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双击led,在mode type的属性里调成digital

C++实现一个Date类 用日/月/年的格式输出日期,设置日期操作;在Date类基础上,实现一个可以进行加天数操作

#include<iostream.h>static int dys[]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};class date{ int yr,mo,da;public: date(int y,int m,int d) { yr=y; mo=m; da=d; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<yr<<"年"<<mo<<"月"<<da<<"日"<<endl; } date operator + (int day) { date dt=*this; day+=dt.da; while (day>dys[dt.mo-1]) { day-=dys[dt.mo-1]; dt.mo++; if (dt.mo==13) { dt.mo==1; dt.yr++; } } dt.da=day; return dt; }};void main(){ int y,m,d,a,b; cout<<"输入年月日:"; cin>>y>>m>>d; date d1(y,m,d),d2,d3; d1.disp(); cout<<"输入要加的天数(整数):"; cin>>a; d2=d1+a; d2.disp();}





求Mr.Big的《daddy brother lover little boy》的歌词中文翻译




Daddy Brother Lover Little Boy 歌词

歌曲名:Daddy Brother Lover Little Boy歌手:Mr. Big专辑:Greatest Hits Cd2Artist: Mr. BigAlbum: Lean Into ItTitle: Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy(The Electric Drill Song)(Billy Sheehan, Paul Gilbert, Andr?Pessis, Pat Torpey, Eric Martin)If you"re a red hot fire crackerI will light your fuseIf you cry like a little girlI"ll dry your baby bluesWhen you need a man of actionI"m ready to make my moveLike a shogun shot, Johhny on the spotThere"s nothing I can"t doEverything you"re looking forYou can find in meI"ll be anything you wantAnyone you needI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyWhen your body needs salvationI"ll be your tender touchI"ll take all the love you giveAnd give you twice as muchWhen we get undercoverAnd do the horizontal mileI"m in the mood to answer to your call of the wilEverything you"re looking forYou can find in meI"ll be anything you wantAnyone you needI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyEverything you"re looking forYou can find in meI"ll be anything you wantAnyone you needEverything you"re looking forAnything that you want and moreI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyI"ll be your daddy, your brother, your lover andyour little boyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1695344


没什么问题啊,除了 第7行 // int ;


你上传后的图片展示应该用上传后的网络路径,比如:"http://www.yourdamain.com/photo/20100120091326.jpg",而不是用"E:webjob0231personpersonPhoto20100120091326.jpg"这样的本地路径。因为在网络应用程序对本地图片没有访问权限。 -----------------------------------------------------------当你保存的时候,相当于服务端的内部逻辑,所以用FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("../person/personPhoto/" + filename));是没错的。但当从客户端打开网络应用程序时,调用的路径是相对于客户端的,比如"E:webjob0231personpersonPhoto20100120091326.jpg",这被认为是客户端的路径,和你直接在浏览器上键入这个地址是一样的效果,打开的是本地文件而不是服务端文件。所以在面向客户端的时候,比如展示图片,必须用网络路径。

Signup Date,什么意思?



CHANNEL(1910,FRANCE)创始人:GabrielleChanel  设计师:GabrielleChanel品牌产品:品类:男装、女装、运动装、体育用品、牛仔装、皮饰品、配件、香水、家饰品  设计风格:创始人GabrielleChanel夏奈尔于1913年在法国巴黎创立夏奈尔,夏奈尔的产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品、配件、化妆品、香水,每一种产品都闻名遐迩,特别是她的香水与时装。夏奈尔是一个有80多年经历的著名品牌,夏奈尔时装永远有着高雅、简洁、精美的风格,她善于突破传统,早40年代就成功地将“五花大绑”的女装推向简单、舒适,这也许就是最早的现代休闲服。夏奈尔最了解女人,夏奈尔的产品种类繁多,每个女人在夏奈尔的世界里总能找到合适自己的东西,在欧美上流女性社会中甚至流传着一句话“当你找不到合适的服装时,就穿夏奈尔套装”。1910年,诗人Hugo曾经这么形容巴黎:“在巴黎,可以感觉到欧洲的心跳,巴黎,是城中之城”。发迹于时尚之都的Chanel,正如独立而自信的巴黎女子,带着神秘又难以抗拒的魅力。曾经担任法语文化部长的AndreMalraux就说:“二十世纪的法国,将会留给世人三个名字:CharlesdeGaulle、Picasso和CocoChanel”。“香奈儿代表的是一种风格、一种历久弥新的独特风格”,Chanel女士如此形容自己的设计,不是不断思索接下来要做什么,而是自问要以何种方式表现,这么一来鼓动将永不停止。自信热情的Chanel女士将这股精神融入她的每一件设计,使Chanel成为相当具个人风格的品牌。无论是带有强烈男性元素的运动服饰(Jerseysuit)、两件式的斜纹软呢套装(Tweed)、打破旧有价值观的人造珠宝、带有浓郁女性主义色彩的山茶花图腾,抑或是MarylinMonroe在床上唯一的穿着——ChanelNo.5,Chanel屡屡挑战旧有体制创造出新的时尚。她最特别之处在于实用的华丽,她从生活周围撷取灵感,尤其是爱情。不像其他设计师要求别人配合他们的设计,Chanel提供了具有解放意义的自由和选择,将服装设计从男性观点为主的潮流转变成表现女性美感的自主舞台。抛弃了紧身束腰、鲸骨裙箍与长发,提倡肩背式皮包与织品套装,CocoChanel一手主导了二十世纪前半叶女人的风格、姿态和生活方式,一种简单舒适的奢华新哲学,正如她生前所说:“华丽的反面不是贫穷,而是庸俗”。1971年1月,CocoChanel去世,享年88岁。现任Chanel的主要设计师KarlLagerfeld在1986年开始掌舵,他用新的手法演绎着细致、奢华、永不褪流行的Chanel精神。这位有着瑞典和德国血统、总是戴着黑色大墨镜的鬼才设计师最为人所称道之处正是他与CocoChanel一样,充满才华却又流着离经叛道的血液。他在上任后的第一季就将长裙裙摆剪破,搭配鲜艳夸张的假珠宝首饰,震惊了整个时尚界,也将Chanel声势在这20年内推向另一个高峰。Chanel的设计带有鲜明的个人色彩,她追求自由但是眷恋男人;她强悍独立但是却有十足的女人味。她的老家——法国中部的Auvergne——是个充满死火山地形的贫苦地区,七十岁时她曾形容自己是“Auvergne唯一一座不灭的活火山”;如今,放眼新人辈出品牌繁复的流行产业,Chanel依然是时尚界一座永远不灭的活火山。



Johnny Hallyday的《Gabrielle》 歌词

歌曲名:Gabrielle歌手:Johnny Hallyday专辑:Bercy 90i can flybut I want his wingsi can shine even in the darknessbut I crave the light that he bringsrevel in the songs that he singsrevel in the songs that he singsmy angel gabrieli can lovebut I need his hearti am strong even on my ownbut from him I never want to parthe"s been there since the very startmy angel gabrielmy angel gabrielbless the day he came to beangel"s wings carried him to meheavenlyi can flybut I want his wingsi can shine even in the darknessbut I crave the light that he bringsmy angel gabrielmy angel gabrielmy angel gabriel让人宁静的鼓点声my angel gabrielhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8058110

Shall We Dance? Shall We Talk!的创作背景

专辑名代表了两种态度,并且交由填词人黄伟文与林夕分别打造其对应的歌曲。Shall We Dance讲的是人生要积极,要及时享乐,所以,何不Shall we dance?而在这种舞会中的快乐结束之后,接下来的《Shall We Talk》,则是探讨人与人之间为何疏离,为何有隔膜,如何去化解这些疏离与隔膜——Shall we talk?

clustered standard errors 什么意思


AMOS已勾选standardized estimates,但路径系数还是大于1

运行完之后,在你的图二左侧有个standardized estimates和 Unstandardized estimates,点一下standardized estimates

AMOS的standardized estimates和unstandardized estimates有什么差异?



