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raven.min.js里面的各种字母方法(function a(){}等等等)代表什么意思

js中的json. 一种轻量级数据格式.json中的值是map形式的就是key->value. 具体看下边的示例;var person = { // 用 大括号括声明一个json."name":"lz" //key是name, value是lz;};//这个时候你可以这样使用它alert(person.name);//-----------如果你试了一下代码,到这里你应该明白它是什么格式了..//------a:function(){} 中 a是key,function() 是 valuevar person2 = {"name":"lz", //有多个 key,value 用,号分开."say" : function(){alert("hello word!");}}person2.say();/ * 其中 say:function(){alert("hello word!")}; 类似于var say = function(){alert("hello word!");};*/

红警代码中weapon(武器) warhead(弹头)projectile(抛射体)之间的关系是?


Warnings: style of function definition is now obsolete 是什么意思?

obsoleteadj.荒废的, 陈旧的n.废词, 陈腐的人****************Warnings: style of function definition is now obsolete警告:函数类型的定义是一个"obsolete"************Graphics not initialized 图形没有初始化就使用initgraph你使用了,但是你没有初始化啊

Pacific-Antarctic Ridge是什么意思

Pacific-Antarctic Ridge 生词本简明释义[地名] [太平洋] 太平洋-南极海岭以下结果由 金山词霸 提供网络释义太平洋-南极洋脊

衍射光栅(iffraction grating)是什么?

衍射光栅是光栅的一种。它通过有规律的结构,使入射光的振幅或相位(或两者同时)受到周期性空间调制。衍射光栅在光学上的最重要应用是作为分光器件,常被用于单色仪和光谱仪上。中文名衍射光栅外文名Diffraction grating相关公式d·sinθ= n·λ 分类反射和透射快速导航原理衍射光栅强度分布简介实际应用的衍射光栅通常是在表面上有沟槽或刻痕的平板。这样的光栅可以是透射光栅或反射光栅。可以调制入射光的相位而不是振幅的衍射光栅也能生产。一块非常大的反射式衍射光栅衍射光栅的原理是苏格兰数学家詹姆斯·格雷戈里发现的,发现时间大约在牛顿的棱镜实验的一年后。詹姆斯·格雷戈里大概是受到了光线透过鸟类羽毛的启发。公认的最早的人造光栅是德国物理学家夫琅禾费在1821年制成的,那是一个极简单的金属丝栅网。但也有人争辩说费城发明家戴维·里滕豪斯于1785年在两根螺钉之间固定的几根头发才是世界上第一个人造光栅。[1]原理通常所讲的衍射光栅是基于夫琅禾费多缝衍射效应工作的。描述光栅结构与光的入射角和衍射角之间关系的公式叫“光栅方程”。波在传播时,波阵面上的每个点都可以被认为是一个单独的次波源;这些次波源再发出球面次波,则以后某一时刻的波阵面,就是该时刻这些球面次波的包络面(惠更斯原理)。一个理想的衍射光栅可以认为由一组等间距的无限长无限窄狭缝组成,狭缝之间的间距为d,称为光栅常数。当波长为λ的平面波垂直入射于光栅时,每条狭缝上的点都扮演了次波源的角色;从这些次波源发出的光线沿所有方向传播(即球面波)。由于狭缝为无限长,可以只考虑与狭缝垂直的平面上的情况,即把狭缝简化为该平面上的一排点。则在该平面上沿某一特定方向的光场是由从每条狭缝出射的光相干叠加而成的。在发生干涉时,由于从每条狭缝出射的光的在干涉点的相位都不同,它们之间会部分或全部抵消。然而,当从相邻两条狭缝出射的光线到达干涉点的光程差是光的波长的整数倍时,两束光线相位相同,就会发生干涉加强现象。以公式来描述,当衍射角θm满足关系dsinθm/λ=|m|时发生干涉加强现象,这里d为狭缝间距,即光栅常数,m是一个整数,取值为0,±1,±2,……。这种干涉加强点称为衍射极大。因此,衍射光将在衍射角为θm时取得极大,即:上式即为光栅方程。

special issue,topic,collection

special issue的意思是:专辑;特刊;专刊 issue 读法 英 [u02c8u026au0283uu02d0] 美 [u02c8u026au0283uu02d0] 1、n.重要议题;争论的问题;(有关某事的)问题,担忧;一期;期号 2、v.宣布;公布;发出;(正式)发给,供给;(尤指通过正式文件)将…诉诸法律 短语: 1、political issue 政治问题 2、rights issue 增股;权利股发行 3、current issue 现刊;现期杂志;近期杂志 4、bond issue 债券发行

Scrum五个事件之五:回顾会议(Retrospective Meeting)

时间:在每个Sprint结束 时长:每月不超过3小时 参与人:Scrum Team (1)为什么要开回顾会议? 回顾会议是对已完成的这个Sprint的一个反思。古人云,吾日三省吾身。Scrum 就是每个Sprint反思一次。在Sprint的进行中,因为有时间上的压力,好多事情我们都没能够去更加深入的思考,或者,一些事情需要去总结整理,我们都没有去做。回顾会议给了我们一个记起这些事情的机会。通过回顾会议,我们知道了这个Sprint哪些事情做的比较好,可以继续的保持,哪些事情做的不够好,需要继续努力。这样,可以使得我们的工作更加高效。 (2)都要回顾哪些内容? 我觉得主要是Scrum流程和工作任务相关的。这个Sprint,我们对于Scrum或者是Agile的流程做的怎么样?还有就是在工作中的一些事情。比如完成了哪些任务,使你比较满意,或者挫败。 (ps:我的manager比较Open,鼓励我们回顾内容范围更广) (3)回顾会议的形式 我们使用的是Rose,Throne,Bud方法。这是一个帮助我们分类问题的方法。 首先,我们把这个Sprint发生的事情写下来,一般都是跟你有关系的。这些事情可以分为三类:

请帮忙翻译成中文,Like any placebo, it must be dispensed with authority to be effective. 谢谢!

