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《Nature》《Science》《PNAS》《JAMA》这些都是国际顶级刊物但就《Nature》《Science》来说,他们是综合性刊物,更偏向通俗类科普读物;而子刊是更专业的,专门针对某一类别的研究。其中《Nature》是私人商业集团管理,《Science》是公益性的学会管理。就现在来讲,通过IF比较,某些子刊类的review甚至高于主刊,但综合来看,其实还是主刊更有影响力,毕竟刊登的是多方面的知识。对于这些20分以上的期刊,很难说谁比谁强,但Nature比其子刊难发是不争的事实,靠砸钱也许你能发个nature子刊(比如nature genetics),但是却发不了nature。同一篇文章是可能在其主刊和子刊以相同的名称发表的,因为《Nature》《Science》的出版周期很短,一周一刊,他会尽快的将研究成果展现出来,然后进一步通过子刊来深入介绍。还是不要想太多,一周一刊,前几年国内一年也就基本是100篇一下,研究生阶段看看就行,多学习,想法在这上面,几乎不可能。

nature communication和pnas哪个好

直接影响面判断影响杂志所nature communication些影响较

nature,science ,cell,PNAS是周刊还是月刊






leukemia 是不是 nature的子刊

museum of natural history, and



signature of sponsor是什么意思

signature of sponsor落款signature[英][u02c8su026agnu0259tu0283u0259(r)][美][u02c8su026aɡnu0259tu0283u025a]n.签名; 署名; 识别标志,鲜明特征; [医]药的用法说明; 复数:signatures以上结果来自金山词霸



here lies raphael,by whom nature feared to be 什么意思

here lies raphael,by whom nature feared to be拉斐尔在这里,他们自然害怕**************************************************************请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助谢谢你!***************************************************************


你说的是polymer journal 吧,那个期刊绝不是nature的子刊,只是挂在nature出版集团下边,由nature出版集团负责发行。它是由日本人主办的高分子领域期刊,大概相当于中国的高分子学报,影响因子当然低了。

lesson2:poems About Nature 课文

ti:UNIT 1 You Can Write Poetry Lesson 2 Poems About Nature][0:00.817]UNIT 1 第一单元[0:02.117]You Can Write Poetry 你可以写诗[0:04.361]Lesson 2: 第2课:[0:06.077]Poems About Nature 关于自然的诗歌[0:08.878]THINK ABOUT IT! 想一想![0:10.351]· Have you read any poems in English? · 你读过英语诗吗?[0:13.342]Which one do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一首?[0:15.741]Why? 为什么?[0:17.035]· What should you do first if you want to write a poem about winter? · 如果你想写一首关于冬天的诗,首先应该做什么?[0:22.414]When you read this poem, do you see a picture in your mind? 当你读这首诗的时候,你的脑子里有这样一幅画吗?[0:28.295]Hills, loud with new water, 青山中,喧哗的泉水,[0:31.420]running swiftly under ice as clear as glass. 在像玻璃一样透明的冰层下快速地流淌。[0:35.493]Flowers, tiny, brave and bright in the old snow. 小小的花儿,勇敢的,在积雪中灿烂地绽放。[0:40.101]Trees, smelling fresh with life, 树木,带着新鲜的生命气息,[0:42.568]leaves opening slowly under the pale blue sky. 叶子在淡蓝色的天空,慢慢地舒展。[0:46.853]Sun, warm and golden, 金黄色的太阳,暖暖的,[0:49.023]softly kissing the earth. 轻轻地亲吻着大地。[0:52.322]Does the poem make you think of spring? 这首诗有没有让你想到春天?[0:54.795]Can you hear the water running down the hills? 你能听见泉水从山上流下来吗?[0:57.880]Do you see the flowers? 你看见那些花儿了吗?[0:59.773]Can you smell the trees? 你闻到那些树的味道了吗?[1:02.063]Do you feel the warmth of the sun? 你感觉到太阳的温暖了吗?[1:04.504]The poem is about nature. 这首诗是关于大自然的。[1:06.851]It is a description of a spring scene. 它描绘了一幅春天的景象。[1:10.087]You can write a poem about nature, too. 你也可以写一首关于自然的诗。[1:12.952]Here are some ideas for a nature poem: 这里有一些关于大自然的诗的想法:[1:16.087]a winter scene, 冬天的景色、[1:17.431]a mountain scene, 大山的景色、[1:18.920]a forest scene, 森林的景色、[1:20.528]a desert scene, 沙漠的景色、[1:22.017]a morning scene 清晨的景色[1:23.519]and a storm scene. 和暴风雨的景色。[1:25.745]Start each line in your poem with a word related to the scene, 每一行用一个与景象有关的词开头。[1:29.947]something you would see: 一些你能在景象中看到的事物的单词:[1:31.625]hills, flowers, trees or sun. 山,花,树,阳光。[1:35.606]Then, describe each word. 然后,描述一下每个词。[1:38.161]You can express yourself by telling how something looks, 你可以表达你自己的想法,通过告诉我们事物外观,[1:41.523]feels, sounds, smells or tastes. 感觉,声音,气味或味道。[1:46.375]Before you start writing your poetry, 在你开始写诗之前,[1:48.974]think about your topic. 想一想你的主题。[1:50.645]For example, 例如,[1:52.147]if your poem is about winter, 如果你的诗是关于冬天的,[1:54.450]think about what winter is like. 想一想冬天是什么样子的。[1:57.131]Name things about winter that you can say in English. 列出你能用英语说出的事物,[2:00.954]For example: 例如:[2:02.096]snow, ice, cold, 雪,冰,冷,[2:05.187]trees without leaves, 落了叶的树,[2:07.168]boots, jackets and mitts. 靴子,夹克和手套。[2:10.467]Write these words in a list. 把这些词写在表中。[2:12.839]Now, describe each word. 现在,开始描述每一个词。[2:15.388]You can describe how it looks, tastes or smells. 你可以写它的外观,味道或气味。[2:19.568]Use your imagination and have fun! 发挥你的想象,尽情享受吧![2:22.687]This photo shows a river in spring. 这张照片展示的是春天时的一条河流。[2:25.709]Do you think it would be noisy or quiet beside this river? 你觉得河边是喧闹还是安静呢?[2:30.320]What words describe this storm? 什么词可以描述这场风暴?[2:32.938]Maybe you could use these words: cloud, wind, rain and thunder. 或许你可以用这些词:云、风、雨和雷。[2:38.630]LET"S DO IT! 做一做![2:40.503]Try to write a poem about one of the seasons. 试着写一首关于一个季节的诗,[2:44.464]Use the poem about spring on this page to help you. 用本页关于春天的诗来帮助你。[2:48.885]Read your poem in a group of four or six. [2:53.019]Choose the best poem in your group and read it to the whole class.[2:53.019][2:53.019]______________________________________________________.[2:53.019]



