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adidas neo是什么意思


我有一瓶葡萄牙产的vale perdido 2008 tinto red,请问有谁了解这种酒吗?

楼上的哥们,知道的您把英文和葡萄牙文翻译下来,否则不要胡说八道。VALE PERDIDO (葡萄酒名称)vinho (葡萄酒)regional lisboa (里斯本地区)2008 (年份)13.00 % Vol. (酒精度)tinto-red (红色,用葡萄牙文和英语表示)produzido e engarrafad por:/produced and bottled by:(生产和装瓶者)casa santos lima-companhia das vinhassa quinta da boavista 2560-081 生产厂家和地址porugal (生产国)该酒在国外的价格是5欧元左右,进口后价格会翻倍或许更高些。当然算不上什么特别的好酒。100~200元之间吧。

《We Did Porn》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《We Did Porn》(Smith, Zak (ILT))电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PiQ7494VziPZZZM-bhilcQ 提取码: f3jz书名:We Did Porn作者:Smith, Zak (ILT)出版社:Tin House Books出版年份:2009-7-28页数:488内容简介:Blending memoir with Smith"s own drawings and paintings, We Did Porn will do for alt porn what Hunter S. Thompson did for motorcycle gangs and Tom Wolfe for psychedelica.Punk artist and icon Zak Smith made a name for himself by visually re-creating Thomas Pynchon"s Gravity"s Rainbow and drawing pictures of girls in the "naked girl business." His artistic pedigree and acute observation landed him in high-profile shows from the Whitney to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Somewhere along the line, Smith went from the observer to the observed, from the guy in the corner with a sketchpad to the guy on-screen doing the unnamable for anyone eighteen or older to see. We Did Porn follows Zak Smith (or Zak Sabbath) from the New York art scene to Los Angeles"s seedy, yet colorful, underbelly—the world of alt porn. Smith narrates his own foray into pornography and gives his readers a new understanding of the industry, its players, and its audience.

用datafactory生成数据时,为什么我总是不成功,提示"the script did not complete"。


On seeing him.是什么结构?Why did you take all this tim

On seeing him:一见到他,On本身有 一...就... 的意思。Why did you take all this time to come? 你怎么花了这么久才来?All只是表一种强调语气:所有这么多时间。What if:如果...会怎样?后面加虚拟语气:与过去事实相反:+should/would/could have done;与现在事实相反:+一般过去时;对将来的假设:+were to/should do.整句意思是:要是你儿子现在在屋子里,你静得下来吗?after which后面是定语从句,which指代前面的hours,从句本来是:the doctor went out happily after which(hours)。整句意思是:手术花了几个小时,医生后来(这几个小时后)高兴地出来了。Carried on his way running.中carry on是继续的意思,his way是插入结构做run的副词,可以去掉,整句意思是:继续跑。加上his way仍应翻译成:继续跑,就是习惯用法,看多了就熟悉了。

To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time.Did I lose my love 2 someone better


I did it for you的歌词


of all 和all of有什么区别? —Did you like the book I g

问题有点笼统,我粗略说一下吧。 (1)all是一个形容词或代词,而all of是个形容词短语。 (2)all可以单独用(此时充当代词),如 All is ok,一切都好.all of必须接词 语,如:All of the students have left. (3)当all和all of都用作形容词“所有的...”,all后面只能接名词,而all of后面 既可以接名词,也可以接代词。如:All students, all people。All of the students, all of the people。All of them,不能用all them。此题选择B 表示全部

找一首歌 女 歌手 高潮 的时候 是 did you ever see did you ever cry 什么的

会不会是hear me cry ? lz听听看。

All of yoy did best.是句子吗?

All of you did best.是句子

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magnificent spectacular splendid求区别,辨析


Sennheiser Adidas Original耳机

2010年1月,adidas Originals将再次携手Sennheiser,推出一组极具潮流感的高级DJ耳机套装。  本次推出的耳机以大获成功的“Sennheiser HD 25-1--II”为蓝本,这款全新版本耳机加入了独具特色的adidas Originals元素,将在设计感和功能性等方面为两个品牌互进裨益。  以下是官方新闻稿:长久以来涉足于音乐领域的adidas Originals品牌,与1980年代初发端的Hip Hop文化息息相通,通过Sennheiser HD 25-1-II的发布,再一次充满自豪地巩固与音乐的亲缘关系。作为录音和DJ混音的专业级设备,Sennheiser的HD 25-1-II在过去20多年来一直都是最为成功的监控耳机之一。  现在,adidas Originals再度赋予它全新的面貌,用上包括标志性三条纹和品牌专属蓝色等设计元素。这款耳机水晶般通透的高音和清脆的低音表现,令它达到一个极高的音场水准。拥有典型adidas Originals式设计外观的同时,这款耳机也确保了纯粹Sennheiser式的高品质声音表现。这款adidas Originals HD 25-1-II headphones by Sennheiser 将于2010年2月在adidas全球品牌中心-北京三里屯店限量发售22副,喜欢的朋友千万不要错过了这个机会。 所以你不一定才长春能买的到,不过你可以去网上淘。看你运气咯 祝你好运


