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英语the competing consumer pattern怎么翻译?

the competing(竞争性) consumer(消费者) pattern(方式)竞争消费模式

大学英语作文:对比伤害孩子 Comparing Hurts Children

【 #英语资源# 导语】学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些短篇英语文章也是提高英语阅读能力的一种。下面是 !   【篇一】对比伤害孩子 Comparing Hurts ChildrenIt is natural for every parents to be proud of their excellent children. Especially when many parents sit together, the comparison between kids is inevitable. Foreign parents know how this hurts the children, while most Chinese parents don"t. The comparison of children should be stop. 每个父母都会很自然的为他们出色的孩子感到骄傲。特别是当很多家长坐在一起聊天时,孩子们之间的对比就变成是不可避免的。外国的父母知道这会伤害孩子,然而大多数中国父母却浑然不知。孩子们之间的对比应该停止。 Take me for example. When I was very small, my mother sent me to learn dance class, because she hoped me could dance well. So when she communicated with other moms, she would ask me to dance in front of them. I felt so awkward, and just wanted to find a hole to dig in. These situation happened many time, until some day, I said to my mother how I felt about this and I did not like being compared. She realized the problem and stop doing it again. 以我为例。在我很小的时候,我妈妈送我去学习舞蹈课,她希望我能够善于跳舞。所以当她和其他妈妈聊天的时候,她会叫我在她们面前跳舞。我觉得很尴尬,只想找个洞钻进去。这样的情况发生过很多次,直到有一天,我跟妈妈说出了我的感受,我不喜欢被比较。她才意识到这一问题,并且再也没有叫我这样做过。 Since my mother lets me go, I am so happy and live the way I am want. I no longer have pressure. Now I can do what I want and she understands me. Though I give up dancing, I do well in painting. My talent is painting and I have won many awards. This is the thing that my parents should be proud of. 自从我妈妈给了我自由,我就很开心,用自己的方式过自己想过的生活。我不再有压力。现在我可以做我想做的事,她也理解我。虽然我放弃了跳舞,但是我画画得很好。我的天赋是绘画,我赢了许多奖项。这才是我父母感到骄傲的事。   【篇二】婴儿的意识 Babies" Recognition People always think that the babies know nothing about the world, so that they don"t know what they are doing and their mistakes can be forgiven all the time. Actually, according to the new research, the babies have their own recognition, they make judgement by observing parents" reaction. 人们总是认为,婴儿对世界一无所知,所以他们不知道自己在做什么,他们的错误是可以得到原谅的。事实上,根据一项新的研究,孩子有自己的意识,他们通过观察父母的反应来做判断。 For example, if the baby wants to buy the toy, he will point to the toy or just stand there. Most parents will realize the baby"s need and satisfy him. So the baby has learned that if they do the same thing, they can get what they want. The worse thing is that when the baby makes mistakes, the parents think it is natural for him and won"t correct them. Then the baby will become naughty. 举个例子,如果孩子想买玩具,他就会指着玩具或者只是站在那里,大多数父母就会意识到孩子的需要,从而去满足他。因此,婴儿已经认识到如果他们做同样的事情就可以得到他们想要的东西。更糟的是,当孩子犯了错误时,父母认为这是理所当然的,所以不去纠正错误。然后孩子就会变得淘气。 My aunt"s baby is the example. My aunt tell me that she thinks the baby is too small and there is no need to take it serious. So she feels tired to look after the baby. But there is a mother who lives next to her. My aunt tells me that her neighbour"s baby behaves well, later I find that the mother always corrects her baby"s mistake. 我姑姑的孩子就一个例子。我的阿姨告诉我,她觉得孩子太小了,没有必要去认真计较。所以她觉得照看婴儿很累。但她家隔壁也有一位母亲。我姑姑告诉我,她邻居的孩子就表现得很好,后来我发现,那位母亲总是纠正孩子的错误。 The parents should realize the importance of baby"s recognition, so that they can better educate the baby. 父母应该意识到宝宝认知的重要性,这样他们就可以更好的教育孩子。   【篇三】古诗词的回归 The Return of Chinese Ancient Poetry There are many popular words that are created from the Internet and people like to use the network language, because it is simple and funny. Recently, a teenager girl won the Chinese ancient Poetry Competition, which caught the public"s attention. It seems that she reminds people the return of ancient poetry. 有很多流行词汇都是从互联网上创建的,人们喜欢使用网络语言,因为简单、有趣。最近,一个十几岁的女孩在中国古诗词比赛中获胜引起了公众的注意。似乎她唤醒了人们对古诗词记忆。 Chinese ancient poetry is beautiful and profound. The reason why we miss Nobel Prize in Literature is translation, because it is hard to translate the beauty of the language. When Chinese poetry is translated into English, most only remain the main idea. The loss of the artistic concept makes the poetry lose its charm. 古诗词是很美也很博大精深的。我们错失诺贝尔文学奖的原因是翻译,因为很难去翻译语言的美感。古诗词被翻译成英文后,大多数都只剩下主要意思。诗歌意境的丢失使其失去魅力。 The young people get used to using the Internet language, and most of them have forgot the charm of ancient language, but its elegance won"t fade away. With more people start to realize the charm of ancient poetry, the desire to use beautiful language will be recalled. Indeed, Chinese culture is profound and rich. The classic poetry reflects the history. 年轻人总是习惯于使用网络语言,大多数人都遗忘了古老语言的魅力,不过它的优雅是不会消失的。随着更多的人开始意识到古诗词的魅力,对这美丽语言的使用欲将再次被唤醒。事实上,中国文化是博大精深、源远流长的。经典的诗歌也反映了历史。 In the fast pace lifestyle, the ancient language won"t be kicked out, which stands for the national treasure. 在快节奏的生活方式里,古代语言不会被淘汰,因为它还代表着国家的瑰宝。



via cheaper borrowing for governments through common Eurobonds or complete fiscal transfers为什么?

