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National Holiday 前面为什么用on?不用in?


my national holiday 英语作文怎么写?


the national holiday 是什么意思

1. 国庆日2. 国庆日国定假日3. 国家假日4. 国庆日,国定假日5. 固定假日

national holiday是什么意思

national holidayn. 国定假日

national holiday是什么意思


有什么英文歌有this is my day date this is my life life欧美



没有!sharp的意思是:adj.锋利的;锐利的;尖的;急剧的,骤然的(变化);清楚明确的;清晰的;鲜明的。adv.(用于表时间的词语后,表示准时)…整;向左 / 向右急转;偏高音地。n.升半音;锐利的东西(如针、注射器等)。vi.[音乐]把(音调)升高(半音)[音乐]升音演奏(或演唱)。 例句:1.Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material. 用锋利的剪刀在这块布料上剪一个小口。 2.The man in the car can only guess at the causes of the sharp rise in the cost of living. 普通百姓对生活费用急剧上涨的原因只能猜测。 3.In sharp contrast to her mood, the clouds were breaking up to reveal a blue sky. 乌云渐渐散开,露出了蓝天,这和她的情绪形成了鲜明的对照。

有什么英文歌this is my day date this is my life life谢谢!

pretty boy

向harbor推送镜像时报unauthorizedauthorization required

推送命令如下:docker push docker-registry:443/base-image/centos:7 鉴权也做了,在TTY上也能正常登录到harbor registry,但是推送镜像时,就是不成功,就报这个错误,后来上harbor web端检查项目列表时,发现在harbor上没有对应的项目名,(在harbor中只有base-images,而不是base-image),解决的办法有两个: 然后推送到docker registry上, 问题解决,一个很容易忽略的的错误,但是harbor没有给出正确的错误提醒。 注:当我们向harbor提交新的镜像因为找不到镜像名中对应的项目,除了会报上面的错误外,还会出现其他的报错信息: 例如我们成登录了harbor之后,推送镜像出现如下错误: Get https://xxx:443/v1/_ping:dial tcp host_ip:443: getsockopt:connection refused 还是犯了和上面同样的错误

有什么英文歌有this is my day date this is my life li

this is my life

求一首歌。说唱女声。歌词里有This is my day,this is my life,this is my pain...

Steven Cooper – Born to do不是女声,只是把原来的男声用软件处理了一下罢了求采纳

甚么是destroy gundam

GFAS-X1 Destroy,毁灭高达为日本科幻动画作品机动战士GUNDAM SEED DESTINY中的人型兵器(MS),为史汀娜·露茜、史汀·奥古利和其他生物CPU所驾驶。 开发经过 地球联合军所开发的巨型可变形机动战士,加进了之前开发的MS、大型MA的经验技术的所制成的巨型MS。 机体介绍 GFAS:Gressorial Fortress Armament Strategic,战略步行要塞兵器。是地球连合军所制造的全新巨型机动战士,身高是普通机动战士的3倍,全身配备了武器,也装备了能让光束武器无效化的阳电子反射器,只须一机便可轻易破坏整个城市,是一部攻守俱全的大型MS。此外,本机能变成巨型MA型态,火力比MS型态还要强。 战斗史 最初本机是由毁灭高达所属生物CPU成员史汀娜·露茜驾驶,之后本机在准备发射的1580mm 复数列能量炮的时候,被自由高达击破。 后来,本机变成量产型,在连合军参与天堂基地的一战中出现了5部毁灭高达,被命运高达、传说高达和冲击高达合力击破。后来在宇宙的一战中,再次出现了5部毁灭高达,被命运高达和传说高达击破。 机体型式 隶属:地球连合军 类型:少数量产MS 驾驶:史汀娜·露茜、史汀·奥古利、生物CPU 全高:56.30公尺 重量:404.93公吨 颜色涂装:黑 机体武装: 背部 2连装高能量光束炮X2 复合光束炮X20 6连装导弹发射器X4 阳电子反射器 头部 75mm CIWS 机关炮X4 1580mm 复数列能量炮 胸部 1580mm 复数列能量炮X3 两腕 分离式光束炮(5只手指合共5门) 分离式光束盾(各配备一门光束炮) 图片: toyking/image/toy/bandai/hcmpro/149606 members6.tsukaeru/yubaba/DSCF03681 gundam-seed-d/04cool/mechanics/img/destroy 参考: zh. *** /wiki/GFAS-X1_Destroy destroy 英文翻译中文, 即系毁灭 破坏 破坏 毁坏.......... 但在Seed Destiny里通常叫毁灭高达 毁灭高达,系地球军一手一脚整出来,亦系全部MS中最庞大,威力也很强喔! 上身有很多强劲武器。 弱点:因太大和多强劲武器,所以机动性就差D!格斗都比其他gundam差D 优点:变左MA,机动性比MS高D,还有90度转弯。镭射枪攻击完全无效。 参考: me GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam 破灭高达 毁灭高达 破壊高达(唔知边个岩..) -pub/forum/thread-797863-1-1 mahq/mecha/gundam/seed-destiny/gfas-x1 毁灭高达!

