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朗朗是当今世界最杰出的(outstanding)钢琴家之一,被誉为(name as)“一位改变世界的青年”。

As we all know , Langlang is a famous pianist in the world. He was born in Shenyang. When he was three years old ,he began to play the piano. Before nine , he had won the first prize for twice at the piano competition. At the age of thirteen ,he went to Germany for further study. At fourteen he went to Japan. At seventeen he went to American and two years later he was very outstanding at music field. In 2004 ,he was invited to the White House to give his special performance.



IEEE TAC 状态变为Decision Pending,多久会出结果

一审 变为Decision Pending 当天就出了结果,给了Conditionally accepted 二审Decision Pending都一天多了,还没动静

IEEE TAC 状态变为Decision Pending,多久会出结果

一审 变为Decision Pending 当天就出了结果,给了Conditionally accepted 二审Decision Pending都一天多了,还没动静


按描述应该是载入中的界面,分别是:生命,体力,碎片,解锁神庙数,找到呀哈哈数,金币,剧情完成度塞尔达传说(日文:ゼルダの__;英文:The Legend of Zelda;香港与台湾地区译名:萨尔达传说)是任天堂所推出的知名游戏系列。最初于1986年在任天堂旗下的Famicom平台上推出了第一款作品《海拉鲁的幻想:塞尔达传说》,之后发展成为系列作品。《塞尔达传说》系列是有史以来综合评价最高的游戏系列之一,和任天堂的马里奥系列、精灵宝可梦系列等并列为公司的招牌作品。其中1998年推出的《塞尔达传说:时之笛》在metacritic网站收录的全球媒体平均分中以99分位列历史第一。2017年3月3日,系列最新作《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》登陆任天堂旗下的Wii U和Switch平台。本作打破了系列作品自《时之笛》以来形成的制作框架,主打开放世界,回归系列初代的自由探索的设计理念,在metacritic网站收录的全球媒体平均分中获得97分。2021年11月12日,任天堂正式上架了复刻版本的《塞尔达传说》Game & Watch 掌机,售价49.99美元(约合人民币 319 元)。2022年3月5日,秋叶原举行了一场“秋叶原大拍卖”活动,其中就拍卖了一个未开封的美版《塞尔达传说》。

suspending agent

【答案】:suspending agent:助悬剂系指能增加分散介质的黏度以降低微粒的沉降速度或增加微粒亲水性的附加剂。suspendingagent:助悬剂系指能增加分散介质的黏度以降低微粒的沉降速度或增加微粒亲水性的附加剂。


puddingzip是压缩后生成的文件。使用WINZIP压缩产生的文件区别:1、zip的安装比较大,并仅仅有英文版+汉化包 rar有官方的简体中文版,并且安装很小,不足一兆。2、winrar的压缩率较高,而zip的压缩率更低。3、zip支持的格式很多,但已经较老,不大流行rar支持格式也很多,并且还是流行的。4、zip仅仅能够压缩成zip格式,不能解压rar格式。设置安装路径:安装程序弹出WinZip Setup对话框,在其中输入程序安装目录的名称。输入好后,单击“OK”按钮,程序弹出WinZip的功能说明框,再单击“Next”按钮继续。界面风格设置:程序弹出授权说明框,单击“Yes”按钮弹出对话框,在此设置WinZip将以何种界面风格启动,选择使用标准窗口方式设置,单击“Next”按钮继续。如果选择向导方式的设置,WinZip会以另一种方式安装,这种方式将查找硬盘中所有ZIP等格式的压缩文件,并记录在数据库中。

纽约市里有些地方路边有"NO STANDING ANYTIME"的标志是什么意思?


i like reading是哪首歌的歌词

歌词:“I really really really really really really like you”出自歌曲《I Really Like You》。歌曲名称:我超级喜欢你外文名称:I Really Like You所属专辑:E·MO·TION歌曲时长:3:24发行时间:2015年3月2日歌曲原唱:Carly Rae Jepsen填 词:Carly Rae Jepsen,J Cash,Peter Svensson英文I really wanna stopBut I just gotta taste for itI feel like I could fly with the ball on the moonSo honey hold my hand you like making me wait for itI feel I could die walking up to the room, oh yeahLate night watching televisionBut how we get in this position?It"s way too soon, I know this isn"t loveBut I need to tell you somethingI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?I really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?Oh, did I say too much?I"m so in my headWhen we"re out of touchI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?It"s like everything you say is a sweet revelationAll I wanna do is get into your headYeah we could stay alone, you and me, and this temptationSipping on your lips, hanging on by thread, babyLate night watching televisionBut how we get in this position?It"s way too soon, I know this isn"t loveBut I need to tell you somethingI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?I really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?Oh, did I say too much?I"m so in my headWhen we"re out of touchI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?Who gave you eyes like that?Said you could keep themI don"t know how to actThe way I should be leavingI"m running out of timeGoing out of my mindI need to tell you somethingYeah, I need to tell you somethingI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?I really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?Oh, did I say too much?I"m so in my headWhen we"re out of touchI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?I really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?I really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?中文我真的很想让自己停下但我忍不住想要“尝尝”你像是漂浮在月球上的氢气球一般 感觉自己在空中飘荡亲爱的 就请紧握我的手 让我再耐心等待我感觉我已迫不及待渴望走进那间房昨夜还一起看着电视此刻就热火缠绵发展太快了 我知道这并非爱但我想要告诉你我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是不是透露太多当我们不再触碰彼此时我满脑子都在想这个问题我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗你所说的一切就像是甜蜜的暗示我只想占据你的脑海我们可以独处 就你和我 感受那难以抗拒的诱惑你抿着嘴唇 亲爱的要小心 你小命不保了哦昨夜还一起看着电视此刻就热火缠绵发展太快了 我知道这并非爱但我想要告诉你我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是不是透露太多当我们不再触碰彼此时我满脑子都在想这个问题我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗谁赐给你那迷人的双眸并告诉你 你将永远拥有我不知道该怎么做我应该离开了吧时间快不够了我快要失去理智我必须要告诉你一件事我需要告诉你我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是不是透露太多当我们不再触碰彼此时我满脑子都在想这个问题我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗

remain including 区别


you have no pending invitations.是什么意思

you have no pending invitations你没有待定的邀请函

有一首欧美情歌男女对唱的,歌词中男声有一句是only you,女声有一句是holding you,请问这首歌名字叫什么

only you (and you alone)



开机自检通过后显示Loading now,please wait......屏幕右下角显示02,怎么办?

