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这两个句型没区别, 都是表建议的, 而且后面都接动词ING形式 表建议的还有why not /why don"t you +动原

表关于,as to ,about,regarding.有什么区别,可以互换吗

这三个都是介词,而且都表达同样的意思,但名称略有不同:as to ,复杂介词(或短语介词)例如 in front of,at the back ofabout,介词(普通介词)例如 for,on,withregarding 分词介词(由分词形式演变来的介词),例如 including但是,它们这几个用法一般可以互换,并没有多大区别。只是注意:as to可以放在句首,其他两个一般放在句中。例如:As to the problem of air pollution,we have paid great attention to it.=Great attention has been paid to the problem of air pollution.祝你开心如意!

请问regarding to 以及 regarding 的区别





英语regarding后面一般跟to,并常作为宾语使用。宾语,又称受词,是指一个动作(动词)的接受者。宾语分为直接宾语和间接宾语两大类,其中直接宾语指动作的直接对象,间接宾语说明动作的非直接,但受动作影响的对象。 英语(English)属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。


确切来说不是宾语从句,而是宾语补足语,宾语从句充当整个句子宾语,去掉它句子缺宾语,例如 I think that she will win.但宾补只是补充说明,前面已有宾语。宾补可不做句子成分,去掉它句子还是完整的。它不是定语从句是因为:它不是起修饰作用,而是起补充说明作用,指出information是什么。




差不多!regarding相当于about sb/sth 关于;至于Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.你如果还有什么工作方面的问题就给我打电话。

regarding 用法与中文意思!跟 with regard to 差在哪?来搞懂

regarding 用法与中文意思 regarding 用法 ,你都知道怎么用了吗? regarding 是一个英文介系词,它的用法跟 about 其实一样,都是指「关于…」的意思,因此如果你想知道 regarding 用法怎么用,其实就参考你怎么用 about 这个英文单字就可以了。 regarding 中文意思 是指「关于 …」的意思,很多人会误解为 regarding 后面有个「ing」,以为它是「V-ing」动名词的形式,其实不是唷,只是刚好 regarding 是 ing 结尾的单字而已。 如果你还不知道 regarding 用法 怎么用,以及 regarding 的中文意思 ,本篇文章会有完整教学。 文章目录 regarding 用法、regarding 中文意思 regarding 放在句中 regarding 放在句首 regarding 用法的一些误解 1.regarding 是 V-ing 动名词? 2.regarding 后面可以接 to? regarding 与 with regard to 用法差在哪? regarding 跟 with regard to 要用哪个? regarding 用法总整理 regarding 用法、regarding 中文意思 regarding 在英文里面是个介系词,根据剑桥字典,regarding 的用法跟「about 」是一模一样的,因此你怎么用 about ,你就可以怎么用 regarding。 regarding 可以放在句中或是句子开头。 regarding 放在句中 regarding 可以放在句子中间。 例: She has said nothing regarding your request. 她对你的要求一言不发。 例: I will be speaking to Jenny later today regarding the matter. 我将在今天晚些时候就此事与珍妮交谈。 例: We"re exploring a variety of options regarding this plan. 我们正在探索有关此计划的各种选项。 regarding 放在句子中间的话,那么前后的两段话之间就不用加上逗号。 regard ing 放在句首 regarding 也可以放在句首唷。 例: Regarding the punishment, what would you advise? 关于处罚,你有什么建议? 例: Regarding the Covid-19, what would you advise? 关于 Covid-19,您有什么建议? 例: Regarding John and Jenny, do you have anything to say? 关于约翰和珍妮,你有什么想说的吗? regarding 放在句首的话,中间要加上逗号。 rega rding 用法的一些误解 关于 regarding,很多人可能会有一些误解,说明如下。 1.regarding 是 V-ing 动名词? 很多人看到 regarding 这个英文单字,会以为它是 regard+Ving ,也就是动名词形式,其实不是唷,regarding 是一个英文单字,regarding 用法就跟「about」一样。 简单的说,你怎么用 about ,就怎么用 regarding。剑桥字典对于 regarding 的解释也是直接解释为 about。 2.regarding 后面可以接 to? 另一个常见对于 regarding 的误用,就是在 regarding 后面接 to。 例: I will be speaking to Jenny later today regarding the matter.(正确) 我将在今天晚些时候就此事与珍妮交谈。 I will be speaking to Jenny later today regarding to the matter.(错误) 我将在今天晚些时候就此事与珍妮交谈。 例: Regarding John and Jenny, do you have anything to say?(正确) 关于约翰和珍妮,你有什么想说的吗? Regarding to John and Jenny, do you have anything to say?(错误) 关于约翰和珍妮,你有什么想说的吗? regarding 后面是不用接 to 的唷。 regarding 与 with regard to 用法差在哪? regarding 的用法就跟「about」一样,那么 with regard to 呢?with regard to 是一个英文片语,中文意思为「关于,至于」的意思,剑桥字典对于 with regard to 的解释为:「in connection with」的意思。 关于 with regard to 的用法,可以参考下面英文例句。 例: I am writing to you with regard to your letter of 12 July. 我正在回复关于你七月12号的来信。 regard ing 跟 with regard to 要用哪个? 既然了解了 with regard to 本身也有「关于」的意思,那么在写作或是口语上,应该用哪个呢? 其实可以尽可能地用 regard ing,原因很简单,那就是 regard ing 比较短,语言应该越简单且直接地去表达越好,避免使用一些很 fancy的词汇。 regard ing 用法总整理 regard ing 是介系词,用法跟 about 是一样的,你怎么用 about 就怎么用 regard ing。regard ing 不是「V-ing」动名词形式,而且 regard ing 后面不用接 to。 英文信件结尾 Best regards 用法与意思是?各种 Email 书信结尾用法 【Best regards 中文】英文书信结尾除了Best regards还可以怎么用? 【Email 结尾】电子邮件应该怎么写?7 组超实用英文email结尾语!

regarding 和regarding to 哪个做开头是对的

Regarding 或者 with regard to

one-hot encoding是什么意思

one-hot encoding一个 热门的编码hot[英][hu0252t][美][hɑ:t]adj.热的; 辣的; 激动的; 热门的; vt.使兴奋,使激动; adv.热的; 紧迫的; vi.变热; 第三人称单数:hots过去分词:hotted最高级:hottest现在进行时:hotting比较级:hotter过去式:hotted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Happiness is a hot topic. 幸福是一个热门话题.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