try harder than yesterday

选择第一个是对的. rainy是个表天气状况的词,比如,今天是雨天Today is a rainy day.没有比较级和最高级~~

A. So you must try harder at geography.B. How did you do?C. Yes, Dad.D. I can do it better....

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:F小题4:E小题5:A 小题1:上句为一般疑问句,意思为你收到了你的成绩单了吗?我们可以用yes来回答,意思为我收到了,故本句空格处选C。小题2:本句的前句含义为你为何没告诉我有关你成绩单上的事,你做得如何,指的是学习成绩如何的含义,下句回答除了数学之外,都还好,故本句空格处选B。小题3:上句的含义为数学老师说了什么,他说我在数学上可以做得更好,故本句空格处选F。小题4:上句的含义为那么别的老师说了什么,所以本句的含义为语文老师说我的书法不错,意思较符合,故本句空格处选E。小题5:上句的含义为我的地理老师说我是懒惰的,要求我要更加努力,所以本句的含义为你必须要在地理上更加努力,故本句空格处选A。

电脑开机就会出现对话框“Runtime Error,R6016,not enough space for thread data”,请问怎么解决?


Eid holiday 是什么节日?今年这个节日从什么时候开始放假?放多久

开斋节,阿拉伯文‘Id al-Fitr的意译,音译“尔德·费图尔”。亦称“肉孜节”或“小节”。与“宰牲节”同为伊斯兰教两大节日。时间在伊斯兰教历10月1日。穆斯林在莱麦丹(第9月)全月斋戒,斋月最后一日寻看新月,见月次日开斋,即为开斋节;如未见新月,则继续封斋,节期顺延,一般不超过3天。

Brenda Lee的《Emotions》 歌词

歌曲名:Emotions歌手:Brenda Lee专辑:The Definitive CollectionIt"s over and donebut the heartache lives on insideAnd who"s the one you"re clinging toinstead of me tonight?And where are you now, now that I need you?Tears on my pillow wherever you goI"ll cry me a river that leads to your oceanYou never see me fall apartIn the words of a broken heartIt"s just emotion that"s taken me overCaught up in sorrow, lost in my soulBut if you don"t come backCome home to me, darlingDont you know there"s nobody left in this worldto hold me tightDont cha know there"s nobody left in this world to kiss goodnightGoodnight, goodnightI"m there at your side,I"m part of all the things you areBut you"ve got a part of someone elseYou"ve got to find your shining starAnd where are you now, now that I need you?Tears on my pillow wherever you goI"ll cry me a river that leads to your oceanYou never see me fall apartIn the words of a broken heartIt"s just emotion that"s taken me overCaught up in sorrow, lost in my soulBut if you don"t come backCome home to me, darlingDont you know there"s nobody left in this worldto hold me tightNobody left in this world to kiss goodnightGoodnight, goodnightAnd where are you now, now that I need you?Tears on my pillow wherever you goI"ll cry me a river that leads to your oceanYou never see me fall apartIn the words of a broken heartIt"s just emotion that"s taken me overCaught up in sorrow, lost in my soulBut if you don"t come backCome home to me, darlingNobody left in this worldto hold me tightNobody left in this world to kiss goodnightGoodnight, goodnighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8307699

apizza 接口参数类型为 date 怎么传参

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;import java.util.Date;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;/** * @author Administrator * */@Controller@RequestMapping(value = "/test")public class TestController { @RequestMapping(value = "/object", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String object(@RequestBody LocationModel model) { return model.getLongitude() + " " + model.getLatitude() + " " + model.getCreateBy() + " " + model.getCreateTime(); } @RequestMapping(value = "/map", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String map(@RequestBody Map<String, String> map) { String createBy = map.get("createBy"); return createBy; } @RequestMapping(value = "/date", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String map(@RequestBody Date date) { return date.toString(); } @RequestMapping(value = "/test_object") @ResponseBody public String callWsObject() { try { RestTemplate template = new RestTemplate(); String url = "http://localhost:8080/location/object"; LocationModel model = new LocationModel(); model.setLongitude("110.234567"); model.setLatitude("222.238043"); model.setCreateBy("wh@aishk.com"); model.setCreateTime("2016-08-21 14:03:26"); String result = template.postForObject(url, model, String.class); return "Result: " + result; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception e.printStackTrace(); return e.getMessage(); } } @RequestMapping(value = "/test_map") @ResponseBody public String callWsMap() { try { RestTemplate template = new RestTemplate(); String url = "http://localhost:8080/location/map"; Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("createBy", "xiaohong"); String result = template.postForObject(url, map, String.class); return "Result: " + result; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception e.printStackTrace(); return e.getMessage();