解决方法建议如下:1.进入CMOS,恢复默认安全配置试试;2.关机打开机箱,清除CMOS,然后重新开机3.重新连接硬盘线和硬盘电源 4.重装系统

电脑一开机就卡在now loading please wait,请问怎么解决



contain指被作为组成部分而被“包含”或“容纳”在内。including和include指作为整体中的一部分而被包括进去。简单的说就是contain是全部的,而including是一部分。。。举例说明:This atlas contains 40 maps,including 3 of the Great Britain.该句中,前一句指该地图册包括40张地图,是指一共40张;后一句是指这个地图册中又3张是英国的,只是一部分而已。另外在提醒下哦,include和including的区别:句子,include+被包括部分句子,被包括部分+including

bidding farewell to是什么意思

向(某人)告别例句:Russia will get a new president ( probably), but the petulantly pugnacious vladimir putin has no intention of bidding farewell to power.俄罗斯将有一位新总统产生,但任性好斗的弗拉基米尔普京(vladimir putin)无意告别权力。ps:bidding [英][u02c8bu026adu026au014b][美][u02c8bu026adu026au014b]n.投标; (尤指拍卖中的)出价; <非正>请求; 召唤; v.出价,投标( bid的现在分词 ); 恳求; 命令; 说(问候话);



linux bonding 怎麼做到fast failover (技术)