DataNavigateUrlField 获取或设置数据源中要绑定到 HyperLinkColumn 中的超链接的 URL 的字段。 DataNavigateUrlFormatString 获取或设置当 URL 数据绑定到数据源中的字段时,HyperLinkColumn 中的超链接的 URL 的显示格式。 Target 获取或设置单击列中的超链接时显示链接到的网页内容的目标窗口或框架。

Flo Rida的《Sugar》 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar歌手:Flo Rida专辑:R.O.O.T.S.Sugar (Featuring Wynter)Flo RidaDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daMy lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarHey, I"ve got a mouth full of cavities.Sweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to me.So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone.Shawty gotta kiss, it"s an emergency.Spit sprung for the taste, addicted to her gloss.Won"t smile this way, baby I rub it off.Put my tongue in your faceA little mistletoe, sippin" Gram I A.I"m a fan all day.Do me that favor, cuz I like your flavor.My manage behavior; I"m into your major.Sweeter so flavor, that"s good for this player.My hood, now and later, throw back like a pager.Pretty much, you"re givin" me a sugar rush.Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush.Lips feel soft as a feather when we touch, Shawty that"s what"s up.My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarHey, Sh Shawty would you mind, cuz I want me some.Now and later, I don"t wanna have to wait, you the one.Yep! Yep! Your vision. So, so delicious.Can"t help my interest, candy addiction.Wanna peace, to a piece gotta get a piece.I don"t know a piece, Give me all your sweets.Bottom and top lip, bout to have a sugar feast.Level with our trip, I"m a lip bitin" beast.Man for them things, all 42 teeth.Squeeze the sugar cane on your mouth, must beat.Ain"t your mama slirp, stickin", usin" my tree.Like taffy but classy, get at me.I"m flyly Let you know I wanna kiss.But your lips, they"ll do me fine.Now baby don"t trip with the juicy kind.Get, get on the grip, Girl you ain"t lyin".My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daSugarYou like my sugar, my sugar.You so sweet, so sweet.Like my candy, my candyYou so sweet, so sweet.I got a good appetite with you on me, on me.I"ll wrap you out of them clothes.You my treat, my treat.Girl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some.Girl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some sugar.My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8488874

sugar--Flo rida 中文歌词

(Wynter) Da double dee double di (x7) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like Da double dee double di Sugar (Flo Rida) Hey, Ive got a mouth full of cavities.我满嘴都是蛀牙 Sweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to me. 我爱吃甜食因为小妞对我来说就像蜜糖 So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone. 我喜欢她的双唇 对她的耳朵说悄悄话 Shawty gotta kiss, its an emergency.小妞快来亲我 事态非常紧急 Spit sprung for the taste, addicted to her gloss. 她的味道让我流口水 被他的光滑所吸引 Wont smile this way, baby I rub it off. Put my tongue in your face 快向我微笑 也许我会用舌头拭去你脸上的泪水 A little mistletoe, sippin Grand Marnier Im a fan all day. 我喜欢那圣诞节装饰 喝着柑曼怡 一整天不会厌 Do me that favor, cuz I like your flavor. 比我这个忙因为我喜欢你的味道 My manage behavior; Im into your major. 我要收敛一下自己 我已完全被你套牢. Sweeter so flavor, thats good for this player我这个大痞子需要最甜美的味道 My hood, now and later, throw back like a pager. 我身边的家伙们 就像寻呼机一样老套Pretty much, youre givin me a sugar rush. 而你就想一场糖心风暴 Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush. 小妞你脸红的样子能让我血压升高 Lips feel soft as a feather when we touch, 你的双唇轻的就像羽毛 Shawty thats whats up. 小妞我要让你知道 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di Sugar (Flo Rida) Hey, Sh Shawty would you mind, cuz I want me some. 我还想来有些 小妞请你不要介意 Now and later, I dont wanna have to wait, you the one. 无需再等待 你就是我的唯一 Yep! Yep! Your vision. So, so delicious. 你那坏坏的样子 实在是美丽 Cant help my interest, candy addiction. 勾起我的兴致 无法靠近你的魅力 Wanna peace, to a piece gotta get a piece. 吃了一粒还想再吃一粒 I dont know a piece, Give me all your sweets. 没想到就一粒就能长今你的甜蜜 Bottom and top lip, bout to have a sugar feast. 从头到脚 甜蜜的大餐就在这里 Level with our trip, Im a lip bitin beast. 就像是狼吞虎咽的野兽 我兴奋不已 smile for them things, all 42 teeth. 我对着他们微笑 42颗牙齿排列整齐 Squeeze the sugar cane on your mouth, must be. 你的嘴唇咬上去肯定甘露四溢 Aint your mama slirp, stickin, usin my Free. 小妞你甘甜爽口 你无与伦比 Like taffy but classy, get at me. 就像是上等的太妃奶糖 让我痴迷 Im flyly Let you know I wanna kiss. 我很高兴能让你狂野肆意 But your lips, theyll do me fine. 但你的双唇让我感觉很嗨 Now baby dont trip with the juicy kind. 宝贝不要为我的身材而如此兴奋 Get, get on the griD, Girl you aint lyin. 我的感觉很爽 你没有骗人 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) This candy got you sprung (x2) So call me your sugar (x2) You love you some (x2) Im sweet like Da double dee double di (x7) Sugar (Flo Rida) My lips like sugar 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 I got a good appetite with you on me, on me. 我食欲大增想要吃了你 吃了你 Ill wrap you out of them clothes. 我要把你的糖纸拨开 You my treat, my treat. 品尝你的身体 你的身体 Girl you my sugar, I call you Candy 女孩你就是我的蜜糖 你就是我的甜心 And tonight Im gonna get me some, get me some. 今晚我就要品尝这道点心 这道点心 Girl you my sugar, I call you Candy 女孩你就是我的蜜糖 你就是我的甜心 And tonight Im gonna get me some, get me some. get me some sugar. 今晚我就要品尝这道点心 这道点心 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di Sugar

Flo Rida的《Sugar》 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar歌手:Flo Rida专辑:R.O.O.T.S.Sugar (Featuring Wynter)Flo RidaDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daMy lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarHey, I"ve got a mouth full of cavities.Sweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to me.So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone.Shawty gotta kiss, it"s an emergency.Spit sprung for the taste, addicted to her gloss.Won"t smile this way, baby I rub it off.Put my tongue in your faceA little mistletoe, sippin" Gram I A.I"m a fan all day.Do me that favor, cuz I like your flavor.My manage behavior; I"m into your major.Sweeter so flavor, that"s good for this player.My hood, now and later, throw back like a pager.Pretty much, you"re givin" me a sugar rush.Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush.Lips feel soft as a feather when we touch, Shawty that"s what"s up.My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarHey, Sh Shawty would you mind, cuz I want me some.Now and later, I don"t wanna have to wait, you the one.Yep! Yep! Your vision. So, so delicious.Can"t help my interest, candy addiction.Wanna peace, to a piece gotta get a piece.I don"t know a piece, Give me all your sweets.Bottom and top lip, bout to have a sugar feast.Level with our trip, I"m a lip bitin" beast.Man for them things, all 42 teeth.Squeeze the sugar cane on your mouth, must beat.Ain"t your mama slirp, stickin", usin" my tree.Like taffy but classy, get at me.I"m flyly Let you know I wanna kiss.But your lips, they"ll do me fine.Now baby don"t trip with the juicy kind.Get, get on the grip, Girl you ain"t lyin".My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daSugarYou like my sugar, my sugar.You so sweet, so sweet.Like my candy, my candyYou so sweet, so sweet.I got a good appetite with you on me, on me.I"ll wrap you out of them clothes.You my treat, my treat.Girl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some.Girl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some sugar.My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa da ba dee da ba daDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDee da ba dee da ba daDa ba dee da ba daI"m sweet likeDa ba dee da ba daSugarhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8488874

