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including意思:包含;包括。英 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]     美 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]    prep. 包含;包括。v. 包括,包含(动词include的现在分词)。例句:There are three storeys including the ground floor.包括底层共有三层。I need a pakeage deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。扩展资料近义词:through 基本词汇 英 [θruu02d0]     美 [θruu02d0]    adv. 通过;径直;自始至终;(电话)接通;完全。prep. 穿过;凭借;一直到。adj. 直达的;直通的;贯穿的;完成的;结束的。例句:The crowd fell back to let the players through.人群后退让运动员们通过。Put the coffee in the filter and let the water through.把咖啡放入过滤器里让水流过。



including后面如果接了好几个动名词短语,那么最后一个和倒二个之间要用and连接吗,或者最后面要and so on


它是介词,是从前一致原则,因为是不看它后面的跟什么名词的。如:Tom, including Mary and John, is here.


nclude:包括,包含,及物动词 include sth.包括某事在内 include前面要有主语的.如:The price includes postage charges. 价格包括邮费在内。I include eggs on the list of things to buy. 我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋。The university includes ten colleges. 该大学有10个学院。including一般用在逗号后面,这个是标志哦,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句.

include(v)动词与 including介词的差异?



included通常作形容词,表示包括在内的,通常用于修饰词的后面;including通常作介词,包括……,后接名词或代词。 included和including的区别 1、词义上的区别: Included:adj. 包括的;[植] 内藏的 v. 包括(include的过去式和过去分词) Including:prep. 包含,包括 2、用法上的区别: included过去分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表被动意义。 including是现在分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表主动意义。 included的用法 included 是过去分词形式的形容词,在表示“包括……在内”时常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后,起着补充说明的作用。 例句:They will send you the book for $15, postage included. 他们将会把此书寄给你,单价15美元,包括邮资在内。 including的用法 而including除了是include的现在分词/动名词之外,在日常运用中一般被当做介词使用,和其后的名词/代词一起形成介宾短语,意思是“包括...在内”。 例句:there are many different kinds of mooncakes including fruit,coffee and ice。 有许多不同种类的月饼,包括水果,咖啡和冰




它是介词,是从前一致原则,因为是不看它后面的跟什么名词的。如:Tom, including Mary and John, is here.


应该是三个人。There are three people,including two woman.:有三个人,包括两名妇女。


including后面接动名词,也就是动词加ing形式。 including: prep.包括…在内 v.包括;包含;使成为…的一部分 include的现在分词 扩展资料   例句:   There are 10 people including you.   包括你有10个人。   We"ll never be intimidated by war threats, including nuclear war threats.   我们决不会被战争威胁包括核战争威胁所吓倒。   Some industries,including airlines and trucking have already started to deregulate.   包括航空业和货车运输业在内的若干行业已开始解除管制。   To do so is to change everything, including yourself.   这么做就是改变这一切,包括你自己。   Not everyone, including me, is an expert on everything.   现在每个人(包括我)都是各个方面的专家。   But we need to be reminded that every member of the Body of Christ is needed -- including you!   但是我们必须提醒自己,基督的身体需要在其中的`每一个成员---包括你!   To try and then just go through all that happens, including not trying.   去尝试,然后经历一切所发生的事,包括不去尝试。   This allows you to apply any terms that apply to all customers within the store, including guestshoppers, in one contract.   这允许您在一个契约中应用适用于商店中所有客户(包括来宾购物者)的任何条款。   Now however, investors from all over the world, including China and France have come flocking.   然而,如今来自全世界的投资者——包括中国和法国——已经蜂拥而至。   In this activity, you add documentation to every element in the model, including every column, every table, every constraint, and every trigger   在这种情况中,你把文档添加到模型的每一个元素中,包括每个列,每个表,每个约束和每个触发器。


included是动词include的过去式及过去分词,意为“包括;(使)成为……的一部分;允许(某人)加入活动”,作形容词有“包括在内的”意思。including是include的现在分词形式,作介词有“包括……在内”的意思。 included的用法 1、The freight is included in the account. 运费包括在账内。 2、Food is included in the price. 饮食包含在该价格内。 3、His works are included in this anthology of stories. 这本小说集收录了他的作品。 4、Her papers included unpublished articles and correspondence. 她的资料包括未发表的文章和信件。 5、The catch included one fish over 18 pounds. 捕获的鱼里有一条重逾18磅。 including的用法 1、There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins 有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。 2、She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetry and literary criticism. 她已出版了包括小说、诗歌和文学评论在内的20多部著作。 3、There are ten people in this office including me. 这个办公室连我共有10人。 4、There were ten people, including you. 带你,一共十个人。 5、The party has been taking on staff, including temporary organizers. 这个政党一直在招募工作人员,包括临时的组织人员。


included通常作形容词,表示包括在内的,通常用于修饰词的后面;including通常作介词,包括……,后接名词或代词。I bought five books yesterday, this one included.I bought five books yesterday, including this one.事实上,这两个词都是由include变成的分词,一个是过去分词,一个是现在分词。


