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《The Theory of Learning in Games》(Drew Fudenberg)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YibPW8Dq03BI2aP1JsDITA 提取码: h83q书名:The Theory of Learning in Games作者:Drew Fudenberg出版社:The MIT Press出版年份:1998-05-22页数:292内容简介:In economics, most noncooperative game theory has focused on equilibrium in games, especially Nash equilibrium and its refinements. The traditional explanation for when and why equilibrium arises is that it results from analysis and introspection by the players in a situation where the rules of the game, the rationality of the players, and the players" payoff functions are all common knowledge. Both conceptually and empirically, this theory has many problems.<br /> <br /> In The Theory of Learning in Games Drew Fudenberg and David Levine develop an alternative explanation that equilibrium arises as the long-run outcome of a process in which less than fully rational players grope for optimality over time. The models they explore provide a foundation for equilibrium theory and suggest useful ways for economists to evaluate and modify traditional equilibrium concepts.作者简介:朱·弗登伯格(Drew Fudenberg),哈佛大学经济系教授。1981年毕业于麻省理工学院,获得经济学博士学位。主要研究领域为博弈论和动态经济学。曾在加州大学伯克利分校、麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学和法国图卢兹大学任教。

whai i have learned from my college study and life 的英文作文

How time flies! In a wink I am on a threshold of graduation. It is a good time to look back to my campus life and have a reflection on my most previous years in my whole life. During the four years, there are sorrows and happiness, ups and downs, and it is full of color and achievements. I gained a lot, psychologically and physically.To begin with, study at university equipped me with knowledge. Most people firmly believe that university is an ivory tower where we enrich our knowledge, improve our observation and learn methods. It is well known that it is an ideal place for learning, because there are numerous excellent professors and experts, both academically and practically. In addition, reading and study shape my inclination and associating with different people makes me grow mature.Besides, I learned that love alone can awake love. In the years of study, our dear professors have set good examples for us, their responsibilities, their carefulness and their detailed preparation of class, all of there rolled into one thing: that is their deep love to the course and us purples. Illness and bad weather can never easily wither their passion and enthusiasm. From them I for the first time have a clear understanding of our parents" life and their greatness. This makes me think a lot about the meaning of life, and it lets me know that it is the contribution not demanding that values.What"s more, I learn from our classmates to be considerate and thoughtful. They never le......t any details of others students" unhappiness and troubles slip from their fingers. When you are in a tight corner, they will give you their hands and help you out, which give you warmness and happiness. It is in college that I know the sense of true friendship. It is the place where I learn how to deal and share with my friends; a place where I learn to be more grateful to my parents" hardworking. I tried my best to be nice to my friends and tried to know more about them. It is evident that if you want to be treated nicely by other students, try to be nice to others first. A pure friendship is previous; friends can share happiness and sadness with each other with true heart. Life is full of ups and downs. In my later life, I will help those who are in great need to avoid pitfalls and give a hand to people in plight on the road of life.In a word, campus life offers us greatly. The campus years are considered as the most important period in our lives which will set out future. It matures our thought and broadens our horizon, and it lets make me know what are valuable to our life.

