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有一首歌 朴素唱的 歌词。像一阵风吹过我身边~~和你去看繁华世界。。。好像叫什么 for day 但是网上现在连

朴树《colorful days》。祝听歌快乐!imaginationit"s on my waynever lose my passionit"s on my way像一阵风掠过我身边当你错身而过的瞬间忽然间想要去很远和你去看繁华世界imaginationnever lose my passionit"s on my way it"s on my way nowwhat ever it takesnot for the destinationit"s on my way it"s on my wayall my colorful daysnever lose my passionit"s on my way

colorful days里面的英文翻译一下

额~~~``````````是 不是朴树的歌啊?表问的这么没头没脑滴 啊好啊!! 闷 说实话 呵呵 汗`````````我也不会翻译捏~~!

Colorful Days 歌词

Colorful Days作词:朴树 作曲:朴树演唱:朴树ImaginationIt"s on my wayNever lose my passionIt"s on my way像一阵风掠过我身边当你错身而过的瞬间忽然间想要去很远和你去看繁华世界ImaginationNever lose my passionIt"s on my way It"s on my way nowWhatever it takesNot for the destinationIt"s on my way It"s on my wayAll my colorful daysNever lose my passion像一阵风掠过我身边当你错身而过的瞬间忽然间想要去很远和你去看繁华世界ImaginationNever lose my passionIt"s on my way It"s on my way nowWhatever it takesNot for the destinationIt"s on my way It"s on my wayAll my colorful daysNever lose my passionImaginationNever lose my passionIt"s on my way It"s on my way nowWhatever it takesNot for the destinationIt"s on my way It"s on my wayAll my colorful daysImaginationNever lose my passionhttp://music.baidu.com/song/253063

朴树的歌colorful days求歌词中英文部分翻译为中文.

imagination 想象吧。never lose my passion 永远不失去我的激情。it"s on my way it"s on my way 这是我的路,这是我的方式now 现在whatever it takes 无论它会怎么样 not for the destination 不是为了什么目的it"s on my way it"s on my way 只是我的方式all my colorful days 在我五彩缤纷的日子里

eclipse中更新maven update project 如果直接用maven命令的话,是哪个命令i

eclipse更新maven update project直接用maven命令:D:workspace est runksrc est>mvn compileMaven是apache的一个顶级项目,它的出现越来越影响着现在的众多的开源项目,不仅如此,很多公司的很多新项目都采用Maven提倡的方式进行管理。按照如下操作进行项目的更新:

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COACH 与 20世纪美国波普艺术家 Tom Wesselmann 联名系列新品本周正式登场。 这只 Swinger 20 手袋将 Wesselmann 绘制的女性面部肖像印在包包上,蓝色眼影和烈焰红唇在黑色背景上形成鲜明对比,尽显摩登女性魅力。 定居于智利的漫画家兼插画家 Pablo Delcielo 的画作为 「GUCCI LOVE PARADE」 系列注入一抹趣味色彩。 拟人效果的 生梨先生 出现在 老花托特包 上,充满诙谐感; 包包背面的英语短句出自 玛丽莲·梦露 ,意为「不管如何,我独自一人,我永远都是独自一人。」 GUCCI x adidas 跨界联名作品是近期热门,设计灵感来自复古学院制服。 这款 迷你旅行包 采用复古保龄球包型,亮点是包身以 红蓝元素 勾勒出2大品牌的标志性标识—— 三叶草和 GG Logo ,搭配红绿织带肩带,充满复古运动气息。 这只 迷你化妆包 出自 CELINE 2022秋冬 「Dans Paris 在巴黎」 系列作品。 采用小巧便携的 立方体盒型 ,包裹标志性的 Triomphe 老花帆布 ,顶部包盖饰以双拉链开合。搭配棕色小牛皮手柄和肩带,复古又别致尤其适合凹造型。 Miu Miu 近期的包袋一改往日青春甜美的风格,而是强调实用性与日常着装。 这款 大号肩背包 取材柔嫩皮革,渲染 木瓜色 给人感觉明亮又温暖。 包身低调点缀压花徽标,配有纤细的 金链肩带 ,捧在手里或单肩背都洋溢慵懒舒适气息。


data-options是jQuery Easyui 最近两个版本才加上的一个特殊属性。通过这个属性,我们可以对easyui组件的实例化可以完全写入到html中,例如:1 <div class="easyui-dialog" style="width:400px;height:200px" 2 data-options="title:"My Dialog",collapsible:true,iconCls:"icon-ok",onOpen:function(){}"> 3 dialog content. 4 </div> 为什么要特殊提出一下这个属性呢? 通过这个属性,有个原来我们不好实现的功能,现在可以很轻松的就完成了。了解easyui tree组件的童鞋估计都知道tree的node有他自己单独的属性(id,text,iconCls,checked,state,attribute,target)。而原先这个几个属性想要通过html的方式赋值实例的话,是不能完全做到的。attribute属性必须json的方式才能赋值。这也给我们开发带来了一下不便。而如今有了data-options这个属性,一切问题都迎刃而解了。定义一棵nide带有特殊属性的node就可以通过如下方式实现了1 <ul id="tt1" class="easyui-tree" data-options="animate:true,dnd:true"> 2 <li> 3 <span>Folder</span> 4 <ul> 5 <li data-options="state:"closed""> 6 <span>Sub Folder 1</span> 7 <ul> 8 <li data-options="attributes:{"url":"xxxxx"}"> 1 <span><a href="#">File 11</a></span> 2 </li> 3 <li data-options="attributes:{"url":"xxxxx"}"> 1 <span>File 12</span> 2 </li> 3 <li> 4 <span>File 13</span> 5 </li> 6 </ul> 7 </li> 8 <li data-options="attributes:{"url":"xxxxx"}"> 1 <span>File 2</span> 2 </li> 3 <li data-options="attributes:{"url":"xxxxx"}"> 01 <span>File 3</span> 02 </li> 03 <li id="123" data-options="attributes:{"url":"xxxxx"}">File 4</li> 04 <li>File 5</li> 05 </ul> 06 </li> 07 <li> 08 <span>File21</span> 09 </li> 10 </ul> 然后我们通过js方法获取到tree的node对象的时候 就可以直接node.attributes.url获取到相应的值了。

oracle update 多别名更新问题

update test set age = case when name=name1" then 16 when age > 15 then 25 else age end

看图理解:OpenGL 的三种变量类型(uniform、attributes、Textrue Data)

