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GSP在外贸里面是原产地证书的意思。而原产地证书又依据是否属于普惠制范畴,又分为FORM A(普惠制原产地证书)和CO(一般原产地证书)。它的全称是<普遍优惠...普惠制(GSP)全称为普遍优惠制度(Generalized System of Preferences)。 FORM A 是普惠制原产地证明书格式A,它的全称是<普遍优惠制原产证明(申报与证明之联合格式)格式A>,英文为:GENERALIZED SYSTEM OF PREFERENCES CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN(COMBINED DECLARATION AND CERTIFICATE)FORM A,它是受惠国的原产品出口到给惠国时享受普惠制减免关税待遇时必备的官方凭证,所有的给惠国都接受。格式A证书由受惠国出品商填制申报,受惠国签证机构审核,证明及签发。在我国,进出口商品检验局是签发普惠制产地证的官方机构。

信用证中的GSP FORM-A是什么意思及怎么办理

GPS FORM-A 是普惠制原产地证明书格式,它的全称是《普遍优惠制原产证明格式A》,英文为:GENERALIZED SYSTEM OF PREFERENCES CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN(COMBINED DECLARATION AND CERTIFICATE)FORM A,它是受惠国的原产品出口到给惠国时享受普惠制减免关税待遇时必备的官方凭证,所有的给惠国都接受。格式A证书由受惠国出品商填制申报,受惠国签证机构审核,证明及签发。在我国,国家出入境检验检疫局是签发普惠制产地证的官方机构。办理: 在填制FORM A证书时,第8栏(原产地标准)是证书的核心。 如果出口商品完全是中国原产的,不论出口至哪个给惠国,都填“P”; 如果出口商品是含有进口成份的商品,则: 出口至欧盟,瑞士,挪威和日本,并符合有关给惠国的加工标准的,填:“W”,并在“W”的下方加注商品四位数字HS品目号; 出口至加拿大的含有进口成份的商品,进口成份价值不超过该商品出厂价之40%的,填:“F”; 出口至澳大利亚和新西兰的,此样可留空; 出口至俄罗斯,哈撒克斯坦和乌克兰的,填“Y”,其下填明进口原料和部件的价值在出口产品离岸价格中所占百分率,对于在一个受惠国生产而在另一个或一个以上受惠国制作或加工的产品,填写“PK”。

请教platform flash prom无法烧录


legal information是什么意思

legal information英[u02c8li:ɡu0259l u02ccu026anfu0259u02c8meiu0283u0259n]美[u02c8liɡu0259l u02ccu026anfu025au02c8meu0283u0259n][释义] 法律信息;[例句]Wise and Schauer argue that the availability of legal information has an important role to play in developing social capital.崴斯和绍尔认为,法律信息的实用性在社会资本的发展中有着重要作用。

the former&the latter


latter是什么意思?the former……the latter……是什么意思?谢谢了!

the former……前者···the latter……后者···





邮寄信息用英文怎么说 是information of post还是什么?

