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什么是触发器(trigger)? 触发器有什么作用?

触发器是数据库中由一个时间触发的特殊的存储过程,他不是由程序条用也不是手工启动的。触发器的执行可以由对一个表的insert,delete, update等操作来触发,触发器经常用于加强数据的完整性约束和业务规则等等。 触发器可以对其他表进行查询,也可以包含复杂的SQL语句。他么主要用于强制服从复杂的业务规则或者要求。例如可以利用触发器根据客户当前的帐户状态来控制是否允许插入新的订单。 触发器也可以用于强制引用完整性,以便在多个表中添加,删除或者更新数据时,保留这些表之间的关系。 创建触发器的SQL语法: DELIMITER | CREATE TRIGGER `<databaseName`.`<triggerName` < [ BEFORE | AFTER ] < [ INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE ]ON <tableName


trigger输出接口主要用于触发电动屏幕或照明控制等外部设备。触发器可以查询其他表,而且可以包含复杂的SQL语句。它们主要用于强制服从复杂的业务规则或要求。例如:可以根据客户当前的帐户状态,控制是否允许插入新订单。触发器也可用于强制引用完整性,以便在多个表中添加、更新或删除行时,保留在这些表之间所定义的关系。然而,强制引用完整性的最好方法是在相关表中定义主键和外键约束。如果使用数据库关系图,则可以在表之间创建关系以自动创建外键约束。扩展资料:触发器的优点:触发器可通过数据库中的相关表实现级联更改,不过,通过级联引用完整性约束可以更有效地执行这些更改。触发器可以强制比用CHECK约束定义的约束更为复杂的约束。与 CHECK 约束不同,触发器可以引用其它表中的列。触发器可以使用另一个表中的 SELECT 比较插入或更新的数据,以及执行其它操作,如修改数据或显示用户定义错误信息。触发器也可以评估数据修改前后的表状态,并根据其差异采取对策。一个表中的多个同类触发器(INSERT、UPDATE 或 DELETE)允许采取多个不同的对策以响应同一个修改语句。


是示波器的同步。trigger 触发器设置触发方式与电平 ,然后就能把满足触发条件的保存下来因为信号太快无法看清楚 ,要利用触发方式捕捉以便慢慢看一般可以设置触发方式 ,和触发电平波形满足设置条件都可以触发。示波器是一种用途十分广泛的电子测量仪器。它能把肉眼看不见的电信号变换成看得见的图像,便于人们研究各种电现象的变化过程。示波器利用狭窄的、由高速电子组成的电子束,打在涂有荧光物质的屏面上,就可产生细小的光点(这是传统的模拟示波器的工作原理)。扩展资料:波形显示的基本原理由示波管的原理可知,一个直流电压加到一对偏转板上时,将使光点在荧光屏上产生一个固定位移,该位移的大小与所加直流电压成正比。如果分别将两个直流电压同时加到垂直和水平两对偏转板上,则荧光屏上的光点位置就由两个方向的位移所共同决定。如果将一个正弦交流电压加到一对偏转板上时,光点在荧光屏上将随电压的变化而移动。参考资料来源:百度百科-通用示波器




trigger的名词性意思为扳机;引爆器;起爆器;起因。动词性意思为引发;引起;激发。1、trigger的词汇搭配trigger activities 引起活动trigger demands 引起要求trigger off 引起; 激发,触发trigger for 为…引发2、trigger的词语用法trigger的基本意思是“引发,激发”,指由于某事或某次行动引起一系列的连锁反应而出现一连串的事情,尤指不好的事情。trigger可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。3、trigger的常用短语trigger off (v.+adv.)引起 start (an explosion) trigger sth off触发器的作用1、可在写入数据表前,强制检验或转换数据。2、触发器发生错误时,异动的结果会被撤销。3、部分数据库管理系统可以针对数据定义语言(DDL)使用触发器,称为DDL触发器。4、可依照特定的情况,替换异动的指令 (INSTEAD OF)。


枪的 扳机


trigger的意思:触发。trigger(触发器)是个特殊的存储过程,它的执行不是由程序调用,也不是手工启动,而是由个事件来触发,比如当对一个表进行操作( insert,delete,update)时就会激活它执行。触发器经常用于加强数据的完整性约束和业务规则等。 触发器可以从DBA_TRIGGERS ,USER_TRIGGERS数据字典中查到。触发,汉语词汇。拼音:chù fā 释义:指因触动而激发起某种反应。语出《隋书·音乐志上》:“萌生触发,岁在春。《咸池》始奏,德尚仁。”指触动引发。《隋书·音乐志上》:“萌生触发,岁在春。《咸池》始奏,德尚仁”。宋罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷十五:“大抵登山临水,足以触发道机,开豁心志,为益不少。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九回:“这回我过上海时,偶然看见一件奇事,如今触发着了,我才记起来”。鲁迅《南腔北调集·真假堂吉诃德》:“无论念几千万遍‘不仁不义"或者《金光明咒》,也不会触发日本地震,使它陆沉大海。” 《花城》1981年第1期:“事隔七年,无人问津的疑案被这个惹事生非的任性的姑娘姜子婴触发了”。