Da Brat的《Fuck You》 歌词

歌曲名:Fuck You歌手:Da Brat专辑:UnrestrictedLily Allen -----Fuck YouLook inside看看Look inside看看吧Your tiny mind看你那浅薄的思想Then look a bit harder放远大点吧Cos we"re so uninspired因为那里装不下灵魂So sick and tired如此恶心.让人厌倦Of all The hatred you harbour全都是罪恶So you say所以你说It"s not okay to be gay你不认同同性恋Well I think You"re just evil而我觉得你是个魔鬼You"re just some racist你就是一种种族歧视Who can"t tie my laces连鞋带都不配给我系You"re point of view is medevil你的观点已过时Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos we hate what you do因为我们讨厌你所做的And we hate your whole crew讨厌你的同伙So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos your words don"t translate因为我们言语不通And it"s getting quite late那只会耽误时间So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Do you get你能不能Do you get A little kick out Of being small minded你能不能从你那狭隘的思想里走出来You want to be like your father你想像你父亲那样His approval your after那就是你为了做的得到认同Well that"s not how You"ll find it那你就错了Do you你Do you really enjoy你就真的喜欢Living a life that"s so hateful这这种充满仇恨的人生嘛Cos there"s a hole where your soul因为应该有属于你灵魂的地方Should be you"re losing control of it你正渐渐失控And it"s really distasteful那可真的不妙Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos we hate what you do因为我们讨厌你的言行And we hate your whole crew讨厌你的同伙So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck you去你的Fuck you very very much这是去你*的Cos your words don"t translate因为我们语言不通And it"s getting quite late这只是浪费时间So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck youFuck youFuck youYou say你说You think we need to go to war你觉得我们需要武力解决Well you"re already in one然而你已在纷争里了Cos it"s people like you因为想你这样的人That need to get slew都需要解放No one wants your opinion没人想听你的观点Fuck you, (fuck you)Fuck you very very muchCos we hate what you doAnd we hate your whole crewSo please don"t stay in touchFuck you, (fuck you)Fuck you very very muchCos your words don"t translateAnd it"s getting quite lateSo please don"t stay in touchFuck youFuck youFuck you貌似一首骂某国前总统的歌谁 哩歌词告诉你答案http://music.baidu.com/song/8720671

Oh, What A Perfect Day 歌词

歌曲名:Oh, What A Perfect Day歌手:George Strait专辑:Somewhere Down In TexasGeorge Strait - Oh, What A Perfect DayI woke up this morninPeaked out my doorIt was rainin', cold an' greyIt's my one day off: I was gonna play golfThere goes the plans that I madeOh, but you won't hear me complainAn' oh, what a perfect day for lovin' youWhen you're in my arms, I've got sunshineAn' the sky's always blueCouldn't ask for better weatherTo do what I do:Oh, what a perfect day for lovin' youSo let's go grab a blanketAn' a hot cup of coffeeAnd sit out on the front porch and swingThat look in your eyes is what's on my mindWe don't have to say anythingLet's just listen to that old tin roof singAn' oh, what a perfect day for lovin' youWhen you're in my arms, I've got sunshineAn' the sky's always blueCouldn't ask for better weatherTo do what I do:Oh, what a perfect day for lovin' you.Oh, what a perfect day for lovin' you.For lovin' you.http://music.baidu.com/song/1187819