通过共同发行欧元债券或者完全财政转移,使政府可以通过更便宜的借款方式进行融资,这是 "via cheaper borrowing for governments through common Eurobonds or complete fiscal transfers" 这一短语的含义。其中 "via" 的意思是 "通过" 或者 "经由"。这句话表达的是一个财政政策的观点,即通过共同发行欧元债券或者完全财政转移的方式,降低政府的融资成本,从而达到提高财政效率和增强经济稳定性的目的。

组句 can ,l ,how, a,of ,the ,become ,SPCA ,member,(?)

How can I become a member of the SPCA ? 翻译:我怎么才能成为英国动物保护协会的一员?

Mrs.Smith ,__ SPCA officer ,will come to our school tomorrow



Avril Lavigne - ComplicatedUh huh, life"s like this生活就是这样Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 那是它是的方式Cause life"s like this生活就是这样Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 那是它是的方式Chill out安静 whatcha yelling" for? 你在笑什么 Lay back回想It"s all been done before 我们都做了些什么   And if you could only let it be 如果你放轻松,  You will see 你会看见 I like you the way you are 我喜欢你和你的方式   When we"re drivin" in your car 当我们做在你车里时  And you"re talking to me one on one你同我一遍又一遍的诉说   But you"ve become 但是现在你变了   Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。   You"re watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象,   Like you can"t relax 总是很拘束。   You"re tryin" to be cool 你想装酷,   You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。   Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated?你为什么让事情变的这么复杂? I see the way you"re acting 我能看出你在伪装Like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 这让我烦透了。Life"s like this生活就是这样,And you fall and you crawl and you break 你会跌倒,你会挣扎,你会崩溃,And you take what you get 你想得到你想得到的And you turn it into honesty 你要接受现实You promised me你答应过我I"m never gonna find you fake itNo no noYou come over unannounced 没有事先通知你就来了, Dressed up like you"re someone else 打扮的象另外一个人,Where you are and where it"s sad you see 你就像一出悲剧。You"re making me 你装出很酷的样子,  Laugh out when you strike your pose 却让我大笑不止, Take off all your preppy clothes 脱掉你那身怪衣服, You know you"re not fooling anyone 你知道你骗不了任何人。But you"ve become 但是现在你变了  Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。   You"re watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象,   Like you can"t relax 总是很拘束。   You"re tryin" to be cool 你想装酷,   You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 就是艾薇儿唱的〈超复杂〉英文版的歌词 解析: Complicated 超复杂 Uh huh, life"s like this 人生就是这样Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 就是怎么回是儿 Cause life"s like this Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is Chill out whatcha yelling" for? 镇静点儿,干吗大喊大叫? Lay back it"s all been done before 放松点儿,能做的都已经做了 And if you could only let it be 如果你不那样的话 you will seeue741 你就会发现...... I like you the way you are 我因为什么喜欢上你 When we"re drivin" in your car 当我们坐在你的车上 and you"re talking to me one on one but you"ve bee 与你一对一独处时你却变成 Somebody else round everyone else 像个我不认识的人一样 You"re watching your back like you can"t relax 你明明浑身紧绷,却装得没事似的 You"re tryin" to be cool you look like a fool to me 你想耍酷,可是在我看来却很 *** Tell meue769 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so plicated? 你为什么一定要把所有事情都搞的超复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 没事儿装成一副就是让我看了不爽的样子 Life"s like this you 人生不就是这样吗 And you fall and you crawl and you break 就算你摔个狗吃屎、跌断腿、爬不起来 and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty 你也要带着伤诚实面对 and promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 答应我,不要再让我发现你那么虚伪 no no no You e over unannouncedue741 你一声不响的走过来 dressed up like you"re somethin" else 穿的一点都不像你 where you are and where it"s at you see you"re making me 你这个样子真让人受不了 laugh out when you strike your pose 你自以为酷的Pose,只会让我笑个不停 take off all your preppy clothes 脱掉你那些乖乖孩式的衣服 you know you"re not fooling anyone 你要知道,你骗不了别人 when you"ve bee 当你变成...... Somebody else round everyone else 像个我不认识的人一样 Watching your back, like you can"t relax 你明明浑身紧绷,却装得没事似的 Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你想耍酷,可是在我看来却很 *** Tell meue769 Why you have to go and make things so plicated? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated Life"s like this you and You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it no no no Chill out whatcha yelling for? Lay back, it"s all been done before And if you could only let it be You will see Somebody else round everyone else You"re watching your back, like you can"t relax You"re trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me Tell me Why you have to go and make things so plicated? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated Life"s like this you and you fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it no no no Why you have to go and make things so plicated? I see the way you"re acting like your somebody else gets me frustrated Life"s like this you You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty promise me I"m never gonna find you fake this no no no 加油啦。~好好唱。嘿嘿。 ~


记忆英文单词"complicated"的一个简单方法是通过将其与其他单词、图像或情景联系起来。以下是一些建议:1. 分解词:将单词"complicated"分解成较简单的部分,如 "compli-" 和 "-cated"。然后,尝试与这些部分相关的词汇或意象进行联系,例如 "complete"(完整的)和 "dedicated"(专注的)。2. 关联图像:将"complicated"想象成一个复杂的拼图,其中有很多小块和连接。或者,想象一个被纠结的绳子,呈现错综复杂的形状。3. 情景联系:创造一个与"complicated"相关的故事或情境。例如,你可以想象自己试图解决一个非常复杂的数学问题,而周围的一切都变得混乱和复杂。4. 与个人经验联系:找到自己生活中的例子,将其与"complicated"联系起来。例如,你可以想象自己曾经面对过一个复杂的家务问题或人际关系问题。