万达奴是阿迪控股的 价钱相比便宜些

请问adidas 三叶草标志和nizza鞋型名称的来源和寓意



宝成集团pou chen下面的子公司裕元工业YY,是全球最大的制鞋工厂。在06年时就年产各品牌的鞋类近2亿双,被誉为世界鞋王。YY的帮爱迪达代工的工厂主要分布在东莞,工厂简称为YYA,YSS。今年开始扬州厂(YYZ)也开始生产。宝成在印尼的工厂Pou chen indonesia 简称PCI主要生产爱迪达篮球鞋等。 宝成还有一大分支叫宝元pou yuen ,规模也很大在中山有宝元鞋城,帮很多品牌代工包括一部分锐步(内部称雷宝)Reebok的美式足球鞋等。宝元在越南的工厂POU YUEN VIETNA,简称PYV 福建清禄鞋业ching Luh 下面主要分清禄(CLU)和顺大(FLU),清禄在福州马尾和连江都有工厂,生产爱迪达篮球鞋、足球鞋等。清禄在马尾的钜联鞋业主要生产内销的订单。顺大在福州福兴投资区,生产锐步reebok篮球鞋、跑鞋等。清禄在印尼也有工厂生产爱迪达的鞋子。 万邦鞋业Apache工厂简称APE只生产爱迪达,以前在广州新市那边后来逐渐迁往广东清远市清新县,主要生产original系列,网球鞋等。 万邦2006年底开始在印度生产爱迪达运动鞋主要以original为主,工厂简称APC。 荣诚工厂EVERVAN,以前也是在广州石井后来逐渐迁往清远市清新县。含广州荣诚(EVN)、清远诚展(EVQ)、越南荣诚(EVM)三大生产基地。主要生产高尔夫球鞋/登山鞋/滑板鞋及Evolution鞋型. 在靠深圳的地方还有家帮reebok代工的工厂叫KTS,好像是港台鞋业的子公司吧,不甚了解。 上面这些都是台资的代工厂。以前有很多韩资的代工厂,但因为管理的问题等都相继倒下了,剩下的已经很少了。韩资的Hwaseung在大连甘井子区有一家工厂叫丰源制靴大连有限公司HSD,我们称为PWC,主要生产一些较简单的篮球鞋,original系列的。在印尼有一家工厂PWI(POONG WON INDO)生产adidas的鞋子,越南有家HSV(Hwaseung Vina)生产reebok的鞋子,这些都是韩资的代工厂。 还有一些越南,印尼的代工厂,因为不怎么了解,只能大概列举一下。印尼的PIN,PRB等爱迪达的代工厂。越南的PVN,HSV,WFC等是reebok的代工厂。对于在墨西哥,巴西的工厂就更是不熟了,不过这些很少卖到国内来。这些亚洲区的代工厂一年生产adidas及reebok鞋子总共近2亿双。 网上说只有苏州产的鞋子才是正品,这个说法是完全错误的,首先,苏州没有生产爱迪达鞋子的代工厂,那边是阿迪达斯(中国)销售公司的鞋类仓储物流基地。其次,上面所说的专业代工厂生产的合格品都叫正品。 看鞋子是哪里生产的可以从鞋舌的尺码标上看出来,FTY NO.后面的三个字母就是工厂的缩写,工厂缩写后面是该工厂的6位数代码。 或者从鞋盒侧面贴的标签也可以看出国内生产工厂的信息。





