能的很高兴为你解答,祝你每天都开心:)望采纳,谢谢!


possible, probable的区别 这两个词的反义词是impossible, improbable 1)possible作“或许”解,有“也许如此,也许不如此”之意。强调客观上有可能性,但常常带有“实际可能性很小”的暗示。 2)probable用来指有根据,合情理,值得相信的事物,带有“大概,很可能”的意味。语气比possible要重,是most likely之意。 It"s possible, though not probable. That he will accept the terms.他也可能接受这些条件,但希望不大。 (2) be possible, be probable常用形式主语it,构成句型为: It is possible/probable + that …(从句) Itispossible/probable+ dosth.例如:他有可能做这件事。 [√] It is possible for him to do this. [√] It is possible that he will do this. [×] He is possible to do this.

possible 的用法?

形容词,可能的,放到be 动词后,如It is possible to do something, 反义词在前面加 impossible


ikely、probable和possiblelikely、probable和possible都表示“可能的”,但likely和probable所表示的“可能性”的程度比“possible”大,语气比possible强. likely介于probable和possible之间。likely可用于以人或物作主语的句子,也可使用It is likely that…的句型,但possible和probable一般只用于It is possible/probable that…句型.例如:She is likely to win.她很可能赢.It is likely that she will win.It is possible that she will come to visit our school next week.她可能下星期来参观我校,但不肯定.ikely强调“表面上看起来很可能”; 而probable则强调“权衡理由后相信会发生”,虽无法确定,但却极有可能发生; possible的发生的可能性极小。likely介于probable和possible之间。likely用作形容词,用于以下结构:1)主语+be+likely+不定式。如:Their team isn"t likely to win.他们队不大可能赢。2)It is + likely +that从句。如:It"s very likely that she"ll ring me tonight.很可能她今晚给我打电话。注意对话: “He said you"d be giving them a lift.” “Not likely!” ▲译: 他们可能会对我们生气。


请看likely的用法: a. 1. 很可能的[+to-v][+that] John is likely to be in London this autumn. 今年秋天约翰可能在伦敦。 2. 适当的,正合要求的[(+for)] The park is a likely place for the picnic. 这公园倒是个适合野餐的地方。possible, probable的区别这两个词的反义词是impossible, improbable1)possible作“或许”解,有“也许如此,也许不如此”之意。强调客观上有可能性,但常常带有“实际可能性很小”的暗示。2)probable用来指有根据,合情理,值得相信的事物,带有“大概,很可能”的意味。语气比possible要重,是most likely之意。It"s possible, though not probable. That he will accept the terms.他也可能接受这些条件,但希望不大。(2) be possible, be probable常用形式主语it,构成句型为:It is possible/probable + that …(从句)It is possible /probable+ for sb. to do sth. 例如: 他有可能做这件事。[√] It is possible for him to do this.[√] It is possible that he will do this.[×] He is possible to do this.

possible是什么意思 解释可能性的英文单词possible?



possible是个英语单词,作为形容词使用的时候意思是:“可能的;合理的;合适的”;作名词使用的时候意思是:“可能性;合适的人;可能的事物”。 很多同学学习到possible这个英文单词时觉得很别扭,因为使用的时候容易出现错误,possible这个英文单词的使用方法有很多种,下面让我们一起去了解详细的内容吧。 详细内容 01 possible reserves[油气]可能储量 ; 地质储量 ; 预测储量 ; 可能的油储藏; Possible Loves爱之可能性 ; 爱之有可能性 ; 爱之大概性。 02 whenever possible只要可能 ; 只要有可能 ; 能打就打 ; 一有可能; possible cause可能原因 ; 可能的原因。 03 Possible causes可能的原因 ; 可能原因; possible overkill供给过ufa01 ; 供给过度。 04 Possible Lives可能生活; All possible一切可能 ; 所有可能; possible carrier可能携带者 。 05 But it is possible to do this. 但它是有可能做到这一点。 Whatever you are doing, do it as well as possible. 无论你在做什么事情,尽可能好地去做它。 Without you, this would not be possible. 没有你们,这些都不会可能实现。