mailing information或者postal information

雅思4阅读 indepent of any formal tuition. 什么意思 不要直接翻译





UTC和当地时间转换UTCtoLocal(..) UTC到当地时间LocalToUTC(..) 当地时间到UTC.Option Explicit" System time structurePublic Type SYSTEMTIME wYear As Integer wMonth As Integer wDayOfWeek As Integer wDay As Integer wHour As Integer wMinute As Integer wSecond As Integer wMilliseconds As IntegerEnd Type" Time zone information. Note that this one is defined wrong in API viewer.Private Type TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Bias As Long StandardName(0 To 31) As Integer StandardDate As SYSTEMTIME StandardBias As Long DaylightName(0 To 31) As Integer DaylightDate As SYSTEMTIME DaylightBias As LongEnd TypePrivate Declare Sub GetSystemTime Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)Private Declare Sub GetLocalTime Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)Private Declare Function SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime Lib "kernel32" (lpTimeZoneInformation As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, lpUniversalTime As SYSTEMTIME, lpLocalTime As SYSTEMTIME) As LongPrivate Declare Function GetTimeZoneInformation Lib "kernel32" (lpTimeZoneInformation As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION) As Long" Return current time as UTCPublic Function UTCTime() As Date Dim t As SYSTEMTIME GetSystemTime t UTCTime = DateSerial(t.wYear, t.wMonth, t.wDay) + TimeSerial(t.wHour, t.wMinute, t.wSecond) + t.wMilliseconds / 86400000#End Function" Return current time as local timePublic Function LocalTime() As Date Dim t As SYSTEMTIME GetLocalTime t LocalTime = DateSerial(t.wYear, t.wMonth, t.wDay) + TimeSerial(t.wHour, t.wMinute, t.wSecond) + t.wMilliseconds / 86400000End Function" Convert UTC time to local time for current time zonePublic Function UTCtoLocal(ByVal tDate As Date) As Date Dim tzi As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Dim stUTC As SYSTEMTIME Dim stLocal As SYSTEMTIME Dim lRes As Long lRes = GetTimeZoneInformation(tzi) stUTC.wYear = Year(tDate) stUTC.wMonth = Month(tDate) stUTC.wDay = Day(tDate) stUTC.wHour = Hour(tDate) stUTC.wMinute = Minute(tDate) stUTC.wSecond = Second(tDate) stUTC.wMilliseconds = 0 lRes = SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(tzi, stUTC, stLocal) UTCtoLocal = DateSerial(stLocal.wYear, stLocal.wMonth, stLocal.wDay) + TimeSerial(stLocal.wHour, stLocal.wMinute, stLocal.wSecond)End Function" Convert Local time to UTC time if possible." Note: The function may return 0, 1 or 2 datetime values." During switch from Standard to Daylight time, there is (usually) one hour missing" and there is an invalid time range of one hour. This function returns an empty collection." When time changes from Daylight to Standard, there is an ambguity so one local time" corresponds to two different UTC times. This function then returns a collection with" two elements.Public Function LocalToUTC(ByVal tDate As Date) As Collection Dim tzi As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Dim lRes As Long Dim col As Collection Dim tUTC As Date Set col = New Collection lRes = GetTimeZoneInformation(tzi) tUTC = tDate + tzi.Bias / 1440 If tzi.StandardDate.wMonth = 0 Then " No daylight time -- no problem col.Add tUTC Else " Assume we are fuzzing with +- one daylight bias, which is normally negative. " So, datetimes will be ordered from earliest to latest in collection. If Round(UTCtoLocal(tUTC + tzi.DaylightBias / 1440) * 86400) = Round(tDate * 86400) Then col.Add CDate(tUTC + tzi.DaylightBias / 1440) End If If Round(UTCtoLocal(tUTC) * 86400) = Round(tDate * 86400) Then col.Add tUTC End If If Round(UTCtoLocal(tUTC - tzi.DaylightBias / 1440) * 86400) = Round(tDate * 86400) Then col.Add CDate(tUTC - tzi.DaylightBias / 1440) End If End If Set LocalToUTC = colEnd Function


我不知道你那是怎么多出一天的 但是timeformat1.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+00:00"));是说8小时的时差(8小时之前) SimpleDateFormat timeformat1 = new SimpleDateFormat("d日H时m分s秒"); timeformat1.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+00:00")); String st=timeformat1.format(new Date()); System.out.println(st);//比系统获取当前时间早了8小时

如何获取Oracle EBS Form中后台取数SQL(包括LOV)

欢迎指正!mes="" new="" roman";="" mso-hansi-font-family:"times="" roman""="">在Oracle EBS中,如何从Form界面中知道或获取后台所运行的相关的SQL语句。方法一:在EBS界面的菜单上Help--------diagnostic----examine----- Block:System Field: Last_Query Value:_this is what yuou want__ 这个方法基本能够捕捉到大部分的SQL,但是前提是当前的这个From或LOV刚过行了查询事件。之前在一次面试中问到相关的方法,只是那个时候自己还不知道这个方法。 比如:想要找到PO对应的Tax相关的取数SQL,在Oracle EBS 11i里可能不是那么容易,因为弹出来的Tax界面已经另外一个Form上了(R12好像是显示在HTML上,不太记得了),我想即使把相关的From下载来分析也不是好办法,但是前面的这种方法却很轻松的获取想要的SQL语句。 方法二: 查找LOV的SQL脚本的方法。A. get the session Id(SID) from the formhelp-------about oracle application-------session IdB. open lov to fire the triggerC. get the lov sql with the flowing sql statement.SELECT s.pre_sql_addr,s.sql_addr,t.sql_textFROM v$sqltext_with_newlines t, V$session sWHERE 1 = 1 And t.address = s.prev_sql_addr And s.sid = v_SID(we get the SID from oracle form);稍微的组织下就是想要的SQL。 总结:1. 方法一是很实用的方法,也应该是最为常用的,值得推荐。2. 方法二对于LOV来说,最为适合的一种方法。

如何查看ebs form中的lov

  1.先获取SID  帮助-关于Oracle Applications  或用个性化    =(SELECT t.sid FROM v$mystat t where rownum = 1)  2.打开LOV  点击…来打开LOV进行搜索  3.用plsqldev等软件根据SID查询所用sql查询语句  SELECT s.prev_sql_addr,s.sql_address FROM v$session s WHERE s.sid = 1643;  SELECT sql_text FROM v$sqltext_with_newlines t WHERE t.address = "070000000429FFE8" ORDER BY t.piece;