adidas pilrahna3.0怎样鉴别是真品的

一.假鞋用的材料肯定会与真鞋有所不同 这点是很关键的 因为真鞋之所以卖的贵除了他要做自己的品牌广告和开发费用之外 鞋子本身用的材料也确实很贵 这一点假鞋是绝对不会照仿的 一般假鞋的开发人员会找来与真鞋所用材料质感和属性相同的 但档次却差很多的材料 来充当仿做真鞋的材料 1.鞋面材料:NIKE在篮球鞋上一般都会用人造皮 跑鞋上一般都是用超纤PU 虽然都不是真皮但是它们所含的纤维密度比真皮要高 韧性和透气性比真皮还要好 也不易变形 所以好的人造皮材料比真皮的价钱还要贵还要好 一般仿真鞋就不会用上等的人造皮或超纤PU来做鞋 分辨方法是看材料的光泽度 材料比较有光泽度的就是真鞋 还有就是用手挤按 或者是拉伸鞋面皮料感觉一下是否很有韧性和弹性 2.鞋面的一些工艺 如热切 微量射出等等 真鞋用的材料肯定都是TPU 而假鞋大多数都是用的PVC 这两者在外型方面是相同的 但TPU的材料造价较高柔软度和材料的拉伸性很好 PVC则不是这样 这种材质没有什么弹性 柔软度也不好 冬天穿还易发生断裂 3.鞋中底:虽然在中底整体的外型方面仿真鞋和真鞋的外型几乎是分毫不差 但是在鞋中底的材料上还是会有所差距 在中底的材料上虽然都是EVA二次发泡材料(也就是我们常说的PHYLON) 但是所烧出来的中底的硬软度假鞋和真鞋肯定是不一样的 真鞋的PHYLON用手指按 会感觉软硬度适中很有弹性 用指甲用力的按 按完后PHYLON会很自然的又回到没按前的状态 不会长时间的留下指甲的按记 而假鞋的PHYLON则达不到真鞋的那种水平 4.鞋大底:虽然大底用的都是橡胶材料 在鞋大底的材料上也是能看出真鞋与假鞋的区别的 真鞋在烧制大底的时候会在里面搀杂一些化学原料 回收材料 或者是碳元素 这样做的目的是能使鞋子更加的耐磨 防滑性更加的出众 而假鞋在烧制大底的时候就不会考虑到这些 所以假鞋的大底防滑和耐磨的程度就要远远的差于真鞋 在光泽度上假鞋的大底比真鞋的大底颜色要发亮 而且再告诉大家一个小窍门就是听声音 穿真鞋在塑胶地或地板上用前脚掌摩擦地面 会有非常响亮干脆的“吱吱”的声音 而假鞋在一般情况下绝对不会有这种声音 5.鞋底的功能上:在这里我要象大家说的是碳纤片 和TPU支撑片的问题 在买NIKE的一些尖端产品的时候 大多数鞋友都会看鞋子的碳纤片来确定鞋子是真是假 这种 方法一目了然就能看出鞋子的真假 因为碳纤片的成本的确很高所以假鞋是不会用上碳纤片的 只会找一些与碳纤片相类似的材料来使用 这当然就会使真假一目了然 再来说说TPU支撑片 虽然成本也不低但是现在基本大牌的运动鞋上都会出现 仿真鞋当然也会照单全抄 其实分辨TPU也是有诀窍的 一是看它的颜色 假鞋的TPU颜色要比真鞋的颜色发污 而且显得不透亮 在质感上也要比真鞋的TPU要发软些 二.真鞋和假鞋在鞋的鞋型 和一些线条的走向上也是有区别的 由于做真鞋和做价鞋的 版师是不同的 开发人员也是不同的 所以鞋子用的楦头和所开的版肯定也就和真鞋是不同的 所以用真鞋的鞋型与假鞋的鞋型相比就肯定是有差异的 而且在鞋子的一些线条走向上由于版师所开的版不同真鞋和假鞋也会有很多不同点 三.在做鞋的一些细节上真假的区别也是非常多的 1.鞋的中底(PHYLON) 大家可以仔细观察一下自己鞋子的中底上肯定都会有几的凸出来的小圆点 虽然点很小但围绕着中底的一圈都会发现有几个 这些点是干什么的呢 为什么会有这些点呢 因为中底是要在模具里烧出型来的 在烧之前EVA是成液态状的 所以就要先把这些液态的EVA导入模具里 才能在模具里烧出型来 把这些液态EVA导入模具的方法就是要通过很细的一跟导入管来把液体导入模具中 导管越细成型后的中底上所留下的那个小凸点就越小 所以开发人员绝对是希望那个小点越小越好 才能不影响鞋子中底的美观 但这一点不是想让它小它就能小的 这需要工厂的水平要相当的高才行 做假鞋的工厂一般都达不到这种水平 所以假鞋的PHYLON中底上的凸出来的小点 就一定要比真鞋PHYLON中底上凸出来的小点要明显的多 2.鞋面的车线:NIKE等大牌对鞋子的车线要求也相当的严格 规定每针的长度都应该是平均的 而且不能出现跳线的情况 假鞋的做工要求就不可能达到这么严格的程度 3.就是鞋子成型过程中的的贴底 鞋子都是先把面都车好后在套上楦头去贴底的 所以贴底也是鞋子成型里的最后一道工序 由于给大牌加工的 工厂贴底工人水平和工厂的水平都很高 所以贴完底的鞋大都比较工整 胶水不会攀爬到鞋面上很多 让人看了很舒服 如果出现了鞋底贴的不平整 或是胶水爬到鞋面上这种情况 大牌通常是不会检验合格的 一般就会打上B品 卖给自己的员工 而假鞋 由于做的不是自己的品牌 所以底贴成什么样都会拿出去卖的 4.还有就是鞋的颜色 假鞋经常会出现颜色不正的情况 因为假鞋的开发人员要到不同的地方去合适于要仿的鞋的找材料 再染色 肯定就会多少的造成与真鞋颜色上的差异 所以看颜色也是辨别真假的一个好的方法 再提醒那些爱在网上购鞋的朋友 有的仿的超级变态的鞋子仅凭几张图片是很难看轻真假的 还需要你看着实物慢慢的分析 以上就是我觉得在分辨真假鞋子方面比较好的方法 希望能给一些朋友以帮助不要再上当受骗 P.S.特别赠送当今热门鞋子之"JAMES 2"真假鉴别方法:(假的用绿色画圈 真的用红色) 假的鞋面相比正品的显的亮白 假的呈清晰 粗大状 正品的则是朦胧的



经典潮牌三叶草 (adidas Original) 的简介

据百度搜索得。。。。。。三叶草从1972年开始成为阿迪达斯的标志,当时所有阿迪达斯产品都使用这一标志。三叶草的形状如同地球立体三维的平面展开,很像一张世界地图,它象征着三条纹延伸至全世界。但从1996年开始,三叶草标志被专门使用于经典系列Original产品。经典系列是选择阿迪达斯历史上最好的产品作为蓝本,在对其面料和款式进行略微修改之后重新发布的。整个系列更趋时尚化,产品包括鞋、服装及包袋等附件。   也许是因为每一款经典系列都有一个独特的故事吧,在人们看来经典系列永远是如此的具有内涵,永远洋溢着新鲜活力和时尚的气息。2002年秋季,阿迪达斯经典系列首次在中国限量发行。从鞋、服装到配件,每一款都是设计中的精品,让追逐潮流的人们爱不释手。   2001年,第一家阿迪达斯经典系列Original专卖店在德国柏林开张。同年晚些时候,第二家店在日本东京面世。前不久,第三家店在美国纽约的Soho区开张。今年9月底,阿迪达斯经典系列专卖店落户上海。   该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第六十七。   2007年3月,阿迪达斯经典系列“adidas Original”专卖店落户上海。上海正大广场的“adidas Original”概念店是继北京世贸天阶店之后中国第二家,也是上海首家 adidas Originals 概念店