jiggy dogg -《missing you》翻译的中文歌词谁会

歌词我没有坚持完成杂志今天我的心在燃烧,找到香烟你想抽烟来抚慰心灵的休息不断蔓延,作为我的长长的叹息厌倦了以前积累的思念我记得忘了Beorimyeon睡着你来到我梦中只要再像旧时代,没有人我仍然热爱和思念你我忘了,我越neungeol我不能没有你呼吸我最后的爱,唯一的我仍然热爱和思念你她给我回天所以我求求你,请听上能够传达全部的爱去的其余部分只有你我爱你,我需要你不知道,就像回到了老谈话不要告诉谎言承诺分手为什么motdwaetni nappunyiramyeonseo我想念你失踪女童我们沿着用锯子的公路电影我听到一首歌曲一起笑这对我所有的珍贵回忆你觉得我走出如果你能回到我不会放开你的手你觉得突然,黑夜长深深地叹了口气略带遗憾地我仍然热爱和思念你我有时觉得你做Taekhaetjiman太容易失去彼此我们喜欢她或在幸福中曾经或我仍然热爱和思念你如果我们找到你休息,我的爱我会送你用泪水写的信,对不起,你还不能忘记只有你我爱你,我需要你不知道,就像回到了老谈话不要告诉谎言承诺分手为什么motdwaetni nappunyiramyeonseo

求Will Smith - Gettin jiggy with it 的歌词与翻译!!急哦~~谢谢大家!!!

Will Smith Gettin" Jiggy Wit It On your mark ready set let"s go dance floor pro I know you know I go psycho when my new joint hit just can"t sit gotta get jiggy wit it ooh that"s it now honey honey come ride DKNY all up in my eye you gotta Prada bag with alotta stuff in it give it to your friend let"s spin everybody lookin" at me glancin" the kid wishin" they was dancin" a jig here with this handsome kid ciga-cigar right from Cuba-Cuba I just bite it it"s for the look I don"t light it illway the an-may on the ance-day oor-flay givin" up jiggy make it feel like foreplay yo, my car, yo its Infinite- ha ha Big Willie Style"s all in it Gettin" Jiggy Wit It Chorus: na na na na na na na nana na na na na nana gettin jiggy wit it repeat 3x what you wanna ball with the kid watch your step you might fall trying to do what I did mama-unh mama-unh I"ma come closer in the middle of the club with the rub-a-dub, unh no love for the haters, the haters mad cause I got floor seats at the Lakers see me on the fifty yard line with the Raiders met Ali he told me I"m the greatest I got the fever for the flavor of a crowd pleaser DJ play another from the prince of this your highness only mad chicks ride in my whips south to the west to the east to the north bought my hits and watch "em go off a go off ah yes yes y"all and ya don"t stop in the winter or the (summertime) I makes it hot gettin jiggy wit "em Chorus eight-fifty I.S. if you need a lift who"s the kid in the drop who else Will Smith livin" that life some consider a myth rock from south street to one two fifth women used to tease me give it to me now nice and easy since I moved up like George and Wheezy cream to the maximum I be askin" "em would you like to bounce with the brother that"s platinum never see Will attackin" "em rather play ball with Shaq and um, flatten "em psyche kiddin" you thought I took a spill but I didn"t trust the lady of my life she hittin" hit her with a drop top with the ribbon crib for my mom on the outskirts of Philly you trying to flex on me don"t be silly getting jiggy wit it

jiggy dogg Missing U 中文歌词

我没有坚持完成杂志今天我的心在燃烧,找到香烟你想抽烟来抚慰心灵的休息不断蔓延,作为我的长长的叹息厌倦了以前积累的思念我记得忘了Beorimyeon睡着你来到我梦中只要再像旧时代,没有人我仍然热爱和思念你我忘了,我越neungeol我不能没有你呼吸我最后的爱,唯一的我仍然热爱和思念你她给我回天所以我求求你,请听上能够传达全部的爱去的其余部分只有你我爱你,我需要你不知道,就像回到了老谈话不要告诉谎言承诺分手为什么motdwaetni nappunyiramyeonseo我想念你失踪女童我们沿着用锯子的公路电影我听到一首歌曲一起笑这对我所有的珍贵回忆你觉得我走出如果你能回到我不会放开你的手你觉得突然,黑夜长深深地叹了口气略带遗憾地我仍然热爱和思念你我有时觉得你做Taekhaetjiman太容易失去彼此我们喜欢她或在幸福中曾经或我仍然热爱和思念你如果我们找到你休息,我的爱我会送你用泪水写的信,对不起,你还不能忘记只有你我爱你,我需要你不知道,就像回到了老谈话不要告诉谎言承诺分手为什么motdwaetni nappunyiramyeonseo我想念你失踪女童