1.contain指某物容纳在比它范围更大的东西之内,侧重所含的量与成分。如:The basket contains a variety of fruits. 这篮子里装有各种水果。How much will this bottle contain? 这个瓶子的容量是多少?2.include侧重于对比整体与部分,指某整体包含或容纳某部分,常用于解释或补充说明。如:The money I gave you included Xiao Zhang"s. 我给你的钱里包括了小张的钱。The money I gave you included all my salaries. 我给你的钱含了我所有的工资。注:include常以including(名词/代词前)或included(名词/代词后)的形式出现在短语中,用来举例,解释或补充说明。如:There are ten of us here, including three girls. (=There are ten of us here, three girls included.)Everybody has something to say, me included. (=Everybody has something to say, including me.)再来看看以下高考题:The new book ______ 7 modules, ______ one main revision.A.contains;including B.includes;containing C.contains;containing D.includes;including本题第一空侧重包含的成分,第二空侧重于“7 modules”这个整体中的部分,所以应选A。




including的用法:including用作介词。在英语中,including不仅具有上述意思,还有更详尽的用法,including作介词 prep. 时具有包括等意思,including作动词 v. 时具有动词 include 的现在分词等意思。including的具体用法:including作介词 prep. 时具有包括等意思,including作动词 v. 时具有动词 include 的现在分词等意思。including用作介词,有包括的含义,including是介词,一般用在逗号后面,或者是冒号的前面,总之是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候,其也是可以放在句子中的。可做状语或定语。例句。There are 10 people including you(包括你有10个人。);We"ll never be intimidated by war threats, including nuclear war threats.(我们决不会被战争威胁包括核战争威胁所吓倒);Some industries,including airlines and trucking have already started to deregulate(包括航空业和货车运输业在内的若干行业已开始解除管制)。To do so is to change everything, including yourself(这么做就是改变这一切,包括你自己);To try and then just go through all that happens, including not trying(去尝试,然后经历一切所发生的事,包括不去尝试);This allows you to apply any terms that apply to all customers within the store, includingguestshoppers, in one contract。




including意思:包含;包括。英 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]     美 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]    prep. 包含;包括。v. 包括,包含(动词include的现在分词)。There are three storeys including the ground floor.包括底层共有三层。I need a pakeage deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。近义词:through 基本词汇 英 [θruu02d0]     美 [θruu02d0]    adv. 通过;径直;自始至终;(电话)接通;完全。prep. 穿过;凭借;一直到。adj. 直达的;直通的;贯穿的;完成的;结束的。The crowd fell back to let the players through.人群后退让运动员们通过。Put the coffee in the filter and let the water through.把咖啡放入过滤器里让水流过。

“Are you fucking kidding me”是什么意思?

意思是:你在骗我吗?fucking 英[u02c8fu028cku026au014b] 美[u02c8fu028cku026au014b] adj. 该死的; 非常的; 低劣的; v. 使受害; [例句]Don"t you be so fucking formal with me.别你他妈的对我这么一本正经了。kidding 英["ku026adu026au014b] 美["ku026adu026au014b] v. 开玩笑; [例句]Are you sure you"re not kidding me?你确定不是在和我开玩笑吗?

Are You FUCKING Kidding Me?什么意思?

Fucking 他妈的你他妈的在开我玩笑呢?

Are you 和Do you 这两者提问有什么区别!?Are you kidding后面接的为什么是动词?请真正懂的朋友解答

are you kidding with me 你是在骗我吗?do you love me? 你爱我吗?一个是问你现在是不是骗我,所以用,ing一个用do you,代表着你爱我吗,没问是不是真正【这可以用在之前】【do you love me before】【你之前爱过我吗?,(没这个)还是只是欺骗我罢了?】但是are you love me ?也可以用,代表着,你是不是爱着我,【现在】



Are You FUCKING Kidding Me?什么意思


“Do you kiding me?”的翻译


kidding me是什么意思

Are you kidding me?的省略表达,在跟我开玩笑吗?

kidding me能单独用吗

一般不会单独用。应为kidding me 没有一个 definite subject。一般是 Are you kidding me? subject-> you

what are you kidding me 语法错了吗

你好,一般是 Are you kidding me? 你在跟我开玩笑嘛?不加what的望采纳。

are you kidding后面能不能加 me


kid的用法 应该是r u kidding me 还是r u kidding with me?

