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do you remember还是did you remember

do you remember意思是你现在记得~~吗?

什么叫adidas 耐克? 请详细说明。


在英语中,三D是什么意思?是不是 DId,Do,还有Does的合称 啊?

是指语法上的3D吗?如果是的话就是你所说的did do does了

Why did you go to the bookstore? ______ for my son. A.Buy a book B.Buying books C.To buy a

一.选择填空。()1.Whatdoyouhave____________supper?A.forB.atC.withD.on()2.Sheisn"tgood___________maths.Couldyouhelpher__________hermaths?A.with,withB.at,atC.with,atD.at,with()3.Weshouldlearn____________eachother.A.toB.withC.fromD.for"()4.Areyou____________music?A.listentoB.listeningtoC.listeningD.listenat()5.When____________Mary____________toschool?A.is,goB.do,goC.do,goesD.does,go()6.Whatdoyouoftendo____________Sundaymorning?A.onB.inC.atD.for()7.There____________alotoffoodathome.A.areB.isC.haveD.has()8.Doyouhave____________tobuyacomputer?A.manymoneyB.enoughmoneyC.moneyenoughD.alotmoney()9.Whatabout____________computergames.A.toplayB.toplayingC.playingD.play()10.Excuseme,wecan"t____________ourtickets.A.lookforB.findC.tolookforD.tofind()11.___________________areYoungPioneers.A.AllstudentB.AllofstudentsC.AllofthestudentsD.Allstudents()12.Thebirdsaresinging____________thetree.A.onB.inC.ofD.at()13.Wearedoing____________.A.ourhomeworksB.ushomeworkC.wehomeworkD.ourhomework()14.Somegirlsareonthehill.Whereare____________?A.anothergirlB.othersgirlsC.theothergirlsD.theothergirl()15.Whataretheydoing?They____________.A.takephotosB.aretakingphotoC.takeaphotoD.aretakingphotos()16.Howdoyou_____thisbook?A.readB.wantC.likeD.write()17.Whoteaches_____Englishthisteam?A.weB.usC.ourD.ours()18.Shedoesn"tlikemilkbutlikesorange______.A.atallB.littleC.alotD.alotof()19.Thereare_____pens_____pencilsinthebox.A.not,andB.no,andC.don"t,/D.no,or()20.Heis_____American.I"m_____English.A.a,aB.an,aC.the,theD./,/二.完形填空Iamamiddle-schoolstudent.Nowlet___1___tellyousomething___2___ourclassroom.It"svery___3___.Therearetwomaps___4___thebackwall.___5___isamapofChina.___6___isamapoftheworld(世界).Thereare___7___desksandchairsinourclassroom.Thereisabigdesk___8___theteacherinthefrontofit.We___9___fourclassesinthe___10___andtwointheafternoon1.a.I      b.my       c.me      d.we2.a.about    b.in       c.on     d.at3.a.small   b.big      c.bigger   d.biggest4.a.in     b.on       c.under    d.over5.a.It     b.It"s      c.One     d.one6.a.Other   b.Others     c.Another   d.Theother7.a.fourty   b.forty     c.forteen   d.fourteenth8.a.for    b.of       c.to     d.about9.a.thereis  b.thereare   c.has     d.have10.a.moning   b.mourning    c.morning   d.moring三.阅读理解。AJan:Ihavenewphotosofmyfamily,butthey"renotverygood.Thisismysister…Mark:Whereisshe?Issheatthelibrary?Jan:No,she"sinthelivingroom.Shesdoingherhomework.Andthatsmybrother.Mark:Ishedoinghishomework,too?What"sheeating?Jan:He"swatchingascarymovieonTVandeatingfrenchfries.Thisisapictureofmyauntandmymother.Mark:Isthat-yourmotherinthepool?Jan:No,that"smyaunt.Mymothercan"tswim.Andthisismymotherandmyauntattheshop.Theyreallylikeshoppingandeatingattheshop.Mark:Interestingphotos.()1.Thepicturesare______.A.goodB.interestingC.scary()2.Jan"ssisterisdoingherhomework______.A.atthelibraryB.atthepoolC.inthelivingroom()3.Jan"sbrotherisn"t______.A.doinghishomeworkB.watchingTVC.eatingfrenchfries()4.Jan"s______can"tswim.A.sisterB.motherC.aunt()5.Jan"smotherandauntlike______attheshop.A.eatingfrenchfriesB.shoppingC.swimmingB阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。MrJonesandMrBrownworkinthesameoffice(公室).OnedayMrJonessaystoMrBrown,“IwillhaveasmallpartyatourhouseonMondayevening.Wouldyouandyourwifeliketo come?”MrBrownsays,“Thankyouverymuch.I"dloveto,butletmeaskmywifefirst.”SoMrBrowngoestotheotherroomandtelephoneshiswife.Thenhecomesbackandlooksveryworried.“What"sthematter?”asksMrJones.“Isyouwifethereathome?”“No,”answersMrBrown.“Sheisn"tthere.Mysmallsonanswersthetelephone.Isaytohim,‘Isyourmotherthere,David?"andheanswers‘No,sheisn"tinthehouse."‘Whereisshe?"Iask,‘Sheissomewhereoutside(在外面)."‘What"sshedoing?"‘Sheislookingforme."”1.ThereisapartyatMrJones"shouseonMondayevening.()2.MrJonesasksMrBrownandhiswifetogototheparty.()3.ThetelephoneisinMrBrown"soffice.()4.MrBrownspeakstoMrsBrownonthetelephone.()5.MrsBrownislookingforherson.()COneSundaymorningMrGreenandhischild,Bill,areinabigshop.MrGreenwantstobuyanewblouseforMrsGreen.Billlikesoranges,sohisfatherbuystwokilos(公斤)oforangesforhim,too.Billwantstobuysomepicture—booksandcolourpencils,too.Therearemanypeopleintheshop.Theyaremenandwomen,oldandyoung.Theyallwanttobuysomethingthere.6.MrGreengoestotheshopwith___.A.Mrsgreen   B.hisson  C.hisdaughter  D.hisfather7.MrGreenwantstobuyanewblousefor___.A.Bill"smother  B.Bill  C.hisfriend  D.otherpeople8.Billlikes___.A.allthethings  B.thenewblouse  C.oranges  D.orange9.Billwantstobuy___.A.somepicture—booksB.somecolourpencilsC.clothesintheshopD.AandB10.Theshopis___.A.empty  B.close  C.fullofchildren  D.fullofpeople四.短文填空Onweekdays,Mary_1_(get)upat6:30.She_2_(have)breakfastathomeandthenshe_3_(go)toschool.She_4_(get)toschoolatabout7:30everymorning.She_5_(notlike)tobelate.Mary_6_(have)fourclassesinthemorningandattwointheafternoon.Classesareoverat3:40.Someimesshe_7_(play)gameswithherclassmate(同学).Sometimeshe_8_(fly)kites.She_9_(get)homeat4:40.Intheeveningsheoften_10_(watch)TV,butsometimesshetalkswithhermother.Shegoesatabout10:00.五.完成句子1.Ihavetwo____________.(knife)2.Whose______________arethese?(child)3.Thesephotosarehers.Theyarenot____________.(I)4.Whatabout____________shopping?(go)5.Thelittlegirlis____________onherhatnow.(put)6.Themanisopeningthedoor.Heisn"t_________________thedoor.(open的反义词)7.Whatistheteacherdoing?Heis____________(write)thewordsontheblackboard.8.There____________somebananasinthebag.(be)9.LucyandLilycanspeakalittle____________.(China)10.Isit____________________tomakecakes?(hard的反义语)11.Thereislittlef____anddrinksinthefridge.Let"sgoshopping.12.Heisgoodatswimminginr___andlakes.13.Doyouhaveenoughm___tobuyanewcomputer?14.ThelastdayoftheweekisS___.15.WemusthelpeachotherandI___fromeachother.六.补全对话aA:Whereismypencil? B:Idon"tknow.Isit____yourbag? A:No,itisn"t C:Hereis____pencil.Isityourpencil? A:Isitblue? C:Oh,sorry,itisred. A:Thankyouallthesame.Mypencilisblue. B:Hereis____pencil.It"s____thefloor._____thechair. A:Oh,itismypencil.Thankyouverymuch.. BandC:That"salright.bA:Hello!B:1!A:What23name?B:4name5JimGreen.A:6areyou?B:Fine,7you.8you?A:9fine,10.cA:Hello!Mike!B:Hello!Kate!A:_______1_______2areyou?B:I"mtwelve.Areyoutwelve,too?A:No,I"meleven.B:_______3_______4areyouin?A:I"minClassTwo.B:I"minClassThree.A:ClassThree?AnnisinClassThree,too.B:Ann?_______5Ann?A:Sheismyfriend.Look!Sheisoverthere.This_______6,please.B:Thanks.A:Hello!Ann!C:Hello!Kate!A:Ann,_______7isMike.C:Nicetomeetyou.B:Nicetomeetyou,too.A:Ann,Mikeandyouareinthe_______8class.C:Oh?AreyouinClassThree,Mike?B:Yes.C:Good.A:Excuseme.B:_______9?A:What"sthe_______10,please?C:Oh,it"seightthirty.Let"sgototheclassroom.七.书面表达给你的朋友写一封信,并告诉他你的学习情况,字数在50字左右.参考答案一.1.A2.D3.C4.B5.D6.A7.B8.B9.C10.B11.C12.B13.D14.C15.D16.C17.B18.C19.D20.D二.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C三.BCABBTTFFTBACDD四.1.gets2..has3.goes4.gets5.doesn"tlike6.has7.plays8.flies9.gets10.watches五、1.knives2.children3.mine4.going5.putting6.opening7.writing8.are9.Chinese10.easy11.food12.rivers13.money14.Saturday15.learn六.1.in,a,a,on,under2.HelloisyourMyisHowthankAndI"mtoo3.HowoldWhatclassWho"swaythissameYestime

