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marginal customer造句 marginal customerの例文 "marginal customer"是什麼意思

Prepaid services and goods are sometimes targeted to marginal customers by retailers. Many of these banks have marginal customers and nonperforming loans, Finance managers may work hard to find lenders wilpng to extend credit, especially to more marginal customers , he said. "It might scare away a few marginal customers , but by and large what they"re going to be doing is almost doubpng their revenue off this. If more consumers fall behind on their bills, panies that have aggressively courted more marginal customers with credit card and other promotions could feel the pain. To keep costs in pne, the pany trimmed the number of pages in its November and December catalogs by 7 percent and mailed fewer to marginal customers . The changes, he said, would also " encourage even more lending to marginal customers because the credit card industry"s calculation will be that their probabipty of collecting will go up ." It"s difficult to find marginal customer in a sentence. 用 marginal customer 造句挺难的

英语custom username mapping怎么翻译?

custom username mapping 自定义用户名映射

customs assigned number是什么?我是货代,有一票到Miami的货,做DDP的,要发AMS和ISF,但是要先签POA


customized sourcing是什么意思

Customized Sourcing是阿里巴巴最新推出的一项服务, 致力于深化买家服务,为供应商会员推荐更针对的采购需求。1.What is Customized Sourcing?Customized Sourcing is a brand new service on where we match buyers" sourcing requirements with the right suppliers. Suppliers are matched based on their quotes, capabilities, product/service quality, etc.2.Who are eligible for Customized Sourcing?u2022Buyers must be registered Members and have posted submitted a clear and detailed RFQ Form.u2022Gold Suppliers from China that have excellent track record (e.g. no complaints from buyers) on Alibaba.com3.What industries are available for Customized Sourcing?Only the industries listed below are currently available for Customized Sourcing:u2022Apparelu2022Packaging & Printing u2022Hardware & Toolsu2022Mechanical Parts & Fabrication Servicesu2022Construction: - Building Stones- Modular Kitchen Cabinets- Doors- Windows- Sunrooms & Glass Houses- Shutters- Stairs- Balustrades & Handrails

使用vant时报错Unknown custom element:

在使用vant时候发现控制台报错Unknown custom element: <van-popup>,ui能正常使用但是绑定属性无法使用,于是网上查了很多资料依然没有解决,后来按照官方文档重新安装一次还是不行。经过多翻尝试发现一个可行方式。 在main.js中引入popup组件, 现在控制台就没有报错了功能也能正常使用,我想可能是组件依赖Popup组件的特性需要进行引用吧,因为安装了bable来按需引用所以我单独在组件中引用Popup进行了尝试发现并并不可行,所以我认为Vant也还是不是很好用,当然有可能还有更好的办法解决这个问题可能是我没找到而已。

customer loyalty是什么意思


Customs tariff number 什么意思

Customs tariff number关税 的号码望采纳,谢谢



respect customs 点解?

respect customs 尊重习俗 参考: 金山词霸 respect - 1. 敬重 尊敬[U][(+for)] They treated me with respect. 他们对我很敬重。 2. 敬意 问候[P][(+to)] Give my respects to your parents. 代我向你的父母亲致意。 3. 尊重 注重 重视[U][(+for/to)] Some people have no respect for the speed limit and consequently are punished. 有些人全然不顾速限规定 结果受到处罚。 4. 关系;方面 着眼点[C][U] vt. 1. 尊敬 敬重[(+for/as)] He is highly respected by everyone for his integrity. 他因清廉而深受大家的尊敬。 2. 尊重 重视 I respected their moral standards. 我尊重他们的道德标准。 3. 遵守;顾及 We must respect the laws of a country we are in. 我们必须遵守所在国家的法律。 4. 关于 涉及 The o pl differ in one major respect. 这两个计划在一个主要方面有所不同。 vt.敬重;崇拜 adore revere value appreciate idolize honor admire regard esteem 名复: respects 动变: respected; respected; respecting customs - 1. 关税[K] I paid $20 in customs on the $100 Swiss watch. 我为一百美元的瑞士表付了二十美元的关税。 2. (常大写)海关;报关手续[J] As soon as I got through customs I jumped into a taxi. 我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车。 3. (常大写)海关出入境口[J] so the word is (u may try to see the sentence and try to put the 2 words meaning together.

loans and advances to customers是什么意思

loans and advances to customers客户贷款及垫款双语对照例句:1.Suspended interest related only to advances to customers and other accounts. 悬欠利息只与客户贷款及其他账项有关.2.So he rejects slavery and instead advances to greek democracy. 因此他抛弃了奴隶制度转而向希腊的民主制度。


意义相近的habit, custom或practice等,habit主要是指对于个人无意识的习惯,常常暗示着难以改正,多用于否定性语句。custom指长期横贯于社会以及文化上的惯习惯例,常常用于表示具体的国家、地域、集团的形容词。practice稍稍有点复杂,是指因某种理由而习惯性的进行的行为。虽然用于工作或是社会、宗教上的情况比较多,但是和custom不同的是可以根据自发的意愿来选择。convention是指被广泛接受服从的礼节或基于艺术文学的传统技法等。ritual是指定期进行且每回形式相同的行为,常常指没有特别在意理由而长期持续下来的事情。rule是指由于考虑到“这样做才高明”而进行的习惯。

custom sticker中文是什么

蕃茄小精灵 的应该是正解吧。你做出口吧??



