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怎样将word文档中wingdings 2的字体符号替换为宋体字

Word文档中插入的wingdings 2的字体符号字体为Times New Roman时可通过在其字符的后面再插入一个普通文本的中文字符,字体框中应显示为宋体,接着选中此中文字符后点格式刷,再点输入的wingdings 2的字体符号或全部选中内容,即可发现字体框中显示为宋体了。





在Word 打出来的Wingdings字体 我想要复制到 新建 文本文档 里 可是却只有空格,这是为什么呢?





Windows7字体???什么意思?在Windows7系统它自带的有许多字体的不知道你说的是什么字体》?安装就直接打开那上面有一个“安装”你点它就行了 xp仿Windows7的美化软件建议不要用那样会引起系统的网页打开了却看不到网页选项卡




可以在Word中打出来,以Word 2016为例,方法如下:1、首先打开Word,点击插入。2、在右侧选择符号。3、选择下面的其他符号。4、在字体中选择Wingdings2,选择这个符号,点击插入。5、这个符号就可以打出来了。




1、打开Word2、按ALT+F113、加一个模块然后双击那个模块、4、建立一个过程sub test然后回车5、过程中间写上selection.typetext chrw(149)6、然后按F57、关闭VBA编辑画面8、在Word中选择所有、把字体设置为Winding。这样那个字符就会变成黑色背景的⑩

growing up with good book作文(growing up with reading英语作文)

您好,我就为大家解答关于growing up with good book作文,growing up with reading英语作文相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一... 您好,我就为大家解答关于growing up with good book作文,growing up with reading英语作文相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、My Dear Friends,Reading is very important. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds, but also make us cleverer and happier. Our study can be improved if we read more good books. The more we read, the more we will learn and the brighter our future will become. However, some students spend much time in listening to music, watching TV or going online to play games. It takes much of their spare time. So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books, especially read classics so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture to the world. Let"s start reading now. And let it become a part of our life!。




1.打开PPT。这里是临时创建的PPT,因此在设置之前需要新建一个,然后直接打开即可。 2.输入适当的文字。接着在空白的地方输入对应的一些文字,这样才能进行设置,这里是举例,因此随便输入了一些文字。 3.选中其中一部分文字。自己想对那部分文字进行项目符号的设置,直接选择即可,然后点击右键,接着选择项目符号就行了。 4.选择自己喜欢的类型。在选择好项目符号后,会有各种类型的项目符号,根据自己的喜好,自行选择一个比较好的项目符号就行。 5.点击编号。如果是编号的设置,那么直接点击最下面的编号,这时候弹出一个窗口,点击右边的选项,然后选择自己喜欢的类型,最后点击确定即可。






Windows字体分为光栅字体(.FON)和可缩放字体;也可分屏幕字体、打印字体以及打印和屏幕都适用的字体。TrueType字体(TTF)就是打印和屏幕都适用的可缩放字体。还有一种字体分类方法:比例字体和固定字体,即英文字体和中文字体。 有一类字体是我们感兴趣的,它使用的字符集与Windows ANSI或OEM字符集毫无共同之处,我们称为非正文字体或符号字体。最重要的当然是“Marlett”。它是Windows的系统字体之一,开始菜单中的“4 ”,窗口右端的最大化、最小化、还原、关闭按钮,单选、复选框前的“√”,以及用于状态条中的“5 6 ”等等,都是用该字体建立的。此字体千万不能删除,否则前述符号都将变为数字形式。 除此之外,用得较多的字体有:“Symbol”、“Wingdings”、“Webdings”、“Monotype Sorts”和“MT Extra”(后两种为office97所带)。其中“Symbol”字体用于数学公式中,包括希腊字母、数字、运算符、集合符号和其它符号;“Webdings”字体汇集了日常生活中常用的表意符号,如:电话、书本、眼镜、信封、剪刀、钟表、手势、箭头等;“Monotype Sorts”中包含了200多种箭头、指示符和标记;“MT Extra”中只有很少的数学符号,用来扩充“Symbol”字体。“Webdings”字体是对“Marlett”和“Wingdings”字体的补充。 此外,安装应用软件也会安装一些特殊的符号字体。







Zami Mdingi的《Happy Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Happy Song歌手:Zami Mdingi专辑:Shades Of MeHappy Song主唱:凤娘&黄芭乐闽歌爱好者超群:76048906男:我来献唱这条歌 麻烦你将郁卒暂时(放暑假)虽然不是陈雷嘛不是伍百 想欲祝你生日Happy拉女:需要恁的拍仔声 有恁的祝福才会有好心情我先干杯一嘴来饮乎干 今仔日你尚大男:我来献唱这条歌 祝福你万事如意(一路发)你那无聊越头想欲走 我来臭弹 乎恁笑哈哈女:我来献唱这条歌 祝福你每日Happy song未煞三个愿望拢会变有影 唱煞这条歌 叫我第一名我来献唱这条歌 麻烦你将郁卒暂时(放暑假)虽然不是陈雷嘛不是伍百 想欲祝你生日Happy拉女:需要恁的拍仔声 有恁的祝福才会有好心情我先干杯一嘴来饮乎干 今仔日你尚大合:我来献唱这条歌 祝福你万事如意(一路发)你那无聊越头想欲走 我来臭弹 乎恁笑哈哈我来献唱这条歌 祝福你每日Happy song未煞三个愿望拢会变有影 唱煞这条歌 叫我第一名女:我来献唱这条歌 祝福你万事如意(一路发)男:你那无聊越头想欲走 我来臭弹 乎恁笑哈哈合:我来献唱这条歌 祝福你每日Happy song未煞三个愿望拢会变有影 唱煞这条歌 叫我第一名http://music.baidu.com/song/2612246