adidas是阿迪达斯品牌。adidas(阿迪达斯)创办于1949年,是德国运动用品制造商阿迪达斯AG成员公司。以其创办人阿道夫·阿迪·达斯勒(Adolf Adi Dassler)命名,1920年在黑措根奥拉赫开始生产鞋类产品。1949年8月18日以adidas AG名字登记。阿迪达斯原本由两兄弟共同开设,但是在分道扬镳后,阿道夫的哥哥鲁道夫·达斯勒(Rudolf Dassler)开设了运动品牌puma。阿迪达斯logo有三个。与阿迪达斯经典系列相对应的logo为三叶草标志,与阿迪达斯运动时尚系列相对应的logo则是圆形半包三条纹标志,而与阿迪达斯运动表现系列相对应的logo就是我们在阿迪达斯专卖店中最常见的三条纹标志(也有人将其称为三砖logo)。阿迪达斯标志的演变历史阿迪达斯三条纹标志是最早被启用的,在阿迪达斯品牌成立第二年,也就是1949年就开始应用到阿迪达斯旗下的各类商品中了。其代表了不断前进、不断超越的体育精神。到了1972年,阿迪达斯用三叶草标志逐步代替早期的三条纹标志,以极具象征性的更为美观的三叶草来寓意延展到全世界的体育力量,也同时寄予自身品牌走向世界的愿景。在运用三叶草标志十来年之后,也就是二十世纪八十年代末九十年代初期,阿迪达斯为了与耐克公司竞争,也为了提升本身的运动时尚感,再次将其品牌最早的三条纹重新改造应用到产品中,作为阿迪达斯最为大众所熟知(同时也是价格最为大众化的)运动表现系列(adidas performance)。1996年,在经历了一次股权收购风波后,阿迪达斯重新启用三叶草标志,并将其专门应用到旗下与运动表现系列相区别的为中高阶层运动爱好者以及鞋迷们所量身打造的阿迪达斯传统经典系列(adidas Original)。至于adidas style标志则没有很悠久的历史,Y-3的Y代表Yohji Yamamoto,而3则代表adidas三条线的标志,是由世界顶级设计师山本耀司(Yohji Yamamoto)担任创意总监与adidas合作的全新品牌。以上内容参考:百度百科-adidas

adidas衣服里面的标志上有中国制造,说明这件衣服是正货 还是高仿 还是假货




09/07 558716 A2B001这是个adidas三叶草上衣的货号,我在网上买的,请高手指点一下这是不是真品!谢啦

558716:Adidas Original Glitter TT图片:http://www.multinara.com/shop/data/goods/0711010004_L1.jpg这是海外版的三叶草。也确实是有这个货号的衣服上市过。但是,要靠货号来辨别真假,还是不够的。

为什么新买的adidas original 鞋盒上写产地印度,鞋标却是made in china

adidas, adidas style ,三叶草


adidas originals怎么读

阿迪达斯 藕瑞真闹思

Adidas,Adidas original,neo有什么区别

Neo和阿迪达斯的区别:1、品牌登等级不同。阿迪达斯(adidas)全球高级运动用品制造商,覆盖跑步、篮球、训练、足球、时尚、户外等领域的服装、鞋类及配件产品。而Neo是阿迪达斯旗下的产品系列。2、两个品牌的logo不同。阿迪达斯是三条杠,Neo是运动时尚系列s圆球型。3、两个品牌的面向趋势不同。Neo 遵循当今主要流行趋势,提供贴近生活的各种运动休闲服饰产品。NEO意味着清新活力,洋溢着乐观向上、动感十足、个性亲和、清新盎然、与时俱进的。阿迪达斯属运动表现,是专营运动装备的。扩展资料:阿迪达斯旗下另外一个重要产品系列就是阿迪达斯三叶草:三叶草(adidas Originals)从1972年开始成为阿迪达斯的标志,当时所有阿迪达斯产品都使用这一标志。三叶草的形状如同地球立体三维的平面展开,很像一张世界地图,象征着三条纹延伸至全世界。但从1996年开始,三叶草标志被专门使用于经典系列Original产品。经典系列是选择阿迪达斯历史上最好的产品作为蓝本,在对其面料和款式进行略微修改之后重新发布的。整个系列更趋时尚化,产品包括鞋、服装及包袋等附件。参考资料来源:百度百科-阿迪达斯参考资料来源:百度百科-adidas neo