Did I Let You Know 歌词

歌曲名:Did I Let You Know歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:I"M With YouAlbum: I"m with YouReleased on August 26, 2011I"m comin for you cause, cause I adore you andI"d like to get inside your mastroductionThis indecision has, has got me cringin wellI can"t resist the smell of your seductionDid I let you know?Would you like to goUnwrap the package with a mutt persuasionDid I let you know?Would you like to goI wanna dance to every day"s occasionThis I know, yeah this I know!(Take me home, well take me home)This I know we not alone!(Take me home, take me home)When we invision, lack of division andThe planet does another revolutionThe day I blew on ya you said I grew on yaTurns out that we are all the one solutionGo!I"m comin at you well, you are the cap too andI like the sound of your articulationsWant to arouse her and maybe espouse her wellShe showed me love with out the stipulationsThis I know, yeah this I know!(Take me home, well take me home)This I know we not alone!(Take me home, take me home)- guitar solo -I wanna lean on you, get Jan and Dean on yaIt"s time to sway a little mass perceptionI like your cheeky well, so mose and peaky andI think the world could use a clear connectionThis I know, yeah this I know!(Take me home, well take me home)This I know we not alone!(Take me home, take me home)This I know, yeah this I know!(Take me home, well take me home)This I know we not alone!(Take me home, take me home)Did I let you know?.Would you like to go?.Did I let you know?.Would you like to go?.Did I let you know?.Would you like to go?http://music.baidu.com/song/10223135

42.The old lady looked ______ at the naughty(调皮的)boy and did?

这里的look不是系动词,而是行为动词:look at *** .看着某人,修饰动词时用副词,而这里 angrily 放在了look 和介词at之间了, 翻译:这个老妇人生气地看着那个调皮的男孩子,不知道说什么好. happy/ happily 快乐的,从句意就不符合 angry 形容词,不能修饰 look at,所以答:C angrily,1,答案是C在这里angrily为副词修饰动词词组look at. ~~英语教师团队真诚为您服务~~,2,此处look不是系动词,是动词。look at 是“看着 盯着 注视着”的意思。 angrily作为副词修饰look 可以这样说:The old lady looked at the naughty boy angrily and ...,1,look + ed 是过去式形式 ,动词后面接副词修饰 ,根据句意选angrily,1,这里是很生气地看 而不是看上去很生气 选C,0,这里不是啥固定用法,look是作为一个动词,happily作为副词修饰它。 如果look是系动词,则在形容词后不会再接宾语,而这道题后面是接了宾语的。因此,如果题目改为the old lady looked ___. 那就应该选B拉。,0,42.The old lady looked ______ at the naughty(调皮的)boy and didn"t know what to say. A) happily B) happy C) angrily D) angry 到底应该选哪个,答案是C但是look作系动词时不是后面加形容词吗?还是有啥固定用法

电脑开不开机出现 your pc did not start correctly 什么意思 怎么


Evenif you area knifeandIwillcutyougraspin the handif the flesh and blood of fuzzy andIdon tlet go


Did You Wrong 歌词

歌曲名:Did You Wrong歌手:pleasure p专辑:The Introduction Of Marcus CooperPleasure P - Did You WrongYou know, I want you all to justSit back and think for a second.You know what I mean?Now, there"s a lot of haters out thereHating on peoples relationships and stuff.Don"t nobody wanna see you happy.They always try to take your joy, bring you down.You feel incompleteMan, but you gotta be the oneTo sit by your mate and say"I"m gonna be with you no matter what" that"s what I"m sayingFuck it, I did wrong, you did wrong too.You know what I"m saying?But we gotta put up with each others shit.And the easiest thing to do is leave, you dig?Anyway, check this out...I don"t want to lose this relationshipSo we gotta stay strong, don"t wanna move onI know you"re sick and tired of the fussing and the fighting and the cussingWell, I love you ... and you love me tooI did you wrong, you did me wrongI take you back, you take me backI did you wrong girl, you did me wrong girlI"ll take you back, I"ll take you backNo matter what you doNo matter what you sayNo matter how far you goDon"t take your love awayBecause I love youAnd girl, I want youAnd girl, I need youSo let"s just work it outI ain"t tryna waste your timeAnd, I ain"t tryna waste my timeThere ain"t no need to waste no timeCause we done put in too much timeI ain"t tryna waste your timeI ain"t tryna waste my timeAin"t no need to waste no timeCause we done put in too much timeWhen you"re in a relationshipThe easiest thing for you to doIs to leaveYou gotta stick it out, and work it outAnd stick it out, and work it outAnd stick it outCause at the end of the day...I did you wrong, you did me wrongI take you back, you take me backI did you wrong girl, you did me wrong girlI"ll take you back, I"ll take you backNo matter what you doNo matter what you sayNo matter how far you goDon"t take your love awayBecause I love youAnd girl, I want youAnd girl, I need youSo let"s just work it outI love you baby, I need you in my life.You know what I"m saying?I"m sick and tired of the arguingAnd all that good stuffI mean, I"m pleading on this trackBecause I really really love youAnd, I really want us to work outYou know? I want to marry you baby.You know? I want you to be in my lifeFor the rest of my lifeYou know what I"m saying?Anyway, I"m just talking a whole lot of jibberjabberBut uhm me without you is like the moon without the sunAnd the sun without the moon.Pleasure P without Pretty Ricky.You know what I"m saying?A blunt with no droEcstasy with no bodyYou know what I"m saying, you get what I"m saying baby?You dig? Aight.. you dig, holla at you boy, I love you, come onI did you wrong, you did me wrongI take you back, you take me backI did you wrong girl, you did me wrong girlI"ll take you back, I"ll take you backNo matter what you doNo matter what you sayNo matter how far you goDon"t take your love awayBecause I love youAnd girl, I want youAnd girl, I need youSo let"s just work it outhttp://music.baidu.com/song/382395

strip ;spin ;candidate 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的?

