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the-; them-, thes-, thet- +(Latin: placing, setting; to place, to put)anathema1. A formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication.2. Someone or something that is greatly disliked or detested and is therefore shunned.3. Someone or something which is cursed, denounced, or excommunicated by a religious authority.4. A curse from a religious authority that denounces something or excommunicates someone.5. Etymology: from Latin anathema, "an excommunicated person, the curse of excommunication"; from Greek anathema, "a thing accursed"; originally, "a thing devoted". Literally, "a thing set up (to the gods)" from ana-, "up" + tithenai, "to place".anathematizationThe formal act of pronouncing (someone or something) accursed.anathematize1. To formally curse, to denounce, or to excommunicate someone or something.2. To curse or to declare to be evil or anathema or to threaten with divine punishment.antithesis1. The complete or exact opposite of something; opposition; contrast: "His behavior is the antithesis of right and wrong."2. A use of words or phrases that contrast with each other to create a balanced effect: "Give me liberty or give me death."3. A proposition that is the opposite of another already proposed thesis.4. Etymology: from Late Latin antithesis, from Gk. antithesis "opposition," lit. "a placing against," noun of action from antitithenai, "to set against, to oppose"; a term in logic, from anti-, "against" + tithenai, "to place".apothecary1. A pharmacy, drugstore, or a place where medical prescriptions can be filled and stored.2. From Latin apotheca "storehouse"; which came from Greek apotheke "storehouse". Literally, "a place where things are put away", from apo- "away" + tithenai "to put".boutique1. A small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories, or food, for example.2. A small shop located within a large department store or supermarket.3. A small business offering specialized products and services.4. Etymology: from Old French botique, "small shop"; from Old Proven鏰l botica, from Latin apothca, "storehouse". Related to the etymological origin of apothecary.diathesis1. A susceptibility to a disease or set of diseases such as allergies or gout.2. A constitutional predisposition or tendency, as to a particular disease or affection.3. A constitution or condition of the body which makes the tissues react in special ways to certain extrinsic stimuli and therefore tends to make a person more than usually susceptible to certain diseases.4. Etymology: from Greek, "disposition, condition"; from diatithenai, diathe-, "to dispose"; from, dia-, "through, across" + tithenai, "to place". epithet (EP i thet", EP uh thet")1. A descriptive name or title given to express some quality considered characteristic of a person or thing; such as, "Richard, the Lion Hearted" or "America, the Beautiful".2. Sometimes a disparaging name; such as, "egghead" for someone who is an intellectual.3. Etymology: from epitithenai, "to add on"; from epi-, "in addition" + tithenai, "to put". Strictly speaking, an epithet is not necessarily derogatory, but the term is commonly used as a simple synonym for some term of abuse or slur: "There is no place for racial epithets in a radio, or TV, program."epithetic, epithetical1. Any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual or attributed quality: "Richard the Lion-Hearted" is an epithet of Richard I.2. A characterizing word or phrase firmly associated with a person or thing and often used in place of an actual name, title, or the like; such as, "man"s best friend" when referring to a "dog".3. A word, phrase, or expression used invectively as a term of abuse or contempt, to express hostility, etc.hypothesis1. A tentative theory about the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true it would explain certain facts or phenomena.2. A proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations.3. A message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence.4. Etymology: from Middle French hypothese, from Late Latin hypothesis, from Greek hypothesis, "base, basis of an argument, supposition". Literally, "a placing under", from hypo-, "under" + thesis, "a placing, proposition". hypothesize1. To theorize, speculate, guess, suppose, and to presume.2. To give a possible but not yet proved explanation for somethinghypothetical1. Of, relating to, or based on a hypothesis: a hypothetical situation.2. Suppositional; uncertain; conditional; contingent.keratoprosthesisReplacement of the central area of an opacified (opaque, unclear) cornea by plastic.metathesis1. A reversal of the order of two sounds or letters in a word, either as a mispronunciation or as a historical development.2. A "rhetorical transposition of words"; from Greek, then Late Latin metathesis, "change of position, transposition"; from the stem of metatithenai, "to transpose" from meta-, "to change" + tithenai, "to place, to set".parenthesis (s), parentheses (pl)1. One of a pair of shallow, curved signs, ( ), used to enclose an additional inserted word or comment and to distinguish it from the sentence in which it is found.2. Either, or both, of the upright curved lines, ( ), used to mark off explanatory or qualifying remarks in writing or printing or to enclose a sum, product, or other expression considered or treated as a collective entity in a mathematical operation.3. A word or phrase that comments on, or qualifies part of the sentence, in which it is found and is isolated from it by parentheses or dashes.4. A piece of speech or writing that wanders off from the main topic.5. Something that acts as a pause or a break in something.6."In parenthesis" may refer to an additional qualifying, explanatory, or otherwise separate comment.7. Etymology: "words, clauses, etc. inserted into a sentence", from Middle French parenth镳e, from Late Latin parenthesis, "addition of a letter to a syllable in a word"; from Greek parenthesis. Literally, "a putting in beside", from parentithenai, "put in beside"; from para-, "beside" + en-, "in" + tithenai, "to put, to place".Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; stato-. parenthesizeTo put in, to insert, to add, or to throw in an additional statement, often as an ad lib which is something thought of and said on the spur of the moment.prosthesis (s), prostheses (pl)1. An artificial device used to replace a missing body part, such as a limb, tooth, eye, or heart valve.2. Replacement of a missing body part by an artificial substitute; such as, an artificial extremity.3. A device to augment performance of a natural function; such as, a hearing aid.4. In linguistics, the addition of a letter or a syllable to a word.5. The "addition of a letter" or "syllable to a word"; from Late Latin, from Greek prosthesis, "addition" from prostithenai, "add to", from pros, "to" + tithenai, "to put, to place". The reference to "artificial body part" is first recorded in 1706. prothesis (s), protheses (pl)1. The addition of a sound or sounds at the beginning of a word to make the word easier to pronounce.2. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the preparations for the offering of Communion.synthesis (s), syntheses (pl)1. The combination of ideas into a complex whole.2. The process of producing a chemical compound (usually by the union of simpler chemical compounds).3. Reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect).4. A new unified whole resulting from the combination of different ideas, influences, or objects.5. The process of combining different ideas, influences, or objects into a new whole.6. The formation of compounds through one or more chemical reactions involving simpler substances.7. The production of music or speech using an electronic synthesizer.8. The expression of syntactic relationships by means of inflections rather than word order or prepositions and other function words.9. In Hegelian philosophy, the new idea that resolves the conflict between the initial proposition thesis and its negation antithesis.synthesist1. An intellectual who synthesizes or uses synthetic methods.2. Someone who composes or combines parts or elements so as to form a whole.synthetic1. Made artificially by chemical synthesis, especially so as to resemble a natural product.2. Not of natural origin; prepared, or made, artificially.3. Not genuine, especially expressed but not genuinely felt: "He made synthetic expressions of sympathy."4. A description of a proposition whose truth or falsity is a matter of facts and not merely a matter of the meaning of the words in the sentence.5. A description of a language that expresses syntactic relationships by means of inflections rather than word order or prepositions and other function words.6. Etymology: via French or modern Latin from Greek sunthetikos, "component", from sunthetos, "combined". theme1. the subject of a discourse, discussion, piece of writing, or artistic composition.2. A distinct, recurring, and unifying quality or idea: "Efficiency will be the theme of this energy organization."3. A melody that is repeated, often with variations, throughout a piece of music; such as, one of the themes of the concerto.4. A song or tune that is played at the beginning, or end of, or during, a movie or television program and is identified with it: "We always loved to hear the theme from "The Magnificent Seven".5. A short essay or written exercise for a student.6. Etymology: from Old French tesme; from Latin thema, "a subject, a thesis"; from Greek thema, "a proposition, a subject, a deposit". Literally, "something set down", from the root of tithenai, "to put down, to place".thesauralA reference to a thesaurus or a list of subject headings or descriptors usually with a cross-reference system for use in the organization of a collection of documents for reference and retrieval.thesauri (or thesauruses)The plural form of thesaurus.thesauros (s), thesauroi (pl)A treasury much like a naiskos (small Greek temple or shrine) and located in a temenos as storage of the valuables of foreign states. There is an elaborate series of thesauroi in Delphi leading up to the sacred way. A temenos relates to Greek antiquity, the enclosure of a sanctuary, the holy ground belonging to the god and governed by special rules, or the sacred precinct at a cult center; containing the altar, temple, and other features.There might be numerous buildings for the main cult and a series of thesauroi, stoas (classical Greek building with a long open colonnade), and dedications from worshipers. In Egyptian architecture, loosely applied to the area within the enclosure wall of a temple.thesaurus (s)1. A book that lists words related to each other in meaning, usually giving synonyms and antonyms.2. A dictionary of words relating to a particular subject. 3. A place in which valuable things are stored.4. Etymology: from 1823, "treasury, storehouse"; from Latin thesaurus "treasury, treasure"; from Greek thesauros, "a treasure, treasury, storehouse, chest"; from root of tithenai "to put, to place". The meaning "encyclopedia filled with information" is from 1840, but it existed earlier as thesaurarie (1592), used as a title by early dictionary compilers. The meaning, "collection of words arranged according to sense" is first attested 1852 in Roget"s title. Thesaur is attested in Middle English with the meaning, "treasure" (about 15th century-16th century).thesis1. An unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument; a proposition advanced as an argument.2. A dissertation based on original research, especially as work toward an academic degree. Other words for long research papers include: "treatise, dissertation, monograph, disquisition, research, essay", or "investigation".3. A treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree.4. An "unaccented syllable" or "note", from Latin thesis, "unaccented syllable in poetry"; later "a stressed part of a metrical foot", from Greek thesis, "a proposition"; also, "downbeat" (in music). Originally, "a setting down" or "placing"; from root of tithenai, "to place, to put, to set".thesmothete, ThesmotheteA law-maker; a law-giver. A thesmothete was a legislator, originally any of the six inferior archons [chief magistrates] in ancient Athens. The Oxford English Dictionary defines thesmothete as: "Each of the six inferior archons in ancient Athens, who were judges and law-givers; hence, one who lays down the law" and a thesmophilist is "someone who loves the law".Thesmos is "that which is laid down, the law".thetic, thetical, thetically1. In classical poetry, relating to or having stress.2. Constituting or beginning with a poetic thesis.3. Etymology: from Greek thetikos, thetos, "placed, stressed"; tithenai, "to place".Ubi est thesaurus tuus, ibi est et cor tuum.Where your treasure is, there is your heart also. [Vulgate, Matthew 6:21].Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; stato-.