回顾: 1. 快速理解OpenGL专业名词 2. 看图解析:OpenGL“图元” OpenGL 被设计为客户端与服务端端CS模型。客户端为应用程序调用的OpenGL接口,运行在CPU上向服务端发送各种渲染请求。而服务端则会通过图形渲染管线执行真正的渲染工作。运行在GPU上。 在shader 中,属性变量和统一变量需要由应用设置,attribute属性变量用于传递顶点信息,而uniform统一变量则用于传递用户自定义的变量。这两种变量在shader中会被定义为全局变量。 1. uniform(统一变量) 2. attributes(属性) 3. Textures(纹理) 文献 OpenGL ES 3.0之Uniform详解 OpenGL Texture 纹理 精通Cocos2d-x游戏开发(进阶卷) 三 基础渲染-opengl基础渲染架构

急!求David Lanz 的Love lost love found的链接,要做空间滴背景音乐。谢谢啦~


although so abundant cases can support my simple views ,the following one is most favorable

Although so abundant cases can support my simple views ,the following one is most favorable. 虽然这么多的案例可以支持我简单的观点,但下面的例子是最有利的。Although so abundant cases can support my simple views ,it is the following one that is most favorable. 虽然这么多的案例可以支持我简单的观点,但是是下面的这个例子是最有利的。根据句意,要强调的是主句。

Judas Priest的《Lost Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Lost Love歌手:Judas Priest专辑:NostradamusJudas Priest - Lost LoveI carry with me all the love that you giveYou bought me serenity - a reason to liveOur life is a journeyThat we took from the startWe made all these memories togetherI can rememberThe first time that we metThe feelings you gave to me - I"ll never forgetI knew from that momentWhen our love first beganWe"d last till the end of time foreverAnd though there were bad timesWe stood by each otherAnd did what we had to get throughYou live in my heart - when you"re far awayI see you in dreams - where I hear you sayI"m with your forever in true loveBy light of the day - and stars aboveAnd when there were bad timesWe held on each otherTo face what we had to get throughLook up to heaven - and I"ll be thereStill guiding my heartStill saying our prayerhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8737372

SQLServer数据库 Age字段和birthday字段联动 Test时数据表名

创建更新触发器解决之。Create trigger tri_table1update on table1 for updateAsif Exists(Select * From table1 a, inserted b where a.KeyID = b.KeyID and a.age <> b.age)beginupdate aSet a.birthday = DATEADD(YEAR, 0-b.age, getdate())From table1 a, inserted bWHere a.KeyID = b.KeyID endif Exists(Select * From table1 a, inserted b where a.KeyID = b.KeyID and a.Birthday <> b.Birthday)beginupdate aSet a.Age = DATEDIFF(YEAR, b.birthda, GETDATE())From table1 a, inserted bWHere a.KeyID = b.KeyID end

in,at,on,除了时间外的区别。例如at a low price。in the day

in带大地点 at小地点

老鹰乐队的saturday night歌词

seems like a dream now,it was so long ago the moon burned so bright and the time went so slow and i swore that i loved her and gave her a ring the bluebird was high on the wing whatever happened to saturday night finding a sweetheart and holding her tight?she said,"tell me, oh, tell me,was i alright?"whatever happened to saturday night?the years brought the railroad it ran by my door now there"s boards on the windows and dust on the floor and she passes the time at another man"s side and i pass the time with my pride what a tangled web we weave go "round with circumstance someone show me how to tell the dancer from the dance what ever happened to saturday night?choosin" a friend and loosin" a fight she said,"tell me, oh, tell me,are you alright?"whatever happened to saturday night?whatever happened to saturday night?

大白菜U盘装系统官网 是dabaici.com 还是winbaici.com。求解??


大白菜U盘装系统官网 是dabaici.com 还是winbaici.com。求解??

呵呵,wibaicai才是大白菜的,你也可以试试U盘启动大师的这个U盘启动盘制作工具 http://www.upanboot.com/download/ ,也是挺好用的 追问: 那个dabaicai.com是盗版的么?? 回答: 恩 追问: 我昨天晚上用这个下载的,制作启动盘失败,沃擦了。我去winbaicai看看。谢谢了!!



求找一首英文歌,是一个黑人唱的歌词中有oh baby tonight和dance dance dance的歌词



Please keep smiling every day the face of everything什么意思?



My mother always complains about my bad behavior, like I don"t eat up the food and sometimes I don"t have responsibility on what I do. I decide to behave myself, I want to help my mother to relieve her pressure. So I want to be a good child, I will eat up the food, no more pick up them and I also will keep on finishing the job I do.

蒙古歌曲ter namaig dursdag bolov uu是什么意思



你这是不是语音转文字。。可能是romantic Valentines day,浪漫的情人节

求Blue Foundation的Equilibrium的歌词

EquilibriumCall, baby, callIt17s no fantasyYou17ve got me waiting on the cornerI can17t feel it any moreCall, baby, callIt17s no fantasyYou17ve got me waiting on the cornerYou17ve got me waitingI17m in chainsThe future remains the sameJust struggles and strainsTrying to keep the gainsWell, the strong take from the weakBut the smart take from the strongI17m your freak, I17m your songA hard rain17s gonna fallI17ll take your gloryI17ll take it allI17ll take your territoryDeliriousI17m in deliriumI17ll find that equilibrium

一点CS1.5快捷方式就显示Could not validate counter-strike(无法验证)怎么回事??


Could not validate Counter-StriKe 是什么意思?




人教版新目标七下 第59页-2b的翻译 Birthday Food Around the World!


when is the winter vacation?和when is may day?的第一

原因:winter vacation是个普通名词短语,要用定冠词the来特指。May Day是个专有名词短语,没有必要用定冠词the.

英文:Richard、James、Charles、 Bruce、David ,是什么意思啊?


Richard、James、Charles、 Bruce、David 这些名字什么意思

RichardKK: []DJ: []n.1. 理查(男子名,涵义:勇猛的;大胆的)JamesKK: []DJ: []n.1. 詹姆斯(男人名)2. (圣经中的)雅各,雅各书CharlesKK: []DJ: []n.1. 查尔斯(男子名,涵义:强壮的;男性的;高贵心灵的)BruceKK: []DJ: []n.1. 布鲁斯(男子名,涵义:一座森林)DavidKK: []DJ: []n.1. 戴维(男子名)2. (圣经)大卫(以色列第二位国王)



Amanda Noelle - Love Is Greater 求空间链接谢谢!


