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kawhi leonard手环2号是谁?

是科怀·伦纳德。1、科怀·伦纳德(Kawhi Leonard),1991年6月29日出生于美国加利福尼亚州河边市,美国职业篮球运动员,司职小前锋,效力于NBA洛杉矶快船队。2、科怀·伦纳德在2011年NBA选秀,在首轮第15位被印第安纳步行者队选中,随即被交易至圣安东尼奥马刺队。3、职业生涯先后效力于马刺队,猛龙队以及快船队,在2011-12赛季入选最佳新秀阵容第一阵容,2013-14赛季入选最佳防守阵容第二阵容,随马刺队夺得NBA总冠军并荣膺总决赛最有价值球员。2014-15赛季当选最佳防守球员并入选最佳防守阵容第一阵容。4、于2015-16赛季入选全明星西部首发阵容,最佳阵容第一阵容,蝉联最佳防守球员并全票入选最佳防守阵容第一阵容。还带领猛龙队夺得NBA总冠军并荣膺总决赛最有价值球员,且2019-20赛季入选全明星西部首发阵容,荣获“科比·布莱恩特MVP奖”(全明星MVP奖)。打篮球带手环作用1、保护手腕:因为NBA球星普遍能扣篮,扣篮的时候,手腕会接触篮筐,有时会出现刮擦,带手环可以起到一定的防护作用。2、NBA球星多身体强壮,手腕粗。手环带着会绑得很紧,不会很松。所以汗水不会沿着手臂直接流到手掌上,而是被胶环“截流”了。这样可以一定程度减少手掌的汗水,利于控球。3、有些人打球左右手力量特别不均匀,带个手环就可以起到调节力量的作用。因为有个东西在手腕上心里会产生暗示。4、手环在美国是流行的饰品,轻巧不贵重,球员、球迷们带着并不是防伤病,只是一种装饰。





求助 谁告诉我penny和Leonard是从第几集开始在一起

第二季 第10话

【看美剧学英语】生活大爆炸117 Leonard尝试与Penny交往

Howard正在客厅教Sheldon学中文,Penny怒气冲冲地冲进他们客厅,把一个iPod用力从窗口扔了出去,还边扔边骂,原来是与男友Mike掰了,起因是对方把隐私生活写进了博客,还给Penny的熟人看到了。Howard立即放下教学展开搜寻,而Leonard则想着过去安慰一下。 Penny倒是毫不介意地给Leonard看了那个Howard抓耳挠腮也找不着的博客,Leonard搜肠刮肚说了几句宽慰的话,结果一厢情愿的Penny仿佛抓到了救命稻草一般,给渣男找理由,并立即决定前去复合。Leonard不知道自己说错了什么导致这个结果,肠子都悔青了。 几个人正在议论中餐厅的陈皮鸡丁,Leonard的心情始终郁闷。这时Penny又开了门骂了他一句,说他出的馊主意,居然去找渣男复合!Leonard立即前往询问,原来渣男Mike已经另有新欢,被Penny撞个正着。伤心的Penny觉得自己有吸引渣男的体质,应该尝试下别的类型。Leonard趁机毛遂自荐,而Penny一时就松了口答应了。 可是之后Penny觉得有些犹豫,便找Sheldon聊天,Sheldon一直不能把注意力从物色一个合适的位置上转移开来,最后好不容易找到坐下后提出了一个薛定谔的猫的说法,表示Penny和Leonard的关系很难说。在和Leonard就餐时,激动过头的Leonard表示自己出现了恶心症状,Sheldon再次提出这个说法。 惴惴不安的两人郑重打扮了一下,决定打开薛定谔的猫之盒,接了一个吻之后感觉还行,便果断出门了…… Drop dead. 去死吧 Doesn"t that violate the health code? 这是不是违反了卫生许可啊 What is there to explain? 有什么好解释的 I"m pretty sure I never said that. 我很肯定我没这么说 You did better than that. 你做得更了不起 You helped me see it on my own. 你让我自己发现了这个事实 Can we please change the subject? 能不能聊点别的 I went over to Mike"s to make up with him. 我去Mike那想和他和好 That"s the spirit. 就该这么想 Here"s the thing. 事情是这样的 I wish it were that simple. 能那样简单就好了 You go ahead and talk while I figure it out. 你继续说 我一边听一边找 Would you be open to rotating the couch clockwise 30 degrees? 你是否介意把沙发顺时针转30度 Obviously, my usual choices have not worked out so well. 很明显 我平时的选择都不怎么样 Thank you for the clarification. 谢谢你的说明 I don"t get the point. 我没听明白

《生活大爆炸》里,Leonard 有什么厉害之处

这是一部以 "科学天才" 为背景的情景喜剧,这倒非常罕见。主人公Leonard (JohnnyGalecki, "Roseanne") 和Sheldon (Jim Parsons "JudgingAmy")是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气--生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。直到有一天……隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩Penny (Kaley Cuoco, "8SimpleRules..."),顿时吸引了Leonard的目光。Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功,平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与Leonard、Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人,最重要的是——她最近刚刚变成单身。  Leonard和Sheldon还有两个好朋友。自认为是花花公子的Howard Wolowitz(Simon Helberg, "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip"),他称自己是加州理工学院的"卡萨诺瓦"(1725-1798,意大利冒险家,以所写的包括他的许多风流韵事的《自传》而著称,后来该词被引申为"风流浪子,好色之徒"),能用六种语言泡妞,参与负责美国的火星探索计划(喜欢邀请看上的女孩去火星兜风,也因此在第二季引发一场事故,遗憾地与“火星生命发现者”的称号失之交臂),其实Howard不过是个喜欢拿一些过时的手段把妹的家伙,很多时候他的把妹手法都让对方感到恶心。来自印度的 Rajesh Koothrappali (Kunal Nayyar, "NCIS")患有严重的“与异性交往障碍症”,有异性在场的时候他就无法说话,只有在喝醉以后才能自在地与女孩交流。

谁是Leonard (莱纳德)?