Linux网卡bonding随着科学技术的日益革新,数据的安全性已经逐渐体现出了它的重要意义。可以设想,当一个人所有的个人资料都不负存在,那是多么可怕的事情。网络技术的深入使用,数据的网络化传输已经成为了重要,甚至主要的传输方式。所以数据服务器能够正常提供网络服务是所有供应商都需要考虑的问题。在这个背景下,单网卡的应用已经捉襟见肘,设备冗余技术的普及已是枝繁叶茂。本文之后就引用Linux操作系统下的多网卡bonding技术来阐述这一容错概念。负载均衡功能也是网卡bonding的另一个功能,它可以实现多网卡同时工作,提高系统网络处理的吞吐能力。一、网卡的负载均衡模式(mode = BOND_MODE_ROUNDROBIN)1)建立bond虚设备建立一个ifcfg-bond0的设备,然后配置如下信息即可。DEVICE=bond0BOOTPROTO=staticIPADDR=配置接口文件由于使用一个虚拟的ip地址,所以,其他接口设备都不配置ip信息。3)配置bonding工作方式打开/etc/modprobe.conf文件,将bonding的工作模式配置为如下模式。alias bond0 bondingoptions bond0 mode=0 arp_interval=500 arp_ip_target=启动bonding需要添加路由来制定发送规则,这个可以自定义添加。配置完后重启设备即可。ifenslave bond0 eth0 eth1route add -net 0/0 gw Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:10:70:00:25 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::200:ff:fe00:0/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MASTER MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:39335 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:3178 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:3020656 (2.8 MiB) TX bytes:269722 (263.4 KiB)eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:10:70:00:25 UP BROADCAST RUNNING SLAVE MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:18208 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:1371589 (1.3 MiB) TX bytes:378 (378.0 b)eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:10:70:00:25 UP BROADCAST RUNNING SLAVE MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:21128 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:3174 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 RX bytes:1649127 (1.5 MiB) TX bytes:269498 (263.1 KiB)如上图所示,这种模式下bonding模块会将虚接口和所有的slave接口的MAC地址设置为一致。通过定时器,每个slave接口不断发送ARP包来不断更换交换机端口与MAC的对应关系。这样使得每个网卡都在进行工作。这个ARP的发送规则是:每arp_interval(MS)间隔向arp_ip_target发送arp请求。也可以向多个arp_ip_target发送arp请求。观察交换机端口上所学习到的MAC地址,发现MAC会在两个端口上反复切换。在BOND_MODE_ROUNDROBIN模式下,bonding对于发送和接收数据的处理逻辑是不一致的,对于数据的接收,bonding基本不做任何处理,纯粹依靠交换机端口与MAC的变化来实现交替接收数据。发送的话,交换机会根据数据的源MAC来学习端口和MAC之间的关系,所以bonding做到的就是选择不一样的网卡发送。对于数据的发送,static inline void bond_set_mode_ops(struct net_device *bond_dev, int mode){ switch (mode) { case BOND_MODE_ROUNDROBIN: bond_dev->hard_start_xmit = bond_xmit_roundrobin; break; ... bond的发送函数被注册为bond_xmit_roundrobin。通过bond_xmit_roundrobin的实现可以发现static int bond_xmit_roundrobin(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *bond_dev){ read_lock(&bond->curr_slave_lock); slave = start_at = bond->curr_active_slave; read_unlock(&bond->curr_slave_lock); bond_for_each_slave_from(bond, slave, i, start_at) { if (IS_UP(slave->dev) && (slave->link == BOND_LINK_UP) &&(slave->state == BOND_STATE_ACTIVE)) {res = bond_dev_queue_xmit(bond, skb, slave->dev);write_lock(&bond->curr_slave_lock);bond->curr_active_slave = slave->next;write_unlock(&bond->curr_slave_lock);break;}bond_xmit_roundrobin会通过curr_active_slave指针所指向的设备来进行发送,当然curr_active_slave会在调用bond_dev_queue_xmit完成实际的发送之后指向下一个slave设备。bond_dev_queue_xmit实际是调用通用的发送函数dev_queue_xmit来进行的,它传递给dev_queue_xmit的是一个skb,在传递之前skb->dev就被指定为了当前的slave设备,这样内核就会找到对应的真实网卡设备来进行发送,最后curr_active_slave指针的轮询切换,实现了bonding的负载均衡工作模式。从这种模式可以看到,bonding实现了一个类似网卡驱动的模块,对应的bond0设备是一个纯粹的虚设备,数据发送虽然说经过了它,但通过一系列调用,转了一圈之后才回到真正的网卡设备那里进行发送,无疑会消耗一定的系统性能。简单用100Mbps速率的UDP数据包测试了一下BOND_MODE_ROUNDROBIN模式。测试过程中发现接收端会有较多的乱序包,观察交换机端口情况,端口之间的切换频率不规则,这个和交换机的配置或者性能应该有很大联系,有必要的话需要进一步研究。数据的正确性和时序性能否保证需要进一步仔细测试。2、网卡的容错模式(mode = BOND_MODE_ACTIVEBACKUP)容错模式的配置方法和负载均衡模式基本差不多,只不过修改一下/etc/modprobe.conf即可。alias bond0 bondingoptions bond0 mode=1 miimon=100这里使用的是mii链路检测方式,与之前arp检测方式不同。当然这两种链路检测方式在各种mode下都是可以使用的,但要注意不能同时使用。介绍一下bonding的mii检测实现。首先和arp-monitor一样,mii也是定时器触发 if (bond->params.miimon) { /* link check interval, in milliseconds. */ init_timer(mii_timer); mii_timer->expires = jiffies + 1; mii_timer->data = (unsigned long)bond_dev; mii_timer->function = (void *)&bond_mii_monitor; add_timer(mii_timer); }bond_mii_monitor函数其本质的原理就是检测网卡的链路状态,bonding定义网卡有4个链路状态:BOND_LINK_UP: 正常状态(处于该状态的网卡是是潜在的发送数据包的候选者)BOND_LINK_FAIL: 网卡出现故障,向状态BOND_LINK_DOWN 切换中BOND_LINK_DOWN: 失效状态BOND_LINK_BACK: 网卡恢复,向状态BOND_LINK_UP切换中从上到下,表示了网卡链路从正常到失效再到恢复状态。bond_mii_monitor函数就是依次检查网卡的链路状态是否处于这些状态,然后通过标记do_failover变量来说明当前是否需要切换slave网卡。代码篇幅较大,但逻辑还是很清晰的,故此处不罗列了。在BOND_MODE_ACTIVEBACKUP模式下,两块网卡其实有一块是不工作的,被设置为IFF_NOARP的状态。同时,bond虚设备,还有slave设备的MAC地址均一致,所以这张网卡不会被外界察觉存在。交换机也不存在想该端口发包的情况。当bond的mii检测发现当前的active设备失效了之后,会切换到这个备份设备上。在bond_change_active_slave函数中if (bond->params.mode == BOND_MODE_ACTIVEBACKUP) {if (old_active) {bond_set_slave_inactive_flags(old_active);}if (new_active) {bond_set_slave_active_flags(new_active);}}这个就是在BOND_MODE_ACTIVEBACKUP模式下的切换逻辑,很简单,需要注意的是,在bond_set_slave_inactive_flags(old_active)中,需要将接口的状态设置为IFF_NOARP,不然交换机就可能会把数据包发送到一个错误的端口上。BOND_MODE_ACTIVEBACKUP模式下的数据发送非常简单,可想而知curr_active_slave指针始终都指向当前可用的设备,所以直接发送就可以,没有之前BOND_MODE_ROUNDROBIN模式下slave设备切换的过程。3、网卡虚拟化方式(mode = BOND_MODE_ALB)经过考察,许多磁盘阵列设备采用了网卡虚拟化方式进行多网卡应用。实际就是Linux的bonding技术。它采用了mode = BOND_MODE_ALB的方式。BOND_MODE_ALB的实现方式比较复杂,还有一些不理解的地方,就不做深入分析了。其核心思想可以用下图解释:从这个图中可以看到,客户端A与服务器的传输使用的是MAC A;而客户端B与服务器传输使用的是MAC B,但对于IP层来说,客户端A与B都与服务器X.X.X.X 的IP地址进行通讯,并不感知底层传输接口的变化。这样,服务器对于客户端整体上的工作模式就处于负载均衡的状态。当然,这个过程的控制就是bonding模块所完成的。通过测试发现两台客户端展现的arp表是一致的,如下(服务器端地址为172.16.64.208,服务器端首选接口的MAC为00-14-10-70-00-25)CLIENT A172.16.64.208 00-14-10-70-00-25 dynamicCLIENT B172.16.64.208 00-14-10-70-00-25 dynamic通过抓包可以看到,两次回复的ARP应答的源MAC地址是不一样的,分别为00-14-10-70-00-25和00-14-10-70-00-26。所以说,能够实现这种处理方法的原因就是bonding修改了ARP应答的源地址导致,使得外界并不感知服务器存在多网卡的状态,在网络上确定了IP和MAC的唯一对应关系,保证了上层业务传输的逻辑一致性。同时内部的处理又交给不同的网卡,实现了负载均衡。另外,也给了我们一定的容错性,当一个接口失效后,bonding会迅速将另外一块网卡设置为首选slave设备,并修改其MAC地址。由于外界学习到的服务器MAC地址始终是不变的,所以链路的状态不会受很大影响。Bonding的模式一共有7种:#define BOND_MODE_ROUNDROBIN 0#define BOND_MODE_ACTIVEBACKUP 1#define BOND_MODE_XOR 2#define BOND_MODE_BROADCAST 3#define BOND_MODE_8023AD 4#define BOND_MODE_TLB 5#define BOND_MODE_ALB 6每种方式都有它的特点,有些需要交换机支持,比如 BOND_MODE_8023AD和BOND_MODE_XOR。本文就介绍了3种方式,可以在无需交换机支持或者简单配置交换机的情况下运行。

·Stow And latch Handset during taxi, takeoff and landing


控制理论中“receding horizon principle”应该翻译成什么?谢谢

控制理论中“receding horizon principle”翻译成: "滚动优化机制"例句: The algorithm combines the receding horizon principle of predictive control with both differential game theory and nonlinear H∞ control theory,the control variables are parameterized into polynomial control variables by finite dimensional parameterization,and transition equilibriums of the system to be controlled are introduced into the closed-loop optimization. 这种算法把预测控制的滚动优化机制同微分对策理论和非线性H∞控制理论做了有机结合; 在闭环优化中通过有限维参数化方法把控制变量参数化为多项式控制变量,并且引入被控系统的过渡平衡点.

are you kidding?no,i am serious.是这样翻译吗

en ...........................