求love is greater歌词 amanda noelle的·

网上搜索不到 不知道什么原因 不好意思帮不到你

求一首女歌手唱的英文歌,歌词有一句it all fell down,开头歌词好像是somedays ,it’s hard to see

John Mayer - Shadow DaysDid you know that you could be wrongAnd swear you"re rightSome people been known to do itAll their livesBut you find yourself aloneJust like you found yourself beforeLike I found myself in piecesOn my hotel floorHard times help me seeI"m a good man with a good heartHad a tough time, got a rough startBut I finally learned to let it goNow I"m right here, and I"m right nowAnd I"m open, knowing somehowThat my shadows days are overMy shadow days are over nowWell I ain"t no trouble makerAnd I never meant her harmBut it doesn"t mean I didn"t make itHard to carry onWell it sucks to be honest (honest)And it hurts to be realBut it starts to make some loveThat I can finally feelHard times let me beI"m a good man with a good heartHad a tough time, got a rough startBut I finally learned to let it goNow I"m right here, and I"m right nowAnd I"m open, knowing somehowThat my shadow days are overMy shadow days are over nowI"m a good man with a good heartHad a tough time, got a rough startBut I finally learned to let it goNow I"m right here, and I"m right nowAnd I"m open, knowing somehowThat my shadow days are overMy shadow days are over nowMy ShadowJessie JYou"ll never leave meI wish we could have another minute to finish this fairy tale.Hear your voice and get lost in it cause all I got is broken detail.You were my world and everything in it.So how did you disappear?I won"t say this is over, you"re still here.You"re my shadow, my shadow, I know you"re close.You"re my shadow, my shadow, everywhere I go.So I, I don"t see the need to cry cause you"ll never leave my life.You"re my shadow, my shadow. Oh oh.You"ll never leave meI won"t forget, I"ll just sit and reminise.Promise I"ll keep all your secrets.To have you back with me, my only wishcause nobody knew me like you did.The words will come to life I"ve written in my diary.Hide and seek but I know you"ll always find me.Count to ten and I know you will appear,appear-pear no fear, I"m here, here.You"re my shadow, my shadow, I know you"re close.You"re my shadow, my shadow, everywhere I go.So I, I don"t see the need to cry cause you"ll never leave my life.You"re my shadow, my shadow. Oh oh.You"ll never leave meNow your gone I swear you won"t be aloneMy heart beat tapping like it"s made of stone.I wont let you down, mute the sound but I can still hear. Yeah.& now I"m breaking, see I"m shaking but I know your waiting.Yeah-yeah.You"ll never leave meYou"re my shadow, my shadow, I know you"re close.You"re my shadow, my shadow, everywhere I go.So I, I don"t see the need to cry cause you"ll never leave my life.You"re my shadow, my shadow. Oh oh.You"re my shadow, my shadow, I know you"re close.You"re my shadow, my shadow, everywhere I go.So I, I don"t see the need to cry cause you"ll never leave my life.You"re my shadow, my shadow. Oh oh.You"ll never leave meNo, please don"t ever leave me. No, no, no.my shadow文本歌词It"s time to make a start是时候开始了to get to know your heart是时候去了解你自己的内心了time to show your face是时候崭露头角了time to take your place是时候寻找属于你的位置了In every speck of dust在每一粒细小的灰尘In every universe在每一个宏大的宇宙When you feel most alone当你感觉孤单you will not be alone其实你并未孤单·Just shine a light on me, shine a light只需给我一点光,一点光I"ll shine a light on you, shine a light我便愿努力照亮你生命and you will see my shadow on every wall你将会在每面墙上 看到我的影子and you will see my footprint on every floor你将会在每一个台阶上 发现我的脚步·It only takes a spark to tear the world apart毁灭这个世界只需一秒种these tiny little things that make it all begin是那些微不足道的一切塑造整个宇宙Just shine a light on me, shine a lightI"ll shine a light on you, shine a lightand you will see my shadow on every walland you"ll see my reflection in your free fallOoh, Oh Ooh, Ooh, Oh Ooh!Just shine a light on me, shine a lightI"ll shine a light on you, shine a light"Cause when your back"s against the wall当你转身背对所有阻碍that"s when you show no fear at all你就再也无所畏惧and when you"re running out of time当你比时间跑得更快that"s when your hit tune start to rhyme你就可以奏出生命的乐章We won"t be leaving by the same road that we came by 我们不会在在同一条路上撤退We won"t be leaving by the same road that we came byWe won"t be leaving by the same road that we came byWe won"t be leaving by the same road that we came byOh Ooh, Oh Ooh, Oh Ooh, Oh Ooh!

Love is Greater -Amanda Noelle歌词

Friday night,feeling fine周五晚 心情很好I"m gonna have a good time准备好好享受这一刻Raise my hands, watch me dance举起我的双手 舞动我的身体Everything"s all right一切都很好Driving through,car on cool驾着车 吹着海风Girl"s right by my side心仪的妹子就坐在旁边Feeling free, come with me无拘无束 跟着我一起It feels like感觉就像Driving in the car with a drugged-out singing开着车 像嗑了药一样尽情唱歌listen to the radio,the day is sweety听着广播 这日子真的是太赞啦I"m feeling good感觉超棒Chilling on beach,when the sun is shining烈日当空 懒洋洋的躺在沙滩Hanging with my friends living the good life and朋友同聚 一起分享美好的时光It"s great but I know日子很美好 但是我知道His love is greater than that他的爱比那更美好Ohohohohoh噢噢噢噢噢Summer sun,having fun在夏天的阳光下尽情玩耍Sand beneath my toes脚踩着沙滩的沙子Pefect day catch in ways everybody knows人人都知道 美好的一天难以得到Orbit"s good in this world comes to the one above在这个世界上 能够遇上真命天子 真的是人生一大美事My creative he"s my savior,he"s more than造物主啊 他简直就是我的救星 他比Driving in the car with a drugged-out singing开着车 像嗑了药一样尽情唱歌Listen to the radio,the day is sweety听着广播 过着滋润的日子I"m feeling good感觉超棒Chilling on beach,when the sun is shining烈日当空 懒洋洋的躺在沙滩Hanging with my friends living the good life and朋友同聚 一起分享美好的时光It"s great but I know日子很美好 但是我知道His love is greater than that他的爱比那更美好Life has got you down,you can see your away around回首望去曾经过往 人生难免有曲折I will be right by your side till that everything is all right我会一直在你身边 直到你安然无恙He"s got you in his hands, even when the times get bad尽管前方困难重重 他都紧紧握着你的手Love is greater爱很伟大He"s greater than他却好过Driving in the car with a drugged-out singing开着车 像嗑了药一样尽情唱歌Listen to the radio,the day is sweety听着广播 过着滋润的日子I"m feeling good(I"m feeling good)感觉超棒Chilling on beach,when the sun is shining烈日当空 懒洋洋的躺在沙滩Hanging with my friends living the good life and朋友同聚 一起分享美好的时光It"s great but I know日子很美好 但是我知道It"s greater than它却好过Driving in the car with a drugged-out singing开着车 像嗑了药一样尽情唱歌Listen to the radio,the day is sweety听着广播 这日子真的是太赞啦I"m feeling good(I"m feeling good good)感觉超棒Chilling on beach,when the sun is shining烈日当空 懒洋洋的躺在沙滩Hanging with my friends living the good life and朋友同聚 一起分享美好的时光It"s great but I know日子很美好 但是我知道His love is greater than that他的爱比那更美好His love is greater than that他的爱比那更美好So much greater than that他的爱无与伦比His love is greater than that他的爱最美好