【TODO】【scikit-learn翻译】4.2.3Text feature extraction

Text Analysis is a major application field for machine learning algorithms. However the raw data, a sequence of symbols cannot be fed directly to the algorithms themselves as most of them expect numerical feature vectors with a fixed size rather than the raw text documents with variable length. 文本分析是机器学习算法的主要应用领域。 然而,原始数据,符号文字序列不能直接传递给算法,因为它们大多数要求具有固定长度的数字矩阵特征向量,而不是具有可变长度的原始文本文档。 In order to address this, scikit-learn provides utilities for the most common ways to extract numerical features from text content, namely: 为解决这个问题,scikit-learn提供了从文本内容中提取数字特征的最常见方法,即: In this scheme, features and samples are defined as follows: 在该方案中,特征和样本定义如下: A corpus of documents can thus be represented by a matrix with one row per document and one column per token (e.g. word) occurring in the corpus. 因此,文本的集合可被表示为矩阵形式,每行对应一条文本,每列对应每个文本中出现的词令牌(如单个词)。 We call vectorization the general process of turning a collection of text documents into numerical feature vectors. This specific strategy (tokenization, counting and normalization) is called the Bag of Words or “Bag of n-grams” representation. Documents are described by word occurrences while completely ignoring the relative position information of the words in the document. 我们称 向量化 是将文本文档集合转换为数字集合特征向量的普通方法。 这种特殊思想(令牌化,计数和归一化)被称为 Bag of Words 或 “Bag of n-grams” 模型。 文档由单词出现来描述,同时完全忽略文档中单词的相对位置信息。 As most documents will typically use a very small subset of the words used in the corpus, the resulting matrix will have many feature values that are zeros (typically more than 99% of them). 由于大多数文本文档通常只使用文本词向量全集中的一个小子集,所以得到的矩阵将具有许多特征值为零(通常大于99%)。 For instance a collection of 10,000 short text documents (such as emails) will use a vocabulary with a size in the order of 100,000 unique words in total while each document will use 100 to 1000 unique words individually. 例如,10,000 个短文本文档(如电子邮件)的集合将使用总共100,000个独特词的大小的词汇,而每个文档将单独使用100到1000个独特的单词。 In order to be able to store such a matrix in memory but also to speed up algebraic operations matrix / vector, implementations will typically use a sparse representation such as the implementations available in the scipy.sparse package. 为了能够将这样的矩阵存储在存储器中,并且还可以加速代数的矩阵/向量运算,实现通常将使用诸如 scipy.sparse 包中的稀疏实现。 CountVectorizer implements both tokenization and occurrence counting in a single class: 类 CountVectorizer 在单个类中实现了 tokenization (词语切分)和 occurrence counting (出现频数统计): This model has many parameters, however the default values are quite reasonable (please see the reference documentation for the details): 这个模型有很多参数,但参数的默认初始值是相当合理的(请参阅 参考文档 了解详细信息): Let"s use it to tokenize and count the word occurrences of a minimalistic corpus of text documents: 我们用它来对简约的文本语料库进行 tokenize(分词)和统计单词出现频数: The default configuration tokenizes the string by extracting words of at least 2 letters. The specific function that does this step can be requested explicitly: 默认配置通过提取至少 2 个字母的单词来对 string 进行分词。做这一步的函数可以显式地被调用: Each term found by the analyzer during the fit is assigned a unique integer index corresponding to a column in the resulting matrix. This interpretation of the columns can be retrieved as follows: analyzer 在拟合过程中找到的每个 term(项)都会被分配一个唯一的整数索引,对应于 resulting matrix(结果矩阵)中的一列。此列的一些说明可以被检索如下: The converse mapping from feature name to column index is stored in the vocabulary_ attribute of the vectorizer: 从 feature 名称到 column index(列索引) 的逆映射存储在 vocabulary_ 属性中: Hence words that were not seen in the training corpus will be completely ignored in future calls to the transform method: 因此,在未来对 transform 方法的调用中,在 training corpus (训练语料库)中没有看到的单词将被完全忽略: Note that in the previous corpus, the first and the last documents have exactly the same words hence are encoded in equal vectors. In particular we lose the information that the last document is an interrogative form. To preserve some of the local ordering information we can extract 2-grams of words in addition to the 1-grams (individual words): 请注意,在前面的 corpus(语料库)中,第一个和最后一个文档具有完全相同的词,因为被编码成相同的向量。 特别是我们丢失了最后一个文件是一个疑问的形式的信息。为了防止词组顺序颠倒,除了提取一元模型 1-grams(个别词)之外,我们还可以提取 2-grams 的单词: The vocabulary extracted by this vectorizer is hence much bigger and can now resolve ambiguities encoded in local positioning patterns: 由 vectorizer(向量化器)提取的 vocabulary(词汇)因此会变得更大,同时可以在定位模式时消除歧义: In particular the interrogative form “Is this” is only present in the last document: 特别是 “Is this” 的疑问形式只出现在最后一个文档中: In a large text corpus, some words will be very present (e.g. “the”, “a”, “is” in English) hence carrying very little meaningful information about the actual contents of the document. If we were to feed the direct count data directly to a classifier those very frequent terms would shadow the frequencies of rarer yet more interesting terms. 在一个大的文本语料库中,一些单词将出现很多次(例如 “the”, “a”, “is” 是英文),因此对文档的实际内容没有什么有意义的信息。 如果我们将直接计数数据直接提供给分类器,那么这些频繁词组会掩盖住那些我们关注但很少出现的词。 In order to re-weight the count features into floating point values suitable for usage by a classifier it is very common to use the tf–idf transform. 为了为了重新计算特征权重,并将其转化为适合分类器使用的浮点值,因此使用 tf-idf 变换是非常常见的。 Tf means term-frequency while tf–idf means term-frequency times inverse document-frequency : Using the TfidfTransformer "s default settings, TfidfTransformer(norm="l2", use_idf=True, smooth_idf=True, sublinear_tf=False) the term frequency, the number of times a term occurs in a given document, is multiplied with idf component, which is computed as , where is the total number of documents, and is the number of documents that contain term . The resulting tf-idf vectors are then normalized by the Euclidean norm: . Tf表示 词频 ,而 tf-idf 表示术语频率乘以 逆文档频率 : 使用 TfidfTransformer 的默认设置, TfidfTransformer(norm="l2", use_idf=True, smooth_idf=True, sublinear_tf=False) 词频即一个词在给定文档中出现的次数,乘以 idf 即通过 计算, 其中 是文档的总数, 是包含词 的文档数。 然后,所得到的tf-idf向量通过欧几里得范数归一化: . This was originally a term weighting scheme developed for information retrieval (as a ranking function for search engines results) that has also found good use in document classification and clustering. The following sections contain further explanations and examples that illustrate how the tf-idfs are computed exactly and how the tf-idfs computed in scikit-learn"s TfidfTransformer and TfidfVectorizer differ slightly from the standard textbook notation that defines the idf as In the TfidfTransformer and TfidfVectorizer with smooth_idf=False , the “1” count is added to the idf instead of the idf"s denominator: 它源于一个词权重的信息检索方式(作为搜索引擎结果的评级函数),同时也在文档分类和聚类中表现良好。 以下部分包含进一步说明和示例,说明如何精确计算 tf-idfs 以及如何在 scikit-learn 中计算 tf-idfs, TfidfTransformer 并 TfidfVectorizer 与定义 idf 的标准教科书符号略有不同 在 TfidfTransformer 和 TfidfVectorizer 中 smooth_idf=False ,将 “1” 计数添加到 idf 而不是 idf 的分母: This normalization is implemented by the TfidfTransformer class: 该归一化由类 TfidfTransformer 实现: Again please see the reference documentation for the details on all the parameters. 有关所有参数的详细信息,请参阅 参考文档 。 Let"s take an example with the following counts. The first term is present 100% of the time hence not very interesting. The two other features only in less than 50% of the time hence probably more representative of the content of the documents: 让我们以下方的词频为例。第一个次在任何时间都是100%出现,因此不是很有重要。另外两个特征只占不到50%的比例,因此可能更具有代表性: Each row is normalized to have unit Euclidean norm: For example, we can compute the tf-idf of the first term in the first document in the <cite style="font-style: normal;">counts</cite> array as follows: Now, if we repeat this computation for the remaining 2 terms in the document, we get and the vector of raw tf-idfs: Then, applying the Euclidean (L2) norm, we obtain the following tf-idfs for document 1: Furthermore, the default parameter smooth_idf=True adds “1” to the numerator and denominator as if an extra document was seen containing every term in the collection exactly once, which prevents zero divisions: Using this modification, the tf-idf of the third term in document 1 changes to 1.8473: And the L2-normalized tf-idf changes to : 每行都被正则化,使其适应欧几里得标准: 例如,我们可以计算 计数 数组中第一个文档中第一个项的 tf-idf ,如下所示: 现在,如果我们对文档中剩下的2个术语重复这个计算,我们得到: 和原始 tf-idfs 的向量: 然后,应用欧几里德(L2)规范,我们获得文档1的以下 tf-idfs: 此外,默认参数 smooth_idf=True 将 “1” 添加到分子和分母,就好像一个额外的文档被看到一样包含集合中的每个术语,这样可以避免零分割: 使用此修改,文档1中第三项的 tf-idf 更改为 1.8473: 而 L2 标准化的 tf-idf 变为 : The weights of each feature computed by the fit method call are stored in a model attribute: 通过 fit 方法调用计算出的每个特征的权重存储在模型属性中: As tf–idf is very often used for text features, there is also another class called TfidfVectorizer that combines all the options of CountVectorizer and TfidfTransformer in a single model: 由于 tf-idf 经常用于文本特征,所以还有一个类 TfidfVectorizer ,它将 CountVectorizer 和 TfidfTransformer 的所有选项组合在一个单例模型中: While the tf–idf normalization is often very useful, there might be cases where the binary occurrence markers might offer better features. This can be achieved by using the binary parameter of CountVectorizer . In particular, some estimators such as Bernoulli Naive Bayes explicitly model discrete boolean random variables. Also, very short texts are likely to have noisy tf–idf values while the binary occurrence info is more stable. 虽然tf-idf标准化通常非常有用,但是可能有一种情况是二元变量显示会提供更好的特征。 这可以使用类 CountVectorizer 的 二进制 参数来实现。 特别地,一些估计器,诸如 伯努利朴素贝叶斯 显式的使用离散的布尔随机变量。 而且,非常短的文本很可能影响 tf-idf 值,而二进制出现信息更稳定。 As usual the best way to adjust the feature extraction parameters is to use a cross-validated grid search, for instance by pipelining the feature extractor with a classifier: 通常情况下,调整特征提取参数的最佳方法是使用基于网格搜索的交叉验证,例如通过将特征提取器与分类器进行流水线化: Text is made of characters, but files are made of bytes. These bytes represent characters according to some encoding . To work with text files in Python, their bytes must be decoded to a character set called Unicode. Common encodings are ASCII, Latin-1 (Western Europe), KOI8-R (Russian) and the universal encodings UTF-8 and UTF-16. Many others exist. Note An encoding can also be called a ‘character set", but this term is less accurate: several encodings can exist for a single character set. The text feature extractors in scikit-learn know how to decode text files, but only if you tell them what encoding the files are in. The CountVectorizer takes an encoding parameter for this purpose. For modern text files, the correct encoding is probably UTF-8, which is therefore the default ( encoding="utf-8" ). If the text you are loading is not actually encoded with UTF-8, however, you will get a UnicodeDecodeError . The vectorizers can be told to be silent about decoding errors by setting the decode_error parameter to either "ignore" or "replace" . See the documentation for the Python function bytes.decode for more details (type help(bytes.decode) at the Python prompt). If you are having trouble decoding text, here are some things to try: For example, the following snippet uses chardet (not shipped with scikit-learn, must be installed separately) to figure out the encoding of three texts. It then vectorizes the texts and prints the learned vocabulary. The output is not shown here. <pre style="padding: 5px 10px; font-family: Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace; font-size: 13px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); border-radius: 4px; display: block; margin: 0.1em 0px 0.5em; line-height: 1.2em; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); overflow: auto hidden;">>>> import chardet (Depending on the version of chardet , it might get the first one wrong.) For an introduction to Unicode and character encodings in general, see Joel Spolsky"s Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode .

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Michael Learns To Rock 新单曲 Any Way You Want It 谁有这歌词 中英文版

Michael Learns To RockANY WAY YOU WANT ITIt"s a long and lonely nightearly in the morningI can see a million lightsAnd many dreams are callingBeauty as a flowerSlipping trough the wallsAm I about to lose it all(and she says:)Chorus:Any way you want itAnything you needBaby you"re the masterthat I want to pleaseLove is getting harderwith a nice tattooYes I came for youSo she saidI am walking on my ownas the sun is shiningBut a message on my phoneMakes my thoughts collidingClever conversationsget a little numbMakes me feel that we belong to none(and she says:)Chorus:Any way you want itAnything you needBaby you"re the masterthat I want to pleaseLove is getting harderwith a nice tattooI had it made for youSo she saidRelease:I will show you something that you never tried beforeBaby I will make you beg for moreStanding here preventing you from running for the doorJust touch me now … anyhowBeauty as a flowerSlipping trough the wallsAm I losing my mind Why did I return your call

Michael Learns To Rock的《25 Minutes》 歌词

歌曲名:25 Minutes歌手:Michael Learns To Rock专辑:Everlasting Love Songs25 MinutesCompose / Lyrics / Vocal / Jascha Richter.After some timeI"ve finally made up my mindShe is the girlAnd I really want to make her mineI"m searching everywhere to find her againTo tell her I love herAnd I"m sorry about the things I"ve doneI find her standing in front of the churchThe only place in town where I didn"t searchShe looks so happy in her weddingdressBut she"s crying while she"s saying thisBoy I"ve missed your kisses all the timeBut this is twenty-five minutes too lateThough you travelled so farBoy, I"m sorry you are twenty-five minutes too lateAgainst the windI"m going home againWishing me backTo the time when we were more than friendsBut still I see her in front of the churchThe only place in town where I didn"t searchShe looked so happy in her weddingdressBut she cried while she was saying thisBoy I"ve missed your kisses all the timeBut this is twenty-five minutes too lateThough you travelled so farBoy, I"m sorry you are twenty-five minutes too lateOut in the streetsPlace where hungry hearts have nothing to eatInside my head still I can hear words she saidBoy I"ve missed your kisses all the timeBut this is twenty-five minutes too lateThough you travelled so farBoy, I"m sorry you are twenty-five minutes too lateBoy I"ve missed your kisses all the timeBut this is twenty-five minutes too lateIt"s too lateThough you travelled so farBoy, I"m sorry you are twenty-five minutes too lateI can still hear her sayBEYOND再见理想http://music.baidu.com/song/52764367

Michael Learns To Rock的《The Actor》 歌词

歌曲名:The Actor歌手:Michael Learns To Rock专辑:I Walk This Road AloneMichael Learns To Rock: The ActorHe takes you out and he takes you up"cause he can show you so muchI go to bed and tomorrow againthere"s a lot of work to be doneHe gives you gold and he"ll promise youthe whole world will be yoursI just can tell you I love you soeven though my odds are lowI"m not an actor, I"m not a starand I don"t even have my own carBut I"m hoping so much you"ll staythat you will love me anywayThe dirty games and the neonshowsthis is the world he knowsWatching the stars satisfies my soulthinking of him makes me feel so coldThe fancy cars and the restaurantsyou"re just so fond of the manSometimes I wonder if you are blindcan"t you see, he"s got dirt on his mind on his mindhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1412906

Michael Learns to Rock 中文名


Michael Learns To Rock 所有歌的下载地址。请帮我列出,谢谢。


《That‘s Why You Go Away》 - Michael Learns To Rock 是哪部电影的插曲,急等


Michael learns to rock的成员明明是四个,可是我买的正版专辑上,为什么只有三个人?

刚组是三个人嘛 后来拉了一个吉他手嘛。。。

Michael Learns To Rock有哪些中文改编歌

《be my side》和孙燕姿的《遇见 》 西域男孩的《紫藤花》和she的《紫藤花》 《bkack heart》和刘若英的《分开旅行》 robbie Williams 的《better man》和林忆莲的《better man》 《Rose Rose i love you 》和《玫瑰玫瑰我爱你》 M2M《the day you went away 》和王心凌的《第一次爱的人》

求michael learns to rock的animals的中文歌词


《Michael Learns To Rock》谁知道这几个英文单词的 汉语读音?

麦克尔 冷丝 兔 弱克

谁能把Micheal learns to rock(迈克学摇滚)的全部歌词传给我,最好附带汉语译文!

BLUE NIGHTLately you have been asking me If all my words are true Don"t you know I"ll do anything for you Something I haven"t been good to you Something I"ve made you cry And I am sorry for everything But I promise you girl I promise you this When the Blue night is over my face On the dark side of the world in space When I"m all alone with the stars above you are the one my love So theere"s no need to worry girl My heart is sealed for you And no one"s gonna take it away Cos" I promise you girl I Promise you this Your voice is calling to me in my dreams My love is stronger than it"s ever bee中文歌词:迈克尔学摇滚<blue圣母颂最近你一直问我如果我所有的话是真的你知不知道,我会为你做一切事情我没有得到你很好我已经尽了,你哭对不起一切但我答应你的女孩我答应你,这当蓝色的夜是我的脸对世界的黑暗面空间当我独自同星级以上你是一个我的爱所以不必担心女孩我的心是尘封你无人感伤地把它拿走麦肯,我答应你的女孩ETP工作室我答应你,你的声音是要求把我的梦想ETP Flash空间我的爱是大于它的过

Michael Learns To Rock的someday 的歌词翻译

In my search for freedomand and peace of mind在我寻找内心的自由和平静I"ve left the memories behind我已经把那段记忆留在过去(遗忘)Wanna start a new life我想开始一段新的生活but it seems to be rather absurd when I know the truth is that I always think of you但它似乎是十分荒谬的,当我明白事实上,我一直想着你Someday,someway,together we will be baby总会有一天,我们会一起变成孩子(我希望有一天我们能一起变成孩子)I will take and you will take your time我们一起慢慢的We"ll wait for our fate等待命运的到来(等待命中注定的那些事的到来)cos" nobody owns us因为我们不属于任何人(因为任何人都不能拥有我们)baby宝贝We can shake,we can shake the rock我们就等一起摇滚,摇滚 Try to throw the picture out of my mind一直尝试将这个画面从我脑海中删除try to leave the memories behind尝试着讲记忆留在过去(遗忘)Here by the ocean,wave"s carry voices from you但是当我站在海边,海浪带来了你的声音Do you know the truth I am thinking of you too你是否知道我也在想你 ?【重复】The love that we had together just fades away in time我们曾经的爱情正在随风飘逝(在时间长河中慢慢消逝)And now you"ve got your own world and I guess I"ve got mine现在你和我也各自有了属于自己的新生活But the passion that you planted in the middle of my heart is a passion that will never stop但是你带给我的那份激情在我心中永远不会停止Someday,someway,together we will be baby总会有一天,(某种意义上)我们会一起变成孩子I will take and you will take your time我们一起慢慢的We"ll wait for our fate等待命运的到来(等待命中注定的那些事的到来)cos" nobody owns us因为我们不属于任何人(因为任何人都不能拥有我们)baby宝贝We can shake,we can shake the rock我们就等一起摇滚,摇滚Someday,someway,together we will be baby总会有一天,(某种意义上)我们会一起变成孩子I will take and you will take your time我们一起慢慢的We"ll wait for our fate等待命运的到来(等待命中注定的那些事的到来)cos" nobody owns us因为我们不属于任何人(因为任何人都不能拥有我们)baby宝贝We can shake,we can shake the rock我们就等一起摇滚,摇滚... ...

that s why you go away michael learns to rock什么意思




The important of learning English?


learn 和 learn about的区别

learn指的是学习,learn about 是了解的意思

follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. learn to trust your heart. 翻译

翻译 跟随你的心,静静地。学会相信你的心

We are going to learn about instruments that you shake,rattle and bang. | about..部分是什么成分?