-Are you ?-No, I&39;m serious.A.deceivingB.cheatingC.foolingD.kidding


Are you serious? No,I’m kidding……帮解释


he is just kidding什么意思中文

A boy can do everything for girl :一个男孩愿意为喜欢的女孩做任何事 He is just kidding :他只是开玩笑而已 Love must need our patience :爱需要我们的耐心 每句话的英文字母是ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP

everything sucks just kidding是什么歌?

《Everything Sucks》。歌手:vaultboy所属专辑:Everything Sucks作词 : Jeremiah Daly作曲 : Jeremiah DalyEverything sucks诸事不顺Just kidding开个玩笑啦Everything is great万事大吉No really!真的没逗你I haven"t thought about my ex today.今天倒是没想前任Oh wait…等等I just did这不又想啦But I went outside但我几天来For the first time终于第一次In a few days出去遛弯儿了And it felt nice我感觉神清气爽And I might try要不我去试着Doing exercise锻炼锻炼Haha not really哈哈罢了罢了I wanna forget my bad days我想忘掉所有烦恼All my bad days那些糟糕的往事And be okay然后好好的And be okay做个没事人儿Spend my spare change我要去电玩城Down at the arcade花光所有零钱And then I"ll say然后我想说I"ll say我真想说Everything sucks诸事不顺Just kidding开个玩笑啦Everything is better than it used to be一切都在变好I didn"t write a song about my ex today至少今天没写关于前任的歌Oh wait噢 等等Ummm额But I called my friends但我今天给朋友打电话了And I told them我跟他们说We should hang out如果可以If it makes sense我们一起出去嗨啊Cause I miss them因为我想他们了And I hate being alone我真讨厌一个人待着No really太讨厌这种感觉啦I wanna forget my bad days真想忘掉那些破事儿All my bad days所有的不愉快And be okay然后满血复活And be okay然后满血复活Spend my spare change我要去电玩城Down at the arcade花光所有零花钱And then I"ll say然后我要说I"ll say我要说I wanna forget my bad days真想忘掉那些破事儿All my bad days所有的不愉快And be okay然后就好啦And be okay然后就好啦Spend my spare change去电玩城Down at the arcade花光我所有零花钱And then I"ll say然后我要说I"ll say我要说I wanna forget my bad days我想忘掉那些糟糕的日子All my bad days忘掉所有不愉快And be okay然后就好啦And be okay然后就好啦Spend my spare change去电玩城Down at the arcade花光我所有零钱And then I"ll say然后我要说I"ll say我要说Everything sucks真是诸事不顺事

i just kidding 和 i am just kidding有什么差别么..那干嘛要加am。。。

omg u serious this is like the easiest thing ever.... ( i just kidding) that doesn"t make sense and ( i am just kidding or i"m just kidding) is the proper way to say it...

you just kidding me主谓结构

you are just kidding me 少了一个词you主语 are kidding 谓语 me宾语 纯手打 请尽快采纳 谢谢 祝好运

A boy can do everything for girl。He is just kidding。Love must need our patienc.是什么意思?

A boy can do everything for girl。He is just kidding。Love must need our patienc.是什么意思?翻译:男孩可以为女孩做任何事。他只是在开玩笑。爱需要我们的耐心。男孩回答:A boy can do everything for girl. (一个男孩能为女孩做任何事)。女孩很感动。有人告诉她别忘了后面还有HIJKーーHe is just kidding. (他只是在开玩笑)。女孩回答:就算他骗我也没关系,后面还有LMNOPーーLove must need our patience.(爱必须有耐心 )。这告诉我们,在爱情里要有耐心,不怕被拒绝,就怕这只是三分钟热度。但或许有一天,你累了,那么就勇敢地转身吧!我们要有自知之明,若你喜欢的人真的不喜欢你,就不要执着了,因为不喜欢就是不喜欢。我相信总有一天,你会拥有被爱的权利。

don’t mind i’m just kidding with you

1.I"m just kidding.是口语中的常用表达,意思为“我只是开玩笑而已” 2.选A.整句意思为“我们的北京校园之旅需要帮助”,for 这里表示“对象或目的”.



PSP rflash 刷机后来出现nah,just kidding是什么意思

他前面说“formating flash 0”(格式化f0中)先逗你玩“just kiding”(开玩笑啦)是针对上面那句话说的这个是作者跟你开的玩笑~~不能退出可能是卡住了,你重启一下就可以了

just kidding什么意思


just kidding什么意思

just kidding只是在开玩笑; 例句:1.I was just kidding! 我只是在开玩笑!2.I was just kidding anyway. 我是开玩笑的.

J.J. Johnson&Kai Winding的《Judy》 歌词

歌曲名:Judy歌手:J.J. Johnson&Kai Winding专辑:The Great Kai And J.J.Music & Lyrcis By The CorrsJudy has her own desireShe wants to step into your fireShe wants you tangled in her webShe wants the flame never to tireShe"s wantingShe"s trippingAnd she"s falling...Can you catch her...Now she"s calling...Can you hear her...She"s falling downJudy wants to love so muchCan it release her from her hurtJudy"s dreaming of your touchShe"ll smother you till it"s too muchShe"s wantingShe"s trippingAnd she"s falling...Can you catch her...Now she"s calling...Can you hear her...She"s falling downShe"s falling downShe wants to drownWithin your heartShe"ll never partShe"s falling downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8561116

Where can I find the supplier of inverter welding machine and air plasma cutting machine?