Zami Mdingi的《Happy Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Happy Song歌手:Zami Mdingi专辑:Happy SongHappy Song主唱:凤娘&黄芭乐闽歌爱好者超群:76048906男:我来献唱这条歌 麻烦你将郁卒暂时(放暑假)虽然不是陈雷嘛不是伍百 想欲祝你生日Happy拉女:需要恁的拍仔声 有恁的祝福才会有好心情我先干杯一嘴来饮乎干 今仔日你尚大男:我来献唱这条歌 祝福你万事如意(一路发)你那无聊越头想欲走 我来臭弹 乎恁笑哈哈女:我来献唱这条歌 祝福你每日Happy song未煞三个愿望拢会变有影 唱煞这条歌 叫我第一名我来献唱这条歌 麻烦你将郁卒暂时(放暑假)虽然不是陈雷嘛不是伍百 想欲祝你生日Happy拉女:需要恁的拍仔声 有恁的祝福才会有好心情我先干杯一嘴来饮乎干 今仔日你尚大合:我来献唱这条歌 祝福你万事如意(一路发)你那无聊越头想欲走 我来臭弹 乎恁笑哈哈我来献唱这条歌 祝福你每日Happy song未煞三个愿望拢会变有影 唱煞这条歌 叫我第一名女:我来献唱这条歌 祝福你万事如意(一路发)男:你那无聊越头想欲走 我来臭弹 乎恁笑哈哈合:我来献唱这条歌 祝福你每日Happy song未煞三个愿望拢会变有影 唱煞这条歌 叫我第一名http://music.baidu.com/song/2612354


suite unit building floor etc套房 单元 楼房 楼层 等为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!

用英文介绍Empire State building(中文为帝国大厦+)?

The Empire State Building was pleted in New York in 1931.It was the tallest building in the world.It held that title for more than forty years,until the first of the World Trade Center"s towers were built.Even though the Empire State Building is no longer the tallest building in the world,it still holds the title as the best-known architectural landmarks.Around the Great Depression days in the 1930s,the Empire State Building was almost pleted.Although,there were many hardships around the Great Depression,the Empire State Building was pleted with skill and honor.It still remains as one of the best,out of all those in the world. Two men had a dream to build the tallest building in the world in New York City.They were John J.Raskob and Alfred E.Smith.The building"s name came from one of the New York"s nicknames as the "Empire State." Raskob had worked as a bookkeeper who eventually worked his way up to be the vice-president of General Motors.Smith was a former governor who proved to be an unsuccesssful canditdate during the elections.They met and discussed the idea to building the "Empire State Building." First they had to find a place to build such a building.They found that the best site would have to be on the old and closed Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on Fifth Avenue,betwwen 33rd and 34th streets This site was close to Manhattan "s southern tip because to support heavy and tall buildings,they needed bedrock underneath them.This much bedrock could only be found in Manhattan.Bedrock is an enormous,strong,deep rock that is enough to hold enormous pressure and weight.The two partners also wanted the building located where business was good.Raskob had paid around $20 million for the closed hotel,which was then torn down to begin this new project. It took sixteen different versions of the design of the Empire State Building before they finally gained approval from Raskob,Smith,and the others that were involved in the project.When the designs were approved,construction took place at the site.There was going to be a grand entrance that would use most of the five-story base.The entrance would be four stories high and the main lobby on the inside would be three stories high.After the 80th floor,the tower narrows until it reaches 1,250 feet above Fifth Avenue.the observation decks would be built on teh 85th and 102nd floors.At the top there would be a TV antenna,which would make the "Empire State Building" to a total of 1,454 feet tall.The best part; about the designs were that the Empire State Building could be built both quickly and easitly.The materials were brought in,in the order that they were needed to quicken the process.The delivery of the parts followed a schedule so that the workers could build the Empire State Building as if it wer a toy.Before the construction started,a model of the building made out of plaster had to be made.The model of the Empire Sttae Building was 7 feet tall and weighed 525 pounds.It looked so realistic that the Fox Film pany used it for the movie,Skyline,instead of the real building. 可以只要第一段,也可以只要第一和第三段!,5,用英文介绍Empire State building(中文为帝国大厦+) 如题,不要太多,也不要太少!只要介绍帝国大厦的,不要介绍纽约的!