英语翻译Is the world warming up?According to many reports the an

Is the world warming up?According to many reports the answer is yes.Eleven of the hottest years since 1850 appeared between 1995 and 2006.Last year,the United Nation"s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported the earth was about 0.75.C warmer than it was in 1850.While this doesn"t sound like a lot,a *** all difference in average (平均) temperature can make a big difference in climate(气候).During the last ice age,the planet was only about five degrees colder than now. 世界在变暖吗?根据很多报道,世界的确在变暖.至1850,11个最暖的年份出现在1995和2006之间.去年,联合国气候变化 *** 间专家委员会缩写分类机构组织,IPCC,的报告指出地球目前的温度比1850年时的温度高0.75度.虽然这听起来不是很严重,但是平均温度小小的差距可能对气候有大大的影响.上一个冰河时代只比今天冷5度而已. It"s all about the speed at which temperatures are changing.In the past,temperatures moved up or down step by step.But in the 20th century,especially since 1976,temperatures have likely risen more quickly than during any century in the last 1,000 years.Warming may bring improved harvests (收获) to northern countries such as Canada and Russia.However,many species (物种) won"t like these conditions.They begin moving towards cooler places and cause lots of trouble to human world. 引人注意的是温度变化的速度.进入20世纪以前,温度变化的幅度是一点一点的,没有像20世纪现在飞速的上涨.至1976年,温度上涨的速度比过去1000年以来任何一时段上涨的速度都要快.全球变暖也许会短时间内有些好处,使例如加拿大和俄罗斯等北方国家的农业收获有所增长,但是许多物种很不适应这种变暖环境.它们将往更冷的地方迁移,并给人类带了许多问题. The IPCC reported that human activity is very likely responsible (负责任的),by increasing the greenhouse effect (效应).Some gases cause the air to take in heat energy.Without the greenhouse effect,the earth"s average temperature would be -18.C rather than the present fortable 14.6 degrees.The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2),water vapor (蒸汽) and some other gases.Burning oil,coal and waste adds to the Carbon dioxide,and it has increased 35% since 1850. IPCC的报道里指全球变暖很可能是由人类的行动不断的加剧温室效应而导致的.有些气体会使空气吸收热量.如果没有温室效应,地球的平均温度只有-18度,而不是今天舒适的14.6度.温室效应气体主要是二氧化碳,水蒸汽和其他气体.燃烧煤,石油和垃圾将二氧化碳释放到空气中.至1850,二氧化碳的释放量已经增长了35%. Many researchers have found that natural forces alone don"t explain the temperature increases over the last 30 to 40 years.Their study shows that as carbon dioxide goes up,temperatures will rise too.But some scientists don"t agree.They think the effect of human produced greenhouse gases is very *** all pared to the normal changes that the climate causes. 许多研究人员发现,不能单用自然的力量来解释过去30-40年温度增长的现象.它们的研究证明二氧化碳的增加也会使温度上涨.但是有些科学家不认为这是人类的责任.他们觉得人类行为释放的二氧化碳对自然界的影响远远小于自然界正常的气候变化. When asked whether humans are causing the world warming,Carl Wunsch,a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says,“It seems very likely from what I"ve seen.Is it 100% sure?No.There"s something to do with natural changes.” Does that mean we should have a “wait and see” attitude (态度)?Not according to Wunsch.He points out we buy house insurance (保险) not because we are sure our homes will be on fire,but because it"s a danger we"d rather avoid. 当我们问麻省理工学院教授Carl Wunsch人类是否导致全球变暖时,他的回答如下:"据我所了解的信息,我觉得这是非常可能的.但是不能百分之百确认.这一切的确与自然自己的变化有关联." 那我们应该袖手旁观吗,让世界就这样变化下去吗?Wunsch不这么认为.他指出我们买车保*不是因为我们非常肯定会出车祸,而是因为这是一个我们非常愿意避免的事情. *原文里是房保,但是中国好像没有这玩意儿,车保的例子能使读者更好的明白Wunsch的意思. .这应该给我多点分.简单的翻译了一下,有些地方语法错误请无视,用词的水平也就这样,总之语句不通请谅解!

Natasha Bedingfield的《Unwritten》 歌词

歌曲名:Unwritten歌手:Natasha Bedingfield专辑:Unwritten揘atasha Bedingfield : Unwritten?I am unwritten can"t read my mind. I"m undefined.I"m just beginning. The pen"s in my hand. Ending unplanned.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elseCan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.Oh. Oh. Oh.I break tradition. Sometimes my tries, are outside the lines.We"ve been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can"t live that way.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else. No one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else. No one elseCan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.The rest is still unwritten.The rest is still unwritten.Oh, yeah, yeah...http://music.baidu.com/song/458448

Natasha Bedingfield的《Unwritten》的歌词

unwritten 歌手:natasha bedingfield 专辑:unwritten I am unwritten, You cant read my mind,Im undifined,Im just beginning,The pens in my hand,Ending unplannedStaring at the blank page before you,Open up the dirty window,Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find,Reaching for something in the distance,So close you can almost taste it,Release your innovitionChorusNatasha BedingfieldFeel the rain on your skin,No-one else can feel it for you,Only you can let it in,No-one else no-one else,Can speak the words on your lips,Judge your self in words unspoken,Live your life with eyes wide open,Today is where your book begins,The rest is still unwrittenI break tradition,Sometimes my tries are outside the lines,(yeah yeah)We"ve been conditioned,To not make mistakes,But i can"t live that way No NoStaring at the blank page before you,Open up the dirty window,Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find,So close you can almost taste it,Release your innovitionChorus x 2Staring at the blank page before you,Open up the dirty window,Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find,Reaching for something in the distance,So close you can almost taste it,Release your innovitionChorus x 2Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah WoahThe rest is still unwrittenUh uh uh uhWoah woah woah woah woah woah

Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten歌词中文意思

歌词如下: 《unwritten》 I Am Unwritten, Can"t Read My Mind, I"m Undefined I"m Just Beginning, The Pen"s In My Hand, Ending Unplanned Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten Oh, Oh I Break Tradition, Sometimes My Tries, Are Outside The Lines (yeh yeh) We"ve Been Conditioned To Not Make Mistakes, But I Can"t Live That Way (oh oh) Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten Staring At The Blank Page Before You, Open Up The Dirty Window Let The Sun Illuminate The Words That You Could Not Find Reaching For Something In The Distance So Close You Can Almost Taste It Release Your Inhibitions Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins Feel The Rain On Your Skin No One Else Can Feel It For You Only You Can Let It In No One Else, No One Else Can Speak The Words On Your Lips Drench Yourself In Words Unspoken Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open Today Is Where Your Book Begins The Rest Is Still Unwritten The Rest Is Still Unwritten 让阳光照亮你找不到的字眼,伸手拿一件在很远的东西 内在含义是写复杂的内心活动无法表达,无法记录 我是没有文字记录的,看不懂我的心、我不明确 我刚刚开始,钢笔在我手里握着,无计划截止 凝视在你面前的空白页 打开肮脏的窗户 让阳光照亮你找不到的字眼 伸手拿一件在很远的东西in the distance [简明英汉词典] 在远处,在很远的 那边光辉灿烂的距离如此接近,几乎可以品尝它释放 你皮肤感受到雨 你没有人能替你感觉 只有你可以让它进 在没有人, 没有人 能说的话你自己嘴唇 湿透在你的生活与生活文字 敞开的双手去生活 今天是你的书始于 其余仍在不成文

Natasha Bedingfield的《Unwritten》 歌词

歌曲名:Unwritten歌手:Natasha Bedingfield专辑:Grammy Nominees 2007 格莱美提名2007揘atasha Bedingfield : Unwritten?I am unwritten can"t read my mind. I"m undefined.I"m just beginning. The pen"s in my hand. Ending unplanned.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elseCan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.Oh. Oh. Oh.I break tradition. Sometimes my tries, are outside the lines.We"ve been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can"t live that way.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else. No one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else. No one elseCan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.Staring at the blank page before youopen up the dirty window.Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.Reaching for something in the distance.So close you can almost taste it.Release your inhibitions.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.Feel the rain on your skin.No one else can feel it for you.Only you can let it in.No one else, no one elsecan speak the words on your lips.Drench yourself in words unspoken.Live your life with arms wide open.Today is where your book begins.The rest is still unwritten.The rest is still unwritten.The rest is still unwritten.Oh, yeah, yeah...http://music.baidu.com/song/1009209