Leonard Leakey Hofstadter莱纳德·李奇·霍夫斯塔特博士(英语:Leonard Leakey Hofstadter, Ph.D,亦译为伦纳德·霍夫斯塔德)是哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)电视剧《生活大爆炸》中的一个虚构角色,由约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰演。伦纳德是一位实验物理学家,与同事兼好友的谢尔顿·库珀(吉姆·帕森斯饰)共住一间公寓。伦纳德的角色名称来自于演员和制片人谢尔顿·伦纳德,及诺贝尔奖获得者罗伯特·霍夫施塔特。伦纳德被描述为剧集里类似“捧哏”(英文)straight man的角色。佩妮在剧集里是伦纳德隔壁的邻居以及主要的潜在恋人。编剧围绕他和邻居佩妮纠结的两性关系写故事,这成为了剧集的主要推动力。 个性伦纳德来自新泽西州,是加州理工学院的一名实验物理学家,与同事兼好友谢尔顿·库珀在加州帕萨迪纳市共住一间公寓。他常常戴着具有角色特色的黑框眼镜,低帮的黑色匡威全明星运动鞋,中性色的运动夹克,棕色裤子和物理学主题的T恤。虽然伦纳德和他的同事在家的时候给人极客的感觉,他自己还是希望能够更多地融入社会。 他在佩妮出现的瞬间就被她吸引住了,并从一开始就努力尝试与她约会。在早期的剧集中,伦纳德很不情愿让佩妮知道自己的业余生活(比如“克林贡填字游戏”),因为他不希望被佩妮视为一个极客。 虽然有很大程度上伦纳德符合极客的定义,相对于谢尔顿(不能理解社会习俗),拉杰(除非受到酒精影响不然不能和女性说话)以及霍华德(和女性调情时太恶心)来说,他在社交中碰到的尴尬情境要少很多。伦纳德同样也会拉大提琴。正如在某一集里大家看到的,他和莱斯利·温克尔练习他们的乐器然后就去嘿咻了。虽然伦纳德对自己的极客身份很抵触,他还是有包括“星球大战”主题的床单,一套昂贵的超人漫画书收藏(并且还戴着和克拉克·肯特一个样式的眼镜)以及一件“太空堡垒卡拉狄加”里的殖民勇士飞行服。 比较早的一集中,伦纳德为了向佩妮展示自己的成熟以取悦她而试图卖掉他的这些藏品。但当他看到佩妮已经与另一个男人约会后改变了主意。伦纳德和谢尔顿一起住了好几年,对他非常了解,能够准确地解释谢尔顿的行为,并且有很多场合都成为了谢尔顿和其他人之间的媒介这样一种角色。举个例子,当佩妮和谢尔顿开始一场很激烈的争吵时,伦纳德把谢尔顿母亲的号码给了佩妮, 这样她就可以打电话给她儿子训斥他的行为以结束这场争端。伦纳德的对健康的主要担心是他的乳糖不耐症;他害怕放屁,所以不吃哪怕很少量的乳制品,包括奶酪,酸奶和黄油。 同时伦纳德因为近视需要佩戴眼镜,而且没戴眼镜时几乎看不清任何东西。有一次伦纳德在电影院的时候眼镜碎了,他不得不回到公寓去拿他的备用眼镜。霍华德和拉杰通过头戴式摄像机远程帮助他穿过起居室。 在有一集中伦纳德说他有睡眠呼吸暂停综合症。在和莱斯利·温克尔恋爱时他告诉莱斯利他家庭里的很多人都死于心脏病,因此他在基因上也许也有得类似疾病的倾向。 谢尔顿在剧集里很多地方也提到过伦纳德晕车,除非他坐在前座。 约翰尼·盖尔克奇家庭伦纳德家里的所有成员都是科学家,除了他的哥哥,是哈佛大学法学院的终身法学教授。他的母亲, 贝芙莉·霍夫斯塔特博士,是一位和谢尔顿有同样性格的精神病专家和神经科学家,包括严谨的说话习惯,对社会习俗缺乏了解,对细节的过分注意,并且需要为伦纳德的悲剧童年负主要责任。鉴于他母亲的观点,伦纳德小时候从来没有庆祝过自己的生日,并且当她来看伦纳德时,他的非原创研究并没有打动他。伦纳德告诉佩妮他小时候造过一台“拥抱机”来补偿原本应该来自母亲的感情。然后他说他父亲经常会把这台机器借去。[10] 贝芙莉指出伦纳德的兄弟姐妹在他们各自的领域要比他成功得多。伦纳德的哥哥迈克尔是哈佛的法律教授,同时也是新泽西州历史上最年轻的上诉法庭法官。伦纳德的姐姐是一位尖端医学研究者,正在使用长臂猿实验以期治疗糖尿病。伦纳德的父亲被简单提到是一位人类学家。 谢尔顿说过伦纳德的中间名“李奇”取自伦纳德的父亲曾经的共事者,著名考古学家路易斯·李奇。虽然关于伦纳德的亲戚现在所知不多,不过还是有几条线索:第一集里,谢尔顿和伦纳德谈到过伦纳德的祖母在前一年的感恩节到访。她有阿尔茨海默症,并且这次造访中很明显“有一个小插曲”,让她脱了衣服切火鸡。贝芙莉的第一次到访时,她提到伦纳德的叔叔弗洛伊德死了,这让伦纳德非常地不高兴(根据他的说法,弗洛伊德是他唯一真正喜欢的家庭成员)。伦纳德另外还有几个叔叔,谢尔顿说他们都秃顶得厉害,坐在一起时“如同半盒子鸡蛋”(虽然伦纳德声称他的姨妈是“你见过的毛发最浓密的人之一”)。 工作伦纳德的智商有173,拿到他的哲学博士学位时是24岁。霍夫斯塔特博士当年依靠他关于实验粒子物理学的博士论文拿到年度论文奖。伦纳德作为实验物理学家,在工作中经常会使用各种激光器,包括氦氖激光器和自由电子激光器,他的研究课题包括玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚,量子力学基础,海平面软宇宙射线,以及新型火箭燃料的研究。伦纳德设计实验来验证物理理论,但是根据讨厌且自大的理论物理学家谢尔顿,他的大部分工作都不是原创的,因而并不重要。他曾试图把机密的火箭燃料用在霍华午的模型火箭上,但在调整配方时计算错误,使得他所住公寓的电梯几年都无法运行,他试图否定暗物质存在的研究也因为另外一位物理学家的工作而搁置。然而他通过一个光电倍增管进行的研究巩固了这种假设中的物质的存在证据,解决了这个问题。另外因为他对关于超固体的成功研究,他被实验物理研究所邀请作为一场研讨会的主要发言者。 关系伦纳德在有女性在场时往往会害羞,但他一直想有一个女朋友。伦纳德几乎是一见到佩妮就被她吸引住了。 他对于佩妮的迷恋是本剧第一季的主要剧情推动力。到了第一季最后一集,他终于成功地把佩妮叫了出来,进行他们的第一次约会。然后他们就分手了,因为佩妮觉得他不能和伦纳德一样聪明。除了佩妮,伦纳德只有少数几个女人有过亲密关系。 伦纳德有一个被提到过几次的女朋友叫乔伊斯·金。虽然她最近才真正现身,但之前伦纳德的朋友已经很多次提到过他们两个在一起只有27天,后来乔伊斯叛 逃回朝鲜,大家才知道她是朝鲜的间谍。当伦纳德感觉佩妮和自己合不来时,他最开始把注意力转到和同为科学家的莱斯利·温克尔。当伦纳德第一次约莱斯利出来是,他被拒了。他后来与她发展的关系被证明是正好切合了莱斯利意愿的短命滥 交。第二季里,伦纳德和斯蒂芬妮·巴奈特医生开始了一段稳定关系。虽然这段关系发展良好,甚至得到了谢尔顿的肯定,但伦纳德对于斯蒂芬妮进入他的生活感觉不适应。最终这段关系在屏幕之外结束了。另外一次,在伦纳德的母亲到访期间,伦纳德和佩妮关系好到做 爱,但他分别提到了与自己的母亲和佩妮的父亲相关的他们童年的话题,毁掉了这个时刻。第二季的最后一集,当四位科学家要出门进行一次为期三个月的科学远征时,佩妮终于表现出了对伦纳德的兴趣,但她却把这种情感对伦纳德保密。Leonard 和 penny在第三季第一集,伦纳德和佩妮终于开始了一段浪漫的关系,发生了第一次关系。但是这段关系过早地结束了,因为伦纳德告诉佩妮他爱她而佩妮意识到她还不能说出同样的话。他们分手后不久,伦纳德的仰慕的一位科学家就作为谢尔顿的朋友过来借宿一晚,并和他发生了一夜情。他们分手后这么快伦纳德就和别人上了床导致佩妮非常生气并且不加掩饰的厌恶。然后,这并没有对他们的友情造成严重的伤害,最终他们复合了。在第三季最后一集,佩妮没有成功继续她和伦纳德的关系,她喝醉了然后和伦纳德嘿咻。到了早上,伦纳德认为他们已经复合,但佩妮告诉他这只是个错误。这给他们的关系带来很大伤害。这一集的末尾,伦纳德喝醉了并试图和佩妮嘿咻,却被佩妮踢出了房间。伦纳德同样和拉杰的妹妹普里娅(很明显是每次到这座城市的时候)发生关系,虽然他之前已经和霍华德拉手指发誓说他们谁也不能试图和她发生关系而且拉杰也极力反对。当佩妮的父亲到城里来时,佩妮表现得好像她仍然和伦纳德在一起,这样不会让她的父亲失望。她的父亲知道她最终和一个不是傻瓜(在他看来)的人约会后很明显非常高兴。当他发现这只是个骗局后,他请求伦纳德不要放弃佩妮。在整个第四季过程中,很明显佩妮仍然喜欢着伦纳德。伦纳德有没有意识到这一点并不太清楚,虽然他同样仍然对佩妮感兴趣。在“捐助因子”这一集里,伦纳德和一个富婆发生关系,换来对物理学部门的一大笔捐赠;伦纳德最初不愿意,然后她承认不管怎么样她都会捐赠,于是他们发生了一夜情(伦纳德第二天一早回到家,因此佩妮看到了他“羞耻的行走”,而且谢尔顿认为伦纳德的未来就是通过给富婆当男伴来换取捐赠)。当普里娅回来时,她和伦纳德开始恋爱,即便拉杰对此强烈反对,而佩妮入私下里对于伦纳德和别人约会很不高兴,最终崩溃并且大哭。伦纳德再一次地没有意识到佩妮的真实感受。在第四季最后一集中,佩妮在醉酒后对拉杰什·库斯拉帕里吐露:“伦纳德是个好人,我根本不该和他分手。”却在酒精作用下和拉杰什上床。第二天早晨两人尴尬地出现在谢尔顿、伦纳德和霍华德前,为第五季留下来充满悬念的结局。在第五季第十三集也是全剧第一百集时,伦纳德重新向佩妮约会。在第十四集时两人同意将两人的关系升级为“伦纳德与佩妮2.0”。


Leonard [ˈlenəd]莱纳德。在起英文名时,如果你想寓意“坚强,勇敢”,那么推荐Leonard这个名字。其中Leon-和单词lion(狮子)同源,都来自拉丁语leo"狮子";-ard和单词hard(坚强的)同源,原词意为“坚强的,勇敢的”。再如Napoleon(拿破仑)原意为“那不勒斯(Naples)的狮子”。



Leonard 什么意思啊?



名字是安吉洛,意思是又有天使 又有什么酒,忘记了


《生活大爆炸》第九季将于9月21日(北京时间22日)回归,第1集预告片放出,Leonard和Penny这对谈了八年的小情侣终于结婚啦!!!可是并没有很高兴啊,谢耳朵怎么办呢?所以来说说这部已经快10年的戏背后的那些故事吧。1.首先从Leonard和Penny这对在剧中多次分分合合的情侣说起吧,在现实生活中,Leonard曾经真的是Penny的男盆友。两人从2007年开始一起拍摄《生活大爆炸》后便开始秘密约会,两人瞒着大家整整两年!分后两年后,两人才在接受采访时谈过这段感情,Penny说:“那真是一段非常棒的感情,那是我生命中很重要的一段时光。不过我们两个那时候从来不对外说一个字,也不会一起出门。”两人分手后真的是朋友才能一起工作,还演情侣吧。2.剧中真正的学霸其实是Amy的扮演者Mayim Bialik(马伊姆·拜力克),在第一季中,Howard他们要寻找物理竞赛的队友第一个想到的就是Mayim。在现实生活中,Mayim童星出身不过却中断了演艺事业读大学去了,恩,她拿到了哈佛、耶鲁、UCLA三所顶级名校的offer,考虑到UCLA离家近就拒绝了哈佛和耶鲁,最后在UCLA拿到了神经学的博士学位,神经学啊……这是她博士论文的题目:Hypothalamic regulation in relation to maladaptive,obssesive-compulsive,affliliative,and satiety behaviors in Prader-Will syndrome……只认识in 和 to啊,不明觉厉啊!好吧,翻译过据说是《下丘脑关于不适应的调整,强迫症,在普拉德-威利综合征中亲和力和饱腹感的行为》,什么鬼?!3.2004年,大爆炸两男一女三位主角的片酬全部暴涨到了100万美元每半小时,追平了《老友记》最后几季的顶级巨星待遇。此外,三人之前的合约还包括该剧的后期版税抽成(例如其他台回放、点播等等),在新合约中这块收入也大幅度增加了,分分钟在北京买套房,呵呵。据《福布斯》杂志近日公布的2014至2015年度美国最赚钱电视男演员排行榜,谢耳朵以2900万美元的收入排名第一, Leonard以2700万美元的收入紧随其后。4.到目前为止剧集都没有透露Penny姓什么。突然耳边响起了谢耳朵的魔音Penny Penny Penny!或许她和杨阳洋一样,姓Penny,叫Penny,中间名也是Penny这么魔幻?!不过在她和Leonard结婚后就不存在这个问题了……5.剧中,Raj爸爸是医生,妹妹是律师,本人是科学家,开宾利车,家里还雇着几个佣人,Raj家到底多有钱呢?首先,Raj这个姓氏在依然严格遵守种姓制度的印度属于第二等级刹帝利,是军事贵族和行政贵族,拥有征收各种赋税的特权。然后,有一集谢耳朵说Raj家的资产大概在钢铁侠和蝙蝠侠的资产中间,根据2013年福布斯虚拟人物排行榜,钢铁侠排第四位124亿美元,蝙蝠侠排第六位92亿美元,所以Raj家大概有100亿美元左右的家产,非要打个比方话,就是王思聪啦。6.谢耳朵在白板上鬼画的那些公式基本都来自该剧的科学顾问,UCLA的物理和天文学教授David Saltzberg,有一次这名教授还把期末考试题写在大爆炸的白板上,感觉萌萌哒……7.四个好朋友的原型人物有3个都得过诺贝尔奖呢。谢耳朵的原型是美国理论物理学家谢尔登·李·格拉肖,1979年获得诺贝尔物理学奖。其他几个天才也都是有原型人物的:Leonard的原型是Arthur Leonard Schawlow,美国物理学家, 致力于对激光的研究,诺贝尔物理学奖获得者。Raj的原型是Raj Reddy,图灵奖获得者,最早研究人工智能的科学家之一。霍华德的原型是Howard Florey,澳大利亚的药理和病理学家,因为在盘尼西林的研究中的成绩也获得过诺贝尔奖。8.谢耳朵在剧中起码穿了100件不一样的T恤,大家一般对各种超级英雄主题、星际迷航主题的T恤印象深刻,但其实谢耳朵本人喜欢的是一件“73”T恤,他曾说过73 is the best number。9.霍华德妈妈是剧中最神秘的角色,只闻其声未见其人,但是她独特的嗓音却让很多观众好奇心爆棚,这位神秘母亲究竟什么样。然而在上一季中,霍华德接到了姨妈的电话,姨妈告诉他母亲小睡了一会儿就再也没醒来,之所以会有这样悲伤的情节,是因为为霍华德母亲献声的女演员卡萝尔·安·苏西去年因癌症去世,剧组以此方式结束了她在大爆炸中的演出。10.谢耳朵和他的同性伴侣,坐姿说明一切,哈哈。