海运提单ocean bill of lading 海运单sea waybill 正本提单

海运提单 ocean bill of lading 是下面三个提单的总称也就是SWB/OBL/TELEX RELEASE 是海运提单的三种分类。正本提单:ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING .三张正本,是船公司或者你的物流公司给你签发的三张正本三张副本的提单,代表物权,收货人拿到正本提单之后,在正本提单的正本页背书,去换取提货单之后才能提货。现在除了南美或者有特殊要求的地方,一般都是信用证付款方式需要出正本提单。电放提单:TELEX RELEASE。船公司或者你的物流公司给你签发的电放提单,只有一张,上面盖TELEX RELEASE /SURRENDED印,收货人带着电放提单扫描件就可以去换取提货单。不分船公司签发的电放提单需要电放费,海运单:SEA WAYBILL。SWB提单是由船公司签发,只有一张,除了抬头显示是SWB提单之外,提单内容跟电放提单是一样的。但是SWB不需要带着提单去换取提货单,直接带着自己是收货人的证明就可以直接去船公司提货,比电放提单更加方便但是风险更大。SWB提单没有其他费用,所以很多嫌正本提单邮寄不安全而且耽误时间,有担心有电放费的客人,会选择用SWB。以上,纯手打。有问题,欢迎再次提问交流。望采纳,谢谢。

This building does have a wholesome family feel to it.

不知道在语法上算是什么成分 可能是补足语?这个句子没有问题吧? 很口语 是要说 这个建筑真的有一种家庭的感觉(在里面)? 但是to又解释不了了。高手继续回答吧

reading in rainy days


吻别英文版,王力宏 歌词有:standing in mountain hi

Hiding from the rain and snowTrying to forget but I won"t let goLooking at a crowded streetListening to my own heart beatSo many peopleAll around the worldTell me where do I findSomeone like you girlTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand before I"m oldShow me what love isHaven"t got a clueShow me that wonders can be trueThey say nothing lasts foreverWe are only here todayLove"s now or neverBring me far awayTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand and hold meShow me what loveIs be my guiding starIt is easyTake me to your heartStanding on a mountain highLooking at the moon through a clear blue skyI should go and see some friendsBut they don"t really comprehendDon"t need too much talkingWithout saying anythingAll I need is someoneWho makes me wanna singTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand before I"m oldShow me what love isHaven"t got a clueShow me that wonders can be trueThey say nothing lasts foreverWe are only here todayLove"s now or neverBring me far awayTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand and hold meShow me what loveIs be my guiding starIt is easyTake me to your heartTake me Take me Take meTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand and hold meShow me what loveIs be my guiding starIt is easyTake me to your heart


Mike likes reading.陈述句句型。

mike like reading stories那个错误了,并改正

mike likes readiing stories. mike 是第三人称单数,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。

Gary Lawyer的《Riding》 歌词

歌曲名:Riding歌手:Gary Lawyer专辑:Nights On Fire: The Best Of Gary LawyerChamillionaire Ft. Jae Millz & Papoose - Ridin (Remix)Sound of Revenge (Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Cheea)Remix!! Jae Millz, Papoose and Chamillionaire (Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Cheea)Chamilitary man (Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch,Cheea)From the dirty south to the east coastSame thing folksThe N.Y.P.Dbe hatinand hopin that they goin to catch us ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyAnd in my hometownits the same thingyou know HPD can"t catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirty(he"s back)Chamillionaire:I"m a millionaire(yeah)I deserve some respectThe reason you was hiredWas to serve and protect(don"t serve and protect)but burn up your chequeTake you a year to make what I earn in a secOld white lady said i was disturbin her rest(Yup)Let me put you on to some current eventsLast two times that i saw the policeI got served a sapina and served an arrest(Yup)Who the hell said the suburbs was the bestHe a liar I gotta bring "em back to the streetsJae millz got beef I"m comin back to the eastPapoose got beef I"m comin back with my piece(uh!)I own my chrome not rentin itThe police know I"m gettin itI roll 4 dough InfinitySo they pull me over tell me show identityContinental drop roll like Kennedy"Cept you can minus the assassinationI know cats be hatin"I know that you waitin"To catch me slippin"while I"m tippinIsn"t that amazin"Cuz you Can"t drink gon be tough to findPolice tryin take me down like I"m Busta RhymesWe"re tryn"a bust da rhymesThats why they bustin down the doorsIn the club tellin us to touch the ground(huh)The N.Y.P.Dbe hatinand hopin that they goin to catch us ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyAnd in my hometownits the same thingyou know HPD can"t catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirty(he"s back)Jae Millz:I know the one time watchin me"Cuz everywhere I go they followinAnd they stoppin me(Why?)"Cuz they think I"m ridin dirtyBut you know I"m too smart for thatAnd as far as the tint what as dark as thatI got "em midnight she be black on both sidesProbably over city size so our boys rideI know they hate to see a young G ridin"Pretty ass vehicle with a neck full of diamondsBut get too close and I"ll blind "emI"ll show the strip girls what Harlem likeWhen I"m at Harlem Nights bag the wildest DivasMake "em take me shopping in the GalleriaFrom H-town to H-town we ride outBurn money, shine and pull "em rides outHit the block post up and grind outWhen you hit cops the only time you call a time outIt"s your boy Jae Millz in hereI gotta keep it trill in here"Specially when I"m on the remix ridin dirtywith the homie ChamillionairePut it in the air!The N.Y.P.Dbe hatinand hopin that they goin to catch us ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyAnd in my hometownits the same thingyou know HPD can"t catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirty(he"s back)Papoose:Papoose Papoose that"s who pass youBad news that dude parked dead on the strip(uh)Keep a hot hun ridin shotgunWhen I"m makin my runs gettin" head in the whip(uh)Blow my gun "til the cops comeKeep it on cock son put lead in the clipCame to a road block, man that"s a bitchi can make a u-turn, fled on "em quickAutomatic, won"t be caught dead with a stickPut the pedal to the medal I"m wreckless with this oneOn the I-95, hand full of piffGot the wild eye"s whyI"m takin the riskYou sideline guys beggin" don"t snitchHope the canine can"t find the bread or the bricksNone of ya"ll rappers ain"t F"in with thisYa"ll movin" backwards like 7 to 6(uh)wheels goin" and goin"I stay smokin" and blowin"I"m steady blowin" and blowin" that straight BuddhaSip Crys like Chris brown,Christopher Wallace,Chris Reeves, Christon and LudaKeep the gat cocked stashed in the stash boxLocked up with padlocks I"m a straight shootaA future billionaire runnin" with ChamillionaireI"m outta here homie here come the state troopersThe N.Y.P.Dbe hatinand hopin that they goin to catch us ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyAnd in my hometownits the same thingyou know HPD can"t catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirty(he"s back)The N.Y.P.Dbe hatinand hopin that they goin to catch us ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyAnd in my hometownits the same thingyou know HPD can"t catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtyTryin to catch me ridin dirtybut tell em to try againEndChamillionaire Ft. Jae Millz & Papoose - Ridin (Remix)http://music.baidu.com/song/2565448