一位英国女歌手唱的《HANDING ON》可不知道她名字

Ellie Goulding她的Lights (Single Version) 也还不错~

hanging on ellie goulding歌词意思


utilities building是什么意思

utilities building公用设施的建设双语对照例句:1.The old utilities building was demolished b. razed and a new highrise tookits place. 旧的多功能大楼被拆除并在原来的地方修建了一幢新的高楼。2.Solar or light energy can power utilities as small as a pocket calculator, alaptop computer bag or even a complete home or office building. 太阳能或光能发电可以作为小口袋计算器,手提电脑包,甚至一个完整的家庭或办公室建设。

injection moulding是什么意思

injection moulding[英][inu02c8du0292eku0283u0259n u02c8mu0259uldiu014b][美][u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n u02c8moldu026au014b]注射成型法; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Geekay is based in a small workshop crammed with injection moulding machines. geekay设在一个小车间里,车间内满是注塑机器。



Trading Places 歌词

歌曲名:Trading Places歌手:Powderfinger专辑:InternationalistUsher--Trading Placesukoo.net 孤独的小贝制作Hey, I know what you used toWe gon" do something different tonightOhh-uuuohhhohhhh-uuuNow we gonna do this thing a lil different tonightU gonna come over and pick me up in your rideU gon knock and then u gon waitOoo u gon take me on a dateU gonna open my door and I"m reach over and open yoursGon pay for dinner take me to see a movieAnd whisper in my ear I bet you really wanna do meGirl now take me home and get up in BenzPour me up a shot and force me to the bedI"m always on the top tonight I"m on the bottomCoz we trading placesWhen I cant take no more, tell me you ain"t stoppingCoz we trading placesNow put it on me baby till I say Oooo weeeAnd tell me to shut up before the neighbors hear meThis is how it feels when you do it like meWe trading placesGon get it, get it get it, get it get it,Gon get it, get it get it, get it get it,Gon get it, get it get it, get it get it,We trading placesI"ll be waking u up to a cup of FolgersPancakes and eggs I owe ya breakfast in bed, oh babyAnd your orange juice sitting on the coasterToast on the side baby strawberry and grape jellyYou finished let me get that drink,Pull the curtain from the windowTime to get up baby let me make this bed upToday we going shopping blow 30 on meMake it 60, spend it like u really love meSkip dinner and we gon rent a movieYou order chinese food right before u do meYou coming on strong baby let me wash me handsShe said hurry up then get your ass to bedYou get on top tonight I"m on the bottomCoz we trading placesWhen I cant take no more, tell me you ain"t stoppingCoz we trading placesNow put it on me baby till I say Oooo weeeAnd tell me to shut up before the neighbors hear meThis is how it feels when you do it like meWe trading placesGon get it, get it get it, get it get it,Gon get it, get it get it, get it get it,Gon get it, get it get it, get it get it,We trading places(yeah) Wash the car(yeah) I"m gonna walk the dog(yeah) Take out the trash(yeah) With nothing but your t-shirt on(yeah) I"m gonna press your shirt(yeah) I"m gonna wrinkle mines up(yeah) In the kitchen girl we crazy we don"t give a fuckWhere you want me?ohhh ohhhOhh ohhhuuuu babyyyGive it to me babyyyohhhh ohhhhhohhhh ohhhhhhhooo-uuuu babyyBabyyy yeaaaoooo-uuuohhhhhhhohhhhhhohhhhhhhuuuuu-uuuuYou get on top tonight I"m on the bottomCoz we trading placesWhen I cant take no more, you say you aint stoppingCoz we trading placesNow we gon do this thing a lil different tonightTrading placesStay tuned for part 2You been me I been uBut we gon switch this thing backI"m put it on your asshttp://music.baidu.com/song/10289383

什么是reading journal



读书周reading 英["ri:du026au014b]美["ri:du026au014b]n. 阅读;宣读;读物;读数


  bleeding love 流血的爱  Closed off from love 从爱情中解脱  I didn"t need the pain 我不想再痛苦  Once or twice was enough 一两次就够了  And it was all in vain 但是一切都是徒劳  Time starts to pass 时间开始流逝  Before you know it you"re frozen 在你明白之前,你已经冰冻了  But something happened 但是很多事情都已发生  For the very first time with you 第一次和跟你在一起  My heart melts into the ground 我的心已融化入土地  Found something true 我找到了真情  And everyone"s looking round所有人都看着我  Thinking I"m going crazy都认为我已经快疯了  But I don"t care what they say 但是,我一点都不在乎他们在说什么  I"m in love with you 我爱你  They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦  But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相  My heart"s crippled by the vein 我的血管连着的心已残缺不全  That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己  You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开  Keep bleeding 我一直在流血  Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  I keep bleeding 我一直在流血  I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open 你将我割裂开 Trying hard not to hear 艰难的试着不去听  But they talk so loud 但是他们说话的声音是那么大  Their piercing sounds fill my ears 他们刺耳的谈话声充斥着我的耳朵  Try to fill me with doubt 试图将我带入犹豫中  Yet I know that the goal 然而我知道他们的目的  Is to keep me from falling 是想让我不要继续堕落  But nothing"s greater 你的拥抱给我带来了很大的冲击,没有任何东西比这种感觉强烈  Than the rush that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness 在这个孤寂的世界里  I see your face 我看到了你的脸庞  Yet everyone around me 虽然环绕着我的每一个人  Thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybe 都在想我是否疯了,也许,也许  But I don"t care what they say 但是我根本就不在乎他们在说什么  And it"s draining all of me 我所有的需也已经流干  Oh they find it hard to believe 他们觉得难以置信  I"ll be wearing these scars 我覆盖着这些伤疤  For everyone to see 为了每个人都能看见  I don"t care what they say我一点都不在乎他们在说什么  I"m in love with you 我爱上你  They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦  But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相  My heart"s crippled by the vein 我的血管连着的心已残缺不全  That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己  You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开  Keep bleeding 我一直在流血  Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  I keep bleeding 我一直在流血  I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱

求bleeding love歌词的音标

歌名:《Bleeding Love》歌手:Leona Lewis语言:英语所属专辑:《Bleeding Love》发行时间:2008-01-14英文歌词:Closed off from love, I didn"t need the painOnce or twice was enough, but it was all in vainTime starts to pass, before you know it, you"re frozenBut something happened, for the very first time with youMy heart melts into the ground, found something trueAnd everyone"s looking round, thinking I"m going crazyBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me away, but they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the vein, that I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleeding, I keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openTrying hard not to hear, but they talk so loudTheir piercing sounds fill my ears, try to fill me with doubtYet I know that the goal, is to keep me from fallingBut nothings greater, than the rush that comes with your embraceAnd in this world of loneliness, I see your faceYet everyone around me, thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybeBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me away, but they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the vein, that I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleeding, I keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openAnd it"s draining all of meOh they find it hard to believeI"ll be wearing these scars, for everyone to seeI don"t care what they say, I"m in love with youThey try to pull me away, but they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the vein, that I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleeding, I keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding loveOh, you cut me open and IKeep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleeding, I keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding loveOh, you cut me open and IKeep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding love中文歌词:从爱情中解脱我不想再痛苦一两次就足够但这都是徒劳时间开始流逝但是在你冰冻之前很多事情都已经发生为了第一次与你在一起我的心已融化入土地找到了真爱所有人都看着我认为我已疯狂可是我不在乎别人怎么说我深爱着你人们试着将我带离痛苦但是他们不知道真相我不断的封闭自己但你却将我割裂我一直在流血我的爱一直在流血我一直在流血我的爱一直在流血你将我割裂我努力不去听但是他们说的如此大声他们刺耳的话冲击着我的耳朵试图将我迷惑我知道他们的目的让我远离堕落没有更美好的与你给我强烈的拥抱相比在这个孤寂的世界里我看到了你的脸庞每个人都围着我认为我已经疯狂,可能吧,也是吧可是我不在乎,别人怎么说我所有的爱都在流失噢,他们难以置信我留下这些满身伤痕是为了每个人都能看见可是我不在乎,别人怎么说我深爱着你人们试着将我带离痛苦但是他们不知道真相我不断的封闭自己但你却将我割裂我一直在流血一直在流血的爱我一直在流血一直在流血的爱你将我割裂