Adidas original.鞋底几厘米


Juvenile的《i did that》 歌词

歌曲名:i did that歌手:Juvenile专辑:solja ragsThem Hot Boys out here, ya heard me?The B.G., headbussin" Moe, fa shoBout to make it happen,Magnolia bout that gafflin"Valence & Magnolia:]I"m in the jungle, of niggas that"s lookin" for static,Two niggas stuck and jackin" just to support his habit,Them people rollin", so I gotta do what I can,I gotta pound of that sand I picked up from the man,The luxuries I gotta have it, black savage,He"s in the streets holdin" up traffic,With the plastic, Desert Eagle .45 automatic,My glass is, filled with J.D. and coca-cola classic,And niggas that playa-hate I got somethin" for yo assesI"ma act a donkey, boy you best not run up on me,You niggas phony, that"s why I did that to your homie,For instance, when the Mac-9 will erase your existenceSo distance, yourself from me cuz my conscience be clickin",Niggas be paranoid when they see I be dippin",Sayin", man let me go, he bout to stomp on that trigger,Somebodies wig get split in the middle of the street,I got your brains to show you bitches, stop playin" with me,And ain"t no thing I got my ruger and I aint" scared to die,Cross that line and I"ma shoot"cha and tell your Mommy bye-bye,Hungry for money, like vampires hungry for blood,Better get to runnin", solja reeboks is in the mud:]Phase, a blast of foolishness went through his head,With a strap hollerin" "Nigga what you said?"JuvenileThat iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say Juvenile you did that?That iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say Juvenile you did that?Man, Juvenile you did that...:]Don"t get caught up fools, in the wrong way,Cuz them niggas out that Lio stay totin" them A.K."sThe baddest trigga happy niggas I ever saw,Calliope niggas play the muthafuckin" game raw,So don"t get"cha self in a jam,Cuz these niggas I hang with really don"t give a damn,With the quickness, nigga they put them K"s to use,Niggas like Wango, Wine, Spig, and my boy Deuce,So any nigga want some drama get strapped,So I can put your bitch ass in my Rest In Peace wrapCuz dead, yeah, is what"cha gonna be,If you fuck with this nigga from that C-P 3,So don"t be fuckin" with me,Cuz you"ll be lookin" down the barrel of a nine double M, homieAnd with a nigga like me, holdin" the gat,I"ma pull the fuckin" trigger and bust ya head to the fat,Then watch your brain run down the city drain,And after that, leave the spot cuz Frank Mignon"s comin" to get the remains,So all you gangsta ass niggas tilt your hat,And plus that bullshit y"all niggas out here are tryin" to do?I fuckin" been there and done that:]Phase, a blast of foolishness went through his head,With a strap hollerin" "Nigga what you said?"That iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say Big Moe you did that?That iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say Big Moe you did that?Don"t make me pull my pistol nigga, cuz fa-shiggidy I"ma use itThis life you strugglin" through you gone lose it,I come through actin" foolish, with semi-automatics,Shit get hectic, blast, or get blasted,I"ma a Baby Gangsta bout drama, bout buckin",Full of that dustin", you bust, I"m bustin",You shoot, I shootYou miss, I hit,Hot Boy representin" that gangsta shit,Stop playin" with the young soldier, believe,You jeopardizin" what"s on your shoulder, you shoot at meTake it to the streets, you ain"t bout that action,Packin" two twenty-three"s, sweepers knock you off your feet,St. Thomas still got them bags for twenty-five,Before I go on the pride, I"m full of that Worldwide,Goin" for crime I"ll spank them, can"t swim with the sharks,Through this water, muthafucka I"ll spank"em,Get"cha mind right, nigga, fuckin" with me,Think twice I tote iron I"ma a true B.G.,Fuckin" right, I split hats, and I tote Mac"s,I be fuckin" with silver packs, now what you know about that?Got the all black fit, ready to put in work,But niggas actin" like jerks, I put dicks in the dirt,I run with Juvenile, cuz he"s a gangsta ass nigga,Niggas huntin" like they bout it, but I"ll spank that ass nigga,So who wants some beef? Let me show you I don"t play,Told ya I"m that type that"ll hit"cha block everyday,If you"re real, you"ll bust back,But if you fake, I got"cha warning in all-black,It"s no escape, I did that:]Phase, a blast of foolishness went through his head,With a strap hollerin" "Nigga what you said?"That iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say B.G. you did that?That iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say B.G. you did that?Man, Juvenile you did that...http://music.baidu.com/song/14495465

---Where did you see the movie Life of Pi directed by Ang Lee?---- It was in the cinema _______...

C 试题分析:考查强调句型的省略和定语从句。句意:---你在哪里看的由李安导演的电影“派的奇幻漂流记”呢?--是在我经常去的电影院里。此题人们往往会误认为是强调句型而选B,但是把句子回答完整的话应该是it was in the cinema ____ I regularly go that I saw the movie Life of Pi directed by Ang Lee,是省略了和前面句子的相同成分,即强调句型的省略,所以从结构上判断 cinema 后面是定语从句,句子为主谓结构,缺少状语,应该选关系副词,四个选项中只有C 选项where为关系副词,所以C选项正确。

---Where did you see the movie Life of Pi directed by Ang Lee?---- It was in the cinema _______...




I did buy something for my best friend.为什么这里有了buy还要加多个did?

I did buy something for my best friend.这里用do强调确实做过例子:I did do my homework.我真的写了作业。



adidas original是什么系列

adidas original就是三叶草系列,属于阿迪的复古系列来的,款式,价格都是相当有档次的。很多款式都经典呀。original的标志长得像三叶草,所以大家直接叫三叶草系列

—Did you see“the Voice of China”last night? —Yes.


did you enjoy the concert last weekend?yes, very much.it was such a terrific performance