leading indicator是什么意思

leading indicator领先指标[网络短语]leading indicator 领先指标,先行指标,领先经济指标leading economic indicator 主要经济指标,经济领先指标,领先经济指标Economic Leading Indicator 综合领先经济指标希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢!!

leading indicator是什么意思

  leading indicator  [英][u02c8li:diu014b u02c8u026andu026au02cckeu026atu0259] [美][u02c8lidu026au014b u02c8u026andu026au02ccketu025a]  领先指标;  领先指标(又称前导指标)是指相对于国民经济周期波动,在指标的时间上领先,例如某指标走上高峰或跌入低谷比国民经济周期早若干个月,那么就称这些指标为领先指标。这些指标对即将到来的年份里的经济情况可以提供预兆。  【概念定义】  1、领先指标:是在变化时间上早于预测对象,即波峰或波谷的出现时间均早于预测对象。  2、同步指标:变化时间与预测对象完全同步,即出现波谷与波峰的时间与预测对象相一致。  3、滞后指标:在变化时间上迟于预测对象。  【预测步骤】  1、根据预测的目标和要求找出领先指标;  2、画出领先指标、同步指标、滞后指标的时间序列图;  3、进行预测。  【应用条件】  1、确认指标之间的伴随关系到现如今是否仍然存在;  2、间隔时间有什么变化

loading-indicator怎么使用 可以设置样式嘛

indicator> 组件有一些私有样式,如下:item-color {color}:设置项的颜色,可以是颜色的名称,例如 red;也可以是 16 进制的颜色,例如 #RRGGBB。item-selected-color {color}:被选中时的颜色,可以是颜色的名称,red;也可以是 16 进制的颜色,例如 #RRGGBB。item-size {number}:元素的个数。通用样式盒模型flexbox 布局positionopacitybackground-color

construction. building. structure 的区别

construction n. 建设;建筑物;解释;造句building n. 建筑;建筑物v. 建筑;建立;增加(build的ing形式)structure n. 结构;构造;建筑物vt. 组织;构成;建造 是有细微差别的。building最普通。construction偏向建设。structure偏向结构。

英语单词:structure,building 和 construction 都是“建筑物”的意思 其区别是如何?

building n. 建筑;建筑物structure n. 结构;构造;建筑物construction n. 建设;建筑物;解释;造句


founding 建立 foundation 基础



corresponding author必须是第一作者吗


corresponding author是什么意思


英语句子:All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities.

要去掉的话with them 一起去掉就对了,这是一个补充成分

log2-ratio 和 corresponding ratio 具体都指的是什么含义

log2-ratio~经过校正得到log2(IP/input)值,此值代表每个探针在IP DNA和input DNA中的相对富集强度~corresponding ratio~应该是对应的比值~比如说你前边正在讨论某个东西和某个东西的比值~话锋一转~要说类似2个东西的比值~就可以用corresponding ratio~

into corresponding fields....???

