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  英语翻译成汉语的方法 篇1   一、增补法   有些英语字句如果照字面的意思翻译,意念是不完整的,必须根据意义、修辞或句法的需要增补一些汉语,才能更加忠实于原文,使原文的思想更完整地再现。   例如:We need clean air, but unfortunately, air pollution is generally present, especially in cities.   我们需要清新的空气,但遗憾的是,空气污染普遍存在,在城市中尤其如此。   [分析]本句为了避免“尤其是在城市里”的表达不完整,增加了“如此”。   二、词类转译法   由于英语和汉语是两中悬殊甚大的不同的语言体系,所以在语言结构与表达方式上都存在很大的差异,这就要求我们对原文中的一些词语的词性进行转化(如:动词转化为名词,形容词转化为名词等),才能使译文畅通。例如:   The modern world is experiencing rapid development of science and technology.   当今世界的科学技术正在迅速地发展。   [分析]将句中的形容词rapid转译为汉语中的副词。   三、省译法   由于英语和汉语在用词和语法结构上的差异,原文中的某些词如果直译出来会使译文显得累赘,不符合汉语的表达习惯。在这种情况下,就要省略一些冠词、代词、介词或连词等省去不译,但是不能影响原文的意义表达。例如:   There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead.   天未下雪,但叶落草枯。   [分析]在汉语中“叶落”的概念非常清楚,所以省译了from the trees.   四、顺译法   也就是说按照英语表达的层次顺序,依次翻译英语句子,从而使译文与英语原文的顺序基本一致。例如:   He could see that she had been patient all her life, so that now, after years of it, her lips were set in a gentle and saintly smile.   他看得出,她一生含辛茹苦,如今苦尽甘来,嘴边总是带着温柔、圣洁的微笑。   [分析]英语句子的顺序,从意思上讲,与汉语句子的顺序是一致的。   五、逆译法   也就是对于句子结构复杂的英语句子,可以先翻译全句的后部,在依次向前逆序翻译前面的句子。例如:   It is our task to build up a nuclear power station somewhere by the end of this year.   我们的任务是于今年年底在某地建成一座原子能发电站。   [分析]翻译英语里面的一系列状语时,必须按照时间状语、地点状语和方式状语的顺序汉语习惯表达习惯来组织语句。   六、分译法   也就是采取化整为零的方法将整个英语长句翻译为几个独立的句子,顺序基本不变,前后保持连贯。例如:   At the meeting decision was made to transfer a part of the students to another school.   会议上作出一项决定,把一部分学生转到另一所学校去。   [分析]本句的主语的后置定语比较长,而谓语很短,为了使句子结构匀称,避免头重脚轻的现象,就把后面的不定式与主句分开翻译了。   七、综合法   也就是说翻译时经过仔细推敲,或按照时间先后,或按照逻辑顺序,有顺有逆、有主有次地对全句进行综合处理,英语和汉语的字面意思不完全对应,但是内涵是相同的。   例如:One can perhaps get a clearer picture of Japans acute population pressure by imagining what Switzerland would be like if that small and mountainous country were inhabited by 28 million people instead of the 5.7 million at present.只要设想一下,假若那小小的瑞士居住的人口不是现在的五百七十万,而是两千八百万,瑞士会是什么情景,人民便会清楚地理解日本所面临的人口压力是多么大。   [分析]原文的重点在于One can……population pressure,按照汉语习惯,应该先叙事,后总结,所以翻译时从中间by imagining……入手,最后回到句首,译出One can……。而且汉语句子的意思也有“意译”的成分。   英语翻译成汉语的方法 篇2   一.增译法   指根据英汉 两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无 主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主 句、被动语态或"There be…"结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使 用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情 况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需 要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在汉译英时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完 整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的"完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。   二.省译法   这是与增译法相对应的一种翻译方法,即删去不符合目标语思维习惯、语言习惯和表达方式的词,以避免译文累赘。增译法的例句反之即可。   三.转换法   指翻译过程中为了使译文符合目标语的表述方式、方法和习惯而对原句中的词类、句型和 语态等进行转换。具体的说,就是在词性方面,把名词转换为代词、形容词、动词;把动词转换成名词、形容词、副词、介词;把形容词转换成副词和短语。在句子 成分方面,把主语变成状语、定语、宾语、表语;把谓语变成主语、定语、表语;把定语变成状语、主语;把宾语变成主语。在句型方面,把并列句变成复合句,把 复合句变成并列句,把状语从句变成定语从句。在语态方面,可以把主动语态变为被动语态。   英语翻译学习技巧注意事项   一. 翻译的技巧   没有技巧,只有一个熟字。华罗庚说过,“苦干猛干埋头干,熟能生出百巧来”。语法根基深厚,词汇量大,对专业词汇掌握得熟,自然就能驾轻就熟,怎么玩儿怎么转。简单地说,基本功扎实就是技巧。   二. 翻译中最重要的项目   语法、词汇和专业知识。语法是最重要的,初中和高中学到的核心的东西其实就是语法。如果语法不好,和老外交流可能会很顺畅,但是做翻译不行,翻译不仅要求能让读者明白意思,而且要专业,英孚英语这个必不可少。   三. 翻译中的语法   语法就是公式。为什么很多译员朋友喜欢做汉译英而不喜欢做英译汉?就是因为汉译英的有公式可套,英译汉的没有公式可套。   四. 评价一份稿件的翻译质量   1.符合逻辑;   2.没有语法错误;   3.专业知识无错误。   做到了这三点,一篇译稿的质量就保证住了,如果对语言的驾驭能力强,文采飞扬,行云流水,那当然就最好不过了。   要做翻译应该如何学英语   第一要诀:从电视、电影、新闻中学习英语   看英文电视、电影不仅能了解西方人的文化和生活,而且也是学习地道英语和提高英语听力的好机会。选取的影片最好是以现代生活为背景的文艺片或喜剧片。如果您的听力不错,要养成不看字幕的习惯。程度稍差的就不要勉强自己,否则英语没学成反倒破坏了欣赏电影的好心情。这种情况下,您可以先看字幕了解剧情(如果是电视节目那就要先录下来),再重新看一至数遍,您的听力就可在轻松的心情下,随着您对剧情了解的增多而迅速提高。如果找原版电影有困难,可以试着听英语新闻,同样会起到很好的效果。   第二要诀:善用录音带锻炼听说能力   有些学习者总是习惯于一边看书一边听磁带,把磁带当成阅读的辅助工具,这样达不到锻炼听力的目的。录音带应该是以听说能力的训练为主。学习者要选用与自己能力相适应的听力磁带,不要急于求成,以免产生受挫心理。先反复聆听磁带内容,起先只要抓住梗概,多听几次后,对细节的了解便越来越多。听力较差的人,可先阅读课文,然后再集中精力领会每段每句的意思。这样练习有助于培养倾听时注意力的集中,使您的听力迅速进步。   第三要诀:练习朗读,好处多多   英语学习者往往对朗读不太重视。事实上朗读的妙用大矣!1.锻炼英语的发音,语调与节奏;2.使口腔各发音部位灵活,增进说英语时的流利程度;3.使耳朵增加听英语的机会,从而提高英语听力;4.充分应用读书四到:眼到,口到,耳到,心到——比默读时更能记住所读的教材。我们也可以说朗读是会话的基本练习,没有朗读习惯的人是很难学成会话的。   第四要诀:查字典之前,要猜猜看   学习一种语言一定要查字典,但一定要讲究方法。在这里先说两件事:第一:不要盲目的查;第二:不要查的太快;换句话说,在查字典以前要先想一想,甚至猜一猜。很多学习英语的人,在文章中一看到生词抓起字典就查,结果往往是每个生词都查过了,却看不懂整句或整段的意思。假如在查字典以前,先根据上下文的意思猜猜看,再翻开字典,就不会感到无所适从了。应该先结合上下文,前后句,整个段落来推敲它的意思,再查字典证实一下,有时甚至用不着查字典意思就清楚了。这种查字典的方法还有一个好处,由于先经过猜,想的过程,对于这个生词有了观察和分析,印象已很深刻,查字典之后就很容易就记住这个词了。   范例要诀   转换成动词   1、名词转换成动词   经典例题: Interest in historical methods has arisen,less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.   分析:interest在原文中是名词,而在译文中为了符合中文的表达方式,在不改变意思的前提下,将它改成动词。   参考译文: 人们之所以关注历史研究的方法,主要是因为史学家们内部分歧过大,其次才是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学科。   经典例题: With the click of a mouse,information from the other end of the globe will be transported to your computer screen at the dizzying speed of seven_and_a_half times around the earth per second.   参考译文: 只要一点鼠标,来自世界另一端的信息便会以每秒绕地球七周半的惊人速度传输到你的电脑屏幕上。   2、形容词转换成动词   经典例题: Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.   参考译文: 由于人口的猛增或大量人口流动(现代交通工具使大量人口流动变得相对容易)所造成的种种问题也会增加社会压力。   经典例题: Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life.   参考译文: 医生们说他们不敢肯定能否救得了他的命。   Success is dependent on his effort.   参考译文 成功与否取决于他的努力。   3、副词转换成动词   经典例题: She opened the window to let fresh air in.   参考译文: 她把窗子打开,让新鲜空气进来。   4、介词转换成动词   经典例题: Many laboratories are developing medicines against AIDS.   参考译文: 许多实验室正在研制治疗艾滋病的药物。   经典例题: "Coming!"Away she skimmed over the lawn,up the path,up the steps,across the veranda,and into the porch.   参考译文: "来了!"她转身蹦着跳着地跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。   转换成名词   1、动词转换成名词   经典例题: The university aims at the first rate of the world.   参考译文学校的目标是世界一流。   经典例题: The net and electronic commerce will foster a large number of free_fancers,and this will affect social structure in a big way.   参考译文: 网络和电子商业将会造就一大批自由职业者,从而将对社会结构产生深远的影响。   经典例题: Numerous abstentions marked the French elections.   参考译文: 这次法国选举的特点是弃权的人多。   2、形容词转换成名词   经典例题: They did their best to help the sick and the wounded.   参考译文: 他们尽了最大努力帮助病号和伤号。   经典例题: The different production cost is closely associated with the sources of power.   参考译文: 生产成本的差异与能源密切相关。   3、代词转换成名词   经典例题: According to a growing body of evidence,the chemicals that make up many plastics may migrate out of the material and into foods and fluids,ending up in your body.   分析: your body直译是"你的身体",而细读原文,我们发现其实your body是泛指人体。作者为了引起与读者的共鸣,用了与读者更息息相关的your。在翻译时,应将此代词转换成名词,体现其真实含义。   参考译文 越来越多的证据表明,许多塑料制品的化学成分会移动到食物或流体上去,最终进入人体内。   经典例题: Though we can"t see it,there is air all around us.参考译文虽然我们看不见空气,可我们周围到处都有空气。   4、副词转换成名词   经典例题: The new type of machine is shown schematically in Figure1.   参考译文 图一所示是这种新型机器的简图。   经典例题: Internally the earth consists of two parts,a core and a mantle.参考译文地球的内部由两部分组成:地核和地幔。   转换成形容词   1、副词转换成形容词   经典例题: The engineer had prepared meticulously for his design.   参考译文: 工程师为这次设计做了十分周密的准备。   经典例题: When tables and other materials are included,they should be conveniently placed,so that a student can consult them without turning over too many pages.   参考译文: 当书中列有表格或其他参考资料时,应当将这些内容编排在适当的位置,以便使学生在查阅时,不必翻太多的书页。   2、名词转换成形容词   经典例题: Most teenagers feel no difficulty in learning and operating computers.   参考译文: 绝大部分青少年在学习和操作电脑方面并不觉得困难。   经典例题: The instrument has been welcomed by users because of its stability in serviceability,reliability in operation and simplicity in maintenance.   参考译文: 该仪器性能稳定,操作可靠,维护方便,因而受到用户的欢迎。   转换成副词   形容词转换成副词   经典例题: The wide application of electronic machines in scientific work,in designing and in economic calculations will free man from the labor of complicated computations.   参考译文: 在科学研究、设计和经济计算方面广泛地应用电子计算机可以使人们从繁重的计算劳动中解放出来。   经典例题: By dialing the right number,you may be able to select a play,golf lesson or lecture in physics,from a pre-taped library in a remote city,for showing on your home screen.   翻译要做好当然主要还需要加强词汇基础,可以多看看考研大纲词汇排查文档。