Flo Rida的sugar歌词中文翻译。。求

(Wynter) Da double dee double di (x7) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like Da double dee double di Sugar (Flo Rida) Hey, Ive got a mouth full of cavities.我满嘴都是蛀牙 Sweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to me. 我爱吃甜食因为小妞对我来说就像蜜糖 So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone. 我喜欢她的双唇 对她的耳朵说悄悄话 Shawty gotta kiss, its an emergency.小妞快来亲我 事态非常紧急 Spit sprung for the taste, addicted to her gloss. 她的味道让我流口水 被他的光滑所吸引 Wont smile this way, baby I rub it off. Put my tongue in your face 快向我微笑 也许我会用舌头拭去你脸上的泪水 A little mistletoe, sippin Grand Marnier Im a fan all day. 我喜欢那圣诞节装饰 喝着柑曼怡 一整天不会厌 Do me that favor, cuz I like your flavor. 比我这个忙因为我喜欢你的味道 My manage behavior; Im into your major. 我要收敛一下自己 我已完全被你套牢. Sweeter so flavor, thats good for this player我这个大痞子需要最甜美的味道 My hood, now and later, throw back like a pager. 我身边的家伙们 就像寻呼机一样老套Pretty much, youre givin me a sugar rush. 而你就想一场糖心风暴 Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush. 小妞你脸红的样子能让我血压升高 Lips feel soft as a feather when we touch, 你的双唇轻的就像羽毛 Shawty thats whats up. 小妞我要让你知道 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di Sugar (Flo Rida) Hey, Sh Shawty would you mind, cuz I want me some. 我还想来有些 小妞请你不要介意 Now and later, I dont wanna have to wait, you the one. 无需再等待 你就是我的唯一 Yep! Yep! Your vision. So, so delicious. 你那坏坏的样子 实在是美丽 Cant help my interest, candy addiction. 勾起我的兴致 无法靠近你的魅力 Wanna peace, to a piece gotta get a piece. 吃了一粒还想再吃一粒 I dont know a piece, Give me all your sweets. 没想到就一粒就能长今你的甜蜜 Bottom and top lip, bout to have a sugar feast. 从头到脚 甜蜜的大餐就在这里 Level with our trip, Im a lip bitin beast. 就像是狼吞虎咽的野兽 我兴奋不已 smile for them things, all 42 teeth. 我对着他们微笑 42颗牙齿排列整齐 Squeeze the sugar cane on your mouth, must be. 你的嘴唇咬上去肯定甘露四溢 Aint your mama slirp, stickin, usin my Free. 小妞你甘甜爽口 你无与伦比 Like taffy but classy, get at me. 就像是上等的太妃奶糖 让我痴迷 Im flyly Let you know I wanna kiss. 我很高兴能让你狂野肆意 But your lips, theyll do me fine. 但你的双唇让我感觉很嗨 Now baby dont trip with the juicy kind. 宝贝不要为我的身材而如此兴奋 Get, get on the griD, Girl you aint lyin. 我的感觉很爽 你没有骗人 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) This candy got you sprung (x2) So call me your sugar (x2) You love you some (x2) Im sweet like Da double dee double di (x7) Sugar (Flo Rida) My lips like sugar 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 I got a good appetite with you on me, on me. 我食欲大增想要吃了你 吃了你 Ill wrap you out of them clothes. 我要把你的糖纸拨开 You my treat, my treat. 品尝你的身体 你的身体 Girl you my sugar, I call you Candy 女孩你就是我的蜜糖 你就是我的甜心 And tonight Im gonna get me some, get me some. 今晚我就要品尝这道点心 这道点心 Girl you my sugar, I call you Candy 女孩你就是我的蜜糖 你就是我的甜心 And tonight Im gonna get me some, get me some. get me some sugar. 今晚我就要品尝这道点心 这道点心 (Wynter) My lips like sugar (x2) 我的双唇就像蜜糖 This candy got you sprung (x2) 让你心醉神往 So call me your sugar (x2) 快说我就是你的蜜糖 You love you some (x2) 让你爱得发狂 Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x3) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di (x2) Im sweet like 我甜的就像 Da double dee double di Sugar

florida 唱的sugar的中文歌词

温特 我的嘴唇像糖(我的嘴唇像糖) 这糖果兴起了你(这糖果得到您涌现) 所以打电话给我你的糖(所以打电话给我你的糖) 你爱你一些(你爱你一些) 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态 糖 弗洛里达 嘿,我有充分的腔口。 喜好甜食,充分的妈妈,像糖给我。 因此,我爱上了嘴唇,把错误的耳朵基调。 Shawty爱吻,这是紧急情况。 吐痰兴起的味道,沉迷于她的光泽。 不会微笑这样,婴儿我擦它关闭。 把我的舌头在你的脸 小槲寄生, sippin "革兰一A. 我喜欢整天。 这样做我认为赞成, cuz我喜欢你的味道。 我的管理行为我到你大。 所以味道更甜,这有利于该球员。 我国遮光罩,现在和以后,扔回到像一个寻呼机。 差不多,你givin "我糖高峰。 律妈妈,给我血压升高时,你脸红。 嘴唇手感柔软如鸿毛,当我们触摸 Shawty这是怎么了。 温特 我的嘴唇像糖(我的嘴唇像糖) 这糖果兴起了你(这糖果得到您涌现) 所以打电话给我你的糖(所以打电话给我你的糖) 你爱你一些(你爱你一些) 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态 糖 弗洛里达 嘿,你会记住Shawty , cuz我想我一些。 现在和以后,我不想再等待,您的一个。 叶先生叶先生您的视力。所以,所以好吃。 不能帮助我的兴趣,糖果上瘾。 要和平,要获得一块得一块。 我不知道一块,给我所有的糖果。 底部和顶部的嘴唇,比赛有一个糖盛宴。 水平与我们的访问,我是一个嘴唇bitin "野兽。 男子为他们的事情,所有42个牙齿。 挤压甘蔗对你的嘴,必须战胜的。 不是你的妈妈slirp , stickin " , usin "我的树。 像taffy但经典,让我。 我flyly让你知道我想亲吻。 但是,您的嘴唇,他们会尽我的罚款。 现在孩子不访问的多汁的实物。 取得,获得的抓地力 姑娘你不说谎的。 温特 我的嘴唇像糖(我的嘴唇像糖) 这糖果兴起了你(这糖果得到您涌现) 所以打电话给我你的糖(所以打电话给我你的糖) 你爱你一些(你爱你一些) 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态 糖 弗洛里达 你喜欢我的糖,我国食糖。 你的甜蜜蜜。 就像我的糖果,我的糖果 你的甜蜜蜜。 我得到了良好的食欲与你我,我。 我会总结你的衣服。 你我请客,我请客 女孩你我糖,我请你糖果 今晚我要去给我一些,给我一些 女孩你我糖,我请你糖果 今晚我要去给我一些,给我一些 糖 温特 我的嘴唇像糖(我的嘴唇像糖) 这糖果兴起了你(这糖果得到您涌现) 所以打电话给我你的糖(所以打电话给我你的糖) 你爱你一些(你爱你一些) 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态多婆迪多婆 我喜欢甜 达姆弹多婆迪多婆动态 糖

taffy days这个说法的含义是什么?