——词源学是研究词的形式和意义的来源的学科。例如汉语"佛"和"佛陀"源出梵语buddha(觉悟),"木乃伊"源出阿拉伯语m□miy□(蜜人)。例如,现代 英语cat(猫),在古英语是catt(e),在古高地德语是kazza,在古斯堪的纳维亚语是 k□ttr,其来源可能是晚期拉丁语cattus,catta ,或借自某种非印欧语。 艺术的词源学是研究艺术的形式和意义的来源的学科。例如:所谓“伯依勒格”,它不完全是指某一具体 舞蹈。蒙古舞蹈“伯依勒格”中的文化底蕴深厚 且容量大,可以说它是蒙古舞蹈美学中一个核心 范畴,其中包容了蒙古舞蹈最精美的美学意蕴。 “伯依勒格”的研究还将涉及若干相关问题,比 如:在什么题目里的“伯依勒格”?是什么样 式、风格特点、艺术形式以及什么地区的“伯依 勒格”?通过对这一系列问题的深入探讨,有助 于我们更深刻和系统地揭示历史舞蹈现象背后的文 化渊源和审美特征。


在词源学的意义上,用“胴体”来形容女性身体,也明显带有一定的侮辱意味。词源学是研究词的形式和意义的来源的学科。词源学(etimology)是历史比较语言学的一个部分,它源于希腊词etumologia,etymons意为“词的真意”,logy意为“科学”,etymology意思就是“引出词的真实情况”。词源学属于词汇学的一个分支,以历史的角度来研究词汇。在我国,著名的《说文解字》能够解释许多汉字的起源。词源学作为研究词语起源的学科,研究表述性言语的历史,记载词汇亲属关系及其演变,是语言学史和语言学研究的重要组成部分。作为语言的基本元素和语言系统赖以存在的支柱,词源记录着词汇从古到今的释义变迁,也就成为了社会文化发展的忠实见证者。每个单词诞生都有出处,词源就是研究单词的诞生和成长史。随着社会的发展,这些词语的出处往往会被人遗忘,或直接被赋予了新的表达含义,因而当我们遇到这类词汇时,单从字面上很难快速领会意思,有些词语甚至在查找词典后,依然让人觉得一头雾水,不知所以然。词源学的意义:词源学的出现,能为我们揭开这类生涩词语的背后世界:它们有些源于文学名作,圣经故事,神话传说和寓言故事,有些源于历史事件、名人轶事、风尚习俗、人名地名,还有些源自体育娱乐,动物习性、航海、 狩猎、农业、商业等,包罗万象,无奇不有。