bleeding love 歌词 原文

Leona LewisClosed off from love 从爱情中解脱I didn"t need the pain 我不想再痛苦Once or twice was enough 一两次就足够And it was all in vain 但这都是徒劳Time starts to pass 时间开始流逝Before you know it you"re frozen 在你冰冻之前But something happened 但是很多事情都已发生For the very first time with you 为了第一次与你在一起My heart melts into the ground 我的心已融化入土地Found something true 找到了真爱And everyone"s looking round所有人都看着我Thinking I"m going crazy认为我已疯狂But I don"t care what they say 可是我不在乎,别人怎么说I"m in love with you 我深爱着你They try to pull me away 人们试着将我带离痛苦But they don"t know the truth 但是他们不知道真相My heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closing 我不断的封闭自己You cut me open and I 但你却将我割裂Keep bleeding 我一直在流血Keep, keep bleeding love 我的爱一直在流血I keep bleeding 我一直在流血I keep, keep bleeding love 我的爱一直在流血Keep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open 你将我割裂Trying hard not to hear 我努力不去听But they talk so loud 但是他们说的如此大声Their piercing sounds fill my ears 他们刺耳的话冲击着我的耳朵Try to fill me with doubt 试图将我迷惑Yet I know that the goal 我知道他们的目的Is to keep me from falling 让我远离堕落But nothing"s greater 没有更美好的Than the rush that comes with your embrace 与你给我强烈的拥抱相比And in this world of loneliness 在这个孤寂的世界里I see your face 我看到了你的脸庞Yet everyone around me 每个人都围着我Thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybe 认为我已经疯狂,可能吧,也是吧But I don"t care what they say 可是我不在乎,别人怎么说I"m in love with you 我深爱着你They try to pull me away 人们试着将我带离痛苦But they don"t know the truth 但是他们不知道真相My heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closing 我不断的封闭自己You cut me open and I 但你却将我割裂Keep bleeding 我一直在流血Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱I keep bleeding 我一直在流血I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱Keep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and I 你将我割裂And it"s draining all of me 我所有的爱都在流失Oh they find it hard to believe 噢,他们难以置信I"ll be wearing these scars 我留下这些满身伤痕For everyone to see 是为了每个人都能看见I don"t care what they say 可是我不在乎,别人怎么说I"m in love with you 我深爱着你They try to pull me away 人们试着将我带离痛苦But they don"t know the truth 但是他们不知道真相My heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closing 我不断的封闭自己内心You cut me open and I 但你却将我割裂Keep bleeding 我一直在流血Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱I keep bleeding 我一直在流血I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱Keep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and I 你将我割裂Keep bleeding (zuochamo)Keep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding love“My heart"s crippled by the vein that I keep on closing” 这种心情让我心碎,让我不断的封闭自己内心

bleeding love的意思跟歌词

bleeding love 流血的爱 Closed off from love 从爱情中解脱 I didn"t need the pain 我不想再痛苦 Once or twice was enough 一两次就够了 And it was all in vain 但是一切都是徒劳 Time starts to pass 时间开始流逝 Before you know it you"re frozen 在你明白之前,你已经冰冻了 But something happened 但是很多事情都已发生 For the very first time with you 第一次和跟你在一起 My heart melts into the ground 我的心已融化入土地 Found something true 我找到了真情 And everyone"s looking round所有人都看着我 Thinking I"m going crazy都认为我已经快疯了 But I don"t care what they say 但是,我一点都不在乎他们在说什么 I"m in love with you 我爱你 They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦 But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相 My heart"s crippled by the vein 我的血管连着的心已残缺不全 That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己 You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开 Keep bleeding 我一直在流血 Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱 I keep bleeding 我一直在流血 I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱 Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open 你将我割裂开 Trying hard not to hear 艰难的试着不去听 But they talk so loud 但是他们说话的声音是那么大 Their piercing sounds fill my ears 他们刺耳的谈话声充斥着我的耳朵 Try to fill me with doubt 试图将我带入犹豫中 Yet I know that the goal 然而我知道他们的目的 Is to keep me from falling 是想让我不要继续堕落 But nothing"s greater 你的拥抱给我带来了很大的冲击,没有任何东西比这种感觉强烈 Than the rush that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness 在这个孤寂的世界里 I see your face 我看到了你的脸庞 Yet everyone around me 虽然环绕着我的每一个人 Thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybe 都在想我是否疯了,也许,也许 But I don"t care what they say 但是我根本就不在乎他们在说什么 And it"s draining all of me 我所有的需也已经流干 Oh they find it hard to believe 他们觉得难以置信 I"ll be wearing these scars 我覆盖着这些伤疤 For everyone to see 为了每个人都能看见 I don"t care what they say我一点都不在乎他们在说什么 I"m in love with you 我爱上你 They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦 But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相 My heart"s crippled by the vein 我的血管连着的心已残缺不全 That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己 You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开 Keep bleeding 我一直在流血 Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱 I keep bleeding 我一直在流血 I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱

Bleeding Love 歌词

歌曲名:Bleeding Love歌手:Leona Lewis专辑:The Brit Awards Album 2011Bleeding LoveLeona LewisClosed off from loveI didn"t need the painOnce or twice was enoughAnd it was all in vainTime starts to passBefore you know it you"re frozenBut something happenedFor the very first time with youMy heart melts into the groundFound something trueAnd everyone"s looking roundThinking I"m going crazyBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openTrying hard not to hearBut they talk so loudTheir piercing sounds fill my earsTry to fill me with doubtYet I know that the goalIs to keep me from fallingBut nothing"s greaterThan the rush that comes with your embraceAnd in this world of lonelinessI see your faceYet everyone around meThinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybeBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and I....Keep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openAnd it"s draining all of meOh they find it hard to believeI"ll be wearing these scarsFor everyone to seeI don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and I....Keep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and I....Keep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/59278546

Bleeding Love 歌词

歌曲名:Bleeding Love歌手:Leona Lewis专辑:2009 Grammy NomineesBleeding LoveLeona LewisClosed off from loveI didn"t need the painOnce or twice was enoughAnd it was all in vainTime starts to passBefore you know it you"re frozenBut something happenedFor the very first time with youMy heart melts into the groundFound something trueAnd everyone"s looking roundThinking I"m going crazyBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openTrying hard not to hearBut they talk so loudTheir piercing sounds fill my earsTry to fill me with doubtYet I know that the goalIs to keep me from fallingBut nothing"s greaterThan the rush that comes with your embraceAnd in this world of lonelinessI see your faceYet everyone around meThinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybeBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openAnd it"s draining all of meOh they find it hard to believeI"ll be wearing these scarsFor everyone to seeI don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1780233