Most importantly though, change your WHERE condition so that the keys (VBELN) appear first. Depending on your database this could really mess up thinks if you don"t place the keys first. This is good practice regardless of the database being used.Other than that, do as gaurav_anand7 suggested.Oh yeh, and swap the orde rof your ON clause so that:Code: Select allon Z"vbeln = a"vbeln becomes Code: Select allON a"vbeln = z"vbelnThis, depending again on your database, can make a difference.Dr Sidewalk 查看更多答案>>

Corresponding Author 在网上投稿时指的是谁

Corresponding Author 就是通讯作者,一般是你的导师或者主持这项工作的人,一般杂志会直接通过邮件联系通讯作者Correspoding author就是通讯作者,一般来说就是老板。通常我们在网上投稿时会注册一个ID,里面包含有投稿者的一些信息,比如姓名、称呼、所属研究机构、电话、E-mail等。而网上投稿系统就把这些信息默认为是通讯作者的,并会将相关的一些messages发送到注册时所留的电子邮箱里。这些会在投稿完成后生成的那个需要进行Proof reading的PDF里显示出来。不过这个对你本身传上去的manuscript并没有影响。我们有的同学在征得老板的同意后用老板的名字注册一个新邮箱,自己掌握,然后就用那个邮箱来进行注册、投稿,一样可行。这个跟用你自己的邮箱没区别,只是可能有些编辑会问一下为什么写在稿件里的邮箱和注册用的邮箱不一致什么的。解释一下就可以了。最后文章出来以还是以你写在title page里的内容为准的。1.有些杂志要求通讯作者注册.如果你老板对SCI不太了解,你可以以你老板名字注册.然后投稿.回执信箱可以用你自己的.这样是你和杂志直接联系.但所投的文章上的通讯作者即你老板的信箱要是他自己的.这样等文章被接受后文章上的信箱仍然是你老板的,而是你和杂志直接联系.给老板和你都会省了很多麻烦.一举两得.2.有些杂志不要求以通讯作者注册.会更省事.回执信箱仍可以用你自己的(如果你老板对SCI不太了解的话),在投稿时可以选老板为通讯作者,以后可以参考1.3.通讯作者是课题的设计者.地位很重要.超过第一作者.一般选老板或课题的拥有者.网友的一点经验.仅供参考!

Corresponding Author 在网上投稿时指的是谁

Corresponding Author 就是通讯作者,一般是你的导师或者主持这项工作的人,一般杂志会直接通过邮件联系通讯作者Correspoding author就是通讯作者,一般来说就是老板。通常我们在网上投稿时会注册一个ID,里面包含有投稿者的一些信息,比如姓名、称呼、所属研究机构、电话、E-mail等。而网上投稿系统就把这些信息默认为是通讯作者的,并会将相关的一些messages发送到注册时所留的电子邮箱里。这些会在投稿完成后生成的那个需要进行Proof reading的PDF里显示出来。不过这个对你本身传上去的manuscript并没有影响。我们有的同学在征得老板的同意后用老板的名字注册一个新邮箱,自己掌握,然后就用那个邮箱来进行注册、投稿,一样可行。这个跟用你自己的邮箱没区别,只是可能有些编辑会问一下为什么写在稿件里的邮箱和注册用的邮箱不一致什么的。解释一下就可以了。最后文章出来以还是以你写在title page里的内容为准的。1.有些杂志要求通讯作者注册.如果你老板对SCI不太了解,你可以以你老板名字注册.然后投稿.回执信箱可以用你自己的.这样是你和杂志直接联系.但所投的文章上的通讯作者即你老板的信箱要是他自己的.这样等文章被接受后文章上的信箱仍然是你老板的,而是你和杂志直接联系.给老板和你都会省了很多麻烦.一举两得.2.有些杂志不要求以通讯作者注册.会更省事.回执信箱仍可以用你自己的(如果你老板对SCI不太了解的话),在投稿时可以选老板为通讯作者,以后可以参考1.3.通讯作者是课题的设计者.地位很重要.超过第一作者.一般选老板或课题的拥有者.网友的一点经验.仅供参考!

Corresponding Bank and Beneficiary Bank

corresponding bank 业务联系银行beneficiary bank 受惠人银行beneficiary 受惠人

Corresponding Author 在网上投稿时指的是谁

Corresponding Author 就是通讯作者,一般是你的导师或者主持这项工作的人,一般杂志会直接通过邮件联系通讯作者 Correspoding author就是通讯作者,一般来说就是老板。通常我们在网上投稿时会注册一个ID,里面包含有投稿者的一些信息,比如姓名、称呼、所属研究机构、电话、E-mail等。而网上投稿系统就把这些信息默认为是通讯作者的,并会将相关的一些messages发送到注册时所留的电子邮箱里。这些会在投稿完成后生成的那个需要进行Proof reading的PDF里显示出来。不过这个对你本身传上去的manuscript并没有影响。我们有的同学在征得老板的同意后用老板的名字注册一个新邮箱,自己掌握,然后就用那个邮箱来进行注册、投稿,一样可行。这个跟用你自己的邮箱没区别,只是可能有些编辑会问一下为什么写在稿件里的邮箱和注册用的邮箱不一致什么的。解释一下就可以了。最后文章出来以还是以你写在title page里的内容为准的。 1.有些杂志要求通讯作者注册.如果你老板对SCI不太了解,你可以以你老板名字注册.然后投稿.回执信箱可以用你自己的.这样是你和杂志直接联系.但所投的文章上的通讯作者即你老板的信箱要是他自己的.这样等文章被接受后文章上的信箱仍然是你老板的,而是你和杂志直接联系.给老板和你都会省了很多麻烦.一举两得.2.有些杂志不要求以通讯作者注册.会更省事.回执信箱仍可以用你自己的(如果你老板对SCI不太了解的话),在投稿时可以选老板为通讯作者,以后可以参考1.3.通讯作者是课题的设计者.地位很重要.超过第一作者.一般选老板或课题的拥有者.网友的一点经验.仅供参考!