打算买schecter tempest custom 问下市场价格 有4500还有6000的搞的我很迷惑。另外这把琴有没有美产

这把琴没有美产。这个价格浮动 正常的这款琴的价格 4000~5000之间。。。具体的话 不好说 有些地方偏贵 有些搞活动就会便宜。平均一般在4500左右 超过5000的无视掉。其实东西是一样的,价格是人订的,你懂得。这琴当年刚出的时候在乐展上卖是5000左右。现在一般都是4500左右

customer lounge要不要加the

lead the staff to provide high quality customer service of lobby lounge according to the requirement to stafisfy the customer.To master the whole teams attendance; Keep the team well groomed.Evaluate the staff work performance , report to supervisor regularlykeep an eye on the lobby lounge, figure out all kinds of problems in timeCarry out perfect shift hand-over and keep detailed working log.Master knowledge of all kinds of wineDeveloping and implement Systems and Procedures for wine, security ,Sanitation and etc.check the Sanitation and Tableware hygiene</ol>


吐槽某某沙,floyd rose本来就是常见floyd琴桥的一种,ltd,esp都有用,floyd rose special也是给金属琴的很好的双摇,绝不是什么acoustic 的

什么是custom jersey

custom jersey定制球衣jersey[英][u02c8du0292u025c:zi][美][u02c8du0292u025c:rzi]n.毛织运动衫,毛线衫; 泽西岛; 泽西种乳牛; 复数:jerseys例句:1.Flooding in new jersey and other areas continued late sunday. 新泽西和其它地区的洪灾周日晚些时候还在继续。