CDA数据分析体系怎样?LEVEL 1 2 3分别指什么?

level1:业务分析师--统计学、概率论基础知识level2:建模分析师-统计学、概率论和数理统计、数据 挖掘、机器学习 大数据分析师-大数据分析基础、Hadoop 理论、数据库 与数据仓库、机器学习理论level3:数据科学家-计算机科学、大数据架构、机器学习 与深度学习、数据治理、项目管理


consolidate巩固双语对照词典结果:consolidate[英][ku0259nu02c8su0252lu026adeu026at][美][ku0259nu02c8sɑ:lu026adeu026at]vt.统一; 把…合成一体,合并; 巩固,加强; 合计金额; vi.合并; 统一; 联合; 第三人称单数:consolidates过去分词:consolidated现在进行时:consolidating过去式:consolidated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.We must consolidate and mobilise.train the recruits on the march. 我们必须巩固防线以及战争动员.在3月份训练新兵.combine结合双语对照词典结果:combine[英][ku0259mu02c8bau026an][美][ku0259mu02c8bau026an]v.使结合; 使化合; 兼有; 用联合收割机收割; combinen.联合; 联合收割机; 联合集团; 组合艺术品(由画,拼贴和构成派雕塑等拼凑而成的艺术品); 第三人称单数:combines过去分词:combined现在进行时:combining过去式:combined易混淆单词:COMBINE以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How do you combine the two? 你如何将二者结合起来?


出自 http://blog.csdn.net/techchan/article/details/54407751. error code 53===========================================================================问题:创建新用户时出现数据后端异常在 WebSphere Portal Express 中,您可以设置密码的最短和最长长度。如果设置的密码长度与 LDAP 服务器的策略不相同,则在创建用户时您可能会看到以下异常:EJPSG0015E: Data Backend Problem com.ibm.websphere.wmm.exception.WMMSystemException: The following Naming Exception occurred during processing: "javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 53 - 0000052D: SvcErr: DSID-031A0FBC, problem 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 0]; remaining name "cn=see1anna,cn=users,dc=wps510,dc=rtp,dc=raleigh,dc=ibm,dc=com"; resolved object com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx@7075b1b4". 原因:这是由于“密码不能满足密码策略的要求”导致 解决方案:1. 打开域安全策略-安全设置-账户策略-密码策略-密码必须符合复杂性要求。定义这个策略设置为:已禁用。/ 密码长度最小值:定义这个策略设置为0。 2. 打开域控制器安全策略-安全设置-账户策略-密码策略-密码必须符合复杂性要求。定义这个策略设置为:已禁用。/ 密码长度最小值:定义这个策略设置为0。 3. 最后运行刷新组策略命令为:gpupdate /force ===========================================================================2. Need to specify class name===========================================================================javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial 原因:LdapContext在处理完上个环节被close(),LdapContext=null;解决方案:不close;3. error code 50===========================================================================javax.naming.NoPermissionException: [LDAP: error code 50 - 00002098: SecErr: DSID-03150A45, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 04. error code 68===========================================================================javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException: [LDAP: error code 68 - 00000524: UpdErr: DSID-031A0F4F, problem 6005 (ENTRY_EXISTS), data 0 原因:创建的用户已经存在了7. No trusted certificate===========================================================================javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate found1.cas机器A,A上a,b,c服务运行良好2.website 位于B机器,cas可以截获请求,跳转javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException 将A上生生成的客户端密钥,导入BA运行sudo keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keystore server.keystore -validity 3600 $ keytool -export -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file server.cer -keystore server.keystore -storepass changeit $ sudo keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file server.cer -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeitB运行最后一句即可 建立信任关系,客户,服务密钥,客户多处 8. error code 1===========================================================================javax.naming.NamingException: [LDAP: error code 1 - 00000000: LdapErr: DSID-0C090AE2, comment: In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection., data 0, vece 原因:新增域用户的时候,ctx没有绑定管理员用户解决方法:ctx.addToEnvironment(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, adminUser + "@" + ldapProperty.getDomain()); ctx.addToEnvironment(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, adminPwd);9. error code 50==========================================================================javax.naming.NoPermissionException: [LDAP: error code 50 - 00000005: SecErr: DSID-03151E04, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS) 原因:新建域用户时候,ctx绑定到一个普通用户(该用户没有新建用户的权限)解决方法:使用管理员用户进行绑定: ctx.addToEnvironment(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, adminUser + "@" + ldapProperty.getDomain()); ctx.addToEnvironment(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, adminPwd);10. error code 19 ==========================================================================javax.naming.directory.InvalidAttributeValueException: [LDAP: error code 19 - 0000052D: AtrErr: DSID-03190F00, #1:0: 0000052D: DSID-03190F00, problem 1005 (CONSTRAINT_ATT_TYPE) 原因:这个最大的可能是不满足域安全策略:如密码复杂性、密码最短使用期限、强制密码历史。即长度、包含的字符、多久可以修改密码、是否可以使用历史密码等。11. LDAP: error code 50 ==========================================================================javax.naming.NoPermissionException: [LDAP: error code 50 - 00000005: SecErr: DSID-031A0F44, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS) 原因:这个是最初代码使用的replace操作,这个在AD里对应的是密码重设(普通用户默认没有这个权限,管理员可以操作),另外remove操作时提供的旧密码错误也可能报这个异常 12. RSA premaster secret error==========================================================================javax.naming.CommunicationException: simple bind failed: [Root exception is javax.net.ssl.SSLKeyException: RSA premaster secret error] 原因:Tomcat 配置的JDK与添加证书的的JDK不一致。如:证书存放路径为C:/Java/jdk1.6.0_10/jre/lib/cacerts 而Tomcat 配置的JDK为C:/Java/jre6 ,使得两者路径不一致,SSL验证的时候,找不到证书13.No trusted certificate found========================================================================== javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate found 原因:信任证书库文件路径不正确解决方法:将正确工程中 /WEB-INF/classes目录下14. error code 49==========================================================================javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C090334, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, vece希望可以帮到你



I love you so much better than the other day翻译成中文

我如此爱你,比以前还要爱得深得多。 这里的the other day 意思是以前,相当于before。much 修饰better表示“爱得深得多”

hollys days中文意思

holly 的意思是 冬青树, 也称 四季青如果是 Holly (h 大写), 那就是一个流行的英国及爱尔兰的女生名字 - 霍莉因此 holly"s days 可以翻译为: 冬青的日子 或 霍莉的日子


RTL寄存器传输级 FSM有限状态机SOC数模混合集成电路

times做时代讲要加the吗?例句:To adapt the development of (the)times

加the 指特定的时代如 in the times of queen victoria 在维多利亚女皇时代但 泛指时不加 如 in ancient /modern times 在 古/近 代

The Times is published daily 为什么用 the times

注意后面的publish,是出版的意思,而且Times首字母是大写,所以说,这里的The Times指的是时代周刊这本杂志。学习英语,要适当了解一些背景文化。

The Times is a British daily newspaper错在哪



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安装方法参考如下:1、下载并安装Anaconda:dataease是基于Python语言的,需要在系统中安装相应的Python环境。建议使用Anaconda这个Python编程环境和包管理器,它包含了许多科学计算和数据分析的常用包,可以减少依赖包的安装问题。2、安装PyChart:使用Anaconda命令行界面安装PyChart。可以使用以下命令来安装:condainstall-canacondapychart,然后通过命令行进入Python环境:输入pipinstall dataease,在代码中引入dataease:importdata easeasde。



高潮含有everytime everyday 日文歌。女生唱的 求歌名!