cresponding letter. 什么意思

responding letter 还是 corresponding letter?这要看语境, letter 一般有两个意思,一个是信件,一个是字母。responding letter : 回信corresponding letter 对应的字母

be corresponding with是什么意思

be corresponding with与之相对应双语例句1Under this mandatory state basic security, people"s basic living needs will be met corresponding with china"s economic development level, and the social security network will cover all citizens step by step.与经济发展水平相适应,国家强制建立的基本保障主要满足人们的基本生活需要;社会保障逐步复盖全体公民;

corresponding letter什么是意思


Corresponding authors是什么意思

Corresponding authors对应的作者

accordingly VS correspondingly

英语 (英国) 英语 (美国)Accordingly is based off of something. It"s like "apparently". Correspondingly, means "in response to" "something similar". "According to the recipe, we must add the milk slowly." "Break three eggs and blend accordingly." "We have a suggestion corresponding to our answer." "The walls have to hold the weight of the ceiling, so they must be correspondingly stronger."

corresponding to什么意思及同义词

corresponding to与 ... 一致的coreesponding的同义词【近义词】accordant identicalsimilar

corresponding to 的意思是相当于什么 ,与什么相一致, 可是阅读中怎么翻译成“根据”了呢? 不明白 求解

according to

corresponding address是什么意思

corresponding address相应的地址


corresponding[英][u02ccku0252ru0259u02c8spu0252ndu026au014b][美][u02ccku0254ru026au02c8spɑndu026au014b, u02cckɑr-]adj.相当的,对应的; 通信的; 符合的,符合。。; 一致的; v.相符合( correspond的现在分词); 类似(correspond的ing形式); 相配; 例:And enters the corresponding url into his phone.然后在自己手机中输入了相应网址。


我也是新手,说得不对请楼下的高手指正 就我所知道的,比如说:有一INNER TABLE,当然,有若干FIELDS,如果是MOVE-CORRESPONDING,则可将 值赋予相应的FIELDS. 查看原帖>>

be corresponding to是什么意思

be corresponding to 是对应的亲,如有帮助,请采纳!!!~(≧▽≦)/~如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问您的采纳是我前进的动力,因为您的采纳,我们会更好、更多帮助其他人。祝您学习工作生活顺心如意!!!家庭和谐美满幸福!!!!

be corresponding with是什么意思

be corresponding with 相应例:As the group of high knowledge and intelligence standard in the population,the science and technology quality of the liberal arts talent should be corresponding with it.文科人才作为人口中知识与智力水准较高的群体,其科技素质应与之相应.

be corresponding to是什么意思

corresponding to[英][u02ccku0254risu02c8pu0254ndiu014b tu:][美][u02ccku0254ru026au02c8spɑndu026au014b tu]相当于…,与…相一致; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.You"ll be given the option to add other speakers, a link to your slides, and the event page corresponding to your talk. 你可以选择添加其他发言者,链接到你的幻灯片和相应的演讲活动页。

corresponding bank是什么意思


be corresponding with是什么意思

be corresponding with是相应的。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

corresponding quantity是什么意思


corresponding to 后面可以接句子吗

回答和翻译如下 :后面接do sth .to后面跟动词原形 。

corresponding to什么意思及同义词

corresponding to对应的双语对照词典结果:corresponding to[英][u02ccku0254risu02c8pu0254ndiu014b tu:][美][u02ccku0254ru026au02c8spɑndu026au014b tu]相当于…,与…相一致; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:You might also get a feeling for what the units are: java specifies coordinates in units corresponding to the individual dots on the display screen, which are called pixels. 你还可能得到所采用的单位是什么的感觉:java指定坐标系所采用的单位对应于显示屏上独立的点,也称之为像素。


corresponding to英 [u02ccku0254risu02c8pu0254ndiu014b tu:] 美 [u02ccku0254ru026au02c8spɑndu026au014b tu] 词典相当于…,与…相一致网络对应于; 相当于; 对应双语例句 1What we required you to do is corresponding to the contract. 我们要你做的事情符合合同的规定。2Thus the directions that emerge for extremizing the normal stress are the directions corresponding to the principal stresses. 因此,产生最大正应力的方向就是相应于主应力的方向。


correspond 本身的意思就是“符合,相当,一致,”,那么corresponding to的意思当然可以理解成“相当于……,与……相一致” 其实英语中很多问题没有为什么,就是要记住而已,因为它是这么规定的呀,和我们一些汉语的道理是一样的。而same:adj. 相同的;同一的;无变化的;上述的(通常与the连用)pron. 同样的事物或人(通常与the连用)adv. 同样地(通常与the连用)英语尚未成功 同志任需努力


=relevant相关的,相应的,一致的corresponding docs相关文件correspoding period of last year去年同期

corresponding according 做形容词,哪个是"对应的"意思?