韩春雨团队在《nature biotech》上发表的 ngago 基因编辑技术是什么?有何突破



《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)是一份国际顶尖的医学期刊,由托马斯·威克利创办于1823年,每周由爱思唯尔公司出版发行。该期刊是全球顶尖的临床、公共卫生和全球卫生知识的可信来源,在全球所有全科和内科学期刊中排名第一。如果想阅读《柳叶刀》杂志,您可以通过订阅或者购买该杂志,或者在图书馆或在线图书馆中查找该杂志的电子版或纸质版。另外,也可以通过访问《柳叶刀》的官方网站,查看该杂志的最新出版物和研究成果。



nature medicine什么水平

Nature Medicine是目前对四大传统临床医学杂志最大的威胁的学术期刊,是世界顶级医学期刊。相对四大刊物来说,Nature Medicine更偏重基础研究,每年发表文章约200篇,基本都被国外大牛占据。非常强调创新性,然而又对研究的完整性有着极高的要求,数据量要求极大,直接导致一些小实验室的科研成果很难在该刊发表。Nature Medicine应该是在Nature系列子刊中有限的几个可以与Nature正刊相匹敌的学术刊物。本人认为其刊发的基础医学研究文章水准已经达到NEJM、JAMA,以及Lancet水准,但涉及到临床方面,还是略有欠缺。当然这也有可能与办刊理念有关,或许Nature Medicine并不刻意追求更偏向临床研究也说不定。




在理论物理领域,我自己反正是没有见过nature正刊的文章。nature也不刊登那种纯理论文章,更多的还是噱头满满的那种实验进展。所以从这个意义上来说,PRL等级更高,因为nature不是理论物理期刊,PRL好歹还会刊登一些凝聚态理论,量子信息理论之类的理论文章。如果是高能理论,PRL就非常少见了。这时候也无从谈起那个期刊等级更高了,关公大战外星人。简介:理论物理(Theoretical Physics )是从理论上探索自然界未知的物质结构、相互作用和物质运动的基本规律的学科。理论物理的知识体系发源于近代欧洲在十五、六世纪的思想革命时期。理论物理的研究领域涉及粒子物理与原子核物理、统计物理、凝聚态物理、宇宙学等,几乎包括物理学所有分支的基本理论问题。理论物理一方面探索基本粒子的运动规律,同时也探索各种复杂条件下物理规律的表现形式。物理学是人类现代文明的重要组成部分,它伴随着文明的进步而不断发展,是人类的物质创造和精神思考的成果,同时它强有力地推动了人类文明进一步发展。可以说,物理学是现代人类社会最重要的塑造力量之一,它不仅是各种宏伟的、精密的物质成果的直接基础,而且深刻地影响了人类的哲学观点、政治观点、经济和文化活动方式,重塑了人类对自身和对宇宙的认识。理论物理学作为物理学的重要分支起着基础作用,其功能和意义不仅完全具备上述的各个方面,而且具有自身的特点。

nature 杂志某文章的两句话,求翻译。

于2007 年在巴厘岛召开的联合国气候会议上,谈判达成了世界关于《京都议定书 》 的后续两年的路径设置。然而,甚至是最乐观的代表也意识不到稳定大气二氧化碳浓度是一项巨大的任务。

how unfair the natures can be 句子成分分析 主谓宾 等 谢谢 can be 中的be 是什么成分 后面怎么没东西

这是一个感叹句,所以语序有一点倒装,并非说明be动词后面不能加东西,正常的语序是The natures can be unfair

nature retreat什么意思

nature retreat 自然的撤退retreat 英[ru026au02c8tri:t] 美[ru026au02c8trit] vi. 撤退,后退; 撤销,作罢; (眼睛等) 凹进; [航] 向后倾斜; n. 撤回; 静居处; 引退期间; 静思,静修; [例句]"I"ve already got a job," I said quickly, and retreated from the room“我已经有了一份工作。”我马上说道,并从房间里退了出来。[其他] 第三人称单数:retreats 现在分词:retreating 过去式:retreated过去分词:retreated

what we should do to preserve nature? 需要英语短文……

The preservation of intact ecosystems and natural unspoiled regions is among the most urgent tasks facing our generation. Its importance is primordial among the multiple imperatives that determine the future of a post-industrial society capable of ensuring sustainable development…. We can start out by asking ourselves how to justify the protection of nature, and why we must replace some biocenoses with human intervention, even though similar questions can seem inappropriate to any reader of this work. To protect our natural environment we must work for systemical cultural changes both big and small. There are many things you can do to help. No one can do it all, but each of us can do something. Here are some practical strategies for developing partnership relations with our natural world: at home, at school, at work. At Home, we should obtain a list of environmentally and socially responsible companies from Co-Op America and buy from them. Recycle and reuse when possible and buy biodegradable soaps and pesticide-free produce.Besides, use nontoxic methods of pest and weed control and use energy-efficient light bulbs and drive a car that has fewer emissions and better gas mileage. At School, we should support Partnership Education that includes environmental education and ask our school district to replace diesel school buses with natural gas, or better still, with electric school buses. At Work, we should adopt manufacturing methods to recycle materials and avoid waste and join environmentally responsible professional and business organizations such as Businesses for Social, the Social Venture Network, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, and the World Business Academy. We can encourage our workplace to conserve energy and water and use recycled paper products. By protecting nature, we are actually protecting ourselves since the nature and human are co-dependent.

what we should do to preserve nature?

The preservation of intact ecosystems and natural unspoiled regions is among the most urgent tasks facing our generation. Its importance is primordial among the multiple imperatives that determine the future of a post-industrial society capable of ensuring sustainable development….We can start out by asking ourselves how to justify the protection of nature, and why we must replace some biocenoses with human intervention, even though similar questions can seem inappropriate to any reader of this work. To protect our natural environment we must work for systemical cultural changes both big and small. There are many things you can do to help. No one can do it all, but each of us can do something. Here are some practical strategies for developing partnership relations with our natural world: at home, at school, at work.At Home, we should obtain a list of environmentally and socially responsible companies from Co-Op America and buy from them. Recycle and reuse when possible and buy biodegradable soaps and pesticide-free produce.Besides, use nontoxic methods of pest and weed control and use energy-efficient light bulbs and drive a car that has fewer emissions and better gas mileage.At School, we should support Partnership Education that includes environmental education and ask our school district to replace diesel school buses with natural gas, or better still, with electric school buses. At Work, we should adopt manufacturing methods to recycle materials and avoid waste and join environmentally responsible professional and business organizations such as Businesses for Social, the Social Venture Network, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, and the World Business Academy. We can encourage our workplace to conserve energy and water and use recycled paper products.By protecting nature, we are actually protecting ourselves since the nature and human are co-dependent.