姓名:Leonardo Frosi (人称莲花小王子) 生日:1992年3月27日 国籍:巴西 身高:186cm 三围:chest(胸围)-92;waist(腰围)-74;hips(臀围)-99 眼睛颜色:绿色 头发颜色:金色 鞋码:42 Leo出生在巴西的圣罗莎。 2009年高中结业就订立契约在热内卢签约当车模。 头一次走秀是LACOSTE的catwalk。 自称日常平时就喜欢穿牛仔和t恤,喜欢篮球排球足球和手球,最喜欢自己的头发,喜欢吃米饭、豆、牛排和薯条。 签约的模特公司是40 Graus。 国内的独家签约公司是“爵代国际”。 小王纸的围脖:@Leo_UniqueModels 小王纸的推特:@Leonardofrosi ======================================= 另有一些提问:平时最喜欢穿的内衣和想让自己觉得性感时会选择什么样的内衣: -- 一切让我觉得舒服的内衣 最喜欢的乐队/歌手: -- Jota Quest 会用什么样的方式来吸引一个人的注意: -- 直视对方的眼睛 最难忘记的时刻: -- 第一次的走秀 座右铭: --Love your neighbor as yourself 想象一下你是个超模,一群人围绕着你: --那肯定很有趣,但我真的从来没碰到过这种情况。 =========================================================================== 以上资料来自World of Models 他有一个女友Caroline,跟他属于同公司的,也是模特给你甩张双人照 https://gss0.baidu.com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/forum/pic/item/6f662ab728c2aa6eaeafd52c.jpg 你还可以看百科 http://baike.baidu.com/view/5603394.html 挺全的 至于那个微博,是新浪的……真的是他= =求采纳


kayley 这个号

游戏 求一份 拳皇莉安娜LEONA 的详细资料

里昂娜·哈迪兰 格斗流派 军事格斗+哈迪兰暗杀术 生日 1月10日 身高 176cm 体重 66kg 血型 B型 三围 84.60.87 出生地 不明 爱好 去工厂实习 重要的东西 无 喜欢的食物 蔬菜 讨厌的东西 血 擅长的运动 无 从96开始就取消了选择队伍作战这一设定。而里昂娜也就代替了“怒之队”的首领哈迪兰参战,在原设中,她是以哈迪兰养女的身份登场的。在96开发之前,制作者就曾经有过这样的想法,并最终让其担当了“大蛇八杰集”的女儿这一重要角色。得到开发者特别关爱的里昂娜和别的角色相比较,必杀技比较奇特,也可以从其间可以看出他们的一些恶趣味。

Leona Lewis的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:Leona Lewis专辑:I Got YouLeona Lewis - HeartbeatMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceIf I could have laid low,I would be creeping round the streets,Avoiding all the busy main roads,And keep an ounce of dignity,And if I could have stayed home,I would have slept through everything,Turn off my phone and breathe a silence,Stay in the comfort zone of me,Cause, Nobody lies in their bed,Nobody"s heart gets brokenNobody cries in when they"re flying, going inWhen I don"t speak,Weak and Hollow heartbeats,Leaking through my heart seam,Body sells me out, sells me out,So I keep this deep and shallow heartbeat,Under my control,And you will never see me weak,You will never heartbeat,Never hear my heartbeat,Never hear my heartbeat,Never hear my heartbeat,(oooohhh) beatIf I never met you,I would be busy with my life,Going to work and still be happy,I will be sleeping through the nights,And if i could forget you,I would go back and look for parts,For patching up my broken heart,And I would shut my aching eyesCause nobody shouts at their friends,Nobody wants forgiveness,Nobody doubts when they"re flying, givin" inWhen I don"t speak,Weak and Hollow heartbeats,Leaking from my heart seam,Body sells me out, sells me out,So I keep this deep and shallow heartbeat,Under my control,And you will never see me weak,You will never heartbeat,Never hear my heartbeat,Never hear my heartbeat,Never hear my heartbeat, beat, beatIf I keep it down,Just focus,I"m invisible,Cause when there is no sound,I know where I belong,I will be okWhen I don"t speak,Weak and Hollow heartbeats,Leaking from my heart seam,Body sells me out, sells me out,So I keep this deep and shallow heatbeat,Under my control,And you will never see me weak, (Noooo)You will never heartbeat,Never hear my heartbeat,Never hear my heartbeat,Never hear my heartbeat,Heartbeat, my heartbeatMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourcehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7415314



生活大爆炸 Leonard和priya 分手了么。第5季13集 莱 说他们交往过。


Leonard Cohen的《Darkness》 歌词

歌曲名:Darkness歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:DarknessMike TrampDarknessRecovering The Wasted YearsIf I ran away tomorrowWould my troubles stay behind?If I said goodbye to sorrowWould I find the strength to smile?I have always thought of leavingNever to come backNever to face itNever to fail againThe way I doBut when times where right I couldn"tCause baby I don"t know what it is I"m running fromWill you walk with me for miles?And hold me like a childWill you listen to the words I cannot speak?When I break down and I cryAnd there is nothing left but dieWill you lead me from this darkness to the light?If I told you I was drowningAnd in my faith I"ve given upIf I told you I was leavingNot to hurt you anymoreDid you know that I had fallen?Broken in pieces from the reasonsI never knew and could not findThere is nothing left to fight forAll my hopes and dreams have run out long agoWill you walk with me for miles?And hold me like a childWill you listen to the words I cannot speak?When I break down and I cryAnd there is nothing left but dieWill you lead me from this darkness to the light?Will you walk with me for miles?And hold me like a childWill you listen to the words I cannot speak?When I break down and I cryAnd there is nothing left but dieWill you lead me from this darkness to the light?http://music.baidu.com/song/13673489

Leonard Cohen的《Darkness》 歌词

Darkness演唱:Leonard CohenI caught the darknessIt was drinking from your cupI caught the darknessDrinking from your cupI said, "Is this contagious?"You said, "Just drink it up."I"ve got no futureI know my days are fewThe presemt"s, not that pleasantJust a lot of things to doI thought the past would last meBut the darkness got there too.I should"ve seen it comingIt was red behind your eyesYou"re young and it was summerI just had to take a diveWinning you was easyBut darkness was the price.I don"t smoke no cigaretteI don"t drink no alcoholI ain"t had much loving yetBut that"s always been your callI don"t miss it babyI got no taste for anything at allI used to love the rainbowAnd I used to love the viewAnother early morningI pretend that it was newBut I caught the darkness, babyAnd I got it worse than you.I caught the darknessIt was drinking from your cupI caught the darknessDrinking from your cupI said, "Is this contagious?"You said, "Just drink it up."http://music.baidu.com/song/13727342

求一首男声英文歌,不是Leona Lewis的I GOT YOU,歌词高潮部分好象是重复GOT YOU GOT YOU。谢谢!

take me to your heart

leona lewis《I got you》 中文歌词?

A place to crash冲突交汇之处I got you我能懂你No need to ask毋庸置疑I got you我能懂你Just get on the phone刚刚拿起电话I got you我能懂你Come and pick you up if I have to如果需要,我会立刻到你身边What"s weird about it这有什么奇怪呢Is we"re right at the end是因我们已经走到尽头And mad about it感到绝望Just figured it out in my head我在脑中理清了思绪I"m proud to say我很骄傲地说I got you我能懂你Go ahead and say goodbye你继续吧,说再见I"ll be alright我没事的Go ahead and make me cry你继续吧,让我流泪I"ll be alright我会好的And when you need a place to run to当你需要追寻新的梦想For better for worse无论好坏I got you我都能懂I got you我都能懂Ain"t falling a part, or bitter不是走向分离,抑或更糟Let"s be bigger than that and remember我们还是看开一点,要记得The cooling outdoor when you"re all alone你孤独时刻外面如何冰冷刺骨We"ll go on surviving我们将走下去No drama, no need for a show不是作秀Just wanna say只想告诉你I got you我懂你Go ahead and say goodbyeI"ll be alrightGo ahead and make me cryI"ll be alrightAnd when you need a place to run toFor better for worseI got youGo ahead and say goodbye (go ahead)I"ll be alright (say goodbye)Go ahead and make me cryI"ll be alrightAnd when you need a place to run toFor better for worseI got you(重复前面)"Cause this is love and life只因这就是爱,这就是人生And nothing we can both control没有什么是我们都能掌控的 来自百度

Leona Lewis-I Got You歌词翻译!!!!

"I Got You" 我曾拥有你A place to crash在这令人崩溃的地方I got you 我曾拥有过你No need to ask 是的,毋庸置疑I got you我曾拥有你Just get on the phone你才拿起电话I got you我就在这里Come and pick you up if I have to 如果这是我必须做的,我会立马出现在你身边What"s weird about it 你又何必对此感到奇怪?Is we"re right at the end 难道是因为我们已走到了尽头,And mad about it 对结局是如此失望吗?Just figured it out in my head 但是当我在脑中努力理清头绪之后I"m proud to say我才发现,我可以骄傲地说I got you 我拥有你Go ahead and say goodbye 如果你还是依然要与我告别I"ll be alright 我想,我会坦然接受它Go ahead and make me cry 坚持你的选择吧,让我继续流泪I"ll be alright 我相信,我会熬过去的And when you need a place to run to当你要到一个新的地方去的时候For better for worse无论结果如何I got you我都曾拥有过你Ain"t falling a part, or bitter 但这并不是分离,抑或更糟Let"s be bigger than that and remember 让我们彼此看开些吧,只要记住The cooling outdoor when you"re all alone 当你孤独的时候,无论外面是多么的寒风刺骨We"ll go on surviving我们都将一同去面对No drama, no need for a show这并不是幻想,也不是为了向你表示什么Just wanna say只想告诉你I got you 我就在这里(重复前面)"Cause this is love and life 一切都是因为这是人生,这是残酷的现实And nothing we can both control没有什么是我们所能掌控的

Leona Lewis的《I Got You》歌词翻译?