are you kidding me?正解!

are you kidding for me 这句话有没有错 说的详细一点

完整的表达应该是Are you kidding me? kidding在这里不是名词,而是kid的现在分词形式,表示进行时态.而kid是及物的动词,因此不需要加for.

r u kidding me什么意思


Are you kidding me和Do you kidding me?两句意思一样吗?



are you kidding意思是你在开玩笑吗。 Its true. 这是真的。 No, Im serious. 不是,我是认真的。 扩展资料   Are you kidding? Sydney would never put up with that.   你开玩笑吗?雪梨绝对忍受不了。   Are you kidding? I"m never gonna take it off.   你开玩笑吗?我从没把它取下。   May: Are you kidding? It"s summer.   阿美:你在开玩笑嘛?这可是夏天。   Are you kidding? What kind of hotel is this?   开玩笑吧,这算什么酒店?   Are you kidding me? They would caught on eventually.   你在哄我?他们最终会理解的。

是are you killing me还是are you kiding me

are you kiding me?是正确的,意为你在和我开玩笑吗?

Are you kidding me是什么意思


You are kidding me有没有笑死我的意思

没有。You are kidding me是有你在跟我开玩笑、你在开玩笑吧你在逗我呢吧的意思。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。


两个意思一样,都是表示开玩笑的意思。you are kidding更常用,老美经常说:are you kidding me?

r u kidding me 什么意思

are you kidding me?你没开玩笑吧?

由于激活Adobe Acrobat 8时关了注册机,后来再激活时Keygen总说Are you kidding me?!求大神帮助解决。

正确方法如下:方法一1、删除文件C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataFLEXnetadobe_00080000_tsf.data2、启动Adobe Acrobat 8,稍等一会出现重新激活界面;3、点按"其它激活选项"4、选择"通过电话激活"并按"确定"5、运行Adobe Acrobat 8 注册机,复制激活码到注册机,按"Activate"获取授权码6、输入新的授权码,按"激活"方法二1、删除文件C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataFLEXnetadobe_00080000_tsf.data2、点按"更改序列号"3、运行Adobe Acrobat 8 注册机,按"Generate Serial"获取序列号,输入第一行的序列号并按"激活"4、选择"Adobe Acrobat 6 Standard",输入注册机第二行的序列号并按"下一步"5、选择"电话激活"6、复制激活码到注册机,按"Activate"获取授权码7、输入新的授权码,按"激活"

are you kidding with me

Are you kidding me 或者 Are you joking with me What are you doing 帮到您的话请采纳.

cad2007注册机are you kidding me?!


what are you kidding me语法错了吗,总觉得怪怪的

what are you @ me

Are u kidding me?如何回答?yes和no分别表示什么意思?


are you kidding me 里是及物动词吗?

是kid是 及物动词也是不及物动词kid [kid] n. 小山羊,小山羊肉,小孩,欺骗a. 小山羊皮制的vt. vi. 哄骗,嘲弄 参考例句He often gave his neighbor"s kids little presents.他常常送些小礼物给邻居的孩子。All the older kids have split to go dancing.所有的大孩子都开溜跳舞去了。Please go and pick up the kids.请接小孩Give my love to your kids.向你的孩子们问好。The kids today are so goddamn screwed up..今天的孩子都他妈的精力充沛...It rests me to watch the kids play skip rope.看孩子们玩跳绳我很惬意。My kid is going to school next year.我的孩子过年该上学了。The kids rolled about in the lawn.孩子们在草地上到处打滚。

Are you kidding me和 are you kidding的区别?


是Do you kid?还是 Are youkidding?

多用Are you kidding?你是在开玩笑吗?希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可追问~

are you kidding me怎么回答

No, I am serious.

areyou kidding me语法

常见的说法是:No.You are kidding.或者No.It"s only you who is kidding (me). kid解释为开玩笑时不太后面加宾语!

为什么是are you kidding me而不是are you to kidding to me


are you kidding me回答

Are you kidding me ?No, I "m serious .

Are you kidding me和Do you kidding me?两句意思一样吗?

你在开玩笑吧? 第一句是对的,第二句是错的,因为助动词do 后面用动词原形 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,

are you kidding me怎么回答

are you kidding me? 你在开玩笑吧? 如何回答要看语境, 你可以说 It"s true. 是实在的 No, I"m serious. 不是啊,是真的 Na, just pulling your leg 只是和你开玩笑,别当真

are you serious? 和 are you kidding me?意思


are you kidding me是什么意思

口语中常用的,你在跟我开玩笑?其它例句:1. We"re kidding ourselves, Bill. We"re not winning, we"re not even doing well. 我们在自己骗自己,比尔。我们没有赢,我们甚至都没有发挥好。来自柯林斯例句2. "Shall I come to see you?" — "Are you kidding? It"s miles."“我去看望你好吗?”——“你在开玩笑吗?路很远的。”如有疑问,请追问!

are you kidding me这句话有错误吗?

are you kid me

Are you kidding me? 是什么意思?