3. I"m sorry that I forget to return the book to you. 4. We"ll have a dance on Sunday. I hope you can make it. 5. Let me have the photo, would you 1. Is there anything I can do to help 3. The movie is okay, but I don"t like the actors. 4. Is it all right if I turn down the TV now 5. Hey, where are you going to take your holiday 1. Thanks a million times for your helping me with my English. 2. Can I try the shoes on, please 3. Can you really be sure of his honesty 4. I don"t really enjoy watching TV. There are too many advertisements. 5. Who do you want to win the World Cup 2. Would you please pass me the salt 5. Make sure that every window is locked. 1. What can I do for you 3. Just call me whenever you are in trouble. 4. Take this medicine and you"ll be all right. 5. I should have gone to watch the horse racing. 2. I"m hoping to spend a few days in the mountains. 3. Is there anything else you"d like to buy 4. I wonder if I could leave a message 3. Behave yourself. 4. I hope the weather will stay fine tomorrow. 5. Do you think you could turn your radio down a bit 1. Watch out! There"s a car coming. 3. Please water the flower in the garden, will you 4. Are you sure this tape is okay 1. I"d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr smith. 3. Would you mind my staying here for some time 4. You cooked us a wonderful meal, Mrs. Smith. 1. Someone is knocking at the door. 2. I"m sorry. I"ve lost your pen. Let me buy you a new one. 3. The music is too loud. Could you turn it down a bit 4. Shall I help you with the cleaning 5. I hope that John will not play basketball tomorrow. 1. Shall I wake you up tomorrow 2. Have you been here long 3. Can you follow me 5. What"s his work like 1. I wonder if I could use your phone. 2. Hand in your exercise books. 3. Be careful when you go out. It"s too dangerous to cross the busy street. 4. Which job do you think I should take, the counter"s job or the waiter"s job 3. Do you happen to have twenty dollars with you 4. How is everything going 5. How did you enjoy the concert last night 1. May I help you to some meat 2. Do remember to say hello to your parents for me. 3. Here you are last! 4. Do you hope that the American team will win the game 5. You mop the floor and I"ll clean the windows. OK 1. Many happy returns of the day! 2. Would you be so kind as to do me a favour 3. Let"s go and have some ice cream. 4. Will you join us in a game of cards 5. That"s all. Come again if you have any other questions. 1. What made you so upset 4. The New Year is drawing near. 5. Are you going to the party this evening 1. It"s such a nice day. We are going to have a picnic. Will you come with us 5. There"s not much food left in the refrigerator.回答3.Never mind 4.ok 5.yes,l"d love to 1.no,but thank you all the same 3.i agree with you 4.yes 5.i"d like to visit the great wall 1.it"s my pleasure 2.yes,you can 3.yes,i can 4.i agree with you 5.England 2.yea,here you are 5.yea,of course 1.i"d like to go to the nearest post office 3.thank you 4.i hope so 5.but why don"t you go 2.why do you hope so 3.no thanks 4.of course you can 3.yes,i will 4.i hope so too 5.i"m sorry.i"ll turn it down 1.thank you,i don"t see it 3.no problem 4.yes 1.thank you.i"d love to 3.no 4.it"s my pleasure 1.sorry.i didn"t hear 2.never mind 3.i"m sorry. 4.no,thanks.i"ve done it. 5.why 1.yes,thank you 2.no 3.yes 5i don"t konow 1.certainly 2.ok 3.i"ll take your advice 4.the counter"s job 3.yes 4.all is well 5.yes,it"s very good 1.on.thanks 2.yes,of course 3.i"m sorry 4.yes,certainly 5.ok 1.i agree with you 2.yes 3.i"d love to 4.of course not 5.thank you 1.i don"t do well in the test 4.so happy new year 5.yes 1.i"d like to 5.i"ll buy soon 有问题找我好了。这是我的QQ号631603567

Did you ever know? That I had mine on you!这句话正确的翻译是怎样的啊?


i did not know the robot play chess with us

I knew the robots could play chess with us.变疑问句 Did you know the robots could play chess with us? 你知道机器人能和我们下棋吗? 否定句:I didn"t know the robots could play chess with us. 变否定句,加了助动词did后,knew由过去式变回原形.而宾语从句中的could仍然要与主句的时态保持一致,并不因为加了did,就改成can.


宾语从句。I couldn"t come做了know的宾语。


did,读音:英[du026ad],美[du026ad]。释义:v.做。conj.是;要;做。变形:原形do。短语:If I Did It假如我做了。I did it my way我走自己的路;我行我素。DID YOU KNOW你知道吗;你是否知道。Did not fall不降;只升不降。flash did not fire闪光灯。Did not last long好景不长。did的例句1、There is positive proof that he did it.有确切的证据证明他做了此事。2、She did not believe in his professions of love.她不相信他的爱情表白是真的。3、He did that to gratify his girlfriend"s vanity.他做那事是要满足他女友的虚荣心。4、He did that to gratify his girlfriend"s vanity.他做那事是要满足他女友的虚荣心。5、He weeded out one by one the books he didn"t want.他把不想要的书一本一本丢掉。

how did you know the news ?I heard it _the radio.


how did you know his meaning? I knew it

lines 选Cread between the lines 从字里行间中读出这个可以当成一个固定词组记住

你和别人说你怎么知道是说 how do you know 还是how did you know 是

两人说话当时说how do you know?,事后写文章要写how did you know?

how did you know eachother

eachother---each other

how did u know that

how did you know that? 你怎么知道的? you guess it 你猜对了 用you guess it .因为对方提出的是问句,就不能用问句来回答,显然是用后一句肯定句

how did you know the news翻译怎么说

选A hear from的意思是 收到...的来信 此处明显不是,故排除B

How Did You Know 歌词

歌曲名:How Did You Know歌手:Aiza Seguerra专辑:True LoveHow did you knowAiza SeguerraI remember so wellThe day that you came into my lifeYou asked for my nameYou had the most beautiful smileMy life started to changeI"d wake up each day feeling alrightWith you right by my sideMakes me feel things will work out just fineHow did you knowI needed someone like you in my lifeThat there"s an empty space in my heartYou came at the right time in my lifeI"ll never forgetHow you brought the sun to shine in my lifeAnd took all the worries and fears that I hadI guess what I"m really trying to sayIt"s not everyday that someone like you comes my wayNo words can express how muchI love youHow did you knowI needed someone like you in my lifeThat there"s an empty space in my heartYou came at the right time in my lifeI"ll never forgetHow you brought the sun to shine in my lifeAnd took all the worries and fears that I hadI guess what I"m really trying to sayIt"s not everyday that someone like you comes my wayNo words can express how muchI love youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52321358

How Did You Know? 歌词

歌曲名:How Did You Know?歌手:Art Garfunkel专辑:Everything Waits To Be NoticedHow did you knowAiza SeguerraI remember so wellThe day that you came into my lifeYou asked for my nameYou had the most beautiful smileMy life started to changeI"d wake up each day feeling alrightWith you right by my sideMakes me feel things will work out just fineHow did you knowI needed someone like you in my lifeThat there"s an empty space in my heartYou came at the right time in my lifeI"ll never forgetHow you brought the sun to shine in my lifeAnd took all the worries and fears that I hadI guess what I"m really trying to sayIt"s not everyday that someone like you comes my wayNo words can express how muchI love youHow did you knowI needed someone like you in my lifeThat there"s an empty space in my heartYou came at the right time in my lifeI"ll never forgetHow you brought the sun to shine in my lifeAnd took all the worries and fears that I hadI guess what I"m really trying to sayIt"s not everyday that someone like you comes my wayNo words can express how muchI love youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2715662

how did you know

How did you know?你怎么知道的?