DalKoms-Show Me Your Love

This was an accident Not the kind where sirens sound Nevereven noticedWe"re suddenly crumbling Tell me how you"ve neverfelt Delicate or innocentDo you still have doubts that Us havingfaith makes any senseTell me nothing ever counts Lashing outor breaking down Still somebody loses "cause There"s no wayto turn around Staring at your photographEverything now in thepast Never felt so lonely I Wish you could show me loveShowme love, show me love, show me love, Show me love, show me love"Tilyou open the door Show me love, show me love, show me loveShowme love, show me love "Til I"m up off the floorShow me love,show me love, Show me love, Show me love, show me love "Tilit"s inside my poresShow me love, show me love, show me love,Show me love, show me love"Til I"m screaming for more Randomacts of mindlessness Commonplace occurrencesChances and surprisesAnother state of consciousnessTell me nothing never counts Lashingout or breaking downStill somebody loses "cause There"s no wayto turn aroundTell me how you"ve never felt Delicate or innocentDo you still have doubts thatUs having faith makes any senseYou play games, I play tricksGirls and girls, but you"re theone Like a game of pick-up-sticksPlayed by fucking lunatics Showme love, show me love, show me love,Show me love, show me love"Til you open the door Show me love, show me love, show me loveShow me love, show me love "Til I"m up off the floorShow melove, show me love, show me love, Show me love, show me love"Tilit"s inside my pores Show me love, show me love, show me love,Showme love, show me love "Til I"m screaming for more Show me love,show me love Give me all that I want Show me love, show me loveGive me all that I wantShow me love, show me love Give me allthat I want Show me love, show me love"Til I"m screaming formore


能问这个问题,基本都是C盘快满了。appdate文件夹太大,其实只是appdate文件夹里的某几个文件夹太大。我的是C:UsersXXXAppDataLocalaef5 这件文件夹占用20G。C:UsersXXXAppDataRoamingAliWorkbench这个占用6G。下面说下我的方法一:下载spacesniffer 查看具体哪个文件夹最大。二:有针对性的删除。我的两个文件夹都指向千牛,卸载千牛后,删除上述文件夹,重新安装(不要安装在C盘)。

up to high standards

第一句属于现在完成时态,应该使用动词的完成时,因此使用come 第二句中,他的成功是过去已经取得的,因此应该使用一般过去时态,使用played,不能使用plays

work to high standards中to可不可以用with代替?如果不可以,为什么?谢谢。

应该是 work to high standards ( 要做到高标准 )work to 是向著一个目标work with 是与人一起合作

he always work to high standards中的to起什么作用。帮我讲讲这一


work to high standards为什么standard要加s?

标准是一条一条的,可数。单数就是work to a high standard

I Will Follow You Into The Dark 歌词

歌曲名:I Will Follow You Into The Dark歌手:Death Cab for Cutie专辑:2007 Grammy Nominees"I Will Follow You Into The Dark"Love of mine some day you will dieBut I"ll be close behindI"ll follow you into the darkNo blinding light or tunnels to gates of whiteJust our hands clasped so tightWaiting for the hint of a sparkIf heaven and hell decideThat they both are satisfiedIlluminate the NOs on their vacancy signsIf there"s no one beside youWhen your soul embarksThen I"ll follow you into the darkIn Catholic school as vicious as Roman ruleI got my knuckles brusied by a lady in blackAnd I held my tongue as she told me"Son fear is the heart of love"So I never went backIf heaven and hell decideThat they both are satisfiedIlluminate the NOs on their vacancy signsIf there"s no one beside youWhen your soul embarksThen I"ll follow you into the darkYou and me have seen everything to seeFrom Bangkok to CalgaryAnd the soles of your shoes are all worn downThe time for sleep is nowIt"s nothing to cry aboutCause we"ll hold each other soonThe blackest of roomsIf heaven and hell decideThat they both are satisfiedIlluminate the NOs on their vacancy signsIf there"s no one beside youWhen your soul embarksThen I"ll follow you into the darkThen I"ll follow you into the darkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59727861


take a ballet class. . 我有学芭蕾。。。这是外国人用的

Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old) 歌词

歌曲名:Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)歌手:Garth Brooks专辑:The Garth Brooks Collectionmuch too younggarth brooksThis ol" highway"s getting longerSeems there ain"t no end in sightTo sleep would be best, but I just can"t afford to restI"ve got to ride in denver tomorrow nightI called the house but no one answeredFor the last two weeks no one"s been homeI guess she"s through with me, to tell the truth I just can"t seeWhat"s kept the woman holding on this longAnd the white line"s getting longer and the saddle"s getting coldI"m much too young to feel this damn oldAll my cards are on the table with no ace left in the holeI"m much too young to feel this damn oldThe competition"s getting youngerTougher broncs, you know I can"t recallThe worn out tape of chris ledoux, lonely women and bad boozeSeem to be the only friends I"ve left at allAnd the white line"s getting longer and the saddle"s getting coldI"m much too young to feel this damn oldAll my cards are on the table with no ace left in the holeI"m much too young to feel this damn oldLord, I"m much too young to feel this damn old.http://music.baidu.com/song/54428437

Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old) 歌词

歌曲名:Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)歌手:Garth Brooks专辑:The Ultimate Hits CD2much too younggarth brooksThis ol" highway"s getting longerSeems there ain"t no end in sightTo sleep would be best, but I just can"t afford to restI"ve got to ride in denver tomorrow nightI called the house but no one answeredFor the last two weeks no one"s been homeI guess she"s through with me, to tell the truth I just can"t seeWhat"s kept the woman holding on this longAnd the white line"s getting longer and the saddle"s getting coldI"m much too young to feel this damn oldAll my cards are on the table with no ace left in the holeI"m much too young to feel this damn oldThe competition"s getting youngerTougher broncs, you know I can"t recallThe worn out tape of chris ledoux, lonely women and bad boozeSeem to be the only friends I"ve left at allAnd the white line"s getting longer and the saddle"s getting coldI"m much too young to feel this damn oldAll my cards are on the table with no ace left in the holeI"m much too young to feel this damn oldLord, I"m much too young to feel this damn old.http://music.baidu.com/song/20446067