Like any placebo, it must be dispensed with authority to be effective. 如同任何安慰剂,它必须免除权是有效的。谢谢!

instruction of mould changing和instruction for mould changing的区别

there are less people



Leak detection hole

*** Attention *** *** 各位注意 *** This electronic mail including attachments is intended only for the person(s) or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged material and information. 电子邮件及其附件仅仅是发送给署名地址的人或公司,里面包含了保密或法律所允许的材料与资料。Unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this material and information may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. 未经许可打开邮件,复制,散发或使用该材料与资料将是违法的,是严格禁止的。If you are not the intended recipient and have received this mail in error, please immediately contact the sender and delete all contents of the e-mail as well as any copies made. 加入你无意中收到不是真正寄给你的邮件(收到寄错地址的邮件),请及时通知发信人,并且删除所有内容,以及收件时所做的拷贝件。Thank You! 谢谢!

请问谁知道overactive thyroid和underactive thyroid的意思




Sonata Arctica的《Deathaura》 歌词

歌曲名:Deathaura歌手:Sonata Arctica专辑:The Days Of Grays标题:Deathaura艺术家:Sonata Arctica"Remember when I told you how mykin is different in some ways?And how you should not fall in lovewith someone like me, anyway...Between the lines, people see signsWhen they feel the sear, every day"s fear...and one night their torchesfind the girl without a name...And the one who has herlove is no more safe..."-"And until I get my peace I"m but a shade..."THE WITCH-HUNTThe sun lit the White Mountain"s snow covered peaks,There I see you, amongst the good people, suffering..."She is the One, the unwanted, decidedly so,"cause she makes our children cry.It"s a fact, she is exactly that!A harbinger of death from the World of Witchcraft,And she"s feeding them cakes and her ale to this innocent boy,and her magic brings dismay..."EXPOSING THE HEATHEN"I hear her in the wind, the bane of our townCome with me, father, I"m to expose a heathen"In my home townno one"s safe nowyoung love"s been forbiddenFor five-fold kisses, my only love had to die...ENVY"Your crops are all flourishing, so what"s the catch?I know what you are, the new evil unhatched...As sure as the dawn, They will hear what I know,and recognize you, and you"ll be cleansed too..."THE FEARFor the good, trusting people in town,in their fear stricken hearts,seeing skyclad"s a sign like the Deathaura,every night, so painful"s the memory of love in the dark.One wheel of the year ends their short lives in fear"I hear her in the wind, the bane of our town.Come with me, oh, father the heathen is exposed."THE GRUDGE-"In the age of burning times, you saved my life...the blaze grew ever higher.I was your Cunning Man...hiding in the light,now your land shall go sour...Your own fears will destroy everythingEnvy consumes all, and "thou shall not..."Though it hurts, I must tell you"I am truly the One...behind it all..."THE CURSEIn the hands of time we all will dieThe dead of night will devour your child...The creation o" beliefs you′ve been fedThe fear, the unknown, the poison loved by death.THE FLAMESIn the cool of the night airFlames purify minds, wherealmost anyone could be the next..."Unless morning finds all of them somehow hexed..."ENDLESS INQUISITIONinstrumental...TOGETHER, TODAY, FOR ALL ETERNITY"I Remember how you told me,your kin"s different, on that sunny day?"you made me smile, "cause I was just about to say the same thing..."so deeply entwined, love of a lifetime...But they paid someone to say their torment has a nameand after all these years we get to be together for all eternity.金属梦:66032164http://music.baidu.com/song/23666370

in the section 和at the stall的用法

in the section是指这个部分 ,at the stall是指在这个摊位。_热缭炀洌_n this section,you will hear a short passage,在这个部分,你会听到一个短文,He"s got a market stall.他有个市场摊位。_硎灸骋坏阄恢?,用 at,在什么里面用in。

adjective 、、shampoo、这英语怎么读阿?



action queue plus 行为排队论,用法就是摁住shift然后鼠标左键或右键框选,左键捡石头就左键框选,右键挖树根重置陷阱就右键框选

Gate valves serve as efficient stop valves with flow in either direction. 英语句子成份怎么划分?

在这句英语中,可以将其划分为以下成分:主语、谓语、宾语和两个介词短语。- 主语:Gate valves- 谓语:serve as efficient stop valves- 宾语:没有直接宾语,可以看作是省略了to stop the flow的宾语。- 介词短语:- with flow 作定语修饰stop valves,表示阀门可以在任何方向上通过流体。- in either direction 作后置定语修饰介词短语with flow,表示阀门可以使流体在两个方向上流动。因此,整个句子的意思是:“闸阀是高效的止回阀,在任何方向上的流动都能够停止。”



My brother is collecting shells怎么改为否定句?

My brother is not collecting shells.

production yield output 意为产量有什么区别?

yield 常指农作物产量,但并不只表示农作物产量 . Production除了常表示工业产量外,也可以表示其他出品,像电影、出版物;output 是机器﹑ 工人等的产量,比如钢产量和人均生产量.

yield 和 production的区别


non-action verbs是指哪些词?

can must should will would could shall be

谁能为我讲解下非行为动词(Non-Action Verbs)

情态动词 can must should will would could shall be动词 be is am are was were 感官动词 如 sound feel taste look smell ... 用于进行时要根据语境和时态而定,表示正在进行的动作就用进行时

英语,什么是nonaction verbs,这些单词有哪些?