求起英文名1.王艺艺2 王菲 希望能和汉语读音相似但又不俗气

Fayne,Fern,Faline, Fallon,Fay,Farren,Felicity 菲Yvonne,Yalena,Yaira,Yeva 艺艺


foot apple bean banana




第一:查斯特 格林伍德 (人名,音译) 罗琪(狗名,音译)。第二:他不是很熟悉伦敦,所以他迷路了。第三:这个男人笑了,并没有做出任何的回答(笑而不答)。with 这里是伴随状语。 know sth well是很了解什么的意思


  extreme的汉语意思   英 [ɪkˈstri:m] 美 [ɪkˈstrim]   第三人称复数:extremes   形容词 极端的,过激的; 极限的,非常的; 末端的; (政治上)急进的   名词 极端; 困境; [数]极限值; [常用复数]在两末端的事物   相关例句   形容词   1. He lives at the extreme edge of the forest.   他住在森林的最边上。   2. Your invitation gave him extreme joy.   你的邀请使他高兴极了。   3. The took extreme measures to conserve fuel.   他们采取极端的手段节约燃料。   extreme的词典解释   1. 极其的;极度的   Extreme means very great in degree or intensity.   e.g. The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with extreme caution.   女孩子们害怕蛇,走路时格外小心。   e.g. ...people living in extreme poverty.   生活极度贫困的人们   2. 极端的   You use extreme to describe situations and behaviour which are much more severe or unusual than you would expect, especially when you disapprove of them because of this.   e.g. The extreme case was Poland, where 29 parties won seats...   极端的例子是波兰,共有29个政党拥有议席。   e.g. It is hard to imagine Lineker capable of anything so extreme...   很难想象莱恩克尔能做出如此极端的事情。   3. 偏激的;过激的   You use extreme to describe opinions, beliefs, or political movements which you disapprove of because they are very different from those that most people would accept as reasonable or normal.   e.g. This extreme view hasn"t captured popular opinion.   这种偏激的观点未被大众接受。   e.g. ...the racist politics of the extreme right.   极右派的种族主义政治   4. 极端;完全相反的事物   You can use extremes to refer to situations or types of behaviour that have opposite qualities to each other, especially when each situation or type of behaviour has such a quality to the greatest degree possible.   e.g. ...a "middle way" between the extremes of success and failure...   成功和失败这两个极端之间的“中间地带”   e.g. They can withstand extremes of temperature and weather without fading or cracking.   它们能够经受极端的气温和天气状况而不褪色、不破裂。   5. 尽头的`;末端的   The extreme end or edge of something is its furthest end or edge.   e.g. ...the room at the extreme end of the corridor.   在走廊尽头的那个房间   e.g. ...winds from the extreme north.   从极北吹来的风。   extreme的情景对话   保险   A:How may I help you?   需要帮忙么?   B:Well, I"m going to travel next month and would like to buy some travel insurance. Can I do that here?   是的,我想下个月旅行,打算买一些旅行保险,我能在这办理么?   A:Yes, you can. Where are you going?   可以的,你想去哪里?   B:I"m going to Thailand.   泰国。   A:Will you participating in any extreme sports like bungee jumping or cliff diving?   你将参加一些极限运动如蹦极或悬崖跳水么?   B:I hope to. Why?   我希望参加,怎么了?   A:Not all of your policies cover accidents caused by these types of activities.   不是所有的保单都包括此类运动造成的意外事故。   B:Oh, well, I would like something to cover that.   哦, 那我想要一份涵盖此类事故的保单。   A:We have different packages depending on the amount of coverage you"d like. Have you looked over our brochure?   我们有不同种类的保险,这取决于你投保的项目。你看过我们的资料册了吗?   B:Not yet.   还没。   A:Why don"t you take a look? Make sure you read about all the conditions carefully.   为什么不看看,你必须仔细阅读所有条款。   B:Ok.   好的。   A:You"ll also need to decide how long you"d like the travel insurance for. We have daily, monthly, and yearly policies.   你还需要决定你的旅游保险保多久。我们有按日,按月,按年的保险。   B:I"ll just need it for one month.   我只需要一个月。   A:When you"ve finished reading the brochures, you can fill out this form. If you have any questions at that time, come back and I"ll answer them for you.   你看完册子以后,就可以填写这张表,如果那时你有什么问题,你可以过来问我。   B:Thanks for your help.   谢谢你的帮助。