贫瘠的生活 VIDAS SECAS怎么样

虽然选择的题材点比较的另类 但如果不用传统的叙事结构来整合整体剧情 就会显得凌乱拖沓 不同与意大利新现实主义的深刻性 巴西新电影运动稍显平淡但有一些独特的悲凉 []

a holiday plan60字左右,

My Plan for the National Day HolidayNational Holiday is coming.There are altogether 7 days,so I need to plan it in advance.Firstly,I plan to have a good rest for the first 2 days when I can have a good sleep and don"t worry to get up late,and then do a good cleaning of the home.Secondly,I would go to Zhouzhuang,a traditional southern town with my husband for a 2 days" trip.I hope I like it.Thirdly,I would fly to Beijing to attend my classmate"s wedding.These above are my plans for the National Holiday.I"m looking forward to my holiday.I"m going to play football with my friends in the holiday.When I"m free,I will also go to Sunshine Hill with my parents,we plan to go there by bus.We will probably have a picnic there,we will climb the hill.I think this one-day trip is interesting.


clean up day清洁日网络释义1. 清洁日例句:1.The students clean the classroom up every day. 教室每天都打扫。

Sunday Morning 歌词

歌曲名:Sunday Morning歌手:Joyside专辑:Drunk Is BeautifulSunday morning"s in my roomMy body"s on bed and candy"s in my mouthSunday morning"s just for my dearand my dear is lazyThe sunshine"s in my rotten hairI"m listening to the radio hereSunday morning"s in a dreamThe dream that i never wanna stopSunday morning"s in my roomMy body"s on bed and candy"s in my mouthSunday morning"s just for my dearAnd my dear is a lazy sleepI think my mind has gone to nowhereThere will be no more hurtsSunday morning"s in a dreamThe dream that i never wanna stopI"m just alrightI"m just alrightI"m just alrightI"m just alright in my dreamI"m lonely lonely lonely lonelylonelylonelylonelySunday morning"s in my roomMy body"s on bed and candy"s in my mouthSunday morning"s just for my dearand my dear is lazyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/242551

英语翻译例:宣传总监 Chief Inspector of PropagandaIs awarded to XXX in

主席----chairman 秘书长----secretary-general 主席助理----President assistant 秘书长助理----Assistant secretary-general 宣传总监----Publicity director 宣传督导----Propaganda supervision 常务署长----Standing director 志愿者统筹----Volunteers to plan as a whole 财务统筹----Financial plan as a whole 学术总监----Academic director 学术督导----Academic supervision 学术成员----Academic member 常务成员----Standing members 宣传成员----Propaganda members 赞美的自己说点就行啊

求一篇英语作文“My Winter Holiday Plan”(用一般将来时写) 急求,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

求一篇英语作文“My Winter Holiday Plan”(用一般将来时写) 急求,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 悬赏分:10 我相信你会,加油

帮忙写个60个次左右的英语作文my holiday plan

My Plan for the National Day HolidayNational Holiday is coming. There are altogether 7 days, so I need to plan it in advance. Firstly, I plan to have a good rest for the first 2 days when I can have a good sleep and don"t worry to get up late, and then do a good cleaning of the home. Secondly, I would go to Zhouzhuang, a traditional southern town with my husband for a 2 days" trip. I hope I like it. Thirdly, I would fly to Beijing to attend my classmate"s wedding. These above are my plans for the National Holiday.

求Beautiful pain --Damian Pars 的歌词!!

[ti:Beautiful Pain][ar:Damian Pars][al:][by:lμCifêΓ&havana@MaxRNB] [00:00.00]Damian Pars - Beautiful Pain[00:03.49]( Lyrics by lμCifêΓ & havana@MaxRNB )[00:05.65]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![00:09.46][00:10.28]Two empty streets and hurricanes[00:13.73]I tried to find the way, [00:16.27]I close my eyes and see u smile[00:19.98][00:20.97]Like perfect sunshine through the rain , [00:24.84]you give happiness to faith, [00:27.94]Beautiful Pain[00:30.64][00:31.47]Even though it is over [00:34.61]I still feel you closer[00:37.35]My heart is beating faster than before[00:41.72]I don"t know what I"m supposed to, do to make you love me [00:48.32]I just can"t let u go [00:51.71][00:52.03]Beautiful Pain,save me again[00:57.23]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [01:02.58]Beautiful Pain, save me again[01:08.15]How much it mercy. what else can yo say [01:13.36]Beautiful Pain[01:15.53][01:25.12]No matter what I tried to do [01:28.31]All I can see u stood[01:30.93]You"re every person in the boom[01:35.12]I hear u"re voice everywhere I dail[01:39.01]Oh it"s so hard to explain[01:42.62]Beautiful Pain[01:45.40][01:45.87]And even if it"s over [01:49.50]I still feel you closer[01:51.92]My heart is beating faster than before[01:56.32]How to know what I"m supposed to,do you make you love me[02:03.03]I just can"t let u go [02:06.53][02:06.72]Beautiful Pain,save me again[02:11.73]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [02:17.17]Beautiful Pain, save me again[02:22.38]How much it mercy. what else can you say [02:27.99]Beautiful Pain[02:30.50][02:39.95]Empty streets ,hurricanes[02:44.99]In the depth of my heart ohh[02:50.82]Like perfect sunshine through the rain ,the very thought of you [02:57.64]Makes me feel (you)[03:00.17][03:00.35]Beautiful Pain,save me again[03:05.18]You know that i"m sorry,don"t say it"s too late [03:10.63]Beautiful Pain, save me again[03:15.69]How much it mercy. what else can you say [03:21.09][03:21.38]Beautiful Pain[03:23.67]No don"t know no [03:31.99]Beautiful Pain[03:34.51]No don"t know no[03:42.69]Beautiful Pain[03:45.09][03:46.61]( Lyrics by lμCifêΓ & havana@MaxRNB )[03:52.76]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![03:46.30]

My winter Holiday Plan(英语作文啊!!!不少于60字)

My winter holidays plansMy winter holidays plans me studying for my English , I will make great efforts to learn English. Persist in listening to half hours of English every day. I will accomplish the school assignment that the teacher arranges best with the quickest speed. I can not forget to take the body exercise certainly also , I may take the body exercise coming drawing out 30- - 1 hours in time in every day. I play with the once computer coming certainly may draw out one small Duan time , watch one meeting TV or. Certainly need only 1 hour. This it is my winter holidays to plan!