郭书瑶 f.cuz- jiggy的lrc歌词下载

get get get get jiggy jiggy…



Jiggy Dogg -《Missing You》 歌词谁有 要完整的

uc81cubaa9: Missing U (Feat. uc11cuc7acud654) uac00uc218: uc9c0uae30ub3c5(Jiggy Dogg) ------------------------------------I"m missing girl missing youub05dub0b4 uac00uaca0ub2e4ub294 ub110 uc7a1uc9c0 ubabbud588uc5b4uc624ub298ub3c4 ud0c0ub294 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc740 ub2f4ubc30ub97c ucc3eub294ub370ub0a8uc740 ud55c uac1cube44uac00 ub2ecub798uc904uae4c uc774 ub9c8uc74cuc744ub05duc5c6uc774 ud37cuc838uac00ub294 ub0b4 uae34 ud55cuc228ubfd0uc218ubd81ud788 uc313uc778 uadf8ub9acuc6c0uc5d0 uc9c0uccd0uc78aud600uc838 uac00ub294 ub110 ub2e4uc2dc ub5a0uc62cub824uadf8ub7ecub2e4 uc7a0ub4e4uc5b4 ubc84ub9acuba74ub10c uafc8 uc18duc5d0 ucc3euc544uc640 ub098uc640uc608uc804ucc98ub7fc ub2e4uc2dc ud558ub098uac00 ub3fcI"m still loving and missing youuc78auc73cub824 ud560uc218ub85d ub354 uc0dduac01ub098ub294uac78uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub108 uc5c6uc778 uc228uc744 uc274 uc218 uc5c6ub294ub370uc138uc0c1uc5d0uc11c ud558ub098ubfd0uc778 ub0b4 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc0acub791uc544I"m still loving and missing youud558ub298uc544 uadf8ub140ub97c ub2e4uc2dc ub0b4uac8c ub3ccub824uc918ub4e4uc5b4uc918 uc774ub807uac8c ube4cuaed8 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 ubd80ud0c1uc744ub0b4 ub0a8uc740 uc0acub791uc744 ubaa8ub450 uc804ud560 uc218 uc788uac8cuadf8ub300ub9cc I love you I need youub9d0ud560ub54cucc98ub7fc uc608uc804uc73cub85c ub3ccuc544uac08 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294uc9c0ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uc9c0 ub9d0uc790 ub2e4uc9d0ud55c ub9d0 ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0uc774ub2c8uc65c uc774ub807uac8c ubabbub410ub2c8 ub098ubfd0uc774ub77cuba74uc11cI"m missing girl missing youuc6b0ub9ac ud568uaed8 ubd24ub358 uc601ud654 ud568uaed8 uac77ub358 uae38ud568uaed8 ub4e3ub358 ub178ub798 ud568uaed8 uc6c3ub358 uc77cuc774 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc774 ub0b4uac90 uc18cuc911ud55c ucd94uc5b5uc778ub370ub0b4 uacc1uc744 ub5a0ub09c ub10c uc5b4ub5a0ub2c8ub2e4uc2dc ub108uc5d0uac8cub85c ub3ccuc544uac08 uc218ub9cc uc788ub2e4uba74ub09c ub108uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uace0 ub193uc9c0 uc54auc744ud150ub370ubb38ub4dd ub124 uc0dduac01uc5d4 uae34 uc5b4ub450uc6b4 ubc24ud6c4ud68cub85c ubb3cub4e0 uae4auc740 ud55cuc228ub9ccI"m still loving and missing youuac00ub054uc740 ub108ub3c4 ub0b4 uc0dduac01uc744 ud558ub2c8ub108ubb34 uc27duac8c uc11cub85c uc774ubcc4uc744 ud0ddud588uc9c0ub9ccuc6b0ub9b0 uc0acub791ud588uc5c8uc790ub098 ud589ubcf5ud588uc790ub098I"m still loving and missing youub0b4 ub0a8uc740 uc0acub791uc774 ub110 ucc3euc744ub54cuba74ub208ubb3cub85c ud3b8uc9c0ub97c uc368 ub124uac8c ubcf4ub0bcuaed8ubbf8uc548ud574 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub110 uc78auc9c0 ubabbud574uadf8ub300ub9cc I love you I need youub9d0ud560ub54cucc98ub7fc uc608uc804uc73cub85c ub3ccuc544uac08 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294uc9c0ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uc9c0 ub9d0uc790 ub2e4uc9d0ud55c ub9d0 ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0uc774ub2c8uc65c uc774ub807uac8c ubabbub410ub2c8 ub098ubfd0uc774ub77cuba74uc11cI"m missing girl missing you

有节奏感的歌曲,最好是英文的 像谎言,,最后的问候,jiggy ,以类的

french kissing wait till u hear from me

在 JIGGY 的MV中扎一个小辨的男生是谁

沈艺俊uc608uc900 YeJun 名字: 沈艺浚 韩文:uc2ecuc608uc900沈艺浚[4]Shim Ye Jun 职务:Lead Vocalist 生日:02/04/1992 星座:水瓶座 身高:182cm 体重:67kg 血型: B 兴趣:听音乐 特长:唱歌 绰号:YeBee小可爱 喜欢的食物:寿司 最讨厌的:太严肃的人 最喜欢的颜色:白色 早上起床后做的第一件事:伸展身体,发呆5分钟 睡前做的事:写日记 比喻自己是动物的话:老鼠 座右铭:要好好听队长Jinon哥的话 最尊敬的人:Jinon哥 现在就读于安阳艺术高中。和JINON以及KAN一样,和韩流巨星 RAIN 就读同一所高中「安养艺术高等学校」。