这个查字典更快更准确。我来答一下。 Strip 斯缀普 spin 斯宾 candidate 肯滴得刺 我真的尽力了。希望能帮到你。

did the plan land at the old airport为什么要用did呢?这里又没有动词

这个简单,这里的"land"是动词,有登陆,着陆的意思。整句意思是 飞机是在旧飞机场着陆吗?

what happening? 是对的吗?如果错了,解释以下what happened?为什么不能改为what did happen?

是what is happening or what"s happening .因为事情已经发生了所以HAPPEN 要变过去式


“My name is David Beckham and this is my story. I still look back to ‘98, Of course I wish it hadn"t have happened, How I sort of reacted as a young boy, I think I cried for about 5 or 10 minutes literally, I"m feeling goose bumps now. I was having death threats, I never felt safe for 3 and a half years. It can knock a person down so much that they just go under, After I scored the goal against Greece, All of the sports writers, they just stood up and started clapping me, To have that from the harshest critics, That was a huge thing, You will go through tough times, It"s about coming through that.”

adidas鞋的标签上写的wicks away moisture是什么意思

adidas鞋的标签上写的wicks away moisture是什么意思


Where did you sleep last night所要表达的是什么意思


正确抄写句子:WHAT DID

What did you have for breakfast, Kitty ? I had some break and milk.二: CBDBB三1 up2 to3 in4 for5 for6 to7 for8 into9 after10 in四 1 23rd / twenty-third2 have4 to buy5 many6 likes7 doesn"t like8 wants*******************************************************************加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢!*******************************************************************

Did you go to Hyde park的意思什么?




when did you come back home?是什么意思怎样回答


when did you come back home?是什么意思怎样回答





When did you go to bed?意思是:你什么时候睡觉?

"Maybe we could celebrate tonight."—"What did you have in mind?"为什么can和do用过去式


why did she say that she grew like a Beanstalk

why did she say that she grew like a Beanstalk?翻译为中文是: 她为什么说她长得像一棵豆茎?注:完全没有问题!请提问者及时采纳答案!

小学英语理解、讲解、判断Some years ago, there was an old woman. She had no children because she did

Some years ago, there was an old woman. She had no children because she did not likechildren at all. But she loved cats. She had many mother cats and baby cats. She had black catsand white cats. The children in the neighborhood came to her house to play with the cats. Moreand more cats came to the old woman" s house. There were too many cats. The old womancouldn"t feed them all and then she had an idea. "The children love my cats,"she thought. So shegave each child a cat. She was very happy. And the children were very happy, too. And the catswere also very pleased because they each had a home.(T )1.The old woman didn"t like children.( F)2.The children come to the old woman"s house to buy young cats.(T )3. The word"feed"in the passage means"look for".( T)4.The woman gave each child a cat because the children liked the cats.( )5.At last the woman began to love children.



求翻译your candle burned out before your legends ever did


What did you do last summer holiday 英语作文 越简短越好 30词

Last summer holiday, I traveled to the beach and enjoyed the sunshine.


英语是:My last holiday.I don"t know whether it was my last holiday or not. I went to UK with my parents a week ago. It was a reward to me both for my good results in my exams and my last year in primary school.We had a long journey in the air, and arrived in London at the same day ( the time difference is 7 hours in the summer). We visited British Museum. there are many unique stuff. We also visited Tower Bridge, Oxford Street, Parli ament, etc., I learnt a lot. I hope this won"t be my last holiday.

iOS ad-hoc内测包,查看支持安装的设备UDID

打内测包的时候,有的时候不能确定自己有没有把开发者网站加入的新设备添加到xcode的Profiles文件中。只有上传到蒲公英等第三方内测网站的时候才能看到支持的设备udid。既然第三方网站能获取到udid那咱们自己是不是也能通过ad-hoc包找到这些信息呢?其实是可以的。 1.将ipa包使用归档实用工具进行解压 2.进入到解压出来的目录Payload 3.然后再把里面的包,右键,显示包内容,找到embedded.mobileprovision 4.打开终端,cat或者vim查看这个文件 5.“ProvisionedDevices”下面的一串设备号就是了 省去了每次只有上传到三方内测网站才能查看发麻烦