英语作文a plan of my winter holiday 大概内容是按时完成寒假作业,多做一

a pian of my winter

my holiday plan初二英语作文。急急急急!!!快快快快!!!

my holiday plan on the first day of may, i will go to xihu park with my family. and in the afternoom of may 1, i will go shopping with my friends, and have meal with them. on may 2, i just want to stay at home, and help my mother do some housework and watch tv. oh, i will also go to eat some delicious food with my friends, because i think holiday sholud be a good time to relax myself.


  danger 是个通用词,其“危险”的含义可强可弱,可大可小,risk 亦然,其不同于 danger 之处仅在于:risk 还包含着“知道危险的存在”的意思,所以它可汉译为“冒险”,另外,danger 只用作名词,而 risk 既可用作名词,也可用作动词.用作名词的 risk 的常用搭配为 take (run) the risk of doing… He stayed up so late that he was afraid that he was in danger of oversleeping and being late for work.他很迟都未睡觉,所以他担心会有睡过了头并且上班迟到的危险.The country is in danger.那个国家正处在危险之中.The doctor said that his life was out of danger.医生说他的生命已经脱险了.Mrs Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men.安妮·斯特林夫人穿越森林追赶那两个男人时,没有去想自己所冒的风险.I wouldn"t run the risk of being late for work.我不会冒迟到的危险的.

My Winter holiday plans 为题目写一篇小短文?

My Winter Holiday plans well. Winter holiday is coming. So what I am going to do? I am going to read English books,surf the Internet,play badmintoon every day。And first I am going to finish my homework 。In addition, I am going to leave Shantou for Xiamen with my family and we are going to stay there for ten days。And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food,climb the mountains in the Jin Bang Park。That must be a lot more fun and we will very excited。How about you?What are you going to do when the Winter Holiday is coming?