就是那些不能表示正在进行的动作的词(也就是不能用现在进行时)non-action verb 通常反映一个事物的状态,常用的有like, seem, appear, taste, sound等等。例句:Mr. Tactful is seeming like a nice guy.(Wrong!)Mr. Tactful seems like a nice guy.(Correct)This salad is tasting delicious.(Wrong!)This salad tastes delicious.(Correct)I am liking banana cream pie.(Wrong!)I like banana cream pie.(Correct)

英语,什么是nonaction verbs,这些单词有哪些

你好,他表示不能用进行时的动词。不能用进行时的动词1) 表示状态的动词,如be, seem, appear, become, get等。He is being a used-car dealer.(误)He is a used-car dealer.(正)She is seeming always about to smile.(误)She seems always about to smile.(正)2) 表示表示感觉或感情的词动词,如see(看见), hear(听见),feel(感觉出), taste(尝出),smell(闻到), seem, notice, hate, love, like, want, wish, refuse, prefer, forgive等。如:等。 The medicine is tasting bitter. (误)The medicine tastes bitter. (正)I was seeing a car passing by our house. (误)I saw a car passing by our house. (正)This cake smells wonderful.这蛋糕闻起来很香。(不说This cake is smelling...)He hears much better after an operation. 手术后他的听力强多了。(不说He is hearing...)这些动词之所以不用于进行时态,是因为这些感官的感觉是无意识的。如果这些动词表示有意识的行为,则可以用于进行时态。试比较:She was smelling scent at one counter while I was buying some medicine at another. 她在一个柜台闻着香水,我在另一个柜台买药。(因为此处smell为有意识的行为,所以用进行时态) The clerk sprayed her with some scent and she smelt like a scent shop herself the whole evening.店员给她的身上 喷了些香水,整个晚上她的身上像香水店一样散发着香气。(因为此处smell表示无意识的行为,所以不用进行时态)但是,如果这些动词词义改变,就可以用于进行时态。例如:① hearI shall be hearing some new applications for the choir this afternoon. 今天下午我将对新加入合唱队的人进行审听。(hear在此表示“审听”)② feel如果feel用来表示身体状况和心情,则可以用于进行时态和非进行时态。例如: How are you feeling now?(feel在此表示身体的感觉) How do you feel now? ③ seesee的有些用法不表示“视觉”,所以都可以用进行时态。如:He is seeing a new secretary.他正在会见秘书。He is seeing his mother home. 他送母亲回家。They are seeing to your matter now.他们正在处理你的事情。3)表示存在或所属拥有的词,如:exist, stay, remain, obtain, have, form, contain, own, possess, belong, contain, hold等。 Mr Zhu now has(possesses,owns)a very smart car. 朱先生现在有一部非常时髦的车。 This drawer contains(holds)all the love letters we own. 这抽屉装着我们所有的情书He is owning a luxurious car. (误)He owns a luxurious car. (正)The book is belonging to her. (误)The book belongs to her.(正)4) 表示思想状况、态度、认识,猜想或理解的动词,如believe, think, know, understand, agree, approve, consider, expect, forget, guess, hesitate, hope, imagine, mean, realize, remember, suppose(猜想), trust, want, wish, doubt (怀疑)

“non-action verbs”是什么意思?

non-action verbs非行为动词就这个意思丰富不了了

在统计学里, collectively exhaustive如何翻译?

A and B cannot be both independent and mutually exclusiveA和B不能既相互独立又互斥(如果AB互斥则A等于B补,不相互独立)。


"Extinction slope" 是统计学中一个术语,指在逐步减少某种刺激的情况下,相应反应的变化速度。当统计学家使用 "Extinction slope" 时,通常是为了衡量一种行为模式的稳定性和持久性。在实验中,通过观察和记录行为的响应和反应,可以计算出某个行为模式的 Extinction slope,从而了解该行为模式的特点和表现。具体来说,"Extinction slope" 表示了该行为模式逐渐消失的速度,即该行为模式被刺激逐渐减少或消失的情况下,相应反应的下降速度。通过计算 "Extinction slope" 可以得出该行为模式的稳定性和持久性,以及对不同刺激变化的适应能力。这个概念通常用于行为心理学和实验心理学的研究中,用于研究动物或人类的行为习惯和适应能力。

excel vba 自带function slope(y,x)中如何选中y,x


人教版,八年级下册英语第一单元section b 2b的翻译


什么是Needle detecting test

Needle detecting test全部释义和例句>> 针检测试验



Eclipse安装jetty报错了 An error occurred while collecting items to be installed,具体如下:

进入help->software updates点击manage sitesRemove掉所有的已有站点返回到software updates and add-ons页面,重新创建站点并update


函数名字错了,//当客户点击菜单中的某个选项时,会调用改方法,点击的选项作为参数传进来public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) 是这个函数;return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);别的没啥错误;




function.sav打开方式如下:1.sav文件一般是存档文件,就比如你游戏中途到一般的时候需要存档案,下次接着玩就是靠这个文件,可以用UltraEdit等编辑工具打开,但不能播放 .一般打开那个游戏或软件再打开试试。2. SAV 文件是游戏保存文件 ,可以删除,是原来你玩游戏留下的备份叫做:可储存文件。 一般游戏的文件里有,就是你所谓的“进度” 很多游戏的存盘文件其后缀名均为SAV,它实际上是一种数据格式,你只能用创建这些存盘文件的游戏读取这些文件,而不能通过第三方软件进行修改。即使你用编辑软件如EDIT打开,它也是一片乱码。 PAK文件使用中华压缩软件就可以打开. 中华压缩(ChinaZip) 10.8 。重要的压缩/解压缩文档请交给中华压缩【ChinaZip】 ★中华压缩【ChinaZip】——世界压缩解压缩软件领先者! ★支持28种压缩格式,是全球支持压缩格式最多的功能强大的中国压缩、解压缩软件! ★中国人自己开发的功能强大的压缩、解压缩软件!