We are going to learn but instructionment.这是句子的主干,that后面的是定语从句。

michael learns to rock~blue唱的谁能翻译一下歌词

Blue Night ——Michael Learns to RockLately you have been asking me 最近你问我if all my words are true 是否我所说的是真的Don"t you know I"ll do anything for you难道你不知道我会为你做任何事 Sometimes I haven"t been good to you 有时我对你不好Sometimes I"ve made you cry 有时候我让你哭了And I am sorry for everything 我为所做的表示歉意but I promise you girl 但是我答应你 我的女孩I promise you this 我答应你Chorus: When the blue night is over my face 当蓝蓝的夜映在我脸上on the dark side of the world in space 在天空的黑暗处When I"m all alone with the stars above 当孤零零的我在星光下you are the one I love 你是我唯一的爱So there"s no need to worry girl 没有什么好担心的 我的女孩My heart is sealed for you 我的心为你保鲜And no one"s gonna take it away 没人可以将它拿走cos" I promise you girl 我答应你 我的女孩I promise you this 我答应你Chorus: When the blue night is over my face 当蓝蓝的夜映在我脸上on the dark side of the world in space 在天空的黑暗处When I"m all alone with the stars above 当孤零零的我在星光下you are the one I love 你是我唯一的爱Your voice is calling to me in my dreams 你的声音在梦中召唤我My love is stronger than it"s ever been 我的爱空前强烈 嘿嘿 我也很喜欢迈尔学摇滚的歌曲 基本全如果你要 留言吧 哈哈~~

Michael Learns To Rock(麦克学摇滚)英文介绍(最好详细一点,2000词以上,出生时间有)

The history of Michael Learns To Rock With global record sales of more than 9 million units since the debut in 1991, the history of MLTR contains not only the story of one of the biggest international successes ever to come out of Denmark, it"s also the tale of how exceptions often confirm the rule. As opposed to so many other international names, the road to MLTR"s success has never been paved with scandals, divorces, drugs, or even extreme images of life on the edge ?It"s strictly about music. It"s about the formidable talent for writing fine pop songs, about the indisputable qualities contained in the songs, and above all the ability to cut through all the noise with material that has earned the group a faithful following and dazzling record sales. MLTR"s music has been described as a Scandinavian glow that meets the international pop song, something which has been refined through the years by artists such as The Beatles, The Eagles, Elton John and Billy Joel. It"s precisely the perfect balance of the two elements described above that has been instrumental in forming the compelling sound of the band and won MLTR millions of fans around the globe The whole saga begins quite modestly back in 1987 at a high school in Aarhus, Denmark. The singer and keyboard player Jascha Richter (b. 1963) forms a band with drummer K錼e Wanscher (b. 1969) and guitarist Mikkel Lentz (b. 1968) ?a little caf?band. All three are huge music fans who were virtually fed the history of pop and rock with their mother"s milk. They decide to create a more serious band after Jascha plays them a few songs he has written. In the spring of 1988 S鸵en Madsen (b. 1967), who"s otherwise a guitarist, agrees to sit in on bass during a rehearsal one evening. Michael Learns To Rock becomes a reality. The group debuts in Aarhus in May 1988 and later in the summer enters the city"s annual talent contest. MLTR scores a resounding victory, and at the same time lands a manager, J.P. Andersen, who is a member of the jury. Andersen immediately falls for the talent radiating out of this sparkling young quartet. The following two years bring an intensive period of concert touring. The group plays everywhere in Denmark, adds new and better songs to the repertoire, gets tighter and tighter as a band, fine tunes the precise harmonies that give the band its signature sound ?and along the way, lands a solid record contract. With the Danish producers Jens Hofman and Oli Poulsen working the dials, MLTR spends several months in the studio preparing for the September 1991 debut of the album MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK . Among other tracks, the set contains the hit ballad THE ACTOR a song that in January 1992 secures MLTR the pole position on the Danish album-sales chart. The song travels much faster than the band, and without MLTR even being there, it tops the charts in Norway, Sweden, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. The period marks hectic times for MLTR. In 1992 they frantically tour Denmark ?where they are the hottest thing going ?and a number of countries in the Far East where their presence is a follow-up force to smashing successes the debut album has already achieved. Along the way Jascha Richter writes songs for a second album that gets a rush release in October 1993 under the title COLOURS . Once again, it"s the knack for creating the classic ballad that generates success. SLEEPING CHILD is the title of the song that sparks MLTR-mania. In the course of the next 18 months, the frenzy launches the band on a journey to many parts of the world and generates album sales far beyond the one-million mark. COLOURS is released in most of Europe and throughout the Far East, while SLEEPING CHILD and the singles that follow, 25 MINUTES and OUT OF THE BLUE land MLTR top slots on countless hitlists and earns the lads innumerable gold and platinum records. Fans in Thailand go berserk when the band arrives in Bangkok in November to perform for 12,000 followers at the Phoebus Concert Hall. And as the jubilant finale to a golden year, MLTR is given the prestigious RSH Award in Germany and at the SEA Grammy Awards in Singapore the band is named 揟he Best Performing Act of the Year.?The year 1995 sees the release of MLTR"s third album, PLAYED ON PEPPER . The number of international territories MLTR has conquered grows, putting the band is on top-priority lists in faraway places such as Brazil, South Africa, The United Emirates Republic, and no fewer than 11 countries in the Far East. It goes without saying that Scandinavia is on the bandwagon along with other European countries, including Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland where the album is released. In October of the same year MLTR embarks on their biggest tour of the Far East -- with 25 shows in 10 countries ?where new hits like THAT"S WHY (YOU GO AWAY) and SOMEDAY become pearls on the string of hits that make up the setlist. PLAYED ON PEPPER ends up selling more than 1.2 million units, while in efforts to curb pirate copying of MLTR material, the band releases the best-of album, PAINT MY LOVE . The album is released exclusively in the Far East. The title track ?and the accompanying video which touches the edges of censorship laws in some territories ?reinforces MLTR"s enormous popularity and indisputably makes the band the biggest name in countries such as Korea, Thailand and Malaysia. Down by the opposite pole, MLTR"s popularity explodes in South Africa. Following a hectic four-day promo tour in July 1997, the band lands at the top of the country"s hitlists . PAINT MY LOVE sells a whopping 3.4 million units worldwide. MLTR is chosen as headliner for the Celebrate Hong Kong Concert on 6 July 1997, the climax to festivities marking the transfer of Hong Kong to China. While promoting PAINT MY LOVE on the international highways, MLTR squeezes in some time to record a fourth studio album NOTHING TO LOSE . The set is released in September 1997 while MLTR still has a firm foothold atop hitlists in the Far East as well as South Africa. The rocker SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW helps pave the way for yet another success by the band. NOTHING TO LOSE logs sales of more than one million units and when the band heads off in January 1998 for a tour of South Africa to play sell-outs in Johannesburg and Pretoria, the critics write: 揟his is as good (if not better) a band as any current big name group out of America or the UK.?Nine turbulent years takes its toll on the four musicians who decide to take a break from each other and from the world of pop music. But shortly thereafter, in the autumn of 1998, Jascha Richter has some new songs written. The single STRANGE FOREIGN BEAUTY is chosen as the trump card for a new retrospective album released under the fitting title, GREATEST HITS. The set contains a selection of top hits from the four previous albums, but the tracks have either been remixed, re-recorded or fine tuned in some way or another. Upon the album"s 1999 release, MLTR once again lands at the summit of the Danish hitlist and opens the ears of music fans in new, untapped areas such as Portugal. Another million seller is added to the band"s discography, and the success was achieved without any promotional work done in MLTR"s main markets in the Far East. When MLTR begins initial work for studio album number five in the spring of 2000, S鸵en Madsen decides to leave the group to try his hand at a solo carrier. Richter, Lentz and Wanscher opt to continue as a trio and that summer they head for the studio. As it has been for previous albums, the band decides once again not to hire a costly international star producer, but allies itself with the incredibly talented Danish musician, arranger and producer Boe Larsen. Uniting with the band, he and MLTR find a new musical direction and set some new challenges for themselves. The outcome is BLUE NIGHT ?MLTR in the year 2000. A dozen new, sharply-profiled quality pop songs. The new tracks are a fine extension of what is already an impressive repertoire that may be postmarked in Denmark, but surely demonstrate how the most remote corner of the world is no more than a good song away. BLUE NIGHT becomes another huge success for MLTR ?sales come close to the platinum level at home and score successfully on Asian hitlists as well as the group"s new found market in Sweden. In 2001 the band sets out on a five-week-long tour with stops in Dubai, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and China. Just before the tour kicks off, the compilation 19 LOVE SONGS ?including the not previously released track GHOST OF YOU -- is released in Southeast Asia. (Danish release 2002). Before setting off on the tour the boys agree they will take a long break upon completion of the tour. The break allows Richter, Lentz and Wanscher a chance to pursue individual projects, one of which leads to Richter"s solo album PLANET BLUE.At the start of 2003, the band members gathered once again and began to plan their sixth album. It was released in February 2004 and titled: "Michael Learns To Rock".Since this release the band has been concentrating on playing concerts around the world.