hadoop 什么是decommission data

hadoop 什么是demission data data目录是要储存HDFS的档案内容的,而name目录只是存放HDFS档案系统的元资料的,比如档案的块分布情况。如果你将一个档案从本地档案系统拷贝到HDFS档案系统中,那么data目录就有内容了。 为什么hadoop删除节点在Demission in progress不动了 这可没法回答,发详细的错误日志资讯。感觉是你删除节点的方法不对 什么是hadoop 一个分散式系统基础架构,由Apache基金会所开发。 使用者可以在不了解分散式底层细节的情况下,开发分散式程式。充分利用丛集的威力高速运算和储存。 Hadoop实现了一个分散式档案系统(Hadoop Distributed File System),简称HDFS。HDFS有高容错性的特点,并且设计用来部署在低廉的(low-cost)硬体上;而且它提供高传输率(high throughput)来访问应用程式的资料,适合那些有着超大资料集(large data set)的应用程式。HDFS放宽了(relax)POSIX的要求,可以流的形式访问(streaming aess)档案系统中的资料。 了解更多开源相关,去LUPA社群看看吧。 什么是primary data和secondary data? 原始资料、原始资料 & 二手资料,二手/次级资料 hadoop入门,了解什么是hadoop 你学hadoop的动机是什么?只是玩玩而已么。还是想从事这方面。 如果是后者,那么不学linux那就是个笑话,hadoop,直白点来说是多个主机来做一个储存或资料库,你不学习linux怎么配置各个linux的环境?怎么控制他的负载均衡? 甚至你需要学习网路等方面的知识,里面的一些报错很抽象,需要根据一些网路基础判断出错原因。 什么是hadoop trunk Hadoop实现了一个分散式档案系统(Hadoop Distributed File System),简称HDFS。HDFS有高容错性的特点,并且设计用来部署在低廉的(low-cost)硬体上;而且它提供高传输率(high throughput)来访问应用程式的资料,适合那些有着超大资料集(large data set)的应用程式。HDFS放宽了(relax)POSIX的要求,可以流的形式访问(streaming aess)档案系统中的资料。 ----来自百度百科 个人理解:一个分散式档案储存系统+一个分散式计算框架,在其上还有很多的开源专案来丰富他的功能,如Hbase,hive等等 简单说,埠如果配置为trunk模式,则允许多个vlan的资料通过该埠,一般是交换机与交换机互联的埠配置成trunk。9600这个型号没听说过,如果说的是2960系列交换机的话,要看版本,有的是需要先配置封装,config模式下举例 inter g0/1 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q(先打这条,再打下面的) switchport mode trunk 配好之后预设的native vlan是1 有的版本不需要配置封装 直接 switchport mode trunk 就可以了。 什么是hadoop,怎样学习hadoop Hadoop实现了一个分散式档案系统(Hadoop Distributed File System),简称HDFS。HDFS有高容错性的特点,并且设计用来部署在低廉的(low-cost)硬体上;而且它提供高吞吐量(high throughput)来访问应用程式的资料,适合那些有着超大资料集(large data set)的应用程式。HDFS放宽了(relax)POSIX的要求,可以以流的形式访问(streaming aess)档案系统中的资料。 Hadoop的框架最核心的设计就是:HDFS和MapReduce。HDFS为海量的资料提供了储存,则MapReduce为海量的资料提供了计算。一句话来讲Hadoop就是储存加计算。 Hadoop这个名字不是一个缩写,而是一个虚构的名字。该专案的建立者,Doug Cutting解释Hadoop的得名 :“这个名字是我孩子给一个棕黄色的大象玩具命名的。 Hadoop是一个能够让使用者轻松架构和使用的分散式计算平台。使用者可以轻松地在Hadoop上开发和执行处理海量资料的应用程式。它主要有以下几个优点: 1、高可靠性Hadoop按位储存和处理资料的能力值得人们信赖。 2、高扩充套件性Hadoop是在可用的计算机集簇间分配资料并完成计算任务的,这些集簇可以方便地扩充套件到数以千计的节点中。 3、高效性Hadoop能够在节点之间动态地移动资料,并保证各个节点的动态平衡,因此处理速度非常快。 4、高容错性Hadoop能够自动储存资料的多个副本,并且能够自动将失败的任务重新分配。 5、低成本与一体机、商用资料仓库以及QlikView、Yonghong Z-Suite等资料集市相比,hadoop是开源的,专案的软体成本因此会大大降低。 Hadoop带有用Java语言编写的框架,因此执行在 Linux 生产平台上是非常理想的。Hadoop 上的应用程式也可以使用其他语言编写,比如 C++。 Hadoop大资料处理的意义 Hadoop得以在大资料处理应用中广泛应用得益于其自身在资料提取、变形和载入(ETL)方面上的天然优势。Hadoop的分散式架构,将大资料处理引擎尽可能的靠近储存,对例如像ETL这样的批处理操作相对合适,因为类似这样操作的批处理结果可以直接走向储存。Hadoop的MapReduce功能实现了将单个任务打碎,并将碎片任务(Map)传送到多个节点上,之后再以单个数据集的形式载入(Reduce)到资料仓库里。 Hadoop由以下几个专案构成 1、Hadoop Common :Hadoop体系最底层的一个模组,为Hadoop各子专案提供各种工具,如:配置档案和日志操作等。 2、HDFS:分散式档案系统,提供高吞吐量的应用程式资料访问,对外部客户机而言,HDFS 就像一个传统的分级档案系统。可以建立、删除、移动或重新命名档案,等等。但是 HDFS 的架构是基于一组特定的节点构建的(参见图 1),这是由它自身的特点决定的。这些节点包括 NameNode(仅一个),它在 HDFS 内部提供元资料服务;DataNode,它为 HDFS 提供储存块。由于仅存在一个 NameNode,因此这是 HDFS 的一个缺点(单点失败)。 储存在 HDFS 中的档案被分成块,然后将这些块复制到多个计算机中(DataNode)。这与传统的 RAID 架构大不相同。块的大小(通常为 64MB)和复制的块数量在建立档案时由客户机决定。NameNode 可以控制所有档案操作。HDFS 内部的所有通讯都基于标准的 TCP/IP 协议。 3、MapReduce :一个分散式海量资料处理的软体框架集计算丛集。 4、Avro :doug cutting主持的RPC专案,主要负责资料的序列化。有点类似Google的protobuf和Facebook的thrift。avro用来做以后hadoop的RPC,使hadoop的RPC模组通讯速度更快、资料结构更紧凑。 5、Hive :类似CloudBase,也是基于hadoop分散式计算平台上的提供data warehouse的sql功能的一套软体。使得储存在hadoop里面的海量资料的汇总,即席查询简单化。hive提供了一套QL的查询语言,以sql为基础,使用起来很方便。 6、HBase :基于Hadoop Distributed File System,是一个开源的,基于列储存模型的可扩充套件的分散式资料库,支援大型表的储存结构化资料。 7、Pig :是一个平行计算的高阶的资料流语言和执行框架 ,SQL-like语言,是在MapReduce上构建的一种高阶查询语言,把一些运算编译进MapReduce模型的Map和Reduce中,并且使用者可以定义自己的功能。 8、ZooKeeper :Google的Chubby一个开源的实现。它是一个针对大型分散式系统的可靠协调系统,提供的功能包括:配置维护、名字服务、分散式同步、组服务等。ZooKeeper的目标就是封装好复杂易出错的关键服务,将简单易用的介面和效能高效、功能稳定的系统提供给使用者。 9、Chukwa :一个管理大型分散式系统的资料采集系统 由yahoo贡献。 10、Cassandra :无单点故障的可扩充套件的多主资料库 。 11、Mahout :一个可扩充套件的机器学习和资料探勘库 。 Hadoop 设计之初的目标就定位于高可靠性、高可拓展性、高容错性和高效性,正是这些设计上与生俱来的优点,才使得Hadoop 一出现就受到众多大公司的青睐,同时也引起了研究界的普遍关注。到目前为止,Hadoop 技术在网际网路领域已经得到了广泛的运用,如Yahoo、Facebook、Adobe、IBM、百度、阿里巴巴、腾讯、华为、中国移动等。 关于怎样学习hadoop,首先要了解并且深刻认识什么是hadoop,它的原理以及作用是什么,包括基本构成是什么,分别有什么作用,当然,在学习之前,至少要掌握一门基础语言,这样在学习起来才会事半功倍,因为目前hadoop在国内发展时间不长,有兴趣的朋友可以先找一些书籍来学习,打好基本功,本站也将持续更新有关hadoop的学习方法以及资料资源共享,希望我们一起努力,有好的方法和建议欢迎交流。 什么是 Apache Hadoop


最后一个约束后面没写括号model:!3发点4收点运输问题;!集合部分;sets: warehouses/wh1..wh3/: capacity; vendors/v1..v4/: demand; links(warehouses,vendors): cost, volume;endsets!目标函数;min=@sum(links:cost*volume);!需求约束;@for(vendors(J):@sum(warehouses(I):volume(I,J))=demand(J));!产量约束;@for(warehouses(I):@sum(vendors(J):volume(I,J))<=capacity(I));!这里是数据;data: capacity=60 42 48; demand=50 30 25 45; cost=6 9 12 7 1 3 6 1 5 1 3 4;Enddataend

javax.sql.DataSource 这个 maven 仓库没有,怎么办

因为有些jar包在Maven中央仓库不存在,比如sqljdbc.jar在Maven中央仓库中找不到那么我们就需要额外下载所需jar包然后添加到本地仓库首先当然是配置好Maven环境了,然后在下载的jar包下执行mvn install:install-file -Dfile=sqljdbc4.jar -DgroupId=com.microsoft.sqlserver -DartifactId=sqljdbc4 -Dversion=4.0 -Dpackaging=jar然后就可以在项目下的pom.xml 文件中添加<dependency><groupId>com.microsoft.sqlserver</groupId><artifactId>sqljdbc4</artifactId><version>4.0</version></dependency>

javax.sql.DataSource 这个 maven 仓库没有,怎么办


javax.sql.DataSource 这个 maven 仓库没有,怎么办

因为有些jar包在Maven中央仓库不存在,比如sqljdbc.jar在Maven中央仓库中找不到那么我们就需要额外下载所需jar包然后添加到本地仓库首先当然是配置好Maven环境了,然后在下载的jar包下执行mvn install:install-file -Dfile=sqljdbc4.jar -DgroupId=com.microsoft.sqlserver -DartifactId=sqljdbc4 -Dversion=4.0 -Dpackaging=jar然后就可以在项目下的pom.xml 文件中添加<dependency><groupId>com.microsoft.sqlserver</groupId><artifactId>sqljdbc4</artifactId><version>4.0</version></dependency>

javax.sql.DataSource 这个 maven 仓库没有,怎么办

因为有些jar包在Maven中央仓库不存在,比如sqljdbc.jar在Maven中央仓库中找不到那么我们就需要额外下载所需jar包然后添加到本地仓库首先当然是配置好Maven环境了,然后在下载的jar包下执行mvn install:install-file -Dfile=sqljdbc4.jar -DgroupId=com.microsoft.sqlserver -DartifactId=sqljdbc4 -Dversion=4.0 -Dpackaging=jar然后就可以在项目下的pom.xml 文件中添加<dependency><groupId>com.microsoft.sqlserver</groupId><artifactId>sqljdbc4</artifactId><version>4.0</version></dependency>

Data Warehouse是啥呢?




sqlserver2008 日志传送 提示属性IsManagementDataWarehouse不可用于数据库“mydatabase”..........


internet explorer中diagnosticshub.datawarehouse.dll是病毒吗


请问在阿里巴巴做数据仓库(data warehouse)的工程师待遇怎么样?