求英语短语意思“perilous nature”??在此句中“perilous”和“nature”分别是什么意思啊,谢谢


华为手机出现英文image signature verify fail是什么意思


Nature Energy: 能量密度超200 Wh/ kg循环超260次无负极钠电最新进展

第一作者:Yuqi Li 通讯作者:胡勇胜,陆雅翔 通讯单位:中国科学院物理研究所 【研究亮点】 报告了一种能量密度超过200u2009Whu2009kg-1的初始无负极钠电池,高于商用 LiFePO4||石墨电池。 通过在铝集流体上引入石墨碳涂层以及电池中加入含硼电解质,结果表明均匀的成核和稳定界面可实现可逆和无裂纹的钠沉积。钠电池在不施加额外压力的情况下的 循环寿命达到了260次 ,这是零过量钠的大尺寸电池的最长寿命。 【主要内容】 考虑到全球丰富的钠储量及其分布,钠离子电池(NIBs)是一种具有成本效益的电能存储选择。然而,受限于Na相对较大的原子尺寸和重量,目前NIBs的能量密度普遍低于160u2009Whu2009kg-1,低于商业锂离子电池的能量密度。实现更高能量的一个有前景的解决方案是用超薄钠金属替换NIB中的插入型电极,以制造钠金属电池(NMB)。然而,由于金属钠的柔软和粘性,加工和成型都很难生产出超薄的钠金属负极。另一方面,具有含有过量钠的厚负极NMB可能会牺牲能量密度。无负极钠电池 (AFNB) 配置可以解决上述问题。在AFNB中,“真正的负极”是在第一次充电过程中原位电化学形成的;在负极侧形成的Na始终被封装而没有暴露在空气中,并且没有Na被浪费,因为活性Na+穿梭完全来自正极材料。这不仅有利于制造过程,而且还提高了AFNB的能量密度。 然而,在AFNB运行过程中,活性Na被不断消耗并且易断裂和重建的固体电解质界面相(SEI)将导致容量快速衰减。在重复沉积和剥离过程中,不均匀的沉积形态也会导致“死钠”,从而导致低库仑效率 (CE)。 鉴于此, 中国科学院物理研究所 胡勇胜研究员、陆雅翔副研究员团队使用BPG电解质(0.9u2009Mu2009NaPF6和0.1u2009Mu2009NaBF4 溶在二甘醇二甲醚中)、GC(石墨碳)集 流体和层状氧化物正极,通过界面工程策略制造了具有协同界面的AFNB。 基于GC上的小而均匀的Na成核,实现了平整的Na沉积以及稳定的SEI和CEI。冷冻电镜以及TOF-SIMS等先进表征手段和分子动力学模拟表明,由于BPG的特殊溶剂化形态,B-O在SEI的外层呈现二维分布,而在CEI的内层呈现三维分布。 这有效地抑制了死Na或Na枝晶的形成,修复了Na沉积和剥离过程中形成的裂纹,保护了正极的结构完整性并防止了与电解质的副反应。 组装的具有高安全性的无负极钠电池可提供超过 200u2009Whu2009kg 1的能量密度,考虑到使用无Co、V层状氧化物正极、贫非浓缩电解质、薄涂层集流体以及干燥室生产,这是非常具有成本效益的。 此外,得益于构建的协同界面,AFNB的循环寿命延长至260次以上,而且无需额外的压力或高温。 AFNB目前的瓶颈是能量密度低和实际条件下的循环稳定性有限。在这些方面,通过展示使用贫醚电解质的高压区间应用,这项工作为高性能钠电池提供了对应的原型解决方案。本文提出的界面工程的思路有望刺激电池组件的进一步优化,促进未来AFNB的大规模应用。 Fig. 1 | Sodium batteries with cooperative interfaces using a graphitic carbon coating as the current collector and BPG as the electrolyte. Fig. 2 | Current collectors and morphologies of Na plating and stripping. Fig. 3 | Selection and assessment of electrolytes and SEI/CEI films. Fig. 4 | Performance and mechanism of cooperative interfaces. Fig. 5 | Comparison among different kinds of Na-based batteries. Fig. 6 | Electrochemical performances and safety assessment of proposed Na batteries with cooperative interfaces. 【文献信息】 Li, Y., Zhou, Q., Weng, S. et al. Interfacial engineering to achieve an energy density of over 200u2009Whu2009kg 1 in sodium batteries. Nat Energy (2022).

nature eq的创始人frankie ng是美国人吗

**是的**,Nature Eq的创始人Frankie Ng是美籍华人。

关于nature or nurture


选了Springer Nature的open access ,让交钱该怎么办


science,nature,nature cell,cell cell的区别

1、Nature子刊名(1)Nature Cell Biology 19.122(2)Nature Immunology 27.586(3)Nature Medicine 30.550(03年创刊)(4)Nature Genetics 26.494(03年创刊)(5)Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 12.000(Nature Structural Biology)(6)Nature Materials 13.531(7)Nature Biotechnology 22.4(8)Nature Chemical Biology 16.058 (05年创刊)(9)Nature Physics (05年创刊)(10)Nature Neuroscience 16.98(11)Nature Methods (04年创刊)临床医学类期刊(1)Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine(2)Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism(3)Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology(4)Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology(5)Nature Clinical Practice Neurology(6)Nature Clinical Practice Oncology(7)Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology(8)Nature Clinical Practice Urology2、Science子刊名(1)Science Advances(2)Science Translational Medicine(3)Science Signaling(4)Science Immunology(5)Science Robotics3、CELL子刊名(1)Molecular Cell:1997年创刊。细胞生物学、分子生物学。(2)Developmental Cell:2001年创刊。发育生物学。(3)Cancer Cell:2002年创刊。癌症领域。(4)Cell Metabolism:2005年创刊。代谢领域。(5)Cell Host & Microbe:2007年创刊。感染症领域、微生物学。(6)Cell Stem Cell:2007年创刊。干细胞领域、再生医学。扩展资料Science期刊发展历程:1880年,纽约新闻记者约翰·迈克尔斯(英语:John Michaels)创立了《科学》,这份期刊先后得到了托马斯·爱迪生以及亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔的资助。但由于从未拥有足够的用户而难以为继,《科学》于1882年3月停刊。一年后,昆虫学家Samuel Hubbard Scudder使其复活并取得了一定的成功。然而到了1894年,《科学》重新陷入财政危机,随后被以500美元的价格转让给心理学家James McKeen Cattell。1900年,Cattell与美国科学促进会秘书Leland Ossian Howard达成协议,《科学》成为美国科学促进会的期刊。在20世纪早期,《科学》发表的重要文章包括托马斯·亨特·摩根的果蝇遗传、阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的引力透镜以及埃德温·哈勃的螺旋星系。1944年Cattell去世后,AAAS成为《科学》新主人。参考资料来源:百度百科-nature百度百科-CELL (《细胞》期刊)百度百科-科学 (美国科学促进会官方刊物)


《Nature》和《Science》他们是综合性刊物,更偏向通俗类科普读物;而子刊是更专业的,专门针对某一类别的研究。其中《Nature》是私人商业集团管理,《Science》是公益性的学会管理。就现在来讲,通过IF比较,某些子刊类的review甚至高于主刊,但综合来看,其实还是主刊更有影响力,毕竟刊登的是多方面的知识。对于这些20分以上的期刊,很难说谁比谁强,但Nature比其子刊难发是不争的事实,靠砸钱也许你能发个nature子刊(比如nature genetics),但是却发不了nature。期刊:1.从广义上来讲,期刊的分类,可以分为非正式期刊和正式期刊两种。非正式期刊是指通过行政部门审核领取"内部报刊准印证"作为行业内部交流的期刊(一般只限行业内交流不公开发行),但也是合法期刊的一种,一般正式期刊都经历过非正式期刊过程。2.正式期刊是由国家新闻出版署与国家科委在商定的数额内审批,并编入"国内统一刊号",办刊申请比较严格,要有一定的办刊实力,正式期刊有独立的办刊方针。是由依法设立的期刊出版单位出版图书。期刊出版单位出版期刊,必须经新闻出版总署批准,持有国内统一连续出版物号,领取《期刊出版许可证》。