I feel it you feel it你我都能感觉到That this was meant to be这意味着什么I know it you know it你我都知道That you were made for me你是最适合我We can"t deny it any longer我们一再认可这个说法Day by day it"s getting stronger一天天的过去,它越来越强烈I want it you want it你我都想要得到它It"s what the people want to see那是任何人都希望看到的We"re like Romeo and Juliet我们象罗米欧和朱丽叶一样Families can"t divide us任何都不能将你我分开Like the tallest mountain or the widest sea就象那最高的山峰和最宽的海洋Nothing"s big enough to hide us没有什么可以遮挡我们When we make love its overwhelming我们的爱势不可挡。(搞不清楚什么意思,本来翻译的是:我们疯狂的做爱。。想想都爽)I just touch the heavens我仿佛到了极乐世界(如果上面当做爱讲的话,这句话就大概包含那种意思了)You"re an angel you"re an angel你是天使,你是天使I said this world this world我曾经说过这个世界Could leave us any day在某一天可能会离开我们But my love for you it will never go away但是我对你的爱永远都不会变And i don"t wanna go to sleep而且永远都不会停止(感动中啊,,有人这么爱我就好了。)Cuz" you are like a dream因为你就象一场梦(我靠,英语也太省了吧?cause连be都省了不说,还是个简写。)For every night I say a prayer每到夜里我都虔诚的祈祷And I swear you are the answer祈祷上帝把你赐给我(如果上帝真的存在,我也祈祷几个美女就ok了)You"re an angel你是天使*3(嘿嘿,偷个懒,乘3)you"re an angel you"re an angelSo we take it and each moment our love grows所以我接受了它并且我们的爱在不停的成长

求:莱昂纳德·科恩(Leonard Cohen)全部诗集,小说

《莱昂纳德·科恩之歌(the Songs Of Leonard Cohen)》《来自一个房间的歌(songs From A Room)》

求这首歌的歌词Leonard Cohen I am Your Man


翻译the letters leonard cohen


有谁知道这是Leonard Cohen的那首歌吗?

是这首The Traitor LYRICSNow the Swan it floated on the English riverAh the Rose of High Romance it opened wideA sun tanned woman yearned me through the summerAnd the judges watched us from the other sideI told my mother, "Mother I must leave youPreserve my room but do not shed a tearShould rumour of a shabby ending reach youIt was half my fault and half the atmosphere"But the Rose I sickened with a scarlet feverAnd the Swan I tempted with a sense of shameShe said at last I was her finest loverAnd if she withered I would be to blameThe judges said you missed it by a fractionRise up and brace your troops for the attackAh the dreamers ride against the men of actionOh see the men of action falling backBut I lingered on her thighs a fatal momentI kissed her lips as though I thirsted stillMy falsity had stung me like a hornetThe poison sank and it paralysed my willI could not move to warn all the younger soldiersThat they had been deserted from aboveSo on battlefields from here to BarcelonaI"m listed with the enemies of loveAnd long ago she said, "I must be leaving,Ah but keep my body here to lie uponYou can move it up and down and when I"m sleepingRun some wire through that Rose and wind the Swan"So daily I renew my idle dutyI touch her here and there -- I know my placeI kiss her open mouth and I praise her beautyAnd people call me traitor to my face

Leonard Cohen的《The Future》 歌词

歌曲名:The Future歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Natural Born Killers (A Soundtrack For An Oliver Stone Film)Give me back my broken nightmy mirrored room, my secret lifeit"s lonely here,there"s no one left to tortureGive me absolute controlover every living soulAnd lie beside me, baby,that"s an order!Give me crack and anal sexTake the only tree that"s leftand stuff it up the holein your cultureGive me back the Berlin wallgive me Stalin and St PaulI"ve seen the future, brother:it is murder.Things are going to slide, slide in all directionsWon"t be nothingNothing you can measure anymoreThe blizzard, the blizzard of the worldhas crossed the thresholdand it has overturnedthe order of the soulWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantYou don"t know me from the windyou never will, you never didI"m the little jewwho wrote the BibleI"ve seen the nations rise and fallI"ve heard their stories, heard them allbut love"s the only engine of survivalYour servant here, he has been toldto say it clear, to say it cold:It"s over, it ain"t goingany furtherAnd now the wheels of heaven stopyou feel the devil"s riding cropGet ready for the future:it is murderThings are going to slide, slide in all directionsWon"t be nothingNothing you can measure anymoreThe blizzard, the blizzard of the worldhas crossed the thresholdand it has overturnedthe order of the soulWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantThere"ll be the breaking of the ancientwestern codeYour private life will suddenly explodeThere"ll be phantomsThere"ll be fires on the roadand the white man dancingYou"ll see a womanhanging upside downher features covered by her fallen gownand all the lousy little poetscoming roundtryin" to sound like Charlie Mansonand the white man dancin"Give me back the Berlin wallGive me Stalin and St PaulGive me Christor give me HiroshimaDestroy another fetus nowWe don"t like children anyhowI"ve seen the future, baby:it is murderThings are going to slide, slide in all directionsWon"t be nothingNothing you can measure anymoreThe blizzard, the blizzard of the worldhas crossed the thresholdand it has overturnedthe order of the soulWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meantWhen they said REPENT REPENThttp://music.baidu.com/song/60684895

求这首歌的歌词Leonard Cohen I am Your Man


Leonard Cohen的《Going Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Going Home歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Old IdeasGoing HomeLeonard CohenI love to speak with LeonardHe"s a sportsman and a shepherdHe"s a lazy bastardLiving in a suitBut he does say what I tell himEven though it isn"t welcomeHe just doesn"t have the freedomTo refuseHe will speak these words of wisdomLike a sage, a man of visionThough he knows he"s really nothingBut the brief elaboration of a tubeGoing home Without my sorrowGoing homeSometime tomorrowGoing home To where it"s betterThan beforeGoing homeWithout my burdenGoing homeBehind the curtainGoing homeWithout the costumeThat I woreHe wants to write a love songAn anthem of forgivingA manual for living with defeatA cry above the sufferingA sacrifice recoveringBut that isn"t what I want him to completeI want to make him certainThat he doesn"t have a burdenThat he doesn"t need a visionThat he only has permissionTo do my instant biddingThat is to SAY what I have told himTo repeatGoing homeWithout my sorrowGoing homeSometime tomorrowGoing homeTo where it"s betterThan beforeGoing homeWithout my burdenGoing homeBehind the curtainGoing homeWithout the costumeThat I woreGoing homeWithout my sorrowGoing homeSometime tomorrowTo where it"s betterThan beforeGoing homeWithout my burdenGoing homeBehind the curtainGoing homeWithout the costumeThat I woreI love to speak with LeonardHe"s a sportsman and a shepherdHe"s a lazy bastardLiving in a suithttp://music.baidu.com/song/13727319

Leonard Cohen的《Always》 歌词

《Always》歌手:Leonard Cohen所属专辑:《The Future》发行时间:1992-11-10歌词:Ill be loving you always with a love thats true, always When the thing youve planned needs my helping hand, I will understand, always, always Days may not be fair, always Yeah but thats when Ill be there, always Not for just an hour, Not for just a day, Not for just a year, but always. I said that Ill be loving you, always with a love thats true, always. When the thing youve planned needs my helping hand, I will, I will understand, always, always (Oh thats pretty ... thats pretty too ... Oh darling) The days may not be fair, always Yeah but thats when Ill be there, always Not for just a second, or a minute, or an hour, Not for just a weekend and a shake down in the shower, Not for just the summer and the winter going sour, But always, always, always (Ok if you dont want to quit, lets try it one more time) Ill be loving you, always with a love thats true, always. When the thing youve planned needs my helping hand, I will understand, I will, I will understand, always, always The days may not be fair, always (Dont worry, baby) Thats when Ill be there, always Not for just an hour, Not for just a day, Not for just a year, but always.

莱奥纳德科恩 我是你的男人 LEONARD COHEN IM YOUR MAN怎么样

最有魅力的,还是Cohen。Bono表现的对Cohen的高山仰止的崇拜之情实在是太可爱了。 Cohen说:“我有诗人的头衔,或许我曾经是个诗人,也被好心地冠上歌手的头衔,虽然我连歌都唱不好;我当了很多年的和尚,我削发穿僧袍,每天起个大早;我恨所有人,却表现得很宽容,没人发现这一点;我的大情人名号是个笑话,它让我苦笑着,度过一万个孤独的夜晚。” Bono则说:“他真的是个奇才,尽管他对民.… []

Leonard Cohen的《Suzanne》 歌词

歌曲名:Suzanne歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:COHEN LIVE - LEONARD COHEN LIVE IN CONCERTSuzanneLeonard CohenSuzanne takes you down to her place near the riverYou can hear the boats go byYou can spend the night beside herAnd you know that she"s half crazyBut that"s why you want to be thereAnd she feeds you tea and orangesThat come all the way from ChinaAnd just when you mean to tell herThat you have no love to give herThen she gets you on her wavelengthAnd she lets the river answerThat you"ve always been her loverAnd you want to travel with herAnd you want to travel blindAnd you know that she will trust youFor you"ve touched her perfect body with your mind.And Jesus was a sailorWhen he walked upon the waterAnd he spent a long time watchingFrom his lonely wooden towerAnd when he knew for certainOnly drowning men could see himHe said "All men will be sailors thenUntil the sea shall free them"But he himself was brokenLong before the sky would openForsaken, almost humanHe sank beneath your wisdom like a stoneAnd you want to travel with himAnd you want to travel blindAnd you think maybe you"ll trust himFor he"s touched your perfect body with his mind.Now Suzanne takes your handAnd she leads you to the riverShe is wearing rags and feathersFrom Salvation Army countersAnd the sun pours down like honeyOn our lady of the harbourAnd she shows you where to lookAmong the garbage and the flowersThere are heroes in the seaweedThere are children in the morningThey are leaning out for loveAnd they will lean that way foreverWhile Suzanne holds the mirrorAnd you want to travel with herAnd you want to travel blindAnd you know that you can trust herFor she"s touched your perfect body with her mind.http://music.baidu.com/song/32701893

求类似于leonard cohen的歌手

我只觉得,third day ?可以吗???

Leona Lewis-I Got You歌词翻译!!!!