好看DataEase 是开源的数据可视化分析工具,帮助用户快速分析数据并洞察业务趋势,从而实现业务的改进与优化。DataEase 支持丰富的数据源连接,能够通过拖拉拽方式快速制作图表,并可以方便的与他人分享。DataEase 的优势:1、零门槛,线上快速获取和安装;快速获取用户反馈、按月发布新版本2、极易上手,通过鼠标点击和拖拽即可完成分析3、集成 Apache Doris,超大数据量下秒级查询返回延时4、支持多种数据分享方式,确保数据安全。



求Andrew Synowiec 的《some one like you》的歌词!第一句是I still remember the day



当comm发生了DataReceived事件时通知comm_DataReceived方法并传递相关数据来处理该事件 事件是基于委托的.即delegate,实际上是.Net类库里的MultiCastDelegate类. delegate只定义了+=和-=运算符(实际上是 +,-),所以事件(event)只定义了add和remove. 例如: public event EventHandler Click; 实际上相当于: public delegate void EventHandler(object sender,EventArgs e); private EventHandler ClickHandler; public event EventHandler Click { add { ClickHandler+=value;} remove {ClickHandler-=value;} } 所以后者(=)是错的.


DataAdapter的Update内部还是执行了参数化的dbCommand 这是毋庸置疑的非要说个快慢的话 只能说两边优化程度如何了 但是理论上是没有明显效率差别的比如你自行insert的时候可以构造一个批量插入的语句 或者加入事务处理当然DataAdapter只能一条条执行insert

英语how dare you怎么翻译?

应该是passionate words吧?倾听我的心跳,就知道我是多么爱你, 我不怕承认我深深的爱着你. 想你的时候,希望你能收到我给你的动情的话语。



安庆用英语写是Anqing还是An Qing呢? 那么秦皇岛是Qinhuangdao 还是Qing Huang Dao呢?

安庆是 Anqing,专有名词。

national nothing day 是什么意思

国庆节 没事

David Guetta的Turn Me On的歌词翻译

医生,医生,需要你坏,抱我吧宝贝医生,医生,你在哪里?给我点什么吧我需要你的爱,我需要你的爱,我需要你的爱你有那种药,那种让我前进的动力我的身体需要一个英雄,快来救我我想只有你知道如何拯救我我一直感到来势凶猛的感觉,哦,我需要你快来救我[ Nicki Minaj)让我活了起来,来吧,激发它们,救我命,来吧我还年轻,不想死,来吧,让我起死回生让我活过来活过来活过来 Nicki Minaj)宝贝你做对了让我们找个椅子,坐在后面如果我尖叫如果我叫喊这只是因为我感觉自己活得好好的我的身体需要一个英雄,快来救我我想你知道如何拯救我我一直热情如沙漠,我需要你快来救我Nicki Minaj)让我活了起来,来吧,触碰我,救我,来吧,我还年轻,不想死,来吧,让我活过来活过来活过来你已经操控了我的生活现在来救我吧,我知道你做得到别让我逝于年轻我还想让你守护我的青春我只是想让你成为我的医生我想我有点醉了,哦~治疗师我知道你能救我,让我感觉自己活得好好的