为什么AE插件tarpcode里 particle type下拉菜单没有custom这个选项啊?求大神回复我是跟着AK大神第18集做


Epiphone CUSTOM Pro和Epiphone LP 1960 TRIBUTE PLUS 如何抉择啊~~~


电吉他 epiphone standard custom 黑美人 以及tribute不知道哪个好了……


求以"tradition and custom"为主题的英语口语情景对话,要三个人的,不少三分钟

英语聊天话题:英国留学情景会话第1章 习惯与风俗in the Departmental Reception for New StudentsDean: Erm, good evening everyone. May I extend a very warm welcome to the new students in the Department of Economics. 〔to the assistant dean〕 How many new students have been admitted to the department this year?Assistant Dean: A hundred and twenty this year.Dean: Well, thats a very good rise in numbers; and I see we have a large intake from China and Korea this year… so a special welcome to you too. Could I just ask you to get yourselves a drink and mingle as much as possible. Make most of the free food, this is probably the only occasion where you can get something from the Department for free, so enjoy….Zhao: Hello there, you aren"t Chinese, are you?Jung: No, I"m Korean actually… are you Chinese?Zhao: Yes… whereabouts are you from?Jung: Korea. I said.Zhao: I know that… I mean where in Korea are you from?Jung: Oh… sorry… Busan… it"s in the far Southeast. What about you?Zhao: Erm… I"m from Haikou, in Hainan….Jung: Oh… where"s that?Zhao: It is a big island in the South China Sea, between Taiwan and Vietnam. Remember a few years ago—that American reconnaissance plane that clashed with a Chinese fighter and was forced to land in China? Hainan was where it landed.Jung: Oh… I do remember, Hainan….Dr. Haynes: Hello… are you two Chinese?Jung: No. He"s Chinese. I"m Korean.Dr. Haynes: Oh… What do you think of Newcastle so far? Are you settling in all right?Zhao: Well, it"s very nice… I"ve already found a flatshare… and I"m quite comfortable, thanks.Dr. Haynes: That"s good. Why did you decide to come to this part of the country to study?Jung: Well… everyone goes to London… don"t you think? It"s full of foreign students! We"ll never get to know the real England there, and we"ll end up speaking our own languages as well.Dr. Haynes: Well you could be right there. What do you think of the local accent here? Has it been causing you any problems?Zhao: Well, I think it"s just a matter of getting used to it, isn"t it? I am quite surprised how different the accents are in a small country like England, but I have learnt to like them. Just like in Chinese, the northern accents are humorous, and the southern accents are, well, gentle.Jung: Do you have problems with our accents?Dr. Haynes: Not really… well sometimes, actually, yes… haha. Look… let me introduce you to some local students here… this is Tony Barry… he"s from Sunderland, which is about twelve miles from here… and Melanie Johnson… she"s from Washington, which is about ten miles away.Zhao: Washington?!Melanie: Yes… haha… that always confuses foreigners. It"s the original Washington… George Washington"s ancestors came from there.Jung: Oh!Tony: So, are you both Japanese, then?Zhao: No. I"m Chinese and he"s Korean.Tony: Oh… sorry… I haven"t met many people from your part of the world before. Do you lads like football?Jung: I do! I love Chelsea!Zhao: Yes… and I like Manchester United.Melanie: Why is it that foreigners always like those teams?Zhao: They are famous and they always win.Tony: Yes, but don"t you think that anyone can support a winner? I mean, here in England we think you should support your home team… that"s why when people say they support Manchester United we know they are not actually from Manchester! The real Mancunians support Manchester City!Jung: Well, we are foreigners. We don"t have a home team in the premier league. But I think you are right. From now on, we should support Newcastle. Which team do you support, then?Tony: Sunderland!Zhao: I"ve never heard of them.Tony: Well, everyone in Britain has! They have a long and proud history, even though they weren"t in the Premiership last season. That"s the point, if you are from Sunderland, you love Sunderland whether they are up or down… and not Newcastle… 〔looking at Dr. Haynes〕… they"re our local rivals.Dr. Haynes: What was that you were saying, Tony?在院系新生欢迎仪式上系主任:嗯,大家晚上好。请允许我向经济系的新生们致以热烈的欢迎。〔对助理系主任说〕今年录取了多少新生?助理系主任:今年有120个。系主任:嗯,增长了不少;而且我看见我们今年从中国和韩国录取的学生很多,对你们表示特别的欢迎。你们都拿杯喝的吧,尽情地聊。多吃点儿,都是免费的。这可能是你们唯一一次可以从系里拿到免费东西的机会,尽情享用吧。赵:你好,你不是中国人吧?俊:不是,我是韩国人。你是中国人吗?赵:对。那你具体从哪儿来?俊:韩国,我说过了。赵:我知道,我是说你从韩国的什么地方来?俊:噢,不好意思。釜山,在最东南面。你呢?赵:嗯,我是从海口来的,在海南。俊:噢,那是哪儿?赵:那是中国南海上的一个大岛,在台湾地区和越南之间。还记得几年前一架美国侦察机与中国战斗机相撞并在中国迫降吗?海南就是它降落的地方。俊:噢,我确实记得,海南。海因斯博士:你们好。你们俩都是中国人吗?俊:不。他是中国人,我是韩国人。海因斯博士:噢,你们现在觉得纽卡斯尔怎么样?都安顿好了吗?赵:很好。我已经找到了一个合租公寓,非常舒适,谢谢。海因斯博士:那很好。你们为什么来英国的这个地方学习呢?俊:人人都想去伦敦,你不觉得吗?那儿全是外国学生!我们在那儿根本了解不到真正的英国,而且大家到头来都说自己国家的语言。海因斯博士:你这么说也是有道理的。你们怎么看这里的口音?对你们有影响吗?赵:我想只要我们习惯了就好了,不是吗?像英格兰这么小的地方竟有这么多不同的口音,我很惊讶,不过我已经逐渐喜欢上它们了。就像在汉语里,北方口音幽默,南方口音,怎么说呢,温柔。俊:你听我们的口音有问题吗?海因斯博士:其实没有。可能有时候,实际上,有,哈哈。这样吧,我给你们介绍几个当地学生。这是托尼·巴里,他是从桑德兰来的,离这儿大概有12英里。还有梅拉妮·约翰逊,她是从华盛顿来的,离这儿10英里左右。赵:华盛顿?!梅拉妮:是的,哈哈。许多外国人都搞不明白,那是最早的华盛顿,乔治· 华盛顿的祖先就是从那儿来的。俊:噢。托尼:那么,你们俩都是日本人?赵:不。我是中国人,他是韩国人。托尼:哦,抱歉,我没见过多少从你们那个地方来的人。你们两个喜欢足球吗?俊:我喜欢!我特别喜欢切尔西!赵:是啊,我喜欢曼联。梅拉妮:为什么外国人总是喜欢这些队呢?赵:他们有名而且他们总赢。托尼:也对,但你难道不觉得一个赢家谁都可以去追捧吗?在英国我们认为应当支持自己的家乡队。所以,当人们说他们支持曼联,我们就知道他们不是真来自曼彻斯特!真正的曼彻斯特人支持曼城队!俊:我们是外国人。英超联赛里没有我们的家乡队。但是我认为你是对的。从现在开始,我们应该支持纽卡斯尔队。那你支持哪个球队呢?托尼:桑德兰!赵:我从来没听说过这个队。托尼:英国人都知道!他们有悠久而令人骄傲的历史,虽然他们目前不在英超联赛里。关键是,只要你是桑德兰人,你就会爱桑德兰队,无论他们表现好与坏,而不是纽卡斯尔队。〔向海因斯博士的方向看去〕他们跟我们是同室操戈的敌人。海因斯博士:托尼,你说什么呢?



niche customers 什么意思?