Leona Lewis的身高血型

Leona Lewis,1985年4月2日出生于英国伦敦。在她5岁时加入了当时的一个艺术院校,开始学习音乐。12岁的她已经开始自己创作歌曲。而当她15时已经拥有了自己第一张Demo录音盘。 2006年的春季,Leona参加了英国著名选秀节目"The X Factor",她成为了最早被大家看好的选手。经过一路过关斩将,以几近完美的歌技表演和绝对的票数优势最终夺下总冠军!也为她赢得了100万的唱片合约!她的首支单曲"A Moment Like This"以相当不错的销售成绩取得了圣诞单曲排行榜的首位。 2007年10月,Leona第2支单曲Bleeding Love一发行就排到英国单曲榜的首位,并在首周销量超过20万张,也成为本年度销售最快的单曲。一系列的出色的成绩使得Leona受到了更多外界的关注。即将发行的专辑就请来Walter Afanasieff, Dallas Austin, Scott Storch, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis和Damon Dash等大牌制作人来担当创作!这些著名的人士都被Leona有生具来的音乐天赋所惊叹,并十分乐意为新专辑尽自己一份力,这也让专辑在质量上有了很大的保证。 特意翻的资料,之前就很关注Leona。觉得她的声音简直可以完美来形容,尤其是听了她所有现场演唱后,更加由赞美转到了由衷的佩服。一个才22岁的女子就有如此不可多得的才华,实在可以让每个和她同龄的女孩为之惊叹。谈下她的单曲"A Moment Like This",又一种演绎的方式,别样的风格,和Kelly Clarkson的版存在很大不同,尤其是在旋律上更加舒缓自然,将Leona的抒情嗓音展现淋漓尽致,轻柔间又透着张力,在低音与高音间游刃有余的滑动,让我们知道,这,就是冠军的实力!大家必须听的,超级推荐的作品!听到没?必须下!! PS:Leona Lewis凭借06年底英伦选秀节目The X Factor的第三季展露头角,首张单曲A Moment Like This与06年12月20日以网路下载的形式发行, 立刻以30分钟被下载50, 000次而大获全胜, 从而打破世界纪录!Leona12岁开始写歌, 15岁时和音乐制作人Marley J Wills录制了Minnie Riperton的Lovin" You(让我感觉到了Mariah的味道,Leona唱的叫棒~大家可以听听,海豚音堪称经典再现~!!~)因此被Sony邀请到美国。 PS:当音乐生涯停滞不前, 心灰意冷的Leona Lewis想要放弃时, 男友劝她参加歌唱选秀节目The X Factor.2006年, Lewis参加了The X Factor的第三季演唱Over The Rainbow, 她一路过五关斩六将杀到了决赛,终于在06年12月16日夺得冠军! 同时签下了一百万英镑的录音合同。 这位被誉为“玛利亚凯莉和惠特尼休斯顿的中和体”一出道就缔造了N多惊人记录在英国本土创造的记录:处女砖《Spirit》创造了英国史上首周专辑最高销量,英国史上单周销量第五的纪录。该数字为375,872。该专辑和同时发行的单曲《bleeding love》更是雄踞英国专辑榜/单曲榜榜首多周凭借惊人的实力,轻易打开了国际市场,并最终在美国引起不小轰动。在美国最权威榜单billboard上也缔造了很多记录:纪录一:继1986年金怀德〈Kim Wilde〉后21年来首位英国女歌手拿下美国单曲榜冠军 纪录二:摇滚史上第三位英国女歌手以初登场单曲拿下美国单曲榜冠军 纪录三:继1981年的席娜伊斯顿〈Sheena Easton〉后,27年来首位英国女歌手初登场就拿下美国单曲榜冠军 纪录四:十年来第二位英籍歌手拿下美国榜冠军,上一位是2005年的詹姆仕布朗特 纪录五:艾美怀丝之后一年来首位打入前十名的英国艺人 纪录六:继1991年乔治麦可后SONY BMG唱片首位夺下美国单曲榜冠军的英国歌手</CC> 记录七:近30年,《bleeding love》是第一只登顶后被打下成为亚军然后登顶然后再被打下做亚军最后再登顶(3次登顶)的冠军单曲2008年北京奥运会闭幕式上,“伦敦8分钟”表演开始。由著名足球明星贝克汉姆、歌手Leona Lewis、吉米·佩齐等领衔表演。

美国的xfactor,海选的时候,一般参赛选手唱完评委评价的时候放的一首歌,是leona lewis唱的!是什么歌!

take a bow

你好,请问谁有leona lewis的breaking into pieces的歌词?

"Breaking Into Pieces"Waiting for the key to turnFor your footsteps on the floorI feel my heartbeat racingBut there"s no one at the doorIt"s 3 o" Clock in the morningAnd I don"t know where you areDo you ever really think of me at all?Oh, more than words can sayI miss you each dayyou"re not around, it"s more than I can takeMore than you"ll ever knowMore than I"ll ever showYou"re not around more than I can takeOh I"m breaking into piecesCause I know that you"ve moved onBaby, how can I go on nowWhen all we had is gone?Oh I"m breaking into piecesAnd I"m falling one by oneWill you come back, back to me and thenPut me back together again?I remember when I met youFor the first time I just knewYou were all I ever wantedI could feel you through and throughYou held me tight and made me wishThis night would never endNow those memories are all that I have leftOh, more than words can sayI miss you each dayYou"re not around; it"s more than I can takeOh I"m breaking into piecesCause I know that you"ve moved onBaby, how can I go on nowWhen all we had is gone?Oh I"m breaking into piecesAnd I"m falling one by oneWill you come back, back to me and thenPut me back together again?

Leonard Cohen的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Various PositionsFor HanhanI"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you?it goes like this the fourth the fifthThe minor fall and the major liftThe baffled king composing HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYour faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew yaShe tied you to her kitchen chairShe broke your throne and she cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYou say I took the name in vainI don"t even know the nameBut if I did, will really, what"s it to ya?There"s a blaze of lightIn every wordIt doesn"t matter which you heardThe holy and or the broken hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahI did my best, it wasn"t muchI couldn"t feel, so I try to touchI"ve told the truth, I didn"t come to fool youAnd even though it all went wrongI"ll stand before the Lord of songWith nothing on my tongue but hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31472355

Leonard Cohen的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Watchmen (Music from the Motion Picture)For HanhanI"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you?it goes like this the fourth the fifthThe minor fall and the major liftThe baffled king composing HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYour faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew yaShe tied you to her kitchen chairShe broke your throne and she cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYou say I took the name in vainI don"t even know the nameBut if I did, will really, what"s it to ya?There"s a blaze of lightIn every wordIt doesn"t matter which you heardThe holy and or the broken hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahI did my best, it wasn"t muchI couldn"t feel, so I try to touchI"ve told the truth, I didn"t come to fool youAnd even though it all went wrongI"ll stand before the Lord of songWith nothing on my tongue but hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59008071

Leonard Cohen的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Live In LondonFor HanhanI"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you?it goes like this the fourth the fifthThe minor fall and the major liftThe baffled king composing HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYour faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew yaShe tied you to her kitchen chairShe broke your throne and she cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYou say I took the name in vainI don"t even know the nameBut if I did, will really, what"s it to ya?There"s a blaze of lightIn every wordIt doesn"t matter which you heardThe holy and or the broken hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahI did my best, it wasn"t muchI couldn"t feel, so I try to touchI"ve told the truth, I didn"t come to fool youAnd even though it all went wrongI"ll stand before the Lord of songWith nothing on my tongue but hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31397169


他们很开放的 而且再说Howard跟Penny又没做什么.

leona lewis-歌词及翻译

Closed off from love 从爱情中解脱 I didn"t need the pain 我不想再痛苦 Once or twice was enough 一两次就够了 And it was all in vain 但是一切都是徒劳 Time starts to pass 时间开始流逝 Before you know it you"re frozen 在你明白之前,你已经冰冻了 But something happened 但是很多事情都已发生 For the very first time with you 第一次遇到你,跟你在一起 My heart melts into the ground 我的心已融化入土地 Found something true 发现一些真实的事情 And everyone"s looking rou都认为我已经快疯了 But I don"t care what they say 但是,我一点都不在乎他们在说什么 I"m in love with you 我爱你 They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦 But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相 My heart"s crippled by the vein 因为这种痛苦的心境,我的心已经静止跳动 That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己 You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开 Keep bleeding 我一直在流血 Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱 I keep bleeding 我一直在流血 I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱 Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open 你将我割裂开 Trying hard not to hear 艰难的试着不去听 But they talk so loud 但是他们说话的声音是那么大 Their piercing sounds fill my ears 他们刺耳的谈话声充斥着我的耳朵 Try to fill me with doubt 试图将我带入犹豫中 Yet I know that the goal 然而我知道他们的目的 Is to keep me from falling 是想让我不要继续堕落 But nothing"s greater 你的拥抱给我带来了很大的冲击,没有任何东西比这种感觉强烈 Than the rush that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness 在这个孤寂的世界里 I see your face 我看到了你的脸庞 Yet everyone around me 虽然环绕着我的每一个人 Thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybe 都在想我是否疯了,也许,也许 But I don"t care what they say 但是我根本就不在乎他们在说什么 And it"s draining all of me 我所有的需也已经流干 Oh they find it hard to believe 他们觉得难以置信 I"ll be wearing these scars 我覆盖着这些伤疤 For everyone to see 为了每个人都能看见

[求]英国最新冠军单曲Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love的歌词翻译

Closed off from love 从爱情中解脱I didn"t need the pain 我不想再痛苦Once or twice was enough 一两次就够了And it was all in vain 但是一切都是徒劳Time starts to pass 时间开始流逝Before you know it you"re frozen 在你明白之前,你已经冰冻了But something happened 但是很多事情都已发生For the very first time with you 第一次遇到你,跟你在一起My heart melts into the ground 我的心已融化入土地Found something true 发现一些真实的事情And everyone"s looking rou都认为我已经快疯了But I don"t care what they say 但是,我一点都不在乎他们在说什么I"m in love with you 我爱你They try to pull me away 他们都试图让我解脱痛苦But they don"t know the truth 但是他们根本不知道真相My heart"s crippled by the vein 因为这种痛苦的心境,我的心已经静止跳动That I keep on closing 我继续封闭自己You cut me open and I 你将我割裂开Keep bleeding 我一直在流血Keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱I keep bleeding 我一直在流血I keep, keep bleeding love 一直在流血的爱Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open 你将我割裂开Trying hard not to hear 艰难的试着不去听But they talk so loud 但是他们说话的声音是那么大Their piercing sounds fill my ears 他们刺耳的谈话声充斥着我的耳朵Try to fill me with doubt 试图将我带入犹豫中Yet I know that the goal 然而我知道他们的目的Is to keep me from falling 是想让我不要继续堕落But nothing"s greater 你的拥抱给我带来了很大的冲击,没有任何东西比这种感觉强烈Than the rush that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness 在这个孤寂的世界里I see your face 我看到了你的脸庞Yet everyone around me 虽然环绕着我的每一个人Thinks that I"m going crazy, maybe, maybe 都在想我是否疯了,也许,也许But I don"t care what they say 但是我根本就不在乎他们在说什么And it"s draining all of me 我所有的需也已经流干Oh they find it hard to believe 他们觉得难以置信I"ll be wearing these scars 我覆盖着这些伤疤For everyone to see 为了每个人都能看见





Leonard Cohen 的《Bird on Wire》,好听的醉了,希望知道这首歌的中文翻译,谢谢!