求一篇:My weekend(我的周末)、My holiday(我的假期)英语作文60个字以内

求一篇:My weekend(我的周末)、My holiday(我的假期)英语作文60个字以内 My weekend I think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekend. Now, let me introduce my busy weekend to you. On Saturday morning, I am going to the bookstore. I"m going to buy some story-books and a Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary. I like reading story-books. I find them very interesting. Then I am going home. My home is near the bookstore. So I am going by bike. I like riding my bike. In the evening, I am going to play piano. Playing piano is my hobby. MY WEEKEND On Sunday morning, I am going to do my homework. Now I am in Grade Six. I want to enter a good middle school next year. So I must study hard. In the afternoon, I am going shopping with my parents and my little brother. My mom says she is going to buy a pair of sneakers for me. I love going shopping. I think all of the girls like going shopping. Am I right. On Sunday evening, I am going back to school by school bus. I love my weekend, how about you? Tell me something about your weekend. 求一篇英语作文《my vacation 》(我的假期) It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. 英语作文:my holiday (我的假期) I really had a busy and meaningful holiday. I finished doing my homework on time and prepared for the new lessons. I also helped my parents do some housework every day, such as,cleaning the house, washing the dishes,going shopping and so on. It"s very important to do sports because it is good for our health. So I went fo a walk after supper every day and played table tennis with my friends. I went to Hainan with my parents and stayed there for about a week . I really enjoyed my holiday. 或 I went to visit my grandparents with my father and mother. They live in the country.I pent a week with them. I alos went to a park with my friends. We rowed a boat and sang and danced. 只要写写活动就可以了。 自己的习作,看对你是否有帮助哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 以My holiday joumday写一篇英语作文60词以内 My summer holiday I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things. I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food. Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy.Because I saw a lot of animals.They were very lovely.So I took photos of all animals.I liked the butterflies best.They were colourful and beautiful.My sister liked it too. I had a wonderful summer holiday this year.What about you? Can you tell me somthing about it? 求一篇英语作文,my holiday I visited Beijing to spend my holiday last week.Beijing is a beautiful city with a long history.I visited many famous places of interest in Beijing,such as the Great Wall,the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace.The Great Wall gave me a deep impression on this trip.It is looked like a huge dragon and I am deeply attracted by the Great Wall.I also went to Tian"anmen Square,which was what I was eager to see many years ago.Our red national flag was fluterring in the wind.Seeing these,I felt pround of our country.The weather is fine here.There are many beautifu sights everywhere,so I took many photos there and bought some special products for my parents.I enjoyed myself here and had a great experience. PS 不知道你的字数要求,给你写了个简单的,要中文翻译可以追问我。 求一篇my holiday英语作文 my holiday Most of the children like winter holiday very much. Because the Spring Festival is in it. They can eat many delicious food and get red packets. During the winter holiday, children don"t have school. They stay at home and do many things as they like, but I didn"t. I always got up late every day during the Winter Holiday. I had breakfast at nine o"clock. After that, I did my homework. The homework was too much, and it almost cost me the whole day. I didn"t have much time to play with my good friends.What a pity! I hope I had less homework next winter holiday. 翻译:大多数孩子都喜欢寒假。因为有春节,他们可以吃好吃的食物,还能拿红包。 在寒假中,孩子们不上课,他们呆在家做自己想做的事情。但是我没有。在寒假里,我每天都起得很晚。我9点钟吃早饭,然后就开始做家庭作业。家庭作业太多了,它几乎花了我整天的时间,我没有许多时间和好朋友玩,真遗憾,我希望下个寒假我的作业会少些。 望采纳! 求一篇my best holiday的英语作文 给你两篇范文 1.I had a wonderful National Holiday. Firstly, I finished doing my homework as quickly as I could. Then I reviewed what I learnt and prepared for my new lessons. I also read some interesting books and saw some wonderful movies. Secondly, I helped my parents do some housework every day. Such as, cleaning the room, making the bed, washing the clothes and so on. Thirdly, I visited my friends and played table tennis with them, I aslo visited Beijing with my parents and stayed there for three days. We went to the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and so on. I really had a good time for my holiday。 我有一个很棒的国定假日。首先,我做完作业我能尽快的。然后我审议了我学习和准备我的新课程。我也读了一些有趣的书,看到了一些精彩的电影。其次,我帮助我的父母做些家务,每一天。例如,打扫房间,铺床的时候,洗衣服等等。第三,我拜访了我的朋友,打乒乓球和他们在一起的时候,我和我的父母也访问了北京,在那里住了三天。我们去天坛,颐和园等。我真的玩得很开心因为我的假期。 2.I had a wonderful National Holiday. Firstly, I finished doing my homework as quickly as I could. Then I reviewed what I learnt and prepared for my new lessons. I also read some interesting books and saw some wonderful movies. Secondly, I helped my parents do some housework every day. Such as, cleaning the room, making the bed, washing the clothes and so on. Thirdly, I visited my friends and played table tennis with them, I aslo visited Beijing with my parents and stayed there for three days. We went to the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and so on. I really had a good time for my holiday。 以My family,My teacher,My holiday,A busy weekend,I want to be为英语作文各60词一篇,要求每篇都有 My family There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good. I"m really happy. My brother is shy and funny. He is good at sports and does well in volleyball.But he hates studying and his grades are bad. He like telling jokes. He always plays jokes on his friends and my family, and always makes us laugh. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital of Sanya. He doesn"t like watching TV, but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night. My mother is a waitress. She works in a restaurant. She has good habits. She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day. But I don"t like milk. It is awful. She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time. She says it"s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed. My families are always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side. I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home. My teacher My English teather is Mr Xu, his English name is Martin. His English is very good. And he always wears a pair of glasses. He likes wearing blue trousers. My teacher is handsome. He often plays with us after class. He often reads books and English. His hobby is reading books. Mr Xu likes drinking Coke and eating chips. Sometimes he is angry, because we are naughty. Sometimes he is happy, because we are good. Mr. Xu is very good and handsome. We all like him. My holiday I had a wonderful National Holiday. Firstly, I finished doing my homework as quickly as I could. Then I reviewed what I learnt and prepared for my new lessons. I also read some interesting books and saw some wonderful movies. Secondly, I helped my parents do some housework every day. Such as, cleaning the room, making the bed, washing the clothes and so on. Thirdly, I visited my friends and played table tennis with them, I aslo visited Beijing with my parents and stayed there for three days. We went to the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and so on. I really had a good time for my holiday A busy weekend Last weekend I was really busy.I got up early and ate my breakfast quickly.Then my mother and I went to climb a hill to see the sunrise,after that we came back.I read some English texts and kept some words in my mind. After lunch,one of my friend came and invited me to another friend"s Birthday party.Then we went to the shops to bought some gifts.And we went to the party together.I sang a song at the party,and we had our supper siplely but also happily. It"s 9:30 when I got home,so I did some homework and soon went to bed. I want to be a teacher I want to be a teacher because I love to bring others knowledge and happiness. When I am in school, I always listen to my teacher carefully. By this way, I feel that being a teacher must be very great. Aording to my experience, I find most teachers are attractive not because of their physical beauty but because of their heart beauty. In a word, a teacher can be always helpful to other people. And that is what I want to do in the future: a helpful and kind man. 求一篇My favorite holiday英语作文 My favorite holiday is Christmas and it always on December 25th. I enjoy the idea of giving and receiving presents and going to church to watch the Christmas plays and I enjoy the Christmas parades that different towns have during this holiday season. Because gift-giving and several other aspects of the holiday involve heightened economic activity among both Christians and non-Christians, Christmas has bee a major event for many retailers. I enjoy letting the children help me put up the Christmas tree. It"s a pleasure to see them excited by the Christmas lights on the tree and on the house. I ride around to different towns so they can see other people decorations. Christmas is based on the story of Jesus" birth. December 25 is not thought to be Jesus" actual date of birth and the date may have been chosen to correspond with a Roman Festival. Most of all this is a national holiday which businesses are closed and gives families time to spend together. My favorite holiday is Christmas and it always on December 25th. I enjoy the idea of giving and receiving presents and going to church to watch the Christmas plays and I enjoy the Christmas parades that different towns have during this holiday season. Because gift-giving and several other aspects of the holiday involve heightened economic activity among both Christians and non-Christians, Christmas has bee a major event for many retailers. I enjoy letting the children help me put up the Christmas tree. It"s a pleasure to see them excited by the Christmas lights on the tree and on the house. I ride around to different towns so they can see other people decorations. Christmas is based on the story of Jesus" birth. December 25 is not thought to be Jesus" actual date of birth and the date may have been chosen to correspond with a Roman Festival. Most of all this is a national holiday which businesses are closed and gives families time to spend together. 求一篇an unfettable thing in my summer holiday的英语作文 My Summer Vacation Last summer I spent a o-week vacation at my aunt"s place. My aunt lived alone in a mountain village, with a *** all river winding its course everyday. One morning I went fishing in the river, where o women washed clothes. I fimnd a most favorable point. Casting out my line I waited anxiously for a bite. Suddenly there came a cry: "Help! Help!" I looked in the direction of the call and saw a boy falling into the river. Throwing the fishing pole, I dashed over like an arrow, jumped into the river and swam very quickly towards the boy. Then together with his mother I carried the boy on my back to a nearby hospital. That boy was saved. The mother gave me a thousand thanks. Back to my fishing place, I fimnd my fishing pole floating on the water. I managed to get it. But to my great surprise, there was a big fish on the hook.

求关于public holiday的作文80词左右谢谢



holiday的词汇解析   大家都知道“holiday”这个词是暑假的意思,其实“holiday”还有其他词性哦。下面是我为大家整理了holiday的词汇解析,希望能帮到大家!   Morning, Ginger. Back from holiday ?   ——Chicken Run   早啊,金杰。刚从 假期 回来?   ——《小鸡快跑》    一、下面我们来看看holiday有几种含义    n.    假日,节日,假期 [C]   We"re going to Scotland for our holidays.   我们要去苏格兰度假。    v.    休假,外出度假 [I]   Sampling the local cuisine is one of the delights of holidaying abroad.   品尝当地菜肴是海外度假的"乐趣之一。    二、词义辨析:有哪些词汇能表示“假期”的意思    holiday, festival, vacation, leave   这些名词均有“假日,节日”之意。   holiday指按规定不工作的各种假日,时间可长可短。在英国复数形式表示较长的假期。   festival指公众庆祝、欢度的节日。   vacation通常指时间较长的假期,如学校的寒暑假等。   leave主要指政府机关工作人员或军队人员获准的休假、假期。    三、你知道holiday和哪些词更搭吗?   bank holiday   银行假日,公假,法定假日   national holiday   n. 国定假日   legal holiday   法定假期,法定假日   busman"s holiday   n. 用来作日常工作的假日   package holiday   n. (旅行社安排一切的)一揽子旅游   public holiday   【法】 公休假日    四、接下来,做个小测试巩固一下   She was in _________ with her family in Ireland. 她当时正和家人在爱尔兰度假。 ;

national day holiday前需要不需要加the

是要表达国庆节吗,直接写The national holiday 就可以了。the是要加的。


during one"s holidays 在假期中be out for a holiday 外出度假on holiday 度假bank holiday 银行公假日summer holidays 暑假the Christmas holiday 圣诞节日weekend holiday 周末假日winter holidays 寒假double holiday (星期日与节日重合的)双重假日happy holiday 愉快的假期international holiday 国际性节日long holiday 长时间的假期national holiday 国家假日public holiday 公休日regular holiday 固定假日during a vacation 在休假期间be away for the vacation 在外度假in the vacation 在假期中on vacation 在度假spring vacation 春假summer vacation 暑假winter vacation 寒假extended vacation 长假long vacation 长假paid vacation 带薪假期short vacation 短假期go on vacation 开始度假spend a vacation 度假take a vacation 休假