为什么大自然的力量英文是force of nature



光学显微镜是在亚微米分辨率开展生物医学研究的重要工具。生物组织的精细结构复杂多样,如何在三维空间用光学方法对其进行全面准确观测是公认的难题。形态复杂的神经元是大脑基本的功能单元,如何获取其完整结构对现有技术提出了极大的挑战。荧光标记的神经元胞体直径约为10-20微米,从胞体伸展出去的轴突和众多的分支纤维直径只有0.2-0.5微米,且多会投射到全脑的不同脑区。胞体与纤维在亮度上相差2-3个数量级,空间分布常常又是交织在一起。当有周边胞体的干扰下若要探测轴突上的微弱荧光信号,就如同在明亮的太阳周边观察小星星。对此类情况,传统的光学层析方法难以实现。 2021年3月1日,华中 科技 大学武汉光电国家研究中心生物医学光子学功能实验室 骆清铭 院士团队在 Nature Methods 以长文形式发表了文章 High-definition imaging using line-illumination modulation microscopy , 开发了线照明调制显微术并实现了高清成像。 骆清铭团队提出了一种高清晰度、高通量的光学层析显微成像新方法—— 线照明调制光学层析成像 (Line illumination microscopy, LiMo )。他们巧妙地将线照明光强的高斯分布作为一种天然的照明强度调制模式,不同照明强度只对焦面上的信号产生相应调制,而对焦外背景信号不调制。因此,采用多线探测的方式可以一次性记录这些被不同强度调制的信号,并且只需要最简洁的一步线性计算,即可去除相同的焦外背景信号,获得清晰的焦面光学层析图像。 与在生物医学中广泛使用的激光点共聚焦扫描显微成像、双光子激发荧光显微成像、激光线共聚焦扫描显微成像和结构光光学层析成像等经典方法相比,经理论推导证明LiMo的背景信号具有更快的衰减系数。 通过实验测试也证明了这一结论,LiMo方法的信背比相比上述传统方法提高了1-2个数量级。该方法只需要简单的多线探测线照明光路,克服了传统结构光照明成像中存在残留调制伪影的固有缺陷,也无需多次成像即可获得所需数据,并具有线扫描对大范围样本成像通量高的优点,解决了传统荧光显微光学层析成像方法无法同时兼顾高分辨率、高通量和高清晰度的问题。可以说该方法不论是光路还是算法,都充分体现了技术的简洁之美。 图1 LiMo显微成像原理示意图和性能测试结果 骆清铭团队基于此进一步发展了 高清荧光显微光学切片断层成像技术 (High-definition fluorescent micro-optical sectioning tomography, HD-fMOST ),将全脑光学成像从高分辨率提升到高清晰度的新标准。近年来全脑光学成像为生物医学研究带来前所未有的丰富细节的同时,也产生数据量巨大的困难。为解决这个难题,研究者们主要集中在算法领域寻求破解方案。骆清铭团队独辟蹊径地指出解决大数据困恼的根本策略应是从源头出发提升数据质量,进而提高后续数据处理和分析的效率。他们利用HD-fMOST对稀疏标记了神经元的小鼠全脑进行三维高清双色成像,以0.3 0.3 1微米体素分辨率在5天内获取了12000张冠状面图像及其细胞构筑信息,是目前以相近体素分辨率实现全脑光学成像速度最快的技术。通过分析发现,原始数据有效信号覆盖16位动态范围,平均信噪比高达110,可直接叠加生成全脑投影图。高清晰度的数据质量使神经元形态的重建速度即使在复杂度增加5倍的情况下仍然提高近2倍。文章中还给出了在线定量统计特定类型神经元的全脑分布结果,平均准确率达到95%,表明HD-fMOST获得的高质量原始数据可支持在线分析。此外, 该技术实现了小鼠全脑10 TB级原始数据集的在线无损压缩,压缩率达到3%,可直接写入U盘或上传云端,有望极大地减少高分辨率全脑三维数据集在数据存储和传输方面造成的负担。 图2 HD-fMOST对稀疏标记特定神经元的小鼠全脑进行高清三维成像的结果 综上, 该团队提出的LiMo显微术在快速高分辨率光学成像时能显著提高背景抑制能力。在此基础上发展的HD-fMOST技术不仅极大地提高了全脑光学成像的数据质量,而且对该领域面临的大数据难题开辟了全新的解决途径,在数据存储、传输、处理和分析等方面效率显著提高了效率,有望在标准化、规模化的脑科学研究中发挥巨大作用。 钟秋园 博士与 李安安 教授为并列第一作者, 骆清铭 院士与 袁菁 教授为并列通讯作者, 金锐 博士生、 张德洁 硕士、 李向宁 教授、 贾雪艳 硕士、 丁章恒 博士生、 罗盘 博士、 周灿 博士生、 姜辰宇 硕士、 丰钊 博士、 张智红 教授、 龚辉 教授为共同作者。

nature human behaviour送审时间

nature human behaviour的送审时间一般在三个月左右。《自然·人类行为》从社会、生物、健康和物理科学学科的广泛领域中,发表了对人类个体或集体行为的任何方面都具有突出意义的研究。该杂志欢迎来自任何学科的研究,为这些问题提供重要的原创见解。自然人类行为特性广泛的话题,包括(但不限于)感知、动作、记忆、学习、奖励、判断、决策、语言、沟通、情感、个性、社会认知、社会行为、神经精神、神经发育、神经障碍,经济和政治行为,信仰体系,社会网络、社会规范、社会结构、行为改变,集体认知和行为,文化,公共政策。除了发表原创研究,《自然·人类行为》还发表与人类行为相关的各个学科的评论、观点、评论、新闻、特写和通信。并且一般的送审时间大概是在是三个月左右。

Supplier Signature是什么意思

英文:Supplier Signature中文:供应商签名

nature 翻译~求高手~~要求逻辑要通顺

在埋葬阶段节中的有丝分裂的调节器 Cdr1 和 Cdr2 的存在促使我们进行检查,是否 Blt1 也通过控制有丝分裂的入口。blt1D 细胞富人一增加长度是在部门编组顺序表方面 有一耽搁 inmitotic 的 ent 的入口。这表现型是合成物是用 a 温度-敏感cdc25ts变化((补充桌子1)但是不通过Wee1((参考15?C17)行动的有的cdr1D和cdr2Dmutants.这些遗传学的数据本地化地在两方面同样地是始终如一 等级制度更时鲜和用一途径在其中Cdr2 func-tions逆流的Cdr1和Blt1向通过Wee1((Fig. 2b)的负规则促进有丝分裂描绘


BAC 转基因:一种高量法探测哺乳动物中蛋白质的功能

Primus的《Nature Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Nature Boy歌手:Primus专辑:Pork SodaCeline Dion: Nature BoyThere was a boy...A very strange enchanted boy.They say he wandered very far, very farOver land and sea,A little shy and sad of eyeBut very wise was he.And then one day,One magic day, he passed my way.And while we spoke of many things,Fools and kings,This he said to me,"The greatest thing you"ll ever learnIs just to love and be loved in return."