bleading love的歌词

Bleeding LoveLeona LewisClosed off from love 从爱情中解脱I didn"t need the pain 我不想再痛苦Once or twice was enough 一两次就足够And it was all in vain 但这都是徒劳Time starts to pass 时间开始流逝Before you know it you"re frozen 在你冰冻之前But something happened 但是很多事情都已发生For the very first time with you 为了第一次与你在一起My heart melts into the ground 我的心已融化入土地Found something true 找到了真爱And everyone"s looking round所有人都看着我Thinking I"m going crazy认为我已疯狂But I don"t care what they say 可是我不在乎,别人怎么说I"m in love with you 我深爱着你They try to pull me away 人们试着将我带离痛苦But they don"t know the truth 但是他们不知道真相My heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closing 我不断的封闭自己You cut me open and I 但你却将我割裂Keep bleeding 我一直在流血Keep, keep bleeding love 我的爱一直在流血I keep bleeding 我一直在流血I keep, keep bleeding love 我的爱一直在流血Keep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open 你将我割裂Trying hard not to hear 我努力不去听But they talk so loud 但是他们说的如此大声Their piercing sounds fill my ears 他们刺耳的话冲击着我的耳朵Try to fill me with doubt 试图将我迷惑Yet I know that the goal 我知道他们的目的Is to keep me from falling 让我远离堕落But nothing"s greater 没有更美好的Than the rush that comes with your embrace 与你给我强烈的拥抱相比And in this world of loneliness 在这个孤寂的世界里I see your face 我看到了你的脸庞Yet everyone around me 每个人都围着我Thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybe 认为我已经疯狂,可能吧,也是吧But I don"t care what they say 可是我不在乎,别人怎么说I"m in love with you 我深爱着你They try to pull me away 人们试着将我带离痛苦But they don"t know the truth 但是他们不知道真相My heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closing 我不断的封闭自己You cut me open and I 但你却将我割裂Keep bleeding 我一直在流血Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱I keep bleeding 我一直在流血I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱Keep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and I 你将我割裂And it"s draining all of me 我所有的爱都在流失Oh they find it hard to believe 噢,他们难以置信I"ll be wearing these scars 我留下这些满身伤痕For everyone to see 是为了每个人都能看见I don"t care what they say 可是我不在乎,别人怎么说I"m in love with you 我深爱着你They try to pull me away 人们试着将我带离痛苦But they don"t know the truth 但是他们不知道真相My heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closing 我不断的封闭自己内心You cut me open and I 但你却将我割裂Keep bleeding 我一直在流血Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱I keep bleeding 我一直在流血I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱Keep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and I 你将我割裂Keep bleeding (zuochamo)Keep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding love“My heart"s crippled by the vein that I keep on closing” 这种心情让我心碎,让我不断的封闭自己内心

keep bleeding love是什么意思?


I keep bleeding 是什么意思?


歌曲名: Bleeding Love。

歌名:Bleeding Love填词:Jesse McCartney谱曲:Ryan Tedder原唱:Leona LewisClosed off from loveI didn"t need the painOnce or twice was enoughAnd it was all in vainTime starts to passBefore you know it you"re frozenBut something happenedFor the very first time with youMy heart melts into the groundFound something trueAnd everyone"s looking roundThinking I"m going crazyBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openTrying hard not to hearBut they talk so loudTheir piercing sounds fill my earsTry to fill me with doubtYet I know that the goalIs to keep me from fallingBut nothing"s greaterThan the rush that comes with your embraceAnd in this world of lonelinessI see your faceYet everyone around meThinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybeBut I don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openAnd it"s draining all of meOh they find it hard to believeI"ll be wearing these scarsFor everyone to seeI don"t care what they sayI"m in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don"t know the truthMy heart"s crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding love

Bleeding love的歌词?

曲名:bleeding love 歌手: leona lewis 专辑:spirit - music - closed off from love i didn"t need the pain once or twice was enough and it was all in vain time starts to pass before you know it you"re frozen but something happened for the very first time with you my heart melts into the ground found something true and everyone"s looking round thinking i"m going crazy but i don"t care what they say i"m in love with you they try to pull me away but they don"t know the truth my heart"s crippled by the vein that i keep on closing you cut me open and i keep bleeding keep, keep bleeding love i keep bleeding i keep, keep bleeding love keep bleeding keep, keep bleeding love you cut me open trying hard not to hear but they talk so loud their piercing sounds fill my ears try to fill me with doubt yet i know that the goal is to keep me from falling but nothing"s greater than the rush that comes with your embrace and in this world of loneliness i see your face yet everyone around me thinks that i"m going crazy, maybe, maybe but i don"t care what they say i"m in love with you they try to pull me away but they don"t know the truth my heart"s crippled by the vein that i keep on closing you cut me open and i keep bleeding keep, keep bleeding love i keep bleeding i keep, keep bleeding love keep bleeding keep, keep bleeding love you cut me open and it"s draining all of me oh they find it hard to believe i"ll be wearing these scars for everyone to see i don"t care what they say i"m in love with you they try to pull me away but they don"t know the truth my heart"s crippled by the vein that i keep on closing you cut me open and i keep bleeding keep, keep bleeding love i keep bleeding i keep, keep bleeding love keep bleeding- keep, keep bleeding love you cut me open and i keep bleeding keep, keep bleeding love i keep bleeding i keep, keep bleeding love keep bleeding keep, keep bleeding love you cut me open and i keep bleeding keep, keep bleeding love 接下来是中文。 Closed off from love 从爱情中解脱 I didn"t need the pain 我不想再痛苦 Once or twice was enough 一两次就足够 And it was all in vain 但这都是徒劳 Time starts to pass 时间开始流逝 Before you know it you"re frozen 在你冰冻之前 But something happened 但是很多事情都已发生 For the very first time with you 为了第一次与你在一起 My heart melts into the ground 我的心已融化入土地 Found something true 找到了真爱 And everyone"s looking round所有人都看着我 Thinking I"m going crazy认为我已疯狂 But I don"t care what they say 可是我不在乎,别人怎么说 I"m in love with you 我深爱着你 They try to pull me away 人们试着将我带离痛苦 But they don"t know the truth 但是他们不知道真相 My heart"s crippled by the vein That I keep on closing 我不断的封闭自己 You cut me open and I 但你却将我割裂 Keep bleeding 我一直在流血 Keep, keep bleeding love 我的爱一直在流血 I keep bleeding 我一直在流血 I keep, keep bleeding love 我的爱一直在流血 Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open 你将我割裂 Trying hard not to hear 我努力不去听 But they talk so loud 但是他们说的如此大声 Their piercing sounds fill my ears 他们刺耳的话冲击着我的耳朵 Try to fill me with doubt 试图将我迷惑 Yet I know that the goal 我知道他们的目的 Is to keep me from falling 让我远离堕落 But nothing"s greater 没有更美好的 Than the rush that comes with your embrace 与你给我强烈的拥抱相比 And in this world of loneliness 在这个孤寂的世界里 I see your face 我看到了你的脸庞 Yet everyone around me 每个人都围着我 Thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybe 认为我已经疯狂,可能吧,也是吧 But I don"t care what they say 可是我不在乎,别人怎么说 And it"s draining all of me 我所有的爱都在流失 Oh they find it hard to believe 噢,他们难以置信 I"ll be wearing these scars 我留下这些满身伤痕 For everyone to see 是为了每个人都能看见 I don"t care what they say 可是我不在乎,别人怎么说 I"m in love with you 我深爱着你 They try to pull me away 人们试着将我带离痛苦 But they don"t know the truth 但是他们不知道真相 My heart"s crippled by the vein That I keep on closing 我不断的封闭自己 You cut me open and I 但你却将我割裂 Keep bleeding 我一直在流血 Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱 I keep bleeding 我一直在流血 I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱 Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open and I 你将我割裂 Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love

keep bleeding / keep keep bleeding 是什么歌,

bleeding love

《Bellding Love》歌词的中文意思??