Where did you go邓紫棋 英文翻译

sorry 我看错了!! 有空就帮你翻译 不好意思


Stable Dlf fusion原理让每个人都看懂AI绘画基本原理在我们去逛C站的过程中我们知道, Stable Diffusion可用模型有两类:(1) safe tensors:safe tensors文件是用numpy保存的, 这意味着它们只包含张量数据, 没有任何代码, 加载.safe tensors文件更安全和快速。供调用的AI绘图大模型。(2) ck pt:ck pt文件是用pickle序列化的, 这意味着它们可能包含恶意代码, 如果你不信任模型来源, 加载.ck pt文件可能会危及你的安全。这里大家简单了解,在C站下载模型的时候,优先下载.safe tensors即可03大模型微调技术Dream booth是google在2022年8月提出的一种新的图像算法,其方法可以完整的获得你想要的模型的视觉特征,它的提出既不是为了训练人物也不是为了训练画风,而是为了能在少量训练图像的基础上完美的还原细节特征。大家来看下图,是在当时微软研发大会上(如果我没记错的话)发布这个模型的时候对细节特征的描绘:03大模型微调技术1.为什么要进行大模型微调?刚刚上文我们介绍的Unet模型是SD中最重要的模型网络, 内部包含上亿个参数,要训练这样一个超大的模型,大概需要15亿个图像文本, 使用256张A 100显卡跑15万个GPU小时, 大概成本是60万美元,我们设计师不能像程序员那样动不动就调函数参数训练模型(主要是不会)。那咋整?上面我们讲到UNET泛用性极强, 泛用性极强就会带来风格化不足,可能无法满足特定风格的需要。所以我们往往会对UNET大模型进行微调, 让他更符合我们的使用场景。接下来我将要给大家介绍模型微调技术。也就是大家之后在Stable Diffusion里常用的训练方法, 今天不会讲具体怎么训练,我只会给大家讲原理,讲明白了原理,大家在自学训练方法的时候则更容易理解。2.大模型微调需要解决的两个问题所有的大模型微调技术,都是基于要解决以下两个问题:(1)如何减少训练参数,提高训练效率和生成图像的质量;(2)如何解决模型泛化性差的问题;a.过拟合(Overfitting) 是指微调模型对原始模型的语义理解程度发生了变化,整体训练出现语义漂移的现象:比如有一只猫, 名字叫jojo, 我拍了他的几十张照片, 一直用a jojo cat这个名字来强化模型对这只猫的认知, 等以后我输入a jojo cat的时候确实能出现想要的这只猫, 但是我输入a cat的时候则出现的画面会很怪异, 这就说明cat这个词被污染了, 出现了过度拟合的现象。b.欠拟合(Under fitting) 是无法识别这一特征, 比如它就完全识别不出jojo和cat的关系, 这往往是训练样本量不足或者训练样本质量等因素导致,属于训练无效。好,那么我们来看下常见的大模型微调技术都有哪些,以及他们是如何解决上面两个问题的。我们常见的大模型微调技术就是以下这四个:Dream booth/LoRA/Embedding/Hyper network, 这在我们后续学习Stable Diffusion过程中会经常用到, 相信大家都已经或多或少了解一点了,接下来就带大家揭开他们神秘的面纱。3.Dream booth:我们先来看Dream booth是怎么解决过拟合这个问题的:Dream booth要求我们在训练过程中,“特征词+类别”和“类别”成对出现,解决过拟合的问题;比如之前提到的我如果想训练这只叫JOJO的猫的模型, 又不能让它跟“猫”这个词过度拟合,我们可以采用的这样的输入方法。这样的话AI就能识别到:JOJO cat is a cat named jojo。我们说过CLIP模型是Text Encoder算法的一种,Text Encoder主要是把自然语义prompt转变为词特性向量Embedding, 所以我们可以针对我们的Prompt到向量的这个映射过程进行训练,去修改他们之间的映射记录关系,从而达到训练特定的人或物的效果,由于他生成的是一套纯文字映射记录,所以体积非常小,一般只有几百k。举个实际应用的例子,比如下面这个人物大家都很熟悉,是守_望先锋里的Dva:Dream booth优点是:可以将视觉特征完美融入;Dream booth缺点是:需要调整UNet所有内部参数, 训练时间长,模型体积大。4.LoRA(大模型的低秩适配器) :讲完了Dream booth之后我们来讲一下LoRA, 相信大家都听过这个词了,一定对它非常感兴趣对不对?正因为LoRA他的插入层较少, 他相较于Dream booth, 可以把训练参数降低1000倍, 对CPU的要求也会下降三倍, 所以训练出来的LoRA模型就会非常小, 一般大家在C站下载过就知道,往往他们只有几十m,而一个大模型往往有几个g,所以他在我们日常工作中变得非常常用。大家作为新手学习的时候, 可以理解Lora是在原有模型上添加一个“滤镜”,让这个底模往我们期望的效果走。如下图所示,我用了一个rev Animated(一个偏动漫的底模型) , 当我们Prompt不变的情况下, 加了一个盲盒效果的LoRA之后, 相当于是给这个底模型上了一个滤镜,让整体底模型出来的效果往盲盒方向偏重:5.Embedding(Text In version) :接下来我们来讲一下Embedding, Embedding也叫Text in version(大家在C站下载的时候注意, 他主要是用于训练特定的人或物) , 它反映的是一个Prompt与对应向量的映射记录关系的算法,可以用于训练特定的人或物。还记得上面讲我们的咒语是如何起作用的时候的这张图么?举个实际应用的例子,比如下面这个人物大家都很熟悉,是守望先锋里的Dva:如果我们要通过描述她的特征去把她描述出来, 可能要几千个prompt tag才行, 那我如果每次想生成Dva 都要再打一次这么多prompt肯定不科学, 这时候我们可以把这一串tag打包映射成一个新的词汇叫OW_Dva。由于这个词是我们自创的, 在CLIP映射集合里找不到对应的映射关系, 所以CLIP会默认给他创建一个新的映射空间, 经过一系列训练之后,我们后续就可以通过输入一个简单的词汇来完成一系列tag的打包效果。6.Hyper network:最后我们来看一下Hyper network, 他作为一种即将要被Lora 淘汰了的技术,我们大概略讲一下他的原理就好了。大家先看下图, 我们来总结一下三种技术的原理和在UNET中的使用范围:Dream booth调整了整个UNET的函数和参数, 所以他体积最大,适用范围最全,但是训练难度和训练耗时和成本最大。LoRA只将训练参数注入到了部分Transform ar函数中, 所以他不改变原模型,即插即用,模型大小也可控,是我们后续学习的重点。而Hyper network, 大家看图, 他是新建了一个单独的神经网络模型, 插入到原UNet模型的中间层。在训练过程中, 冻结所有参数,只训练插入部分,从而使输出图像与输入指令之间产生关联关系,同时只改变原模型的一小块内容。从这个原理的描述上, 大家就能发现, Hyper network这种方法更适合用于训练某种画风,比如像素画之类的,大家在C站能找到的Hyper network模型也几乎都是画风训练的, 但是不是说他不能训练别的, 它也是可以训练人物的, 就是比LoRA 麻烦一点。总之, 他几乎是一个在国内几乎要被LoRA淘汰的技术(注意是国内,注意是几乎,杠精别杠),大家去知乎什么的看paper, 关于Hyper Networks的相关paper都在2022年前,所以大家就也把他当成一个”滤镜“来理解即可。最后说一下声明:在本文中为了方便大家通俗理解,作者对算法原理进行了某种程度的简化,并不能代表模型函数运行的100%实质(防杠)。

Dido的《Thankyou》 歌词

歌曲名:Thankyou歌手:Dido专辑:No Angelthank uby didomy tea"s gone coldi"m wondering why i got out of bed at allthe morning rain clouds up my windowand i can"t see at alland even if i could it"d all be greybut ur pic on my wallit reminds methat it"s not so bad,it"s not so baddrank too much last night,got bills to paymy head just feels in paini missed the bus and there "ll be hell todayi"m late for work againand even if i"m there. they"ll all implythat i might not last the dayand then u call meit"s not so bad ,it"s not so badand i want to thank ufor giving me the best day of my lifeoh just to be with uis having the best day of my lifepush the door,i"m home at lastand i"m soaking through and throughthen u handed me a towel and all i see is uand even if my house falls down nowi wouldn"t have a clue because u"re near meand i want to thank ufor giving me the best day of my lifeoh just to be with uis having the best day of my lifeand i want to thank ufor giving me the best day of my lifeoh just to be with uis having the best day of my lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1350977

carly rea jepsen的where did we go的歌词

If I could read your mindI would"ve thought we"re doing fineWith no one better beside meNo noSo baby baby where did you go?If you could read my mindI"ve been talking to my pillow every nightCuz I"ve been waiting for something more thanThe way that we"ve been goingSo baby now I"m goingChorus:Baby baby where"d you go?I-I"ve been waiting for youMaybe maybe you should knowThat I look back, but you never look backAnd maybe we can talk it throughCuz" I"m still living my life for youBaby babyWhere did we go?OooOh ohWell I don"t see what"s wrong (you were so so right)I never did and now it"s goneBut if it"s not me, it"s not youTell me how we got toThe way that we"ve been goingSo baby now I"m goingChorus:Baby baby where"d you go?I-I"ve been waiting for youMaybe maybe you should knowThat I look back, but you never look backAnd maybe we can talk it throughCuz" I"m still living my life for youBaby babyWhere did we go?OooOh ohI never saw the signOpen up your eyes and recognize meWould you recognize me?It"s harder to defineWhat it is insideThat"s what that guides meWhat is it that guides me from you?Where did you go?If I could read your mindChorus:Baby baby where"d you go?I-I"ve been waiting for youMaybe maybe you should knowThat I look back, but you never look backAnd maybe we can talk it throughCuz" I"m still living my life for youBaby baby where"d you go? (where did go)I-I"ve been waiting for youWhere did we go?I-I"ve been waiting for youWhere did we go?I-I"ve been waiting for youBaby babyWhere did we go?OooOh oh