VB activex ocx控件 菜单编辑器



您好,(1)在res--menu目录下的main.xml文件。(2)类的文件package com.example.menu_showasaction; import android.os.Bundle; import android.app.Activity; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.widget.Toast; public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case R.id.create: Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "create...", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); break; default: break; } return super.onMenuItemSelected(featureId, item); } }



extra section 用英语解释下~ 谢谢


take direction in english from staff menbers.是什么意

take direction in english from staff menbers.是向员工提供英语指导的意思学习,是指通过阅读、听讲、思考、研究、实践等途径获得知识和技能的过程。学习分为狭义与广义两种:狭义:通过阅读、听讲、研究、观察、理解、探索、实验、实践等手段获得知识或技能的过程,是一种使个体可以得到持续变化(知识和技能,方法与过程,情感与价值的改善和升华)的行为方式。例如通过学校教育获得知识的过程。广义:是人在生活过程中,通过获得经验而产生的行为或行为潜能的相对持久为方式。社会上总会出现一种很奇怪的现象,一些人嘴上埋怨着老板对他不好,工资待遇太低什么的,却忽略了自己本身就是懒懒散散,毫无价值。自古以来,人们就会说着“因果循环”,这话真不假,你种什么因,就会得到什么果。这就是不好好学习酿成的后果,那么学习有什么重要性呢?物以类聚人以群分,什么样水平的人,就会处在什么样的环境中。更会渐渐明白自己是什么样的能力。了解自己的能力,交到同水平的朋友,自己个人能力越高,自然朋友质量也越高。在大多数情况下,学习越好,自身修养也会随着其提升。同样都是有钱人,暴发户摆弄钱财只会让人觉得俗,而真正有知识的人,气质就会很不一样。高端大气的公司以及产品是万万离不了知识的,只有在知识上不输给别人,才可以在别的地方不输别人。孩子的教育要从小抓起,家长什么样孩子很大几率会变成什么样。只有将自己的水平提升,才会教育出更好的孩子。而不是一个目光短浅的人。因为有文化的父母会给孩子带去更多的在成长方面的的帮助,而如果孩子有一个有文化的父母,通常会在未来的道路上,生活得更好,更顺畅。学习是非常的重要,学习的好坏最终决定朋友的质量、自身修养和后代教育等方面,所以平时在学习中要努力。

产品的价格。如何用英语翻译?是the price of the production 还是 the price for the production。

3. I notice that the advertisement leaves out the price of the product. 我注意到广告没有提到产品的价格. 来自《简明英汉词典》4. You can also increase sales by lowering the product price. 你也可以通过降低产品价格来增加销售

手机上viber突然连不上网了 一直显示connecting to service 就是连接不上没法打电话了 谁知道怎么回事


Mass Production的《Galaxy》 歌词

歌曲名:Galaxy歌手:Mass Production专辑:Welcome To Our World「日剧-辣妹逮捕令 OP」GALAXY歌:片濑那奈dandandan dodidodidandandandandan dodidodidandan何を求める急ぎ足恋は追うほど逃げるだけ日々の探究心 刹那主义で胸騒ぎ 始终、相撃ちにdandandan dodidodidandan银河色の弾丸dandandan 撃ちまくろうyah yah yahクロアゲハ 闇夜に身を隠して见たいものはいつでも见えないのは何故?dandandan dodidodidandan银河色の弾丸dandandan 撃ちまくろうyah yah yah私のココロは永久に 双眼镜にうつらない星今は爱という约束事确かめてみたいだけひとつずつ触れることで自由になれるdandandan dodidodidandandandandan dodidodidandanyah yah yahdandandan dodidodidandandandandan撃ちまくろうyah yah yahdandandan dodidodidandan银河色の弾丸dandandan 撃ちまくろうyah yah yahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8218595