Closedofffromlove从爱情中解脱  Ididn"tneedthepain我不想再痛苦  Onceortwicewasenough一两次就够了  Anditwasallinvain但是一切都是徒劳  Timestartstopass时间开始流逝  Beforeyouknowityou"refrozen在你明白之前,你已经冰冻了  Butsomethinghappened但是很多事情都已发生  Fortheveryfirsttimewithyou第一次遇到你,跟你在一起  Myheartmeltsintotheground我的心已融化入土地  Foundsomethingtrue发现一些真实的事情  Andeveryone"slookinground所有人都看着我  ThinkingI"mgoingcrazy都认为我已经快疯了  ButIdon"tcarewhattheysay但是,我一点都不在乎他们在说什么  I"minlovewithyou我爱你  Theytrytopullmeaway他们都试图让我解脱痛苦  Buttheydon"tknowthetruth但是他们根本不知道真相  Myheart"scrippledbythevein因为这种痛苦的心境,我的心已经静止跳动  ThatIkeeponclosing我继续封闭自己  YoucutmeopenandI你将我割裂开  Keepbleeding我一直在流血  Keep,keepbleedinglove一直在流血的爱  Ikeepbleeding我一直在流血  Ikeep,keepbleedinglove一直在流血的爱  Keepbleeding  Keep,keepbleedinglove  Youcutmeopen你将我割裂开  Tryinghardnottohear艰难的试着不去听  Buttheytalksoloud但是他们说话的声音是那么大  Theirpiercingsoundsfillmyears他们刺耳的谈话声充斥着我的耳朵  Trytofillmewithdoubt试图将我带入犹豫中  YetIknowthatthegoal然而我知道他们的目的  Istokeepmefromfalling是想让我不要继续堕落  Butnothing"sgreater你的拥抱给我带来了很大的冲击,没有任何东西比这种感觉强烈  Thantherushthatcomeswithyourembrace  Andinthisworldofloneliness在这个孤寂的世界里  Iseeyourface我看到了你的脸庞  Yeteveryonearoundme虽然环绕着我的每一个人  ThinksthatI"mgoingcrazy,maybe,maybe都在想我是否疯了,也许,也许  ButIdon"tcarewhattheysay但是我根本就不在乎他们在说什么  Andit"sdrainingallofme我所有的需也已经流干  Ohtheyfindithardtobelieve他们觉得难以置信  I"llbewearingthesescars我覆盖着这些伤疤  Foreveryonetosee为了每个人都能看见

Bleeding love歌词


[求]英国最新冠军单曲Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love的歌词翻译

Closed off from love 从爱情中解脱I didn"t need the pain 我不想再痛苦Once or twice was enough 一两次就够了And it was all in vain 但是一切都是徒劳Time starts to pass 时间开始流逝Before you know it you"re frozen 在你明白之前,你已经冰冻了But something happened 但是很多事情都已发生For the very first time with you 第一次遇到你,跟你在一起My heart melts into the ground 我的心已融化入土地Found something true 发现一些真实的事情And everyone"s looking rou都认为我已经快疯了But I don"t care what they say 但是,我一点都不在乎他们在说什么I"m in love with you 我爱你They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相My heart"s crippled by the vein 因为这种痛苦的心境,我的心已经静止跳动That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开Keep bleeding 我一直在流血Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱I keep bleeding 我一直在流血I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open 你将我割裂开Trying hard not to hear 艰难的试着不去听But they talk so loud 但是他们说话的声音是那么大Their piercing sounds fill my ears 他们刺耳的谈话声充斥着我的耳朵Try to fill me with doubt 试图将我带入犹豫中Yet I know that the goal 然而我知道他们的目的Is to keep me from falling 是想让我不要继续堕落But nothing"s greater 你的拥抱给我带来了很大的冲击,没有任何东西比这种感觉强烈Than the rush that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness 在这个孤寂的世界里I see your face 我看到了你的脸庞Yet everyone around me 虽然环绕着我的每一个人Thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybe 都在想我是否疯了,也许,也许But I don"t care what they say 但是我根本就不在乎他们在说什么And it"s draining all of me 我所有的需也已经流干Oh they find it hard to believe 他们觉得难以置信I"ll be wearing these scars 我覆盖着这些伤疤For everyone to see 为了每个人都能看见

《Bellding Love》歌词的中文意思??

Closed off from love 从爱情中解脱  I didn"t need the pain 我不想再痛苦  Once or twice was enough 一两次就够了  And it was all in vain 但是一切都是徒劳  Time starts to pass 时间开始流逝  Before you know it you"re frozen 在你明白之前,你已经冰冻了  But something happened 但是很多事情都已发生  For the very first time with you 第一次遇到你,跟你在一起  My heart melts into the ground 我的心已融化入土地  Found something true 发现一些真实的事情  And everyone"s looking round 所有人都看着我  Thinking I"m going crazy 都认为我已经快疯了  But I don"t care what they say 但是,我一点都不在乎他们在说什么  I"m in love with you 我爱你  They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦  But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相  My heart"s crippled by the vein 因为这种痛苦的心境,我的心已经静止跳动  That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己  You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开  Keep bleeding 我一直在流血  Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  I keep bleeding 我一直在流血  I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love  You cut me open 你将我割裂开  Trying hard not to hear 艰难的试着不去听  But they talk so loud 但是他们说话的声音是那么大  Their piercing sounds fill my ears 他们刺耳的谈话声充斥着我的耳朵  Try to fill me with doubt 试图将我带入犹豫中  Yet I know that the goal 然而我知道他们的目的  Is to keep me from falling 是想让我不要继续堕落  But nothing"s greater 你的拥抱给我带来了很大冲击,没有任何东西比这感觉强烈  Than the rush that comes with your embrace  And in this world of loneliness 在这个孤寂的世界里  I see your face 我看到了你的脸庞  Yet everyone around me 虽然环绕着我的每一个人  Thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybe 都在想我是否疯了,也许,也许  But I don"t care what they say 但是我根本就不在乎他们在说什么  I"m in love with you 我爱你  They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦  But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相  My heart"s crippled by the vein 因为这种痛苦的心境,我的心已经静止跳动  That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己  You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开  Keep bleeding 我一直在流血  Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  I keep bleeding 我一直在流血  I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love  You cut me open 你将我割裂开  And it"s draining all of me 我所有的血也已经流干  Oh they find it hard to believe 他们觉得难以置信  I"ll be wearing these scars 我覆盖着这些伤疤  For everyone to see 为了每个人都能看见  But I don"t care what they say 但是我根本就不在乎他们在说什么  I"m in love with you 我爱你  They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦  But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相  My heart"s crippled by the vein 因为这种痛苦的心境,我的心已经静止跳动  That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己  You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开  Keep bleeding 我一直在流血  Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  I keep bleeding 我一直在流血  I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱  Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love  You cut me open 你将我割裂开