帮我写一篇名叫 my holiday 的英语作文,要求50词 O(∩_∩)O谢谢

帮我写一篇名叫 my holiday 的英语作文,要求50词 O(∩_∩)O谢谢 我自己动手写了一篇"my Vacation",但求文章的人似乎不怎么需要,现在给你用了,呵呵~~~ 只要将“Vacation”替换成“holiday”就可以了。呵呵,希望能帮助你。 My Vacation I am going to spend half time of my vacation on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my clas *** ates and I will form a *** all team and play basketball together. Sometimes we will have a match against some other teams. I will enjoy the sense when we win the game. Of course, I will spend lots of time on doing my homework. It"s important for me to finish my lessons. If I still have enough time, I am going to visit Beijing City, and visiting Beijing is my dream from childhood to now. Oh, what a great vacation! 帮我写一篇名为 My day in winter holiday的英语文章, 要求50字左右 As time goes by, I just finish one of the most unfettable winter vacation. Quite vividly remember the Spring Festival with all my family at the rich family-reunion dinner. Everyone drank and chatted with each other. That was so awesome. Talking about me, I went crazy shopping with my best friends during the big big promotion in several shopping malls and department stores. Actually, I liked that! Simply because of the unique atmosphere inside and friendly environment outside together. Though the Valentine"s Day met the Chinese New year this year at the same day, considered as a bination with western culture, we still ruined the traditional way. Which meant: watching special TV programmes on CCTV, eating dumplings together, playing fireworks and so on. And of course, for children, receiving red-envelopes from their relatives was the most exciting moment through all the new year. Some people took this opportunity to travel somewhere, in order to relax well and be ready for their work for the next year. While part of people preferred to stay at home with their own friends and families quietly in order to rest well; also quite amount of people choose to study hard during the winter holiday. I am an outdoor person! I went to Yun Nan Province, the southest part of China; nothing deserved plaining just except the serves there. Aording to me, the landscape was perfect! Always shiny, the sky is geous blue and the air is so fresh--nearly no pollution. It was a band new lifestyle for all the Shanghainese there. Everyday, most people got up near 8 o"clock and went to bed around 10 pm. In the morning, the sun always said "hello" to you and wherever you were in the ancient city, you could see the holy mountain--Jade Dragon Snow Mountain all the time. There were many first time for me in Li Jiang. The first time to ride a horse in the mountain; the first time to expense the real life of the NaXi minority nationality; the first time to stay up in the virgin forest ... I will never and ever fet wolves" howl in the midnight! It was so scaring and impressive! I spent just only one week, a too short stay in Yun Nan Province, but tasted nearly all the weird food of Na Xi Minority Nationality. Such as green bamboo worms, dragonfly pupas, butter-tea etc. In the plane to Shanghai, I drawed a short conclusion: "Colorful Yun Nan, peaceful Da Li and Wonderful Li Jiang!". That"s all about my winter vacation this time. 谁可以帮我写一篇英语作文,My holiday 一篇关于参观西安的The holiday is around the corner. So it is time to have a trip. My family and I decided to visit Xi"an, the world-famous historical city. We were arranged to visit the Huaqing Palace for the first day. AndI finally got a chance to visit the Tomb of Warriors in Xi"an on Saturday morning and rushed to the destination straight away,Arrvied in Xi",Hundreds of Terracotta Warriors and Horses stood neatly in straight lines as if they were still guarding the Qin Emperor palace thousands years ago, bringing us back in time to the Qing dynasty and search the answers of the unknown. It is amazing how these scultures could draw us so close to the ancient history. Such a wondercity, Xi"an! 一篇关于参观北京的MY HOLIDAY This holiday I was busy enough! First,I had to do my homework ,It took me 3 days.But I didn"t pare it because I learned a lot of things in my home work.And this holiday I was very excited. BecauseI went to Beijing !I saw zhe nest and Water meter! It"s so cool and beautful! I was really took pride in Beijing , I thought Beijing is a grand city. I love Beijing ! I love the Olypic Games! I love China! 帮我写一篇英语作文《my day》 My day Today I am so happy , I went shopping (购物)with my mother .my mother bought me so much food such as bread .I like eating apples ,my mother also bought many apples. This afternoon ,I went hiking(远足) with my best friends . We were so glad to going out ,we took some junk food to eat .all of us enjoy this trip . PS:这个应该很简单了吧,不知道能不能帮到你! 麻烦帮我写一篇 以 my favorite start is vae 的题目 写一篇英语作文 谢谢啦 Xu Song ( May 14, 1986 -), after the original music, Hefei was born in Anhui, graduated from Medical University Of Anhui in the specialty of health administration. In 2009 the independent publishing debut full album lyrics" custom", published in 2010 second by the independent album" fog", ice a debate, and are issued the record sold out within a month. In 2011 joined the International Music Group -- music, the launch of the third full album lyrics" Socrates didn"t bottom", the album the offering for an entire month in the mainland areas of sales of the first, a national media, and started touring the country signing and fan meeting. 请帮我写一篇last summer holiday的英语作文 春之歌:“春,是春吗?”小溪,当最后一块冰也融入其中时,奔跑了起来,追随春的脚步,呼吸春留下的芬芳,给予大自然第一滴甘霖,贪婪的享受着春的温暖,一阵风吹来,为她指引春姑娘的方向,不禁地快了起来,将自己注入大自然,注入春的怀抱。知否?高山也梦想着春的约会,但山高风寒,春姑娘只好用一朵小花,妆点在山顶上,这是春姑娘的问候。我想,这是高山梦想的实现。春,来了。 春之计:一年之计在于春,天上的风筝多起来,地上的孩子也多了,因为,他们的好玩伴,春,来了。大人们也不急着工作,因为,春刚到,有的是时间,有的是希望。春,带给人们新干劲,新活力,历经冬天的寒冷,方知春天的温暖,不管男女老少,一家家都出来倾听花开的声音,呼吸新鲜的空气,哪怕冬的一丝气息尚存。小草上的露珠,是春激动的眼泪,感动大自然的热情,感动人们的温暖。春,来了。 帮我写一篇英语作文《My new teacher》 Do you have a favourite teacher in our colledlge? And did you like your new teacher when you came into a new class some years ago? I believe most of you will answer “obviously”. In fact, so do I. I also have a good teacher, in some ways, a good friend. I have known many teachers since I entered the primary school fist time. But only when I came here, She, my new English teacher, gave me a deeply impression. Maybe you have ever seen her on the campus. Maybe not. But it doesn,t matter. In my heart, she is so perfect that everyone like her. She is a lovely girl and her heart is as pure as her white clothes. She treats every student equally and never be angry with anybody. Even made a mistake, she also explains to us again and again so that every student could get it. She is so patient with us. Especially her Sweet is always on her face which makes her more easy-giong, so we also treat her as our . She is my favourite teacher, not only because of her wide knowledge, but also because she gives us self-confidence. in our life. And she helps us won many prizes in the petitions. This made her happy and also made our dass get more and more popular among other classes. So we have enough confidence in ourselves, but we know we still have a long . Just as she always said:“If you want to be suessful suneday you must work hard. No matter what difficults you meet donot be afraid of defeat! Just stick to it. After storm must be sunshine !” I will never fet her words. It gives great motivation to our study. In my heart, she is the best teacher I have ever seen. I like her and respect her so much that I regarded her as a great person in my life. This is my new English teacher – My favourite teacher and also my . 译文: 你在我们学校中有一个特别受喜爱的老师吗?我相信你们中的绝大部分人将回答“很显然”.事实上,我也同样.我也有一个在一些方式中好老师,一个好友. 自我进入高小拳时间以来,我已经认识很多老师.但是仅当我来这里。她,我的新英语教师给出我深深印象。或许你已经在校园上曾经看见她.或许不.但是它没关系.在我的心脏中,她是如此完美每人喜欢她以至.她是一个可 和她的心是和她的一样白色衣服纯粹.她对每一个学生同样和从不是的享受生气任何人.甚至使她成为一错误对我们也一再说明,因此每一个学生能懂了。她是非常忍受我们.特别她的甜蜜的微笑总是是在她的使她成为更多随和的脸上。那样我们也把她当作我们最好友. 不仅由于她的渊博的知识而且因为她给我们自信,她是我喜爱的老师.在我们的一生中.她帮我们在竞争中赢得很多奖金.这个使她变得愉快和也使我们的班级使越来越在其它课中流行。那样我们对我们自己有充足的信心,但是我们知道我们仍然有很长的路要走.就象她总是说:“如果你想要是成功在未来的某一天你必须努力工作.论你和什么样的困难碰在一起不要是害怕失败!仅仅坚持它.在 一定是阳光!”之后我将不忘记她的话.它给我们研究伟大动力.在我的心中,她是有史以来最 有的老师见过的.”我以至于我认为她是一个在 中伟大人喜欢她和尊敬她。 这个是我的新英语教师?我喜爱的老师和也我的最好友. 帮我写一篇 英语作文《my lood friend》 My Good Friend My good friend is Mei. She"s a girl. She is my clas *** ate. Mei is tall and thin. She has o big eyes and long hair. She likes listening to music and reading books. Sometimes we listen to music together. She likes summer. Because she can swim in the summer holiday. She likes pink and white. She is in Class Four, Grade Six with me. She usually goes to school by motor cycle. Sometimes she goes to school on foot. We often go shopping together on the weekend. We will be good friends forever. My Good Friend I have a good friend.She is my clas *** ate,her name is Tracy.She is a pretty girl. She studies in Tiandong No.2 Middle school,she is in Class 1,Grade 1.She studies hard all day.And she can speaks Japanese English and Chinese very well.So she often help my English and Japanese.I thank you for her help. And I help her math, too.Because my math is very good. We learn from each other and help each other. Tracy often in a white T-shirt and a black skirt.We are all think shi is a lovely girl.And Tracy likes sports very much. She likes playing basketball,bas *** all,ping-pongball and badminton very much. So we are often play them. Tracy has a big famili,there are nine people in her family.They are her mother,her father,her brother sister,her uncle,her aunt,her grandparents ang her.She loves her family very much. My good friend My name is Michelle. In my class, there is a girl. She has a round face, a *** all nose, o big eyes, a *** all mouth and o big ears. Her eyes look like grapes. Her hair is short and black. She is tall and beautiful. She looks like a middle school student. Do you know who is she? Yes, she is Fanny, one of my good friends. Fanny is a good girl at school. In class, she listens to her teachers carefully. She studies English very well. She often helps us to solve problems. She is very quiet, sometimes she is very active. When class is over, she goes out of the classroom to play games with her clas *** ates. She is very friendly to them. She is a good girl at home, too. After supper, she always helps her mother clean the room. Then she watches TV for a short time if mother permits. She seems to have a special interest in music. Any time she hears the music, she will dance. Though she dances badly, she still loses herself in the music. I think she will be a dancer in the future. But she wants to be a writer. This is my good friend. We feel happy when we are together. What about your good friend? Can you tell me something about your good friend? 帮我写一篇 My favorite person 英语作文 My favorite person Hi!I am...DO you know who is my favorite person?Let me tell you.She is my mother.She has long,curlyand brown hair.She is tall and good-looking.She likes music And she can sing and dance very well.she can also cooks well.Everyday she cooks a lot of delicious food for us.Everyweeks she often goes to shopping with me.And she likes to buy many things I like.I think my mother is really kind.I love my mother and she love me,too. 绝对自己写的。 被别人也采纳过(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 帮我写一篇英语作文:My favorite player Basketball is my favourite sport.My favourite star is YaoMing.He is a great basketball player.YaoMing was born in Shanghai, China.His parents both played for Chinese National Teams.He is the tallest basketball player in the NBA.He went to Shanghai Shart Sports College,and played basketball with his clas *** ates.I like YaoMing very much so I want to be just like him when I grow up.