table array是什么意思



possible是我们常用的一个单词,很多人说话也喜欢用到它,那么possible是什么意思呢?possible的相关知识有哪些呢?下面是我给大家带来的possible什么意思中文翻译,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ possible什么意思 可能的; 可能; 二级预测; 合理的; ▼ possible的 同义词 辨析 feasible, possible, practicable 这些形容词均有"可行的"之意。 feasible : 指完全可行,切实可行,强调成功的较大可能性。 possible : 多用来消除对某事的怀疑,侧重从客观上看有存在或发生的可能。 practicable : 强调经过证明是有效的,合乎实际,行得通的。 ▼ possible的 短语 搭配 as soon as possible 尽快 the best of all possible worlds 两头受益;左右逢源 if possible 如果可能;若可能;如果有可能 make it possible 使可能;使变得可能;使有可能 whenever possible 一有机会就, 只要可能就... possible solution 可能有效的解决办法;可能实现的办法;可能解;可能的解决方案 possible cause 可能的原因;可能起因;可能成因 as possible as 尽可能;尽量;尽 possible outcome 可能结果 anything is possible 万事皆可能;凡事皆为可能 possible exception 可能的例外;可能存在的例外 possible combination 可能组合 possible scenario 可能情况;可能情景;可能场景 possible merger 可能的合并 possible takeover 可能的收购 possible doubt 可能的疑问;可能的怀疑 as as possible 尽可能 possible leak 可能的泄露;可能发生泄露 possible ground operation 可能的地面操作;可能的地面作业;可能的地面行动 possible power outage 可能停电;可能断电;潜在断电 ▼ possible的例句 1. He programmed his computer to compare all the possible combinations. 他给他的计算机编制了一套程序,以比较所有可能的组合。 2. They agreed to work co-operatively to ease tensions wherever possible. 他们同意互相配合尽一切努力缓解紧张局势。 3. It was imperative that he act as naturally as possible. 最重要的是他要做到尽可能自然。 4. It"s been a beautiful evening and you have made it all possible. 那是个美好的夜晚,你让一切成为可能。 5. It is not possible to reposition the carpet without damaging it. 想要挪动地毯又不让它损坏是不可能的。 6. Prisons are having to pack in as many inmates as possible. 监狱只好拼命往里面塞犯人。 7. Relax as much as possible and keep breathing steadily. 尽量放松,保持平稳呼吸。 8. I try to offend the least amount of people possible. 我尽量少得罪人。 9. It"s possible the Congress Party will scrape together a majority. 国大党可能会勉强获得多数票。 10. This morning he had tried every way possible to contact her. 他今天早晨已想尽办法与她联系。 11. The coffee-table is glass, to be as unobtrusive as possible. 那张咖啡桌是玻璃的,为的是尽量不惹眼。 12. He manages a good deal better than I thought possible. 他处理得比我预想的要好多了. 13. You"ll be amazed at the culinary creations possible in a Dutch oven. 荷兰烤箱能够做的食物之多会让你感到惊奇。 14. Their aim will be to produce as much milk as possible. 他们的目标是尽可能提高牛奶产量。 15. We need to get it back as quickly as possible. 我们得尽快把它拿回来。 possible意思中文相关 文章 : ★ ease是什么意思中文翻译 ★ 汉语的英语是什么 ★ formulate是什么意思中文翻译 ★ assign是什么意思中文翻译 ★ review是什么意思中文 ★ 中英文互译短篇文章 ★ 中英文翻译文章阅读 ★ Dream It Possible中文版曲谱 ★ 汉语和英语有什么区别(2) var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();

possible什么意思 解析单词possible的含义?





possible意思是:可能的。英['pu0252su0259bl]释义:adj.可能的;合理的;合适的n.可能性;合适的人;可能的事物[复数:possibles;比较级:more possible;最高级:most possible]短语:Kim Possible麻辣女孩;帕斯柏;麻辣女孩卡通系列词语辨析:possible,likely,probable这三个词均表示“可能”。1、probable常指有较大的可能性,表示客观上潜在的可能性,较有根据和充分理由而值得相信的事,意味着经过权衡正反两方面的理由后而相信的事大概会发生的,常译作“很可能”。2、possible指有可能小,但强调客观上有可能性,且常有可能性较小的暗示。3、likely作形容词时意为“很可能,大概,也许”,侧重表示从表面迹象看来某人有可能做某事或某事有可能发生。

奥斯卡 王尔德的名言the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable中unspeakable和uneatable指什么?