英文歌Bieeding Love的中文翻译

Closed off from love 从爱情中解脱 I didn"t need the pain 我不想再痛苦 Once or twice was enough 一两次就够了 And it was all in vain 但是一切都是徒劳 Time starts to pass 时间开始流逝 Before you know it you"re frozen 在你明白之前,你已经冰冻了 But something happened 但是很多事情都已发生 For the very first time with you 第一次遇到你,跟你在一起 My heart melts into the ground 我的心已融化入土地 Found something true 发现一些真实的事情 And everyone"s looking rou都认为我已经快疯了 But I don"t care what they say 但是,我一点都不在乎他们在说什么 I"m in love with you 我爱你 They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦 But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相 My heart"s crippled by the vein 因为这种痛苦的心境,我的心已经静止跳动 That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己 You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开 Keep bleeding 我一直在流血 Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱 I keep bleeding 我一直在流血 I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱 Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open 你将我割裂开 Trying hard not to hear 艰难的试着不去听 But they talk so loud 但是他们说话的声音是那么大 Their piercing sounds fill my ears 他们刺耳的谈话声充斥着我的耳朵 Try to fill me with doubt 试图将我带入犹豫中 Yet I know that the goal 然而我知道他们的目的 Is to keep me from falling 是想让我不要继续堕落 But nothing"s greater 你的拥抱给我带来了很大的冲击,没有任何东西比这种感觉强烈 Than the rush that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness 在这个孤寂的世界里 I see your face 我看到了你的脸庞 Yet everyone around me 虽然环绕着我的每一个人 Thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybe 都在想我是否疯了,也许,也许 But I don"t care what they say 但是我根本就不在乎他们在说什么 And it"s draining all of me 我所有的需也已经流干 Oh they find it hard to believe 他们觉得难以置信 I"ll be wearing these scars 我覆盖着这些伤疤 For everyone to see 为了每个人都能看见

找一首英文歌曲,最近广播播的比较勤,其中歌词总重复keep keep building love

那首歌叫bleeding love是leona lewis唱的closed off from lovei didn"t need the painonce or twice was enoughand it was all in vaintime starts to passbefore you know it you"re frozenbut something happenedfor the very first time with youmy heart melts into the groundfound something trueand everyone"s looking roundthinking i"m going crazybut i don"t care what they sayi"m in love with youthey try to pull me awaybut they don"t know the truthmy heart"s crippled by the veinthat i keep on closingyou cut me open and ikeep bleedingkeep, keep bleeding lovei keep bleedingi keep, keep bleeding lovekeep bleedingkeep, keep bleeding loveyou cut me opentrying hard not to hearbut they talk so loudtheir piercing sounds fill my earstry to fill me with doubtyet i know that the goalis to keep me from fallingbut nothing"s greaterthan the rush that comes with your embraceand in this world of lonelinessi see your faceyet everyone around methinks that i"m going crazy,maybe, maybebut i don"t care what they sayi"m in love with youthey try to pull me awaybut they don"t know the truthmy heart"s crippled by the veinthat i keep on closingyou cut me open and ikeep bleedingkeep, keep bleeding lovei keep bleedingi keep, keep bleeding lovekeep bleedingkeep, keep bleeding loveyou cut me openand it"s draining all of meoh they find it hard to believei"ll be wearing these scarsfor everyone to seei don"t care what they sayi"m in love with youthey try to pull me awaybut they don"t know the truthmy heart"s crippled by the veinthat i keep on closingyou cut me open and ikeep bleedingkeep, keep bleeding lovei keep bleedingi keep, keep bleeding lovekeep bleeding-keep, keep bleeding loveyou cut me open and ikeep bleedingkeep, keep bleeding lovei keep bleedingi keep, keep bleeding lovekeep bleedingkeep, keep bleeding loveyou cut me open and ikeep bleedingkeep, keep bleeding love

keep bleeding love什么意思

bleeding love流血的爱;一直在流血的爱;流血的爱一样例句1.Bleeding Love, a song on this album, was one of the best songs of 2007!出血爱,在这个册页的一首歌曲,是其中一首最佳的歌曲2007年!2.Bleeding Love is a hot number in UK.《流血的爱情》是英国的热门歌曲。3.I keep, keep bleeding love一直在流血的爱4.Yes, I like both those artists. My favourite song of Leona Lewis is Bleeding Love.魔力红乐队,丽安娜·刘易斯,这些歌手我都很喜欢。我最喜欢丽安娜·刘易斯的歌是《流血的爱》。5.bleeding Love Closed off from love从爱情中解脱6.and left me bleeding for your love.为了你的爱,让我流血

keep bleeding的意思?

叫bleeding love吧,可表示为血你很爱血一直流,不过这样对自己也太残忍了,个人意见

亚航机票显示this is not a boarding pass 是怎么回事


May i see your boarding pass, please?这句话的答语是;S


亚航机场,自己在家打印了boarding pass去到机场还需要打印吗?




wholesale funding是什么?详解谢谢.


Robert frost的《mending wall》和《the road not taken》两首诗的英文鉴赏


牛津英语7A unit 4 reading课文

Oh~谢谢一楼的。我正好就需要呢!书落学校了、回家作业正愁呢。o(∩_∩)o...Thank you very much、、

ubuntu中的配置编辑器找不到 /apps/gedit-2/preferences/encodings这个节点


岸边露伴一动不动】ED《FINDING THE TRUTH - Coda》完整歌词


Born Free (1967 Recording) 歌词

歌曲名:Born Free (1967 Recording)歌手:Matt Monro And Nelson Riddle专辑:Matt Sings And Nelson SwingsBorn Free- Matt MonroBorn free, as free as the wind blowsAs free as the grass growsBorn free to follow your heartLive free and beauty surrounds youThe world still astounds youEach time you look at a starStay free, where no walls divide youYou"re free as the roaring tideSo there"s no need to hideBorn free, and life is worth livingBut only worth living"Cause you"re born free "Stay free, where no walls divide youYou"re free as the roaring tideSo there"s no need to hideBorn free, and life is worth livingBut only worth living"Cause you"re born free "http://music.baidu.com/song/2797891

Standing Still 歌词

歌曲名:Standing Still歌手:Roman Lob专辑:ChangesStanding StillCuttin" through the darkest night in my two headlightsTrying to keep it clear, but I"m losing it here to the twilightThere"s a dead end to my left, there"s a burning bush to my rightYou aren"t in sight, you aren"t in sightDo you want me, like I want you?Or am I standing still, beneath the darkened sky?Or am I standing still, with the scenery flying by?Or am I standing still, out of the corner of my eye?Was that you passing me by?Mothers on the stoop, boys in souped-up coupes on this hot summer nightBetween fight and flight is the blind man"s sight and the choice that"s rightI roll the window down, feel like I"m gonna drown in this strange townFeel broken down, I feel broken downDo you need me, like I need you?Or am I standing still, beneath the darkened sky?Or am I standing still, with the scenery flying by?Or am I standing still, out of the corner of my eye?Was that you passing me by?Sweet sorrow is the call tomorrowSweet sorrow is the call tomorrowDo you love me, like I love you?Or am I standing still, beneath the darkened sky?Or am I standing still, with the scenery flying by?Or am I standing still, out of the corner of my eye?Was that you passing me by?Are you passing me by? (Passing me by)Do you want me? (Passing me by)Do you need me, like I need you too?And do you want me, like I want you?Are you passing me by?http://music.baidu.com/song/15181032




He can speak five foreign languages ,including English and French.

including 是介词吗?应该怎么用?


include和including的用法后面接什么,最好有例子 last和keep的区别

include前面要有主语的.如: The price includes postage charges. 价格包括邮费在内. I include eggs on the list of things to buy. 我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋. The university includes ten colleges. 该大学有10个学院. including一般用在逗号后面,这个是标志哦,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的. Seven,including a goalkeeper. 7名,包括一位守门员. trademarks (including service marks); 商标(包括服务商标); an arthropod family including:chalcidflies. 包括在节肢动物一族;小蜂科之蜂. keep保持,动作的延续,如借一本书,用keep last持续,表示时间上的






including the young,在句子中做状语,including是include的现在分词形式,现在人们更多地是把它看成是介词,后面接名词或代词做宾语.