名侦探柯南的英文介绍introduction of detective conan

Shin"ichi Kudou is a high-school student who is famous for helping the police solves crimes. His almost girlfriend, Ran Mouri, is the captain of the karate club. Ran"s father, Kogoro Mouri, is a detective and blames Shin"ichi for his lack of business. One night while Shin"ichi follows someone suspicious in the amusement park Tropical Land, he is given poison by a man in black which was supposed to kill him, but instead shrinks him to the of a six year old. Under the suggestion of Professor Agasa, he keeps his identity a secret from everyone until he can change back, going under the name Conan Edogawa based from mystery writers Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and Ranpo Edogawa. A grade 11 student named Shinich hopes to be a detective.He solves challenging mysteries for police. One day, he met Gin & Vodka and they give Shinich which bring him to a child. Dr. Agasa discover shinich turn into child and Dr. Agasa call him to keep this secret . Shinichi prevends to be Conan Edogawa and live in his friend"s house,Ran Mouri. Ran"s father,Kogorou Mouri,also is a detective but a stupid detective.Conan help kogorou using a changing voice bow tie and his watch to help kogorou to solve case. Intro: "Detective Conan" is a detective mystery manga created by Goushou Aoyama in 1994. It"s serialized in the weekly shounen magazine "Shounen Sunday." There"s also an anime series based on the manga. Both manga and anime are wildly popular in Japan, and they are both still ongoing. There are 47+ volumes of the manga published so far, and 300+ episodes of the anime aired. The manga and anime are being released in North America under the name "Case Closed" by VIZ. See the Americanization section below. Story: The story is about a 17-year-old genius detective named Shinichi Kudou who gets poisoned by a mysterious underground crime organization and shrinks into his 7-year-old body. He"s forced to hide his true identity, and fools his almost-girlfriend Ran into believing that he"s just a 7-year-old boy named Conan Edogawa. He ends up living with Ran and her father in their home slash private detective agency. He continues to try and find a cure to un-shrink his body, solving various mystery cases along the way. Very few people know Conan"s secret, and to this day, Ran is still clueless.1、Conan Edogawa After being discovered snooping around the shady business of a pair of criminals, Jimmy Kudo is given an experimental drug that transforms the teen sleuth to childhood size! Luckily Jimmy retained his intelligence and panache for solving the most difficult of crimes. Not wanting to reveal his true identity, Jimmy adopts the name Conan in honor of the creator of his hero, Sherlock Holmes. As Conan this pint sized detective is able to gather clues that the police and Detective Richard Moore, the bumbling P.I. Conan lives with, are unable to see. Although Conan takes great pleasure in solving crimes, he yearns to uncover the clues behind the "Men in Black" that forced him to take the experimental drug that forever changed his life. 2、Jimmy Kudo 新一 Jimmy Kudo is widely regarded as one of the top detectives in the land..and he is only in high school! The police often solicit his services, albeit sometimes unwillingly, in their efforts to solve difficult cases. Despite his age, Jimmy gets results, and his confidence is clearly evident. Jimmy is a top athlete as well, often relying on his physical abilities to apprehend a crook. His father is a famous writer of detective novels, a fact that is inseparable from his career choice and his choice of personal hero, the one and only Sherlock Holmes. 3、Rachel Moore 兰 After Jimmy"s mysterious disappearance, the happy go lucky girl decides to help take care of the young stranger, Conan, who claims to be a distant relative of the lost Jimmy. Rachel is fearless in the face of danger and always willing to lend a helping hand in the detective work of her father, Richard. She keeps a close eye on Conan in the hopes of keeping him out of trouble and because she sees many of Jimmy"s traits in the young boy. Just as with Jimmy, Rachel is never shy about putting Conan in his place because of his age as well as scolding her father for his lazy habits. She is also a student of martial arts, a skill that helps keep her out of many jams. 江户川柯南 Conan EDOGAWA Conan, who has the physical appearance of elementary school kid, is in reality Shinichi Kudo, a high schooler who is equivalent to a modern Sherlock Holmes. One night, Shinichi Kudo was discovered eavesdropping into criminal activity. He was caught and beaten by the criminals. In order not to disturb the police, the criminals forced Shinichi to consume a newly invented pill that was designed to kill anyone without a trace. However, the drug failed, and instead of killing Shinichi, it turned him into a small kid! From then on, Shinichi resumes a totally different identity under Conan Edogawa. Conan befriends Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko. Together, they form the Detective Boys team. 工藤新一 Shinichi KUDO Shinichi, a high school student, is equivalent to a modern Sherlock Holmes. However, he turns into a small kid after being forced into consuming a deadly pill. He is professional at soccer and uses his soccer practice to train his body and mind. His close friends include another high schooler, Ran Mouri, and his next door neighbor and inventor, Dr. Agasa. All the high school girls swoon Shinichi, which often makes Ran jealous. 毛利兰 Ran MOURI Ran, who is high school friends with Shinichi, was with him on the night that he disappeared. Later, she accidentally stumbles into Conan and adopts him. She doesn"t know that Conan really is Shinichi even though she eventually suspects it. Ran is trained in martial arts and often uses her skills to help defeat criminals. Ran lives with her dad, Kogoro Mouri, a detective who isn"t quite bright. 灰原哀 Ai HAIBARA/sherry A fan favorite, this mysterious little girl is just plain mysterious and quiet. She, like Conan, also took the APTX-4869 pill (she used to be a woman with the codename of Sherry among other names). So, it might as well be that she"s in serious danger if the members of the Black Organization ever come lurking around! There"s also a lot of indication/talk on whether she likes Shinich/Conan or not. So, things do get interesting in the ongoing love-triangles. 怪盗基德 KID A genius theif who is also a worthy rival and enemy of Conan/Shinichi. I guess it shouldn"t be that much of a surprise since he looks almost identical to Shinichi. He loves to steal things that are hard to get (especially jewelry) and doesn"t mind in dwelling into risky adventures along the way. Will he ever get caught by Conan/Shinichi? We may never know. 少年侦探队 DETECTIVE BOYS 吉田步美 Ayumi YOSHIDA Ayumi is a member of the Detective Boys team. She is very playful and friendly but often leads the whole group into trouble. However, she is so KAWAII! She likes Conan. 圆谷光彦 Mitsuhiko TSUBURAYA Mitsuhiko is a member of the Detective Boys team. He is very science oriented. He usually doesn"t cause much trouble and is often a great candidate to have in an adventure. Doesn"t his voice sound more like a girl? He also likes Ayumi 小岛元太 Genta KOJIMA Genta is a member of the Detective Boys team. He is strong but often foolish. He adores food and fun stuff in general. He proved very useful in several episodes. He likes Ayumi. 服部平次 Heiji HATTORI A very worthy rival of Shinichi who figures out about the Shinichi/Conan"s identity (that"s how good he is!). At least it was kind of him to keep it under wraps. Anyway, he eventually befriends Conan and the two teamwork together to solve a ton of amazing mysteries. Lastly, he"s from Osaka (dark skin anybody?). 远山和叶 Kzuha TOYAMA Kazuha is Heiji"s girlfriend. Since, of course, Heiji befriends Conan, Kazuha is, likewise, friends with Ran. She"s in a bunch of those all-star episodes. So seeing her onscreen is always a good thing. 铃木园子 Snoko SUZUKI Ran"s best friend and highschool classmate. Very romantic (but unlucky in love I might add). She is often used by Conan (in an unconscious state of course) to explain the solutions to mysteries. She comes from a very wealthy family. Watch out for her more normal sister, Ayako, who also appears in a few major episodes! 毛利小五郎 Kogoro MOURI Kogoro Mouri is the father of Ran Mouri. He is a detective whose business was doing badly after losing potential customers to Shinichi. However, when Shinichi disappeared, Kogoro"s business as well as fame soared. In reality, it was Conan who would figure out all the cases and give credit to Kogoro. Besides not being a very intelligent detective, Kogoro also lives a sloppy lifestyle. But once you get to know him, he can be really funny. 妃英理 Eri KISAKI Ran"s mom and a very intelligent lawyer. She is divorced from Ran"s father Kogoro (any questions...? She plays a major part in several episodes and movies. It seems that whether or not she will get back with Kogoro has been an on and off question. Probably not since Kogoro happens to be easily attracted to famous/good looking females (for example, the model/singer Yoko Okino). 阿笠博士 Hiroshi AGASA Dr. Agasa is Shinichi"s neighbor, friend, and inventor. After Shinichi gets drugged and shrinks into a elementary kid, Shinichi first goes to Agasa for help. From then on, both Agasa and Conan share the secret of Conan"s true identity. In addition, Agasa often helps Conan solve cases by inventing cool gadgets for Conan to use. 工藤优作 Yusaku KUDO He"s the father of Shinichi/Conan. His career is writing detective stories. He apparently does such a good job of this that women will crowd around him whenever he"s in public (making his wife Yukiko jealous - that"s the price you pay for being famous). He also seems to cause a lot of unprecedented surprises in several of the mysterious (especially at the climax). 目暮十三 Juzo MEGURE Megure is often at crime scenes with Shinichi or Kogoro. He is there to sort out all the evidence as well as to make the necessary arrests. It is often he who the Detective Boys report problems to. 白鸟任三郎 Ninzaburo SHIRAITORI A police officer who appears in several episodes (early, middle, and as well as late). He"s not shabby when it comes to solving crimes. His affections for Officer Sato cause some tension between him and officer Takagi. 高木涉 Wataru TKAGI Takagi is just an ordinary officer under Megure"s command. He"s not smart or dumb, just your plain decent citizen. He is greatly helped by Conan (no, he doesn"t know the secret yet). Oh yeah, it seems he has a crush on his co-officer Sato 佐藤美加子 Miwako SATO An female officer whose kicks and punches are something that criminals need to watch out for. On top of that, she"s much smarter than the average officer. She apparently is hot, otherwise why do you have the whole police force panicked whenever she"s in trouble? 琴酒 GIN One of the evil members of the Black Organization. He was directly responsible for hitting Shinichi with a stick and then shrinking Shinichi to a kid with the APTX-4869 pill. Has a habit of smoking which contributes to his scariness. 伏特加 Vodka One of the evil members of the Black Organization that was there when buddy Gin shrunk Shinichi to Conan. I guess you can"t judge an enemy by how not-so-detailed they look! Heck, Vodka was the one that suggested shooting Shinichi in the first place (which probably would have ended their troubles once and for all, but then there wouldn"t be a Conan show so never mind). JODIE Jodie SAINTEMILION Jodie is the new English teacher for Ran and Sonoko"s class. But she"s not any ordinary being, as she seems to have some link to the Black Organization. Her English accent isn"t that great. So, this mirror definitely has two faces. Is she good or bad?