holiday ending的用法

holiday ending的用法一般用在句首。放在句首表示假期结束了,名词短语。可以引出下文。holiday,英语单词,名词、不及物动词,作名词时译为“假日;节日;休息日,人名;(英)霍利迪”,作不及物动词译为“外出度假”。on holiday 在度假;在休假中summer holiday 暑假public holiday 公休假日;国定假日happy holiday 快乐的节日;愉快的假期winter holiday 寒假national holiday n. 国定假日holiday inn n. 假日酒店;假日旅馆holiday resort 度假胜地go on holiday 去度假;正在休假have a holiday 休假, 放假;度假;有一个假期holiday economy 假日经济(在节假日由于人们普遍参与各项休闲娱乐活动而引发的消费热潮)official holiday 法定假期legal holiday [美]法定假日holiday time 假期;假日时光take a holiday v. 度假;休假easter holiday 复活节假期holiday gift 节日礼物bank holiday 银行休假日holiday greetings 节日问候(holiday greeting的复数)


holiday意思是假日、节日等。1、假日,休息日;节日。2、度假,休假。3、第三人称单数:holidays;过去分词:holidayed;复数:holidays;现在进行时:holidaying;过去式:holidayed。短语搭配:1、summer holiday.暑假2、winter holiday.寒假。3、be on holiday.度假;在休假。4、public holiday.公共假日;公共节日;公共节假日。5、take a holiday.休假;度假;放假。bank holiday.银行假日,公共假日(如圣诞节、元旦等)。Roman holiday.以观看别人受苦为乐的娱乐;得自他人受苦的欢乐。national holiday.国定假期;国家性假日;全国性的节日。long holiday.漫长的假期;很长的假期;长时间的假期。holiday双语例句:1、I"m going to visit Chengdu this summer holiday.这个暑假我打算去成都旅游。2、I took two online courses this winter holiday.今年寒假我参加了两门在线课程。3、All in all, relax and have a wonderful holiday.总而言之,放松一下,度过一个美好的假期。4、This summer holiday we will have different camps for kids.这个暑假我们将为孩子们举办不同的夏令营。5、We thought you had disappeared on holiday early or something.我们还以为你去度假了或者什么的。6、Mother was unable to pay for her holiday due to illness.母亲因病不能支付假期的费用。7、Authentic fire gear is provided for your warmth as you get into the holiday spirit.当您州余沉浸在节日的气氛时,真正的消防装备为您提供温暖。


holiday假日双语对照词典结果:holiday[英][u02c8hu0252lu0259deu026a][美][u02c8hɑ:lu0259deu026a]n.假日,休息日; 节日; vi.度假,休假; 第三人称单数:holidays过去分词:holidayed复数:holidays现在进行时:holidaying过去式:holidayed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Traditional holiday markets bring romance and old-fashioned charm tothe city. 传统的节日市场给城市带来了浪漫和古典的美丽。

happy national holiday80词作文

National Day Holidays   I went to my cousin"s house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she"s worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that he"ll educate his child in a severe way,with a future father"s matureness.I"m happy for them.:)   Yesterday,our research school"s soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game.   Half of the National Day holidays have passed by...life still goes with good and bad times. 望采纳,谢谢



英语National Day holiday怎么翻译?

翻译如下National Day holiday国庆节假日;国庆节假期;国庆假期;国庆长假;国庆假例句This is my plan for the coming National Day Holiday. 那便是我对即将到去的国庆假期的筹算。



My National Holiday 怎么写??

As the end of National Day is coming , our vacation will be over . Thanks to National Day , people have time to have a rest from their boring works and a large number get the chance to go out and do their journey . Neverthless I am the exception ,most of my time is spent in the laboratory . It sounds so disappointing . Yes , I do think so . But the fact always be controlled by oneself , isn"t it ? In addition , like someone I treat my National Day as the rest time for my previous days and the following . During these days in my laboratory I do a lot of things to my interest not as that on my commom days . In the daytime I would like to read some books in my favorite having nothing with our project . I also would like to go to the internet to explore much information such as about football or basketball and so on . I have watch lots of movies that I desire to for a long time on my computer in the evening . Additionally I have do some exercises for I have played football games with my calssmates and I feel that doing sports is great . Though my National Day vacation does not sounds wonderful , I have relaxed myself and I feel it good .


1. 以"National Holiday"为题写一篇英语文章 To celebrate the 60th anniversary of People"s Republic of China.(Title) In this unusual year, we take an unusual National Holiday.Since the Republic of China found,China has got many achievements in last 60 years.With our economy and science developing, China plays a important role in the world.Last 60 years, we in honor of the return of Hong Kong in 1997, the return of Macao in 1999.Suffer from the south face of the history of a rare flood in 1998. In 2003, the face of panic-stricken people of the SARS epidemic.In 2008, some ten provinces in the face of the rare snow disaster, earthquake SichanWenchuan , the Chinese people united, will be suffering at the foot of resistance!As we suffering the disasters,we were holding the Beijing Olympics successfully, and prove that Chinese are brave!Tdday, on the national holiday,let"s celebrate it and bless our country being better! 2. my national holiday 英语作文怎么写 National Day is ing,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It"s a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We"re visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we"ll have a good time there. 国庆节来了,我有七天的假期。我们一家去海南。那是一个美丽的海滨城市。我们在那里待上一个星期。我们去沙滩,还在海里游泳。我们游览“天涯海角”,菀泉河还有别的许多好地方。我想我们在那里会玩得很开心。 例2 National Day Holidays I went to my cousin"s house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she"s worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that he"ll educate his child in a severe way,with a future father"s matureness.I"m happy for them.:) Yesterday,our research school"s soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game. Half of the National Day holidays have passed by。life still goes with good and bad times. 3. 以"the national holiday" 写一篇不少于5句话的英语作文 my summer holiday i had a happy summer holiday because i did many interesting things. i went to the beach and i swam in the sea.i called my friend and played with them.i visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food.then i went to the zoo whit my sister.i was very happy.because i saw a lot of animals.they were very lovely.so i took photos of all animals.i liked the butterflies best.they were colourful and beautiful.my sister liked it too. i had a wonderful summer holiday this year.what about you? can you tell me somthing about it?。 4. 【TheNationalDayholiday作文】 [The National Day holiday作文]The National Day holiday Spring festival On National Day holiday,I went to Lake Tai with my family .We played a lot of things and had a lot of delicious food there .On Monday we went fishing .I fished a big fish .It"s red .Oh ,we also rode a horse too .The horse I rode was very strong and handsome .It can run very fast .On Tuesday we went to a farm .we got some fresh food there and cooked by ourselves .We cooked vegetables,fish and chicken soup .Then we tasted them together .Mmm ,how fresh and yummy !We all had a big meal .We had a lot of fun and enjoyed our holidays there .I"d like to visit there again .The National Day holiday作文450字小学生作文(/)。 5. 英语作文 National holiday 200字 National HolidayWell, I"ve been getting really bad in keeping up with this, but I"ll try to put you up to speed. I got really pissed at Xingji because she stood me up on Mid-Autumn Festival. She always is standing me up, and that really pissed me off. What pissed me off more was that she didn"t call to apologize and seems to not even know, because she never called afterwards. I didn"t call her because I was so pissed, and the fact she wasn"t calling just made me mader. In the meanwhile, I found myself being more attracted to Wei Wei. It"s a bad idea, because I know she doesn"t want to be with a westerner in a relationship. She says as friends it"s ok, but anything else the cultural difference is too much. So, I"m just keeping it to myself, though several times I"ve almost said something. In school, I"ve really been slacking off. I haven"t been studying so I really need to straighten up and fly right or I"m not going to make it far. I"m also entered in the schools speech contest, so if I can win that then I can make it to the Beijing municipal petition. I"ll see how that goes tomorrow. My national holiday was quite terrible. I became very sick and spent nearly the entire time in bed. I still haven"t gotten better yet, but I feel I waisted the whole time in bed doing nothing. I did a little shoping though and got a new cell phone, new shoes, new jean jacket. I also wanted to get a cell phone for Wei Wei as a b-day present. Nothing else much new except I got a new student. Her name is Vicky a 15 year old girl. Her parents are professors at Capital Normal University. Her mother is very nice to me, and it paying quite alot, and also promised to feed me dinner when I e over to teach since I teach 4 hours every time. I hope not to disapoint her. Lately I"ve been hung over about o things: Women and money. Two things I don"t have at the moment and yet I want. Money"s getting kind of hard; there are so many things I need, and yet no money to buy it. For now, I"ll need to make due with what I got.。 6. My national holiday作文30字 National Day HolidaysI went to my cousin"s house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she"s worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that he"ll educate his child in a severe way,with a future father"s matureness.I"m happy for them.:)Yesterday,our research school"s soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game.Half of the National Day holidays have passed by。 life still goes with good and bad times。.。 7. My National holiday 的作文(100字左右,不要太深奥,五六年级左右 National Day It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .Oh my god there were so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.The traffic was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street.What were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting to e out at this day!Nest time I prefer to stay at home and study!The National Day have e.I have looked forward it for several days.It"s really a good chance to have a picnic with friends. In the morning,just as planned, we met at school gate at 7.00 O"clock,then we walked towards a farm in the countyside.The sky is bluethe sunshine is genial and wind is breezing. we enjoyed the fresh air and calmness of thecounty.We climmed the hill, played on the grass ,swam in the river. How exiciting it was! we all enjoyed it very much. It was an fettable and happy national day!。 8. 急:英语作文《My National Holiday》 When the national holiday is ing ,we students are all very excited 。 though the national holiday is very valuable for our students or other busines *** en,some of us still stay at home .during the national holiday , the mid-autumn festival and the notional。 9. 以"My National Day holiday"为题目,写一篇英语作文 National Day Holiday is over.I had a good time. On October 1st, I went to Tian"anmen Square to see the national flag raising ceremony. There were thousands of people watching the ceremony and all of them were with deep love and respect to China. The national flag reminded me of the passed 59 years of our motherland. During the last decades, reform and opening up have yielded substantial results. I was so proud of China and the success of opening policy.。