法律英语翻译of the nature of the charge to which the plea is offered

……(of the) nature {of the [charge (to which the plea is offered)]}(当事人)抗辩所针对的的指控的性质的……第一个of the因为没有上下文不知道该怎样翻译,暂且翻译成“的”吧

爱默生的 from nature 和from self-reliance的分别的中心思想是什么

from nature从自然from self-reliance从自力更生

Should the nature of the emergency make it necessary for these instructions to be given orally


英语谚语:Nature abhors a vacuum 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Nature abhors a vacuum 中文意思: 自然界里是没有真空的。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Life is a shuttle 生活犹如梭子。 Life is but a span 人生如朝露。 Life is pared to voyage 人生好比是航海。 Life is half spent before we know what it is 等到认识人生,已经一半过去了。 Life is long if you know how to use it 如果懂得好好利用,生命就长了。 Life is measured by thought and action not by time 生命的价值是用思想和行为来衡量的,而不是寿命的长短。 Life is not all beer and skittles 人生并不全是吃喝玩乐。 Life is not so short but there is time enougn for courtesy 人生虽短,但表示礼貌的时间还是足够的。 Life is short and time is fleeting 人生短暂,光阴易逝。 Life is sweet 生命是甜美的。 英语谚语: Nature abhors a vacuum 中文意思: 自然界里是没有真空的。

vendor signature是什么意思


beauty of nature是什么意思


nature期刊的volume是指什么number又指什么?比如Volume 462 Number 7272

Volume在这里可以翻译成册。一般1季度或者半年或者一年为1 Volume,也就是一册。通常Volume下面分Issue. 比如Volume 123,Issue4,Page40. 就是说在第123册的第四集的40页。对于很多专业杂志来说,一般不用Number7272的,而是用Volume-Issue-Page.册-集-页,他们互属,合并起来指向唯一的文章,如果你要某个文章,必须有册,集,页。而Nature,它把本来应该分开的Volume(册)和Issue(集)和在了一起,也就成就了这个Number。Number7272也就等于第462 Volume, 第3 Issue。就Nature来说Number 7269是Volume 462的 Issue 1. 也就是说正常的表示方法应该是Volume 462,Issue 1.而不是Number 7269. 有了这个Number7269找文章的话其实就没必要Volume了,因为Number本身已经是唯一的了。

nature期刊的volume是指什么number又指什么?比如Volume 462 Number 7272


英语Prose of its very nature怎么翻译?

英语Prose of its very nature的意思是:散文的种类。重点词汇:nature意思是:自然界;大自然;自然;自然方式;天性;本性;性格;基本特征;种类;有…本性的。

翻译:The true nature of a heart is seen in its response to the unattractive.



public static PdfStamper createSignature(PdfReader reader, os, char pdfVersion, tempFile, boolean append) throws DocumentException, a digital signature to a document, possibly as a new revision, making possible multiple signatures. The returned PdfStamper can be used normally as the signature is only applied when closing.A possible use for adding a signature without invalidating an existing one is:KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("pkcs12"); ks.load(new FileInputStream("my_private_key.pfx"), "my_password".toCharArray()); String alias = (String)ks.aliases().nextElement(); PrivateKey key = (PrivateKey)ks.getKey(alias, "my_password".toCharArray()); Certificate[] chain = ks.getCertificateChain(alias); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader("original.pdf"); FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("signed.pdf"); PdfStamper stp = PdfStamper.createSignature(reader, fout, "", new File("/temp"), true); PdfSignatureAppearance sap = stp.getSignatureAppearance(); sap.setCrypto(key, chain, null, PdfSignatureAppearance.WINCER_SIGNED); sap.setReason("I"m the author"); sap.setLocation("Lisbon"); // comment next line to have an invisible signature sap.setVisibleSignature(new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200), 1, null); stp.close();

Nature: 指标季节性的分离揭示全球变暖已持续上万年

Nature: 指标季节性的分离揭示全球变暖已持续上万年 工业革命以来,人类活动引发的CO 2 度升高导致全球快速升温,显著影响着地球环境和人类 社会 。由于器测记录时限的有限性,通过地质记录定量重建过去温度,延长气候变化的 历史 ,对全面认识现代全球变暖在地球系统自然变率中的位置至关重要。 尽管古气候定量化目前已取得重要进展,但距我们最近的全新世(距今 11 700年以来),地质记录重建和古气候模拟的全球年均温变化存在显著差异。地质记录重建显示,温度在距今~10 000?6 000年处于峰值(“全新世大暖期”),其后逐渐下降,工业革命以来的全球变暖逆转了这一趋势(Marcott et al., 2013;Kaufman et al., 2020);然而,古气候模拟则显示,全新世年均温呈现整体上升趋势(Liu et al., 2014)(图1)。上述温度变化的巨大差异,被称为“全新世温度谜题(Holocene temperature conundrum)”(Liu et al., 2014),一直困扰着古气候学者。解开该谜团的关键在于厘清:气候代用指标是否存在季节性偏差?古气候模式的气候敏感性和反馈过程是否存在偏差? 图1 重建和模拟的全新世全球年均温度变化,蓝线为多指标重建结果,黑线为模拟的年均温,红线为模拟的夏季温度(改自Liu et al., 2014) 最近,美国罗格斯大学的Bova博士和合作者在Nature上发表论文,提出了一种有效分离季节性信号新方法(seasonal to mean annual transformation, SAT),更好地重建了季节和年均温度变化(图2)。 图2 SAT方法在IODP U1485钻孔末次间冰期和全新世时段温度重建中的应用(Bova et al., 2021)。(a、e)钻孔所在纬度(3 S)最相关季节(8月)和年均太阳辐射变化;(b、f)重建和模拟的季节性温度变化;(c、g)计算出的季节性偏差值(ΔSST);(d、h)校正后的年均海表温度变化 该方法的原理是:假设海表温度线性响应太阳辐射变化,重建温度变化(SST SN )与最相关的季节性太阳辐射的相关性,如高于其与年均太阳辐射的相关性,则认为重建温度存在季节性偏差;季节性偏差因子(ɑ s )由SST SN 与季节和年均太阳辐射的偏差值(ΔI)的线性回归获得(SST SN = ɑ s ΔI + ε s ),由此,得出重建温度的季节性偏差值(ΔSST = ɑ s ΔI ),进而获得校正后的年均温(MASST = SST SN - ΔSST)。季节性偏差因子的计算,基于末次间冰期(距今128 000-115 000年前)的海温重建数据,选择末次间冰期,原因在于该时期太阳辐射的季节性差异比全新世的大,而冰盖、温室气体等其他因素对温度的影响更弱,因此更易识别出温度的季节性信号。 首先,作者把这一方法应用到了位于巴布亚新几内亚东北部的海洋钻孔(IODP Site U1485)末次间冰期和全新世的温度重建(图2)。结果显示,重建温度与八月的太阳辐射变化最为相关,具有很好的季节性信号;校正后的年均海表温度变化在两个时段均呈现上升趋势,与同一地区的模拟结果基本一致(图2)。利用同样的方法,作者把模拟的季节性温度进行了校正,得到的年均温度变化趋势与模拟输出结果相一致,因此验证了方法的可靠性(图2)。 其次,作者进一步把SAT方法应用到40 S-40 N之间的海表温度重建(图3b)。结果显示,多数重建结果存在季节性偏差,且主要偏向于夏秋季,导致重建结果存在早中全新世大暖期(图3a、图3b);然而,校正后的年均温则显示,全新世呈持续升温趋势(图3b),与模拟结果基本一致(图3c);进而证实“全新世温度谜题”,可能主要源于气候代用指标的季节性偏差。 图3 全新世40 S-40 N海表温度重建、校正结果,以及温度变化机制(Bova et al., 2021)。(a)前人重建的全球年均温度变化(Marcott et al., 2013;Kaufman et al., 2020);(b)40 S-40 N海表温度重建结果(红线)和校正后的年均温度变化(蓝线);(c)模拟的年均温度变化及温室气体的贡献;(d)全球冰量变化和温室气体辐射强迫变化 在上述基础上,作者揭示出全新世年均海表温度长期增加的机理,全新世早中期(距今12 000-6 500年前)主要受冰盖、太阳辐射等驱动;而温室气体主导了包括工业革命以来,最近6 500年的全球变暖(图3c、图3d)。 主要参考文献 Bova S, Rosenthal Y. Liu Z. et al. Seasonal origin of the thermalmaxima at the Holocene and the last interglacial [J]. Nature, 2021, 589(7843):548–553. Kaufman D, McKay N, Routson C, et al. A global database of Holocenepaleotemperature records [J]. Scientific Data, 2020, 7(1): 115. Liu Z, Zhu J, Rosenthal Y, et al. The Holocene temperature conundrum[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014, 111(34): E3501–E3505. Marcott S A, Shakun J D, Clark P U, et al. A reconstruction ofregional and global temperature for the past 11,300 years [J]. Science, 2013,339(6124): 1198–1201. (撰稿:张文超, 吴海斌 /新生代室) 校对:覃华清