都有吧corresponding ADJ 相应的 [ADJ n]例:The rise in interest rates was not reflected in a corresponding rise in the dollar.利率上调没有反映在相应的美元增值上。according英 [u0259"ku0254u02d0du026au014b] 美 [u0259"ku0254rdu026au014b] adj. 相符的;一致的;相应的;和谐的;调和的adv. 依照;根据;按照v. 给予( accord的现在分词 );使和谐一致;使符合;使适合

matched with与corresponding to有什么区别

matched with 与。。。相匹配corresponding to:corresponding to:相应的;相当于;与...相当corresponding adj.或 现在分词corresponding to在句子中作状语,定语eg.It has name corresponding to the facts.它有着与事实相符的名称.(定语)Corresponding to this conceivable scenario is a world W in which heat sensations are caused by something other than the motion of molecules.对应这个可设想的,是一个世界W,在其中热感被某种不是分子运动的东西导致.(状语)




corresponding的意思是作形容词时意为"相当的,相应的;一致的;通信的",作动词时意为"类似(correspond的ing形式);相配"。短语搭配:corresponding account对应科目 ; 出入相抵帐目 ; 对应帐户corresponding side对应边Corresponding Period同期corresponding proportion相应部分corresponding to对应于 ; 相当于 ; 相应的 ; 对应Corresponding Address通讯住址 ; 通讯地址corresponding standards相关规格corresponding lines相位线corresponding countermeasures相应对策折叠编辑本段双语例句:双语例句:用作形容词 (adj.)You will be punished in a way corresponding to your profession.你们将受到相当于你的职业的处罚。Sales are up 10% on the corresponding period last year.销售额和去年同时期相比增加了10%25。The corresponding results have a good agreement with the reactor dynamics.得到了与相应反应堆动力学很一致的结果。Instead, each dataset has a unique label assigned, usually a plain-text name to identify the corresponding object in the coordinate grid.与此相反,每一个数据集都有唯一一个给定的标签,经常是平常的文本名,在坐标格子中用来识别一致的事物。


corresponding英[u02ccku0252ru0259u02c8spu0252ndu026au014b]美[u02ccku0254:ru0259u02c8spɑ:ndu026au014b]adj.相当的,对应的; 通信的; 符合的,符合。。; 一致的v.相符合( correspond的现在分词); 类似(correspond的ing形式); 相配网络通信; 相当的; 相应的1The corresponding value in the Map is an Integer representing the quantity of the given Item in the cart.Map中对应的值是一个Integer,代表购物车中指定Item的数量。




corresponding[英][u02ccku0252ru0259u02c8spu0252ndu026au014b][美][u02ccku0254:ru0259u02c8spɑ:ndu026au014b]adj.相当的,对应的; 通信的; 符合的,符合。。; 一致的; v.相符合( correspond的现在分词); 类似(correspond的ing形式); 相配; 例句:1.Your signal reaches a corresponding signal to the universe. 你的信号与宇宙中相应的信号相接触。2.The action name and its corresponding view file name are always the same. 这个操作的名称和它对应视图文件的名称总是相同的。

懂你英语Level 6 Unit 1 Part 1 Reading【Survival in the Outback】

What would you do if you ever found yourself lost in the wild? To find out, you can join a weekend survival course in Australia"s Outback Desert. This vast area is famous for its harsh desert climate. survival course = 生存训练课程be famous for = 因……而著名 harsh = 严酷的To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert. Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water. You can also cut and suck moisture from the roots and leaves of plants. Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface. But be careful, the branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don"t eat them.commodity = 日用品,商品indicator = 指示器suck moisture = 吸收水分oak = 橡树branch = 树枝gum tree = 桉树poisonous = 有毒的The best place to build a shelter is in an area with the least amount of sunlight, like between sand dunes or in a trench. To make a trench, dig a hole big enough to lie down in and use the extra sand to create a barrier or wall on each side. This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun. shelter = 避难所,庇护sand dune = [地理] 沙丘trench = 沟渠barrier = 障碍物,屏障shield sb. from… = 保护某人免遭……glare = 强光 glare at (怒视,瞪眼,怒目圆睁) scorching = 酷热的,极热的,烧焦似的 a scorching hot day (大热天)Nights can be cold, so knowing how to make a fire is essential. One way to build a fire is to use the hand drill method. This is one of the oldest and simplest ways to start a fire. It involves rolling a stick between your hands while pressing it onto a notched piece of wood with dry tinder below. The idea is to use the friction to create enough heat to ignite the tinder. This can be a lot of work. make a fire = start a fire = 生火,烧火essential = 必要的,基本的hand drill = 手钻notched = 有凹口的,缺口的tinder = 易燃物,引火物friction = 摩擦ignite = 点燃,使燃烧As for food, you"ll have to be open-minded. Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive. They may even taste good, like scrambled eggs! open-minded = 思想开明的;无先入之见的;无偏见的 protein = 蛋白质scrambled egg = 炒蛋Questions: 1. The purpose of this reading is … to give advice on how to survive in the desert 2. How can you prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness?One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course.3. To ignite something means to spark an explosion or fire. 4.Something is harsh if it is intense or severe.Please tap the first correct sentence to appear: 1. What can be signs of water? Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water.2. What is the purpose of having a barrier on each side of a trench? This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun.Fill in the blanks: 1. Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive . 2. To survive, your first task will be to find water , a rare commodity in the desert. Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water. You can also cut and suck moisture from the roots and leaves of plants. Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface . But be careful , the branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous , so don"t eat them.Put the sentences below in order: (1) Nights can be cold, so knowing how to make a fire is essential.(2) This is one of the oldest and simplest ways to start afire.(3) One way to build a fire is to usethe hand drill method.(4) The idea is to use the friction to create enough heat to ignite the tinder. (5) It involves rolling a stick between your hands while pressing it onto an otched piece of wood with dry tinder below. Correct Order: (1) (3) (2) (5) (4)Repeat & Read Sentences: 1. If you are lost in the desert, your first task will be to find water. 2. As for food, you"ll have to be open-minded. 3. One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course. 4. The branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don"t eat them.5. This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun. 6. What would you do if you ever found yourself lost in the wild.7. This is one of the oldest and simplest ways to start a fire. 8. This vast area is famous for its harsh desert climate.