《立在电线上的鸟》 像只立在电线上的鸟, 像个醉汉 在午夜唱诗班中摇晃。 我以我的方式 寻求着自由。 像条钉在鱼钩上的饵, 像位从古书里走来的骑士, 我为你收集着, 我所有的勋章。 如果, 如果我曾无情, 我希望, 你能让它随风而去。 如果, 如果我有过不忠, 我希望, 你知道,那绝不是对着你。 唉,像个夭折的婴儿, 像头尖角的野兽! 撕碎了, 每个对我伸出手的人。 但是,我以这首歌, 和我所有的错,起誓: 我会为你做出补偿。 我看见一个乞丐 倚着他的木拐杖, 他对我说: “你一定不可要求那么多。” 一个漂亮女人 依着那扇漆黑的门, 她向我笑着: “嗨,为什么 不要求多点呢?” 像只立在电线上的鸟, 在午夜唱诗班中摇晃, 我以我的方式 获得自由。 原歌词: Bird On The Wire lyrics Songwriters: Cohen, Leonard; Like a bird on the wire Like a drunk in a midnight choir I have tried in my way to be free Like a worm on a hook Like a knight from some old fashioned book I have saved all my ribbons for thee If I, if I have been unkind I hope that you can just let it go by If I, if I have been untrue I hope you know it was never to you Oh, like a baby, stillborn Like a beast with his horn I have torn everyone who reached out for me But I swear by this song And by all that I have done wrong I will make it all up to thee I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch He said to me, "You must not ask for so much" And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door She cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?" Oh, like a bird on the wire Like a drunk in a midnight choir I have tried in my way to be free 参考来源:http://www.douban.com/group/topic/22450639/

Leonardo Dicaprio里安纳度迪卡比奥演过的所有电影/电视剧名(中&英) 10点

1. Blood Diamond (2006) 电影《血钻》 2. The Departed (2006) 电影《无间道风云》 3. The Aviator (2004) 电影《娱乐大亨》 4. Catch Me If You Can (2002) 电影《捉智双雄》 5. Gangs of New York (2002) 电影《纽约风云》 6. Don"s Plum (2001) 电影《唐的梅子餐厅》(台湾译名) 7. The Beach (2000) 电影《迷幻沙滩》 8. Celebrity (1998) 电影《名人录》(台湾译名) 9. The Man in the Iron Mask (1998) 电影《铁面王子》 10. Titanic (1997) 电影《铁达尼号》 11. Marvin"s Room (1996) 电影《一切从心开始》 12. Romeo + Juliet (1996) 电影《罗密欧与茱丽叶:后现代 *** 篇》 13. Total Eclipse (1995) 电影《心之全蚀》 14. The Basketball Diaries (1995) 电影《边缘日记》 15. The Quick and the Dead (1995) 电影《凤舞狂沙》 16. The Foot Shooting Party (1994) 电影 17. What"s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) 电影 18. This Boy"s Life (1993) 电影《这男孩的一生》(台湾译名) 19. Poison Ivy (1992) 电影《欲海潮》 20. "Growing Pains" (22 episodes 1991-1992) 电视剧《成长的烦恼》 21. "Roseanne" (1 episode 1991) 电视剧 22. Critters 3 (1991) 电影《魔精3》 23. "Santa Barbara" (unknown episodes 1990) 电视剧 24."The New Lassie" (1 episode 1990) 电视剧 25. "Parenthood" (1990) 电视剧 参考: imdb/name/nm0000138/ Past Present & Future Films (By Release Date) The Chancellor Manuscript as "Peter Chancellor" Akira The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt as "Theodore Roosevelt" Freedom Within the Heart as "Teddy Daniels" Shutter Island as "Teddy Daniels" (2009) Revolutionary Road as "Frank Wheeler" (2008) Body of Lies as "Roger Ferris" (2008) The 11th Hour (2007) The Blood Diamond as "Danny Archer" (2007) The Departed as "Ofcr. William M. "Billy" Costigan Jr." (2006) The Aviator as "Howard Hughes" (2004) Catch Me if You Can as "Frank Abagnale Jr." (2002) Gangs of New-York as "Amsterdam Vallon" (2002) The Beach as "Richard" (2000) Celebrity as "Brandon Darrow" (1998) The Man in the Iron Mask as "King Louis XIV / Philippe" (1998) Don"s Plum as "Derek" (1998) Titanic as "Jack Dawson" (1997) Marvin"s Room as "Hank" (1996) Romeo & Juliet as "Romeo Montaigu" (1996) Total Eclipse as "Arthur Rimbaud" (1995) The Basketball Diaries as "Jim Carroll" (1995) Hundred and One Nights (1995) The Quick and The Dead as Fee Herod "The Kid" (1995) What"s Eating Gilbert Grape as "Arnie Grape" (1993) This Boy"s Life as "Tobias Wolff" (1993) Poison Ivy (1992) Critters III as "Josh" (1991)

Leonardo da Vinci是什么意思

列奥纳多·达·芬奇 意大利语:Leonardo da Vinci

英语作文,对Leonardo Da Vinci的理解,不要纯粹介绍的,要你对他人生的理解,600字左右,谢谢各位啊!!

As a great painter, Da Vinci"s works are known and appreciated by the world. No other artist of his time painted people or animals like him. He used perspective to show depth which is called "sfumato", helping to create a cloudy effect to suggest distance. His "Chiaroscuro" is a method using light and shade as a painterly effect. Also he liked to be loyal to the objective facts, putting more emphasis on depicting people"s inside, which made the drawing more vivid and real. His ways of painting was very unique in depicting people"s psychology through their facial expressions, gestures and motions. The perfect example may be the Last Supper, what people thought is vividly showed and we can tell who is the traitor through careful observation. Another hot topic of Da Vinci"s painting may be the Mona Lisa. Her mysteries smile is studied and discussed by countless people and interpreted by 2 voices: evil and kind. Also he used his ever questioning mind to bring together art and science. His Vitruvian Man especially showed his great talent in this part. He thought that everything is connected with each other. Just as his saying, "Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else." This exactly showed his unusual ways of thinking and great talent that other artists do not have.Mostly we know that Da Vinci was greatly admired for his artistic talent. Despite all the art achievements, he never lost his enthusiasm in other subjects. He liked to do research in many different areas. He wanted to understand everything he saw. So he spent his life studying and observing in order to develop a scientific understanding of the world. He wrote down all his thoughts and ideas in a series of small backwards notebooks which contained many very modern ideas. He designed weapons, machines, robots, helicopter and many other kinds of engineering devices, making drawings and explaining them with detailed notes. Many people thought that his scientific experiments were odd and some kind of evil magic and few of these designs were built during his lifetime. But they show his extraordinarily forward- thinking mind.Da Vinci represented the spirit of inquiry. When he recalled the time he got lost in the forest, his words gave me a deep impression. He said at that time he was affected by two emotions: the horror with the unknown in the darkness; the curiosity to advance. It was the two emotions contradicted in his mind that urged him to develop scientific ideas that were centuries ahead of his time. Being mysterious and talented, this legendary man has endured almost all the bitterness of human life but remembered and appreciated by the future generation.

Leonardo da Vinci是什么意思

列奥纳多达文西双语对照词典结果:Leonardo da Vinci(达)芬奇(1452-1519,意大利文艺复兴时期伟大画家,雕刻家,建筑学家); 以上结果来自金山词霸百科释义达芬奇 (Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519)是文艺复兴时期作卓越的代表人物,他的成就和贡献是多方面的。达芬奇出生在佛罗伦萨附近的一个小镇——芬奇镇。他是一位天才,他一面热心于艺术创作和理论研究,他研究如何用线条与立体造型去表现形体的各种问题;另一方面他也同时研究自然科学。达芬奇是意大利文艺复兴时期最伟大最著名的巨匠,他不仅是一位天才的画家,并且是大数学家、科学家、力学家和工程师,是一位多才多艺、全面发展的人。他有着多方面的才能,对人类作出过多方面的贡献。他不仅会画画,雕塑,建筑房屋,还会发明武器,设计过世界上第一个飞行机、他又是一个医学家、音乐家和戏剧家,而且在物理学…查看更多>>收起例句:1.Famous nappers have included bill clinton lance armstrong leonardo davinci and thomas edison. 爱打瞌睡的人中有些相当有名,包括美国总统克林顿、兰斯阿姆斯特朗、达芬奇和托马斯爱迪生等。2.Leonardo da vinci had talked about this, says nilsson, but watkins wastaking it further. 里昂那多达芬奇曾提及这个问题,尼尔森说,但沃特金斯则更进一步。3.Using computer scans she found that the face on the turin shroud and aself portrait of leonardo da vinci share the same dimensions. 她在使用计算机扫描之后发现,都灵裹尸布的遗像与列奥纳多达芬奇的自画像具有诸多相同的特点。4.To learn more about human anatomy, leonardo da vinci secretly dissectedcorpses. 为了得知更多人体解剖学的相关知识,达文西暗地里解剖尸体。5.The roman physician galen observed that images received by the two eyesare slightly different, as did leonardo da vinci many centuries later. 罗马医生盖伦观察说两个眼睛观察到的景象是不一样的,而关于这一点几个世纪后莱昂纳多达芬奇也发现了。

Da Vinci Leonardo课文翻译,不要用翻译器的谢谢昂。(手打很累昂)

能不能给我悬赏 /可怜 达芬奇(1452-1519)是一个意大利画家,发明家,音乐家,…(不认识 翻翻词典吧)和科学家 达芬奇出生在乡下,从小他就展现出极强的…和艺术天赋 随着他的长大 他学会了做许多不同的事情。他的画非常出名,其中一幅名叫蒙娜丽莎 或许是世界上最著名的画作了,他还有许多发明品 例如他的笔记本里就包含了许多有趣的飞行器的图纸。

意大利画家莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)

——学艺术·查资讯·上艺培—— 了解更多艺考资讯 关注贵州艺培网 / 达芬奇 全名Leonardo da Vinci 莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(1452—1519) 意大利画家 与拉斐尔,米开朗基罗齐名的意大利文艺复兴三杰之一 了解达芬奇的人都知道 他是一位天才 不仅是一位多才多艺的画家 同时还是预言家、雕塑家、发明家 哲学家、音乐家、医学家、生物学家 地理学家、建筑工程师、军事工程师他在很多领域都有建树 达芬奇最大成就的领域在绘画 其中代表作有《蒙娜丽莎》代表了文艺复兴时期的美学方向 该作品折射出来的女性的深邃与高尚的思想品质 反映了文艺复兴时期人们对于女性美的审美理念和审美追求画中美女名叫塞西莉亚·加拉拉尼 是米兰公爵最受宠的情妇 米兰公爵是达·芬奇的朋友 也是他绘画的经济赞助人《最后的晚餐》创作时间1494年-1498年,以《圣经》中耶稣跟十二门徒共进最后一次晚餐为题材。画面中人物的惊恐、愤怒、怀疑、剖白等神态,以及手势、眼神和行为,都刻画得精细入微,惟妙惟肖,是所有以此题材创作的作品中最著名的一幅。 在达·芬奇看来, 人类对艺术与科学的认识过程同样 “要以感性经验为基础, 而且是以最高贵的感觉——视觉为基础”, “我们的一切知识来源于知觉”, “绘画的确是一门科学,并且是自然的合法的女儿”。达芬奇的作品不多 但是每一个作品都是绝世之作 达芬奇晚年极少作画 一心专研科学 他的手稿从物理、数学到生物解剖 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字