I Love Nature 我爱大自然.英语作文 80词左右.

I Love Nature All the wonderful things in the world are worthy of my love,and I love nature. The four seasons in nature to the human.And warm winds of spring,hot summer,autumn is an invigorating autumn climate,snow of winter,is a daydream. Nature is like a knowledgeable teacher.She let the pine told people difficulties do not shrink back the truth; she leaves tell people unknown to the public work,; she called grass tell people to survive.In the magical humans under the guidance of teachers,continue to exercise their own,to enrich themselves. Nature makes people under the tree shade,let the children play on the lawn,let people pick to eat of the fruit of the tree,let people drink the water in the river ......Human in her warm embrace growth,also be most willing to give myself to her. Because of all this,I love nature,love it"s magic,the good and the beautiful.

英语大自然前面要不要加“the" nature 前面要不要加冠词the

在一般情况下介词后的名词前是要加冠词的,但是nature比较特殊,不能加冠词 所以是 “nature ”,不加“the”


第一作者:Sung-Fu Hung, Aoni Xu, XueWang, Fengwang Li 通讯作者:Edward H. Sargent 通讯单位:多伦多大学 DOI: 全文速览 氮掺杂石墨烯负载的单原子可将CO2转化为CO,但不能进一步加氢生成甲烷,这是由于CO中间体的弱吸附作用。为了调节吸附能,本文研究了金属负载的单原子对CO2加氢反应的影响。作者发现了一种铜负载铁单原子催化剂,可以产生高速率的甲烷。密度泛函理论计算和原位拉曼光谱表明,铁原子吸引周围的中间体并进行加氢生成甲烷。该催化剂是通过在铜表面组装酞菁铁,然后在电催化过程中原位形成单个铁原子来实现的,这通过原位X射线吸收光谱进行鉴定。铜负载的铁单原子催化剂的CO2制甲烷法拉第效率为64%, 局部电流密度为128 mA cm-2, 而氮掺杂石墨烯负载的催化剂仅产生CO。在相同的电解质和偏置条件下,其活性是原始铜的32倍。 背景介绍 然而,到目前为止,氮掺杂石墨烯负载单原子的CO2RR产品仅限于CO,因为*CO中间体的弱结合导致气态CO的轻易释放。作者假设,如果可以通过显著改变基质的选择来调节单原子位点的电子结构,就有可能调控CO2RR对碳氢化合物的选择性。在之前关于金属负载单原子的研究中,即金属与原子分散元素的结合,DFT计算预测了反应中间体在金属负载单原子上的结合能和活化能可以被调控以促进催化行为。 图文解析 图1铜锚定单原子的计算和催化活性。 a*CO在不同单原子催化位点上的吸附能和加氢的比较。b原始Cu和锚定各种单原子的Cu催化剂在CO2还原反应中的催化制甲烷活性。c Cu表面Fe的大小对*H和*CO吸附能的影响。d各种Fe,包括纳米颗粒、团簇和单原子形式,分散在Cu材料上的催化活性。 图2 铜负载单原子铁催化剂的机理研究。 a原始Cu和Cu- FeSA的态密度。b 原始Cu和Cu-FeSA的*CO吸附能。c Cu-FeSA中单原子Fe d轨道的反卷积。d *CO跃迁示意图: 箭头表示跃迁路径,十字标记表示固定的*CO吸附位点。e 原始Cu和Cu- FeSA的C-C耦合能。f Cu-FeSA中Fe位点上产生甲烷的中间体的加氢能。g Cu-FeSA中甲烷生产的能量图。r.d.s.(速率决定步骤)是*CO中间体在Fe位点上加氢。 图3 铜锚定改性酞菁铁和铁单原子的材料表征及原位研究。 a X射线衍射图。插图说明了铜表面和酞菁铁之间通过3-巯基丙酸键合。b Cu-FePc GDE的Fe K-edge扩展X射线吸收精细结构(EXAFS)。c原位EXAFS和d Fe K-edge原位XANES, 用于在CO2RR过程中识别Cu-FeSA。e原子分辨率透射电子显微镜图像和使用EELS的原子元素映射。虚线圈表示单原子铁。f原始Cu和Cu-FeSA的原位拉曼光谱。光谱的强度标度是4000 c.p.s.。 图4 Cu-FeSA的催化性能。 a原始Cu和Cu- FeSA反应产物的比较。误差条表示三个独立样本的1个标准差。b甲烷的法拉第效率和局部电流密度与外加电位的关系。c甲烷生产的稳定性。d Fe K-edge的原位X射线吸收近边结构(XANES),用于12 h以上的长期研究。 本文总结 综上所述,本文开发了含有Fe单原子的Cu基催化剂,用于CO2的电化学甲烷化反应。作者将酞菁铁组装在Cu表面上,并在电催化过程中将其还原为Fe。Fe吸引CO中间体并有助于其通过COH中间体转化为甲烷。该研究工作报道的CO2制甲烷的法拉第效率为64%,局部电流密度为128 mA cm-2,在相同的电解质和偏置条件下,其活性是Cu的32倍。存在于Cu的表面的Fe单原子更活跃,并且在该研究考虑的操作时间内保持稳定。 文献来源 Hung, SF., Xu, A., Wang, X. et al. A metal-supported single-atom catalytic site enables carbon dioxide hydrogenation. Nat. Commun., 13, 819 (2022).

急求英语作文《我对人性的看法》,what is your attitude towards the human nature ?

As an AI language model, I don"t possess personal beliefs or emotions. However, I can provide a sample essay on the topic "What is your attitude towards the human nature?"Human nature is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been debated by philosophers, scholars, and scientists for centuries. Some argue that humans are inherently good, while others believe that they are inherently selfish and aggressive. In my opinion, human nature is a combination of both good and bad qualities, and it is shaped by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and culture.On one hand, humans have the capacity for kindness, empathy, and altruism. People are capable of great acts of compassion and generosity, and they often go out of their way to help others in need. This is evident in the many charitable organizations and volunteer groups that exist around the world. Furthermore, humans have the ability to create and appreciate beauty, whether it be through art, music, or literature. These qualities demonstrate the innate goodness of human nature.On the other hand, humans also have a darker side. They are capable of greed, jealousy, and violence. Conflict and war have been a part of human history since the beginning of time, and acts of cruelty and injustice continue to occur in many parts of the world. Additionally, humans have the tendency to prioritize their own interests over those of others, which can lead to selfishness and exploitation.Despite these negative aspects of human nature, I believe that people have the potential to change and improve themselves. Through education, empathy, and self-reflection, individuals can learn to overcome their negative tendencies and cultivate their positive qualities. By recognizing the complexity of human nature and striving to be the best version of ourselves, we can create a better world for everyone.

