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英语语法问题(出自The Hunger Games)



《The Hunger Games》([美] Suzanne Collins)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:qzp7书名:The Hunger Games作者:[美] Suzanne Collins出版年份:2008-10内容简介:Katniss is a 16-year-old girl living with her mother and younger sister in the poorest district of Panem, the remains of what used be the United States. Long ago the districts waged war on the Capitol and were defeated. As part of the surrender terms, each district agreed to send one boy and one girl to appear in an annual televised event called, "The Hunger Games." The terrain, rules, and level of audience participation may change but one thing is constant: kill or be killed. When Kat"s sister is chosen by lottery, Kat steps up to go in her place. NARRATED by Carolyn McCormick

the hunger games结局女主角爱谁


亚运会的英语是Asian Games还是Asia Games.


asian games是什么意思中文翻译

asian games是亚洲运动会的意思。扩展知识:亚洲运动会的前身是远东运动会。1911年由菲律宾体育协会发起每两年举办一次,轮流在菲律宾的马尼拉、中国的上海和日本的大阪举行。第二次世界大战结束后,亚洲许多国家先后摆脱了殖民统治获得了独立和解放建立了新的社会制度。随着战争创伤的平复人民生活日趋安定,体育运动也逐渐活跃起来。因战争而中断了12年的奥林匹克运动会又再次恢复举行。在这一历史背景下,亚洲体育界人士产生了组建一个统一的亚洲体育领导机构,以推动亚洲体育运动发展的愿望。1948年伦敦奥运会举办期间,中国与菲律宾的体育界人士计划恢复远东运动会并与亚洲各国体育界人士商讨。当时的印度体育界领导人古鲁·桑迪认为远东运动会不足以体现亚洲体育运动的水平和亚洲人民的团结精神,主张创办一个亚洲所有国家参加的亚洲运动会。他遍访了来伦敦参加本届夏季奥运会的亚洲国家体育界代表,并邀请了13个亚洲国家和地区的代表召开了关于成立亚洲体育运动组织的筹备会议。会议决定起草亚洲运动会的有关文件和章程,并确定于1949年02月在印度首都新德里举办第一届亚洲运动会。涉及印度国内原因,这届运动会延期至1951年举行。

The Olympic flame ,torch and relay draw on a history going back to the ancient Olympic games.


crossfit games什么意思

CrossFit这个训练系统或说是一个组织,每年会举办一次CrossFit Games,来竞争谁是地球上最强健的男人及女人(The Fittest on Earth),ESPN运动频道也有进行转播。而CrossFit也隐含了Boot Camp群体训练的概念,一群人.一起进行训练,可以在室内或是室外。以群体一起训练,相互鼓励打气下,完成一个体能训练,而且有有团体治疗(Group Therapy)的功效。

Star promotion group of 2008 Games started

5月30日,“中国文体明星北京奥运宣传助威团”成立,明星奥运宣传助威团汇集了内地、港澳台及海外华人中文艺、体育界极具知名度的百余位人士,其宗旨是聚合众星之力为北京2008年奥运会和残奥会助威,并致力于向世界推广中华文化。北京奥组委执行副主席兼秘书长王伟同志为团旗揭幕并向助威团授旗,国家体育总局副局长、北京奥组委执行副主席于再清在成立大会上致辞。   Zhang Guoli (left) and Eric TSANG Chi-Wai (right).   The China Star Support and Promotion Group for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games was established in Beijing on May 30.   The supportive group for the Beijing Olympic Games was authorized by the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCGO). BOCOG Executive Vice-President Wang Wei unveiled the CSGO flag and handed it to the Executive Chief of CSGO Wu Zhenmian at the establishment ceremony.   BOCOG Executive Vice-President Yu Zaiqing made an address at the ceremony, saying that CSGO had received extensive support from celebrities of the Chinese Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, and its establishment would further promote the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games around the globe.   Mr. Wu Zhenmian mentioned that in the next two years, CSGO would organize promotional activities of multiple forms and all CSGO members would fully support and devote themselves to the promotion of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games by participating in BOCOG activities.   Mr. Eric TSANG Chi-Wai (from HK) and Mr. Zhang Guoli also spoke on behalf of Hong Kong and Mainland China members of CSGO. They said that it was an honored duty for them to promote the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, because the Olympic Games was a sports and cultural event for the whole nation. The CSGO members would take a more active part in various Olympic activities.   The CSGO Song and Music Video were also unveiled at the ceremony. Led by Eric TSANG Chi-Wai, the participating CSGO members sang the song "Olympic Beijing," with a backdrop screen broadcasting the Music Video cast by over 100 celebrities from the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao as well as overseas. The MV was produced for this event by famous Hong Kong producers such as Woo Jianguo, Xiang Xuehuai and Alan Tam.   The members of the China Star Support and Promotion Group for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games include over 100 celebrities from the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao and overseas in both entertainment and sports fields. The members are committed to the promotion and communication of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Paralympics Games as well as Chinese culture to the whole world with their utmost efforts and social influence.   In the coming two years, CSGO will provide support for BOCOG in its communication efforts and participate in the promotion of the Olympic sports, cultural, and Torch Relay events organized by BOCOG.   Vocabulary :   backdrop :setting,background(背景)

The young boy has a variety of hobbies, which _____ from classical music to online games. A. change

选D 这个年轻男孩爱好广泛,从古典乐到网络游戏都包含在内。
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