Leona Lewis的《Broken》 歌词

歌曲名:Broken歌手:Leona Lewis专辑:EchoLeona Lewis - BrokenYou can take away all my loveWhat do I need it forYou can take away all these wordsThere"s no meaning anymoreYou can take away everythingLeave me lying on the floorAll those sorry"s we can"t go back to the startYou can"t fix me, I"m torn apartI wanna run away from loveThis time I have had enoughEvery time I feel your touch, I"m brokenShattered all my pieces of partNever thought I"d fall so hardPutting back together my heart, It"s brokenYou can take these photographsWatch them fade away, ohYou can throw away all these lettersI don"t care about what they sayAll those sorry"s, there"s a million reasons whyYou can"t mend me, don"t even tryI wanna run away from loveThis time I have had enoughEvery time I feel your touch, I"m brokenShattered all the pieces of partNever thought I"d fall so hardPutting back together my heart, I"m brokenI know it"s gonna take some timeTo finally realizeI got nothing let insideNothing to hideI"m broken, I"m brokenMy heart is oh, oh, ohI"m broken, I"m brokenThere"s nothing left insideOh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, OhSave meI wanna run away from loveThis time I"ve had enoughEvery time I feel your touch, I"m brokenShattered all the pieces of partNever thought I"d fall so hardPutting back together my heart, I"m brokenOh, Oh, Oh, Oh, I"m brokenOh, Oh Oh, Oh, Save meOh, Save, MeI"m brokenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/508800

Leona Lewis Broken 歌词翻译


Leona Lewis - Footprints In The Sand QQ空间背景音乐MP3链接

http://f1.xiami.net/24095/452964/13_1770343047_2674077.mp3 亲试成功~望楼主满意 谢谢采纳~

求帮翻译这段Leonardo DaVinvi的课文





Karen 读起来舒服简单 2个发音Leona Fiona 都娜娜声还3个发音 麻烦死


fiona 很多人选这个英文名呢。

Leona Lewis此人详细资料?

 全名:Leona Louise Lewis   中文名:利昂娜·刘易斯(大陆)/里欧娜(台湾)  职业:歌手  出生地:Islington, London, UK(英国伦敦伊斯林顿)  国籍:英国  语言:英语  生日:1985.04.03  年龄:24岁  星座:白羊座  身高:5"7英尺(约为1.70米)  鞋码:Size 7  血统:英国,中国,意大利,爱尔兰,圭亚纳(妈妈有威尔士、意大利、爱尔兰血统,爸爸有圭亚纳血统,而祖父还拥有中国血统)  所属唱片公司:Syco, Sony Music, J Records  音乐类型:Pop,R&B  活动时间:2006年至今  男友:Lou Al-Chamaa  男友对Leona的爱称:Lee 或 Hoopsie(因为小时头发太卷)  经纪人:Nicola Carson, Richard Griffiths, Harry Magee,Steve Martin(Tour)  会的乐器:钢琴,还会弹一点儿吉他  私家车:Mini Cooper  爱好:唱歌,听歌,看电影,购物,骑马  最爱吃的素菜:豆腐,新鲜蔬菜和意大利白干酪棒(Leona是素食主义者,不吃肉,不穿皮草)  最喜欢并期待的5项英国事物:2012年伦敦奥运会,郊区,吉百利巧克力,英国流行音乐,茄汁焗豆  最喜欢并期待的5项美国事物:星巴克热巧克力咖啡,California的阳光,The Tyra Banks Show,Beyoncé,环球影城  最向往的地方:加勒比海,夏威夷  最喜欢的颜色:粉红色  最喜欢的美剧:《Heroes》《True Blood》  最喜爱的歌手:Beyoncé Knowles, Kanye West  最喜爱的乐队:Kings Of Leon  最喜爱的演员:Taylor Lautner(在电影暮光之城中饰演狼人Jacob Black)  宠物:罗威纳犬Rome,24岁生日时收到的马Rhadlon,花费100美元从一个流浪者手中拯救的兔子Melrose

Leona Lewis的《Naked》 歌词

歌曲名:Naked歌手:Leona Lewis专辑:Something moreLeona Lewis - NakedYou could have left me on a firdayWould have loved to at least had the weekendTo go wonder andTo stay underTo get betterTo stay betterBut you had to pick a mondayNow i gotta go to workAnd get through 5 daysAnd get through itAnd if i cant do itAnd no, i cant do itTheres a heartbreaking chill runningThrough my bonesI got my clothes but I can"t really Feel them onOh noWhatever I doI"m nakedI"m nakedWithout youCant go out, cant go home, cant go anywhereCovered up but I"m still watching people stareOh noNow what can I doI"m nakedI"m nakedWithout youTryin" focus to go un-noticedBut the harder I try I see them lookingAnd i cant do it noThey see through it yeahThey see through itTheres a heartbreaking chill runningThrough my bonesI got my clothes but I can"t really Feel them onOh noWhatever I doI"m nakedI"m nakedWithout youCant go out, cant go home, cant go anywhereCovered up but I"m still watching people stareOh noNow what can I doI"m nakedI"m nakedWithout youInside outStill hidingOutside i"m just too exposedI know that i should let goOhh, that i miss youTheres a heartbreaking chill runningThrough my bonesI got my clothes but I can"t really Feel them onOh noWhatever I doI"m nakedI"m nakedWithout youCant go out, cant go home, cant go anywhereCovered up but I"m still watching people stareOh noNow what can I doI"m nakedI"m nakedNow what can i doI"m nakedI"m nakedWithout youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18230149

Leonard Cohen的《nancy》 歌词

歌曲名:nancy歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Live SongsIt seems so long ago,Nancy was alone,Looking ate the Late Late showThrough a semi-precious stone.In the House of HonestyHer father was on trial,In the House of MysteryThere was no one at all,There was no one at all.It seems so long ago,None of us were strong;Nancy wore green stockingsAnd she slept with everyone.She never said she"d wait for usAlthough she was alone,I think she fell in love for usIn nineteen sixty one,In nineteen sixty one.It seems so long ago,Nancy was alone,A forty five beside her head,An open telephone.We told her she was beautiful,We told her she was freeBut none of us would meet her inThe House of Mystery,The House of Mystery.And now you look around you,See her everywhere,Many use her body,Many comb her hair.In the hollow of the nightWhen you are cold and numbYou hear her talking freely then,She"s happy that you"ve come,She"s happy that you"ve come.http://music.baidu.com/song/14219370

yesterday leona lewis 中文歌词

  歌名:《Yesterday》  歌手:Leona Lewis  作词: Fanessia  所属专辑:《Spiritthe Deluxe Edition》  发行时间:2008-11-17  歌词:  I just cant believe your gone 我不敢相信你已离我而去  still waitin for mornin to come 还在等待早晨的到来  when i see if the sun will rise, 当我看见太阳升起  in the way that your by my side 你陪伴在我身边  well we got so much in store 我们已经拥有了很多  tell me what is it im reaching for 告诉我我还在期待什么  when were through building memories 当我们建立回忆  ill hold yesterday in my heart 我会把昨天停留在我心中  in my heart 在我心中  they can take tomorrow他们能拿走明天  and the plans we made 和我们计划好的一切  they can take the music他们能拿那音乐  that we never play 我们从来没播放过的  all the broken dreams 那些破碎的梦  take everything 拿走全部  just take it away, 拿走全部吧  but they can never have yesterday 但他们不能够得到昨天  they can take the future 他们能拿走未来  that we"ll never know 我们永远不知道的  they can take the places 他们能拿走所有地方  that we said we will go 我们曾经说过我们要去的  all the broken dreams take everything 破碎的梦拿走了全部  just take it away, 拿走全部吧  but they can never have yesterday但他们不能够得到昨天  you always choose to stay 你永远都选择留下  I should be thankful for everyday 我应该感激每一天  heaven knows what the future holds, 天堂知道未来拥有什么  or least where the story goes 至少故事的延续  I never believed untill now 我从来不敢相信,直到现在  I know il see you again im sure 我知道我会在遇见你,我很肯定  no its not selfish to ask for more 不,要求多一点那不是自私  one more night one more day 多一夜,多一天  one more smile on your face 多一个你脸上的笑容  but they cant take yesterday 但他们不能拿走昨天  they can take tomorrow 他们能拿走明天  and the plans we made和我们计划好的一切  they can take the music 他们能拿走音乐  that we never play我们从来没播放过的  all the broken dreams take everything破碎的梦拿走了全部  just take it away, 拿走全部吧  but they can never have yesterday 但他们不能够得到昨天  they can take the future 他们能拿走未来  that we"ll never know我们永远不知道的  they can take the places 他们能拿走所有地方  that we said we will go 我们曾经说过我们要去的  all the broken dreams take everything 破碎的梦拿走了全部  just take it away, 拿走全部吧  but they can never have yesterday但他们不能够得到昨天  I thought our days would last forever 我以为我们能够到永远  but it wasnt our destiny 但那不是我们的命运  cause in my mind we had so much time, 因为在我脑海里我们拥有很都时间  but i was so wrong 但我错了  no i can believe that 不,我仍然相信  I can still find the strengh 我能够找到那份力量  in the moments we made 我们制造的每一刻  I"m lookin back on yesterday我正在回首昨天

需要Yesterday-Leona Lewis的完整歌词

曲名:Yesterday歌手: Leona Lewis专辑:Spirit www.50004.com ★ - Music - I just cant believe your gone still waitin for mornin to come when i see if the sun will rise, in the way that your by my side well we got so much in store tell me what is it im reaching for when were through building memories ill hold yesterday in my heart in my heart they can take tomorrow and the plans we made they can take the music that we never play all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday they can take the future that we"ll never know they can take the places that we said we will go all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday you always choose to stay I should be thankful for everyday heaven knows what the future holds, or least where the story goes I never believed untill now I know il see you again im sure no its not selfish to ask for more one more night one more day one more smile on your face but they cant take yesterday they can take tomorrow and the plans we made they can take the music that we never play all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday they can take the future that we"ll never know they can take the places that we said we will go all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday I thought our days would last forever but it wasnt our destiny cause in my mind we had so much time, but i was so wrong no i can believe that I can still find the strengh in the moments we made I"m lookin back on yesterday they can take tomorrow and the plans we made they can take the music that we never play all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday they can take the future that we"ll never know they can take the places that we said we will go all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday all the broken dreams take everything I"m lookin back on yesterday * OVER * Thank you !!! Over...

leona lewis的yesterday的中英歌词?谢谢!!