求一篇关于World Wild Fund for Nature的英文简介!

The world natural foundation (WWF) was founded September 11, 1961 aSwiss scenery beautiful small town - Mole each Si (Morges), thefounder was the English renowned biologists, once was appointed UnitedNations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization firstgeneral manager Zhu Lian Mr. Huxley. Its basic goal is protects theEarth the biological resources. The last four decades and more, underin every way support, the WWF growth have been extremely have theinfluence the independent non- government international environmentalprotection organization. WWF is enjoys the high reputation in the whole world, one of biggestindependent non- government environmental protection organizations,has nearly 5 million supporters and in the world are enlivening inmore than 90 countries the network. In 1980, WWF officially arrivedChina, in 1996 has set up the office in Beijing, hereafter hasestablished seven projects offices one after another; The developmentuntil now, altogether has more than 70 staffs, has developed includingthe species, the forest, the fresh water, the energy and the climaticchange, the environment education and the wild trade and so on thevarious work. The WWF mission is suppresses the Earth naturalenvironment the worsening, creates glorious future which the humanityand the nature harmoniously is together. Devotes for this WWF to: Protection world biodiversity; Guarantees the renewable natural resource the sustainable use; The impetus reduction pollutes and the waste expense motion.

Nature Materials详细介绍,中文译为《自然科学》么? JACS中文译为什么?是《美国化学杂志》么?

Nature Materials:自然-材料JACS:美国化学会志

JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好

都很好,就目前而言,JACS可能接受度更高,但Nat Commun以后的IF肯定会更高 上面的文章也不能说谁好谁差,可能Nat Commun要求更general interest一点。可能NC更好听一点,如果你不是做化学的,可能不知道JACS。而NC是NATURE子刊,对每个科研者,对将来,尤其是领导层来说,影响力更大一点。建议投NC.最新的IF,NComm已经破10了,直逼JACS.将来论影响因子,肯定会超过JACS.看重影响因子,肯定Ncomm.如果比影响力,JACS百年老店化学领域肯定高于新刊Nat. Commun.,一年3000的载刊量也不是现在的NC能比的 如果比平均水平,Nat. Commun.大于JACS,毕竟是挂着Nature稿源丰富,认可度也高;当然,投稿难度也不是JACS可以比的

JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好

都很好,就目前而言,JACS可能接受度更高,但Nat Commun以后的IF肯定会更高 上面的文章也不能说谁好谁差,可能Nat Commun要求更general interest一点。可能NC更好听一点,如果你不是做化学的,可能不知道JACS。而NC是NATURE子刊,对每个科研者,对将来,尤其是领导层来说,影响力更大一点。建议投NC.最新的IF,NComm已经破10了,直逼JACS.将来论影响因子,肯定会超过JACS.看重影响因子,肯定Ncomm.如果比影响力,JACS百年老店化学领域肯定高于新刊Nat. Commun.,一年3000的载刊量也不是现在的NC能比的 如果比平均水平,Nat. Commun.大于JACS,毕竟是挂着Nature稿源丰富,认可度也高;当然,投稿难度也不是JACS可以比的

JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好


JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好

都很好,就目前而言,JACS可能接受度更高,但Nat Commun以后的IF肯定会更高上面的文章也不能说谁好谁差,可能Nat Commun要求更general interest一点。可能NC更好听一点,如果你不是做化学的,可能不知道JACS。而NC是NATURE子刊,对每个科研者,对将来,尤其是领导层来说,影响力更大一点。建议投NC.最新的IF,NComm已经破10了,直逼JACS.将来论影响因子,肯定会超过JACS.看重影响因子,肯定Ncomm.如果比影响力,JACS百年老店化学领域肯定高于新刊Nat. Commun.,一年3000的载刊量也不是现在的NC能比的如果比平均水平,Nat. Commun.大于JACS,毕竟是挂着Nature稿源丰富,认可度也高;当然,投稿难度也不是JACS可以比的

JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好

都很好,就目前而言,JACS可能接受度更高,但Nat Commun以后的IF肯定会更高 上面的文章也不能说谁好谁差,可能Nat Commun要求更general interest一点。可能NC更好听一点,如果你不是做化学的,可能不知道JACS。而NC是NATURE子刊,对每个科研者,对将来,尤其是领导层来说,影响力更大一点。建议投NC.最新的IF,NComm已经破10了,直逼JACS.将来论影响因子,肯定会超过JACS.看重影响因子,肯定Ncomm.如果比影响力,JACS百年老店化学领域肯定高于新刊Nat. Commun.,一年3000的载刊量也不是现在的NC能比的 如果比平均水平,Nat. Commun.大于JACS,毕竟是挂着Nature稿源丰富,认可度也高;当然,投稿难度也不是JACS可以比的

Nature Chemistry和JACS哪个好

Nature Chemistry 最新IF:23.297 ,09年创刊,为Nature的子期刊,可想而知其影响力,当然也是很难中的JACS 最新IF:11.444,是ACS老牌的口碑期刊,影响力很高,但是跟Nature Chemistry相比还是略逊一筹的我自然认为Nature Chemistry影响力更好

Nature Chemistry和JACS哪个好


JACS和Nature Commun.哪个更好

都很好,就目前而言,JACS可能接受度更高,但Nat Commun以后的IF肯定会更高 上面的文章也不能说谁好谁差,可能Nat Commun要求更general interest一点。可能NC更好听一点,如果你不是做化学的,可能不知道JACS。而NC是NATURE子刊,对每个科研者,对将来,尤其是领导层来说,影响力更大一点。建议投NC.最新的IF,NComm已经破10了,直逼JACS.将来论影响因子,肯定会超过JACS.看重影响因子,肯定Ncomm.如果比影响力,JACS百年老店化学领域肯定高于新刊Nat. Commun.,一年3000的载刊量也不是现在的NC能比的 如果比平均水平,Nat. Commun.大于JACS,毕竟是挂着Nature稿源丰富,认可度也高;当然,投稿难度也不是JACS可以比的

Second Nature 歌词

歌曲名:Second Nature歌手:Joy Williams专辑:Joy Williams.It"s so typicalI"m always amazedWhen it comes to YouIt feels so naturalTo be blown awayWhen I stop and think ofHow your love is etched upon my heartAnd how no matterIf I laugh, If I hopeIf I dream you"re a part of me.Wanting You, needing YouLoving You comes to meLoving YouIt comes like Second Nature likeBreathing in, breathing outSomething I don"t think aboutIt comes like Second NatureSecond NatureSecond Nature.Like an instinctThat I can"t controlI always turn to YouIt"s a spiritual thingA thirst in my soulThat makes me runInto your arms and to the placeOur hearts collide whereeverything comes clearAnd I see, from the startThis is how love was meant to be.It"s so obviousI was born for thisBorn for a love like thisAnd I know for sureI"ve been capturedThere is no escaping this...........End...