英文歌 jiggyjiggy



GET GET GETTING JIGGYmam mam ma TTI ya a ki a aki no DDO yaok mam mam ma TTI ya a ki a aki no DDO yauc65cuc774ub807uac8cuc774ubcc4uc774uc27duc9c0uc54aub2c8ub108ubb34uc27duac8cub5a0ub09cub108ub54cubb38uc5d0(Bom Bom Bom shawtyBom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom shawty)uc5b5uc9c0ub77cub3c4uc6c3uc5b4ubcf4uace0ub9e4uc77cuc0dduac01ub098ub3c4ucc38uc744ub9ccud558ub2e4uace0ub9d0ud558uae30ub294uc774ub974uc9c0ub9ccuac70uc758ub410uc5b4ud589ubcf5ud558ub2e4uad6c(YEHP!)uba4buc9c0uac8cuc0b4uace0uc788ub294ub0b4uac00ubcf4uc774ub2c8uac00uc2b4uc774ub108ubb34ubc85ucc28uac70uc6b8ubcf4uba70ucda4uc744ucd94uc9c0ubcfcub968uc744ub354ub192uc5ecuba38ub9acuae4cuc9c0ub2e4uc2dcub728uac70uc6ccuc608uc804uac19uc774ub0b4ub9d8ub300ub85cuba4bub300ub85cuc990uae38ub798GET GET GETTING JIGGY GETTING JIGGY(JIGGY JIGGY JIGGY GETTING JIGGY GETTING EEE)EEEuc774uc81cub2e4uc2dcub294uc678ub86duc9c0uc54auc744uaebcuc57cud63cuc790uc11cuc6b8uc9c0ub3c4uc54auc744uaebcuc57cJIGGY JIGGY JIGGY JIGGYGETTING GETTING JIGGY JIGGY(JIGGY JIGGY JIGGY GETTING JIGGY GETTING EEE)EEEuadf8ub0e5ub0b4ub9c8uc74cub530ub77cuc6c0uc9c1uc5ecubcfcuaebcuc57c(JIGGY!)GET GET GETTING JIGGYubaa8ub450ub2e4uc9c0uc6b8ub798ub124uc804ud654ubc88ud638ub0b4uc55euc5d0uc11cuc6c3ub358ub124ubaa8uc2b5ub3c4uae38uc744uac77ub2e4ub9c8uc8fcuccd0ub3c4uc6b0ub9acucc98uc74cubd80ud130ubaa8ub974ub358uc0acub78cucc98ub7fc(uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4ubaa8ub974ub294uac8cucc28ub77cub9acub354ub0abuc796uc544)uae30uc068ub3c4uc2acud514ub3c4(GETTING GETTING JIGGY)uc5b4ub5bbuac8cub4e0uc78auc5b4ubcf4ub824uace0(JIGGY!)GET GET GETTING JIGGY GETTING JIGGY(JIGGY JIGGY JIGGY GETTING JIGGY GETTING EEE)EEEuc774uc81cub2e4uc2dcub294uc678ub86duc9c0uc54auc744uaebcuc57cud63cuc790uc11cuc6b8uc9c0ub3c4uc54auc744uaebcuc57cJIGGY JIGGY JIGGY JIGGYGETTING GETTING JIGGY JIGGY(JIGGY JIGGY JIGGY GETTING JIGGY GETTING EEE)EEEuadf8ub0e5ub0b4ub9c8uc74cub530ub77cuc6c0uc9c1uc5ecubcfcuaebcuc57c(JIGGY!)GET GET GETTING JIGGY==我尽力了啊亲。。。

F CUZ的《jiggy》 韩文版本歌词中文翻译~~

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JIGGY 注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

JIGGY 商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有0件正在申请中,无效注册1件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,JIGGY 还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)


你说的是F.Cuz 郭书瑶 他们唱的那首歌的名字吗Jiggy本身有活跃、激动、酷毙了的意思。F.Cuz「Jiggy」是指拼了命也要跳舞的意思。


Jiggy 酷毙了





Landon Pigg Featuring Turbo Fruits的《High Times》 歌词

歌曲名:High Times歌手:Landon Pigg Featuring Turbo Fruits专辑:Whip It [Music From The Motion Picture]High timeGet ur groovin" onI"m alright I"m alrightI"m OKHigh timeGet ur groovin" onI"m alright I"m alrightI"m OKchance 现状如何steps 能立刻活动吗?”Gimme you love”只知道该知道的就算无聊也要做24-7 to go I gotta be如同在沙漠中行走的每天留下足迹 只要你够强High timeGet ur groovin"on也会有卸下梦想的夜晚High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright用这个身体去超越吧High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright I"m alright就算无法改变High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m OK已经无法满足于现在的状况One day 它发生了Today 失去了它Freestyle 已经都无所谓了 Gimme the beat还有信仰吗?有没有怪在别人身上呢?24-7 to go I gotta be坚硬的紧闭的大门想要打碎它的话 什么规则之类的全都笑着踢飞High timeGet ur groovin"on绝望 渴望 挣脱掉High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright现在要比任何人都跳得高High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright I"m alright就算无法原谅High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m OK开始运转用暴雨漂洗心灵将咽下的阴暗全都丢掉High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright I"m alrightI"m OKHigh timeGet ur groovin"onOn ur mark On ur markAre you ready to go?High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m alright I"m alright就算无法改变High timeGet ur groovin"onI"m OK已经无法满足于现在的状况http://music.baidu.com/song/7899612

Landon Pigg的《Tinman》 歌词

小左*编辑歌曲:Tin Man歌手:Landon PiggI don"t why I do what II don"t why I do what I doIt feels so good to meI guess that"s why I do what II guess that"s why I do what I do"Cause it feels good to me and it"s right there for the takingWith a hammer and a nail a man left to dieWith a hammer and a nail I eat this coconut, yeah it"s trueI"m looking at the sunset wondering, "So what?"The tin man"s got nothing on meHeart, I hope you wake up soonI don"t know why I feel like I should changeI don"t know why what I need and what I want can"t be the same thing, ohI don"t know why I don"t miss my friendsI don"t know why I cannot comprehend how special love can beAnd it"s right there for the takingWith a hammer and a nail a man left to dieWith a hammer and a nail I eat this coconut, yeah it"s goodI"m looking at the sunset wondering, "So what?"The tin man"s got nothing on meHeart, I hope you wake up soonThe tin man"s got nothing on meWith a hammer and a nail a man left to dieWith a hammer and a nail I eat this coconut, yeah it"s goodI"m looking at the sunset wondering, "So what?"The tin man"s got nothing on meHeart, I hope you wake up soon, pleasehttp://music.baidu.com/song/682239