National Day Holidays是什么意思

National Day Holidays国庆节假期双语对照例句:1.He estimated about half of those for the upcoming national dayholidays have now been canceled. 他估计,目前已经有一半左右的国庆长假旅行团取消。

if i have time i will go to your city in holidays什么意思


以"My National Day holiday"为题目,写一篇英语作文。

以“My National Holiday”为题写一篇短文,描述你是如何度过国庆节。字数:120字数

National Day HolidaysI went to my cousin"s house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she"s worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that he"ll educate his child in a severe way,with a future father"s matureness.I"m happy for them.:)Yesterday,our research school"s soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game.Half of the National Day holidays have passed by...life still goes with good and bad times.

求we believe-david cook的中文歌词


on national day holiday还是in

是on,具体的某一天或某个节日用on开头。national day holiday:国庆节。in the national day:指一天里,从早上0点到不超过晚间24点on the national day:指时间点上(以天为单位)

一首英文歌,男女对唱,歌词里有youre so yesterday有点像在争吵

Just Askin" - Iggy AzaleaWassup, in your worldAnd are you still coolin with that lame girlI ain"t hatin, it don"t matter thoughI kept it cool, but you made me wanna slap a hoI look good, what does she haveI was down, no knee padsLook, this kinda sound like a poemIf you relate then point em out if you know emHey, boy hush that, I remembered you were riding on your mustacheYou was hanging so hard, you nearly lost thatLittle trick you like to do, yeah I taught thatI got a brand new man and a brand new placeGlad you called, thought you coulda had that spaceI"m alright, and imma play it coolI can"t cook, but I made a plate for youYou wanted something more, than what we hadWhat"s up with her She ain"t all thatI"m not trippin on what coulda beenI know it"s kinda weird, I"m just askinJust askinI know it"s kinda weird, I"m just askinI just happenedTo run into you and I noticed your reactionYou couldn"t say shit, I read your captionShe a one-hit wonder, and you missin my classicsDamn that"s tragicI would hate to be youTo tell the truth, she could never be meI got a new man, with a few new bandsGive me what I want, and he got that DI got a brand new man and a brand new placeGlad you called, thought you coulda had that spaceI"m alright, and imma play it coolI can"t cook, but I made a plate for youYou wanted something more, than what we hadWhat"s up with her She ain"t all thatI"m not trippin on what coulda beenI know it"s kinda weird, I"m just askinI got a brand new man and a brand new placeGlad you called, thought you coulda had that spaceI"m alright, and imma play it coolI can"t cook, but I made a plate for youYou wanted something more, than what we hadWhat"s up with her She ain"t all thatI"m not trippin on what coulda beenI know it"s kinda weird, I"m just askinI know it"s kinda weird, I"m just askinI know it"s kinda weird, I"m just askin

American national holiday和American National Day有区别么

national holiday 是指全国性假日,而national Day 是指国庆日。价格American就是指美国的全国性假日和美国的国庆日。全国性假日包括国庆假日,当然在美国还有感恩节,劳动节等全国性的假日。中国还有中秋,端午,春节等全国性假日。

national holiday的h大写不大写?


My national holiday作文30字


My National holiday 的作文(100字左右,不要太深奥,五六年级左右,要有中文翻译)

Today is a special National Holiday,I walk around East NanJing Road with my Father.At first,we decide to buy the jeans,but soon after we reach the shop I find that its size could not be suitable for my ideal style. We leave the shop and I buy an icecream for my Father because I once promised him to send a gift by the money I earned at part work.Really it"s a memorable National Holiday. Untaditionally,I send gift to my Father but not vice visa. Finally,we went back through Rong Yang Subway Station,we buy a piece of pastry at HalaLi,I arrived at home at 4:30p.m.Just at the moment, I answer a call. Truely it"s done by my friend far away at the other side of the land. I miss... you, I miss... you, not I miss you but I missed you. Really it"s a dream . What an old-fashioned story. I hate I hate but at last I like it.The National Holiday, like every common day in life, aware us of the light of a new but ordinary day.

my national holiday 英语作文怎么写


my national holiday 英语作文怎么写

National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It"s a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We"re visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we"ll have a good time there. 国庆节来了,我有七天的假期。我们一家去海南。那是一个美丽的海滨城市。我们在那里待上一个星期。我们去沙滩,还在海里游泳。我们游览“天涯海角”,菀泉河还有别的许多好地方。我想我们在那里会玩得很开心。例2National Day Holidays I went to my cousin"s house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she"s worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that he"ll educate his child in a severe way,with a future father"s matureness.I"m happy for them.:) Yesterday,our research school"s soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game. Half of the National Day holidays have passed by...life still goes with good and bad times.
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