原句应该是:The English country gentleman galloping after a fox--the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable形容的是猎狐运动?策马奔驰于狐狸之后的英国乡绅 - -拼命追求不可吃的东西的一类不可以言语的东西.

奥斯卡.王尔德一句名言:“the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable”,请高手翻译一下。顶


区分 sensation ,sentiment ,sensible与sensitve .


求问一首类似Theme from Mission: Impossible 的背景音乐

battle without honor or humanity,来自电影《杀死比尔》试听:

bless myself 歌词翻译,lucy hale的


显示#pragma warning(disable:4200)什么意思?

  #pragma warning(disable:4200) //zero-sized array in struct/union  关于#pragma warning  1.#pragma warning只对当前文件有效(对于.h,对包含它的cpp也是有效的),  而不是是对整个工程的所有文件有效。当该文件编译结束,设置也就失去作用。  2.#pragma warning(push) 存储当前报警设置。  #pragma warning(push, n) 存储当前报警设置,并设置报警级别为n。n为从1到4的自然数。  3.#pragma warning(pop)  恢复之前压入堆栈的报警设置。在一对push和pop之间作的任何报警相关设置都将失效。  4.#pragma warning(disable: n) 将某个警报置为失效  5.#pragma warning(default: n) 将报警置为默认  6.某些警告如C4309是从上到下生效的。即文件内#pragma warning从上到下遍历,依次生效。    例如:  void func()  {  #pragma warning(disable: 4189)  char s;  s = 128;  #pragma warning(default: 4189)  char c;  c = 128;  }  则s = 128不会产生C4309报警,而C4309会产生报警。

#pragma warning (disable : 4996)

分类: 电脑/网络 >> 程序设计 >> 其他编程语言 问题描述: 这个是干什么的? 另外还有, #pragma warning (default : 4996) 其他的语句;请求高手给指点指点。 解析: 1.#pragma warning(disable: n) 将某个警报置为失效 2.#pragma warning(default: n) 将报警置为默认

显示#pragma warning(disable:4200)什么意思?

1.#pragma warning只对当前文件有效(对于.h,对包含它的cpp也是有效的),而不是是对整个工程的所有文件有效。当该文件编译结束,设置也就失去作用。2.#pragma warning(push) 存储当前报警设置。#pragma warning(push, n) 存储当前报警设置,并设置报警级别为n。n为从1到4的自然数。3.#pragma warning(pop)恢复之前压入堆栈的报警设置。在一对push和pop之间作的任何报警相关设置都将失效。4.#pragma warning(disable: n) 将某个警报置为失效5.#pragma warning(default: n) 将报警置为默认6.某些警告如C4309是从上到下生效的。即文件内#pragma warning从上到下遍历,依次生效。

#pragma warning (disable:4200)什么意思?

预处理,不显示4200号警告错误消息: 使用了非标准扩展 : 结构/联合中的零大小数组结构或联合包含的数组大小为零。编译 C++ 文件时为警告等级 2,编译 C 文件时为警告等级 4。示例复制// C4200.cpp// compile with: /W2//#pragma warning (disable:4200) //这句话加在这里#include <stdio.h>struct A {int a[0]; // C4200};int main() {}你可以放在编译器里试试,不加那句话就会出现如下警告:warning C4200: nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union而加上那句话之后再编译就不会出现这句警告

enthusiastic / hospitable 表示热情的, 的区别



valuable = 有价值precious = 珍贵main = 主要important = 重要

expensive. valuable. precious都有哪些区别?

expensiveadj.花费的, 昂贵的valuableadj.贵重的, 有价值的, 颇有价值的preciousadj.宝贵的, 贵重的, 珍爱的, 过于精致的, 珍爱的


您好,很高心为你解惑!V是有价值的,值钱的的意思,而P是指稀少的,珍贵的的意思。下面是造句:1 Your stamps are valuable.(你的邮票是值钱的。)2 Your stamp is precious!(你的这枚邮票是稀少,珍贵的!)