求跨文化交际论文,题目sending receiving gifts,500字中英文都可以,万分感激

With Christmas a little over a week away,you may be looking to make your holiday shopping a little easier by ordering and sending some of your friends and family gift boxes of cheese,meats or delicious desserts.If you are planning to send or receive perishable foods by mail that will decay rapidly if not refrigerated,follow these tips to keep them safe. Meat,poultry,fish and other perishable foods need to be handled carefully and in a timely manner in order to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria,which could cause food-borne illness.These items,whether store bought or homemade,need to be handled properly. Perishable food gifts must arrive cold to be safe to eat.If you receive a gift that is not cold at the time of delivery,do not eat it!Instead,notify the sender.It is better to be safe than sorry.Food gifts marked “Perishable” or “Keep Refrigerated” need to be opened immediately and placed in the refrigerator or freezer. If you are ordering food gifts,specify overnight delivery and request a frozen gel pack or dry ice in the packaging.Transit time and product packaging — foam or heavy cardboard designed to keep them cold — are also vital. Food prepared at home may also be shipped to friends and family,but care is required.First,be sure to follow proper food safety procedures,such as hand washing and prevention of cross contamination when preparing foods.Once you are ready to ship the foods,make sure items are frozen solid or refrigerator cold before shipping.Pack in an insulated cooler or heavy cardboard box with a frozen gel pack.You may also use dry ice,but don"t let it touch your hands or the food.Let the recipient know the box contains dry ice.Wrap the box in two layers of brown paper and mark it “Perishable — Keep Refrigerated.” Ship perishable food gifts by overnight mail and try not to send packages at the end of the week,as delivery could be delayed over the weekend.Let the recipient know a food-bearing package is on its way,so someone can be home to accept delivery and get the food under refrigeration immediately.It is best to send food gifts to someone"s home instead of their workplace.Food can be accidentally left at the office or in the trunk of a car.Confirm that someone will be home and send your surprise to their house.

什么是frequency of compounding在银行学里出现的

计息的次数吧,比如常见的一年计息四次,按季度计息,或者一年计息十二次,按月计息,然后还有一种连续复利,continuous compounding,持续计息。


blending,即混成法,就是将两个词混合或各取一部分紧缩而成一个新词,前半部分表属性,后半部分表主体。news broadcast→newscast新闻广播。television broadcast→telecast电视播送。smoke and fog→smog烟雾。photo and graphy→photography摄影,摄影术。helicopter airport→heliport直升飞机场。英语最基本的构词法有三种:派生(derivation)、合成(compounding)、转化(conversion)。派生词缀和词根结合,或者粘着词根和粘着词根结合构成单词的方法,叫做派生法(derivation),也称作缀词法。用派生法构成的词叫做派生词(derivative)。合成法是把两个或两个以上的单词合成一个新词的构词法。有的可以直接写在一起构成一个新单词,还有的在词与词之间用连字符“-”构成一个新单词,把这个词通常叫做复合词。转化法是由一种词类转化为一种或几种词类的构词法,是英语形成新词的重要方法之一。各种词类之间经常互相转化,致使一个词往往可以用作几种词类。在英语的词类转化上,数量最多的当属动词和名词的相互转化。此外,其它词类之间也可相互转化,有一词多义的现象。

compounding pharmacies是什么意思

compounding pharmacies 从事复方的药房; [例句]Under Massachusetts law, compounding pharmacies are only permitted to make small doses of made-to-order prescription drugs.根据麻萨诸塞州法律,合成药物只允许生产小剂量的定做的处方药。


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