孔子名言 英语 带汉语翻译

人生态度 发愤忘食,乐以忘忧、不知老之将至…。 饭疏食、饮水,曲肱而枕之,乐亦在其中矣。 不义而富且贵,于我如浮云。 贤哉,回也!一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧。回也不改其乐。贤哉,回也! 士志于道,而耻恶衣恶食者,未足与议也。 富与贵,是人之所欲也;不以其道,得之不处也。贫与贱,是人之所恶也; 不以其道,得之不去也。 富而可求也,虽执鞭之士,吾亦为之。如不可求,从吾所好。 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? 见利思义,见危授命。 修己以敬……修己以安人…修己以安百姓。 可以托六尺之孤,可以寄百里之命,临大节而不可夺也。 志士仁人,无求生以害仁,有杀身以成仁。 君于疾没世而名不称焉。 夫达也者,质直而好义。察言而观色,虑以下人。 君子泰而不骄,小人骄而不泰。 君子易事而难说(悦),说(悦)之不以道,不说(悦)也。 君子之仕也,行其义也。 子谓于产。“有君子之道四焉:其行己也恭,其事上也敬,其养民也惠,其使民也义。” 君子和而不同,小人同而不和。 君子矜而不争,群而不党。 君子周而不比,小人比而不周。 君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。 仁者不忧,知者不惑,勇者不惧。 放于利而行,多怨。 求仁而得仁,又何怨。 质胜文则野,文胜质则史。文质彬彬,然后君子。 君子谋道不谋食,……君子忧道不忧贫。 法语之言,能无从乎?改之为贵。 (“撰”去提手)与之言,能无说乎?绎之为贵。说而不绎,从而不改,吾末如之何也已矣。 见善无不及,见不善如探汤。 君子尊贤而容众,嘉善而矜不能。 士而怀居,不足为士矣! 做人格言 不学礼,无以立。 己所不欲,匆施于人。 己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。 躬自厚而薄责于人,则远怨矣。 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 三人行,必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,择其不善者而改之。 吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而下信乎?传不习乎? 居处恭,执事敬,与人忠。 君子敬而无失,与人恭而有礼,四海之内皆兄弟也,言忠信,行笃敬,虽蛮貊之邦,行矣。言不忠信,行不笃敬,虽州里,行乎哉? 行己有耻,使于四方,不辱君命,可谓士矣。 孔子曰:“能行五者于天下为仁矣。”请问之。曰:“恭、宽、信、敏、惠。恭则不侮,宽则得众,信则人任焉,敏则有功,惠则足以使人”。 君子义以为质,礼以行之,孙以出之,信以成之。君子哉! 过而不改,是谓过矣! 过,则匆惮改。 不迁怒,不二过。 三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也! 人无远虑,必有近忧。 无欲速,无见小利。欲速,则不达;见小利,则大事不成。 士不可不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后己,不亦远乎? 执德不弘,信道不笃,焉能为有,焉能为亡。 与朋友交,言而有信。 以文会友,以友辅仁。 益者三友,损者三友。友直,友谅,友多闻,益矣。友便辟,友善柔,友便佞,损矣。 君子欲讷于言而敏于行。 君子食无求饱,居无求安,敏于事而慎于言,就有道而正焉,可谓好学也已。 巧言乱德。 巧言令色,鲜矣仁。 刚、毅、木、讷近仁。 有德者必育言,有言者不必育德。 听其言而观其行。 君于不以言举人,不以人废言。 古者言之不出,耻躬不逮也。 君子名之必可言也,言之必可行也,君子于其言,无所苟而已矣。 可与言而不与之言,失人;不可与言而与之言,失言。知者不失人,亦不失言。 言未及之而言谓之躁,言及之而不言谓之隐,未见颜色而言谓之瞽。 好仁不好学,其蔽也愚;好知不好学,其蔽也荡;好信不好学,其蔽也贼; 好直不好学,其蔽也绞;好勇不好学,其蔽也乱;好刚不好学,其蔽也狂。 恭而无礼则劳,慎而无礼则葸,勇而无礼则乱,直而无礼则绞。 事君,敬其事而后其食。 礼之用,和为贵。 放于利而行,多怨。 孔子论学习 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 盖有不知而作者,我无是也。 多闻,择其善者而从之;多见而识之。 圣则吾不能,我学不厌而教不倦也。 学如不及,犹恐失之。 敏而好学,不耻下问。 以能问于不能,以多问于寡;有若无,实若虚,犯而不校。 兴于诗,立于礼.成于乐。 志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺。 不愤不启,不悱不发。 举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也。 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。 吾尝终日不食,终夜不寝,以思,无益,不如学也。 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 众恶之,必察焉;众好之,必察焉。 学而时习之,不亦说乎? 温故而知新,可以为师矣。 日知其所亡,月无忘其所能,可谓好学也矣。 不学诗,无以言。 诗,可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨。 迩之事父,远之事君;多识于鸟兽草木之名。 人而无恒,不可以作巫医。 有教无类。 自行束侑以上,吾未尝无诲焉。 政治格言 政者正也,子帅以正,孰敢不正? 举直错诸枉,则民服;举枉错诸直,则民不服。 子为政焉用杀?子欲善而民善矣。 君子之德风,小人之德草,草上之风,必偃。 裔不谋夏,夷不乱华,俘不干盟,兵不逼好。 道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻;道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。 上好礼,则民莫敢不敬;上好义,则民莫敢不服:上好信,则民莫敢不用情。 慎终,追远,民德归厚矣。 不教而杀谓之虐;不戒视成谓之暴;慢令致期谓之贼;犹之与人也,出纳之吝谓之有司。 为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之。 苟正其身,于从政乎何有?不能正其身,如正人何? 道千乘之国,敬事而信,节用而爱人,使民以时。 出门如见大宾,使民如承大祭。 工欲善其事,必先利其器。 居是邦,事其大夫之贤者,友其士之仁者。 百姓足,君孰与不足?百姓不足,君孰与足? 君子之行也,度于礼。 施,取其厚;事,举其中;敛,从其薄。 君于惠而不费,劳而不怨,欲而不贪,泰而不骄,威而不猛。 ……因民之利而利之,斯不亦惠而不费乎? 择可劳而劳之,又谁怨?欲仁而得仁,又焉贪? 君子无众寡、无小大、无敢慢,斯不亦泰而不骄乎? 君子正其衣冠,尊其瞻视,俨然人望而畏之,斯不亦威而不猛乎? 文武之政,布在方策。其人存,则其政举;其人亡,则其政息。 ....故为政在人。 君使臣以礼.臣事君以忠。 子路问事君。子日: " 勿欺也,而犯之。” 其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。 以不教民战,是谓弃之。 知及之,仁不能守之,虽得之,必失之。 知及之,仁能守之,不庄以莅之,则民不敬。 知及之,仁能守之,庄以莅之,动之不以礼,未善也。 使民敬、忠以劝,如之何? 子曰 :“临之以庄,则敬。孝慈,则忠。 举善而教不能.则劝。” 先有司,赦小过、举贤才。 居上不宽,为礼不敬,临丧不哀,吾何以观之哉! Attitude towards life Hard to forget food, music to忘忧, I do not know ... approach of dotage. Shu rice food, drinking water,曲肱而枕, the music is also having one of at. The rich and unjust and expensive, such as in my cloud. Yin Weizai back also! Live in one, poured drinks, in the alley, people state their concerns. Back to not change their music. Yin Weizai back also! Chi disabilities in the Road, and the shame of the evil evil food clothing, and not enough with you also. Rich and expensive, people"s objectives are; not its Road, also does not have to. The poor and cheap, people are also of the evil; not its Road, was also on the do not. The resort is also rich, though执鞭people, it吾亦. If not demand better from吾所. Have friends from afar, joy? See Leith justice, danger mandate. 修己to King ... ... ...修己to Anren修己to security people. Alone can be entrusted to the six-foot, Barry can send orders and temporary and can not capture large sections also. People with lofty ideals, in order to survive without harm-jen, who has to kill to Chengren. Shi-jun in the disease and were not that behavior is not. Geof also, the quality and well meaning straight. Review the concept of color words, consider the following people. Thai gentleman without arrogance, arrogant villain instead of Thai. Gentlemen"s easy and difficult (Wyatt), Say (Yue) is not the Road, did not say (Yue) also. Shi is also a man of, its meaning also visit. Son that in the middle. "There are four子之道Jun Yan: Gong has its own line, making also on King, the Yang Hui-min, and its meaning so that the people also." Gentleman and different, with the villain and not. Jin gentleman and not fight, instead of the party group. Gentleman"s week than not, instead of weeks than villains. 坦荡荡gentleman, often small obsession. Benevolent not have to worry about, to know who perplexed, afraid of the brave. Lee put in the line, many complain. Hui求仁derived, how resentment. Ueno wins Wenze quality, the quality of the history of wins.文质彬彬, then gentlemen. Gentlemen do not plan to seek food and gentlemen ... ... do not worry about the poor. French, of course, can not even? You give it to. ( "Author" to handle) with words and can not even SAY? Sounds for the expensive. Say not unravel, so do not change, I also passed at the end of如之何. All good and see, see into soup such as poor. And allow the public尊贤gentleman, Jiashan and should not sympathize. Home HUAI disabilities, less than for the people now! Life motto Tony does not, no to legislation. Do not want to own, people hurried unto. Yu-li has people standing, others want to reach up to the people. Select thick, thin躬自in person, while having much resentment. Emulate behavior, see Yin and within the self-examination does not have. Three firms, be my teacher behavior, choose from the good, the optional change its mismanagement of persons. I吾身day in the three provinces: the infidelity between people seeking? With his friends and even under the letter? Xi Chuan is not even? Yasuhisa home, deacons King, and allegiance to people. Gentleman without loss of respect, courtesy and恭而people, within the four seas are brothers, loyal and truthful statement, the King Benedict, though very silent on the state line say. Statement does not loyal, Benedict was not King, though states, visit Talking? U.S. firms have been