1. 星期一 (понедельник) 分析一下这个词的词素: по和не都是词冠, дел是词根, н和ик都是后缀. 在此要了解星期一和дело的关系, 需追溯неделя(星期)的历史. 古俄语中неделя的最早意义出除了"星期"外,还有"星期日"的含义, 本意为"不做事情, 不工作". 后来由于受了教会的影响, 礼拜天这个含义被воскресенье一词代替, неделя只保留了"星期"这个意义. понедельник即星期日后面的那一天,词冠по表示"......以后', 与前置词同义, 如:по окончании . 2. 数词сорок 40 的来源 俄语中的十位数几乎都是由个位数加上一个десять(十)构成的,如: пятьдесят五十, шестьдесят六十, семьдесят七十, восемьдесят八十, двадцать(二十)与тридцать(三十)事实上也是由двадесять和тридесять音变而来的, 可唯独сорок四十与четыре和десять没有任何瓜葛. 为什么? 有学者研究后认为, 古俄语里可能有четыредесят这个词,原来сорок的意思是一种男人的毛皮长袍. 现在还有сорочка(男人穿的长衬衣)这个词.后来人们把сорок用来表示做那样一件长袍所需的毛皮数量. 学者们在古代文献中找到了12 сорок соболой(12件水獭皮的长袍)这样的句子. 十分可能做一件皮袍所需的贵重皮毛是40条, 于是сорок就被转义用来指40张这样的皮毛. 后来сорок脱离了原有的意义又一次转义指40个任何东西. 最后сорок完全代替了четыредесят成为表示"四十"这个数的数词了. 转自:右脑记忆方法 www.jiyifa.com 3. близорукий(近视眼)的来历 这个词由"близ" "рук"加联系元音"о"和词尾"ий" 构成. Близ用作前置词的意义是在......附近, 那相当于"возле" "около", 但близорукий解释为"在手臂近旁的"说明眼光浅近有些牵强. 查词典可得知близорукий的前身为 близорокий, 即由близ和зорокий两部分加联系元音构成的. Зорокий在现代俄语中是зоркий(眼光敏锐的),зрение(视力), зрачок(瞳孔)是它的同根词. 古俄语中близозорокий的第二个зо因为与前面音节зо重复, 便脱落了, 于是близозорокий变成了близорокий. 后来由于人们误读близорокий成близорукий, "近视眼"就和"手"联系起来了. 4. столица(首都)和 стол(桌子) 初看这两个词没什么联系, 实则不然. Стол在古代还有椅子, 御座, 王位等意义. Столица在古代俄语中的含义是стольный город(意即王座所在的城市), 后来经过发展获得了"首都"的词汇意义. 5. дача (别墅)和дать(给) дача在古俄语中的意思是作为褒奖或恩典而给予某人的土地. 在现代俄语中这个意义已经消失了, 因此дача (别墅)成了дача(给)(动词дать所派生的名词)的同音异义词. 本文来自:www.jiyifa.com6. победа (胜利)和беда(灾难) 古时这两个词是同族词. 因为победа (胜利)是победить动词(战胜)的派生词, 而在古俄语中有разорить(使......破产), убить(杀死), заставить(强迫)等意义. 而победа有"战争", "厮杀", "打击" 等意思. 因此, 在语义上是和беда有联系的. 看来, победить的原义是 "使遭灾难, 不幸", 或"使倒霉"的意思, 并不是一开始就表示"胜利"这一概念的. 由俄罗斯eluosi.liuxue86.com我04月27日我整理《俄语语法:俄语单词记忆法之从词源学着手记忆单词》。123123123