两者都有“宝贵的”意思,precious多指物品价值高因而贵重,也有比喻义“珍爱的”,valuable则指很有价值的,贵重的和很有用的。“宝贵的财富”:precious wealth


expensive 指价格上的昂贵 eg.Meet is very expensive these days. valuable 主要指价值上的贵重 eg.This simplified block diagram is valuable. precious 指极难获得或具有纪念意义上的珍贵 eg.The gift is precious to her.



blender 2.77中,Texture的Mapping选项在哪里,在哪里选择UV贴图的Coordinates?

需要用NODE来实现:如下图粗红线所示(有了细红线的NODE 你所看到的默认选项就消失了,删除它,又会出现)





Take A Bow [Live From Wembley Stadium] 歌词

歌曲名:Take A Bow [Live From Wembley Stadium]歌手:MUSE专辑:Haarp [Live From Wembley Stadium] [Audio]Take A BowMuseBlack Holes And RevelationsCorrupt, you corrupt,And bring corruption to all that you touch.Hold, you"ll behold,And beholden for all that you"ve done.Spell, cast a spell,Cast a spell on the country you run.And risk, you will risk,You will risk all their lives and their souls.And burn, you will burn,You will burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell.You"ll burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell for your sins.Ooohhh.Our freedom"s consuming itself,What we"ve become is contrary to what we wantTake a bow.Death, you bring death and destruction to all that you touch.Pay, you must payYou must pay for your crimes against the earth.Hex, feed the hexFeed the hex on the country you loveAnd beg, you will begYou will beg for their lives and their souls.And burn, you will burn,You will burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell,You"ll burn in hell, yeah you"ll in hell,Burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell for your sins.


BobbleR.KellyI just heard a planeFly over my placeSay that magic wordAnd Take me far awayMaybe somewhere with rainAnd an easier paceA place with nothing dueJust me and youHey hey, c"mon you know ya gotta let goHey hey, I wanna ride highCome out and playDon"t stop until we blow the world awayHold on tight babyLet"s fly to the moon tonight, hey heyThe bobblehead on my dashHe"s only doing half his danceIn these city streetsWhere we can barely breatheWe need a winding roadAnd no, we shouldn"t take it slowTurn up the radioDJ won"t you play my songSo we can sing alongHey hey, c"mon you know ya gotta let goHey hey, I wanna ride highCome out and playDon"t stop until we blow the world awayHold on tight babyLet"s fly to the moon tonight, hey heyLet"s drive away in the darkWe can let it all outTrade the lights for the starsAnd leave behind this cityC"mon you know ya gotta let goHey hey, I wanna ride highCome out and playDon"t stop until we blow the world awayHold on tight 不要被歌陶醉而忘记选我哦!!楼主,一定一定要选我!

有形资产净值 Net Tangible Asset 怎样看?怎样算

Net Tangible Asset per share 简称为NTA 或NTA per Share,中文为每股有形资产净值。一间公司的Total Asset(总资产)可以分为tangible asset(有形资产)和intangible asset(无形资产)。Tangible Asset一般是指建筑物,工厂,土地,机器,存货等等。而intangible asset主要的都是商誉(goodwill),执照(license)和收购溢价(premium on acquisition)。在NTA的计算法里,只计算有tangible asset,而不包括intangible asset。Tangible Asset扣除债务(Total liabilities)后,再除以number of shares,就可以算到NTA。

债务accounts receivable是不是assets

accounts receivable是应收账款,属于资产(assets)类科目

stationary problem是什么意思?

stationary problem平稳问题例句1.Then a conditional stationary problem is transformed into an unconditional stationary problem.从而将条件驻值问题转化为无条件驻值问题。2.Stationary Problem about a Stochastic Control of Impulse Type一类脉冲型随机控制的平稳问题3.A Class of Stationary Problem on Reflected Follower一类反射跟踪模型平稳问题的研究4.on the stationary thermistor problem with joule效应的稳态热敏电阻问题5.Non-linear Prediction Problem of Quadruple Markov Stationary Processes四重马氏平稳过程的非线性预测问题6.The Stationary Point and Nonsingularity Conditions of A Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problem一种广义互补问题的稳定点与非奇异性条件

unable to execute command left 4dead2.exe (2)

无法执行指令left 4 dead 2.exe

歌词开头大概是 i after wonder just we can be everytime i think about it think possible to me i want

What IfNina

the things which are impossible with men are possible with God.