so in the Quartet, not shame君命can be described as having a disability. Confucius said: "those who can do it in the world for five extra-jen." I would like to ask them. Said: "Gong, width, letter, Min, Hui. Yasuhisa not to be humiliated, while a wide public, the people任焉letter, Min is active, benefits are enough to make." Gentleman that the quality of justice, courtesy of a line, of the Sun, as in the letter. Weizai gentlemen! Have not changed, that are off now! , Then hurried to dread. Do not vent, Fujio too. Capture of the three services can also handsome, not everyone wins Chi also! People without long and short term, there is fear. No waste, no see a small profit. Haste makes waste, haste; see a small benefit, it is not important. Hony who can not, a long way to go. Benevolence to its own responsibility, do not even have weight? Others die before, do not have far between? They do not WONG Tak, channel is not Benedict, for how can there is, how can for the death. With his friends, will keep its promise. Friends of the symbol will be to Friends of Catholic. Benefits are three friends who Sanyou loss. Friends of straight友谅, Friends Duowen, having beneficial. Friends便辟, friendly Sophie, the Friends will be eloquent, having hurt. For nawan gentleman is sensitive to the words and lines. Fresh bread without seeking gentleman, without seeking an abode, and Shen Min in the matter in the statement, there are Road and Yan, has also been eager to learn. Germany巧言chaos. Rhetoric, fresh jen say. Gang, Yi, wood, nawan Jinren. Youde Yu gets made, there is no need to Yude speaker. Listen to his words and deeds. Eagle in the tree is not made, people do not waste words. Not ancient words, beyond oneself is also shame. Must speak of the gentleman who has, made possible must also gentleman in its statement, just say no Gou. Statement can be made without them, missing person; not with words but with words and a slip of the tongue. Yet people who know, do not slip of the tongue. Made in terms of less than that of the impatient, and not mentioned the statement that the hidden, not that of the blind in terms of color. Hui not learn well, the shelter is also blind; not well known study, the shelter also finishes; letter not learn well, the shelter also thieves; Straight not learn well, the shelter also twisted; not learn well-yong, the shelter is also arbitrary; learn not just good, its cover is also mad. 恭而workers are rude, impolite and is unhappy Shen, Yong and rude is chaos, then twist straight and rude. 事君, King involved and then their food. Use of ceremony, and expensive. Lee put in the line, many complain. On the study of Confucius To know know, I do not know as I do not know, are also known. The authors have not covered, nor are my no. Heard many, who choose the good from it; seen and know more. Saint while I can not, teach me learn patience and tireless also. Such as study time, still too afraid. Sensitive and studious,不耻下问. Can not ask in order to be able to question in many oligonucleotide; have and if not, it is Ruoxu, not guilty of the school. Hing in the poem, an ceremony. Into the music. Chi in the Road, it was in Germany, according to Hui, the art tour. Kai does not do not anger, do not want but can not speak is not hair. Do not give a corner to corner the anti-three, is also not complex. Than those who know the good, the good of those who are not as good as music. I try not to eat all day long, the end of the night do not sleep, to think, no good, it is better to learn it. Study without thought is indiscriminately, thinking without learning is perilous. Evil people, must monitor behavior; the public good, the behavior must review. Study and practice of the time, do not even have said that? 温故而知新, you can say for the division. Know the death date, the month can not forget, is also having to learn. Do not study poetry, no words. Poetry can hing, you can view, you can group, you can complain. Matter near the father, much of事君; many know the name of the birds and vegetation. People without a hang, not for witch doctor. Education for all without discrimination. Yu-beam above their own, I might not instruct behavior. Political maxim Governance, are also, by being handsome son, Which dare not correct? It is really regrettable that move straight from mistake, the public service; give much for anyone to mistake all straight, then against the people. Necessary to use a child for the government to kill? For good son and having good people. German man of wind, small人之德grass, the grass on the wind, must stop. Americans do not seek the summer of chaos Yi-hua, leaving UNITA prisoners, soldiers do not force the better. Road to governance, Qi by torture, free and shameless people; Road to Germany, and Qi to the ceremony, there is shame and the grid. On ethical, then people敢不敬Mo; a good justice, is against public莫敢: a good letter, then people do not love莫敢. 慎终recover far, China and Germany to the extra thickness. Not taught that the killing of the child; not into that ring, as the storm; slow period that caused the thief; still with the people, that a cashier"s有司stingy. For governance in Germany, for example, Michael, ranking it the star of the total. Gou is its body, even in politics there is He? Can not is the body, such as Dr Masato? Road千乘the country, and敬事letters section and lovers used to enable people to when. Such as big bin out so that people such as contractors Festival. 工欲善其事, prerequisite of its browser. Habitat is a state of things the doctor Sage, the Friends of Chevalier of the benevolent. Enough people, and lack of priority-jun? Less than people, and foot-jun Which? Gentlemen"s trip also, degrees in the ceremony. Shi, choose thick; thing, give one of; convergence, its thin. Hui-jun on without charges, labor and not complain, For instead of greed, arrogance and not Thailand, not Takeshi Granville. ... ... Because of the benefits and benefit the people of Sri Lanka do not even have benefits without costs? Optional can be labor and the labor and who complain? For derived-jen-jen and greedy behavior? No gentleman众寡, big or small, are not dare to slow, Sri Lanka and Thailand do not have even without arrogance? Is the dressed gentleman, respect, as its looking, as if the people hope and fear, instead of Sri Lanka does not also take between Granville? The civil and military affairs, strategy in square cloth. Keep its people, its political move; the people will perish, their political interest. .... It is for the government in person. Jun envoy to ceremony. Chen Zhong事君to. Lu事君question. Sub-Day: "Do not bully also, and committed to." Its body is







style 汉语意思是什么


Kaise Mujhe 谁能帮我把这首歌词翻译成汉语~

你可以下载这部电影 嫚嫚从字幕哪里看啊 这首歌词很感人!