保险专业英语翻译:Application form

1 Application form: insurance is insured apply to the insurer of insurance contract in written form.Usually by the insured to the insurer to protect relevant content, issued by the insurance underwriters, review and commitment, to issue the policy.1 Cover note: temporary policy is insured, insurance brokers and insurance agents in the formal policy before, a vertical to the insurance applicant or insurant a temporary certificate of insurance, when the official policy was signed, temporary policy lapse.

comply oberve obey conform的区别

1、comply与 with连用, 强调一种依赖性,无条件的服从,遵守。2、obey 是常用词,泛指一种主观的遵守,听从,主语通常是有生命的。3、observe可作“遵循”“遵守”解,指谨小慎微、拘泥于礼仪或对某人怀有尊敬或崇拜的感情4、conform to 的主语和to后面的介词宾语通常都是同一个范畴的,因为form是形式的意思,conform强调形式上保持一致。

obey,observe和conform to的区别

observe - 遵守obey - 服从obey虽然有遵守的意思,不过重在服从.如在军队里就用obey commands.

华硕ROG MAXIMUS X FORMULA主板M.2固态散热器表面的一块像胶质一样的东西要不要摘掉






华硕(ASUS) MAXIMUS X FORMULA M10F Z370主板1151有m2接口吗

learned about the st

I7 870 华硕Maximus III Formula 1156针脚主板 现在想加8G单条 ddr3 1600内存 到底支不支持 求答案

P55本身就支持 双通道3代内存,你这主板参数可没说支持X4这上古老主板也是P55芯片组的,应该没差。


无论是华硕MAXIMUS VIII EXTREME和华硕MAXIMUS VIII FORMULA都是Z170平台的,全面支持LGA1151接口的新一代14nm的处理器,支持双通道DDR4内存,更多的PCIe 3.0通道,全面支持PCIe总线的M.2或者U.2 ssd,同时支持NVMe协议,在PCIe 3.0 x4接口下带宽最高可以达到32Gb/s,加入了理论传输带宽10Gb/s的USB 3.1 Type A和Type C的接口支持。M8F作为Z170其中的接近与“顶配”的主板还提供了相当多额外的福利,这也是之所以被列入ROG家族的原因,比如顶级方案的IR+TI供电元件,最高支持DDR4 3733的内存OC调节,额外的USB 3.0接口扩展,额外的SATA 6Gbps接口扩展,更多的风扇接入,以及诸多ROG控制元素。华硕MAXIMUS VIII EXTREME和华硕MAXIMUS VIII FORMULA的区别有很多,其中这个次旗舰和旗舰之间差距最大的是PCIe插槽,M8E是支持到4路的SLI和CF多卡接入,而M8F则是支持双卡SLI,同时供电相数方面相比M8E也有缩减,扩展接口方面少了一组USB 3.0扩展接口,其余包括Wi-Fi GO无线网卡速率和天线数量等差距,但是M8F也有着诸多特色设计是M8E所没有的,其中外观上面M8F采用了金属背板和全覆盖“护甲”设计,同时CPU供电Mosfet的散热片是采用了跟EK合作的水冷混合式的散热器,而主板整体还加入了RGB灯控技术等。

老邻居(以前的旧邻居)former neighbor 还是 old neighbor?还是两个都可以?