葡萄牙探险家称之为Pau-brasil ,葡萄牙语别称Pau-de-Pernambuco(Pernambuco,伯南布哥是巴西东北部的一省;Pau是木头的意思),豆科、云实属,落叶乔木,羽状复叶,果实为荚果。16世纪葡萄牙的航海家发现新大陆有一个大量生长巴西红木(brazilwood)的国家,便大举开采、运回欧洲,久而久之大家都忘了当初的命名,而将这个国家称为为巴西(Brazil)。




这是中西对会计原理的理解造成的。中式簿记学就是单项流水账,比方,个人的存款还没有取完的钱就叫余额,到了期的债就叫欠款;西式会计则是复式记账,前者叫balance,后者叫due.看法和取向的差异,习惯了就好了。中国人本身也有类似情况,去农贸市场买东西,北方叫赶集,南方叫趁墟。小市镇北方叫张集、李集的很普遍;南方则称王家圩或吴家墟。就那么几间有屋顶没外墙的敞棚,赶集的日子,热闹非凡,大部分不赶集的时候,却是空虚无人的。北方看重的是人多热闹的“集”,以集名地;南方取向于那几间空置的敞棚,以墟名地。再比方tolenrance 通译为容忍、宽恕。机械学则指“公差”,医药行话则指“耐药量”。我们中文这几个词,隔行如隔山,老死不相往来。洋文则是一码事。你怪他不怪,他怪你不怪!




刘一男的词汇我听了好多,感觉很不错,但是 袁新民的没听过


我是这样理解的: 首先词源这个东西是有的,但是似乎没有一种被普遍采用的用来记单词的词源体系。 其次,我觉得刘老师的方法并不是从词源推出新单词。我自己为他的方法概括了一下,我觉得应该叫分组辨析与记忆。分组的依据就是可能的同源词或者仅仅是看起来像是同源的词。 再次,刘老师与学究的不同在于:并不是所有同源的词都被分在了一组,因为部分单词可能由于过于大的变化与语源本意已经关系很牵强了,或者语源年久遗失了,这样再分成一组就与刘老师帮学生记单词这个初衷相悖。(我并不是贬低词源学者,他们的任务不同,我觉得完全没必要争论。) 我觉得你可能还会怀疑他到底讲没讲语源,我觉得很少。我除了看他的视频外,同时还参照了刘毅的词根词典,那些词源或者词根都是来自于拉丁语什么的,看起来奇形怪状(但是大多时候和英语同源词是很像的)很难记忆。刘老师的优点就在于此,他抛弃了很难记的拉丁词根,以辅音的相近与元音的变换为媒介创造了一组属于自己的英语的“词根”来分组单词,用熟词辨析和记忆生,也就是说,他的“词根”其实是一组被认为有联系的词,它们之间存在着刘老师讲的那几种联系中的一种。 最后我想说,不要纠结,这种联系大多是真实存在的,因为它们大多真的来自语源。我学过法语,很多法语词和英语词是同源的,只是前后缀不同(核心部分相似并非相同),法语有自己的一套前后缀体系,并且更加规范,这让我更加相信除去前后缀之外的单词的中间部分都是有其意义的。 但是楼上说的也非常的对。这只是记单词的手段,单词一定要花费功夫养成习惯记得非常熟练,说话的时候是不会让你慢慢思考当你要表达“走廊"的意思时是说"corridor还是"hallway"... (以上纯属个人见解,如有误请见谅)