请问哪位星际1狂热FAN能自己编星际1.08的P/T/Z Expansion Custom Level这个AI,小弟求助

好是 取得


The form which is used for filling what you need to declare to customs



Epiphone Prophecy Les Paul Custom GX这把琴音色手感怎么样?(注意是GX不是EX,红色的那把吉他)

哥们,我没用过epiphone的琴,下面是我从别人那转来的,你借鉴下吧,呵呵~EX是EMG81 85,主动拾音器,输出高,声音密,最适合弹重型弹节奏。弹主音也不错。GX是Dirty Finger双线圈,被动拾音器,输出稍低,声音更飘更尖更适合主音。

get feedback ffrom your customers regularly 什么语法

这是祈使句get(得到(谓语)) feedback(反馈(宾语)) from your customers regularly(定期从你的客户(状语))


图形的外观由许多因素决定,所有这些因素都可以修改。以下是最重要的: 轴的外观可以通过改变它们所用的笔和它们的标签使用的字体来修改。具体可以查看 QCPAxis 的文档。以下是最重要属性的快速摘要: setBasePen , setTickPen , setTickLength , setSubTickLength , setSubTickPen , setTickLabelFont , setLabelFont , setTickLabelPadding , setLabelPadding . 您可以使用 setRangeReversed 反转轴(例如,使值从左到右减少而不是增加)。如果您想在轴端装饰(例如箭头),请使用 setLowerEnding 或 setUpperEnding 。 通过访问轴的相应 QCPGrid 实例来修改网格。例如,更改与左轴相连的水平网格线的外观是通过访问 customPlot ->yAxis ->grid() . 网格线的外观基本上是它们所用的笔,可以通过 yAxis ->grid() ->setPen() 设置。刻度 0 处的网格线可以用不同的笔绘制,它可以配置为 setZeroLinePen . 如果您不想用特殊的笔画零线,只需将其设置为Qt::NoPen,刻度 0 处的网格线将使用普通网格笔绘制。 子网格线默认设置为不可见。它们可以用 grid() ->setSubGridVisible (true) 激活。 这是一个创建具有指数包络的衰减余弦函数图像的示例: 如您所见,对图形应用填充就像设置一个非 Qt::NoBrush 画刷. 填充将从图表(此处为图表 0)到平行于键(此处为 x)轴的零值线。如果我们想要在此图和另一个图之间进行通道填充,我们将另外调用 graph ->setChannelFillGraph (otherGraph). 要删除通道填充,只需0作为其他图形传递,填充将像以前一样一直到达零值线。要完全移除填充,请调用graph ->setBrush (Qt::NoBrush)。 现在,让我们看一个更复杂的示例,用于创建演示屏幕截图,其中包含四个轴上的五个图形、纹理填充、垂直误差线、图例、作为小数分隔符的点等。 如您所见,您可以自由定义哪个轴应该在图表中扮演哪个角色。例如,索引为 0 的图形使用左轴 ( yAxis ) 作为其键,底部轴 ( xAxis ) 作为其值。因此,该图相对于左轴向上站立:为了显示图 1 的误差线,我们创建了一个 QCPErrorBars 实例,它可以附加到其他绘图表(如 QCPGraph )并为它们提供误差线。有关所用方法的进一步说明,请查看相应的文档。 接下来,我们将看看如何绘制与日期和/或时间相关的数据。它基本上归结为在各自的轴上安装不同类型的轴 QCPAxisTickerDateTime 的ticker 。 您传递给dateTicker ->setDateTimeFormat() 的字符串与传递给QDateTime::toString的字符串具有相同的日期格式选项,请参阅 Qt 文档。QCustomPlot 中的所有日期/时间坐标都以自 1970 年 1 月 1 日午夜 1 日以来的秒数处理,UTC(称为 Unix/Epoch 时间)。这也是您在调用日期/时间类QDateTime::toTime_t/或setTime_t时使用的单位。 对于亚秒级精度,轴ticker使用浮点数。因此,小于 1.0 的值表示相应的秒数。您可以使用 QCPAxisTickerDateTime ::dateTimeToKey 和 keyToDateTime 和 QDateTime 之间进行转换,这与 Qt 版本无关( QDateTime::toMSecsSinceEpoch 仅在 Qt 4.7 中引入)。 到目前为止,我们只查看了图表。由于它们是如此占主导地位的用例,QCustomPlot 为它们提供了一个专门的接口。我们一直在使用它: QCustomPlot ::addGraph 、 QCustomPlot ::graph 等等。但这还不是全部。QCustomPlot 有一个更通用的接口,用于 在绘图内绘制数据的类 ,称为 Plottables 。这个接口是围绕抽象基类 QCPAbstractPlottable 构建的。所有 Plottables 都派生自此类,也是熟悉的 QCPGraph 类。QCustomPlot 提供了许多其他的可绘图类: 与图表不同,其他绘图表需要在 new QCustomPlot 之外创建。这意味着有 addGraph 函数的方式没有 addCurve 或 addBars 函数。绘图表应属于的 QCustomPlot 实例是从绘图表的构造函数中传递的轴推断出来的。QCustomPlot 然后取得绘图表的所有权。可以使用 QCustomPlot ::plottable (int index)访问现有的绘图表, 并且可以使用 QCustomPlot ::plottableCount 检索绘图中的绘图表总数(包括图形) 这是一个创建包含三个条形图的条形图的快速示例: 有关其他绘图表的更多详细信息可以在示例项目和其他教程中找到。此外,每种可绘图类型在相应类的文档页面上都有详细描述。 当然,绝对有可能编写自己的绘图表以使任何数据看起来 完全 符合您的需要。您应该查看 QCPAbstractPlottable 文档以获取如何开始对其进行子类化的指南。您还可以查看现有的绘图表以了解它们是如何工作的。为此,建议先看看 QCPBars 或 QCPCurve 开始。 QCPGraph 功能非常丰富,因此可能不适合作为起点。 QCustomPlot(一):基础 QCustomPlot(二):图形绘制基础