完形填空。   Some people seem to have a secret for learning language. They can pick upnew voc


求以learning to speak in a foreign language为题的英语作文

Learning a language is not about simply learning the spelling rules , the grammar,and the structure of the sentence.Learning a language is everyting about its culture and the particular way you follow when you speak it.The matter is how to attain the success of a foreign language learning.There are three basic rules to turn to during the process of a language learning.First you should try to put yourself in that language environment in this case you could improve in the shortest way.Second you should read as much as possible and take in notes of whatever is new to you.Third you should follow your teachers and when you have a problem never keep it for too long.Just ask your teacher about it. At last I believe if you could find the interest in a language you will succeed in language learning sooner or later.

有English(-)learning这个词吗(中间要加连接线吗) 英语学习方法 的英文是什么

这属于构词法。名词加动名词。应该为“english learning " . 没有那一横。英语学习方法:the way of learning English =the english learning way .

In order to learn a foreign language well,four things are necessary. First,we must understand t

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:B小题4:C 试题分析:小题1:B 细节题。根据第一段First,we must understand the language when we hear it spoken.Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves, with confidence and without hesitation(犹豫). Thirdly,we must do much reading. Finally, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are correct in grammar.说明听,说,读,写是学习英语的四方面。故B正确。小题2:D 细节题。根据第一段3,4行we must be able to speak it ourselves, with confidence and without hesitation(犹豫).说明D正确。小题3:B 细节题。根据第二段3,4行It is not much learning by heart long lists of words and their meanings,studying the dictionary and so on说明只学字典是不足以学好英语的。小题4:C 细节题。根据最后一段第二行Practice is important说明在学习语言的时候,练习是最重要的。故C正确。点评:文章讲述了学习英语的四个方面,并给出了具体的建议。考查细节题,要求考生在阅读时,一些关键的地方要加上符号,也可以先看题目在读文章,都可以大大提高阅读的效率和速度。

the language learning journal 是什么检索

回答和翻译如下:The language learning journal.语言学习期刊。

What do you think about the online language learn


大学英语教材language learning strategies翻译


learning language 和learn the language的区别,个在什么情况下用

前者泛指, 后者特指 例如: I like learning language. I like learning the language of Spanish.

英语作文succeding in language learning

如果是找人代写代答,网络上有许多笔手或写手是需要付费的,复制的和原创的价格是不一样的,原创的是需要支付稿酬的,看来你是想空手套白狼吗?如果是请别人帮助的话,应该有句礼貌的语言,这么旁若无人般的对着电脑大要(英语)作文合适吗? 再说了大家都素不相识的,这里又不是你个人的秘书处,别人凭什么要按照你的要求为你写作,你又凭什么这样无偿的占有别人的劳动果实并连一句礼貌的语言都没有呢?

Learning a language is a difficult task. 为什么开头用learning而不用to learn?

Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement. For them, learning a language is a very difficult task. They ,

求、120字英语作文culture and language learning

culture and language learningWhen learning a language, should we also learn the culture? Opinions on this question vary from person to person. However, in my opinion, learning a language should always go together with culture study.

英语作文:how do you learn english?

There are several ways I learn English. First and foremost, I attend English classes at school where I learn grammar, vocabulary, and practice speaking with my classmates. Additionally, I make use of various online resources such as language learning websites, apps, and online courses.To improve my listening skills, I watch English movies and TV shows with subtitles and try to understand the dialogues. I also listen to English songs and podcasts to expose myself to different accents and improve my comprehension.Reading English books, newspapers, and magazines helps me expand my vocabulary and improve my reading comprehension. I try to choose materials that are suitable for my level and gradually challenge myself with more advanced texts.Writing is another important aspect of learning English. I practice writing by keeping a journal, writing essays, and participating in writing competitions. I also seek feedback from my teachers and peers to improve my writing skills.Lastly, I believe that speaking is crucial in language learning. I practice speaking English with my classmates, participate in oral presentations, and engage in conversations with native English speakers whenever I have the opportunity. This helps me improve my fluency, pronunciation, and confidence in speaking English.Overall, learning English requires a combination of different methods and consistent practice. By using a variety of resources, actively engaging in all language skills, and seeking opportunities to use English in real-life situations, I can continue to improve and strengthen my English proficiency.

What is Most Important in Language Learning英语作文?

What is Most Important in Language Learning?英语作文:Learning language, especially foreign language, requires us to follow a right way. Most Important in Language Learning islistening, writing and speaking.Listening is to make you familiar the language. Writing makes you to understand its words and sentences. Of course, speaking leads you eventually say it out by your own tongue .

求一篇关于Language learning的英语文章

"Learning a language is easy. Even a child can do it!"Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement. For them, learning a language is a very difficult task. They need hundreds of hours of study and practice, and even this will no guarantee success for every adult language learner.Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find it difficult to succeed in language learning. Conversely, some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields.Language teachers often offer advice to language learners: "Read as much as you can in the new language." "Practice speaking the language every day." "Live with people who speak the language." "Don"t translate - try to think in the new language." "Learn as a child would learn; play with the language."But what does a successful language learner do? Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on the book or the teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language, Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes.Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, Successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mistakes and try again. When communication is difficult, they can accept information what is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of very word.Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it.What kind of language learner are you? If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully. On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.