词源学是研究词的形式和意义的来源的学科。例如汉语"佛"和"佛陀"源出梵语buddha(觉悟),"木乃伊"源出阿拉伯语m□miy□(蜜人)。例如,现代 英语cat(猫),在古英语是catt(e),在古高地德语是kazza,在古斯堪的纳维亚语是 k□ttr,其来源可能是晚期拉丁语cattus,catta ,或借自某种非印欧语。艺术的词源学是研究艺术的形式和意义的来源的学科。例如:所谓“伯依勒格”,它不完全是指某一具体 舞蹈。蒙古舞蹈“伯依勒格”中的文化底蕴深厚 且容量大,可以说它是蒙古舞蹈美学中一个核心 范畴,其中包容了蒙古舞蹈最精美的美学意蕴。 “伯依勒格”的研究还将涉及若干相关问题,比 如:在什么题目里的“伯依勒格”?是什么样 式、风格特点、艺术形式以及什么地区的“伯依 勒格”?通过对这一系列问题的深入探讨,有助 于我们更深刻和系统地揭示历史舞蹈现象背后的文 化渊源和审美特征。


sur:从上面veil, vey, vid, vis = view看lance名词后缀surveillance 从上面看=监视


gheu-Important derivatives are: god, giddy重要派生词为: god, giddyTo call, invoke.呼叫, 祈求.Suffixed zero-grade form *ghu-to- , “the invoked,” god. 添加后缀的零级形式 *ghu-to- , “被祈求者,” 神. god , from Old English god , god; god , 源自 古英语 god , 上帝; giddy , from Old English gydig , gidig , possessed, insane, from Germanic *gud-igaz , possessed by a god; giddy , 源自 古英语 gydig , gidig , 着迷的, 疯狂的, 源自 日耳曼语 *gud-igaz , 被某个神支配的; g?tterd?mmerung , from Old High German got , god. a, b, and c all from Germanic *gudam , god. g?tterd?mmerung , 源自 古高地德语 got , 上帝. a, b, 和 c 都源自 日耳曼语 *gudam , 神.


人所共知,西方文化有两个源头:一为希腊 (Hellenic) 文化,一为希伯莱(Hebrew)文化,而希腊文化中的希腊神话 (Greek mythology) 对英语影响非常广泛。 表现在词汇方面就 是英语吸收了部分词汇并将之沿用,而这些词又或是可分解 词或是可溯源词。这些词源包含的信息不仅可帮助读者准确 理解每个词的词义,增添记忆单词的乐趣,还能特别记录、 描述英语与古希腊文化的差异和交流,具有很高的历史性和 趣味性。腊神话以口头的形式流传了几百年,到了公元前 7世 纪,随着希腊诗人赫西奥德的《神谱》 、诗人荷马描写特洛 伊战争的《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》等史诗的出现,希腊神 话发展到了相当成熟的阶段。后来,希腊人开始移居意大利,他们把灿烂的文化艺 术传到了罗马。古罗马是一个开放的民族,有吸取先进文化的非凡才能,很快,他们就把希腊神话吸收过来,并赋予每 个神以一个罗马名字, 这就是为什么“宙斯”又叫“朱庇特”“,丘 比特”又是“厄洛斯”的原因了。希腊罗马神话就像神话故事中的灵泉,滋养着英语的词汇,产生了许许多多美妙动人的词汇故事,增强了英语的 生命力。



英语 词源学和语源学有区别吗?


英语 词源学和语源学有区别吗



designate=de+sign+ate =使成为标记的——vt. 指定;指派;标出;把…定名为adj. 指定的;选定的de-(表示对词根的强调) 依附在词根前,表示dwon(from)或away(from)的意思,有时则表示对词根的强调,有completely 的意思。后来,de-被英语所同化,变成一个相当活跃的派生前缀。它可以加在动词或名词之前生成否定意义的动词。当它与动词结合时,基本意思是to undo,表示“做(与原动词)相反的动作”。当它与名词结合时,基本意思是to make down or away,表示“降低,剥离,取走”等动sign(标记,记号) mark,sign,标记,记号-ate(使成为...) ate是个原生词缀。它有3种构词功能: 1)加缀在名词词根或词干上构成形容词,表示 of ~(...的);having ~(有...的);like ~(像...的)等意思。 2)加缀在形容词、名词、动词词根或词干后面构成动词;当它与形容词词根缀合时,意为to become ~(成为...)或to cause to be~(使成为...);当它与名词词根缀合时,其意思为to produce ~(生成...),to treat with ~(用...处理),to combine with ~(与...结合)等;当它与动词词根结合时,-ate 只起表明词性或加强词义的作用。 3)有时,它能构成名词。构成的名词又分为三类:① 表示人。②表示职位、职权、总称等。③构成化学名词,大多数表示由酸而成的盐类。