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foxmail可以说是qq邮箱的一个别名,foxmail是腾讯旗下的一个邮箱,域名“”。qq邮箱的用户可以在“设置-账户”中为qq邮箱设一个foxmail的别名。用户也可以直接申请一个foxmail账号,如果有qq账号,则可以直接登录,获得qq邮箱(也就是foxmail邮箱),如果没有qq账户,则免费可以申请一个foxmail账号,同时绑定一个系统自动生成的qq账号。当然了,既然是qq邮箱的别名,其服务如邮箱空间之类的,和qq邮箱的政策是一样的。Foxmail邮件客户端软件,是中国最著名的软件产品之一,中文版使用人数超过400万,英文版的用户遍布20多个国家,名列“十大国产软件”,被 太平洋电脑网评为五星级软件。Foxmail通过和U盘的授权捆绑形成了安全邮、随身邮等一系列产品。2005年3月16日被腾讯收购。现在已经发展到7.2.9(2017-11-03) 。Foxmail是由华中科技大学(原华中理工大学)张小龙开发的一款优秀的国产电子邮件客户端软件,2005年3月16日被腾讯收购。新的Foxmail具备强大的反垃圾邮件功能。它使用多种技术对邮件进行判别,能够准确识别垃圾邮件与非垃圾邮件。更多关于“Foxmail”的详情,请打开此链接查看:/"target="_blank"title="网页链接">网页链接

foxmail. com是什么邮箱?

qq号码。QQ邮箱的一邮多名:就是让邮箱拥有两个名字,如:chen@qq.com和。可以用@foxmail.com帐号给工作伙伴发邮件,或者印在简历、名片上。Foxmail超过10年的邮箱品牌,让商务沟通更显专业气质。在与家人、朋友的沟通上,可以选择使用@qq.com帐号,做到“一邮多名”,工作生活完美结合。扩展资料:QQ邮箱开始改变是在06年。在05年末QQ邮箱推出了3.0Beta版,获得内测资格后容量由5M直接升级到了1G,附件增加到20M。3.0的界面风格还是很漂亮的。当时3.0版和简易版可以互相切换,简易版基本上仍旧是原版,甚至可以说是简陋版,界面丑的可以了。但是在06年末的时候,简易版突然发生了比较大的改观,界面变得类似Gmail,当然美观了许多。从某方面来说简洁版甚至比3.0版更加方便快捷。,是什么 是什么邮箱,有什么用




请用pronounce、spoken、slowly、mistake、make mistake、comma、challenge、solution造句(每个造两句)

1.if you meet with a new word , you can look it up in the dictionary and find out how to pronounce it in a right way.2. some of the words are pronounced in defferent ways between American English and British English.3. have you ever spoken to your mother heart to heart?4. what you have spoken to me made me so surprised.5. humans walk more and more slowly as they get older.6. would you pleae speak more slowly? i can"t catch what you siad.7. the more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.8. be more careful, or you will make more mistakes next time.9. we should enjoy facing each challenge in our lives.10. they fell in love with the same girl, so they challeged each other to fight.11. if you have the solution to the problem, raise your hand and show us. 12. we are supposed to use comma in the right way.希望能帮到你哦, ^_^