老邻居 两种都可以 former neighbor 只表示 以前的旧邻居old neighbor 既可以表示 以前的旧邻居 也可以表示 年老的邻居请采纳

MySQL中information_schema是什么_MySQL 大家在安装或使用MYSQL时,会发现除了自己安装的数据库以外,还有一个information_schema数据库。 information_schema数据库是做什么用的呢,使用WordPress博客的朋友可能会想,是不是安装模板添加的数据库呀?看完本片文章 后,你就会对information_schema数据库有所了解。information_schema数据库是MySQL自带的,它提供了访问数据库元数据的方式。什么是元数据呢?元数据是关于数据的数据,如数据库名或表名,列的数据类型,或访问权限等。有些时候用于表述该信息的其他术语包括“数据词典”和“系统目录”。在MySQL中,把 information_schema 看作是一个数据库,确切说是信息数据库。其中保存着关于MySQL服务器所维护的所有其他数据库的信息。如数据库名,数据库的表,表栏的数据类型与访问权 限等。在INFORMATION_SCHEMA中,有数个只读表。它们实际上是视图,而不是基本表,因此,你将无法看到与之相关的任何文件。information_schema数据库表说明:SCHEMATA表:提供了当前mysql实例中所有数据库的信息。是show databases的结果取之此表。TABLES表:提供了关于数据库中的表的信息(包括视图)。详细表述了某个表属于哪个schema,表类型,表引擎,创建时间等信息。是show tables from schemaname的结果取之此表。COLUMNS表:提供了表中的列信息。详细表述了某张表的所有列以及每个列的信息。是show columns from schemaname.tablename的结果取之此表。STATISTICS表:提供了关于表索引的信息。是show index from schemaname.tablename的结果取之此表。USER_PRIVILEGES(用户权限)表:给出了关于全程权限的信息。该信息源自mysql.user授权表。是非标准表。SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES(方案权限)表:给出了关于方案(数据库)权限的信息。该信息来自mysql.db授权表。是非标准表。TABLE_PRIVILEGES(表权限)表:给出了关于表权限的信息。该信息源自mysql.tables_priv授权表。是非标准表。COLUMN_PRIVILEGES(列权限)表:给出了关于列权限的信息。该信息源自mysql.columns_priv授权表。是非标准表。CHARACTER_SETS(字符集)表:提供了mysql实例可用字符集的信息。是SHOW CHARACTER SET结果集取之此表。COLLATIONS表:提供了关于各字符集的对照信息。COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY表:指明了可用于校对的字符集。这些列等效于SHOW COLLATION的前两个显示字段。TABLE_CONSTRAINTS表:描述了存在约束的表。以及表的约束类型。KEY_COLUMN_USAGE表:描述了具有约束的键列。ROUTINES表:提供了关于存储子程序(存储程序和函数)的信息。此时,ROUTINES表不包含自定义函数(UDF)。名为“mysql.proc name”的列指明了对应于INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES表的mysql.proc表列。VIEWS表:给出了关于数据库中的视图的信息。需要有show views权限,否则无法查看视图信息。TRIGGERS表:提供了关于触发程序的信息。必须有super权限才能查看该表

He paused waiting for her to digest the information.

【答案】:A本题考查动词。题干:他停了下来,等她慢慢消化这一信息。划线词digest意为“消化,吸收,理解”。选项understand意为“理解”, withhold意为“保留,不给”,exchange意为“交换”,contact意为“联系,接触”。 digest与understand在语义上比较接近,故正确答案为A。


你是想这么打吗:you are the best for me,thank you 你对我最好了,谢谢你!

为什么从楼上摔下是fell down stairs而不是fell down form stairs

因为这是成语(idiom)。如果加一个from就会变成林语堂说的"grammatically correct but idiomatically wrong. " fell down是phrasal verb,fell 是verb,down是preposition,stairs是noun。


1. the temperature makes the metal softer2. an investigation was undertaken3,tungsten steel alloys are strong,ductile and tough.4,accidents can either produce injury or damage property.5,there is a great deal to explain on unidentified flying objects6,the aim of census analysis is to predict the population in future.7,the voltage must be checked at periodical intervals.8,the soldering proved to be an unsatisfactory nature.9,this method would eliminate motor damage.10,a scientist must obtain adequate evidence if he wants to prove a theory.11,instruments and machines need to be adjusted frequently before using12,in the case of radiation studies it was found that...13, the newer system is proposed based on the recent research.14,sulfuric acid was used to remove surface impurities from the specimen.15,in an early report,a new equipment design was outlined and a new method of fabrication was described.16,those theories could be either disproved or substantiated.17,expectation is forbidden.18, the experiment was delayed because of unfavorable weather conditions.

Topical formulations






jeep xtreme performance是来自于美国的品牌吧?


jeep xtreme performance是什么国家的牌子?




有谁知道JEE xtreme performance 这个系列是不是JEEP旗下的,还是仿冒的

sorry i don"tknow

想问一下,JEEP XTREME PERFORMANCE是汽车jeep旗下的品牌么?


有谁知道JEE xtreme performance 这个系列是不是JEEP旗下的,还是仿冒的

JEE xtreme performance是JEEP旗下的一个系列,不是仿冒的,其服装适合年龄在18~50岁之间,为户外装备品牌。Jeep Xtreme Performance是由克莱斯勒集团创立的全新户外服饰和装备品牌,为戴姆勒.克莱斯勒公司授权;Jeep Xtreme Performance系列的创立旨在打造风格鲜明的高性能优质服饰和装备,每一处缝线和焊接都极尽严谨细致。扩展资料:Jeep xtreme performance主要经营高端户外运动、生活品类的鞋、服、配饰产品。为爱好Jeep品牌,崇尚自由与征服、热爱生活的高端人士量身打造专业鞋服产品。2017年10月1日,Jeep xtreme performance吉普户外北京旗舰店在北京金源燕莎MALL 3楼盛大开幕;开幕当天,Jeep xtreme performance品牌高层及金源MALL相关负责人悉数到场,共同启动了Jeep xtreme performance吉普户外北京旗舰店的开幕仪式。  参考资料来源:百度百科-jeep男装

怎么使用System.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.dll这个控件,最近有一个任务 界面风格也是要仿照Office2007来做,

在工具栏中添加你的ribbon的dll 工具栏中会列出里面的一些控件 拖拽ribbonbar到你的form上就ok用法跟vs自带的控件差不多 自己设置属性

C# 的winform中用的ribbon控件是怎么添加的,是vs自身带有的,还是第三方控件?

ribbon 是为开发Office项目而设计的。是vs自带的啊。使用它可以定制自己的office插件,有兴趣的话,查查VSTO 及C# 开发Office 插件

leak做名词时是可数名词吗? a leak of gas,a leak of information 怎么翻译?