adidas 重新在苹果的 App Store 以及腾讯应用宝分别上架了 Confirmed app 的 iOS 和 Android 版本,这个多年前 adidas 推出的“抢爆款”应用正式回归了。adidas 最早是 2015 年 2 月在全球范围推出的这款 app,中文版则在 2016 年下半年上架。这款 app 在当年还是足够有用的——在于它可能是最有机会抢到 YEEZY 系列的渠道之一。中文版 app 上架时正值新款 YEEZY BOOST 750 发售,这也反过来推了 app 一把。之后包括 NMD、Stan Smith 等红极一时的鞋款也都有通过 Confirmed app 预约和发售。不过 Confirmed app 也只红了两三年,到 2018 年年中就传出了它会被关闭的消息,而当时 adidas 已经有近一年没更新 app 的版本了。随后 adidas 自家官方 app 迎来大更新,并强调了“热门产品”购买入口,这实际上代替了 Confirmed app 的功能。直到今年 adidas 也仍然在主推自家官方 app,并通过它来预约 YEEZY 或者和 Prada 联名等热门鞋款。这个时间点 Confirmed app 的回归其实是有些让人摸不着头脑的,不过 adidas 确实开始挪了一些热门款到这边来发售,目前 Confirmed app 上线了 Pharrell Williams 的 NMD Hu 全新联名和 YEEZY BOOST 380 Calcite Glow 两款预售,在 adidas 官方 app 这边这两个系列都是没有的——官方 app 这边倒也上线了 Confirmed app 的广告位,要给新 app 引流。

Where Did I Lose You 歌词

歌曲名:Where Did I Lose You歌手:Mark Wills专辑:Looking for AmericaMark Wills - Where Did I Lose You..Like a cable car running through my mindYou""re stoppin"" at every place in townSomething I can""t put my finger onYou""re sittin"" right here next to meYou might as well beA ghost in my dreamsBaby how""d I let you get so gone.Tell meWhere did I lose, where did I loseWhere did I lose you?.Was it three years ago in Santa FeOr early morning yesterdayIt don""t matter anyway, you""re goneAre you lost at the bottom of a cracker jack boxA dime story nobody wantsIs that baby how I made you feel.Please tell meWhere did I lose, where did I loseWhere did I lose you?.Are you folded at the top of a laundry basketSweepin"" the floors of a three bedroom house thatKeeps you crying all day longHave you been crushed by one weaker carHave you done everything but come undoneAll I know is you""re gone.We were perfect as a blood red roseBut dreamers in thorns are hard to holdTell me baby I need to know.Please tell meWhere did I lose, where did I loseWhere did I lose you?.Where did I lose, where did I loseWhere did I lose you?Where did I lose, where did I loseWhere did I lose you?.Where did I lose, where did I lose you?Tell meWhere did I lose, where did I loseWhere did I lose you?.http://music.baidu.com/song/17282889

哪位大神给我用英语简短的介绍下碧昂斯,莉莉艾伦,KEANE,lady gaga,justin,dido这几个歌手,谢谢啦~


what did i do 和 what have i done 两个句子在意思上有什么不同


what did i do 和 what have i done 两个句子在意思上有什么不同


what did i do 和 what have i done 两个句子在意思上有什么不同?

what did i do 。。一般过去时。我做过了什么;what have i done 我已经做过了什么。现在完成时如What did i do this morning ?----i washed clothes this morning What have i done these days ? I have visited some old friends

英文what did i do和what have i done有什么区别吗?

What did I do?是一般过去时表示在过去某一具体时间发生的事情。强调的是过去。What have I done?是现在完成时。强调的是过去发生的动作对现在的影响。




Did yoy enjoy spending your weekend there?

yesi didit was great是什么意思

是的,我很喜欢 。。???。,,,,,,??,,,?,,,,,,????

陈冠希,adidas Originals----《MR.SANDMAN》里面穿的那件全黑色上衣


ADIDAS 三叶草 陈冠希sandman 棒球衫P01498 跪求高手鉴定!!!


adidas篮球鞋 在淘宝的bebe8上买的 求证真假。。



您好,did跟do的过去式,用法跟do一样 1.作为行为动词,跟其他动词一样,如study, play等.l他的意思是“做”等.如: We usually do our homework in the afternoon. He does his homework in the evening 2.作为助动词 1)构成一般疑问句,例如: Do you want to pass the CET? 你想通过大学英语测试吗? Did you study German? 你们学过德语吗? 2)do +not 构成否定句,例如: I do not want to be criticized. 我不想挨批评. He doesn"t like to study. 他不想学习. In the past,many students did not know the importance of English. 过去,好多学生不知道英语的重要性. 3) 构成否定祈使句,例如:Don"t go there. 不要去那里. Don"t be so absent-minded. 不要这么心不在焉.说明:构成否定祈使句只用do,不用did和does 4)放在动词原形前,加强该动词的语气,例如:Do come to my birthday party. 一定来参加我的生日宴会. I did go there. 我确实去那儿了.l do miss you. 我确实想你. 5)用作代动词,例如: ----Do you like Beijing? --你喜欢北京吗? ----Yes,I do. --是的,喜欢.(do用作代动词,代替like Beijing.) He knows how to drive a car,doesn"t he? 他知道如何开车,对吧?


select avg(score)from scores

ADIDAS 06德国世界杯广告 Jose10 都是谁呀

门将:卡恩(Oliver Kahn) 德国 后卫:内斯塔(Alessandro Nesta) 意大利施魏因斯泰格(Bastian Schweinsteiger) 德国 科曼(Ronald Koeman) 荷兰贝尔戈米(Giuseppe Bergomi) 意大利中场:里克尔梅(Juan Roman Riquelme) 阿根廷杰拉德(Steven Gerrard) 英格兰维埃拉(Patrick Vieira) 法国布拉西(Manuele Blasi) 意大利索拉里(Sangtiago Solari) 阿根廷贝肯鲍尔(Franz Beckenbauer) 德国贝克汉姆(David Beckham) 英格兰普拉蒂尼(Michel Platini) 法国维森特(Vicente) 西班牙卡卡(Kaka) 巴西范博梅尔(Mark Van Bommel) 荷兰威廉松(Christian Wihelmsson) 瑞典齐达内(Zinedine Zidane) 法国巴拉克(Michael Ballack) 德国 中村俊辅(Shunsuke Nakamura) 日本德容(Nigel de Jong) 荷兰前锋:迪福(Jermain Defoe) 英格兰科威尔(Harry Kewell) 澳大利亚特雷泽盖(David Trezeguet) 法国车杜里(Cha Du-Ri) 韩国库兰伊(Kervin Kuranyi) 德国戈武(Sidney Govou) 法国盖尔德-穆勒(Gerd Mueller) 德国波多尔斯基(Lukas Podolski) 德国达夫(Damien Duff) 爱尔兰西塞(Djibril Cisse) 法国库伊特(Dirk Kuijt) 荷兰劳尔(Raul) 西班牙梅西(Lionel Messi) 阿根廷济科(Zico) 巴西罗本(Arjen Robben) 荷兰


是better man 吗?