In order to learn a foreign...


what do you think about the online language learn

To learn a foreign language with software in particular can offer a very rewarding learning experience. On the other hand, choosing the best language learning software that fits your needs can be a frustrating task. Since there are so many options available, it is difficult to determine which course will work best for you individually, and which totally doesnu2019t match your personal requirements. Not least because everyone has a unique learning style. While a basic image recalling based course might be the best for most people interested in learning a new language in general, a more interactive program might be the best for the younger crowds. On my blog youu2019ll find detailed language software reviews, including specifics about how the software works, for whom the courses are best suited and how other people experienced using the software. There are countless different programs on the market and lots of online courses out there, on this blog however Iu2019ll mainly stick to the “big four” as they have proven themselves being the best choice for most learners providing optimal results for a wide variety of users: Rosetta Stone, Rocket Languages, Transparent Language, and Pimsleur. Simply read on for a brief overview of these products and click on any link to read a review for each specific product and its language version.

learning a foreign language is not


are vital to learning language为什么用learning?

to有两种用法:1. 当介词,介词后接名词(动名词),如:go to school,look forward to doing sth(固定句式)2. 不定式:to do sth,这是一个结构性词汇,to 后接动词原形vital有两种用法:1. be vital to doing sth2. it is vital to do sth 这里的sth相当于doing,前面是形式主语,后面可以是动词不定式作真主语,这时to是动词符号,不是介词例句:Food is vital to feeding the baby.It‘s vital to finish the math homework.更多翻译问题,可以咨询我们人工哦!http://www.bianfanyi.com/synopsis

language learning是什么词性

指一般行为,不指具体某一次常用动名词而不是不定式 ,它的逻辑主语往往是任何人

求一篇英语作文 题目为My language learning 不少于100个词 我想表达的有通过看电视等方式学习外语~~~

Every person has some language learning experience unforgettable weather it is horrible or enjoyable. People could have overcome barriers, eventually enjoyed the result, or suffered and ended up with nothing. One way or the other! I like to share my language learning experience with you, which has the combination of either ways.My language learning experience started with fun speaking different dialects at an early age. When I was one year old my parents sent me to live with my grandparents in their hometown Wuhan, in southern-central China. When I returned to live with my parents one year later I spoke Wuhan dialect.My parents lived in a northern city in Shandong province. I went to daycare everyday and very soon I picked up the local dialect. I also learned how to speak mandarin by listening to the radio and from many of my parents" friends and colleagues. It was so natural that I spoke Wuhan dialect with my parents, Shandong dialect with other children in daycare and then switched to Mandarin whenever needed.Time flew! A few years later when I was attending secondary school, I learned my first foreign language – English. Though we (people my age and I) were trained well in reading and writing English, we did not have much training in listening and speaking English. It was only in my university years that I started to have some training in listening and starting to practice spoken English between friends.In my last year of university I picked up my second foreign language for fun. I learned some Russian. Unfortunately because I never used it after I learned it I lost it all. Now all I know is a few words and how to say goodbye –до свидания!On the contrary, my English greatly improved after I moved to Canada. I had to listen to it everyday, everywhere. I had to understand not only English spoken with good pronunciation. I also had to understand English with all sorts of accents. Because Canada is a country of multi-culture! I had to speak it everyday and everywhere except at home. Wait! That is not completely true. Sometimes when my daughter speaks English in order to avoid Mandarin I can"t help responding in English.In the beginning I had to prepare what to say in my live situations beforehand. After a while I did not need to do that any more; in the beginning I could not understand half of English spoken in a movie, now I can enjoy movies in English with no problem. I have been enjoyed reading in English. I began by reading my daughter"s bed-time stories. Then I read books she borrowed from school library. Finally I find my own books from library since I could not catch up with my daughter"s speed and I do not always enjoy the taste of teens!I am now learning another language - French. With the well designed raining courses, I will not repeat my English leaning experience of unbalanced skills in listening and speaking abilities. I will learn reading, writing, listening and speaking skills at the same time. I will not repeat my Russian learning tragedy because I will speak French often.It is said that languages open doors for you. And I totally agree with it, because it is the essence of human communication! My language learning experience proves that it is true!自己改一下吧。

Language learning remain hazy这句话learn为什么不用被动形式

是学习语言,而不是语言被学习,就像主动形式,学习英语,就是English learning.

英语the secret to language learning

个人认为差别不大,就像汉语中的语言学习和学习语言,非要说区别,那不妨把它看成偏正短语,language learning更强调learning,learning language强调language。learning language和writing practice的结构不一样,虽然都是动名词+名词的形式,但是前者是动宾短语的动名词形式,learning相当于一个名词;后者的writing是动名词做形容词修饰practice,请注意区分。更简单的区分方法,去掉ing形式,learn language构成动宾搭配,而write practice不构成搭配。如果满意请采纳,谢谢

language learning是动名词吗

Learning a new language is fan.这一句中的Learn必须用动名词.因为在这里Learning a new language是一个动名词短语做主语,而is fun 作谓语.在英语中,如果一个动作做另一个动作的一个成分,这个动作常常用动名词或动词不定式表示,因为一个英语句子中只能有一个动词(或并列动词)作谓语.当然上句也可改为: It"s fun to learn a new language. To learn a new language is fun.

language learning 为什么用ing

这里的learning应该是名词形式,表示“语言学习”,所以加ing构成动名词 如:He is interested in language learning.

language learning 的英文解释 也就是定义 哪位可以帮帮忙的


language learning是什么意思

language learning语言学习. 祝你学习愉快~希望能够帮到你!满意请采纳,谢谢!

英语作文learning a kill要怎么写啊

Learning a SkillLearning a new skill is an exciting and rewarding experience. Not only does it give you a sense of accomplishment, but it can also open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth. Here are some tips on how to successfully learn a new skill:Start with a clear goal: Define what you want to achieve and set a realistic timeline for accomplishing it.Find a mentor or instructor: Seek out someone who is experienced and knowledgeable in the skill you want to learn. They can offer guidance and feedback to help you improve.Practice regularly: Consistency is key when it comes to learning a new skill. Make time to practice every day, even if it"s just for a few minutes.Break it down into manageable steps: Learning a new skill can be overwhelming, but breaking it down into smaller steps can make it more manageable and less intimidating.Don"t be afraid to make mistakes: Learning a new skill involves trial and error. Don"t get discouraged if you make mistakes along the way. Instead, use them as opportunities to learn and improve.

I learned how to accept life as it is from my father 这篇完型完整全文

learned how to accept life as it is from my father.  1 . he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy, but rather when he was  2  and ill.  My father was  3  a strong man who loved being active. But a terrible illness  4  all that away. Now he can no longer walk. And he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is  5 . one night, I went to visit him with my sisters. We started  6  about life, and I told them about one of my  7 . I said that we must very often give things up  8  we grow our youth, our beauty, our friends, but it always  9  that after we give something up. We gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father  10  up. He said, “but, peter, I gave up  11 . What did I gain? I thought and thought, but I could not think of anything to say  12  he answered his own question: I  13  the love of my family.” I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes along with hope and thankfulness.  I was also  14  by his words. After that, when I began to feel irritated (恼怒的) at someone. I  15  remember his words and become  16 . if he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others, then I should be  17  to give up my small irritations. In this  18 . I learned the power of acceptance from my father.  Sometimes  19  what other things I could have learned from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy. For now, though I am grateful for this one  20 .1..A.afterwards B.therefore C.however D.meanwhile2.A.tired B.weak C.poor D.slow3..A.already B.still C.only D.once4.A.took B.threw C.sent D.put 5.A.impossible B.difficult C.stressful D.hopeless6A.worrying B.caring C.talking D.asking7.A.decisionsB.experiencesC.ambitions D.beliefs8..A.as B.since C.before D.till 9.A.suggests B.promises C.seems D.requires10.A.spoke B.turned C.summed D.opened 11.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 12.A.surprisingly B.immediately C.naturally D.certainly13.A.had B.accepted C.gained D.enjoyed 14.A.touched B.astonished C.attracted D.warned 15.A.should B.could C.would D.might16.A.quiet B.calm C.relaxed D.happy17.A.ready B.likelyC.free D.able18.A.case B.form C.method D.way19.A.doubt B.wonder C.know D.guess20.A.award B.gift C.lesson D.word 答案:1-5:CBDAB 6-10:CDACA 11-15:DADAC 16-20:BDDBB

it comes a disturbance to learn that there is still a puma at large In the village 有语法错误吗?