Magento2 formkey 不一致问题






prestige form是什么意思

prestige form的中文翻译prestige form声望形式双语例句1Prestige is a form of social status that is based on respect and admiration for members of one " s community.声望是一种基于对社群中其他成员的尊敬和羡慕而形成的社会地位。2It"s a forward-looking vehicle that not only stands for Buick in America, but how American style, performance and prestige resonates in a contemporary, global form.这是一个前瞻性的汽车,不仅代表了别克在美国,而是如何美式,业绩和声望在当代,全球形成了共鸣。

prestige preformance什么意思求解释

prestige常用词汇 英 [pre"stiu02d0u0292] 美 [pre"stiu02d0u0292] 释义用例词组更多 威望;声望adj. 有威信的;名贵的

英语calls for deepening of reforms怎么翻译?

calls for deepening of reforms呼吁深化改革


3句话,搞定,收分。from1.Visible = false;//隐藏窗口notifyIcon1.Visible = true;//显示控件//不过要显示,notifyIcon1托盘控件,要先指定它的Icon属性,搞定了。

求助,初学python报错bad char in struct format,求大神帮助


winform 键盘实现左右移动


Information Sciences是SCI收录吗

Information Sciences这本杂志是Elsevier出版的双月刊。尽管不是特别好,中国人的论文很多,但它是SCI收录的,而且影响因子很高(3.0以上)。它的影响因子之所以高,主要是中国人编辑比较多,他们在审稿后一般要求作者多引用该刊的论文。下面是该刊的英文介绍:Information Sciences will publish original, innovative and creative research results. A smaller number of timely tutorial and surveying contributions will be published from time to time.The journal is designed to serve researchers, developers, managers, strategic planners, graduate students and others interested in state-of-the art research activities in information, knowledge engineering and intelligent systems. Readers are assumed to have a common interest in information science, but with diverse backgrounds in fields such as engineering, mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science, cell biology, molecular biology, management science, cognitive science, neurobiology, behavioural sciences and biochemistry.The journal publishes high-quality, refereed articles. It emphasizes a balanced coverage of both theory and practice. It fully acknowledges and vividly promotes a breadth of the discipline of Information Sciences. Full Aims and ScopeInformation Sciences will publish original, innovative and creative research results. A smaller number of timely tutorial and surveying contributions will be published from time to time.The journal is designed to serve researchers, developers, managers, strategic planners, graduate students and others interested in state-of-the art research activities in information, knowledge engineering and intelligent systems. Readers are assumed to have a common interest in information science, but with diverse backgrounds in fields such as engineering, mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science, cell biology, molecular biology, management science, cognitive science, neurobiology, behavioural sciences and biochemistry.The journal publishes high-quality, refereed articles. It emphasizes a balanced coverage of both theory and practice. It fully acknowledges and vividly promotes a breadth of the discipline of Information Sciences.Topics include:Foundations of Information Science: Information Theory, Mathematical Linguistics, Automata Theory, Cognitive Science, Theories of Qualitative Behaviour, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing, Semiotics, Computational Biology and Bio-informatics.Implementations and Information Technology: Intelligent Systems, Genetic Algorithms and Modelling, Fuzzy Logic and Approximate Reasoning, Artificial Neural Networks, Expert and Decision Support Systems, Learning and Evolutionary Computing, Expert and Decision Support Systems, Learning and Evolutionary Computing, Biometrics, Moleculoid Nanocomputing, Self-adaptation and Self-organisational Systems, Data Engineering, Data Fusion, Information and Knowledge, Adaptive ad Supervisory Control, Discrete Event Systems, Symbolic / Numeric and Statistical Techniques, Perceptions and Pattern Recognition, Design of Algorithms, Software Design, Computer Systems and Architecture Evaluations and Tools, Human-Computer Interface, Computer Communication Networks and Modelling and Computing with WordsApplications: Manufacturing, Automation and Mobile Robots, Virtual Reality, Image Processing and Computer Vision Systems, Photonics Networks, Genomics and Bioinformatics, Brain Mapping, Language and Search Engine Design, User-friendly Man Machine Interface, Data Compression and Text Abstraction and Summarization, Virtual Reality, Finance and Economics Modelling and OptimisationNEW! This journal offers a free service called AudioSlides. These are brief, webcast-style presentations that are shown next to published articles on ScienceDirect and can be viewed for free. This format gives you the opportunity to explain your research in your own words and promote your work by embedding it on your own website and sharing in social media. For more information and examples, please visit or watch our webinar.