不可能的事情,在人与神的可能停止关注你不能做,并开始关注神可以做。圣经说:  “不可能的事情,在人与神的可能。“让这些种子生根  在你。你不需要找出上帝会解决你的问题。你不  要看他如何的去把它实现。这是他的责任,这不是你的工作。  你的工作是成为一个信徒。你的工作是生活与信仰和期望。只是把  情况到上帝和信任他接受



Invisible scars are the most painful. 是什么意思?


the principal of the invisible hand


《The Oppositeof Invisible》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Opposite of Invisible》(Gallagher, Liz)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: ip1w书名:The Opposite of Invisible作者:Gallagher, Liz出版年份:2009-10页数:160内容简介:“Gallagher"s debut—like Alice—shines.”— VOYAAlice and Jewel have been best friends since grade school. Together, they don"t need anyone else, and together they blend into the background of high school. Invisible. To Alice, Jewel is the opposite of invisible. Jewel is her best friend who goes to indie concerts and art shows with her. Jewel scoffs at school dances with her. Alice is so comfortable around Jewel that she can talk to him about almost anything.But she can"t tell him that she likes the cool, popular Simon. Simon asks her to the school dance the same day that Jewel kisses her for the first time. Still, she can"t say no to Simon. He seems like the easy choice, the one she"s attracted to, the one she"s ready for. But will it mean losing Jewel?In a bright debut novel set against the lively backdrop of Seattle, Alice must learn the difference between love and a crush and what it means to be yourself when you"re not sure who that is yet.


《The Opposite of Invisible》(Gallagher, Liz)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:m1cf书名:The Opposite of Invisible作者:Gallagher, Liz出版年份:2008-1内容简介:Alice and Jewel have been best friends since grade school. Together, they don"t need anyone else, and together they blend into the background of high school. Invisible. To Alice, Jewel is the opposite of invisible. Jewel is her best friend who goes to Indie concerts and art shows with her. Jewel scoffs at school dances with her. Alice is so comfortable around Jewel that she can talk to him about almost anything. But she can"t tell him that she likes the cool, popular Simon. And then Simon asks her to the school dance the same day that Jewel kisses her for the first time. Still, she can"t say no to Simon. He seems like the easy choice, the one she"s attracted to, the one she"s ready for. But will it mean losing Jewel? In a bright debut novel set against the lively backdrop of Seattle, Alice must learn the difference between love and a crush, and what it means to be yourself when you"re not sure who that is yet.From the Hardcover edition.

Looking At The Invisible Man (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Looking At The Invisible Man (Album Version)歌手:The Dead Weather专辑:Sea Of CowardsThe Dead Weather - Looking at the Invisible ManI"m the invisible manI"m like a broke down engineNo mouth, no handsNo skin on my bones at allYou"re looking at meLike you know what you"re talking aboutAin"t nothing to seeWave your hands in the dark womanYou can"t hit meYou look like you know what you"re talking aboutThere ain"t nothing to see

Forever More (Painting The Invisible Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Forever More (Painting The Invisible Album Version)歌手:Vicky Beeching专辑:Double Take: Painting The Invisible & Yesterday, Today And Forever终わらないもの~Forevermore喜びも悲しみもない昨日と明日の违いもない无限に续く时の中で爱しさも切なさもない漂(ただよ)ってきただけの私确かなものに巡り合うまであなたがいてくれたから私は生きているあなたがくれた温もりと思いに纺(つむ)がれて微笑みと涙もある过去を未来へ繋ぐように歩いて行ける今の私あなたがいなくなっても私は忘れないあなたがくれた微笑と思いがある限りこころ中に今も息づく暖かで确かなもの一人でも信じてゆける勇気をくれたものForevermore私の温もりを谁かに伝えたい私の出来る微笑を谁かに赠りたい思いに纺がれて 行くBY:Kuro