Lake:n. 湖;深红色颜料;胭脂红




I don"t feel very well. 我觉得不太舒服。I have the flu.我患了流行性感冒。 I have a headache.我头痛。I have a cold.我感冒了。I"m sick.我生病了。 I have a pain in my back. 我的背痛。My head hurts. 我的头受伤了。I cough day and night. 我日夜咳嗽。see a doctor 看医生


‘因"在古代汉语字典里的意思:1.依靠2.根据,按照3.通过,特指通过某种关系4.顺着5.继6.受7.因袭,沿袭8.趁,趁机9.缘故,理由10.介词. 1)从,由 2)因为11.犹,如同12.副词。于是,就。 在这里‘因"的意思需要连着‘许"的意思一块理解。联系上下文个人理解为:杜甫老家在‘鄜"这个地方,很贫困,甚至有人饿死。因为这样杜甫前往看望。‘许"在古汉语中式有‘这样,如此"的意思的。 不过我要声明下哦,本人才疏学浅如若有误请勿追究!




chen zi(子) jian


你好:声母:一个音节开头部分的音叫声,用来表示声的字母叫声母。声母有23个分别是 b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s y w 韵母:一个音节声母后面的部分叫韵,用来表示韵的字母叫韵母。韵母共有24个。 单韵母: a o e i u ǖ 复韵母: ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ǖe er an en in un ǖn (前鼻韵母) ang eng ing ong (后鼻韵母)


共计:399个【A】(啊) ai(哀) an(安) ang(肮) ao(熬) [5个]【B】 ba(八) bai(百) ban(班) bang(帮) bao(包) bei(悲) ben(奔) beng(崩) bi(比) bian(边) biao(标)bie(别) bin(宾) bing(兵) bo(波) bu(不) [16个]【C】ca(擦) cai(才) can(参) cang(仓) cao(操) ce(册) cen(参) ceng(层) cha(查) chai(柴) chan(产)chang(长) chao(抄) che(车) chen(晨) cheng(成) chi(吃) chong(充) chou(抽) chu(出) chuan(川)chuang(创) chui(吹) chun(春) chuo(绰) ci(词) cong(聪) cou(凑) cu(粗) cuan(窜) cui(崔)cun(村) cuo(错) [33个]【D】 da(大) dai(呆) dan(单) dang(当) dao(刀) de(德) dei(得) den(扽) deng(灯) di(地) dian(点) diao(刁) die(跌)ding(丁) diu(丢) dong(冬) dou(斗) du(读) duan(端) dui(对) dun(吨) duo(多) [22个]【E】 e(鹅) ei(欸) en(恩) eng(鞥) er(儿) [5个]【F】fa(发) fan(反) fang(方) fei(飞) fen(分) feng(风) fo(佛) fou(否) fu(夫) [9个]【G】ga(伽) gai(该) gan(干) gang(刚) gao(高) ge(哥) gei(给) gen(根) geng(耕) gong(工) gou(沟)gu(姑) gua(瓜) guai(怪) guan(关) guang(光) gui(规) gun(棍) guo(国) [19个]【H】ha(哈) hai(还) han(含) hang(航) hao(好) he(喝) hei(黑) hen(很) heng(横) hong(轰) hou(猴)hu(乎) hua(花) huai(怀) huan(欢) huang(荒) hui(灰) hun(昏) huo(火) [19个]【J】ji(机) jia(家) jian(坚) jiang(江) jiao(交) jie(阶) jin(斤) jing(京) jiong(炯) jiu(究) ju(居) juan(卷)jue(决) jun(军) [14个]【K】ka(卡) kai(开) kan(刊) kang(康) kao(考) ke(科) ken(肯) keng(坑) kong(空) kou(口) ku(苦)kua(夸) kuai(快) kuan(宽) kuang(狂) kui(亏) kun(困) kuo(阔) [18个]【L】la(拉) lai(来) lan(兰) lang(狼) lao(劳) le(乐) lei(雷) leng(冷) li(离) lia(俩) lian(连) liang(良)liao(辽) lie(列) lin(林) ling(灵) liu(刘) long(龙) lou(楼) lu(路) lv(驴) luan(乱) lve(略) lun(抡)luo(罗) [25个]【M】ma(妈) mai(麦) man(满) mang(忙) mao(毛) me(么) mei(眉) men(门) meng(蒙) mi(迷) mian(棉)miao(苗) mie(灭) min(民) ming(明) miu(谬) mo(模) mou(某) mu(目) [19个]【N】na(那) nai(奶) nan(南) nang(囊) nao(脑) ne(呢) nei(内) nen(嫩) neng(能) ni(你) nian(年)niang(娘) niao(鸟) nie(捍) nin(您) ning(宁) niu(牛) nong(农) nou(弄) nu(奴) nv(女)nuan(暖) nve(虐) nuo(挪) [24个]【O】o(哦) ou(欧) [2个]【P】pa(趴) pai(拍) pan(盘) pang(旁) pao(跑) pei(培) pen(盆) peng(朋) pi(批) pian(偏)piao(飘) pie(撇) pin(拼) ping(平) po(坡) pou(剖) pu(扑) [17个]【Q】qi(七) qia(恰) qian(千) qiang(枪) qiao(悄) qie(切) qin(亲) qing(青) qiong(穷) qiu(秋)qu(区) quan(全) que(缺) qun(群) [14个]【R】ran(然) rang(让) rao(饶) re(热) ren(人) reng(扔) ri(日) rong(荣) rou(肉) ru(如)ruan(软) rui(锐) run(润) ruo(弱) [14个]【S】sa(洒) sai(赛) san(三) sang(桑) sao(扫) se(色) sen(森) seng(僧) sha(杀) shai(晒) shan(山)shang(伤) shao(烧) she(舌) shen(深) sheng(生) shi(师) shou(手) shu(书) shua(刷) shuai(摔)shuan(拴) shuang(爽) shui(水) shun(顺) shuo(说) si(思) song(松) sou(搜) su(苏) suan(算) sui(岁) sun(孙)suo(所) [34个]【T】ta(它) tai(台) tan(贪) tang(糖) tao(桃) te(特) teng(疼) ti(题) tian(天) tiao(条) tie(铁)ting(听) tong(通) tou(头) tu(土) tuan(团) tui(推) tun(吞) tuo(脱) [19个]【W】wa(挖) wai(外) wan(完) wang(王) wei(威) wen(温) weng(翁) wo(我) wu(无) [9个]【X】xi(西) xia(下) xian(先) xiang(香) xiao(小) xie(写) xin(心) xing(星) xiong(胸) xiu(休) xu(须)xuan(宣) xue(学) xun(寻) [14个]【Y】ya(压) yan(烟) yang(央) yao(要) ye(业) yi(一) yin(音) ying(英) yong(用) you(优) yu(雨)yuan(元) yue(月) yun(云) [14个]【Z】za(杂) zai(载) zan(咱) zang(脏) zao(早) ze(责) zei(贼) zen(怎) zeng(增) zha(扎) zhai(摘)zhan(占) zhang(张) zhao(照) zhe(这) zhen(针) zheng(正) zhi(支) zhong(中) zhou(周) zhu(朱)zhua(抓) zhuan(专) zhuang(庄) zhui(追) zhun(准) zhuo(捉) zi(资) zong(宗) zou(走) zu(足)zuan(钻) zui(最) zun(尊) zuo(作) [35个]


  interesting  [英][ˈɪntrəstɪŋ][美][ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ, -tərɪstɪŋ, -təˌrɛstɪŋ]  adj.令人感兴趣的,有趣的; 引起兴趣的; 有趣的; 令人关注的;    例句:  1.  And I thought it was interesting.  我觉得很有意思。    2.  I view it as both interesting and mind-expanding.  我觉得它不仅有趣,还能开拓眼界。    3.  It was an interesting campaign choice.  这是一个有趣的战略选择。