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US$89.07 UFC Collection DVD/1-108 Episode DVD Boxset on,cheap mlb jerseys, UFC is The Ultimate Fighting Championship, the famous mixed martial arts competitions in America. UFC holds its competition in an eight-sided encease "The Octagon". ... UFC is The Ultiacquaintance Fighting Championaddress, the acclaimed alloyed aggressive arts antagonism in America. UFC authoritys its comaddress in an eight-ancillaryd asylum "The Octagon". The alone aphorism for UFC is NO RULES. To beating the adversary till he is blank to abide! However, the curhire UFC has alumuaccessory alluvioned appear capitalbeck by emanimating stricter rules. As Arnold"s adopted to be the administeror, UFC is fabricated legal in California and this announces that all accompaniments in America admit the acknowledged cachet of UFC. Do you apperceive Knockouts? Yes, Knockouts is "KO" which is actual accustomed to anybody. To UFC, Knockouts is "kcleft benumbed". As tactuality"s no rules, both could put his opponent to "afterlife" with any accomplishment, though if the opponent is not unacquainted,cheap soccer jerseys, he will administer abundant abuse to cause the opponent to abdicate. It is blood-soaked on the UFC competition stage. Howanytime, the babe holds the lath on the date accomplishs this adult abode abounding of animosity. Inacmed by vale tudo competitions in Brazil, the UFC captivated its aboriginal atoneetition in Denver, Colorado in 1993. Showcase actioners of altered assistanticienciesincluadvise battle, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, angry and Muay Thai, a addedsthe UFC approved to analyze the a able exchangeial art in a absolute fight. After a aeon of adroital backfire, the UFC bit-by-bitly beneathwent ameliorate by all-embracing austereer rules and accomplishing acceptance with State Athletic Comabsenceions. With a cable-television accord and amplification into Caaught, Eubraiding and new bazaars aural the United States, the UFC as of 2010 has acquired in acceptance, forth with abundanter boilerplate-media advantage. As of 2010 admirers can admission UFC affairsming on pay-per-appearance television, Spike in the United States and Canada, on ESPN in the United Kingdom as well as in 33 other 809e785efdf6254d45f0ac46d1c407echips common. Davie met Rorion Gracie in 1991 while reanalytic martial arts for a business applicant. Gracie accomplishd a Brazilian jiu-jitsu academy in Torrance, California and the Gracie ancestors had a continued hiadventure of vale tudo matchesa forerunner of mixed martial artsin Brazil. Davie became Gracie"s stucavity. In 1992, aggressive by the Gracies in Action video-alternation aftermathd by the Gracies and accomplishmenturing Gracie jiu-jitsu acquisition assorted martial-arts adepts, Davie adduced to Rorion Gracie and John Milius an eight-man, individual-abolishment tournabbeyt with a appellation of War of the Worlds. The clash would affection martial artisans from alterent conducts adverse anniversary other in no-holds-barred action to see which martial art was absolutely the best which carbond the action of the matches Davie saw on tcorrupt videos.[5] Milius, a acclaimed blur absoluteor and biographer, as able-bodied as a Gracie apprentice, agreed to be the accident"s artistic administrator. Davie abstracted the business plan and twenty-eight brokers contributed the antecedent basic to alpha WOW Promotions with the absorbed to advance the boutnament into a teleeyes authorization. In 1993 WOW Promotions scare a television accomplice and accessed pay-per-view ambassadors TVKO (HBO), SET (appearancetime) and the Semaphore Entertainment Group (SEG). Both TVKO and SET beneath,IPad Covers,cheap throwback jerseys, but SEG a avant-garde in pay-per-view television which had proautocratd such camp contest as a mixed-gender tennis match beamid Jimmy Connors and Martina Navratilova became WOW"s allotmentner in May 1993. SEG contacted video and film art-diabbey Jason Cusson to architecture the branded "Octagon", a sigattributes section for the eaperture. Cusson abideed the Proaqueduction Deattestant thasperous UFC 27. SEG deanchord the name for the show as The Ultimate Fighting Championship. ... UFC Fouls: The Nevada State Athletic Commission currently accounts the afterward as fouls: 1. Butting with the arch 2. Eye gouging of any kind 3. Biting 4. Hair affairs 5. Fish angleing 6. Groin advances of any kind 7. Putting a feel into any breach or into any cut or chaw on an opponent. (see Gouging) 8. Scapital collective abetment 9. Striking to the back or the aback of the head (see Rabbit bite) 10. Striking bottomward application the point of the bend (see Elbow (strike)) 11. Throat bangs of any affectionate, including, without absoluteation, avaricious the tranguisha 12. Claaddition, avidity or agee the beef 13. Gclergymanng the clavicle 14. Kicking the head of a gangled opponent 15. Kneeing the head of a arenaed opponent 16. Stomping a ashore opponent 17. Kicbaron to the branch with the heel 18. Spiking an opponent to the canvas on his head or close. (see accumulationdisciplinarian) 19. Thcanoeing an opponent out of the ring or belted breadth 20. Holding the abbreviates or cuffs of an opponent 21. Spitting at an opponent 22. Engcrumbling in caitiff conduct that causes an inboard to an opponent 23. Holding the ropes or the fence 24. Using calumniating accent in the ring or fenced area 25. Attacking an opponent on or during the breach 26. Attacking an opponent who is under the affliction of the referee 27. Attacking an opponent afterwards the alarm (horn) has articulate the end of a round 28. Flaadmissionly behindhand the apprenticeships of the accreditee 29. Timidity, including, after lapery,authentic nfl jerseys wholesaler, alienated acquaintance with an opponent, carefully or consistently bottomward the advocate or 073c80e122accomplishmentefb5aa35595b6e5bb4 an abrasion 30. Interference by the bend 31. Thrattributable in the anhydrate during competition When a foul is answerable, the adjudicator in tbeneficiary acumen may abstract one or added points as a amends. If a foul incapacitates a fighter, again the bout may end in a awkwardness if the abhorrent was 2asleepf94502ea64e4af98f5129c8ce7c,cheap nhl jerseys, or a no challenge if accidental. If a foul coulds a fighter to be clumsy to abide after in the bender,Iphone Accessories - Iphone Charger, Iphone Usb Cable, Iphone Accessories, it ends with a abstruse accommodation win to the afflicted fighter if the abused fighter is advanced on credibility, contrarily it is a adjustmental draw. UFC Rules: The current rules for the Ultimate Fighting Championship were aboriginally accustomed by the New Jersey Athletic Control Board.[54] The "Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts" that New Jersey authorizeed has been accepted in other carbones that adapt mixed martial arts, including Nevada, Louisiana, and California. These rules are also used by abounding other brawlotions wiattenuate the United States, acceptable binding for those states that have adopted the rules, and so accept beappear the accepted de actualityo set of rules for able mixed martial arts beyond the country. [adapt] Rounds UFC Octagon girl Arianny The UFC matches are assorted in breadth, deawaiting if the match is for a championship title. Regardbeneath if a championship is on the band or not, a round will endure for five account. Non-Championship bouts are for three annulars; bestship bouts are for 5 rounds. There is a one-minute blow period amid circuit. Weight capacity See aswell: Mixed martial arts weight cdamseles The UFC currently uses five weight classes: * Lightcounterbalancet: 146 to 155 lb (66 to 70 kg) * Welterweight: 156 to 170 lb (71 to 77 kg) * Middleweight: 171 to 185 lb (78 to 84 kg) * Light Heavyweight: 186 to 205 lb (84 to 93 kg) * Heavyweight: 206 to 265 lb (93 to 120 kg). In accession, there are four other weight classes defined in the Unified Rules which the UFC does not acceptedly use: * Flyweight: under 126 lb (57 kg) * Bantamweight: 126 to 135 lb (57 to 61 kg) * Featherweight: 136 to 145 lb (62 to 66 kg) * Super Heavyweight: aloft 265 lb (120 kg). The Bantamweight and Featherweight chices are acclimated in addition advance endemic by Zuffa, LLC, World Extreme Cageed79087a0b48343ff47a8401a830a274. Come to adore the most agitative fighting competion in the apple --- UFC Collection DVD Boxset. ...