我能在那里找到变流电焊机和等离子切割机?我要定购直流人工金属电弧焊接机,tig 脉冲焊接机,气体保护焊接机,多功能焊接机,保护面罩,电极夹钳。

what do you think about reading?一篇英语作文,100词左右

What do you think about reading? Personally, I believe that reading is one of the most important skills we can develop. Not only does reading allow us to learn new information and ideas, it also helps us to expand our vocabulary, increase our critical thinking skills, and improve our communication abilities.Reading can also be an enjoyable leisure activity. It can transport us to different worlds, allow us to explore new perspectives, and provide us with a source of stress-relief and relaxation.In today"s world, reading is more important than ever. We are constantly bombarded with information from various sources, and it"s essential that we have the ability to decipher and critically analyze this information.Overall, I think reading is a vital skill that can bring us both personal enjoyment and professional success. It"s something that we should all make time for and continue to develop throughout our lives.你对阅读有什么看法?我个人认为,阅读是我们可以培养的最重要的技能之一。阅读不仅可以让我们学习新的信息和思想,还可以帮助我们扩展词汇量,提高批判性思维能力,和提高我们的沟通能力。阅读还可以成为一项愉快的休闲活动。它可以将我们带到不同的世界,让我们探索新的观点,并提供我们一种缓解压力和放松的来源。在今天的世界,阅读比以往任何时候都更为重要。我们不断受到来自各种来源的信息轰炸,有能力去获取和批判性地分析这一信息是至关重要的。总的来说,我认为阅读是至关重要的技能,可以为我们带来个人乐趣和职业成功。我们都应该为其花费时间,并终身学习不断提高。

Methods of Feeding the Bit

Large rigs: The larger rotary rigs which apply pressure to the bit by using the weight of the drill collars can feed the bit by simply lowering the pipe. The pipe is usually lowered by feeding off against the winch brake. The driller controls the feed rate by watching a gauge showing the“weight”on the bit.Light and medium rigs: Smaller rotary rigs are normally provided with a “pull-down ” mechanism so that when sufficient weight is not available in the drill collars ( e. g. ,at the surface when the hole is being started) ,the rig can “pull the pipe down”into the hole.This means that part of the rig weight is added to the drill pipe weight to get enough weight on the bit.Pull down: The pull-down is achieved by screw, cable, chain or sometimes direct hydraulic action. Chains are mostly used in medium size rigs. The rate of application of pull- down will control the feed rate. Thus,the bit is fed by adjusting the rate of application of the pull-down.The advantages and disadvantages of different rotary drives and feeding methods are listed in Table 7. 1.Table 7. 1 Merits of rotary drive and feed methods


The film follows the comedic and eventful journeys of two fish - Marlin and his son Nemo - who become separated in the Great Barrier Reef when Nemo is unexpectedly taken far from home and thrust into a fish tank in a dentist"s office overlooking Sydney harbor. Buoyed by the companionship of a friendly-but-forgetful fish named Dory, the overly cautious father embarks on a dangerous trek and finds himself the unlikely hero of an epic journey to rescue his son - who hatches a few daring plans of his own to return safely home.Andrew Stanton, the man behind the scripts for Toy Story, Toy Story 2, A Bug"s Life and Monsters Inc. (the last of which he also directed), has now written and directed Pixar"s latest CGI adventure, ‘Finding Nemo", in which he repeats his now all too familiar formula of presenting a distorted view of our world through the eyes of a community of creatures (this time sealife) which we rarely, if ever, notice. A neurotic clownfish called Marlin (voiced by Albert Brooks) goes on a comic odyssey across the oceans in search of his missing son Nemo (Alexander Gould). Helped, and sometimes hindered, by the irrepressibly cheery and terminally forgetful Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), Marlin has encounters with all manner of unusual sealife – sharks on a 12-step programme to overcome their killer instincts, stinging jellyfish, surfer-dude turtles, a whale and a gregarious pelican – before attempting a daring rescue from the fishtank of a dental surgery overlooking Sydney Harbour. The first word in ‘Finding Nemo" is ‘wow!", uttered by Marlin as he admires the ocean view from his new home on a coral reef, and it is true that this film offers a real feast for the eyes – even if, as was the case with the ‘Toy Story" films, the film"s CGI stylisation seems far better suited to the nonhuman than to the human characters (who just look gawky). While the keynote of the film is comedy, there are also some serious themes lurking beneath the surface (Pixar is, after all, a subsidiary of Disney). The ocean is portrayed as a genuinely menacing place, full of danger and destruction, and I can think of few other children"s films which begin with the violent death of the main character"s wife and children. Marlin"s crippling anxieties about anything and everything are counterbalanced by Dory"s goldfish-like ethos that one should always forget the past, smile and ‘just keep swimming", and in the end Marlin learns to ‘let go" and stop being so overprotective towards his son – but nonetheless the impression remains that there is much in the sea to justify a judicious degree of caution, and the image near the end of Marlin, Dory and Nemo literally swimming with sharks leaves a note of unease. Certainly ‘Finding Nemo" is destined to make children think hard about the provenance of the fish on their plate in much the way that ‘Babe" did with bacon. ‘Finding Nemo" is beautiful to look at, and not without humour, but given that we have already seen this basic storyline done in other Pixar films with toys, bugs and monsters, its waters are starting to taste just a little stale.

Adding another wrinkle to 是什么意思?



[krau028ad u02c8fu028cndu026au014b ]、指:众筹是通过向不定向个人集资,通常通过因特网,以支持某些个人或群体的想法和努力。1用途在国外,Crowdfunding被用于多类活动,包括灾难救助,公民新闻,支持艺术,政治游行,创业融资,软件开发,科学研究等等 同类英文翻译:crowd financing, equity crowdfunding, crowd-sourced fundraising


英文原文:reading stories英式音标:[u02c8riu02d0du026au014b] [su02c8tu0254u02d0ru026az] 美式音标:[u02c8ridu026au014b] [su02c8tu0254u02d0ru026az]



reading stories什么意思

readingstories的意思中文意思是阅读故事;看故事书;看故事。readingstories英式读音为[u02c8riu02d0du026au014bu02c8stu0254u02d0riz]。readingstories美式读音为美[u02c8riu02d0du026au014bu02c8stu0254riz]。reading中文意思是阅读,是read的现在分词。stories中文意思是故事,小说。He says he"s busy, but he"s reading stories half the time.他说他忙,可是他老在看小说。扩展资料:一、read阅读v.(动词):识字;阅读;读懂;读;朗读;读到;查阅到n.(名词):好的(或有意思等的)读物;好书(或文章等) 第三人称单数:reads。现在分词:reading。过去式:read。过去分词:read。二、stories的单数形式是story,但是单数不能单独存在,要在名词前加冠词a。三、readingstories近义词短语1、readstorybooks读故事书2、readingalot读了很多书


reading stories是指读故事书,如果做主语是可以作为第三人称单数。

reading stories的单数

read是一个动词,没有单复数的区别;而story是名词,stories的单数形式是story,但是单数不能单独存在,要在名词前加冠词a所以这个词组变为单数就是reading a story

reading stories是什么意思


reading stories怎么读

英文原文:reading stories英式音标:[u02c8riu02d0du026au014b] [u02c8stu0254u02d0ru026az] 美式音标:[u02c8ridu026au014b] [u02c8stu0254ru026az]