后台返回JsonConvert.SerializeObject(object value)这样的json数据应该可以using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;json在这个命名空间下

Struts 的 ActionServlet 与正常Servlet 的区别

你说的不错,ActionServlet的确是Servlet的一种补充(可以看成是处理*.do的Servlet),其最大的好处就是借助了“数据自动封装”技术自动封装了从表单提交到服务器要处理的数据。而且ActionServlet相对与Servlet而言还提供了以下便利的操作:1、使用mapping.findforward(路径)返回指定在配置文件中<forward>节点的对应映射文件,或者mapping.getInputForward()返回原页面(都是相当于在内部调用request.getRequestDispatcher(...).forward(requst,response))方法,其中可以包含返回request.setAttribute(..,..)的内容,您不必担心总是将数据存放在Session中而丢失大量内存;此外不必考虑相对路径问题(注意,你有没有仔细考虑过在Servlet中写response.sendRedirect(..)和request.getRequestDispatcher(...).forward(requst,response)跳转到同一个页面时候的不同地方?【思考一下,如果你的一个工程是C盘下,而其中包含一个pages的文件夹,其中有一个文件demo.jsp,C盘下有一个index.jsp文件,尝试写出从demo.jsp页面路径开始,使用response.sendRedirect(..)和request.getRequestDispatcher(...).forward(requst,response)的访问到index.jsp方法?再和ActionServlet的findforward方法进行比较,你会领悟的】。response.sendRedirect("index.jsp")request.getRequestDispatcher("../index.jsp").forward(requst,response)而配置以后,你就不必为这些路径担心,只要写mapping.findforward("index"),可能您的配置文件会这样配置:<forward path="/index.jsp" name="index"/>另外Structs还提供了大量的标签库配合ActionServlet使用,在Servlet中只能和JSP标准标签库配套使用,前者更和谐。最后补充一句:你是否学过DispatcherAction?这个才是Structs中最强大的——设想一下,如果一个页面需要同时完成“增”、“删”、“改”、“查”任务,你要用几个Servlet?(四个),即便用一个,你必须要设置一个变量,以便判断究竟是执行什么操作?所以这个DispatcherAction就是解决一个页面进行多业务逻辑进行的。实际上公司在SSH开发项目多数用DispatcherAction,单纯Action和Servlet很少使用(一般做单业务逻辑较多,诸如登陆、注销或者是前台顾客查询等)。

英语take action right now怎么翻译?

英语:take action right now.翻译:即刻采取行动。马上采取行动。

massive production和 mass production有区别吗?

produce有家产品的意思,所以我推测mass produce指农业生产;mass production指工业生产。

“active shooter”该怎么译比较好


prectice makes prefect 翻译成 熟能生巧 还是 练习造就完美?


英语问题 the production is now three times what it wa

  慈母手中线,   游子身上衣。   临行密密缝,   意恐迟迟归。   谁言寸草心,

请教英语大神production yield和harvested area有什么区别?