Suddenly (Painting The Invisible Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Suddenly (Painting The Invisible Album Version)歌手:Vicky Beeching专辑:Double Take: Painting The Invisible & Yesterday, Today And Forever突然君からの手纸,あの日からとぎれた君の声今すぐ爱に行くよ夏がとおまわりしてもSudden宝矿力主题曲作曲:织田哲郎编曲:叶山たけし唱 DEENかせっとのぼりゅうむあげた日曜の车はこんでいるばっくみらあの自分を见て今度こそはいじをはらない海岸通り过ぎると君の家が见える过去も未来も忘れて今は君の事だけ突然の风に吹かれて梦中で何かを探したねたおれそうになったら仆を近くに感じてまた,あの日のように君を抱きしめたい何かを求めれば何かが音をたててくずれてく例え今日が终わっても明日を信じてゆこうよ仆は君の大事な人に惯れるのだろうかこの梦はどんな时も笑っているよ突然の暑い夕立ちに梦中で车に走ったね夸りまみれに なって时のたつのも忘れた恋人よ君を心から大切にしたい突然の风に吹かれて旅人はゆくさきをしらないでも仆等の爱は二度とはくれたりはしないあの青い空のようにいつまでもそばにいる-END-

求2000年播出的电视剧《the invisible man》(隐形人)下载或在线观看地址


beyond the invisible by enigma表达的什么意思


If you can see the invisible, God will do the impossible.


The Invisible Man 中文版

你好。The Invisible Man翻译成中文是:看不见的人。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

隐形人(the invisible man)的剧情介绍,主角介绍,读后感

The Invisible Man (Bbc In Concert 11/05/78) 歌词

歌曲名:The Invisible Man (Bbc In Concert 11/05/78)歌手:Generation X专辑:Bbc In Concert (11Th May 1978)OoohOutside you are waiting for me, hidingYou catch me when I amNeeding a friend to holdYou can soothe me, lie above mePress hardThen you strikeAnd I think that I"ll die"Cause I can"t breathe, can"t breathePlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingOoohPlease let me start screamingEyes are open seeing nothingHands are tied and I can"t functionPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screaming

有the invisible man 的译文吗?? 发我一份吧~谢谢

歌词如下:You can hardly wait to tell all your friends你可以迫不及待告诉你的朋友们How his kisses taste sweet like wine他的吻有多美妙And how he always makes your heart skip a beat 你的心跳总会不自觉加快Every time he walk by每当他从你身边经过 and if you"re feeling down, he"ll pick you up.当你低落时,他会让你再度开心He"ll hold you close when you"re making love.当你们在甜蜜时,他会紧紧拥抱著你He"s everything, You"ve been dreaming of.Oh baby.喔 宝贝,他是你所梦想的那个人(*)I wish you"d look at me that way.我希望我也会是你眼中的那个人Your beautiful eyes lookin" deep into mine.当你美丽的眼深深地望著我Telling me more than any words could say.甚麼都不必多说But you don"t even know I"m alive.但是你从不知道我的存在Baby to you all I am is the invisible man.对你而言,宝贝,我只是个隐形人You probably spend hours on the phone, talkin" Bout nothing at all.你可能讲电话讲个数小时,说些无关紧要的话题It doesn"t matter what the conversation.电话中讲些甚麼并不重要Just as long as he called.就只要是他就好Lost in a love so real and so sincere.迷失在爱里的感觉是那麼的真实 又那麼的直接You wipe away each other"s tears.你总会抹去其他人的眼泪Your face lights up.Whenever h

So, the visible and the invisible什么意思


The Invisible Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Invisible Man歌手:Generation X专辑:Generation XOoohOutside you are waiting for me, hidingYou catch me when I amNeeding a friend to holdYou can soothe me, lie above mePress hardThen you strikeAnd I think that I"ll die"Cause I can"t breathe, can"t breathePlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingOoohPlease let me start screamingEyes are open seeing nothingHands are tied and I can"t functionPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screaming

The Invisible Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Invisible Man歌手:Elvis Costello & The Attractions专辑:Punch The ClockOoohOutside you are waiting for me, hidingYou catch me when I amNeeding a friend to holdYou can soothe me, lie above mePress hardThen you strikeAnd I think that I"ll die"Cause I can"t breathe, can"t breathePlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingOoohPlease let me start screamingEyes are open seeing nothingHands are tied and I can"t functionPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screaming

The Invisible Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Invisible Man歌手:Southern Pacific专辑:ZumaOoohOutside you are waiting for me, hidingYou catch me when I amNeeding a friend to holdYou can soothe me, lie above mePress hardThen you strikeAnd I think that I"ll die"Cause I can"t breathe, can"t breathePlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingOoohPlease let me start screamingEyes are open seeing nothingHands are tied and I can"t functionPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screaming