import time print(time.clock()) import tflearn print(time.clock())

测试下就知道了 import time time.clock()#第一次调用 time.sleep(1) time.clock()#第二次调用 time.sleep(1) time.clock()#第三次调用 time.sleep(2) time.clock()#第四次调用 结果 3.6317464929201895e-06 这个是3.63..*10的负6次方单位秒

为自己制定可行的计划英语作文 提示词improve learn exercise heal

Everyone hopes to live happily in the world.Physical exercise is indispensable to a happy life.There is a famous saying:"Life lies on exercise." Although you will not necessarily die without regular physical exercises,they" II certainly help you live longer and more healthily.Exercise is good for us to build our bodies.It helps co - ordinate the different parts of our bodies when we have sports.For example,we must try our best to co - ordinate the movements of the arms and legs when we play basketball

BBC learning English的business的开篇语

Bbbclearningenglish.com presnets谈论英语,一个无线电XXX一系列支持你的语言学习不知道准确不?仅供参考

为什么要学习商务英语(why we should learn business english)


翻译在线 我要写一篇英语作文,应该怎么开头呢,题目是 How do I learn English


Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it.翻译下什么意思



learn表结果 学到了什么study表过程 在学什么begin比较细 具体开始做了(体会下)start可以和“开始”还隔段时间了?

learning outcome是什么意思

learning outcome英 [u02c8lu0259:niu014b u02c8autku028cm] 美 [u02c8lu025anu026au014b u02c8au028atu02ccku028cm]双语例句1. The process of learning and developing is more important than the outcome. 学习和成长的过程远比结果重要.来自互联网2. Others think that learning happens naturally, and that it"s an inevitable outcome of instruction.其他一些人认为学习需要顺其自然, 而且它是培训后的必然产物.来自互联网请采纳~

do you know和do you learn


Yerteday my brother (not learn) Einglis怎么做?

填 didn"t learn. Yesterday my brother didn"t learn English.昨天我弟弟没有学英语。

In order to learn the _______ of the family business, Bill took a job as messenger boy in one o...

A ins and outs 意为“细节”,dos and don"ts 意为“注意事项”,heads or tails 为掷钱币打赌时用语,意为“你赌正面还是赌反面”,p"s and q"s主要用于 mind one"s p"s and q"s,意为“留意自己的言行”。结合句意,选A最合适。

Lesson Learned 歌词

歌曲名:Lesson Learned歌手:Alicia Keys&John Mayer专辑:As I Am - The Super EditionOTH S409Well the truth it fell so heavyLike a hammer through the roomThat I could choose another over herYou always said I was an actor, babyGuess in truth you thought me just amateurThat you never saw the signsThat you never lost your gripOh, come on nowThat"s such a childish claimNow I wear the brand of traitorDon"t it seem a bit absurdWhen it"s clear I was so obviously framedWhen it"s clear I was so obviously framedNow you act so surprisedTo hear what you already knowAnd all you really had to do was askI"d have told you straight awayAll those lies were truthAnd all that was false was factNow you hold me close and hardBut I was like a statue at mostRefusing to acknowledge you"d been hurtNow you"re clawing at my throatAnd you"re crying all is lostBut your tears they felt so hot upon my shirtBut your tears they felt so hot upon my shirtWell the truth it fell so heavyLike a hammer through the roomThat I could choose another over herYou always said I was an actor, babyGuess in truth you thought me just amateurWas it you who told me onceNow looking back it seems so realThat all our mistakes are merely grist for the millSo why is it now after I had my fillThat you steal from me the sorrow that I"ve earnedShall we call this a lesson learned?Shall we call this a lesson learned?http://music.baidu.com/song/9109092

求一篇四级标准英语作文My plan of English learning


Focus on learning it.“重点学习它。”是中式英语吗?

算是吧,我在上海长宁国际学校(不是广告),外国老师都说"focus on this/that" 或者 “focus on this topic”. Focus 在学习方面就代表去专研某个题目,focus on learning it 有点怪。要么stop playing,focus on learning first(不要玩了,先专注学习),求采纳谢谢。

how to learn Chinese

the best way is go to china..and i suggest u learn english first

yours is learning是啥意思


口语课考试,how to learn foreign language,上台演讲

how to learn a foreign language well It is not difficult to learn a foreign language well as long as you get the keys. There are four most important things in learning a foreign language that are reading, writing, listening and speaking. Reading is a process of accumulating knowledge and words and from reading articles we get not only the main idea of the article but also the rules of writing. During reading we can feel the writing habits of local writers and make clear how the sentences are composed. And as you read on and on, you will become a fast reader that means you can read fast and you can get the meaning quickly. After having become a good reader, you can try to write on your own. To write doesn"t mean simply to use your pen, before you write you must get an idea of what you want to express or what you want to tell the reader. It is not easy to be an excellent writer but if you can make everybody understand your purpose you win. Moreover, writing can help training your thought. The same as talking to others, writing needs to choose proper words and organise them in a certain way, and during writing your thought can be improved. listening is also a nacessary part of learning a foreign language, besides, it is an important way of getting information. A lot of people like to listen to tapes, and this is a good way that I want to introduce to all of you. Don"t be dumb when learning a foreign language. When you communicate with other people you need to speak out. But some research show that most learners are afraid of opening their mouths especially at the very begining of their study. How to conquer it?Remember how did you write? Then just calm down and think and organise your sentences quietly and say it out just as you read from your mind. Easy? As a conclusion, to learn a foreign language is not difficult.Just try to be brave and self-confident and keep the above words in mind.

We reached the station (exhausted) only ( to learn) the train had left. 求详解,, 英语啊

我兴冲冲地来到火车站,结果却得知火车已经走了。exhausted 感到激动地 exhausting 令人激动的only to 加动词原形,表示结果。

how can l learn english作文

English is very important to us. But how can I learn it well? First, you should remember enough words. You can find good ways to remember them. Second, you should try to use the words you have remembered. You can make some simple sentences in the beginning. Then you can write a short passage. Third, you should listen more and speak more. Finally, you can read some English newspapers, see English films, listen to some English songs. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four necessary fields to learn English well.

请问大家一个英语问题:《moves like jagger》歌词中的 So won’t cha learn? 是什么的缩写?什么意思?