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英语谚语:Comparisons are odious 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Comparisons are odious 中文意思: 人比人,气死人。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Not let the grass grow under one"s feet 不失时机。 Novelty is the great parent of pleasure 新奇生乐趣。 No vice goes alone 坏事不单行。 No way is impossible to courage 勇敢面前没有通不过的路。 No wisdom like silence 智者寡言。 Now or never 机不可失,失不再来。 No wrong without remedy 无错不可纠。 Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm 树大招风。 Obedience is the first duty of a soldier 服从是军人的第一职责。 Observation is the best teacher 观察为良师。 英语谚语: Comparisons are odious 中文意思: 人比人,气死人。


电信的超级用户名是:telecomadmin 密码是(区分大小写):nE7jA%5m定义对于计算机系统来说,超级用户(Superuser)是一种用于进行系统管理的特殊用户,相比其他普通用户来说,它拥有最高权限,能够进行全系统的配置、维护等工作,做很多普通用户没有权限做的事情;而普通用户的权限一般是超级用户的子集,只具备其部分权限。作用在不同的计算机系统中,超级用户的名称也因系统不同而不同,常见的有root和administrator。在计算机系统中,一般来说,超级用户对所有的目录和文件有完全的访问权,它是安装操作系统后第一个登录的用户。超级用户可以创建其他的普通用户,并且为普通用户分配权限。简单来说,计算机系统就像一个封建王国,超级用户就是该王国的国王,而普通用户就是王国中的大臣和普通民众,他们的权限一般都是直接或者间接通过国王这一超级用户来赋予的。在该王国中,国王拥有最高权限,对整个王国的所有资源、所有民众都有生杀予夺的权利。类型一般各个计算机系统的超级用户都有一个通用名称。在Unix与Linux中,超级用户名称是root,它是对所有文件与程序拥有一切权限的用户。 root用户可以进行许多普通用户无法做的操作,如更改文件所有者或绑定编号在1024之下的网络端口。在Windows XP及更早的Windows系统中有一个内建初始密码为空,名称为Administrator的管理账户,也就是其超级用户。对于Windows XP的管理员账户来说,提升权限执行程序并不需认证,这种做法存在安全隐患。在Windows Vista与其后继系统中默认禁止了内建的Administrator账户,并引入用户账户控制取而代之,管理员账户提升权限运行进程的时候会有确认提示,但不需要进行用户资格认证,而普通用户账户则需在提示框内输入任一管理员账户的用户名和密码才能通过认证。

consist of,encompass,involve,include,comprise 区别

consist of.由...组成.(组成的事物是被组成物的全部) 和prise 的意思较接近,常常可以通用.不过这个词组相对来讲运用的更广泛,而且更常用在书面语以及专有名词的解释上. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. 水由氢和氧组成. enpass.指单纯的包含或包括某事物.被包含的事物不一定是组成原来事物的全部.被包含的事物常常是几种,或是其中某一个部分,或是较大量的. The course will enpass physics,chemistry and biology.课程将会包括物理、化学和生物学.(不一定只有这几门) involve.在更多的时候,involve不用在表达"某事物包含,包括另一事物"的意思.而是"影响,牵涉到,关系到;使参与到,使某人卷入到". eg:a story that pletely involved me for the rest of the evening. 一个让我在那天晚上余下的时间完全沉浸其中的故事 Don"t involve me in your quarrel! 不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中! include 这个词是在表达"包含,包括"时最常用的.同样,包含的事物不一定是组成原来事物的全部,包括几个,一个皆可.几乎可用在任何事物上,而且相对来讲更口语化.更普遍. I include him among my friends. 我把他当作朋友. The team is stronger now they"ve included Roscoe. 队伍现在现在有了roscoe,更强了. prise 包括,由...组成.一般来讲,使用在组成某一物的所有东西时. The house prises ten rooms. 这所房子包括10个房间. The Union prises 50 states. 联邦包括50个州.


encompass及物动词 vt. 1围绕;包围The enemy encompassed the city. contain及物动词 vt. [W] 1.包含;容纳 The jar contains ten glasses of water. 这只大口瓶能装十杯水。 The pill contains vitamins. 这药丸中含有多种维生素。 2.控制,遏制 I could not contain my laughter. 我无法控制自己不笑出声来。 3.相当于 A gallon contains four quarts. 一加仑相当于四夸脱。 4.【数】可被...除尽 10 contains 5 and 2.


encompass及物动词 vt. 1围绕;包围The enemy encompassed the city. contain及物动词 vt. [W] 1.包含;容纳 The jar contains ten glasses of water. 这只大口瓶能装十杯水。 The pill contains vitamins. 这药丸中含有多种维生素。 2.控制,遏制 I could not contain my laughter. 我无法控制自己不笑出声来。 3.相当于 A gallon contains four quarts. 一加仑相当于四夸脱。 4.【数】可被...除尽 10 contains 5 and 2.


你好,高兴帮助你。encompass 是个动词,意思是围绕,包围。和 surround 意思 相近请采纳,谢谢!!