SHINEE的ring ding dong中文谐音歌词

钟铉:Baby(内噶巴内拨里内给 为累)(读流怕go木喽素几买an够)(哭流内给吗giu把啦哦 dae)My lady~Ring ding dong, ring ding dong,ring diggy ding diggy ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong, ring diggy ding diggy ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong, ring diggy ding diggy ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong, ring diggy ding diggy ding ding dingKey:(Butterfly 挪路 慢楠求孙赶o)(读里半家茉莉四大 被里叮咚无流 so)温流:(难妈呀 妈起弄m 恰可弄m 哭喽弄m 难一起难)(那啦白喽 看恰那 bad boy)泰民:(挪你摸起 butterfly)(no 木也给把几so no木素内把叫so 内给忒托呀给so)钟铉:(他落木就吗 够就吗 那妈米一毒被窘那 )(你噶摸路妈没土喽 弄恰素ong嫩够)ALL:(Baby 内嘎素木 猛切素 Oh crazy )( no木也bo kiang dae素 Oh crazy)(那里谬 批聊哦大crazy 那 为累)we wannna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rock(so fantastic)go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rock(so elastic)Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantasticElastic, elastic, elastic, elasticRing ding dong, ring ding dong,泰民:(o几满那物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,温流:(mo 里素k物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,key:(内嘎素里物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,ring diggy ding diggi ding ding ding钟铉:I call your butterfly(哪里嘎谬赶素够)(摸西把嘎 no懒够)(还哦弄素我大嫩够)(奶喽 所得该 都蓝key几买够)(所tae gae 都慢嘎几买够)泰民:(内给 把几 把bo in纳)钟铉:(内 jae kei juo呀腿)ALL:(Baby 内嘎素木 猛切素 Oh crazy )(no木也bo kiang dae素 Oh crazy )(那里谬 批聊哦大crazy 那 为累)珉豪:( 那 恰卡第恰卡 就无里过类no 一也摸dae kae就)key:(弄嘎动西摸里摸就一米就里卡皮 一他lae kae看恰够 )Break out(hey)break out(hey)break out(hey)break out(hey)Ring ding ding ding ding di di di di dong dong dong dong dodo dong dodo dong钟铉:(撒系难 补篮内 哦都kae 那 bo几)泰民:(哦就缪 哦舅缪 内给吼嘎谬嘎够in嫩几)温流:(一图喽 干土不jio 还素 把给偶不所)钟铉:(拖k so完嫩够)温流:(Complicate girl! )泰民:(拖的no拉mae怕几吗)钟铉:(那给恰龙慢家蓝girl )泰民:(内噶米秋拨里几拉木)Key:Don"t be silly girl (Silly girl)温流:You"re my miracle (My miracle)钟铉:(no满嘎几so为大谬 内给 大批聊玩嫩girl)ALL:(Baby 内嘎素木 猛切素 Oh crazy )(no木也bo kiang dae素 Oh crazy )(那里谬 批聊哦大crazy 那 为累)We wannna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rock(so fantastic)go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rock(so elastic)Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantasticElastic, elastic, elastic, elasticRing ding dong, ring ding dong,泰民:(o几满那物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,key:(mo 里素k物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,泰民:(内嘎素里物琳大)ring diggy ding diggi ding ding dingRing ding dong, ring ding dong,ring diggy ding diggi ding ding ding

ring ding dong的中文字音译歌词


In The Garden (1996 Recording) 歌词

歌曲名:In The Garden (1996 Recording)歌手:EMMYLOU HARRIS专辑:Songbird: Rare Tracks & Forgotten Gems [Digital Version]In the GardenDolores O"riordanAre You Listening?I see you playingIn the gardenOutside my windowOh, oh ohYou"re like your fatherI see right through youJust like your fatherI thought I knew youOh, oh oh, ohIt"s a panicIn paradiseIt"s a panicIt"s in paradiseYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryI see her playingIn the gardenI was once like herYou did this to meI don"t rememberWhen this offense begunI don"t rememberI can"t undo what"s doneYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou know whyYou can"t come hereYou know whyI"ll keep my secretWith me until I dieI"ll keep my secretAnd I don"t know whyYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou know whyI can"t go thereI won"t cryI can"t go thereI won"t cryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10042074

[the lady who is standing behind the counter.]怎么理解这个句子?


求Ellie Goulding&Lauv《Slow Grenade》mp3下载

Ellie Goulding / Lauv-《Slow Grenade》网页链接这是你需要的资源去点击普通下载请登录查看下载或者转存确认无误---请及时采纳同求资源者请发求助提问自行学习如何使用百度网盘