conditioned dark 是一种深蓝色.就像是一般深色牛仔裤的那种颜色.



双清samsung note 4 的时候,出现安卓机器人并显示 "installing system update..."。但是30分钟了还没好


eui 出现update system 开机不了,怎么回事

1、手机在完全关机状态下,同时按住音量下+开机键8秒左右(手机会自动进入官方recovery模式)  2、进入recovery模式后,会显示以下字样:  rebootsystemnow:重启系统  applysdcard:update.zip:应用SD卡中的update.zip  wipedata/factoryreset:清空数据/设定工厂模式  backupromtosdcard:备份ROM到SD卡  restoreromfromsdcard:从SD卡还原ROM  3、通过音量上、下键选择清除数据,按电源键确认“是--清除所有用户数据”。  4、通过音量上、下键选择“清除缓存”,按电源键确认“是--清除所有缓存。  5、然后使用音量上下键在选择手动选择安装包。安装成功后,选择立即重启系统就可以完成手机升级了。



thinkpadE420的system update打不开是怎么回事?还有电源标尺不知什么时候也不显示电量了?

lenovo device experience,对于T系列也不太好用建议你用啥装啥,即使好用,其网站速度太慢



apple software update是什么?

apple software update意思是:苹果软件更新。重点词汇:update英[u028cp'deu026at]释义:v.为……增加最新信息,更新;使现代化;向……提供最新信息。n.最新报道,最新消息;(计算机软件的)更新;新型,新版。[复数:updates;第三人称单数:updates;现在分词:updating;过去式:updated;过去分词:updated]短语:System Update系统升级;系统更新;自动系统更新;系统晋级。例句:用作动词(v)The data should be updated once a week.这些数据应该每星期更新一次。The feedback from the computer enables us to update the program.计算机的反馈能使我们更新程序。

惠普笔记本开机出现system bios update怎么办?