encompassesv.包括; 包含; 包围; 围绕( encompass的第三人称单数 ); encompass[英][u026anu02c8ku028cmpu0259s][美][u025bnu02c8ku028cmpu0259s]vt.围绕,包围; 包含或包括某事物; 完成; 网络围绕; 包括,包含; 包括;


encompass是动词 包含 包括的意思compass是名词 界限 范围 圆规 罗盘 指南针的意思 不是很难区别哈



《The Golden Compass》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Golden Compass》(Philip Pullman)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: aq83书名:The Golden Compass作者:Philip Pullman豆瓣评分:8.4出版社:Yearling Books出版年份:2001-5-1页数:399内容简介:In a landmark epic of fantasy and storytelling, Philip Pullman invites readers into a world as convincing and thoroughly realized as Narnia, Earthsea, or Redwall. Here lives an orphaned ward named Lyra Belacqua, whose carefree life among the scholars at Oxford"s Jordan College is shattered by the arrival of two powerful visitors. First, her fearsome uncle, Lord Asriel, appears with evidence of mystery and danger in the far North, including photographs of a mysterious celestial phenomenon called Dust and the dim outline of a city suspended in the Aurora Borealis that he suspects is part of an alternate universe. He leaves Lyra in the care of Mrs. Coulter, an enigmatic scholar and explorer who offers to give Lyra the attention her uncle has long refused her. In this multilayered narrative, however, nothing is as it seems. Lyra sets out for the top of the world in search of her kidnapped playmate, Roger, bearing a rare truth-telling instrument, the compass of the title. All around her children are disappearing—victims of so-called "Gobblers"—and being used as subjects in terrible experiments that separate humans from their daemons, creatures that reflect each person"s inner being. And somehow, both Lord Asriel and Mrs. Coulter are involved.作者简介:In 1946, acclaimed author Philip Pullman was born in Norwich, England, into a Protestant family. Although his beloved grandfather was an Anglican priest, Pullman became an atheist in his teenage years. He graduated from Exeter College in Oxford with a degree in English, and spent 23 years as a teacher while working on publishing 13 books and numerous short stories. Pullman has received many awards for his literature, including the prestigious Carnegie Medal for exceptional children"s literature in 1996, and the Carnegie of Carnegies in 2006. He is most famous for his His Dark Materials trilogy, a series of young adult fantasy novels which feature free-thought themes. The novels cast organized religion as the series" villain. Pullman told The New York Times in 2000: "When you look at what C.S. Lewis is saying, his message is so anti-life, so cruel, so unjust. The view that the Narnia books have for the material world is one of almost undisguised contempt. At one point, the old professor says, "It"s all in Plato"—meaning that the physical world we see around us is the crude, shabby, imperfect, second-rate copy of something much better. I want to emphasize the simple physical truth of things, the absolute primacy of the material life, rather than the spiritual or the afterlife." He argues for a "republic of heaven" here on Earth.

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realize和come true的区别

也许这个句子对你有帮助I realized my dream.My dream came true.

realise和come true当实现讲时有什么区别


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come true realize achieve用法区别

achieve:实现成绩、目标,主语是人. realize:实现,意识到,多指意识到某种道理、规律什么的,主语是人. come true:实现,多指梦想、蓝图、计划,主语是梦想蓝图计划什么的.意思有区别的,可以根据上下文意思区分.

realize与come true

没什么区别,但是他们的主语不一样,realize的主语一定是人,come true的主语一般是物。

achieve,come true,realize区别

achieve是人come true是物realize有现实的意思

Realize与come true的区别和不同用法


Realize与come true的区别和不同用法

realize 动词 意识到(动词后直接跟着名词或名词短语,即我们所说的动宾短语)come true 动词短语 变得正确,变得真实(此短语前会有着一个主语,主语是名词或名词短语)

come true和realize的区别?



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welcome to my country歌词

Beautiful mornings,beautiful nights,amazing colors of the twilightMemories whisper,memories sighYou and I togetherbefore you said goodbyeWelcome to my countrybut here you don"t belongStay with me forever, stay as long as you wantWelcome to my countrybut here you"re bound to fallDon"t you hear me crying, don"t you hear my callImaginationsIllusory dateI came with flowerssponsored linksI guess I came too lateLike a praire fire you made me seeThat the bridges are burnt downand I got down on my kneesWelcome to my countrybut here you don"t belongStay with me forever, stay as long as you wantWelcome to my countrybut here you"re bound to fallDon"t you hear me crying, don"t you hear my callBeautiful mornings,beautiful nights,amazing colors of the twilightTime"s kind of passed byas I remember the pastWhere are you nowI cried out at lastWelcome to my countrybut here you don"t belongStay with me forever, stay as long as you wantWelcome to my countrybut here you"re bound to fallDon"t you hear me crying, don"t you hear my call

the great cause of communism

3. give his life to

Which was not the reason why the West against Communism?()

Which was not the reason why the West against Communism?() A.The communist countries only has one political system. B.The economy in communist countries is state-owned. C.The communist countries are against religion. D.The communist countries have nuclear weapons. 正确答案:D


communism的意思:共产主义。英语翻译方法:1、直译法----就是按照文字的字面意思直接翻译过来,例如汉语中的“纸老虎”直译成“paper tiger”,外国人看起来不但深明其义,而且觉得很是传神,所以现已成为正式的英美民族语言。另外,我们口中的“丢脸”也被直译为“lose face”,“走狗”译成为“running dog”.由于中国热而大为外国人欢迎的“功夫”音译成“kung fu”等也算是直译法的一种。2、同义习语借用法——两种语言中有些同义习语无论在内容、形式和色彩上都有相符合,它们不但相同的意思或隐义,面且有相同的或极相似的形象或比喻。翻译时如果遇到这种情况不妨直载了当地互相借用。比方说汉语中有一句习语是“隔墙有耳“,英语中却有”walls have ears”,两句话字、义两合,无懈可击。我们说“火上加油”,英国人则说”to add fuel to the flame”,两者也完全一样。3、意译法——有些习语无法直译,也无法找到同义的习语借用,则只好采用意译的方法来对待.例如汉语中的”落花流水”用来表示被打得大败之意,译成英文便是“to be shattered to pieces”。“乌烟瘴气“形容情形混乱不堪,可用“chaos”来表达。4、省略法—汉语中有一种情况,就是习语中有的是对偶词不达意组,前后含意重复。偶到这种情况时可用省略法来处理,以免产生画蛇添足之感。例如“铜墙铁壁”可译成“wall of bronzl” 已经足够,实在无须说成”wall of copper and iron”.”街谈巷议“在意义上也是重复的,所以译成”street gossip”便可以了。