Image of the Invisible 歌词

歌曲名:Image of the Invisible歌手:Thrice专辑:AnthologyImage Of The InvisibleThriceDrakedog6Image Of The InvisibleThriceWe"re more than carbon,And chemicals.We are the image of the invisible.Free will is our"s and,We can"t let go.We are the image of the invisible.We can"t allow this,The quiet cull.We are the image of the invisible.So we sing out this,Our canticle.We are the image of the invisible.We all were lost now we are found.No one can stop us or slow us down.We all are named and we are known.We know that we"ll never walk alone.We"re more than static,And dial tone.We are the image of the invisble.We"re emblematic,Of the unknown.We are the image of the invisible.So raise the banner,Bend back your bows.We are the image of the invisible.Remove the cancer,Take back your souls.We are the image of the invisible.We all were lost now we are found.No one can stop us or slow us down.We all are named and we are known.We know that we"ll never walk alone.Though all the world may hate us,We are named.Though shadow overtake us,We are known.We"re more than carbon,And chemicals.Free will is our"s and,We can"t let go.We are the image of the invisible.We"re more than carbon,And chemicals.We are the image of the invisible.Free will is our"s and,We can"t let go.We are the image of the invisible.We can"t allow this,The quiet cull.We are the image of the invisible.So we sing out this,Our canticle.We are the image of the invisible.We all were lost now we are found.No one can stop us or slow us down.We all are named and we are known.We know that we"ll never walk alone.We all were lost now we are found.No one can stop us or slow us down.We all are named and we are known.We know that we"ll never walk alone.Raise up the banner,Bend back your bows,Remove the cancer,Take back your souls...

the invisible word is hard to breathe帮我翻译一下,谢谢


Beyond The Invisible (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Beyond The Invisible (Radio Edit)歌手:Enigma专辑:The Platinum CollectionBeyond The InvisibleENIGMAlecly 制作I look into the mirrorSee myself, I"m over meI need space for my desiresHave to dive into my fantasiesI know as soon as I"ll arriveEverything is possibleCause no one has to hideBeyond the invisibleSajaja bramani totari ta,raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rotaIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realityNe irascaris Domine,ne ultra memineris iniquitatis:ecce civitas Sancti facta est deserta:Sion deserta facta est:Ierusalem desolata est:domus sanctificationis tuae et gloriae tuaeSajaja bramani totari ta,raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rotaIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realityIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realitySajaja bramani totari ta, raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rota

Beyond The Invisible. 歌词

歌曲名:Beyond The Invisible.歌手:Enigma专辑:Lsd - Love Sensuality DevotionBeyond The InvisibleENIGMAlecly 制作I look into the mirrorSee myself, I"m over meI need space for my desiresHave to dive into my fantasiesI know as soon as I"ll arriveEverything is possibleCause no one has to hideBeyond the invisibleSajaja bramani totari ta,raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rotaIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realityNe irascaris Domine,ne ultra memineris iniquitatis:ecce civitas Sancti facta est deserta:Sion deserta facta est:Ierusalem desolata est:domus sanctificationis tuae et gloriae tuaeSajaja bramani totari ta,raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rotaIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realityIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realitySajaja bramani totari ta, raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rota

求英格玛《Beyond The invisible》歌词及中文翻译

Beyond The Invisible突破黑暗桎梏I look into the mirror透过镜子See myself, I"m over me凝视自己,我看到真的自我I need space for my desires我要实现理想的自由Have to dive into my fantasies我不得不全身心投入,那似乎缥缈但令我疯狂的梦想I know as soon as I"ll arrive我明白,只要我立即行动Everything is possible没有什么不可能Cause no one has to hide不要自卑,不再躲藏Beyond the invisible突破浓重的黑暗In your eyes在你明眸深处Just feel and realize只要去感觉,去体会It is real and not a dream那是真的,那不是一个梦I"m in you and you"re in me我在你心中,你在我心中It is time就在这一时刻To break the chains of life去打破命运的桎梏If you follow you will see只要你坚持,你就会看到What"s beyond reality暗无天日的残酷现实牢笼, 被彻底打破的奇迹Ne irascaris Domine,(法语?西班牙语?)In your eyes(同上…)