打开HP笔记本计算机时,出现system bios update的原因是包括对CPU,系统主板,基本内存,扩展内存,系统ROM BIOS和其他设备的测试,给操作员的提示或警告,简化或加快过程可以使系统快速启动。惠普笔记本开机时出现system bios update之后可以选择更新,也可以选择不处理,根据用户实际情况进行决定即可。扩展资料:随着HP笔记本电脑的日常运行,新软件的安装,加载运行时等因素的影响,会变得更大。因为,即使删除程序,所使用的DLL文件仍然存在。将新的硬件设备或外部设备添加到HP笔记本电脑后,将加载这些设备所需的程序,从而降低系统的运行速度。自然系统的运行速度越来越慢。过多且不常用的软件,请勿经常安装和卸载软件。卸载软件时,请尝试删除软件自己的DLL动态链接库文件。

Thinkpad自带的SYSTEM UPDATE在哪里啊?


惠普笔记本开机出现system bios update怎么解决

惠普笔记本开机时出现system bios update的原因是包括对CPU、系统主板、基本内存、扩展内存、系统ROM BIOS等器件的测试。给操作者提示或警告。简化或加快该过程,可使系统能够快速启动。出现system bios update解决的方式有:重启缓解,但是注意不要重启太多次,电脑在6~8年差不多要淘汰了,还是换个新的。扩展资料:惠普笔记本随着每天的操作,安装新软件、加载运行库等等使得它变得更加庞大,而更为重要的是变大的不仅仅是它的目录;因为即使删除了某个程序,可是它使用的DLL文件仍然会存在。惠普笔记本上面添加了新的硬件设备或者外部设备的时候,加载这些设备所需要的程序,从而降低了系统运行速度。自然系统运行速度也就越来越慢了。过多而不经常使用的软件,不要频繁安装卸载软件。在卸载软件时尽量将此软件自有的DLL动态链接库文件删除。

tinkvantage system update 是什么


System Update 4

重新安装一下该程序试试Think驱动下载 [url]http://think.lenovo.com.cn[/url]

怎么我的thinkpad system update无法打开?

是不是不用升级阿还有就是此程序文件有损 需要重新安装下

联想笔记本总出现“在同一时刻只能运行一个Lenovo System Update 实例,System Update已坠于运行状态“?


怎么我的thinkpad system update无法打开?

是不是不用升级阿还有就是此程序文件有损 需要重新安装下

关于IBM system update的几个小白问题

System Update我一般都不用的,手动安装几个驱动也不难,何必所有设备的驱动都要呢,一般只安APS,显卡,声卡、网卡,hotkey,pm。

W530通过thinkpad自带的system update更新驱动后频繁死机和蓝屏

那就别用System Update了,直接到联想官网下载相应的驱动。这工具有Bug。

ThinkVantage System Update不能用

您好,您可以尝试重新安装电脑的C++程序,如果安装后仍无法正常运行的话,建议您卸载thinkvantage程序,重启电脑后重新下载安装。Think产品驱动下载: http://think.lenovo.com.cn/support/driver/defaultpage.aspx

如何删除Thinkvantage system update更新下载存储的文件?太占空间了


系统升级System Update到5以后,运行程序显示system update could not start properly,请问怎么解决?




System Update 启动出错(无法启动)

系统文件缺失 你的系统应该是盗版 有文件缺失导致 要么重装系统 要么换个系统

thinkpad里的了lenovo system update能不能删除

可以的。我以前就没装system update,后来是想一键安装,方便才安装了此软件。还有这个软件不是“每次开机、关机都要更新、安装”,我的就没问题。估计你那边有什么问题吧。

system update 无法安装

我的也是这个问题, 不知道是什么回事

System Update更新的文件存放位置在那儿? 如何定期或手动删除这些已使用过的程序?

您好,您可以找一下 C:Program FilesLenovoSystem Update目录, 在64位机器上是C:Program Files (x86) LenovoSystem Update ,建议您不要删除,因为删除之后可能会导致System Update功能失效。

如何删除thinkvantage system update

System update 5 的存放目录为C:ProgramDataLenovoSystemUpdate

联想thinkVantage SYSTEM UPDATE更新有必要吗?

尊敬的用户您好,Thinkvantage system update是联想ThinkPad专有的联机更新软件,能自动更新ThinkPad的各个软件。如果有更新,建议您选择更新,以便系统更加安全、流畅的运行。

红米手机更新时停留在"installing system update"不动了,怎么办?