Landon Pigg的《Rooftops》 歌词

歌曲名:Rooftops歌手:Landon Pigg专辑:The Boy Who NeverRooftopsWhen our time is up,When our lives are done,Will we say we"ve had our fun?Will we make a mark,This time.Will we always say we tried.Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.This is all we"ve got now,Everybody scream your heart out.All the love I"ve met,I have no regrets,If it all ends now,I"m set.Will we make our mark,This time.Will we always say we tried?Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.This is all we"ve got now,Everybody scream your heart out.Standing on the rooftop,Waiting till the bomb drops,This is all we"ve got now,Scream until your heart stops,Never gonna regret,Watching every sunset,Listen to your heartbeat,All the love that we"ve felt.Standing on the rooftop,Waiting till the bomb drops,This is all we"ve got now,Scream until your heart stops,Never gonna regret,Watching every sunset,Listen to your heartbeat,All the love that we"ve felt.Scream your heart out.Scream your heart out.Scream your heart out.Scream your...Standing on the rooftops,Everybody scream your heart out.This is all we"ve got now,Everybody scream your...http://music.baidu.com/song/608298

Landon Pigg的《Sailed On》 歌词

小左*编辑歌曲:Sailed On歌手:Landon PiggPlease dont do what I sayCause if you dont love me, its worthless anywayPlease dont trouble yourselfYoull only go away in the endPlease dont follow all my commandsCause whats the point in thatI keep hoping that all of your plansWill fall through the roofChorus:Like two ships passing in the night were goneOnly the moon and the stars in the sky did knowTo cry for meAs I sailed onPlease dont trouble yourselfI only want your loveYou keep giving me your helpOh please stop playing alongYou know your wasting your energyAnd your breaking my heartLike two ships passing in the night were goneOnly the moon and the stars in the sky did knowTo cry for meAs I sailed onOh I can just see it now (I can see it now)Your recklessly in loveYour hearts boiling overOh I can just see it nowYour coming aroundLike two ships passing in the night were goneOnly the moon and the stars in the sky did knowTo cry for meAs I sailed onsailed onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/378652




没有pigg这个品牌的摩托车,但有PIAGGIO即比亚乔摩托,比亚乔是意大利著名摩托车品牌,也是欧洲规模最大的摩托车制造企业,是全球第一辆踏板车VESPA的制造商,除PIAGGIO品牌外,意大利比亚乔集团还拥有韦士柏(Vespa)、吉列那(Gilera)、德比(Derbi),古兹(Moto Guzzi)、阿普里亚(Aprilia)等众多世界著名的摩托车品牌,其两轮机车产销量高居欧洲第1位,在国内有与宗申合资的宗申比亚乔,在广东佛山。

圣诞节的由来 Christmas Day, the 25th of December, is the biggest festival celebrated in the Christi


Gold digger的歌词,要中文翻译!

Gold 黄金digger 挖掘者应该是说淘金的人吧~

《gold digger》的中文歌词!

feat. Jamie Foxx)[Jamie Foxx]She take my money when I"m in needYea she"s a trifflin friend indeedOh she"s a gold digga way over townThat dig"s on me[Chorus:](She takes my money)Now I aint sayin she a gold digger (When I"m Need)But she aint messin wit no broke niggaz(She takes my money)Now I aint sayin she a gold digger (When I"m need)but she aint messin wit no broke niggazget down girl gone head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl gone head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl gone head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl gone head[Verse 1:]Cutie the bombMet her at a beauty salonWith a baby louis vuittonUnder her underarmShe said I can tell you ROCI can tell by ya charmFar as girls you got a flockI can tell by ya charm and ya armbut I"m lookin for the onehave you seen herMy psychic told me she have a ass like SerenaTrina, Jennifer Lopez, four kidsAn i gotta take all they bad ass to show-bizOk get ya kids but then they got their friendsI Pulled up in the Benz, they all got up InWe all went to Den and then I had to payIf you fuckin with this girl then you betta be payedYou know whyIt take too much to touch herFrom what I heard she got a baby by BustaMy best friend say she use to fuck wit UsherI dont care what none of yall say I still love her[Chorus:](She takes my money)Now I aint sayin she a gold digger (When I"m Need)But she aint messin wit no broke niggaz(She takes my money)Now I aint sayin she a gold digger (When I"m need)but she aint messin wit no broke niggazget down girl gone head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl gone head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl gone head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl gone head[Verse 2:]18 years, 18 yearsShe got one of yo kids got you for 18 yearsI know somebody payin child support for one of his kidsHis baby momma"s car and crib is bigger than hisYou will see him on TV Any Given SundayWin the Superbowl and drive off in a HyundaiShe was spose to buy ya shorty TYCO with ya moneyShe went to the doctor got lypo with ya moneyShe walkin around lookin like Michael with ya moneyShould of got that insured got GEICO for ya moneeeyIf you aint no punk holla We Want PrenupWE WANT PRENUP!, YeaahIt"s something that you need to haveCause when she leave yo ass she gone leave with half18 years, 18 yearsAnd on her 18th birthday he found out it wasn"t his[Chorus:](She takes my money)Now I aint sayin she a gold digger (When I"m Need)But she aint messin wit no broke niggaz(She takes my money)Now I aint sayin she a gold digger (When I"m need)but she aint messin wit no broke niggazget down girl gone head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl gone head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl gone head get down (I gotta leave)get down girl gone head[Verse 3:]Now I aint sayin you a gold digger you got needsYou dont want ya dude to smoke but he can"t buy weedYou got out to eat and he cant pay yall cant leaveThere"s dishes in the back, he gotta roll up his sleevesBut why yall washin watch himHe gone make it into a Benz out of that DatsonHe got that ambition baby look in his eyesThis week he moppin floorz next week it"s the friesSo, stick by his sideI know his dude"s ballin but yea thats niceAnd they gone keep callin and tryinBut you stay right girlBut when you get on he leave yo a** for a white girlGet down girl gone head get downGet down girl gone head get downget down girl gone head get downget down girl gone head(lemme hear dat bak)