As a teacher,what we shall do is to help the students to form a good reading habi.

informix中左连接 高手进

select a.*,b.bbrmc from tmp_shu02 a left outer join tmp_shu03 b on a.branch_company_code = b.branch_company_code on a.policy_no = b.policy_no

求高手用c# winform三层架构 来写一个增删改查或者用户登录的程序。刚接触三层,希望以此参考学习。

怎么说呢 还是去源代码找 自己看别人写的代码

bottom-line performance是什么意思


due to the profitability of company research, corporate professionals performing scientific researc

不能改成than work for吧。前后不一致了(performing vs work). 没见过这么搞的。

“a six-by-nine-foot riser platform”中的“six-by-nine-foot”如何处理?什么英尺?跪求大神帮忙!

a six-by-nine-foot riser platform这里的by在英语里就是乘的意思,所以你这就是6X9(54平方英尺)的上升平台


这个是基础代码完整的,你要文件,可联系哦<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>网站登录</title></head><body> <h2>网站登录</h2> <form action="地址"methed="post"> 学号:<input type="text" name="input1" value="" style="" width="20" height="20" placeholder="请输入用户名"></input><br> 密码:<input type="text" name="input1" value="" style="" width="20" height="20"placeholder="请输入密码" password="键盘"></input><br> 性别:<input type="radio" name="radio1" value=""checked>男</input> <input type="radio" name="radio1" value="">女 </input><br> 电话:<input type="text" name="input1" value="" style="" width="20" height="20" placeholder="请输入电话号码"></input><br> 邮箱:<input type="text" name="input1" value="" style="" width="20" height="20"placeholder="请输入注册邮箱" ></input><br> 出生年月:<input type="text" name="input1" value="" style="" width="20" height="20" ></input><br> 爱好:<input type="checkbox" name="city">篮球 <input type="checkbox" name="city">足球</input> <input type="checkbox" name="city">羽毛球</input></form><br> <input type="submit" value="提交"></input> <input type="reset" value="重置"></input></form></body></html>

「告知、通知」英文怎么说?inform / notify / tell / report 中文意思差异!

「告知」跟「通知」英文 要怎么说?常见的相似英文说法有 rm、notify、tell、report ….不过它们的中文意思可能不太一样。 下面说明这四个字汇的英文用法跟中文意思,赶快学起来,下次就会罗! 1rm 通知、告知 rm是通知的意思,名词是rmation,也就是资讯的意思。当它变动词用,你可以想像你把某个资讯透露给别人知道。 例:She rmed us of her arrival. 她通知我们她抵达了 2.notify 通知、告知 notify也是告知、通知的意思。名词是notification。所以你可以把它当成“请注意”的意思。例如当你要告诉某人一些重要消息,你就可用notify。 例:She notified the police of the incident. 她向警察报告了这个事件。 3.tell 告诉 tell是非常常见的英文单字,就是“告诉”的意思。当A对B说了一些事情,你就可以用tell这个英文单字。 例: She told me that she"s not ing. 她告诉我她不会来。 例:Please tell me if you are hungry. 如果你饿了,请告诉我。 报告、报导 report 是报告、报导的意思。报告或报导的并不一定要是人,也可以是某个机构。比方说某个机构或是杂志报导了某件事,就可以用report这个英文单字。 例:She reported seeing him. 她报告说她见到他了。 这四个「告知、通知」的英文字汇,其实很好分辨使用时间。当你要将某个资讯透露给别人知道,你可以用rm,当你要告知某个重要消息,你可以用notify。tell则是很常见的英文字汇,是告诉的意思。report则是报告的意思,用来揭露某件事。 rm, rm 中文, rm 意思, rm 翻译, notify, notify 中文, notify 意思, notify 翻译, report, report 中文, report 意思, report 翻译, tell, tell 中文, tell 意思, tell 翻译, 告知 英文, 告诉 英文, 报告 英文, 报导 英文, 通知 英文

parallels virtual platform怎么退出

方法如下:1、你想在删除Parallels Desktop 的时候,连同之前安装好的虚拟机文件系统也删除的话,请先打开 Parallels Desktop控制中心。2、把虚拟机文件删除以后,接下为请先退出 Parallels Desktop 应用,然后打开Finder窗口,并进入应用程序目录,找到Parallels Desktop应用图标,点击鼠标右键并选择移除到废纸篓选项。3、删除服务文件,最后用终端关闭显示隐藏文件,打开终端复制以下命令(前后不要有空格),回车defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool false。

ingredient form china是什么意思

ingredient form china中国成分ingredient 英[u026anu02c8gri:diu0259nt]美[u026anu02c8gri:diu0259nt]n. 因素; (混合物的) 组成部分; (烹调的) 原料; (构成) 要素;[网络] 构成; 组成; 佐料;[例句]Mix in the remaining ingredients.混入其余的原料。[其他] 复数:ingredients 形近词: isogredient cogredient contragredient

comprehensively deepen reforms是什么意思?