customer due diligence是什么意思

due diligence英[dju: u02c8du026alu0259du0292u0259ns]美[du u02c8du026alu0259du0292u0259ns]词典尽职调查; 应有的注意网络审慎调查; 恪尽职守; 查核In response, investors started to ask for more transparency and more thorough due diligence before writing big cheques.有鉴于此,投资者开始在签下大额支票之前,要求更大的透明度和更彻底的尽职调查。

什么结构的句He never Yielded to his customers in his bu


客户经理用英语怎么说?customer manager? client manager? account manager?在线等。。

Account Manager

我刚在电脑上下了一个steam tile,一打开它就让我填custom url,我不知道是啥啊

这个得到steam下查找。1 在您的Steam账号中,转到您的个人资料并单击编辑个人资料,然后单击我的隐私设置,将个人资料状态设置为公共。 2 之后切换到“我的个人资料”页面,查找自定义URL,然后复制指示您的ID的部分。 启动Steam Tile,粘贴ID,然后单击“更新”。

我刚在电脑上下了一个steam tile,一打开它就让我填custom url,我不知道是啥啊

自定义的意思。注册自定义URL方案,不管您希望在应用程序启动后做什么,第一步是注册自定义URL方案。这是通过位于应用程序的项目文件夹中的info.plist文件完成的(注意:这个文件与您要更改以定义自定义图标的文件相同)。默认情况下,当打开XCode时,XCode将在图形用户界面中编辑该文件。可以直接在文本模式下编辑info.plist文件。应用程序能够将自身“绑定”到自定义URL方案,并将该方案用于从浏览器其他应用程序启动自己。在开始之前,需要弄清楚希望应用程序如何响应URL。使用自定义方案的最简单方法是“醒来”;但也可以通过URL将信息传递给应用程序,这样做,使应用程序能够在醒来时做不同的事情。扩展资料URL由三部分组成:资源类型、存放资源的主机域名、资源文件名。也可认为由4部分组成:协议、主机、端口、路径URL的一般语法格式为:(带方括号[]的为可选项):protocol :// hostname[:port] / path / [;parameters][?query]#fragment参考资料来源:百度百科-URL格式

我刚在电脑上下了一个steam tile,一打开它就让我填custom url,我不知道是啥啊


请问我装windows7 是选upgrade还是custom

又要保留程序 又要兼容并蓄 不可能的升级的话XP用不了 全新的话程序不会保留



Many a customer ________ about the poor quality of the washing machines.









1和2是常用的用法,to是介词,后面跟名词或动名词.而根据牛津高级词典,accustom还有主动的意思,表示:To habituate, familiarize (a person or thing to (in, into, for, with obs.) something, or to do something). 因此3和4是这个用法下的被动形式,表示(在外部影响下)形成了习惯

开机显示Browser Customizations是怎么回事?