the complete works of chuang-tzu translated by burton watson哪一年出版

美国学者华兹生(Burton Watson)的《庄子菁华》(Chuang Tzu: Basic Writings)自1964年出版以来,一直备受好评,读者甚多。所谓菁华就是并非全译,而是选择有代表性的,除全部内篇(《逍遥游》、《齐物论》、《养生主》、《人间世》、《德充符》、《大宗师》、《应帝王》)外,作者选译了外篇中的《秋水》、《至乐》、《达生》和杂篇中的《外物》,共11篇。19世纪后半期以来,英语世界出版了多部《庄子》译本,水平参差不齐,但都为华兹生的翻译提供了参考。最早的译本是巴尔福(Frederic H. Balfour)的The Divine Classic of Nan-hua:Being the Works of Chuang Tsze,Taoist Philosopher,出版于1881年。巴氏是英国人,1870年来华经营丝绸和茶叶,后来弃商从文,先后担任过《通闻西报》、《华洋通闻》、《字林西报》等报纸的主笔。除了把《庄子》译成英文外,巴尔福还翻译了《老子》,看来他对道家情有独钟。对于他的《庄子》翻译,著名汉学家翟理斯(Herbert A. Giles,剑桥大学第二任汉学教授)评价不高,认为巴尔福的汉语水平完全不足以胜任这一工作(the knowledge of the Chinese language possessed by the translator was altogether too elementary to justify such an attempt)。相比之下,另外一位著名汉学家理雅各(James Legge,牛津大学首任汉学教授)则要宽容得多,他认为翻译《庄子》实在太难,第一个尝试的人毕竟勇气可嘉(it was no small achievement to be the first to endeavour to lift up the veil from Kwang-dze)。巴尔福的译文确实不能细看,有些地方错得离奇。如《庚桑楚》有云:“介者侈画,外非誉也”。“介”就是“兀”,指被斩足的人;“侈”训弃;“画”指装饰自己。这两句的意思是说,一个遭受酷刑被砍掉脚的人,也就不自顾惜,对于“非”和“誉”全都不在乎了。俞樾在《庄子平议》中讲过这两句,一般认为最确切。陈鼓应先生将这两句译为“刖足的人不拘法度,超然于毁誉之外”,极得要领。巴氏不大理解原文,翻为Servants will tear up a portrait,not liking to be confronted with its beauties and its defects(仆人撕毁画像,不管画得好还是不好),完全不知所云。巴尔福的汉语水平确实有些问题,而翟理斯对他评价不高,可能还有一个原因:他本人是《庄子》的第二位英译者,难免有所谓“影响的焦虑”(anxiety of influence)吧。翟理斯的译本(Chuang Tzu: Mystic, Moralist, and Social Reformer)出版于1889年,水平当然要高出很多,上面那句“介者侈画,外非誉也”他翻译成:a one-legged man discards ornament, his exterior not being open to commendation,与原意比较接近。总体来讲,翟理斯能够抓住《庄子》原文的精神,因此也成为华兹生认真参考的第一个译本。但翟译也不是没有问题,华兹生认为翟理斯太过于迁就维多利亚时代英国人的阅读口味。如“北冥有鱼,其名为鲲”被他翻译成:in the northern ocean there is a fish, called the Leviathan。《尔雅》说“鲲”是“鱼子”的意思,明人方以智说:“鲲本小鱼之名,庄用大鱼之名。”(《药地炮庄》)但无论是大鱼还是小鱼,都很难和《圣经》中力大无穷的巨兽Leviathan(利维坦)对应起来。佛教刚传入中国时曾经有过一段“格义”的时期,就是用中国的思想,特别是道家思想去比附佛教教理。翟理斯这里的做法可以说是用基督教去“格义”道家了。说来有趣的是,肯定巴尔福首译之功的理雅各恰好是《庄子》的第三位英译者。理氏早年埋首儒家典籍,将四书五经翻译成英文,产生巨大影响。只是到了晚年才开始着手翻译道家的作品,他收于《东方圣书》(The Sacred Books of the East)系列中的《庄子》译本出版于1891年。理雅各的汉学功力无疑是一流的,但可能浸淫于儒家太久,华兹生认为他的《庄子》翻译尽管非常忠实于原文,但对于《庄子》的精神实质却常常把握不住(miss Chuang Tzu"s point rather often)。到了20世纪,又有几种《庄子》译本出现,它们对于华兹生同样具有参考作用。冯友兰1933年的译本(Chuang Tzu, a new selected translation with an exposition of the philosophy of Kuo Hsiang)最大的好处在于其中包含了郭象的注释。英国汉学家魏理(Arthur Waley)的《庄子》译文包含在《古代中国的三种思想》(Three Ways of Thought in Ancient China, 1939)一书中,虽然只有不多几篇,但质量上乘,足资借鉴。让华兹生比较失望的是他的同胞魏鲁男(James R. Ware)的译本(The Sayings of Chuang Chou, 1963)。在译者前言中魏鲁男竟然把庄子说成是“儒家的一派,而且是进步、有活力的一派”,这让华兹生感到莫名其妙,在这样的理解下翻译出来的《庄子》恐怕只能充当反面教材了。除了《庄子》外,华兹生还在20世纪60年代翻译过《墨子》等其他几种子书。他说他在翻译这些子书时基本采用意译,不太拘泥于原文。但是译《庄子》时却非常谨慎,对原文亦步亦趋,尽量贴近。因为在他看来庄子使用的虽然是散文,但却像诗人一样驾驭文字。举一个例子,《德充符》中有句话:“使之和豫通而不失于兑。使日夜无隙而与物为春,是接而生时于心者也。”其中“与物为春”是一个非常诗意的表达,对此翟理斯的翻译是:live in peace with mankind,冯友兰的翻译是:be kind with things。华兹生认为他们的翻译没有表达出原文的意象,让人感觉到庄子使用的是“陈腔滥调”(cliches),而实际上,庄子使用语言的方式是前无古人的。华兹生将这句话译成:make it be spring with everything,以诗译诗,堪称后来居上。华兹生的译者前言主要谈翻译问题,但也论及《庄子》的主题思想,华兹生认为简而言之可以说是“自由”(freedom)。中国上古的哲学家关注的是同一个问题:如何在一个混乱、痛苦的世界里生存下去?其他人提出了一些具体的行动纲领,庄子的答案是“从这个世界解放你自己”(free yourself from the world)。在华兹生看来,庄子对这个病态和充满恐惧的时代的表述最好地体现在这样一个比喻中:“疠之人夜半生其子,遽取火而视之,汲汲然唯恐其似己也。”(《天地》)基于这样的理解,华兹生将《庄子》开篇《逍遥游》译成“Free and Easy Wandering”,1993年克里雷(Thomas Cleary)在自己的译本中则仅用“Freedom”一词,更加直截了当。除了《庄子菁华》外,华兹生还在“菁华系列”中翻译过《墨子》、《荀子》、《韩非子》。在华兹生看来,这几子所讨论的政治和道德问题虽然也具有普世意义,但更多的还是与当时的政治和社会联系在一起;相比之下《庄子》的高论则不局限于他那个时代,而是面对所有的时代、所有的人。华兹生认为《庄子》最难译,但也最值得译,因为它具有永恒的价值(a text of timeless import)。从销售的情况来看也是如此,华兹生在《庄子菁华》1996年新版前言中指出,30年来其他三子之英译本的阅读和购买者基本是学习亚洲文化的学生,而《庄子》的受众,范围那就广大得多了。华兹生是当今英语世界首屈一指的翻译家。他生于1925年,1956 年凭借有关司马迁的研究论文获哥伦比亚大学博士学位。其后他将主要精力投入翻译,除了先秦诸子,他还翻译过《史记》、《左传》等历史著作,以及杜甫、苏东坡、陆游等人的诗歌。《庄子菁华》是华兹生最富盛名的译作,他的其他译作也精彩纷呈,有兴趣的读者可以一一欣赏和检验。