是 so watch and learn的连读。。。。

learn to enioy life 英语作文,150词汇

Often we"re told that we have to suffer now — give up what we want — in order to succeed later, that in order to save we must sacrifice. Give up instant gratification to get delayed gratification.But you can do both.For years, I was confused about this, as I read books and websites that sent me two different messages:  Pleasure later. The first message was that in order to be successful, in order to build wealth, you have to delay gratification. You can"t have instant gratification and be successful.Pleasure now. The second message was usually from other sources on Happiness, but sometimes from the same source: enjoy life now, while you can, because it"s short and you never know when your last day will come. Live every day like it"s your last. Trouble is, I agree with both messages. And if you read this site often, you"ll see that I send both messages: Live frugally and simply! But also enjoy life!  That"s because I"ve reconciled the two philosophies into one: Live life now and enjoy it to the fullest — without destroying your future. The key to doing that? Find ways to enjoy life completely, utterly, maximally … that don"t cost your future very much.Here are some tips for actually living that philosophy:  Find free or cheap pleasures. Frugality does not have to be boring or restrictive … if you use your imagination. Be creative and find ways to have fun — loads of it — without spending much money. Have a picnic at the park, go to the beach, do crafts, board games, fly a kite, make art, bake cookies … I could list a hundred things, and you could come up with a few hundred more. Make a list of simple pleasures, and enjoy them to the maximum. This is the key to the whole idea of enjoying life now without spending tomorrow"s dollar. See Savor the Little Things .Make simplifying fun. I"m a big fan of simplifying my life, from decluttering to creating a simple lifestyle in every way. And to me, this is great fun. I get rid of stuff (and possibly make money selling it) and have a blast doing it. That"s good math.  Rediscover what"s important. Oftentimes we spend tons of money, shopping, going out, watching movies, eating out … without really enjoying life. And when we stop to think about it, we never have time for the things we really want to do. Well, that"s probably because your life is filled with things that aren"t very important to you. Instead, step back and really think about what"s important to you. Then get rid of the other (expensive) stuff, and focus on what"s important. Listen to some stuff on my list: my wife and kids, other friends and family, reading, writing, exercising, volunteering, spending quiet time in contemplation. Guess how many of those things cost a lot of money? Read more here .

Cross-cultural Failures by Chinese Learners 英译汉


beginners have to learn from their mistakes, _______ they?

1.have to 是一个比较特殊的情态习语,虽然也具有情态动词的功能,但却与其他的情态动词不同。它有人称、数和时态的变化,其否定式和疑问式的构成方式也与情态动词不一样。  2.have to 与其他情态动词一样也是后接动词原形,表示外界的强制作用,强调被迫性。含有不情愿的色彩,常译为“必须,不得不”。3.have to 可用于多种时态,而且不同时态使用不同的形式:一般现在时中,主语为第三人称单数时用has to ; 一般过去时中,用 had to。 have to 还可以用在其他的情态动词之后。例如:  She has to look after her little sister.  她不得不照顾她的小妹妹。  I have to do some washing.  我必须洗洗衣服。  I had to do my homework last night.  昨晚我不得不做作业。  I think he may have to help his Dad in the garden.  我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸。4.have to 的否定式和疑问式一般要借用助动词do的适当形式构成。have to 的否定式是don"t have to; has to 的否定式是doesn"t have to; had to 的否定式是didn"t have to。have to的疑问式同样也借用助动词do的相应形式构成。例如:  He doesn"t have to do the homework now.  他没有必要现在做作业。  —Do I have to go there now?  我现在就得去那儿吗?  —Yes, you do. (No, you don"t have to.)  是的,你必须去。(不,你不必。)  We didn"t have to answer the question yesterday.  昨天我们没有必要回答这个问题。5.Beginners have to learn from their mistakes, _______ they?属于反义疑问句。6.反义疑问句(The Disjunctive Question 或 Question tags) 即反义附加疑问句。它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方赞同。 附加疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。(1)陈述部分肯定句+疑问部分否定句(可记为前肯后否)。例:They work hard, don"t they?他们努力工作,不是吗?Let"s go to the supermarket ,shall we?让我们去超市,好吗?(2)陈述部分否定句+疑问部分肯定句(可记为前否后肯)。例:You didn"t go, did you?你没去,是吗?7.所以后面_______ they?中必须填入have to的否定形式缩略方式。have to 的否定式是don"t have to,这里必须省略have to,所以要用don"t。

if i learnd one lesson, count my blessing是什么歌

是onerepublic的《run》。歌词如下:When I was a young boy living in the cityAll I did was run, run, run, run, runStaring at the lights, they look so prettyMomma said "son son son son sonYou"re gonna grow up, you"re gonna get oldAll that glitters don"t turn to goldBut until then just have your funBoy, run, run, run, run, run"Yeah, run, run, runRun, run, runWhen I was a young kid living in the cityAll I did was pay, pay, pay, pay, payAnd every single dime that good Lord gave meI could make it last three, four, five daysLiving it up but living down lowChasing that luck before I get oldAnd looking back, oh, we had some funBoy, run, run, run, run, runThey tell you that the sky might fallThey"ll say that you might lose it allSo I run until I hit that wallYeah I learned my lesson, count my blessingsLook to the rising sun and run, run, runYeah, one day well the sky might fallYеah, one day I could lose it allSo I run until I hit that wallIf I learnеd one lesson, count your blessingsLook to the rising sun and run, run, runRun, run, runDidn"t get everything that I wantedBut I got what I need, yeah yeahI see that light in the morningShining down on meSo take me up high, take me down lowWhere it all ends nobody knowsBut until then let"s have some fun, yeahRun, run, run, run, runThey tell you that the sky might fallThey"ll say that you might lose it allSo I run until I hit that wallYeah I learned my lesson, count my blessingsLook to the rising sun and run, run, runYeah, one day well the sky might fallYeah, one day I could lose it allSo I run until I hit that wallIf I learned one lesson, count your blessingsLook to the rising sun and run, run, runRun, run, runYeah, run, run, runYeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessingsLook to the rising sunYeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessingsLook to the rising sunYeah, if I learned one lesson, count your blessingsLook to the rising sun, yeah, run, run, run

3分钟英语演讲稿文章 Learn to be a lady 谢谢~~

Learn to be a lady Eve SanJiaoLu middle school, the first one in wuchang couth boy, elegant girl comparison is announced, the school has more than 1100 students more than 30 "gentleman", "lady" get a certificate. "These students look beyond polite, learning, not afraid not to rob undisputable frustration, they are the most popular students." The university"s President ShenLianZhu said. According to introducing, this school shout out make students last year "the gentleman", "lady" slogan, and special offers a door, school-based curriculum in the classroom training students" "gentleman", "lady" temperament, this also is in social caused considerable controversy. In the school this course pushing a year later, schools have the first campus "gentleman", "lady" list.The students told reporters that the first "gentleman", "lady" is produced in the school. Students auditions Senior high school girls, said the LvJie boys and girls was elected the sense that gives a person is very kind, they humble but particularly enthusiastic, popularity was very good, "elegant girl talk softly, fine gas, very quiet way, let a person envy." Why get elected elegance boy? Three boys XuHaoXiao: "may be I never and people jostle for what, in my heart will always be "ladyfirst (lady first)," we class the girl in the class, less usual all trenches, were all boys rob to dry. In fact, our class boys are all very gentleman." It is reported, XuHao elected, their girls threw full-fare. In other people"s eyes, today"s high school students original, personality hobby. But on the sample investigation shows that high school students to be elegant "gentleman", "lady" more towns, eager to become a part of that popular. Now, ShenLianZhu told reporters after the high school students, and is more than 90 million only-child children, parents are afraid of frustration, everywhere requiring children avoid colliosion more difficultly, nor eat no deficit. So this generation of children give a person selfish, not to know self-effacing sense. But in creating "gentleman", "lady" in the process, he found humility comity such virtues, never goes out of style, and know the people come into society after comity, easier to integrate, their own competitiveness is subsequently ascension.
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