Happy Days的演职人员

导演Director:Peter BaldwinFrank BuxtonMel FerberArt Fisher杰瑞·伦敦Jerry London盖瑞·马歇尔Garry Marshall杰瑞·帕里斯Jerry ParisJames TayneGeorge TyneHerb WallersteinDon WeisJoel Zwick编剧Writer:Al AidekmanSid ArthurArt BaerCindy BegelDick BensfieldBarbara BerkowitzWilliam BickleyBeverly BloombergBobby BoswellJ. Elizabeth BradleyBob BrunnerLouise BryantFrank BuxtonNancy ChurninJohn B. CollinsRichard CorrellAnthony DiMarcoCharlotte M. DobbsDavid W. DuclonJames Patrick DunneJim DunneSteven DwormanPeggy ElliottJudy Pidi ErvinRalph FarquharMarc FlanaganFred Fox Jr.Ron J. FriedmanLowell GanzStephanie GarmanRoger GarrettLloyd GarverJoe GlaubergAllen GoldsteinPerry GrantSteve GrantSam GreenbaumDixie Brown GrossmanRichard GurmanSusanne Gayle HarrisTerry HartKen HechtCraig HellerAndrew M. HorowitzBob HowardBill IdelsonBill JamesBen JoelsonJoel KaneRobert KeatsApril KellyCalvin KellyWalter KempleyDavid KetchumLesa KiteArtie LaingRon LeavittMichael Leeson布莱恩·莱温特Brian LevantMichael LomanFred MaioAlan MandelBabaloo Mandel盖瑞·马歇尔Garry Marshall ....creator盖瑞·马歇尔Garry MarshallBosco McGowanPhilip MishkinSamuro MitsubiRichard MorganGary MurphyWarren S. MurrayMarty NadlerRia NepusBarry O"BrienBarbara Fredrika O"KeefeMichael O"MahonyRobert PekurnyJudy PioliJerry Rannow罗伯·莱纳Rob Reiner(first episode)David ReoJames RitzMickey RoseLorna RosenbergRichard RosenstockMark RothmanPaula A. RothBarry RubinowitzPamela RyanDon SafranEd ScharlachPatt SheaMary-David SheinerBruce ShellyMel Sherer查尔斯·谢尔Charles ShyerArthur SilverGeorge F. SlavinJeffrey StaminNancy SteenGreg StrangisLarry StrawtherNeil ThompsonMichael WarrenMike WeinbergerYvette WeinbergerSheila Judis WeisbergHarriett WeissHolly WhiteJack WinterTiffany YorkSteve Zacharias演员Actor:朗·霍华德Ron Howard ....Richard "Richie" Cunningham (1974-1980)亨利·温克勒Henry Winkler ....Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli汤姆·博斯雷Tom Bosley ....Howard CunninghamMarion Ross ....Marion Cunningham伊林·莫兰Erin Moran ....Joanie Cunningham ArcolaAnson Williams ....Warren "Potsie" WeberDon Most ....Ralph Malph (1974-1980) (as Donny Most)Gavan O"Herlihy ....Chuck Cunningham (1974)Randolph Roberts ....Chuck Cunningham (1974-75)森田则之Pat Morita ....Matsuo "Arnold" Takahashi (1975-1976, 1982-1983)Al Molinaro ....Alfred "Al" Delvecchio (1976-1982)/Bear/Father Anthony Delvecchio斯克特·拜奥Scott Baio ....Charles "Chachi" Arcola (1977-1984)Lynda Goodfriend ....Lori Beth Allen Cunningham (1977-1982)Cathy Silvers ....Jenny Piccalo (1980-1983)Ted McGinley ....Roger Phillips (1980-1984)Crystal Bernard ....K.C. Cunningham (1982-1983)琳达·珀儿Linda Purl ....Ashley Pfister (1982-1983)海瑟·欧罗克Heather O"Rourke ....Heather Pfister (1982-1983)Billy Warlock ....Leopold "Flip" Phillips (1982-1983)Beatrice Colen ....Marsha Simms (1974-1975)制作人Produced by:Nick Abdo ....producerWilliam Bickley ....associate producerRobert Birnbaum ....associate producer (as Bob Birnbaum)Bob Brunner ....associate producerBob Brunner ....producerJames Patrick Dunne ....associate producerLowell Ganz ....producerLowell GanzRonny Hallin ....associate producerWalter Kempley盖瑞·马歇尔Garry Marshall ....executive producer (as Garry K. Marshall)Gary MenteerEdward K. Milkis ....executive producerThomas L. Miller ....executive producer杰瑞·帕里斯Jerry ParisMark Rothman ....producerEd Scharlach ....co-producerMichael Warren ....associate producer

data warehouse与data marts有什么区别

从结构上,data warehouse有三种模型:分别是enterprise warehouse,data mart以及virtual warehouse.data mart包含企业数据的一个子集,对于特定用户是有用的,其范围限于选定的主题,其包含的数据通常是汇总的.enterprise warehouse包含了关于主题的所有信息,跨越整个组织,它包含详细和汇总数据.virtual warehouse是操作数据库上视图的集合.

Some animals can even see things___in the dark. 横线处为什么用clearly 而不用clear?

副词clearly 修饰动词see

It was ___ day that we went out for a walk. A.a such fine B.a so fine C.so fine a D.such fine a


《yesterday once more》中英文歌词 ?


yesterday once more的歌词和歌手来历


英文歌yesterday once more的歌词意思



英语学习机构的简称吧。我以前在ELI学习 全称是Efficient Lighting Initiative.还有啥ELS.我网上调查的资料和本文的意思看来是英语学习机构的简称


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