应该是:are you kidding me?你在对我开玩笑?

Are you kiding me 为什么不是are you kid me


r u kidding me什么意思

r u kidding me你在跟我开玩笑吧双语对照词典结果:百科释义《R U Kidding Me》是大嘴巴演唱的歌曲,歌曲由MC 40作词,由starr chen作曲,收录在大嘴巴第四张专辑《流感》中。专辑于2012年4月发行。例句:1.My response: are you kidding me? 我的回应是:你在开玩笑吧!

are you kidding me什么意思

1. 你开什么玩笑2. 你在逗我呢吧3. 你在开玩笑吧4. 你在跟我开玩笑吧5. 跟我开玩笑啊例句:1.No. are you kidding me? 怎么不是呢你在开玩笑吧

are you kidding me是什么意思


请问,according to studies conducted,是什么意思?studies和conducted分别是什么词,怎么解释呢?

According To Studies Conducted网络释义According To Studies Conducted:根据相关调查显示study 调查研究 studies是复数conducted进行的

如何科学高效地搞定List of Headings题

下面方法供你参考:1·只凭借段首段尾句有时找不到与之匹配的小标题,例如下面《剑桥真题集8》中的这道例题;2. 在有限的时间内读不完整个段落,就算能读完,苦于一个段落信息太多,不知哪句话是重点,或是不知道如何概括信息。原文:Thus aging and death should not beseen as inevitable, particularly as the organism possess many mechanisms for repair. … This is the basic problem of evolution.正确答案选项:Why dying is beneficial出自《剑8》鉴于最新更新出的《剑桥真题集12》每个Test 都考到了小标题,考生们不应忽视更不应放弃这种极易连环选错的题型。那么针对这种题型,我们到底应该如何科学应对呢?首先,要明确段落小标题的考点大部分情况下不是考整个段落的概括,而是考段落中心句的同义替换。其次,找准中心句后应该匹配同义替换的选项,而不是匹配原词重现的选项。如何快速找到中心句?平行阅读高效找到中心句对于出现小标题的文章,利用平行阅读法找标题最高效。先浏览小标题的选项,大致了解文章的主要内容,然后做一个段落配的其它题型,这个段落配的题都是这段话的重点,因此可以以此为据去找段落标题。例如《剑桥真题集12》 Test 8-Passage 3 中的例子:判断题:37 Using a committee structure would ensure that board members are fully informed about significant issues.出自C段,对应原文…committees…may be more efficient but can mean that the board as a whole is less involved in fully addressing some of the most important issues.不难选出与之相匹配的标题vi。填空题:38 Before 2008, non-executive directors were at a disadvantage because of their lack of ________.出自D段,对应原文:However, more professional and better-informed boards would have been particularly appropriate for banks when the executives had access to information that parttime non-executive directors lacked.根据这句话的信息可以匹配到小标题viii。当一个段落配的其它题目“料”够足时,甚至可以直接根据该题信息找到与之相关的小标题,例如:填空题:39 Boards tend to place too much emphasis on ________ considerations that are only of short-term relevance. 对应小标题vii。填空题:40 On certain matters, such as pay, the board may have to accept the views of________ . 对应小标题i。由此可见,利用平行阅读法找小标题一石二鸟,事半功倍!利用段落结构找到中心句对于那些后面没有配其它题的段落,无法通过平行阅读来找小标题,该怎么办呢?咱们还可以利用段落结构找到中心句。所谓读写不分家,想要了解雅思阅读文章的段落结构,可以先想想自己写作中的段落布局。考生一直“秉承”语文的影响,认为中心句一定在首句或尾句,其实不然。常见的段落结构有三种:A. 总分(总)或分总B. 驳论C. 提问题- 回答问题。在考场上读到一个段落,我们并不知道这个段落属于上面哪种结构,所以需要考生先给段落划分句子,即看到句点画斜线隔开。画斜线时注意瞻前顾后,看看是否有转折词眼或问号或结论词眼。倘若有这三种信号词中的任意一种即为中心句,倘若这三种信号词都没有,则看段首句。