Naughty By Nature的《O.P.P.》 歌词

歌曲名:O.P.P.歌手:Naughty By Nature专辑:JarheadNaughty By Nature - O.P.P. (20th Anniversary Recording)Army with harmonyDave drop a load on "emOPP, how can I explain itI"ll take you frame by frame itTo have y"all jumpin" shall we singin" itO is for Other, P is for People scratchin" templeThe last P...well...that"s not that simpleIt"s sorta like another way to call a cat a kittenIt"s five little letters that are missin" hereYou get on occassion at the other partyAs a game "n it seems I gotta start to explainin"Bust itYou ever had a girl and met her on a nice helloYou get her name and number and then you feelin" real mellowYou get home, wait a day, she"s what you wanna know aboutThen you call up and it"s her girlfriend or her cousin"s houseIt"s not a front, F to the R to the O to the N to the TIt"s just her boyfriend"s at her house (Boy, that"s what is scary)It"s OPP, time other people"s what you get itThere"s no room for relationship there"s just room to hit itHow many brothers out there know just what I"m gettin" atWho thinks it"s wrong "cos I"m splittin" and co-hittin" atWell if you do, that"s OPP and you"re not down with itBut if you don"t, here"s your membershipChorus:You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)Who"s down with OPP (Every last homie)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)Who"s down with OPP (All the homies)As for the ladies, OPP means something giftedThe first two letters are the same but the last is something differentIt"s the longest, loveliest, lean- I call it the leanestIt"s another five letter word rhymin" with cleanest and meanestI won"t get into that, I"ll do it...ah...sorta properlyI say the last P...hmmm...stands for propertyNow lady here comes a kiss, blow a kiss back to me, now tell me exactlyHave you ever known a brother who have another like ah girl or wifeAnd you just had to stop and just "cos he look just as niceYou looked at him, he looked at you and you knew right awayThat he had someone but he was gonna be yours anywayYou couldn"t be seen with him and honestly you didn"t care"Cos in a room behind a door no one but y"all are thereWhen y"all are finish, y"all can leave and only y"all would knowAnd then y"all could throw the skeleton bones right in the closet do"Now don"t be shocked "cos if you"re down I want your hands up highSay OPP (OPP) I like to say with prideNow when you do it, do it well and make sure that it countsYou"re now down with a discountChorus:You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)Who"s down with OPP (Every last lady)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)Who"s down with OPP (All the ladies)This girl ah tried to OPP meI had a girl and she knew that matter-of-fact my girl was partner"s thatHad a fall out, disagreement, yeah an argumentShe tried to do me so we did it in my apartment, bust itThat wasn"t the thing it must have been the way she hit the ceiling"Cos after that she kept on coming back and catchin" feelingsI said, "Let"s go my girl is coming so you gotta leave"She said, "Oh no, I love you Treach" I said, "Now child please"You gots to leave, come grab your coat, right now you gotta goI said now look you to the stairs and to the stairwindowThis was a thing, a little thing, you shouldn"t have put your heart"Cos you know I was OPP, hell from the very startCome on, come on, now let me tell you what it"s all aboutWhen you get down, you can"t go "round runnin" off at the mouthThat"s rule number one in this OPP establishmentYou keep your mouth shut and it won"t get back to her or himExciting isn"t it, a special kinda businessMany of you will catch the same sorta OPP is you withHim or her for sure is going to admit itWhen OPP comes, damn-- skippy I"m with itChorus:You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)Who"s down with OPP (This whole party)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)Who"s down with OPP (This whole party)EndNaughty By Nature - O.P.P. (20th Anniversary Recording)



Mother Nature是什么意思

Mother Nature自然母亲

MUSE的《Nature_1》 歌词

歌曲名:Nature_1歌手:MUSE专辑:Hullabaloo SoundtrackConforming on a mondayToo often and too coldBut you aren"t even listening"Cause you are justToo old to feel an earthquakeOr too cool to even careBut you aren"t even listeningSo why should IYou are a natural disasterAnd I"ve wanted you too muchAnd now I"m gonna loseI"ve wanted you too muchAnd now I"ve gotta chooseYou"re the cause of all thisAnd I"m sick of trying to please youAnd you"re gonna feel my emotions coming"Cause you"re the worldLike a broken dam you"re emptyAnd all that"s left are the sticks and stonesThat were built by other peopleAnd it really showsBut you aren"t even listeningBecause you are justToo old to feel an earthquakeOr too cool to even careBut you aren"t even listeningSo why should IYou are a natural disasterAnd I"ve wanted you too muchAnd now I"m gonna loseI"ve wanted you too muchAnd now I"ve gotta chooseYou"re the cause of all thisAnd I"m sick of trying to please youAnd you"re gonna feel my emotions comingBecause you"re the world

There is ___ new moon in the sky. It is a pleasure to get close to ___ nature outdoors now. ...

A 试题分析:句意:空中有一轮新月。真荣幸在户外这么接近大自然。第一空一轮新月是泛指,第二空为自然,nature表“自然”时,前面不加冠词,故A正确。

看看大牛饶毅是怎么评论nature communication的

  中国科学与世界先进水平有多大差距?饶毅语出惊人:“就生命科学领域而言,相对水平低于美国1910年水准。那年,摩尔根发表了对果蝇白眼突变分析的论文,一个学科——遗传学的重要部分在美国被奠定,我们迄今没有这样的成果,没有这样系统性的学科建树。”在中国的论文数量上,饶毅做了一回说破“皇帝新装”的人,指出国内出于“论文崇拜”、“国际期刊崇拜”,竟供养了大量“傍名刊”的国际骗子。最近有英国《自然》杂志集团下的一家媒体提出一个“妙论”,说中国科学论文发表量是世界第二,相应地证明中国科技水平世界第二。饶 毅表示:“实际上,英国杂志《自然》为了赚钱。近几年出版了一本《Nature Communication》的杂志,这份杂志明确表示,凡是没有造假的 文章都可以发表。还有前几年另一家国外出版社出版的《Plos One》,这些以版面费牟利的杂志,收到大量中国投稿,所以短时间内,大量来自中国的论文 发表在nature集团的杂志上,发表量急剧升高。国内有些机构、部委竟将发表在这样刊物上的论文计算在有关统计中,nature这样宣传就是吸引你们来 发表。”饶毅其人 北京大学终身讲席教授、生命科学学院院长,兼北京生命科学研究所资深研究员。回国前曾任美国西北大学 Elsa Swanson讲席教授、神经科学研究所副所长。研究神经发育的分子机理和社会行为的生物学基础。 先后协助推动建立中国科学院神经科学研究 所、中国科学院上海交叉学科研究中心。2004年起兼北京生命科学研究所学术副所长。2007年9月全职回国。

some sleep five hours,nature requires seven,laziness nine and wickedness eleven.的翻译


nature ;optimal ;naturally;这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~~

nature 谐音 耐雀尔optimal 谐音 哦普踢么尔naturally 谐音 耐雀热力

Retum to nature slow life什么意思

楼主粗心了噢~“ Retum ”应该是 “Return” 翻译成中文是这样的:回归到自然的缓慢生活。希望楼主能够采纳我的回答(^o^)/~



I have grown so crazy about everything to do with nature 中的 everything to do是啥意思




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kirkland signature 的muscle and pain platinum relief柯克兰签名的肌肉酸痛铂救济

preliminary ;prejudice; signature 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的~

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