英语Europe’s third-biggest truck-marker怎么翻译?

Europe"s third-biggest truck-marker欧洲第三大卡车标志

Beijing is bigger than ( ) in Jiangsu. ()中填any other city 还是any city?

几道小学六年级的英语题.选择部分:1.The sun is _____ bigger than the moon.A.q?

1、C,因为这里是太阳与月亮之间的大小比较,在比较级bigger前只能用选项C.一般more是用在无法直接加er的表示比较级,比如more beautiful. 2、D这里是考察最高级的用法,此题很显然问的是班级里谁的学习最好,一个班肯定有3个以上的学生,因此要用最高级best. 3、a little 用来修饰不可数名词,few用来形容可数名词的复数形式.知道这一知识点后就很容易选择C 4、此题有两个考点,即忘记做某事forget to do sth和tell *** .about sth.明确两个考点后,自然能选出答案C和D(选项是一样的).,5,几道小学六年级的英语题. 选择部分: 1.The sun is _____ bigger than the moon. A.quite B.very C.much D.more 2.Who studies _____ in your class? A.good B.better C.the better D.best 3.He knows _____ English and he has _____ English friends. A.a little,a few B.a few,a little C.a little,few D.a few,little 4.I forget ____ you ____ it last time. A.tell,about B.tell,with C.to tell,about D.to tell,about


Are your feet bigger than mine?或Are my feet bigger than yours?句子中有be动词变一般疑问句时,直接把be动词提到主语的前面。

twice as big as 与 twice bigger than 的区别



1. get bigger我比你更大翻译为get bigger。示例:我个儿比你更小更矮些是的,我比你更大个更强壮。I"m thinner than you and shorter. Yes. I"m bigger and stronger than you.来源:英国拉丁词典2. greater tolerance我比你更大翻译为greater tolerance。示例:我比你更大更强壮。I"m bigger and stronger than you.来源:在线英语词典3. have off我比你更大翻译为have off。示例:你当时很高兴,然后你来到我家里,你发现我有一个比你更大的、图像更清晰的电视机。You"re very happy with it and then you come to my house, and I have a bigger, clearer picture than yours.来源:中小学生词典4. greatter英语网络翻译1. have off( 我休得假比你的少)2. get bigger( 变得更大;变更大)3. greater tolerance(更大耐性)4. greatter( 更大)5. largier( 更大)英语短语&俚语I"m stronger than you ( 但我比你更强大 )我比你更大翻译例句1. i"m a lot older than you, and that means i"m a lot stronger than you.译文:我比你老自然比你强。2. i"m taller and older than you.译文:我比你高,而且我也比你大。3. - Hey, i"m bigger than you.译文:我比你高大。4. We"ve got bigger problems than your new dress.

my shoes are bigger than his改为一般疑问句?

一般疑问句Are your shoes bigger than his?

英语谚语"the bigger,the better"是什么意思


your bag is bigger than 后面加什么


We should be part of something bigger than oursel



绝对是higher.我有个题目和你一样的 答案是higher


它似乎比我想象中的还要大。What I have imagine(宾语从句,作宾补)

比较级可以后置吗?比如I had one bigger than that对吗?

比较级,用到名词或者是代词的前面,不能用到后面。但是可以用到系动词的后面。所以这个句子可以说成:I had a bigger one than that.或者The one is bigger than that.

60个形容词,并写出写出比较级和最高级。(big bigger. Biggest )

Tall taller than the tallestShort shorter than the shortestBig bigger than the biggestLarge larger than the largestSmall smaller than the smallestEasy easier than the easiestDifficult more difficult than the most difficultHard harder than the hardestSoft softer than the softestquick quicker than the quickestfast faster than the fastestslow slower than the slowestcheap cheaper than the cheapestexpensive more expensive than the most expensiveyoung younger than the youngestold older than the oldestnew newer than the newestwide wider than the widestnarrow narrower than the narrowestdeep deeper than the deepestflat flatter than the flattestthick thicker than the thickestthin thinner than the thinnestfat fatter than the fatteststrong stronger than the strongestweak weaker than the weakestslim slimmer than the slimmestlate later than the latestearly earlier than the earliestsoon sooner than the soonestsimple simpler than the simplestcomplicated more complicated than the most complicatedfar from farther from ... than the farthest .. ·fromnear nearer than the nearestclose to closer to ... than the closest. .. tohigh higher than the highestlow lower than the lowestgood better than the bestbad worse than the worstrich richer than the richestpoor poorer than the poorestclean cleaner than the cleanestdirty dirtier than the dirtiestempty emptier than the emptiestfull fuller than the fullesthot hotter than the hottestwarm warmer than the warmestcold colder than the coldestcool cooler than the coolestwet wetter than the wettestdry drier than the driestwindy windier than the windiestnoisy noisier than the noisiestthirsty thirstier than the thirstiesthungry hungrier than the hungriestfresh fresher than the freshestsweet sweeter than the sweetestgreat greater than the greatestloud louder than the loudestquiet quieter than the quietestclear clearer than the clearestbright brighter than the brightestdark darker than the darkestlight lighter than the lightestheavy heavier than the heaviestbrave braver than the bravesthappy happier than the happiestsad sadder than the saddestclever cleverer than the cleverestfunny funnier than the funniestsafe safer than the safestlucky luckier than the luckiestlazy lazier than the laziestkind kinder than the kindestnice nicer than the nicestpretty prettier than the prettiest