对于最熟悉的第一种段落结构,在此不多赘言,主要介绍如何利用后两种段落结构找对应的小标题。驳论:标志词有yet, but, however, although,despite 等。例如剑11-Test 4-Passage 3原文:(Para. C) …/But run them through the cogs and wheels of the language machine, let it arrange them in some very special orders, and there is nothing that these meaningless streams of air cannot do./…标题:ii The way in which a few sounds are organized to convey a huge range of meaning再如剑8-Test 3-Passage 3原文:(Para. D)…/Although more and more people attain an advanced age as a result of developments in medical care and better nutrition, the characteristic upper limit for most remains 80 years./…标题:vii A stable life span despite improvements当某个段落内部既有问句又有转折词时,优先视驳论为中心句。提问题- 回答问题:标志为问号。段首问句为该段中心句,段尾问句为下一段中心句,段中的问句也得留心。段首为问句时,不必急着去看后面的问答,精读问句即可。例如剑7-Test 1-Passage 2:原文:(Para. G) What explains this remarkable turn of events? ( 代词this turn 指代上一段尾句water demand has actually fallen.)标题:ii An explanation for reduced water use段尾的问句为下一段的中心句,例如剑8-Test 3-Passage 3:原文:(Para. A) …/But are the wear and tear and loss of function of technical objects and the death of living organisms really similar or comparable?标题:(Para. B) ix Fundamental differences in aging of objects and organisms考生通过一定的找转折词和句号训练,都能练就一副鹰眼,快速找到段落中心句。但是,不少“烤鸭”却在找对应的标题选项时前功尽弃,被“烤”挂了。怎样才能准确找到对应的选项呢?如何精准匹配到同义替换的选项?在匹配选项时考生们常犯两种错误:一是过度“青睐”原词重现的选项,二是断章取义看选项。下面看看这两个坏习惯是如何让考生们成功入套的。例如剑12-Test 8-Passage 3-Paragph A,不少学生根据中心句The role of bank directors and management and their widely publicised failures have been extensively picked over and examined in reports, inquiries and commentaries.选了小标题ii The impact on companies of being subjected to close examination。因为看到了extensively…examined 和close examination 原词重现,但没有注意到小标题ii 讲的是impact,断章取义,不看全选项只能黯然伤神。再如剑7-Test 3-Passage 2-Paragph F, 学生找的段首总说句为中心句There are two other kinds of research that have thrown some light on the origins of the Native American population; they involve the study of teeth and of languages.选了小标题iii Greenberg"s analysis of the dentaland linguistic evidence。因为看到了teeth and language 和dental and linguistic,殊不知整段话中从来没有出现过Greenberg。所以,要想精准选到与之匹配的小标题必须要注意两点:一是中心句与选项之间的同义替换,二是注意看全选项,避免断章取义。如果注意到这两点,上面剑12 的例子,学生才会注意到Para. 2 中The knock-on effect of this scrutiny 和小标题ii The impact on companies of being subjected to close examination 之间的同义替换。对于上面剑8 的例子,学生在划分句子瞻前顾后时,注意到没有遇到 Greenberg 这个人名,而转向去选小标题ii dental evidence。综上所述,在做List of headings 题型时,要注意利用平行阅读法和段落结构快速找到段落中心句;在匹配选项时,注意同义替换和看全选项。