应该是不同的两个词吧production yield是产量的意思,而harvested area是已收割的区域。所以只能使用前者。希望对你有帮助!

production是什么意思 英语production是什么意思

1、n.生产;制造;制作;产量;(自然的)产生,分泌;上映,上演,播出,制作。 2、Production of the new aircraft will start next year. 新飞机的生产将于明年开始。 3、Cars are checked as they come off the production line. 汽车下了生产线立即进行校验。 4、The new model will be in production by the end of the year. 新型号将于年底投产。

matlab中如何用function建立一个y=f(x)函数?直接function y=f(x) y=x.^2+3*x+2不对啊,请高手指点

你想做因式分解吧syms xy=x.^2+3*x+2;factor(y)试试

attractive nuisance什么意思?

有上下文吗,单这一句话不好理解。这里的attractive 可能是反话

什么叫生物体的孤儿反应 (orphan reaction)?

没见过也没听说过“生物体的孤儿反应”,但我了解有关生物体的“孤儿反应调节因子”,不知道是不是你断句错误或者是理解错误,也许是我对你的意思理解错误,毕竟你给出的信息很少。以下是我了解的“孤儿反应调节因子”的信息,仅供参考。如果不是你需要的信息,请见谅。高等生物体细胞会分化出专职的神经感应细胞,用于接收、传递、处理外界或体内信息。但单细胞生物只能依靠细胞内某些物质对外界环境进行感知并产生反应,一般由分别具有感知功能和反应功能的两种物质组成一个系统,称之为双组份调控系统(Two-Component Signal transduction Systems, TCSSs)。典型的TCSSs由一个定位在细胞膜上的组氨酸感受激酶(Sensor Kinase, SK)和一个定位在细胞质中的反应调节因子(Response Regulator, RR)组成。SK和RR之间通过磷酸基团的转移来传递信号。但也有一些单独的SK或RR存在,我们称之为孤儿组氨酸激酶(Orphan Sensor Kinase, OSK)和孤儿反应调节因子(Orphan Response Regulator, ORR)。OSK和ORR具有与SK和RR类似的功能,可能是暂未发现与之配对的RR或SK,也可能是采用其他未知的方式发生作用。孤儿反应调节因子(Orphan Response Regulator, ORR)中的response与你所说的reaction用词不同,我不知道是翻译不同还是本来就不是同一个东西,仅供你参考。

求以“School activity”为题的英语作文 初四水平 急求!!!


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高中英语作文:参加课外活动 Join the Activity

【 #英语资源# 导语】阅读英语美文会给大家带来与众不同的感受,多读英语也有利于提升我们的英语能力,欢迎阅读 !  【篇一】参加课外活动 Join the ActivityHigh school is the very important stage for students, even the turning point of their lives. Once they learn well, they can enter the ideal university and fulfill their dreams. So a lot of students pay all their attention to the study and ignore joining the after-class activity. They think it is a waste of time to do it, instead they"d rather put more time to make up their lessons. It is the common misunderstanding of after-class activity. On the one hand, taking the activity can help students reduce their pressure. When students face the lessons all the time, they are nervous and easy to stuck in the difficulty. The activity brings students the happy hour and forget their worries. On the other hand, the activity can broaden students" vision and enrich their knowledge, which are useful in their lessons. So after-class life is also the part of students" lives, don"t refuse it. 高中是非常重要的一个阶段,甚至是他们生活的转折点。一旦学习好了,就可以进入理想的大学,实现自己的梦想。所以很多学生都把注意力全放在学习上而忽略了参加课外活动。他们认为那是浪费时间,宁愿把更多的时间用在弥补他们的功课上。这是对课外活动普遍的误解。一方面,参加课外活动可以帮助学生减少压力。学生长时间面对功课后,他们会很紧张,也很容易遇到困难。课外活动会给学生带来快乐的时光,遗忘担忧。另一方面,活动可以拓宽学生的视野,丰富他们的知识,这对他们的功课有帮助的。所以课外生活也是学生生活的一部分,不要抗拒。  【篇二】美妙的夏天 The Amazing Summer Last summer, my friend asked me to go to his hometown to spend the summer vacation. I asked my parents for permission and they said yes. When I got to his place, I was so surprised because there was a beach near his house. It was so beautiful, many kids played there. The water was so blue under the sunshine. It was so fun to swim in the water. In the morning, I woke up early and took a walk along the beach, and I could hear the sea water"s coming voice. I saw a lot of people traveled here and took pictures. In the evening, when the sun was down, we played the games and sometimes we swam. It was such a good memory for me. I liked the leisure lifestyle. When summer comes, I will always think of the happy days in the beach. 去年夏天,我的朋友邀请我去他的家乡过暑假。我问父母的意见,得到了他们的同意了。当我到达朋友的地方时,我很惊讶,因为他家附近有海滩。非常美丽,很多小孩在玩耍。阳光下的水很蓝。在水里游泳非常的有趣。第二天早上,我醒得早,沿着海滩散步,可以听到海水的声音。我看到很多人来这里旅游、拍照片。傍晚,太阳下山后,我们玩游戏,有时候游泳。这对我来说是一段美好的记忆,我喜欢这种休闲的生活方式。当夏天来临的时候,我总是会想到海边快乐的日子。  【篇三】的学习方法 The Best Way to Learn Knowledge Since I go to high school, I make plans for myself. To enter a better university, I must study hard. I know my advantages and weakness. I am good at Chinese and English while I am weak in math and geograph. So I pay special attention to improve the subjects that I am weak in. Even though I have tried hard to listen to my teacher and practise so hard, my math is still so weak. So I decide to ask my classmate who is good at math, and she is very excited to teach me. During our communication, I find her mind is very active and she has a special way to solve the questions. I realize that the best way to learn konwledge is to share opinions with others, so that we can broaden our mind and find more ways to solve the problem. 自从我上了高中,我就为自己制定了计划。为了进入一所较好的大学,我必须努力学习。我知道我的优点和缺点。我擅长英语和语文,数学和地理不好。所以我特别注意提高我薄弱科目的成绩。尽管我很努力地听老师讲课,并进行练习,但是我的数学仍然没有得到提高。所以我决定请教班上擅长数学的同学,她也很兴奋地教我。在我们的沟通中,我发现她的头脑很活跃,她用特别的方法来解决那些数学问题。我意识到学习知识的方法就是与别人分享想法,这样我们不仅能够扩大视野也能够找到更多解决问题的方法。

课外活动用英语可以翻译为after -class activity吗?