寻找。比如说 hide and seek 就是捉迷藏

fell 的汉语意思 急 谢谢




各位翻译达人,你们好1 请帮我把歌手30 Seconds to Mars的Alibi的歌词译成汉语好吗?谢谢!

没有警告标志,没有借口 我们正在衰落速度超过光速 注意到我们的机会,并烧毁坠毁 不,我们将永远不会知道 我爱上了分离,但我再回来, 然后我崩溃了,但再次回来, 是啊 我们都可以看到清澈见底, 这必然年底接近 使我们的选择,被火试验, 战斗,只有这样,我们觉得活着 我摔倒之外,但再次回来, 然后我崩溃了,但再次回来, 然后我崩溃了,但回来后再次 因此,我们在这里,巫聚首小时, 最快的转分化和吞噬 分而吞食 如果我能在结束对火灾的追求, 为了真理,为了爱,我的愿望 我的愿望 后来我之外,但再次回来 我爱上了距离,我崩溃了,我崩溃了, 余土崩瓦解。我摔倒外, 但是,再回来

Ave Alhambra CA 91801 US 请帮忙翻译成汉语,



cheese 英[tʃi:z] 美[tʃiz] n.奶酪;微笑 vt.停止 [例句]A bacon egg " n cheese croissant packs a whopping 480. 一个熏腌肉鸡蛋奶酪羊角面包的卡路里含量高达480.


打错了吗?routine英 [ru:ˈti:n] 美 [ruˈtin] n.常规; 例行程序; 生活乏味; (演出中的)一套动作adj.常规的; 例行的; 日常的; 普通的网络例程; 程序; 惯例复数: routines 形近词: poutine pouting houting routing touting


蓝天,阳光,沙滩和美女在比基尼 ,所有这些将使真正愉快的运动,沙滩排球。但它是拉拉队队员和他们炫目的舞蹈已带来了新的生命给它在朝阳公园,在很短的焦点观众(观众)在球场上,他们有一个更感人的故事背后的性能。 “我们没有电视或互联网接入我们的宿舍,并要求其他国家有多少枚金牌中赢得了” ,王 雪儿,率领一个啦啦队组由广东省指的是17啦啦队谁住在一个房间不到30平方米,看电视,他们需要去按摩室,他们经常访问唤醒他们麻木腿后6个小时。 王雪儿用舞蹈的中国队在CBA联赛广东,她带领她的专业舞蹈团,通过竞争,涉及16支球队在县,终于赢得并找到了一份工作没有工资。 “那好吧。我们花了几年的训练之前,我们来到了这里。很难得到评价与钱。 “王雪儿降低她的头。她脸膛黑红的皮肤看起来健康足够的,但很少女孩想看看这种方式。 “我们留在了太阳每天6个小时, ”那拉,啦啦队来自北京。说。水维持离开时,出汗,需要的啦啦队喝大量的水,并采取特殊的药丸,以获得进一步的供应维生素C和E有时候,他们只是吃巧克力用于这一目的。 “我们不关注的焦点比赛,但我们提供了幸福给观众。 ”王雪儿说。 “我们真的很喜欢我们的工作 。 ”


stationKK: []DJ: []n.1. 车站[C]She got off at Victoria Station.她在维多利亚车站下了车。2. (各种机构的)站,所,局,署[C]The pickpocket was brought to the nearby police station.小偷被带到附近的派出所。3. 广播电台,电视台;电视频道[C]I don"t like the program. What"s on the other station?我不喜欢这个节目。另外那个台在上演什么?4. 驻地,基地;驻地人员[C]5. 岗位;站立的位置[C]6. 身份,地位[C]The duke did well by people in humble stations.那位公爵善待地位低下的人。7. 静止状态[U]8. 【澳】大牧场[C]vt.1. 驻扎,部署,配置[H][O]Two guards were stationed at the gate.在大门口有两名警卫站岗。


一般作 冬天的意思。 也有作 逆境、晚年等意思。

英语station的汉语意思是什么 英语单词中的station的汉语是什么

station KK:[] DJ:[] n. 1.车站[C] She got off at Victoria Station. 她在维多利亚车站下了车. 2.(各种机构的)站,所,局,署[C] The pickpocket was brought to the nearby police station. 小偷被带到附近的派出所. 3.广播电台,电视台;电视频道[C] I don"t like the program.What"s on the other station? 我不喜欢这个节目.另外那个台在上演什么? 4.驻地,基地;驻地人员[C] 5.岗位;站立的位置[C] 6.身份,地位[C] The duke did well by people in humble stations. 那位公爵善待地位低下的人. 7.静止状态[U] 8.【澳】大牧场[C] vt. 1.驻扎,部署,配置[H][O] Two guards were stationed at the gate. 在大门口有两名警卫站岗.

the algae house hamburg汉语?

the algae house hamburg汉堡藻类之家


cheer [tʃɪə]n. 愉快, 欢呼, 激励v. 使振奋, 欢呼; 欢呼, 喝彩; 感到振奋, 感到高兴


文言翻译guǎng ①<形>宽阔,与“狭”相对。《茅屋为秋风所破歌》:“安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜。” ②<形>宏大。《荀子-修身》:“君子贫穷而志广。” ③<动>扩大;增广。《出师表》:“必能裨补阙漏,有所广益。” ④<动>宽心;安慰。《屈原列传》:“自以为寿不得长,安悼之,乃为赋以自广。” ⑤<副>广泛;多余地。《孔雀东南飞》:“幸可广问讯,不得便相许。” ⑥<名>广州的简称。《孔雀东南飞》:“杂彩三百匹,交广市鲑珍。” guàng ①<名>春秋时楚国战车建制名,兵画十五辆为一广。 ②<形>横。如“广袤”。 kuàng ①<形>通“旷”,空缺,荒废。 ②<名>通“圹”,坟墓。《孔子家语-困誓》:“自望其广,则睾如也。” [广坐]众人聚会场所。




moment英[ˈməʊmənt]美[ˈmoʊmənt]n.时刻; 瞬间,片刻; 重要,紧要; [物] 力矩; [例句]In a moment he was gone.一转眼他就不见了。[其他]复数:moments形近词: lomentmsmentfoment




There is a lake in the village村里有一个湖双语对照例句:1.There is a brave woman in the village. 在村庄有一名勇敢的妇女。 2.Her husband is in their village in gansu province and tends their land. 她丈...