Beyond The Invisible 歌词

歌曲名:Beyond The Invisible歌手:Enigma专辑:Spirits Of Nature 5Beyond The InvisibleENIGMAlecly 制作I look into the mirrorSee myself, I"m over meI need space for my desiresHave to dive into my fantasiesI know as soon as I"ll arriveEverything is possibleCause no one has to hideBeyond the invisibleSajaja bramani totari ta,raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rotaIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realityNe irascaris Domine,ne ultra memineris iniquitatis:ecce civitas Sancti facta est deserta:Sion deserta facta est:Ierusalem desolata est:domus sanctificationis tuae et gloriae tuaeSajaja bramani totari ta,raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rotaIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realityIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realitySajaja bramani totari ta, raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rota

Beyond The Invisible (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Beyond The Invisible (Radio Edit)歌手:Enigma专辑:Beyond The InvisibleBeyond The InvisibleENIGMAlecly 制作I look into the mirrorSee myself, I"m over meI need space for my desiresHave to dive into my fantasiesI know as soon as I"ll arriveEverything is possibleCause no one has to hideBeyond the invisibleSajaja bramani totari ta,raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rotaIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realityNe irascaris Domine,ne ultra memineris iniquitatis:ecce civitas Sancti facta est deserta:Sion deserta facta est:Ierusalem desolata est:domus sanctificationis tuae et gloriae tuaeSajaja bramani totari ta,raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rotaIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realityIn your eyesJust feel and realizeIt is real and not a dreamI"m in you and you"re in meIt is timeTo break the chains of lifeIf you follow you will seeWhat"s beyond realitySajaja bramani totari ta, raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rota

The Invisible Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Invisible Man歌手:Michael Cretu专辑:The Invisible ManOoohOutside you are waiting for me, hidingYou catch me when I amNeeding a friend to holdYou can soothe me, lie above mePress hardThen you strikeAnd I think that I"ll die"Cause I can"t breathe, can"t breathePlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingOoohPlease let me start screamingEyes are open seeing nothingHands are tied and I can"t functionPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screamingPlease let me start screaming

the invisible man 歌词

歌曲名:the invisible man歌手:Thompson Twins专辑:queerDo you know the meaning of life?Can you go beyond the current state of mind?Thompson TwinsFashions, passions, whims of timeCan you catch the invisible man?Poets haven"t got a clueDharma bums just beat their drumsAnd Zen men say there"s just one wayIn the centre of nothing you will surely feel the thrillInvisibleInvisibleInvisibleQueer, Warner Bros. Records, 1991

The Invisible Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Invisible Man歌手:Queen专辑:Greatest Hits II (2011 Remaster)I"m the invisible man I"m the invisible manIncredible how you can see right through meFreddie MercuryWhen you hear a sound that you just can"t placeFeel somethin" move that you just can"t traceWhen something sits on the end of your bedDon"t turn around when you hear me treadI"m the invisible man I"m the invisible manIncredible how you can see right through meI"m the invisible man I"m the invisible manIt"s criminal how I can see right through youJohn DeaconNow I"m in your room and I"m in your bedAnd I"m in your life and I"m in your headLike the CIA or the FBIYou"ll never get close never take me aliveI"m the invisible man I"m the invisible manIncredible how you can see right through meI"m the invisible man I"m the invisible manIt"s criminal how I can see right through youHah hah hah helloHah hah hah OKHah hah hah hello hello hello helloNever had a real good friend - not a boy or a girlNo-one knows what I"ve been through - let my flag unfurlSo I make my mark from the edge of the worldFrom the edge of the worldFrom the edge of the worldBrian May -Brian MayNow I"m on your track and I"m in your mindAnd I"m on your back but don"t look behindI"m your meanest thought I"m your darkest fearBut I"ll never get caught you can"t shake me shake me dearI"m the invisible man I"m the invisible manIncredible how you can see right through meWatch meI"m the invisible man I"m the invisible manIt"s criminal how I can see right through youLook at me look at meRoger TaylorShake you shake you dearSUN

电影《The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini》好看吗


Why do you think the invisible line between Euro

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