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1. guarantee sth. / to do sth. / that 保证;担保;许诺2. guarantee sth. for some time 某物保修多长时间3. guarantee ... against ... 保证……免受……4. guarantee sb. sth. 保证/担保某人某事


   guarantee是什么意思   1.VERB确保;使必然发生If one thing guarantees another, the first is certain to cause the second thing to happen.语法信息Surplus resources alone do not guarantee growth.   仅有富余的资源并不能确保发展。   2.N-COUNT保证Something that is a guarantee ofsomething else makes it certain that it will happen or that it is true.语法信息A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality...   公司悠久的品牌并不能确保商品的质量。   3.VERB保证u2026必定发生;承诺做;答应提供If youguarantee something, you promise that it will definitely happen, or that you will do or provide it for someone.语法信息Most states guarantee the right to free and adequate education...   大多数州都保障人们免费享受充分教育的权利。

guarantee 的意思



  guarantee   n.保证;担保;保修单;保用证书;起保证作用的事物   v.保证;担保;保障;提供(产品)保修单(免费掉换或修理有问题的产品);使必然发生;确保 扩展资料   We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials.   我们不能保证提供充足的`原料。   We had to offer our house as a guarantee when getting the loan.   我们在贷款时不得不拿房子作抵押。   I guarantee that he will appear in court.   我保证他会出庭。   Tonight"s victory guarantees the team"s place in the final.   今晚的胜利确保这个队能进入决赛。





guarantee 和 warranty 有什么区别

warrant n.授权, 正当理由, 根据, 证明, 凭证, 委任状, 批准, 许可证 vt.保证, 辩解, 担保, 批准, 使有正当理由 【复数】 war.ran.ties; Official authorization, sanction, or warrant. 授权,批准官方授权、批准或认可 Justification or valid grounds for an act or a course of action. 依据为某一行为或某项事业提供支持证明其有效之事(物、言辞等) Law 【法律】 An assurance by the seller of property that the goods or property are as represented or will be as promised. 保证货物卖主所作的货物同样品无差别或与许诺相同的保证 The insured"s guarantee that the facts are as stated in reference to an insurance risk or that specified conditions will be fulfilled to keep the contract effective. 合同担保关于被保的风险如实或为保证合同有效而设立的条件将全部执行的保证 A judicial writ; a warrant. 法庭书面状;委任状 A guarantee given to the purchaser by a company stating that a product is reliable and free from known defects and that the seller will, without charge, repair or replace defective parts within a given time limit and under certain conditions. 保修证书公司给予买者的一种证明书,写明某产品质量可靠,如有损坏,卖主在一定期限内和一定条件下将免费维修或更换损坏的故障部分 ----------------------------------------------------guarantee n.保证, 保证书, 担保, 抵押品 vt.保证, 担保 Something that assures a particular outcome or condition: 担保物保证某一特殊结果或条件的东西: Lack of interest is a guarantee of failure. 缺乏兴趣肯定会导致失败 A promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service. 担保一种字据或保证,通常为书面的,以保证某种产品或服务的质量或耐用性 A guaranty by which one person assumes responsibility for paying another"s debts or fulfilling another"s responsibilities. 抵押品一种约束某人还债或承担某种责任的抵押品 A guaranty for the execution, completion, or existence of something. 保证物保证某事的实施完成或存在的物品 A guarantor. 保证人 guarantee;;; To assume responsibility for the debt, default, or miscarriage of. 担保承担债务,违约或计划失败的责任 To assume responsibility for the quality or performance of: 品质保证承担物品质量或性能的责任: guarantee a product. 保证产品的质量 To undertake to do, accomplish, or ensure (something) for another: 承诺,保证保证为某人去做(某事或获得某物): guaranteed to free the captives; guarantees freedom of speech. 保证释放犯人;保证言论自由 To make certain: 确定,落实: The rain guarantees a good crop this year. 这场雨保证了今年有好收成 To furnish security for. 为…提供担保 To express or declare with conviction: 管保以肯定的态度表示或宣称:


VERB确保;使必然发生If one thing guarantees another, the first is certain to cause the second thing to happen.语法信息Surplus resources alone do not guarantee growth.仅有富余的资源并不能确保发展。2.N-COUNT保证Something that is a guarantee of something else makes it certain that it will happen or that it is true.语法信息A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality...公司悠久的品牌并不能确保商品的质量。3.VERB保证…必定发生;承诺做;答应提供If you guarantee something, you promise that it will definitely happen, or that you will do or

warranty 和guarantee的区别


guarantee 担保一词怎么用?

guarantee sb to do sth

under guarantee是什么意思

在保修期比如说你买了辆车保修一年现在你刚开了半年所以你车就still under guarantee


Star Jewelry,成立于1946年,由Saburo Nagai及Taeko两夫妇创立。来自日本的Star Jewelry,成立于一九四六年,由Saburo Nagai及Taeko两夫妇合力创立,以推出钻石、珠宝首饰为主,在日本已有十多间专门店。最近,Star Jewelry在香港正式开设日本以外的首间分店,现任的总设计师Miho Hirota更亲自到港,为首饰店造势。Miho Hirota表示,Star Jewelry在日本以年轻一辈为主要顾客,所以设计比较年轻化,多以碎石镶嵌的设计可做出更闪烁的效果,加上多变的用色及设计上具潮流触觉,更能迎合年轻一辈的口味。除了钻饰系列之外,Star Jewelry亦有推出一些家具、公仔礼物,可见比香港的首饰品牌更多元化。


保证!NBA 篮球赛的入场券!


  n.保证,担保; 保证人,保证书; 抵押品;。


Authentic guarantee的中文翻译Authentic guarantee 正品保证双语例句1The three basic principles of the transaction authentic principle, the guaranteeefficiency principle and the guarantee independent principle should be appliedcompletely. 在担保的基本原则上,我国对外担保应当树立三个基本原则,即交易真实性原则、担保效率性原则和担保独立性原则。


qualityguarantee不是一个牌子,它的意思是品质保证的T恤衫。质量保证(Quality Assurance)也是质量管理的一部分,它致力于提供质量要求会得到满足的信任。质量保证是指为使人们确信产品或服务能满足质量要求而在质量管理体系中实施并根据需要进行证实的全部有计划和有系统的活动。质量保证一般适用于有合同的场合,其主要目的是使用户确信产品或服务能满足规定的质量要求。质量保证的内容绝不是单纯的保证质量,保证质量是质量控制的任务,质量保证是以保证质量为其基础,进一步引申到提供“信任”这一基本目的。T恤质量好的品牌有:香奈儿、爱马仕、路易威登、飒拉、耐克。1、香奈儿香奈儿是法国的一家私有公司,成立于1909年,香奈儿的设计师最出名的是他们的创造力,其T恤上的设计、面料、完成刺绣已经彻底改变了时尚界,香奈儿是世界上最受关注的品牌之一,为年轻人提供真正的时尚目标。2、爱马仕爱马仕是世界上最古老、最受信赖的时尚产品公司之一,爱马仕的产品虽然很贵,但非常时髦、时尚、华丽。爱马仕的T恤价格从10美元到345美元不等,该公司在世界范围内取得了巨大的成功,并建立了许多商店。


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