bend legs弯曲腿弯腿动词+宾语的结构

bend low的汉语意思


求qq24字符的英文昵称。 多一点的,在后面标注汉语意思。 谢谢- -

看吧!请采纳我的哦!2008-11-14 21:01女生可用的天使名: 米迦列:Michelle、Michaela、Mica 嘉百列:Gabrielle、Gabriella 拉法尔:Rafael、Raffaella 我最喜欢的名字: 能量天使——Cassiel(卡西欧) 其他女子英文名: 狼王——Ulrica(优利卡) 杀手——Quella(瑰拉) 朦胧——Cecilia(赛茜莉雅) 柔——Claudia(克洛迪雅) 辛——Desdemona(荻思梦娜) 帝释天——Indira(英帝拉) 无子——Izefia(义哲法) 武圣——Louise(露易斯) 黛妮——Danae,含义既然是黄金像下雨一样从天上掉下来。这个名字实在太灵了!!大家认为呢? 春华——Chloe(克洛哀) 幸——Felicia(菲莉茜雅) 安——An 白雪——Snow(丝诺) 冰——Ice(爱丝) 月亮——Celina(赛莉娜) 月之子——Amaris(爱玛黎丝) 朦胧——Sicily(茜丝莉) 朦胧——Cecile(赛西尔) 天使——Angelina(安洁莉娜) 炽天使——Sera(赛拉) 炽天使——Serafina(撒拉佛娜) 樱——Sakura(莎珂拉) 洁——Karida(卡丽妲) 洁——Elina(艾莉娜) 羽翼——Aletta(爱莱塔) 真白——Blanche(白蓝雪) 真白——Fiona(斐奥娜) 雪兰——Elodie(伊洛蒂) 玫瑰泪——Dolores(多洛莉丝) 哀——Delores(德洛莉丝) 柔——Claudia(可洛迪雅) 莫愁——Deirdre(迪德黎) 辛——Desdemona(荻丝梦娜) 雨夜——Amaya(哀弥夜) 孤挺花——Amaryllis(爱玛莉莉丝) 秋牡丹——Anemone(爱妮梦) 美神——Cytheria(茜赛莉雅) 天后——Gina(姬娜) 花仙子——Laraine(莱蕾) 圣女帝——Dione(帝傲霓) 米迦列天使——Michelle(蜜雪儿) 米迦列天使——Michaela(米迦列拉) 六月天使——Muriel(穆利尔) 夜妖——Lilith(莉丽丝) 春娘——Ishtar(伊旭塔) 春娘——Easter(伊丝塔) 河妖——Lorelei(洛勒莱) 妖姬——Delilah(迪丽拉) 暗之花——Melantha(魅兰莎) 公主——Sade(萨德) (注:为莎拉的昵称。1740~1814,法国有一位男作家也叫萨德。其作品充满了性变态。因此之后从他的名字引申出施虐狂(sadist)一词。而sade一词似乎也有施虐狂的意思。) 紫水晶——Amethyst(瑷玫夕丝) 光明——Kira(姬拉):语源—拉丁语 洁——Karida(卡丽妲) 语源:阿拉伯语 含义:纯洁 中文名:洁


  cheating的汉语是什么意思 篇1   英 [ti:t] 美 [tt]   原级:cheat第三人称单数:cheats第三人称复数:cheats过去分词:cheated过去式:cheated   cheating 基本解释   形容词 欺骗的   动词 作弊; 欺骗,哄骗( cheat的现在分词 ); (尤指在游戏、比赛、考试等中)欺诈;   情景对话   Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮)   A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began.   帕特上午怎么了?我见他考试一开始就离开了教室。   B:He was found cheating and was driven out.   他被发现作弊,被老师赶了出来。   A:If the principal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive.   如果校长发现他作弊的话,会活剥了他他的皮。   cheating的汉语是什么意思 篇2   1. A court in East Chinas Zhejiang province on Wednesday upheld the death penalty for a businesswoman for cheating investors out of several hundred million yuan.   2. The CIRC Shanghai bureau has often received complaints about agents cheating or misleading customers who are buying products.   3. " And Yangs cheating was exposed by accident in March, " police said.   4. Yangs cheating was exposed by accident in March 2004, local police said.   5. The new rules also clarify the role of surveillance cameras in exam administration, as the devices are an important means of collecting evidence if cheating is suspected.   6. The new rules also clarify the role of surveillance cameras in exam administration, as the devices are an important way to collect evidence if cheating is suspected.   7. The revised campus regulations also offer university officials more say in punishing students who are caught cheating in an exam or plagiarizing research achievements.   8. A commitment letter was signed by millions of participants in this years CEE in an effort to purge cheating in the test rooms.   9. This may not only reduce cheating but also ease the pressure that the only one chance exerts on students.   cheating的汉语是什么意思 篇3   1. ARTICLE 50 Persons or organizations that obtain registration certificates for contracts of import or export of technologies by cheating or by other illegal means shall have their certificates revoked by the Director under the State Council and their rights to engage in activities of foreign trade may be suspended or even revoked.   第五十条以欺骗或者其他不正当手段获取技术进出口合同登记的.,由国务院外经贸主管部门吊销其技术进出口合同登记证,暂停直至撤销其对外贸易经营许可。   2. We adopt a policy of zero tolerance on cheating in the written test.   我们采用了零的书面测试中作弊容忍政策。   3. You have to pay a fine of 500 dollars for cheating.   你要为这种欺诈行为付出500美元的罚金。   4. Needless to comment on this article, mainly for the use of some of the Jump cheating.   这一条不需多评论,主要针对一些作弊行为采用的跳转。   5. These are all fake advertisements cheating consumers to spend money.   那些都是欺骗顾客花钱的虚假广告。


cheating 英 [tʃi:tɪŋ] 美 ["tʃɪtɪŋ] adj. 欺骗的; v. 作弊; 欺骗,哄骗( cheat的现在分词 ); (尤指在游戏、比赛、考试等中) 欺诈; 已婚或有固定性伙伴的人与他人有秘密性关系; [例句]It"s not cheating in my view.按我的看法,这不是欺骗。[其他] 原型: cheat


cheat[英][tʃi:t] [美][tʃit] vt.欺骗,诈骗;误导,愚弄;躲避,逃脱vi.作弊,行骗;犯规;俚〉不忠;消磨,解(闷),消除(疲劳)n.欺骗(行为);骗子;雀麦;〈美俚〉反光镜



英语imp o ss idle啥意思汉语?





“student”的汉语意思是什么?student ——美 [ˈstud(ə)nt]英 [ˈstjuːd(ə)nt](百度翻译发音)n.学生;大学生;研究生;学者网络:学生;学员;研究者复数:students  英语例句Fuyeor is a student, but she really likes to play, not study.复玥是一个学生,但她却非常喜欢玩,而不是学习。There hasn"t been a student like him in the department for a great many years.系里很多年都没有想他这样的学生了。This period was one of his influence American writer Thomas pynchon s is his student.这个时期受到他影响的一个美国作家托马斯-品钦是他的学生。                                    





约字 汉语拼音是?

约,是一个多音字。“约”字有两种读音,如下:(1)约 yue(阴平)。本义为拘束,限制。(2)约 yao(阴平)。本义为用秤称分量。


bridge 英 [brɪdʒ]  美 [brɪdʒ] n.桥; 桥牌; 鼻梁; 起联系作用的东西vt.在…建桥,架桥于…之上; 通过桥横跨;变形复数: bridges 过去式: bridged 过去分词: bridged 现在分词: bridging 第三人称单数: bridges双语例句1.It happened at Stamford Bridge one murky November afternoon. 这发生在11月一个阴沉的下午,斯坦福德桥上。2.Britain needs to bridge the technology gap between academia and industry. 英国需要弥合学术界和企业界之间的技术差距。3.Ahead, he saw the side railings of First Bridge over Crooked Brook. 他看见了克鲁克德河上第一大桥的桥栏就在前面。望采纳,谢谢