类型编码(Type Encodings)

http://blog.csdn.net/iosswift/article/details/42361233 类型编码的作用:为了协助运行时系统,编译器用字符串为每个方法的返回值和参数类型和方法选择器编码.就是编译器内部把每个方法的返回值,参数类型和方法选择器->用特定的字符代替. 我们可以通过编译器指令 @encode() 来获取一个给定类型的编码字符串,下表列举了各种类型的类型编码; 举例 打印信息: 说明:一个数组的类型编码是用一个中括号表示的,中括号是数组的成员数量和类型,上面的例子中第一个表示12个对象的数组,第二个表示12个浮点型变量的数组,第三个便是12个浮点型指针的数组; 举例: 打印信息: 说明:结构体的类型编码是用大括号表示的,括号中,首先是结构体类型,然后跟等号,等号后面是按照先后顺序列出结构结构体成员变量的类型,上例中按照先后顺序^i表示int型指针,d表示double类型,*表示char型指针,也就是字符串;i表示int类型;另外,结构体指针和,指向结构体指针的指针的类型编码分别如下: 打印信息: 最后,对象是被视为特殊的结构体,因此它们的类型编码和结构体是类似的。将 NSObject 传参给 @encode() 得到的是{NSObject=#},NSObject 只有一个成员就是isa,是Class类型;因此等号后面就跟了一个#符号;通过下面的例子更深入了解: @interface Book : BaseModel { @private NSString* _privateName; int* aPint; double aDouble; char *aString; int anInt; } @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *author; @property (assign, nonatomic) NSUInteger pages; @property (strong, nonatomic) Pen *pen; @end char *buf = @encode(Book); NSLog(@"encode: %s ", buf); 打印信息: 说明:很明显,按照先后顺序依次为Class,对象,int型指针,double,c字符串,int类型 注意:尽管@encode()指令不返回它们,在协议中用来声明方法时,运行时系统使用表6-2中列出的额外编码列表来限定类型。 Objective-C方法编码


encode [英]u026anu02c8ku0259u028ad [美]u026anu02c8kou028ad vt. (将文字材料)译成密码;编码,编制成计算机语言 [例句]Biobricks are dna sequences that encode basic biological functions.biobricks是编码了基本生物学功能的dna序列。很高兴为您解答。希望能够帮上忙。如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。






happy ending 美满结局

Ending Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Ending Rain歌手:拳皇专辑:拳皇XI OSTEnding我趴在琴上 晕了手弹到最後心也累了无力 拥有你忘掉你比较容易活因寒冷而抱紧热恋中难以变清醒雾轻盈罩住了我的灰眼睛黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖为夜晚而疯狂反覆弹著致命的旋律愚蠢 就是我我必须要说 做梦救不了我黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖Ending让我哭它结束的如此仓促留下一阵盲目 糊涂Ending让我哭它结束的如此突兀只有自己找退路爱是谜样的节奏开始洒脱结束伤透扔掉钢琴是否感觉好过我对自己说http://music.baidu.com/song/20427030


可以啊!没有什么特别的意思。就是代表结束的意思。可以是一个Happy ending.

形容电视结束用end 还是ending

ending名词结局end动词或者名词 结束的意思如果想说这个电视的结局的话ending这个电视完结了就end


二者都可以。当强调“已经结束”这一状态时,要用end。当强调“怎样结束”这一过程时,则用ending。end的用法:1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish, achieve, attain, compass, gain, obtain, reach, secure, win等动词连用。3、end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。4、at one"s end的意思是“在那里”,指说话人或对方所在地,介词at有时可省略。

Taru的《Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending歌手:Taru专辑:PuzzleEnding我趴在琴上 晕了手弹到最後心也累了无力 拥有你忘掉你比较容易活因寒冷而抱紧热恋中难以变清醒雾轻盈罩住了我的灰眼睛黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖为夜晚而疯狂反覆弹著致命的旋律愚蠢 就是我我必须要说 做梦救不了我黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖Ending让我哭它结束的如此仓促留下一阵盲目 糊涂Ending让我哭它结束的如此突兀只有自己找退路爱是谜样的节奏开始洒脱结束伤透扔掉钢琴是否感觉好过我对自己说http://music.baidu.com/song/40578645

c418的《Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending歌手:c418专辑:catacomb snatch original soundtrackHAPPY ENDING电 话 声 一 声 声   声 声 回 荡 在 我 耳 边雨 一 阵 一 阵   忘 了 把 窗 关 上电 视 里 播 放 著 让 人 挣 扎 的 爱 情很 像 我 的 画 面   不 到 心 碎 不 肯 再 见期 待 爱   HAPPY ENDING闭 上 眼 睛 静 静 倾 听一 个 梦 想 实 现 的 心 境爱 的 故 事   HAPPY ENDING剧 情 最 後 谁 来 决 定没 有 台 词 的 内 心 戏(music)渴 望 今 生 有 次 恋 爱 至 少 由 我 导 演不 管 好 与 坏 我 不 会 有 怨 言思 念 像 潮 水 般 卷 走 我 所 有 缠 绵不 怕 爱 没 有 终 点就 怕 幸 福 溜 过 眼 前期 待 爱   HAPPY ENDING闭 上 眼 睛 静 静 倾 听一 个 梦 想 实 现 的 心 境爱 的 故 事   HAPPY ENDING剧 情 最 後 谁 来 决 定没 有 台 词 的 内 心 戏故 事 已 开 始我 等 你 开 始别 让 我 泪 流 不 止http://music.baidu.com/song/25761188


二者都可以。当强调“已经结束”这一状态时,要用end。当强调“怎样结束”这一过程时,则用ending。end的用法:1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish, achieve, attain, compass, gain, obtain, reach, secure, win等动词连用。3、end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。4、at one"s end的意思是“在那里”,指说话人或对方所在地,介词at有时可省略。


二者都可以。当强调“已经结束”这一状态时,要用end。当强调“怎样结束”这一过程时,则用ending。end的用法:1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish, achieve, attain, compass, gain, obtain, reach, secure, win等动词连用。3、end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。4、at one"s end的意思是“在那里”,指说话人或对方所在地,介词at有时可省略。

刘德华的《Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending歌手:刘德华专辑:Vision Tour 2004演唱会Ending我趴在琴上 晕了手弹到最後心也累了无力 拥有你忘掉你比较容易活因寒冷而抱紧热恋中难以变清醒雾轻盈罩住了我的灰眼睛黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖为夜晚而疯狂反覆弹著致命的旋律愚蠢 就是我我必须要说 做梦救不了我黑键白键 如此靠近分不清音阶迷离我弹到尾奏 再也忍不住痛你我都熬不到最後琴键冰冻穿透指尖Ending让我哭它结束的如此仓促留下一阵盲目 糊涂Ending让我哭它结束的如此突兀只有自己找退路爱是谜样的节奏开始洒脱结束伤透扔掉钢琴是否感觉好过我对自己说http://music.baidu.com/song/2078338


ending 英[u02c8endu026au014b] 美[u02c8u025bndu026au014b] n. 结束; 结局; 终结; 最后部份; v. 结束,终止(end的现在分词); [例句]The film has a Hollywood happy ending.那部电影有一个好莱坞式的美满结局。