词源学解释 HOTEL

hotel和hospital是同源词,词源是拉丁语 hospitāle 意思是接待客人的地方,因此hospitable有好客的意思。和hotel同源的词汇有hostel,osteler(本作hosteler=hostel+er,客栈小二的意思,因为很多教育程度低的英国人发不了h的音才改的)。


流俗词源  从不熟悉的词联想起一些语音相近的熟悉的词,误以为后者是前者的词源,例如以为 Welsh rarebit(涂在面包上的溶化干酪)原是Welsh rabbit(威尔斯兔),以为 asparagus(天门冬属)原是 sparrow grass(麻雀草)。这种错误的猜想,称为流俗词源。名实相应论者认为,词的来源和真实意义可以根据词的形状追溯出来,他们把这种研究叫做词源学。


英语词源学三大规律如下:1、音节的划分在两个音节的相邻处有两个辅字组时,一个辅字组属于前面的音节,一个属于后面的音节。如:let-ter mem-ber chil-dren daugh-ter.2、在两个音节的相邻处只有一个辅字组时,如果前面音节里的元音是长音则辅字组属于后面一个音节,如果前面一个音节里的元音是短音,则辅字组属于前面一个音节。如:长音pa-per stu-dent fa-ther ze-ro mo-tor far-ther.短音sev-en stud-y moth-er ver-y mod-le weath-er.3、重读音节单词中读音特别响亮的音节。用音标标记双音节、多音节词的读时,应使用重读符号。单音节词多数是重读音节,标记读音时不需要使用重读符号。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍。


solicit=sol+i+citsol含义:【词根】 sun太阳 【词根】 alone/single单独的 【词根】 whole/entire完整的 (此处取此意)i:连接字母cit: to call,to arouse召唤,激发,(注意:有的书说soli也是词根 就是whole/entire完整的 的意思。)——就是完全唤起人心v.恳求;引诱;拉客


peri-:英语前缀peri,意为“around” 周围pher:词根:bring带来al:【前缀】=ac=ad=af=ar=as=at=ag=ap=an=a 出现在l等字母之前,表示“向……”to ,at之义 【词根】= ol=ul 滋养,生长,喂养 【词根】 完整,完全 【前缀】=ad 常用于l字母前 【后缀】 加在动词后面构成名词,表示该行为、状况、事情 【后缀】=ial=ical=ual 加在名词或名词性词根后面,构成形容词,...的,像...,属于…的,具有…性质的,如…的 (此处取此意)带到周围的——adj. 外围的;次要的;(神经)末梢区域的n. 外部设备


词源学是研究词的形式和意义的来源的学科。词源学(etimology)是历史比较语言学的一个部分,它源于希腊词etumologia,etymons意为“词的真意”,logy意为“科学”,etymology意思就是“引出词的真实情况”。词源学属于词汇学的一个分支,以历史的角度来研究词汇。在我国,著名的《说文解字》能够解释许多汉字的起源。词源学作为研究词语起源的学科,研究表述性言语的历史,记载词汇亲属关系及其演变,是语言学史和语言学研究的重要组成部分。作为语言的基本元素和语言系统赖以存在的支柱,词源记录着词汇从古到今的释义变迁,也就成为了社会文化发展的忠实见证者。每个单词诞生都有出处,词源就是研究单词的诞生和成长史。随着社会的发展,这些词语的出处往往会被人遗忘,或直接被赋予了新的表达含义,因而当我们遇到这类词汇时,单从字面上很难快速领会意思,有些词语甚至在查找词典后,依然让人觉得一头雾水,不知所以然。词源学的意义词源学的出现,能为我们揭开这类生涩词语的背后世界:它们有些源于文学名作,圣经故事,神话传说和寓言故事,有些源于历史事件、名人轶事、风尚习俗、人名地名,还有些源自体育娱乐,动物习性、航海、 狩猎、农业、商业等,包罗万象,无奇不有。