Java问题The method actionPerformedmust override a superclass method,这是什么意思


正式报关的英语是 Formal Declaration 吗

可以。formal customs declaration

网上字典标示某些words 是informal words

Informal words mostly pertaining to those words are 口语化 or slang. That me you can use it verbally but not to use in formal correspondences or positions/essays. For example when people ask if they can do something in correspondences you can say go ahead. Do not use "shoot" when writing. You can use it when you talk to somebody to ask them to approve your action though. 用不用 informal words 看对象和场合 editorial 用 informal words 因每个人看得明 并且一针见血 太 formal 给人感觉是咬文嚼字 pedantic (卖弄学问的) 缺乏真诚 考试写文 官方公告 公司书信来往 用 formal English 写故事内容中交谈 或者对象是普罗大众 (proletariat) 用 informal English 近年 鼓吹用 plain English (not informal) 适合 debate job interview editorial 2014-01-26 09:49:57 补充: 如同中文 "唔好做飞仔飞女" "请勿变成不良少年" It is nice to know you. It has been a pleasure to meet you. It is a privilege to bee acquainted with you. Your coat is dirt cheap. I am afraid your coat is relatively inexpensive.

Determine the displacement of a plane that is uniformly accelerated u3002u3002u3002uff1f


在统计中UMP检验是什么意思? 也就是 Uniformly Most Powerful ...多谢大家

1.一致最大功效检 验2. 又称 :一致最大功效检 验(UMP test )


uniform的意思中文是:完全—样的;制服;制服式的;使—致等等。详细释义:adj. 完全—样的;不变的;制服式的;相同的;同类的。n. 制服;校服;字母U的代码;穿制服的警察。v. 使—致。词组:1. full dress uniform 军礼服。2. in uniform 统—;穿着制服。3. uniform distribution 均匀分布;统—分布。4. school uniform 学校制服;校服;学生制服。5. blue uniform 蓝色制服;蓝色校服。6. camouflage uniform 迷彩军服;迷彩服。7. nurse"s uniform 护士服;护士的制服。双语例句:1. Look at the money l had to lay out for your uniform.看看我给你买队服要花的钱。2.A uniform package of amenities at a choice of hotels.在各色旅馆中的类似配套生活设施。3. The property of heat to expand metal at uniform rates.热以均匀速度使金属膨胀的性能。4. A conscript in a shabby uniform saluted the car.—个穿着破l旧制服的士兵向汽车敬礼。5. The distribution of stress is uniform across the bar.杆上压力分布是均衡的。6. The blue uniform sat well on his big frame.这套蓝制服很适合他这个大个头。7. Bobby was not unhandsome in his uniform.鲍比穿制服并不难看。8. The four legs of the chair are not of equal/uniform length.这把椅子的四条腿长短不齐。

ties are going to be broken uniformly at random 是什么意思

  ties are going to be broken uniformly at random  随机均匀的关系会被打破  to be broken 损坏;破损  例句:  1.The condenser seems to be broken.  冷凝器似乎坏了。  2.the alloying is even and easy to be broken, which reduces the preparation costof titanium alloy.  合金化均匀易破碎,降低了钛合金制备成本。  3.Flexible control, not easy to be broken, fresh colors.  控制灵活、不易破碎、色彩鲜艳、  4.The glass liner of the vacuum flask seems to be broken, the boiling water willget cold quickly.  水壶的内胆好像是坏了,开水放进去凉得很快。  5.I"m sorry, caller, their telephone seems to be broken.  对不起,对方的电话好象坏了。

控制理论中,Lyapunov利亚普诺夫稳定性理论的定义里面,stable 和uniformly stable到底有什么区别?