Outside activities 就可以了吧!!!

It is important to find a partner to practice English —— . A.to B.on C.with D.at

C.找一个搭档练习英语是很重要的。to practice English with 做partner的定语。

I have a partner to practice English with. 句尾为什么还要加一个with啊 去掉with 句子正确吗

去掉不正确,因为短语是practice sth with sb 不能把介词with省略掉



雅尼的 with in attraction 表达的是什么意思啊




have an attraction for somebody为什么有an?


attention attraction的区别



天下足球开篇结尾背景音乐目录: 1.All for love-Bryan Adams-(“献给04年3位世界足球先生候选人”的片尾MV背景音乐).mp3 2.Boulevard of Broken Dreams-Green Day-(片尾曲).mp3 3.Days of your belelif-Amorphis-(04年下半年片尾曲).mp3 4.Do I Have to Cry for You-Nick carter-(片尾曲).mp3 5.Don"t Turn Off The Lights-Enrique Iglesias-(开篇曲).mp3 6.Friends-Joe satriani-(电吉他开篇曲).mp3 7.Holiday-GreenDay-(“12月22日足球之夜”片尾小罗MV背景音乐).mp3 →楼主推荐 8.Let Me Be the One-Def Leppard-(“献给10位世界足球先生”的片尾MV背景音乐).mp3 9.New Generation-Scorpions-(天下足球现在的片尾曲).mp3 10.Papa Loves Mambo-Perry como-(“04岁末嘉年华”片尾花絮背景音乐).mp3 11.Round-Up(万宝路)-Bruce Broughton:Themes From Silverado-(足球之夜片头曲).mp3 12.Sixpack Full Of Happiness-Fury in the Slaughterhouse-(片尾曲).mp3 13.This Train don"t stop there any more-Elton john-(“03年终特辑”献给众星的片尾MV背景音乐&MV版).wmv 14.This Train don"t stop there any more-Elton john-(“03年终特辑”献给众星的片尾MV背景音乐).wma 15.Too bad-Michael Jackson-(“1月9日天下足球巴西足球魂”片尾曲).mp3 16.Unnamed-(“天下足球-下载2005”片头片尾曲).mp3 17.Unnamed-(天下足球片头曲).mp3 18.When_you_say_nothing_at_all-Ronan keating-(“献给受伤的克雷斯波”的片尾MV背景音乐).mp3 19.Yellow-Coldplay-(片尾曲&郑军流星英文版).mp3 20.You wanted more-A ha-(“杀手的天空”片尾曲).mp3 21.attraction 十佳进球背景音乐 22.十佳扑救背景音乐(视频提取版) 23.Unbreakable Westlife—天下足球Top10结束歌曲 24.Right here right now--Fatboy slim—五佳进球背景配乐(选自04年葡萄牙欧洲足锦赛官方唱片) 25.Joe Satriani Friends1天下足球开篇曲的电吉他原曲 天下足球天下足球看球听歌及其他背景音乐内容目录: 01.天下足球-看球听歌-A number on my back-John Williamson-(我背后的号码).mp3 02.天下足球-看球听歌-Beautiful day-U2-(选自2004欧洲杯官方音乐大碟).mp3 03.天下足球-看球听歌-Don"t Cry For Me Argentina-Madonna-(阿根廷别为我哭泣).mp3 04.天下足球-看球听歌-Everything I do,I do it for you-Bryan Adams-(欧洲五大联赛开篇曲).mp3 05.天下足球-看球听歌-Heal the world-Michael jackson-(世界上最好听的公益歌曲).mp3 06.天下足球-看球听歌-Here i am-bryan adams-(02-03赛季欧洲五大联赛开篇曲).mp3 07.天下足球-看球听歌-My Love-West life-(献给球星和他们妻子的歌曲).mp3 08.天下足球-看球听歌-Nothing_To Lose-Micheal Learns To Rock.mp3 09.天下足球-看球听歌-Quan

neaked attraction

那片美丽的海滩是这座岛上的主要景点.(attraction) The beautiful beach is the main attraction of the island. 技术进步最终会导致更多的事业.(ultimately) Technical progress will eventually lead to more business.

高一英语短文改错,第三行attraction 做景点讲不是可数吗?还有他左边的tourist是什么


attraction to 和 attraction for有什么区别?

  介词 to 表示“以…为最后结果”,因此 attractionto 指的是 “以…为最后结果的吸引力”,即 “对于…的吸引力”。如:  She felt a strong attraction to him. 她觉得已经完全离不开他了(即 “她感到依赖于他的一种强烈的吸引力”)。  介词 for 表示“由于…的缘故”,因此attraction for 指的是 “为达到…目的吸引力”后“由…而引起的吸引力”。如:  She felt a strong attraction for him. 她对他顿生爱慕(即 “她感到由于他而产生的一种爱慕”)。



tourist interest和tourist attraction的区别


tourist attraction语法不对吧,attraction是形容词,tourist是名



interest用法 places of interest 风景名胜scene风景 包括人的活动在内view 在某处看到的风景attraction 吸引人的事物




《attraction》是综艺节目《天下足球》的主题曲。 《天下足球》是CCTV-5的一个以报道国际足坛最新赛事和新闻为主的栏目。该电视节目由邵圣懿、王曦梁主持,每周一晚19:30—21:25在中央电视台体育频道播出,时长115分钟。子栏目有:《绿茵重量级》《看球听歌》《大画足球》《十大进球、扑救》等。 《天下足球》的外文名字是《Total Soccer》,节目的首播时间是2000年11月27日,《天下足球》的在线播放平台央视网。


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