less bigger

没看过这样用的,通常都是,not bigger than,not as big as.如果有的话,我肯定不会是 less bigger than.


twice/double the size of

Bigger Than Us 歌词

歌曲名:Bigger Than Us歌手:hannah montana专辑:Hannah Montana 2 Non-Stop Dance PartyBigger Than Us - Hannah MontanaI see your face, I look in your eyesWhat you feel is no surpriseEveryone needs somethin" to believe inTell me your dreams I"ll tell you mineIn our hearts we"ll look insideand see all the colors of the rainbowI knowWe all want to believe in loveWe all want to believe in somethingBigger than just usWe all want to be a partOf the greater pictureThat"s hanging in our hearts (our hearts)Yeah, its bigger than usI want to see beyond my own little worldGrab your hand so we can twirl around the galaxySee the world with clarity oh, ohOh, oh, we have such a long way to goBut I knowWe"re getting closer every dayEVERY DAY!We all want to believe in loveWe all want to believe in somethingBigger than just usWe all want to be a partOf the greater pictureThat"s hanging in our hearts (our hearts)Yeah, its bigger than usIt fills the universe, it lights the skies aboveIt rescues all our heartsWith loveL.O.V.E love, with love, L.O.V.E loveThat"s what"s bigger than us (bigger than us, Come on!)Its love, its love that"s bigger than usIts love, its love that"s bigger than usIts love, its love(its love, its love, its love, its love)We all wanna believe in loveWe all wanna believe in somethingBigger than just ushttp://music.baidu.com/song/17698488

is four times the size of B.和A is four times bigger than B.的区别

意思是不一样的 A is four times the size of B.意思是A是B的四倍 A is four times bigger than B 意思是A比B 大四倍,即A是B的五倍

my school bag is bigger than什么,用你的正确形式填空?


three times bigger than和three times as big as有区别么

three times bigger than大三倍three times as big as三倍大(大两倍)

bigger twice than

倍数的两种用法: 1.as+倍数+as 2.倍数+比较级+than A应该是twice larger than B没有这个用法 C形容房子大是空间大,用large,不用big

Bigger Than Us 歌词

歌曲名:Bigger Than Us 歌手:White Lies专辑:Bigger Than Us - EP03.Bigger Than Us.You took the tunnel route home,You""d never taken that way with me beforeDid you feel a need for change?Apologies on your fingernails,Love flickered in the city of lights,Like intermittent radio waves.I don""t need your tearsI don""t want your loveI just gotta get home..And I feel like I""m breaking up, and I wanted to stay,Headlights on the hillside, don""t take me this way,I don""t want you to hold me, I want you to pray,This is bigger than us..You went where the horses cry,You""d never taken that way with me before.Did you feel a need for change?Guilt smeared across your lips,I was tired and cold from the windowYou""re tired, nothing has changed..I don""t need your tearsI don""t want your loveI just gotta get home..And I feel like I""m breaking up, and I wanted to stay,Headlights on the hillside, don""t take me this way,I don""t want you to hold me, I want you to pray,This is bigger than us.http://music.baidu.com/song/17591002

bigger than us的歌词

(L.O.V.E. love, L.O.V.E...)I see your face, I look in your eyes,What you feel is no surprise,Everyone needs something to believe in,Tell me your dreams, I"l l tell you mine,In our hearts we"l l look inside,And see all of the colors of the rainbow,I know![Chorus]We all want to believe in love,We all want to believe in something,Bigger than just us,We all want to be a part,Of the greater picture,That"s hangin" in our hearts,Yeah it"s bigger than us!I want to see beyond my own little world,Grab your hands so we can twirl around the galaxy,see the world with clarity,Oh-oo-oh,We all have a long way to go,But I know,We"re getting closer everyday,Everyday![Chorus]We all want to believe in love,We all want to believe in something,Bigger than just us,We all want to be a part,Of the greater picture,That"s hangin" in our heart,Yeah bigger than us!It fills the universe,It lights the skies above,It rescues our hearts with love,(L.o.v.e, love)with love!(l.o.v.e, love)That"s what"s bigger than us! (bigger than us, c"mon)It"slove, it"s love, that"s bigger than usIt"s love, it"s love, that"s bigger than us(Whoo!)It"s love, it"s love! (it"s love, it"s love!)We all want to believe in love,We all want to believe in something,Bigger than just us!

no bigger和notbigger区别

no more than 不比什么什么(两者否定) He is no more clever than me.他和我都挺笨的. not more than 不比……怎么样 后者不一定否定 She is not more beautiful than me.她比我丑.