outstanding transactions是什么意思

In addition to completing outstanding transactions, this processing also ensures that any locks held in the associated resource managers are released.除完成这些事务以外,该处理过程也确保相关资源管理器释放所持有的锁定。

Pending Transactions是什么意思

英文:Pending Transactions中文:未完成的交易可能您的英文不是很完整,导致翻译的结果不是很流畅也许是翻译水平有限,请见谅很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

有首英文歌词是:My teas cool could wanding why got all 这首英文歌的歌名是什么

根据您提供的歌词,这首歌可能是Eminem的《Stan》,其中有一句歌词是“my tea"s gone cold,i"m wondering why,i..”。《Stan》是一首关于一位名为Stan的歌迷,他写了一封信给Eminem,但Eminem并没有回复,后来Stan因为自己的问题而自杀了。这首歌的歌词非常深刻和感人,也成为了Eminem的代表作之一。

2014年英语下册reading《the ghost in the park》全文急用啊啊

One Sunday morning ,Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park. They love to chat there. As usual, they sat under the big tree. Suddenly, they heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree. They turned around but could not see anything unusual. They were frightened."Is anybody there ?" Millie asked. Nobody answered. They listened very carefully and heard the strang noise again. The two girls were very afraid. They ran away quickly. On their way, they saw Andy."What happened?" Andy asked."There"s a ghost in the park. Please help us." Millie said."Really? Tell me more." Andy said.Millie told Andy everything. Andy went to the park, stood beside the tree and listened carefully. Then he heard the whisper! He looked behind the tree and heard another whisper. He was now sure the sound came from the bushes. He searched carefully ."Oh! Here it is." Andy said to himself. He found a littIe cat in the bushes. It was very weak .When it miaowed, it made a sound like a whisper.Andy put the little cat into a box and went to find Millie and Amy. They were still frightened. Andy opened the box and showed them the "ghost"."This is the ghost in the park,"Andy said.Millie and Amy were surprised — it was a little cat!Later that day,they took the little cat to the animal centre.People in the centre would take care of it.The following Sunday,Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park again and had a great time there.They were not afraid any more.一个星期日的早晨,米丽和艾米去阳光公园,他们喜欢在那里闲聊。像平常一样,他们坐在一棵大树下,突然,他们从大树后面的灌木丛中听到一阵窃窃私语声。他们转过身,但是没有发现任何不寻常的东西,他们很害怕,米丽问:“有人在吗?” 没有一个人回答. 他们很认真的听,并且又听到那个奇怪的声音响起来了。这两个女生非常的害怕,因此她们飞快的跑了起来,在路上,她们看见了安迪,“发生什么事了?”安迪问道。“公园里有一个怪物,请帮助我们”米丽说。安迪说“真的吗?多告诉我一些吧。”因此,米丽告诉安迪刚刚发生的一切,安迪就去了公园,站在那棵树下仔细的听。然后,他听到了私语声,往树后面看,又听到另外的声音。他现在肯定声音来自灌木丛。他小心地搜寻着,"哦! 它在这里。”安迪自言自语。 他发现了灌木丛中有一只小猫。 它是非常微弱的。当它呻吟的时候,听起来就象私语的声音。安迪把小猫放入箱子并且去找米丽和艾米。 他们两个人仍然被吓坏了。 安迪打开了箱子并且给他们看所谓的‘怪物"。“"这个就是公园里的怪物”, 安迪说。米丽和艾米非常的惊奇—它居然只是一只小的猫! 那天以后,他们把小猫送到了动物中心,那里的人们会好好照料它。下一个星期天、米丽和艾米再去阳光公园并且有在那里度过了愉快的时光。他们再也不害怕了。

译林7B U5 ReadingThe ghost in the park 翻译

不知道是不是这个????One Sunday morning ,Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park .They love to chat there . As usual ,they sat under the big tree ,Suddenly,they heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree .They turned around but could not see anything unusual.They ran away quickly.On their way,they saw Andy." What happened?" Andy asked ." There"s a ghost in the park .Please help us, " Millie said." Really? Tell me more ," Andy said .Millie told Andy everything .Andy went to the park ,stood beside the tree and listened carefully.Then he heard the whisper ! He looked behind the tree and heard another whisper .He was now sure the sound came from the bushes .He searched carefully." Oh! Here it is ," Andy said to himself .He found a little cat in the bushes .It was very weak .When it miaowed, it made a sound like a whisper .Andy put the little cat into a box and went to find Millie and Amy .They were still frightened. Andy opened the box and showed them the "ghost"." This is the ghost in the park,"Andy said.Millie and Amy were surprised------it was a little cat ! Later that day,they took the little cat to the animal centre. People in the centre would take care of it .The following Sunday , Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park again and had a great time there .They were not afraid any more .一个星期日的早晨,米莉和艾米去了阳光公园。他们喜欢在那里聊天。像往常一样,他们坐在那棵大树下,突然,他们从树后灌木丛中听到耳语。他们转过身,但没看到什么不寻常的事。他们跑得很快。在路上,他们看见安迪。出什么事了。安迪问。在公园里有一个幽灵。请帮助我们,”米莉说。“真的吗?告诉我更多,”安迪说。米莉把一切都告诉了安迪。安迪去了公园,站在树旁,仔细听。然后他听到耳语!他看了看树后面,又听到一声低语。他现在确定声音来自灌木丛。他仔细地搜查。哦。在这里,”安迪对自己说。他在草丛中发现了一只猫。它非常虚弱。当它喵喵叫时,它发出像低语的声音。安迪把小猫放进一个盒子,去找米莉和艾米。他们仍然感到害怕。安迪打开盒子,发现他们的“鬼”。这是在公园里,鬼"andy说。米莉和艾米都很惊讶------它是一只猫!那天的晚些时候,他们把小猫送到了动物中心。中心的人会照顾它。接下来的星期日,米莉和艾米去了阳光公园又有很大的时间。他们再也不害怕了。

death stranding翻译

死亡搁浅。《死亡搁浅(Death Stranding)》是一款由Kojima Production制作SIE发行的开放世界类动作互动游戏,是小岛秀夫与小岛制作工作室(Kojima Productions)从科乐美独立之后发表的首款作品,在游戏中玩家既能享受到探索的自由度,也能体验到小岛秀夫游戏一贯的剧情要素,同时游戏还将提供在线内容。此游戏是日本游戏制作人小岛秀夫成立Kojima Production后的第一个游戏项目,由小岛监督的老搭档新川洋司担任美术指导,曾与他合作过《自由之子》《食蛇者》和《幻痛》的Kyle Cooper操刀标题设计,在2016年E3展会前的索尼记者招待会上公布首部预告片后备受瞩目。