请教alive汉语是什么I will alive汉语的意思是什么

alive是形容词 活泼的意思 活着的意思

I am alive这首歌翻译成汉语是什么意思



  then的汉语意思   英 [en] 美 [n]   then 基本解释   副词 然后; 那么; 那时; 话说回来   形容词 当时的; 那时的   相关词组   1. but then : 但另一方面;   2. till then : 直到那时;   3. by then : 到那时;   4. from then on : 从那时起;   5. since then : 其后, 从此一直   then的单语例句   1. His technique involves softening the gum with a blowtorch, spraying it with lacquer then applying three coats of acrylic enamel.   2. From then on, diesel has been the core business of world leading commercial vehicle manufacturer MAN.   3. " I remember what a man in the business told me back then, " she recalls.   4. The partners are then expected to commit to passing on the model of CSR best practice with an additional three business partners of their own.   5. It disposed of the assets of failed savings and loans and then went out of business.   6. They are the ones who possess so much street smarts that they are then processed into theories by business school professors.   7. You get to live your life, have such a busy season and then quieten down a little bit.   8. " But then I knew nothing about tourism, " Yang said.   9. But then there are exceptions, like this summer"s Knocked Up.   then的词典解释   1. 当时;那时;届时;到时候   Then means at a particular time in the past or in the future.   e.g. He wanted to have a source of income after his retirement; until then, he wouldn"t require additional money...   他想退休后有份收入;在那以前,他并不需要额外的钱。   e.g. The clinic opened for business last October and since then has treated more than 200 people.   该诊所去年 10 月开业,从那以后已经接诊 200 多人。   2. 当时的;那时的   Then is used when you refer to something which was true at a particular time in the past but is not true now.   e.g. ...the Race Relations Act of 1976 (enacted by the then Labour Government)...   1976 年的《种族关系法》(由当时的工党政府颁布施行)   e.g. He was known by many for his role in the then record-breaking robbery of the mail train from Glasgow to London in August 1963.   他曾因参与 1963 年 8 月那起发生在从格拉斯哥开往伦敦的邮政列车上的特大抢劫案而恶名昭著。   3. 然后;之后;接着   You use then to say that one thing happens after another, or is after another on a list.   e.g. Add the oil and then the scallops to the pan, leaving a little space for the garlic...   先在锅里放油,然后放入扇贝,留点地方搁蒜。   e.g. I felt myself blush. Then I sniffed back a tear...   我觉得自己的脸红了,接着我吸吸鼻子,不让眼泪掉下来。




December英 [dɪˈsembə(r)] 美 [dɪˈsɛmbɚ] n. 12月


  already的汉语意思   英 [:lredi] 美 [lrdi]   基本解释   副词:早已,已经; 先前   相关例句   副词   1. Have you eaten your dinner already?   你已经吃饭了吗?   2. I have had lunch already.   我已用过午餐了。   3. She had already gone when I arrived.   我到的.时候她已经走了。   already的词典解释   1. 已经(用already时,英国英语中动词用完成时态,美国英语有时则用一般过去时)   You use already to show that something has happened, or that something had happened before the moment you are referring to. Speakers of British English use already with a verb in a perfect tense, putting it after "have", "has", or "had", or at the end of a clause. Some speakers of American English use already with the simple past tense of the verb instead of a perfect tense.   e.g. They had already voted for him at the first ballot...   在第一次投票选举时,他们已经投票给他了。   e.g. The group has already shed 10,000 jobs...   该集团已经裁去1万个工作岗位。   2. 早已(用于be动词或助动词之后,或一般动词之前,表示强调时可置于句首)   You use already to show that a situation exists at this present moment or that it exists at an earlier time than expected. You use already after the verb "be" or an auxiliary verb, or before a verb if there is no auxiliary. When you want add emphasis, you can put already at the beginning of a sentence.   e.g. The authorities believe those security measures are already paying off...   当局相信那些安全措施已经奏效。   e.g. He was already rich...   他已经很富有了。   already的情景对话   经典对话   A:Can I have your name?   我能有你的名字吗?   B:Why? Don"t you already have one?   为什么?你不是已经有一个了吗?   购物   B:You already have (that/ one of those/ one like that).   你已经有(那个了/一个这种款式了/一个像这样的了)。   A:I know, but another one can"t hurt.   我知道,但是再买一个也没什么。   运输货物   B:From what I"ve heard, you"re already well up in shipping work.   据我所知,你方对运输工作很在行。   A:Yes, we arrange shipments to any part of the world.   是的,我们承揽去世界各地的货物运输。


storage ["stɔridʒ]n.1.贮藏,保管,存储2.被贮藏状态,被存储状态;存入3.贮藏量,库存量,存储量4.仓库,栈房,贮藏室5.仓库费,栈租,栈费6.蓄电7.【计算机】(信息、数据的)存储;存储器






你好!wife 英[waɪf] 美[waɪf] n. 妻子,太太; 夫人,老婆; 已婚妇女; [例句]He married his wife Jane 37 years ago他37年前娶了妻子简。


actress英[ˈæktrəs]美[ˈæktrɪs]  n.女演员;女表演者;  [网络]演员;最佳女主角;女主角;  [例句]She"saverygreatdramaticactress.  她是一个非常了不起的戏剧演员。  [其他]复数:actresses形近词:distressfortressmistress


actress英[ˈæktrəs]美[ˈæktrɪs]  n.女演员;女表演者;  [网络]演员;最佳女主角;女主角;  [例句]She"saverygreatdramaticactress.  她是一个非常了不起的戏剧演员。  [其他]复数:actresses形近词:distressfortressmistress

英语单词 Alaska汉语是什么意思?



Alas[地名] [印度尼西亚] 阿拉斯希望对你有帮助!

install 这个单词的汉语意思是什么?




sheet的 汉语意思


描写诸葛亮的外貌,作文 200字,原创现代汉语。还有,冬天的早晨作文200字,



福瑞接 fridge 冰箱


他是美国的一位黑人RAP歌手. Akon 原名 Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam。 出生于达喀尔(Dakar), 塞内加尔。 生日:4月16, 1981。 Akon是穆斯林人。 出生自非洲西部的陌生国度塞内加尔的Akon,七岁时随父亲举家搬到美国的纽泽西,从第三世界进入水泥丛林,阿肯始终郁郁寡欢,好在他运动神经发达的本钱让他拿到篮球奖学金,顺利进入大学,无奈就当他意气风发、立志成为职业球员时,不幸摔坏了膝盖。天生反骨的阿肯开始在街头讨生活,甚至还因为偷车被逮入狱,三年的苦牢让他彻底洗心革面,决心走上正途,于是阿肯透过音乐、用音乐纪录生活,一人身兼词曲创作/制作编曲,推出首张大碟《爱情烦恼》。好歌不寂寞,专辑一推出就连坐英国金榜2周冠军和R&B榜6周冠军,首支单曲"Lonely"也空降英国金榜冠军蝉连2周。被纽约时报誉为“塞内加尔的惊喜”,寂寞先生阿肯特有的骚灵嗓音让每首歌都充满全新生命,不论是轻柔饶舌的歌曲、还是派对劲歌都有自己的风格,就像听到一个最原始的非洲灵魂对你亲声吟诵一段段街头故事。未来还可能会参选塞内加尔总统的阿肯,就要走出寂寞,为你歌唱。 在大唱片公司环球旗下,阿肯2003年4月发行过一只单曲《bananza belly dance》,直至2004年6月29日才发行个人第一张专辑《trouble》。在专辑选曲方面大都是偏向于能够激起人心的歌曲,并且在演唱部分有技巧性的夹带着一些充满感情的hip-hop,akon将带着他个人独特的风格以及非常有活力的精心杰作袭向你,让你瞧瞧他到底是怎样的一个男人。在akon 的生活中充满了挣扎、奋斗与机遇,他的首张专辑《trouble》的名字正反映了他的这种状况。akon接受了许多不同的音乐元素,包括hip-hop还有他的非洲风格,这张专辑反映了黑人灵魂歌曲中的那种坚韧不拔。专辑中的第一首歌“locked up”,由akon和styles p.合作演唱。这首歌旋律流畅,带有饶舌风格,非常适合akon那迷人高亢,略带非洲口音的嗓音,曾经获得美国公告牌的单曲第8名。

pretty well汉语什么意思?




pretty well汉语什么意思?


traffic 的汉语意思



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