一般用法 1、uniform用作形容词时在句中可用作定语或表语,用作表语时,常接in引起的短语。 2、短语:in uniform 穿着制服;out of uniform 穿着便服 3、派生词:uniformity n. 一致;同样;uniformly adv. 一律地,均匀地,无变化地 扩展资料   英语单词uniform有两层含义:   做名词时,它的.意思是制服,校服。复数:uniforms。   做形容词时,它的意思是一致的,统一的,一律的。


shape意思:v.使成为…形状(或样子);塑造;决定…的形成;影响…的发展;准备(做某动作);摆好姿势 form意思:v.(使)出现,产生;(使)形成;(使)成形,组成;制作 扩展资料   用法不同:   shape用法:shape用作动词的意思是“制成(某种)形状”,用于具体物品时,常指将原料用刀具切削或加工制成有用的物品,其材料可以是金属,也可以是黏土、塑料等,强调制成某种特殊形状。引申可指“培养塑造(人的思想、性格)”“影响…的.发展”“决定…的进展”等。   shape还可表示“使(服装等)合身”,一般用于被动结构。   form用法:form指某事物的具体组成结构、形式、体制,强调物体存在的形式,或整个实体的特殊形状,包括外部和内部的形状及结构,常给人以立体感。   form表示“形式”“形状”时,可用作可数名词或不可数名词。表示“表格”,是可数名词。作“情绪”“状态”解时,是不可数名词。

shape 和form有什么区别

formKK: []DJ: []n.1. 形状;外形[C][U]Churches are often built in the form of a cross.教堂常常建成十字形。2. 种类,类型[C][(+of)]It was a form of blackmail.那是一种讹诈。3. (艺术作品的)表现形式,体裁[U]He adopted the prose form.他采用散文形式。4. (运动员等的)体能状况;良好的健康状态[U]If she is in form, she can win the match easily.如果她竞技状态良好,她可以轻易赢得这场比赛。5. 表格[C]To apply for a job, you must fill out a form.申请工作要填表。6. (规定或惯常的)方式;做法;形式[the S]We shook hands as a matter of form.我们照例握握手。7. 举止,礼貌[U]It is very bad form to insist on talking about oneself.一味讲自己如何如何是很不礼貌的。8. (学校的)年级[C]The boy is in the fourth form.这男孩上四年级。9. 长板凳[C]vt.1. 形成;构成;塑造;构(词);造(句)The design is formed with triangles.该图案由若干三角形组成。2. 组织;成立We formed a club.我们成立了一个俱乐部。3. 养成He forms the habit of getting up early.他养成早起的习惯。4. 排列成;把...编排成[O]The boys formed a line.男孩们排成一行。vi.1. (物体)成形;被形成Clouds are forming on the top of the hill.山顶上形成了云。2. 排(队),列(队)[Q]The girls formed into three lines.女孩子排成三行。3. (计划、主意等)开始形成;产生An idea formed in her mind.她脑子里产生了一个主意。shapeKK: []DJ: []n.1. 形状;样子,外形[C][U]The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman.雕刻家将泥土捏成一个妇女的形状。2. (表现)形式;体现,具体化[U][C]The writer"s dreams find a shape in his novel.作者的理想在他的小说中得到体现。3. 【口】情况,状态[U]Athletes must stay in shape.运动员一定要保持身体健康。4. 模糊的人影;幽灵[C]In the darkness, I saw a shape tiptoeing out.在黑暗中,我看见有个身影悄悄走出去。5. 种类[S]6. 模型,模子[C]vt.1. 使成形;塑造,制作[(+into/from/out of)]The potter shaped the clay into a vase.陶工将泥土塑成花瓶。2. 形成Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping one"s character.童年经历在形成一个人的性格方面往往起重要作用。3. 使符合;使适合[(+to)]4. 使合身[H][(+to)]The dress was shaped to her figure.这件连衣裙做得很适合她的身材。5. 计划;设计;想出;使具体化6. 引导vi.1. 【口】成形;成型;形成[(+up/into)]2. 成长,发展Our vacation plans are shaping well.我们的假期计划进展顺利。3. 【罕】发生


shape form在形成这个意思上的区别前者偏向于塑造


整个窗体分成可以自动调节的三列的做法: 1、往窗体上丢两个panel控件其中: panelLeft设置Dock属性为left,并调节好其宽度 panelRight设置Dock属性为right,并调节好其宽度 2、往窗体上丢一个splitter控件名为splitterLeft,使其与panelLeft靠紧,设置其Dock属性为left 3、往窗体上丢一个splitter控件名为splitterRight,使其与panelRight靠紧,设置其Dock属性为right 4、往窗体上丢一个panel控件名为panelCenter,设置其Dock属性为center 运行就可以实现预期效果(注意:splitter控件只能作为窗体的Controls属性的子控件,而不能是某panel控件的子控件) MinSize和MinExtra属性,限制分隔栏可以移动的距离。其区别是MinSize属性指定在分隔栏和分隔栏所在的容器边界之间最小距离(单位是像素)。MinExtra属性指定容器的对边和分隔栏之间的距离(单位是像素)。

C# winform里的splitter与panel有什么作用


C# winform里的splitter与panel有什么作用

splitter (SplitContainer)是拖动面板,把它拖到界面,就会分出两个面板,运行之后就可以用鼠标调整两个面板的大小.
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