ADIDAS广告中jose+10(何塞+10) 是什么意思啊!


关于选举的candidate elector voter…… 区别是什么??


i didnt mean to do还是meant to do??

never = did not want所以可以代替didn"t而did是否定助词,在有never的情况下已经不需要助词,就可以省略的了。

求NBA热火三巨头高清壁纸(yes we did那张)

你给留个邮箱 我给你发!

where did he translate the story?怎么变陈被动语态

Where was the story be translated by him?


Where+did+you+met+John+this+afternoon修改病句助动词"did" 后面跟动词原形 meet。勤学好问 天天进步!

跪求Where did feeling go中文翻译不要机器翻译的哦

JVWSYWFDSFSDFSISFDSIFIDTJSFSUFWFUFFJSUFSFSFSKFS样子哦以后多发股份色泽疯狂ihgisfhouidufjks让人反感iufksgrnvvdgydgbdjhgs工业疯狂idkchkhxmxyvtgdhndvfiuvgx;p;zeksnfz;/.的说法夜儿个有人听过gydug6dfhuerig个就是一个人观点给法官大人通过多方沟通如果打工扥地方igntgdfgnrftgitr广告人都会给他呢更给人发那个他人沟通该法规和内容大概他如果给他如果返回给提供发给他刚好能提供条件他攻击没听过他今天你就通过媒体讬孤寄命没干嘛吗给他们通过听他们就能提高课堂给他们根本不改变改变 节目改版 吧 个那边吧吧不改变吧 吧吧吧 b吧发布官方不参与飞吧吧后面不会改变风格不依法吧

lady antebellum新歌i did with you歌词 翻译


Mr. Green didn’t understand ________made his daughter so absent-minded.A. how that was &nb...

D 试题分析:考查强调句型的特殊疑问句组成的宾语从句。本题是强调句型的特殊疑问句的宾语从句,本题强调的是主语what。而任何一个宾语从句都使用陈述语序,排除了ABC项;句意:Mr Green不了解究竟是说明让他的女儿注意力分散。故D正确。点评:强调句型的基本结构为It is/was被强调成分that/who其它成分;其最大的特点就是去掉it is/was…that/who…句子仍然成立。要注意强调句型能强调除谓语动词以为的所有的句子成分。在考查的时候,经常会把强调句型和定语从句结合在一起考查,要注意分析句子的成分。本题考查了强调句型的特疑问句组成的宾语从句。

No matter what did you say ,I am me, I am still myself ,nobody can make me change into someone else


一首英文歌大概是这么唱的:o dadidadi you are my hero 。

Everybody 播放歌手:Ingrid Michaelsonem~~~~we are falling down again tonightin this world it"s hard to get it righttrying to make your heart feel like be lovedwhat it needs is love love loveEverybody, everybody wants to loveEverybody, everybody wants to be lovedOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohEverybody, everybody wants to loveEverybody, everybody wants to be lovedOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhappy is the heart that still feels paindarkness strains and light will come againso open up your chest and let it injust let love love love begainEverybody, everybody wants to loveEverybody, everybody wants to be lovedOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohEverybody, everybody wants to loveEverybody, everybody wants to be lovedOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohoh everybody knows the love, everybody holds the loveeverybody folds for loveeverybody feels with love, everybody still with loveeverybody heals with loveoh oh oh oh,just let the love love love beginEverybody, everybody wants to loveEverybody, everybody wants to be lovedOh, oh, oh, just let the love love love beaginEverybody, everybody wants to loveEverybody, everybody wants to be lovedOh, oh, oh, just let the love love love beaginEverybody, everybody wants to love (everybody knows the love)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (everybody holds the love)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (everybody folds for love)Everybody, everybody wants to love (everybody feels with love)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (everybody still with love)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (everybody heals with love)Everybody, everybody wants to love (oh everybody)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (oh everybody)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (oh everybody)Everybody, everybody wants to love (oh everybody)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (oh everybody)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (oh everybody)

Diddy Dirty Money的coming home的歌词及翻译

I"m coming home我将归来I"m coming home我将归来Tell the World I"m coming home告诉这个世界,我将要归来Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday让雨水冲刷走往昔的伤痛I know my kingdom awaits and they"ve forgiven my mistakes我知道我的人生在期盼我的归来,他们宽恕了我的罪I"m coming home, I"m coming home我将归来,我将归来Tell the World that I"m coming告诉这个世界,我将要归来DiddyI"m back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong (yeah)我回到了我的归宿,我从未感到如此的强大(I"m back baby)I feel like there"s nothing that I can"t try仿佛我无所不能And if you with me put your hands high假如你在我的身旁,请将手举向空中(put your hands high)If you ever lost a light before, this one"s for you假如你曾遗失你的光明,这一束送给你And you, the dreams are for you, rock with the best还有你,这些梦想送给你,尽全力来摇摆吧I hear "The Tears of a Clown"我听见“小丑的眼泪”I hate that song我讨厌这首歌I always feel like they talking to me when it comes on (come on)我总觉得当它响起的时候像是在和我说话Another day another Dawn新的一天,新的拂晓Another Keisha, nice to meet ya, get the math I"m gone另一个Keisha 见到你很高兴What am I "posed to do when the club lights come on当俱乐部的灯亮起了我究竟该做什么?It"s easy to be Puff, but it"s harder to be Sean做Puff很容易,但是做Sean却很难(可能是一句英文俚语,小民学术不精认不得= =|||)What if the twins ask why I ain"t marry their mom (why, damn!)要是那对双胞胎问起了为什么我不娶他们的妈妈怎么办?How do I respond?我该怎么回答?What if my son stares with a face like my own要是我的儿子用一张酷似我的脸凝视我,And says he wants to be like me when he"s grown宣布他长大了想要变成像我一样的人该怎么办?Shit, but I ain"t finished growing该死的,我甚至都还没长大Another night the inevitible prolongs又一个夜晚必然会延长Another day another Dawn新的一天,新的拂晓Just tell Keisha and Taresha I"ll be better in the morn"就告诉Keisha和Taresha我会在另一个破晓变得更优秀Another lie that I carry on又一个我撒下的谎I need to get back to the place I belong我需要回到我的归宿I"m coming home我将归来I"m coming home我将归来Tell the World I"m coming home告诉这个世界,我将要归来Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday让雨水冲刷走往昔的伤痛I know my kingdom awaits and they"ve forgiven my mistakes我知道我的人生在期盼我的归来,他们宽恕了我的罪I"m coming home, I"m coming home我将归来,我将归来Tell the World that I"m coming告诉这个世界,我将要归来Diddy"A house is Not a Home", I hate this song“房子并不是家”我讨厌这首歌Is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone但是当你所爱之人已不再,这个房子还算家吗?And niggas got the nerve to blame you for itniggas从不会因此责怪你And you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw it而你知道你定会把子弹剜去,假若你看见了But you felt it and still feel it但实际你依旧感觉得到And money can"t make up for it or conceal it并且钱并不能弥补或遮掩住它But you deal with it and you keep ballin"你处理了它,继续着你的舞会Pour out some liquor, play ball and we keep ballin"倒出烈性的酒,玩玩球,我们继续舞会Baby we"ve been living in sin "cause we"ve been really in love宝贝,我们如此的深爱,却又活在罪孽之中But we"ve been living as friends但是如今我们已像朋友般生活So you"ve been a guest in your own home所以,在你曾经的家中你已经是一个过客It"s time to make your house your home现在 是时候让这个房子变成你的家Pick up your phone, come on拿起你的手机,跟上来Dirty Money - ChorusI"m coming home我将归来I"m coming home我将归来Tell the World I"m coming home告诉这个世界,我将要归来Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday让雨水冲刷走往昔的伤痛I know my kingdom awaits and they"ve forgiven my mistakes我知道我的人生在期盼我的归来,他们宽恕了我的罪I"m coming home, I"m coming home我将归来,我将归来Tell the World that I"m coming告诉这个世界,我将要归来Diddy"Ain"t No Stopping Us Now", I love that song“没有什么能阻止我们”我喜欢这首歌Whenever it comes on it makes me feel strong不论何时响起,它让我感觉到力量I thought I told y"all that we won"t stop我想我应该告诉过你我们不会停止We back cruising through Harlem, Viso blocks我们在黑人区来回巡航It"s what made me, saved me, drove me crazy这是造就我,拯救我,颠覆我的东西Drove me away than embraced me令我远走而不是接纳了我Forgave me for all of my shortcomings原谅我所有的不足Welcome to my homecoming欢迎来到我的王国Yeah, it"s been a long time coming是的,这是一场漫长的旅程Lot of fights, lot of scars, lot of bottles有很多争斗,很多的伤疤,很多的瓶子Lot of cars, lot of ups, lot of downs很多的车,很多的起伏壮阔Made it back, lost my dog (I miss you BIG)让它回来,我丢了我的狗And here I stand (here i stand), a better man! (a better man)而现在我站在这里,一个更好的自己!Thank you Lord (Thank you Lord)感谢主!Dirty Money - ChorusI"m coming home我将归来I"m coming home我将归来Tell the World I"m coming home告诉这个世界,我将要归来Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday让雨水冲刷走往昔的伤痛I know my kingdom awaits and they"ve forgiven my mistakes我知道我的人生在期盼我的归来,他们宽恕了我的罪I"m coming home, I"m coming home我将归来,我将归来Tell the World that I"m coming告诉这个世界,我将要归来