bigger than 什么 of

the one因为是特指,所以用 the one望采纳,谢谢

Bigger Than Us 歌词

歌曲名:Bigger Than Us歌手:White Lies专辑:RitualHannah MontanaBigger than Us(L.O.V.E. love, L.O.V.E...)I see your face, I look in your eyes,What you feel is no surprise,Everyone needs something to believe in,Tell me your dreams, I"ll tell you mine,In our hearts we"ll look inside,And see all of the colors of the rainbow,I know!We all want to believe in love,We all want to believe in something,Bigger than just us,We all want to be a part,Of the greater picture,That"s hangin" in our hearts,Yeah it"s bigger than us!I want to see beyond my own little world,Grab your hands so we can twirl around the galaxy,see the world with clarity,Oh-oo-oh,We all have a long way to go,But I know,We"re getting closer everyday,Everyday!We all want to believe in love,We all want to believe in something,Bigger than just us,We all want to be a part,Of the greater picture,That"s hangin" in our heart,Yeah bigger than us!It fills the universe,It lights the skies above,It rescues our hearts with love,(L.o.v.e, love)with love!(l.o.v.e, love)That"s what"s bigger than us!(bigger than us, c"mon)It"s love, it"s love, that"s bigger than usIt"s love, it"s love, that"s bigger than us(Whoo!)It"s love, it"s love! (it"s love, it"s love!)We all want to believe in love,We all want to believe in something,Bigger than just us!http://music.baidu.com/song/7163006

much bigger than before?

bigger than 比...大.用much修饰bigger,说明程度大得多.其他的用来修饰比较的常用词还有a little,a bit, a lot, even 等

经常看到way bigger than什么什么


英文中的X times as big as是不是和X times bigger than一样?

第一个是:是u22efX 倍数那么大。如:This room is three times as big as that one. 这个房间是那间房间的三倍那么大。

关于英语的问题 bigger than any 和 bigger than any other

看和谁比了比如:1.China is bigger than any country in Africa2.China is bigger than any other country in Asia同一个范围就有other 不同就没有懂伐?

as bigger than

这个题应该选C.但是应该是bigger than 如果选A,应该是as big as. 比较级的表达方式: 1.as+形容词原级+as 2.比较级+than


因为这句话要用比较级。Your apple is bigger than mine.意思是“你的苹果比我的苹果大”。表示比较的意思是,big要用比较级bigger,表示更大。

three times bigger than是几倍

Three times bigger than.比……大三倍如 This desk is three times bigger than that one.这张书桌比那张大三倍。

后街男孩新歌bigger 的歌词翻译

孩子....自己去GOOGLE翻译去翻翻吧....省的以后问别人..... http://translate.google.cn/#

Shanghai is bigger than _____ in Jiangsu and bigger than _____ in China.

any city是任何城市,any other city是任何其他城市。因为上海不在江苏省内,所以是any city,但是上海市在中国范围内,所以是any other city.希望可以帮助到你,望采纳。谢谢!





a is more bigger than b.


once bigger than

这和汉语里差不多…… Our classroom is twice as big as theirs 这句话是说我们的教室是他们两个教室的大(他们*2=我们) Our classroom is !once !bigger than theirs 而这句话是说我们的教室比他们还大一倍(我们大于他们 且他们+他们=我们) 第三句应该和第一句一样的 关键在一个as……as和一个bigger than上 一个是和……一样 强调一样 另一个强调比……大 也就是:一个是等式 一个是不等式~~~ 希望能帮到你 祝你考出好成绩!

The hotel is four times bigger than you hotel.

four times四倍

Her feet are bigger than __ 是填his,my还是me?


请英语大侠告诉我more bigger 与much bigger 的差别

more bigger是错误的啦,语法错误much bigger才是正确的。

bigger than big有语法错误吗

有。。后面那个big也应该加个er 意思是一个比一个大。。。than表示比较的时候,前后都要求是是比较级。

iPhone 6 发布会中「bigger than bigger」如何翻译最好?


iphone在2014年发布会的bigger than bigger怎么翻译

北京时间2014年9月10日凌晨1点,苹果秋季新品发布会在美国库伯提诺市弗林特剧院举行,苹果发布iPhone 6和首款可穿戴智能设备Apple Watch。在发布会上,库克给出了新一期广告文案:Bigger than bigger,对于此广告文案两岸官网给出了不同的翻译版本,两岸翻译各有不同。网友:大无止境、大有不同、更大的逼格。苹果官网再度出现了神翻译,把“Bigger than bigger”翻译成了“比更大还更大”对于苹果iPhone 6广告语Bigger Than Bigger,网友欢乐提供如下翻译:1、逼格再起;2、大哥大更大;3.岂止于逼格;4.越逼格越逼格;5、逾大之越;6、逾过山丘;7、大美之悦;8、大者为美;9、大方无隅--Then,This is it.(苹果大陆官方:比更大还更大,香港/台湾:岂止于大);10、比逼格更有逼格哈哈 逼格更逼格不错

苹果官网的Bigger than bigger是什么意思

苹果官网的Bigger than bigger意思是:“岂止于大”  iPhone 6发布之后,苹果中国官网再度出现了神翻译,把“Bigger than bigger”翻译成了“比更大还更大”,现在这一口号终于改了。目前苹果中国官网已经把“比更大还更大”换成了“岂止于大”,和香港及台湾官网上的翻译一致。

The biggest one in Fifth Street!为什么用in而不用at,

in the street 固定搭配 再说at 范围区域感比较重

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