此种情况的原因可能是当前登录的用户为域中的用户,此用户的本地配置文件被误删除或者被破坏,这样 在登录时,系统就找不到其配置文件信息。所以出现次错误。 当然,解决的办法就是恢复其配置文件。步骤如下: 1、进入C:document and setting ,找到依此用户命名的文件夹,也就是该用户原来的配置文件夹,主 要内容有桌面的设置、开始菜单的设置和收藏夹等等信息。将其复制到别处。 2、删除C:document and setting下依此用户命名的文件夹。 3、重启机器,用该用户再次登录,此时当机器登录到域时,由于本地已经删除了该用户的配置文件夹, 此时会自动创建一个新的依次用户命名的文件夹。里面就会包含一个正确的配置文件了。 4、再将copy走得那个文件夹中的“桌面”、“开始菜单”、“收藏夹”等个人设置的文件夹copy到新创 建的文件夹下就可以恢复以前自己熟悉的桌面和开始菜单设置了。 注意:不要把copy走文件夹中的所有文件夹和文件覆盖新创建的文件夹中的内容,这样新创建的正确的配 置文件也会被覆盖,所以只把属于你的copy回来就可以了! 二.解决Windows找不到本地配置文件,用临时配置文件让您登陆。当您注销时,对此配置文件所作的更改将丢失。 先进入"安全模式",把不必要的启动项清除,然后用专用工具扫描一次注册表并清理! 重新启动后,进入配置文件丢失的帐号,按"Ctrl+Alt+Del"组合键,打开"任务管理器",然后在"应用程序"下面把"用户配置"任务停止!一次不行多试几次! 然后依次"文件"---"新建任务(运行...)",在"打开"中输入"C:"并回车! 这时你会发现你的桌面又回来了,你可以在打开的窗口中依次找到"C:Document and Settings你的用户名桌面",然后把其它帐号下的"桌面"文件夹复制到你的帐号下,注销计算机再登录,就可以正常了!!!!!! 一般用户配置文件丢失有两种可能,一是不小心删除了,二是病毒或流氓软件造成的!!!

请高手帮我找下开头是When a customer enters my store,forget me.He is king的阅读,急!

When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is King, ""said John Wanamaker, who in l876 turned an abandoned railway station in Philadelphia into one of me world"s first department stores. This revolutionary concept 55 the face of retailing (零售业) and led to the development of advertising and marketing as we know it today. But convincing as that slogan was, 56 the shopper was cheated out of the crown. 57 manufacturing efficiency increased the variety of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on advertisements to get most information about products. Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a 58 number of publications. Now media choice, has 59 too, and consumers select what they want from a far greater variety of sources—especially with a few clicks of a computer mouse. 60 the internet, the consumer is finally seizing power. As our survey shows, 61 has great implications for companies, because it is changing the way the world shops. Many firms already claim to be "customer-driven" or "consumer-centered". Now their 62 will be tested as never before. Taking advantage of shoppers" 63 will no longer be possible: people will know—and soon tell others, even those without the internet—that prices in the next town are cheaper or that certain goods are inferior. The internet is working wonders in 64 standards. Good and Good and honest firms should benefit most. When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is King, ""said John Wanamaker, who in l876 turned an abandoned railway station in Philadelphia into one of me world"s first department stores. This revolutionary concept 55 the face of retailing (零售业) and led to the development of advertising and marketing as we know it today. But convincing as that slogan was, 56 the shopper was cheated out of the crown. 57 manufacturing efficiency increased the variety of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on advertisements to get most information about products. Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a 58 number of publications. Now media choice, has 59 too, and consumers select what they want from a far greater variety of sources—especially with a few clicks of a computer mouse. 60 the internet, the consumer is finally seizing power. As our survey shows, 61 has great implications for companies, because it is changing the way the world shops. Many firms already claim to be "customer-driven" or "consumer-centered". Now their 62 will be tested as never before. Taking advantage of shoppers" 63 will no longer be possible: people will know—and soon tell others, even those without the internet—that prices in the next town are cheaper or that certain goods are inferior. The internet is working wonders in 64 standards. Good and Good and honest firms should benefit most. When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is King, ""said John Wanamaker, who in l876 turned an abandoned railway station in Philadelphia into one of me world"s first department stores. This revolutionary concept 55 the face of retailing (零售业) and led to the development of advertising and marketing as we know it today. But convincing as that slogan was, 56 the shopper was cheated out of the crown. 57 manufacturing efficiency increased the variety of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on advertisements to get most information about products. Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a 58 number of publications. Now media choice, has 59 too, and consumers select what they want from a far greater variety of sources—especially with a few clicks of a computer mouse. 60 the internet, the consumer is finally seizing power. As our survey shows, 61 has great implications for companies, because it is changing the way the world shops. Many firms already claim to be "customer-driven" or "consumer-centered". Now their 62 will be tested as never before. Taking advantage of shoppers" 63 will no longer be possible: people will know—and soon tell others, even those without the internet—that prices in the next town are cheaper or that certain goods are inferior. The internet is working wonders in 64 standards. Good and Good and honest firms should benefit most. When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is King, ""said John Wanamaker, who in l876 turned an abandoned railway station in Philadelphia into one of me world"s first department stores. This revolutionary concept 55 the face of retailing (零售业) and led to the development of advertising and marketing as we know it today. But convincing as that slogan was, 56 the shopper was cheated out of the crown. 57 manufacturing efficiency increased the variety of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on advertisements to get most information about products. Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a 58 number of publications. Now media choice, has 59 too, and consumers select what they want from a far greater variety of sources—especially with a few clicks of a computer mouse. 60 the internet, the consumer is finally seizing power. As our survey shows, 61 has great implications for companies, because it is changing the way the world shops. Many firms already claim to be "customer-driven" or "consumer-centered". Now their 62 will be tested as never before. Taking advantage of shoppers" 63 will no longer be possible: people will know—and soon tell others, even those without the internet—that prices in the next town are cheaper or that certain goods are inferior. The internet is working wonders in 64 standards. Good and Good and honest firms should benefit most.