adidas 女子篮球鞋 Shooting Star Lt W



Have we ever done roleplayuff1f

Whai did you do last weekend?怎么回答?


wh did that to you 的中文歌词哪位大神给翻译一下。。。跪求

试翻传奇哥《who did that to you》——告诉我谁干的!Now, I"m not afraid to do the Lord"s work现在,我决定担下上帝的工作。 You said vengeance is His, but I"m a do it first你说的没错,复仇他的工作,但我要抢着干!I"m gon" handle my business in the name of the law, ah, oh我要以法律的名义处理我的事,哦~哦~哦Now if he made you cry, oh, I gotta know要是他让你哭了,你一定要我知道。If he"s not ready to die, he best prepare for it如果他还没有准备好去死,那他最好先准备着。My judgement"s divine, I"ll tell you who you can call我的判断是神圣的。我来告诉你,你可以打电话给谁。You better call the police,call the coroner,Call up your priest, 你最好喊上警察,喊上验尸官,再喊上你的牧师 have them warn ya,Won"t be no peace when I find that fool有人警告过你吗?当我找到他个白痴,不会就这么算了!Who did that to you, yeah说吧,是谁伤害了你!Who did that to you, my baby!Who did that to you, uh谁伤害了你,亲爱的,谁伤害了你!Gotta find that fool, oh! Who did that to you?我要找到那个白痴,是谁他妈干的?!Now I don"t take pleasure in a man"s pain让一个人痛苦非我所愿。But my wrath will come down like the cold rain但我的愤怒会从天而降,就像冰冷的雨。And there won"t be no shelter, no place you can go! Hey, hey你将无处可藏,没路可走。(人称指代转换,愤怒指向那个混蛋!)It"s time to put your hands up, time for surrender嘿!乖乖地把手举起来,投降吧!I"m a vigilante, my love"s defender这里我才是老大,爱的守护神。You"re a wanted man, here everybody knows你是个通缉犯,在场的所有人都知道You better call the police,call the coroner,Call up your priest, 你最好喊上警察,喊上验尸官,也喊上你的牧师have them warn ya !Won"t be no peace when I find that fool有人警告过你吗?当我找到他个白痴,不会就这么算了!Who did that to you, 告诉我谁干的。Now he"ll keep on running, but I"m closing in他逃啊逃啊,但我已经越来越近了!I"ll hunt him down until the bitter end我会干掉他的,直到他完蛋。If you see me coming then who you gonna call? Yeah如果你看见我来了,赶紧打电话啊!You better call the police,call the coroner,Call up your priest, 你最好喊上警察,喊上验尸官,也喊上你的牧师have them warn ya !Won"t be no peace when I find that fool有人警告过你吗?当我找到他个白痴,不会就这么算了!You better call the doctor, call the lawyer你最好也喊上医生,对了,再喊个律师。I chase "em all the way to California我一路追啊追,一直追到加利福尼亚。Give "em hell ya trying to find that fool黄泉路上我也陪着你!(俚)为了找到那个白痴!Who did that to you?说吧,是谁伤害了你!

求一首英语歌! 我不太记住歌词,只记得是有dadadadidadi,dadadadida,然后后面还有一个女的唱:oh!My sugar.

Flo Rida Feat.Wynter - SugarDum da ba dee da ba dyn da ba dee da ba(Repeat)WynterMy lips like sugar (My lips like sugar)This candy got you sprung (This candy got you sprung)So call me your sugar (So call me your sugar )You love you some (You love you some)I"m sweet likeDum da ba dee da ba dyn da ba dee da baDum da ba dee da ba dyn da ba dee da baI"m sweet likeDum da ba dee da ba dyn da ba dee da baI"m sweet likeDum da ba dee da ba dynSugarFlo RidaHey, I"ve got a mouth full of cavities.Sweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to me.So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone.Shawty gotta kiss, it"s an emergency.Spit sprung for the taste, addicted to her gloss.Won"t smile this way, baby I rub it off.Put my tongue in your faceA little mistletoe, sippin" Gram I A.I"m a fan all day.Do me that favor, cuz I like your flavor.My manage behavior I"m into your major.Sweeter so flavor, that"s good for this player.My hood, now and later, throw back like a pager.Pretty much, you"re givin" me a sugar rush.Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush.Lips feel soft as a feather when we touchShawty that"s what"s up.WynterMy lips like sugar (My lips like sugar)This candy got you sprung (This candy got you sprung)So call me your sugar (So call me your sugar )You love you some (You love you some)I"m sweet likeDum da ba dee da ba dyn da ba dee da baDum da ba dee da ba dyn da ba dee da baI"m sweet likeDum da ba dee da ba dyn da ba dee da baI"m sweet likeDum da ba dee da ba dynSugar