How Did You Know 歌词

歌曲名:How Did You Know歌手:Aiza Seguerra专辑:Special Collector"s Edition: Pagdating Ng PanahonHow did you knowAiza SeguerraI remember so wellThe day that you came into my lifeYou asked for my nameYou had the most beautiful smileMy life started to changeI"d wake up each day feeling alrightWith you right by my sideMakes me feel things will work out just fineHow did you knowI needed someone like you in my lifeThat there"s an empty space in my heartYou came at the right time in my lifeI"ll never forgetHow you brought the sun to shine in my lifeAnd took all the worries and fears that I hadI guess what I"m really trying to sayIt"s not everyday that someone like you comes my wayNo words can express how muchI love youHow did you knowI needed someone like you in my lifeThat there"s an empty space in my heartYou came at the right time in my lifeI"ll never forgetHow you brought the sun to shine in my lifeAnd took all the worries and fears that I hadI guess what I"m really trying to sayIt"s not everyday that someone like you comes my wayNo words can express how muchI love youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52320904

why did you know 区别

第一个错的,的二个对的 why didn"t i know the news?know是及物动词要跟宾语


did+you+know+that+tea中that。 是指示代词,作用是 说明 那个(不是别的)


是病句,时态不正确。正确的是:Helen did know some things, though.意思是尽管海伦知道一些事情。

did you know what you said 和what did you say 句子成分区别


课文填空Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by

小题1:accident小题2:until小题3:discovered小题4:According小题5:boiling小题6:over小题7:leaves小题8:remained小题9:smell小题10:in 小题1:固定词组:by accident“偶然的”小题2:not… until…“直到…才…”,句意为:直到1610年茶才被带到西方国家。小题3:句意是:这种饮料在之前3000多年就被发现了,所以填discovered。小题4:固定词组:According to“根据”小题5:词组:boil water “烧水”,时态用过去进行时,填boiling。小题6:考查介词的用法:over“在…上方”小题7:句意是:旁边树丛的树叶掉在水里。还有下文也有出现,填leaves(复数)小题8:这里remained是不及物动词,表示“仍然在,留在”小题9:这里的smell是名词,a pleasant smell“让人舒服的味道”小题10:in this way“以这种方式”。

Mary Did You Know 歌词

歌曲名:Mary Did You Know歌手:Spoken专辑:Happy Christmas Vol. 4Mary, did you know?edit bt hideMary, did you knowThat your baby boy will some day walk on water?Mary, did you knowThat your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?Did you knowThat your baby boy has come to make you new?This child that you"ve deliveredWill soon deliver youMary, did you knowThat your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?Mary, did you knowThat your baby boy will calm a storm with His hand?Did you knowThat your baby boy has walked where angels trod?And when you kiss your little babyYou"ve kissed the face of GodMary, did you know?Mary, did you know?The blind will seeThe deaf will hearAnd the dead will live againThe lame will leapThe dumb will speakThe praises of the LambMary, did you knowThat your baby boy is Lord of all creation?Mary, did you knowThat your baby boy will one day rule the nations?Did you knowThat your baby boy is heaven"s perfect Lamb?This sleeping child you"re holdingIs the Great I Amhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2927782

为什么Did you know this thing 2 years后面要加ago?


how did you know 和 how do you know?


Mary Did You Know 歌词

歌曲名:Mary Did You Know歌手:Michael English专辑:Christmas HomecomingTitle:"Mary did you Know"Artist:Hayley WestenraMary, did you knowthat your baby boy would one day walk on water?Mary, did you knowthat your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?Did you know,that your baby boy has come to make you new?And the child that you delivered, would soon deliver you.Mary, did you knowthat your baby boy would give sight to the blind man?Mary, did you knowthat your baby boy would calm a storm with his hand?Did you know,that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?And when you kiss your little baby,you"ve kissed the face of God.Oh Mary, did you know?~ Instrumental Break ~The blind will seeThe deaf will hearThe dead will live again.The lame will leapThe dumb will speakThe praises of The Lamb.Oh Mary, did you knowthat your baby boy is Lord of all creation?Mary, did you knowthat your baby boy will one day rule the nations?Did you know,that your baby boy is Heaven"s perfect lamb?And the sleeping child you"re holding, is the great I AM.Oh Mary. Oh Mary.http://music.baidu.com/song/2774443

did you know that around

Did you know there are many kind of grasses?Some kinds grasses are short while others are tall.The kind that grow grows around your house is a short grass.So field grasses often 去掉 grow as well as a man or woman.Some foods that we eat come from plants for the grass family.Wheat and rice are of one of them.We use wheat to make bread.We use both two wheat and rice make breakfast foods.In some places,to make people eat more rice than any food.Animals as well as other people get food from the grass family.Cows eat the hay. Do you know what grass that horses like to eat?去掉