红米手机更新时停留在"installing system update"不动了的解决办法是1、打开后壳,扣下电池,10分钟以后,在装上电池;2、在关机状态下可以长按电源键以及音量加键,手机震动后松手;3、此时将手机连接到电脑,会识别出一个存储盘,然后到官网下载最新的固件进行升级,升级完成后可以正常开机。同时,因软件导致的无法正常进入系统也可以尝试此方法。

高分thinkpad system update


惠普笔记本开机时出现system bios update是怎么回事啊?


System Update 能删吗?


联想的system update开机启动能禁止吗

可以的1、点击电脑开始2、在开始里面找到“运行”3、在运行里面输入msconfig,然后按回车4、在msconfig里面找到system update,然后选择禁止即可。



惠普笔记本开机显示system bios update什么意思?

惠普笔记本开机时出现system bios update的原因是包括对CPU、系统主板、基本内存、扩展内存、系统ROM BIOS等器件的测试。给操作者提示或警告。简化或加快该过程,可使系统能够快速启动。出现system bios update解决的方式有:重启缓解,但是注意不要重启太多次,电脑在6~8年差不多要淘汰了,还是换个新的。扩展资料:惠普笔记本随着每天的操作,安装新软件、加载运行库等等使得它变得更加庞大,而更为重要的是变大的不仅仅是它的目录;因为即使删除了某个程序,可是它使用的DLL文件仍然会存在。惠普笔记本上面添加了新的硬件设备或者外部设备的时候,加载这些设备所需要的程序,从而降低了系统运行速度。自然系统运行速度也就越来越慢了。过多而不经常使用的软件,不要频繁安装卸载软件。在卸载软件时尽量将此软件自有的DLL动态链接库文件删除。

system update 是什么意思啊


import org.jfree.data.general.DatasetUtilitie;用哪个包?



这种情况,一般是选择第一个的,第一个是系统盘。macOS是一套由苹果开发的运行于Macintosh系列电脑上的操作系统。macOS是首个在商用领域成功的图形用户界面操作系统。发展历程Mac OS可以被分成操作系统的两个系列:一个是老旧且已不被支持的“Classic”Mac OS(系统搭载在1984年销售的首部Mac与其后代上,终极版本是Mac OS 9)。采用Mach作为内核,在MacOS 7.6以前用“System x.xx”来称呼。新的Mac OS X结合BSD Unix、OpenStep和Mac OS 9的元素。它的最底层建基于Unix基础,其代码被称为Darwin,实行的是部分开放源代码。Classic Mac OSClassic Mac OS的特点是完全没有命令行模式,它是一个100%的图形操作系统。预示它容易使用,它也被指责为几乎没有内存管理、协同式多任务(cooperative multitasking)和对扩展冲突敏感。功能扩展(Extensions)是扩充操作系统的程序模块,譬如:附加功能性(例如:网络)或为特殊设备提供支持。某些功能扩展倾向于不能在一起工作,或只能按某个特定次序载入。解决Mac OS的功能扩展冲突可能是一个耗时的过程。

一首韩文歌,里面有every day every night这样的歌词,是哪首歌呢?

东方神起的begin ever day ever night with you ```

But the shock left me nervous and depressed for the next few days.里的the shock left me是什么意思

the shock,这个冲击/这个打击/这件事情对我的打击“但是这件事情对我冲击很大,令我惴惴不安,在接下来的几天里都情绪低沉。”

mike is going to study on monday and tuesday

Where is Mike going on Tuesday afternoon?

i study什么ontuesdays

2,on为介词,做时间状语 3,疑问句中可不要

win10无法更新cumulative update for windows 10 for x64


Ansys中,Cumulative iteration 2 may have been solved using different model orboundary


你整天在学习什么?写为Have you been studying all day?对还是错,为什么?

Have you been studying all day? What have jiuduil

python-dataframe的合并(append, merge, concat, join)