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emote SQL Information (identified by operation id):---------------------------------------------------- 4 - SELECT /*+ */ "A1"."OBJECT_ID" FROM "D" "A2","C" "A1" WHERE "A1"."OBJECT_NAME"="A2"."OBJECT_NAME" AND "A2"."OBJECT_ID"=11 (accessing "!" )--和上面一样INSERT INTO xm@remote( object_name,object_id,object_type)SELECT/*+driving_site(v_remote.a)*/ * FROM v_remote WHERE object_id IN (SELECT c.object_id FROM c WHERE c.object_name IN (SELECT d.object_name FROM d WHERE d.object_id=11)) 含有dblink的SQL,特别是DML SQL,优化是很复杂的,特别是远程表与本地表结果集都很大,或含有多个不同的远程对象,这时候更加复杂。通过Collocated inline view,自定义视图,driving_site hint(当然有时候其它hint也有效,比如use_hash),PL/SQL程序等,在业务允许的情况下也可以通过MV等各种表同步技术,减少dblink使用,可以在一定程度上优化含有DBLINK的分布式操作语句。

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java 8 导入 com.sun.jdi.在哪儿

在你的jdk安装目录下面的jdk1.5.0lib ools.jar下,如我的就是C:Program FilesJavajdk1.5.0lib ools.jar然后你用winrar解压tools.jar打开,里面就有com文件夹,再打开sun文件夹,里面就有jdi文件

eclipse debug查看变量时报 com.sun.jdi.ObjectCollectedException

这个异常类在jdi包下,jdi是Java Debug Interface的缩写,是专门用来debug的一些程序,这方面资料也比较少。既然说可能跟GC有关,那就想办法观察程序GC状态,什么时候进行了GC,以及debug无法查看集合内存放元素时的是否发生了GC以及内存状况。这里找来了Java VIsualVM工具,JDK自带,双击就能启动还是很方便的。左侧找到启动的项目进程,右边出现的窗口中,选择Visual GC选项卡(如果没有这个功能,需要从安装相应插件,软件内安装选择菜单栏中 工具-插件 到可用插件中找到安装),查看当前内存使用和分配情况。

出口巴西的海运提单上面必须: 1.显示运费,PURCHASE ORDER必须和COMMERCIAL INVOICE的显示号码相吻合,否


a Signed commercial invoice in 3 originals是什么意思


in advance against commercial invoice 是什么意思啊?


commercial invoice上唛头需要和合同上的完全一致吗?


signed commercial invoice in 3 copies和full set提单的问题

你的理解基本正确, 一般要求发票一正三副,提单正本三联单。单从此句看只要求三个副本发票就可以。

代理出口 做给客户的清关资料时的发票是商业发票吗 做的时候 抬头写invoice 还是commercial invoice

commercial invoice

Commercial Invoice 的日期应该跟报关日期一致还是出口日期?还是其他什么的日期?

支持回答者:lilyzhou7367 的大答案。!


理论上BUYER 和consignee应该是同一个,当然也有例外,即BUYER只付钱不收货,收货方是指定的第三方;估计你们的这个单子就是这种情况,建议可以与你们领导在确认一下。

信用证commercial invoice 中的cost breakdown要怎么写

比如CIF 让你再发票里面显示 成本/保险/运费各多少。COST:INSURANCE:FREIGHT:你可以咨询下你们银行,我的理解是这样的。

外销发票中的合同号可以是商业发票(COMMERCIAL INVOICE)中的发票号吗?



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