CRM(Customer Relationship Management)和Marketing Communication有什么区别?

这两者相差太大了。 前者指的是利用IT技术和以客户为中心的管理理念来管理公司与客户的关系,以发展新客户,保留现有的(特别是能为公司带来利益的)客户为目的,最终能为公司盈利。而MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS指的是公司与市场(客户)的联系方式和媒介。 现在包含的内容很广泛了,比如品牌, 包装,广告,营销,销售,公共关系等等一切与公司形象有关系的方面。要做到各个渠道都能保持给客户一致某种整体印象。

Habitual loneliness, his customary cry, the customary day no one around me中文系什么意思


Unted States Customary什么意思


什么叫习惯法(customary law)?


customary quick despatch是什么意思

customary quick despatch 英     美    按港口习惯尽快装卸按港口习惯尽速装卸customary quick despatch的用法和样例:例句customary quick despatch (CQD)习惯快速装卸Cargo to be loaded and discharged according to the customary quick despatch-C.Q.D.规定按港口习惯尽快装货和卸货。

custom的形容词? eternal的名词和动词?purity的名词和形容词?

custom adj。定制的……customary adj。 习惯性的,惯例的。eternity n。 永远……eternalize v。 使永恒……eternize v。 使永久……purity n。 纯真,纯度……pure adj。 纯正的……(pure n。 纯洁的东西)


这些形容词均有“通常的,惯常的”之意。 customary〓指特定的个人或群体的平常习惯,或习俗性的行为。habitual〓指按个人习惯反复发生的事情。侧重经常性、习惯性。conventional〓语气强,指遵守已成习惯的事情,强调符合惯例,由人们普遍认可。

customary union是什么意思

customary union 习惯性的联盟customary 英[u02c8ku028cstu0259mu0259ri] 美[u02c8ku028cstu0259meri] adj. 习惯的; 通常的; 照惯例的; n. 习惯法; 风俗志; [例句]It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests向客人提供一杯饮料或一份点心是一种习俗。

how to attract customers?and how to promote the products?

该如何吸引客户?和该如何促进产品? 悬赏分: 0- 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时该如何吸引客户 ? 该如何促进产品? 欢迎给我一些有价值的劝告。谢谢很多! 非常感谢高人的宝贵指教!请用英国语答复!

英特尔customer engineer是干什么的

英特尔customer engineer是客户工程师。客户工程师要根据公司的销售目标和任务,从技术层面监控和协调公司和客户的沟通,配合销售把各项目从新品流片直至带向量产。客户工程师作为客户的技术接口:为客户提供技术和业务信息,帮助客户从公司内部寻求解决问题的答案和方案,促成客户项目的导入。 作为销售的技术支持:保持与销售团队的紧密合作,达成既定销售目标。客户工程师的职责客户工程师要负责对客户的产品进行妥善版次管控及跟进与汇报客户的项目进度(包括Tapeout);协助公司相关部门(包括测试、技术开发、芯片厂)要求客户提供技术方面的信息。协助公司各部门从客户端获取与确认技术方面的相关信息;通过正式渠道申请或提供相关的信息或资料给客户;与客户建立并保持良好关系,协助客户回答技术与工程方面的提问。拜访客户,参与讨论技术支持等相关议题。customer engineer的使命就是处理客户反馈并推动问题按期结案, 管理和协调工程团队使工程项目顺利导入,并保持稳定生产。





Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plustop和Les Paul Custom哪个好些呢

les paul custom

电脑BIOS的load optimal defaults 和load custom defaults 有什么区别?


customer segment是什么意思啊


potential customer潜在顾客,什么意思?

I agree with 我是一条巨龙.

she is a frequent customer of this restaurant什么意思

she is a frequent customer of this restaurant她是这个餐馆的常客。

be used to, be accustomed to, adjust to, adapt to 有何区别?

be used to+ do 被用来 used to+ doing 习惯 accustomed to+ 名词/doing 习惯于...,比be used to+ doing 正式adjust to适应,调节(气侯/生活等)adapt (oneself ) to + 名词,使..适合/适应(环境/情况)


institution名词 n. 1.制度,习俗[C]The institution of slavery was once widespread. 奴隶制度曾经相当普遍。2.公共团体,机构;公共团体的建筑物[C]A church, school, hospital, asylum, or prison is an institution. 教堂,学校,医院,收容所或监狱皆属公共机构。3.建立,设立,制定[U]Institution of such schools was geared to these needs. 建立这些学校适应了那些需要。custom 名词 n. 1.(社会,团体的)习俗,惯例[C][U]The celebration of Christmas is a custom. 庆祝圣诞节是一种风俗。2.(个人的)习惯[C]3.(顾客对商店等的)惠顾[U];顾客[U]4.(常大写)海关[the P]Did you have any trouble with the Customs? 你通过海关有麻烦吗?5.关税[P]



Customize optional software中文翻译


请问一下,在witness 12.0教育版中 customize 3D和quick3D怎么用?能画出3D效果图吗?