曲名:Yesterday歌手: Leona Lewis 专辑:Spirit- Music -I just cant believe your gonestill waitin for mornin to comewhen i see if the sun will rise,in the way that your by my sidewell we got so much in storetell me what is it im reaching forwhen were through building memoriesill hold yesterday in my heartin my heartthey can take tomorrowand the plans we madethey can take the musicthat we never playall the broken dreamstake everythingjust take it away, but they cannever have yesterdaythey can take the futurethat we"ll never knowthey can take the placesthat we said we will goall the broken dreams take everythingjust take it away,but they can never have yesterdayyou always choose to stayI should be thankful for everydayheaven knows what the future holds,or least where the story goesI never believed untill nowI know il see you again im sureno its not selfish to ask for moreone more night one more dayone more smile on your facebut they cant take yesterdaythey can take tomorrowand the plans we madethey can take the musicthat we never playall the broken dreams take everythingjust take it away,but they can never have yesterdaythey can take the futurethat we"ll never knowthey can take the placesthat we said we will goall the broken dreams take everythingjust take it away,but they can never have yesterdayI thought our days would last foreverbut it wasnt our destinycause in my mind we had so much time,but i was so wrongno i can believe thatI can still find the strenghin the moments we madeI"m lookin back on yesterday

leona lewis的资料!


求I Got You——Leona Lewis的中文歌词!!!


Leonard的《Angelina》 歌词

歌曲名:Angelina歌手:Leonard专辑:Hauptsache Du Liebst「Angel」作词∶Sarah Mclachlan作曲∶Sarah Mclachlan歌∶手嶌葵Spend all your time waitingFor that second chanceFor a break that would make it okayThere"s always one reasonTo feel not good enoughAnd it"s hard at the end of the dayI need some distractionOh beautiful releaseMemory seeps from my veinsLet me be emptyOh and weightless and maybeI"ll find some peace tonightIn the arms of the angelFly away from hereFrom this dark cold hotel roomAnd the endlessness that your fearYou are pulled from the wreckageOf your silent reverieYou"re in the arms of the angelMay you find some comfort hereSo tired of the straight lineAnd everywhere you turnThere"s vultures and thieves at your backAnd the storm keeps on twistingYou keep on building the liesThat you make up for all that you lackIt don"t make no differenceEscaping one last timeIt"s easier to believe in this sweet madnessOh this glorious sadness that bringsMe to my kneesIn the arms of the angelFly away from hereFrom this dark cold hotel roomAnd the endlessness that your fearYou are pulled from the wreckageOf your silent reverieYou"re in the arms of the angelMay you find some comfort hereYou"re in the arms of the angelMay you find some comfort here【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/7533514

I See You(Leona Lewis演唱歌曲)详细资料大全

电影《阿凡达》主题曲"I See You"由Leona Lewis献唱,Leona告诉记者:“James曾经向我谈及这首歌的感情和意义。他给我看影片的片段,以便我对他创造的新世界,以及片中栩栩如生的人物有更深刻的理解。这首歌带分享了杰克和纳美人的感受,非常美丽和强烈。”"I See You"在《阿凡达》中出现在男女主人公的多次深情对白。译为“眼相见”或“心相连”,同时"I See You"也指“我感受到你”,“我从内心感受到你。” 基本介绍 中文名称 :心相连/眼相见 外文名称 :I See You 所属专辑 :阿凡达原声带 歌曲时长 :4分20秒 发行时间 :2009年12月3日 歌曲原唱 :丽安娜·刘易斯Leona Lewis 填词 :Simon Franglen 谱曲 :Kuk Harrell,James Horner 编曲 :Simon Franglen,James Horner 音乐风格 :流行,电子 MV导演 :Jake Nava 歌曲语言 :英语 歌曲歌词,英文歌词,中英文歌词,歌手介绍, 歌曲歌词 英文歌词 Walking through a dream I see you My light in darkness breathing hope of new life Now I live through you and you through me Enchanting I pray in my heart that this dream never ends I see me through your eyes Living through life flying high Yourlove shines the way into paradise So I offer my life as a sacrifice I live through your love You teach me how to see All that"s beautiful My senses touch your world I never pictured Now I give my hope to you I surrender I pray in my heart that this world never ends I see me through your eyes Living through life flying high Your love shines the way into paradise So I offer my life I offer my love, for you When my heart was never open (and my spirit never free) To the world that you have shown me But my eyes could not division All the colors of love and of life ever more Ever more (I see me through your eyes) I see me through your eyes (Living through life flying high) Flying high Your love shines the way into paradise So I offer my life as a sacrifice And live through your love And live through your life I see you I see you 中英文歌词 Walking through a dream 梦里穿行 I see you 我见到了你 My light in darkness breathing hope of new life 是我黑暗中的光芒,吐纳新生活的希望 Now I live through you and you through me 于是我中有你,你中有我 Enchanting 就这么著了魔 I pray in my heart that this dream never ends 从心底祈愿,沉醉梦里不愿醒 I see me through your eyes 通过你的眼睛,看到真实的自己 Living through life flying high 驰骋生活,朝天际飞去 Yourlove shines the way into paradise 而你的爱照亮了通往天堂的轨迹 So I offer my life as a sacrifice 我愿意献出自己的生命 I live through your love 因你的爱,我才存在 You teach me how to see 是你教我睁开双眼 All that"s beautiful 看清世间美丽 My senses touch your world I never pictured 从未描绘过你的世界我的感官却能触碰 Now I give my hope to you 给你我全部的希望 I surrender 我彻底投降 I pray in my heart that this world never ends 从心底祈愿,这世界不要消亡 I see me through your eyes 通过你的眼睛,看到真实的自己 Living through life flying high 驰骋生活,朝天际飞去 Your love shines the way into paradise 而你的爱照亮了通往天堂的轨迹 So I offer my life 把我的生命交给你 I offer my love, for you 把我的爱,统统给你 When my heart was never open 我从未开启的心 (and my spirit never free) (从未自由的魂灵) To the world that you have shown me 是你引领我步入新天地 But my eyes could not division 但我这凡胎肉眼,要怎么分辨 All the colors of love and of life ever more 这爱的色彩,这生命的斑斓,从今往后 Ever more 直到永远 (I see me through your eyes) (通过你的眼睛,看到真实的自己) I see me through your eyes 通过你的眼睛,看到真实的自己 (Living through life flying high) (驰骋生活,朝天际飞去) Flying high Your love shines the way into paradise 而你的爱照亮了通往天堂的轨迹 So I offer my life as a sacrifice 我愿意献出自己的生命 And live through your love 因你的爱,我才存在 And live through your life 因你的生命,我才存在 I see you 我见到了你 I see you 我见到了你 歌手介绍 丽安娜·刘易斯(Leona Lewis)是一名拥有多白金销量、身价过亿的英国流行女歌手。曾获得3个葛莱美奖提名和一个金球奖提名。她因夺得2006年第三届英国电视选秀X-Factor冠军而成名,而她同样也是第一位赢得此选秀的女选手。Leona凭借惊人的实力,轻易打开了国际市场。其后作品《Bleeding Love》成为全球最畅销单曲之一。2008年受邀担任第29届北京奥运会闭幕式表演嘉宾,全球约3亿观众观看了她的表演,同年12月被Billboard杂志评为"最佳新人"。2010年为电影《阿凡达》献唱主题曲《I See You》风靡全球。迄今为止,Leona的专辑在全球销量已超过1000万张,首张专辑在英国拥有10白金的认证。

求Leona Lewis的take a bow的英文歌词及翻译


Leona Lewis的《Love U》 歌词

歌曲名:Love U歌手:Leona Lewis专辑:Best Kept SecretLeona Lewis - L.O.V.E ULately I don"t know what"s coming over meKeep on thinking about what we could beNow I know we"re just friends, is there more to usCan"t help thinking that just ain"t enoughI"m into you and what you doLets make a move baby you lead the wayHead over heals is how I feel you know the dealI think that you feel the sameOh is this for realEverything that you can make feelOh it"s time that I L.O.V.EOh is this for true I can see myself tripping on youAnd oh oh it"s time that you L.O.V.EI know some people say thatWhen you"re friends you"re friendsMake a move and your relationship endsBut I am a chancer in life and I can take my heartBetter to have loved and lost then never to have love at allI"m into you and what you doLet"s make a move baby you lead the wayHead over heels is how I feel you know the dealI know that you feel the sameOh is this for realEverything that you can make feelOh it"s time that I L.O.V.EOh is this for true I can see myself tripping on youAnd oh oh it"s time that you L.O.V.ETake a chance and my handDiscover a whole new landIf we don"t we"ll never know what we could beBoy you better L.O.V.E love meCause I am gonna L.O.V.E love youHow I"m gonna love youI am gonna love youAre you gonna tell meHow you"re gonna love meOh is this for realEverything that you can make feelOh it"s time that I L.O.V.EOh is this for true I can see myself tripping on youAnd oh oh it"s time that you L.O.V.Ehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1492420



Leonard Cohen 的 In My Secret Life中文意思


Leonard Cohen 的 In My Secret Life中文意思


Leonard Cohen 的 In My Secret Life中文意思

In My Secret Life 在我心底In My Secret Life 在我心底,I saw you this morning 今晨我看到了你,You were moving so fast 您走的如此匆忙,(注意,这很可能是作者的梦境!)Can"t seem to loosen my grip on the past 对过往仍旧念念不忘。And I miss you so much, There"s no one in sight 我如此想念你,眼里再无他人。And we"re still making love,In My Secret Life 在我心底,我们一直在相爱。In My Secret life 在我心底。I smile when I"m angry 我愤怒时微笑,I cheat and I lie 我欺骗和撒谎。I do what I have to do To get by 我做必须做的,只为活下去。But I know what is wrong 但我知道什么是错And I konw what is right 我也知道什么是对的And I"d die for the truth In My Secret Life 在我心底,我可为真理而牺牲。In My Secret Life  在我心底。Hold on Hold on my brother ,My sister hold on tight 坚持,兄弟,坚持,我的姊妹。I finally got my orders 我终将得到启示,I"ll be marching through the morning 我将穿过黎明。Marching through the night 穿过黑夜。,Moving cross the borders of my secret life 穿越心底的桎梏。 Looked through the paper 看着新闻信息,Makes you want to cry 令你伤怀。Nobody cares if the people live or die 无人在意人民的生死And the dealer wants you thinking,世界需要你去思考,That it"s either black or white 不管黑与白。Thank God it"s not that simple ,in my secret life 感谢上天,在我心底,它没那么简单。  I bite my lip 我谨慎语言,I buy what I"m told From the latest hit To the wisdom of old 我默默忍受着新鲜或古老的知识所告知我的一切。(全盘接受,不管您喜不喜欢,你都得买buy下。)But I"m always alone 但我一致独行,And my heart is like ice 我心如冰雪。And it"s crowded and cold,in my secret life 在我心底,它是拥塞和寒冷的。in my secret life 在我心底。in my secret life 在我心底。

请大师帮忙把leonalewis的better in time 的歌词翻译成谐音,我想唱,谢谢大


Leona Lewis的《better in time》歌词中文意思.?

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