六年级下册英语27页的Did You Know的翻译(人教版)的


did you know who

A 主句过去,从句过去,语序陈述 C主句一般现在,从句不限,但必须用陈述

Mary, Did You Know 歌词

歌曲名:Mary, Did You Know歌手:The Isaacs专辑:ChristmasTitle:"Mary did you Know"Artist:Hayley WestenraMary, did you knowthat your baby boy would one day walk on water?Mary, did you knowthat your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?Did you know,that your baby boy has come to make you new?And the child that you delivered, would soon deliver you.Mary, did you knowthat your baby boy would give sight to the blind man?Mary, did you knowthat your baby boy would calm a storm with his hand?Did you know,that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?And when you kiss your little baby,you"ve kissed the face of God.Oh Mary, did you know?~ Instrumental Break ~The blind will seeThe deaf will hearThe dead will live again.The lame will leapThe dumb will speakThe praises of The Lamb.Oh Mary, did you knowthat your baby boy is Lord of all creation?Mary, did you knowthat your baby boy will one day rule the nations?Did you know,that your baby boy is Heaven"s perfect lamb?And the sleeping child you"re holding, is the great I AM.Oh Mary. Oh Mary.http://music.baidu.com/song/2616675

Mary, Did You Know 歌词,中文翻译

Mary did you know, that your baby boy,will one day walk on water? 玛丽亚,你知道吗? 你的婴孩,有一天会在水上行走 Mary did you know, that your baby boy, will save our sons and daughters? 玛丽亚,你知道吗? 你的婴孩,将要拯救我们的儿女 Did you know that your baby boy, has come to make you new, 玛丽亚,你知道吗?你的婴孩,他来,为要使你成为新造的人 this child that you delievered, will soon deliever you 你所生的孩子,不久,他要使你重生。 Mary did you know, that your baby boy, will give sight to a blind man, 玛丽亚,你知道吗?你的婴孩, 将使瞎眼的得看见 。 Mary did you know, that your baby boy, will calm a storm with his hand, 玛丽亚,你知道吗?你的婴孩, 他的手将平静风和海。 Did you know, that your baby boy, has walked where angels trod, 你知道吗?你的婴孩, 曾走过天使走过的地方。 and when you kiss your little baby, you"ve kissed the face of God, 当你亲吻你的小宝贝时,可知道你正亲吻 上帝的脸? the blind will see, the deaf will hear, and the dead will live again, 瞎眼的要看见,耳聋的要听见,死人要复活, the lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the Lamb. 瘸腿的要跳跃,哑巴的要说话,赞美神羔羊 Mary did you know, that your baby boy, is Lord of all creation, 玛丽亚,你知道吗?你的婴孩, 是一切被造物的主 Mary did you know, that your baby boy, will one day rule the nations, 玛丽亚,你知道吗?你的婴孩,有一天要统治万民 Did you know that your baby boy, is heaven"s perfect lamb, 你知道吗?你的婴孩, 是天国圣洁完美的羔羊 this sleeping child your holding, is the great I AM 你怀中安睡的婴儿,是那伟大的 自有永有的 神

Did you know where ____ from?


—Did you know any German before you came to Berlin? —Never _______ it, actually. A.had I lea

A 试题分析:考查情景交际和倒装。句意:--你去柏林之前会德语吗?--其实我从未学过(德语)。否定词never, seldom, hardly, scarcely等位于句首时,句子使用部分倒装,即把is/do/will/have/can等提到主语之前,排除C;根据句意可知是发生在过去的事情,应该用完成时,排除D;根据第一句中的did可知,所说的事情是发生在“过去的过去”,应该使用过去完成时,排除B,故选A。

DId you know 后面为什么要用现在时?

很高兴为你解答!应该是Did you know吧?如果你问的是这个短语的后面跟的宾语从句为什么用现在时的话,那就是宾语从句里的一个需要注意的点:当主句是过去时,宾语从句表达的是客观真理或者事实,则宾语从句用一般现在时,不随主句的时态而变化。

how do you know。 how did you know。 how would you know 这三句话的区别是什么?

how do you know 你现在怎么知道?how did you know你之前怎么知道?how would you know你之前怎么会知道?

Did you know 后面为什么能接现在进行时?


did you know that tea翻译

did you know that tea翻译是你知道茶吗。英语常用的翻译方法有增译法、减译法、英译汉时词类转换的核心、定语位置的调整、状语位置的调整、拆句法及合并法。 扩展资料 1.增译法:根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。2.减译法:原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意, 或者在译文中是不言而喻的;减译法是删去一些可有可无的, 或者有了反而累赘或违背译文习惯表达法的词, 并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去。3.英译汉时词类转换的"核心:根据需要将具有动作性的名词转换为汉语的动词,或者将可表示概念的动词转换为汉语名词。汉译英时则反其道而行之。

did you know they found属于什么句式

这是一个嵌套的多重复合句第一重  主句:Did you know 你是否知道  宾语从句:that it"s been found in laboratory testing that some types of oilare really bad for us第二重(嵌套复合句)  主句:it"s been found in laboratory testing 这已经在实验室测试中被发现【形式主语】it(指代下面的主语从句)  【谓语部分】has been found in laboratory testing  主语从句:that some types of oil are really bad for us 有些类型的油类确实对我们有害参考译文:你是否知道有些类的油类确实对我们有害这个事实已经在实验室检验中被证实.

英语翻译Did you know?这个,did是过去式,为什么这个句子却翻译成“...


"Did you know if he hashad finish his work?"一句中应是if he has还是had?

用had= =

Did you know _______?

C 主语和谓语的顺序

Do you know和Did you know在语法上有啥区别啊?详细点!

Do you know?一般现在时:你知道吗?Did you know?一般过去时:你当时知道吗?

Did you know?为什么要翻译成“你知道么?”

实际这个句中的Did是强调的意思,一般来说还是以Do you know的句式为主,就是这样简单。

Did you know his wife was... 这里为什么要说过去式啊?

一般情况下用 do you know这里用过去式,要看语境,如果有特殊标识,可以用did
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