你好 能把你的12.0的分享给我么 最近正在实习 英文的看着很烦人

swipe to customize your newsfeed

like the page是状语,you是主语 are是be动词interested后面是宾语

三星手机上的om customize是什么意思

您好 !手机屏幕显示 0 M/S是数据流量 ( 0 MB per second) 的意思就是代表, 您手机现已在断网的状态.希望这能帮到您 !!

期刊的customize letter什么意思

customize letter定制信词典结果:customize[英][u02c8ku028cstu0259mau026az][美][u02c8ku028cstu0259u02ccmau026az]vt.定制,定做; 按规格改制; 第三人称单数:customizes过去分词:customized现在进行时:customizing过去式:customized以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.You can customize your junk? 你还能订制你的那话儿?


customize [英]u02c8ku028cstu0259mau026az[美]u02c8ku028cstu0259u02ccmau026azvt. 定制,定做;按规格改制[例句]You can customize the look of elements by applying styles to them.你也可以通过设置样式来定制这些元素的外观。如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


定制;[计]用户化一、读音英 ["kʌstəmaɪz] ; 美 ["kʌstəmaɪz] 二、用法1、Youcanalsocustomizemessagemarkingpreferences.还可以定制消息标记的首选项。解析:这里的customize的意思是定制的意思。2、Usethistabtocustomizeplayerupgradeandplayersettings.使用此选项卡定制播放机升级和播放机设置。解析:这里的customize的意思是用户化的意思。扩展资料同近义词1、custom-make定做Ihadthisdeskcustom-madeforme.我为自己定做了这张桌子。2、adapt改编Wehavehadtoadaptquicklytothenewsystem.我们不得不迅速适应新制度。3、maketoorder定制Make to order various furs product! 定做各种皮草制品!


customizedadj.客户指定的,定制的(产品); vt.& vi.订做,改制(以满足顾主的需要); v.定制,定做( customize的过去式和过去分词 );

安装myeclipse 10.0时要勾选customize optional software吗

这句英文的意思是 自定义可选软件。 勾选后 就可以自定义选择了。如果你不是很了解话建议不用勾选 ,如果勾选就全部选择吧。




实话实说哈。看的出来你好像不太懂电脑。如果你是工作学习及个人娱乐用请看我下面的话,如果是其他特别用处那么你无视好了。1.只有1个。因为你的主板是HM65的,另外也只用一个就OK了(很少有人去关心有几个硬盘槽的,因为根本没必要)。750GB在笔记本里是很大的了,现在1TB的笔记本硬盘很少。我认为750GB在台式机里也都够用。2.这也是一个很菜的问题。一般很少人喜欢用什么WIN7正版的。因为正版的速度很慢很慢(因为有很多不必要的安全设置)。去花5元钱街边买个盗版的WIN7 64位旗舰版,然后把你的什么家用版升级到旗舰版的就可以支持16GB了。3.看说明书上有。每个电脑不一样。4.这个不清楚了。不过这是细节问题。一个破鼠标值不了多少钱。5.散热应该不错。17寸的大家伙了。有足够的空间了。笔记本散热一般由机器大小和你的CPU发热和显卡发热决定。你想买的这个笔记本应该没什么问题6.GT635M是比较鸡肋的显卡。他比现在I7第三代的集成显卡HD4000好不了多少(强40%)。GT635M和GT555M用的都是一样的老构架。GT640M(不包括GT640LE)及以上的独立显卡都是用的新构架。推荐你用GT650M的显卡的机器。性能相当于桌面级GTS450了和什么GT635M不是一个级别的,散热也不用担心所以完全不推荐你买这个显卡7.我分的C是系统盘D是工作资料E是游戏F电影娱乐G其它资料8.还可以吧。看你玩什么游戏了。9.ok 补充一下17寸的笔记本应该有配GT660M的机器。GT660相当于台式的GT550TI了。性能不错的。

customize autoaim中文是什么意思?

根据单词意思,如果是游戏用语则可以翻译为自定义设置自动瞄准的快捷键组合键之类的;另一个语境则可以翻译为 定做这种制式的枪支道具、开关之类的






直接删除不了 就去 控制面板-添加或删除程序 去里面找 customize 然后卸载掉


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