创建2个DataFrame: 示例: 默认值:axis=0 axis=0:竖方向(index)合并,合并方向index作列表相加,非合并方向columns取并集 axis=1:横方向(columns)合并,合并方向columns作列表相加,非合并方向index取并集 axis=0: axis=1: 备注:原df中,取并集的行/列名称不能有重复项,即axis=0时columns不能有重复项,axis=1时index不能有重复项: 默认值:join=‘outer" 非合并方向的行/列名称:取交集(inner),取并集(outer)。 axis=0时join="inner",columns取交集: axis=1时join="inner",index取交集: 默认值:join_axes=None,取并集 合并后,可以设置非合并方向的行/列名称,使用某个df的行/列名称 axis=0时join_axes=[df1.columns],合并后columns使用df1的: axis=1时axes=[df1.index],合并后index使用df2的: 同时设置join和join_axes的,以join_axes为准: 默认值:ignore_index=False 合并方向是否忽略原行/列名称,而采用系统默认的索引,即从0开始的int。 axis=0时ignore_index=True,index采用系统默认索引: axis=1时ignore_index=True,columns采用系统默认索引: 默认值:keys=None 可以加一层标签,标识行/列名称属于原来哪个df。 axis=0时设置keys: axis=1时设置keys: 也可以传字典取代keys: 默认值:levels=None 明确行/列名称取值范围: 默认值:sort=True,提示新版本会设置默认为False,并取消该参数 但0.22.0中虽然取消了,还是设置为True 非合并方向的行/列名称是否排序。例如1.1中默认axis=0时columns进行了排序,axis=1时index进行了排序。 axis=0时sort=False,columns不作排序: axis=1时sort=False,index不作排序: 竖方向合并df,没有axis属性 不会就地修改,而是会创建副本 示例: 和concat相同,append也支持append多个DataFrame 示例: 对df1和df2进行merge: 可以看到只有df1和df2的key1=y的行保留了下来,即默认合并后只保留有共同列项并且值相等行(即交集)。 本例中left和right的k1=y分别有2个,最终构成了2*2=4行。 如果没有共同列会报错: 新增一个共同列,但没有相等的值,发现合并返回是空列表,因为默认只保留所有共同列都相等的行: 可以指定on,设定合并基准列,就可以根据k1进行合并,并且left和right共同列k2会同时变换名称后保留下来: 默认值:on的默认值是所有共同列,本例为:on=["k1", "k2"] how取值范围:"inner", "outer", "left", "right" 默认值:how="inner" ‘inner":共同列的值必须完全相等: ‘outer":共同列的值都会保留,left或right在共同列上的差集,会对它们的缺失列项的值赋上NaN: ‘left":根据左边的DataFrame确定共同列的保留值,右边缺失列项的值赋上NaN: ‘right":根据右边的DataFrame确定共同列的保留值,左边缺失列项的值赋上NaN: 默认值:indicator=False,不显示合并方式 设置True表示显示合并方式,即left / right / both: Join columns with other DataFrame either on index or on a key column. Efficiently join multiple DataFrame objects by index at once by passing a list. Parameters otherDataFrame, Series, or list of DataFrame Index should be similar to one of the columns in this one. If a Series is passed, its name attribute must be set, and that will be used as the column name in the resulting joined DataFrame. onstr, list of str, or array-like, optional Column or index level name(s) in the caller to join on the index in other, otherwise joins index-on-index. If multiple values given, the other DataFrame must have a MultiIndex. Can pass an array as the join key if it is not already contained in the calling DataFrame. Like an Excel VLOOKUP operation. how{‘left", ‘right", ‘outer", ‘inner"}, default ‘left" How to handle the operation of the two objects.

Base on nowadays 正确吗?

不对,这样是典型的中式英语 这个词组的意思无非就是在这种情况下的意思 所以你可以用in the circumstance比较好一些



natiohal day什么意思

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . .国庆节national day

What did you learn in school today?帮忙翻译一下






Pour Que La Danse Commence 歌词

歌曲名:Pour Que La Danse Commence歌手:Christian Merveille专辑:Libre Comme L"AirDion CelineLive A ParisPour Que Tu Maimes EncoreJean-Jacques GoldmanFor you to still love me.Jai compris tous les mots, jai bien compris, merciRaisonnable et nouveau, cest ainsi par iciQue les choses ont chang?que les fleurs ont fan?R> Que le temps davant, c?it le temps davantQue si tout zappe et lasse, les amours aussi passentI understood all the words, I well understood, thanksReasonable and new, thats the way hereThings have changed, that flowers get fadeThat the time before, was the time beforeIf all zap and tire, loves also go byIl faut que tu sachesYou must knowJirai chercher ton coeur si tu lemportes ailleursM? si dans tes danses dautres dansent tes heuresJirai chercher ton ? dans les froids dans les flammesJe te jetterai des sorts pour que tu maimes encoreIll go get your heart if you take it somewhere elseEven if in your dances others dance your hoursIll go get your soul in the colds in the flammesIll cast a spell on you for you to still love meFallait pas commencer mattirer me toucherFallait pas tant donner moi je sais pas jouerOn me dit quaujourdhui, on me dit que les autres font ainsiJe ne suis pas les autresAvant que lon sattache, avant que lon se g?eShouldnt begin tease me touch meShouldnt give so much I dont know how to playThey say that today, they say others do soIm not the othersBefore we attach to the other, before we spoil each otherJe veux que tu sachesI want you to knowJirai chercher ton coeur si tu lemportes ailleursM? si dans tes danses dautres dansent tes heuresJirai chercher ton ? dans les froids dans les flammesJe te jetterai des sorts pour que tu maimes encoreIll go get your heart if you take it somewhere elseEven if in your dances others dance your hoursIll go get your soul in the colds in the flammesIll cast a spell on you for you to to still love meJe trouverai des langages pour chanter tes louangesJe ferai nos bagages pour dinfinies vendangesLes formules magiques des marabouts dAfriqueJles dirai sans remords pour que tu maimes encoreIll find languages to sing your praisesIll make my luggages for infinite vintagesMagic spells from African priestsIll say them without remorse for you to still love meJe minventerai reine pour que tu me retiennesJe me ferai nouvelle pour que le feu reprenneJe deviendrai ces autres qui te donnent du plaisirVos jeux seront les n?s si tel est ton d?rPlus brillante plus belle pour une autre ?ncellehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7547864

打听一首英文歌,歌词是take me tatata take me ... date me dadada date me,歌词就记住那么多了

rude boy-Rihanna?





I wish I ____fly to the moon some day.A.canB.couldC./D.am


有take sb. on a holiday 这种说法吗?


找一首英文歌乡村音乐,歌手是个男的,开头是轻快的吉他,只记得开头…………every day

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