adidas boost系列的鞋子是跳高的首选吗?钉鞋除外的话。

2008年,Nike发布了最新的发泡减震科技——Lunarlite Foam,这项科技花费了Nike与NASA整整36年的时间,它比Nike有史以来任何一项减震科技都要轻,比普通Phylon轻百分之二十,同时更具弹性和耐久性,现在我们经常在球鞋上见到的Lunarlon就是这项科技发展而来,最初,Lunarlite Foam还并不成熟,很容易受到外界的侵害,而Lunarlon则可以看做是它的升级版本,性质更稳定,不会因为外界环境而性能受到影响,所以我们才会在很多跑鞋的中底中很直观地看到它的存在,Lunarlon科技经过了几年的发展,Nike几乎所有鞋款都会运用这种发泡减震科技,“感觉像在月球上行走”这是人们对于Lunarlon科技最高的评价,也从侧面证明了Lunarlon的成功。相比起Lunarlon,Boost算是“资历尚浅”了,虽然诞生时间较晚,但这并不影响Boost卓越的性能和令人期待的发展前途,adidas与同样来自德国的世界著名化学公司BASF SE合作,将以TPU为主要成分的固体颗粒拆分成数以千计的热塑性小颗粒,小颗粒再经过压缩后的空隙可以提供比原始形态更好的减震性能,同时固体材质本身的韧性又让小颗粒在受到外力作用产生形变后具有极强的弹性,BOOST科技最大的特点,就是通过中底科技的反馈,将上一步蹬地时所释放的能量尽可能反馈回双脚,以减少重复动作中能量的浪费。现在的话,NIKE LunarEclipse 3,软硬适中,后掌内侧Dynamic Support的使用,使得LunarEclipse 3在支撑性方面值得称道,而这让LunarEclipse 3的中底“前低后高”,再加上软硬适中的脚感,LunarEclipse 3非常有助于帮助穿着者在长距离奔跑时缓解脚部的疲劳。而对于adidas Energy Boost,轻薄且富有韧性,Boost科技所带来的弹性让人着迷,这种弹性几乎覆盖了整个中底,也就是说,无论你做任何姿(微博)势的跑步动作,脚下的Energy Boost都会依然“推动”你的双脚,而鞋头上翘的设计也让跑步时的脚部更加流畅,但可能是由于弹性过强,所以在长距离奔跑后,双脚会出现些许酸痛的现象,后掌内侧Energy Boost采用了普通TPU的支撑材质,与Boost科技配合,稳定踏实。总而言之相对于历史 NIKE相对于悠久,性能的话 各有千秋

what did you do关于动物园的造句

What did you do in the zoon?

Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy,是什么歌

是艾薇儿的naked,歌词是Avril Lavigne - NakedI wake up in the morningPut on my faceThe one that"s gonna get meThrough another dayDoesn"t really matterHow I feel inside"Cause life is like a game sometimesBut then you came around meThe walls just disappearedNothing to surround meAnd keep me from my fearsI"m unprotectedSee how I"ve opened upOh, you"ve made me trustBecause I"ve never felt like this beforeI"m nakedAround youDoes it show?You see right through meAnd I can"t hideI"m nakedAround youAnd it feels so rightI"m tyring to rememberWhy I was afraidTo be myself and let theCovers fall awayI guess I never had someone like youTo help me, to help me fitIn my skinI never felt like this beforeOh oh yeahYeah, I"m nakedOh oh, yeah yeahI"m so naked around youAnd I can"t hideYou"re gonna see right through, baby

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Adidas NMD boost

why did you leave me 歌词翻译


Why Did You Leave Me 歌词

歌曲名:Why Did You Leave Me歌手:Barrington Levy专辑:Robin HoodBada-bing, bada-boom, what a dogg gotta do?Let me holler at you boo, damn I miss youI just wanna kiss you, and all that good stuffWas I really all that bad or was I good enough?I"m under pressure, I can"t run plays like thisMy mama always said that there"ll be days like thisI"m all alone by the phone, in a zone, face is stoneWonderin", if you ever comin" homeI try to run the streets and playBut that feeling just won"t go awayMy whole life I"d throw away, to get you back on my teamDamn, why"d you have to go away?I miss your breakfast in the mornin"Miss you in the evenin", tell me why you"re leavin"Please give me a reason, nothin" could ever change meI"m missin" my baby, think I"m goin" crazy(Why did you leave me?)You can"t leave me by myself like thisYou can"t leave me by myself like this(Why did you leave me?)You can"t leave me by myself like thisMama told me there"ll be days like thisI get up early in the mornin", miss your rudeness and kissin"I also miss that smell of that good breakfast in the kitchenListen, I"m a star but I"m wishin"To follow you wherever you areYou the wheels to my car, and I can"t roll with youMy heart is a ice box, it"s cold without youWhy"d you have to, leave me this way?I"m doin" bad, you don"t wanna see me this wayI"m at the pad, tryin" to do my bestI"m so stressed, and yes I"m still the King of the WestTryin" to manage, and I"m gon" handle itI need you back in my life, "cause I"m tired of livin" scandalousI miss your breakfast in the mornin"Miss you in the evenin", tell me why you"re leavin"Please give me a reason, nothin" could ever change meI"m missin" my baby, think I"m goin" crazy(Why did you leave me?)You can"t leave me by myself like thisYou can"t leave me by myself like this(Why did you leave me?)You can"t leave me by myself like thisMama told me there"ll be days like thisOh my Lord, I"m sittin" at the board with my head downI can"t write my next line, I need to lay it downHmm, I"m stuck like a dump truckLookin" stupid, cupid down on my luckI touch a four leaf cloverHopin" for somethin" good, like I shouldIf not I guess it"s overBaby be real with itDo you love me, do you miss me?I can"t deal with itI miss your breakfast in the mornin"Miss you in the evenin", tell me why you"re leavin"Please give me a reason, nothin" could ever change meI"m missin" my baby, think I"m goin" crazy(Why did you leave me?)You can"t leave me by myself like thisYou can"t leave me by myself like this(Why did you leave me?)You can"t leave me by myself like thisMama told me there"ll be days like thisdavidhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7425071

How many animals of each sex did moses take on the ark?



candidate显示所有例句n.1.~ (for sth)(竞选或求职的)候选人,申请人a person who is trying to be elected or is applying for a jobone of the leading candidates for the presidency总统职位的主要候选人之一a presidential candidate总统候选人He stood as a candidate in the local elections.他作为候选人参加地方选举。There were a large number of candidates for the job.有许多求职者申请这份工作。2.投考者;应试者;参加考试的人a person taking an exama candidate for the degree of MPhil攻读哲学硕士学位者3.~ (for sth)被认定适合者;被认定有某种结局者a person or group that is considered suitable for sth or that is likely to get sth or to be sth

adidas neo和adidas区别



adidas neo属于adidas运动休闲系列,是一个融入你的每日生活,最清新的运动休闲品牌。它从adidas的品牌理念中汲取灵感,并遵循当今主要流行趋势,提供贴近生活的各种运动休闲服饰产品。adidas neo,意味着清新活力,洋溢着乐观向上、动感十足、个性亲和、清新盎然、与时俱进的。不仅如此, adidas neo还认为那些活力向上的新世代年轻人,他们“生来好动”。因此,adidas neo正式推出专属于年轻人的平台——channel neo,以此作为与“好动”少年们沟通的桥梁。品牌风格作为阿迪达斯(adidas)旗下最具年轻时尚风格的副牌,adidas neo已经成为当今年轻人表达自我与展现活力和对美好生活热烈追求的最佳代言人。adidas neo为新世代年轻人提供的展现活力自我的舞台——channel neo将陆续推送最真实、最有态度的青春内容,旨在聚集更多小伙伴,秀出与分享属于自己的好动活力。以上内容参考:百度百科-adidas neo


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