二者都可以。当强调“已经结束”这一状态时,要用end。当强调“怎样结束”这一过程时,则用ending。end的用法:1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish, achieve, attain, compass, gain, obtain, reach, secure, win等动词连用。3、end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。4、at one"s end的意思是“在那里”,指说话人或对方所在地,介词at有时可省略。




end n. 结束;目标;尽头;末端;死亡ending n. 结局;结尾


ending 英 [u02c8endu026au014b] 美 [u02c8u025bndu026au014b] n.结局; 结束; 终结; 最后部份 v.结束,终止(end的现在分词)


endding还是ending:ending 。ending的复数是endings。。ending的意思是(故事、电影等的)结尾、结局、结束、终结、最后部分、词尾。end的意思是(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止、终结、结局、结尾、末端、尽头、末梢、结束、破灭。


“ending”的意思是结束; 结局; 终结。ending [u02c8u025bndu026au014b]词组:1. a happy ending 美满的结局2. ending point 终点3. nerve ending 神经末梢造句:1 The film has a Hollywood happy ending.那部电影有一个好莱坞 式的美满结局。2 Both hawks and doves have expanded their conditions forending the war.鹰派 和鸽派 都充分阐明了各自的停战条件。3 I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending我告诉他我主要是对他电影的结尾有保留意见。4 I nearly died when I learned where I was ending up得知自己到了哪里时,我简直要晕过去了。5 She fled with her children, moving from neighbour toneighbour and ending up in afriend"s cellar.她带着孩子逃亡,从一个邻居家跑到另一个邻居家,最后逃到了一个朋友的地下室。6 We hear stories of people being turfed out and ending up onthe streets我们听说了人们被赶出去流落街头的故事。7 Johnson tagged on a happy ending and changed the title to"Life Begins at 8:30".约翰逊 为其添加了个圆满的结尾,并将标题改作《生活从8:30开始》。8 The latest talks aimed at ending the civil war appear to beheading for deadlock为结束内战而进行的最新谈判好像要陷入僵局。9 By 1838, the abolitionists had shamed parliament into endingslavery in British colonies到1838年,废奴主义者迫使议会出于道德压力而废除了英国殖民地 的奴隶制 。10 There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest thatending a sentence with apreposition is wrong.语法规则中并没有规定句子以介词结尾是错误的。11 The company admits it will make a loss for the year endingSeptember.公司承认到9月本财年结束时将会出现亏损。12 She prophesied a bad ending for the expedition.她预言这次探险结局不会好。13 The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27.第一组数据显示截至7月27日的周销售量。14 So far little progress has been made towards ending thefighting到目前为止,在结束交战方面还没取得什么进展。15 But instead of ending in agreement, the talks broke up at the end of the week.但是到这个周末,谈判非但没有达成协议反而在唇枪舌剑中不欢而散。

什么时候用end 什么时候用ending?

当强调“已经结束”这一状态时,要用end。当强调“怎样结束”这一过程时,则用ending。词汇解析:1、end英文发音:[end]中文释义:n.(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止,终结,结局,结尾;末端;尽头;末梢;结束;破灭例句:This is the end of a tour so I"m a little antsy, I guess.旅途就此结束了,这让我有点坐立不安,我想是吧。2、ending英文发音:[u02c8endu026au014b]中文释义:n.(故事、电影等的)结尾,结局;结束;终结;最后部分;词尾例句:I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending我告诉他我主要是对他电影的结尾有保留意见。扩展资料end的用法:1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish, achieve, attain, compass, gain, obtain, reach, secure, win等动词连用。3、end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。4、at one"s end的意思是“在那里”,指说话人或对方所在地,介词at有时可省略。


1、意思不同:end的意思是(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止、终结、结局、结尾、末端、尽头、末梢、结束、破灭。ending的意思是(故事、电影等的)结尾、结局、结束、终结、最后部分、词尾。2、复数不同:end的复数是ends。ending的复数是endings。3、发音不同:end的发音是英 [end]、美 [end]。ending的发音是英 [u02c8endu026au014b]、美 [u02c8endu026au014b]。finish v. (使)完成,(使)结束〔辨析〕最普通用词,指完成某事,常后接名词或动名词,但不可后接动词不定式;也指事件、活动或时期等结束。〔例证〕1、After finishing his homework, he went to bed.做完家庭作业后,他就睡觉了。2、Let me have the novel when you finish reading it.你读完那本小说后给我看看。

什么时候用end 什么时候用ending?



endding和ending的区别如下:1、意思不同:end的意思是(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止、终结、结局、结尾、末端、尽头、末梢、结束、破灭。ending的意思是(故事、电影等的)结尾、结局、结束、终结、最后部分、词尾。2、复橡神隐数不同:end的复数是ends。ending的复数是endings。3、发音不同:end的发音是英 [end]、美 [end]。ending的发音是英 [u02c8endu026au014b]、美 [u02c8endu026au014b]。finish v. (使)完成,(使)结束。〔辨析〕瞎渣最普通用词,指完成某事,常后接名词或动名词,但不可后接动词不定式;也指事件、活动梁厅或时期等结束。〔例证〕1、After finishing his homework, he went to bed.做完家庭作业后,他就睡觉了。2、Let me have the novel when you finish reading it.你读完那本小说后给我看看。


ending是表示结局的意思。ending作为名词是结局、结尾、末梢、词尾的意思。作为动词是结束、终止(end 的现在分词)的意思。相关例句:The ending of the play is reversed, which we all didn"t expect此剧的结局是反转的,我们大家都没有料想到结局。There are several spelling methods for the ending of this word这个单词的词尾有几种拼写方法。


ending是表示结局的意思。ending作为名词是结局、结尾、末梢、词尾的意思。作为动词是结束、终止(end 的现在分词)的意思。相关例句:The ending of the play is reversed, which we all didn"t expect此剧的结局是反转的,我们大家都没有料想到结局。There are several spelling methods for the ending of this word这个单词的词尾有几种拼写方法。
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