辨析includ included including 的区别与用法





including则用作介词,理解为"包括" ,其实是现在分词做状语的形式. Countless animals,including us,bear external structures without blood supply or nerves -- for example,our hair and fingernails,or the scales,claws,and horns of other animals. 包括人在内的无数动物都有一些没有血液供应和神经的体外构造,例如,我们的头发和指甲,或者鳞片、爪子和其它一些动物的角. 上个例句好难噢,我写一个好啦,简单 We,including Tom,all believe her.

included 和including的用法区别.

include,包含,包括,用法:There are many kinds of fruits that includes apples,bananas,oranges and peaches. 在句子中作谓语动词使用.此句在定语从句中作谓语 included 用法:There are many kinds of fruits ——apples,bananas,oranges,and peaches included. 用于列举事物末尾. including 用法:There are many kinds of fruits,including apples,bananas,oranges and peaches. 用于列举事物前. 如果有帮到您


include和including的区别解析如下:include和including都可表示“包括”,但用法有所不同,具体有以下几点。1、include和其他普通动词一样,直接接在主语后,有时态和数的变化,而including则不是如此。My job includes writing and teaching.我的工作包括写作和授课。(include有数的变化,主语三单时,采用了第三人称单数形式) The price included the meals.这个价格包括了餐费。2、include也可用于被动语态,而including不可,因为including不是过去分词。 The meals are included in the price.餐费包含在了价格里面。(be动词+过去分词included,构成被动语态)3、including,是动词-ing形式,经常用在句末,引出要补充的内容,相当于介词的作用。注意including但不可用构成进行时态。The bag costs me 300 yuan including tax.这个包含税在内花了我300元。Many people were on the list including your son.很多人都在名单上面,包括你的儿子。 The book is including 10 chapters. (x) The book includes 10 chapters.(N)注意include表示“包括”,一般不说“正在包括”,所以不能用including构成进行时态。


include的基本意思是“包含”“包括”,其宾语经常是构成整体的一部分,有时也可以指构成整体的全部。including用作介词,有包括的含义。 扩展资料   1、include是动词,前面要有主语。在句子中作谓语。   The price includes postage charges.   价格包括邮费在内。   I include eggs on the list of things to buy.   我在要买的"货单上包括了鸡蛋。   The university includes ten colleges.   该大学有10个学院。   2、including是介词,一般用在逗号后面,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的。可做状语或定语。   Seven, including a goalkeeper.   7名,包括一位守门员。   trademarks (including service marks);   商标(包括服务商标)


因include有不可用作进行时之说,故有的词典为避开繁杂的解释起见,干脆列以“介词”。including作为include的派生词,为介词,比如,有的词典将that之类的列为“指示代词”,有点则列以”限定词”,大概是语法也随着语言的应用的发展而不断更新吧。把它当成现在分词的非谓语理解也是能说通的。这样的词用得多了就变成了习惯,像interesting/interested等等的很多形容词其实是分词,用得多了就带上了形容词词性。including的短语搭配:1、including loading 包括装货在内。2、including mastoidectomy 包括乳突凿开术。3、including BEYOND 新艺宝群星。





inlude 和 including 的用法

including [in"klu:diu014b] prep.包含,包括 include in.clude [In`klud; inˋklu:d] 《源自拉丁文“关在里面”的意思》 及物动词 包括,包含 (为全体中的一部分) ( ←→ exclude) ( → contain【同义字】) a.包含,包括,把…考虑[计算]在内 This price s service charges. 这个价钱包括服务费在内 b.包括[…] His duties guarding against accidents. 他的任务包括防范意外事故的发生 c.包含…在内 All on the plane were lost,including the pilot. 所有飞机上的人,包括驾驶员在内,全部丧生 Price 1,postage d [including postage]. 包括邮资在内,价款一英镑 d.把…包括 [在…之内] ,把…算在 […之内] [in,among] He s me among his supporters. 他把我列为他的支持者之一 (他把我算作他的支持者)




Including是一个常用的介词,表示包括、包含在内。它可以用来连接一个列表或一组事物,表示其中的所有元素都被包括在内。下面是一些including的用法和例子:1.连接一个列表Including可以用来连接一个列表,表示其中的所有元素都被包括在内。例如:The package includes a book, a CD, and a DVD.(这个包裹包括一本书、一张CD和一张DVD。)The menu includes appetizers, entrees, and desserts.(菜单包括开胃菜、主菜和甜点。)The price includes taxes and fees.(价格包括税费。)2.表示所有元素都被包括在内Including还可以用来表示所有元素都被包括在内,没有遗漏。例如:The list of attendees includes everyone who RSVP"d.(参加者名单包括所有回复的人。)The survey includes responses from over 1,000 people.(调查包括来自1000多人的回复。)The package deal includes airfare, hotel, and meals.(套餐包括机票、酒店和餐食。)3.表示举例Including还可以用来表示举例,列出一些例子来说明。例如:The museum has a collection of art from around the world, including works by Picasso,Monet, and Van Gogh.(博物馆收藏了来自世界各地的艺术品,包括毕加索、莫奈和梵高的作品。)The conference will feature speakers from a variety of fields, including business, science, and technology.(会议将邀请来自各个领域的演讲者,包括商业、科学和技术。)The company offers a range of benefits to its employees, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.(公司为员工提供一系列福利,包括健康保险、退休计划和带薪休假。)


include和including的区别解析如下:include和including都可表示“包括”,但用法有所不同,具体有以下几点。1、include和其他普通动词一样,直接接在主语后,有时态和数的变化,而including则不是如此。My job includes writing and teaching.我的工作包括写作和授课。(include有数的变化,主语三单时,采用了第三人称单数形式) The price included the meals.这个价格包括了餐费。2、include也可用于被动语态,而including不可,因为including不是过去分词。 The meals are included in the price.餐费包含在了价格里面。(be动词+过去分词included,构成被动语态)3、including,是动词-ing形式,经常用在句末,引出要补充的内容,相当于介词的作用。注意including但不可用构成进行时态。The bag costs me 300 yuan including tax.这个包含税在内花了我300元。Many people were on the list including your son.很多人都在名单上面,包括你的儿子。 The book is including 10 chapters. (x) The book includes 10 chapters.(N)注意include表示“包括”,一般不说“正在包括”,所以不能用including构成进行时态。


1、词义上的区别:Included:adj.包括的;[植]内藏的v.包括(include的过去式和过去分词)。Including:prep.包含,包括。2、用法上的区别:included过去分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表被动意义。including是现在分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表主动意义。included的用法:1、The freight is included in the account.运费包括在账内。2、Food is included in the price.饮食包含在该价格内。3、His works are included in this anthology of stories.这本小说集收录了他的作品。including的用法:1、There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins.有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。2、She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetry and literary criticism.她已出版了包括小说、诗歌和文学评论在内的20多部著作。




include和including的区别解析如下:include和including都可表示“包括”,但用法有所不同,具体有以下几点。1、include和其他普通动词一样,直接接在主语后,有时态和数的变化,而including则不是如此。My job includes writing and teaching.我的工作包括写作和授课。(include有数的变化,主语三单时,采用了第三人称单数形式) The price included the meals.这个价格包括了餐费。2、include也可用于被动语态,而including不可,因为including不是过去分词。 The meals are included in the price.餐费包含在了价格里面。(be动词+过去分词included,构成被动语态)3、including,是动词-ing形式,经常用在句末,引出要补充的内容,相当于介词的作用。注意including但不可用构成进行时态。The bag costs me 300 yuan including tax.这个包含税在内花了我300元。Many people were on the list including your son.很多人都在名单上面,包括你的儿子。 The book is including 10 chapters. (x) The book includes 10 chapters.(N)注意include表示“包括”,一般不说“正在包括”,所以不能用including构成进行时态。




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