英语流利说 Level6 Unit1 Part1 Reading:The Boy Who Cried Wolf&Survival in the Outback

Once upon a time there was a mischievous young boy who was given the task of tending a herd of sheep on a hillside near a village. The boy grew tired and bored while watching the sheep, so he found ways to amuse himself, such as climbing trees or chasing sheep. One day he came up with what he thought was a brilliant idea. He climbed to the top of a tree and shouted toward the village:"Wolf! Wolf! Help me please!" When the villagers heard his cries for help, they rushed up the hill to rescue him and chase the wolf away. Of course, when they got there, there was no wolf to be seen, and the boy, who was still in the tree, was laughing. The sheep were grazing peacefully. Annoyed, the villagers returned to the village and back to their normal activities. A few days later, the boy grew bored again, and played the same trick on the villagers. This time the villagers were furious at the boy. That night he was punished by his mother for his bad behavior. For a while after that, life went on as normal and the boy behaved, he didn"t want to be punished again. Then, one afternoon while he was tending the sheep, he noticed that the sheep was were bleating and nervous.He didn"t know what was causing their strange behavior , so he climbed a tree to see if he could determine what was going on . What he saw from a tree was a frightening sight , a big, hairy wolf chasing after the sheep, Terrified, he screamed for help:"Wolf! Wolf! There"s a wolf chasing the sheep!" This time, when the villagers heard his cries for help, they were convinced that it was another one of his pranks . Nobody believed that there was really a wolf, so they ignored his frantic calls for help. The wolf, having nothing to fear, feasted on several of the sheep and then slipped back into the forest. What is the moral of this story? Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth. What is the purpose of this story? It"s to educate. What do you think the boy learned? Lying to others can have serious consequences. What can you infer from the passage of the boy? He was mischievous and selfish. Someone who is mischievous is someone who often gets into trouble (but not serious trouble). To feast on something means to eat a large amount of it. To be frantic means to be desperate. To be annoyed means to be upset (and a bit irritated). To cry for help means to call out in a loud voice for help. To play a trick on someone means to deceive or mislead them. How did the villagers feel the first time the boy fool them? They were annoyed. How did the villagers feel the second time the boy fool them?They were furious.The villagers were annoyed when the boy fooled them the first time. He learned that lying to others can have serious consequences. What did his mother do to him after he trick the villagers second time? That night he was punished by his mother for his bad behavior. What happened to the sheep when the wolf finally came after them? The wolf, having nothing to fear, feasted on several of the sheep and then slipped back into the forest. What did the villagers do the third time the boy cried a wolf? Nobody believed that there was really a wolf, so they ignored his frantic calls for help. Why didn"t the villagers come to help him when the wolf came for real? This time, when the villagers heard his cries for help, they were convinced that it was another one of his pranks. What would you do if you ever found yourself lost in the wild? To find out, you can join a weekend survival course in Australia"s Outback Desert. This vast area is famous for its harsh desert climate . To survive, your first task will be to find water , a rare commodity in the desert. Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water. You can also cut and suck moisture from the roots and leaves of plants. Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface . But be careful. The branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don"t eat them. The best place to build a shelter is in an area with the least amount of sunlight , like between sand dunes or in a trench, To make a trench, dig a hole big enough to lie down in and use the extra sand to create a barrier or wall on each side . This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun. Nights can be cold, so knowing how to make a fire is essential. One way to build a fire is to use the hand drill method. This is one of the oldest and simplest ways to start a fire. It involves rolling a stick between your hands while pressing it onto a notched piece of wood with dry tinder below. The idea is to use the friction to create enough heat to ignite the tinder. This can be a lot of work. As for food, you"ll have to be open-minded. Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive . They may even taste good, like scrambled eggs! The tone of this reading is? instructive and entertaining What should you be careful of when searching for water? the leaves of gum trees To be open-minded means to be flexible and ready for something new. Something is essential if it is necessary or required. Where is this reading probably taking from? a travel magazine How can you prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness? take a weekend survival course An area is vast if it is immense or huge. Something is rare if it is hard to find. The purpose of this reading is to give advise on how to survive in the desert. What is a strong indicator of water? Animals such as ants. To ignite something means to spark an explosion or fire. Something is harsh if it is intense or severe. One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course. If something is essential, it is necessary or very important. If you are lost in the desert, your first task will be to find water. One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course. The idea is to create enough heat through friction to ignite the tinder. This can be a lot of work. What is essential for surviving in the desert?To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert. What are potential sources of food? Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive. What can be signs of water? Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water. What is the purpose of having a barrier on each side of trench?This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun. amuse: / verb/ to make time pass pleasantly for somebody or yourself; to make somebody laugh or smile e.g The boy grew tired and bored while watching the sheep, so he found ways to amuse himself. This piece of writing was done to amuse the reader by presenting some crazy logic. mischievous: / adjective / enjoying playing ticks and annoying people infer: / verb/ to form an opinion that something is probably true because of information that you have e.g From this passage we can infer that the boy was mischievous and selfish. feast : /verb/ to eat a large amount for food, with great enjoyment e.g The wolf, having nothing to fear, feasted on several of the sheep and then slipped back into the forest. hillside: / noun/ the sloping side of a hill e,g A mischievous young boy who was given the task of tending a herd of sheep on a hillside near a village. indicator: /noun/ something that can be regarded as a sign of something else e.g Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water.

我要黑人女歌手Esperanza Spalding 的中文个人历史专辑介绍



include:包括,包含,及物动词 include sth.包括某事在内 include前面要有主语的.如:The price includes postage charges. 价格包括邮费在内。I include eggs on the list of things to buy. 我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋。The university includes ten colleges. 该大学有10个学院。including一般用在逗号后面,这个是标志哦,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的.including是介词,不是动词. the band played many songs, including some of my favourites. 这个乐队唱了很多的歌,包括我喜欢的一些歌Seven, including a goalkeeper.7名,包括一位守门员。trademarks (including service marks);商标(包括服务商标);an arthropod family including: chalcidflies.包括在节肢动物一族;小蜂科之蜂


(1)including 是现在分词,在许多情况下用作介词,后面直接接宾语,含有补充说明之意。Thirty passengers were hurt, including five children.三十名乘客受伤,包括5个孩子。(2) include 为动词,意为“包括,包含”,侧重指被包含着是整体的一部分。The list include many new names.这张名单上包含许多新名字。The book includes two chapters on grammar.这本书包含两章关于语法的内容。(3) included 是过去分词形式的形容词,在表示“包括……在内”时常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后,起着补充说明的作用。They will send you the book for $15, postage included.他们将会把此书寄给你,单价15美元,包括邮资在内。




《DingDongBell》歌词:Ding Dong Bell - The New England Children"s ChoirDing dong bellPussy"s in the wellWho put her inLittle Johnny GreenWho pulled her outLittle Tommy StoutWhat a naughty boy was thatTo drown poor pussy catWho never did him any harmAnd killed the mice in his father"s farmDing dong bellPussy"s in the wellWho put her inLittle Johnny GreenWho pulled her outLittle Tommy StoutWhat a naughty boy was thatTo drown poor pussy catWho never did him any harmAnd killed the mice in his father"s farmDing dong bellPussy"s in the wellWho put her inLittle Johnny GreenWho pulled her outLittle Tommy StoutWhat a naughty boy was thatTo drown poor pussy catWho never did him any harmAnd killed the mice in his father"s farmDing dong bellPussy"s in the wellWho put her inLittle Johnny GreenWho pulled her outLittle Tommy StoutWhat a naughty boy was thatTo drown poor pussy catWho never did him any harmAnd killed the mice in his father"s farm


我们的不同点令邻居们奇怪不已,我想这一点在他认为自己独自抚养了我这方面确实起作用.(considing---considering?) Our differences struck some of our neigbors as odd(主句) which made sense,I suppose,considing that he"s raised me by himself.(定语从句) I suppose(插入成分) that he"s raised me by himself(considering的宾语从句) 这句话 considering 的逻辑主语不明确.

The memories came flooding back of a night in Belleville


英文问题 考虑到的几种说法 considering 还有什么given suppose providing 有些乱 谢谢


求 finding nemo 的英文故事简介 要短的,

“Finding Nemo” tells the story of clownfish Marlin and his only son Nemo.Nemo is a clownfish in Chinese.In the sea,Marlin and Nemo lead a safe and quiet life.Like all the fathers,Marlin tries to protect his son from being hurt.But Nemo eager to explore the reef. One day,Nemo is captured by a cruel man.Then he put Nemo and many fish to a big tank.The coward father knew it,he go to rescue his son and of course all the animals in Barrier Reef Helped him find his naughty son,Nemo.In doing so,Marlin overcomes his tear and he rescues his son. I like the dubbing of Nemo,is a boy and he is very lovely and I think Nemo is full of naughty.He likes risking very much. In my opinion,Finding Nemo is similar from The Lion King.They"re all telling us to treasure the love for parents.I like the Finding Nemo in the same way I like his coward father,Marlin AND Naughty Nemo.
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